One 'word can tell the story of con tinued business activity in the com munity—Advertising. Take inventory of your printed , sup plies. If you need anythin?, The Times stands ready to give you service. A N D T H E S H O R E T IM E S V o l. lx v ii N o. 35 O C E A N G R O V E , N E W JERSEY, 73rd Anrtual Camp Meeting Starts Tonight With Communion F R I D A Y , A U G U S T 28, 1 94 2 F IV E C E N T S New ‘Voice With a Smile *Learns D r . O . F . B l a c k w e l d e r , D r . J . F . N e w t o n How to Do Her Part in War Efrort D e l i v e r S tir r in g S u n d a y S e r m o n s GUEST OF LOCAL MASONS Dr. E. Stanley Jones and Dr. J. W . The Transfiguration and "H ow To Get Hamilton W ill Be Daily Preachers; 3 P- M . Service A ls o Daily; Young People’s W h at W e W a n t” A r e Discussed By Washington, D. C. and Philadelphia Two famous, preachers, Dr. J. LOCAL RATION BOARD W. Hamilton, of the Pasadena MEANS BUSINESS! ' , Methodist church, St. Petersburg, • Fla.; and Dr. E. Stanley Jones, author and missionary to India, Nelson Carhart, jr., 16 •will share the Auditorium pulpit Fisher. ayenue, Neptune, was. during the next ten days .of the arrested Thursday, when he . 73d annual Camp Meeting, which failed to appear as ordered will start this evening with the before Neptune Township Holy Communion service. Dr. Rationing Board No. 5 where George W- Henson, president of the he. had received two SI gas Ocean Grove association, will pre books by alleged misrepresen side at this evening’s service and tation. Mr. CJarhart, ■jr., V during the daily:preaching services pleaded that he thought one SI book would -not be suffi of the-historic ten-day event. ' Dr. Hamilton will preach both cient, although his A book morning and evening tomorrow.. and 32 pages of his original Thereafter sermons will; be deliv SI book were intact. Harry ered by both camp preachers. G. Faby, chairman of. the Services will start at 10:30 in the board, , reported, that Mr. ... morning and 7:30 in the evening Carhart, jr., was reprimand daily. Special features have been ed, one of the SI books taken arranged to make this modern from him, . and was warned One of nearly 2,000 young women who.have made their contribution counterpart of the old-fashioned against ^repeating the offense. to the success of the war effort by becoming telephone) operators In New Jersey during the last year, Muriel Winch of'Newjark Is photo camp meeting of interest to all. graphed at a telephone company training switchboard tnere with her There will be daily services also in Instructor by a Ntwark Sunday Cell photographer. Greatly (jnlarged oper the afternoon. At 2:00 p. m. daily ating force stems rising tide of wartime traffic mounting tp such heights that company has appealed to telephone users not to makp unnecessary there will be a service for minis Grand Master of cajls, make ail calls brief so war calls can be handled. ters only in the Tabernacle and im a at 3:00 p. m. in the Young People’s Temple for everybody. Ushers Hold 42nd 'Friday evening, September 4, Dr. Robert S. Barrett will has been set'aside as Young Peo be Guest of Asbury Park T o A p p e a r S ju n d a y ple’s Night. The younger; girls Lodge, F. and A. M. Tuesday Annual Banquet and boys will serve as ushers and • Evening, September 1 Miss Dorothy;Ajsberg, of PaEntertained by the Ocean Grove it is expected to have the center at North End Hotel ■sale, visiting at? the "Manchesblock solid with youth. Special Dr. Robert South Barrett, grand Association . .' ter; to sing ait 4:00 p. m. meet choral singing by the young people master of Masons of Virginia, who Wednesday Night ing Sunday is being arranged for that night. has been a summer resident of Attendance at the 42nd annual Wednesday will be known as Ocean Grove for many years, will, banquet of the Auditorium Ushers’ Known to residents of North, Preachers’ Day with Dr. Harold be the guest of Asbury Park association Wednesday night at the Jersey as the “Gospel Whistler”, • Paul Sloan presiding. of Masons, of which H. H. North End hotel was slightly less Miss Dorothy Alsberg, of Passaic, ^ D r. Hamilton is no stranger lo Lodge Winsor, vice president of the As than in former years. The number is. spending a week here, and will ^j^ d & an Grove, as he has preached bury and Ocean Grove bank attending gneBts of the Ocean appear Sunday afternoon, 4:00 p. here for the past two years, -but is thePark worshipful master, on the Grove_,Camp Meeting association m„ at the North. Sind wUh George never before at Camp Meeting.; evening of, September was 168, which included^ their C.- Miller Who ia'^-dharge ,of the 1. .-•.-Jhflllflands .who gp.frons this,.local-. . service. Misg'iAlsbjetB -Ms whistled jjpoalc UMaa .wijtas ,and friends. "ity to St.• — • ,burg in Petersburg the wintor Part in the War.” ; He'is a An event looked forward to as over WIIBI radio station; ’Newark, have attended his crowded church onry’s degree Mason and was the climax -of the social season, Sunday evenings when w s^rookin Pasudena, a suburb of that thirtyjthird $h' e seventy-fifth Master of Alex- the banquet was'held in a some dale Methodist church, of BloJhncity. andria-Washington Lodge, of Alex what subdued spirit due to the war field, presents the “Gospel' testi Dr. Jones, of whom the late Dr. andria, Ya., of which General and the absence of many familiar mony Hour,” She' also broadcasts Charles Boswell, former president George, Washington, was the first faces. The, filet mignon provided by with Rev. Elmo E. Bateman, Sun of the Association, once said, “Hn master. ' . . • ; Hotel Manager Richard B. Fredey, day afternoons on the “Old-fash is a wonderful missionary and Dr. Barrett is also national however, was as juicy and tender ioned Gospel Hour”. M *83 Alsberg ■helpful teacher and writer of president of the Florence Critten- as ever and the entertainment pro has sung:at churches in New York, books,” first appeared in Ocean ton Mission, organization which vided by Rev; Stanley Wagg, of Newark, Passaic, Bloomfield and Grove in 1918, when he shared has sixty-fiveanhomes in the United Milltown, •a former usher and a other northern New Jersey towns. preaching duties with Dr. Paul States . for unmarried magician of excellent parts, kept Appearing with her Sunday will Rader, of Chicago. Returning Four of these are locatedmothers! in New his audience thoroughly mystified. be Mr. I. V. Kipp, tenor opera star again to Ocean Grove in 1933, The mission also looks' President William E. Thomson of Newark, and. formerly with the Dr. Jones shared preaching as Jersey. after the travelers and work at the spoke briefly, thanking the ushers Essex Opera Co. Mr. Kipp will signments while at the Camp Union Station'. and has a home for unselfish'service through sing at the Young People's meet with Bishop Arthur J. Moore, and here where the mission workers out their the season urging full at ing in the morning, and at the again thrilled Ocean Grove audi spend their vacations and where tendance at the and Communion service afternoon service and will be ac ences with his forceful and girls and' children without homes tonight at the opening of Camp. companied by Miss Alsberg at the straightforward sermons. Most are given shelter. • Dinner music was provided by .• 1 noted of all .that he gave during 'Major William Moseley Brown, the Cotterill sisters.. The Ushers piano. Miss Alsberg will return Satur that year’s camp was the one in national president of the sojourn glee club led by Ray Manley, sang day, September 5 and will whistle which he presented the answers ers, an organization of ;Masons in several selections. The members of at the North End meeting on Sun religion holds for the ills of tho the armed service. of the ••govern the club are Milton A. Condit, John day, September 6. • day. ment, and Isaac Cherry, grand sec P. Herr, Sylvester H, Williams, -V As during previous camps the retary of the Grand Lodge of New George Jesse Kester, closing day, Labor Day, will see Jersey, are expected to attend next Samuel C.P. Miller, McCollom, Arthur C. the annual “March Around Jerusa Tuesday’s meeting. Abbott, Samuel P. Yeo, George E. N e w T a b l e t P u r c h a s e d lem,” in which all the Auditorium Burrows, Harold Rainear, Janies B y S t . P a u l ’s W . S . C . S . -V ushers, members of the choirs and Sherrard, Jr., Dr. George T. MostTO HEAR ALL CANDIDATES 'young people’s groups and audi on, Joseph S. Simkins, Archie N. Successful, bazaar reported at ence join in a march through all Griffith, Otto G. Stoll, Jr., Charles recent meeting; food Bale to the buildings in which services Republican.County Committee Will B. Lindsay, Taylor. Meet in Long .Branch ’• ' Dr. Otto Roger have been held. ' C. Nelsbn of Summit, morrow morning H. Russell Woolley, chairman of N. J., a member of the Ocean The August meting, of the Wo the Monmouth County Republican Grove association, delivered the in man’s Society of Christian Service, FIFTY YEARS MARRIED committee, has invited the mem vocation and Dr. Charles C. Cole, recently in St. Paul’s church, bers'of the county committee to of Yonkers, N. Y., another new held Mr. and Mrs. Roff, of Bradley meet Monday, August 81, at 8:00 member of the Ocean Grove associ was well attended by riiembers and Beach, Spent Honeymoon Here p1. . m., at the Proctor building, ation pronounced-the benediction. friends, Mrs. Charles Poole, pro gram chairman, presented, with Mr. and Mrs. Edmund L. Roff, North Fifth avenue, Long Branch. V-------aid of Mrs. Homer Kresge and of Bradley Beach, who celebrated This will be the only meeting of Bancroft Bazaar Nets $1,400 the Beutell, an information their fiftieth wedding anniversary the Republican county committee Coming only a few days after Mrs. Jacob (Continue! on Page G) on August 18, spent their honey before the primary election. They the successful bazaar held by the moon inaOceari Grove at the old will meet jointly with the women’s, Methodist' Home for the Aged, Perry house, comer Pilgrim Path-, clubs and the affiliated clubs of tho ladies of the Bancroft-Taylor Rest HOTELS MUST REGISTER .... way and Heck avenue, They were county. TODAY OR MONDAY have turned in an equally married by the late Rev. Dr. All the Republican primary can Home gratifying report on their bazaar Charles S. Woodruff, who lived re didates are expected to be present held Aug. 20 and 21 at the' Home on Yesterday was the last day tired horo up to the time of his and address the meeUng: For U. Cookman avenue. Miss E. M. Com for registration by hotel and S. Senator, Joseph A. Bower, Al / .death. rooming; . house proprietors general chairman of the ba with ’, y For forty yours Mr. Roff con- bert W.. Hawkes, and Gill Robb fort, tho, Office of Price Ad zaar, reports $1,400 raised. There ministration. ducted a paint nnd hardware store Wilson; for Congressman, James wcro owing different tablcB, with, the to the fact thiitHowever, a t ' 369 Broad streot, Newark. C. Auchincloss; .for Surrogate, E. “pantry14 shelf" so iririny hotel, leading' in returns. Mrs. Roff is interested in tho Donald Sterner; for Assemblyman, Tho Gurney Ayres doll exhibit, at- owners wore not informed, a noodle work guild of Brndloy J. Stanloy Herbort and Merrill H. trncted many visitors, The support two-day extension . luis been Bcacli and Is a momber of tho Thompson; for FVeoholiior, Dorman of tho ladles'of tho cooperating granted..Those who' havo fail McFaddin and Edgar Oi Murphy’ churches is doeply apprcclntod by ed to.. register thoir houses Ocean Grovo Round Tablp, do so hetween 10 A., tho Homo, doclnred tho chulnrimi may C A M P M E E T IN G N U M B E R S O C E A N P R O V E A U D IT O R IU M M. and 4 1’. M. and Monday, In making hor report. Tlmso wishing to send extra Tlio preaohor Sunday August 30th Aug. ill, nt the sauio hours at nt lOiflO A. M« w ill bo Dr. J. M. copIcs af (ho Times 'covering tlio tlio Asbury Park high buIiooI, ‘Hamilton, St, Petersburg, Florida. Camp Mooting, August 28, Hop. H H K Y H Il’B IC R C R E A M . IlroyorThis applies lo Ocean Cirovu A t TiflO P. Mil Dr, 13, Stanloy Jones (ember 4 and tl, should leave their poktl also Dixie. Clips and Novel; jiropriotora ulsii and- they aro Famous Missionary and Author 'order* at the Times ofllce, 04 Mali* lies. Openshuw’d flo Muln"avenuo. avenue,— 35*30* v ~Adv. will pronoli,—!iB I'vijuli'od to rvglstor nt the saniu pluiio, the Anbury i’nili Taut/i flollclous (mtiiHvlclieu of all . American Harbor Slioit, 02 Main D iv Norman J.nytori, Chiropractor, high Hcltool, J 1kinds and ll/iht lunch at Nniilo’n nvp„ Imlr «ul« 00c, cltildrcn 40«. 1)7 Abbott Ave,, Ocean tii'uvo, Tel, fJodH Founlnln, 43 Main A vex-adv -Adv. Asbuvy Park Jw iO .-M .ilH Pastors In The Great Auditorium A n e w v o ic e w a s h e a r d s p e a k in g f r o m th e h isto r ic p la t f o r m o f th e A u d it o r iu m S u n d a y m o r n in g — D r . O . P . B la c k w e ld e r , p a s t o r o f th e L u t h e r a n c h u rc h o f th e R e f o r m a tio n , W a s h in g t o n , D . C. A n a u d ie n c e o f m o re t h a n 5,000 liste n e d w it h r a p t a tte n tio n , m o s t o f w h o m h a d n o t been here th e p r e v io u s w e e k a s a s h o w in g o f h a n d s r e v e a le d . President George W. Henson’s often in your minds—how to get introduction of the speaker caused what we want. The question is the »latter to .express' his deep ap preciation of the confidence which what do we .want ?” He described four basic human desires: the privilege of preaching here be as(1)the We want recognition frorii our tokened. He considered this spot fellow human beings. We want holy ground. our life to count for something. Dr. Blackwelder told of the takes a strong soul, indeed, to do Dr. Robert South Barrett transforming power of Christ as' Itgreat work • without recognition., Grand Master of Masons of Vir based. on .the1 story of the Trans-, (2) We want an affectionate re ginia, summer resident here, who figuration described in the first will speak at Asbury Park eight verses of the 17th chapter of sponse from our fellow human Lodge September 1. Matthew. Some things he said beings. We want love and to be with striking conviction. The loved. (3) We want some degree church is not a house of correction, of security. Without a reasonable . Instructions Given can be broken on the he said. It is more like a hospital. security-we wheel of life. There must be more The forgiveness ofv’Christ is the security O n Gifts To Troops everybody or be less healing power of God. It is not security for ior anybody. * (4) We God “letting me off,” but God heal-, want variety: Ail Christmas Parcels Must experience, to be Mailed Between October ing me. What kind of a world avoid boredom.of The would it be, he asked, if it could tion of the human mind inregimenta 1 and November 1 to Insure the Nazi: heal niy Skin and couldn’t heal my state is frightful to contemplate. Delivery by Christmas. soul. The forgiveness of Christ is The speaker described life as. Christmas mail for members of the transformation of the power of up of gratifications and frus our armed forces serving outside healing from the body to the soul. made trations, and excess of either the continental United Statesi ,From a scholarly exposition of the throws out of balance, Frus should be mailed during the period transfiguration^rhe -made practical tration life makes us firm, struggleapplication. “The only religion to beginning October 1 and ending brings strength. If all our prayers fear is the religion of hearsay,” he November 1, “the earlier the bet were answered a 3 we asked them, ; said. “The religion of experience ter;” according :to instructions by would be surprised to deathThird Assistant, Postmaster . Gen is never to be feared.” He toid the we had his “thorn in the flesh.” eral Ramsey S. Black and received story of the skeptic friend of Lord Paul Prayer did not remove it, but hefrom Postmistress Wiilie Austin, Alfred Tennyson walking with the was given power to overcome itlatter in the poet’s • garden.' The He didn’t of the Ocean Grove postoffice^ dose himself with self skeptic said: “I've known you for. Each parcel mailed out should Pity. years arid I've never been able to be marked “Christmas parcel,” and Dr. Newton brought a laugh see the things you do; yet I can when efforts will be. made to deliver the see-you.-^What he said, “If we could get a does J esus of Nazapackage in time for Christmas. aiYMWTHfm" <iureuiv«srT*re»e<raidChristmas parcels :should .■not ex- reth mean to you?” The poet live with someone else happily ever ced the weight of 1 1 pounds, answered: “What the sun’s rays after.” He described three ways are to this rose bud giving it color length of 18 inches, and 42 inches of getting what we want: (1) By and life is what Jesus is to my in length and girth combined. being a “go-getter,” in a material .life.” The religion of experience The , public is . urged . by the' War way. But he was sure that not and Navy departments , to cooper was. speaking, not hearsay. enduring satisfac expressed his loath one ofofthelifegreat ate by voluntarily restricting the ingTheof speaker could be gotten with Fascism and his belief in tions size of Christmas parcels to that democracy. Democracy, he said, that spirit. The secop-l way of of an ordinary shoebox. w,hat want is not to Owing to the great distance this rests on intelligence and charac-: ter. Who makes it possible for’ the orlental and not mail must be transported and the democracy to work? The man very impressive.The third way he handling and any storage it must who puts into society more than | P.referred ^bovcjillothers, “by disundergo, it is absolutely necessary he takes out. The who takes .clP!‘ned cffort' bV mak‘^ yourself that all articles be packed'in sub out of society moreman than he puts ;re^ y l,0 ref ‘ve “ • stantial boxe3 or containers and in is the greatest enemy of democ-! He “ t>y snymg that what be covered with wrappers of suffi , ,wc want is God; only God is percient strength. The contents of racy ‘ Another illustration the speaker | rmanently interesting. Only God packages should be tightly packed. used n n csolace, n ln n n sustain c u c l m n nand n purify the effectively. He recalled the con Perishable matter should not be soul. He then gave his one of the greatest musi human included in any parcels. IntoxiT life ofthat his text in two parts: “I ever lived, Johann Se listeners cants inflammable materials, and cians gave them their desires and sent bastian Bach. All his compositions poisons, are unmailable. ; into their souls,” and “I the dedication, “only to the leanness Parcels addressed to overseas bore shall be satisfied when I awake ,in glory of God by, the help of Jesus.” Army personnelshould show, in The benedcition was pronounced Thy likeness.” addition to name and address of James Pemberton, of Bal Dr. L. M. Zimmerman, .retired,, sender, the name,' rank; Army ser by Asbury Park, gave pastor, of the Baltimore church the ial number, branch of service, or where opening prayer, and Rev. Sam Dr. Blackwelder had served ganization, A.P.O. number of the before going to the nation’s capi uel W. Justice, of Washington, D. addressee and the post office C., pronounced the benediction. through which the parcels are to be tal.Dr. Newton Evening Preacher Flowers at the altar were in lov routed. ' • memory of George L. Good Fort Newton, well- ing Parcels for members of the U," Dr. Joseph rich, from his widow and James author and pastor of Church K. S. Marine Corps should show the known David Slayback from St. Luke’s ; of the Epiphany, the Smith; rank or rating, full name and U. of family; Mrs. Samuel P. Yeo Philadelphia, delivered the ; even S. M. C.