HOW A TO MANUAL AUDIT INSTRUCTION OF ^r-t4.^^'4rtC'v;c * ".. .-^ ... ^ ^^^ ^ Originally under of, and a prepared certified member public of of the the the for supervision accountant Accountants. The McArdle New by Press, York City. of and tute Insti- American Published staff Inc., Kp-^y^ f ^^VARO co^ tt" Lltt^ Copyright The Printed McArdle in the United 1919 Press, Inc. States of America. Foreword These inaUy New instructions written York based the as firm Federal found book hence granted its statement prepare of only to of of years has who They are recommended knowledge a well-known a methods the on orig- were accountants. in its many accountant of examinations implies, attempts the and public and firm for name to concern this by takes its as and Bank, audit an staff-members for financial Reserve desirable The of of auditors perform to for the guide form the on a how on by auditing experience. and accounting structio give specific in- to verify the books of condition and of a statement operations. The subject falls follows. First is the auditor and to establish The section a natural section of audit an is devoted in his safeguard to client's confidence the which sections covering general rules follow, both to second conduct four into client's in the for interests auditor's manufacturing any book of conduct instructions to the ability. the covering merchandising or concern. Section the 3 details books that not of specific points business a which business, looked in for conditions general instructions auditing peculiar in Section 2 to do cover. In Section 4 suggested paragraphs are comments of a statement is seldom service to his client must the investigation, but the shows The to make be shown said, unskilled in comment sure that and writer stand, they are the who in business financial of is the upon changes a most statement the of scope accounting which the or tion examina- desirable. paragraphs require of of only indicate will point out management to be comments writing the in use auditor will not which examination, in The make for presentation mere enough. the even The report. and to be unusual having the to a that highest standing. say they in any in They report. they use Full the cover points which been have accurately and free are profession by the is ... the carefully edited clearly what the As they likely to fall into. for needs jargon which staff auditors instructions m from often most using of a firm them are of the given. In had constantly it. use the As auditor It is the the physical shape it is with the who of those referred to publishers to were frequently by of his examinations. course belief of the book of the convenience it will be manual, a in the can, the in mind field completely accoimtant an the determining publishers in and its that detail and to Audit" "How that aid, acquit himself any well covers well-posted in handling audit. THE December, McARDLE PRESS, New 1919. IV INC., York City. CONTENTS SECTION General Coodnct Need 1 good standard the rule. work butractions Manofacturinf the for ef Audit Preferable Trial steps. balances. figures. III. 11 Bank Accounts receivable. Other Good will. IV. 27 Plant and Reserve equipment. Organization or for development. charges to operations. Deferred CHAPTER Notes Securities. Inventories. AsseU depreciation. Liabilities and receivable. Notes overdraft. CHAPTER and a 5 Assets Cash. Hxed reports. Cenditien program. CHAPTER Current time Care II. ef Preliminary Comparative Using Cenccm examination nomenclature. procedure. ideas. new and Statement a reports. time. 2-CHAPTER Merchanduing er Using fer for Expense papers. SECTION General Office Charging Watch write to paragraphs. reports. slide How reports. Promifflng of I. Rules. of Using 1-CHAPTER V. Capital and 33 bills payable. liabilities. Contingent Bonded and Treasury stock mortgage and bonds. Accounts Accrued debt. payable. liabilities. Capital Surplus. stock. CONTENTS CHAPTER Statement of VI. Operatioiis Sales. loss. Profit and 43 Cost Freight. of sales. profit on sales. Selling, administrative Net profiton sales. Other general expense. Gross and Deductions income. Profit loss. or from income. Net income. Surplus. Additions CHAPTER VII. and tions. deduc- General Instructions 47 and purchase ledger balances. Agreement for the sharing of profits. Employees' fidelity and benefit fimds. Interest charges between Anticipated partners. Partnership agreements. Surety company profits. Insurance. cases. Form of statement Making tests. Clerical work. of condition and of operations. Sales * SECTION Bank CHAPTER 3" VIII. Examinations. Savings to 59 bank Bonds cover. and Real accounts. General examinations. stocks. estate Loans. ^banking " points Bank purposes. Real Other Cash. assets. Expense account. rities estate by foreclosure and in posession. Secuof indebtedness. acquired in settlement Other banks. Form of report. CHAPTER Points to Watch The in the Unusual Business. Gas billboard business. mining companies. Publishers. IX. Fire Automobile companies. insurance dealers Spinning and knitting mills. Hospitals. vi 74 Water companies. and Lxmiber agents. turers. manufac- CONTENTS SECTION Standard 4" CHAPTER X. Paragraphs for Audit Reports How to use paragraphs. the standard Plant Accounts Inventories. 85 Cash paragraphs. and equipment. receivable. Notes Index to ments. Invest- receivable. in bank. paid PrePetty cash. operating expenses. Capital stock. Surplus. Reserves. Notes payable. Accounts payable. Accrued liabilities. General. close. vu Complementary SECTION 1--CHAPTER GENERAL REPORTS. The points be to samples of The considered importance clients soon the fiade from to sent a great may in the errors of the The of in language been has of of a of If you report, a the result the or to be may banks. most the to fully care- auditor's small through been has make is the phrasing effective of importance book, careful of shortening of standard nxmiber a for using them. The and every effort chosen complete. comments be following will the to repetition of vital statements. carefully way importance. undesirable an omission office force imusual writer, and instructions them and one apt are the careless of the 4 of this by an only reports him fluent a deaden to in section maintain the for kept are and upon auditors though redoimd is is not tends to the of reports, the through or each enterprise auditors, comments preceded made economical business perous pros- oilers' report. natural paragraphs, however, ordinary serve on by Moreover, ridicule to rapidly so to. a the To the and reputation performed the with the is of unusual particularly reports, referred renders client. any work of of the of preparation his of instead, bring will find the auditor should paragraphs You the is to follow The accountant The necessary of audit, phrases work. and that wording stock undertaken; possible circulation figures average audit stockholders, directors many comments The outline seeks one contact performed credit, ^and " principals of this Because skeleton an with mind. personal in come work his or a preservation be often officers two or provide report. average reports details may RULES guide a ^businessevents " that and years, the client prosperous the of of continuation an are of the to pages when statements character heels, CONDUCT following principal exhibits L handle the found preparation an of reports. the When first report has then report the is received conmients goes to the in the written out office in principal executive the full. office The of the manager complete company. HOW Each for later initialing, as and the firstbe unfinished of such paragraphs it goes individual to completed. for approval ^'written in/' because the cover form general in relation to other executive an space of lack points. the to elected to provide report is prepared been to the to executive, as it goes have as stamped upon the it is to be Then paragraphs Next work approved by reports. of standard the in which order AUDIT of the report is then section It must TO office manager, who gives it to the do the first tasks. The one typing or to type-setting then initials it. Completely typed rei)orts or printer'sproofs must then be compared word by word and figure by figure,initials of both being added, when comparers Then careless provide against to the report is corrected. all substractions, additions errors, Lastly, a introductoryletter,and the number register. The a upon reports, both so of their because mailed either 'Special majority of audit companies of need, when comparing superior ability to detect expedite the work. occupied on specificwork, staff members not expected of client entered name errors in order to and When is then report the field staff in event upon in form and the practise of the been to draw be must by registeredmail. delivenr*'or It has divisions when the by pasting and accoimting or arranged horizontallyand vertically. is applied report is bound, a registry number numbered seal to the title leaf, preceding the refigured,both the comparing themselves to hold in readiness will be to be called upon by office manager to assist in comparing completed reports, in their dispatch to clients. that no delay will be encountered It is also suggested be surrendered known that as no PROMISING that promptly work can possible to as be done specify dates for reports without Unpleasant experiences sometimes score, was and delayed SATURDAY open clients of are too necessity beyond U Saturday afternoon done, the customary so first the that for accountants with of promised the auditor's the clients a to office. on this report which date. office be spent with time. some consulting cUent's if it is office, even for occur the day should well lost because often AFTERNOON. the them upon It is not REPORTS. finished in the rough, reports when or plant work can is be the client,and CONDUCT GENERAL the client should be charged for office or plant closes at twelve RULES full day. a one or If the client's p'clockthe staff member He nothing more. should, nevertheless, to be the report an entire day against the client. This seems accepted rule with auditing firms, the assumption being that his own the client pays people an entire day's wage, giving them half a day; and as the auditor has become an employee of obviously do can the client,the TRAVELING when TIME. business business from When rule same Full time hours should in used are and office, the home be charged traveling vice to client, his place of to a versa. leaves the home staff member a applies. office at his ience conven- evening, arrivinglong after the starting hour the for this ne3ct day, the client is naturally indisposed to pay leaves at six o'clock wasted time. If,however, a staff member the preceding evening, or before,the time precedingsix o'clock in the the start of business next and the time from morning properly chargeable to the client,all of the otherwise non-productive lime being utilized in an effort to reach the client's place of business. The need for this rule is proved by some of the long tripsnecessarilymade by auditors. SUDE THE RULE. are All auditors might profitably take of engineering practise. a leaf out of the book have noticed auditors going over work plications multiWe papers, and percentages, with an engineer'sslide-rule, instead and pencil. of by long-hand with scratch paper The first impression received was that such auditors were up USING to date. In a full of auditors such room would men be picked leaders in the profession. as only does a slide-rule or other similar instrument for accuracy, but it also makes time and make actually save auditor to we a good impression. Therefore every urge consider the use of a pocket slide-rule. Not WATCH to be FOR NEW IDEAS. progressive. As a The auditor must professionwe are too satisfied and to stand stilland not experiment. ive auditor soon a can he would "dead never become make it a pomt apt to be selfAn unprogress- hope to be sucessful in the long run; for mediocre, then old-fashioned,and finally one." 3 HOW So keep your eyes and if you find you can's adopt something WORK office soon as office. the is It not When All working the During the properly It should and letters be is also erasing is the analytical so It is advisable standard back papers if necessary. size. but the size blocks Use only of the sheet of side one be may himself It are that made the system is essential that he the ac- of accoimts have a list examined. are sheets separate number they so can they should be readily sheet. that the recorded the advisable to into with on or examination the of stage records on report. of uniform ment assign- an initial their responsibility on on of memoranda. their by letter be made were be is working. working in number of the in are available, and working should nothing acquaint marked the a the writing adjustment to make quently Fre- results much as papers, distribution use all of analjrses, etc. Any work for preliminary books on to critical moment. a he which foimd the all figures is should to should When returned immediately accoimtant ascertain the as at of all the that individuals the for sheet coimtant be they will be legible to the accountant one can paper the entries preparing papers overlooked be in accountants scratch upon that is occasion there office the forge ahead. corrected. so than etc., then work, and of can completed. when not are think to necessary. more and discovered are imx"ortant ink use to be bound been if see else. anyone Do has is good, you should doing, are trying on that so papers papers traced distinctly to that work especially written of be cannot errors for If the new engagement in rex"orts which keep not, work an competitors something they have as what see Meanwhile, All errors or it. PAPERS. the have they AUDIT and open that new TO a in accoimtant be may journal entry form as called though upon the books. incorporate schedule making these them entries a when necessary cient suffi- part 2-CHAPTER SECTION GENERAL A MANUFACTURING AUDIT OF USING THE have 8 and 6, 7, The with the report into the office If be returned "work accountant or the Whenever Assistant and by "balance only the office for the lack of sheet" own sheet," fact of to as that a the is the on carried, that, so continues twice. be in followed an Accoimtant Chief or is limited, commimicate Do not uncertainty express mistake may justifiable a are a of the combination by long standing instructions. of condition" title of the custom has is has statement, the established preferred as more Similarly, "statement intent. and profit and loss The As, for Reserve which interchangeable. are form Federal the recommended condition," "income to to show covered the client's of competency. "statement and the examination been to papers delivered the has be client, who accoimtants, statement's preferred our be be taken if time or, instructions. to a as "statement the or then work original examiner of arrival the examination "balance it program tjrpewritten and procedure the to as work will not following instructions financial used the examination will then the Accountant, Chief uncertainty Bank, on office along filed under should the than the when care ground await procedure The the after be successor, other in doubt your to his to same examination, as shown the to program They point to which the work, the office to the to accountant with should faithfully recorded in and done, Particular the program is papers." re-conmienced. an an examination. be form office will bind report, postponed, or as name the work preliminary should of the turned the written; copy to should be auditor matter. discontinued, if be to commencing it should and CONDITION CONCERN Every similar examination an program, printed before 9 history of in the PROGRAM. program OF MERCHANDISING OR EXAMINATION examinaiion an pages A STATEMENT FOR INSTRUCTIONS IL are terms both however, to reconmiend term, the use of truly expressing of operations" account," or is "profit PROGRAM EXAMINATION Gient't name. Address Ph"pertyto be esamined Address Work to start Rqwrt promised by Supervising accountant Days estimated.^ .^ report in to officeby Senior Junior As seniors must turn assigned Accountants As juniors in column headed do indicated by checkmark Audit** carefullyfor procedureon various pointschednd. 1m undertaken Work to Read your "How to T3o 1. Plant and equipment: aporaisal? additions. Are they A. Based B. Examine C. Ph"perly depreciated? D. Titles to property on at cost? examined? E. F. 2. GoodwiU: A. created?. How B. holdings: examined?. Physically 3. Treasury A. B. 4. Securities owned: Physicallyexamined? Correspond with holders outside office. C. Appraise A. B. D 5. Sinking Fund: A. B. Bcang properlyset aside? Ph"perlyapplied in retiringsecurities? C D. 6. Inventory: A. Count quantities .^ method B. Examine C Multiply extensions D. additions Verify E. l%ould of compiling costs , inventory be depreciated? . all materials F. Have been included paid for or . . in inventory vendors have beoi credited' , G. inventory beginning of operating staement prove Scrutinize rwd to R Verifyconsigned goods by I. Consigned goods carried at pecuracy ac- dence correspon- ^ cost t 6 Done by 8 TO HOW and loss account/' when which shows under review. A the way giving a title to the detailed of arriving at the profit for audit of condition statement AUDIT for statement the fiscal year a period other or operating x)eriodof an industrial or mercantile corporation or firm comprises a verification of the assets and liabilities, a of the profit and loss account, and, general examination of the essential features of the incidentally,an examination accounting. general ledger, both at the beginning and end of the x)eriodunder review, should be prepared in comparative form, and checked with the ledger. The items Trial in the trial balances other things, that among omitted end should be traced before the assets and condition been of the balances from the liabilitiesare contra-asset no the with or books. at the The prove been liabilitieshave beginning and at the of condition statements of statements verified,to has liability accounts, that the assets and grouped in the same manner of the period, and that the accordance into the dispositionof are in general scrapped, sold, any have been ledger assets and liabilities that may writtent off,or liquidatedduring the i)eriodunder review should be traced and noted in the working papers. Furthermore, a general scrutiny of the generalledger should be made to see that that have been opened and closed during the year, any accoimts have no bearing on the company's financial positionat the close of the fiscal period. The should auditor obtain a of copy the statements of beginning and the end of the period to be audited, and should make a comparison between them, so that be had by him of the changes in the a comprehensive view may A statement of the figuresduring the period under review. disposition of the profitsshould then be prepared from this of condition further aid in impressing a comparative statement as the mind the meaning of the figures upon of the condition at the auditor. In setting up a comparative statement of condition put the earliest date first. The verification be considered statement of statement and of assets in the of condition aims order and in which form to meet practiseof the liabilitiesfor convenience shown as the on nearly Federal 10 as Reserve items page will in the appear This 54. form possible the requirements Bank. CHAPTER III. CURRENT should CASH counted be fiscal period to be of the with thereof, together with day, same funds In in customers' have He checks, and from made the the also cash the shown by those shown the bank or bank, The conciled re- cash, the on treasurer a make to withdrawing tiable nego- They his be home enclosed either as on the books. to the cash be must secured be must certificates on 12, closing date A for purpose. of balance the balances checkbook consideration into registers, taking directly reconciled be the self-addressed The the cashbook, from mailed or stamped, must deposit on obtained by, office. the balance all advances of descriptions page on cash all descriptions of such and recorded not are that see prior to the close of the dates and must part of the as cashbook the shown at him to dates of the should envelope for the amount examined auditor hand, the in the which auditor be by temporarily on note banks. company's to, the cash should evening must last day the book. cash impossible produced Certificates, as on it in be to the by the on audit, and stated shown asset duly entered period. cash hours another. checks been by the investments one from counting covered make to as shortage a up so banking the receivable, and notes after balance the ASSETS as with stubs, outstanding checks. In side verif3mig the of way to the cash backward, bank such for book period outstandings. should be