New TITle Parenting by God’s Promises: How to Raise Children in the

from Reformation Trust
Parenting by God’s Promises:
How to Raise Children in the
Covenant of Grace
Joel R. Beeke
description Parents are unable to give their children what they need most—new
hearts that trust in Christ for forgiveness of sins. All belief is a work
of God alone. But parents must not “hinder” their children from coming to Christ, as Jesus’ disciples sought to hinder mothers and fathers
from bringing small children to Him (Mark 10:13–16). On the contrary,
they must do everything in their power to “bring” their children to the
Savior, which means raising their sons and daughters in the nurture
and admonition of the Lord (Eph. 6:4).
In Parenting by God’s Promises: How to Raise Children in the Covenant
of Grace, Dr. Joel R. Beeke explores what this nurture and admonition
looks like and offers gems of practical wisdom for parents on topics
such as instituting and leading family worship, teaching children,
modeling faithful Christian living, and exercising discipline. However,
he carefully puts parental responsibilities in their proper perspective
and guides mothers and fathers to lean not on their own abilities but
to trust more fully in the God who knits children together in the first
place. Above all, he affirms, parents must look to the one true God,
who promises to provide everything His people need and to bless
them and their families
endorsement “In this book, Dr. Joel Beeke provides information that is in keeping
with what we have come to expect from his preaching and writing:
biblically based information about parenting, practical illustrations
that really illustrate, and specific instructions that will help people to
know how to put the directives of Scripture into practice. In this book,
every Christian parent will find solid, dependable, practical, biblical
help for bringing their children up God’s way. Dr. Beeke places a correct emphasis on the centrality of God’s grace and sovereignty and
the importance of parental human responsibility. Parents who are
looking for a right perspective and practical help for facilitating this
right perspective will find this book to be an excellent guide.”
— Dr. Wayne Mack
Hardcover, 345 pages
Page Size: 6 x 9 inches
ISBN 9781567692662
Retail Price: $19.00
RHB Price: $14.00
about the author Joel R. Beeke is President and Professor of
Systematic Theology and Homiletics at Puritan
Reformed Theological Seminary, and a pastor of the Heritage Netherlands Reformed
Congregation, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
wrhB title
The Holy Spirit
Geoffrey Thomas
The Holy Spirit is often treated as either a dry doctrine for our mouths
to recite or raw power to ignite our emotions. Geoff Thomas shows us
that the Holy Spirit is both infinitely glorious and intensely personal.
Neither a theory nor a force, the Spirit is God and acts as our God in
gathering a people to Himself. This book follows the scriptural revelation of the Spirit from Genesis to Pentecost to today, covering such
topics as His personality and Deity, His inspiration and anointing in the
Old Testament, His conviction and regeneration, the spiritual gifts, putting to death sinful deeds by the Spirit, His sealing, and spiritual revival.
It will help believers to know how much the Spirit of God loves them,
and will help them to love the Spirit with all their hearts — and with
Him, the whole Triune God. It may also help unbelievers to begin to
thirst for the living water which they desperately need.
The Holy Spirit: the Infinite Personal God
The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament
The Inspiration of Old Testament Prophets
The Anointing Spirit of God
Blaspheming of the Holy Spirit
Asking for the Holy Spirit
Spirit Birthing Spirit
The Father Sends the Counselor
The Spirit Convicts the World of Its Guilt
Preparing for Pentecost
What Happened at Pentecost
The Preaching of Pentecost
Did You Receive the Holy Spirit?
The Spirit Buries Our Misdeeds and Intercedes for Us
The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
The Most Excellent Way of Love
The Sealing of the Holy Spirit
The Love of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit and Revival
The Authority of the Holy Spirit
The Spirit and Ministry
Paperback, 372 pages
Page Size: 6 x 9 inches
ISBN 978-1-60178-156-7
Retail Price: $20.00
RHB Price: $15.00
about the author
GEOFFREY THOMAS is pastor of Alfred Place Baptist
Church in Aberystwyth, Wales. He is also a visiting
lecturer at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary,
the author of several books, and a frequent speaker
at conferences worldwide.
w title
The Day of Worship:
Re-assessing the Christian Life
in Light of the Sabbath
Ryan M. McGraw
“In the last fifteen years, there has been renewed interest in the nature
and purpose of the fourth commandment and what many refer to as
the Puritan Sabbath. By God’s grace a conversation has begun that is
helping many come to a fuller appreciation for and use of the Lord’s
Day. Pastor Ryan McGraw’s voice in the conversation needs to be heard.
As he says, ‘I have sought to address what I believe to be the primary
underlying issues behind the widespread neglect of the Sabbath day.’
Pastor McGraw’s book is chock-full of biblical insights, freshly applied to
the issue of the Christian Sabbath. I have been helped by the book and
know that each one who reads it will be as well.”
— Joseph A. Pipa Jr., President, Greenville Presbyterian
Theological Seminary
“Far too many Christians only believe in nine commandments. The command to keep a day of rest on which to worship our triune covenant
Lord is deemed as irrelevant or no longer binding. Providing helpful
exegesis and theological consideration, Ryan McGraw gives the church
important reasons to recover the abiding validity and necessity of the
fourth commandment. Far from legalism, McGraw’s treatment encourages all Christians to find worship, rest, and a foretaste of heaven to
come on each and every Lord’s Day.”
— J. V. Fesko, Academic Dean and Associate Professor of Systematic
Theology Westminster Seminary California
“Ryan McGraw has written a very fresh pastoral teaching on Sabbath
observance in his new book, The Day of Worship. He gives us important
principles from Scripture for understanding the Christian Sabbath. The
book is convincing in its argument that much of which lies behind
a dislike of the Sabbath is a tragic love of this world. Practical helps
abound for the keeping of the fourth commandment.
“The Day of Worship does not merely rehash other works on the
topic that are available today. If you are well-read on the Sabbath you
will nonetheless find here supplemental material to strengthen your
own godliness.”
— Walter J. Chantry, author of Call the Sabbath a Delight
Paperback, 208 pages
Page Size: 5.5 x 8.5 inches
ISBN 978-1-60178-155-0
Retail Price: $16.00
RHB Price: $12.00
about the author
RYAN M. MCGRAW is pastor of Grace
Presbyterian Church in Conway, South
wrhB title
Reformer of Basel: The Life, Thought, and
Influence of Johannes Oecolampadius
Diane Poythress
“In his day, Oecolampadius attracted the likes of Erasmus and Luther. It’s
not too much of a stretch to claim that his exegetical and grammatical
work in Hebrew and Greek stands behind the return to the Bible and the
world-changing preaching of the Reformation. Yet, he has become a forgotten soul today. This book corrects that. Thanks to the tireless and deft
efforts of Dr. Diane Poythress this great voice from the past once again
speaks to the church with clarity and conviction. Oecolampadius and we
too are in her debt.”
—Stephen J. Nichols, Research Professor of
Christianity and Culture, Lancaster Bible College
“Johannes Oecolampadius is one of the forgotten heroes of the
Reformation. Diane Poythress has put the modern church in her debt
by recalling his great achievements in the city of Basel and more widely
through his influential biblical commentaries. It is a fascinating study.”
— Gordon J. Wenham, Old Testament Professor Emeritus,
Trinity College Bristol
“Diane Poythress in The Reformer of Basel: The Life, Thought, and Influence
of Johannes Oecolampadius provides a fresh reason to probe the lives and
thinking of little acknowledged figures of the Protestant Reformation.
Oecolampadius, literally the ‘houselamp,’ brought to light what became
the distinguishing features of Reformed Christianity. In this excellent biographical and thematic study of the reformer of Basel—one of the very few
in English—Poythress probes his pioneering work in original languages,
exegetical and historical studies, liturgy, church discipline, guidance
to pastors, and balance of intellect and pious devotion. Commentator
on over twenty biblical books, historian unpacking the labors of early
fathers such as Chrysostom, John of Damascus, and Augustine, the
Reformer of Basel foreshadowed what was best to be found in Bucer and
Calvin. Zwingli had ample reason to call Oecolampadius’s works a ‘cornucopia.’ An additional benefit of this fine work is Poythress’s summaries
of Oecolampadius’ interaction with his contemporary Reformers and his
influence on reformations occurring in other European countries.”
— Andrew Hoffecker, Emeritus Professor of Church History,
Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, Miss.
1. From Germany to Switzerland: The Life of Johannes Oecolampadius
2. Colleagues in the kingdom
3. Scriptural Study: Exegesis and Hermeneutics
4. Reformation Renewal
5. Worthy Words: Publications, Translations, Writings
Appendix: Oecolampadius’s Commentary on Isaiah 36–37
Paperback, 340 pages
Page size: 5.5 x 8.5 inches
ISBN 978-1-60178-150-5
Retail Price: $25.00
RHB Price: $19.00
about the author
DIANE M. POYTHRESS earned her PhD in
Reformation history and theology from
Westminster Theological Seminary. She studied
under Francis Schaeffer at L’Abri, was a missionary in Europe and Taiwan, and served as staff for
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship in Washington,
D. C. She is a speaker, writer, housewife married
to Vern Poythress, and mother of two grown
w title
Reformed Thought:
Selected Writings of William Young
Edited by Joel R. Beeke and Ray B. Lanning
“The reader will discover that for breadth of scope, wealth of content,
depth of understanding, and strength of conviction, not to mention
intensity of passion, William Young has few peers. It is a privilege to be
able to commend Bill’s Selected Writings to a wider readership.”
— Paul Helm, J. I. Packer Professor of Theology
and Philosophy, Regent College
Theology and Doctrine
1. What is Experimental Religion?
2. Infra- and Supralapsarian Calvinism
3. Historic Calvinism and Neo-Calvinism
4. Antinomianism
5. Original Sin
6. Conversion
7. The Puritan Principle of Worship
8. The Presbyterian Form of Church Government
9. The Westminster Confession on Church and State
10. Abraham kuyper versus the Westminster Confession on Church
and State
11. Gordon Clark: Christian Intellectualist
Sermons & Pastoral Writings
12. Looking Upon the Pierced Christ — Zechariah 12:10a
13. Godly Sorrow and Repentance unto Life — Zechariah 12:10b
14. The Benefits of the Sabbath — Mark 2:27
15. The Penitent Thief — Luke 23:43
16. Romans 7: A Battleground — Romans 7:14 – 25
17. The Excellency and Efficacy of God’s Power — Ephesians 1:19
18. The Total Depravity of Man — Ephesians 2:1
19. Christ, the Pearl of Great Price — Revelation 21:21a
20. The Most Holy Table of the Lord
21. How to Address God in Prayer
Christian Philosophy
22. Validity of Religious Truth
23. Modern Relativism and the Authority of Scripture
24. What is Truth?
25. Theory and Theology
26. Wittgenstein and Christianity
27. Wittgenstein and Predestination
28. Wittgenstein and the Future of Metaphysics
29. Paul Tillich’s Reinterpretation of Historic Christianity
30. John Duncan’s Colloquia Peripatetica
31. Perry Miller on Jonathan Edwards
32. John R. Lucas on Freedom and Grace
33. John R. Lucas on The Freedom of the Will
34. Robert T. kendall’s Calvin and English Calvinism
35. Gordon H. Clark, Sanctification
36. The Regulative Principle Revised? John Frame’s Worship in Spirit & Truth
Hardcover, 432 pages
Page Size: 6 x 9 inches
ISBN 978-1-60178-159-8
Retail Price: $35.00
RHB Price: $27.00
about the author
WILLIAM YOUNG was born in Brooklyn, New York,
on May 9, 1918. At a very early age he excelled
in his studies and entered Columbia University
in 1934, at age 16. He also earned degrees from
Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia
and Union Theological Seminary in New York
City. He went on to teach philosophy at Butler
University in Indianapolis, Indiana, and then at the
University of Rhode Island. He has also served as
the pastor of the Presbyterian Reformed Church of
East Greenwich, Rhode Island.
wrhB title
“Venture All for God”:
The Piety of John Bunyan
Edited by Roger Duke and Phil Newton
with Drew Harris
Many Christians are familiar with The Pilgrim’s Progress, John Bunyan’s
(1628–1688) famous book written from a prison cell, which portrays
the Christian life as one traveling from the City of Destruction to the
Celestial City. During Bunyan’s life, however, he produced nearly sixty
books and tracts. Roger Duke and Phil Newton, with Drew Harris, trace
the significant events that shaped Bunyan’s life and thought in a biographical introduction and, in thirty-one excerpts from a variety of this
great man of faith’s writings, give us a glimpse of his piety, which flowed
from his desire to “venture all for God.”
“These excerpts from Bunyan capture both the heart and the thought
of this great seventeenth-century preacher and spiritual guide. This
is condensed Bunyan, like lemonade concentrate eaten from the can.
Divine sovereignty, divine mercy, effectual grace, human culpability and
need — all of these move together seamlessly and in the full context of
biblical truth with such charm and artlessness that the reader discovers
in each reading the true power of Bunyan. Phil Newton and Roger Duke
deserve our thanks for their selections and their contextualizing material in this volume.”
—Tom J. Nettles, professor of historical theology,
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Paperback, 200 pages
Page Size: 4.5 x 7 inches
ISBN 978-1-60178-153-6
Retail Price: $10.00
RHB Price: $7.50
“John Bunyan has left the English-speaking world an almost unparalleled literary legacy of evangelical and Reformed piety. Phil Newton,
Roger Duke, and Drew Harris have done us a service by making this collection of Bunyan’s writings available. It is a worthy contribution to the
outstanding Profiles in Reformed Spirituality series and will be a source
of inspiration and comfort for many pastors, seminary students, and
Christian scholars. This book deserves a careful and prayerful reading.”
— Nathan Finn, assistant professor of church history and Baptist studies,
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, North Carolina
“I still remember reading The Pilgrim’s Progress for the first time. I was
a young Christian captivated, like so many before me, by Christian’s
exciting journey to the Celestial City. All the feelings that I experienced
since becoming a Christian were there, in vivid print — from the burden
falling off of Christian’s back to the temptations of Vanity Fair. ‘Venture All
for God’ is a wonderfully concise introduction to the Bedford tinker’s life.
But it is more than that. It is also a careful introduction to the theology
that fueled Bunyan’s creative genius. After reading ‘Venture All for God,’
those who have yet to devour The Pilgrim’s Progress or The Holy War or
Grace Abounding will wonder what they’ve been waiting for!”
— Aaron Menikoff, senior pastor of Mount Vernon
Baptist Church, Atlanta, Georgia
about the editors
ROGER DUkE is an author and professor at several institutions of higher learning, including
Union University and Baptist College of Health
Sciences. PHIL NEWTON is senior pastor at South
Woods Baptist Church in Memphis, Tennessee.
DREW HARRIS is an account executive at a
national marketing communications agency and
is working on a master’s of divinity degree from
the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
See page 27 for additional books in this series.
w title
Keeper of the Great Seal of Heaven:
Sealing of the Spirit in the
Life and Thought of John Flavel
Adam Embry
Puritan pastors of the seventeenth century were true physicians of the
soul, and this is made readily apparent in Adam Embry’s study of John
Flavel. In Keeper of the Great Seal of Heaven, Embry finds the prominent
themes of heavenly mindedness and the work of the Holy Spirit in
Flavel’s life and pastoral ministry. He goes on to evaluates Flavel’s doctrine of the Spirit in all of his published writings, explains Flavel’s view
on the sealing of the Spirit, and compares Flavel within his theologicalhistorical context with other contemporary Puritans. Embry further
traces the significance of Flavel’s theology of the Spirit in the American
Great Awakenings, gives an evaluation of Flavel’s exegesis relating to
the sealing of the Spirit, and concludes with insightful pastoral reflection on the material. While this study reveals a diversity of thought
within Puritanism regarding the sealing of the Spirit, it also underscores the profound commitment this spiritual brotherhood shared to
treat the matter of the heart with biblical truth in dependence on the
Holy Spirit.
“Loving and reverent reflection on the person and work of the Holy Spirit
was at the heart of Puritanism. Whatever else the Puritans were — ecclesial reformers, Reformed theologians — they were above all shepherds
of the soul, seeking to understand the ways of the Spirit in the human
heart and the local congregation. It was out of this spiritual matrix that
some of the Puritans enunciated a theology that centered on what they
called the sealing of the Spirit. It is a very important strand of Puritan
piety, but relatively little has been written on it. I am thrilled to recommend this study devoted to exploring this theological distinctive in the
life and thought of a major Puritan author, John Flavel. Any who are
interested in the history of Puritan spirituality are very much in Adam
Embry’s debt for this fine study.”
— Michael A. G. Haykin
Flavel, the Spirit, and Puritanism
A Life of John Flavel
Flavel’s Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
Flavel’s view of the Sealing of the Spirit
Flavel, the Spirit, and Evangelicalism
Paperback, 136 pages
Page Size: 5.5 x 8.5 inches
ISBN 978-1-60178-154-3
Retail Price: $18.00
RHB Price: $14.00
Available December 2011
about the author
ADAM EMBRY lives in Louisville, kentucky with
his wife, Charlotte, and their three children. He is
a graduate of The Southern Baptist Theological
Seminary and has been an assistant pastor of
Auburndale Baptist Church since 2007.
wrhB title
What is a Reformed Church?
Malcolm H. Watts
Foreword by Joel R. Beeke
“These days the term Reformed is applied to many beliefs and practices
that are not Reformed. Malcom Watts offers a wonderful guide so that
the uninitiated can know what the historic Reformed faith looks like in
doctrine and practice. This book, however, is also a terrific aid for the
well informed as a reminder and index of classic Reformed theology—
biblical, confessional, and practical.”
— J. V. Fesko, Academic Dean and Associate Professor of Systematic
and Historical Theology, Westminster Seminary California
“Finally — a sound, concise yet meaty little book on the basics of the
Reformed faith, Reformed ecclesiology, and Reformed evangelism.
Malcolm Watts’s What Is a Reformed Church? is an excellent work for
those just discovering the Reformed faith as well as for those who are
more advanced but need to be reminded of its distinctives. Ministers
would do well to urge their consistories or sessions to provide a copy
for every church member or family. Its biblical content, sanctified
scholarship, challenging insights, and warm pastoral applications are
just what the church needs today. I know of no better basic Reformed
handbook for believers.”
— Joel R. Beeke, President and Professor of Systematic Theology
and Homiletics, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary
The Distinctives of a Reformed Church
The Great Emphasis of Reformed Doctrine
A Right View of Worship
The Government of the Church
Reformed Church Discipline
Reformed Evangelism
Maintaining the Reformed Faith
Paperback, 180 pages
Page Size: 5 x 7.5 inches
ISBN 978-1-60178-157-4
Retail Price: $12.00
RHB Price: $9.00
Available December 2011
about the author
MALCOLM H. WATTS is minister of Emmanuel
Church in Salisbury, England. He is also the
chairman of the Trinitarian Bible Society and
the Bible League Trust, as well as a visiting
lecturer at Puritan Reformed Theological
w title
1 & 2 Corinthians
Psalms, vol. 1, 336 pages
$16.00 | $12.00
Hardcover, 256 pages
Page Size: 5.5 x 8.5 inches
ISBN 978-1-60178-163-5
Retail Price: $13.00
RHB Price: $10.00
Psalms, vol. 2, 368 pages
$16.00 | $12.00
Psalms, 2 vol. set
$30.00 | $22.00
Proverbs, 224 pages
$13.00 | $10.00
Luke, 352 pages
$15.00 | $11.00
John, 256 pages
$13.00 | $10.00
Romans, 160 pages
$13.00 | $10.00
Gal. – 2 Thess., 224 pages
$13.00 | $10.00
1 Tim. – Hebrews, 224 pages
$13.00 | $10.00
James – Jude, 192 pages
$13.00 | $10.00
Page Size: 5.5 x 8.5 inches
The 17:18 Series
Rob Wynalda
why the 17:18 series?
