JCN FIRST PARTNER MEETING Florence (IT), 10-11-12 December 2012 MINUTES OF THE KICK OFF MEETING 1 AGENDA OF THE MEETING Day 1 Timetable of Monday 10 December 2012: 14.00 – 18.00 Time 1 2 3 4 5 6 14.00 14.10 14.10-14.25 14.25-14.40 14.40-14.55 14.55-15.10 15.10-15.25 15.25-15.55 16.10 8 16.40 What Who Welcome of Participants and Adoption of the agenda Presentation of Ministry of Justice Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (JM MV) Presentation of Pixel Presentation of Tallin prison Presentation Ministry of Justice, Finland Presentation of the Irish Probation Service (IPS) Pixel JM MV Pixel Tallinn Prison MoJ Finland IPS Coffee Break Introduction to the project context and background Presentation of drafts workstream 0: project book, management plan, work plan, 9 16.40-17.40 monitoring plan financial management 10 17.40-18.00 Constitution of the steering committee JM MV Pixel JM MV Day 2 Timetable Tuesday 11 December 2012: 9.00 – 18.00 11 9.00-9.45 12 9.45-10.30 10.30-11.00 11.00 13 11.45 Presentation and analysis of Workstream 1: Working out the common basis Presentation and discussion of the calendar of the activities and of the models and forms to be used to produce the expected outputs and deliverables JM MV Presentation and analysis of Workstream 2: Comparison Presentation and discussion of the calendar of the activities and of the models and forms to be used to produce the expected outputs and deliverables MoJ Finland Tallinn Prison JM MV MoJ Finland Tallin Prison Coffee break Presentation and analysis of Workstream 3: Analysis Presentation and discussion of the calendar of the activities and of the models and forms to be used to produce the expected outputs and deliverables 14 11.45-12.30 Presentation and analysis of Workstream 4: Model and Standards Presentation and discussion calendar of the activities and of the models and forms to be 2 IPS JM MV used to produce the expected outputs and deliverables 12.30-14.00 Lunch Break 15 14.00-14.45 Presentation and analysis of Workstream 5: Transfer by Final Conference Presentation and discussion of the calendar of the activities and of the models and forms to be used to produce the expected outputs and deliverables 16 14.45-15.30 Presentation and analysis of Dissemination and Exploitation activities, Part 1 Presentation of Website and Logo Reports of the steering committee Final project report Internal newsletter via CEP External newsletter, Establishing an editorial team Press articles in relevant academic joumals and publications Lectures, attending professional conferences Dissemination materials, flyer, brochures Report Final conference: including general report and list of the participants Publishing of workshops results: minutes, reports and agreed papers JM MV Pixel, JM MV 15.30-16.00 Coffee Break 17 16.00-17.00 Presentation and analysis of Dissemination and Exploitation activities, Part 2 18 17.00-17.15 Presentation of the University of Greifswald (EMAU) EMAU 17.15 Workstream 0: Presentation and Analysis of the evaluation activities, especially quality plan 19 18.00 How will the internal evaluation work? Presentation of evaluation templates Analysis of partial evaluation reports Final evaluation reports Day 3 Timetable Wednesday 12 December 2012: 9.00 – 13.00 9.00 -10.30 10.30-11.00 11.00-12.30 12.30-13.00 Contractual issues, Definition of the partner's role Pixel, JM MV Coffee Break Financial management , Project timetable, any other business Meeting evaluation, Good bye 3 JM MV, all all LIST OF PARTICIPANTS Name and Surname Institution Rait Kuuse Viktoria Tinnuri Taavi Kruus Pille Tunger Eneli Vensel Elina Ruuskanen Kirsti Kuivajärvi Frau Tanja Klee Herr Jörg Jesse Frau Grit-Christin Ladwig Frau Agnete Mauruschat Frau Barbara Hansen Frieder Dünkel Ethel Gavin Gerry McNally Tony Hickey Elisabetta Delle Donne Antonio Giordano Andrea Peraldo The Prison of Tallinn (ES) The Prison of Tallinn (ES) The Prison of Tallinn (ES) The Prison of Tallinn (ES) The Prison of Tallinn (ES) Ministry of Justice (FI) Ministry of Justice (FI) Justizministerium Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (GE) Justizministerium Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (GE) Justizministerium Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (GE) Justizministerium Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (GE) Justizministerium Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (GE) University of Greifswald (GE) Irish Probation Service (IE) Irish Probation Service (IE) Irish Probation Service (IE) Pixel (IT) Pixel (IT) Pixel (IT) 4 DEADLINES AND ACTIONS AGENDA ITEM 1. Welcoming of participants and Adoption of the agenda Elisabetta Delle Donne (Pixel, IT) welcomes all of the project partners to Florence and thanks them for coming to the meeting. Elisabetta introduces the meeting and describes the practicalities of the two days. Elisabetta introduces the Meeting Agenda and asks the partners if they have any remark or modification proposals. No amendments to the Agenda are needed and therefore the Agenda is adopted by all partners. 2. Presentation of Ministry of Justice Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (JMMV) Herr Jörg Jesse (JMMV, GE) presents the Ministry of Justice Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. The Department of the Ministry of Justice Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is responsible for prison and probation services, offender management and pretentions of clemency. Five Prisons and one in 2011 newly established Regional Office for Offender Management Services (Lastar) with 4 external probation offices are under its administrative and technical supervision. The Department 2 is also in charge for the security of the forensic clinics. These are in responsibility of the Ministry of Social Affairs. The Department 2‘s conceptual work follows two main goals: Firstly the enhancement of society’s’ security and safety of society shall be achieved through the reduction of re-offending. This is done by safe accommodation and targeted and precise treatment of prisoners. For this reason the probation service is also engaged in the prisoners’ assessments and the beginning and the end of detention. The treatment of dangerous offenders is continuously intensified. Two socio therapeutic facilities for adults and juveniles help reduce recidivism. Secondly specialized prisons with economic sizes are to be developed. The prison service has over 780 staff, thereof 12 lawyers and higher administration service, 27 psychologists and 30 social workers and 607 prison officers. 