is made should compared a later with be the as be list of date, and actual any not the so 11 not the fiscal returned yet cashed outstanding the dates returned returned the all by banks When checks of the period for accoimt to credit from special inquiry. of checks of day factory satis- the compare necessary prepared, showing the only safe and checks checks old subject a last the may Any the completed, from the is to accuracy item, with by current work their prove item checks outstanding so this tained ascer- checks, and from the should be bank, at specially JOHN BUNK COMPANY AND Incorporated Auditors Public and New Accountants York 19.. Dear Sir: We are engaged audit an upon 19 you to Dusuiess; there {thdr}""^ credit the Will balance kindly you of $. sum advise of. accounts . that (atthe dose of and it appears of the us . on was on deposit with """"""""""" direct whether the aforesaid is correct. Very truly yours, BLANK JOHN " Inc. COMPANY. By Please furnish the above information as requested. No. 19.... No John Blank " Company., Inc., New York certifythat there E)ear Sirs: This (at the to the is to close of business)on was on deposit in this bank 19 the credit of sum Dollars. of $ By 12 CURRENT ASSETS is necessary investigated Specialcare . drawn cash purposes are in the next period. Where the currency bank that see at the close of the and in the cashbook, and to period and entered transactions the auditor checks for no are does not count kept together the cash until date subsequent to the close of the fiscal year, he must, in addition to verifying the bank balances as of the close of the a verify them as of the date of the count of cash. This is absolutely essential when it is considered that, althouj^ the year, cash on of the count only part of the balance be correct, it does not may at the date follow that the total It is essential that the is correct. cash forms which hand date upon be recorded, in event of a should cash is counted which the discrepancy arisingafter our departure. Unfortunately, in all but a few cases, it is not practicableto verify cash by being present on the last day of the period being companies close their books investigated. So many on December phj^ically impossibleto visit 31st, that it becomes described in all clients on that day. However, the method the preceding paragraph is the one generallyto be followed. in the cash books shown the receipts are When as being deposited in the bank on the last day of the fiscalperiod,but are in the induded not being paid should reconciliation statement the bank into ask the banks until the on of their account day, the auditor acknowledge the later receipt of the to next deposit,and to advise if any of the checks prove worthless. in the pass books, or upon The the banks' deposits shown monthly statements, should be checked in detail for the last two or three daj^ of the fiscal period, from the books, to prove that they were composed of bona fide checks, and that no check drawn deposited in a bank without by the company was being credited to the bank on which it was drawn, prior to the close of the fiscal period. satisfy himself that deposits are checks promptly made in a bank each day, and that the same received, it is advisable to call for a as paid into bank are of deposit slipsand them with the receipts number compare by the cash book for the days on which the deposits as shown To make such verifications accurate, the deposit made. are So that the auditor slipsshould be obtained The senior accountant extent of the cash may from the banks. must examination. 13 use The his discretion method we as to the describe is TO HOW intended to secure considerable AUDIT check, but to do so requires always justifiedor acceptable to our absolute an research,not clients. Where irregularities are of must to pay all of its cash practiseof a company the bank, they should be compared and reconciled total deposits as shown by the bank books, and it is the receipts into with the similarly disbursements the total checks of not called for and current checks examined not having been traced be reconciled at a with the returned the into cash by book previous the banks audit on must be beginning of at the audit. balance The should drawn. Outstanding the thorough check most be obtained. course When accoimt suspected, the on hand in the petty fund cash should be All tickets,due bills, represented by either cash or vouchers. advance should be presented to the proper memoranda, or authority for approval (an officer,if a corporation; a firm member, if a partnership). Checks carried as a part of the balance should be followed to a proof of their having been for by the proper authority. deposited in the bank, or vouched where the cash items amount All cases to a very large sum, in charge and should be reported to the accountant left to his discretion whether they should be listed and included in our final report. BANK OVERDRAFT. Where deposit, and any bank deposit should not on The side of our a has concern several banks of overdrawn, the net amount be presented in our of condistatement tion. total cash on deposit should be shown the asset on statement, and the overdraft as a liabilityunder current liabilities. NOTES RECEIVABLE is account A list of notes receivable outstanding at the end of a fiscal period should be prepared showing the dates the notes are made, the customers' names, the date due, the amounts of the notes and the interest,if any, contained in If of the discoimtingbank the notes. discounted, the name should be noted and verification obtained The from the bank. with the outstanding notes must be carefullyexamined notes receivable records, and with the list prepared by or produced to the auditor,the due dates and the dates of msJdng 14 ASSETS CURRENT the notes notes have been being carefullychecked, and when renewed the originaldates should be recorded. When notes have been paid since the close of the fiscalyear, the cash should be traced into the books of the company, and, when they are in the hands of attorneys or bankers for collection,letters of should confirmation be obtained from the depositariescertifying to that fact. When has receivable notes therefore liability a discoimted are which by banks should the company in the statement appear of condition. The of collateral,if any, value it ascertained,as Notes due other than from trade the notes are be for a of the collateral. affiliated concerns must though received as Affiliated companies' notes even of current separate item a that should notes. notes, transactions. as for notes employees as well as received for must alwaj^ be stated separately transactions from due customers' the value by officialsand customers' Notes frequently happens than greater amount held circumstances assets or as be not included as result of trading a should other shown be assets as the be in fairly included has ample margin of current assets, if the debtor company quick assets over its liabilities, including such notes. The term "quick assets" is used here in the sense in which it is used in Federal assets" is used to Reserve practise. "Current designate these assets and other assets which, though current, for in determining the eligibility of the paper excluded are Federal Reserve by the is a bona client does written fide not the age and note each as ment acknowledge- an the The note. direct to his home at the end is payor auditor letters,inclosing stamped RECEIVABLE total columns in each for The receivable ledgers should balances receivable that the obligation. Therefore, if time permits, and object,it is advisable to obtain the maker's confirmation personally mail repliesaddressed ACCOUNTS of notes party named the may purposes. best verification The note They warrant. to draw of the fiscal period, and should be shown envelopes for office. book-keepers of be asked should accounts off lists of the open distributions of the lists according to the of the accounts, e.g., not yet due, less than 30 days past due, than 30 days past due. The accounts paid since the more on 15 the the HOW close of the TO AUDIT fiscal period should be in the lists before noted of past-due accounts taking up the matter department, as payment is the best proof that good at the date of the audit. The with with accoimt an totals of the listsof outstanding accounts the controllingaccoimt ledgers are kept. When accoimts they should be items separate balances. and Debit in the credit shown balances the on be treated in the lists must be footed and carried forward which have been period of time. Such should be taken should The from same agree if separate customers' on appear of condition in the statement deducted not was should general ledger balances credit the total the of as debit payable ledgers accounts manner. compared in detail with the customers' in the ledgers. accounts The composition of outstanding balances should alwa3^ be examined!, as it frequently happens that while a customer may be making regular payments his account, old items are being on and officer, so by the dispute accounts for bad reserve been established the auditor in the statement doubtful and If such a which thie credit shall be sufficient. company for department correspondence with the the that the items and with up in or considerable are past due some sible respon- customers accounts an account should nevertheless set up mined, exa- set up has not a reserve they will be conservative. Trade discounts ceeding (also so-called "cash discoimts," if ex1 per cent) and freightallowances made by the company should be inquired into,and if they have been included in the that so receivable accounts a should for them reserve be set up in the be made Also, inquiries should regarding customers' claims for reductions in prices and for of defective rebates and allowances on account materials, so sta^tement that condition. the auditor been certain make may that a sufficient has reserve established. Careful total of sum that The inquiry must receivable accoimts the of they are accoimts pledged auditor should off have been have to made be been so as to whether hypothecated listed entered as or a any of the assigned, and liability, noting contra-loans. secure satisfyhimself duly authorized by that the bad debts written for responsible officials, which to write off accoimts bookeepers have been known in order diverted to cover actually been collected money their own pockets. 16 have into JOHN BUNK AND COMPANY Incorporated Auditors and Public York New Dear Sir: We and a engaged are it appears that balance due from Will is correct to rectifythe This as of the there was of $ you and of accounts 19 on the upon if not send attached detail blank if the to enable statement error. letter should it is audit an upon please advise you amount us Accountants be construed not as a only designed to establish the request for payment, correctness of the COMPANY. Inc. books. Very truly yours, BLANK JOHN " By Please furnish the above information as requested: 19.... John Blank " Company., Inc., New Dear York. Sirs: The correct balance due 19 upon 18 was$. IMPORTANT As a have we been requested of this institution* we The enclosed upon the bank's ham you, that so Should we it be the assume with kind a vAndi of Directors Board assistance. account your Please check books. if,however, by the make shows statement will we to periodicalexamination ask your be correct, us of the part necessary If it. shown amount it appears as do we as hear not balance a diflFerence exists pleasecommunicate investigate and correct may error. correspond, please address: to necessary to BLANK JOHN New Auditors and COMPANY, " York Inc. City Public Accountants IMPORTANT We are that books and given there it appears due was of the accounts their upon fom the you shown. If to the date on of the audit an upon this statement sending company sum engaged be do not we correct, with This note as hear from if,however, us so should it is that not we be you, we will the assume a diflFerence exists, may investigateand construed as a only designed to establish the amount please correct request correctness municate com- error. for payment, of the books. Should it be necessary to JOHN correspond, please address: BLANK " New Auditors 19 and COMPANY. Inc. York Public Accountants. HOW TO AUDIT inventory affectingthe profitsof the business,this rule should invariably be followed by the auditor. Material shipped on consignment with no obligation on the part of consignee to pay for it until actual sale is made, should always be included in the inventory at cost of finished product. A record of it should be kept and shown separately from the receivable until the actual sales regular inventory or accoimts question are an made. Inasmuch coxmt is of as the accuracy of the statement of absolutely dependent upon the accuracy merchandise at the beginning and end of operations acof the tories inven- the period imder review, this part of the verification should receive special of condition attention. When audit is being made a statement for the first time, the inventory at the beginning of the period should receive as much attention that at the end, and the as auditor should take every precaution to satisfyhimself that both inventories were taken on the same basis. An of audit for inventories follows: acceptable program (1) Secure the originalstock sheets if they are in existence and carefullytest the typewritten copies with them and with tickets, that show the originalcount. cards, or other memoranda (2) See that the sheets are certified to or initialed by the persons who took the stock,made the calculations and footings,and fixed the prices,and satisfyyourself that they are dependable clear and and Obtain detailed statement, responsible persons. a preferably in writing,as to the method followed in taking stock and pricing it;also a certificate from a responsible head of the inventory as a whole. as to the accuracy of the footings and (3) A thorough test of the accuracy tensions exshould be made, especiallyof all large items. (4) The inventories should be compared as far as possiblewith records in process and fijiished stock the stores records, work records, as to quantities,prices and values, and any material discrepancy should be thoroughly traced. (5) Where stock records are kept and no physical inventory is the last physical taken at the time of the audit, ascertain when inventory , was taken and compare it with the book records. If portance comparison is possible,select a few book items of imand personally compare with the actual stock on hand. stock records kept, a physical inventory no are (6) Where should be taken, preferably xmder the general direction of the After the inventory is completed, he should auditor. apply no recent 20 CURRENT the tests to same taken verifyits accuracy as if the of the cost system a orders may does not form company of the financial accoimting scheme there is shown information a records to the at the end In therein. of the these preceding the close of the compared with the orders in to see that nothing that included in the inventory. Cost with cost system that when ance reli- physical verify the a to sales for the fiscal period should be carefully ventory, as shown by the inprogress has been shipped is wrongly which systems are unreliable are misleading. Specialattention the the part of the out that period cases the financial accounts where extent a chance billed,but not taken Especially is this the case month instance always be completed and work-in-process records. is placed on such inventory is not taken the inventory had been before his arrival. When (7) ASSETS not and ordinated co- quently fre- be called to every adequately checked by should is not results of the financial (8) Make accoimting. that purchase invoices certain for all stock included Look for inventory have been entered on the books. to goods in post-dated invoices and give special attention in the transit. nothing is included in the inventory which is not If goods consigned owned but is on consignment from others. to others are included, see that cost prices are placed thereon, for loss,damage, or expenses less a proper allowance of possible This does not include goods at branches, as subsequent return. the valuing of such stocks will be governed by the same ciples prin(9) See as (10) that at the head apply Make sure billed,and office. that nothing is included which has been sold is simply awaiting shipment. (11) If duties, freight,insurance,and other direct charges have been added, test them to ascertain that no error has been made. and freightare legitimate additions to the cost price of Duties and goods, but no other items should be added items except imder unusual liquors,piano wood, and others that improve through seasoning, may rightlyhave interest and added to their value, if the total value per imit does insurance not exceed the market price for materials of equal quality. (12) To prevent obsolete or damaged stock being carried in the Such circumstances. inventory at an excessive stores, supplies,work stock should as valuation, the in process, be examined 21 finished and a detailed records for products, and purchased listprepared of inactive HOW stock should This accounts. TO AUDIT be discussed with the company's officialsand satisfactoryexplanations obtained. (13) The auditor should satisfyhimself that inventories are is the lower at the stated at cost or market prices,whichever This test appliesto each item in the date of the balance sheet. been has be passed which inventory. No inventory must prices and a profitassumed that has not is higher than cost, be realized, If the market and may never the statement it is permissibleto state that fact in a footnote on nuirked to market up of condition. (14) It be may found prices of average end of the period. the latest invoices in of the excess when market materials are valued at the supplies on hand at the If so, the averages should be compared with in order to verify the fact that they are not raw latest pricesare and prices,and used, to see also with that they the are trade not in papers, excess of values. market (15) inventories that Make to determine independent inspection of the inventory sheets whether or not the quantitiesare reasonable, and an they accord in particularinstances with the average normally consumption and average purchases over a fixed period. Ablargequantitiesof stock on hand may be the legitimate result of shrewd foresightin buying in a low market, but may, in stock taking, or the other hand, arise from serious errors on whether may be an over-stock on which a loss has been sustained but not recorded. Always attempt to check the totals by the "gross profit the percentage of gross profitshown test" and compare with In a business whose that of previous years. average gross profit remains fairlyconstant this test is a dependable one, because, if the rate of gross profitis apparently not maintained and the accounted for by a rise or discrepancy can not be satisfactorily fallin the cost of production or of the sellingprice,the difference will usually be due to errors in stock taking. This method was business conacceptable before the war, but until normal ditions very evidence not be considered as conclusive are restored,can of irregularities. (17) The best way to verify the prices at which the work in a general examination process is included in the inventory, is to make of the In a good cost system and test cost system. little difficulty will be foimd with the distribution of the raw materials,stores, and pay roll,but the distribution of factory (16) 22 CURRENT overhead is should that one ASSETS receive careful consideration,the main points to be kept in view being; (a) That no sellingexpense or interest charges are included in the factory overhead, and istrative that only that share of adminpertaining to the factory is included. expense is distributed the (b) That the factory overhead over various fair and departments, shops, and commodities a on equitable basis. (18) No profit should be included in the price of finished products or stock in trade. The price list should be examined to see that the cost prices of stock are below the selling prices If they are not, a reserve after allowing for trade discounts. should be set up the balance on takes immediate goods which have may to the date of the the steps to increase of this the amoimt pany com- ever, sellingprice,how- be limited may reserve been If the sheet for this loss. to the loss on sold since the close of the period discovery. manufacturing large contracts frequentiy make partial shipments of orders. The question then arises whether it is permissible to include the profitson these partial As a matter of fact, shipments in the profitand loss account. (19) Companies it is evident the actual cost that on be known not can until the be estimated that a profit will completed. It may ultimately be