In Deuteronomy 17, Moses is leaving final instructions concerning the future of Israel.
As a prophet of God, Moses foretells of when Israel will place a king over the nation (v.
14). In verse 18, the king is commanded to not simply acquire a copy of the law (the
entire book of Deuteronomy) from the “scroll publishing house,” but to hand write his
own copy of the law.
Thirty-four hundred years later, educators are “discovering” that students that physically write out their notes by hand have a much greater retention rate than simply hearing or visually reading the information. Apparently, God knew this to be true of the kings
of Israel also. From such understanding came the conception of this series of books.
how to use these books
Each book is organized so that you can write out your very own copy of Scripture. You
will be writing the Bible text only on the right hand page of the book. This should make
for easier writing and also allows ample space on the left page to write your own notes
and comments. From time to time a question or word will be lightly printed on the left
page; these questions are to aid in further study, but should not interfere with your own
notes and comments.
“There is an old proverb that says ‘Thoughts disentangle themselves when passing over
the lips and through the finger tips.’ The 17:18 Series which encourages us to actually
write out the words of Scripture will be a tremendous tool in putting that proverb into
action in our daily lives. I am happy to commend this project.
— JERRY BRIDGES, author of The Pursuit of Holiness
“Several years ago I read an article about copying the Scriptures by hand. I tried it with
the Pastoral Epistles, writing out all three books with a fountain pen in my journal, and
found it a profitable exercise. I am glad to see this series of journals appear, and I hope
they are widely used.”
— DONALD S. WHITNEY, Associate Professor of Biblical Spirituality,
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville
wrhB Children’s title
The Quest for Comfort
The Story of the Heidelberg Catechism
William Boekestein
Illustrated by Evan Hughes
Many years ago God used three men to write a little book that
explained the only true comfort in life and in death. These men lived
in a time when comfort was badly needed. Most people believed they
could have comfort in this life only when they were good. Even if they
believed they were good, they had very little comfort about what
would happen to them after they died. Few knew the real and lasting
comfort that God promises through His Word. That’s why these three
men wrote their little book. The three men were Caspar Olevianus,
Zacharias Ursinus, and Frederick III, and the little book they wrote,
with God’s help, is called the Heidelberg Catechism.
The Quest for Comfort combines history and art to retell the events
that led to making the catechism. By sharing the stories of these three
important men and how they came to Heidelberg, children will gain
a greater appreciation of the Christian faith as it is expressed in the
Heidelberg Catechism.
“It is never too early to begin teaching our children the truth. And
what better way is there than to introduce them to one of the finest
summaries of that truth ever written: the Heidelberg Catechism. The
nice thing about this little book (which is a short historical introduction
to it) is that it will surely encourage our children to want to learn what
this catechism teaches.”
— G. I. Williamson, author of The Heidelberg Catechism: A Study Guide
“The Heidelberg Catechism was an important part of my childhood.
Every week I had to memorize a question and answer and every week I
was taught to understand and apply what I had learned. This provided
a theological foundation that continues to serve me many years later.
I am grateful for this little book, through which William Boekestein
introduces the Catechism to another generation of children. May they
come to treasure it as I have.”
—Tim Challies, editor of
Hardcover, 32 pages
Page Size: 5.5 x 8.5 inches
ISBN 978-1-60178-152-9
Retail Price: $10.00
RHB Price: $7.50
about the author and illustrator
WILLIAM BOEkESTEIN (M.Div., Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary) is Pastor of Covenant Reformed Church in
Carbondale, Pennsylvania. He previously taught in a Christian School for several years. He and his wife have three
EVAN HUGHES is an illustrator and graphic designer. He and his wife kate live in Scranton,
Pennsylvania with their two sons.
Bill and Evan blog at
w Children’s title
Simonetta Carr
Illustrated by Matt Abraxas
A complex and fascinating character, Athanasius,
bishop of Alexandria, is best remembered as the
Father of Orthodoxy, upholding the doctrine of the
Trinity against the Arian heresy. In this newest addition to the Christian Biographies for Young Readers
series, author Simonetta Carr introduces children to
the life and times of this important church father
who tirelessly defended the Nicene Creed, which
many of us today recite as a confession of our faith.
Born during the Great Persecution, forced five times
to leave his church and city, and constantly threatened by those who tried to ruin his reputation,
Athanasius provides an example of godly faithfulness. Beautiful illustrations and a winsome, simply
written narrative will bring the Nicene Creed to life
for children of all ages, prompting relevant discussions on the divinity of Christ and the importance of
creeds and confessions.
Hardback, 64 pages
Page size: 8 x 10 inches
ISBN 978-1-60178-151-2
Retail Price: $18.00
RHB Price: $14.00
“This is great. It fills a gap between simplistic (and
often erroneous) summaries of his life and monographs that only scholars would read. Well done!”
— Robert Letham, senior tutor in systematic and historical theology, Wales Evangelical School of Theology
“Another excellent historical biography from the hand
of Simonetta Carr! This time it is the early Christian
bishop Athanasius, who is not an easy subject in
some ways. But Simonetta tells his story with gusto,
the right amount of admiration, and faithfulness to
the Alexandrian bishop’s life. I am fast becoming a
real fan of Simonetta’s writing!”
— Michael A. G. Haykin, professor of church history,
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
“Simonetta Carr’s latest book is a wonderfully accessible addition to her growing collection of books on
church history for children. Her straightforward narrative is simple but never simplistic and will charm
and inspire young readers to live for Christ, contra
mundum, against the world. Every family should read
these books.”
— Douglas Bond, author of The Betrayal
and the Crown and Covenant series
For Ages 7–12
about the author and illustrator
SIMONETTA CARR was born in Italy and has lived and worked in
different cultures. A former elementary school teacher, she has
home-schooled her eight children for many years. She has written
for newspapers and magazines around the world and has translated
the works of several Christian authors into Italian. Presently, she lives
in San Diego with her husband, Thomas, and family. She is a member
and Sunday school teacher at Christ United Reformed Church.
MATT ABRAXAS has traveled from California to France, studying
different approaches to art. He enjoys creating and teaching art,
and currently exhibits his work at the Smithklein Gallery in Boulder,
Colorado. Matt lives with his wife Rebecca and two sons, Zorba and
Rainer, in Lafayette, Colorado.
See page 34 for additional books in this series.
CominG in 2012
Glory Veiled and Unveiled:
A Heart-Searching Look
at Christ’s Parables
Gerald M. Bilkes
Paperback, 180 pages
Page Size: 5 x 7.5 inches
ISBN 978-1-60178-165-9
Retail Price: $12.00
RHB Price: $9.00
A Puritan Theology:
Doctrine for Life
Joel R. Beeke & Mark Jones
Reformed Confessions of the 16th
and 17th Centuries in English
Translation: Volume 3
Compiled by James T. Dennison, Jr.
Hardcover, 1200 pages
Page Size: 7 x 10 inches
ISBN 978-1-60178-166-6
Retail Price: $50.00
RHB Price: $38.00
Hardcover, 928 pages
Page Size: 6 x 9 inches
ISBN 978-1-60178-164-2
Retail Price: $50.00
RHB Price: $38.00
The Brokenhearted Evangelist
Jeremy Walker
Paperback, 200 pages
Page Size: 5.5 x 8.5 inches
ISBN 978-1-60178-161-1
Retail Price: $18.00
RHB Price: $14.00
Presbyterian and Reformed
Churches: A Global History
James E. McGoldrick
Hardcover, 550 pages
Page Size: 6 x 9 inches
ISBN 978-1-60178-162-8
Retail Price: $40.00
RHB Price: $30.00
Living Blessedly Forever: The
Sermon on the Mount and the
Puritan Piety of William Perkins
J. Stephen Yuille
Paperback, 180 pages
Page Size: 5.5 x 8.5 inches
ISBN 978-1-60178-160-4
Retail Price: $18.00
RHB Price: $14.00
w Noteworthy
The Houses of Parliament: Cradle of
Andrew Atherstone
The Houses of Parliament at Westminster are
among the most iconic buildings in the world.
This travel guide with photos also tells the history
of Parliament from the Middle Ages to the present, including such events as the Gunpowder Plot,
the Civil War, and the assassination of the prime
minister in 1812, but especially how the Christian
faith has shaped parliamentary debates and ideals through the
centuries. (Day One, PB, 127 pgs) $15.00 | $12.50
True Stories of God’s Servants:
William Farel
Frances Bevan
This biography tells the story of an almostforgotten Reformer who preached at a time
when it was costly to do so and helped prepare the way for Calvin to pastor in Geneva.
Drawn from D’Aubigné’s life of Calvin and
other sources, this history relates William
Farel’s courage despite being forsaken, betrayed, opposed, and
hated by others at times. (Tentmaker, HB, 366 pgs) $26.00 | $25.00
The Danger of Prosperity
William Bates
The author, a Puritan minister, challenges and
encourages Christians concerning the temptations and snares of wealth, fame, and honor
and provides numerous helps to avoid abuses
of prosperity and improve God’s blessings for
His glory and the Christian’s eternal advantage. (Digital Puritan, PB, 94 pgs) $9.00 | $6.50
Jeremiah Burroughs
This volume joins two rare treatises—“Precious
Faith” and “The Saints’ Walk by Faith”—making
them available for the first time since the seventeenth century in an edited form with a contemporary design. The Puritan writes concerning faith: “It is willing to venture it all upon grace
that it sees in Jesus Christ, and it satisfies itself in
Christ alone.” (Northampton, HB, 267 pgs) $28.00 | $21.00
Sermons from Job
John Calvin
Included in this volume are 20 sermons selected
from the original 159 sermons Calvin preached
on Job. These sermons express clearly Calvin’s
sense of the majesty of God. Pervading these
sermons is the prayer and the conviction that
whatever comes to pass may all be for the glory
of God. (Solid Ground, PB, 300 pages)
$25.00 | $15.00
A Faithful Church Member
Joel Beeke
Do you view church membership in the same way many
view a club membership—something you can sign up for
but use only when the need or desire arises? In this booklet,
Dr. Joel Beeke returns to the biblical concept of the church
in five areas—Christ’s Word, person, people, cause, and
image—and draws fifteen characteristics of faithful church
membership in its personal, public, and practical aspects.
(EP, PB, 48 pgs)
$6.99 | $5.00
Sermons on the Saving Work of Christ
John Calvin
This collection of 20 sermons by John Calvin,
include messages on The Deity of Christ, the
Nativity of Christ, the Passion and Resurrection
of Christ, the Ascension of Christ, and Pentecost
and the Return of Christ.
(Solid Ground, PB, 302 pages) $25.00 | $15.00
Sermons on the Ten Commandments
John Calvin
The Law has three functions. All of these, as
outlined by Calvin in the Institutes, appear in
these sermons. Calvin’s primary purpose in
these sermons however is to demonstrate how
God’s will for everyday life is revealed in the Ten
Commandments. The Law is still to be revered
and obeyed, but out of a sense of freedom and
not despair. May the transformation that occurred in Geneva as
the people acquired knowledge of God’s Word continue in our
day. (Solid Ground, PB, 326 pages) $25.00 | $15.00
Cruciform: Living the Cross-Shaped Life
Jimmy Davis
The author calls disciples of Jesus to a “cruciform life” in the gospel—to be shaped by the
cross, to share and show the cross in living
vertically to God and horizontally to neighbor,
and to carry the cross as those joined to Christ
in His sufferings. (Cruciform, PB, 113 pgs)
$10.00 | $8.00
The Exegetical Labors of the Reverend
Matthew Poole: Volume 6: Leviticus
Steven Dilday, trans.
In this volume, available for the first time
in English, Poole surveys a range of biblical
interpreters — from Jewish rabbis, church
fathers, and medieval Reformation-era commentators and theologians — in a verse-byverse historical interpretation of an oft-overlooked book. (Master Poole, PB, 535 pgs)
$30.00 | $25.00
Innocent Blood: Challenging the Powers
of Death with the Gospel of Life
John Ensor
The shedding of innocent blood through abortion has marked an entire generation. Linking
the gospel of life with the call to defend the
unborn, the author examines what the Bible
teaches about blood, blood guilt, and shedding of innocent blood and seeks to renew
Christian courage to protect the innocent.
(Cruciform, PB, 120 pgs) $10.00 | $8.00
Christ in Exodus
Stan K. Evers
For many Christians the Old Testament is a
locked chest: it contains priceless treasures,
but the key can be difficult to find. The author
writes this volume to show how Christ is the
key—the heart of the Old Testament as well as
the book of Exodus. (Grace, PB, 160 pgs)
$10.00 | $7.50
Preparing for Eternity
Mike Gendron
This book examines the disparities between
Roman Catholic doctrine and God’s Word in
areas such as ultimate authority, tradition versus Scripture, the efficacy of Christ’s sacrifice,
and many other key teachings. The author, an
evangelist who was a devout Roman Catholic
for 34 years, includes a lengthy chapter answering questions he’s received through the years.
(Northampton, PB, 240 pgs) $15.00 | $11.25
Christ Set Forth and the Heart of Christ in
Heaven towards Sinners on Earth
Thomas Goodwin
Goodwin traces Christ’s work and acts—from
His obedience unto death to His intercession
on high—as the object, support, and comfort of the believer’s faith and life. With a new
design and helpful headings, this volume joins
two books on Christology that are among
Goodwin’s “best treatments of the Savior’s
love and service to us,” writes J. I. Packer. (Christian Focus, PB, 252
$20.00 | $10.00
Licensed to Kill: A Field Manual for
Mortifying Sin
Brian G. Hedges
Indwelling sin is a great enemy—but how is
it killed? What role does the gospel play in
providing the lethal blow? The author tackles these questions with biblical and practical strategies for the daily fight, pointing
believers back to the transforming work of
Christ and power of the Spirit. (Cruciform,
PB, 111 pgs) $10.00 | $8.00
Contemplations on the God of Israel
William Huntington, S.S.
This collection of letters to a friend from English
coal heaver and preacher William Huntington
(1745–1813)—at whose tomb Spurgeon once
remarked, “I have read him by the hour”—are
“a free-grace classic of truly sanctified thinking”
that will access hearts exercised in grace, noted
one man who introduced these letters in 1940.
(Old Paths, PB, 183 pgs) $12.00 | $9.00
Christ’s Covenant and Your Life
Gordon J. Keddie
How do God’s covenants relate to understanding who you are, what you do today, how you
live your life, and where your future lies? The
author seeks to answer these questions in this
small yet comprehensive book, writing that
Christ’s covenant forms “the very core of our
relationship with the Lord.” It is “the fixed point
from which our personal world must move.”
(Crown & Covenant, PB, 132 pgs) $7.00 | $7.00
“But God. . .”: The Two Words at the Heart
of the Gospel
Casey Lute
The two words “but God” appear in various
forms hundreds of times in the Bible. In this
collection of brief Bible expositions, the author
examines nine cases of the phrase, focusing
on the consistent way in which God has chosen to save sinners across the span of redemptive history. (Cruciform, PB, 107 pgs) $10.00 | $8.00
Let Us Pray
Don Kistler, ed.
So often prayer becomes shortsighted and one-sided in its focus
and purpose — a mere list of petitions of earthly concerns. The
Christian pastors and leaders joined
in this volume look at prayer in
light of God — to “show that prayer
is to be God-centered and Godfocused as well as God-directed,”
writes Don Kistler in the foreword.
(Northampton, PB, 174 pgs)
$12.00 | $9.00
1: Why Pray? — R. C. Sproul
2: Prayer as Worship — John MacArthur
3: God-Centered Prayer — John Piper
4: Hallowing God’s Name — Joel Beeke
5: Praying in Jesus’ Name — Steven Lawson
6: Seeing God’s Will in Prayer — W. Robert Godfrey
7: Prayer and the Sovereignty of God — Richard D. Phillips
8: “Christian” Prayer — Hywel Jones
9: The Concert of Prayer in the 18th Century: A Model for
Praying Together — Michael Haykin
10: Effectual, Fervent Prayer — Phil Johnson
11: Prayer as Our Battle Cry — R. Bruce Bickel
Grieving, Hope and Solace: When a Loved
One Dies in Christ
Albert N. Martin
“Al Martin weaves together personal tenderness and biblical teaching in this sweet book
of comfort. Buy it and give it away, but make
sure to get a copy for yourself, too. We can
never be too prepared for the trial of losing a
loved one.” — Dr. Joel R Beeke
(Cruciform Press, PB, 116 pages)$10.00 | $8.00
Archibald G. Brown: Spurgeon’s Successor
Iain H. Murray
Archibald G. Brown (1844-1922), instead of following his father to wealth in commerce and
banking, built a church to hold 3,000 in the East
End of London while still in his twenties. Nearly
6,000 were to join in 30 years. Simultaneously
he led mission work among the poor, being
described by The Daily Telegraph newspaper as
possessing “a large practical acquaintance with the homes, and
the social horrors of the foulest corners of the East of London
than anyone who could well be cited.’” (Banner, HB, 405 pgs)
$29.00 | $22.00
Nehemiah: Rebuilt and Rebuilding
Kathleen Buswell Nielson
With these Bible studies the author seeks to
draw students into redemptive history to
show that Nehemiah is not just an example
of courageous and prayerful leadership at a
crucial time—but that his life testifies to God’s
sovereign faithfulness in the purposes of the
redemption of His people. (P&R, PB, 144 pgs)
$12.99 | $9.75
Servanthood as Worship: The Privilege of
Life in a Local Church
Nate Palmer
Leadership is often discussed today, but what
about servanthood? This book offers Christians
a biblical understanding of their call to serve in
the church and roots the motivation and support of servanthood in the gospel. (Cruciform,
PB, 101 pgs) $10.00 | $8.00
When Bad Things Happen
William P. Smith
Is a personal God involved in our suffering?
Why would a good God allow suffering? This
tract addresses these and other questions from
a biblical perspective, showing how God uses
suffering to draw us into a deeper, more intimate relationship with Him. (New Growth, PB,
22 pgs) $4.00 | $3.00
Zeal for Godliness: Devotional
Meditations on Calvin’s Institutes
Derek Thomas and R. Carlton Wynne (editiors)
“Calvin’s Institutes is delicious steak for the soul.
Far from being ivory-tower theology, Calvin
wrote to nourish the heart in godliness or piety.
Zeal for Godliness cuts our meat for us into
small, bite-sized pieces. Each brief devotion,
linked to a specific section of the Institutes,
was written by a man who has marinated his
mind in Calvin’s biblical teachings including Carl Trueman, Ligon
Duncan, Sinclair Ferguson, Iain Campbell, Philip Ryken and others. Whether you read this as a stand-alone devotional, or an
accompaniment to reading through Calvin’s book, you will find
these thoughts to be like the fragrant odors rising from a summer
grill-attractive and appetizing.” — Dr. Joel R. Beeke (EP Books, HC,
270 pages)
$25.00 | $15.00
Why God Gave Us a Book
Gene Edward Veith
Many people look for the “voice of God” in their
thoughts and feelings, forgetting that God has
provided a sufficient way of communication
between God and man—the Bible. This passionate, personal booklet is a call to return to God’s
Word as our one and only authority in faith and
practice. (P&R, PB, 44 pgs)
$5.00 | $3.75
Discovering the Christian Mind
Douglas Vickers
What does Christianity have to do with the
marketplace of ideas or the claims of reason?
The author considers such questions by looking at the identity of the Christian mind. Prior
to identifying the Christian mind’s place in culture is understanding what the Christian mind
is once the Holy Spirit regenerates a soul—the
beginning and foundation of true knowing. (Wipf & Stock, PB,
183 pgs) $22.00 | $18.00
A Ransom for Many: The Gospel of Mark
Simply Explained
Steve Wilmshurst
Captivated by Mark’s powerful storytelling, the
author of this Welwyn commentary looks at the
mission of Jesus as the crucified Christ, and His
disciples as those called to take up their cross
and follow the One who gave His life a ransom
for many. Based on sermons, these 25 chapters
trace Jesus’ ministry from its beginnings through His passion and
vindication. (EP, PB, 416 pgs) $23.00 | $17.50
Children and the Lord’s Supper
Guy Waters & Ligon Duncan, ed.