3 Presentation of Pixel Elisabetta Delle Donne (Pixel, IT) presents Pixel. Pixel is an international education and training organization with a specific expertise in European cooperation and project management. Pixel was established in Florence (Italy) in 1999, has a permanent staff of 15 people and a network of about 100 external professionals and trainers that cooperate with them on specific activities. Pixel has significant experience in the following areas: support and consultancy in the field of European cooperation, as well as project planning and project management; organization of international mobility Initiatives; organization of international conferences In the field of education and training; direct submission as promoter or coordinator of European Projects. 90 European projects were successfully carried out to date by Pixel. Some of the European programmes that funded the projects in which Pixel was and is involved are: Socrates ODL; Socrates Minerva, Socrates Grundtvig, Socrates Lingua, eLearning, Leonardo da Vinci, Lifelong Learning (Sub 5 Programmes: Comenius, Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig and Transversal Programme). Pixel has developed cooperative agreements and partnerships throughout Europe with over 400 institutions. Pixel’s European partners are: ministries, universities, schools, regions, provinces, municipalities, training institutions, research centres, cultural institutions, schools, hospitals etc. in 30 different European countries. Pixel is engaged in a constant improvement in the quality of training and consulting services performed. Obtained the quality certification according to UNI EN ISO 9001:2000. Pixel is also accredited as a teachers’ in-service training agency by the Ministry of Education and by the Tuscany County Council. 4 Presentation of the Tallin Prison Rait Kuuse (Tallin Prison, ES) presents the Tallin Prison. The Department of Prisons in the Ministry of Justice is the administrative management unit of the prison system with its principal duty of managing, enhancing and supervising work in prisons. Tallinn Prison, as other three prisons in Estonia, is directly supervised by the department. Tallinn Prison is a regional prison, which serves the northern and western part of Estonia. Tallinn Prison is currently the largest prison in Estonia and is located in the city of Tallinn on the site of the former prisoner-of-war camp that operated between 1944 and 1949 and renovated afterwards. The history of prison starts from 1919 and this year 93rd anniversary was celebrated. Preparations are currently being made for the construction of a new Tallinn Prison. In the structure of Tallinn prison are, since 2008 emerging process, two probation departments supervising round 3500 probationers, which is approximately half of the total number of probationers in Estonia. Probation officers are dealing with implementation of wide palette of community sanctions and measures from pre-sentence reports to parole orders. Prison is managed by a director who is appointed to the position for five years term by the Minister of Justice. There are 600 workers in Tallinn prison (of whom 372 are prison officers and round 100 probation officers) are active in 14 departments of the prison. There are on every day basis round 1190 inmates serving their sentence in the prison, round 450 of whom are remand prisoners. Inmates can obtain basic and secondary education, and learn the trades of woodwork, construction, electrical maintenance and gardening. Inmates work in the prison’s kitchen and laundry, carry out repairs and renovation work and are employed in other workshops. 5 Presentation of the Ministry of Justice, Finland Kirsti Kuivajärvi and Elina Ruuskanen (Ministry of Justice, FI) present the Ministry of Justice of Finland. The Ministry of Justice maintains and develops the legal order and legal safeguards and oversees the structures of democracy and the fundamental rights of citizens. The Ministry is responsible for the drafting of the most important laws, the functioning of the judicial system and the enforcement of sentences. The Minister of Justice is Head of the Finnish Ministry of Justice. The Permanent Secretary assists the Minister in leading and developing the activities of the Ministry, the strategic planning and the management by performance of the administrative sector of the Ministry and the management by results of the Ministry. The Ministry of Justice has a Law Drafting Department, a Department of Judicial Administration and a Criminal Policy Department. The Ministry of Justice aims at an open, active and safe society where people can be confident that their rights will be respected. 6 As part of the Government the Ministry of Justice lays down guidelines for legal policy, develops statute policy and directs its administrative sector. 