made, yet unforeseen conditions,such as strikes, arise to increase the delays in receiving material, etc., may estimated cost. It is better not to include the profits on partial have shipments, but information of this character which may its influence in the decision of the banker upon a proposed loan which accomproperly be laid before him, in the comments pany may the report. Of course, an exception should be made where the profit on the partialshipments largely exceeds the sellingprice of the balance of the order. (20) The sellingpricesfor contract work in progress should be order is ascertained there will be of the from a estimated loss by settingup (21) If company products the a and, if a it is apparent where the on loss audit of its contracts, and the completed contract should be charged to reserve for losses has discontinued particular items unsalable, an amount on the a that due proportion period under the in progress. of any manufacture contracts should should all but the scrap value of the articles. (22) The inventory should be scrutinized be carefullyscrutinized be written off to cover 23 to see that no HOW machinery received Partial deliveries (23) charged plant to or therein. is included property account AUDIT that has been material other or TO of account on purchase tracts con- material, etc.,should be verified by certificates from the contractors, both as to quantitiesand prices. for of purchase contracts pajonents on account (24) Advance future deliveries should never appear in an inventory, but should sheet under a separate heading. the balance be shown on from be deducted discounts should inventory (25) Trade for prices,but cash to deduct it is not customary ever, How- discounts. it is the trade practice to do so. be done when this may the auditor should (26) While the inventory is being verified, due been may have men dislike to sell below of old big stock stock The at to a stock poor of dispose of The slow unseasonable the old and stocks in other and considered are holder the to be considered as or the been a as porarily tem- "quick in event of need. material interest of which from aside carries more or thereon, they return fixed assets. should list of investments Dates connection. available into money represent control bonds or goods. new have firm or enterprises,the ownership less value should which company be readily turned assets,"i.e.,can When of the fxmds invested comes stock be- is that the usual outcome a this caption shoiild be listed securities in Under surplus business accumulate rather unwieldy and fimds are lacking to purchase inventory and the gross sales may have a direct which turnover Some goods. would cost, and than goods sacrifice. a SECURITIES. A A the aggregate sales for the last year. ascertain prepared showing: be of purchases Description of the investments Par value of the investments of the shares Denomination of shares Number or capitalstock of Amounts paid for the Total dividends Interest and Market values The surplus of the owned bonds the various companies investments received of the investments or deficit shown companies, by where no the statements market with whom hjrpothecated, 24 and for what dition con- quotations available. K of purpose. are HOW that properly recorded, and made out If any amount statement to the AUDIT TO the insurance policiesare correctly company. been of the securities have (book value) must be of condition. 26 hypothecated, stated imder the fact and liabilitiesin the CHAPTER FIXED GOODWILL. Where examination, show under and comment AND should present it the on of be an of condition statement accounts the either in plant and under these property, created. was The value should shown is encountered goodwill actual cost captions investment permanent rights, buildings, machinery, estate, property value ASSETS directly below EQUIPMENT. the of amount how to OTHER item caption as PLANT the the separate a AND IV. or tools, in real The etc. properly appraised a value. Where capital stock "water," be accounts under charge should the have be item of amount the be and profit, the of this The the are book coal to proportion based In under on the the this heading, of the the cost of mined the original while xmder item course, the sideration con- reserve. less if the item loss account. profit and cost ciation, depre- chargeable amount an tion deprecia- equipment item the any original depreciation rights, such is standing owned, timber the from output is sold to at a Profits such as at as and coal timber only, should veins, where tracts, where be This property. reduced in should be appraisal. leading schedules balances for account, the on for the plant and a asset the is with First, to Of to of values however. engineering preparing etc, the a be the to an debited of property is in ownership called in any reserves follows: charged credit rare, value foimd agrees sale to account. is commonly ledger Where selling price, loss profit kind the only as credited be the is to credit the on between and profit loss depreciation difference the such determined should The applied proportion. must what it when upon been that see carried, for caption. its proper or are of this sold, property item to comment sure credits Where is issued for the accoimts grouped real estate, buildings, plant, machinery, the beginning 27 of the period, the ad- HOW ditions to or the balances TO deductions from at the of the end AUDIT the accounts during the year, and period must be shoNvn. The total of the balances of the period must with the agree cost of property figuresgiven in the balance sheet at that date, and the balances at the end of the period with the amount shown in the balance sheet that is being audited. The charges entering the additions into the following notes connection Authorizations (1) for the be examined, and should the overrun The them. be must sums verified are in detail,and of value. expenditure made where during the the costs of the additions authorized, inquiriesshould should authorizations in this show be made the accoimts year have about to which expenditures are chargeable, the amounts thereof, the and descriptionsof approvals of the comptroller and manager, the authorizations the jobs. When not specificas to the are work done, the actual additions should, if possible,be inspected. ditions (2) The auditor should satisfyhimself before approving admade with the object of increasing the that they were ture earning capacity of the plant, and that they are not of the naof either renewals or improvements, and in this connection ceive changes in the production and capacity of the plant should rethe consideration. (3) To verify the pay roll and store and supply charges to jobs,one or two pay roll distribution reports should be examined in detail,and also one storehouse reports. If large puror two chases from outside partiesfor capitalconstruchave been made tion work, the vouchers usual precautions taken therefore to see that should they be are examined and the properly approved receiptof materials,prices,etc. (4) For purchases of real estate the title deeds should be examined, together with the vouchers, and it should be seen that the deeds have been properly recorded. (5) While it may be considered permissibleto make a charge for the factory overhead to additions to property such as time of superintendent and his clerical force employed on construction conservative business practise, work, etc.,it can not be deemed the probabilities that the overhead inasmuch are as charges of to any extent even tions though addia plant will not be decreased not xmder and, therefore,the absorption of part are way, has the effect additions are in progress, of these charges when the of reducing in operating costs, as compared with months for which no construction work is under 28 way. AND FIXED OTHER ASSETS work in progress at the end of the fiscal (6) Construction in the statement of condition under the I)eriodshould be shown heading of fixed assets and not as part of inventories. This is work is not an important to bear in mind because construction while everything be quickly turned into money, asset that can in the inventory is supposed to be capable of ready conversion into cash. due are auditor should The (7) carried being have may by outsiders. on whether work a direct If so, the bearing on the any installments in progress which is liabilitiesfor these should be included in the statement installments they of construction accoimt on determine of condition,as of available cash amount hand. on When (8) should be leasehold uses company and be examined a notes made of properties the leases the periods covered, so that improvements, etc.,on such properties written oflfover the periods covered by the leases. are for (9) The auditor should satisfyhimself that the reserves depreciation of buildings, machinery, equipment, etc., are that it may seen adequate to reflect the deterioration in the value of the fixed shown on the balance properties. If in his opinion the reserves he should call attention sheet are insufficient, in to the matter the comments (10) Make that are part of the report. sure that property destroyed by fire or otherwise a out of service is correctlytreated in the books. Any portion of the originalcharge for such property which is not recoverable through insurance, salvage or otherwise, and has been not provided for by the depreciation scheme, should be prematurely put oflf. written It is to be observed that the foregoing notes are to be applied only to cost of properties incurred during the period under In addition, information well be obtained audit. on may broader lines in regard to the composition of the real estate, what principal building, and machinery accoimts; to show have property is represented thereby; and how the accounts time past if not year to year for a reasonable The information thus inception of the business. built up been the from derived from is valuable the concern, only the extent plant, etc. Beyond ordinary discounts or looks more to the indicatingthe progressivepolicy of to which in its for in quick it reinvests these facts the short-term assets for his 29 loans undivided banker is not security. who surplus is asked interested;he TO HOW When be made under as calling for of extent action become may a quick assets reliable verification the priorto period to even necessary appraisal by an the suggest that to the cost of the property Such audit. is greater than should justify,the auditor to seem which is asked loan a AUDIT disinteresed the outside experts. DEPRECIATION. FOR RESERVE A depreciation is impairment in provide for the and to physical wear the value asset due of an tear, and be avoided, reserves it can should never Where obsolescence. that be credited direct to the capital accoxmts, for the reason a in division of doing this is credited amount nothing but warrant known to account an values. for reserves provided, reasons judgment should be depreciation which be given and the should It should stated. be borne mind, however, that the rates of depreciationare reallymore engineering proposition than an accounting one. an OR ORGANIZATION of to been not examiner's of estimated conditions Where have an reflect should which in surplus set aside for reserve startinga new business be distributed condition DEVELOPMENT. over or a of the business, or The developing an period of years, a pro extraordinary costs old one may ably reason- determined by the of such expenses In the meantime, the undistributed rata amoimt charged annually to operations. the balance sheet as a on portion should be shown deferred charge to operation. The Internal Revenue Department has arbitrarilyruled that the extraordinary cost of startinga new business or developing be charged off either at one old one time or over cannot an a from income. As a result thereof, period of years as a deduction such cost should be segregated into an account classified as "organizationexpense,''which should be treated as an asset and should be considered as such in the computation of invested Its place on the statement of condition capital for tax purposes. should be immediately after the settingup of the so-called For the company's own "fixed charges" section. convenience, from the point of conservatism, this account be written oflf, can there is nothing to prevent such operation, but it must be as borne in mind deduction, Income in that whatever computing net is written income Tax. 30 oflfis not subject to an allowable the Federal AND FIXED DEFERRED in the CHARGES OTHER TO ASSETS OPERATIONS. Under this such items of condition heading are as grouped expired unapplicable to a future period, experimental charges, etc. After the clerical prepaid royalties, of the deferred charges has been verified the auditor accuracy should satisfyhimself that they are properly carried forward to future operations. Whenever possible,dociunentary proof must be produced in For example, with unexpired support of the items carried forward. the policiesmust insurance be examined to verify the dates of expiration,the amoimts covered, and the proportion of the premiums carried forward; with royaltiesthe agreements be examined; with experimental charges the vouchers and must statement insurance, discounts particularsof the work done must be looked into. Many concerns inventory stationery,advertisingmatter, and items other of periods. Do salesmen not miscellaneous of a current for salaries or under under nature, and operation,shoidd be shown prepaid operating expenses. as Bills for should merchandise paid be presented under of the fiscal the items which expenses, end ventory, general head of inprepaid operating expenses. in the up at the nature treat such items present them but Postage a on will as advances to eventually be taken the statement in advance current such of tion of condi- receipt of goods assets. to individuals in or Large advances to subsidiary concerns anticipation of the division of profitsor dividends, should be It is carefully investigatedto ascertain their exact nature. often well to present advances caption current The of of this sort "advances," which should under a separate follow inventory and assets. examination of deferred charges will usually furnish the . auditor with the valuable information in regard to the accounts of For example: (1) The verification of experimental charges carried forward give information as to the production and future policy of may company. the company. (2) Royalty vouchers will sometimes give a check on the production of mines. (3) An examination of the insurance policieswill show if the properties are mortgaged or covered by lien,and will thus be for mortgages on real additional verification of the liability an of condition. in the statement estate, buildings,etc.,shown 31 HOW (4) The if any The insurance of the latter are auditor TO should not AUDIT be checked against the covered, the omission will often find included assets and should in deferred be tioned. men- charges to operations the item of coal inventory. This is not a prepaid is it a deferred charge to operations. Any inventory nor expense such as this should be classifiedas such, for coal when used in manufacturing is just as important an element of operation material which is being fabricated* as the raw 82 HOW TO and the stub the blank or AUDIT to bear identical copy or signing the officer, officers, the stub the notes being care has the When balances due to that see of terms with open accounts the ledger counts, ac- the ledger on open account It should be ascertained no list. the from on represent specificand recent items not appear regular a statement If there are many such be obtained. only. from the accounts as to affect aplarge a sum preciably the general causes the total of current liabilities, for ter disputes should be inquired into and note made of the mat- dispute, and the initial of bills payable does account any creditor should in taken omitted been auditing carefully checked and prepared list of balances A PAYABLE. be case, and payees, the done, were such greatly facilitated. be ACCOUNTS that If this issued. would must certificate to the amounts, a as could, in notes The numbers. they amount of the for the consideration In with concerns payable a to modem banker. charge registersystem, as easilyverified, are so all liabilitiesare Care should accounts then included in be taken, however, to that all goods received on the last day of the fiscal period, see as shown by the receivingrecords,and also all goods that were in transit and belonged to the concern that date, are included on ventories. and the corresponding assets included in the inliabilities, as the books when This incurred. test is necessary as an increase in the accounts have important bearing on the financial payable may a very if the cash on hand is small. position of the concern outstanding can usually be ascertained by Monthly expenses of the fiscal of the last month of the expenses a comparison period with previous months, and those of the year with the The mined charge registershould, however, be exaprevious year. for the months subsequent to the close of the fiscal year, to find out if any expenses fiscal period under When must additional liabilitiesare are applicableto the audit. first-class system a take mentioned included therein included is not precautions in the in to operation, the satisfy himself accoimts, among which auditor that may all be : subsequent to the date Payments made in the months of the fiscal period as shown by the cashbook, which should be of them applicable to are carefullyscrutinized to see that none the period under review. (1) 34 BUNK JOHN AND COMPANY Incorporated Public and Auditors New Accountants York 19 Sir: Dear We engaged are audit of the books an upon and accounts of and that it appears there due was Will amount to 19 on balance of $ a you please advise you the upon is correct, as of the date payments or increases please send a detailed blank attached of subsequent shown, irrespective of indebtedness? statement if the to enable us If it is not to rectifythe error. The work we are being audited condition engaged and of the books is designed for of the pany com- the verification of the only. compliance with Your is in behalf upon request our will be appreciated. Very truly yours, BLANK JOHN " COMPANY, Inc. By 19 John Blank " G"npany, Inc., New Dear York. Sirs: The correct balance due us by the 19 upon 85 was $. HOW The (2) should TO file of bills not be exammed to AUDIT vouchered that see entered or on of them none books the to the belong period under audit. ther fur(3) A careful perusal of the minutes of a company may assist the auditor in determining liabilities. has large purchase contracts in force for When a company be examined, for if the contract future delivery they should prices are greater than market prices,it might be necessary to for this loss. set up reserve Any debit balance, due to a advance to any payments condition, under of statement other under If the business audit should cause, be down the on separate heading. is one in which there is any sibility pos- goods having been received consignment, and on a liability part or all of such goods having been sold without in the books, the auditor must be therefore having been shown the point fully. This may to cover readily happen, as sure are usually treated as memoranda only. consignment accounts that goods have been received on consignIf inquiry shows ment, If the goods all pertinent records shoud be called for. should show the fuU have all been sold,the consignor'saccount wiU amount due, and if the debt is a current one, the amount accounts Where payable due to trade creditors. among appear only part of the goods have been sold, the net proceeds due to of condition the statement the consignors should be shown on imder the caption of "accounts payable to consignors." of liabilities, As an additional precaution against the omission of a should be obtained statement of the the proper officer or member statingthat all outstanding liabilities for purchases concern and expenses also advisable been have review, or period under to obtain from of former a in the accounts included of the In many it is cases the president stating periods. certificate from all liabilitiesfor legal claims, infringements of patents, claims for damages, bank loans,etc.,have been^ included, as he officer of the company be the only executive to know the may extent of such obligations. that Every in the and of the date book, during that and to the where present we see month all liabilities that that all liabilitiesare such tered en- is liability curred, in- reflected upon the records as period under review. Especially of closing of the is this necessary audits be made effort should are called are monthly upon statements operatingstatements. 