| U. S. Marine Corps Unit ing sermon. He read the scripture and Mr. and Mrs. •David A. Little, No. . ..., care of Postmaster, New lesson the fourth chapter of Paul's from Mrs. Charles -H. Wood; York, N. Yi, or San Francisco, letter Van Wulven, from his wife; to the Philippians. He said Pierre California. Mrs. C. P. Morton, from her Parcels for naval personnel he wanted to talk “about a matter daughter, Mrs. John D. Herr; Dr. should show, in addition to the Frederick F. Westwood, given by name and address of sender, the Surprise for Frank Tephford his wife and Dr. Frederick F. name, rank, or rating of the ad A surprise party was held at the Westwood, from the guests of the dressee and th e ' naval unit to 18 Abbott avenue, in honor Arlington Hotel. which, he is. assigned, or name of Helen, Pledges to Jubilee Fund of the birthday of Frank Tephford ship, and the post office through Friday evening, ’A ugust 21. On An opportunity was given at which the parcels are to be routed. on arriving horiie he Was greeted, by both the morning and evening V-------the guests with a marhmoth cake services to those who were not Neptune Auxiliary to meet Sept. 1 decorated with candles, and numer present on August 16th to mako The Neptune Auxiliary to the ous gifts and remembrance cards. pledge to the Diamond Jubilc? Fitkin Hospital will resume it’s Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Fund. Tho ushers passed out regular schedule of monthly meet Nelson ' Brandncr and daughter cards and many additional pledges ings noxt Tueadny, September 1, Beverly,, Mr, and Mrs. Harry-Lun and cash gifts were received. y Ti at the-Unexcelled Firehousc, Cor- ger; and 'daughter Jean, Mr. and lies Ave., Neptune,'nt.2:30 P; M. MrB.: John Paperstlnn and son Rev. Leach to Speak Sunday Robert, Mrs. Peter Marashlian, nt the beach meet--, D R IV E R S W A N T E D ' Mr. arid Mrs. W ,:Maute and chll- ingThoat speaker 55 or Over • ' dron tho foot of Occan Pathway Billy and Phylls, Mrs., Henry. ■ Preferably Noptuno Township or evening at 0:00 o'clock,Ocean, Grovo residents, to- drlvo Vospn iind children Henry, jr., ami Sunday bo Rov. Edson R. Lcach, D.D.,misHonger pars. Apply 9 South Gloria and nloco Dolores li'Agon- will Muln stric t,'Noptuno, nfter 4:00 tlno, Mrs. Christian. Mali to, Mrs, formor pastor of First church, A s P, M.—!I5* bury Park. Tho Ladles Choral Iskvndorliin, Mrs. Walter Ilartt group, under tho direction of Wal C A R I« )I,L II. F R A N C IS , M. I), arid Wiiltor, Jr., Mrs. P, McMuhon ter D. Hddowes, will sing. Blecckand Mrs. Joiiopli Worlunun. U. B. Navy ( R e P er. Stirling 1« thu leader, «r ifiaik km TWnwr Omiih fjMiut, Ilmmo Cull# 13. Optometrlii-Uptlelan . Dr. Joiopb lU Ino Don't Ncjilvct Your Cookman A. P. Tel. V. Office by App’l. #18 Kytt Ocoon drove Pharmncy, 40. ... Avo, Hmulwlclicn 8 104 U DrugK, Hoord, r-ry , ■ .: ':■' .'-I.', w m w m rm m m i PA G E TWO , « r. F R I D A Y , A U G U S T 28, .1342: LAND-BASED AVIATION NEEDED TO WIN THE WAR, SAYS DE SEVERSKY W hen Uncle Sam’s Nephews Qet ‘That Certain Party’ on the Line tm m igTMe ©f-C?ft T T O W are we going to win the war? —. ; • While there Is no question in our minds that we are going to win there is tremendous difference of opinion among the military C ut Down Use o f T elcphor and naval leaders of how it is to be won. Probably no authority in recent months has created such a furor as to Males Roc:n for V /r' has Major Alexander P. ;de Seversky in his best-seller, “Victory Traffic ,1 Com pany Urges • Through Air Power.” ' •> - ■ •- i' iv? ’... In tho September issue of Cosmopolitan Magazine, Major de Sovcrsky ‘-A1ill bnft!v '.tlitf/ iipnkcloi;'Ay;irviyci'i^ again presents his views and charges flatly: that “Land-Basod ties vanil.ti'\ ii>li<>;. ntr ••.' Will Win the Wnr." ■v. 4 "Aviation ;1 \ - . wit Ji their. Iris tipt; y bt ’lefcii: reach c; Pointing out that Congress has just approved the building of new aircraft carriers, Major'de Seversky says, 'The aircraft carrier happens the lnH‘v l*it>s/c.f -rha;:::pfc;>lvcft‘c::s;r.;•' to. be the most vulnerable'; vessel afloat, ft is Roomed as soon as it ventures tem arc* jammed' wWi Iniuk ai» within the striking radius of land-based aviation.”' local .•facilities arc operating*.at O; Continuing, the famous-aviator says, ,“In;this war bitter experience close ,to capai ity.; the vCcw Jer?rn has taught us the importance of. dispersing airplartes and:facilities. We Bell Tclnphon'j Company report no longer huddle planes and repair.shops and supplies in one spot forThe usual nic.’"..* .iov rc’.lev!::^ cs»:: the convcnience;of Instead, we.scatter.them over’a gestlon, ■.iV.ii!io!y n>*'nnvion o f . :!n* large area. But the carrier defies this principle of dispersement.-On the telephone syMem wiiere bottieneekv contrary, it packs a maximum of aircraft and other, equipment in a minimum of space. As a result, ix 13 the answer £0 a bombaraier’a dream threaten, is rip of a concentrated-target. copper atnl -ot^rr cs?et tini, mate "If any doubt of ■the-futility'.of carriers in ' offensive operations, rials arc nectlLltlvibitmuUiiions, nu«i remained, it should have been wiped out by tho events of Coral Sea and the only way for the system lo ahMidway. Those engagements were- played up us “sea battles” in the ;sorb iarjfs rtf ii r-.troflic-. ia;ihe, inmil hf official communiques, but they were nothing of the sort. The nav<il forces ahead is for titc ’r:n:ral pUhlic !•> nover even came into contact. Those were sea battles only in the sense malte room for it. tlie company say,**.. that aviation fought over the sea and tnat navies provided tho targets. “Practically all the aircraft carriers mixed up in the operations . T his Is th e for a nation were sunk or crippled. We lost-the Lexington and the Japs lost at least wide wartime, aprnnl «>y all the tel:1 four, perhaps five, of their carriers. The tragic helplessness of this sort phone com panies to .th e ir custom ers, of vessel—exposed to assault horizontally, above and below—was exhib to. cut dn\vu unnecessary calls, tv> ited as if in a laboratory experiment. m ake all..caUs lj;ie f,'an d to try tc They aren’t at all bashful, In new air-conditioned servlce-for-soldlers "The fact is that the epoch of' naval offensives is ended. War has center, which.has 14 booths like these, most of the time in use. placo long distance, calls during the telephone center opened recently In the Service Club at Fort Monmouth, new into a struggle for mastery of the Bkies. Air power has taken special service centers have been established at other military resolved less b itc y hours of e a r ly m orning, New Jersey, when photoflrapher took this picture. Two operators and a Similar the lead. Surface forces arc either reduced to auxiliaries or entirely im establishments I State. ; i cashier to make change are on hand during the busy calling hours at the lunch and dinner tim e; and after 0 mobilized until the issue of who controls tho air is decided. Until wo take this fact to heart, we shall blunder from disaster to disaster. We o ’clock a t aight. must recognize that there has been a revolution in war-making due to Over 100,000,000 Long Calls • the advent of the air-weapon. None of our traditional strategy applies, M o s t o t A m e r i c a ’s V o ic e T r i p s T a k e n : Bell System estimates lndicati because it was a two-dimensional strategy, whereas air power has that long lines messages the conn yanked warfare into the third dimension. “We can nnd we will win this war—provided we face tho fact that O n M u lti-L a n e U n d e r g r o u n d H ig h w a y s try over this year will exceed 100, this is primarily an aerial war and proceed to develop the strategy and .000,000,.: some 15,000,000 more than tho aircraft to win it. In the final analysis, that means long-range, hard last year and nearly doublo the num. : Telephone' users; in America talk liam Howard Taft, with national hitting aviation based oh land, lt means air power capable of carrying an - ber in 1939. More 1,000.00offensive acioss water directly to tho source of the enemy’s power—to attention focused in consequence on; to each other about 85,000,000 times .circuit miles.were added to the loiu his home land. a .day over m6re ‘ than . 95,000,000 Washington, but on • that, day oc distance network .last year, befotih "By reversing the process, by using powerful land-based aviation, miles'.of wire comprising the voice curred thiB Ayorst sleet storm in gen all telephone construction excep we can conceivably turn back recent Pacific history, and retrieve tho .highway system ot the; nation-wide erations, :one which carried down for essential war purposes was hall lost territories, island by island. That, we may judgo'from the kind of ' telephone network; and •more than all wires into the Capital ano Isolat preparations now under way, is what United Nations strategy proposes od as a war measure. Nearly everv half tlie time their voices 'travel ed it from the rest of the country. to do. , toll center was enlarged. But tin. The very next mornini Theodbre’ underground. Of the: total mileage, "The logic of these elementary truths must be hammered home until margin for growth in . use of tin Ni Vail; Jersey man and head of the over -BS.OOft,000: miles " are • under our nation realizes that our war effort must be revised, with aviation as • system provided by thest gniat ad • its decisive clement. Only then will we begin to channel the main part ground . cables,' ;prqtected by; their Bell Telephone System, directed its ditions has already disappeared, am* of our national wealth and skills, labor power and mater', to the lead.sheatlies from ordiriary hazard. chief ' engineer:, “Put those wires trafllc jams are daily occurrences creation of an irresistible force of land-based air power. Having so large a proportion of undergrounds I; kno\v ■ that • tUevpres-.1 on many of the .nost important "The waste involved in a construction program on irrelevant types telephone llnc3 safe in tho ground eut.state.of the art of telephony .routes, particularly to Washington of weapons would not be serious if we could afford it. But we can't. Wo did not just happen. Anyone wish does .not. make such wire-laying pos are reaching the point of industrial saturation when we no longer can and other centers of war activity. ing to turn back the pages of his sible.: But experiment . .:. experi indulge in the extravagance of building anything and everything that, ,The seve' principil long, distance ment!” :The . Bell System's under-. tory to March *i, 1909, will discover comes to mind. We must concentrate on the weapons essential for direct , . centers in New Jersey have handler offensive. That means, in tho first place, long-range, land-based that day to have been not jnly In ground cable program started .that approximately 15 per cent, morv j aviation.” ,■ auguration Day for President Wil day has never ceased. calls tills, year tLau-during the same ( “tT TH E N the stress of modern period last year, on top of a 20 pc1 ’ W living gets “on your nerves” in . the afternoon of. said day, a t the lion a t tlie suit of New Jersey; Mort-. cent. Increase in volume the year a good sedative can do a lot to Go.ui-t. ..TIoiiKO ;-'iu tlie .Borough . ’of page and Title Company and to bo before. Calls to Washington from lessen nervous tension,.to make Freehold, County of ^tonmouth, New sob! by to satisfy a decree pf said, JOHN T. LAWLRV, Sheriff. New Jersey haye tripled in two you more comfortable, to permit .lerfey, OFFICIAL UNITBD STATES . TREASU RY of said, court am ounting to approx D ated, Aug. 13, 1942 years; to the,Pacific Coast and mid restful sleep. 1 imately ? 1,340.00. Corbin & Corliln, Sol’rs. AU the following tract or parcel of (53 lines) ♦ 34-37 . $22.20 Next time a day’s work and western and southern points, haviN E W JERSEY and premises hereinafter particuworry or a. night’s wakefulncsss, and more than -doubleu.' arly tlescribed, situate, lying and bcNew Jersey local exchanges arc-, makes you Irritable, Restless or ing Ih tlie. Township or Neptune in-the V n I 3r A It V K X K C T I O N .of M oiim outh and ,;Stato of ANJ> .BK(i 1STRATION S O L D I E R ’S M E D A L reaching a point' where many of Jumpy—gives you Nervous Head Ne.w. Jersey • :m-' ' ache or Nervous Indigestion, try County NOTICE ' The Act of Congress approved them Will soon be h't.ndllug al| the Known ahd deslgnatbd as LotvNo.- 7 in /Block ‘ i>" as shown on iMap en-- V NOTICE IS I1EBKBY GIVEN, T hat July 2, 1926, authorized a medal trafllc they'.can bear, and already titled .'Subdivision.or Blot 2, Section:j;FO R AU GU ST the "D istrict Boards of -Heglstry and in numerous localities lines are no Neptune Township, Monmouth Countv. Klection: will -meet oh Tuesday; : Sep* to be kno\vn as the Soldier’s longer available to connect more (Liquid or Effervescent Tablets) New Jersey", made by N iart Uogeis tem ber-l, vjD42 foiv the ptirpose of inuk- Modhl, and 'provided that the ami more• particularly "described, as•. iiig &'■ liousb1. to* house canvass, to telephones to the exchanges •from Dr. Miles Nervine is a time- ■ W A S H I N G T O N , D . C., A u g . 10.— H e n r y M o rg e n th a u , J r., ; lollows: all ; persons - entitled ; to yote mcdai may be presented^ to per particular sections or streets in th«' tested sedative that has been noKinnliiR' nt n point In' the Wosi- jaegister t the ensuing l?i‘imary-' and General" son’s , who, while serving in any S e c re ta r y of-the T re a su ry , tod a y an n ou n ce d the A u g u s t W a r bringing relief from Functional O'lv line or lloUlu I'.oml Txvo Miiiiilieil Election'' central ofTlcq districts, due to’ short ■ ■ ■ ' s and Slxly-two hunilroi- NOTICE IB FU R TH ER GIVEN, capacity with the ’ Army of the B o n d Q u o ta s for the 3,070 counties in the n ation t o ta llin g Nervous Disturbances for^ sixty .V'Veiily-nlno age of wires. Approximately 100. (-TyCf;). Southerly from Its In. will sit in the United States shall hereafter dis $815,000,000. yet. is as up-to-date as* this jterw ' 000 more telephones are 111 service years etloit with the uoutlierly line of T hat the -said Boards designated, - be- tinguish themselves by heroism morning’s newspaper. Liquid 25* T h e A u g u s t quota fo r the S ta te of N e w J e r s e y i s $30,250,l!oa(l, thence l urmli.t: (l) .-,loi>cr place.4;^vhere-ln-aftor twee n the hours of ; 7 A. and , 8■ P.; In the State than two years ago,: and $1.00, Effervescent tablets 35* jl»"ver sn It! Hue of Itohln lloail Suuth i‘l l 1 T u esd n y , S e pt e m b er l 5,. 1042 not involving'actual con.lict with 000. . , •leKrccs,•■•■a.I Iiilnutes Wenl CO feet Mfor.'othe;: and 75*. Read directions and use the purpose . of conducting : a . I*ri- on enemy. thence (2) .North' cs tlegree.i 7 mil :mai;yf Election I n a r r iv in g a t the county, q u o ta s for A u g u s t the T r e a s u r y . for the nomination of only as directed. " l's ' lu0 fPM. theneo (i) North candidates for U nited1States Senator, On a bronze octagon an eagle D e p a rtm e n t took into co n sid e ra tio n m a jo r fa c to r s a ffe ctin g .i'J inlmite*- K ast r.o reet, .a 1ni»mber of tho:H ouse•of"Represen tat , !D!!lT - (■*> - S o iitU US ( le y r e e s 7 ,,f ln - lives, , tw o\ m embers of, the General is displayed standing on a fasces, u.le.s h a st »»0 feet, thence (4) South f»> Assembly,- a Surrogate,, tw o members: between two groups of stars of in c o m e s w h ich in tu rn c au se sig n ific a n t v a r ia tio n s in s a le s LEGAL NOTICE B o d in e T u n e r a l B o rn e d u r in g the tw e lv e -m on th period. dtpreoN. , minutes Bast 100 feet to tlio r»f live Board of Chosen Freeholders,', j»olnt nr place of Be«:lnniafr. c ii a V . i/saa. one' member .of •the Township Com- six and seven above the group of H e re a fte r a c tu a l B o n d sa le s in the v a r io u s sta te s w ill be Established .1900 ■ "*Jth a Mirvev made inlttee, one.: Justice of ■ tile . Peace c o m p a r e d w ith q u o ta s on a c u m u la tiv e b a sis; T h e a m o u n t SM Kltli-F’S SAU*:.—By virtue nf a '‘-'J /- K , Fowler, Civil ISnulucW \s - and tho ejection of; one male arid one, six a spray of leaves. On tho 1007 Bangs A tc.v ABbary Park Mersey,' Marches 1 1941; female vvrit of >H; fa,-to me. directed, Is.siied ^ r>S . niem ber of . i the Monmouth reverse a; shield paly of 1.3 pieces b y w h ic h sa le s f a ll sh o rt of or exceed q u o ta s in a n y m o n th Joseph B. Ely, Tel. 4G25 '•'/ out’ o£ the Court ot .Chaneory of tho County Republican Executive Commit- •on the-chief,, the letters- ‘‘U. vS.” Oar Bervlws . ftTttUable to , all te- Statew ill be a d d e d to or su b tra c te d fr o m q u o ta s fo r fu tu re m o n th s. of-.N’tnv.Mersey, will be .'exposed; tee- from .each' district and .'one m ale -at public •vendue, on •• and one female member, of ::the! Mon gnrdless of f 1nanclal clrcnmstancesv tosiile. by, sprays of laurel . Q u o ta s b y cou n ties are: ’ . Mondayi the the MMth th day day ■ of: September, Septeniberi j C, s p P u County, page°20:i/ mouth County Democratic: Executive supported Monday, ■ of. and oak, around the upper -edge lfM24; between the lionrs■ .of12 o' c lock Rulblors i ,\r of Avon Jlomc -Committee, from^Veacli district; - v? ; A tla n tic , $484,200. ■ - * 1IC| et als., taken in execu- places -——----- 1—-------—^----— ■ ; Said .between1 Boards;will also sit at:,the sanie' insoription;-VSoldier’a Medal"the. hours of of1. p.regisV M. the . and 5 o’clock (at 2 o'clock, W ar Time) B e r g e n , $2,519,800; B u rlin g to n , $252,200. and across; the face the *wdriis and 0 P. M. for the,purpose C a m d e n , $1,813,100; C a p e ‘M a y , $141,500; C u m b e rla n d , try oir; Tuesday, October 13,1912 and “For Valor/’: jii the base a panel finally onthe.'J’uesday,' November 3,1942 . : * for the nanie ; of • the recipient. $348,800. between hours of . 7 A. H.; and 8 E s s e x , $8,527;000. P. vM. for Election the purpose ofUnited conducting The medal; is suspended by a rec a.General for a States G lo u c e ste r, $314,800. metal loop with Senator, a member the House H u d so n , $4,613,500; H un terdon , $162,100. Representatives twoAofmembers of two theof tangular-shaped corners rcundcd from a silk.moire General Assembly, Surrogate, M e r c e r , $1,678,400; M id d le s e x , $1,212,500; M o n m o u th , members 0f; tlie Board of Chosen Free- ribbon. A® BOND QUOTAS Dr. Miles Nervine POINTS TO WATCH IN YOUR HOME itolders,one member the TounishIp Committee ,anii; one ofJustice the Peace; ■ ;•>: ’ofof Reg. Em bury Avenues. ■ ■ Places of nieetinff. oif Boards Seventh District, store a t -1815 Corii.strj' . and-Election .:rr: : V ‘ ^ • v;, lies Avenue; .?U‘ Mrst C: 0DrHtriCt,‘ 'v'iVashiiigtbii ' Fire Monroe KiKhth D istrict, L iberty Fire House, Hoiise, 1itraI Avenue :and Olin■ Streot Avenue. Second •: District, Board of Trade N inth District; Hamilton Fire House. •Office,' 14igrim Patlnvay. ; Tenth District,' store a t '.48 Main . ThirdandDistrict, Eagle Fire House, Avonue.: \.v : : ; -IV.