6 Presentation of the Irish Probation Service Gerry McNally (Irish Probation Service, IE) presents the Probation Service. The Probation Service is an agency of the Department of Justice and Equality. It is the lead agency in the assessment and management of adult and child offenders subject to community sanctions and supervision in the community. The Probation Service has over 400 staff, including 280 Probation Officers, in more than forty locations nationwide. The Probation Service provides assessment reports, supervision in the community, community service, post-custody supervision for adult and young offenders before Courts. Probation Service personnel also works in IPS prisons and places of detention to rehabilitate offenders, reduce re-offending and facilitate their resettlement and re-integration on discharge from custody. The Probation Service is responsible for the assessment and supervision of almost 9,000 offenders in the community on any day and works with a further 1,600 in custody. The Probation Service works closely with the Irish Prison Service, An Garda Síochána and other agencies of the criminal justice system in Ireland and other jurisdictions and other relevant public bodies such as the Health Service Executive (HSE), Vocational Education Committees, Local Authorities as well as the voluntary and community sector. The Department of Justice and Equality, through the Probation Service, provides funding to almost 60 community based organisations for actions supporting the work of the Service. All partners presentations will be made available onto the project website at the Meetings > Documents section. 7 Presentation of the University of Greifswald Frieder Dünkel presents the University of Greifswald. The University of Greifswald covers all classic faculties and studies. The partner is head of the Department of Criminology, which is attached to the Faculty of Law and Business Administration. The University was founded in 1456 and has about 12,500 students (2012), of them about 1,500 in Law. 8 Introduction to the project context and background Herr Jörg Jess (JMMV, GE) describes the main context the project refers to. The project is based on the observation that the risk of re-offending is high and that an effective resettlement can assist the prevention of further offending. There is a need to share, learn and develop best practices for better outcomes. The main beneficiaries of this “sharing knowledge” are: the prisoners leaving custody, the communities and the criminal justice system. The Project refers directly to the Stockholm Programme by exchanging best practices and refers to the European Prison Rules on the release of sentenced prisoners. For this reason the project intends to establish a "community of best practices" to enhance services and develop new initiatives and to build a wide network of all concerned with the management of high risk offenders across Europe. This network will contribute to the 7 evolution of a European identity and shared resource. The project has the aim to integrate existing informal links, expertise and best practice through shared learning, improved best practice among partners and a strong network. The main objectives are: the creation of a European network and database for best practice of transition management of prisoners leaving custody with a focus on high risk offenders; the development of Minimum standards and of a model for the handling of (high risk) offenders; the establishing of a whole system of integration. The presentation of the project is integrated by Elisabetta Delle Donne (Pixel, IT), who describes its technical aspects. The project JCN Justice Cooperation Network, European treatment and Transition Management of High Risk Offenders, is funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Criminal Justice Programme. The pro ect ob ective is to develop a European network and database or best practice o transition management of prisoners leaving custody with a focus on high risk o enders. This includes the development o minimum standards and of a model for the handling o high risk o enders in the shape o a modular system to establish a whole system integration that ensures the continuity o approach towards the o ender. The project is organized in 5 main activities: Development of a common and mutual understanding o de initions in the ield o high risk o enders and transition management. Comparison of existing systems o transition management. The intention is to identi y national programmes and elements o transition management systems which are common among partners and those which are di erent. Analysis of the existing elements and programmes in the partner countries. n this basis it can be established in how ar the programmes and elements are capable to ensure the desired continuity o treatment in theory and practice best practices . Development o a model or the handling o high risk o enders in the shape o a modular system which ensures the desired continuity. Minimum standards shall be elaborated, which are necessary to underpin an integrated system, based on modules identified in developing a model. Sharing of the findings of the project with States beyond the project partners. This includes all EU Member and candidate States. The final conference will be the primary vehicle to disseminate findings of the project and to make them available for all interests across Europe. The expected results include: Organization of transnational workshops in Germany, Estonia, Finland, Ireland. 