36 to make of monthly condition and LIABILITIES CONTINGENT LIABILITIES. to show condition as The what auditor and discover the will be found Inquiry made as made and Such have may officers to be paid. audit, must description,not of outside should interested are be taken of of the statement reason sale, but be has been pax)er in the in other matter for delivery of goods contracted of large sums materials, for should concern security received to protect the concern. be particularlystrict if it is known that any partners or action partners of the indorsement any to any as Contracts and forms set forth with lowing debts, but possibledebts. The folunder which contingent liabilities officers or to whether Similar statement of condition of statement : of the inquiry should of the date actual usual it should liabilitiesof every report upon only liquidated and are a a be paid; possible what makes who It is not enough for must particularityas much CAPITAL AND short time. a enterprises. guaranties. for before call for the payment condition,may within money of In the of case the of raw manufacturer, this might be a perfectly legitimate for seeking a temporary loan,pending production a for merchant a whose of statement condition large stock of goods on hand, it might indicate a real impending, with assets of a doubtful character to offset liability it. In every audit, therefore, the auditor should call for copies of all orders for future delivery,and if such orders call shows a for stock in and should mention demand, of the excess be made the report submitted, a and current reasonable the statement on details prospective of condition depending the upon circumstances. other Items than footnote arisingfrom assets to be listed of current a those as the specifichypothecation liabilitiesshould appear as of condition,the side of the statement liability tional being stated for each subheading and such addi- the on total amounts report made as will convey clear information to the banker. it is Wherever liability, a statement possible to note of condition should ascertain be somewhat the placed as amount at the of a bottom gent continof the follows: of $ for indorsement contingent liability notes discounted receivable,claims, damages at law or including incomplete contracts, guaranties and agreements." be assigned the contingent exact Where figure cannot an the auditor make should to a comprehensive comment liability, "Subject to a 37 or Otherwise, add effect. that footnote interest,taxes, as until a be should of the Many the given comment have and items records. and accrued due not are grouped such are verification of such liabilities which Such the obviously do, but to the to the payable be can curately ac- Special attention followingpoints: interest. carry etc.,which the books from made this caption audit, but The later date. involved sum preceding paragraph. wages, period under of the end the Under LIABILITIES. ACCRUED items in the shown as AUDIT TO HOW on appear items bonds as and notes also consider auditor should of statement a the dition con- payable lity possibi- bearing interest,as enough book accounts, when inquiry being made. past due, do bear interest to warrant of partners and officers of corporations almost Loan accounts invariably bear interest; also judgments, overdue taxes, and also of accounts other liens. The of accrued amount State and local taxes be can tained ascer- of the latest tax examination receipts;although sometimes, as the period for which the taxes are paid is not the receipt,it may be necessary to inquire of the shown on taxing authorities as to the period covered. proper Tax the Federal Income Under Law, a tax is imposed upon of a corporation,which must if the be paid even the net profits corporation is dissolved before the end of the year during which based upon the net the tax is imposed. As the tax is specifically months profitsof a particularperiod,although payable some throughout the specifiedperiod, and thereafter,the tax accrues if a net profitis disclosed upon^the closingof the boolra,a reserve from must be tax. An was an shown the exception was made in 1918 and as an accrued 1919, for Congress of the rate" of taxation that set completed before the tax rate was regulations issued by the Treasury Department. audits many the normal however, years, a reserve statement no for Federal being established,for the Taxes When the date has been and involved of condition In should Excess be Profit is seldom does not consequenti in- cide coin- the last payroll of the period under calculated,the amount of condition of condition Income sum of the statement with the date to which statement and were issued without audit of condition statement in its determination tardy so on must accrued be ascertained 38 to the date of the and entered as a LIABILITIES unless liability, niunber the proper a wages trifling. It a full week's roll pay temporarily unclaimed to to reach considerable a such expenses monthly, the auditor must proportion since the last bill as proper It is important to note whether the received and been auditor The closed. Where they should ledger account a be titled en- should the enter of all traveling accounts before the books and list, a of the accrual liability. a entered secure not water, gas, etc., are as rendered have being diverted wages." bills for salesmen stated to be amount, credited periodicallyto "unclaimed its prevent of unclaimed in the petty cash fund. shortage cover re-deposited and Where examined be wages (sixdajrs) possibledaily variations. to should to take will sufSce large business, where an accumulation is in the custody of the cashier,the amount hand on is amount of sixths of reference without In such CAPITAL AND if any are report was the for it unless entered, provision should be made is likelyto be trifling. amount for all commissions tually evenAmple provision should be made payable on sales which have been billed to customers. As commissions until are frequently not payable to salesmen not so the accounts been have commissions are often collected from from omitted the customers, accrued As the books. they must, paid out of the proceeds of the sales of which the full profithas already been taken into the accoimts, they should be however, be set on up the condition of statement as accrued an liability. All are concerns have more or closed the lawyers should date. If is not due found, and be the litigation. Before requested to send auditor set it up If the advance in suits for as "deferred charges." But other damages not covered the auditor finds any evidence which he be liabilityof this nature may informed should the in a books bill to ascertain the accrued liability. for damages to emis insured against liability ployees concern the public, a proportion of the premimns paid in or will for the unexpired time covered by the insurance probably amount appear one less of all the facts. to the amount opinion as liability, or, if the possibleloss. outcome He can that should is an there by insurance, and leads him should then or where to suspect there insist upon form be set up uncertain, as 39 claims be may a acciu^te an as being an reserve accrued against HOW BONDED be examined must the terms and authorized, issued, and of the bonds, should duration certifying the company, standing, unissued in shown bonds, the and the in of statement interest bonds, on unissued operations. Bonds be To such, they must sense treasury holdings. certified and delivered by the trustee. the in of statement noted and for in the care redeemed to have they see been obtained from Funds to that see and are default any no been carefully provided be they in are noted in of condition. the statement examined taken of the company, accounts Bonds be be shown as have Sinking-fund provisions in mortgages should should the on should condition the interest the trust from authorized, outof the liability The of condition. reconciled with and calculated be obtained verification retired,as the statement on of bonds amount statement shown as be shown certificate should A of condition. of interest, in treasury, rate of bonds and A copy of the mortgages The amount thereof noted. DEBT. MORTGAGE AND AUDIT TO during the period or previously should be that they have been properly canceled, or, if certificate should be destroyed, a cremation the trustees. securities or deposit with a trustee or agent forverified by a certificate received direct on should be this purpose, from the depository. applied periodicallyto the cancellation of bonds thereby actually reducing the bonded debt, instead of cash or bonds being carried in the sinking fund, show the this fund Where of amount issued and on is bonds liabilityside the verify retired so the as of a the of such retirement from reduction statement bonds by a of bonds the operations certificate from the trustee. maintained be at and liabilities, matters any and As and stipulatethat sometimes Mortgages a certain the auditor any other a due must thereof,that may that they have been mortgage in amount current excess derives of the complied must current to such to the accounts, be referred to in the its chief value assets consideration give stipulationin regard audit see the trust or deed, with. from the fact that upon verifythe existence registryit becomes a lien,the auditor should of such an obligationby inspectingthe public records,not only the company's be found with reference to such on as may the public records on books, but also any that may stillappear 40 j HOW In the of condition statement stated, givmg amount the has company note must in the accrued, but should each class of stock authorized, issued,and cumulative preferred stock be made If stock has AUDIT TO sold outstanding, a of the dends divi- installment the on plan, the auditor properly extended to been the calls have ascertain that If yet declared. not been in treasury. of condition statement be must Approval of the board of directors is necessary and the minutes should be examined accordmgly. If any stock has been sold during the period under audit, the auditor should verify the proceeds of the sales. the stockholder. TREASURY STOCK AND BONDS. treasury holdings, after it has and has been stock returned is donated company. Bonds to the for become capital holdings for value is true as company treasury certified by the trustees issued been working after be shown themselves, if in other they at not used at all times to see examinations, always them mailed direct by or to the been have less than par. proper hands. an Care should be genuine. In bank independent certificates and have that secure capital by the inspection receipts,or by certification, the owners' than when purchased or Securities held in treasury should be verified by securities received delivered. and Securities in treasury should of the becomes Capital stock receipts are oflSce. This is not cable always practi- work, but independent certificates should where the receiptson file do not be secured in all possiblecases contain seal of the holding parties,as in the case a commercial of insurance and bankmg departments. in commercial SURPLUS. The auditor should consider the surplus at the lated beginning of the period. This item represents the accumuprofitsprior to the beginning of the fiscal period under review, and should be compared with the surplus shown on the of condition and with the of the previous year, statement ledger account, to see that it corresponds. If it does not, a should be prepared, giving full details reconciliation statement of the differences. 42 CHAPTER OF STATEMENT PROFIT LOSS. AND The of operations for three audit, and the past satisfactory form A in under concern ledger form. comparative information the with This to the banker as to audit. of statement of operations is shown on 56. page be it would While all the of operations reconciled with the end inventory periods Additions then, instead materials consumed in the good records will auditor should and in the no operating closed were and should be are date so of goods. more force, the sales is in nevertheless, the of the last day shipped after that goods process" that shipping records the a in system the Where and of from on period, beginning shape, but good satisfy himself of the being "purchases" manufacture in the be at the statement, of accounting be probably sales books that and cost should period. "goods only comprise worded. a of the inventories stock," and Where end at the the during purchases, "finished the main hand, at the beginning or exists, the system the of hand on sold quantities on production, inventory cost proper of the briefly outlined are possible, the period, plus the less the check certain are an pages. Whenever SALES. which detailed a composition there account, principles to be kept in view following audit, to make the in useless somewhat entering into transactions statement and impracticable of condition ordinary statement of by comparison valuable of the progress the statements least,including the period under at statement will furnish obtain should auditor years a prepare comparison OPERATIONS verifying them after account, VI. fiscal year, in the included are transactions. When should period Such an audit is that satisfy himself were recorded verifications comparison of the for being made the sales in accordance can be made shipping memoranda 43 first the with at the the beginning dates conveniently, with auditor time, the the of the of shipments. by a invoices direct billed. HOW Allowances to TO AUDIT for customers in freights,reductions sales in the statement trade discounts, outward prices,etc.,should be deducted of operations,as the amount from the of net sales is the only figure of interest to the bankers. bookings at the into, as a comparison The future looked periods of other idea of the concern's FREIGHT. close of the jBscal year of orders furnished years business on hand should with the bankers be ponding corres- with an outlook. and shipments to customers for freightpaid by them (where deductions made by customers from the the shipments have been delivered), are a deduction gross sales and should be treated separately from freight paid Freight prepaid on The former reduces the amount of the incoming material. of the inventory sales,while the latter increases the amount purchases. on inventory at the beginning of the period,plus purchases during the period, less inventory at the end of period,gives the cost of sales. In a manufacturing concern the factory cost of production takes the place of purchases. As has already been stated, if a good cost sjrstem exists,the form of operatingreport will differ vastiy,for it is then possible The to show, not only goods purchased but sJso consumption. is briefly: preferredform for that part of an operating statement OF COST SALES. The CStmdard Headmg) (Detiib as COST OF to tales,deductioiis, etc.) GOODS Inventoryat SOLD: beginningof period: Goods in process Fiiushed goodson $ $ hand On hand Purchased beginning durins Materials: of period materials) (Ust of principal $ $ $ $ On hand end of $ $ $ $ Ccnsumed period period $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $. $. $. Total materialsconsumed Total materialsconsumed Productive labor,etc, etc. Most in of the items auditing the under statement '"costof sales" will have of condition, but 44 been verified nevertheless,care STATEMENT taken be should OF to dumping ground embraced under that this heading has not see for charges which would be the heading of specialcharges. of the items been PROHT a properly The tion composibe traced accounts. or SALES. ON made more entering into the cost of sales should into the cost records GROSS OPERATIONS This is obtamed by deducting the cost of sales from the net sales. The ratio of gross profitsto net sales should be calculated and compared. AND GENERAL EXPENSE. Under SELUNG, ADMINISTRATIVE the expenses, be set down these general headings should itemized to correspond with the titles of the ledger accounts kept in each division. In checking the totals of each account for the period under with the statement audit,specialattention should be given to see that none to credits in these accounts for the sale of capital assets and for items have been made should in expense of the totals of each division and which not net sales should Where good a of overhead appear be calculated The accounts. tages percen- of the aggregate total to for each year for comparison. exists,only two general divisions will be found; that is ''factory'^ and cost system expense "selling." General after all,exist for expenses, distributed to the be is served. This, however, showing fundamental Administrative can and should purpose sales department be done only when ever ^which- " a system influences upon is in operation. expenses, similarly, is distributable upon expense, for the administrative analjrsis, or sales policies. Financial the factory or some executives are a officialsdirect either the distributable factory cost, for they are by both of the principaldivisions. When, however, a reliable cost system does not exist,set up separate headings for "factoryexpense," "sellingexpense" and "generaland administrative expense." needed NET PROHT ON SALES. This is obtained by deducting and selling,administrative from the gross profit on sales, and shows expenses its principalbusiness. The on earnings of the concern aggregate net to total of the profitto sales should be calculated for each give comparative figures. 45 year the general the net ratio of in order HOW OTHER Under INCOME. that be may from income should derived this from heading is embraced outside sources of be prepared of each item, and of the and income any sales,such investments, interests,discounts,etc. himself of their accuracy as AUDIT TO as Schedules the auditor should satisfy propriety of including them income. FROM DEDUCTIONS grouped such items payable, etc. The should income" NET Under INCOME. interest as same on bonded procedure this heading debt, interest of verification as on are notes for "other be followed. INCOME-PROnT OR LOSS. Adding "other income" to and from deducting "deductions income," "gross income" gives the "net income" or "profitor loss" for the period, which that should be carried to the surplus account. is the amount AND SURPLUS^ADDITIONS DEDUCTIONS. Items of unusual extraordinary profit which do not belong strictlyto the period under audit, or can not be said to be the legitimate results of the ordinary transactions of the concern, should be Deductions entered here and verified with the surplus account. should be similarly treated. Also, dividends declared should and this item under be entered in the surplus account as an to declare dividends caption, inasmuch as it is the usual custom from net earnings and surplus. After adding special credits have to and deducting specialcharges from the net income we all sources, the total profit or loss for the whole period from at the beginning of the to the surplus balance which, added gives us the surplus at the end of the period, which period,, of should agree with the surplus as stated on the statement or condition. The miscellaneous information preserving the condition, for in some without statement of condition order cases in the next of the the headings. 