How to Ensure your Email and Other ePHI are HIPAA Compliant

HIPAA, PHI and Email
How to Ensure your Email and Other ePHI
are HIPAA Compliant
HIPAA, PHI and Email
How to Ensure Your Email
and Other ePHI Are HIPAA
Do you know if the patient appointments your staff makes
by email are compliant with HIPAA’s Privacy and Security
Rules? Do you have processes to ensure digital copies
of your patient records are fully secure — both in transit
and while in storage? Are you certain your employees are
not unknowingly violating any of HIPAA’s many “required”
provisions, such as sharing login information to access
patient information? With HIPAA’s vast and complex set
of rules, complying with the act can be difficult, even for
organizations genuinely trying to do so.
Fortunately, with the right cloud-based emailencryption and security solution, protecting your
patients’ health data — and bringing your email practices
into full HIPAA compliance — can be easier and less
expensive than you might think.
How to Ensure Your Email is HIPAA Compliant
HIPAA, PHI and Email
First, the bottom line: Not all email systems — including
many of those designed for professional-level,
enterprise use — are HIPAA compliant.
Assuming that within your practice you are sending email
between employees using a secure server, on a secure
network, those messages do not need to be encrypted
as your workforce is a part of your “Covered Entity” status
and authorized under HIPAA to send, receive and view
your organization’s confidential Electronic Patient Health
Information (ePHI).
But what about all of the other messages your practice
sends to and receives from third parties every day,
messages that would qualify as ePHI? These types of
emails would include:
Payment claims submitted to insurance providers for
patient services
Authorizations for procedures and treatments
Patient referrals to specialists or other third-party
Patient appointment scheduling
Answers to patients’ questions via email
Any email containing ePHI stored in your staff’s inboxes
and on your email servers
Such messages, and any other email containing ePHI sent
out of your network — to a doctor, insurance company,
any other third party, or even sent remotely to a member of
your own staff — must be encrypted, according to HIPAA’s
Omnibus Rule.
In this paper we’ll discuss HIPAA’s email-security
requirements as they relate to your practice, the steps
you must take to comply, and why simply encrypting your
messages isn’t sufficient. Then we’ll offer a solution that
can make the entire compliance process easy and costeffective.
Not all email systems — including many
of those designed for professional-level,
enterprise use — are HIPAA compliant.
How to Ensure Your Email is HIPAA Compliant
But before getting into the details of HIPAA’s specific
email rules, here is a brief overview of the act and how it
regulates Covered Entities’ protection of their patients’
electronic data.
HIPAA, PHI and Email
A Brief Overview of HIPAA
Passed by Congress in 1996, The Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a set of
rulings that set national standards to protect the privacy
of patients’ health information. The act secures patients’
rights regarding their health-related data, including when
and with whom it can be shared. HIPAA also requires
doctors, pharmacists, health insurers and other providers
to explain to patients their rights under the act regarding
use of their health information.
The Privacy Rule, a regulation implemented to help
enforce HIPAA, establishes rules for the use and
disclosure of patient data — called Protected Health
Information (PHI) — for Covered Entities. The Privacy Rule
applies to all forms of PHI, whether electronic, written,
or verbal. A related provision, called the Security Rule,
sets security standards for managing health information in
electronic form.
More recently, the Health Information Technology for
Economic and Clinical Health, or HITECH Act, and the
HIPAA Omnibus Rule, have been enacted — which
strengthen HIPAA’s Privacy and Security Rules and
increase the severity of penalties for violating patients’
rights under HIPAA.
These rules are administered and enforced by The
Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil
Rights (OCR).
How to Ensure Your Email is HIPAA Compliant
HIPAA, PHI and Email
HIPAA and Email Security
Scattered among HIPAA’s hundreds of pages of rules and
regulations are provisions specifically relating to a Covered
Entity’s use of email to transmit (and store) ePHI. Among
the various aspects of email security covered throughout
the act are references to the following:
Access Control: 164.312(a)(1)
Person or Entity Authentication 164.312(d)
Integrity 164.312(c)(1)
Transmission Security 164.312(e)(1)
Audit Controls: 164.312(b)
So, Are You Fully Compliant With
HIPAA’s Privacy, Security and HITECH
Taking into account the umbrella of HIPAA-related rulings
(including the Privacy Rule, Security Rule, HITECH and the
Omnibus Rule), Covered Entities like yours face a difficult
task determining how to ensure they are fully compliant.
In fact, according to a report by the Healthcare Billing &
Management Association (HMBA), the majority of Covered
Entities and their Business Associates remain noncompliant with HIPAA.
Let us examine what HIPAA has to say about each of the
provisions above. Then we will offer you a comprehensive
email-security and encryption service that can address
them all, and bring your practice into full email compliance
with HIPAA.
How to Ensure Your Email is HIPAA Compliant
HIPAA, PHI and Email
Five HIPAA Email-Security Provisions:
Access Control
HIPAA’s section 164.312(a)(1) states the Covered Entity
must “Assign a unique name and/or number for identifying
and tracking user identity”.
What this means: Your organization’s workforce must
use unique usernames and passwords for each staff
member’s account. That means shared logins are not
Person or Entity Authentication
Section 164.312(d), Person or Entity Authentication, states
that a Covered Entity must “Implement procedures to
verify that a person or entity seeking access to electronic
protected health information is the one claimed”.
What this means: Your organization must also strictly
govern (and then control) which users within your
practice are granted access to ePHI. This also means
that data must be both secured and encrypted both in
transit and then in storage, to ensure only the intended
recipients (e.g., your authorized staff members) are
allowed to access the data.