40 participants and experts will attend each of the workshops. The workshops, organized in the partner countries, will have the aim to: - Workshop 1 (Tallinn, Estonia): to assess the state of the art on the existing national services - prison, probation, etc- in the field of high 8 risk offenders and transition management - Workshop 2 (Dublin, Ireland): to compare existing systems of transition management in the partner countries. - Workshop 3 (Helsinki, Finland): to identify best practice. - Workshop 4 (Schwerin, Germany): to develop a model for handling high risk offenders, the model will take the form of a modular strategy. Report entitled “Common Understanding o Terms and De initions” on the topic o high risk offenders and transition management. The report will be available in all of the partner’s languages and also in French. Report entitled “Transnational Comparative Analysis o Transition Management Strategies”. The report will be available in all of the partner’s languages and also in French. Report entitled “Best Practice Strategies and Programmes or dealing with high risk offenders and for the desired continuity of treatment as well as for transition management”. The report will be available in all o the partner’s languages and also in French. Model for handling high risk offenders. The Model will be available in all of the partner’s languages and also in French. Document identifying Standards and indicators as integration to the Model for handling high risk offenders developed. The document will be available in all of the partner’s languages and also in French. Final Conference to present the JCN project results. Availability of the JCN web that will collect all o the pro ect’s results 9 Presentation of Workstream 0: project book, management plan, workplan, monitoring plan financial management Elisabetta Delle Donne of Pixel presents Workstream 0 that is organized in the following activities: 0.A: Planning and Organization The tasks to be carried out in the framework of Workstream 0. A are: 0.A.2: Participation in Partners/Steering Committee Meetings 0.A.5: Progress Activities Reports 0.A.6: Yearly Activities Reports The templates that will be used are: Form for the production of in progress activities report Guidelines for writing the Yearly Activity Report The expected results by each partner are: 9 Pixel has provided: Project Book Management Plan Project WorkPlan Reports of the steering committee meetings (including this one) Each partner will have to produce: In progress Project Activities Reports Yearly Activity reports As far as task 0.A.2, Participation in Partners /Steering Committee Meetings is concerned, after a joint discussion the project partners propose possible dates for the next meetings to be further confirmed. These dates are agreed and accepted by all the project partners. The next meetings will be organized as it follows: 13 March 2013: Estonia 12 June 2013: Ireland 30 October 2014: Finland 2 April 2014: Germany 3 September 2014: Germany. Each of the meetings will be followed by a national workshop as described in the following workstreams. 13 March 2013 All partners Second meeting in Estonia 12 June 2013 All partners Third meeting in Ireland 30 Oct 2013 All partners Fourth meeting in Finland 2 Apr 2014 All partners Fifth meeting in Germany 3 Sept 2014 All partners Final conference As far as task 0.A.5, Progress Activities Reports is concerned, Elisabetta Delle Donne fully explains the project partners how to fill in the online In Progress Activities Report, which Every 3 months has to be produced and updated by each partner every 3 months. All partners In progress Activities Report Elisabetta Delle Donne proposes the deadlines to be respected in the framework of the Workstream 0.A Project Planning and Organization. After a joint discussion, it is decided 15 Sept 2013 that: The Yearly Activities will be produced by 15 September 2013 and 30 October 2014. All partners 0.B: Financial Management The activities related to Workstream 0. B are related to the production of: First Financial Report Second Financial Report Third Financial Report The templates and Guidelines that will be used are contained in the: Manual for the Project Financial Management The expected results by each partner are: Pixel will provide: Financial Manual Each partner will have to produce: Yearly Financial Reports Elisabetta Delle Donne proposes the deadlines to be respected in the framework of 10 Yearly Activities Report 30 Oct 2014 All partners Yearly Activities Report Workstream 0.B. Financial Management. After a joint discussion, it is decided that: the First Financial Report will be produced in June 2013 the Second Financial Report will be produced in September 2013 the Third Financial Report will be produced in October 2014. 0.C: Dissemination The activities related to Workstream 0. C are: 0.C.3) Publication of internal newsletters 0.C.4) Publication of external newsletters 0.C.5) Publication of press articles on relevant academic journals 0.C.6) Speeches about the project in relevant conferences 0.C.9) Yearly Dissemination Reports 0.C.10) Final Conference The templates that will be used are: 0.C.9) Guidelines for writing the Yearly Dissemination Report The expected results by each partner are: Project brochure (revision of texts produced by Pixel, translation in the national language, printing) Reports on Workshops Publication of the Internal/External Newsletter Publication of press articles Production of Yearly Dissemination Report Report on the Final Conference It follows a joint discussion focusing on the following themes: the production and the language of the internal and external newsletter; the deadlines for the production of press articles; the number of speeches to be guaranteed; the involvement of associated partners; the production of project brochures. After this joint discussion, it is decided that: the internal newsletters will be under the responsibility of each partner which will produce it in its own national language; the external newsletters will be produced by a team composed by the German and the Irish partners; every partner has to guarantee at least one speech per year about the project in relevant conferences; With reference to the involvement of associated partners, it is decided that: no deadline is fixed: the involvement of associated partners will follow the natural development of the project; no official form for the involvement of associated partners will be produced or used; the only proof of the involvement of associated partners will be represented by a specific section of the Yearly Dissemination Report. With reference to the project brochures, it is decided that: 11 30 June 2013 All partners First Financial Report 30 Sept 2013 All partners