46 items on chapter is added the statement suggestion applies to of several CHAPTER INSTRUCTIONS GENERAL SALES in a of both of statement In amount. ties, and classified The likewise in the payable." Whenever verify correctness of items and should verification AGREEMENT managers, concerns, as the examined (in the effective define An the of method factor the to maintain as a is the agreement to CHARGES exists in of such of in be to book) minute of division of cost the agreement the arriving at such on percentage a business, should a of employees of form in the recorded operation capital, which be to profits. under should expense. and deducted amounts funds caption of "trust should from be wages presented funds." PARTNERS. partnership providing 47 deposited Amounts benefit BETWEEN a tors credi- Agreement corporation, such accident the lack the other or defining the fidelity funds sick from PROHTS. OF ANDBENEHTFUNDS. and correspond due or on upon. interest ordinary liabilityunder INTEREST of in EMPLOTEES'HDEUTT by employees, a balances should we permitted eammgs be usually proper to net being included "debit due compensation on arrangement added shown SHARING case should immediate such be sales gross ledgers should balances possible, as liabil- able." receiv- accounts on as superintendents, extra to current creditors' of commented THE FOR between on be from receivable in the balances this is not When debtors. net due balance included classified and assets the of instead accounts separately, the debit shown current accounts to be balances aggregate be under "credit as amount gross by general ledger controlling shown should balances Credit net. be not the show aggregate shown not or balances, These columns, the words, other should should credit and whether customers, BAUNCES. condition, debit the accounts, LEDGER PURCHASE AND VIL If for an unequal mterest capital HOW the invested, and alike,the smaller TO AUDIT interest in the business and is share share chargeable against the partner having the of capital can be for one-half of the actual interest amount difference in capital. PARTNERSHIP Partnership agreements should be examined division to verifythe basis of arrivingat the proper of profits. The capitalaccounts of partners should be analyzed for the full knowledge that the respectiveaccounts showonly the investment contributed as such, and not other items, such as from the outside, upon which the interest is borrowed money Such items should be deducted from capital paid by the firm. and shown as ""loans payable." accounts Operating charges should not be entered in partners^drawing accounts, AGREEMENTS. or It will be applied as that seen reduction a should of their capital accounts. partners desire to show inflated profitsfor any period,for the purpose of disposingof the business advantageously to themselves, they could, by charging costs of conducting the business to their capitalaccounts, make an excessive showing of the profitsof the business. ANTiaPATED Charges agamst customers, which are treated as accounts receivable can only be for goods delivered income. Charges should or services performed; in fact,earned PROFITS. be made not hand, unless for unexecuted contracts the unexecuted cost of the or orders contract shown as or order on is prospective liability. As already stated,inventories should always be presented at an inventory be taken at a a live inventory cost price. Should sellingprice,it would have the effect of anticipatingprofit. at its full present and shown INSURANCE. If such materials tobacco, sugaiv hemp, chemicals, etc. are used, where yearly policiesof insurance are is subject to merchandise in warehouse, which written on of all cancelled policiesshould consumption, an examination be made to verify the proper returns on cancellation. SURETY COMPANY first thing to do CASES. is to visit the services and obtain and or any When a copy the detective's report. are loss,the requiring our notified of a policy,with all riders attached, regard to the insured, the loss, in The we surety company of the further information as claimant 48 should then be visited HOW is TO be determined of course, genuine, cannot, AUDIT at a glance; but they have traveled through one or more is fairlyestablished banks the authenticity of the indorsement by the banks' action. This precaution is necessary as supposed if the checks show that checks been drawn have canceled and to hide abstraction of cash. For the same false additions not vouched All deductions be added that so conceal losses. not may should records cash reason for by returned not prove paid checks, must be examined. The drawing of disbursement. a or There been have bills. of cases propriety of a against dishonesty is to entries of disbursements, with Where such exist,careful research should not the check checked the originalinvoices and do does further A the checks compare check than more be conducted. check one of purchase evidences drawn to pay cers Petty offiinvoice,the later check being diverted. have often purchased personal articles through company the owners not charge accounts; and particularly where are have been known to operate automobiles, active, executives renovate homes, etc.,at the company's expense on the assimip- the same by direct checks would not be detected. The auditor must, therefore,decide after studying a bill, if the purchase is in the company's interest. Obviously, in a professionin which countless books have been written we cannot exhaustively all the ramifications attempt to cover tion that payment of the auditor from must guard against insurance It is only by the every exercise to suit of every the of loss,ranging the taking of on needs and by intelligence be assured safety can event, before reproduced program fashion every premiums. alertness that reasonable In all circumstances, for materials for cash, to the sale of unchecked returned under conducted audits work is to clients. undertaken, the 6 should page of the current be constant studied situation. printed and Upon lified amp- the completion of the work, the situation should be reviewed and omissions sought. In the preceding instructions, we have spoken dogmatically, is in accordance with that of the but the practiseas laid down It Federal Reserve Bank. must always, however, be borne in that auditors are the clients' employees. mind At the same time the auditors must be bound by the ethics of the profession, presumed 50 INSTRUCTIONS GENERAL for they public characters. Nevertheless, auditor cannot and even when an prosper if he affronts clients, of a third party'saffairs, sent to make examination suffer an can by over-insistence. told what have constitutes Though we an examination, examination be carried only as far as the client will permit. can A client's decision not his to permit correspondence with debtors to verify his accounts not receivable, may mean that the accoimts of questionable value. The client may are to are certain extent a of the effort to be imjustified;may believe the expense not his customers, want to risk misinterpretation by stirringup have for limiting the work. These good reasons limitations must be accepted gracefully,and without suspicion, if they originate with the proper authorities of the client's may other company. In the must be the extent This given to the will warning that, if they so examination the work, by stating and others,reading the satisfied with the extent not to carried been has heed carried. to bankers are report, however, of the character public a serve the to it has been to which statement, which attached comments struct they can urge or inthe client to permit further investigations. The following pages contain samples of the forms used in corresponding with an audit client'sdebtors or creditors or with his banks. REPORTS. Junior it is when prepare any he able; ordinarilyreadily obtain- are becomes senior a of report beyond sort of real value are accountants to himself or his accountant, criticism, that employers. a Such able man to comes be- auditors in demand. such Ordinary business documents, are given passing scrutiny and are files. Auditors' from subjected reports travel to minute scrutiny by from the with the affairs described clients' executives who than many are the letters, telegrams, etc., then generally lost in the hand to hand, and are as competent men. Aside usually better acquainted auditors, the reports are lectors, colanalysed by bankers, note-brokers and Internal Revenue in of whom equals accounting practise. are many your Reports must therefore,be not only arithmeticallycorrect, and informing but care to provide proper be taken must related titles of account, to group figures,and to check all 51 HOW references and accounts, Undesirable story. observed. TO One AUDIT that so exceptions report the to writer they will tell a consistent this policy repeatedly are recalls gave different ventory in- of condition figures,for the same date, in the statement of operations. The accountant's verbal explanaand statement tion that was the of condition statement total the was gregate of all inventories,while the operating statement a ag-^ carried part in the closingof the section entitled ""cost of goods sold,'' inventory at the end of the period was deducted, the balance having being deducted from various figuresbefore they were used, such as coal, to provide a "coal consumed" figure,etc. Though explainable,such a report is not accurate where titles and differingfiguresare so shown or logicalsave where the that the connection can be traced. Similarlysubjectto suspicionby an outside reader another was report giving depreciationdeducted on the operating statement of approximately $110,000 but speaking in the comments as depreciation taken as $112,000. The difference was found to be branch office fiuniture depreciated and charged into selling The charge is properly a sellingcost but the report expense. of error, explained by conflictingand ungiven the appearance was figures. The principalexhibits and the introductory letters have been their use in a by universal custom as to nmke so standardized fore The following should theregiven fashion almost mandatory. not be deviated from except for very good reasons. OF FORM CERTIFICATE. certificate should The be connected statement of with the accounts they will be used that cannot and condition in such a way only conjointly. This rule containing any applies also to any report or memorandiun reservations as to the auditor's responsibility, qualification any reference to facts materiallyaffecting as to the accounts, or any the financial positionof the concern. is to place conspicuously on each statement The of custom the sentence, "this statecondition and operating statement ment the examination" is subject to our comments (if upon to as ensure that comments many letter,are the appended) contained comment in well be ; or in one cover, and in statement is an ductory intro- subject to introductory letter." our Introductory letter, comments bound "This contained the 52 and absence statements of any are one then when INSTRUCTIONS GENERAL will the report is examined the reader's suspicion. The certificate when invariably appended to the The formal certificate, however foot of the introductory letter. when is added requested. only A complete introductory letter with a somewhat different is if certificate, a form be preferred, given below. arouse issued certificate should The with consistent a be is concise as of the facts; and statement correct and short as possible, if qualifications clearlyand concisely. If the audit has been complete and conforms to the general the statements of condition outline given hereinbefore, and and of operations are all minor correct and qualifications of condition, fully covered by the foot-notes on the statement are state are necessary the following form have We audited them is proper: the accounts of from for the period to of condition and statement and certifythat the attached statement in financial condition of the forth the of operations our opinion set and the results of its at company operations for the period under review. SHEET INTRODUCTORY FOR THE USUAL made an EXAMINATION COMMERCIAL Sirs: Dear In accordance of the books and with your accounts request, have we examination of for the period from (or for the year ended to ). results of this examination, together with our comments thereon, are presented in the following exhibits and their related The schedules: "1." EXHIBIT Schedule ''A.'' Securities Owned. Schedule "B.'' Accounts "2." Statement EXHIBIT We of Condition Statement certify that, subject as of Receivable. of Operations for the to our comments, the statement of of and related statement operations,presented herewith, and e:diibit8 of the accounts, correctly set forth the of and financial condition of the company as the operations for the period stated. condition are true Very truly yours, JOHN BLANK AND COMPANY. By C. P. A., M. 53 A. I. A. TO HOW AUDIT EXHIBIT "1" COMPANY STATEMENT OF CONDITION As of 19 ASSETS Current Assets and loTentoiies: Cash: Cash on hand and coin currency Cash in bank $ " Total cash Notes and Accounts Receirable: hand (not past due) Notes receivable of customers on discounted or sold "dth indorsements Notes receivable, or 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 guaranty receivable,customers, past due (cash value $ ) Accounts receivable,customers, past due (cash value $ ) Notes 0.00 0.00 .0.00 Less: Provisions for bad debts for discounts, Ph"visions $ allowances,etc 0.00 Total Notes and Accounts Inventories: Raw material on Goods in process Uncompleted Less payment Finished goods on 0.00 Receivable 0.00 hand .0.00 0.00 $ contracts on 0.00 freight, account thereof 0.00 0.00 0.00 hand 0.00 Total Inventories Other Current Assets: 0.00 (Describedfully.) 0.00 0.00 Total Current Assets and Inventories Securities Owned: Securities readily marketable and salable without impairingthe business Notes givenby the officers, stockholders,or employees 0.00 0.00 " .0.00 ...0.00 Treasury Stock 0.00 0.00 0.00 Plant Propertyand Equipment: Land used for plant Buildingsused for plant 00.0 0.00 Machinery 0.00 0.00 0.00 Tools and plantequipment Patterns and drawings 54 INSTRUCTIONS GENERAL Plant,Properlyand EquipflMiit (Coniimud) Office furniture and fixtures Other fixed assets, if any (describe fully) 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Less Less: .0.00 0.00 0.00 Reserves for depreciation 0.00 Total,Plant, Propertyand Equipment OperatingExpenses: expenses, Prepaid insurance,taxes, interest, etc. 0.00 0.00 Total PrepaidOperatingExpenses 0.00 Good-WiD Total Assets $ LIABILITIES AND 0.00 CAPITAL Liahilities: Current Liabilities: Liabilities Unsecured Bills, notes and accounts Unsecured bills and payable; for merchandise or raw notes: Acceptances made material purchased $ Notes given to banks for money borrowed Notes sold through brokers. for machinery,additions to plant, Notes raven etc Notes due to stockholders,officers, or employees. Accounts payablefor purdiase, (not yet oue) Accounts payablefor purchase,(pastdue) Accounts payable to stockholders,officers, or ployees em- 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $ 0.00 Secured Liabifities: Notes receivable,discounted or sold "dth indorsement guaranty (contra) discounted or assigned, Customers' accounts (contra) secured by liens on inventories Obligations eral secured by securitiesdepositedas collatObligations or .......... .. Accrued liabilities (interest, taxes, wages, etc.) Other Current Liabilities: 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 (Describedfully) .0.00 .0.00 0.00 Total Current Liabilities Mortgages: Mortgages on plant,(due date) Mortgage on other reidestate (due date) Chattel Mortgage on Machinery or Equipment, (due date) Bonded debt, (due date) 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 .0.00 0.00 . Other Faed Liabilities: (Described fully) Total Liabilities 0.00 55 HOW TO AUDIT Capital: Pk'cferredStock: (Par value $ Authorized shares Unissued shares per share) 0.00 0.00 $ Issued shares Stock: (Par value $ G"mmon Authorized shares Unissued shares .0.00 per share) 0.00 0.00 Issued shares. .0.00 Total CapitalStock. Surplus:(or lessdeficit) . . .0.00 . Total Capital (Ifan individual or partnership) .0.00 Capital deficit. Undistributed profits or Total . Total Liabilitiesand Capital This statement When so that form .0.00 $. issubject to our comments the examination. upon Plant, Property and Equipment has been divided for each asset exist,the preferred separate accounts the section for that of the statement PLANT, PROPERTY AND of condition is: " EQUIPMENT EXHIBIT OPERATIONS OF STATEMENT FOR THE SIX THE PERIOD (OR. FOR Gross THE . . TO FROM YEAR "2 ENDED. MONTHS . FOR (ENDED. ((""*" ENDED. . . ) .) Sales: Classify source of income) $ Total Gross Sales $...0.00 Deduct: All allowancesfor returns, freight, trade discount,etc Net Sales Cost of Goods ....0.00 $...0.00 Sold: Inventorybeginningof period Purchases duringperiod Productive labor ....0.00 0.00 0.00 56 TO HOW AUDIT ""9"" "3 EXHIBIT STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS PARTNERS' For the Tear Ended 31, 19 December accoant of A. B. Capital Balance at beginningof Period $0.00 withdniMrals: Deduct Pertonal income taxes $0.00 paid 0.00 Other personalwithdrawals Other 0.00 withdrawals personal $ Total withdrawals 0.00 0.00 Balance Add: Share of net profits 0.00 Balance at end of period (See Exhibit "1") $ 0.00 =" = ' Capitalaccount of C. D. Balance at beginningof Period $0.00 Deduct vrithdrawals: Personal income taxes paid Other personalwithdrawals ^Interest on withdrawals $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total withdrawals 0.00 Balance Add: Proceeds of sale of securities0"fned by partner. ^Interest on additional capital Share of profits . $ 0.00 0.00 0.00 $ Balance at end of period(See Exhibit "1") * Dependentupon lama 0.00 rfpartnership agreemenL 68 0.00 SECTION BANK BANK SAVINGS written it is best though of extent reports beyond which Much that of part he be after On the entering If of any written request, manager of the of the at once all No assist ofiicer in the accountant, was first bank, examined, been or assisted a printing variations owned, by an no should those employee a held or diately imme- the be oflScer have of or of the the bank, to the to open securities those a the boxes kept in examine cannot they are send Securities and be can is amined. ex- finished, have which sealed. the bank audit employees. 69 should unless tell in his statement by officers books pass should until of the be and take once collateral, as accountant sealed which of latter. statement accountant notif3ring him. should at books, and be allowed one examination should either by its books. which examination who is also are we commenced prepare vaults, the vaults, that securities, both not be shown as approved the the point later, add accountant entering should Until entity and should securities of the on the and without bank, vaults the bank outside in deposited truthfully day's business, preferably the a bank the he examination, securities, cash, check of the condition client, the to penetrate. should audit banks, depository when Therefore, an the banks. before or as if possible, the clearly states savings bank a formula possession of the of allowed examination. bank A GENERAL and and extremes, by public ending nation exami- examination audit an immediately in the to even predetermined examined not provide for other to has was bank any conmiercial the complete the to applies to the savings bank he must he what upon Like complete, so obligation to instruct are make audit the auditor's to paragraphs designed were details instructions, the The bank. savings a VIII. EXAMINATIONS EXAMINATIONS. following when of CHAPTER 3" so the be allowed desired extent by to the to which HOW The TO should AUDIT make complete verification of each item of the assets and liabilitiesas shown by the general ledger at the date of the audit and the period under examination. accountant and STOCKS. AND BONDS should accounts and accounts in examined and The and par be listed from should stocks a the value of all bonds subsidiary or individual in total with agree general ledger. the book The the controlling proper securities should be with the par value shown. It should be attached that all unmatured to coupon are coupons ascertained checked bonds. All entries in the general ledgerrepresentingbonds, stocks,or in value should be checked notes purchased, paid or reduced to the general ledger,from the cash book or journal also with in connection the bill of sale furnished by bankers with such transactions,which should be kept on file in the office of the bank. The should accountant exhibited bonds are also be satisfied that the of the property bank. only by insistingthat the numbers purchased shall be specifiedin the broker's bill of ascertained in the be entered of the accounts class of notes, when Each LOANS. individual the ""bearer'' This can of the be bonds sale and shall respective issues. aggregated, should agree general ledger. All partial controllingaccount in the loans payments of principalendorsed on the notes, and all new taken and old loans paid since the last audit, should be checked with its with the cash book In the that see of mortgage case the recorded, entries. mortgage and deeds loans the fileshould deeds not accounted for accountant should examine through are on in the hand, properly signed and files of the correspondence and be inspected,to report on or bank should otherwise. the insurance be The policies, expired, held is sufficient, has not ascertainingthat the amount and is payable to the bank in case of loss. If the accoimtant so of mortgage deeds and desires he may delegate the examination of the auditing committee, insurance policiesto the members and their certificate should be annexed to the accountant's report. Amounts advanced on construction loans should borrower receiptsgiven by checks given in payment by the banks. with the the 60 or with be verified the canceled BANK borrower Each with the form of be should collateral which the with ACCOUNTS. the Each in items bank holds. or pass book, the balance. With reconcile The transit. the with Replies should should at and return of the bank account amount be in the bank. depository bank certificate from should accountant for envelope a showing bank the the collateral found requested to balance the together with requested, and directly to the auditor's office, sent accountant be 67, to verify the date, rate and page carefullychecked BANK collateral security should on on and note EXAMINATIONS the canceled cashier of the be once to the checks, depository these in his possession,the bank account, and account each dates of deposit credited by the depository bank should be checked with the records of the bank It is not sufficient to accept a previous statement being examined. the date of a depository bank, as proof of the account on audit. of the REAL BANKING ESTATE" in the examined same and contracts ACCOUNT. EXPENSE then and book, as Vouchers charged to of be alteration,the examined. rental proper or The bank for the quarters cupied oc- for every expenditure, should entries in the cash book or petty expense canceled in order entered for foreclosed property. of construction should should be Vouchers the with be checked a This account suggested as expenditures charge itself with by it. should expense way is in process building If the PURPOSES. to in form some preclude the to the acsatisfactory countant of again being possibility vouchers. should be numbered this account or should filed consecutivelyand items represent only the ordinary conducting the business of the bank. since the last audit Changes in these accoimts should be investigated. Tax receiptsand insurance policieson OTHER ASSET S. mortgaged propertiesshould be examined be assured that the bank's interests should bond semi-annually value or to the auditor protected. The may auditor premiums on bonds, carried either in in a premium accoimt, are being reduced correspond with the declining investment ascertain that accounts the are so of the bonds. 