The Lord’s Supper is a profoundly solemn yet
deeply enriching element of our worship to our
gracious, merciful, savior God. At what age is
it right for a child to partake of the same? This
book takes a critical look at the doctrine of paedocommunion as defined: “as the admittance
of a covenant child to the Lord’s Supper on the
basis of his descent from at least one professing Christian parent.”
These essays will provide food for thought Biblically, theologically, historically and pastorally. Chapters include “Passover and
the Lord’s Supper: Continuity or Discontinuity” (Bryan D. Estelle);
“Christ Our Passover” (Iain M. Duguid); “1 Corinthians 11:17-34: The
Lord’s Supper: Abuses, Words of Institution and Warnings and the
Inferences and Deductions with Respect to Paedocommunion”
(George W. Knight III); “’Not a Particle of Sound Brain’ – a theological response to Paedocommunion” (Derek W. H. Thomas);
“Paedocommunion and the Reformed Confessions” (Cornelis
Venema); ”Children at the Lord’s Table in the Patristic Era” (Nick
Needham); and “’Only for His Believers’: Paedocommunion and
the Witness of the Reformed Liturgies” (Joel R. Beeke). (Mentor,
PB, 215 pgs) $18.00 | $12.00
Lectures on the Epistle of James
Ralph Wardlaw
C. H. Spurgeon once wrote of this collection
of 26 addresses by the Scottish preacher and
writer, “The lectures are noteworthy specimens of expository preaching. They were
Wardlaw’s last work, and are fully up to the
mark.” (Tentmaker, HB, 377 pgs)
$40.00 | $26.00
Life of John Welsh, Minister of Ayr
James Young
First published in 1866, this biography traces
the life of John Welsh (1568–1622), a Scottish
Presbyterian leader imprisoned by James VI
of Scotland for his preaching and eventually
exiled to France, where he ministered actively
for many years. Welsh, who married a daughter of John Knox1, is said to have rivaled his
deceased father-in-law in piety, zeal, and genius. (Tentmaker, HB,
471 pgs) $42.00 | $30.00
N and noteworthy
Children’s Titles
David Brainerd: A Love
for the Lost
Brian H. Cosby
This book narrates some
of the life and journeys
of missionary David
Brainerd, who — amid
trials from the disease,
attacks, and cold winters of frontier life in the
1700s — carried the gospel with singleminded devotion to various Indian tribes
in America before he died in his twenties.
(Christian Focus, PB, 155 pgs)
$9.00 | $6.75
365 Great
Stories: The
Good News
of Jesus
Genesis to
Carine Mackenzie
Mackenzie offers another beautifully illustrated story book for children. This volume uses stories from Genesis through
Revelations to teach Biblical themes
and topics to children ages 5–12 years.
(Christian Focus, HC, 383 pgs)
$19.99 | $16.00
Titanic: The Ship of
Robert Plant
Titanic, a ship deemed
unsinkable by its owners and operators,
hit a massive iceberg
on its maiden voyage in 1912 and sunk
into the icy depths of
the Atlantic — but not before one man,
focused on saving souls to the last, called a
final person to Christ. Based on eyewitness
accounts and real people, this book relates
John Harper’s faith, courage, and hope
amid the horrors of that night. (Christian
Focus, PB, 169 pgs) $9.00 | $6.75
RHB Back
A Brief Compendium of Bible Truth
Archibald Alexander
This book is a summary of Christianity’s major
doctrines for “plain, common readers” who
do not have the time or opportunity to study
larger works of systematic theology, but still
want to grow in their spiritual understanding.
(HC, 978-1-892777-35-5, 220 pages)
$25.00 | $15.00
The Life and Letters of Joseph Alleine
Alleine/Baxter/ et al.
In this reprint of the life of Alleine we are convicted, challenged, and exhorted by Joseph
Alleine’s triumphant faith and close walk with
Christ. The second part of the book includes all
forty-nine of Alleine’s extant letters.
(PB, 978-1-892777-26-3, 332 pages)
$25.00 | $15.00
A Sketch of the Christian’s Catechism
William Ames
Ames’s method in this book is not an analysis
of the Catechism itself. Rather, he chooses a
particular text of Scripture that supports the
main thoughts for a given Lord’s Day. While
the exposition is directly from the Bible, Ames’s
doctrinal conclusions interact with the corresponding questions and answers of the Heidelberg Catechism.
(HC, ISBN: 978-1-60178-045-4, 288 pages) $40.00 | $30.00
The Everlasting Word
Frans Bakker
The meditations of Frans Bakker proved to
be comforting and edifying to many of God’s
people in the Netherlands. Writing in a simple
but penetrating style, Bakker emphasized the
fullness of Christ for needy sinners. In this daily
devotional you will find wholesome food for
your soul. (HC, 978-1-60178-027-0, 656 pages)$28.00 | $21.00
Saved by Grace: The Holy Spirit’s Work in
Calling and Regeneration
Herman Bavinck
In Saved by Grace, Herman Bavinck discusses
God’s gracious work in bringing fallen sinners
to new life and salvation. He gives a careful
historical analysis that shows how Reformed
theologians have wrestled to understand and
express the Holy Spirit’s work in calling and regeneration since
the seventeenth century. Bavinck also brings exegetical precision and theological clarity to the discussion, carefully avoiding the errors of undervaluing and overvaluing the use of
means in the work of salvation.
(HC, ISBN: 978-1-60178-052-2, 240 pages)
$30.00 | $22.50
Piety’s Wisdom
J. Mark Beach
Although works exist that
either offer an analysis of
Calvin’s views or serve as a
guide to his Institutes, none
fully share the aim of J. Mark
Beach’s Piety’s Wisdom.
Keeping to the form, shape,
and tenor of Calvin’s own
work, Piety’s Wisdom offers
busy pastors, seminarians,
interested college students,
and motivated laypersons
a book that presents Calvin
on his own terms. This summary can be used as an introduction to the Christian faith, as a primer for the study of
Calvin, or a combination of each.
“Mark Beach’s Piety’s Wisdom provides a finely done summary and analysis of Calvin’s Institutes that should be
of considerable service to Christian laity, pastors, and
students in coming to terms with the thought of the
Genevan Reformer. Beach writes clearly and concisely,
and with considerable insight into Calvin’s thought. The
book includes a short biographical sketch and a contextual introduction to the Institutes. It stands as one of the
best and most trustworthy introductions to Calvin presently available.”
—Richard A. Muller, P. J. Zondervan Professor of Historical
Theology at Calvin Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, MI
“J. Mark Beach has provided us with a concise guide to
Calvin’s Institutes that succeeds in identifying its contours
and emphases. Calvin’s magnum opus can prove tricky
for the uninitiated and this volume will be invaluable as
a quick and precise summary of the Reformer’s thought.
An ideal accompaniment for those eager to get their
teeth into one of the most important theological texts
ever written.”
— Derek W. H. Thomas, John E. Richards Professor of
Systematic and Practical Theology, RTS (Jackson), and Minister of
Teaching, First Presbyterian Church, Jackson, MS
“Though road maps (or a GPS) are no substitute for the
experience of traveling through the country side, they
can be a great help to the traveler in identifying the best
route and the highpoints of the trip. J. Mark Beach’s Piety’s
Wisdom is such a help for the reader who hopes to travel
or navigate his or her way through Calvin’s great exposition of the Christian faith, The Institutes. Written for the
general reader, Beach offers a useful guide that identifies the important landmarks, points the way through,
and thereby whets the reader’s appetite for a first-hand
acquaintance with Calvin’s theology.”
— Cornelis P. Venema, President and Professor of Doctrinal
Studies, Mid-America Reformed Seminary, Dyer, IN
(PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-082-9, 368 pages)$20.00 | $15.00
365 Days with Calvin
Joel R. Beeke, ed.
John Calvin exercised a profound ministry in
Europe and is probably one of the most seminal
thinkers ever to have lived. His sermons, letters,
and, of course, his Christian Institutes have been
published again and again. His writings — once
described as “flowing prose” — are characterized by clarity, simplicity, and yet profoundness, too. In these heart-warming pieces,
drawn from his commentaries and sermons, Calvin brings us to
Christ, the glorious Savior of all His people.
(HC, ISBN: 978-1-60178-084-3, 397 pages) $20.00 | $15.00
The Beauty and Glory of Christ
Edited by Joel R. Beeke
Enjoy the spiritual feast served in The Beauty and
Glory of Christ, a compilation of the addresses
given at the Puritan Reformed Theological
Seminary’s annual conference in August 2010 at
Grand Rapids, Michigan. Each chapter sets before
readers the unsearchable riches of the Lord Jesus
Christ, the hope of our glory and the glory of our hope. Topics
include Christ’s beauty prophesied and typified in Isaiah and
Song of Solomon; Christ’s glory in His incarnation, earthly ministry, and death on the cross; Christ in historical theology and
everyday life; and Christ’s glorious exaltation in His resurrection
and in His triumph in the book of Revelation. Contributors include
David Murray, Iain Campbell, Richard Phillips, Gerald Bilkes, David
Carmichael, Albert Martin, Joel Beeke, William VanDoodewaard,
Ray Pennings, and James Grier.
(HC, ISBN: 978-1-60178-142-0, 256 pages)
$25.00 | $19.00
Calvin for Today
Joel R. Beeke, ed.
Calvin for the 21st Century is an edited compilation
of the stimulating addresses given at the Puritan
Reformed Theological Seminary’s annual conference in 2009. Topics include Calvin on preaching Christ from the Old Testament, missions, the
church, Scripture, the Spirit’s work, redemption,
ethics, believers’ benefits, the early church, reprobation, marriage, and reforming the church.
(HC, ISBN: 978-1-60178-084-3, 296 pages) $25.00 | $19.00
Contagious Christian Living
Joel R. Beeke
In Contagious Christian Living, Joel R. Beeke looks
at four people in the Bible to find out how people
today can live an influential life in dependence
on the Holy Spirit. Here is your invitation to read
about, and pray for, the sacrificial submission of
Jephthah’s daughter, the Christ-centeredness of
Bartimaeus, the contagious blessings of Jacob, and the consistent integrity of Daniel.
(PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-079-9, 130 pages) $9.00 | $6.50
Family Guidance Series
Too often the Christian world offers up both an idealistic and
impossible standard of the Christian family or, on the other side,
the church ignores the vital role of the family in the building up
and maintenance of a godly heritage. In this ongoing series, Dr.
Joel Beeke, with over 30 years of pastoral experience, offers pastoral insight and provides Scriptural antidote to the problems of
today’s Christian family.
Bringing the Gospel to Covenant Children
Joel R. Beeke
This book gives practical guidance on how to
evangelize covenant children and how to make
the home a nursery for heaven. The book first
explains how parents fail to understand the
role of the covenant in their children’s lives and
then details how to use prayer, family worship,
teaching, everyday conversation, and mentoring to evangelize
children. Dr. Beeke provides a needed guide for a parent’s most
important and difficult task. (PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-117-8, 96
$8.00 | $6.00
The Family at Church
Joel Beeke
This book contains guidance on two important areas of family life. First, it explains how
we should prepare our families for public
worship. Second, it addresses the subject
of prayer meetings, their importance, and
the scriptural warrant for them. Dr. Beeke’s
approach involves a sketch of the past uses of such practices
and a detailed exposition in such a way that the reader can
apply it to everyday living.
(PB, ISBN: 978-1-892777-34-8, 80 pages)
$6.00 | $4.50
Family Worship
Joel R. Beeke
Dr. Beeke offers a heartfelt and solemn plea
for families to return to Biblical, consistent,
and passionate family worship. With pastoral
insight and care, the author provides practical
and valuable answers to the practice of family
worship and at the same time addresses objections raised against it. In a world of impossible standards and
idealism, this book is a helpful and motivating guide to implement or increase the depth of your family devotions.
(PB, ISBN: 978-1-892777-67-6, 32 pages) $6.00 | $4.50
The Epistles of John
Joel R. Beeke
“There are few safer guides to the themes of
John’s epistles of the nature of true faith and
the experience of assurance than Joel Beeke.
He guides us safely through these often stormy
waters with the sure touch of a seasoned navigator.” — Derek Thomas (Evangelical Press, PB,
ISBN: 9780852346334, 250 pages) $16.00 | $12.00
Gisbertus Voetius: Toward a Reformed
Marriage of Knowledge and Piety
Joel R. Beeke
This booklet aims to introduce Voetius to an
English readership and to show how he wed a
reformed scholastic methodology to a heartfelt
piety. The church today needs Voetius’s balance of
systematic and experiential theology to promote
what John Murray has aptly called “intelligent piety.” (PB, ISBN:
1-892777-18-5, 36 pages) $5.00 | $3.00
Heirs with Christ: The Puritans on Adoption
Joel R. Beeke
The Puritans have gotten bad press for their supposed lack of teaching on the doctrine of spiritual
adoption. In Heirs with Christ, Joel R. Beeke dispels
this caricature. This book lets the Puritans speak
for themselves, showing how they recognized
adoption’s far-reaching, transforming power and
comfort for the children of God. (HC, ISBN: 978-1-60178-040-9,
134 pages)
$13.00 | $10.00
The Heritage Reformed Congregations:
Who We Are and What We Believe
Joel R. Beeke
In this booklet, Joel R. Beeke provides a short history of the origins of the HRC and, more importantly, he presents the doctrinal teachings and
emphases of this relatively young denomination.
(PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-024-9, 33 pages)
$4.50 | $3.00
Joel R. Beeke
What does the Bible mean by holiness and how
can we attain it? This is a modern treatment of one
of the most important teachings of Scripture. It
shows that holiness is primarily a matter of relationships, that its power lies in the Holy Spirit
within the believer, and that its fruit is of supreme
importance for the progress of all true Christianity. (Banner of
Truth, PB, ISBN: 0851516718, 23 pages)
$2.00 | $1.25
Knowing and Living the Christian Life
Joel R. Beeke and James D. Greendyk
To live with purpose and joy, we must know Christ
and live out of Him personally and experientially.
The theme of Christ-centered living runs like a
scarlet thread throughout these fifty-two weekly
devotions, aiming for the conversion of the
unsaved and for the growth of believers. (HC, 978-1-892777-04-1,
295 pages)
$25.00 | $15.00
Living for God’s Glory:
An Introduction to Calvinism
Joel R. Beeke
In this comprehensive survey of Reformed
Christianity, Dr. Beeke and eight contributors offer
twenty–eight chapters that trace the history of
Calvinism; explore its key doctrinal tenets; reveal
how Calvinists have sought to live in devotion to God; and survey Calvinism’s influence in the church and in the world. The book
asserts that the overriding goal of Calvinism is the glory of God.
Saturated with Scripture citations and sprinkled with quotations
from wise giants of church history, this book presents Calvinism in
a winsome and wondrous fashion. (Reformation Trust, HC, ISBN:
978-1-56769-105-4, 432 pages)
$24.00 | $18.00
Meet the Puritans
Joel R. Beeke and Randall J. Pederson
“The Puritans — English, Scottish, American, and Dutch—are
being read again! In an era of superficial discipleship and erratic,
impotent, ailing, and dying churches, this is indeed a hopeful sign. And this wide-ranging handbook of backup information about the writers themselves, their special strengths, and
modern reprints of their books, is another hopeful sign. Meet
the Puritans is a fascinating compendium, scholarly yet popular
and accessible, that Puritan-lovers will value very highly—and
justly so.”
— Dr. James I. Packer
“The recent revival in interest in and commitment to the truths of
Reformed theology is due in large measure to the rediscovery of
Puritan literature. The Puritans of old have become the prophets
for our time. This volume is a treasure for the church.”
— Dr. R. C. Sproul
“As furnaces burn with ancient coal and not with the leaves that
fall from today’s trees, so my heart is kindled with the fiery substance I find in the old Scripture-steeped sermons of Puritan pastors. A warm thanks to the authors of Meet the Puritans for all the
labor to make them known.”
— Dr. John Piper
(HC, ISBN: 978-1-60178-000-3, 896 pages)
$35.00 | $25.00
Overcoming the World: Grace to Win the
Daily Battle
Joel R. Beeke
“Why is worldliness such a serious matter for the
individual Chrisitan and the church? Beeke does
us a great service by answering this and other
crucial questions about worldliness in a biblical,
practical, and insightful way. I am glad that this book is available
for my own spiritual growth and ministry, and for the benefit of
others who will be blessed.” — Wayne A. Mack (P&R, PB, ISBN:
0-87552-746-9, 201 pages) $12.99 | $7.50
Portraits of Faith
Joel R. Beeke
In this small book, a series of messages originally
delivered at the 2003 Evangelical Movement of
Wales Conference in Aberystwyth, Joel R. Beeke
investigates four aspects of saving faith as they
operate in the lives of particular biblical characters. Learn about childlike faith from Adam and
Eve, submissive faith from the Shunammite woman, mature faith
from the Canaanite woman, and persevering faith from Caleb.
(P&R, PB, ISBN: 1850492026, 104 pages) $10.00 | $7.50
Puritan Evangelism
Joel R. Beeke
This is a well-written, easy introduction to the
subject of Puritan evangelism, and an important
reminder that gimmicks and showmanship are
not God’s way to evangelize. (PB, ISBN: 978-160178-026-3, 78 pages)
$6.00 | $4.50
Puritan Reformed Spirituality
Joel R. Beeke
In these pages Dr Joel Beeke provides us with
a first-class tour of some of the great sites of
Reformed theology and spirituality. The climax of this tour is not reached until our trusted
guide has brought us to the family roots from
which all the great reformed theologians and
pastors came — to the strong foundations of Christian living in justification by faith and sanctification in life, nourished
by the power of biblical preaching. (Evangelical Press, PB,
ISBN: 0-85234-629-8, 475 pages)
$30.00 | $15.00
The Quest for Full Assurance: The Legacy of
Calvin and His Successors
Joel R. Beeke
Joel R. Beeke analyzes the doctrine of assurance of
faith in the theology of Calvin and the Reformed
tradition after him. His conclusion is that Calvin
and post-Reformation Reformed theologians
substantially share the teaching on assurance, differing only in matters of degree. Therefore, the teachings of 17th
century Reformed theology is an advancement of the 16th century Reformers, rather than a departure. Beeke deals with English
Puritanism, and well as its Dutch counterpart known as the Nadere
Reformatie (Further Reformation). (Banner of Truth Trust, PB,
ISBN: 0-85151-745-5, 395 pages) $14.99 | $8.50
Striving Against Satan
Joel R. Beeke
In a day when society has, in many ways, placed
itself under Satan’s rule, when Satanism is
flourishing in Western nations, when certain
branches of the church are preoccupied with
“deliverance ministries,” while others deny the
devil’s existence, Dr. Beeke’s book is a sober,
practical perspective on this vital subject. (Bryntirion, PB,
ISBN: 1-85049-219-0, 126 pages)
$12.00 | $6.50
Walking as He Walked
Joel R. Beeke
Every Christian yearns to be more Christlike. This
book addresses how we can be more conformed
to the image of Christ (Romans 8:29) in four of
the most difficult areas of the Christian life: crossbearing, office-bearing, sorrow, and endurance.
(PB, 978-1-60178-010-2, 133 pages)
$9.00 | $6.50
Forerunner of the Great Awakening:
Sermons by Theodorus Frelinghuysen
Joel R. Beeke, ed.
