QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1969 The Home-Owned Newspaper Serving Quesnel and the Northern Cariboo QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1969 Horns in your ears . . . a missed appointment . . . a tow-truck ride . . . a pounding head and a lot of other things to spoil your driving. That's what an untuned car is. Untuned car trouble results from old worn spark plugs in an untuned engine. The cure is quick and effective. It's a Champion Tune-Up: a new set of Champion spark plugs plus other basic tune-up items you may need. You'll feel the difference pronto. Troublefree starting. Quicker acceleration for safer highway passing. More power. Dependable performance: And an average saving of over a gallon of gas per tankful — proved in United States Auto Club certified tests. For trouble-free driving, get a Champion Tune-Up now—and every .10,000 miles. Because an untuned car is trouble! starts with CHAMPION T h e h e a r t of a t u n e - u p a smooth-running car. Here's how to travel in safety, economy, and comfort. 2 QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER > WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1969 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1969 QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER 11 Drugs Don't Association Warns Safe Driving a Three-Legged Stool, Expert Says Drugs and driving don't mix, to protect against these hazsays the National Association ards? of Retail Druggists. * * * STUDENTS ARE BEING So important is respect for drugs in insuring highway URGED to seek medical facts safety that N.A.R.D. is provid- and study recent clinical reing fact sheets for driver edu- search so that objective data cation teachers in and out of can be given to all. Poster conhigh school, according to ex- tests and slogan contests in i ecutive secretary Willard B. high schools and other student Simmons, Who represents efforts are being encouraged, 40,000 independent drugstore to turn the cold light of reason on drug abuse. And parents, owners. teachers and all adults are beDruggists are teaching the ing urged to call for drug edupublic the power of drugs. cation in the schools. Drugs save lives, Simmons * • * points out. He adds facts of EVERY PARENT CAN AID interest to all drivers. by checking his child's where''When doctors prescribe abouts, knowing the identity some valuable medications of group drivers, and making they insist that no driving be strict rules about car use, exdone for a specified number of perts advise. hours," he says. "Heed their advice and the advice of the druggist who reminds you of that fact." In addition to urging respect , for the life-saving drugs of daily life, members of N.A.R.D. " are lending their professional efforts to schools to forward the work of drug education. The dangers of drug abuse are being brought to students' attention at the request of the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs of the Department of Justice. The 1968-69 Champion HighAmos E. Neyhart, for more than 35 years a tireless ambasway Safety Program, to be sador for traffic safety, likens his field to a three-legged stool. consequences, the survey Young people, supposedly at found. Almost two-thirds of conducted in schools through"You take a properly educated driver, give him a wellengined vehicle and then design a modern highway that can odds with the older genera- them identified not wearing out the U.S. and Canada, is handle the traffic and you'll see a terrific reduction in the tion, have at least one area of belts as a major contributing stressing seat belt use as well accident rate," says the director emeritus of the Institute of agreement with their parents. cause to traffic fatalities. as other safety aids. Both.are ignoring the lifePublic Safety at The Pennsylvania State University. "Eliminate one of these factors and you're in trouble. It's saving use of car seat belts. like a three-legged stool, knock a leg out and the stool will fall." Champion Spark Plug Company, through its Highway Best Known As Father of Driver Education Safety Program, queried nearFor all his considerable achievements in his chosen profes- ly 12,000 high school seniors on NEW CAR CARE sion, Neyhart is best renowned as the father of driver educa- seat belt wearing habits. In BY YOUR FAVORITE tion in the nation. cars equipped with belts, well For it was in 1933 that Neyhart, equipping his 1929 Graham under 50 percent use the rePaige with dual controls and footing the bills himself, taught straining devices. the first driver education course in the country. Only 14.8 percent said they There were 34 State College High School pupils in that class. always use belts. Another 29.8 Wally Sanderson Today the estimate is that almost 15 million students have percent said they used them learned to drive from courses modeled after Neyhart's original most of the time. The biggest edition of 36 years ago. percentage, 37.5, said they selassuring you the At last count, 13,311 of the nation's 17,954 high schools — dom used belts. Some 17.7 perbest in skilled workor 74 per cent—offer approved cent said they never used seat manship at the courses in driver training. By belts. the same token, latest statishands of expertly There was little difference tics also show that 56 per cent trained and experiin use between boys and girls, of the nation's pupil popular enced mechanics, with less than a percentage tion—1,725,380 of 3,093,348 stupoint difference In their anin a modern service dents — are enrolled in driver swers. d e p a r t m e n t education programs. In addition to youngsters equipped for every How did the whole thing driving cars equipped with Bring your car in —no matCar Care need. come about? seat belts but not using them, ter the make-for inspec"Well," said Neyhart as he large percentages are driving TUME-up tion regularly—and let us sipped a cup of coffee in the cars which have no seat belts. keep it in shape for most campus offices of the institute, economical and safe opOf those driving their own eration. "I'm an industrial engineer by cars, less than half of the veprofession. hicles are equipped with belts. Over 63.6% of all cars, includA Personal Stake ing those belonging to parents, "But from my years in inwere equipped with belts. dustry, I learned that you The students' failure to wear made no headway with your McLe* seat belts was not because of 992-6313 trson safety programs until you contheir failure to recognize the vinced the employee that he had a personal stake in accident prevention. "The same thing applied to driving. If we were going to AMOS E. NEYHART make traffic safety work, we Father of Driver Education had to work with the individual. "We had