61 HOW AUDIT been has the cash After CASR TO counted all checks found in should, under the direction of the accountant, be with the request that if any are returned deposited for collection, should unpaid the collecting bank notify the accountant. and other than checks, foxmd items in Receipts, memoranda the cash should be listed in detail,and the genuineness and the cash The cash "over-and-shorts" propriety of each established. the propriety of the should be investigated, to determine entries. should accounts be kept with IN POSSESSION. each piece arate Sep- of real estate by foreclosure or in posession,either in the general ledger should satisfyhimself auxiliarybook, and the accountant held or AND FORECLOSURE BY ESTATE REAL an that examine should is vested title thereto the not these only all tax notes, deeds, etc., and carried represent assets in the the on of foreclosed property bank. The accounts, but all the original receipts,which assessment or The books. be should accountant income checked and with the penses ex- cash receipted bills,and inquiry should be made as thereof. to which estates produce income, and the amount The and values assessed should be obtained incorporated in the and book the report. SECURITIES securities The in their book covered by the them, either it should OTHER same course commenced made has money on book. whether during been the any period received account of from principal, Securities of value not be entered and Trust thereon at a of record. Banks except that in the cash of checks and been INDEBTEDNESS. ascertain to should In National the OF interest,or, or books is followed clearing house if any matter as have to the cash the BANKS. greater number has dividend upon value value audit; and be checked appearing nominal as be examined should changes SETTLEMENT IN ACQUIRED which must following morning. checks that are Companies, the will be found be traced through a the After the examination to clear the next morning listed,they must remain in the custody of the auditor until is to prevent the That delivered, the following forenoon. substitution of a good check for a bad one, etc. The form of inquiry of the Clearing House Banks is shown on page 63. are 62 JOHN BLANK AND COMPANY Incorporated Auditors and Public Accountants New York 19.... Dear Sirs: We find and These are amounting Please to advise aggregating the drafts assets, checks or upon your $ to this letter under drafts accompany directed of the examination an their among institution you making are our seal,which break. the upon sum attached above blank mentioned are if the items charges proper against you. Very truly yours, BLANK JOHN " Inc. COMPANY, By Please furnish the information requested. " 19 John Blank " Cimpany, Inc., New Dear Sirs: Drafts or checks through clearinghouse by York. amounting with your to letter of the against presented $ are us. Very truly yours, 63 proper charges TO HOW Many be verified by mail. must to be followed The form outstanding for collection, and found will be notes AUDIT The to be used and forms the are: shown on page accompanies checks found in representativeof the auditor 63 also cash, to the Clearing House, a to prevent substitution. accompanying the messenger On page 67 is the form, already referred to, which the all makers of notes, to prove the correctness The form on course genuineness of the the is sent notes to and of collateral. in order to 68 is sent page verify open account deposits or certificates of deposit. When they Many banks now operate monthly statements. tion sent out on the last day of the month, and if the examinaare is made the same date, check all balances to the ledgers, on the top of page 19 and on ledgers^enclose the form shown mail the envelopes personally. sent elsewhere for When notes belonging to the banks are collection,their existence is verified through the forms which add on appear Accounts the use 69 and pages 70. banks between of the form shown Pending physical examination doors. on Seals seldom A banker have and broker collateral with has the be checked to his books. FINANCIAL Dear account wrapping. customers page on who 73 should CUSTOMARY THE EXAMINATION REPORT. Sirs: In accordance of with your request, we together with accompanying examined as of the tion the condiclose of ." results of this examination EXHIBIT have the business The on latter in turn, must The FOR LETTER INTRODUCTORY door with shown broker's statement. accompany lateral, col- the vault and the inner accounts blank reserves, packages Hence many The him. 72. well to the vault adhere steel surface. of the cold smooth the through be sealed in packages should 66, on page reconciled of notes, cash etc.,all of these evidences with the seal shown 71 and pages on and checked are in comments, Schedules: our "1." presented, attached hereto, the following exhibits and their are of Statement and business 64 condition accrued items exclusive as of deferred of the close of HOW Due to TO AUDIT individuab: DqxMits: Check 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 accounts Interest accounts Certified checb Certificatesoi deposit Cashier's checks Postal savingsfund Total due to individuab 0.00 0.00 0.00 Unpaid dividends Reserve for taxes Total capital and liabilities This staUmenl INCOME AND PROFIT is suhfeet to AND 0.00 our LOSS eommenb the examinalion upon ACCOUNT FOR THE PERIOD FROM. .TO. . (Seealternative and commercial form) Income: Interest received: when possible) jCClassify Total income Deductions: Interest paid: $ $ $ 0.00 when possible) (Classify 0.00 Total Interest PaW .0.00 ... Income for the periodbefore deductingexpenses Expenses and General Charges Classify 0.00 .0.00 ... Total Expensesand General Charges 0.00 Net Income for the Period Balance of Undivided Profits at the Beginningof Period Add: Adjustment items applicable to previous period beduct: Adjustment items applicable to previous period AdjustedBalance Beginningof Period 0.00 0.00 0.00 .0.00 . 0.00 . . ....0.00 .0.00 ... Dividends .0.00 .0.00 ... Un"fivided ProfiU (See Exhibit 'TO This statement is subjectto . . . ....0.00 our comments 66 upon the examination. JOHN BLANK AND COMPANY Incorporated Auditors and Public New Accountants York 19.. Sir: Dear We are amounting to an their find among and our making examination assets To and certifyto please acknowledge the upon j note $ examination you of the attached Your courtesy the . enable the condition existence [byyou , to us complete of the bank, will of the indebtedness blank? will be appreciated. Very truly yours, BLANK JOHN Memo: " Inc. COMPANY. By Following collateral is attached: 19. John Dear Blank 0)mpany, New York. Inc., Sirs: Your with " under statement reference to date of and note 67 collateral is correct. JOHN BUNK COMPANY AND Incorporated Public Accountants Auditors and New have We to make a been thorough York requested by of their books examination in behalf of their customers on To to as they hold for enable us to securities shown for that the per your the close of business account, enclosed ment; state- the securities and to the statement. complete the firm's condition, will and at you $. listed records themselves. and Their records show due also that and our please advise you correct, are examination using the if the attached certify amount blank purpose. Very trulyyours, JOHN BLANK " COMPANY. Inc. By No., 19.... John Blank " New The No 0)mpany, Inc., York. statement submitted with is correct. Very truly yours. 68 your letter bearing JOHN BLANK COMPANY AND Incorporated Auditors and Public Accountanb New To the Cashier, York of the, Treasurer, You earliest asked are convenience, the to forward* to undersigned, the at your information for in this circular. This information reconcilingthe bank respectfullyrequested at An account the date addressed is requested solelyfor bank of the within-named purpose with of your of the former. of examination and the stamped envelope is enclosed for your reply. Respectfully, BLANK JOHN " COMPANY, By Please give the information 69 requested: Inc. tf CbMtf As Answers die to foDowoig "gufrtiotis If. Hie we show raqiKSted: rcqpectfuUy I. Did under diseoimt bank haTe your named biOs receivable of the bank it %vas odier in any please furnish way liable? list.,giving a any bank for foHfcHon. on verifythis listand attest below the on any followingitems correctness under enminatioa forwarded to or over your ngnatur^ incorrectness of same. If to, and names amounts. I. 2. Did any for i^uch or bdonpng to the bank named, If any it other in any was held, give listand were or or appeared %vhidk iu olfidalcndoncment on any hold bills receivable bank your securities way liable how sUte they held. were '*""- bank, your then outstamfiag there 3. Were by to the bank named, other party for wfaidi the bank liable? If whether bills deposit, open each 4. Had loam accounts, bank, your of borrowers give names how the notes not the at sud were securitywas etc date, etfe^ed and secured held by In otherwise. or time, 3four sa state amounts, and any If of the bank named? for account ^iiy way payable,certificates of specifyamount, case to of loan" specify chAacter ao, upon or in any %vas whether or banL 4. S. Please state bank named was whoB wilhlbt last racsncilad. Cashier. ,19 ..Treasurer. 70 your the d*tes given. Hease aiipearedor for which iU ofidal endorsement i^uch or books of the bank the JOHN BLANK AND and Public Auditors New To COMPANY Accountants York the Cashier, of the Treasurer, You are respectfullyrequested earliest convenience, to the forward, to undersigned, the at your information asked for in this letter. * This information reconcilingthe bank at An account the date addressed is requested solelyfor of the within-named of examination and the purpose bank with of your of the former. stamped envelope is enclosed for your reply. Respectfully, JOHN BLANK " COMPANY, By Please give the information 71 requested: Inc. 72 CHAPTER POINTS THE TO the to auditor acquainted with make scrutinized he them, service whether which concern signs billboards on covered is by audit, all of these all of the that sure poster presents unless he is and contracts should be to carefully charges for advertising been bulletin, have or tracts con- easily overlook. might advertising to make BUSINESS peculiar conditions, which, comprehensive a The painted or certain billboard All UNUSUAL THE BUSINESS. place posters to IN WATCH BILLBOARD IX. charged the to customers. The A great number lots for make cost of operations. fences depreciation must construction entirely of wood, of 10% per The in the ammonia is as company, depends upon cbnstructed taken on the years, basis a board will important and over the employee in of record The proceeds gas developed are that so a fair sure to annually. 5% a and painted be company in the of process coke, toluol, holder making oil,oxide, tar. very an be auditing principal residuals and rapidly, so-called on money thoroughly depreciate not In some when boards sale of residuals appliances. otherwise be of ten spending depreciation would the Another gone are do condition, The gas. board a should end the at These COMPANIES. consider If board. included the by Depreciation depreciation for owned should replaced. for estimate the of the boards." kept GAS considered. auditor been have rent. in vacant space The or are be larger companies "metal are boards or annum, to be have charges is fence rent anniun. per all rent the examined be to advertising companies that part of the Where of stipulated amount a sure the of expense principal item his item these profit from may pocket, of appliances the sale easily enough and 74 is revenue never should of them make report the a the sale be tested of fully care- out; sale,deposit sale. If a UNUSUAL THE stock record is kept, auditor the incoming merchandise for In past years, BUSINESS should well scrutinize the entries outgoing. was companies to install customary of charge, but they now usually make an record of the installation should charges as as for gas it meters, etc., free charge. A be carefullyscrutinized to see that all expense attributable to the jobs has been entered in the charged. The amounts as job registershould coincide with the job orders. kinds of service; that of the orGas companies have two dinary which is read monthly and a bill for the gas meter rendered consumed accordingly, and the prepa3nnent meter. initial It is well collect the who ascertain should cash from than used than require more to districts will automatically check inclined way them very collectors in Most one to gas committees withhold the In other and of the up rule devote not was size,have any this way, if they are one in to proceeds, it will serve found, by the switching of increased nearly $17,000 consumed of gas a as then. greater. their auditing own directors. These mittees com- the necessary time to a complete and records submitted for to them this is true, it is Where thoroughly passed upon been the books credit were and was obtained. who yet the dollars from alteration an director some committee, several thousand voucher instance every one by good practise to examine it has been passed upon though even In directors. made This and was the concern, after the naturally necessitated the should be taken 75 to see by had the been of the by reason approval of tied up the transaction In several of these concerned. all data mining exa- able to abstract was which Special care check member a cashier originalrecord had been altered -passed by a director unnoticed. that to approval. their had the against of the vouchers examination and now companies of generally made do not one quickly. It was city,that the revenues the amount although that also enough prepa3nnent meters that the collectors collector, well to suggest, where be given different catch men district may contain naturally the receipts one district and another and meters prepa3anent of the be greater. It is often any records the to compare districts covered, for the meters more are auditor for the as far cases, and that such a as it of the fact the officer change debit and was found change items in was properly HOW chargeable Even a to construction share rata pro applicable to the considered been cost of of considered not are executive any new of many as an expense. salaries and expense construction which is allowable has the Public course, varies by This, of states. is usual good accounting practise. the COMPANIES. WATER AUDIT legitimate and as Service Conmiissions from TO Water companies be can classed as and power water kinds, natural water pressure pressure. Natural water companies are usually very small and serve The only limited communities. auditing of such companies is These simple, the principalitem of expense being wages. very be readily checked by a close examination of the payroll. can of both The principal other item is, that of maintenance reservoirs and mains. Such companies usually have a fiat per two rate for their water anniun service. Large companies now as a rule charge for the water actually used as registeredon a water meter. An item worthy of consideration is bad debts. The auditor, in examining a water company's accounts should scrutinize the If the water company their age. accounts closelyto determine is owned in arrears is sometimes by the municipality, an account deemed as a MUNICIPALITIES. A " form the paid should Taxes in arrears the property. mimicipality and ^taxes,rent, franchises Taxes as first lien upon has of sources enue rev- licenses. greatest part of the be checked several against the should also be examined and revenue, entry on the the taxes tax to ascertain the list. reason such delinquency, as in that the taxpayer was nected cona deliquency was a friendly one with the municipality's office m These some way. if be tion brought to the attenshould, they aggregate a large sum, it has for such of the been sometimes foimd that Council. Common Rents, franchises and licenses make up a considerable amoxmt rule,they consist of roads renting city-owned property or granting franchises for railto run through the principalstreets of the town, or the of dog licenses. issuance be obtained of the number While a complete check cannot of dogs in a village,the comparison of the receiptsof one year of indicate whether the all have another will receipts against of income in the course of a year. 76 As a THE been UNUSUAL Another deposited. BUSINESS of check is that of comparing dog licenses issued at the beginning and at the end of the period under review. It is very often found that the city ties up a considerable of its funds for improvements, the assesments for amount which not promptly met tion by the tax-payer. Special attenare should be brought to bear on this subject and the auditor the reason for the delinquency in meeting should ascertain these claims, which the property taxed. are a first lien upon numbers the means of the All vouchers for it has for disbursements found been for grafters. It that should be very this may be a closelyexamined, wonderful melon often happens that the people elected or ledge appointed to office are purely politiciansand have no knowof business whatsoever, that often,though they may not billswill be passed or 0. K.'d by them which are be in collusion, noted where electric light bulbs over-priced. One case was paid for by a city at the rate of 85c. costing 40c. apiece were so each. to see that the sinking scrutiny should be made fund provisions are fullycarried out. In the change of political from one regime to another, this matter of sinking management the case often overlooked, as was with one funds is very city which had issued a twenty year bond with a specifiedsinking foimd that nothing had been set aside fund provision. It was or put into such sinking fund, until one year before the bond When issued was to be redeemed. discovered, it had a very dampening effect upon the city'scredit and when it had occasion it had borrow to pay to a higher rate of more money, A careful interest. THEATRES. tickets audit The are of theatre a sold for cash, and in many is a cases, cash the audit, for of the wages paid in cash. of checking up the receiptsdepends upon The the manner class of patronage served, that is,whether the theatre shows continuous "10-20-30 performances," or whether it is a theatre which high class productions, the seats of the only shows theatre being numbered, and specialtickets being printed for the play each production and for the specificdates on which employees and actors are is shown. When as a the theatre rule,tickets are is run on printed up the so-called in rolls. 