-. Ma-iiv Wlilt'fleldstore ■ Avenues. .v - JOHN W. KNOX, . Fourtii District, at S E. corner :■ - Township '.Clerk. arid Insklp Avenues House 34-35 ; . — V— — - ; . j ^1; |ifth-District,:Unexcelled^Fire Corlies;Avenue. ^ at Atkins ; vand ;VvSixth ,pistript,;;.storo: IN ’42 IT’S UP TO YOU Q • : Death, last April at his ihpme In Mlllburn, N. J„ of Colonel H. H. Shreevo. retlrod Boll System-oxocutlvei' turned' the thoughts of many back to- tho days ot early .experi.ments In overseas radip;,telephony. W hen AcUL-Iridigestion, Gas tol , It-was In June,,lS15, while.Franca Stomach or Heartburn make you .waB flghUng cldsporiitely tor'lta ex-, feel uncomfortable or embarrass istencc, that Colonol 3hroovo and you, try Alka-Seltzer, which con- au associate, A. M. Curtis, 1 arrived talns alkalizing buffers' and do In Paris to find out w)i«4hor- equip helps counteract th e ; associated ment. they brought with them could: .1 ocolvo .tho JSItfol Tower Excess Stomach Acidity, B u t-th e relief of these minor from Arlington, Va.,. wlioro follow stomach upsets Is only a sm all Bcloiitlats. broadcast to thorn. .. Months ’passed without . results. part of what you can expect Tlio antonna of tlio Tower, heart ot Alka-Seltzer to do for you. Y o u French mllllury cominuulcatlonB, w ill find it effective for P ain B e was avallablo .to them ttt first hours, . lief In Headache, Neuralgia, Colds then only ton mlnutOB o day. Hut, and Muscular Aches, ond. P a in * finally, on Octobpj- .23,- 1010,; tliolr I t contains'an analgesic, (sodium vlell; was trlumplmnt. Thoy hoard acotyl salicylate), mado more a ay MARrosj .If you have open fireplaces be sure that they are dampered, and that O pen fireplaces can be b ig heat wasters. Insulale side w alls to prevent heat loss w hich takes place b y the transfer of heat from inner w alls to outer walls. ( 3) Don't try to heat all outdoors. Slorm w indows are not expensive, and w ill create a dead air space between inner and outer window's, thus acting a s an insulator, W oather stripping w ill also do wonders in culling down drafls and heat leakage. ( 4^ S|orm doors prevent an outward rush of w arm air w hen Ihe inner doors are opened, and Q due create a dead air spaco which acts a s an insulator. Roof insulation is one of tho most important poinls-to consider. air, continually rising, finds its w ay to tho .attic a n d roof. W arm Proper insulation prompt end effective in its painrelieving notion by nlkallno buffor salts,. ■ provenls this typo of wasto. Consult your dealer or contractor, and gel an ostimate on tho cost of this work, which can bo iinancod through an F. H, A . M odem . .; izalion loan at your bank, If you wish. If you heat with g a s wrilo our house hoallng dopartmenl, A sbu ry Parkr N. and wo w ill bo . g la d lo glvo you an estimate of Ihe monoy you save in hoallng costs. J„ JERSEY CENTRAL POWER & LIGHT CO. 9vntr**trr*m Ocean in World War D e a t h o f-C o l. H . E . Shreieve R e c a lls A r lin g t o a -E iff e i T o w e r E x p e r im e n t • Cooperate with Unclc S a m in sa v in g heating f u e t t h i s 'v v i n i l e r . ' and at the sam e time save dollars for yourseli in heating coats, b y preparing for winter now. Regardless of what typo -of heat you use— insulation, storm sash, weather stripping, and minor adjust ments in your heating philosophy can save you fuel and real money. damper is closed when not in use. $783,400; M o r r is , $764,500. . , '• O c e a n , $138,800. P a s s a ic , $2,583,100. S a le m , $187,200; S o m e rse t, $3o0.10Q; S u sse x , $117,000. • U n io n , $2,902;700. W a r r e n , $217,200. U.S.TrttituryDltarlmtnr 1 I W h e n T h o O ld e s t R e s id e n t W a s A Y o u n s * t e r W e S u p p lie d O c e a n G r o v o ! TAYLOR DAIRY CO. tk » ; 5. (.'alley Williams, l*royrlo(or« M IL K , C R E A M A N D D U T T E R M IL K i'rom Monmoulli County J'unn# I . U'i l/Dweurv Avoiiiip, Or«nn flr»v« 5 Phono 1070 exorclso mnlto you {col tired and dressed out, cnioy tho refreshIn s effcot of n Rlnus of eparkllnff, tangy Allta-B^Uzor. : A i Dri'S Etorcs In vf o f arvs (lore sorts fouiili distinctly, and' the' tlmo and mo«> bfko wero soo'ii vorlflod, at ‘ 0V37 o'clock tliOBQ words from AHUlg. Blireevol How la tbi weather this moriiliiBV” flpfiooU' liuil miaitiioil tlio lironil Atlniillti. coini|i«alal trillin' ittliinil.o radii) telephone Korvlcs was not t» lie iiiuuuiimioil .until, nftoiruitlier vxliniiDtlvn nxporlment and <luyeli)i)u)«»t lit 1027, ' ' » toil! "Hello, nltlioiifili » R T p , ypir! ^ " , w II •■‘l - - - « ii; Vi!lid1*)'- !> V ’ v J \ t '}< \ ! '‘V J— ] tr< -1 r > ^ FRIDAY, AUGUST 28,1942 ' y V:P ^G ; S 'B O R T S ^ ra£ T/M£S m < r V p ] f -.1.••?•.*»;<•*;*i ii■ i ansri wiiitntiistnnaitiiwuf wtiuitmiMnaiiuniiaiisiai j on your favorite recording- manu facturers listf blit don’t look for it "’V.-.S among the -popular'numbers, for although Levant can swing a mean hip also, hd doesn’t dwell too much in thai line. . • _ r_ - ■ §•; ; V . A HAND? DIRECTOR! FOB OUR READERS, i. Clarence Kohlmann, famous Oce I -• •• • •" : . •• :■■ ;i:; an Grove organist; added a bit of 7 iiiu:rtiukiii>ii[ii;!aii|itfii>itiiiiiif:;iiiiiiiiiiM iiiBiiiiiiiteiiiii|iiiiiiiiBiii|tiHiHiiiaiiiiiii!iiiaiii!iitiiiiaiiaif'niriiiiiiiai^ local color to his afternoon pro B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y gram this 1week, as he had as his. guest soloist, Mrs; Elsa Brennecke, equally well known Ocean Grove A . J. O B R E C H T Tel. 4163-j Estimates Given soprano. This addition to Mr. KohlD. W. CLAYTON mann’s usual organ program was N EW SPAPERS , F irst. Class Work Only, welcomed and should be done more Painter ,' ■’’ -Decorator S3 Main Avenne. TeL 52HS often. Paper Hanger Ocean Grove’s Original Currier -V-------. 12!Zt Heck ,Ave., Ocean iSreT* •‘H A N K Y O U A G A IN w ..On The Record.. SOLOMON ISLANDS Few White Men ; THe ‘ Solomon Islands, scene' of With the exception, of ; mission Irving Berlin has really outdone first^lanaing^attaQk/.operations. by aries, few white men lived on the himself in his latest' screen score, United, States Marines in this war, islands . until I860. In .1893, when Inn”, and; hag written After a good many of us had were, ,with the,: exception of New southern Solomon islands'Were an “Holiday several hits which' are song and nexed by Great Britain,’ 50 white Guinea?, the first South Pacafic is , gone to: the Wannmassa 'field 'adanced by Bing Crosby and Fred persons resided in tho g ro u p . lands known to Europeans... , Dis /-good many times in hopes of see Astaire in the-show;!Berlin brings Trout Season Northern units of the chain of is Phone: Asbury Paris; 1279-M ding ' some' ’ of' the . City 'Softball covered in 1667 by Alvaro de Menout a number for each of the E D M U N D L. T H O M P S O N 'league finals, only to have some dana, a Spaniard, the islands were lands were governed by Germany cipal holidays of thfi year inprin T H O M P S O N & G 1LLAN tho l o Re-Open Sept. 1 Exterior and Interior from 189D until 1914 wher. they ; censored weather conditions con then “lost” for 200 years. P a in t in g a n d D e c o r a tin g and has several songs which Painting The Solomon group is comprised %vere occupied by - Australian show, tinually postpoiie the games. you will. soon; be able to get on P a p e r h a n R in ir Estim ates FnrnlBlied Well Stocked Streams await troops, Under the mandate of the of seven large jungle islands and u At long last the- semi-finals EASY PAYMENTS your favorite platter,' recorded by the Trout Fishermen at New 88 Cookmnn - A r O c t n n Grove League of Nations, thr. islands many smaller ones, all volcanic and ■went'onto the books, and the MurARRANGED I’lione Asbnry ra rk 40S8-U your favorite orchestra. JJox Ocean O rore, If. J. , ray Cardinals came up to play the mountainous, which extend south- were assigned to Australia in 1920. Best of all in this, group is his, Jersey for thirty days Cookman Avenue Merchants in the east of New Guinea for a distance After discovering the islands in “Be Careful, It’a My Heart,” which The New Jersey Fish and Game finals which would mean champion of nearly 900 miles. Largest of 1567-G8 and naming them in honor Bing sings whide Fred Astaire and Commission this week announced DRESSES M A D E T O O RDER NEPTUNE LAUNDRY ship of the 1942 season. The Card the group are Bougainville, Cho- of the King of Israel, Mendana set Rhodes do a neat bit of soft two important events on the sports D E S IG N IN G - A L T E R A T IO N S CASH AND CARRY inals went on to sweep the first iseul, Isabel, Malaitt, New Georgia, out from Peru with colonists and Betty mens’ calendar—tlio reopening of EvculiifLrDrosses, Oowiih, Scills, Cofltv Slrect dancing in the background. ALL SERVICES fttwo games, of a best three-outof- Guadalcanal and San Cristobal. equipment in 1595 to establish a shoe j Keasomilile. the trout season for thirty days j “ \ o Job (Ott Ultr or too SinnII” 20% Discount Southernmost is Rennell, lying 875 Spanish settlement in the Solo .Another son,T which is above av and 1 five series. of the three- j MIIS. SKI I) i:Anbury .MAX Pnrfc Ncpt. Highway & Corlies Ave. .” - mons. However, he was unable to erage in our book is that one i:i monththerailbeginning ; Come the third game of the miles from Australia. ; (J20 Cookmun Ave., bird season—both oc Sucomf Floor—1'lionc A. K 1171 Neptune, N. J. locate the islands and landed at which “I’m Dreaming of a White curring on September •!series, and with a great many per Strategically Important 1. Christmas”. All in all this picture Cruz Island. sons gathered in the expectation of The islands were of . no great Santa brings more songs that are fit for Well-stocked streams will again PHone A. P. MGI-R ‘ seeing the game, James Monroe, value until ' Japan invaded the Choiscul Island HISTORY OF OCEAN GROVE the recording field-than has a pic greet tho trout fishermen when former Neptune athlete and cap Southwest Pacific. Today the Solo The Solomons remained lost to. ture Illustrated E. I. FEAGLEY in a good many moons prev the September trout season opens, white men until, 1767 when Philip mons aro strategically important ita in of the Merchants, refused to 112 Pages— $1.00 the commission announced. Since iously. Carteret landed at Malaita. A W A T C H sea, land a' V id air bases. allow hia team to take the field. . Hy Mull SI. 10 193-1 when the .first September CLOCK AND ,.II-]\VKI.I;Y .y. -----— Monroe, it seems, had asked Tulagi, lying between Guadalca year later Louis Bougainville land trout season was opened the period Ocean Grove Times R E P A I R I N G c league president Lowensteiri to re nal and Malaita, has been the seat ed at Bougainville Island • while Oscar Levant, known to - many has gained in popularity and this 20 Years willi ITnmlKon Walcli Co. 01 Mil In Atciuic • play the second game of tho series, of government, port of registry passing through the Bougainville for his diqll humor in the “Infor- year the thirty-day season is ex I2C M:'ln Aveiiue, Ocean drove Ocean flrovc, X. J. Straits. He also named Choiscul mation Please" series and the pected to break all records in the ,on the grounds, that tKe Merchants and has a harbor suitable for naval Island. had been forced to play shorthand use. Malaita is' the most heavily A dozen French missionaries un ijiany screen showings in which he number of participants. ed (they were actually one man populated. once again scored a Regulations governing trout ili'litl!;ililil|::l(iflllii|::|i<tr)|i'|i:|::t!!|.<|„iii{ii||I|ii|iitii|ii|;i„)|ii||||iiaii|ii||i|tiaiifii|(1|iil|||i||i|||||i||1||ii|lllliail' Numerous attempts- were made der Bishop Epaile visited Sail has'appeared, great success, not with his humor H E T I M E S a d v e r tis e r s n e e d o u r tra d e a n d which prevailed during the _ /T.stien,'pointing tb a league by white men to colonize the is Cristobal in 1845 The bishop and this time, but with his seemingly fishing J L fr ie n d sh ip . W h e n y o u nee d a n y t h in g first regular season from April 15 .to •ru*c ■forbade aSy changes in lands but, until recently, all settle three members of his mission were limitless musical knowledge. Le 15 will again be in 'effect: try to b u y it a t hom e. W e a r c a n x o u s lo the champilXr-’iip schedwl, refused ments failed. Cannibal tribes, si?in by natives and the survivors vant, who appeared some time ago July The daily catch is limited to ten i see o u r h o m e c o m m u n ity the ce n te r o f c o m and malaria withdrew. Missionaries on the isequatorial climate to allow a replaying of the game, an all Gershwl-.i '"ncert at the trout and the fish must be at least today represent the Mela- i.i | m e r c ia l a n d s o c ia l a c tiv ity . C o m m u n itie s g r o w an d "an d Monroe therefore, in protest, were reasons why whitesettle-,kinds Lewliihop stadium in i , . -r"-n inches in length. . refused to allow the Merchants ments did not survive. History of mesian, Roman Catholic, Metho repeated this success recently ov.. “ V "• !■ v will be | p r o sp e r t h r o u g h c o m b in e d efforts, C o o p e r a tio n a n d the islands' is ono of murder and dist, Seven Day Adventist and a National radio hook-up. take the field. opcne.I :-v !’ci-a, Marsh Hen or jj. ( r a m w o r k m a k e fo r re su lts. T r a d e a t hom e. Evangelical churches. After wailing a reasonable per plunder. Mud Hen (known as Clapper and Levant, who is primniilly a con ru •* ; •* ? * •' KiaiiDiai'DiciasiiiiaiiiMaiiaiii'iaiiaiianciiiianaiiaiiiiiaiiiMiiiiitaKitiiiiiiiiiitiitiiaiitiia^ Native Outbreak. iod of time, Umpire Jimmy PezelKing Rails) and otlior rails and ir i: ' - 'K S T A U R A N T S U P P L I E S An outbreak among the natives cert pianist, lias come to be loved Gsllinules la ordered a Merchant batsman to except coot. During the i by the public for anything; but in 1927 resulted in the death of T h e B e a c h C o m b e r take the field, and then awarded O f c o u rse y o u w a n t the b e st a n d m o st re a so n a b le , open period Salem, Cumberland, missionaries and caused that, having appeared in .shows Gloucester, the Cardinals a forfeit victory, . With the Ushers’ Banquet in several Canjden, Burlington G e t it a t the with Bing Crosby, and there hav martial law to be imposed. Resi giving them the game and cham view and all the excitement that Atlantic counties which the of the islands include Bishop ing gained such acclaim for his and birds pionship on a-three game straight goes with it, I’ve been so busy dents inhabit in great numbers, Thomas Wade and the Rev. John humor and dry wit, that few knew rail win. getting myself a date for the affair Conley, American missionaries, just what he really- did for a living will be the. cehf.:.r of interest for K it c h e n E q u ip m e n t a n d F u r n it u r e The entire playoff series had that sportsmen. before that. I didn’t give yo;: kids much who were recently released from H o u s e F u r n is h in g s , H o te l, R e s t a u r a n t a n d B a r S u •; been played under a slight dis this week. Please forgive Japanese imprisonment when the Levant is a great night owl, Under T -al regulations the cordant note, what with continual stuff 15 South Main Street Telephone Asbury Park^i:;: rails m r, !• ■ ’ inted from sunrise me, but I think that most of you Nipponese learned their military spending much of his time in night C: Avenue GuU3 postponements because of the wea will to sunset. ’• Federal sts:r"> •:?. understand. machine could not rule the islands. activities and sleeping during the ther and then this last gasp in the Elections are over with no Bishop Wade is said to have 36,500 required for : f> . ■ sport. The daily A U T O H O D / u L i A i i i S days. He can be seen most any bag limit-is i" •>>en Sora; other Merchants refusal to play, which casualties at the voting poles, and native followers. in itself smacks slightly of small everything went off in a good Chief exports of the Solomons night making the rounds in the rails and Gallinules (except Sora Have llmUators Ch'uncd and Hcimlrcd Beforo Filling With AntI*FrecEe New York night clubs, but boy stuff. Coot) fifteen in the aggregate Repaired . Finishing way. I want to put have been copra and ivory nuts. many it is a difficult feat to find him and Nevertheless, we are glad to see democratic of all kinds. The possession limit licit r I'm me and Axlo Stralglitencr—"Wheel Alignment an emphasis on the democratic be Native pigs, wild dogs, bush rats, anywhere but in bed during the the, and hope that 1006 FIRST AVENUE, ASBURY PARK Telephone 3472 is one day’s bag. it seems that the' citizens bats, crocodiles, monitor lizards, day. • . the foague next ‘season will be cause ... -------V — ----of the South End lacked original huge frogs', sea-cows and opposC E M E N T A N D C O N C R E T E W O RK scheduled so that there is no ity, but it was of no avail to the sumlikc custus -are found on the However, Oscar Levant proved Not everybody with a dollar chance of the games running so ring his piano playing was something leaders for by actual count islands. Birds, including cockatoos, £o sparc can shoot gnn FABIO BATTAGLIA . late in the summer that the teams the choice straight—but everybody can SIDEWALKS and CURBS of. those who had a mind parrots, lories, kingfishers, ducks, to be noticed- in these concerts, and CEMENT Bi-OCKS are faced continually with tho of their own in all probability, be heard shoot straight to the bank and SHUFFLEBOARDS, FOUNDATIONS CONCRETE out on top. We eagles, hawks, and fruit-eating pig will, BULKHEADS buy War Bonds. Duy your threat of darkness. We grant that are proud tocame several times more. You can, if announce that the eons; are plentiful. '4 2111 Bangs Avenue, Neptune, N. Jj Telephone Asbury 1V;!< 8931 lOTo every pay day. there was .a great deal, of unex holders of .the throne you wish, get Oscar Levant’s music 1942 have Wild dogs of the Solomons rove pected wet weather, but there was been chosen from theforroyal C O A L A N D F U E L O IL in packs and have been known to also a great deal of dilly-dallying of Keating; namely, Queen Pathouse T H E T IM E S O W N and attack and kill persons. Bush rats on the"part.of the players. A good King Ted, After counting the bal IC E — F U E L O IL — C O A L reported to be as large as rab : many nights that the games hit lots, T ,w»3 quite surprised to see are K e lv in a t o r s bits amj monitor lizards are about the darkness snag, had they star-' that my prediction made earlier in four T im k e n O i l B u r n e r s feet in length. Some of the ted on time, they would have had the season for one of the future Solomon T e le p h o n e 6 15 island bullfrogs weigij •plenty of time, but they dawdled bore fruit much before the more than two pounds. Solution In Next Issue. 1 M IL K A N D C R E A M '■around until very near 7:30 before queens I expected. 