Second Financial Report 30 Oct 2014 All partners Third Financial Report Pixel will send each partner the English version of the brochure; each partner will check it and propose integrations and corrections; each partner will have to translate the brochure in national languages; each partner will have to send the translated version to Pixel; Pixel will have to produce the graphic layout of the brochures for all languages of the project partners. Elisabetta Delle Donne (Pixel, IT) proposes the deadlines to be respected in the framework of Workstream 0.D. Dissemination. After a joint discussion, it is decided that: the internal newsletter will be produced every 4 months; the external newsletter will be produced every 2 months; the publication of press articles on relevant academic journals will be guaranteed by September 2013 and October 2014; each partner has to guarantee at least one speech per year about the project in relevant conferences; a copy of the newsletters, press articles, speeches have to be sent to Pixel within the related deadlines (i.e., every 2, 4 months, etc.); the Yearly Dissemination will be produced by October 2014; the Final Conference will be held in October 2014. 0.D: Evaluation The activities related to Workstream 0. D are: Quality Plan Evaluation Forms Progress Evaluation Reports Final Evaluation Report The expected results to be produced by the University of Greifswald are: Quality Plan Evaluation Templates Progress Evaluation Reports Final Evaluation Reports Elisabetta Delle Donne proposes the deadlines to be respected in the framework of Workstream 0.D.Evaluation. After a joint discussion, it is decided that: The Quality Plan, together with the related evaluation templates, will be produced by the University of Greifswald by February 2013; the Progress Evaluation Reports will be produced by the University of Greifswald by June 2013 and October 2013; the Final Evaluation Report will be produced by October 2014. 10 Constitution of the steering committee All project partners contribute to the constitution of the steering committee. After a joint discussion, it is decided that: the steering committee is composed by a reference person for each of the partners ; the steering committee will get together on the first day of each of the planned 12 Every 4 months st (1 deadline: Feb 2013) All partners Internal newsletter Every 2 months Justizministerium Mecklenburg Vorpommern/ Irish Probation Service External newsletter Sept 2013/ Oct 2014 All partners Publication of press articles on relevant academic journals Sept 2013/ Oct 2014 All partners Speech about the project in relevant conferences October 2014 All partners Yearly Dissemination Report October 2014 All partners Final Conference Feb 2012 University of Greifswald Quality Plan and Evaluation Templates June 2013-Oct 2013 University of Greifswald Progress Evaluation Reports Oct 2014 University of Greifswald Final Evaluation Report meetings for the workshops; the last session of the steering committee will be held on the occasion of the Final Conference. The steering committee is composed as it follows: Rait Kuuse: Prison of Tallinn Kirsti Kuivajärvi: Ministry of Justice Herr Jörg Jesse: Justizministerium Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Frieder Dünkel: University of Greifswald Irish Probation Service: Gerry McNally Elisabetta Delle Donne: Pixel 11 Presentation and analysis of Workstream 1: Working out the common basis The activities related to Workstream 1 are: 1.A) Organization of Internal National Meetings and production of related Minutes; ; 1.B) Organization of a Transnational Workshop (Estonia) and production of the Workshop Report; 1.C) Draft Report entitled Common Understanding of Terms and Definitions; 1.D) Production of the final version of the Report; 1.G) Translation into the national language of the Report; 1.I) Uploading of the Workshop Report and of the Report on the project web site The templates that will be used are: 1.A) Guidelines for the production of the Minutes of the National Meetings 1.B) Guidelines for the production of the Workshop Reports 1.D) Template for the production of the Report The Prison of Tallinn (ES) will provide: Report on the Workshop Draft version of the Report entitled Common Understanding of Terms and Definitions Final version of the Report entitled Common Understanding of Terms and Definitions Each partner will have to produce: Minutes of the National Meeting; Translation in national languages of the Report entitled Common Understanding of Terms and Definitions Pixel will upload the final version and the translations of the Report on the project portal Elisabetta Delle Donne (Pixel, IT) presents a template for the production of the internal meetings. Also a template for the production of Workshop Reports is presented by 13 Elisabetta Delle Donne. Both templates are analyzed and discussed by all partners. After a few adjustments, they are adopted by all partners. Rait Kuuse (The Prison of Tallinn, ES) proposes to send a workshop agenda to all the partners in order to receive their feedbacks. In addition, all the partners have to send the number of participants to the partner which organizes the workshop. Both proposals are approved by the other partners. Frieder Dünkel (University of Greifswald, GE) presents a questionnaires all the project partners have to fill in. The main objective is to underline a common basis among all the different project partners. After a joint discussion of the questionnaire, this is adopted by the project partners. Elisabetta Delle Donne proposes the deadlines to be respected in the framework of “Workstream 1 Working Out the Common Basis”. After a joint discussion, it is decided that: the Internal National Meetings will be held by 28 February 2013, the related Minutes will be produced by the end of February. the Transnational Workshop will be held on 13-16 March 2013; the Report of the Transnational Workshop will be produced by 30 March; the Report entitled Common Understanding of Terms and Definitions will be produced by 30 April 2013 the Translation of the Report will be made by 15 May 2013, the Irish partner will carry out a language assessment of the original report in English. 