to get 'em before out on a windy roadway, things they learned bad habits. And like that." when was the best time for Right Way, Only Way that? Just as soon as they're He says: "We've been teachold enough to drive, and that ing manipulative skills; how meant high school." Today, at an age (69) when to start, steer, back up, make most men would be thinking turns. We have not been teachof a relaxing afternoon on the ing accident prevention skills. front porch, Neyhart is almost, This is a criticism of the program I accept. .We haven't if not quite as active. "I just can't sit back when gotten into this, and I won't there's a lot of work to be done be satisfied until we do." To Neyhart, there is only and potentially a lot of lives to be saved," he said at the one way for a youngster to learn how to drive and that's time of his retirement. Looking back, while Neyhart the right way. "What good is geometry or 16" x 32" Reg. $2.19 is impressed with the variety of sophisticated aids and ma- chemistry to a young boy who chinery to be utilized through gets killed on the highway?" the .years in the teaching of he asks. "Driver education is safety education, he still ac- not merely a preparation for knowledges some shortcom- life — it's a way to stay alive." ings. WHEN TO REPLACE Large 18 oz. Size. Liquid Jail Sentence Needed How often should spark Reg. $1.99 "Why don't we teach people plug cables be replaced? Achow to drink and drive?" he cording to ignition system exasked recently. "We know perts, the cables should be rethey're not going to stop placed after every third spark All Metal drinking so why don't we teach plug change or at 30,000 miles 'em that it takes the physical system VA hours to throw off — whichever comes first. a jigger of whiskey? "For the incorrigibles, there's 6" x 6" x 19" Reg. $5.95 only one way to handle them — with a stiff jail sentence and a high fine." Proving grounds were introAnother area which has been Make Us Your Car Accessories' left unexplored, Neyhart says, duced by the industry in 1924. But what probably was the is teaching people to drive at first test track designed speHeadquarters high speeds. "With these new cifically to test. and evaluate superhighways, everyone vehicles was built should know how to decelerate production by a Detroit auto maker back a vehicle from the legal speed in 1915. A half-mile planked limit," he theorizes. And finally, he advocates track circled a steel-fabricated the construction of community "hill" more than 40 feet high, driving areas — simulated ob- which cars had to climb prior stacle courses to give drivers to leaving the factory. Cars were also required to experience in handling an automobile when "they go into a plow through a sand pit and travel around the track at all skid; when their tires blow; when they run off the shoul- speeds before being approved der; when their brakes give for shipment. Education, Sound Cars and Roads Help Reduce Accident Rate, Driver Ed Teaches SPECIALIZING IN CRISP FRIED CHICKEN ROOM OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY 992-2605 ; « * * * * * LSD PRESENTS DOUBLE DANGER. Not only does taking it cause an immediate disoriented "high" and bizarre hallucinations, but the same effects can occur with no warning six months or a year later. The "afterflash" effect can jeopardize not only the driver but his passengers as well as other drivers and pedestrians nearby. » • * Of Our Hew mm SPEED WHEEL BALANCER 4 STOP flGHTlHO LET US ALIGN YOUR WHEELS THE TER L I T I - A WHEEL ALIGNMENT SYSTEM HUNTER vft&iA-tsfati WAY Qmjjm Sugg Drop in For A $tffl-Tlt'OK A COMPI.H8 ( f FRONT-END CHECK . . • r HUNTER® With Tray First Test Track Built in 1915 ignment Check NOW! • WELLS for your cm W E ALSO HAVE T H E If a driver exhibits drunken behavior but there is no aroma of alcohol, drug abuse may be suspected. These and other facts are being called to the attention of students and faculties at all schools as well as to concerned parent groups. What can the safe driver do I m p o r t a n c e of MARSHALL * MARIJUANA, thought by some teens to be harmless, is , a major villain when it comes to highway, safety. Unlike an ordinary cigarette, "grass" causes sensory distortions. A car 10 feet away may seem 100 feet away. Sideswipe accidents are common and more serious collisions can occur. * The installation * BARBITURATES, for example — known as "goofballs" and by other terms — produce slurred speech, impaired motor responses, sensory distortion and more. A person withdrawing from barbiturate abuse may have spasms and convulsions, particularly dangerous behind a car wheel. Barbiturate overuse plus alcohol can cause sudden death. * * * — AMPHETAMINES — stimulants which have respected medical uses but are known as "pep pills" or "co-pilots" to drug abusers -— can cause severe hallucinations on the road. Truck drivers, vacationers, long distance drivers ma*y take too many amphetamines to stay awake. Too frequently the driver will then hear "voices,": , see "ghost vehicles" and have other aberrations that can cause a crash. Announces Race Drivers Point U p "A race driver would no more think of operating a car without a seat belt than he would without a steering wheel," McGeorge said. MARSHALL WELLS 141 DAVIE ST! 992-6534 10 QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1969 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1969 Car Inspections Serve to Make Motoring Safer DRIVE LEGALLY Results Becoming A pparent in Terms Of Fewer Accidents Chargeable To Mechanical-Failures There are several subjects which are more commonly discussed in recent years. Certainly not the least of these subjects is highway safety, and automobile inspection. And usually, some questions are raised. Like — did you pass? The query is often posed by one who has recently been exposed to PMVI — periodic motor vehicle inspection. And the answer, in a surprisingly high percentage of cases, is no! However, the answer may not be so surprising, when you consider one expert's opinion. In testimony before the House Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee, H. C Stivers, then president of the Motor and Equipment Manufacturers Association, estimated that 42% of the cars on the highways have defects that affect the • safe operation of the vehicle. Supporting this figure is a study cond" -ted by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. It reports that 42% of the vehicles brought in for inspection, voluntarily or in spot checks, do not pass the minimum requirements for mechanical safety. The' Institute's study was categorized in four groups: Vehicles up to one year old (25% rejection rate); two to five years (40% rejection rate); six to ten years (51% rejection