T HE C ONCISE D ICTIONARY OF M ODERN M EDICINE JC S EGEN , MD The Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine Introduction Most seasoned writers, present company included, view introductions as necessary evils. In the past, I poured my heart out and spent months fine-tuning what publishers call, perhaps inelegantly, front material, only to learn that few readers give intros more than a cursory flick-through…that’s assuming it’s a “real” book…which dictionaries aren’t…really. So the lexicographer with a burning message is advised to shake the spray can really hard and graffiti the message short, loud and clear before the uptown A train leaves the Brooklyn yard for morning rush hour. A student in the health professions soon realises that the standard (read, big) medical dictionaries are pretty useless affairs. While the 100,000 or so entries corralled by either the Stedman’s or Dorland’s medical dictionaries may sound impressive, they rarely provide more than a line or two of information—which most reasonably bright people know already, or can tease out of the word or phrase itself, assuming they have a rudimentary knowledge of the Greek and/or Latin roots. But the opposite end of the spectrum is equally problematic. The “logo-naut” who drills down on a term can unintentionally pop out in China saddled with far too much, or even unrelated, information. What’s needed in the marketplace is a medical dictionary written by a doctor that provides Goldilocks with a porridge that’s just right. I published this collection with McGraw-Hill in 2006 to fill the gap between too little and too much information. It was gratifyingly well-received as a paper product by the targeted professional student and junior doctor audience. Its popularity expanded to reach a wider public from allied health professionals including nurses, physical therapists and medical transcriptionists to generic logophiles. Given that The Concise contains a cornucopia of useful terms that aren’t in the big medical dictionaries, I view it as a necessary supplement to either the Stedman’s or Dorland’s… which students may soon find make excellent doorstops or add just enough height to junior’s booster seat so he can fling mashed potatoes from eye level. While most of the nearly 23,000 entries are still timely and I have revised it a bit, the death knell has sounded on paper dictionaries—I’ll let someone else turn out the lights when that last ship sails out the harbour. This edition straddles the divide between the fading paper and the burgeoning electronic worlds of medical lexicography. In response to this sea change in delivering this genre of information, I am porting the material from a collection that now has 170,000 entries to a database so future editions won’t be bogged down by the costs, delays and even legal issues inherent in print media. The next edition of The Concise should be available by 2014; it will be substantially larger and ideally at or near the same price. Now the apologies: I’m new to ePub, a format that limits the writer to one typeface. All of the visual pyrotechnics and fancy fontwork (the up and down arrows, male and female symbols, even the Greek letters which are almost mission critical) to which I had grown accustomed in classic layouts (Quark XPress) were sacrificed for the greater good. To reduce the number of trees chopped down for the print version I used hundreds of abbreviations, a device that is no longer necessary; expanding out the short forms has not been completely straight forward; I ask the reader who stumbles on the occasionally bumpy syntax to be gentle, as I’m addressing this issue at the database level. A few abbreviations have survived the expansion. It is taken for granted that the average reader using this reference will know such “standard” abbreviations as CSF, WBCs, RBCs, Hb, Hct and so on. Call it my Eurotrash-in-training snobbery or blame it on the three semesters I spent studying in Berlin, but EKG stands as electrocardiogram and electrocardiography; let my fellow lexicographers writhe. Format: It seems appropriate to explain some details as to the layout of the entries (1) Chlorophyllum molybdites (2) Lepiota morgenii (3) TOXICOLOGY (4) A mushroom that causes non-fatal poisoning (5) CLINICAL Nausea, cramping, diarrhea for up to 3 days–the active components of C molybdites are GI irritants