12 Presentation and analysis of Workstream 2: Comparison The activities related to Workstream 2 are: 2.A) Organization of Internal National Meetings and production of related Minutes; 2.B) Organization of a Transnational Workshop (Ireland) and production of the Workshop Report; 2.C) Draft Report entitled Transnational Comparative Analysis of Transition Management Strategies 2.G) Production of the final version of the Report 2.H) Translation into the national language of the Report 2.I) Uploading of the Workshop Report and of the Report on the project web site The templates that will be used are: 1.A) Guidelines for the production of the Minutes of National Meetings 1.B) Guidelines for the production of the Workshop Reports 1.D) Template for the production of the Report Irish Probation Service (IE) will provide: Report on the Workshop Draft version of the Report entitled Report entitled Transnational Comparative Analysis of Transition Management Strategies Final version of the Report entitled Transnational Comparative Analysis of 14 28 Feb 2013 All partners Production of Minutes of Internal Meetings 13-16 March 2013 All partners st 1 Transnational Workshop 30 March 2013 The Prison of Tallinn Report on the workshop 30 Apr 2013 The Prison of Tallinn Production of the Report entitled “Common Understanding of Terms and Definitions” 15 May 2013 All partners Translation of the Report and Language Check Transition Management Strategies Each partner will have to produce: Minutes of the National Meeting; Translation in national languages of the Report entitled Transnational Comparative Analysis of Transition Management Strategies 30 May 2013 Pixel will upload the final version and the translations of the Report on the project All partners portal Production of Elisabetta Delle Donne proposes the deadlines to be respected in the framework of the workstream 2. D. After a joint discussion, it is decided that: the Internal National Meetings will be held by 30 May 2013, the related Minutes will be produced by the end of May. the Transnational Workshop will be held on 12-15 June 2013 the Report of the Transnational Workshop will be produced by 30 June; the Report entitled Transnational Comparative Analysis of Transition Management Strategies will be produced by 31 July 2013 the Translation of the Report will be made by 15 September 2013 13 Presentation and analysis of Workstream 3: Analysis The activities related to Workstream 3 are: 3.A) Organization of Internal National Meetings and production of related Minutes; 3.B) Organization of a Transnational Workshop (Finland) and production of the Workshop Report; 3.C) Draft Report entitled Best Practice Strategies and Programmes for dealing with high risk offenders and for the desired continuity of v treatment as well as for transition management 3.G) Production of the final version of the Report 3.H) Translation into the national language of the Report 3.I) Uploading of the Workshop Report and of the Report on the project web site The templates that will be used are: 1.A) Guidelines for the production of the Minutes of National Meetings 1.B) Guidelines for the production of the Workshop Reports 1.D) Template for the production of the Report Ministry of Justice of Finland (FI) will provide: Report on the Workshop Draft version of the Report entitled Best Practice Strategies and Programmes for dealing with high risk offenders and for the desired continuity of treatment as well as for transition management Final version of the Report entitled Report entitled Best Practice Strategies and Programmes for dealing with high risk offenders and for the desired continuity of treatment as well as for transition management Each partner will have to produce: 15 Minutes of Internal Meetings 12-15 June 2013 All partners nd 2 Transnational Workshop 30 June 2013 Irish Probation Service Report on the workshop 31 July 2013 Irish Probation Service Production of the Report entitled “Transnational Comparative Analysis of Transition Management Strategies” 15 Sept 2013 All partners Translation of the Report Minutes of the National Meeting; Translation in national languages of the Report entitled Best Practice Strategies and Programmes for dealing with high risk offenders and for the desired continuity of v treatment as well as for transition management Pixel will upload the final version and the translations of the Report on the project portal Elisabetta Delle Donne proposes the deadlines to be respected in the framework of the workstream 3. D. After a joint discussion, it is decided that: the Internal National Meetings will be held by 30 September 2013, the related Minutes will be produced by the end of September. the Transnational Workshop will be held on 30 October – 2 November 2013 the Report of the Transnational Workshop will be produced by 30 November; the Report entitled Best Practice Strategies and Programmes for dealing with high risk offenders and for the desired continuity of v treatment as well as for transition management will be produced by 31 December 2013 the Translation of the Report will be made by 31 January 2014 14 Presentation and analysis of Workstream 4: Model and Standards The activities related to Workstream 4 are: 4.A) Organization of Internal National Meetings and production of related Minutes; 4.B) Organization of a Transnational Workshop (Germany) and production of the Workshop Report; 4.E) Development of a Model for handling high risk offenders 4.F) Production of a document identifying Standards and indicators as an integration to the model developed 4.I) Translation into the national language of the Model and the Standards 