1 wish to extend ■starting, which as we all know is time . — 9 10 ----V—— 6 2 3 5 J ' 8 1 4 my thanks to the. umbrella boys .too late. : Wasted money Is wasted for their cooperation in this elect 12 13 -, u Soi let’s hope the league; official ion, lives. Don’t waste precious arid also the cooperation of D A IR Y P R O D U C T S lives. Every dollar you can will cprofit by this,, season's. mis* those who voted. There is only one 15 16 u Telephone 1916 NEPTUNE, N. S i H t 17 spare should be used to buy takes, and set a hard and fust drawback with the king, and queen W /‘ War Bonds. Buy’ your ten 21 - starting time,'as well as some rule being brother and sister, that" is I 18 IS 2© percent every pay day. M E N ’S A N D B O Y S ’ C L O T H I N G 9/t or other to prevent forfeit victor that the traditional kiss won’t hold 25 12 . 23, . 24 ies on childish claims and after the used to. "Thousands of i f ! SAVE 10% FOR CASH S>nan«Hmitinininiiiiuiiiiitit(iniiitiiii)titiiiiiiiiiiiiinS /)» • w/< COATS thought demands. 29 28 26 ; T r y N e w e st T h r ill! | Unfortunately, the deadline for and L a B A W ’ S ACCESSORIES . _ ‘ ' . material for the Ocean Groys Times f 30 31 32 MEN’S CLOTHING is Wednesday night so that puts a Trospect anti Sumincrflchl Ares Asbury Park, Ii. J. Tel, 8813 H i g h S c h o o l G r a c e s damper on any information about 36 33 34 35 tho Ushers’ Banquet. Anyway, I | 18 Through’ 36 " R A D IO A ls o F a m o u s § 38 39 W/A 40 41 am almost assured that by the time 37 fm 410 Main Street, Asbury Park, N. J. .Telephone 5630 this lias been read, those people 45 43 "• 4441 . IMilleo BARGAINS .. who have attended have at least B Spoclnl 1041 RnUlo, np to 150 traile»ln otte night of sleep to.dream about 48 49 46 47 allowance] rebuilt Zenith Radio ICO, a new /this great social event; Anything Roomntcc— ’On W t, SO 51 52 53 out of the, ordinary that occurred, I ' ON I . jridutj' T A X IS will undoubtedly appear in my 54 55 next, and without a doubt, , last, e n sbiim column for the season. We want 1 B e tw e e n A s b u r y P a r k | No. 27 to thank the. Association in ad Tclonlionor.Jw 610—BAT nnil Oil Lonr SIOI1Tni»t»n«d If ,| Cars forCIIAIlTEltEl) all -Occasions, vance; since this was written be | a n d O c e a n G r o v e HORIZONTAL 45 Affirmative 3 Spanish BVSSE8Local FOR ALL OCCASIONS 13 Comparison fore thei. Banquet, for what will, I S P E E D W A Y C A R S - 1 1 Forward 40 Mulberry article 18 Unusual 60 SOUTH MAIN STREET 47 Polliwog Division of a 19 City in undoubtedly have been by that time | a n d C A T E R P I L L A R \ 8 Coronet jO.Note of scale 4■play R U G C L E ;A;<N I N ^ 1’''7 z n o i S sxlf Scotland Agreeable a swell evening. When unraveled, ~ 3 r d A W . ^ P o a r d w a S l s J .11 50 Vfge.tabie 5 To distribute 21. To 13 Additional . 52 Cried r, . 7 T S 7 7 ~ T * 1 ’W1I* 14IJIW feA no waste it all adds up to tho samo thing, Food fish away 54 Growing out 76 Wrath A sb u ry P ark | 14 Haft an em thanks. Trusting that' you will | . 23 Church tax BUGS AND CARPETS TIIOROTOTILY CLEANED ,15 Pertaining 55 Class Preposition 25 Roll of to accept my apologies for the brev- | 0 ) 3 S T A C L E G O L F o'bull -VERTICAL & i) Cookstoves (ty of this issue, I give my word I ( T h e G o l f C o u r s e w it h I| bacco (var.) Symbol for 1 To take 67 Muin 10 Precept 27 Meadow thqt I ’HyIH 'try. ,to ijpilce. the next nickel . caao q «>«tj n 's n u g m(.T-T HT away 12 Large 29 Arid I th e w in d m il l) 1 18 Ovum and.last .issue 'a^long ahd long tc bulrush 2 Craving Go-To Yoim N*ara»» i’lavy bo remembered collection of your i 4 th A v e . & B o a r d w a lk I 20 Beast of <iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiianuinii 31 Prefix: ficti lUcruMing Station Today most/personal secrots. tious S 5 > burden . Answer to roule No. ?0. 33 Abode of. 21 Gone by J; And Aib About Claf?--V-S King Arthur 22 Tc llssolvo fia a s a 'net! iSTaip. u t i i i j 34 Stumble 24 Silkworm SOAppeared 25 To originate 37 Halting ,26Sora j North End Pavilion place Bclloloiis nowmirotypo fudgo 28 Ancestors 4 Ocean Grovo FOR H EA LT H nimlo from tlio wliolonomo 39 Winter pre iO Degrcfl fruits, and ^11110(1 ,wlth.nul»• or |.A.I1. Our Cnmlios -1L cipitation 12 Therefore Rinrelimallow, PremlBea 41 Apart ■ .13 Terrified J,onion P»»l Msmhiiiallofv ( 43 Speed i/UUtfO .IS Snappish Luinun l*oal Jful ycdffo F O Il S K C U R IT Y 44 Motal dross u'Rwwl> — ini w i| ov«ri ■ yul bnrfts Elmo Jlliit ' , „ 47 To make :i7 Cry ol tho f/rsijh Jlm»l)»rry V iiiI bo, • Hard Candy Sticks 48 Pitman Avonua loco Fronli Mlm«Uurrif Hut J/udgo .Bacchanals Hull of firenm l/uag# „ s t n r a a 40 Norso -Home»Mnde fCB"Crenm ~ Occan Grovo ■18 Bitter vcich goddess o im o m 40 Ostrlchillte (or bird ra ra rn n 111Symbol trmtalum " M M arblo gnrno N o r t h E n d P a v ilio n , O c e a n G r o v e CKOCOI.ATE 8H0PPE im j - whu n«iosi«, S3 Note nt sc$! M D»moli*nes, SIC Coolinmn Ave.i A, !’. ^Advertwo/fliii J oot iHtmoa, ^in)« G U T R A T E SH O P N ic k A n tic h WARDELL’S DAIRY Pedal Boats I I Swan Ride j I Motor Boats f | Wesley Lake | Mergaugey s Taxi Brierley s Rug Cleaning Service rjW in V our W in g s B e# FlyingO fticer , s r ELE?s"f.'W^''>™8ffcs Play SKEE-BALL Biiy WAR JONDS GREGORY'S SCOTT’S f: Ann Louise ’ I Candies, ’S Tea Room ■^ *;' F R ID A Y , A U G U S T -2 8 , 1 9 4 2 1 P A .Q B F O U R THE OCEAN GROVE TIMES And Shore Times Published Friday IIOMER D. KUESOE, Editor and PubllBliei LOUISE KRESGE Local Edliof 8IX TS-FOU B MAIN AVENUE, OCEAN GltOVE, NEW JERSEY Tolepbone 7 SUBSCRIPTIONS: $2.00 yearly; $1.25 sem i-annually; 70c. quarterly or 5c. and postage per copy, postage paid-in the United S tates; C anada $3.50 and . Foreign, $4.50 a year. ADDRESSES changed on request—alw ays give form er address. ADVERTISEM ENTS: Rates will bo furnished by us on request. WATCH TH E ISABEL ON Y OU R.PA PER FOR TH E EXPIRATION OF . YOUR SUBSCRIPTION T11E TRUTH IN ITS PRO PER PLACE NATIONAL €DITORIAL_ ' ' ASSOCIATION ,/y iu r& tA -. Entered as second-class mall a t the Ocean Grovo postofllco “ W e s h a ll w in or w e s h a ll d ie .”— G e n e r a l D o u g la s M acA rth u r. 1 --------------1 1 A n U n beatable B and C ."TV I t c o u ld be seen th a t w a r h a d m a d e its in r o a d s on t h a t g r a n d bu n ch o f m en, th e A u d it o r iu m U s h e rs , as. th e y sa t d o w n to th e ii first a n n u a l d in n e r sin ce P e a r l H a r b o r , the 4 2d in th e ir u n b r o k e n c a re e r o f se rv ic e f o r the g lo r y o f O c e a n G ro v e . M a n y f a m il ia r f a c e s w e re m iss in g , so m e in the a rm e d se r v ic e s o f the U n it e d S ta te s, o th e rs in de fe n se LETTERS TO T H E E D IT O R Recalls Early Bays Hers Editor, Times:. I see where Ocean Grove is now nearly scventl-five years old, a long while since it was created in a wilderness of .pine trees. It was back in 1 S88 that my father built si cottage at Delaware and Clark avenues, the old picturesque roman tic days, pine trees, huckleberry bushes and rugged sandy roads, yes, the typical horse and buggy days of crabbing parties to Shark River and drives either to Spring Lake or to West End. Those were the days of the pioneers, like Dr. Stokes, Rev. Hanlon and Rev Yetnian and his famous young people’s metings and the old Audi torium open on all sides with straw on the ground below your feet. The tent colony, too, around the Auditorium added to the romance. Charles F. Hewett. Philadelphia, Pa ., August 20, 1942. SHOOTING THE WORKS " GO -TO IT; BOX?, I'M SA C K IN G YOU WITH E V E R V T H IN G s. IV £ G O T ! / gggjjZB LARGEST VARIETY OF LATEST FALL HATS ui 5 WE ALSO CARRY LARGE VARIETY OF MATRONS’ HATS * IN ALL SIZES Value to $3 SMART FALL HANDBAGS at $1.19 and $1.95 | 4 3 6 C o o k m a n A v e ., A s b u r y P w k i $1.19 and $1,95 PARIS HATSHOf (P h o n e 4 8 3 1 -J ) | Open every evening till 9 P. M. Sat. Till 10 P. M. ?^K.iuaciP)JMMuuuuuuuLAilwonCTji.inDBOPUUuuuijuuuL<^i.)uuuuyi-»jmjijuu.ji. . . THE PIONEER OFFICE , . . W e a re a p p r o a c h in g th e c lo se o f th e 1942 s u m m e r se ason , a n d m a n y in q u ir ie s a re b e in g re c e iv e d a b o u t O c e a n G r o v e p ro p e rty , a s m a n y h a v e c o n c lu d e d t h a t o u r p o p u la r t o w n a n d r e s o r t is a g o o d p la c e to liv e W e h a v e s e v e r a l g o o d b a r g a in s , t h a t m a y in te re st you. ■ O n C L A R K A Y E . — S e v e n ro o m s, f o u r b e d ro o m s, b a th , fu rn ish e d ,.... ....1500. U S'. A R M E D w R C iS O n E M B U R Y A V , - - -Seven ro o m s, f o u r b e d ro o m s, b a th , .... 2500500 BELL MEN IN SERVICE w o r k t h a t m a d e it im p o ssib le to a tten d. T h e r e w a s a s u b O n E M B U R Y A V E ; — R o o m in g -h o u s e , n in e tee n Telephone Company . contributes d u e d a tm o sp h e re , in c o n tr a s t to the g o o d n a t u r e d f u n o f ro o m s, se v e n te e n b e d r o o m s, men to essential work fu r n is h e d , f u r n a c e .. 2500. o th e r y e a rs. New Jersey Bell Telephone men W a r c a n d a m p e n b u t n o t d e stro y th e s p ir it o f u n s e lf in al! branches of the military O n A S B U R Y A V E . — T e n ro o m s, s ix b e d ro o m s, Down ish se rv ic e o f-th is u n iq u e g r o u p o f m en. A lm o s t a h u n d re d servicc topped the 500-mark last fu r n a c e , u n fu r n ish e d ....2600. stro n g , th e y h a v e g iv e n th e ir tim e e v e ry S u n d a y m o r n in g week,, more than twelve per cent, Memory T h is is the tim e 'to b u y ! IN S U R A N C E a n d e v e n in g t h r o u g h o u t the su m m e r, d a ily d u r in g the ten of the male employees of th con; pany. This week the service flag d a y s o f the A n n u a l C a m p , s e r v in g a s m a n y a s 80,000 p e o at telephone headquarters in New p le in a s in g le se ason . H o w d e lig h t fu i it w o u ld h a v e been ark reads 518. Thirty Years Ago Fifteen Years Ago o f a S u n d a y m o r n in g to s t a y in b e d a ft e r a la te n ig h t o u t! The largest proportion of tele One hundred Ocean Grove’s forty-second an and sixty persons B u t n o t the u sh ers. I n s p i r i n g le a d e r s h ip c o u p le d w ith a phone men represented by the flag had enjoyed the annual Usher’s nual camp meeting was being in g r e a t t a s k to be p e r fo r m e d m a k e s m e n u n b e a ta b le , w h e th are in the U. S: Army Signal Corps Banquet at the North End Hotel. augurated . at the. Auditorium with 4 8 MAIN AVENUE where their specialized communica A string of pearls had been pre the Sacrament of the Lord’s Sup er the jo b is u s h e r in g o r w in n in g a w a r. tions training is. being utilized to sented to Mrs. Bleecker Stirling per, with Bishop Wilson in charge. T*l. 398 O cean G rove,' N. J. greatest advantage under a plan in recognition of her services in The annual reunion of the Four W A N T E D : M ore T ru th ab o u t R ussia worked out by the Army with the drilling several choruses for the teenth Regiment, New Jersey Vol A s the U n it e d S ta te s a n d R u s s ia today, g o f o r w a r d a s telephone companies two years ago. banquet. unteers, of which association Gen. a llies, the c o m m e n t o f a R u s s ia n a rtist, P a u l P e tr o v ic h The plan reflects the War Depart-' John C. Patterson, of Ocean Grove, Ocean Grove’s fifty-eighth an S v in in , v is it in g th is c o u n try in 1811-13 a n d p a in t in g f a m i ment’s view that men with special nual camp meeting was opened in had been secretary for thirty-four ized communications t r a in i n g lia r scen es o f t h a t d a y , is o f tim e ly intere st. H e w ro te t h a t should serve in the Signal Corps the Auditorium With Holy Com years, was being held at Freehold. Over twenty thousand persons | W A R D A M A G E I N S U R A N C E — “no tw o c o u n trie s b e a r a m ore s t r ik in g re se m b la n c e th a n so chat the Army can take full munion. Dr. C. M. Boswell, presi had attended ’ both the Sunday | dent of the Association had con Covers loss caused by enemy attack. R u s s ia a n d the U n it e d S ta te s,” a n d a d d e d , “it is little advantage of their knowledge and morning and evening service in the | Rate $1 a thousand on dwellings. '■ ducted this service. Auditonurr during camp meeting m ore th a n a c e n tu ry since, f r o m the b o so m o f im p e n e tr experience; and it also reflects mili Dr. Charles M. Boswell, presi tary realization of the need to keen week. Rev, Dr. George P. Eckman, | S U P P L E M E N T A L C O N T R A C T — a b le fo re s ts arid m a rsh e s, in h a b it e d b y b e a r s a n d w olve s, enough Siained personnel on the dent of tho Association, announced of New York, had delivered the s Covers_loss caused by Wind, Falling Aircraft, Automobiles, rose the su p e rb c it ie s 'o f St. P e te rs b u r g , P h ila d e lp h ia a n d job to pr/jvide the swift and plenti at the morning service in the Audi morning sermon, I Explosion, Smoke. Rate 60c a thousand:on dwellings torium, that Occan Grove was at N e w Y o rk .” ful telephone communication es Tali Esen Morgan had taken a last free of the indebtedness of O n e t h in g th is w a r w ill a c c o m p lish . I t w ill g iv e A m e r sential to the' total war effort on suite of six rooms in the Appleby | NOTE: War Damage Insurance would not cover loss incurred $830,000. “Old Hundred” was sung building, Asbury Park, and had |- by aircraft—runless the aircraft was actually in enemy combat. ica a fre sh v ie w p o in t f o r the u n d e r s t a n d in g o f R u s s ia W e the home front. with a will and a thrill as. never moved his New York offices down w ill h a v e to g o f a r t h e r b a c k t h a n L e n in . S v in in s a w o v e r a before in the Auditorium. here. c e n tu ry a n d a q u a r te r a g o w h a t h a s been im p e n e tra b le to OBITUARY SEE ME BEFORE YOU BUY BURN OR BORROW The county board of freeholders A committee of Wildwood offi | the a v e ra g e A m e r ic a n im p re sse d o n ly b y the b r u ta litie s of had informed ■the township clerk cials had ben in Ocean Grove to MRS.JENNIE M. ENGEL the C o m m u n is t R e v o lu tio n . W e d o n 't ju d g e B r it a in b y the Funeral services were held Johr. Knox, that Atkins avenue inspect the new system of lighting on the boardwalk, and found Ocean f o llie s a n d b r u ta lit ie s o f th e W a r o f the R o se s, f o r in st- Thursday, August 20, , at East Neptuno, would be paved. Tel. A. P. 1058/ Ocean Grove, N. J. Tag Day for the M. E. Home for Grove’s lights superior to any they | 53 Main Avenue ance. A m e r ic a n e e d s a n d is g o in g to g e t a n ew v iew p o in t Hampton, Conn., for Mrs. Jennie SiiiiiiDiiiiiJiimiiB^J'iniiiiiHiiiiiiiniiifiiriiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinriiiiniriinrjrininiiiiniiiiniiiintniniTtiTiifiinroi had seen thus far. the Aged had netted that institu on R u s s ia a lr ig h t . ' I t n e e d s it b a d ly . T h a t d o e sn ’t m e an M. Sngel. of New York City, who For the first time this season died August , 17 .at her home in tion between $1,500 and $1,600. moving th a t jt h a s to c o n d o n e o r a d o p t C o m m u n is m a n y m o re th a n pictures were being shown Governor A, Harry Moore had East Hampton. She is survived by it h a s to a c c e p t H e n r y the E ig h t h a s a n e x a m p le o f three- sons: Dr. Frank Engel,' of ben appealed to by the Citizens of in the Auditorium for the benefit e x e m p la r y p riv a te life. L e t ’s sto p h id in g f u n d a m e n t a l New York City; Howard Engel, Ocean Grove, Inc., to lend his in of the firemen. The soloists who took part were Anna Ballardt.'u th s of m a n ’s s t r u g g le f o r fre e d o m , even in R u s sia . of East Hampton, Conn.; Theodore fluence in furthering plans for the Lewis, soprano, and Donald Chal creation of a mortgage loan com Engel, of New York City; one ; — - h i— ' - V sister, Mrs. Anna W. Rosenheim, pany for Ocean Grove. mers, basso. _ V --------W inning th e P eace of 37 Surf avenue, Ocean Grove; Ninety persons had been present F O R S A L E — M t . Z i o n W a y , 11 ro o m s, 5 b e d r o o m *. T h e k il li n g o f h o s ta g e s w ill be p u n ish e d . T h a t 'i s the and one brother, Edward C. Wal at the closing W. C. T. U. service Ar* yen entitled to we»» a b a t h , g a s a n d e le c tric , f u r n a c e , f u r n is h e d , ‘‘target” lapel button? You w a r n in g the P r e s id e n t h a s issu e d to the, N a z i s n on e to lin, of East Hampton, Conn. Be in Thornley Chapel. Mrs. Laura are U yon re Investing at fore her long illness Mrs, Engel Bimbler, county president had soon. I f “ ly n c h la w ” is n o t to f o llo w a s a n a ft e r m a t h o f $ 2 ,8 0 0 .0 0 least ten' percent of your in was a frequent visitor to Ocean given the address. come in War Bonds every pay t h is w ar, then H it le r , M u s s o lin i a n d H ir o h it o , a s w e ll as Grove, having spent many sum -V ' WAR DAMAGE INSURANCE day, It’s your badge ot pa th e ir h ir e lin g s, m u st be c a lle d upon, in the .w ords o f the mers with her. sister, Mrs. Rosen IN ’42 IT’S UP TO YOU triotism. See us regarding same; goes into effect July 1. ’ . ’ ■ P re sid e n t, “to s t a n d in c o u rts o f la w in th e v e r y c o u n trie s heim, E. NL WOOLSTON Explanation j LOUIS E. BRONSON, Realtor Of The W eek the y a re n ow o p p r e s s in g a n d a n s w e r f o r t h e ir a c ts.” T h is w ill be g o o d n e w s f o r a ll o c c u p ie d c o u n trie s. “ W in n in g , th e P e a c e ” is f a r m o re th a n a n ia tte r o f e co n o m ic p la n n in g . I t e n v is a g e s the e s ta b lis h m e n t o f J u s tic e w it h a c a p ta l J, T h o se “ f a r s ig h t e d ” p la n n e r s im p a t ie n t to s t a r t r i n g in g th e c a s h r e g is te r s o f .w o r ld t ra d e w ill d o w e ll to ta k e a b a c k s e a t u n til A m e r ic a se ttle s a f e w acc o u n ts. F iv e m illio n A m e r ic a n b o y s are n o t g o in g o u t f r o n t j u s t to i’eopen the f lo w o f ru b b e r; tin a n d b a n a n a s . U n it e d n a tio n s, le a d e r s m u s t se n se t h a t if th e y ex p e ct to r e m a in J e a d e rs. - — •. ,. - — II - — / T o m D e w e y w a s l’ig h t w h e n he s a id t h a t the w a r is n o t a p o litic a l issu e in th is c a m p a ig n a n d t h a t b o th R e p u b lic a n s a n d D e m o c r a t s h a d f o u g h t a n d d ie d o n -th e b e a c h e s o f B a t a a n a n d th e S o lo m o n s. T h e w a r c a n n o t be m a d e a sh ie ld to p ro te c t “B e lg i a n B l o c k s ” F ly n n a n d the N e w D e a le r s w h o h a v e m a d e N e w Y o r k t h e ir p riv a te p o l itic a l “ fish in g a n d p a v i n g ” p re se rv e f o r t w e n ty y e a rs. A l l those little d ic ta to rs in th e t r ia n g le b a s e d o n A lb a n y a n d the B r o n x w it h its a p e x in W a s h in g t o n a re a s p a n ic s t r ic k en a s H it le r h im se lf. ‘ R e m e m b e r w a y b a c k w h e n the jo k e s y o u n o w h e a r on the s t a g e w e re p a ss e d a r o u n d in the v illa g e liv e r y s t a b le ? L it tle sis t e r c a n be m a d e h a p p y if sh e g e ts a n a ll- d a y su c k e r. B i g sis t e r is sa tisfie d o n ly w ith one t h a t t a k e s h e r to n ig h t clu b s. T h o Nnziis are crossing a