Theodorus Jacobus Frelinghuysen (1691-1747)
was one of the most important precursors of the
Great Awakening. This book contains a biographical introduction by the editor and Cornelis Pronk,
an updated translation of his sermons, and an
annotated bibliography of English sources on Frelinghuysen. The
sermons are organized into four collections, each of which contains a preface by Frelinghuysen. There are 22 sermons in all.(PB,
0-8028-4899-0, 339 pages)
$28.00 | $10.00
Developing a Healthy Prayer Life
James W. Beeke and Joel R. Beeke
Is your prayer life characterized by such things as
sincerity, urgency, and delight? Engagement in
prayer is a vital part of our communion with God,
making a profound impact on our growth in grace.
In this book, you will find thoughtful meditations
on prayer in the life of the believer, as well as ample
encouragement to cultivate this spiritual discipline in your own
life. If you want to be more devoted to prayer, or simply want to
assess the health of your prayer life, read this book. It provides
both a helpful examination and a needed tonic for those concerned about growing in godliness. (PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-112-3,
112 pages)
$10.00 | $7.50
Reformed Confessions Harmonized
Joel R. Beeke and Sinclair Ferguson, ed.
Seven important confessional statements produced in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries have been harmonized in parallel columns, and represent three strands of Reformed
churches: 1)Dutch-German with the Belgic
Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism, and the
Canons of Dort; 2) Swiss with the Second Helvetic Confession; and
3) Scottish-English with the Westminster Confession of Faith and
the Larger and Shorter Westminster Catechisms. Also provided
are a historical introduction to the confessions and an extensive
annotated bibliography of Reformed theological writings. (Baker,
PB, ISBN: 9780801052224, 288 pages)
$28.00 | $15.00
Living by God’s Promises
Joel R. Beeke and James La Belle
In Living by God’s Promises, Joel R. Beeke and James
A. La Belle draw from stellar Puritan treatises on
divine promises by Andrew Gray, Edward Leigh,
and William Spurstowe, and offer them in contemporary language for today’s readers. This book will
help you treasure the promises that God establishes in Christ and
conveys in His covenant love. (PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-104-8, 192
$15.00 | $11.00
Taking Hold of God: Reformed and Puritan
Perspectives on Prayer
Joel R. Beeke and Brian G. Najapfour, eds.
In Taking Hold of God, you will enter the treasury
of the church of Jesus Christ and discover some of
its most valuable gems on the subject of Christian
prayer. The writings of the Reformers and Puritans
shine with the glory of God in Christ, offering us
much wisdom and insight today that can make our own prayer
lives more informed, more extensive, more fervent, and more
effectual. Six contemporary scholars including Brian Najapfour,
Joel Beeke, Michael Haykin, Johnny Serafini, Stephen Yuille, and
Peter Beck explore the writings and prayer lives of Martin Luther,
John Calvin, John knox, William Perkins, John Bunyan, and other
Reformers and Puritans, guiding us to growth in prayer and a
more grateful communion with God. (PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-1208, 288 pages)
$16.00 | $12.00
An Analysis of Herman Witsius’s “The
Economy of the Covenants”
Joel R. Beeke and D. Patrick Ramsey
This book, which includes an introduction of the
life and theology of Witsius, is an outline analysis
of Herman Witsius’s The Economy of the Covenants.
It is a companion to the original to be read in conjunction with it. (Christian Focus Publications, PB, ISBN: 1-89277722-3, 67 pages)
$13.00 | $8.00
Sing a New Song: Recovering Psalm Singing
for the Twenty-First Century
Joel R. Beeke and Anthony T. Selvaggio, eds.
The book of Psalms occupies a unique place in
Scripture, being both the Word from God and
words to God from His people. Unfortunately,
psalm singing no longer plays an integral part
of worship in most evangelical churches. In this
book, thirteen well-respected scholars urge the church to rediscover the treasure of the Psalms as they examine the history
of psalm singing in the church, present biblical reasons for the
liturgical practice, and articulate the practical value it provides us
today. (PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-105-5, 196 pages) $18.00 | $14.00
Calvin, Theologian and Reformer
Joel R. Beeke and Garry J. Williams, eds.
This volume grows out of a conference at The John
Owen Centre for Theological Study in London to
celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformer’s
birth. Topics covered include Calvin’s life and
reforming work, his Institutes of the Christian
Religion, aspects of his theology, and his commitment to revolutionary living and powerful preaching. Contributors
include Sinclair Ferguson, Ian Hamilton, Anthony N.S. Lane, Paul
Wells, Joel Beeke, and Ray Pennings.
(PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-091-1, 176 pages)
$16.00 | $12.00
The Law of Kindness
Mary Beeke
In this book Mary Beeke examines the idea of
kindness, shows how it is developed, and gives
helpful advice for putting it into action, with
specific chapters addressed to wives, husbands,
parents, teachers, and children. Readers will be
struck by their own lack of kindness, captivated
by God’s kindness toward us in Jesus Christ, and motivated to
cultivate more of this precious virtue.
(PB, 978-1-60178-029-4, 247 pages)
$13.00 | $9.00
William Symington: Penman of the Scottish
Roy Blackwood and Michael LeFebvre
This book combines historical theology, systematic theology, biblical theology, and spiritual biography. With great acumen it distills the two major
works of William Symington into easily digestible
portions. But this work doesn’t simply nourish the
mind; it also nourishes the soul because it unfolds the reality of
the twin glories of Christ’s atoning work and boundless kingship.
(PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-066-9, 312 pages)
$25.00 | $18.00
Night of Weeping and Morning of Joy
Horatius Bonar
This book compassionately expounds a biblical view of suffering, showing how it is a part of
belonging to God’s family, how to cope with it,
and how it benefits the believer. The second part
of the book shows how God leads believers to
rejoice in the present and future joys of the living
church in fellowship with the resurrected Christ.
(PB, 978-1-60178-032-4, 240 pages)
$12.00 | $9.00
The Larger Catechism: A Critical Text
and Introduction
John Bower
In this remarkable volume, John Bower provides
extensive historical background for the making
of this colossal catechism. He traces the history
of the Assembly’s efforts from the initial call for a
catechism, through deliberations on its form and
content, down to the intricate process of monitoring its printing.
The centerpiece of the volume is Bower’s critical text of the catechism. (HC, ISBN: 978-1-60178-085-0, 272 pages) $40.00 | $30.00
The Christian’s Reasonable Service, 4 vols.
Wilhelmus á Brakel
These four volumes contain rich spiritual and
devotional expression that will challenge and
grow the believer in every aspect of his spiritual development. While this work is a systematic theology, it is clear that á Brakel’s purpose
was not to write a dry academic work, but
rather a treatise that speaks to the hearts of
pilgrims on their journey to heaven.
(HC, ISBN: 978-1-877611-56-8, 2,524 pages) $150.00 | $100.00
Growing Up in Grace
Murray Brett
The Christian life is an exciting and challenging
life from beginning to end. We must grow spiritually and this means we must grow in the way
the Bible lays down for us. Murray Brett seeks
to show us this way by working through such
things as humility, confession, repentance, and
prayer. (PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-061-4, 192pages) $13.00 | $10.00
Sermons on the Deity of Christ
John Calvin
These twenty sermons on the divinity, humanity, nativity, passion, death, resurrection, ascension, and return of our Lord Jesus Christ were first
published over 400 years ago. Calvin is revealed
not simply as a theologian and expositor, but as
a preacher and pastor to those placed under his
care. (HC, 1-889058-02-5, 302 pages)
$34.95 | $15.00
Sermons on Election and Reprobation
John Calvin
This collection of sermons from the book of
Genesis deals with an awesome topic that has
throughout time been repeatedly misunderstood, unfairly ignored, but most often shamefully denied. Calvin will cause the reader of these
sermons to rightly understand this profound doctrine, to grasp the biblical truth of the sovereignty of the Creator,
and to understand the power of the Potter over the clay as He
makes to dishonor the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction. (HC,
0-9632557-9-7, 317 pages)
$30.00 | $21.00
Reformed Confessions
of the 16th and 17th
Centuries in English
Translation, Volume 1:
James T. Dennison, Jr.
These are the first three volumes of a projected four
volume set which compiles
numerous Reformed confessions of the sixteenth
and seventeenth centuries
translated into English. This
work provides the Englishspeaking world a richer and
more comprehensive view of the emergence and maturation
of Reformed theology in these foundational centuries. Each
confessional statement is preceded by a brief introduction
containing necessary historical and bibliographical background. (HC, ISBN: 978-1-60178-044-7, 820 pages)
$50.00 | $38.00
Sermons on Galatians
John Calvin
Calvin particularly addresses in this book: free justification by faith, Christian liberty, the abolishing
of ceremonies, the force and effect of the law, and
the pure walk of the Christian life. Emphasized
throughout these sermons is the historic and
continuing reality of the troubling of the church
by the great deceiver Satan, who uses God’s name against God,
Christ’s name against Christ, the show of the Gospel against the
Gospel, and the countenance of apostles and godly ministers to
overthrow the truth.
(HC, 0-9632557-8-9, 923 pages)
$30.00 | $21.00
Sermons on Melchizedek and Abraham:
Justification, Faith and Obedience
John Calvin
These sermons cover chapters in Genesis with
serious examination of Abraham, “the friend of
God” first, as to Abraham’s courage in rescuing his
nephew Lot; second, as to his godliness in paying
tithes to Melchizedek; third, as to Abraham’s faith
in believing God; and lastly, as to his obedience in offering his
son Isaac. The book is complete and unabridged and is not to be
confused with Calvin’s commentaries.
(HC, 1889058084, 284 pages)
$30.00 | $21.00
Reformed Confessions of the 16th and 17th Centuries
in English Translation: Volume 2, 1552–1566
James T. Dennison, Jr.
(HC, ISBN: 978-1-60178-087-4, 928 pages)
$50.00 | $38.00
“A comprehensive collection of the main statements of
faith of all Reformed communities considered as orthodox
(Waldensian, Zwinglian, Calvinist, and Anglican)…. A must for
every library.”
— Irena Backus, University of Geneva
“… a magnificent achievement that witnesses powerfully to
the rich development, harmony, and piety of the Reformed
faith….” — Joel R. Beeke, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary
“…a highly significant collection…[and] substantial resource
for the study of the rise and progress of the Reformed faith in
the early modern era.”
— Richard A. Muller, Calvin Theological Seminary
“…an invaluable resource for those interested in the history of
the Reformation….”
— Graeme Murdock, University of Birmingham
Dutch Reformed
Translation Society
The Duties of Parents
Jacobus Koelman
The Duties of Parents is the best-known work of Dutch Further
Reformation leader Jacobus Koelman. Outlining 282 guidelines
for Christian parenting, Koelman emphasizes the need for loving,
thoughtful discipline and urges parents to tell their children that the
purpose of punishment is their eternal well-being. He describes the
need for good schools and teachers and encourages the latter to
realize their great responsibility. The Duties of Parents gives readers
an important glimpse of the theological and practical concerns of
the developing Protestant tradition. Practical application abounds
for raising children today as well.
(PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-060-7, 133 pages)
$15.00 | $11.00
Essential Truths in the Heart of a Christian
Wilhelmus Schortinghuis
This book presents a clear explanation of the main topics of the
Reformed faith. Written in the catechetical style of question and
answers, the book is noted for its succinctness and ample references
to Scripture. The forty brief chapters are characterized by careful
doctrinal distinctions, and each one concludes with a question or
two asking what the particular subject means for the faith and spiritual reflection of the reader.
(PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-071-3, 173 pages)
$15.00 | $11.00
Praise for the Classics of
Reformed Spirituality series
“I am so pleased that these Dutch classics are now available to a wide audience. The writings of the Dutch Further
Reformation — almost completely inaccessible until now
to the English-speaking world — are a gold mine of spiritual wisdom.”
— Richard J. Mouw, president,
Fuller Theological Seminary
“I am delighted that the Dutch Reformed Translation
Society is at last making this material available in the
English language. It is a landmark feature of our Reformed
heritage, and it is rich food for the soul in this or any other
— J. I. Packer, Regent College
“Many will surely welcome this new access to the Dutch
authors whose strong writings put faith and certainty
into generations of their fellow countrymen. By their
closeness to Scripture and their concern for heart and
head (heat and light), they remain of enduring value.”
— Iain H. Murray, author of The Puritan Hope
The Marks of God’s Children
Jean Taffin
First published in 1585, The Marks of God’s Children by Jean Taffin
became an instant classic in Dutch and French Reformed circles.
Taffin offers comfort and encouragement to those engaged in spiritual warfare. Grounded in Reformed confessional orthodoxy, this
spiritual reflection provides an astute understanding of the “marks”
of God’s grace and salvation that is still relevant today.
(PB, ISBN: 0-8010-2619-9, 155 pages)
$14.99 | $11.00
The Path of True Godliness
William Teellinck
In nine short “books,” Willem Teellink shows believers the character of
true godliness and the kingdom of darkness that opposes it. This is
one of the best books ever written on the subject of sanctification. If
you earnestly desire to tread the paths of godliness, let Teellinck be
your guide. (PB, ISBN: 978-1-892777-75-1, 303 pages) $15.00 | $11.00
A Spiritual Appeal to Christ’s Bride
Jodocus Van Lodenstein
A Spiritual Appeal to Christ’s Bride consists of nine sermons preached
by Jodocus van Lodenstein, one of the most prominent leaders of
the Dutch Further Reformation. The sermons stress themes that are
dear to the preacher’s heart: the need for the Holy Spirit to carry the
Reformation further than the mind, the need for perpetual reformation and growth in piety, the need to cultivate holiness and selfdenial, and the need to know and experience as Christ’s bride an intimate spiritual relationship with Jesus Christ the perfect Bridegroom.
The book calls nominal Christians to a more profound commitment
to Christ, stressing that only such a commitment can deliver the
church from shallowness and unholiness.
(PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-106-2, 176 pages)
$15.00 | $11.00
Practical Observations on the Book of Job
Joseph Caryl
This massive work by Joseph Caryl (1602–1673) is a tremendous
achievement, even by Puritan standards. The exegesis is meaty
and timeless. There are many thoughts and applications in Caryl’s
work that cannot be found elsewhere. This is an important reference tool for studying Job. While at times lengthy, Caryl is always
faithful in his exposition of the text. He has written a virtual body
of divinity. The text is a facsimile of the seventeenth-century
edition, with a new introduction by Joel R. Beeke and Randall J.
Pederson. It also includes an updated index with over 6,000 textual references. It has smyth-sewn binding and decorative woven
cloth covered boards. (HC, 8800+ pages)
$479.00 | $240.00
Caspar Olevian and the Substance
of the Covenant
R. Scott Clark
This volume is the most comprehensive treatment of Olevian’s theology published to date.
Reflecting an impressive breadth of research and
depth of analysis, it delivers on its promise at
the beginning to move beyond other works on
Olevian’s covenant thought by placing his doctrine of the covenant in context of his theology as a whole.
(PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-053-9, 257 pages)
$25.00 | $19.00
The Market Day of the Soul
James T. Dennison, Jr
James Dennison examines the question of the
supreme Christian holy day, the Sabbath. He demonstrates how the Sabbath emerged from the
imprecision of the sixteenth century to become
a celebrated cause in pre-Revolutionary England.
Dennison shows that the Puritan view of the
Lord’s Day became the dominant view, both theologically and
practically, by the latter half of the seventeenth century despite
the challenges it faced from the “medieval” position of the Court
Party and the Seventh-day Sabbatarians.
(PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-037-9, 208 pages)
$16.00 | $12.00
Overcoming Spiritual Depression
Arie Elshout
In what has been called the companion to A
Helping Hand, Arie Elshout, in a unique, but
exegetically sound assessment of Elijah’s “postCarmel” experience, deals with the practical and
spiritual issues regarding depression. The author
provides thoughtful and balanced remedy to the
issue, avoiding extremes. This book will help those dealing with
depression and loved ones seeking to help the downcast.
$12.00 | $8.50
(PB, ISBN: 978-1-892777-93-5, 104 pages)
This Do in Remembrance of Me
Arie Elshout
Some Christians struggle with doubts and dread
the thought of participating in the Lord’s Supper
for fear of taking it unworthily. In this book, Arie
Elshout provides tender encouragement to such
sensitive souls. Distinguishing between the assurance of faith and the assurance of sense, Elshout
reminds us that weak faith is faith nonetheless. Wise pastoral
counsel is also given on areas of self-examination and the distinguishing marks of true grace. Here is a helping hand extended
to all who are sorry for their sins and take refuge in Christ, and a
reminder that the Lord desires to comfort and refresh penitent
sinners with the gospel promises of His table.
(PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-080-5, 114 pages)
$12.00 | $9.00
The Rule of Love
John V. Fesko
Beginning with the importance of the prologue,
and then addressing each commandment in
turn, J.V. Fesko sets forth a balanced and biblical
approach that places the law in proper perspective. He shows how the law demonstrates our
failure to love God as we should and points us to
Christ and His perfect obedience in all that God requires of us.
This is an excellent survey of the ten commandments that promises to bring about a more accurate understanding of the proper
uses of the law, as well as engender profound gratitude for all
that God is for us in Christ. (HC, ISBN: 978-1-60178-063-8, 152
$15.00 | $11.00
Where Wisdom is Found
John V. Fesko
Here Fesko helps us think through the book of
Ecclesiastes and demonstrates how it finds its fulfillment in the crucified and resurrected Messiah.
Ecclesiastes addresses many of the troubling
ambiguities of life, revealing the futility of this
world. But as we reflect on life under the sun,
we can rejoice knowing that redemption and life in Christ bring
more meaning to our existence than the vanity of things around
us. (PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-092-8, 176 pages) $12.00 | $9.00
Word, Water, and Spirit: A Reformed
Perspective on Baptism
John V. Fesko
Word, Water and Spirit is a major work that both
models how to do theology by moving from
historical theology to biblical and systematic
theology and, most importantly, presents fresh
insights for a Reformed understanding of baptism. (HC, ISBN: 978-1-60178-101-7, 480 pages) $35.00 | $28.00
Loving Christ and Fleeing Temptation
Andrew Gray
These sermons, collected by Gray’s young widow
shortly after his death at the age of 22, demonstrate a profound maturity and pastoral care
from such a young minister. These fifty sermons
make doctrine intelligible and speak to the mind
and conscience of all of the different levels of
Christians that may read this work. (HC, ISBN: 978-1-60178-018-8,
640 pages)
$30.00 | $22.00
Called to Confess
Cornelis Harinck
In Called to Confess Cornelis Harinck provides
a balanced approach in regard to confidently
but rightly partaking the Lord ’s Supper, providing instruction to a true confession of faith, and
understanding the proper relationship between
baptism and a baptized person’s responsibility to
personally profess faith in Christ. Harinck provides a needed remedy for a presumptuous faith as well as for those with a weak but
true faith. (PB, 978-1-892777-28-7, 131 pages) $12.00 | $8.00
The Poor Man’s Morning & Evening Portions
Robert Hawker
“The Poor Man’s Morning and Evening Portions by
Robert Hawker (1753–1827) is a great devotional
classic that received its unique name because it
was originally published in small ‘penny’ portions so as to be affordable to the poor. Hawker
excels in Christ-centered, practical divinity. He has
been taught by the Spirit how to find Christ in the Scriptures, as
well as how to present Him amiably to hungry sinners in search
of daily communion with a personal Redeemer. For the genuine
Christian, here is daily devotional writing at its best — warmly
Christ-centered, eminently practical, personally searching.” — Joel
R. Beeke (HC, 978-1-892777-05-8, 944 pages) $40.00 | $30.00
A Specimen of Divine Truths for Those Who
are Preparing for Confession of Faith
Abraham Hellenbroek
Hellenbroek (1658–1731) was a highly esteemed
minster in the Netherlands. This catechism book,
translated by Joel R. Beeke, covers the major
doctrines of the Reformed faith concerning God,
man, Christ, salvation, the church, and the last things. (PB, ISBN:
978-1-892777-14-0, 86 pages)
$6.00 | $4.50
In Defense of the Descent: A Response to
Contemporary Critics
Daniel R. Hyde
In this book Daniel R. Hyde presents the arguments
raised against the descent clause, discusses the
various understandings of it throughout church
history, explains how the Reformed churches
have adopted it, and demonstrates the benefits
of retaining it as a point of our Christian confession today. For
those who question why Christians would believe in the descent
of Christ, In Defense of the Descent is an informative and helpful
guide. (PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-089-8, 104 pages) $10.00 | $7.50
God with Us: Knowing the Mystery of
Who Jesus Is
Daniel Hyde
This volume is a layman’s guide to the doctrines of
Christ. Hyde covers the incarnation of Christ, the
human and divine nature of Christ, the historical
debates surrounding these important doctrines,
and the attacks that Islam draws against the Son of
God. This books also has a helpful appendix that provides confessional and creedal statements concerning the nature and person
of Christ. (PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-031-7, 156 pages)$14.00 | $10.00
Planting, Watering, Growing: Planting
Confessionally Reformed Churches in the
21st Century
Daniel R. Hyde and Shane Lems, eds.