MANAGEMENT Supportive, as for severe gastritis (6) See Poisonous mushroom (1) Entry name, in bold, italicised if it’s an organism, legal case or otherwise necessary (2) Synonym(s), plain text, much smaller size (3) Subject area, all caps, large (4) Definition itself, plain text (5) Subheadings within the definition that provide information about clinical findings, imaging, prognosis, management, etc, all caps, small (6) Cross references, plain text, much smaller size I think that’s about it. JC Segen, MD, FCAP [email protected] A abdominal abscess abdominal adhesions abdominal angina abdominal aorta A abdominal aortic a aneurysm aabdominal bath AA abdominal cavity A antigen abdominal colic aa abdominal examination AAA abdominal guarding the three As abdominal hernia 4 As abdominal hysterectomy a wave abdominal-jugular reflux A4 abdominal lipectomy A68 abdominal muscles AAASPS abdominal obesity AABB abdominal-perineal resecAAD tion a-ADCO2 abdominal pregnancy AAFP abdominal tap AAN abdominal thrust maneuA&Ox3 ver AAO abdominoplasty AAOS abduct AAP abducted AAPCC abduction Aarskog syndrome ABECB Aase-Smith syndrome ABER AASK aberration Ab abetalipoproteinemia ab ABG abacavir ABI abandonment ability abasia ability to practice mediabbreviated injury scale abbreviated new drug ap- cine ablate plication ablation ABC ablation therapy ABC sequence ablutophobia ABC/DEF sequence ABN ABC study abnormal ABCD abnormal presentation ABCD trial ABO antibody abciximab ABO incompatibility ABO system abortifacient abortion abortion pill abortion ratio abortion trauma syndrome above-the-knee amputation ABP ABPA abracadabra therapy abrasion abreaction abruptio placentae abscess abscess scan absence absent periods absolute alcohol absolute contraindication absolute risk absorbable suture absorbed dose absorption absorptive dressing abstinence abulia abuseabuse-liable abusive behavior ABVD AC joint aca ACADEMIC academic detailing academic medical center academic progress academic question acalculia acalculous cholecystitis acanthamebiasis Acanthamoeba acanthocyte acanthocytosis acantholysis acanthosis nigricans acapnia Acapulco gold ACAS AC-BC gap accelerated fractionation accelerated leukemia accelerated phase acceleration-deceleration injury acceptable daily intake access access device accessible accession accessory placenta accessory spleen accident accident-prone accidental accidental bodily injury accidental hypothermia acclerated hypertension Accolate accommodation accomodation list accountability accountable health partnership accreditation ACCT Accu-Chek system accumulation accumulation period Accupril AccuProbe accuracy Accutane Accutane baby syndrome Accuzyme ACE Ace bandage ® ® ® ® ™ ACE inhibitor ACE2 acebutolol acellular vaccine acenocoumarol acentric chromosome aceruloplasminia ACES acetaldehyde acetaminophen acetazolamide acetic acid acetic acid solution acetone acetowhite lesion acetyl-CoA acetylcholine acetylcholine receptor antibody acetylcholinesterase acetylcoenzyme A acetylcysteine acetylsalicylic acid ACG ACGME achalasia Achard-Thiers syndrome acheilia acheiria achievement by proxy Achilles’ reflex Achilles tendinitis Achilles tendon achiral achlorhydria achondroplasia achoo syndrome achromotrichia acid acid-fast stain acid hemolysis test acid infusion test acid loading test acid phosphatase acid-reflux disorder acid-base balance acidified serum lysis test aciduria Acinetobacter spp acini acinic cell carcinoma ACIP Aciphex acitretin ACL ACL injury ACLS certified ACME acne acne rosacea acne vulgaris ACOG acoustic acoustic neuroma acoustic rhinometry acoustic tumor ACP acquired acquired aplastic anemia acquired deafness acquired immunity acquired immunodeficiency syndrome acquired leukoderma acquired platelet function defect acquisition ACR acral lentiginous melanoma ACRE acrocephalosyndactyly acrocyanosis acrodermatitis enteropathica acromegaly acromioclavicular joint injury acromioclavicular sprain ™ acronym acrophobia acrosin test acrosomal reaction acrosome acrylamide acrylic acrylonitrile ACT act of smoking factor ACT-UP ACTG 076 ACTH ACTH suppression test Acticoat Actigall acting internship acting out actinic cancer actinic keratosis Actinomyces actinomycin D actinomycosis action potential Actiq Activase activated charcoal activated macrophage activated partial thromboplastin time activated protein C