77 To "10-20-30" check up basis, receipts, TO HOW at the the numbers be taken to When the only turn with the and at the end all of the tickets have that see is of the other show receipts,and is easy enough to cash the as of the rolls should been used. general rule,they or unsold tickets,together seating capacity is always type, of unused number in the it known, beginning AUDIT "check as a the house." The cipal prinsalaries,followed in order by music, printing and advertising,employees' and stage crew's wages, moving picture rentals if moving pictures are shown, and other general upkeep items. is that of expense item up of actors' Where salaries important item. the actors in cash, with a specialproviso that a to the percentage is to be withheld, which in turn is remitted that a actors' booking agents, special notice must be taken and that an extra 5% is not added double entry is not made to the actors' salaries and deposited in the pockets of a on Booking are paid to fees are cashier. dishonest very This was found a written obtained the cashier where a to be in true theatre one receiptfor the full amount the actor actually obtained salarypaid to the actor, while The receipt was for the entered as a disbursement only 95%. which full 100% and the 5% supposedly withheld, was was other place than the companjr's bank deposited in some of the It meant account. examined in thousands COMPANIES. MINING COAL many coal mine a audit The are of dollars a year. principal records the payroll,sales and be to cash. in it the wages of all the paid payroll book has embodied of the laborers and employees company. be given to the classification of the Special attention must employee, for his wage depends entirelyupon this. All matters of compensation are covered by stipulated contract prices; a receives at miner present day prices,$1.06 a ton, while a pick The machine received miner out naturally impossible for turn a more machine entitled to, if he should mining A of coal miner a A ton. than a machine miner pick miner, to receive much and more accidentallybe compensated can it is not than at he is a pick rate. great many they supply companies as of 75c. the mines have their miner with all the own stores necessities through which of life. Such rule,give credit to the miner generally in sums $5 or $10 or multiples thereof,depending upon the amoimt credit the miner has for coal already mined by him* a 78 THE These deductions paid are UNUSUAL every after his withheld are from the weeks, two charges BUSINESS miner deducted. are houses built for them entries as the miner's The receiving a miners which wages, very amount net often live in by the operating companies, and pay a small rent, which is also deducted. They also use the company coal which is generally sold to them at about cost Tests should be made of different payrolls to see that the made and correct are to prove that there be can no collusion. An item is that of royalty, especiallyin connection with concerns operating leased properties. An operating will contract to pay a certain royalty,generally from company 2c to 15c a ton on every ton produced, and further stipulate that it will produce a minimum the quantity per annum royalty on which is payable monthly. When is newly opened or developed, the production a mine very important seldom comes up to the estimated tonnage, so that in a short in time, the operator has paid a considerable amount royaltiesfor which he has received little or nothing. Where this occurs, the royalty cost should be considered as a deferred charge to income, except where a royalty is paid for a piece of property which it should is held it is inoperative. Then only right that off be charged as an expense. anywhere from $15,000 to $75,000 to develop a mine coal can be abstracted. before any Operators, as a rule, to be conservative consider everything as an expense so that their records usually show a deficit. and where such cases This is wrong are found, the auditor clear should take the trouble to make enough analysis to a determine the cost of such development work and set it up as a This that such a capital item does not mean capital item. should be allowed to stand there indefinitely. When the mine begins to produce enough coal to offset the It costs cost of through operation, the amortization. but it tract seems to be of There and divide thereby getting the tonnage months, the tonnage mined will give the amount development are practicalto most mined cost as should methods many estimate Then, each month of amortizing, the tonnage the cost by estimated rate. be reduced in the in the tonnage, succeeding at the estimated rate of amortization. This is very often classified as depletion. It cannot properly of the fact that when be classified as depletion by reason the 79 HOW land containing the TO AUDIT bought for a stipulated amount, a value then exists before the slope or shaft has been put in; but in the case of leasingcompanies, the money is expended in the development, therefore a distinction is made as between depletion of development costs. and amortization The Government Depreciation is worthy of consideration. has arbitrarily allowed 10% which, as a whole probably seems mines to be the fair average, although in some a complete mine ment The Governequipment must be replaced every eight years. only allows 25% on mules, and in the majority of cases, will hardly last more than two years, although where a mule last ten years. electric equipment is used, a mule may The sales records should be very and carefully checked several tests should be made of the record as against the weight sheets returned by the railroad, for often, even though a ore is difference of 100 lbs. exists,it will dollars in the of run into many of hundreds if the practise continues. The accounts are generallypaid promptly and as most of the coal is sold through coal brokers or jobbers, shipments are seldom more than 45 days old. If claims more than 45 days old for the delay in pajonent should be ascertained. reasons appear, FIRE course INSURANCE. a year fire of a auditing the accounts insurance should be paid to the special attention company, of balances due from agents, for as a general rule,the amount premiimis due from such representatives aggregate a large amount, especiallywhen specificagreements are entered into In and the company the insurance premiums. between Vouchers the agents for all losses should that the loss is authentic and as be carefullyscrutinized to that the voucher been of a properly authorized. Furthermore, any settlement should be looked adjustment or for them reserve is set up the books. on of to the remittance see has for payment losses in process into to see that If the loss has been has been made the payment at the end of a closing the books period, the liabilityshould be expressed upon as settled and well as in the report. Insurance funds examined a good market companies, as a rule,generally invest in first class securities. to see asset that and no defunct also that 80 should issue is carried they value. These are not on be their plus sur- carefully the books carried above as their HOW parts and acessories AUDIT TO amounting to a lost money, because it was report all sales,and to pocket the a year SPINNING AND KNITTING quarter of million dollars a for the salesmen easy not to proceeds. MILLS. It is important to which is developed in watch the accounting for the waste It is possible for a fraudulently spinning and knitting mills. inclined concern its executives, to or use this as a of means waste personal profit. The developed has a certain value other because of the possibilityof its use with, or in, so many which buy every products. There are waste concerns pound of waste developed in the spinning or knittingmills,and by the of pickers, gametting machines, etc, are able to make use by-products, such as wadding for packing in cushions, etc. these sales, as the Therefore, the auditor should examine price is generally constant, because a contract is made to cover the supply of waste developed in the mill for a year or more. There should be very littlefluctuation in the price. LUMBER MANUFACTURERS. in a accounting of lumber similar that is somewhat measure A mining. The lumber to generally buys company a panies com- of coal tract of stipulatedamount, or leases the land to cut off the lumber on a rojraltybasis. When the land is bought outright, and is inventoried among the company's assets, the estimated number of board feet should be obtained, so that the asset can be of board feet with the number reduced annually in accordance lumber The auditor,in examining a cut. company's accounts, should the check up production report to verify it,and to see land for that the proper been has the store other or lumbering is that of labor, lath mills,logging and hauling, such as incidental should stores should camp lumbermen records is located be gone usually buy should be gone on over away credit to see 82 small. The over as to^see is very from As store, so that company scrutinized far very carefullyaudited. be stock is not being carried, which a are expenses registershould be very generally have a camps accounts and when land in of expense other expenses, planing payroll book a rule,lumber dead of the timber made. and the in the asset value reduction principal item The as a well. that The a lot of apt to be the any against their that they are town. wages. correct. ventories in- case The These THE HOSPITALS. UNX^SUAL As BUSINESS ho^itals most porting, the collection ci acooimts A complete history is takoi of each which is Altered is added discharge a upon the for the auditcH- to compare ascertain to whether dmation proper more is or an statistical record when in the office. patient leaves. this record each class with has accoont of stay and less self-sl^"important feature. patioit upon admission, are Date It would of be weD pati^its'aocomits heeai charged with of treatmait under which the Private, ward, part free and patient has been admitted. be common free patients may dasafications. Unpaid accounts appearing on the books whoi patients have be questioned. This is often tracebeen discharged should able to ne^ect on the part of the bookkeeper to present the bill at the proper time, which is an impcMiant point, as accounts of this kind are difficult to collect after the patient has left the institution. for at least Treatment bills being rendered the remain a is usually paid sufficient amount Should in advance, patient not a is refunded in for petty cash of refunds, the payment to meet week weekly thereafter. week, the difference entire It is well to set up one so this item cash. ments disburse- need not be the daily cash receipts. of recording cash receiptsis in a book A customary method consisting of small receipt forms, with perforations between, which rendered in duplicate,the originalbeing given to the are A patient and the duplicate remaining in the cash book. cashier issue dishonest bookkeeper or a patient'sreceipt may for another. for one book and amount an Unpaid entry paid from balances on accounts may be traceable to such an occurrence. patients, such telephone calls, Extraordinary charges as should for visitors and special nurses, be carefully etc., of dollars may be checked from the daily record, as hundreds lost for the institution if the bookkeeper fails to make proper to meals charges. disbursements Cash against the or does not taken invoices board know should be most representing them. carefully checked Too often the individual of managers who passes invoices for payment bills are legitimate or not, much whether being for granted. 83 Standard Paragraphs for Audit Reports INDEX TO CAPTIONS Series and Plant Equipment 100 Investments 200 Receivable Accounts 300 Receivable Notes 400 Inventories Cash Petty Prepaid Capital 500 in Bank 600 Cash 700 Operating Expenses Stock 800 900 Surplus 1000 Reserves 1100 Notes Payable Accounts Accrued J.200 Payable 1300 Liabilities 1400 General Complimentary 1500 Close 1600 SECTION HOW These TO standard of comments We reproduce not our to reproduced instance well may It is obviously will cover made in this auditor such is only copy of this them to On in the the by is that in each be or in a On which use any one each the out which been The ones. then needed write to It for. by by referring in comments is number; essential. seems who, stenographer The to her sends full and one in Buildings, auditor the the or the 87 it may be Assets," Machinery," Equipment." and a key should "depositories" use. caption sometimes must and Buildings to insert in the captions, "Fixed four auditor to write series, where 100 Machinery "depository" by typed as caption same "Land, 600, the report notes. of the necessary be turned they might as is the 89 for the Equipment," it is at times to is in has calls case paragraph that usual fit and as special auditor's diflferently as and words of these page the using paragraph the It this used attempt all of the set of comments sample from to "Land, Also a instance; this because necessary each letter. paragraphs The cover the as it is necessary stated "Plant to such writes auditor. stenographer Note the printer. 88 page beforehand information to book, that language The comment. specify the go sure of these, and wording to write use other any then comments to paragraphs in writing varied. conceivable to in of introductory model. a book, however, necessary writing be expected other as make to two clearly expressed. and the impossible every second, for up accountants single example solely drawn been for and standardize PARAGRAPHS have accurately a idea STANDARD time save report, a will be comment THE paragraphs first, to purposes; is USE IV. For word. write to show example, either the one of typist How Another mstance paragraph, BANK" 601" date t\i is t^ They are Where are in (voy he covered loi I o - \ n^J^tUjfljuu^ i 3o^-30U3o;a, "UidUor fillsin the by a IN 1, 1919." /cro- longhand, using needed not t^ such use fI ^e. /IcoKwXo ^Axyu^^cJ^ 7%is blank a example, ''CASH for /I/ ^^f ^-"MA)ci"uy G" write ^^t*. "IAaX(/*"i^ ^^^^^ To insertion. other depository-^an. ^jL^Ubn^ StdXo to or would auditor the Paragraphs in paragraphs like 601, where comes is left for the space Standard the Use to sends 3cy5 his report the standard words or in to the office. comments paragraphs figures and printed paragraphs. On adds the as far such as possible. comments as and opposite page 4 on 90, the page audit report, above. The auditor who clearness "Mnunents are shown after having been comparison uses standard shows as they would "translated" clearly how paragraphs. of the report is also improved. 88 The from much appear the work in the printed longhand is saved notes by quality of English and the the How to shown amount on with correspond debtors to be Paragraphs of condition. statement our your shown amounts the Standard Use due for the from We did not of verifjdng the By thorough tests of purpose them. books of original entry affecting accounts postings from of the accounts. receivable,we established the clerical accuracy completed substantiallyall of By the time our examination was the accounts review had at the close of the period under open been paid. "We noted, however, balances remained of instances returns or after payment that in several they represent by the debtors, small of the accounts. items in In the dispute, such majority as claims, cash discounts. "We suggest that duty of taking which do a items not of your member up staff be for adjustment reflect a and assigned write off the possibilityfor collection." 90 to the counts ac- Fixed Assets 100-107 be vsed under The 100 series of paragraphs of the any may following captions: Fixed Assets/' Plant and Equipment/* nery ''Land, Buildingsand Machinery/' ''Land,Buildings, Machiand Equipment. ** *' * ' These assets carried are for setting reserves and and On for reserves extended originalcost with at depreciation to provide for obsolescence. aplied the the books on the statement and wear condition of offtear have we depreciation against the respective costs the net book value the asset value. as reviewing all charges to these accounts during the period covered by our examination, together with all vouchers porting supsuch but capital expenentries,we found that none ditures Upon during the items properly By carefullyscrutinizingall charges to these accounts that period under review, it was determined included. chargeable to operations were this forth the caption cost the statement on values carried condition, we have set ledger for the respective set up amounts depreciation and carried the balance out charges to these accounts no of in the accounts, applied against them All 101 included. were Under 100 as during the period 103 for reserve the net book as 102 value. supported were items invoices of the vendors. No properly authorized properly chargeable to operationswere included in those charges. by There to charged to were for depreciation account, reserve opinion, adequately the period. We strongly recommend account be ot different be set up and analysed in separate practise would book value of any wear and that your the amounts classes of assets This the cover reserve and for reserve 105 accounts. time. be require that such information Tax Returns. correct preparation of Federal Revenue of the net 91 to reserve of Internal available for 106 Furthermore for the depreciation operations for the period, represent credited to for (such as buildings,machinery, etc.) rulings of the Commissioner following amounts accounts, and charged 104 our depreciation depreciation for permit the ready determination The in obsolescence reserved class of fixed asset at any regulations and which amounts tear credited and operating accounts your 107 Fixed 108-118 Assets the stated percentages of the cost of the respectivedepreciating ^*""*"- ASSET Amount Percentage of Cost. believe the amounts We for the obsolescence 108 The deeds period to be in order. found We have tear and (adequate" inadequate.) We made, Clerk's examined were also examined, and found factory, satis- of land and buildings separately on of condition. the statement Buildings depreciate in value The true book and tear but plant land does not. through wear value of the depreciating asset is more readily ascertained by and of for the accounts application of the reserve separation depreciation against the account that the land and buildings account During period under the amounted accounts review affected. be We separated additions on books. your fixed asset to your Amount {lAst vrithout consider^ amounts ation of reserve All of the recommend to: ASSET 110 and wear policiescovering the property. the value shown cover recording had been title insurance 109 are to Depreciation property, together with the County to your certification that proper and reserved so for Reserved covering these entries increases together with the voucheis for depreciation) carefullyscrutinized, were supporting them, and found to be capitalcharges. 111 The of for reserves $ yearly rates of increased depreciation were by the during the period. The following depreciation applied and representing the wear for tiie respective classes of tear and as These entries resulted believe cover 113 The scope net a that the amounts the wear of our of all entries and tear in your the set aside for the year Amount Rate for Reserved Depreciation (increase decrease) reserved and examination obsolescence Yearly in the net book period of .$ We in the amounts are assets: ASSET 112 and amount " value of your for the fixed assets. for depreciationadequately of obsolescence properties. your precluded analysis and capitalaccoimts 92 from the tion verificadate of Fixed Assets 114-117 their inception. We reflect the of cost believe,however, that the values carried the original properties and subsequent additions. An appraisal of under date of following favorable the net book with of as Replacement As the difference between 114 affords comparison of current values ASSETS value (Name) ,'. propertiesby (Date) your the replacement values (date) Net Value the appraised value and Book Value the net book 115 unearned increment, and good accoimting practiseprecludes its recognition as a profitof the business,the represents of condition statement We note books an with reflects the net book approval that of account the value (Name) comparison between The value is favorable to your have you placed in values carried not upon only. into your 116 properties by your appraisal dated an the appraised value and the net book Good accounting practise, however, precludes recognition of a profituntil a sale is made. in value indicated by an appraisal should be Any enhancement but should not be recognized chiefly for insurance purposes reflected in the books of the appraised company. of account. values with We show the net below book a comparison values as of (Date) ASSET Replacement Net Value To be vsedfor recommend We that Book Value specialinvestigationsonly. discontinue you the present practise of writing down the value of your depreciableassets by the amoimt of depreciation charged to operations. You using fixed are annual depreciation rates against the balances appearing in the accounts which results in a off each smaller cost being written that the originalcost of the assets while for be retained in the the yearly depreciation provision is credited depreciation. Under would asset year. proportion of the original best practise requires The this practise the be sufficient to amortize the reserve a for reserve ciation depre- originalcost of the completely at the expiration of its estimated 93 to accoimts life. 117 Fixed 118-119 118 We examined County made are 119 the Clerk's deed to property your certification that proper of your institution. We insurance title policy. protected by a in the name As requested, we and undertook liabilitiescarried that all assets owned on below phases of our the books also found and 94 that you to presented at upon, certify a true liabilitiesare of condition. of, and relevant conmients examination. been of the assets All valid ascertainable statement the recording had of account are found and verify the accuracy by the company ''going concern'' value. correctly included in our the extent to Assets We recite the various Investments We 200-202 investments credit Interest Your account. for in found and examined, but income dividends interest and accrued order, the securities carried received not account earned at reflected date proper of period. closing is carried as Note." all bonds or all stocks^changes If the securities were in the above paragraph accordin/gly. should be made The securities made asset. current a are 200 the during the in your We have not your books at cost. to bring the book value into agreement 201 carried 202 carried on adjustments market values, although, as indicated on Schedule would result from the sale of the a (profit ^loss) Law Tax securities. Federal Regulations do not recognize a profit or loss on securities until a bona fide sale is made. This is in agreement with good accounting practise. any with current " , We on examined, your amount from at your books. We of notes held employees on depository, the Liberty have applied against the by the bank account and Bonds par the amount of their subscriptions. 