As a response to the unique challenges facing
the twenty-first-century American church, church
planting has become a popular topic. But at a
time when churches that spread the seed of the
Word through preaching, the sacraments, and prayer are greatly
needed, much of the focus has been on planting churches that
adapt pop culture to meet “consumer demand.” In Planting,
Watering, Growing, the authors of this collection of essays weave
together theological wisdom, personal experiences, and practical
suggestions, guiding readers through the foundations and methods of planting confessional churches that uphold the Word of
God. (PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-126-0, 328 pages) $20.00 | $15.00
Godly Conversation: Rediscovering the
Puritan Practice of Conference
Joanne J. Jung
“There is a strong resurgence of interest in the
history of Christian spiritual practices, yet too
few are familiar with the important contributions
made by the Puritans. In this book, Joanne J. Jung
provides a wonderful addition to the literature by
exploring the Puritan practice of conference, a vital and varied
aspect of Puritan spirituality that is not widely enough known.
Not only does this study offer historical insight, it also suggests
the contemporary relevance of conference for believers today.”
— Kelly M. Kapic, Professor of Theological Studies, Covenant College
(PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-133-8, 224 pages) $25.00 | $19.00
Teaching Predestination: Elnathan Parr and
Pastoral Ministry in Early Stuart England
David H. Kranendonk
In Teaching Predestination, David H. Kranendonk
focuses on the ministry of an early seventeenthcentury Puritan-leaning theologian, Elnathan
Parr (1577–1622). Although relatively unknown
today, Parr’s works were popular in his own day.
Kranendonk’s survey contributes a nuanced picture of this English
Reformed pastor and demonstrates that Parr’s scholastic development of predestination, coupled with his pastoral concern for
the salvation and edification of his hearers, resists the caricature
of Reformed Scholasticism as being a philosophically speculative system. Here one sees the practical use of predestination for
the care of souls as Parr and others aimed to help increase the
faith and joy of God’s people. (PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-148-2, 208
$22.00 | $17.00
Preaching in the Holy Spirit
Albert N. Martin
Good pastors pray for the Holy Spirit’s help in preparing biblical sermons that will adequately feed
God’s sheep. They also hope for the Spirit’s work
in the hearts of the hearers so that they effectively
receive the preached Word. But are these the only
ways that preachers must depend on the Spirit in
their preaching? In this book, Albert N. Martin reminds gospel
ministers of their need to rely on the Holy Spirit as they proclaim
God’s Word. He explains the necessity of the agency and operations of the Holy Spirit, describes its specific manifestations, and
discusses ways it is restrained or diminished. Here is a prophetic
call to reliance on God in the very act of proclaiming His Word.
(PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-119-2, 80 pages)
$8.00 | $6.00
Theodorus Frelinghuysen’s Evangelism:
Catalyst to the First Great Awakening
Scott Maze
This book presents a thorough investigation
of the evangelistic contributions of Theodorus
Jacobus Frelinghuysen (1692–1747/8) within the
context of the First Great Awakening. In it, Scott
Maze identifies the theological foundations of
Frelinghuysen’s ministry, surveys his key evangelistic endeavors, and evaluates the effects these things had on the Great
Awakening. This book sheds light on a lesser known figure of
the Great Awakening, reveals the influence of the Dutch Further
Reformation (Nadere Reformatie) in colonial North America, and
provides significant insights in terms of ministry contextualization for the contemporary student of evangelism.
(PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-123-9, 224 pages)
$25.00 | $19.00
Christians Get Depressed Too
David Murray
Many Christians mistakenly believe that true
Christians don’t get depressed, and this misconception heaps additional pain and guilt onto
Christians who are suffering from mental and
emotional distress. Author David P. Murray comes
to the defense of depressed Christians, asserting
that many Christians do get depressed! He explains why and
how Christians should study depression, what depression is, and
the approaches caregivers, pastors, and churches can take to
help those who are suffering from it. With clarity and wise biblical insight, Dr. Murray offers help and hope to those suffering
from depression, the family members and friends who care for
them, and pastors ministering to these wounded members of
their flock. (PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-100-0, 128 pages)
$10.00 | $7.50
How Sermons Work
David Murray
How do pastors take on the difficult, but vital, task
of preaching God’s Word? Some people seem to
think that pastors “receive” their messages direct
from God. They imagine some mysterious process
by which he just “gets” a sermon.
In this instructive and immensely practical
book, David Murray demonstrates that behind the sermons we
see and hear on Sundays are many hours of mental, spiritual, and
practical labor. Like all pastoral labor, it involves head, heart, and
Yet this book is not just for preachers. It will also be extremely
helpful for students, Bible class teachers, or anyone who has to
prepare a Bible message. Above all, however, it is the author’s
desire that this book will be read by those who do not preach. For
such it will provide a great insight into the loving care and attention that should go into sermon preparation, so that the most
important hours in a Christian’s week spent listening to their pastor’s sermons, leave them spiritually enriched. (Evangelical Press,
PB, ISBN: 978-085234-748-5, 160 pages)
$10.00 | $5.00
An Exposition of the Apostles’ Creed
Casper Olevianus
Olevianus’s Exposition of the Apostles’ Creed is
a collection of sermons he preached on the
basic articles of the Christian faith. It serves as
a reminder that the Reformed tradition did not
see itself as separate from the universal church,
though it was principally opposed to Rome.
Rather, Olevianus and his tradition argue for a Reformed catholicity rooted in the ancient confession of the church.
(HC, ISBN: 978-1-60178-074-4, 160 pages) $40.00 | $30.00
The Earnest Communicant
Ashton Oxenden
This booklet provides devotional material, aimed
to prepare one’s heart for partaking of the Lord’s
Supper. It is designed for daily preparation the
week before Communion service. Each day contains a brief meditation, several points for selfexamination, a number of challenging resolutions, and a prayer.
(PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-069-0, 48 pages)
$6.00 | $4.00
Forget Not All His Benefits
Frances Blok Popovich
In Forget Not All His Benefits, Frances Blok
Popovich recounts various experiences she has
had throughout her life. But this is not an autobiography. Rather, it is a collection of reflections
on God’s faithfulness as He has led her along
life’s journey. From her experiences as a wife and
mother to her forty years of service as a Wycliff Bible translator for
the Maxakali Indians in Brazil, Popovich reminds us of the kindness of our heavenly Father. (PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-070-6, 140
pages) $12.00 | $9.00
May We Meet in the Heavenly World: The
Piety of Lemuel Haynes
Thabiti M. Anyabwile
Through both the biographical essay and the
selections from Lemuel Haynes’s writings, readers are sure to appreciate a sense of spirituality
that ever lived in view of eternity. Well acquainted
with difficulties, suffering, and death, Haynes’s
ministry was infused with the unfailing hope of heaven.
(PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-065-2, 128 pages) $10.00 | $7.50
A Habitual Sight of Him: The ChristCentered Piety of Thomas Goodwin
Joel R.Beeke and Mark Jones
The book’s thirty-five selections from the writings
of Goodwin display his constant focus on Christ.
You will learn much about the life and works
of this influential Puritan, and, with the Spirit’s
blessing, be strengthened with a habitual sight
of Christ. (PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-067-6 (152 pages)$10.00 | $7.50
The Soul of Life: The Piety of John Calvin
Joel R. Beeke
In “The Soul of Life”, Joel R. Beeke presents the life
and ministry of Calvin with a special emphasis
on Calvin’s efforts for cultivating healthy spirituality among the churches. The selections from
Calvin’s own writings will give readers a firsthand look at Calvin’s emphasis on godliness, and
by God’s grace, will be a means for spurring on greater godliness
in our day. (PB, ISBN: 9781601780577, 220 pages) $10.00 | $7.50
A Scribe Well-Trained: Archibald Alexander
and the Life of Piety
James M. Garretson
“A Scribe Well-Trained” acquaints us with the life
and writings of Princeton Theological Seminary’s
founding professor, Archibald Alexander (1772–
1851). In the opening biographical sketch,
James M. Garretson introduces us to the things
that influenced Alexander and how he sought to cultivate godliness in himself, the men he trained, and people to whom he ministered. Garretson reinforces this through fifty-six short excerpts
from across the published writings of Alexander, allowing us to
experience firsthand the richness of “Old Princeton” spirituality.
(PB, 978-1-60178-147-5, 208 pages)
$10.00 | $7.50
Christ is All: The Piety of Horatius Bonar
Michael Haykin and Darrin R. Brooker
“Christ is All” highlights the life and work of the
Scottish minister and poet, Horatius Bonar
(1808-1889). Haykin and Brooker provide a biographical sketch and excerpts from sixty-five of
Bonar’s writings that demonstrate his devotion
to the glory of Christ.
(PB, 978-1-60178-033-1, 227 pages)
$10.00 | $7.50
Profiles in Reformed
A Sweet Flame: Piety in the Letters of
Jonathan Edwards
Michael Haykin
This title introduces readers to the piety of
Jonathan Edwards via excerpts of twenty-six
letters from this eminent theologian and pastor. Michael Haykin provides a brief biographical
sketch of the life of Edwards that captures his
personal, family, and public vision, piety, and reliance upon the
Lord. (PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-011-9, 169 pages) $10.00 | $7.50
The King in His Beauty: The Piety of Samuel
Matthew Vogan
“The King in His Beauty” acquaints readers with
the life and writings of Samuel Rutherford (1600–
1661). Matthew Vogan’s biographical introduction traces the significant events of this Scottish
theologian’s life and guides readers through his
writings, focusing on his distinctive insight into Christian experience. In forty-three excerpts drawn from Rutherford’s letters,
major treatises, catechism, and sermons, readers will discover
the depth of Rutherford’s compassion, piety, and theological
wisdom, all rooted in his unwavering love for Christ. (PB, ISBN:
978-1-60178-125-3, 200 pages)
$10.00 | $7.50
Devoted to the Service of the Temple: Piety
Persecution, and Ministry in the Writings
of Hercules Collins
Michael Haykin and Steve Weaver
Largely forgotten in modern times, Hercules
Collins (1646–1702) was an influential Calvinistic
Baptist in the late 17th and early 18th centuries.
Through a biographical sketch and thirty-five
sample writings, Haykin and Weaver provide an introduction to
this godly minister. (PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-022-5, 139 pages)
$10.00 | $7.50
Trading and Thriving in Godliness: The
Piety of George Swinnock
J. Stephen Yuille
In “Trading and Thriving in Godliness,” J. Stephen
Yuille highlights Swinnock’s conviction that
godliness is the primary employment of every
Christian. Yuille’s introductory essay analyzes the
influences on, groundwork for, and expressions
of piety in Swinnock’s life and thought. The book’s fifty selections
from Swinnock’s writings exemplify his teaching on the foundation, value, pursuit, nature, and means of godliness, as well as its
motives. (PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-041-6, 215 pages)$10.00 | $7.50
the Psalter (standard size)
The Psalter with Doctrinal
Standards, Liturgy, Church
Order, and added Chorale Section.
(HC, 978-1-60178-086-7, 605 pages)
$20.00 | $15.00
Union and Communion With Christ
Maurice Roberts
In Union and Communion with Christ, Maurice
Roberts offers us eighteen meditations on the
Christian’s union with Christ and its accompanying fellowship. These reflections probe the
essence of this blessed union, examine its evidences, and revel in its benefits.
(PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-042-3, 130 pages)
$10.00 | $7.50
Select Works of Robert Rollock, 2 volumes
Robert Rollock
Robert Rollock’s treatises on God’s effectual calling and the passion, resurrection, and ascension
of Christ are themselves worth the purchase of
this two-volume Select Works. These volumes represent the cream of sixteenth-century Reformed
theology, and should be treasured by all who love
biblical truth. (HC, ISBN: 978-1-6078-034-8, 1420 pages)
$95.00 | $68.00
The Happiness of Heaven
Maurice Roberts
While belief in heaven is essential to the Christian faith, the
fact that pilgrim believers have not yet experienced heaven
leaves us with many questions about what it will be like.
In The Happiness of Heaven, Maurice Roberts surveys Holy
Scripture to tell us what heaven is all about. In his characteristic style, Roberts discusses the biblical data clearly and
relevantly, making soul-searching application at every turn.
This is not just a book of interesting facts about what heaven
is like; it is an appeal to men and women to find their happiness in the eternal comfort of God in Christ.
“I have seldom heard a minister preach with more relish, glow,
and frequency about heaven than Rev. Maurice Roberts. In
The Happiness of Heaven, Roberts shows that same giftedness in writing about the glorious state of eternal bliss. He
writes with warmth, conviction, and longing, while not fearing to address biblically the difficult questions in masterful
chapters such as ‘Children and Heaven’ and ‘The Dark Side of
Heaven.’ This is one of the author’s best books yet. If you’re a
believer, it will move you deeply and make you more homesick. Read it repeatedly to lift your soul up above the sin and
mundane trivialities of this world and to set your affections
on the Triune God and things above.”
— Joel Beeke
(PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-081-2, 129 pages)
$10.00 | $7.50
The Spiritual Brotherhood
Paul Schaefer
During the late sixteenth and early seventeenth
centuries, a “spiritual brotherhood” formed among
the Puritans, shaped by the reforming activity and
training of Cambridge. These pastor-theologians
initiated a new emphasis within the established
church, stirring up a greater understanding of
the Reformation doctrines of grace and preaching for conversion and Christian growth and piety. In this study, Paul Schaefer
looks at six thinkers in this group who stand out because each
was used as the human vehicle to bring the gospel to the next:
William Perkins, Paul Baynes, Richard Sibbes, John Cotton, John
Preston, and Thomas Shepard. By examining their teaching on
the relation between man’s depraved nature and sovereign
grace, as well as the distinct but inseparable relation of justification and sanctification, Schaefer demonstrates how the Puritan
movement came to focus most intently on the cultivation of
Reformed piety within the church. (HC, ISBN: 978-1-6078-143-7,
400 pages)
$25.00 | $19.00
The Seven Signs: Seeing the Glory of Christ
in the Gospel of John
Anthony Selvaggio
In this book, Anthony T. Selvaggio uses the seven
signs given in the first half of the Gospel of John
to navigate us toward a glorious destination.
While this tour centers in the land of Palestine, it
will ultimately take you beyond the finiteness of
this created world. For on this majestic journey, you will see more
than mere signs and wonders — you will see the glory of Jesus
the Christ, the Son of God!
(PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-083-6, 128 pages)
$10.00 | $7.50
Triumphing over Sinful Fear
edITed INTo CoNTemPoRaRy eNGIlSH
John Flavel (edited by J. Stephen Yuille)
To some degree, everyone experiences fear. It impacts the decisions we make and leaves
us feeling helpless. John Flavel begins this book by examining various fears and discussing general ways God governs it in this world. He then turns to sinful fear in particular,
explaining its causes and disastrous effects. His longest chapter discusses rules for dealing with sinful fear, showing how a proper fear of God is the ultimate remedy for all other
fears. This practical book will help you avoid making excuses for sinful fear and encourage
you to trust in Christ’s commitment to settle His people’s feeble and trembling hearts. (PB,
ISBN: 978-1-60178-132-1, 144 pages)
$10.00 | $7.50
Stop Loving the World
William Greenhill (edited by Jay T. Collier)
The Puritans were greatly concerned with suppressing worldliness in the church. Today,
worldliness is an even greater problem, exacerbated by the fact that so few dare to speak
out against it. In this book, William Greenhill provides modern readers with a healthy antidote to our love affair with the world. He explains what it means to love the world, exposes
the dangers of cherishing it, shares how we ought to relate to it, and gives encouraging
directions for removing our hearts from it. This is a book with a timeless message, demonstrating the relevance of the Puritans for today. By God’s grace, it will help persuade you
that the world and all its charms are not what you should live for. (PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178$8.00 | $6.00
118-5, 88 pages)
The Fading of the Flesh and the Flourishing of Faith
George Swinnock (edited by Stephen Yuille)
In this book, George Swinnock presents modern readers with valuable food for thought
as he expounds Psalm 73:26, “My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my
heart, and my portion forever.” Swinnock combines careful explanation with vivid illustration to reveal the futility of earthly comforts and highlight the inestimable comfort, satisfaction, and joy afforded us in Christ. Displaying the relevance of the Puritans for today,
you will find this sorely neglected and sobering topic an easy, thought-provoking, and
compelling read. (PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-072-0, 184 pages)
$10.00 | $7.50
A Life of Gospel Peace: A Biography of
Jeremiah Burroughs
Phillip Simpson
The writings of Jeremiah Burroughs are some of
the most readable and engaging Puritan works
available. Like his Puritan colleagues, Burroughs
sought to explain biblical teaching in a heartsearching manner. In this biography, Phillip L.
Simpson opens a window into the life and times of Burroughs,
providing the context for his memorable sermons and writings.
What becomes apparent is Burroughs’s consistent application of
the principles he preached to the conduct of his life. An ardent
call for a gospel-driven life and a peaceable character is reflected
in both his books and life, which stand out remarkably in an era
of turmoil and revolution. This is the first book-length biography
of Jeremiah Burroughs.
(PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-122-2, 336 pages)
$30.00 | $24.00
Jonathan Edwards’s Apologetic for the
Great Awakening
Robert Davis Smart
In the 1740s Jonathan Edwards emerged as the
New Light proponent of the claim that the Great
Awakening was, in the main, a true work of the
Spirit of God. Conversely, Charles Chauncy led
the Old Lights in opposition by offering criticisms of the Awakening. In this book, Robert Davis Smart examines Edwards’s defense of the revival with particular attention to
Chauncy’s criticisms, which have often been acknowledged but
not previously subjected to thorough analysis. He sets forth historical and contextual factors that shaped Edwards and his generation, shows how Edwards emerged as a leader of the revival
from its early days, and offers an updated survey of the modern
attempts to interpret the Awakening theologically, sociologically, and historically. Here is a detailed treatment of the contrasting perspectives of Edwards and Chauncy, an extensive analysis
of their major works regarding the revival, an able assessment
of the essential issues raised by the debate, and an evaluation
of the significant contributions of these men. (HC, ISBN: 978-160178-124-6, 368 pages)
$30.00 | $24.00
Introduction to Reformed Scholasticism
Willem J. van Asselt with T. Theo J. Pleizier, Pieter
L. Rouwendal, and Maarten Wisse
This work supplies a long-standing need in the
field of early modern studies by providing a basic
introduction to Reformed Scholasticism. Until
the appearance of this work by Willem van Asselt
and his colleagues, students of history have
lacked a concise guide to help them navigate the difficult waters
of Reformed Scholasticism. This book carefully defines the phenomena of scholasticism and orthodoxy, concisely surveys the
era, notes the most significant thinkers together with the various
trajectories of thought, and references the relevant secondary
scholarship. In short, this Introduction to Reformed Scholasticism
surveys the topic and provides a guide for further study in early
modern Reformed thought. (PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-121-5, 288
$25.00 | $19.00
The Marrow Controversy and Seceder
Tradition: Atonement, Saving Faith, and
the Gospel Offer in Scotland (1718–1799)
William VanDoodewaard
After the Reformation, the Marrow controversy of
the eighteenth century is noted as one of the most
significant and defining events in the Scottish
church. However, until now, there has not been a
serious analysis of the theology of the Marrow men as it relates
to churches in Scotland during the aftermath of the controversy.