rate); ffMMiWminmum ,i mm and 11 years or older (53% rejection rate). In another report, the City of Detroit utilized a specially This could have been forestalled. In Windsor, Ontario, a policeman removed the tags from a car developed test lane to ferret out defects in automobiles. A following a safety inspection. With brakes defective and alignment components worn, this car was voluntary inspection program of two weeks duration last May, rejected. Repairs had to be made before plates were returned to the owner. A more careful involving approximately one thousand cars, showed that four motorist would have been able to avert this embarrassment if he were in the habit of having out of ten cars were mechanihis car checked periodically by competent mechanics. cally unsafe. Major defects centered around improper H e l p f u l T i p s o n . . . wheel alignment and steering assembly. Other components that inspection teams check closely for defects include Summer showers, especially utes after it starts to rain; up falls to wash it away. shock absorbers, windshield after a long dry spell, can to an hour or more in a light The possibility of an acciwipers, headlight aim and make road surfaces as slippery drizzle. dent on a wet road, says the wheel vibration. as winter ice, a special safety This is due to the little- Association, is between 5 and Without question, they all known fact that rain tends to 10 times as great as on a dry bulletin issued by the Rubber affect the safe operation of a Two drivers of the same au- Manufacturers Association float up onto the road surface road, in terms of the likelihood vehicle. a greasy film of oil, gasoline of a skid and loss of control tomobile may get different gas warns. Annual in Ontario and rubber residue which be- of a car. In terms of stopping mileage due to the differences Just across the border from The danger of skidding is comes a treacherous ice-like distance, it may take up to in driving habits. Other facDetroit, in Windsor, Ontario, greatest, says the trade group, lubricant between the tires automobile inspection has tors include driving conditions during the first 15 to 30 min- and the road until enough rain four times as far to stop on a and mechanical condition of wet road as a dry road. been an annual occurrence the automobile. for the past six years. It's conIt costs almost 50% more to ducted both on a voluntary basis, and in spot checks dur- drive 80 mph than it does to drive 50 mph. Cost of driving ing May. The vehicle test equipment 60 mph is 25% higher than is owned by the Provincial cost of driving 30 mph. • Wet driving conditions: government; tests are conducted by Windsor police. Slowing down under wet or Police Chief Gordon Preston snowy conditions conserves and his department are very fuel. Wet pavement can reduce pleased by the growing num- mileage by 1 mile per gallon. bers of Windsor motorists who © When parked, turn off envolunteer their cars for in- gine. One minute of idling uses spection. more fuel than restarting uses. Their most recent test period • Starting and stopping. showed that of 4700 owners Avoid "jack rabbit" starts, sudwho voluntarily put their cars den stopping and racing on the through the check lanes, al- green light. URGES YOU 70 most half couldn't pass the • Windy conditions; Drive test. Owners failing the test were instructed to have their slower if you're interested in cars repaired to bring them better fuel economy. * * * back up to the standards set down by the Provincial govHere are some suggestions ernment. on care and mechanical conHowever, the point is that dition of your car for better by volunteering, motorists are fuel economy: showing their concern with • Use good grade of gasothe safety of their vehicles — line recommended by the manmoreover, they're doing some- ufacturer of your automobile. thing about it. © Be sure the thermostat In the Windsor program last isn't stuck in the open posiyear, safety officials also or- tion. A warm-running engine dered 327 vehicles through the is more efficient fuses less fuel) test equipment—vehicles that than a cold-running engine. were obviously in disrepair, • Be sure tires are inflated and from appearances, unsafe. properly. Fifty-seven were approved, 145 • Balance and align tires. were rejected and had to have repairs made, while 125 were totally condemned. mail? Consider the benefits. Accidents Reduced Under PMVI, accidents and, It would seem, after a lot of more important, fatalities are talk about automobile safety reduced. A study by a New York conand vehicle inspection, something really concrete is being sulting firm in 1967, found that done about it. All states now in areas without an inspecare required to implement a tion plan the fatality rate was program of vehicle inspection, nearly 10% higher than in within guidelines issued by the areas with a vehicle inspecSPEEDING IS FOR RACE TRACKS National Highway Safety Bur- tion program. That is mighty eau — or take the chance of strong evidence in favor of N O T FOR HIGHWAYS losing some of their Federal PMVI. THINK POSITIVELY - DRIVE DEFENSIVELY And with new legislation to highway construction funds. In some Canadian Provinces encourage safety inspection ^ (like the law that was passecf programs together with a more in Ontario effective November, aware and increasingly con 1968) motor vehicles must be cerned motoring public, the inspected and certified safe wheels are in motion to help before the vehicle title can be make our highways safer from transferred to another owner. automobile mishaps due to Does that sound like black- mechanical failures. : 1 How to Get Beware! Shower Can Make Roads Slippery More Miles Per Gallon GET THERE - A L I V E ! QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER DRIVE SAFELY et of Your Gar Sports C a r R o a r ^ Can Lift You Above the F r o m S e d a n M a y ignal T r o u b l e Humdrum, Take You OutS Has your family sedan started to develop a sports car Of State of Tension "rap"? Instead of taking it to ' Watkins Glen or Lemans, betWilliam Lyon Phelps, the celebrated educator and author, once remarked, "What I wouldn't give to read 'Huckleberry Finn' for the first time again." It was Phelps' way of yearning for the thrill of discovery, in this case one of America's greatest novels. The typical motorist could well paraphrase Phelps' remarks, "What I wouldn't give to be driving for the first time." The thrill most of us felt the first timebehind the wheel is hard to capture ever again. ' Perhaps too much driving has jaded our appreciation of the miracle that is the automobile. Maybe too much time in traffic jams, too many through-the-windshield vistas of monotonous stretches of freeways have robbed us of our