resistance activated thrombin activation activation product Activa system active active arm active euthanasia active fixation lead active immunotherapy active life expectancy active metabolite active placebo ™ ® ™ ® ™ active staff activity activity of daily living activity threshold Actonel Actos actual charge actualization acute infection of bladder Acucare model acuity Acumed suture acumen acute acute abdomen acute adrenal crisis acute AIDS syndrome acute angle closure glaucoma acute bacterial meningitis acute bilateral obstructive uropathy acute blood loss acute bronchitis acute care acute chest syndrome acute cholangitis acute confusional state acute coronary syndrome acute disease acute disseminated encephalitis acute diverticulitis acute effects of overexposure acute episode acute fatty liver of pregnancy acute febrile illness acute glomerulonephritis acute gouty arthritis acute hepatitis acute HIV syndrome acute idiopathic polyneu™ ™ ™ ritis acute intermittent porphyria acute interstitial nephritis acute kidney failure acute leukemia acute low back pain acute lymphocytic leukemia acute massive pulmonary embolus acute mitral regurgitation acute mountain sickness acute myelocytic leukemia acute myocardial infarction acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis acute neurologic illness acute otitis media acute pain acute pancreatitis acute phase response acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis acute promyelocytic leukemia acute prostatitis acute pulmonary eosinophilia acute pulmonary coccidioidomycosis acute pulmonary histoplasmosis acute radiation injury syndrome acute renal failure acute self-limited colitis acute silicoproteinosis acute skin failure acute spinal injury acute stroke acute toxicity acute tubular necrosis acute urethral syndrome acute urinary tract infection acute vascular occlusion acyclovir acylated plasminogen streptokinase complex AD ad hoc ad hoc committee adADA AdalatCC ADAM ADAM complex Adam complex Adam Adapin adaptation adaptation energy adaptation response adaptic ADC ADD add-on test addict addiction addiction medicine addiction specialist Addison’s disease addressadductor ADE adefovir dipivoxil ADEK adenadenectomy adenoadenocarcinoma adenocarcinoma of renal cells adenocarcinoma of bronchus adenocarcinoma of uterus adenofibroma ® adenoid adenoid cystic carcinoma adenoid hypertrophy adenoidal hypertrophy adenoidectomy adenoiditis adenoids & tonsils adenoids adenomatous polyp adenomatous polyposis coli adenomyosis adenopathy Adenoscan adenosine adenosine deaminase deficiency adenosis adenotonsillectomy adenovirus Adentri Adepril ADEPT ADFR therapy ADG ADH ADHD adherence to treatment adhesiolysis adhesion adhesion filter adhesive capsulitis adiadochokinesia adipose adjunct adjunct staff adjunct test adjunctive therapy adjustment adjustment disorder adjuvant analgesic adjuvant adjuvant therapy ADL scale ® ™ ADME parameters administer administration administrative cost administrative intervention administrative responsibility administrator ADMIRAL admission admission hyponatremia admit admits admitting admitting privilege adnexae adnexitis Adofen adolescence adolescent adolescent crisis adolescent gynecomastia adolescent medicine adolescent pregnancy ADOPT ADOPT-A adopted person adoption adoptive parents ADPKD ADR adrenal antibodies adrenal crisis adrenal hyperplasia adrenal insufficiency adrenal medullary scan adrenal medullary transplantation adrenal tumor adrenalectomy adrenaline adrenergic adrenergic bronchodilator adrenergic receptor adrenocortical adrenocortical carcinoma adrenocortical hormone adrenogenital syndrome adrenoleukodystrophy adrenolytic beta2-adrenoceptor agonist adriamycin adult immunization adult obesity adult-onset diabetes mellitus adult-onset Still’s disease adult respiratory distress syndrome adult T-cell leukemia-lymphoma adult teeth adult temper tantrum adulteration adulthood advance directive advance medical directives advanced beneficiary notice Advanced Cardiac Life Support advanced life support advanced-practice nurse adverse action adverse drug reaction adverse effect adverse event adverse selection advertising Advil adviser advocate AECB AECD AED aerate aerial aerobic aerobic bacteria aerobic fitness aerodigestive tract aerogenic Aeromonas spp aerophagia aerosol aerospace medicine aerotolerant Æsculapian staff AFB AFB1 afebrile