4.M) Publication of the results on the web site The templates that will be used are: 1.A) Guidelines for the production of the Minutes of National Meetings 1.B) Guidelines for the production of the Workshop Reports Each partner will have to produce: Minutes of the National Meeting; Translation in national language of the Model for handling high risk offenders Translation in national language of the Document identifying Standards and indicators as an integration to the model developed Pixel will upload the final version and the translations of the Model and the Document on the project portal Elisabetta Delle Donne proposes the deadlines to be respected in the framework of the workstream 4. After a joint discussion, it is decided that: the Internal National Meetings will be held by 28 February 2014, the related 16 30 Sept 2013 All partners Production of Minutes of Internal Meetings 30 Oct – 2 Nov 2013 All partners rd 3 Transnational Meeting 30 Nov 2013 Ministry of Justice Fin Report on the workshop 31 Dec 2013 Ministry of Justice Fin Production of the Report entitled “Best Practice Strategies and Programmes for dealing with high risk offenders and for the desired continuity of v treatment as well as for transition management” 31 Jan 2014 All partners Translation of the Report and language check 28 Feb 2014 Minutes will be produced by the end of February. All partners the Transnational Workshop will be held on 2-5 April 2014 Internal Meetings the Report of the Transnational Workshop will be produced by 30 April; 2-5 Apr 2014 the Model for handling high risk offenders will be produced by 15 May 2014; All partners th the Document identifying Standards and indicators will be produced by 15 May 4 Transnational Workshop 2014; 15 May 2014 the Translation of the Model will be made by 30 June 2014 Justizministerium Mecklenburgthe Translation of the Document will be made by 30 June 2014 15 Presentation and analysis of Workstream 5: Transfer by Final Conference The activities related to Workstream 5 are: 5.A) Organization of Internal National Meetings and production of related Minutes; 5.B) Development of the contents of the CDs to be distributed to the Conference participants 5.C) Organization of the Final Conference (Germany) and production of the Conference Report Justizministerium Mecklenburg-Vorpommern will provide: - 400 CD2 printed to be distributed to the Conference participants - Publication of Conference Report Vorpommern Production of the Model for handling high risk offenders 15 May 2014 Justizministerium MecklenburgVorpommern Production of the Document identifying Standards and indicators 30 June 2014 All partners Translation of the Model and the Document Each partner will have to produce: Minutes of the National Meeting; Translation in national languages of the Conference Report; Pixel will upload the final version and the translations of the Report on the project portal Elisabetta Delle Donne proposes the deadlines to be respected in the framework of the 30 Aug 20144 workstream 5. After a joint discussion, it is decided that: All partners The Internal National Meetings will be held by 30 August 2014; the Final Conference will be held on 4-5 September 2014 16 Presentation and analysis of Dissemination and Exploitation activities Elisabetta Delle Donne (Pixel, IT) presents the draft version of the project portal and the project website. The project web site is to be used for project management purposes by all of the partners. Elisabetta Delle Donne asks the partners the authorization to upload the descriptions of their institution. Partners accept and those who did not insert all the information have to send them to Pixel by 20 December 2012. This information will be password protected. A link to the website of each partner institution will be uploaded in the section which preceding the login. The draft version of the web site is accepted by all partners. 17 Internal Meetings 4-5 Sept 2014 All partners Final Conference Both drafts of project web site and project portal are approved by the project partners. Elisabetta Delle Donne proposes the deadlines to be respected. After a joint discussion, it is decided that: the project web site will be available online by the first half of January 2013; the project portal will be available online by the first half of February 2013. 19 Contractual issues, Definition of the partner’s role Tanja Klee (JMMV, DE) presents the draft of the contract. Each partner is invited to check it and to send the missing information to the project promoter, Ministry of Justice Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in order to complete it. This contract integrates the one each partner has signed with the European Commission. The role of each partner is defined in the Calendar of activities (and in the extract of the calendar) which will be attached to the contract. 20 Financial management, Project timetable, any other business The Project Administrative and Financial Manual produced by Pixel is distributed to all partners. The Manual also contains the official Guidelines produced by the EACEA. The Manual produced will be uploaded on the pro ect’s web site will be made available onto the project website at the Meetings > Documents section General remarks Eligible costs should be: directly connected with the carrying out of the approved activities on the basis of the work plan, necessary for performance of action, reasonable in accordance with economy and efficiency principles, actually incurred by partners and recorded in their accounts, identifiable and verifiable, made during pro ect’s li e and con orm to the rules set out in the Financial and Administrative Manual of the funding program. The following costs are always not eligible: costs related opening and operating bank accounts, debts services charges, exchange losses, expenditure that is already funded by other Community sources, excessive expenditure, and