enthusiasm. Just a Few Hours from Home However, there is a way to bring back the joys of driving. Some time this year, get out of the traffic jams and off the superhighway. Take your family on some lightly traveled road. Even in the most populous areas of this nation, there still remain unspoiled stretches of green field, blue sky and water — just a few hours from home. Travel through these areas with a light foot on the gas pedal, stopping often to enjoy the view and savor the fresh air. Make your car, not a conveyance to get you from here to there, but a kind of magic carpet to lift you above the humdrum and the state of tension. There is also a way to bring the maximum enjoyment of motoring into everyday driving. And that is by maintaining your car in showroom condition. By doing so,'your car can feel like a new car no matter how long you drive it. ter check your exhaust system. That deep-throated roar under the chassis undoubtedly means your exhaust system is defective. Not only might it earn you a traffic ticket for making too.' much noise but it could mean a death sentence for you and your family. A leaky exhaust is a potential source of lethal carbon monoxide. When you hear a noisy exhaust, head straight for your favorite service outlet. Save Money With Safeco Peter R. Gook Agencies Ltd. 992-2151 AST! A HIGI LITY C LAYER 11 I AT 100ICS Drive Better After a Wash ' For example, there are those who swear that their cars seem to drive better after a wash. While this may be a matter of vivid imagination, it is no secret that a car that is running sluggish could feel like a new model after a thorough tune-up. * Also maintaining other vital-tor-comfort components like tires, shocks, front-end alignment and smooth transmission are indispensable to a smooth, enjoyable ride. There is at least one more factor in maximum enjoyment of a car. That is the security of mind in knowing that yours is a safe car. ' s Don't Let Your Car Seats Fall Apart LET REDMAN'S UPHOLSTERY M A K E T H E M LOOK LIKE N E W - N O W ! FOR FREE ESTIMATES C A L L 992-6206 REDMAN'S UPHOLSTERY Call about your Furniture Carson Ave. Quesnel, B.C. tfodfuba Q U A L I T Y S I I V i C E 1B"75 MODEL - KT-82C • Automotive Designing in Black and Chrome • Fast, neat, under dash mounting • Takes all 8 track stereo tape cartridges We-Carry the Largest Selection of 8 Track Tapes In Quesnel 3 4 QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER DRIVING WITH WEDNESDAY. JUNE 18, 1969 DEDE This Any Way By DcDe Benson Robert Frost said it. "There is something that doesn't like a fence." Now it's my turn. There is something that doesn't like a woman. And that's an automobile mechanic. That's at least if he's 6'1" in his old army boots, has uncertain blue eyes and goes by the name of Hank. Now, I guess I know as much about cars as the next League of Women Voters Foreign Policy Committee chairman. After all, it was I who spent three hours in the library looking up trade restrictions on automotive replacement parts. So, I'm not exactly a babe in the woods on the subject. But to talk to Hank, you'd think I was dumb. I say "Talk to Hank" advisedly. Every: time I drive in, he mumbles something about test-driving a manifold and takes off in his car, leaving me standing there. You'd think we were married, the way he carries on. My last non-communication with Hank happened just last week I was late for a hair dresser's appointment, it was raining and my car wouldn't start. Naturally, I was frantic. If you miss an appointment with Mr. Gino he demotes you from ^Friday afternoon to Monday morning. And do I have to tell you what kind of mood Mr. Gino is in on Monday morning? So, I called Hank. My tears must have moved him because he was out in five minutes. Just as I was absorbed in a piece about "How to Sell More Upholstery Shampoo," Hank aproached me. It was evident he was about to speak to me because his Adam's apple was quivering. "When's the last time you had your car tuned up," he challenged. By his serious look, I thought,,I'd humor. • him. "The last time the piano tuner came through town," I quipped. He managed to hide his amusement manfully as he didn't even crack a smile. "Miss Benson," he identified, "You've got a cracked distributor cap and your spark plugs are fouled. No wonder you couldn't start." jsmnm for Trouble Frao Driving F i n g e r T i p Service is A v a i l a b l e As G o o d Car Care Comes In Cans ROUGH DRIVING COSTS A n A u s t r a l i a n television network staged a two-car run where one car was driven in a normal, safe manner and the other was driven hard to make I bit my tongue before I enough not to mention that faster time. While finishing could blurt out an indignant my Mr. Gino Special looked the 238-mile course i n 40 minthat's no way to talk to a like a wet cocker spaniel. utes quicker time, the hardlady. Instead I told him to But one thing saved the driving motorist used 86 perfix it, which he did. cent more tire tread (91 cents day. I .still have Friday afI really can't be too mad ternoon " at Mr. Gino's. worth); 55 cents more in fuel and 31 cents more in brake at Hank. He even thanked wear. So, the 40 minutes saved me when I paid for two servcost him $1.77. The moral: ice calls and a complete Speeding . . . It Can Really Slow You Down — For Good take it easy and save. tune-up. And he was polite a to Hank was unusually talkative when he came. He actually said, " H i . " He got me started and I made it to Mr. Gino's with 27 seconds to spare. Which was fortunate since it meant I only had to .) wait 45 minutes before the maestro could take care of me. But wouldn't you know that as I tried to start my car again, nothing happened. Nothing, that is, except my hairdo began to disintegrate in the downpour. So, I called Hank again. This time he took a half hour to come and didn't bother with a "Hi." Instead he pushed my car into the station, popped up the hood arid left me to peruse his ample supply of automotive magazines. You'd think they'd publish a few articles a gal could appreciate! tor WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1969 Lady? Last year the U.S. .Motor trouble of scrubbing the car, Vehicle Bureau registered over and for a really high sheen, 80 million passenger cars, and use your cleaner/wax first and that number is increasing ev- spray over it with plain auto ery year with a total of 114'/2 wax. Then spray a chrome protector on your fenders and million predicted for 1985. Cars need care, and the Aer- other metalwork. An aerosol windshield washosol Division, Chemical Specialties Manufacturers Asso- er is next — antifreeze addiciation, lists dozens of prod- tives make this another douucts now packaged in spray ble-duty product — and it's form