lot of rivers in .Russia. C om in g back they m ay have to sw im — if they h a v o time. W « d o n 't kno w w lm t thoy uho Iii Jiipitii for mi Might ball; but It o ught to Im liig , wlmtuvoi' It I h, lw<!iuiH(t nil of tho Jiipu ni'o g o in g to.ho biihiiwi it hoihu of thoso iluyn, MRS. ANNE L. ATKINSON Funeral services‘were held to day at Orange, for Mrs. Anne L. Atkinson, GSjjwho died Wednesday of a heart attack at her summer residence, 37 Broadway, Ocean Grove. She is. survived by. one daughter, Mrs. Jessie Hansen, of Union. Funeral arrangements were in charge of the Bodine funeral home, Asbury Park. In terment was made in Rosedale cemetery, Orange. Home for the Aged Annual. Dinner The annual dinner of the mana gers, trustees and other friends of the Home for the Aged, 63 Clark avenue, will be held Tues day, September 8, at 6:00 o’clock in the North End Hotel. Dr, Otto C. Nelson, of Summit and Dr. G. E. Thomas, of Long Branch, will be tho guest speakers, Sanford C. Flint, president of tho board of trustees, is arranging the affair. MRS. CAROLINE S. LAFLIN Mrs. Caroline S. Laflin, 71, died last Sunday at her home, 27 Now York avenue. Funeral services wore held Wednesday ut the homo with Rev. Verne L. Smith, pastor of St. Paul’s church, officiating. She is survived, by her husband, Oliver E. Laflin; ono daughter, Mra^ Russell E. Doshlor, of South . Bound Brook; ono non, Daniel R,, of Jcrsoy City; two ulsters, Miss Irma ft. UnmlJu, Oeoiui Grovo find Miss Queen llumlin, West Pittston, I'll.; twp brothers, Fred N, awl Clllforil Jiiimlln, of IliiiHlMinton, N. y,t mill ten gnmilelilldreii, She wiih it niuiiilifi)* nf Hi, PjiiiI'h cIiiii'cIi mid tlio Owhii Grnvii WoimiiiV ('lull, Intitiimmt wiik nmilo- ui Muroy 0 «i)it>|i»fy* l)wiy«ii, P»< I Don’t Worry! Keep Your Valuables In a Safe Deposit Box Easily Accessible Secure Costs But Little MEMBBR FEDERAL. DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION The First National Bank of Bradley Beack Bradley Beach, N. J . LESS THAN A Penny-a-Day ALVIN E. BILLS AGENCY REAL ESTATE TctejthoM U K MORTGAGE LOANS INSURANCE 78 H all Avenue, Ocean Grore F O R O C E A N G R O V E 'S B E S T B U Y S J. A . H U R R Y A G E N C Y A P P R A IS A L S RENTALS IN S U R A N C E FOR SALE Central Avenue—Well built eight room home, large well planned rooms, two porches, overlooking Fletcher Lake and the ocean; good heating system, $4,600 terms. ’ Atlantic Avenue—Attractive six room house, completely furnished, two porches with'view of ocean, $2,6Sii. Pilgrim Pathway—Ten rooms, income property, three apart ments, remain. completely renovated, $3,260. SI,GOO mortgatv. cats $„2,000 for Avenue—Corner a quick sale. property, five rooms, bath and heat, J. A. HURRYOCEAN AGENCY GROVE 66 MAIN AVENUE Tielaphotte 4132 Residence 387-R BUYS THIS PROTECTION! In these days of potential emergency your'Defense Bonds, Decdfi, Mortgages, and other valuables may become easy prey to tire, theft, loss—or worse. '• Why risk your valuables 'unnccoBBarlly? A private Sofo Deposit Box in our massive steol-and-concrete vaults costs, less than Ic. n day, tax paid! Aib At Any of Our 3 Convenient Offices Asbury Park and Ocean Grove Bank Corlien Amtt/e NIH'TUNH • ’~OliOANIXKI> l « » ~ . ihiln Arvnue OCIiAN OitOVIt , Main titreel AtillUUY I ’AIIK Member Fed»r»l Deposit Iniurance Corporation Realtor COMPLETE MORTGAGE AND INSURANCE SERVICE NOTHING TOO SMALL* OR TOO LARGE FOR US TO HANDLE S2D Boult* Main Street, Neptuno Phoness S (DlrMlly Opp, M#ln Arcnuc 4 4 8 -S4 4 9 riu L /rt.* , n u u u o I 40, IN AND OUT OF OCEAN GROVE OCEAN GROVE L arg e A u dience a t L u th era n C hurch R ecital H O N O R ROLL Helen JVegge W ed at St. Paul’s Parsonage ITAGE riV E I| J! thought for th* Wtek Gnd By Verne Leslie Smith, Major Gen. William H. H. Morris Paator of St. Paul’s Church g | Miss Helen Carolyn Wegge, 3•.iiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiitiiniiiiniiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu'iiirirnBW Lt. Col. John S. E. Young Mias Agnea Molyneux, of Ro Major A. E. Johnson daughter of Mr, and Mrs. William THE PRESENT CRISIS -. ' ' Belle Park, ia the guest of Mrs, Major Alfred Robinson S. Weggo, Jamaica, N. Y,, and 44 written many years ago, James Russell Lowell’s poem, Lt Coip. Edwin Young Webb avenue, Ocean Grove, and “TheAlthough William Gerhard, 82 Lake avenue. Lt. Present Crisis”, reads like an inspired message for today. We Com'.’Joseph, Young Charles Mitchell Ham, jr., son of commend reading the entire poem, and print two of the timely verses. William Gerhard, 82 <Lake ave . Lt. Com. Theodore Schloaabach Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Ham., Careless seems the great Avenger; history's pages but record nue,' ia attending the national trap Capt. Norman Campbell One death-grapple in the darkness ’twixt old systems and the Word; sr., of Stoney Brook and Jamaica, Truth Capt. Richard R. Stout shoot at Van Bala, Ohio. forever on the scaffold, Wrong forever on the throne, — Lt. Milo Gibbons N. Y., were married on Saturday, Silas Mary Pumyca, of Prince Yet the scaffold sways the future, and, behind the dim unknown Lt. Jacob Haussling ■August 22, at 1:00 p. m. The Standeth God within the shadow, keeping watch above His own. ton, visited among old friends in Lt: CHas. W. JefFrey-Smith ceremony was performed by Rev. New teach new duties; Time makes ancient good uncouth; L t Robert E. Wills Ocean, Grove this week. Verne Leslie Smith in the parson They occasions Lt. George Raymond Magee must upwar/1 still, and onward, who would keek abreast of Truth; Richard M. Lawrenaon, of Wash Ensign Lo, before us gleam her campfiresl we ourselves must Pilgrims be, Kenneth MacWhinney age of St. Paul’s church. ington, D. C„ is a guest at the Ensign Cordie Weart The bride wbb attired in a beige Launch sea, our Mayflower, and steer boldly through the desperate winter ‘ Arberton, 7. Seaview avenue, until Staff Sgt. Robert Hoffmier gabardine suit with brown and Nor attempt the Future’s portal with the Past’s blood rusted key. Staff Sgt. Harry Mulliken after Labor Day. white accessories, and wore a white Sgt. James Herbert Mr. and Mrs. William L. Moesh- Sgt. Wm. R. Morris SUNDAY' IN ST. PAUL’S CHURCH ' orchid On suit lapel. Her only at 9:30 Church School linj of Philadelphia, are spending Sgt. William Morris tendant was Mrs. William J. worship with sermon Donald Opdyke two weeks a t the Manchester, 25 Sgt. Wegge, who wore a soldier , blue 10:45 Morning “FOUR Sgt. William Perkins MAXIMS OF HISTORY” . Ocean Pathway. crepe dress with navy accessories, Sgt. Royden Perry SUNDAY, AUGUST 30, 1942 Louis I. Porter, who has been Sgt. Wesley Riley ond a corsage of tea roses. Wil MEHTA-GUEST IN SERVICE Sgt. Adrain Schontz entry into the U. S. armed services. staying at the Seacroft, 14 Sea liam J. Wegge was best man. The Robert Williams ■ vieW avenue, has returned to hi3 Sgt. bride’s mother wore a black and . Corporal John" P. Jones, son of Corporal Jones has stayed at the Sgt. Frederick Van Cleef home in Chicago, 111. white print chiffon dress with Pr. and Mrs. T. J. Jones, of New Melita, 1 1 Main avenue, for the Corp. Barry Chamberlain white accessories and . a corsage Castle, three years and he is the first , Miss E. S; Goldsmith, of Brook Corp. Richard DeHart Jo sep h in e G o ger E ddow es is serving as first as past Corp. James Henrdrickson of pink roses, and Mrs. Ham, sr., sistant pa;, lyn; .has just returned to her homo Corp. of the Melita family to go.overseas. , wife and accompanist, of Walter D. Eddowes, minister of . music at chaplain with the ,260th William Hughes Prior to his entry into the army, after spending her vacation with Corp. Roy Lever Ocean Grove, gave an afternoon organ recital last Sunday at the wore a green print dress, white now stationed somewhere he was a student at Bucknell Uni Miss Elizabeth Koch, 35 Bath ave , Cori>. Howard Seamons Evangelical Lutheran church, Asbury Park, for the benefit of the accessories, and a corsage of gar inbattalion Alaska. He is associated with ■ church organ fund, filling the church to overflowing. She was assist denias. ; versity, Lewisburg, ■ Pa. He was Corp. Douglas Stirling nue. ed by her husband whose playing of “Abide With Me” on the cornet, The bride is a graduate of Nep Chaplain H. H. Criswan, a very ordained, last March by the Wester Cadet Janies Bennett • Mra. Julia K. Lake, of New Cadet with the congregation standing and joining in, made an unforgetable tune high school, attended Pack successful pastor: of. the Southern Pa. Association of .CongregationalT. Kresge •York City, is spending her'forty' Cadet William impression. i"■' - ard School in New York City, and Baptist convention, previous to his Christian Churches. Rusling MacWhinney . fifth season here and is staying at Cadet Russell F. Major PARTY AT DIAMOND STATE is connected with the Community ' Cadet.Charles Severs the Seacroft, 14 SeaView avenue. Earle F. G. Smith Service Society of New York. The Bridal Shower For geaman Robert. Wegge, of Boa Cadet Seaman Allen Borden Mrs. Mary C. Trimble enter groom is a graduate engineer of ton, Mass., spent the weekend with Seaman William Jack Collier tains pastors sit dinner Miss Bessie Thompson Theta Cornell University, is a member of hia parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Seaman Wilson Kennedy Xi fraternity and is asso Seaman James Gravatt . S. tWegge,*44 Webb avenue. ciated with the Sperry Gyroscope Robert H. Meade Mrs., Mary C. Trimble, of Balti Mrs. K. Alsberg and daughter, Seaman A bridal shower was given for Seamnn David V. Metz more, a summer guest at the Dia Miss Bessie Thompson by her Corporation, Garden City, L. I. Dorothy, of Passaic, are spending a Seaman Clyde •Packard mond State, Embury avenue, en- friends at the home of Mrs. Robert Following the-wedding a recep week’s vacation at the Manchester Seamnn Ektor Wright Pfc. Harold G. Dunkorlcy teftained at a dinner palrty on Purvis, 83 Cookman avenue^ on tion was held at Buttonwood Hotel> 25 Ocean Pathway. Pvt. Walter J. Beattie Manor, Matawan. Those attend Wednesday in honor of her pastor Thursday afternoon, August 20. ing After spending the summer at Pvt. Clifford Cole were Mr. and , Mrs- J°hn P. and two former pastors of Govans Miss Thompson 122 Pilgrim Pathway, Mr. and Mrs Pvt. George Daniels plans to be mar Henl, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Seaman Methodist Church, Baltimore. Alfred Fourett E. B. Shotwell and family are re Pvt. in October to John Riley, of Robert T.'Wegge, Boston, Mass.; Joseph Hagerman The -table was beautifully decor ried turning next week to their home in Pvt. Long Island. She has been a resi Mr. and Mrs- Richard Wolfe, Pvt. Norman Hannah ated with mixed summer flowers dent of Ocean Grove for many Jamaica, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Maplewood. Pvt. Robert Hnmmen with place cards delicately fash years. Pvt. John Hancox Former Governor E. C. Stokes l’vt. Charles M. Ham, sr., Mr. and Mrs. ioned .from sea shells. V : Walter Hancock member of the Ocean Grove Associ Pvt. Reginald A miniature shower bridal bouSanford C. Fliht, Interlaken; • Mr. F u n e r a l H o m e o f M a t t h e w s , F r a n c io n i a n d T a y lc Hurley The guests present were Dr. and quet concealing a check and the and ation, was a weekend dinner guest Pvt. William Hulskamper . Mrs. Mrs. William S. Wegge, Mr. R. W. H. Weech, Rev. and of Dr. George W. Henson, at the Pvt. Evan E. James traditional watering can with and Mrs. William J. Wegge, Mr. Mrs. Daniel W. Justice, of Wash Pvt. Grover R. James, jr. North End hotel. ribbons tied to gifts and Mrs. Charles M. Ham, jr. ington, D .C .; Rev. and Mrs. F. flowering Pvt. llomcr D. Kresge, jr. made up the decorations. The newlyweds are honeymoon {Mrs. N. V. White, of Maywood, Pvt. Osmar Kukor Reid Isaac, jr., Supt, of Stran- Among the guests who attended ing at Southhampton, L. I., and N; J., is visiting with Mr. John Pvt. Robert McClelland, jr bridge: Home for Boys in SykesClark, and daughters, Julia and Pvt. Irwin Milligan Miss Bessie Thompson, upon their return will reside tempo ville, Md., Rev. and Mrs. Philip ,C. were: Pvt. Charles W. Newcomb . William ~Thompson, -Mrs. rarily at Jamaica, N. Y. Louise,. 108 Abbott avenue. Edwards, of Baltimore, Mrs. Sudie Mrs. Pvt. Elmer A. Perry George Hazelton, Miss Edith' Miss Gurney Ayres, 75 Cookman Pvt. Christopher Reitzel M Bowen , Phyllis Ann Justice, Hazleton, Mrs. A. M. Libasci, Miss . avenue, has accepted an appoint Pvt. William B. Smith Norma Sue Justice, Nancy Lee Pvt. Robert Stratton Jennie. Purvis, R. Casey, Mrs. Suminer Resident Engaged ment as teacher in the Neptune Pvt. Justice, Ruth Hutchinson, F. Reid M. Maywaring,Mrs.Mrs:-: Warren Vassel K.:. Boyle, Mr. "and Mrs. F. William Streit, City schools starting next month, Isaac, 3rd, Albert and John Isaac, Mra. J. Wilson and mother,' Miss of Philadelphia, announce the en Jean Ann and John F. Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Gibbons - Residents Maude Crafts, ..Mrs, George gagement of their daughter, Miss and baby, of Wilmington, Del., are MajorSummer Thomas Howell ; Adams) Mrs. J. Quigley, Miss Car Katharine Taylor Streit, to Avia ‘ visiting Mr. Gibbons’ parents, Mr. Capt. Alfred Jack Ball, jr. Meyers,' Mrs. Egert, and Mrs. tion Cadet Raymond Charlesworth and Mrs. John A. Gibbons, Sr., 04. Lieut. (Junior Grade) Elias B. Round Table at Mrs. MacDougal’s rie Robert Purvis;Lee, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee, Baker, jr. The Ocean. Grove Round Table Asbury avenue, also of Philadelphia. Miss Streit is Howard W. Selby, jr. met Monday evening at the .home Corp. Douglas Stirling, of the Ensign Sgt.,.Edward -Thoms ' of Mrs. Ida MacDougal, 36 Benson a senior in the Women’s College o£ Marines, Bon of Mr. and Mrs. Staff Corp. Ronald H. Connolly Exclusive B ut Inexpensive the University of Pennsylvania. avenue. Mrs. Carolyn Hatfield read Seaman Edgar C. Washabaugh Bleecker Stirling, 1 2 Pitman ave Miss Hurley Betrothed Cadet Lee'is a former engineering 704 Seventh, Avenue, Asbury Park, N. J. Telephone 21 Seaman George P. Rogers “Lily of the valley leaves give nue, is now stationed in Philadel- Seaman Edmund J. Ochiltree heart remedy. More potent than tudent at Pennsylvania State Col To Clyde Packard . phia. . , '. .-vlege. Miss Streit is the granddaugh Seaman John Thumm digatalis”; “Rubber from poinSeaman Robert T. Wegge ter of Mrs. Kate Chambers, 4 Mt. "Mrs.- Elizabeth Dunning, 1.1 Cadet settas”, was given by Miss Mae Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Hurley, Pisgah Thomas Bradley Way, Ocean Grove, and has Kingsley PI. is spending several Cadet Harrison Edwards Perkins; .The president Miss Rosa jr., Oxford Way, Neptune, an spent many summers here. Advffrtlsemonts for these columns should bo In tho ofllco of "Tho days with her daughter and son- Pvt. Oscar Niedenstein, jr.' Santee, read “How goes it with the nounce : the engagement of their Times" NOT LATEK THAN 12 O'CLOCK NOON Thursday of each in-law, Dr. and Mrs. H. W. Chris Pvt. John S: Yeo . ' conscientious .objectors, by Phil week. Marilyn Frances, to Sea Pvt. Hunter Diringer tensen, of Summit. Steer”; “Engineers; survey snow”, daughter, man Clyde S. Packard, son of Mr. CLASSIFIED AD BATE was given by Mrs.Ida Mac Dougal. iMrl and Mrs;’ T. J. Burford, of Mrs. Intha Demerest and Mrs. L. and , Mrs., Clyde E. Packard, 87 ..................... ' . . . . . ........... . ................................26c. 25 , words Oft LESS Elmhurst, L. I., are spending two Brown, of Freeport, L. I., are Miss Mary Elliott Dunham lead Abbott avenue. More than 25 words ................... ....1 cent per word G times fo r the price of four. • weeks at Grove Hall, 17 Pilgrim spending their eighth season at "Princeton to give cburse to wom Both are graduates : of Nep Copy mailed In, given to representative or brought to office per P&thway. They have been summer the Nace Cottage, 77 Heck avenue; en for first time”; “Something new sonally m ust bo accompanied by cash or stam ps to cover cost Copy high school, class of 1941. Pilgrim Pathway, and Olin Street accepted over phone a s . a courtesy and convenience to customers. visitors here for more than twenty- Also,at the Nace Cottage is Mra'f under the sun”, was given by Mrs. tune Bills due Immediately upon presentation. Miss Hurley -is secretary to As . Telephone Asbury Park 1749 Band;'Mrs. Minnie Cole Tead semblyman fijre years. Millie Layton, of Wilmington, Del: Marie J. Stanley Herbert, The Oldest Independent General cotton plastic can be used I First Lieut: C. W. Jeffrey- Elmer A. Perry, 'who used to' “Soft Market in Ocean Grove for hundreds of everyday articles”, Asbury Park attorney. Mr. PackWANTED to rent—Small apart FOR RENT—Tenant would like gjnith and Mrs. Smith are spend- reside with his grandmother, Mrs. “New Jersey league of women 1 ttrd . ^ a,8 -iustcomPleted a four bungalow, or to share apart sublet lower apartment, five jAg several days with the latter’s M. A; Miller, 64 Webb avenue, has voters think Congress should con- "*on s coura® radio at the R. C. F ull line o f..F an cy G roceries ment, ment from Sept. 15. North of Em to rooms and bath, at 70 Lake avenue, ■parents, Mr. and' Mrs. Wallace enlisted in the. army as a private fine itseU to the legislative func- j^'j. Schoo! of Radl0' New York bury or West of. Central. Lady. for an d P o u ltry balance of season. Near Audi Box 11, Times Office.—35* torium. Apply 72 y2 Lake avenue. Reed,' 125 fNew York avenue.. lajjfl is stationed in .California. His tion and not attempt tb take the 1 l-r"U ■■ Lieut. Smith ia- post signal offi brother Royden .was recently pro administration of the government No date has been set for the F O R R E N T — .Exceptionally —35* ■:"1. moted to sergeant. cer at Camp Clark, S. C. warm ’well, furnished rooms for . WANTED— - Companion 'and over”, was given by Mias- Bertha wedding. winter, occupancy, near Asbury housekeeper for family of three .'-Miss Janice C. Bennett, of 1 On account, of the illness of her Deen. Miss Gertrude Orvis read Park business center and all trans Address Advertiser, p. O, —VF resh V egetables husband, Frederick Voeller, who Bethany Block, has left for Ohio portation, continuous hot water, adults. “Phi Delta Kappa”. Miss Dunham Box 2, Ocean Grove.—35-36* still bedridden, -Mrs.Voeller was adult family of three, 136 Mt. Her-- where she will attend 'the United conducte'd a quiz. The motion pic Miriam D ay To Wed PAINTING—-Arrange now to do mon Way, Ocean Grove. Phone Christian Youth Convention at unable to visit here this season. ture and book “Mrs, Miniver”, was H O M E C O O K IN G your fall painting. . See “House Asbury Park 2602.—35* Miami University. Miss Bennett is Mr. and - Mrs;; Voeller formerly discussed. The: next meeting will Ernest Murphy, Jr. in '. . ' 93 Mt. Tabor Way, Ocean president of the Newark district. operated the DeWitt House. FOR SALE—17 room $2,000; 10 Painter”, Grove.—35* ■ ... - \ be held Sept. 14 at the BancroftDELICA TESSEN d e p t . room $2,800; 12. room $3,700; 6 ; Dr. T. v: Britton, of Flemington; Mrs. Norman Klauder and chil Taylor Rest Home, 74 Cookman Mr. and Mrs. James T. Day, 82 Salads, Croquettes, Baked Beans, room $2,500. Apartment, 2 rooms . FOR RENT—Available October N. J., arrived in town this week to dren, Helen, Geprge, and Norman, avenue. ' ■ ' • V . .. Sandwiches, and $12 weekly; 3 rooms $20, weekly. 