95 value the received 300 A listingof the balances proved the did not We By the time our the accounts examination them. of original entry the clerical completed substantiallyall of was in several remained period under review had cash or which a dispute, such of your member do not for up reflect investigated these good condition. in claims, as discounts. suggest that accounts by the debtors, small In the majority of the accounts. they represent items duty of taking these items We for the from established we noted, however, that after payment returns 304 books at the close of the open of instances We debtors your paid. balances 303 statement our to be due shown receivable, on accounts of the accounts. accuracy We correspond with of postings from By thorough t^ts affecting accounts 802 shown amount of verifying the amounts purpose been appearing in the individual of the accuracy of condition. 301 Receivable Accounts 800-808 Aside a staff be adjustment and write off the for collection. possibility exhaustively and from assigned to the found them listingthe detailed the total shown to be in and accounts the statement of condition, on proving against to all debtors with a printed prepared and mailed statements we pancies inquiry, so worded, that we would be advised of any discreoffice. The exceptions taken were few through our own in nxunber and consisted of only the customary questionings of claims, discounts trifling disputed. 305 Any 306 We concessions necessary covered by the proved the of condition and reserve accuracy other items believe, be will, we for bad debts frequently adequately established. of the amount by listingand of the type shown the statement on totaling the detailed accounts. A thorough test of postings from the books of originalentry was did not, however, correspond with the debtors to We made. verify the authenticity of the accounts. 307 Except for the items listed in Schedule all of recent origin. were 308 From the tenor the accounts of repliesto inquiriesdirected requesting verifications of the balances 96 shown to your on your debtors, books, Notes 400-405 400 We examined the notes represented by this account the total to be in agreement of condition statement the 401 period between our visit. The notes Receivable with the and shown amoxmt after considering the notes the date found of the statement on our paid during and examined were representing this account We are attaching a schedule of the to be in order. date the and of found notes part as of this report. 402 In support we of the amount attaching are ing between checked were notes 403 the date of hands The We and from Notes the date of matur* visit our balance The cash bank and statement our proper your condition, of the to be in order. represented by this notes have the date were of our prior to our obtained receipt. We that the balance checked of the notes were those in the hands of the latter we account statement verified the balance maturing between visit receivable. statement found for of statement in their were for collection. between 405 of notes our and checked were our receiptsor renewals. for cash acknowledgement 404 on maturing after the date of Notes visit schedule a examined were shown the date for cash and the of date of statement our and receipt or renewal. our and of your bank an found to be in for collection. the date The paid were representing this account. examined obtained and matured visit. Notes of order, excepting In verification appropriate certificate from bank. 98 our remainder the Inventories The 500-506 stated values inventories to the accepted As were we taken, we however, together represent by your representativesas carefullytestingprices,footings and of the extensions of the clerical accuracy work, we represented at the time the inventories were We had no opportunity to verify the count. did, test the prices applied to the major items listed, not with have and extensions of the the footings, and assured and accepted satisfied ourselves way ourselves inventories We as to the represented at the time your inventories were taken but accepted your tests of the extensions figures after exhaustive and footings. We also tested the prices applied against with market the major items and found them to compare values as 503 date of the inventories. of the On phjrsicalinventories (Date) material, goods in process togather with an inventory (Number) count 502 clerical accuracy. not were 501 inventories. prepared by your staff. verification was to test the prices,extensions extent of our We in that footings appearing on the inventory sheets. The 500 figures. of the clerical accuracy We condition of the close of the ourselves assure of statement our taken After period. in and finished and of the other of the aid articles. raw in the actual of (Number) assigned the more we representatives,to whom tasks, have been for years intimately associated those 504 taken, assigned were supplies. We representatives to tabulation stock of the difficult with the industry. Pricing each at Goods case. conservative extensions Our done was at cost or in process market, and whichever finished goods The mathematical figures. and footings was thoroughly cost representatives inventories were taken were and was were lower in accuracy of tested. the time present at assured themselves the physical of the accuracy extensions and footings by thorough tests. The also carefullytested. We, accordingly, believe that the were figuresstated correctlyreflect the value of the inventories as of of the count the date of our statement. 99 505 extended 506 Cash 600-608 Note" Indicate when the singular In Bank vsing the following paragraphs whether phiral form of 'bank* arid 'depository* * or * ' * is to be used. 600 After taking into reconciled cash your checked and We secured of from your (date) checks 602 We were statement, examined with the for dorsement en- proper of entry. books your as deduction after company's outstanding account. entry and endorsement. cash to proper of as of the canceled date of depositories, which, considering outstanding vouchers, we as All certificates of balance, from we certified to by depositories,certificates of balances scrutinized obtained outstanding checks, the balance were into the which, checks, reconciled all with account depository. All checks your 601 consideration found our after to be in agreement with the records. 603 Statements the balances which were on received hand after consideration to from your your depositoriescertifjringto credit as of of outstanding checks ledger accounts. 100 (date) agreed with , the Petty Cash 700-704 cash and The to be Our vouchers in agreement hand on with This the cash and the total to be in agreement counted was the with by amount shown amount sufficient to on your in cash fund The vouchers should or be cash on hand and and may be adopted. system An was with found other 703 period should be be required to have that vouchers on hand at by the actual amount all times. of disbursements require. that receiptsfrom cash 702 a cash sales passed through We suggest that such receipts should be petty cash. your and deposited daily credited through the regular cash book It 701 records. would he reimbursed occasion as 700 the ledger. requirements for cover charged to the cashier and amount visit proved our suggest that the "imprest cash" We our representative,and, after consideration receipts and disbursements, the balance agreed of unentered with of the records. representative counted foxmd at the time receipts. 101 were 704 Prepaid Operating Expenses 800-807 800 The in accrued this caption represent under accoxmts period the under review applicableto the operations 801 The paid of expenses, or We as The by We as a subsequent period. subsequent operations. the insurance policiesand found to be a the value carried proportion correct of the paid. carried for "interest amoxmt discount prorating the by on paid in advance" discounted notes over was obtained the period notes. the insurance examined "unexpired insurance" premiums 806 to "unexpired insurance'' covered 805 to examined premium 804 properly subsequent periods. Of the expenses paid or incurred during the period under review this caption, the proportion properly have set up, under we chargeable 803 are or caption represent the proportion incurred, in the period covered by our examination, chargeable 802 pdd expenses which this under shown amounts of but policiesand found to be a correct the value carried proportion of the paid. Upon examination the balance, as of the unexpired insurance shown on our statement policies, we found of condition, to be correct. 807 We found chargeable the to proportion of insurance subsequent periods the books. 102 to premiums properly be correctly set forth on Capital Stock 900-906 Your examined capital stock records were outstanding certificates indicated thereon shown amount We checked We our to the All reconciled 900 the with capital stock certificate stubs and found that of the capital stock issued and outstanding agreed 901 of condition. statement found of amount of condition. statement our the the the amount with on and that the required Federal certificate stubs and certificates turned Tax stamps were aflSxed 902 their 903 canceled. in for transfer attached were to respective stubs and properly canceled. The minute book scrutinized was orization for dividends We examined the salaries and minute issued. This found of dividends foxmd and on our therein statement proper of never been condition as is foxmd, however, that the amount stock." of account being carried in your books "treasury as The latter term is applied to stock, which, after being issued for legalconsideration,is returned to the treasury by purchase, "unissued donation has stock." or been never to an We As otherwise. issued "unissued we the amount of firmly recommend capital stock" 103 904 account. 905 oflScers' salaries. has capital stock, $ is reflected to provide auth- paid. and book authority for the payment Of the authorized and stock mentioned that it be ferred trans- 906 Surplus 1000-1008 1000 1001 Appended to our statement of the surplusaccount under review. The items as of operations is beginning and of the affecting the surplus account of that account appended reconciliation a end of the period detailed are to reconciliation our in the statement of statement of operations. 1002 We have stated in detail, at condition, the items period. 1003 the end of affectingthe surplus our account during of condition and statement By foot notes on our statement operations we have called your attention to the fact that for Federal Income surplus is subject to a deduction Excess Profits Taxes, for which As the amount of tax payable had no reserve had been the of the and created. definitelycomputed visit,we thought it inadvisable to convey of the business a possiblymisleading conception of the condition by charging surplus with an estimate of the tax. at the time of our 104 not been Reserves 1109- 1109 The reserve for taxes, other than last year's tax of the estimated rates. tax The Federal amount chargeable 106 to Taxes, is based reserved the upon is the proportion period under review. Notes Payable trade No 1200-1209 is included paper ting accommodation obtained extended from by your verified the accuracy them By corresponding with the payees listed of the verified the accuracy 1200 represen- cates depositories. Certifi- record we the notes in this amount, on of your your records. pajrable notes due amounts 1201 those creditors. all note-holders corresponded with We listed on records your 1202 exception, received their acknowledgments that of your notes held stated represented the amount and, without the amounts by them. A of the schedule notes, they appear as upon records, your 1203 accompanies this report. Our verification of the amount payable records The limited was to a as careful check for liability your notes 1204 of all entries in your affectingthat account. of outstanding notes amount entries affectingthe account canceled. of your stated We notes was verified by checking all examination and of notes 1205 paid and correspond with the recorded holders for the purpose of verifying outstanding obligations did not of that nature. record Your and checked therein on our of the found was and notes trade total of the payable was 1206 outstanding obligations listed to be in agreement statement. acceptances with the balance We did not attempt we listed your records. to appearing verify the items by correspondence. On Schedule they appear upon your have outstanding notes as According to the information appearing in your records, the the notes outstanding as of the date of our following were 1207 1208 statement: Date The Issued following notes In favor were of outstanding Date as due of the Amount date of our statement: Date Issued In favor of 107 Date due Amount 1209 Accounts 1800-1805 1300 did not undertake We to Payable verifyby correspondence the accuracy of the liabilitiescarried in your open accounts. We in the balances the individual accounts appearing the total to be appearing 1301 not attempt A balance individual accounts with to agree the were in balance the creditors. scope of examination our in the inventory 1303 found listed upon We statement. did our verification of the balances by correspondence controllingaccount The the their total found the with in appearing and and control account the of condition. statement our balances The examined 1302 on with in agreement scrutinized satisfied us that all items included properly reflected in this liability. were listingof all invoices entered in your (charge register " payable register) and register ^accounts unpaid at the close of the period agreed in total with the balance voucher " carried in the 1304 We examined for proper controllingaccount the invoices entry verify the checked distribution. and accuracy and appearing of the record We them did We did not correspond with verifying the amounts balance shown is that detail of which due to by correspondence with the them on stated for the open appearing upon your tested. thoroughly we 108 record undertake the creditors to into the not creditors,but are satisfied that the amount reflects your liability on open accounts. 1305 statement* our on correctly purpose accounts. of The lying records, the under- Accrued Liabilities items These were 1400*1401 set up in order that the operations of the period might be entries We were examined examined the and entries to reflect correctlyaccrued to the period imder foimd to all incurred properly included. accounts items of expense 109 1400 The to be correct. these review. charges to and foimd them properly chargeable 1401 General 1500-1506 1600 We entry, verified the the All disbursements accuracy of authenticity of The established The were and the of amounts for proper checked were and against further the pay rolls and footings by thorough appearing on the payrolls an internal checks. The tests. were, at verification. attempt of of the most payrolls is one The imsatisfactory tasks confronting a public accountant. the well executive devised must efficacyof a chieflyrely upon of in occasional connected employee, no way of to be present payrolls, or prepared and disbursed, together with a disbursement unclaimed We entries In the checked a checks in the course and well merit might wages, also made Canceled cash of thorough were book our and footed, the entries The wiien the payroll is close follow up books on of all disbursements. against their corresponding for proper all books then ment. endorse- of original entry being followed through the of your a with the preparation also examined examination of attention. your examination matched assignment general ledger for verification of correct entry. in turn of footed and the accuracy general ledger was accounts thereby established. to 1606 the examined the accuracy competent 1606 checked were examined scrutinized the of Verification system 1604 footed and record We accuracy and period for the however, accepted without 1608 in turn the carefully examined. were examined disbursement cash names results into disbursements the record endorsement. proper original of thoroughly tested footings. No attempt was made to verify the and amounts entered on the payrolls. names checks canceled entries in the for the in Payrolls for accuracy the ledger were period supporting entry endorsement. 1602 the for checks against the in the accounts books established. and Canceled checked footings and general ledger. The 1601 detail in the the examined thoroughly of accounts established The the by examining the entries in the books of originalentry, checking them into the general ledger to see that the appropriate accounts affected and by verifjdng the accuracy of footings in the were records. and subsidiary ledger accuracy 110 was General 1507-1514 made We a detailed examination the and traced The accm*acy We also made postings of the of all footings was each we of the to attempt a purchase invoices of original entry, in your care 1607 the general ledger. for examination verify the fileswere being taken entry of invoices cursory computations appearing mathematical The into of originalentry established. Beyond expenses. did not entries check thorough a purchases and invoice of the books 1508 of of the accuracy thereon. checlced into the books that the proper 1509 accounts affected. were supporting purchases Invoices review under examined were and and expenses checked for the into the period book 1510 of originalentry. The footings checked in the into the re-footed and books verified and were which in turn were which were footings in the books of original entries into the general ledger, the later re-footed and proved. of the practice of making entries in the journal without the review and approval of an executive we be used which that a form of journal voucher recommend of review executive before would and approval an require the In place of 1511 proved. verified the accuracy the entry and checked in originalentry respectiveledger accounts We accounts of the present 1512 1513 entry. do We from and not believe that you are accounting records in the way reports. Comparative statistics your and we busy executive easily be prepared by your would be pleased to outline to a getting the maximum have of are in mind of value monthly statements of inestimable several that value could accounting organization. We specificallyupon request. these Ill 1514 Complimentary 1600-1608 1600 We wish extended staff 1601 to to appreciation of the many representatives by your executives express our Close courtesies our and office during the examination. extended cheerful assistance and representatives were staff during the conduct of the hearty cooperation by your Our examination. 1602 We our found the accounts to appreciation for the be well kept and courtesies many representatives during the period devoted 1603 Our representativesagain found the examination at your it office. a We appreciation of the courtesies extended 112 wish to extended to our express to om examination. pleasant duty to conduct desire to them. to express our
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