How to “INSTANTLY” WIN SWEEPSTAKES and CONTESTS! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright © H.B.C.O.A. How to “INSTANTLY” WIN SWEEPSTAKES and CONTESTS! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO WIN “INSTANTLY” WIN SWEEPSTAKES AND CONTESTS Legal Disclaimer: While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, neither the Author nor the Publisher assumes any responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. This publication is not intended for use as a source of legal or accounting advice. The Publisher and Author wants to stress that the information contained herein may be subject to varying state and/or local laws or regulations. All users are advised to determine what state and/or local laws or regulations may apply to the user's particular business. The Purchaser or Reader of this publication assumes all responsibility for the use of these materials and information. The Author and Publisher assume no responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of any Purchaser or Reader of these materials. Results are not typical. Your results may vary. The Author and Publisher make no claims about obtaining any results whatsoever. Where specific figures are quoted from individuals there is no guarantee you will have similar results. This publication is full of useful information which has the potential to greatly enhance your personal situation as it has others worldwide. We encourage you to get started reading today. Copyright © Home Business Center of America. All Rights Reserved Copyright © H.B.C.O.A. How to “INSTANTLY” WIN SWEEPSTAKES and CONTESTS! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION PREPARING YOURSELF TO WIN YOU DESERVE TO WIN! LOSING IS A STATE OF MIND CHANGING THE PATTERN LET WEALTH GROW INSIDE FREE YOUR MIND WHAT ARE SWEEPSTAKES? HOW TO FIND SWEEPSTAKES WHICH SWEEPSTAKES SHOULD YOU ENTER? TIMING CAN MEAN EVERYTHING! GETTING ORGANIZED SWEEPSTAKES RULES SWEEPSTAKES CATEGORIES SWEEPSTAKES GUIDELINES HELPFUL TIPS SWEEPSTAKES TERMINOLOGY HOW WINNERS ARE CHOSEN WINNING CONTEST FORTUNES GETTING SET UP DECLARING YOUR WINNINGS CONCLUSION Copyright © H.B.C.O.A. 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 19 22 24 26 28 30 31 34 36 How to “INSTANTLY” WIN SWEEPSTAKES and CONTESTS! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION The great American dream has always been to strike it rich. FAST! From the voyage of Columbus, who found a continent, to the California Gold Rush and Texas oil wells, men and women have been driven to become millionaires. The problems for most people however is that few know how to go about doing it. Ironically, doubt and suspicions are a part of the dream to be rich. It comes in the form of people saying “Oh, I've never won anything” or “It's just a waste of time, nobody wins sweepstakes and contests anyway.” But the truth is, people do win! Thousands of people just like yourself, and they win big! Every year millions of dollars in cash, luxury cars, houses, boats, and other valuable merchandise is given away, and this book will show you the secret of how to get your share. You may wonder why sponsors even offer prize promotions. It's for the same reason that states run lotteries, or churches sponsor Bingo. To make money! Even though you may not be required to buy anything, the sponsor's advertising promotion is still reaching you. A sweepstakes or contest is an indirect request for you to buy a product, and it works! In fact, the price that is paid in cash and valuable prizes is considered an advertising cost by the sponsor. And, that cost represents millions of dollars annually. Everyone may be a little suspicious of getting something for nothing, but that is offset by the fact that everyone wants to be a winner. Almost everyone will stop turning the page to read an ad that promises a million dollars in cash or other valuable prizes. The pleasure and excitement of participating in sweepstakes and contests lies in the possibility of winning, and winning big! The sponsor doesn't care who wins the million dollars. -1Copyright © H.B.C.O.A. How to “INSTANTLY” WIN SWEEPSTAKES and CONTESTS! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What they do care about is whether or not the promotion sells their product. But there are ways of letting a sponsor know that you not only want to win, but deserve to win, without writing a single letter or making a phone call. Before reading this book you may have either thought you didn't stand a chance of winning, or that you had as much chance as everyone else. But with the information you'll discover in the following pages, you will actually increase your chances of winning, and winning big! What separates the winners from the losers? Now you'll know the winning answers. -2Copyright © H.B.C.O.A. How to “INSTANTLY” WIN SWEEPSTAKES and CONTESTS! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREPARING YOURSELF TO WIN Everyone deserves to win, and to win big, if they believe that they deserve to! However, before you can be rich in reality, you must become rich in your mind. In other words, you must learn to see yourself as a winner before you actually can be. Without visualizing yourself as a winner, you will not have the drive or determination or the ability that all successful winning individuals have. Determination isn't something a person is born with, it is developed through insight. That magical, success attracting attitude that says I will not fail, I cannot fail, Yes I can, and not only can I win, but I will win puts a universal force into action that cannot and will not be denied. Don't think for a moment that positive thinking, wealth-building mind-set doesn't work. Success stories are built on that fact alone. And if you doubt that universal truth, it's why you haven't been, and won't be, successful. If you prepare yourself for success, you will succeed. Money and valuable prizes will be nice to have, but the key to having all that you want begins in the mind. You must first understand what winning and being successful really is. Receiving money and valuable prizes is nothing more and nothing less than an outward expression of your own inner strengths, desires, and riches. There's nothing wrong with wanting the power, affluence, and independence that money brings, but you'll never have it until you recognize that you must make it come to you by applying the right thoughts and actions. -3Copyright © H.B.C.O.A. How to “INSTANTLY” WIN SWEEPSTAKES and CONTESTS! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YOU DESERVE TO WIN! If you don't truly believe that you deserve to win, you probably won't. Your mind will be creative to the degree that you believe in yourself. If you believe that you don't deserve to win and have an incredible amount of money to spend, you won't enjoy the money if by chance you received it, and it will slip through your fingers like sand. There are many people in the world today who actually feel guilty that they are rich. Some give away money and property, others try to disrupt or destroy family-owned businesses that were built up over generations, and those who develop disabling mental or physical problems after achieving wealth. Why? All people want to be rich, but there are always two basic questions that must be confronted. (1) Do you believe you can be rich? (2) Do you believe you deserve to be rich? If the answer is No to either question, you will never be successfully rich. You might get lucky, but you won't be content or be able to hold onto it for long. If you don't believe you can be rich, you won't be. Not for any meaningful period of time. And if you don't believe you deserve to be rich, your mind will make certain that you won't be. On the other hand, a sincere and believing Yes answer to both questions can bring you unlimited wealth and happiness. If you believe you can be rich, and also believe you deserve to be rich, it will be almost impossible not to be. And, it can happen faster than you ever imagined possible! -4Copyright © H.B.C.O.A. How to “INSTANTLY” WIN SWEEPSTAKES and CONTESTS! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOSING IS A STATE OF MIND A low self-esteem can have a very negative effect on your state of mind. A person who is not a winner is also a person who has conditioned themselves to believe they are losers. This negative self-programming has the effect of creating defeating restrictions on an individual's expectations and abilities to become a winner. The end result is a losing state of mind. Until positive thoughts overtake and overpower negative thoughts about being a winner, a person's low self-esteem will not allow it to happen. Your desire for financial freedom will be overruled again and again. -5Copyright © H.B.C.O.A. How to “INSTANTLY” WIN SWEEPSTAKES and CONTESTS! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHANGING THE PATTERN To become a winner you must first of all develop a positive belief system. Every person's mind functions in two ways: The conscious (objective) and the subconscious (subjective). Although they are separate in their reaction to stimuli and data, they are not divided or in opposition to one another. At any given moment, your mind can act upon only one primary belief. However, when you try to act upon two separate ideas and feelings that are contrasting in nature, your mind will choose the dominate one. Your mind concentrates on matters of routine and survival, and abstract thoughts are not a priority. Positive thought reinforcement will reverse the process when it is called upon to allow winning to become a priority. Have you heard the expression The greatest fear, is the fear to succeed? Or as Winston Churchill voiced to his countrymen at the onset of World War II, Our greatest fear, is fear itself. This is exactly what I am referring to! If you have never been successful, and never been a winner, your dominant mind will hesitate to act out of fear of the unknown. The fear to succeed can dominate. You of course may want to be a winner, rich, and successful, but little by little doubts can begin to take control. The dominant mind will often rationalize rejecting success and winning thoughts with thoughts like Who do you think you're kidding, no one will pay any attention to you, why should they, you're not a professional, what do you know about it, why waste your time, etc. The fear-to-succeed syndrome is a powerful mind set also, but it can be overcome. In this instance you will be sending two messages to your powerful subconscious mind. (1) You want to be a winner, rich and independent, and (2) You won't be able to even though you want to. -6Copyright © H.B.C.O.A. How to “INSTANTLY” WIN SWEEPSTAKES and CONTESTS! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Only one message will dominate, and the dominant message for most is I can't be successful. This fear to succeed is based upon a strong belief system that is perfectly comfortable just as it is. However, this can be changed. A strong positive mental approach will turn a negative into a positive. By saying, and believing, that you are not only a winner, but that you deserve to win, deserve to be rich, and know that you will be successful each and every time you feel the slightest doubt, the fear to succeed will be replaced with determination and the dominant desire to do nothing but win. And you will win! If you develop a positive consciousness, you will never be poor in anything you do. Even if you don't step right into riches, you will never be poor. People with this mind-set sum up their wealth consciousness by saying "I've never been poor, only broke." Being poor is a state of mind. Being broke is only a temporary situation. And so it will be with you if you change the pattern of your thinking. Think rich, and you'll be rich! -7Copyright © H.B.C.O.A. How to “INSTANTLY” WIN SWEEPSTAKES and CONTESTS! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LET WEALTH GROW INSIDE The source of everyone's wealth and success is in our minds. Success attracts success, a winner attracts grand prizes, and money multiplies itself. It's true! Money loves to make money! And the key to having it all is right there in your mind. The home you've dreamed of, the luxury cars, jewelry, ocean voyages, the love of your life, unlimited expense accounts, it's all there in the riches of your mind. Creating wealth by being a winner can be a far more stimulating experience than having a fortune handed to you. Have you ever noticed how a successful person (who enjoys being successful and knows he or she deserves to be) looks and acts like a winner! But oftentimes those who inherit fortunes appear to be dull, dreary and boring. That's because they weren't mentally prepared for it, feel that they don't deserve it, and will probably lose it all. But not you! You deserve to be rich if you truly believe it. -8Copyright © H.B.C.O.A. How to “INSTANTLY” WIN SWEEPSTAKES and CONTESTS! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FREE YOUR MIND To be a joyful winner you must free your mind of negative losing thoughts. To have more you must want more. If you are satisfied with having just enough to barely get by after the monthly bills are paid, then that's likely all you'll ever have. But it doesn't have to be that way! You must come to realize that you possess money attracting powers not unlike the wealthiest people on earth. By becoming a winner you can soar to new and wonderful heights. All you need to accomplish this is the conviction and belief that says I can and I will. Don't worry about getting rich overnight. Anything you win will represent the first step on your journey to wealth. Whether its $100 or $1,000,000 remember that money loves to make money. You can't fail once you're a winner! Master your mind, believe and achieve! -9Copyright © H.B.C.O.A. How to “INSTANTLY” WIN SWEEPSTAKES and CONTESTS! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT ARE SWEEPSTAKES? Everyone gets interested and excited when they receive a sweepstakes announcement in the mail! After all, sweepstakes offer what dreams are made of...$1,000,000, $10,000,000, Caribbean vacations, luxury cars, homes, boats, a trip to far off lands, and an endless variety of valuable prizes. The purpose of sweepstakes is simple! Corporations use them to promote a product or service. Getting new customers by offering "A dream come true" is the name of the marketing/advertising package that's presented in a sweepstakes campaign. There are guaranteed winners on both sides if the product or service is needed by the consumer, and the prizes are desired by the general public. And, who wouldn't desire $1,000,000 cash just for the cost of a postage stamp? Sweepstakes are nothing new. The prizes may have more value, and be more exciting today, but the fact is sweepstakes have been around in one form or another since the turn of the century. Prior to the 1970's, sweepstakes were considered to be a form of gambling and not allowed in all of the states. Also, the awarding of prizes was not always timely and sponsor abuses created a great deal of suspicion. However, well-defined and enforced Federal Trade Commission regulations over sweepstakes operations restored confidence and sweepstakes eventually became legalized in all 50 states. Today, millions of Americans receive sweepstakes opportunities through the mail, at the supermarket, in magazines, etc., and submit tens of millions of sweepstakes entry forms annually. - 10 Copyright © H.B.C.O.A. How to “INSTANTLY” WIN SWEEPSTAKES and CONTESTS! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It has been estimated that sweepstakes sponsors will give away over $250,000,000 in cash and prizes this year alone. And, as more consumers participate, more and more sweepstakes will be created with even bigger and more exciting prizes offered. Sweepstakes is an effective form of advertising that has caused big competition between corporations and consumers. Incredible prizes are continually being created behind corporate doors, and the sky is the limit. Don't be surprised to see a ride into space offered in a near future sweepstakes offer! If you are a skeptic who believes that you would never win anything Anyway, it may help to know that over 8 million prizes were awarded last year alone! Pretty good odds! But if you don't enter a sweepstakes, you'll never know if you would have been America's newest Millionaire! Perhaps you have entered a sweepstakes but didn't win, and never entered again. Not only can you never win if you don't enter, but the odds are against you if you aren't aware that there is a proven method of increasing your chances of winning and winning - Big! Imagine people just like yourself have become Millionaires by following simple directions and mailing an envelope. But people who win consistently, and who win big money, are those who have studied and understand the sweepstakes winning process, are organized, devoted to winning, and follow a proven plan. Don't believe it? Not everyone has an equal chance. Not after you learn the winning secrets in this eBook! Those fortunate few who know these sweepstakes winning methods have the edge over all others. The secret is not based on just plain luck or four-leaf clovers, but rather on knowing information like how the contest was organized, by whom, how the draw is conducted, colors that attract attention, the best time to enter, how often to enter, and much more. Winners have made a science out of entering sweepstakes, and you are about to learn how to cash in! - 11 Copyright © H.B.C.O.A. How to “INSTANTLY” WIN SWEEPSTAKES and CONTESTS! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO FIND SWEEPSTAKES Sweepstakes entries can be found almost anywhere there is a consumer. Look around a supermarket! Do you see packets of tear-off entry forms on shelves or at the counter? You will find this same type of entry form at auto dealer showrooms, hardware stores, discount stores, Laundromats, and hundreds of other retail outlets. Page through any magazine or newspaper and you will see entry forms to be cut out of a page, envelope inserts, or stapled postcard size tear-out entry forms. Now look at your mail. Are you receiving many sweepstakes offers? Yes, sweepstakes are everywhere. - 12 Copyright © H.B.C.O.A. How to “INSTANTLY” WIN SWEEPSTAKES and CONTESTS! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHICH SWEEPSTAKES SHOULD YOU ENTER? A sweepstakes wise individual should enter every contest that offers a prize worth winning. There are hundreds of sweepstakes available today, and the right one to enter is anyone you want to win. If you want to win for the purpose of getting cash, it really doesn't matter what the prize is. Just about everything has value! If you win a year's supply of cat food, but don't own a cat, sell it! Millions of people do own a cat and will gladly buy it from you. If a Caribbean vacation, seven days in Las Vegas, a new Mercedes, a home in the country, color TV’s, golf clubs, motor homes, bicycles, stereos, or thousands of other prizes don't interest you, sell it and get the cash! An inexpensive classified ad in your local newspaper will find someone who will buy just about anything you have to sell, and for the price you're asking. And, when you win the $1,000,000 prize, selling cat food will be the least of your worries. - 13 Copyright © H.B.C.O.A. How to “INSTANTLY” WIN SWEEPSTAKES and CONTESTS! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIMING CAN MEAN EVERYTHING! Generally, most major sweepstakes appear in the fall of each year, and have a December 31 deadline for entries to be received. It is a good time for advertising because it is traditionally the time of year when people get involved in buying gifts, sending greeting cards, and preparing for holiday vacations. Advertising through sweepstakes does increase product sales, however, the great majority of people that receive sweepstakes at this time of year are too preoccupied with events around them to send them in! This is the best time to send in as many entries as possible to further increase your chances of winning! Any serious sweepstakes participant should always increase their entry mailings between October and December 31. One thing to remember is that sweepstakes are a numbers game also. The more entries you send in, the better your odds are of winning. Luck does play a part, of course. In a lottery, for example, where the odds may be 13 million to one for picking the six correct numbers, you need a lot of luck! But the odds for winning narrow greatly when the only requirement to win is to send an entry form with your name and address written down. And, the more entries you submit for the drawing, the better your chances will be. It's simply good common sense to enter all worthwhile sweepstakes, but when it comes to the big prizes ($1,000,000 cash, a Mercedes valued at $38,000, new homes, etc.), multiple entry mailings may make your time and postage a dream-come-true worthwhile effort. - 14 Copyright © H.B.C.O.A. How to “INSTANTLY” WIN SWEEPSTAKES and CONTESTS! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GETTING ORGANIZED Now that you have decided to become serious about winning a part of the millions of dollars that are given away each year, your first step is to get organized. First of all, let everyone know that you're interested in sweepstakes. Tell your friends, relatives, neighbors, people you work with, and virtually everyone you come into contact with that you would appreciate their help. Ask them to be on the look out for sweepstakes and contests for you. Everyone has different reading, shopping, etc. patterns, and you'll be amazed at the variety of entry forms that will begin to flow in with little or no effort on your part. It seems that everyone is collecting coupons for someone else, why not collect entry forms for you? After you begin to receive your sweepstakes entry forms, transfer the following information to separate 3x5 index filing cards: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) The name of the sponsor (Company, Organization, etc.) Sponsor's address Name of the contest What the prize(s) are When the drawing will be held When notifications will be made How many entries you intend to send A notation of your postage costs Date entries for each time you mail an entry form You may also want to consider setting up a master log book for all daily/weekly mail-outs, for quick and easy reference. - 15 Copyright © H.B.C.O.A. How to “INSTANTLY” WIN SWEEPSTAKES and CONTESTS! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SWEEPSTAKES RULES Sweepstakes rules vary, and you must read and follow them closely. If you don't, you may be wasting your time and postage money. If rules are not followed your entry will be disqualified. There will be no notification from the sponsor that your entry form was completed incorrectly, and no second chance to fill it out, it will simply be tossed out. Sweepstakes rules are often printed on the reverse side of entry forms. Read the rules carefully before you proceed any further. The following are examples of rules you may find. ONE PRIZE PER FAMILY: This rule insures that prizes are distributed to more entrants when more than one prize is offered. NONTRANSFERABLE PRIZE: This rule means that you do not have the option of asking for cash. If you win a Mercedes, you get a Mercedes. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY: This statement means that it is not necessary to purchase any product to enter the sweepstakes. An optional entry form may be a 3x5 plain piece of paper, or card, and you may be asked to write the sponsor's name or product name on the substitute entry. RECEIVED AND/OR POSTMARKED BY: Pay special attention to this rule. Your entries must be received by the judges before the date indicated or you will be disqualified. OPEN TO ALL RESIDENTS: This rule could limit a sweepstakes to a particular state, and there may be age restrictions. ENTER AS OFTEN AS YOU WISH: This rule allows you to enter as often as you wish, but that doesn't mean you are allowed to submit 25 entries in one envelope. You can, however, send in 25 entries, each in a separate envelope. - 16 Copyright © H.B.C.O.A. How to “INSTANTLY” WIN SWEEPSTAKES and CONTESTS! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRINT LEGIBLY/MAIL IN: If the rules say Print, then you must print, neat and legibly. If the judges can't read your writing, your entry will be disqualified. Also, if the rules specify using a No. 10 envelope, you must use that size. PRODUCT PURCHASES: This rule means that no direct purchase is required in most states as per federal restrictions, to be eligible to enter the sweepstakes. QUALIFIERS: Qualifiers refer to wrapper, product labels, code numbers, box tops, etc., that must be included (if instructed) with your entry to qualify for the drawing. These may come from any source such as a neighbor, friend, relative, etc., and your personal purchase of a product is not required. In many cases however, you may be allowed to submit a substitute qualifier and simply write a product name along with your name and address, on a 3x5 card or piece of paper. QUOTATIONS: You may be asked to write or print certain words or names in quotations. If you overlook this rule your entry could be disqualified. PHOTOCOPIES: Never send photocopies of entry forms unless the rules specifically allow them. Photocopied forms will be tossed out by the judges and your chances of winning nullified. POSTCARDS: Never use a postcard as an entry form unless the rules allow it. Read the instructions carefully. ENCLOSURES: Never staple, clip, or tape your entries, box tops, labels, etc., to the entry form unless instructed to. Remember, be certain to follow all instructions meticulously to avoid having your entry disqualified. If you are instructed to Print, don't write. If you are instructed to print the word "Free" in quotations, you must include quotation marks. Don't find yourself disqualified because of simple errors. - 17 Copyright © H.B.C.O.A. How to “INSTANTLY” WIN SWEEPSTAKES and CONTESTS! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You may even be asked to write a short statement, usually under 25 words but they can be any length. The rules will indicate how many words to use. It must be stressed again that many people are disqualified because they overlook the rules. If it is specified that a written statement is limited to 25 words, one additional word can disqualify you. If you are asked to print a dealer’s name, you must not overlook the instruction to print. If it says to sign your entry, it means sign, not print. If it says to type, then writing will not be acceptable. - 18 Copyright © H.B.C.O.A. How to “INSTANTLY” WIN SWEEPSTAKES and CONTESTS! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SWEEPSTAKES CATEGORIES Although there is an endless variety of sweepstakes available in America to choose from, they all fall under 3 major and 3 minor categories: THE MAJOR SWEEPSTAKES (1) THE RANDOM DRAWING SWEEPSTAKES: In this sweepstakes, entries are submitted in sealed envelopes and stored in large canvas sacks or containers until the drawing date. The sweepstakes sponsor contracts a judging agency official to make the prize winning selections. The official may or may not be blindfolded. Although computers are sometimes used to randomly pre-select winners, the hand draw is still preferred. Random hand drawings seem to create more anticipation, excitement, and drama, and are preferred by sponsors. Many draws are done on television or in conjunction with some other special event, to create more viewer participation. The winning envelope is then chosen directly from canvas sacks or a see-through revolving drum. (2) THE CARD GAME SWEEPSTAKES: In this sweepstakes participants must follow instructions on a card. You must play-the-card to win. It involves scratching a card's surface with a coin or similar object to reveal a number, character, etc. You may also be asked to collect a series of cards, match a number, or decode a message. There are basically four card game formats. (a) Instant Winner Game: The sponsor will distribute winning certificates in it's product packages. By running a coin over a thin wax-like coating you reveal numbers, etc., and can be an instant winner. Many fast food chains use this type of promotion. - 19 Copyright © H.B.C.O.A. How to “INSTANTLY” WIN SWEEPSTAKES and CONTESTS! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Customers are given tab-like entries that expose prizes ranging from a free hamburger, fries and a soft drink, to $1,000 or more in cash. The obvious advantage to playing this type of game is that you know instantly if you have won. (b) The Match Game: In this game entry cards are distributed randomly through newspapers, penny savers, magazines, mailings, etc., and entrants are asked to match a number or symbol on an entry card with numbers or symbols located at store displays, in newspapers, magazines, etc. (c) The Collecting Game: In a collecting game a participant must collect a series of game pieces that complete a phrase, puzzle, picture, etc. Sponsors generally make it easy to find all but one of the pieces. There may be one or more winning pieces. As with most sweepstakes, it is not usually necessary to make a purchase of the sponsor's product to enter. (d) The Decoding Game: This game revolves around mixed and coded entry information that reveals the correct winning information after being decoded and placed in the proper order. The decoding information is usually found in the sponsor's products. (3) THE SECOND CHANCE SWEEPSTAKES: This form of sweepstakes offers the easiest opportunity to win great prizes. Many multiple prize winners have been successful after entering the second chance sweepstakes. They are offered because most people have a difficult time winning card game sweepstakes, and the majority of prizes are never claimed. Unclaimed prizes are finally given away in the second chance sweepstakes by random drawing. Entries marked "second chance" sweepstakes are selected by a judging agency official from canvas bags or a drum. Because there are normally fewer entries in the second chance sweepstakes, your chances of winning one of many prizes is greatly increased. The prizes given away are all those that weren't won during the regular sweepstakes contest. - 20 Copyright © H.B.C.O.A. How to “INSTANTLY” WIN SWEEPSTAKES and CONTESTS! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE MINOR SWEEPSTAKES (1) THE AUTOMATIC ENTRY SWEEPSTAKES: In this sweepstakes, a participant is provided with a coupon that includes a "cents off" or "two-for-one" premium offer. When an individual completes the required entry form and has it redeemed at a retail store, he then becomes eligible for the sweepstakes drawing. If you want to save money on grocery shopping and at the same time become eligible to win big prizes, the automatic entry sweepstakes is one way of being a winner two ways. You can save money and win money all at the same time. (2) THE EARLY BIRD SWEEPSTAKES: Many sponsors will test a promotional response by having an early bird sweepstakes. If a large number of responses are mailed to the sponsor they then know that the promotion, and sales, will probably be successful. Early bird sweepstakes participants are asked to mail their entries before a certain deadline to be eligible for even more cash awards. If you win you could receive double the grand prize. (3) THE MULTIPLE CHOICE SWEEPSTAKES: In this sweepstakes, multiple answers will be given to a single question. There is only one correct answer and the player must choose the right one. Only those with the correct answer will qualify to enter the sweepstakes. If you're not certain what the answer is, sending in different entries all with separate answers will guarantee you a place in the drawing. Of course, the right answer on all entries also increases your chances. - 21 Copyright © H.B.C.O.A. How to “INSTANTLY” WIN SWEEPSTAKES and CONTESTS! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SWEEPSTAKES GUIDELINES Use a photocopied entry form only if the rules specify that they are acceptable. Mechanically reproduced entries may otherwise be tossed out when the judging takes place. Unless the rules tell you its acceptable, never tape, staple, clip or otherwise attach sweepstakes materials together. Place everything into an envelope loose. You may find entries for the same sweepstakes at different locations. For example, one may be in a magazine and another at your grocery store. Don't assume that both sets of rules will be the same. Read each one carefully. The average time from the close of a contest and notification of winners is from one week to 24 weeks. Notification of winners varies from one sweepstakes to another. The rules will generally specify time allowances. Sponsors may have different post office box numbers on entries picked up or received from different sources. All are correct. Sponsors do this so that they are able to determine which advertising is getting the best results. In many cases you will be able to substitute a valuable prize for cash. If you win a luxury car worth $48,000, just write to the sponsor and tell them you would prefer cash if that is permitted under their contest rules. Always save any letter that you receive from a sponsor or judging agency notifying you that you have won a prize. If the prize doesn't arrive as specified, you will then know who to contact. Send an even flow of entries in to the sweepstakes from the beginning to the closing date. Don't send large amounts in at any one time. An even distribution of your entries in a canvas bag or drum will increase your chances. - 22 Copyright © H.B.C.O.A. How to “INSTANTLY” WIN SWEEPSTAKES and CONTESTS! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Never use postcards to mail in your entries unless the rules allow you to. In most cases, postcards will be rejected. Using large and colorful envelopes (if they are permitted) may increase your chances of winning. Some people even color their envelopes with magic markers, etc. and use eyecatching stickers. Creating unusual envelopes certainly won't hurt, but the rules must allow it. Don't forget to complete a change of address form at your post office if you relocate. Also indicate that you will pay for the forwarding of any parcels that may be sent to you. - 23 Copyright © H.B.C.O.A. How to “INSTANTLY” WIN SWEEPSTAKES and CONTESTS! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HELPFUL TIPS The following are some time-saving tips from winners that may help you increase your sweepstakes chances. Use a laptop desk so that you can work on your sweepstakes entries while watching TV or wherever you are. By using a hand stamper or stamp machine, you can stamp hundreds of envelopes in a short time. Never use a postage meter because you may have your entry disqualified. Be prepared ahead of time. Have your envelopes addressed, stamped, sealed and ready to go at regular intervals. Work ahead when you have the time, and then relax. Get the family involved. Have all family members complete your name, address, and zip code on 3x5 cards or papers, address envelopes, or apply postage stamps. Everyone in your family will benefit when you win, so sweepstakes should be fun for everyone. Remember to put a return address on the outside of every envelope. If entries should be sent to an incorrect address, you'll never catch the mistake if letters can't be returned to you. Make certain that a judge will be able to read your writing. Keep your address as short as possible by using abbreviations for state names (Kansas - KS), (Street - St) (Avenue - Ave) etc. And never forget your zip code. This simple oversight could get your entry disqualified. Always be on the lookout for sweepstakes. Check any and all stores that you visit, bulletin boards, newsstands, newspapers, magazines, radio and TV. It would also be a good idea to subscribe to Contest and Sweepstakes publications. Set up a sweepstakes budget and a mailing schedule. Go for the more attractive big money sweepstakes first, and then for smaller prizes as your budget allows. - 24 Copyright © H.B.C.O.A. How to “INSTANTLY” WIN SWEEPSTAKES and CONTESTS! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Designate a comfortable place and time to complete your entries, and stick to it everyday. Make your work a fun and profitable hobby. Maintain a sweepstakes file. Don't try to remember at some later time what you mailed out. Enter all mailings, expenses, dates, etc. as they occur. Write to each sponsor and request a Winner's List to make certain that all prizes were awarded. Set up a special file for Second Chance Sweepstakes. Keep track of opening and closing dates. Second Chance Sweepstakes normally won't start until the original sweepstakes is over. Print in large block letters. Don't get in so much of a hurry that three judges have to decide what you have written or where the winner lives. Form a local sweepstakes club and meet with other people who have the same interests. Exchanging information could be very beneficial. - 25 Copyright © H.B.C.O.A. How to “INSTANTLY” WIN SWEEPSTAKES and CONTESTS! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SWEEPSTAKES TERMINOLOGY ALTERNATE ENTRY: A 3x5 piece of blank paper (any color) or a 3x5 index card can be used as a substitute for a product label or box top. CLOSING DATE: This is the last date that entries for a sweepstakes will be accepted. CRTC: Cash Register Tape Circled. Proof of purchase amount circled if required. FACSIMILE: Used as a substitute for a proof of purchase or qualifier. For example: writing a product name on a 3x5 piece of paper in place of a label or box top. INDEPENDENT JUDGING FIRM: A firm contracted by the sponsor to conduct the sweepstakes promotion and drawing. INSTANT WINNER: A form of sweepstakes whereby you receive an entry form and know immediately if you have won. NAZ: Name, address, and zip code. NED: No expiration date. OEB: Official entry blank. POSTMARK: The U.S. Post Office stamped cancellation mark on your mailed envelope. QUALIFIER: A product code, box top, label, receipt, etc. indicating a proof of purchase. Alternate entries without qualifiers must generally be accepted by the sponsors. RANDOM DRAWING: An unbiased drawing to select winning entries. - 26 Copyright © H.B.C.O.A. How to “INSTANTLY” WIN SWEEPSTAKES and CONTESTS! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SASE: Self-addressed stamped envelope. SECOND CHANCE DRAWING: A drawing held for the purpose of giving away unclaimed prizes from a previous sweepstakes. SMP: Specially marked packages. SPONSOR: The company who is promoting a sweepstakes, contest, etc. UPC: Universal Product Code: A small square of vertical lines with corresponding numbers located on many product packages, boxes, tags, etc. WPL: Where Prohibited By Law. - 27 Copyright © H.B.C.O.A. How to “INSTANTLY” WIN SWEEPSTAKES and CONTESTS! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW WINNERS ARE CHOSEN The Federal Trade Commission monitors all judging agencies that are hired by sweepstakes sponsors to oversee their promotions. Although there are laws in all 50 states that protect sweepstakes participants against illegal judging activities, the Federal Trade Commission makes certain that all sweepstakes are conducted in an honest and professional manner. Most judging agencies pre-select winning names, numbers, etc., by random computer selection, and then announce the winners after the sweepstakes entry deadline. The more traditional random hand drawing method is still used for prize categories other than the grand or first place winners. When computer selections are not used by the sponsor, the random draw method is used for all winners. Entries that are received in sealed envelopes, etc., are stored in large duffel bags, or other containers, until the drawing date. A judge or judges (often blindfolded) will reach into a bag or container and hand-draw the winners. When you have been randomly selected as a winner, you may be notified by mail. A certified letter of confirmation will follow. The time lapse between your name being drawn until you are notified can be anywhere from one day to a few months. The contest rules will tell you what the allowable notification time period is. Once you receive your certified mail notification, be sure to save the letter. If your prize doesn't arrive within the specified time period, your letter will tell you who to contact. Some sponsors will ask a winner to complete an affidavit, have it notarized and returned to them. This serves as verification that you, as the winner, are not a relative of an employee, or yourself an employee of either the sponsor or the judging agency. They simply want to verify that you are who you say you are. - 28 Copyright © H.B.C.O.A. How to “INSTANTLY” WIN SWEEPSTAKES and CONTESTS! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As a winner, the sponsor may also ask you to sign a release that will allow them to use your photo, statements, etc. for promotional purposes. You might also consider writing a thank you letter to the sweepstakes sponsors, even before you receive your cash or prize. A little gratitude and public relations effort may even speed up the mailing process. Winning the Big One is everyone's dream. By following proven methods, your chances of success will greatly increase, and your desire to become a Millionaire could become an overnight reality. - 29 Copyright © H.B.C.O.A. How to “INSTANTLY” WIN SWEEPSTAKES and CONTESTS! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WINNING CONTEST FORTUNES Contests appeared on the American scene in the early 1920’s, and were generally sponsored by local newspapers and magazines. An exciting variety of contests and prizes has made this method of promoting products and services very popular with the general public for eight decades. Contests are different from sweepstakes and generally require some skill. You can win a fortune in cash and merchandise in contests that feature jingles, limericks, statements, naming products, writing short stories, solving puzzles, making up recipes, and other creative and problem solving games. Although sweepstakes appear to dominate the scene today, there are thousands of contests being offered annually that offer fabulous prizes to the lucky winners. Contests may not be as popular as sweepstakes, mainly because they require more effort and take more time to participate. But a creative person with a winning attitude can win some big money or valuable prizes, just by sitting at a desk or kitchen table with "pen-in-hand." Contests can be located everywhere. Just check your magazines, home mail, retail stores, and local newspapers. Newsstands also sell Contest publications that feature both contests and ongoing sweepstakes that are available, complete with insider tips on rules, where to write, what the sponsors are looking for, and other valuable information. - 30 Copyright © H.B.C.O.A. How to “INSTANTLY” WIN SWEEPSTAKES and CONTESTS! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GETTING SET UP Before you can be successful at just about anything, you must be organized. The very first thing you must do is to get your materials and supplies. These include: • A desk and chair (kitchen table will work also) • A laptop desk or clipboard that will allow you to write wherever you are • A file cabinet (any box will do as long as you have dividers and folders to separate your entries) • A typewriter and paper • #10 and regular size envelopes • At least 2 different colored felt tip pens • Miscellaneous office supplies (rubber bands, paper clips, staples, envelope openers, correction fluid, etc.) • 3x5 blank index filing cards • 3x5 blank paper sheets • Roll(s) of postage stamps • A wastebasket • Proper lighting Although a desk and office chair is the most ideal, many contest winners have done their award winning work right at the kitchen table, or even sitting under the shade of an old oak tree. Inspiration doesn't always require comfort, but peace of mind is almost always a key ingredient of success. Developing an idea requires concentration, so wherever you work be comfortable. - 31 Copyright © H.B.C.O.A. How to “INSTANTLY” WIN SWEEPSTAKES and CONTESTS! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One thing to remember is that great ideas can spring up anywhere and at anytime. Don't make the mistake of thinking that you will be able to recall an award winning idea. Be ready to write your thoughts down on a moment's notice. A moment in many instances is all your mind will allow you! When you drive to work, go to the grocery store, to bed, or are sitting in church, have a pen and paper with you. Have you ever been lying in bed half asleep when suddenly a great idea flashed before your eyes? Remember how excited you were with the genius of it all, and wondered why you hadn't thought of it before? Then you went to sleep. Remember how, no matter how hard you tried, the idea had vanished like the passing wind, the next morning? The next time you get a great idea, and you will if you desire to be organized and be prepared with a paper and pen on your night stand. It's your only insurance. Don't try waiting until morning to capture the brilliance of your mind. It more often than not doesn't work. The side of your brain that controls everyday thoughts that allow us to cope with necessary function based on survival, will not compute what it considers illogical thoughts, no matter how ingenious they might be. You must write it down for recall as it passes through. If a contest rule requires that your entry is typed and you do not own a typewriter, find someone who does! If you don't know anyone that you can borrow a typewriter from, or who will type your entry for you, go shopping. A visit to a swap meet or flea market will generally offer incredible bargains on new and used typewriters. If you don't know the first thing about typing, don't despair! A visit to your local library, or the instruction booklet that comes with typewriters, will solve the problem. And remember, what you're doing doesn't require a 60 words-per-minute typist. Many famous authors were and are two-finger typists. Yours truly is a two-fingered typer - but I’m the fastest two-fingered typer this side of the Mississippi. Proper lighting and peaceful surroundings are absolutely necessary when you are developing and creating ideas. If you have a family, either wait until they are asleep for the night, or designate a room in your home as off limits at a specific period of time each day. - 32 Copyright © H.B.C.O.A. How to “INSTANTLY” WIN SWEEPSTAKES and CONTESTS! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's hard to think creatively if you are in the middle of a three-ring circus! You need time for yourself. Demand it! Insist upon it! and then stick to it! The money and prizes you win will benefit everyone, so explain why you need everyone's cooperation. Be consistent, and you'll be a winner. Filing your work is an important part of being organized. You must maintain 3x5 filing cards of everything you submit, when it was submitted, to whom, and what for. You should file all of your cards in alphabetical order (by sponsor's name). Dates are important! Not only the dates of when you submit your entries, but also contest closing dates. If you don't know when to expect a response from a contest, you could be waiting forever. You don't need that type of frustration. Keep good records. And above all, make a copy of your contest entry forms and all works that you submit. 3x5 index cards will serve as your quick-file reference recall information source, and you'll need larger file folders for your 8.5x11 letters, submissions, copies, and other correspondence. If you don't have an office file cabinet, use a cardboard box, but be sure to keep individual contest materials separate. Your time and creative efforts are valuable, and looking for a needle in the haystack when you need information will be a total distraction from more important things to do. Frustration can cause a person to lose interest, and losing interest could mean missing out on a big cash prize. When you purchase stamps, look for the larger and more attractive commemorative issues. They may not be as easy to tear off and apply, but they will attract attention to your envelope. If a contest doesn't specify what size envelope you should use, send the largest and most colorful envelope available. Anything that attracts attention will get positive results. Be sure to keep track of all your supply expenses. When you become a big winner you can deduct your expenses against the winnings. - 33 Copyright © H.B.C.O.A. How to “INSTANTLY” WIN SWEEPSTAKES and CONTESTS! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECLARING YOUR WINNINGS Winning big prizes also means tax time! The question is how much will you be liable for? According to the IRS you are required to report the entire sum of money as revenue. If you win a million dollars it may be of little consequence, but you'll also be able to deduct any expenses related to entering a sweepstakes contest. If you win a valuable prize you will have to determine a fair market value for the merchandise. A fair market value is established when a willing seller and a willing buyer, not forced to buy or sell, agree upon a fair price agreeable to both parties involved. That doesn't mean that you can sell a $38,000 luxury car to a friend for $1.00. In the case of a new automobile, a fair market value will be somewhere close to what the retail price of a new vehicle currently is, or what a car dealer could actually sell it for. The IRS would probably determine that a fair market value is the manufacturer's suggested retail, unless you could prove otherwise. One important thing to keep in mind is that if you do not indicate a correct fair market value on your tax returns, the IRS may make the correction for you. In that event, you may end up paying additional taxes and penalties. Often a sponsor will project an inflated price to create the impression that a prize is more valuable than it actually is. You may win a diamond ring for example with a suggested retail price of $10,000 that actually sells regularly at discount for $7,500 in a national sales catalog. In that event, it may be to your obvious advantage to ask the sponsor for cash. Many sponsors will offer that option. - 34 Copyright © H.B.C.O.A. How to “INSTANTLY” WIN SWEEPSTAKES and CONTESTS! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To determine a fair market value on merchandise, you will have to compare prices in retail stores, catalogs, etc. to the prize you've won. You may then chose the lowest price that you find for tax purposes, provided you can show proof that the item was sold in a wide market area for that price. If no comparable fair market price can be found, as may be the case with a one-of-a-kind painting, or other custom-made merchandise, you may be able to declare a lower value than what the sponsor suggested. Before you decide to go-it-alone on tax declarations, it would be prudent to check with a professional lawyer or accountant to determine the proper way to proceed. They may even save you more money in the process. - 35 Copyright © H.B.C.O.A. How to “INSTANTLY” WIN SWEEPSTAKES and CONTESTS! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONCLUSION Millions of dollars are out there, just waiting to be won for the cost of sending in an entry form. There have been countless winners of valuable merchandise, and million dollar grand prizes. All it took to realize the chance of a lifetime was a little time and effort. Now it's your turn to win. You deserve to be rich! One thing is for certain, if you don't try to win you never will. That's guaranteed. But if you'll take the first step and follow the guidelines disclosed in this book, you could change your life forever. Would you like to win or be able to purchase a new home, cars, a cruise around the world, or be able to send your children through college? When you win a sweepstakes or contest, all of your dreams can become a reality. You not only win a sweepstakes, but a new life right along with it. With the information disclosed in this book you can enter a sweepstakes or contest with the confidence that you now have a greater chance of winning. Just remember to enter often and follow the rules. What do you have to lose? After all, you don't pay anything! All you must do is send in an entry form. Do it because you deserve to be rich. Do it because you're a winner! - 36 Copyright © H.B.C.O.A. OTHER PRODUCTS WE OFFER: To purchase additional eBooks, contact your eBook Distributor or the Home Business Center of America. We wish you the best of luck in all your endeavors. Copyright © H.B.C.O.A.
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