to do the various jobs time for the finishing touches. needed to keep your, auto in There are aerosol cleaners for the best possible running or- almost every type of upholstery, and a tire cleaner to der. The place to start your car- brighten up those whitewalls. Teflon spray-glide can be care is under the hood, with an aerosol engine cleaner. A helpful in dozens of places — de-rusting spray will loosen window frames, hood, trunk nuts and bolts and remove any and door latches, accelerator, rust, and a carburetor and brake and clutch,pedals and choke cleaner will spray away many others.. Finally, tuck, a car deodorizer spray into your the carbon buildup. You can stop here if you glove compartment and you're wish, or go on with some'of ready to roll. Or are you? Did you rememthe protective items that help ber all the aerosol safety prodkeep the motor and other ucts that add the extra plus to working parts in condition. A high-heat engine enamel, specially, made for cars, will make the oldest engine look factory-fresh, and also provide protection against rust and weathering. You can also buy aerosol coating for your battery terBlaming starting trouble on minal, fan belt and ignition system which will cut the wear the battery can be like blamand tear on these parts, sav- ing a broken leg on bone failing you some costly repairs ure. In both cases, something and a lot of annoyance, is wrong but something other c Now you can turn your at- than the affected part is caustention to protecting and ing the problem. prettifying the outside of the A well-maintained battery car. Your de-ruster is handy that hasn't outlived its usefulhere too, for loosening nuts ; ness should not cause starting on the wheels. Has the paint' problems. More likely some been marred or scraped? You other electrical component is can buy touch-up paint to at fault and is draining the match almost any U.&.-made battery power. For example, car, a lot cheaper than a body- faulty wiring, worn spark shop paint job. plugs or malfunctioning disA combination cleaner/wax tributor may be overworking will save you the time and the battery during starting. As a result the battery wears Helpful Tips on . . . down to a point that it may seem dead. The alert service man will look beyond the battery as the cause of the starting failure, especially when he is reminded to do so by the customer. To keep your battery in top operating condition, here are Two drivers of the same au- some pointers: A quick visual tomobile may get different gas inspection every time you gas mileage due to the differences up and a voltage test every in driving habits. Other fac- six months should assure you tors include driving conditions maximum efficiency battery and mechanical condition of life. the automobile. It's a simple job for the It costs almost 50% more to service attendant to check drive 80 mph than it does to battery water level and condidrive 50 mph. Cost of driving tion of cables and terminals. 60 mph is 25% higher than This should be done at least cost of driving 30 mph. once a week to guard against • Wet driving conditions: premature deterioration. Twice a year, the battery Slowing down under wet or snowy conditions conserves should be tested. At the same fuel. Wet pavement can reduce time, terminals should be mileage by 1 mile per gallon. cleaned thoroughly to get rid • When parked, turn off en- of corrosive materials and dirt. gine. One minute of idling uses Foreign matter on the termimore fuel than restarting uses. nals or cable clamps can cause • Starting and stopping. battery failure. If the battery shows premaAvoid "jack rabbit" starts, sudden stopping and racing on the ture loss of power, chances are other components may be at green light. • Windy conditions. Drive Periodic Checks slower if you're interested in better fuel economy. On Car Brakes, # * * — Drive Safely he a clown behind the wheel Accidents Are No Make "safety first" your personal rule of the road- when you get behind the wheel of your car. Drive with caution, avoid the tragedy of an accident during the vacations and summer weekends ahead.. Vacations: Are More fon WHEN YOU DRIVE CAUI-lllllY ION GODFREY INSURANCE & REALTY LTD. Quesnel 242 Reid St 992-5544 m A vacation is only fun if you get there. A n d a good way to make sure that you do is with our engine tune-up: a new set of Champion spark plugs plus other basic tune-up items your car may need. You'll enjoy dependable performance. Better gas mileage. Quicker acceleration for safer passing. (You might even re-discover that half the fun of your holiday is the driving!) Let us tune up your vacation-mobile soon. YOUR TUNE-UP > HEADQUARTERS FULLY LICENSED M E C H A N I C O N DUTY Tuesday to Saturday At Your Service Sundays and Holidays: 8:00 a.m. to Midnight BEV. BROWN CURLY F L Y N N Manager Mechanic Ready to Serve You Better # EXPERT BRAKE REPAIRS # LUBRICATION & OIL 1 i J .) .,* .1 .! J 1 .) -5 1 1 t«I Here are some suggestions on care and mechanical condition of your car for better fuel economy: • Use good grade of gasoline recommended by the manufacturer of your automobile. s Be sure the thermostat isn't stuck in the open position. A warm-running engine is more efficient fuses less fueU than a cold-running engine. • Be sure tires are inflated properly. • Balance and align tires. # WHEEL ALIGNMENT TWO MB LE FLAT JJ 992-7511 : 1 1 1 »>«»'»>.•»•«»'•» 9 portion of America's grandest mountain chain — the Canadian Rockies. Banff-Jasper has been called the most scenic highway in the world your own safe driving? A fire extinguisher is important, and an aerosol tire inflator so easy a woman can use it might be a "lifesaver" for night driving. Winter brings its own problems — and the aerosol industry has solutions to many of them. Do you have trouble starting your engine in cold weather? Spray some starting fluid into the carburetor and listen to it turn over. Defogging and de-icing agents are a must, and the latest aerosol item on the automotive shelves is a traction spray for the tires, to drive yourself out of that snowbank. Aerosols can handle almost all your car care, except perhaps to drive to the service station and fill up the tank. The CSMA gives these tips for proper use: (1) read the label; (2) store away from heat; and (3) keep out of the reach of children. fault. For example, wiring may be short circuiting or you may have a problem in the charging. Have your service man conduct an electrical check. Corroded terminals can shorten effective life of your battery. Clean off the corrosion with a solution of baking soda and water, applied with a stiff wire brush. A thorough Check-up in our Shop . . . And we spot the source of car trouble, fix it right HUNDERBIRD 992-6611 Service is our Specialty Al Watson KEEP YOUR CAR TUNED How to Get More Miles • Per Gallon, AT YOUR HOURS O P E N : Monday to Saturday 7:00 a.m. to Midnight CANADA'S BANFF-JASPER DRIVE — This road seems to have been built over animal trails, it turns so often as it follows five great river valleys through a virgin wilderness along the most spectacular H o l d It, M i s t e r , Y o u r Battery May B e O k a y Joke! QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER « . < • r w . . . . . . . . ..