In this important study, William VanDoodewaard identifies characteristic understandings of Marrow theology on the atonement,
saving faith, and the free offer of the gospel and traces them out
in the theology of the Seceder tradition. In doing so, he presents
substantial evidence for the continuity of Marrow theology in the
Associate Presbytery and Associate Synod in Scotland during the
eighteenth century. He ably demonstrates that while Marrow theology was not the primary cause of the Secession churches, the
Seceders were aware of the significance of Marrow theology and
consciously made it an integral part of their churches. (PB, ISBN:
978-1-60178-149-9, 336 pages)
$25.00 | $19.00
The Church’s Book of Comfort
Willem Van’t Spijker
In The Church’s Book of Comfort, Willem van’t Spijker
and his team of scholars present an introductory
investigation into the history, theology, and impact
of the Heidelberg Catechism. They give careful
attention to the background of the Reformation
in Germany, the production of the Catechism, and
the lives of those involved in making the Catechism. (HC, ISBN:
978-1-60178-056-0, 291 pages)
$30.00 | $23.00
Children at the Lord’s Table? Assessing the
Case for Paedocommunion
Cornelis P. Venema
After clarifying terms and explaining arguments
often made in favor of paedocommunion, Cornelis
P. Venema considers the history of the church’s
confessions, teaching, and practice regarding
the proper recipients of the Lord’s Supper. Presenting a historical, exegetical, and systematic treatment of the subject, Venema
demonstrates the validity and value of having covenant children
not partake of communion until after their personal profession of
faith. (HC, ISBN: 978-1-60178-059-1, 200 pages) $25.00 | $19.00
A Portrait of Paul: Identifying a True
Minister of Christ
Rob Ventura and Jeremy Walker
Rob Ventura and Jeremy Walker examine how
the apostle Paul describes his pastoral relation
to the people of God in Colossians 1:24–2:5. By
discussing these essential attitudes, qualities,
and characteristics of a faithful minister of Christ,
A Portrait of Paul provides gospel ministers an example of what
they should be, and demonstrates for churches the kind of pastors they will seek if they desire men after God’s own heart. (PB,
ISBN: 978-1-60178-090-4, 256 pages)
$18.00 | $14.00
Obadiah and Micah
Jacob Westerink
This book will help students of the Scriptures gain
insights into these relatively unknown books of
the Bible. Study questions are included.
(PB, ISBN: 978-60178-038-6, 134 pages)
$10.00 | $7.50
Evening Thoughts
Octavius Winslow
This companion to Morning Thoughts will engage
and comfort believers as they end their day. This
book provides a detailed exposition of portions of
a Scripture text and applies them to the reader.
(HC, ISBN: 978-1-892777-45-4, 742 pages)
$35.00 | $20.00
Heaven Opened: The Correspondence of
Mary Winslow
Octavius Winslow, ed.
Heaven Opened is a testimony of vital Christianity
flowing from the letters of Mary Winslow. This volume, compiled by her son after her death, demonstrates her love, commitment, and effectual
legacy to those around her. Christ’s light shone
through her life. (HC, ISBN: 978-1-892777-21-8, 344 pages)
$25.00 | $15.00
Morning Thoughts
Octavius Winslow
This daily devotional provides the reader with a
rich and detailed exposition of portions of key
texts of Scripture. This book of Bible treasures will
mold and warm the heart of Christians in their
private reading. (HC, ISBN: 978-1-892777-29-4,
$35.00 | $20.00
798 pages)
164 pages)
Our God
Octavius Winslow
Winslow examines certain aspects of the perfections of God as revealed in the Scriptures.
Dealing with the moral perfections of God,
the author demonstrates how the believer can
meditate and trust in the wonderful attributes
of the Triune God. (PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-005-8,
$15.00 | $11.00
The Major Works of Herman Witsius
Herman Witsius
(HC, 2392 pages)
$100.00| $70.00
RHB Children’s Titles
Bible Doctrine Student Workbook
Joel R. and James W. Beeke
The Bible Doctrine Student Workbook covers core concepts of biblical doctrine, aiming to promote a Reformed balance of truth
in which head knowledge provides the soil
where the Holy Spirit may plant the saving
seed of heart knowledge. This workbook is
an excellent resource for Confession of Faith classes, adult and
youth Bible courses as well as individual study.
$12.50 | 8.00
(PB, ISBN: 978-1-892777-27-0, 137 pages)
Also Available: Teacher’s Guide
Economy of the Covenants
Between God and Man
Herman Witsius
Reformed theology has always understood the
biblical doctrine of the covenant to be the theological framework which best unifies Scripture,
making it a consistent hermeneutic. In this two
volume work, Witsius presents the reader with a
fully biblical and experiential doctrine of the divine covenants,
opening up their nature, stipulations, curses, and blessings.
Anyone interested in Reformed theology should read this book,
for it is Reformed theology at its best.
(HC, ISBN: 978-1-60178-095-9, 968 pages)
$45.00 | $30.00
Sacred Dissertations on the Lord’s Prayer
Herman Witsius
Prefaced to a 230-page exposition of the Lord’s
Prayer Witsius devotes six chapters to the subject of prayer in general, which he calls the
pulse of the renewed soul. His exposition on
the Lord’s Prayer is itself a masterpiece. In many
instances, the questions grappled with receive
greater scriptural and practical clarity from Witsius’s pen than
from anything else written to date. Packed with sound biblical
exegesis and practical doctrinal substance, this book represents
the cream of Reformed theology.
(HC, ISBN: 978-1-60178-097-3, 424 pages)
$25.00 | $18.00
Sacred Dissertations on the
Apostles’ Creed
Herman Witsius
In this two volume set Witsius exemplifies
his own principle, that “he alone is a true
Theologian, who adds the practical to the theoretical part of religion.” This phrase-by-phrase
exposition of the Creed applies Scripture to
life. In both tone and substance, Witsius draws the reader into
a deeper understanding of and love for the truths most central
to the Christian faith.
(HC, ISBN: 978-1-60178-096-6, 1000 pages) $45.00 | $30.00
$35.00 | $23.00
Truth That Frees
Joel R. Beeke
Truth that Frees is a workbook on Reformed
doctrine for young adults and offers nearly
1,300 questions for classroom or home
instruction. It covers Reformed doctrine from
the context of Abraham Hellenbroek’s catechism, A Specimen of Divine Truths. The purpose of this work is to stimulate young adults to understand
the freeing power of Reformed doctrine. The Teachers’ Guide
contains detailed answers to all 1,287 questions.
(HC, 421 pages) $35.00 | $17.50
Also Available: Teacher’s Guide
$60.00 | $40.00
Bible Doctrine for Younger Children
J.W. Beeke
Bible Doctrine for Younger Children is a two volume series consisting of twenty chapters which contain simple explanations
of all major biblical doctrines. Book A contains chapters 1-10
and Book B chapters 11-20. The explanations were written for
children in grades 4 and 5. This series contains more than 150
stories and illustrations to help explain the doctrinal concepts
being taught.
Bible Doctrine for Younger Children: Book A
(PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-048-5, 157 pages)
$16.00 | $12.00
Bible Doctrine for Younger Children:
Book A (Teacher’s Guide)
(PB, 157 pages) $25.00
Bible Doctrine for Younger Children: Book B
(PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-049-2, 156 pages)
$16.00 | $12.00
Bible Doctrine for Younger Children:
Book B (Teacher’s Guide)
(PB, 160 pages)
Bible Doctrine for Older Children
J.W. Beeke
Bible Doctrine for Older Children is a two volume series consisting of twenty chapters which contain simple explanations of all
major biblical doctrines. Book A contains chapters 1-10 and Book
B chapters 11-20. The explanations were written for children in
grades 6 and 7. This series contains more than 150 stories and
illustrations to help explain the doctrinal concepts being taught.
Bible Doctrine for Older Children:
Book A
(PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-050-8, 174 pages)
$16.00 | $12.00
Bible Doctrine for Older Children:
Book A (Teacher’s Guide)
(PB, 182 pages)
Bible Doctrine for Older Children:
Book B
(PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-051-5, 211 pages)
$16.00 | $12.00
Bible Doctrine For Older Children:
Book B (Teacher’s Guide)
(PB, 211 pages)
Bible Doctrine for Teens and Young Adults (3 Vol. Set)
J.W. Beeke
(HC, 1537 pages)
$90.00 net
Bible Doctrine for Teens and Young
Adults, Vol. 1
(HC, 427 pages)
$45.00 | $30.00
Bible Doctrine for Teens and Young
Adults, Vol. 1 (Teacher’s Guide)
(PB )
$35.00 | $25.00
Bible Doctrine for Teens and Young
Adults, Vol. 2
(HC, 483 pages)
$45.00 | $30.00
Bible Doctrine for Teens and Young
Adults, Vol. 2 (Teacher’s Guide)
(PB )
$35.00 | $25.00
Bible Doctrine for Teens and Young
Adults, Vol. 3
(HC, 627 pages)
$45.00 | $30.00
Bible Doctrine for Teens and Young
Adults, Vol. 3 (Teacher’s Guide)
(PB )
$35.00 | $25.00
God’s Alphabet for Life:
Devotions for Young Children
Joel R. Beeke and Heidi Boorsma
Using the alphabet as a guide, this book provides 26 devotional meditations for young children (ages 4–9), based on
Bible texts that children can easily memorize. God’s Alphabet
for Life stresses that, like adults, children must be born again,
come by faith and repentance to the Lord Jesus Christ, and
live lives of thankfulness to God for His great salvation.
“Here is a great resource for parents wondering where to
start with training their children. I highly recommend God’s
Alphabet for Life as an excellent tool for communicating truth
your children will grow into and never outgrow.”
—Tedd Tripp, pastor of Grace Fellowship Church
and author of Shepherding a Child’s Heart
(PB, ISBN: 978-1-892777-19-5, 80 pages)
$8.00 | $6.00
The Truths of God’s Word: A Student
Joel R. Beeke and Diana Kleyn
This catechism is divided into seven chapters
covering basic Reformed doctrine for children
ages 7 to 9. Each chapter contains from eight to
thirty questions and answers, provides supporting Scripture references, and concludes with several thought-provoking inquiries for self-examination. (Christian
Focus, PB, ISBN: 1892777231, 57 pages)
$3.50 | $2.00
Teacher’s Guide
$11.50 | $7.00
Building on the Rock Series, 5 volumes
Joel R. Beeke and Diana Kleyn
Joel Beeke and Diana kleyn have taken a selection of real life incidents and developed them
into a series of devotional books. This is a tremendous family read-aloud series for children.
Story after captivating story reaffirm to child and
parent alike the importance of unshakable faith in the sovereign
God. The series is comprised of five individual books, each containing 25-35 delightful, uncompromising, and riveting short stories including dog stories, pirate adventures, and tales of adventure — each of which teaches important biblical truths. Perfect
for family devotional time, each story contains at least one relevant Bible verse, additional Bible references to look up if desired,
prayer points for consideration in one’s own life, and discussion
questions. Scriptural references are taken from the king James
Version of the Bible, and the questions are based on this. (PB, 798
$45.00 | $28.00
Volume 1: How God Used a Thunderstorm
and Other Devotional Stories
There are many exciting stories in this book. Read
about the thunderstorm, hidden treasure, and a
Bible in a suitcase as well as many other stories
about how we should live for God and read His
(PB, ISBN: 1-85792-815-6, 141 pages)
$9.00 | $6.00
Volume 2: How God Stopped the Pirates and
Other Devotional Stories
The themes of the second book in this series are
missionary tales and remarkable conversions. The
stories themselves include a good mixture of historical adventure, childhood experiences, remarkable instances of conversion, and dramatic, edgeof-your-seat rescues from danger.
(PB, ISBN: 1-85792-816-4, 161 pages)
$9.00 | $6.00
Volume 3: How God Used a Snowdrift and
Other Devotional Stories
Read about the snowdrift, a little slave girl, and
a fierce lion. You will read many other dramatic
rescue stories as well as about how to honor God.
(PB, ISBN: 1-85792-817-2, 169 pages)
$9.00 | $6.00
Volume 4: How God Used a Drought and an
Umbrella and Other Devotional Stories
Read about a drought, the poor man who was
made rich, and the shepherd boy who lost his
sheep. You will also read about people and lots of
children who faithfully stood up for Jesus.
(PB, ISBN: 1-85792-818-0, 162 pages)
$9.00 | $6.00
Volume 5: How God Sent a Dog to Save A
Family and Other Devotional Stories
Read stories about flying bread, Martha’s raven
and the stolen sleigh. You will find out about how
God cares for us and about how children can
believe in Him.
(PB, ISBN: 1-85792-819-9, 165 pages)
$9.00 | $6.00
Children’s “King James” Bible
The Children’s “King James” Bible brings the majesty
and faithfulness of the king James Version to the
level of children. The wording has been adjusted
for a fourth grade comprehension, and the text
contains helpful sections that explain difficult sections of the Bible.
(HC, ISBN: 978-1-892777-71-3, 688 pages)
$35.00 | $25.00
Faithfulness Under Fire:
The Story of Guido de Bres
William Boekestein
The life of Guido de Bres teaches
us that we can find enduring
hope in the gospel of Jesus Christ,
even during persecution. Author
William Boekestein sensitively
tells the story of de Bres for children, guiding them through his
turbulent life and times — from
his birth in 1522 in a small Belgium town, to his call to
the ministry and study under Reformers such as John
Calvin and Theodore Beza, to his authorship of the
Belgic Confession and a life of suffering, to his martyr’s
death in 1567. Skillfully crafted illustrations and an
easy-to-understand narrative combine to capture the
interests — and admiration — of the entire family for
this amazing Reformation hero.
“Bill Boekestein shows his pastor’s heart and desire to
make the riches of our Reformed heritage known in a
simple way in Faithfulness under Fire. Men like de Bres
lived in a tumultuous time, and their example of total
commitment is needed in today’s world of religious
pluralism, tolerance, and moderation. Our children
need to learn this devotion and parents need to teach
it with all their heart.”
—Daniel R. Hyde, Oceanside United Reformed Church,
Carlsbad/Oceanside, CA
(HC, ISBN: 978-1-60178-102-4, 32 pages)
$10.00 | $7.50
for Young Readers
Simonetta Carr
A complex and fascinating character, Athanasius, bishop of
Alexandria, is best remembered as the Father of Orthodoxy,
upholding the doctrine of the Trinity against the Arian heresy.
In this newest addition to the Christian Biographies for Young
Readers series, author Simonetta Carr introduces children to
the life and times of this important church father who tirelessly
defended the Nicene Creed, which many of us today recite as a
confession of our faith. Born during the Great Persecution, forced
five times to leave his church and city, and constantly threatened
by those who tried to ruin his reputation, Athanasius provides an
example of godly faithfulness. Beautiful illustrations and a winsome, simply written narrative will bring the Nicene Creed to life
for children of all ages, prompting relevant discussions on the
divinity of Christ and the importance of creeds and confessions.
(HC, ISBN: 978-1-60178-151-2, 64 pages)
$18.00 | $14.00
Augustine of Hippo
Simonetta Carr
Outside of the people in the Bible, Augustine of Hippo is the most
influential person in church history. In this book, Simonetta Carr
introduces young readers to the life and ministry of Augustine.
Readers will come to know Augustine’s personal struggles and
the high value he came to place on the Bible and truth. Readers
will also see the difficult days in which Augustine lived, learning
about his disputes with false teachers and the turbulent times
during the fall of the Roman Empire. This volume is vividly illustrated, simply written, and full of interesting facts. It is written
for young readers, but is sure to capture the interests of the
whole family.
(HC, ISBN: 978-1-60178-073-7, 64 pages)
$18.00 | $14.00
John Calvin
Simonetta Carr
In this attractive volume, Simonetta Carr introduces young readers to the life, thought, and work of John Calvin, one of the most
famous Reformers of the Christian church. Readers will come to
know Calvin’s personality, his devotion to God and the church,
and the personal challenges he faced. They will understand the
struggles the early Reformed church faced at that time, not only
surviving attacks of the Roman Catholic Church, but also achieving a clear identity and a unified doctrine. Simply written and full
of interesting facts, this book makes a great gift for children of
this rich Reformed heritage.
(HC, ISBN: 978-1-60178-055-3, 64 pages)
$18.00 | $14.00
John Owen
Simonetta Carr
John Owen was a great Puritan preacher who lived in England.
In this book, Simonetta Carr informs readers about Owen’s life,
revealing some of the things that interested him while in school,
the care he showed to people when he became a pastor, and the
influential books that he wrote. Readers will also come to understand the difficult times in which Owen lived and how he handled the terrors of war and religious persecution. Full of illustrations and fascinating information, this is an ideal way for young
readers to learn history.
(HC, ISBN: 978-1-60178-088-1, 64 pages)
$18.00 | $14.00
Lonia: A Conversion Story
James Greendyk
Greendyk uses the traumatic events
of Lonia and her conversion to demonstrate the saving work and power
of the Holy Spirit. This book is an
exciting read for older children and
teenagers. (PB, ISBN: 978-1-89277736-2, 97 pages)
$8.00 | $5.00
Behind Convent Walls
Beth Coombe Harris
This book portrays the life and
events associated with Charlotte
de Bourbon, an abbess who
later became the wife of William,
Prince of Orange. Harris combines
Charlotte’s story in conjunction with
the Huguenots’ struggle with the Roman Catholics.
This story should be read by children of all ages.
(PB, ISBN: 978-1-892777-96-6, 232 pages)
$16.00 | $12.00
Gillian’s Treasure
Beth Coombe Harris
Gillian’s Treasure portrays the trials and triumphs experienced by
Christians in England during the
turbulent reign of Queen Mary.
Building on the historical account
of the life and death of Richard
Woodman, Beth J. Coombe Harris depicts the story
of persecution for 16th century Protestants through
the young Gillian Ballard. (PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178020-1, 224 pages)
$16.00 | $12.00
Bearing Fruit
Diana Kleyn
kleyn once again uses her gift of
storytelling and heart for children
to convey the truths of Scripture.
Just like trees and plants bear fruit,
so must the child of God. Bearing
Fruit shows children that Christians
should be recognized by a lifestyle and walk that
testifies about Jesus Christ. (PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178023-2, 151 pages)
$8.00 | $6.00
Taking Root
Diana Kleyn
This book, designed to teach spiritual
truths to children, uses the theme of
plants taking root and growing in
grace. These short stories are about
how God gives His people new spiritual life by placing their trust in the
mercies of His Son, Jesus Christ. (PB, ISBN: 978-160178-001-0, 190 pages)
$8.00 | $6.00
Reformation Heroes
Diana Kleyn and Joel Beeke
The Reformation did not happen instantaneously; it was something God
patiently arranged over a number of years. As you read this book, you will
learn how the Lord used some people to plant the seeds of church reform
long before October 31, 1517, when Martin Luther published his NinetyFive Theses. Luther’s story is well-known; we trust you will find it interesting and instructive to read about him and forty others (John knox, Peter
Martyr Vermigli, Zacharias Ursinus, Willem Teellinck, etc.) who contributed
to the Reformation — some well known and others not so — most of
whom are Reformation heroes. To provide a fuller picture of the manysided Reformation, chapters are also included on the Anabaptist and
Counter-Reformation movements. The book concludes with a brief summary of the influence of the Reformation in different areas of life.
“Diana kleyn and Joel Beeke have once again found a way to make history
both interesting and challenging. By grace, Reformation Heroes is a book
that will help capture young minds and hearts for Christ.”