The Integrity provision, section 164.312(c)(1), demands
the Covered Entity “Implement policies and procedures
to protect electronic protected health information from
improper alteration or destruction”.
Transmission Security
HIPAA’s section 164.312(e)(1), relating to Transmission
Security, calls for Covered Entities to “Implement technical
security measures to guard against unauthorized access
to electronic protected health information that is being
transmitted over an electronic communications network”,
and to “Implement security measures to ensure that
electronically transmitted electronic protected health
information is not improperly modified without detection
until disposed of”.
What this means: You will need SSL-based encryption
for any ePHI transmitted out of your network — to
patients, insurance providers, other healthcare providers,
or any third party authorized to receive your patients’
Audit Controls
Section 164.312(b), regarding Audit Controls, states a
Covered Entity must “Implement hardware, software,
and/or procedural mechanisms that record and examine
activity in information systems that contain or use
electronic protected health information”.
What this means: You will need a system that produces
detailed login audit trails, including date, time and IP
address of each login, as well as all trails of all sent and
received messages.
What this means: Your practice must have a process in
place to protect ePHI in transit and in storage, to keep
unauthorized third parties from accessing, altering or
destroying such data.
How to Ensure Your Email is HIPAA Compliant
HIPAA, PHI and Email
How to Bring Your Practice into Full
Compliance With HIPAA’s
Email-Security Rules
Given all of the HIPAA-related email provisions noted
above, you can see that merely encrypting your email
is not sufficient to bring your practice into compliance.
A Covered Entity must also deploy a solution that can
restrict access and authenticate users, protect electronic
messages both in storage and while in transit, and
produce ongoing records of all transmissions of protected
One solution that a Covered Entity can quickly and
cost-effectively deploy to address all of these issues,
and become fully compliant with HIPAA’s email-security
rules, is FuseMail®, a leading managed email solutions
provider from cloud services pioneer j2 Global®.
FuseMail’s two related services — CypherSMART®
and SecureSMART® — can deliver your practice a
comprehensive program for email encryption and security
that is fully HIPAA compliant.
Let’s review each of the major areas in which HIPAA
regulates email security of ePHI, and how FuseMail’s
solutions address them all.
Given all of the HIPAA-related email
provisions noted above, you can see
that merely encrypting your email is
not sufficient to bring your practice
into compliance.
How to Ensure Your Email is HIPAA Compliant
HIPAA, PHI and Email
Access Control: The business must implement
FuseMail’s SecureSMART allows Covered
Person or Entity Authentication: The
FuseMail’s SecureSMART gives administrators
unique IDs for accessing ePHI, for identifying and tracking
user actions.
business must implement procedures to verify a person
or entity seeking access to electronic protected health
information is the one claimed.
Integrity Control: The business must implement
policies to secure electronic protected health information
from improper alteration or destruction.
Transmission Security: The business must
implement technical security to guard against unauthorized
access to electronic protected health information
transmitted electronically.
Audit Controls: The business must implement
procedures that record and examine activity in information
systems that contain or use electronic protected health
How to Ensure Your Email is HIPAA Compliant
Entities’ administrators to implement and enforce granular
email policies, including defining settings that allow or deny
senders, domains and IPs for any email.
username and password controls, to restrict access
to ePHI stored in FuseMail’s data security systems to
authorized users, and to track and verify access at each
attempt. The system also employs strict physical security
of data protected at FuseMail’s facilities.
FuseMail’s CypherSMART email encryption
service provides end-to-end encryption using industrystandard S/MIME and 2048-bit public key/private key
FuseMail’s CypherSMART service provides
the highest levels of email encryption for any message
transmitted, which can be triggered manually or
automatically based on message content, to ensure all
ePHI records are indeed emailed securely.
FuseMail’s SecureSMART provides full
reporting on user access and transmission of ePHI stored
in FuseMail’s systems, producing a detailed audit trail
and which administrators can access anytime via their
FuseMail web dashboard.
HIPAA, PHI and Email
The Right Solution for Email Encryption and Security
Can Quickly Bring Your Practice into Full HIPAA
Email Compliance.
One of the simplest, most cost-effective ways to bring your
practice into compliance with HIPAA’s various provisions
regarding ePHI email is to implement an email security and
encryption solution.
The CypherSMART and SecureSMART solutions from
managed email solutions provider FuseMail operate entirely
in the cloud, require no hardware or software installations
at your site, and can be deployed in minutes with virtually
any standard email program.
By implementing these easy-to-use, low-cost additions to
your existing email system, you can quickly ensure your
practice is compliant with HIPAA’s complex email rules.
That’s why we at FuseMail call our CypherSMART and
SecureSMART solutions “Worry-Free Compliance”.
How to Ensure Your Email is HIPAA Compliant
HIPAA, PHI and Email
FuseMail provides a comprehensive suite of cloud based
hosted email security solutions for businesses, including
CypherSMART and SecureSMART to help Covered Entities
comply with HIPAA.
FuseMail is the managed email solutions division of j2
Global, Inc. (NASDAQ: JCOM), the world’s leading provider
of cloud based, business critical communications and
storage services.
j2’s Global network spans more than 49 countries on
six continents. Serving more than 12 million subscribers
worldwide, j2 has offices in nine cities around the world,
accepts payment in twelve currencies, and provides
customer support in more than seven languages.
To learn more about FuseMail and our “Worry-Free
Compliance” solutions for HIPAA, visit us at, or contact us at 877-563-4078.
To learn more about j2 Global, please visit
How to Ensure Your Email is HIPAA Compliant