- ... , , . .• * f t ' j ., : . . .• .. - - . . Easy to Make Brakes, like all-day suckers, have a habit of wearing away slowly. So, it's &• good practice to test your brakes periodically to make sure they can stop your car safely. Every week, test the hydraulic system by firmly pressing your foot against the pedal. If the pedal moves gradually towards the floorboard, you are losing vital pressure. Have the problem corrected immediately. Exhaust System Motor Tune Up Lubrication! Expert Brake Work ALL THIS WORK DONE AT ONE TIME A FULLY LICENSED MECHANIC AND AT A FAIR PRICE Terms available on your Credit Card at only 8% Interest per Year We carry a complete line of Atlas Tires and Accessories 992-5733 8 QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER Guess WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1969 What Tops List WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1969 of Careless You're Car-Owner R i g h t — • It's Reveal Critical Ignition; Fault in A u t o m o b i l e Ijljlj The tip of this coil was .so badly eroded it had completely disappeared on one side. Plastic tape to the rescue . . . temporarily. When the air filter is so bndly clogged with dirt it can't be cleaned any more, you have two choices: buy u new one or ventilate it, as was done here. Tests Every Examined In planning your car main- coil, timing, spark plug pertenance, it's wise to know formance, ignition under load) where trouble is likely to strike. —1,500 defects or .94 per car. A list of the most frequent 2. FRONT END — (includcauses of trouble is contained - ing alignment, front suspenin a survey of the Missouri sion pivots and shocks)—1,450 Auto Club in the U.S. defects or .90 per car. The Club's recently opened 3. BRAKES — (including St. Louis diagnostic center tabulated defects found on the brake lining thickness and first 1,603 cars to pass through condition, adjustment, handits lanes. According to the re- brake, drum or disc condition, sults revealed by P. B. Oldham, brake hoses, pedal pressure, Club technical services direc- brake balance and progrestor, these were the most fre- sion) — 1,354 or .85 defects per car. quent critical faults: 4. HEADLAMPS—(includ1. IGNITION — (points, ing candle power, aim, warncondenser, dwell and variation, 10 Woes ing lights and retraction): — 1,055 or .66 defects per car". 5. TIRES—(including tire, pressure, tread depth and walls) — 922 or .58 per car. 6. STEERING LINKAGE— (including steering box, ticrods, steering arm and ball joints) — 402 or .25 per car. The St. Louis facility, first of its kind ever run by an Auto Club, performs only diagnostic v/ork. Repairs, if needed, are performed at area facilities with the Club making no recommendations on where to go. The Club will perform rechecks of work performed, consulting, on request, with the mechanic doing the repair work. This is an oil filler cap. It is supposed to breathe through a wire mesh filter. This one choked to death long ago and its engine suffered the consequences. What do you do when the spark plug insulator breaks? Wrap it with some plastic tape and keep on driving . . . but probably not for long. 1 TAKES In cleaning your windshield, don't forget the inside. Tobacco smoke can put a film of residue on the glass and distort vision. So, if you smoke, periodically clean the windshield with a window washing solvent. * * * . "Let's See How Fast She Can Go"— Famous Last Words . . . Drive Safely * Heavily encrusted with deposits, this spark plug was still firing . . . sometimes. This distributor rotor was so badly cracked it was falling apart. The owner wrapped it with cord so that it managed to hold together and somehow kept on delivering its spark. » * What's a safe distance to follow another car? Experts recommend one car length for every 10 miles per hour of speed on dry roads. When roads are slippery, the distance between should be doubled. ON CAR CARE 0 By These vehicle, or greater than 3000 lbs. the trailer must have brakes which can be actuated by the driver of the car. If the trailer has two axles, brakes are required on both axles. If the trailer impedes the driver's view through regular mirrors, then special side mirrors are required. Check with the Motor Vehicle Branch for details of these regulations. check pump gaskets and C h e c k s Also tightness of the pulley hub on DRIVE let WITH CONFIDENCE QUESNEL SERVICE THIS 8. No passengers, please, in your trailer. It's both, illegal and dangerous. 9. Carry emergency equipment. You'll probably need a hydraulic jack in order to change a trailer tire. Try it out before you take that trip. Carry red flags, reflectors or flares for emergency repairs on the highway." 4. Proper loading helps prevent trailer sway. Distribute load evenly and do not exceed the gross vehicle weight recommended by the manufacturer. If you plan on towing a trailer at night, your car lights should be adjusted for the extra load. A c c i d e n t s to Safe C a n H a p p e n 30rivers 9 Too Play it safe behind the wheel of your car. Depend on Auto Insurance to meet the costs of repairs, injuries and liability claims. G e t the 10. Leaving the Province? Some states and provinces have stricter regulations than are in force in British Columbia, but they will allow your trailer and car to travel if B.C. regulations are met. Check with Customs on leaving Canada to establish ownership of the trailer. 5. Special driving skills are needed when towing a trailer. Every time you move, check all equipment, such as brake lights, tire pressures, hoses, propane electrical equipment, etc., before entering the highway. Practice starting, turning, stopping and backing up thoroughly before entering heavy or high speed traffic. Facts QUESNEL RiAITYJLTD. 