— Dr. Sinclair Ferguson, Pastor of
the First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, South Carolina
“The authors are to be warmly commended for giving our young people
fresh access to the riches of the Reformation, namely, God’s saints who did
such great exploits for the kingdom of the Lord Christ.”
— Dr. Michael Haykin, Professor of Church History,
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky
“I hope this book will help awaken youth in America to the vital truths set
forth so clearly and boldly by the historic heroes of the Reformation.”
— Dr. R.C. Sproul, President, Ligonier Ministries, Orlando, Florida
“This beautifully written and illustrated volume provides a sure resource
for inquiring young minds to capture the thrill of God’s work in the lives of
men and women primarily in the sixteenth century. Reformation Heroes is
a magnificent achievement.”
— Dr. Derek Thomas, John E. Richards Professor of Theology,
Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, Mississippi
(HC, ISBN: 978-1-60178-028-7, 240 pages)
$25.00 | $18.00
Caleb’s Lamb
Helen Santos
Caleb’s Lamb is a story designed to teach
children the doctrine of atonement. The
narrative is masterfully told in a way that
every child and parent can learn to appreciate the power of the gospel.
(PB, ISBN: 978-1-892777-70-6, 95 pages)
$10.00 | $7.50
Bible Lessons for Juniors, 4 Vols.
Andrew Van Der Veer
Each of these four volumes contains twentyeight lessons that provide children with
instruction, Scripture memorization, and
thoughtful discussion.
Book 1: Creation through Moses
(PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-012-6, 88 pages)
Book 2: Kings and Prophets
(PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-013-3, 88 pages)
Book 3: The Life of Christ
(PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-014-0, 88 pages)
Book 4: The Early Church
(PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-015-7, 88 pages)
4 Vol. Set
(PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-16-4, 352 pages)
$6.00 | $4.00
$6.00 | $4.00
$6.00 | $4.00
$6.00 | $4.00
$28.00 | $15.00
Little Nobody and the Wonderful Door
Mrs. O. F. Walton
In the eyes of the world, Nemo was a little
nobody. Through a series of events, he finds
his place in a family and becomes a nobody
no longer. Yet a comfortable place in this
world is the least of his blessings. Read about
Nemo’s encounter with the Wonderful Door
that changed his life in more ways than one. For those who
enter, this Wonderful Door leads to a heavenly home of
glory and a joy that never ends.
(PB, ISBN: 978-1-60178-046-1,150 pages) $8.00 | $6.00
SDG Back
Soli Deo Gloria is an imprint of
Reformation Heritage Books
Heaven Opened: The Riches of
God’s Covenant
Richard Alleine
In this book, Alleine discusses the nature and
blessings of God’s covenant with His people.
Alleine outlines in detail the roles of God, Christ,
the Spirit, the earth, the angels of light, the powers of darkness, death, and the kingdom in the
covenant. (HC, ISBN: 1573581143)
$29.00 | $22.00
The Precious Promises of the Gospel
Joseph Alleine
Impersonating God in addressing His people,
Alleine provides us with a moving declaration
of the loving, merciful heart of the triune God,
revealed in the promises of Scripture which are
woven into nearly every sentence.
(PB, ISBN: 1573581356)
$4.00 | $3.00
The World Conquered by the
Faithful Christian
Richard Alleine
The Puritans often used the military motif to
describe the Christian life. This volume should
be welcomed by lovers of the Puritans who see
their existence in this world as a continual battle
against evil within as well as without.
(HC, ISBN: 157358018X)
$20.00 | $15.00
Practical Godliness: The Ornament of
All Religion
Vincent Alsop
Faith with works is such an ornament and testimony to the legitimacy and validity of true faith
that, according to the apostle Paul, it “adorns the
doctrine of God our Savior in all things” (Titus
2:10). Alsop expounds this text, encouraging
believers to live according to the precepts and
promises of the gospel. (HC, ISBN: 1573581453) $24.00 | $18.00
Rejoicing in the Lord Jesus in All Cases
and Conditions
Robert Asty
We place too high a premium on the condition
of our bodies and, therefore, place too low a
premium on the salvation of our souls. Puritan
Robert Asty reminds us that we are to rejoice
in the Lord Jesus no matter what the circumstances are in which the Lord may place us. (HC,
ISBN: 1573581399)
$24.00 | $18.00
Worthy Is the Lamb
Maureen Bradley
Here are hundreds of poems on the most noble
of all themes, the Lord Jesus Christ, by some of
His choicest servants, the Puritans and their followers. (HC, ISBN: 1573581593) $20.00 | $15.00
Gospel Fear
Jeremiah Burroughs
The concept of reverence has nearly been forgotten in our day. In this work, Burroughs offers
a corrective to prevailing ignorance and shows
our need for reverence and awe towards God
and His Word. (HC, ISBN: 1567690718)
$18.00 | $15.00
A Word to the Aged
William Bridge
In this booklet, the Puritan William Bridge speaks
of sins and temptations to which the elderly are
most inclined—things such as bitterness, anger,
a complaining spirit, and contentiousness,
among others. The author then deals with the
duties of the elderly if they would combat those
sins and be pleasing to the Lord in their crowning years. (PB, ISBN: 1573581542)
$4.00 | $3.00
Gospel Reconciliation
Jeremiah Burroughs
Burroughs shows that there is a breach between
man and God, and that there is a way provided
to repair that breach. He states that reconciliation with God comes only through the atoning
work and righteousness of Christ Himself and
not by human achievement.
(HC, ISBN: 1567690661)
$26.00 | $19.00
The Excellency of a Gracious Spirit
Jeremiah Burroughs
This title is based on Numbers 14:24: “Caleb was
of another spirit; he followed God fully.” The first
part of this book deals with what that “other
spirit” is — a gracious spirit, synonymous with a
regenerate heart. The second part of this book
explains what it means to serve God thoroughly
from a spirit motivated by His grace. (HC, ISBN:
$24.00 | $18.00
Gospel Conversation
Jeremiah Burroughs
This masterful treatise deals with the right living of believers. Burroughs moves the reader
to mourn his alienated state and yearn for the
spring of holiness, union, and communion with
Christ. (HC, ISBN: 1567690653) $24.00 | $18.00
Gospel Remission
Jeremiah Burroughs
The greatest blessing anyone can have is remission, or forgiveness, from sin. Burroughs shows
just that, expositing Psalm 32:1: “Blessed is he
whose transgression is forgiven and whose sin
is covered.” Burroughs also stresses the dishonor
done to God by not resting in the mercy of His
remission. (HC, ISBN: 156179067X)
$24.00 | $19.00
Gospel Revelation
Jeremiah Burroughs
In this book Jeremiah Burroughs gives us God’s
revelation regarding Himself and regarding His
Son, Jesus Christ. Then he gives precious insights
into the worth of the human soul, created by
God to joyously serve and glorify Him. (HC, ISBN:
$26.00 | $20.00
The Evil of Evils
Jeremiah Burroughs
The Evil of Evils, first printed in 1654, consists of sixty-seven short chapters that expose sin and
urge believers to choose affliction over sin. Burroughs organizes his material around seven
major thoughts: (1) there is more evil in the least sin than in the greatest affliction; (2) sin and
God are contrary to each other; (3) sin is directly against our good; (4) sin opposes all that is
good; (5) sin is the evil of all other evils; (6) sin has infinite dimension and character; and (7) sin
makes us comfortable with the devil. This treatise is invaluable for sensitizing our consciences
to the “exceeding sinfulness of sin” (cf. Rom. 7:13).
“I think among all the treatises of this blessed man, Mr. Jeremiah Burroughs (now triumphing in
glory above all sin and sorrow), which have been received with so much acceptance among the
saints, there has not been presented to your view a more practical piece than this now in your
hands. And though various divines have written and spoken much concerning this subject, yet, in
my poor judgment, this out-does all of this nature that ever my eyes beheld, setting forth with life
and spirit the subject in hand and bringing it down powerfully in a practical way to convince the
judgment and work upon the affections of the weakest reader.” —John Yates (d. 1657), A Puritan
$24.00 | $18.00
preacher of the Norfolk area (HC, ISBN: 1877611484)
Gospel Worship
Jeremiah Burroughs
In this treasured work, Burroughs gives guidelines to facilitate the reader to move closer to God
in worship. He carefully explains the right manner of worshiping God in the three great ordinances of hearing the Word, receiving the Lord’s
Supper, and prayer. (HC, ISBN: 1561790688)
$22.00 | $18.00
Jeremiah Burroughs
Our society seems to be marked more by a sense
of despair than of hope. Burroughs defines hope,
and then shows its origin, its object, and how it
is to be used. (HC, ISBN: 1573581712)
$20.00 | $15.00
Moses’ Self-Denial
Jeremiah Burroughs
Burroughs explains how Christians are called to
deny all honors, privileges, and delights for the
sake of Christ. He also shows how God is especially honored when we forego selfish desires at
a time when they seem most advantageous to
us. You will benefit greatly to see how faith acts
to transform losses caused by self-denial into true honor. This is
an insightful, practical book — a helpful antidote for our natural
selfishness. (HC, ISBN: 9781601780942)
$22.00 | $17.00
A Treatise on the Law and Gospel
John Colquhoun
In this book, Colquhoun helps us understand
the precise relationship between law and gospel. He also impresses us with the importance of
knowing this relationship. Colquhoun especially
excels in showing how important the law is as a
believer’s rule of life without doing injury to the
freeness and fullness of the gospel.
(HC, ISBN: 978-1-60178-062-1, 352 pages)
$25.00 | $18.00
Meet Jonathan Edwards
W. Gary Crampton
In this work, Dr. Gary Crampton introduces the
life and ministry of Edwards, and then examines
Edwards on knowledge, general and special revelation, Scripture, God, Christ, and salvation. (PB,
ISBN: 1573581607)
$12.00 | $9.00
The Worship of the American Puritans
Horton Davies
Dr. Davies explains the theology of Puritan worship, the sermonic style they employed, the
Puritan understanding of praises, prayers, the
sacraments, and even the theological significance of church architecture, among other topics. Puritan worship was truly God-centered. (PB,
ISBN: 1573580996)
$16.00 | $12.00
The Blessed Death of Those Who Die in the
James Durham
James Durham shows the blessedness of those
who die in the Lord as well as the misery of those
who reject Him. He gives directions for dying in
the Lord, shows what to do when death comes
suddenly, and then shows a believer’s comfort
in death. (HC, ISBN: 1573581526)
$22.00 | $16.00
Altogether Lovely
Jonathan Edwards
Known by the masses as a “hellfire and brimstone preacher,” Edwards actually wrote about
the beauty and excellency of Jesus Christ more
than any other subject. Altogether Lovely presents nine sermons from Edwards, which reveal
his deep affection for the glory and excellency of
Jesus Christ. (HC, ISBN: 1573580716)
$24.00 | $18.00
Charity and Its Fruits
Jonathan Edwards
In this collection of sermons on 1 Corinthians
13, Jonathan Edwards shows that Christians are
called to exemplify the great virtue of charity in
their thoughts and actions. Edwards shows the
nature and virtue of love as the distinguishing
mark of a true Christian — love, which manifests
itself in preferring others before self.
(HC, ISBN: 1567690580)
$27.00 | $21.00
Devotions from the Pen of Jonathan
Here are 120 excerpts from this great preacher of
the Word presented in a daily devotional format.
Each devotional is based on a Scripture verse with
down-to-earth, practical, and devotional insights.
This book makes a perfect introduction to the
heart-searching writings of Jonathan Edwards.
(HC, ISBN: 1573581461)
$27.00 | $12.50
The Freedom of the Will
Jonathan Edwards
The Freedom of the Will is divided into four parts.
The first deals with terminology; the nature and
determination of the will; the meaning of necessity, impossibility, and contingency; the distinction between natural and moral necessity; and the
nature of moral agency and liberty. The second
considers the possibility of self-determination.
The third analyzes divine agency regarding human beings and the
world. In the conclusion, Edwards anticipates the reception the
work will receive. (HC, ISBN: 9781573580335)
$27.00 | $21.00
A Just and Righteous God
Jonathan Edwards
A Just and Righteous God highlights Edwards’s
thoughts on how God shows mercy to His chosen and wrath to the wicked. This collection of
sermons contains thirteen previously unpublished works by Edwards on God’s just and righteous nature toward man.
(HC, ISBN: 1567690599)
$28.00 | $20.00
Our Great and Glorious God
Jonathan Edwards
In this compilation, we find Edwards, a great
man of God, musing on the existence and character of God and raising our conceptions of Him
to a much higher level.
(HC, ISBN: 1573581534)
$26.00 | $19.00
Pressing into the Kingdom
Jonathan Edwards
This volume contains many of Edwards’s sermons
on seeking salvation. Simply put, he was urging
people to use the means of grace for their salvation. These sermons leave no excuse for spiritual
slothfulness. Tender warnings combined with
urgent exhortations are designed to press sinners into the kingdom of God.
(HC, ISBN: 1573580872)
$26.00 | $19.00
To All the Saints of God
Jonathan Edwards
This collection of twelve sermons explains the
role of the church and its relationship to God.
Edwards considers the issues of ecclesiology
and membership from a practical standpoint.
He also focuses on personal duties in the church.
(HC, ISBN: 1573581437)
$28.00 | $21.00
Unless You Repent
Jonathan Edwards
This volume contains fifteen previously unpublished sermons on the judgment awaiting the
impenitent. Edwards spoke of divine judgment
because of his desire to see many come to Christ
and be spared from God’s wrath. We know of no
more solemn volume ever published than this.
(HC, ISBN: 1567690602)
$24.00 | $18.00
To the Rising Generation: Addresses Given
to Children and Young Adults
Jonathan Edwards
This compilation contains thirteen sermons Edwards
addressed to children and young adults. Also included is a
list of Bible questions for children that Edwards expected
his young people to know. For the most part, these messages focus on the importance of obedience, discipline,
and seeking God.
aBout the author
Jonathan Edwards was born in 1703. He pastored the
church at Northampton, Massachusetts before being
removed by the congregation. He also was pastor to an
American Indian congregation at Stockbridge where he
did most of his writing. Edwards accepted the presidency
of the College of New Jersey (now known as Princeton
University), but died from a smallpox vaccination only a
week after taking office.
(HC, ISBN: 1573581682)
$20.00 | $12.00
The Gospel Ministry
Thomas Foxcroft
On November 20, 1717, Thomas Foxcroft presented a message on faithful gospel ministry
and was strongly petitioned to have it published
as a book. However, Foxcroft had not delivered
this message at a conference for pastors, but
at his own ordination. His intention was not so
much to show his congregation what a proper minister should
be like, but rather to attempt to press upon himself the importance and responsibility of the ministry for which he was being
set aside. What proved a profitable exercise for him became a
blessed gift for the church at large!
In this book, Foxcroft exhorts ministers to make Christ the focal
point of their preaching. He shows the importance of character
in ministry, calling for pastors to be wise and prudent in every
aspect of their lives. Likewise, ministers are urged to visit with
and know their flock, and busy themselves with attending the
needs of their souls. Furthermore, ministers are reminded how
their service to the Lord requires great diligence and should be
supremely governed by a pursuit for the conversion and edification of men in Christ. This is a pertinent reminder that pastors
are called to wait on the needs of the souls of men with the
good news of Christ.
(HC, ISBN: 9781567690613)
$16.00 | $12.00
Christ’s Last Disclosure of Himself
William Greenhill
In Revelation 22:16–17, Christ gives us His last
statements about Himself and His ministry.
William Greenhill opens and expounds this
neglected text, showing the significance of
Christ being the root and the offspring of David
and then reveals the heart of Christ towards sinners. (HC, ISBN: 1573581046)
$19.00 | $15.00
The Lord Our Righteousness
Obadiah Grew
In this never-before reprinted work, Grew speaks
directly to the issue of the imputation of Christ’s
righteousness in the act of justification. With zeal
and clarity, he shows from Scripture that man’s
justification before God is not dependent on any
righteousness inherent in him, but wholly on
the righteousness of Christ imputed to the believer. (HC, ISBN:
$18.00 | $14.00
The Christian’s Labor and Reward
William Gurnall
Scripture speaks much of the rewards for being
a faithful servant of God. In this work, Gurnall
speaks of the great rewards God will give His
people in heaven and the relatively few things
He asks of us in return.
(HC, ISBN: 1573581623)
$22.00 | $16.00
The Sound-Hearted Christian
William Greenhill
Nearing the end of his life and ministry, William Greenhill
left his congregation a parting gift and lasting testimony of
his pastoral care for their souls — he published The SoundHearted Christian. This book was developed from a series of
sermons Greenhill preached on Psalm 119:80, “Let my heart
be sound in thy statutes; that I be not ashamed.” Greenhill
shows that a sound heart is watchful and attentive, recognizing that our soul is our greatest possession. After demonstrating the excellence and desirability of a sound heart,
he challenges us to test the soundness of our heart. He then
directs and motivates us to get and keep a sound heart. The
book ends with several appended sermons on faith, Christ,
and God’s Word, which serve as further encouragements to
establishing and maintaining a sound heart.
“The Puritans affirmed that true knowledge always begins
in the head and extends to the heart, embracing the affections. In a day (not unlike our own) in which mere assent
was taken for faith, empty profession was taken for conversion, and dead formality was taken for holiness, the Puritans’
insistence upon the need for a heartfelt appropriation of
the truth was both timely and necessary. They devoted
countless pages to exposing the danger of hypocrisy and
the nature of sincerity. The skill with which they handled
this delicate probing of the heart is nowhere more evident
than in the present work. In William Greenhill, a renowned
preacher and eminent scholar, you have a trustworthy guide
into this vitally important subject — what it means to be a
sound-hearted Christian.”
— J. Stephen Yuille, Pastor at Grace Community Church in Glen
Rose, Texas, and author of Puritan Spirituality
(HC, ISBN: 9781601780997)
$25.00 | $19.00
The Case for Family Worship
George Hamond
Two conspicuously missing elements in
Christian families today are parents catechizing
their children and the absence of family worship
as a normal part of the daily routine. Numerous
books have been written stressing the importance of family worship, but none is like this one
by the Puritan George Hamond, who lays down
its scriptural mandate.
Hamond gives examples from the Old Testament - Abraham,
Job, and Joshua — and then that of Christ and Cornelius from the
New Testament. He shows that it is not only the biblical pattern,
but a duty incumbent upon all who call upon the name of the
Lord. He also argues for family worship in both the morning and
This is an important book for those who want to establish the
centrality of worship in their homes with the result of establishing stronger worship in our churches.
Heart Treasure
Oliver Heywood
In this treatise on Matthew 12:35, Heywood
describes the inward dispositions of the heart,
and then shows how to cultivate them for godliness. He tells how to acquire Christian treasure;
how to store it up in various thoughts, truths,
graces, experiences, and comforts; and how to
bring “forth good things out of the believer’s
good treasure.” (HC, ISBN: 1573580635)
$35.00 | $26.00
“Family worship was seldom addressed either in print or pulpit
across the spectrum of the evangelical church in the twentieth
century. But toward the very end of the millennium and since the
beginning of the new, there have been indications of the widespread recovery of this biblical practice. The reprint of Hamond’s
book is another welcome sign that the importance and value of
family worship is being rediscovered.” — Donald S. Whitney
(HC, ISBN: 1573581690)
$20.00 | $15.00
The Works of Ezekiel Hopkins Vol. 2
Volume 2 concludes Hopkins’s discourses on sin
and offers teaching on the covenants, regeneration, sacraments, and God’s attributes. It also
includes sermons on assurance of faith, practical
Christianity in working out salvation, the sufficiency of Christ, and the excellence of heavenly
treasures. (HC, ISBN: 1573580538)
$40.00 | $30.00
The Works of Ezekiel Hopkins Vol. 1
The first volume of Works offers a brief biographical sketch of Hopkins, followed by major treatises
on the Lord’s Prayer, the Ten Commandments,
and several sermons on the law and on sin. (HC,
ISBN: 157358004X)
$40.00 | $30.00
The Way to True Happiness
Robert Harris
This work on the Beatitudes contains twentyfour sermons full of practical depth and insight.
