How To ... Use a Miniflow with SLE4000 & SLE5000

How To ...
Use a Miniflow with SLE4000 & SLE5000
Neonatal Ventilator and an Intersurgical Circuit
SLE “How to’s...” are published as a guideline by SLE Ltd, and
should only be carried out by suitably trained and qualified staff.
It is strongly recommended all Operatives have read and
understood the User Manual before attempting these tasks.
This handout has been prepared to show the user how to use the Miniflow
with an Intersurgical circuit.
Miniflow is a single use product for nCPAP therapy/non invasive ventilation
therapy, in treating neonates and premature infants in intensive care units. In
such cases, Miniflow serves as the patient interface. It is used in combination
with a ventilator, which controls the nCPAP pressure and supports Miniflow
with the necessary gas flow.
Figure 1
Miniflow Sampler Kit
SLE can supply a Miniflow sampler
kit for ventilator users to evaluate the
Miniflow system.
The pack consists of:
10x Miniflow device with 45º and 60º
angled adaptor with head measuring
tape and includes:
Remove patient
connector from the
ventilator patient
circuit, keeping the
restrictor attached.
Figure 2
Part Number:
Take the nCPAP generator, the small connector with
proximal line port and proximal line.
Figure 3
Connect the expiratory limb directly to
the nCPAP Generator
1x Prong micros
2x Prong small
2x Prong medium
2x Prong large
2x Prong xlarge
1x Prong wide (Asia)
1x Neo Mask small
1x Neo Mask medium
1x Neo Mask large
1x Bonnet xsmall
1x Bonnet small
1x Bonnet medium
1x Bonnet large
1x Bonnet xlarge
1x Bonnet xxlarge
1x Bonnet for fixation
10x T-piece
Connect the inspiratory limb with yellow restrictor to the nCPAP Generator via
the proximal airway line connector
Figure 4
Final configuration with proximal line connected
CSD0105 05/12
SLE Limited., Twin Bridges Business Park, 232 Selsdon Road, South Croydon Surrey CR2 6PL UK
Telephone:+44 (0)20 8681 1414 • Fax: +44 (0)20 8649 8570 • [email protected] •