992-5561 sara AUTO CAR? SERVICE SUMMER tune your car t o run right s at- the Sign of the Chevron LUBRICATION B I III"' COIN-OPERATED ft* BATTERIES CHEVRON OMI.EB DIRT — THE ENEMY Dirt can be an enemy of good car operation in more ways than appearance. Small particles of dirt on the battery terminals can stop your car cold. To prevent this from happening, make sure battery terminals and connections are cleaned thoroughly during routine battery checks. WITH SIMPLE, 10W COST INSURANCE 6. Slow down and increase your following distance on the highway. Always remember you are responsible for the movement of two vehicles, which together are much less manoeuverable than an automobile alone; you'll, take longer to stop and longer to pass another car, so give yourself plenty of time for these moves. D LIKE YOUR the water pump. Cover Everything Signal T r o u b l e r Be C a n sion of all drive belts as well as radiator hoses: Check the Forestalled radiator and hoses for leaks. GUIDES TO TRAILER SAFETY Sports Car R o a r Has your family sedan startSafety experts advise never driving more than three hours ed to develop a sports car without stopping to rest on a "rap"? Instead of taking it to long trip. Getting out of the Watkins Glen or Lemans, betcar to stretch or stopping for ter check your exhaust system. coffee is recommended to avoid That deep-throated roar under the chassis undoubtedly excessive driving strain. means your exhaust system is defective. Reckless Driving Can Not only might it earn you Really Get You Down ... a traffic ticket for making too About Six Feet, Say much noise but it could mean a death sentence for you and The average spark plug will your family. A leaky exhaust fire 15,000,000 times in 10,000 is a potential source of lethal miles of driving. The effects carbon monoxide. of the electrical charge wear When you hear a noisy exdown the plug's firing end. haust, head straight for your Plug manufacturers recom- favorite service outlet. Better mend servicing plugs at 5,000 yet, have a mechanic check miles and replacing them at your exhaust system next time 10,000 miles. your car is on the hoist. Test the condition and ten- Overheating While most cars made today have cooling systems that are 1. Check your car before towing a trailer. Has it the re"sealed" in the factory, a wise quired power to safely pull the trailer? Possibly your motorist still takes precaucar should be equipped with heavy duty springs and tions against engine overheatshock absorbers to carry the load. Your tires should be ing. Here are some basic prein good condition. . FOR PASSENGER CAR OWNERS cautions to take to make sure 2. The trailer hitches should be strong and be either your car keeps its cool. welded or securely bolted to the frame. Avoid makeshift Test the antifreeze to make bumper hitches. B.C. requiresoneadequatesafetychain. 7. Keep to the right except to pass. It you are travelling sure it hasn't lost its rust i n slower than the normal traffic, it will pile up behind hibiting elements. If it has, 3. Special trailer equipment is a must. You will probably you. Becourteous - give it every opportunity to pass. drain and flush the cooling require red reflectors, stop lights, turn signals, dependsystem before installing new ing on the size of the trailer. If the gross vehicle weight anti-freeze. (when loaded) is more than half the weight of the towing F r o m Sedan May SHORT QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER *g o o d / v e a k ^ MM ^ W E SPECIALIZE IN at the This is just part of the equipment used to make your motor pur-r-r-r like a new born baby kitten. Expert Mechanic on Duty — Specialized Tune-up Jobs COURTESY A N D SERVICE IS OUR M O T T O - C A L L 992-7112 A Complete Line of Automotive Accessories Available Opens at 10:30 a.m. A N D SERVICE Y O U C A N C O U N T O N AcVW Take Out Service Try our Delicious Papa, Mama, Baby Burger and a cool creamy mug of A & W Root Beer T I X M O SE 7:30 a.m. -11:00 p.m. Week days 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m. Sundays Take a Gallon Home with You 992-5778 914 Front St. -6616 rj^ 6 QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1969 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1969 QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER Time to GHeek Car for Warm Weather Driving Consultation rgedhy Road with Good Mechanic Auto Association's Service Expert TOST By JOHN ECK Director, Emergency Road Service, American Automobile Association A long winter of commuting back and forth to work, schools and shops — of ten under severe weather conditions — has left your automobile "out of condition" just at a time when you're all set for the pleasure trips of spring and summer. To plan well for warm weather travel you need to know what has happened to your automobile during the stresses of winter,, and how to help insure that the trips you plan to take will be safe and trouble-free. Nearly 72 million U.S. motorists had some problem with their automobile in 1967, the American Automobile Association's annual survey showed. Forty-three percent of them were due to battery, starter and ignition system failures, an increase of 20 percent over the previous year. The 14 million flat tires motorists had in John Eck 1967 was the second highestfigureon the list of all troubles. There also were 581,000 incidences of brake . failure. The Emergency Road Service Department of the AAA suggests you consult a good auto mechanic early this season. A checklist has been developed for your use in working with If more motorists could see the inner workings of perts at AAA. The motoring organization anhim to discover and correct any problems which may have their cars, perhaps there would be more attention swered 72 million calls for road service in '68, developed during the colder months. paid to upkeep. Engine and drive train compo- mostly "can't starts." Most were due to battery, * * * nents require special attention as outlined by ex- starter and ignition systems failures. Sixty years of experience in auto repair, and our day-to-day observation of the repair needs of 11 million AAA driver-members, lead us to recommend: F r o m G r e a s e M o n k e y to T e c h n i c i a n O TUNEUP. An engine tuneup is a wise investment. Have ihe ignition, points, spark plugs, battery, voltage regulator, generator and all wiring checked. • LUBRICATION. A thorough lubrication job will lessen wear on vital moving parts. Change to the grade of oil recommended for the driving conditions you expect to encounter. Install a new oilfiltercartridge. Check all hydraulic fluid levels; • COOLING SYSTEM. Have the cooling system cleaned and flushed; refill with a good permanent-type antifreeze or AIM FOR A JOB IN AUTOMOWith the great demand for add a rust inhibitor. Have the thermostat, fan belt and water TIVE SERVICE, by Dawson Tayqualified technicians, more pump checked. « :^w>k>o ;ko< .