1, unfurnished yearly, 4 bedrooms, Broadway, announce the engage Roast Meats,. Box Lunches Mary L. Walker 64% Mt. Hermon 2 bath -rooms, fire place, Oak stay at the Queen and renew old of Noble, Pa., have been spending ment of their daughter, Miriam Way, Ocean Grove.—34-38* .. floors, hot water heat, $50 a month.' acquaintances after an absence of the season at th e . Seaside Hotel, great success, according to the re Eileen, to Ernest F. Murphy, jr., Phone 2145-R after 5:30 P. M __ BIRD’S EYE ' about twenty years. He spent many on the ocean front, and expect •to port . of Mrs. Charles AC Bjlma, son of Mn and Mrs. Ernest Mur" FOR SALE—Pilgrim Pathway, 35-36* 1. ; return, to their home after Labor- general chairman. FROSTED FOODS seasons here as a. boy. 1 2 rooms, furnished, all year house, phy, 706 Hammond avenue, Brad WANTED-From 6 to ' conveniently located, near Auditor ^WOMANi I' Ivins Grant, who has been em Day.. ‘ Sixteen new tables, ordered since ley: Beach. . :-rZ , ■ ‘“ •behind counter selling ium, Park and Wesley candy, no Sunday, work. Apply Ann ployed a t Woolman’s m arket here Miss Edith Bolton, 9 Embury the July meeting, were on display. ■Both are graduates of Neptune ViiiKiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuQ Lake.,Founders’ $X,500. Brewer and Smith, Louise Candies, North End Pavil for many seasons, is'critically ill avenue, has had as her guest3 The W. S. C. S. had purchased high school. Miss Day attended 701. Bangs avenue. Phone 250— ion.— 34r35* 48tf, V.. , a t the hospital a t Fort Hancock, Gilbert Wickok, . Mr. -., and Mra. twelve, ond one each by the As the Asbury Park Business Col. WOOLMAN’S 1 SALE—On Ocean Pathway, where he was ■ a civilian employee Thomas Jay, Mrs. Bessie Jacobua, sembly Bible Class, the Usher’s lege, and is now employed by the FOR SALE OR RENT—Houses J 8FOR . rooms, small apartment, and 31 of Nutley, Mr. ,and Mrs. Walter Union, the Board of Education, Jersey Central Power aiid Light this.year. - ;:i" and Apartments, Ideal Homes, Lake with running water, one Ruth and Robert Swen and the Girl’s Interest Group led Company. Mr. Murphy attended front, all improvements, and many sleepers !-^ l« 8„ThelmaM ount,organl 8to f. Swenson, hath, nine lavatories, double lot. son, of. Stirling, ..Miss Charlotte others.: Real Bargains. Semons by Mra. Wm. Hill. The new tables fully furnished, $7,000 with ono Drexel institute in Philadelphia and St. Paul's church, will givean. or Fleiachmann, of Philadelphia. will aid greatly in the, sponsoring is employed by the New York Ship 125 Heck Avenue Agency, 124 Mt. Tabor Way.—33* half cash. Inspection invited. gan recital, Sunday, August 80, nt Brower & Smith, 701 Bangs ave., ^Telephone 988.. of church suppers, and will Im building corporation in Camden. the Evangelical Lutheran church, QUICK SALE—Two bungalows, Phone 250—34tf prove tho appearance and Boating Ocean Grove 5 rooms each, furnished, $1,800 ' N e w T a b le s P u r c h a s e d Asbury Park, a t 4:15 p. m. She will No date has been set for the. „ R,ENT— Apartment furtakos *both, ono suitablo all year capacity of tho church dining room. wedding.;' bo assisted by Thoresa McCiintock, (Cnntla»a from JPagt 1) 2 large rooms; gaa. elec occupancy. Bungalow near Wes- nioned, Tho women will soon initiate their lesson on what tho department of contralto. tricity and linen included, low rent loy Lake.^for rent and sale reason uso in a supper or. lunchoon to bo 1 Home-Made Christian social relations ond local balance of season. Inquire Graeable. War damago insuranco, ..Private John Hancox, son of Flione SStB Webb avenue, Ocemj qrgve J. C, Perry Agency, 00 Main avochurch-activities has accomplished given at tho church. POTATO SALAD Mrs, Joan Hancox, of tho Dnrdnnuo.—38tf . It was reported tho socloty will In various churches by menna of nolle, 40 Oconn Pathway, roturnod JOSEPH'S BEAUTIf SALON special projects and community on-’ hold a giant food sale Saturday All Branches of n^ .P N S .,ln stoves, heaters to Fort Bragg, N. 0., on Tuesday R O O F S and Asbestos Siding ap and torprlscs. Dovotlons wore In chatga morning, August 20, beginning ranges, Also repaired and inDEAU TY CU LTURE " F an cy plied and repairod:; work guaraaafter a short furlough horo, He of Mrs, Normna Hannah, who usod 0:00 A. M,, at E8 Main, avenue. Tho in l! !? .'I /<l'KWon Elebtrio Co., 131 I’crmanonts $3,B0 up Estimates given. P. H. A, fSputh was accompanied as tor as Nowarlt a eandlollght sorvlco to present her commltte Jn charge consists of Mrs, Main St, Phono 1104 A, P.— FR ESH C A PO N S UIB Corllm Av»., Jfoptunf, Jf, J, William Krayor, v7Mi Ilonson avoby hi# wlfo ond Mother. Due. Occun Gi-ovu, Phono A. P,' theme, "The Church of the Living Bleeeker. Stirling, Mrs, Ernost •J.— 47* ■ . ^ M U R R A Y ’S — "Tho Pants House ,- Mrs.- James Cnrrutliora, 11'4 Mi Goil", Woolston, Mrs. Charles poolo, Miss S trictly of , Asbury Park." 805-807 Lake Wobli iwomio, recently returned Tlio business meeting was eon- Elisabeth StrSvv, Mrs, II, H. 8lion> To relieve “vonue. Just off Main St. K y # FOR. S A L E — 10 rboms, $2,500) FR ESH F O W L * Misery of ton, M iss Rortlm Deen and othors, from ft visit with Ur. and Mrs, W, dilated by Mrs. L. n, Mulforil, pres 17 rooms, 12,000) 14 rooms, j82,200) and Mnn a needs supplied,— 43tf IritBll 3, Bondman, of. Two Acres, Hur- ident, wlio reportoil, tliat tlio sick Mrs. Raymond llartlutt nnd Olrde 13 rooms, fa,500j IE rooms, [3,B00 ) Tsftlill Mungiilows, two B rooms each ' U P H o r -B T E R IN a — Furnltum fni^ton, Ontario, Cnnnda, Pr. mid lierenveil In the community 0 will, hitvo /i/i fljiron Iwotli, * ffilr* im wprliigd, miittresBus renovated. ' Strictly 0116 miltflblo, for all your, Pendman, wlio Is llmitonnnt #oloi)el Irnil been I'eiiiomherert by tlio so takes both) 4 / 601118, bath, »l,fl00| Innoinmlm •mttrosses inado from f f i . W . In tlio Cnmulliin army mvdloal ciety, Tlio aiiiiurI Iminnri held nt ohl liulr mattress, C'alleiJ for PR ESH EG G S IIRAD THIS OCRAN flUOVII 0 rooms, (1,400, .C, J, Heins ymir morning returned sumo day, Ottn m p u , l» Mr*. C b it h H i p m ' nopliow, 08 MhIii Hvemio till* y m , was u a p i e y i n r M n l i l nvenuo, Ocean TIMUS VOIl l/OOAh NI5W» iv u & m a iw m |UIUIAIUIUIU|il|U|U|U|U| i«ll|tl|U|U|ll|ll|Ultipil tlrove,— JlMJO* Classified Advertisements Strassburger’s Market PRIME MEATS Quality Market COLDS am ong th e hotels 7 = s i Lningdon—Rev. and Mrs. Fredi..- '. i ! ;•*V.? Hnrris,. Washington, D. C.; s Nettie • and .Mary. McNa- Finest Besort On Newark; Christine Dunhani, NEW Where Health and East O range; Mr. and Mrs. J. ' J ' - Beyer, New Y«rivCity; Marion Van^ the Goast Neste, Bound Brook; Mr. and Mrs. Pleasure Meet George Lake, 'New Brunswick; REFINED FAMILY RESORT yt: Henry Clark, Bloomfield; Bert and Joe Sehroller, Nutley, Mr. and Mrs. w: Boenning and family, Philadel phia; Frank Blessing, Albany, N. Y.; William KasolT, Bayonne; Mr. and Mrs. C. Ackerman, Elizabeth; Mr. Chatten and Carol, Chatham; BY THE SEA—NORTH ENDFT?7-9 SEAVIEW AVENUE . ' : Mrs. A. Ludwig, Hasbrouck ATHING and fishing in ocean. Fine boardwalk full O cean G rove’a L arg est a n d L ead ing H otel Heights. V ■ length of ocean front, connecting with Asbury Pork Hageman Hall—Misses Sylvia D IR EC TLY O N T H E B O A R D W A LK on the north and Bradley Beach on the south. Two ' and Rosemary Swenson, Mrs. large pavilions, a t North and South End, overlooking D ining R oom O v er th e O cean Phyllis Swcilsbn, New York City; ocean. Auditorium seating nearly 10,1)00. Most powerful organ Anthony and .Charles \\ ondenberg, in the country. Great chorus, finest singers, most gifted instru :; Clifton; Thelma Abbott, Paterson; 1333 mentalists, eminent preachers, noted lecturers. Safe and sane S olarium , rich ly ca rp eted , d eco rated an d furnished, Mr. and Mrs. F. Watt and family, amusements, moving pictures, bowling alleys, merry-go-round,: ■ ■ ■ . New.Rochelle, N. Y.; Mr. and Jlrs. over th e B o ardw alk swimming pool, athletic games, tennis, skee.bail. Daily meet-' • V Av Tomlinson. Hawthorne; Mr. and ings for young and old in Temple, Tabernacle and Chapel. A Jlrs George Mason, jersey City; • M o d erate R ates quiet, restful Sabbath. Safest place for women and children. mm. Edward Peters, Mrs. Ida Peters Adequate train, boat and bus service, convenient for commuters. Miss Shirley Peters, Mrs. ■Lena. Suiiurij; '1'nlilc—Clientele—Location W. A. a«,l 1,. K. Houtkimtp, P:itersoii; Mr. and Mrs. Write For Rates and Literature The hotels and boarding- houses herewith presented are L. Htigirien. • Ozone "Park, I..- I.'. I Telephone 1492 RICHARD B. FREDEK, Manager recommended to the consideration of intending patrons as among Miss Anna Jones, Camden; Mr. and j tho best houses of entertainment in this world-famous resort. Mrs. N. Ilruinooge, James and Jay j Brumooge, Lodi; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wilson,. Clifton. , | •The . Sterling—Miy- 'and MriVj 1 FAMILY HOTEL Howard White, "Nifrbeth, Pa.; i T W E N T Y -SE C O N D SEASON Mrs. Walter; Van Ness, . Hanover; • Comfort and N O W O PEN ' Mi’s. •Arthur ...'Jones', . Caldwell; ; Refinement D irectly on th e O cean Francis' .J. Kelly, Hoboken; \\ ii-; Unexcelled Tg':V. : liiirti R. UetTleiv Jersey City; Mr, i A t M ain A venuo an d Mrs.' Winfield Scott, .Allan ' H e at fo r Cool D ays E uropean Fresn . iV --'-'; . Scott,'irvington; Mrs. II. Koctter,; W ith in 200 F eet of B athing B each Vegetables Dumont;'. Robert Rodgers, - jr., -. Daily T elep hone F. M ellor Little Falls; Gladys DenBleyker, B each an d M ain A venues, O cean G rove Clifton; Mrs. G. ReflNor, Jersey j All rooms with running water Inner Spring Mattresses • City. .■ H ot an d cold w a te r in room s; som e w ith p riv ate DR. FRANK C. COOPER Snug narbor—Mrs. Emma Earl, i b a th s a n d lav atories Washington. D.- C:; Mrs. K. M. | Famous Supreme Blend Coffee ' Telephone Lichti, Woodbridge; Miss J- D-J 312 T H F H I I F F N Directly on the American or European “ **-* '■c*-' * " Ocean Front . Ghrthwaite,'Misses Mary and Ma- ; A n d D esserts F rom tilda Gnvthwaito,, Rahway; Mrs.'; O cean P ath w ay , O cean G rove, N. J. O u r O w n B ake Shop i Season, May to October Edna Cline, Kearny; Mildred RelT- ' ' . O pen M ay 29 fo r Season ; .. Special Spring Rates ler, Jersey City; Alina Baur, Bay-, ' M. J . W O O D R IN G on• / Application. beach and Auditorium. AU sleeping rooms have hot | • . > Booklet onne; Mrs. Feller, Mrs. Carr, | and Near cold running water; some ensuite, with private bath. Elec Brooklyn; Mrs. Freeman, New tric bells and telephone, Season, May to October. Phone Asbury I;;': ' Brunswick. Park 2933. v ■• . - ’ ' ;.zJil' ;*> ‘f;’.4’"' LULU E. WRIGHT Odd House—Maude Kersten, .New York City;Miss Lydia Klein HOTEL AND CAFETERIA er, Hoboken;... Ida ■Ebert, Jersey 28 Main Avenue, Ocean Grove.; Telephone, Asbury Park 1905 City; Freda and Henry llei ie, Cheerful and comfortable rooms, with hot and cold running ■Ozone Park, N.'Y.; Miy.and Mrs. at moderate -rental. Open for guests from May to Oc. Charles Fulton,- West . Orange; ■ : water tober first. ■ ■ ' ■ Mrs. N. Vander May and children, The SAMPLER INN CAFETERIA in same building SURF, JJEACII AND BATH AVENUES Little Falls; Lois Martin, Glen Open June 18, 19.42 ' OVERLOOKING IHE OCEAN Rock; Mrs. S. Martin, Paterson. Three short blocks to the large Auditorium. One block ’ t w e n t y ;-s ix t h SEASON Roosevelt—Mr. and .Mrs. John occan; Complete service courteously rendered Rooms with Kerr, Betty and John Kfcrr, East from ALBERT ANDERSON, Owner-Manager ' or without private baths and rooms with private toilets. Orange; Mr.* and Mrs. J. B. Leon American and European Plans ard, Newark;'Mr. and Mrs. F. R. American Plan any 3 Days as low as $10.50 L ocated on W esley L ake Why not vacal'on at Whitfield—Restful, Reasonable, Homelike. Woehiin and family, Jackson Office Telephone CHARLES M. HERMAN Heights, L; I.; Mr. and Mrs. Wil N e arest to B eaches a n d A ll A ttractio n s Asbury Park 1991 Since 1914 liam Summer; Arlington; Mr. and H IG H E ST Q U A L ITY FO O D Mrs. Janie's Crane, East Orange; Mrs. 0. Weeks, Bronx, N. Y.; Mrs. R EA SO N A B LE PR IC ES R, S. Pratt- O.nd -Beatrice,, New Enjoy your meals in .a cool spacious dining room, among O CEA N G R O V E, N. J. York City; Mr. and .Mrs. R- A. cheerful surroundings, fine courteous service' . Van Nan, Scranton, Pa.; Mrs. J. F. I Better foods, delightfully prepared Anderson,'Short Hills. ’ : ” Corner Central nnd Pitman Avenues Surf Avenue House—Mrs. B. M anagem ent o f th e O cean G rove A ssociation Directly on the Ocean Front r . ...'.ng and all Summer astivities will be carried on as usual. Newinilier, Plainfield; Clara TurnC h arles G . S tockton ' v' ' j.'xcellent food, served well. All fresh vegetables, fish and liull, Newark;. Mrs.- Mary Giles, f;-.;its. All pastries baked in our own kitchen. All rooms modHaroi.l Giles, Miss Eleanor.Soden, 6 Atlantic Avenue.' Ocean view. ' >:'.iily furnished. Rates on application. Phone A. P. 2086. Trenton; Mrs. Sarah Eliason, New . Hot and cold running water, C.'.~ '"V Del.; Mr. and Mrs- I>. S. American • and European plamV* Season, May to October MARY P. BEARE, Manager Telephone 5579. FRANK IVES BULL. ^ Vosslei', Westfield;. Mrs. .'Minnie Horn, Plain:'. .’id ;• Mrs. W. F." Dovle, 17 P ilgrim P ath w ay ^-O cean G rove. H o t an d cold w a te r 5 Abbott Avo. Homo-like • hotek overlooking ocean; atl rooms h o t Jersey City; Ml*, and Jlrs. John in a ll room s. Room s w ith p riv a te b a th s. The Lillagaard and cold running w ator; oxcellont Wiehc, Helen Wiebe, West New Open May 29 to October 1 Telephone A ..P . 4049 ' table Twenty-third Beason. _ . ....! Te)ef,'v;;:e. Ai-' ury Park 749 American Plan Near Auditorium ' • W. L. HYKA, Ownor-Manager •' Grover.E. Stults - York. '.Phone 2880 - .. ...1■ / Mrs. Will E. Bunn Spray View—Mr. and Mrs. F. EU R O PE A N PLA N — FU R N ISH ED R O O M S Milne, Paterson; Mi's. . Charles Creveling, Mrs. C. E. Tompkins, 25 OCEAN PATHWAY Cgrolyn Creveling, Queens Village, 4 Ocean Pathway Rooms '/-■ 11-13 Seaview Avenue I." I.; Rev.. Jos. Schubert, DownRunning water inAn Established Hotel, Consistently Operated Hospitality ; Open May 29, 1942 ' ■ every, room. ; Heat ington. Pa.; .Mrs, C. S. Murphy, For Over 30 Years on Liberal and Efficient Prin Under New Plan—Dining room closed except for light breakfast, for .chilly days. ciples. It would be a pleasure to have you come 8:00 to 10:00 A. M., Half block from North End Bathing Beach. Comfort Cecile Murphy, White Plains, N. Next dour to.beach. European . • Near Auditorium. Phone A. P. 2282. in and to show you our desirable accommodations. Y.; Mrs. Charles Burchard, Elm Rates upon applica MR. and MRS. FRANK G. MOUNT. tion. Phone 8237, hurst, L. I.; Mrs. J. Doran, Pater H. W. PULLEN W. S. Benson son; Mrs. M. SheehanT Jersey City;; Lenore Yarnell, Rutherford; Ruth Knecht,- Allentown, Pa.; Mr. ” A n d C A F E T E R IA ’,;md Mrs. R. B. Yarnell, RutherWhole block on ocean front C o m er C e n tra l an d P itm a n A venues . ford; Mr. and Mrs. G. F,.-Schultz/ Elevator Baths Running water in rooms ■West Chester, Pa,; Mr.- and Mrs. Season Ilooms, Bnnnlns ^ratdr, .975 up. Sma31 Apartmonts, N ay to Oct.^ Special June Rates—Moderate Rates July and August 34 Occan Pathway Paul Knecht, Allentown, Pa.; Mr. MRS. GEORGE R. HAINES, Owner and Manager 1100.00 op. W ith rrlv n te Bnths, *176.00 op. hotel. Hot and cold running water in rooms. Near the Telephone 190 and Mrs. R. E. Murphy and daugh BeachFamily and Auditorium. Open for RoomB, May 29; Dining Room opens Special May and June Rates G. F. DRAKE, Manager ter, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.; Charles lune 15. Individual Meals Servod. Tel. 2691. M. A. VAN CLEVIS. Adam, Chatham, N. Y.; M. Herr, Orange. Seaviwo avenue, facing Wesley Lake, one block from Asbury De Witt House—Mary Lorotto, A RD M O RD -SU M M ERrm D Park23Casino and North End pavilion and bathing ground. Capacity 36 OCEAN PATHWAY. Phono Asbury Park 5035. Grantwood; Beatrice Reichert, OPEN FRIDAY, MAY 29 _idway between ocean and Auditorium. Hot and cold water in rooms. 125. Spacious porcheB. Hot nnd cold running water in rooms. Booklet. New York City; Sally Stevens. 6 and 8 Ocean Pathway—Overlooking Ocean Heated all chilly days. Clean, cool, cheerful .sleeping rooms. AdditionBronx,-N.'Y.; Elaine Dower, Little Hot and-cold running water in all rooms. Baths. Special June and Telephone 624. Special rates Moy and June. R. A. WAINRIGHT. 'yrfAVatories installed and other improvements. Rates on application. September rates. Booklet. Phone Asbury Park 2784. J. E. McKEE Falls; Mr. and Mrs.-Speck and E. K. SHAW, Ownership-Managoment. Rons, Mr, and Mrs. James De Rit ter, Prospect Park; Mr. and Mrs. Directly facing the dcean. Full ocoan view from all .rooms, Hot and ;T. Fisher, Hawthorne; Elizabeth ..................... ••• »VVIHU| ...... and WM, Sepcold running water in all rooms. PrlvtftoAiitUbU baths.uutl Bpeclalr—Jtlno Corner Webb and Central AvenucB • Mackey, Jersey City; Mr. and Mrs. tcmber rates. American and European plan. “Phono, Asbu Pnrk 79. ne, Asbury blocks from ocean. Newly decorated, comfortnblo rooms W. E. Hudson, Hillsdale; .Mr. and Open Mny 29 to October, 18 Hock Avenue, corner Beach. Ono block Ii Ji WHITE, Proprietor withTwo hot and cold running water. Reasonablo rates, brcakfnBt, served. Mrs.. George Do Ritter, .Paterson; from ocean. Excellent cuisine, coolest dining room on coaBt. Hot and , ’ E D W IN D. T IL T O N ; Mr. anil Mrs. John Nagelliaut, .•old running water. Special rates for Juno and Soptembor. To), 3100. Didgwnod; Florence It|ein«rimiii,' MRS. II, GREENWOOD Open AH Vear Hawthorne; Lillian Mac Donald, Elizabeth iluglieij, Morristown.Corner M ain and New York Avenues J8 Main Avenue, Ocean Grove, j Individual meals served by day or week ~ Dardamdlu—Miu, Nurnmn \Vyi:l<One-lialf hloplt to boardwalk nml ononn. Cnnvenlont to Auditorium oir, Varena; Mins M. <1 .Somerville; I). It. S IllID B R T nnd nil polnta ot InteroHt. Rimplng Imt nnd cold wotor In rooms. Oconn linil ur Kmliui'y Avtinue Amtrlean and European T e tA ib u ry I'erk 671 Europenn. Write for rules, Till own Itiij-oiigb; Mrs, Edward .i. " Unolmlnn-U-d oeoiui View, Hot mid enld riiiuiliiii walor In all room* T«tephono A. I*. 4M -J M, C U W I N Kroimiioll, I’ntoidiini Anna luirl), F lfty'flrsl huhhoii; Open May 2T u> Octohor 1. l')iono'41'Jfi, jlrnnxt Mr. and Mr*. II, K. Mure, • M, WVKHNCIAM Ilawlliwini/ Miv mimI Mr«. ..'V, J» ; JO.ia OCKAN I’ATIIWAV MMiull, lleljuvlilei Mr. mill Mm. iQftutun I'Mlhwny. nil iwiiiin Pneltik liamitlful jiiirltwnjr hotweon Auilltarlum and o m n front, Clonr J, |>, (Inilmin, I'uUrnoiu Mr, nnd iin> h im n m iu » ' n n ii Avenuo Mnwi, inIn I'^ Hot- rind Oold Wtttor Howdij, Wtmr Oromi nnd Auilliorlum Nm, M n Coil, Wuhliwil M r n iilflry, .',"’-vi , Inner flvrlnu M u l t w m (n I'Jvery Hoorn IiiiIIvIiIiimI mvu«» nui'vol. Skill •cumin I'hnnv nllJ! W l f t l B f l . I', 11078 " " r t w * '• »•»•< B W K i 'S r 1 ' ■• Mr, nml Mrn. ThiiW. I'nUtnwn, U Ih l / V m Owner, Wppiiwfl i m ........................ ARBERTON HOTEL ARLINGTON HOTEL GRANDATLANTiGHOTEU The T h e S a m p le r Inn North End Cafeteria GROVE HALL HOTEL HOTEL MANCHESTER The LAKENSEA MAJESTIC HOTEL HOTEL ALLE2THURST Park View Hotel Cheltenham T h e S p r a y V ie w Hotel Le Chevalier BUENA VISTA ST. ELMO HOTEL ~ DIAMOND STATE DARDANELLE THE AURORA ‘D T J .'iS'-L f A V K jNT !■ f COLONIAL Edwards House * |l * .I*,*, V ■ ■i. - -; ^ 1 #RIDAY, AUGUST 28,1942 . '7 ■ ' :. . ■■ " . - ■ .■ ■ ■ ;. ■ ■ : ; ■■ -r-- ^ 1 OCEAN GROVE "a PA GE SEV EN Doris Everett, Hawthorne; Ferrig . Doniell, Binghamton; N Y.; Mrs. OPEN ALL YEAR ROOMS Macklet and daughter, E. Orange. dblo rates : Ardmoro-Summerfield— Mr. and 1942 S E A S O N P R O G R A M Mrs. William Hendrix, Hyattsville, C A FE T ER IA S AN D RESTA U R A N TS O cean G rove P reach in g Services, C onferences, Md.; Sir. nnd Mrs. Herbert' Lugg , and son,.Duryoa, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. C am p M eeting, A uxiliary M eetings G. Schmitt, - Hawthorne; Mr. nnd ■ ■■■’: 16 Main Avenue' ;v;V":Aug. 28—Sept; 7—Camp Meeting. Preachers, Drs.' J. W. Hamilton, Mrs. A. M .. ChristeHson, ,Nutley; St. Petersburg,. Fla., .and E. Stanley Jones; Famous Mission Mr., and- Mrsi C; B. ICeefe, New-,' I Ocean Grove, N. J. .■ :■ ;■ ■ ■ -•. -.ary 'and .Author. ' Dr. Joseph Fort Newton Will address, the York | , , 89 M ain A venue, O cean G rove, N. J. City; Mr. and Mrs'.. Leonard preachers’ meeting on two occasions. D. WHITEHEAD, Owner Telephone, Asbury Pnrk 4163-M 1 T ry O u r S pecial C lub B re a k fa st | Sept. 13—10:30 A. M.—Dr. Holmes, Irvington; Mae Seery, George W; Henson, President Ocean Grove Mrs. E. Dunne, Mary and' Marga I F rom 7 to 1 1 :3 0 A . M , ■ § • -/• Association 7:30 P. M.—Dr. J. E. Washabaugh. ret Dunne,' Yonkers, N. Y.; Mrs.- ' | D in ner S erved F rom 11 A . M . to 8 P. M. | J. ..Magee, Misses Marian, Mar Bross, Newark; Mrs.' F. S ., Bar- Cheltenham—Mrs. C'. C. Fehr, W.tha and Nancy Magee, Brooklyn; rick, Dorothy Barrick,' Washington, Miss Lillian Fehr, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Mrs. M.| B.. Anderson and child, D. C.; Thomas Campbell, Ft. Monr John II. Yardley, Yardley,-’ Pa.;- Laurelton, N. Y.; Mr. and MrsJ R. George Brown, jr., West Trenton; mouth; Mr. and Mrs. Gone McCon; , 2 2 L ake A venue, facin g L ake an d A sbury P ark W. Stuckler, York, Pa.; Robert neli, Paterson; Raymond Young, Mrs. W. Haynes, Elizabeth; Sarah. and children, Princeton. Glen Rock; Jean Boyle,- Paterson;. Sharpi M.: Kleihschrodt, Philadel Giffen C onvenient to a ll B each-front attra c tio n s an d and Mrs.- Roger Walter : Davidson; .Kearny; Ste phia; Mr. and Mrs. George Brown, ,, Sjiawmont—Mr. , • A u ditorium . R oom s only, h o t an d cold ru n n in g phanie.; McConica,.' Chicago, 111.; Trenton; Mr. anS Mrs. Charles l” ?1* XIan< J?-“u?h^ v ,S^ ten ( DINE OVER THE OCEAN j \ «w a te r, hot' b a th s a n d show ers, in n er spring-m attreaCraig, Mr. and Mrs. William Rowe, l“ - ^ E d w in T. Anderson, Mrs. M. Clark, Mrs.. J. Ncwhall, I - - ; a t the Famous ;:-;Vr 1 Paterson. ; aea. W rite fo r fo ld e r an d rates. H . W . B row n, ow nBayonne; . Carroll Schaible, Mrs. iFmr ^a'Vn; %•- B°ston’ er-m an ag er. T elep h o n e 835 6. Lakensea—Mr. and Mrs. .George •’ahnie Schaible, Glen Rock; MvsjP o rt Monmouth; Rey. and .Mrs. G. Ruth Maein- Basking Hoover, Yeadon, Pa.;'. Mrs. James- :iarold Bontson. Lillian Ridge;. Mr. and. Jlrs. Edward J. Sinclair, West Englewood; Warren. Brooklyn, N. Y.; A. L. Oberholt- Manning, Brooklyn; Miss ElizaPrall, Paterson; :J .. P. Manning, zer, Rahns, Pa. :Millie, Orange; Mrs. R. W. Brooklyn; Lillian Ryan, Trenton; Hamilton Cottage—Marion and beth I North End of Boardwalk; : ; j Mr. and Mrs. .Everett Brown, Doretta; Coriell, Millington; Ger Barnes, Joan Dicke, West Briglit* 28 PITMAN AVE. 14 SEAVIEW AYE. S..I.; Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Near Auditorium, Cafeto'aa, Beach and Bathing grounds; Rooms: f Island, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. trude Maier; St. Albans, L. I.; A. on, Reservations for Parties § Staten C. Morris, Brooklyn; Mr. and Mrs. Double, Single and commuF'jcating; tw^n beds; running water in all J. Kypersi Passaic; Mrs. W. C. M. Dougherty,: E. G. Mclnervey; Aaron Kamerling, rooms. Heat.: Open all year, European plan. Paterson. Ludlow, Bernardsville; Miss Sophie ! • P h o n e 3196 . Linden; Mr. ar.d Mrs. Frank SeyTELEPHONE A. P. 1951-M , J. B. BERNHART riiiijiuiiiiMiniiiin1111111111i mm■imiiiiimuiti imuiiiiiiii[iiiminii inmiiii[inmumuiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiHinini[iiiin Erhardt, New York City; Rexford fried, Betty Seyfried, Nazareth, •Majestic—A. P.. Cope, Virginia James, Trucksville, Sharp, Madison; Marion Zeelc, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Lane, W. Cope,Mr.Audrey and Mrs. W. Ordell, East Atine Dariyo, Margaret Danyo, Philadelphia; Florence Gray, East. Pa.; Orange; Mrs. Herbert Brigg and Doris Lowrie, Plainfield; Dorothy Orange; Mrs. Henry Hayes, Ruby daughter, 10 MAIN AVENUE Bennett, • Catherine Linine, Brook Hayes, Camden; Mr und Mrs. T.. . Brooklyn; 1. . . .. Heights, T I Mrs. T L. George T . Mr. it, Jackson I.; First hotel from ocean on south side of Main avenue. Near all attrac lyn; Herbert Cannon and family, Lavarese and son, Jersey City; an(I Mrs N w Martilli Nevv York tions and cafeterias. Running water in all rooms. Completely^renovaMain Avenue. European plan, 40 rooms, running water, Rahway; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Williams, Miss M. Williams, ted throughout. European Plan. ' ■MRS. JOHN SHAFER Borne37-41 Mr. and Mrs. Reitsma, Pater with private baths. Three minutes to boardwalk and Auditorium. Best, Orange; Mr.'and. Mrs. George Mrs. Bronx, N. Y.; Helen Keene, Bloom City; son; Herbert Vanderbeck, Ridge-' Telephone 8535 and 7525. M. B. STRATTON Taggart and son, Westwood; Miss field. . ' wood; Alina Stephenson, West Olive Nolan,-Troy, N. Y. ’Arlington—Rev. and Mrs. Theo Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. H. N. 23 Central Avenue • Seacroft—Ruth Errien, Prince dore Bennett, Brooklyn; Mr. and Boyd, Hawthorne; Harry Ander A friendly vacation home where comfort is always considered. It is t e Asbury and New Jersey Avenues nearest rooming house to the Great Auditorium, and is only a two min ton; Hallie Dobbins,; Bayonne; Mrs. I, T. Porter, Philadelphia; son, Paterson; Betty Vanderbeck, A t Emofy Street Bridge ute walk to boardwalk and ocean.. Near cafeterias and restaurants. Wiggin, Richard Slocum, Mrs. E. J. Pray, Evelyn Pray, Ridgewood; Mr. and Mrs. I. E. DINNERS at 4:30 to 8:00.P. M.; Sundays, Noon to 7:30 P. M. Ralph William Hayward , 1 East Orange; Hempstead, N. Y.; Marie Hansen, MOGUA’S ICE CREAM—PACKAGE OR BULK i KonV7132?av ? 0nd ^ 0n aI)plicati°X; T. PEY, Owner-Manager. Wilmington, Del.; Mr, and Public Phone A. P. 8505 M. G. EVANS John L. Ward, Clifton; Adele Dora Hansen, Jersey City; Mr. and Perry, Robert Allen, Elizabeth. . Passaic;; Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. John Jacobus,;Paterson; Paul Mrs. Sunset Lodge—Mrs. Carol E. .20 Main avenue. Near all attractions. Hagerdorn, Lewis Ash, Palmerton, Pa.; George Swank, -Miriam Maeder, Philadel Korman, Newark; Carl Meyers, Unobstructed ocean. view from spa Brownell, Plainfield; Miss p. phia; Mrs. Beatrice Stiibba, Pas Jersey City; e and Mrs. Bing and Restaurant “T h e Friendly House for Friendly People." _ cious porches. Modern conveniences. Schurman, Glen Ridge; Mrs. R. J. saic; Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Sexton, ham and son, Mr. Miss Theresa SeckRooms and apartments. Running water. One-half block to ocean. 34 B ath avenue, block Brownell, Plainfield; Beatrice South- Orange; Mary Connors, Irv ler, East Orange; H. L. MacPherfrom ocean. Best qual Graham, Paterson; Katherine and ington; Constance Craddick, Juan son.Glen Ridge; Mr. and Mrs. John ity foods a t reasonable Marge Webster, Irvington; Amelia Trices. Booms. Teleita' Thompson, Bayonne; Mrs, B. Bain and daughter, Haledon; Rich Phono 1443. Open for rooms now: Coffee Shop Juno 26. S. M. FRENCH Small, Elizabeth. H.. Bugbee, Trenton;.: Miss Anna DeClarke, Fort Monmouth; Park View—Mrs. William Hoff Heitner, Haverford, Pa.; William- ard Lewis U. C. Bicking, Roxboro, Hotel Allenhurst—Mr. and Mrs. man A M O N G T H E H O TELS Mrs. F. J. Gilg Clark, Jenkintown, Pa.; Mrs. Ross Philadelphia; Mrs. Ann Payne Rod - 25 O cean A venue " ..J ; •; Thomas Morgansen and son, Jack and. Hawthorne; daughter, ■Paterson; - Miss Miss Reba Johnson, gers, New York City; Mr. and Mrs. Rooms Overlooking Ocean Opposite Bathing Grounds Edwards House—Mr. and Mrs. son Heights, L. I.;, Wilbur Lawton, Esther Riddle, Media,;Pa.; Miss Johnson, Philadelphia; Mrs. Alfred DeMott, C. Kochenburg, Miss Margaret H. Henry and Ruth;-Edna, East Baltimore, Md.; Rev. and Mrs. N. Innerspring Mattresses Convenient to Cafeterias Hunter, Syracuse, N. Y.; Mr. and G . G O R M E R , M an a g e r Orange; Gladys L. Crane, Hartr A. Wilson and daughter, Garfield; Margaret Stevenson, Philadelphia; Rockville Centre, L. I. Mrs.. L. Genung, Miss. M. -Gifford, ford,-Conn.; Elsie Johnson, Ray Amanda Jacobsen, Newark; John Brooklyn; Mrs. A. Jennings, West Shelburne—Florence Stewart, Mi£. Clinton Benedict and son, Philadelphia; Evelyn Wehmann, Katanho, N. Y.; Mrs. Moffet Craig, mond Johnson, Brooklyn; Mr. Davis, Yonkers, N. Y.; A. TatterThomas O’Keefe, Brook Louise Reynolds, Tcaneck; W. Tiet- New Rochelle; Mrs. Sarah Everod, and Mrs. S.' Diycils, Yonkers, N. sall and daughter, Paterson; A. Orange;' Mrs. .Olga: Jameson,: ]3ronx, jien, Bob. Gunster, Ridgewood;' Mr. Hollis, L. L; Mr. and Mrs. MarkY.; Mr. and Mrs. A. Maebert, Forreat Mann, Bethlehem, Pa.; lyn; N. Y.; . Miss' Blanche Burger, South Orange; Ethel Scott, Hart J. H.; Henry, East Orange; Mr. and Rutherford;: Edward Lacher, and Mrs. E. W. Klussnian, East ley Fell, Tottenville, S. I.; John ' “DIRECTLY ON THE OCEAN FRONT” Season, May lo, October—European Plan. Rooms with Private Baths ford, Conn.; Roger T. Hogan, Mrs. C. H.. Johnson, Philadelphia; Brooklyn Park, Md.; Sarah Potter, Orange; Mrs, W. E. Klussman, A. Hunt,-New Orleans, La.; MissesArcadia, Calif.; Florence Hogan, W. H; Hess, Passaic; Mrs. H. Bordentown; Paul Wescoe, East Forest Hills, N. Y,; Mrs. R. Krie- Ann und Bee Miller, Washington, xf. Mrs. Prank Hogan, Mrsi George Clarke,' East Orange; Lee Starke Orange; Alfred Buckman, Laura bel,..Conshoh6cken, Pa.; Mrs. Paul D. C. Tannersville, N. Y.; Mrs. Whitfield—Mr. ahd Mrs. William 02 Main Avonuei—rooms only, hot ana cold G.erhardt, Mrs. A. Jacobus, Yonk and family,' Clifton; Mr. and Mrs. Jones, Philadelphia; Mrs. Laura Fromer, running water, housekeeping privileges It ers, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. William L. Mannis, Catskill,' N. Johnson, Baltimore, Md.;Mr. and Harry Pink,-Lebanon, Pa. Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; desired. Near restaurants and cafeterias. Y.; Mrsi.D. B.: Stewart,1 Baltimore, Mrs. G. J. Dienstbach, Towson,, New York City; Mrs. War Van Cottage—-Mrs. William A, Pauli, ■>. P. J. nnd M.- B. YOTJNO Hayes,■ Warrington—Mr. and Mrs. E Bates on request. Phono 3S33 ren Jones, Dorothy Jones, East Higgins, Richard and Donald Weid- B., Apgar, Frenchtowh; Harriet Md.; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Smith, Md.; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Tylle, .17-10 Broadway, corner of Beach. One.block ner, Dallas, Pa.; Mh and Mrs. W. McLaughlin, ■Plainfield; Raymond Union; Julia McCauley, Fair Ridgewood; Mrs. William J. Ruth I from South End pavilion. Overlooking ocean Norwalk, Conn. • I and lake. Furnished rooms with housekeepGuy Crugor, Prank de erford and sons, Glen Rock; Mr. P, Gregg, Trucksville, Pa.; Mr. and Ing privileges. Innerspring Mattresses. Hot Jersey City; Audrey Pct- Haven; Santa, Matilda Santa, Rich and Mrs. H. Rollinson, Elizabeth; Mrs. Louis Campbell, Westfield; Holly, and cold running .water In rooms. Twcnty-sccond season. Mrs, C. L. Severe. terson, Ronnie Ryle, Cranford; mond Hill, N. Y.;de Mr. and Mrs. Miss Bruner, New York City; Mrs. M. F.. Lane, Trenton,. Mrs. Mrs. 65. .Main. Avenue, , 2 Blocks Hazel Homing, Parksville, Albert Frederick, Poughkeepsie, Misses Emma and Margaret Macfrom ocean, near Auditorium, and Miss Prall, Totowa Boro; Ruth Md.; Kathryn Maier, Dunellen; The Landgraf Co. _ _ _____ _ aU attractions. Rooms/ light N. ,Y.; Grace Mjlls, Middle Hope, Farlane, Hazelton, Pa.; Mr, and De Vries, Mrs. De Vries, Mrs. Helen Kostraba, Jersey City; Mrs. O. II. L andgraf, Proprietor housekeeping, in n e r Spring Mattresses. W rite for Bates. Mrs. C. Erkelens Y. : '■ /■ ■ ■-• ... . Mrs. George Laufersweiler, Pough Gearhart, Paterson. W. E. Morgan, -Dover; Mrs. S. N.Albatross—Mr. _ T s l T T i B I ” ” V 33 Atlantic Avenue. All outside and Mrs; George keepsie, N. Y.; Miss Anna Becher, •The Aurora—A. Adolfson, Chat O p ticians Knott, Scranton, Pa.; J. H. Rieger. 2U 1V mV \3l IITT hot and cold running W atchi& akers ham; ;, Katharine BrOss, S.ejbilia Middletown, Pa.; Daisy Clark, Patee, South Orange; Mrs. Marga New Rochelle, N. Y.; Misses Eliza I I S l Un Ui l JOs PV ’ rooms water; with European. Telephone-5587. McConnell, Tottenville, S. I.; beth and Carrie Schomer, Mount /. • J e w e le rs .... Open All Year. Light Housekeeping. P. BYLSMA, Owner-Manager Midland Park; Mr. and Mrs. R. ret Mrs. F. W. Castle, Jersey City; Vernon; N. Y.; Mrs. Walter Dye, More Than 40 Years W- Wolff, Montclair; Elizabeth Martha, 24 Central ;Ave. cor. McCllntock St. ANTIQUES, CURIOS and Mary Jane Bohr, New. Cranberry; Mr. and Mrs.- E. - T. Experience Hot and cold water in roomB. Phono Van Nosdall, Walden, N. Y.; Mrs. 9030. Rates on Application. Rooms Used Furniture, store fix-, York City; Mrs. E. Wright, -Bay Caldwell, Pawling, N. Y.; Miss H a g e m a n Ernest Best and son, Hackettsb y D ay or "Week: All Outride tures bought and sold. 50 M ain A venue onne; Mrs, C. L. Smith, Westfield; Belle Whinney, Philadelphia, Pa.; ; ' MRS. B. H. HAGEMAN Booms.' N ear Auditorium or Ocean. town; Mrs. A. Thomas, Little , Call A. P. 4640 ■O cean G rove Mr. and;Mrs.,E. E. BulUs, Jamaica; Misses Anna and Minnie Titlow, , Running j: w ater in v rooms. \ Spacious Falls; Mrs. F. Beck, Jackson N. Opposite the Post Ofllco ! • porches. H om elike,-near.all polnts of fnMr. and Mrs. R. N. Daven Fairview Village, Pa.; Mrs, A. B L U M E ’S QUAINT SHOP Heights, L. I.; Elizabeth and port,-Y.;,Kunkletown, r ' torest. ‘ R ates reasonable. Phone GS45. Pa.; Mrs. Frank Foote, Jersey City; Mrs; G. W. • 69 South Main Street' ' Open 'May ,28, to Octr 1' • ’ t>. Percie Martin, West Orange; Mr. Green, Cottage City, • MRS. DOROTHY A. HART and family, Brooklyn; Miss on ocean front , -ir rt nir i, _ . _ Md.;’ Mrs. and Mrs. . D.° • Nyquist S. E. Cherry, Philadelphia; Mrs. -. . . ■G. Morsell, . . . . East . . .Orange. -Ralph Wormelle, Washington,. . One-half block to ocean. v Furnished rooms with running water. Housekeeping Priv C.; J. W. Mtiller, Baltimore, Md.; Isola A. Armstrong, Washington, ileges optional. Home like Atmosphere. D. C.; Mrs. A. Kaminski and fam n Florence Wolf, Camp Hill, Pa. Featuring— - V ■MAB'A. STROLI9KY :Apartments.' 9 Main ’Avenuo ily, Jersey City; Miss-Alice Lar The Queen—Miss . Ivy Pethick, 23 Atlantlo Avenue..^Season—M a y t o ; Oc der, Lyndhurst; C. E. Burke, New Miss Ruth Pethick, Trucksville, tober IB. ;One'biock^from oteari; near AudiHOME-MADE Pa.; Mrs. Irene Evans, Scranton, York City; Mrs. Elizabeth Chris w __ _ . torium and Asbury‘.Park.!; Rooms by: day, tie, East Orange; Miss T. M. Cuhz, •week or montlv Special seasbn-rates/ Phone;4408 ;. MRS, HBXjEN. F..SWANIC Pa.; Ruth Blue, Philadelphia; D. SOUTH isNDPAVIIilONi L. I.; Miss Elsa-: i Raymond's Beauty Salon [ Corner Heck and Beach avenues, one G.: Morgan, Camp Bptden, Ont.; Woodhaven, Meals At All Hours block from the ocean ,and centrally loWeber, College Point, N. Y.; Miss. I HAIR STYLIST | Mr. and Mrs.. Malcolm Farmer, •cated,' Open ,*A llY ear. ‘Hot and cold Craig, Flushing, N. V.; Mrs. —Also— DAILY- 3 P.M . New: York; 'John Unkles, East Helen .running.water in all rooms. European | ' • ‘ MRS. TRINE BRAIN Plan. Tel. 118B, Horace Sahford and. daughter, CONFECTIONERY STORE 1 7 2 7 B a n g s A v e n u e Orange; James Hardin, Mrs; | A sb u ry P ark | : 28 Bath venue, n ear ocean, Joseph Streckley nnd daugh At Auditorium Square _ W, B. Vaughn, Chester, g. C<{ Mr. Mrs. R eitz M odel B akery Auditorium ' 'and' restaurants. ter, Mountain Lakes; Mrs. A. H. All outsUle rooms with hot and POP. CORN BOOTH | Tel. for Appointment 8220 I and Mrs. R. P. Newnam, Washing Ganzel, Springfield; 47 P ilgrim P ath w ay cold runnhig water. CInnerspring. Elsie At North End OUiDA- MAE ZIEQENFUS. ■m attresses, ‘ Select:clientele. ton, D. C.; Mrs. Herbert Evbrett,- Heckman and daughter,Mrs. O CEA N G R O V E Nazareth, Corner Beach and. Atlantic AVontics. . Oho block Pn.; Louis Hnncox, Bridgeport, to ocean. All rooms havo running w a te r:and fliii(aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiMiiriiiiiiaiiiiriijiiii|ii!iaiiaiiiiii^|; innez'spdng mattrcasas. Season AprJl: .to. No*' Conn. .. — .vcmbor. • WILBUR R. GUYER j V---------Telephone A. r« 0170. Ifoyv Mnnpgomont. ; * T. 8. HAMILTON M O RGAN’S .Prompt Pnlly ‘Dtillvcry^ ,. Successor to' •j IN M2 IT'S UP TO YOU rhono IJulmur 2 i8.J «2 ;27 Surf Avenuo, ono block to:ocean, conto ^oataurants,, cafoterins.;,; Euro-_ Surf JSwetiiie Bouse vonlent; . WILLIAM YOUNG j • V pean plan. W rite. for rates, Telephone C LO VER LAW N Inc. •'■■■. v ' V READ THE OCEAN GROVE A. P. STACKHOUSE, OwnorshIp-Managoment iAsbury Park 721. Asbury. Park Open Year Round PO ULTRY FARM P L U M B I N G A N D ! TIMES FOR LOCAL NEWS' Pleasant, clean, airy rooms with - •iScrving OIKXDOJ.A, ,K. J.-. hot and cold running watpr in. all. ij.;m ftny; overlooking the^ ocean and H O M E L IK E H E A T IN G Quality White Tablo E(?g3 ,. v • ^o^TdWalk, Attrnctlvo rates. Wght •I• FOOD i housekeeping tt dcclrcd . Tel 6040, 7, Main avonuo. LILLIAN C, BROWN especially produced for your Estimates G|vcn At Popular PricesBcrvoil Tnltie. by vigorous, healthy Tf■ p i iim I / ' I I T European ami Amoi'lean. I lot S o Inlo*lcntliiK.I.|il«orii 6-1 Main Avenue, Ocean Grove J 1 Day ana Night Scryice | Chickens oh our own Farm. 103 13MORY STREET, Telephone 128 | Also Stand A t Police Booth, | ASBURY PARK R., D. 2 Asbury Park; 1 North End § ,31 Umliuiy Avoimo A. I V W 9 ' ' A. E. I'Jiint Aero»» tlio llrItl(to" Diedrich itobeke, I’rop. ^iiilliiliiliiliililniliiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiillllilililiiiililliiiS 46 Webb Avenue, 2 blocks; from occan, rooms contrally located: hear -restuWindsor Lodge _ rants. . Clean, cozy rooms , at; reaaon• MRS. A. PIN1T3U, (Form erly of Farmlngrtale) I Clam Chowder Served I 1 with Dinner Daily f WARRINGTON HOTEL WHITE HALL SEACROFT PINE TREE Q u a k e r In n H o t e l And R e sta u ra n t ThejWayne Tea Room HAMILTON COTTAGE Columbia Hotel Sterling Coffee Shop O C E A N S ID E sfifxSiXRSir 7 s»; B O SC O B E L CENTENNIAl HOTEL Havens jI an OIL W A V E I! Restaurant OLIVE HOUSE Restaurant RADIO GAB fljhe''8UN)UIGnTT H E /ntBsoimklo. H 18 Abbott Avonue, ono bloolc from ocoan, Uooms with Hulit li6u*o)(»oi>}nsr'i pilvllcffou, Ilnloa MRU. FliANK TlJl'nifOltD, i'raprloloh E L E N VAN GOTTAGG 7oceiin,, Rmliury nvoniie, JInlf lilooli.from lioArj)w*ly> jOnoiirooms all K«r, IMoiiunnt hontoil wllh rimnliiK 40 Ceiilrhi Avenuo, Open nil your, ilnoiiiH only, Hpwlnl ratlin Hpiitomlit'r to Juno, Tulunlmno. . A.M. VAN HICITJe niiilI'onv.anlunl, llii'lll lonifnrliilile, frluiiillKm winul Alt out* »l Unlit iHJiiNDUunjiliiy AIIIW, t>/», m id o . ........ Home-Made Ice Cream All Vliivon itic. ijt. Hulk I., > , , , , , , ,70c, Jl’l-'liiviirtil llricliN , ,40c.'tit, FRANCIS SWEET SHOP 8IH M A IN llruAlvjr IIpikIi H TKH KT CIida* tilt iuiniuiiliiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,<»4iiiiniiiiiiiii|iiiuii'] D R A K E S E R V IC E < D A l’T K IlY 8H U V IC B C A IIS tN B P K C l’KD STORAGE T IH E B NEPTUN E A U T O R E P A IR S A u to R e p a irin g HAY ISI.I.IS Htuchluil and Hu, Mtln Hi, ()c»n Grew. !»l, 1191 Centennial Shoe Rebuilders 02 M A IN A V E N U E AN OCR GKOVK QUAJylTY collies firxt— .wo liuvi It. H H IIV IC IS (oniM n i* i— rIvo II. ' M r M A v n w h w itti w* nil wnnt—w# gu»r»ntvt tt. I.. I1A2ATHKY .Ws Guarantee -■. Will Not liar* JTaot Troolilo II You Hilnif Your Blioei To Try AlkaAdor” • Soltior' tor llendocl ........ Add "Murnlng Aching lluirU*, Intilue.lluji. I'lroaunt, uromilt, cITecllvu, flOf .nil COg, fa n T H E J U S T W R IG H T . O R T H O P A E D IC S H O E R E P A IR SH O P 80S n O N I) B T H lW T ABllUliy 1'ADK, N. I, lllnh Vimr-.iinVllBirilii nutunoyT,I,lull, nt low Acost— <)Ni:-A.»AY ur,<l* )> loiilui. hv tlio >tllnw | m *~Jl' C oin* pie* tablets In llm Brty-liojt, rVNj/Ga Ffif fllrtplmiiHf. i »»ii«« JiilUnnijf, lo Hffnuui Timlm, Uio wlifn uiilr »tlu.illntuq, FRIDAY, AUGUST 28,' i 94 S P A GE E I G H T tfacing the Elks home at the‘inter And the restless wind and I are Man of the quaint euphonic name Go forth and hear them when they section' of -.East Main street an And seed bags on his back, one;, • call, Leatherneck Gun Fancier Broadway is soon to be returned But that, small solace gives— The weary and the troubled soul,. Germany in the form of bullets, Like him we should be pioneers, It is thy bounden duty tanks or war planes. . lit aihar He gently lifts the hair of my head, Plaiit good seed without lack; To all, to give them all. Perfcct Skies words the cannon will be sold for. Then golden deeds like fruit will Tho paint is peeling off my house And whispers in my ear; junk and the Freehold Defense And he says that tho' my love is grow— , Thou are the life of ages, My kitchen walls arc (hill; Council will receive a sum toward From seed bags on our backs. Thy story to unfold, gone, My coffers small as any mouse expenses incurred in carrying on, Harry Heebner. The life thnt has no ending, I still have her memories dear. With labor might to mull. their work. Ocean Grove, N. J. But evermore behold. War Bond Sale $1,006,421 But .0, my skies'Ore perfect things He goes away on his endless quest, Freehold has gone over the top And leavcs nie to my grief— I will my Father pray In all their changing moods, Foggy Morning in the sale of War Savings Bonds To do His will on earth, : Arid growing .trees a zephyr brings 0 God, who made the wind and me, through the Freehold banks, the Give my tired heart some relief. The song of the sea This glorious gift to give and give, Within these virgin woods. total sales of E, F. ■and G tax Lucia C. G. Grieve. Is music to me: While here we are to live. bonds, and tap issues, at issue The grasses in my garden small Ocean Grove, N. J. The breakers roll in price, at the slose of business last ----V -:---- - .., . With a glorious din. For now we see as through a glass Are wild and gone to seed; Friday, August 14, aggregated. “Johnny Applosced” ; darkly, Disbursing on shore But 0, my sky is very tall $1,006,421.25. War Savings Stomps (John Chapman 1774-1845) With a crash and a roar. But,then, face to face, And shelters all my need. the amount of $6,290.96 have also You’ve heard of “Johnny AppleWe shall behold Thy glory' been sold through the three banks Thy radiance there, we’ll trace. The birds arc :!ose with whisper seed”; The fog is now gripping, in the past seven week3. Bonds Some called him: “Queer, a quack;’' All misty and dripping; ings sold through the banks during tho All Hail! Our Lord and King, He traveled many weary miles— The ships that pass by And multi-colored wings, week ending August 14, at'' issue Oh then forever sing, Are not seen with the eye— And baby birds faint chipperings With seed bags on his back. price, amounted to $14,270.26; And Praise Him for this glorious They speak with the horn, Who kno\v a heart that sings. War Stamps exchanged for G lie wore old shoes, arid a slouch Which shatters the morn. “ dawn bonds aggregated $1 ,200, and the Which nevermore shall cease. 0 , come, and watch the swallows hat, amount previously reported from His hair was long and black; “How dismal the day,” fly— : Emma A. Osterndorff. the issue price of bonds was $990,. Dark wings against the blue, In tattered garments plod his Some visitors say, New York and Ocean Grove. 051, making the total $1,006,421.25. And hear the sturdy sea-gulls cry way— . : ‘ But June can’t be wrong In her beauty and song; When weary day is through. With seed bags on his back. The sun will break through Laura."Van Huesen. The Beach Patrol American Legion He taught the early settler:; In an hour or two! Ocean Grove, N. J. was ^moonlight on the ocean, James Harvey Spencer. It. Not . V-------Tree culture without lack; a steamboat was in sight. To M eet Sept, 12 "Grimes Golden” and “Red Ram- Ocean Grove, N. J. • The Wind and I And so I had a notion We are so lonely, the- wind and I, bos” came— That to swim would be all right. Civilan defense program And he blows, and he blows, and From.seed bags on his back. Say A Prayer Cannery Sergeant 8. G. McKay, commander of the guard at U. S. planned for annual state con • he-blows; ' Mar ill' Corps Cepartment o £ the Pacific 5Iea4 quartcra, exhlbua a Ships are moving! Big ones too— I looked around the beaches, vention ' But what he is seeking he never. He nurtured fruit trees here and Mighty convoys getting through;- But no one.could I see, nhotdder weapon In his right hand which Is stamped “Harpers! Ferry, 18S«.” In left hao i L-? a piece dated 1867. Jammed to <us | : there. \ ■ ’ .finds; Loaded down with war supplies ’Cause all the little Peaches belt are a Ai Colt and a .36 caliber, ohort-bftrreUtd pistol, nnd&teft 1 The American Legion will devote Ami what it is, no one. knows. 'In prairie, glen and plain: (01 parta ot his personal collection. • to answer Nazi lies; Had gone to'got their tea. major portion of its annual State 'And everywhere that “Johnny Made Fighting forces guard them well Convention -program in Asbury My heart is lonely; for half of it j went— interested committee present that (When and where I must not tell); I walked a few steps farther, Park on September 12 , to a discus Apples followed in his train, the county will assume its full lies Facing fearful dangers daily, . Arid then came to a stop. In the .new-made grave of a 1 share of the cost of treatment for sion of Civilian Defense and Leg On they go and almost gayly— There was no one here to bother, L Nearly a hundred years have gone Grey victims the threatened epidemic ionaries’ part in the activities, friend,.' against the gleaming sun, If I had my trunks or not.. Marlboro Workers Take Action of infantof paralysis. Leonard Dreyfuss, State Direct The oldest, and best, and most be Since “Johnny” made his track; Faithful till the war is won. State institutional workers are Link in Waterway Started or of Civilian Defense, will be tho And through the years good apples Say a prayer that ns they roam, loved— My shawl l took off quickly, preparing . to take full advantage One of the objectives sought by principal speaker and will also came— Such love as can know no end. Each may travel safely home! As upon the sand. I satr of the procedure which is expected Prom seed bags on his back. Hew Jersey Waterways, head- participate in . one of the confer ' James Harvey Spencer. Then I heard a voice say briskly to be announced this week by Gov The ed’by W. DeWitt Stanford of Point ences on the subject. At the same * But now she is gone, and life is Ocean Grove, N. J. “Where do you think you're at?" ernor Edison’s Special Committee Heasani I. doff my hat to this great soul, Beach .and endorsed by; time a control center demonstra dead, . to set up machinery for the hand .the Manasquan Eiver Protective tion, under the direction of Charles And only the form of me lives; i For “Johnny's" valiant act; up in consternation, ; ling of grievances and other Association, of which: Stanford is . Dodge, administrative assistant The Dawn of a Tomorrow Looking I saw a soldier with his gun, problems. With conditions becom secretary, is soon going to be a in the Office of Civilian Defense God’s Love encircles all, ing worse from day to day, work fact. According to Stanford, he made the observation, con- Director, will he given in the Con He would not see a sparrow fall, As“To arrest you would be fun. ers at the Marlboro State Hospital strction of another link in the At- vention Hall during the afternoon. So on this earth where’er you are, who are affiliated with Local 400 lantic coast waterway—a three The cast of twenty-one persons He will be watching near and far. But I. think you just forgot State County and Municipal Work and one-half mile canal across the who take part in the demonstration X ers of America, C. I. O., added to southern About the beach patrol tip of Now Jersey’s Cape will be chosen from the memberA glimmer in the darkness B O A R D W A L K at C A S IN O And now if you’ll vacate' this spot their membership at a meeting May, was started last week Com <>hip of the Asbury Park Defense The light that shines afar, held Monday evening, August 17. pletion is tentatively scheduled for Council. 4—-SHOWS DAILY—4 It will be radiant in the morrow. I’ll watcli the ocean roll.” Belmar Has Complaints on Pond November 1. PERFORMANCES, 1:60, 3:00, 7:00 and 9:00 P. M. George .J. Gigcr, chairman of the When sorrow is no more. A petition signed by twelve resi 168 Defense Home Units, Belmar Metuchen ..Defense Council, is in I know ray face was ruddy, Phone A. P. 8974 dents in the Wreck pond area, As from that beach I flew The shortage in all-year residen charge of the Civilian Defense pro No more shall trouble haunt you, When I heard a voice call “Buddy, complaining of water flooding their tial dwellings for defense workers gram for the Legion Convention. The days that are to be, cellars was given consideration by attracted to the Belmar area by He is the superintendent of the Dis this be a lesson to you.” E n tire W eek Com m . M onday, A ug. 31 For I see the dawn of a tomorrow SoLet don’t try to bathe in the moon the Mayor and Council in session the development of Camp Evans abled- Veterans Home, at MenloIs coming very near. Monday night. The matter was will be eased somewhat by the al Park. light, ■ ■■ From a beach that is patrolled referred to the Borough Attorney, location of 18 dwelling units for But do all your swimming by day Forman T. Bailey, for study. Sea Belmar and immediate vicinity by MRS. HEIGHT HONORED Girt, more than a year ago, as the Federal Housing Administra light sumed control over the operation tion and the War Production Board. Celebrates 89th birthday at daugh South End is the best, I’m told. 3 ’ BRADLEY BKACB of the pond maintained its con The allocation is part of BOO dwell s home in Neptune E. S. P. trol with aandcourt injunction ob ing units allocated to Monmouth Mrs.ter’ T hors, to S«t. Aur. 2J to 29 | Ocean Grove, N. J. Sarah Height, formerly tained when Spring Lake workmen county and applications of several of Ocean Grove,E. and now* living on. “MRS. M IN IV ER ” § sought to demolish the dam after builders are now being processed WcBt Bangs avenue, Neptune, cele one of many previous complaints Greer Garson Walter Pidgeon s by the government. brated her eighty-ninth birthday along the same lines. Belmar Flotilla Members Inducted Sunday, August 23, nt the home, p f Freeholders Award Contract = Sun. X Mon. Aug. 00*31 i ! More than half, of the seventy hor daughter, Mrs, Walter Hosmer, Meeting at Freehold Wednesday member,! the Shark River flo West Bangs avenue, Neptune. Mra. “C rossroads” | the Monmouth County Board of tilla were ofsworn in as members of Height received a shower of cards 1 Wm. Powell Hedy Lamarr s Freeholders awarded contract for the temporary Coast Motor Coaches Guard Re- and gifts from her many friends. the construction of two timber serve'Saturday and henceforth Leave Ocean Grovo will Among her many guests during | I'uvs, & Wed. . . Sept. l - s l Post Office bridges in Howell Township. and be subject to off-shore patrol duty the day were Mr. and Irvin Height, (Wo.r Time) gave assurance; to Monmouth Me | “ H e r C ard b o ard L over” | 8:20 A. M. for the duration; The'men were- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Height, Mr. morial Hospital officials and an ■ AT OUR USUAL POPULAR PRICE SCALEr 1:20, 5:20, .4:2® P. M. inducted by Lt. S. P. Drummond, 'and Mrs. Archie Height, of .Nep | Robert Taylor Norma Shearer r Daily Except Sundays commanding the North Jersey dis tune, Mr. and Mrsl' Arthur Everett ^WtmmnillllHmnilHllH| t »nww«l»rr»m nw tw iT«ITW W Tl^ -; l iiurs.1 Sept. 3 ' One Day ' Only ' Bg ReserraUons ■asast lio made . on trict, at the home of Ensign Sam and children,, Harriet, Carolyn, all coaches ; NOW PLAYING— uel I« Good in Bridle-. Saturday, Walter and Arthur, Jr., Mr. ..and Comming 3 days only— 2 ‘C alling D r. G illespie” g Paulette Goddard DAILY $ 1 - 5 0 Excursion By:- joining the . Coast Guard Re Mrs, Harry Simons and Hiss Helen .Starting.. Sept, 7 Lionel Barrymore | One Ba y 1 sood oh au caches " Ray Milland serve' tlie boats- making up tho Simons, of Arlnigton; Mr. and Mrs. Belmar -flotilla will be eavered by Lawrence White, Larry White, Mr. “ R eap T he W ild “ T his A bove A ll” Sundays,. . Leaves from | Frit & Sat. Sept. 4 -t | PLUMBING | insurance in the event oi damage, and M rs. Walter Hosmer, Mrs. W in d ” Lake- and Heck Street 1 Dkippen; m i their crews will Wm. HoBmer, of Media, Pa. | “ M aisie G ets H er M an” | Asbury Parle Tel. .'Asbury Park 339 |Tinning and Heating! and be entitled to hospitalization. | Ann Sothern Red Skelton S NEW SONG 150.06. Jttonated to . Blood- Bank Asbury Park-N.Y, Transit Co. 1 “My Decision, I Will Be Free’.’ The Keyport Defense Council HARDWARE j held its regular meeting Tuesday Words by Rev. H. J. Zelley, D.D.V ^iiiiiiiiaitiiiiiiiiiiiiijitiiiiiatiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKHiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! night, August, 18, at the Borough Music by George H Cook First Paints and Oils J Hall, George Bircih, jr., chairaai: published today, Aug. 28, 1942— presiding. A .letter was read from 35* John B. Hoke,'chairman of. the to y r lO V Z blood bank committee of the KeyHAKE EVERY J O CEA N G R O V E, N. J . | port Kiwanis Club, asking .for a PAY OAY contribution for the civilian blood P h o n e 4741 1 bank- sponsored by the iCiwfttiiB W AR Clubs of Monmouth and Ocean h e s tt 1 r „ s e rv ic e a m l « b le \\ . ^ B O N D D A Y counties. The local defense coun cil voted a $50 donation to the stop s m m c s A v c m u s s blood bank. O F Cannon for Germany B iUt 3c dsaeirlvyicteo Frehold's The captured German cannon “Christmas Rush” PO IN T PLEA SA N T that has stoort in the little park TELEPHONE FACILITIES in many New Jersey commuAll Year an d SEA SID E PA RK an d nities are being used ac or near capacity and cannot P O IN T S B E T W E E N jeniiiiniiiiiiiiiiinimininiiifmnntniiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiio UuseB Aubunr rnrfc Christmas is traditionally by be enlarged because tin; necessary materials now go to Tor) ‘WLearo eoUdaya i M,, 6*.00li:00„A. A, M..(BolUt B'M, .OO far tho - busiest day for tho make weapons of war. Theic ore also wartime restric A. Mu, 9:10 -A. SE V E N T IE TH A N N IV ER SA R Y E D IT IO N "Voice -With A Smtlo" at tha «h00 P. M„ M,, l2:40 P, M„ esOS.JVS?,, tions on certain types of service and changesofequipment. 0:30 >t06 P. M., (and 11:80 ham Distance- gwltohbdards, # P. M,,V. oseopt Sftturd&yB). • L ooking F o rw ard to th e D iam ond Ju b ilee In 1944 To avoid last-minuie disappointment, we urge you ' tradltlun broken the last tlms Aildltloniil Hervlro, 1’.55 Jn October, 1888, wliot tlie great to check with our Business Office on the telephone situ P, M„.18I00 A. M. • Im„ r,0'tm \v, M„ 0:65 A.. nMi,, hurrlcano. struck she OBBisrs ation in the locality to which you plan to move, even if u:oo Ai St., u n v eoaet ond Nrn gnglBKu. But,, SK0 M., 116:0B M(, f ,'00 p, >f„ it is another section of the community wliereyou now live.' Sf#te, Tile, Asbestos, Slag tlio New Jersey Hell telephone OIiniifti lOO 1’.I*. M,, ISOV.P,1‘jirk—WaoUilftyu M, ■nd Roofing Hemlilu Company repsris, «nr>i»tlrouittt. We mayor tnay not be ableto duplicate your pres6:40 M-i 0140 A.fe Mm 18HO 1*, M„ eft ham Plstenee trafllc at Now Sheet Metel Work cm service and equipment, In some areas no new service a"t ISO SUBA,T». U„ 4 ito Mil 4*9 1 *. M„ Jersey's pvlnciput toll center, In »•, M,. B ill® l>. Mu 11100 P, M.| Warm A ir Retting can be furnisliecij in others, party line service is all cJiat (mi,- 38 do A, Mm oxcDl.-t Hillin'. Nowai'lt, Is meedlng avery inf Ventilating ii available. Your ordei lor service must, of course, be llw Brentflit Olirlsiinns rush oyer AiiilUloiitil H<>rvle 0 NnluntnOv 4103 $1,00 a Copy $1.10 by Moil subject to War Production Board restriction* whicli iwimtifff* Frejlf 6 l*»a »o«n tiwre, nnd tiis hurricane M,, 1 ‘, M,i 1116 A, J'i .M m OHO 0 ltt> )*, *■ M,, “ .... rmfia 186a‘ /P,”mM„ .,, lin? -ID s A, Mr! »i„ iwtHfrtliim'ilny rimli as wftlii may be revised from, tii.u to time. , • DSP, iaHum asoif.Iif.mtifrsi tlie (InasS of tea IIIu, tho r'linpany J . Z M .B E A R M O R E b 1>, 61,, (llHfl J*. m" 71811 P, M, In any event, you i-’-ay be lure that w# will do out &y*i I* rflimliliig w # n« propor*. Slidis i», M./ n ids v, Mil M m At mbet; to jtrvs yim, nmi if we should lie tumble to meet Hons nml In the li)t«e#$ of »ovi! & CO. fsw ruiilH iionvson A*nn> i urvlnu f<i,' Impoi'lnnt w«r ncliy< your teltplioini iienfi, w.: know you will umliritand wlty.i'litji iHifl Ijhu 010 Third avvnue, Aibnrv imilia I' W MjIio #1 *>'«»!, ))')•«IJI)W)1 tiles mitui be lessenvi) by AyoJrt(Imviiir Idh use n( Dm !,qiih ‘IiIoiiw 64 Main Avenue, Ocean Grove P»»li M liW J H R S IlV T H M H ’H Q N M C O M P A N Y sorvloe iiiil^s (ibuo)iilu|y neeoii’ Of* Mule llvru Hr At l«w»l NetvnslBiiiJ* , Til, IMS m;y, : i u y m h to w n jhi> t w i n M m m m m w lftm w M m M w m iM m m m m m w m m m ip tiitM tim Che Poet’s Corner County Notes v,, STRAND iff PALACE ss i New York Howard L. Smith I While They Last! j(51 Main Avenue; thetdf Z ^ ^ - HISTORY R o o fs 112 PAGES Many Full-Page Illustrations Ocean Grove Times Office ra s a iM i
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