expenditure of the substitution of staff who participate in the project, fines, financial amendments and legal costs. In order to justify expenditure partners should fill in the Financial Report Form and enclose or the required documents. Types of costs Staff. Staff Cost can include personnel having either a permanent contemporary employment contract with the project partner as well as and personnel recruited through an external agency. In order to calculate the staff costs, different types of personnel are classified in 4 categories: Managers; Teachers and Trainers; Technical staff; Administrative staff. For each category there is a maximum daily cost which changes from country to country. Staff daily costs cannot exceed the maximum rate for the relevant country. Any surplus is considered ineligible. Staff costs should be justified using: - Time cards - Pay slips 18 15 Jan 2013 Pixel Availability of the project web site 15 Feb 2013 Pixel Availability of the project portal - Employment contracts - Bank statements of payments made - Declaration of method of calculation Travel. Travel costs are admissible only if they are directly connected to specific and clearly identifiable project related activities. Partners are required to choose the cheapest mean of travel, where this is not the case a full explanation should be provided. Subsistence costs. Subsistence costs include Accommodation, Meals, and Local travels. Subsistence costs are admissible as long as they are necessary and reasonable and do not exceed the maximum daily amount per person in the destination country. Subcontracting. Expenditure made to an external organization who is not a member of the partnership that carried out a specific and limited project activity, must be included in the “Sub-contracting” cost category. Sub-contracting activities may include translation, interpreting, and printing services, carried out by external organizations who are not members of the project partnership. This expenditure is only admissible when the personnel of the partner organizations do not possess the necessary skills to carry out the activity in question. All details are included in the Manual for Financial Management produced by Pixel. It is however underlined that the Official Project Management Guide enclosed is the one related to the Daphne Programme as the one for the Justice Programme is not available yet. As soon as the Project Management Guide of the Justice Programme will be available, all partners will be informed and it will be published on the JCN project web site. 22 Meeting closure and evaluation There are no further matters for discussion. Jörg Jesse (JMMV, GE) declares that the meeting has been very positive in terms of quality of the partnership who has both the expertise and experience to successfully carry out the project activities, Jörg Jesse (JMMV, GE) underlines the commitment expressed as well as the motivation of all project partners to reach the goals of the projects. Elisabetta Delle Donne (Pixel, IT) also thanks all participants for the attending and reminds them the next meeting in Tallinn and asks each partner to fill in the meeting evaluation form. Evaluation of Partners’ Meeting The evaluation o partners’ meetings was based on the use o questionnaires created by Pixel to evaluate the organization, management and results of each meeting. The aspects that were evaluated by the pro ect’s partners included: the in ormation provided before the meeting; facilities available for the meeting; technical equipment; the agenda of the meeting; the material distributed; the time management; the working atmosphere; the 19 level of participation; the results reached etc. The graph below illustrates how the project partners evaluated the kick off meeting The average evaluation of the meeting is an excellent 8.7 /10. The information distributed before the meeting and the technical equipment available receive a score between 7.3 to 7.6 , these slightly lower score are probably due to the fact that being a kick off meeting the preparatory information never seem to be enough and usually there is a further improvement of this score, that is already quite good anyway, for the preparation of the second meeting. The technical facilities were those made available at the hotel where the meeting was held and because there were over twenty participants connecting at the same time, this may have been slightly slow the WiFi connection. The participants evaluated very highly the meeting secretariat (8.4/10) the reception at the meeting (9.0 / 10), the planning of the meeting (8.5 / 10), the material distributed (9.2 / 10), the time management (9.1 / 10), time availability (9.3 / 10) and the working atmosphere (9.4 / 10). Also the general meeting management (9.3 / 10) obtained positive marks and comments. 20 A key element in a transnational meeting is the level of participation and active contribution to the discussion from all actors. This aspect obtained a very positive score (8.8 / 10) also confirmed by the high evaluation of the level of satisfaction for answers received to everyone’s doubts 8.8 / 10). The consistency of the reached results received a very good score (9.0 / 10), so as the consistency between the results achieved and the initial objectives (8.8 / 10). Finally, in order to support the dialogue and the reciprocal knowledge among the participants, social events have been organised (a walking tour of the city and dinners downtown the city), obtaining a positive mark (9.4 / 10). Overall, this meeting was a success. Among the elements which were appreciated the most: “The good organization and the pleasant atmosphere for work”, those are the key aspects to guarantee the success of a meeting. Furthermore a successful kick-off meeting represents the best starting point for a positive carrying out and exploitation of a European project. 21
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