-'lor and James Bradley; Richard firms are offering technical • BRAKES, TIRES AND WHEELS. Have the brake linings Aim for a Job In Rosen Press, Inc. 138 pp. training, often at no cost to inspected and check the brake seals. Have the tires rotated; Automotive Service the trainee. replace worn or damaged tires to eliminate blowouts and flat James a BfwSey wd tire worries. Check the wheel alignment and balance—unE Dawson Taylors Many high schools offer aualigned and unbalanced tires cause excessive and uneven wear. tomotive shop training and The days have passed when Be sure shock absorbers are in good condition. In addition some schools devote entire the automobile mechanic was to causing discomfort, bad shock absorbers can be dangerous. called a 'grease monkey and curricula in automotive tech• VISION. Windshield wipers, headlights, turn signals, ranged low on the occupationbackup and brake lights should all be checked for perfect nology. Qualified graduates of al ladder. Today, with the auoperation. these courses usually receive * * » tomobile being an increasingly several offers each from repair That is a fairly thorough examination! You may have rea- complex machine, tremendous facilities to come to work as son to believe that your car is essentially in good working skills and thorough training trainees. order —that you do not have the time or the need for the are required. For the man servicing your modern car, the entire check-up routine. On-the-job education often There are certain minimum precautions AAA suggests before term technician is more apinvolves advanced courses at propriate than mechanic. any long-distance travel by automobile, however. They also training schools, paid for by can be presented as a checklist, which we call a "Trip Check." the companies. All major auto One indication of how the The points constitute a simple "make-ready" to assure you makers have such training auto service man's stature has at its dealerships alone. of a dependable car: schools. Independent organirisen is the advent of this vol• INSPECT AND ADJUST all fan belts. zations like the Independent ume by Dawson Taylor and • CHECK AND ALIGN front end. Owners Association As for earning potential, James Bradley. Taylor is an "Service technicians' wages Garage Q LOAD TEST battery and clean terminals. (IGOA) also training faauto dealer as well as a writer. compare favorably with those cilities with have • INSPECT AND TIGHTEN all hoaes. individual Bradley is the Director of the of ojther skilled trades and ages, often paying tuitiongar• INSPECT ALL TIRES. for Automotive History Collection should continue to do so in trainees. • ADJUST'BRAKES, check linings. at the Detroit Public Library. the future." * * * So it is with authority that the You should consider these additional services, and have authors approach their sub- . In a survey taken by the authors, wages of $200 or $250 In addition, individual firms your mechanic perform them according to your car manu- ject. or more were offered ir -,-s- who make specialized automofacturer's recommendations: !' . paper ads. Some technicians tive components offer training • DRAIN AND FLUSH cooling system, adding rust inIn describing auto service interviewed were earning courses in their specialties. hibitor with refill. careers, the authors point out These courses are free of around $15,000 a year. • CHANGE motor oil. that there are 33,000 francharge. • LUBRICATE. chised car dealers, 72,000 gen"Aim For A Job In Automo• CLEAN OR CHANGE air, gas and oil filters. eral repair outlets and 200,000 A technician's job is a step- tive Service," is another addi• CLEAN AND CHECK crarikcase ventilation system. gasoline service stations that ping stone to business owner- tion to Rosen Press' Aim High • CHECK OR CHANGE transmission and differential fluid. ship. "Many a successful dealhave technicians on their pay- er or independent business- vocational series. It should an• CHECK AND GREASE front wheel bearing. These are the preventive measures, taken frequently, which roll. One automotive firm es- man can trace his start back swer virtually all questions will not only give you peace of mind while traveling this sum- timates that it will need 29,000 to experience as an automo- about the field to those intermer, but will also increase the life of your car and help It to technicians this year to re- tive service technician," they ested in a potentially rewardgive you top-notch performance in all seasons and under all place normal personnel losses state. ing job. conditions. Book Reviewer Cites Growth Of Auto Service Man's Status ; Warranties While some controversy rages over new car warranty provisions for 1969 cars, there is one area in which there Is agreement. The motorist will bear more responsibility for keeping his car in cdndition. ,:• Actually, even with the more liberal warranties of previous years, routine yet important maintenance was always the responsibility of the new car owner. However, in many .instances the owner lulled himself into believing the warranty was a pay-all in case of Put More Responsibility on Car Owners or 12,000 miles for six-cylin- are specified. trouble. This is not the case. differential.) To protect their warranties, der engines.) The major difference in 1969 One such item is tune-up innew car warranties lies in the motorists must do the follow3. Service the crankcase cluding replacing spark plugs, " length of time most parts (ex- ing: . emission control system every points and condenser. Com1. Change engine oil and oil . six months or 6,000 miles and mon recommended tune-up cluding tires and tubes) are covered. New provisions call filter and clean thefillercup at replacing the emission con- procedure is every 10,000 miles. for 12-month or 12,000 mile periods specified by the manu- . trol valve every 12 months or Other typical services that are coverage. In 1968, the warran- fueturer. (Typically, every six 12,000 miles. Parts must be the .motorists' responsibility, ty called for two-year or 24,000 months or 6,000 miles.) cleaned or replaced when : include the following: miles. 2. Clean the carburetor air needed. Wiper blades, brake servic4. Replace the engine cool- ing including linings, lubricaStill intact is the five-year filter and replace it at speciant at recommended intervals. tion, aligning of lights and or 50,000-mile protection on fied intervals. (Usually, six (Typically, every two years.) front wheels, wheel balanccomponents generally referred months 'or 6,000 miles - for to as the drive train. (Items cleaning; 24 months or 24,000: Other owner responsibilities ing and other car components like internal engine parts, miles for replacing an eight- for service are vital to good which are subject to normal transmission, rear axle and cylinder engine —- 12 months operation but no time periods wear. ADVERTISE WEIR BARGAIi in the Classified Advertisements so that you can shop at home for your next car. R E A D THE CLASSIFIEDS THEN GET THERE 7
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