Harris shows that true happiness can come only
from true blessedness, which can flow only from
God Himself. (HC, ISBN: 1573580740)
$33.00 | $24.00
The Works of Ezekiel Hopkins Vol. 3
Volume 3 contains treatises on the conscience,
mortification of sin, and facing death, miscellaneous sermons, and a complete Scripture and
subject index. (HC, ISBN: 1573580651)
$40.00 | $30.00
The Family Altar
Oliver Heywood
In this extensive work, Heywood deals primarily with the family. He begins with the personal
covenant made with God in baptism, and then
deals with the importance and duty of family
worship. He addresses the ways God dealt with
families throughout Scripture and history, and
closes with the relationship between those who
remain on earth while their loved ones are in heaven.
(HC, ISBN: 1573580937)
$35.00 | $26.00
A Marvelous Ministry
Erroll Hulse (editor)
Charles Haddon Spurgeon continues to exercise a profound influence over 100 years after
his death. This collection of essays highlights
various aspects of his life and ministry. Spurgeon
emerges as a person of warm humanity, a passionate evangelist, valiant for truth, and a social
activist of decided political convictions.
(PB, ISBN: 187761159X)
$9.00 | $6.00
A Spectacle unto God: The Life and Death
of Christopher Love
Don Kistler
Christopher Love was beheaded at age 33 by
the English government on a charge of treason. His final words included “I go from the
block to the bosom of my Savior.” In this work,
Don kistler presents a detailed account of his
life and includes some of the final correspondence between Christopher and his wife, Mary.
(HC, ISBN: 1877611980)
$23.00 | $15.00
A Token for Children
James Janeway & Cotton Mather
A Token for Children, written by James Janeway in the seventeenth century, is designed also for adults in the twenty-first
century. If we contemporary Christians want to know what
Christian experience is, we can do no better than to let these
little children of centuries ago teach us. Every modern Christian
parent ought to buy and study this book before making it
required reading for all of his or her children.
“Are the souls of your children of no value? They are not too
little to die, they are not too little to go to hell, they are not too
little to serve the great Master, not too little to go to heaven.”
— James Janeway
(HC, ISBN: 9781877611766)
$18.00 | $14.00
The Grace of Law
Ernest F. Kevan
In this study, Ernest kevan investigates the works
of numerous seventeenth-century theologians
to provide an overview of a Puritan understanding of the law in relationship to the life of the
Christian. After describing the Puritans and the
antinomian controversy that developed among
them, kevan demonstrates how the orthodox view among the
Puritans regarded the moral law as an expression of divine majesty established as a guide for man’s blessedness and a measure
to expose sin. He then proceeds to show how the law relates to
God’s people after the fall in the context of the covenant of grace.
Great care is used to explain the relation of Christ’s work to the
law, the ongoing moral obligation Christians have to the law, the
idea of gospel obedience, and the Christian’s freedom from the
law’s condemnation. Although the Puritans saw law and grace
as opposing principles regarding one’s justification, they also
explained how God uses the law in the life of the believer for His
gracious purposes in their sanctification.
(PB, ISBN: 978-1877611-63-6)
$18.00 | $14.00
Parent’s Concerns for Their
Unsaved Children
Edward Lawrence
In this booklet, Lawrence explains the duty of
parents and children towards one another. He
urges parents to raise their children in the Lord,
relying on God’s covenant faithfulness to convert
their children. He advises unrepentant children
to remember the bonds they have broken and to
return to covenant fellowship. (PB, ISBN: 1573581518)
$7.00 | $5.00
Grace: The Truth, Growth, and
Different Degrees
Christopher Love
This extensive work on grace contains fifteen
of Love’s sermons. The following subjects are
addressed: the beginnings of grace, the least
measure of true grace, God’s notice of grace in
His people, laboring in grace, the marks of strong
Christians, strong temptations and strong grace,
the comforts of grace, and applications.
(HC, ISBN: 1573580341)
$22.00 | $17.00
The Penitent Pardoned
Christopher Love
In this work, based on Psalm 32:5, Puritan
Christopher Love explains the duty of Christians
to confess their sins and the faithfulness of God to
forgive them. And, as the psalmist said, “Blessed
is the man unto whom the Lord imputeth not
iniquity” (Psalm 32:2). (HC, ISBN: 1573581259)
$18.00 | $14.00
Preacher of God’s Word
Christopher Love
Here is a compilation of sermons by Christopher
Love, which reveal Love’s gift of applying doctrinal truth practically and experientially. Some
of the sermon titles include “Christ’s Prayer the
Saint’s Support” (John 17:15), “A Divine Balance
to Weigh all Doctrines By” (1 Thess. 5:21), and “A
Description of True Blessedness” (Luke 11:28).
(HC, ISBN: 1573580961)
$19.00 | $15.00
The Almost Christian Discovered
Matthew Mead
While “cheap grace” and “easy-believism” are relatively new terms, antinomianism is not. Martin
Luther coined the word to refer to those who
wanted all the benefits of salvation without any
of the obligations. To those who looked to some
external act for confirmation of a regenerate
heart, the Puritans pointed to proper motives
as well as proper conduct. To those who looked merely to their
orthodox beliefs, the Puritans pointed out that the demons are
orthodox in their creeds, but not in their conduct. Ever mindful
not to stir up unnecessary doubts in weak believers, the Puritans,
nevertheless, felt it imperative to awaken the carnal hypocrite
out of his undeserved security. That is what Matthew Mead does
in this classic. (HC, ISBN: 1877611727)
$18.00 | $14.00
The Justification of a Sinner
William Pemble
Puritan William Pemble looks at the issues surrounding justification and shows how faith
alone in the finished work of Christ is what justifies. He challenges the teaching of the Council
of Trent and asserts that the Protestant understanding of justification is irreconcilable with
Roman Catholic and Arminian positions. All the
essential biblical truths about justification are here. (HC, ISBN:
$24.00 | $16.00
Persuasives to Early Piety
J.G. Pike
Pike masterfully reasons with the consciences of
young people as to why they should seek grace
to surrender themselves to God in Jesus Christ
and pursue lifestyles of biblical, genuine piety.
The chapter which answers twenty objections
to pursuing piety early in life, is itself worth the
price of the book. (HC, ISBN: 1573580368)
$29.00 | $22.00
The Works of Edward Polhill
The Works contains four of Polhill’s writings. In
the first work, he discusses God’s nature, justice, love, power, truth, providence, and the
Christian’s duty towards a holy life. In the second,
Polhill explains the nature of God’s will and the
eternal decrees of election and predestination.
In the third work, he chronicles the life of faith
culminating in a discussion of the assurance of
faith. In the last work, he shows how Christians should bear suffering. (HC, ISBN: 1573580562)
$29.00 | $22.00
Biblical Theology
John Owen
The major portion of this volume is a history of theology from
Adam to Christ. It includes an appendix with Owen’s “Defense
of Scripture against Fanaticism,” affirming that the Bible is the
perfect, authoritative, and complete Word of God. Owen considered this work his magnum opus. (This is not included in Owen’s
Works.) (HC, ISBN: 978-1-877611-83-4)
$45.00 | $33.00
The Puritan Pulpit
Ebenezer Pemberton
Ebenezer Pemberton was a faithful minister of
the gospel and a contemporary of Jonathan
Edwards. This book is a collection of twenty sermons that he preached. Some of the sermon titles
are “The Knowledge of Christ Recommended,”
“The Method of Divine Grace in Conversion,”
“Faith the Gift of God,” “The Duty of Ministers,”
and “The Folly of Losing the Soul for the Gain of the World.” (HC,
ISBN: 156769084X)
$28.00 | $20.00
A Commentary on the book of Ecclesiastes
Edward Reynolds
This book contains a 230-page commentary on
Ecclesiastes, short meditations on Peter’s fall and
restoration, and eight sermons. The sermons
on self-denial (Matt. 16:24), joy in the Lord (Phil.
4:4), and “Death’s Advantage” (Phil. 1:21) are very
(HC, ISBN: 1573580767)
$29.00 | $22.00
Meditations on the Holy Sacrament of the
Lord’s Last Supper
Edward Reynolds
This volume contains seven sermons on Hosea
14, unfolding God’s sovereign love to unworthy
sinners, and “Meditations on the Holy Sacrament
of the Lord’s Supper.” It is rich in explaining our
communion with Christ and how believers partake of Christ in the Supper.
(HC, ISBN: 1573581003)
$29.00 | $22.00
Preaching Christ
Edward Reynolds
This volume offers twenty-two sermons that
expose the sinfulness of man and exalt the righteousness of God. Sermons include treatises on
the preaching of Christ (2 Cor. 4:5), brotherly reconciliation (Phil. 3:15), and moderation (Phil. 4:5).
(HC, ISBN: 1573581054)
$29.00 | $22.00
A Treatise on the Passions and Faculties
of the Soul
Edward Reynolds
This volume contains Reynolds’s most theologically profound work. In forty-two chapters,
Reynolds first covers human memory and its
weaknesses; imagination and its relationship to
the will and to reason; and passions and how
they can be used to promote virtue. He then
focuses upon human affections such as love, hate, sorrow, hope,
boldness, fear, and anger. He examines the image of God and the
soul’s immortality, then concludes by looking at the faculties of
the soul, such as understanding, will, and conscience.
(HC, ISBN: 1573580481)
$29.00 | $22.00
Trouble of Mind and the Disease of
Timothy Rogers
Many books have been written on religious melancholy, but most authors have not really experienced the condition. By contrast, Rogers had a
unique perspective for he lived through terrible
darkness of soul. He wrote from the depths of
his heart, with the Word of God his unchanging
standard, to help others toward healing.
(HC, ISBN: 1573581208)
$29.00 | $22.00
Boys and Girls Playing
J.C. Ryle
This collection of children’s sermons contains
eight short talks for young children given by
J.C. Ryle to the boys and girls of his congregation. In them, he shows children the lessons
they can learn from their everyday playing and
teaches that the way to find true happiness is
to believe in the Lord Jesus, seeking Him above
all else. (HC, ISBN: 1573580465)
$16.00 | $12.00
The Works of Henry Scougal
This work contains Scougal’s revered and classic work, The Life of God in the Soul of Man, which
originally was a letter to a friend explaining the
Christian religion and offering spiritual counsel. This book also contains Nine Discourses on
Important Subjects and concludes with personal
reflections and essays recorded by Scougal while
a student at King’s College.
(HC, ISBN: 1573581194)
$29.00 | $22.00
The Parable of the Ten Virgins
Thomas Shepard
Originally published in 1659, this book calls
attention to true assurance of salvation. Shepard
warns against antinomianism as he carefully
distinguishes believers from non-believers.
Following Matthew 25:1–13, the first part of this
work details the visible church’s preparation to
meet Christ at His return, while the second half
explains His coming to meet her. (HC, ISBN: 1877611166)
$35.00 | $26.00
God’s Thoughts and Ways Are
Above Ours
John Shower
This moving book contains five sermons on the
nature and virtue of pardoning mercy. Shower
demonstrates the depth and power of God’s
forgiveness to those who repent of their sins. In
an age where forgiveness is frequently misunderstood and trivialized, the Christian will learn
the power and healing of forgiving others. Being truly forgiven
by the Father moves us to forgive wholeheartedly those who
have done wrong to us. (HC, ISBN: 1573581496) $22.00 | $16.00
The Wiles of Satan
William Spurstowe
Spurstowe demonstrates the devil’s abilities as a
tempter and exposes a good number of his strategies by furnishing the Christian with the biblical antidotes for the tempter’s various schemes.
This succinct book will be an aid to those in the
thick of temptation.
(HC, ISBN: 1573581631)
$19.00 | $15.00
The Puritan Pulpit
Solomon Stoddard
The material reprinted in this volume contains
nearly all of Stoddard’s remaining unpublished
sermons, including seven excellent messages
on the “benefit of the gospel to those who are
wounded in spirit,” as well as ten individual sermons that cover such subjects as the cleansing
power of Christ’s blood, the gospel as a means
of conversion, false hopes of salvation, and the trial of assurance.
(HC, ISBN: 1573581704)
$22.00 | $17.00
The Puritan Pulpit
James Ussher
Ussher was a highly regarded scholar and a fearless preacher. These nineteen sermons deal with
crucial issues of the soul, the devastating effects
of sin, the purpose of the law, the satisfaction of
Christ, the humiliation of Christ, peace with God,
and the place of torment among others. (HC,
ISBN: 1567690742)
$26.00 | $19.00
A Treatise on Regeneration
Peter Van Mastricht
Is regeneration the result of faith or is it the
cause of faith? And what part does the human
will play in this eternally significant event? These
are the questions answered in this book by
Dutch theologian Peter Van Mastricht. (HC, ISBN:
$18.00 | $14.00
A Discourse Concerning Love
Nathaniel Vincent
This book includes seven chapters on the importance of love among Christians in the church.
The subjects addressed include how the church
is to edify itself by love, the properties of love,
and how there is no excuse for lack of love in the
church. Vincent describes the properties of love
in detail. Love must flow from a pure heart and
from faith. (HC, ISBN: 1573580791)
$18.00 | $14.00
Christ’s Sudden and Certain Appearance
to Judgment
Thomas Vincent
In this Puritan treatise, Thomas Vincent shows that
Christ will most suddenly and certainly appear to
judge those who have not submitted to the rule
of Christ as Lord. This entire treatise is based on
Revelation 22:16: “Even so come quickly, Lord
Jesus.” The book leaves no brimstone unturned
as the author appeals to sinners to come to Christ in love before
He comes to them in judgment. (HC, ISBN: 1573580236)
$27.00 | $21.00
God’s Terrible Voice in the City
Thomas Vincent
The Puritans often saw “natural disasters” as the
work of God, who was angry at the people for
their wickedness. Thomas Vincent was a firsthand eyewitness of the Great Fire of London and
the Plague. Here you may read of those incredible events and the sufferings they brought and
also see how Vincent warned sinners of greater
catastrophes awaiting the impenitent.
(HC, ISBN: 1573580597)
$24.00 | $18.00
The Art of Divine Contentment
Thomas Watson
Based on Philippians 4:11, “I have learned, in
whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content,”
Watson considers the great dishonor done to
almighty God by the sin of discontentment. The
doctrine of Christian contentment is clearly illustrated and profitably applied. The special cases
where, through changes in providences, discontentment most
commonly arises are examined and preservatives are applied to
the soul. (HC, ISBN: 1573581135)
$20.00 | $15.00
Attending Upon God without Distraction
Nathanael Vincent
The mind of man is notoriously fickle, and distractions too
easily keep him from whole hearted service to God. Even serious Christians feel the strain caused when their desires to offer
God more spiritual and well-pleasing sacrifices are hindered by
remaining sin and vanity of mind. Furthermore, obtaining freedom from distractions in religious duties is very difficult. Some
think lightly of the disease and imagine the cure needless. Others
are discouraged from striving against distractions because they
think it is impossible to overcome them.
In this book, Nathanael Vincent convincingly demonstrates
how everyone ought to attend upon God, recognize Him as
Lord, and serve Him without interruption. In helping us to see
the weight of our obligation, Vincent provides an abundance of
pastoral guidance and encouragement. This book equips readers
to detect distractions and deal with them. It also motivates them
by showing the benefits that pertain to a focused pursuit of glorifying God. (HC, ISBN: 9781601780935)
$25.00 | $19.00
The Duty of Self-Denial and Ten
Other Sermons
Thomas Watson
This book includes eight chapters on self-denial,
based on Luke 9:23, and ten additional sermons.
Watson teaches, “Self-denial is the first principle
of Christianity.” He describes what self-denial is,
then demonstrates the Christ-asserting nature of
every self-denying act. The additional sermons in this volume are
also valuable. (HC, ISBN: 1877611964)
$22.00 | $15.00
The Fight of Faith Crowned
Thomas Watson
This book contains six sermons that had not yet
been reprinted in the twentieth century. They
include “The Crown of Righteousness,” “Time’s
Shortness,” “The Fight of Faith Crowned,” “A Plea
for Alms,” and “The One Thing Necessary.” (HC,
ISBN: 1573580473)
$20.00 | $15.00
Print on Demand
Logic: The Right Use
of Reason in the
Inquiry after Truth
Isaac Watts
The Puritans were convinced that the ability
to think clearly was of
the utmost importance.
In our day, common
sense is not very common and clear
thinking is not very clear. This book will
help discipline the mind and train the
reader to discern proper thinking and
argumentation in seeking the truth.
(HC, ISBN: 978-1-57358-055-7)
$28.00 | $21.00
Disputations on Holy
William Whitaker
The Protestants and
Roman Catholics were
divided on the role of
Scripture in a believer’s life. In this massive
work, Whitaker argues
the Protestant position. He deals with
the number of canonical books, the
authority of Scripture, the perspicuity of Scripture, the proper interpretation of Scripture, and the perfection of
Scripture. (HC, ISBN: 1573580902)
$40.00 | $30.00
The Puritans on
Loving One Another
In this collection of writings from four different
Puritan authors, the
Christian duty of love
for one’s fellow man
is addressed. Ralph
Venning speaks of the
commandment of Christ to love your
neighbor as yourself. Thomas Manton
teaches us that the command to “Love
One Another” is a duty given by God.
Joseph Caryl deals with “The Nature
and Principles of Love as the End of
the Commandment.” Finally, John Ball
speaks concerning the nature, motives,
and marks of love.
(HC, ISBN: 1573580496)$18.00 | $14.00
The Covenant
Theology of Caspar
Lyle D. Bierma
$22.00 | $15.00
A Conversation with
Jonathan Edwards
Gary Crampton
$16.00 | $12.00
A Guide to the
Writings of Herman
Eric D. Bristley
$15.00 | $11.00
The Christology of
John Owen
Richard Daniels
$40.00 | $25.00
Questions and
Answers on the
Shorter Catechism
John Brown of
$22.00 | $16.00
The Pearl of Christian
Petrus Dathenus
$9.50 | $6.00
Handfuls of Purpose:
Gleanings from the
Inner Life of Ruth
$28.00 | $19.00
The Experimental
Knowledge of Christ
and Additional
Sermons of John Elias
$16.00 | $12.00
The Marvelous Riches
of Savoring Christ: The
Letters of Ruth Bryan
$25.00 | $17.00
John Diodati’s
Doctrine of Holy
Andrea Ferrari
$16.00 | $12.00
An Exposition of the
Prophecy of Hosea
Jeremiah Burroughs
$50.00 |$38.00
History of the
Presbyterian Church
in America
W.M. Glasgow
$50.00 | $35.00
Thine is My Heart:
Devotional Readings
From John Calvin
$22.00 | $15.00
The Works of Thomas
Goodwin, 12 vols.
Thomas Goodwin
$350.00 |$240.00
We with Our Children: A
Commentary on the
Form of Baptism
Cornelis Harinck
$16.00 | $12.00
Christ Our Rest
David Pitcairn
$26.00 | $18.50
Divine Redemption and
the Refuge of Faith
Douglas Vickers
$18.00 | $10.00
The Hiding Place
John Macfarlane
$20.00 | $14.00
The Feet of Jesus in
Life, Death,
Resurrection and Glory
P.B. Power
$20.00 | $15.00
The Texture of Truth
Douglas Vickers
$15.00 | $11.00
The Doctrine of
Justification by Faith
John Owen
$26.00 | $17.00
Spiritual Exercises
of the Heart
Thomas Reade
$26.00 | $18.00
Thomas Shepard:
Pilgrim Father and
Founder of Harvard
Alexander Whyte
$18.00 | $13.00
Communion with God:
A Guide to the
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