affair affect affective disorder afferent arteriole afferent aaa afferent loop syndrome affidavit affiliation affirmative action affirmative defense affluent diet afibrinogenemia AFO AFP African American after-baby blues afterbirth afterload agalactia agammaglobulinemia age age-based rationing age class age-related macular degeneration age-specific mortality rate age spot ageism agenesis agent AGENT ageusia agglutination aggravation aggression aggressive aging aging face syndrome aging phenomena agism agitation agliophobia aglossia agnogenic myeloid metaplasia agnosia agonal agonist agoraphobia agrammatism agranulocytosis agraphia Agrylin AH interval AI aichmophobia AID AIDS AIDS-defining disease AIDS dementia complex AIDS disclosure law AIDS embryopathy AIDS enteropathy AIDS fraud AIDS pattern AIDS precautions AIDS quackery AIDS-related complex AIDS test AIDS therapy AIDS vaccine AIL AILA ™ AIN AIP air ambulance air-conditioner lung air embolus air meniscus sign air sickness air travel disease airborne allergen airborne transmission AIRE airway resistance airways AIS AJCC AK AKA/aka akathisia akinesia ALA alalia alanine aminotransferase ALARA alarm clock headache albalbendazole albinism albino Albright syndrome albumin albuminuria ALC Alcaligenes faecalis alcaptonuria Alcelam alcohol alcohol consumption alcohol profile alcohol-related birth defects alcohol withdrawal alcoholic alcoholic cardiomyopathy alcoholic cirrhosis alcoholic encephalopathy alcoholic fatty liver alcoholic hepatitis alcoholic ketoacidosis alcoholic liver disease alcoholic neuropathy alcoholic paranoia alcoholic polyneuropathy alcoholic type I alcoholic type II alcoholism alcopop Alder-Reilly anomaly aldicarb aldolase Aldoril aldose reductase aldose reductase inhibitor aldosterone Aldrich syndrome alendronate Alepam alert ALERT alert & oriented x 3 ALERT system alert value Alesse aleukemic leukemia alexia alfentanil ALG alglucerase algophobia algor mortis algorithm algorithmic testing alien hand alienation alimentary aliphatic ALIVE alkaline phosphatase alkaline phosphatase ™ isoenzyme alkalosis alkaptonuria alkyl group alkylating agent ALL all-or-none phenomenon all-nighter all-payer system Allegra-D Allegron allele Allen’s test allergen allergen immunotherapy allergic allergic alveolitis allergic asthma allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis allergic conjunctivitis allergic contact dermatitis allergic polyp allergic reaction allergic rhinitis allergist allergy allergy desensitization allergy shots allergy skin test allergy testing ALLHAT allied health personnel alligator forceps allocated benefits allocation allogeneic allogeneic transplant allograft allograft immunity alloimmune allopurinol allotype allowable charge ™ alternative complement pathway alternative healing alternative hypothesis alternative lifestyle alternative medicine alternative site provider alternobaric trauma alpha altitude anoxia alpha activity altitude decompression alpha-1 antitrypsin defisickness ciency altitude sickness alpha carotene altretamine alpha effect aluminum alpha-fetoprotein Alupram alpha heavy chain disease alveolar alpha interferon alveolar abscess alpha-2-macroglobulin alveolar macrophage alpha rhythm alveolitis alphavirus Alzheimer’s disease alpha wave Alzheimer’s disease-assoAlphagan ciated protein Alport syndrome AMA Alpram ama alprazolam amalgam alprostadil Amanita phalloides Alprox amantadine ALRI Amaryl ALS amatoxin Alström syndrome amaurosis ALT amaurosis fugax Altace amaurotic familial idiocy alteplase ambidexterity altered immune response Ambien alterego ambiguous genitalia alternans test ambiguous sexuality Alternaria spp Ambisome alternate delivery system ambivalence alternate level of care pa- amblyopia tient AMBRI alternate site testing Ambu bag alternating hemiplegia ambulance alternative ambulatory alternative birthing center ambulatory blood presallowable error Allscripts Almazine Alopam alopecia alopecia areata ALOS Alpers disease ® ® ® sure monitoring ambulatory care ambulatory care center ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring ambulatory monitoring ambulatory patient group ambulatory surgery ambulatory surgery center AMD amebiasis amebic amebic dysentery amebic liver abscess ameboid amelanotic melanoma amelia ameloblastoma amendment amenorrhea America’s Best Hospitals American Academy of Osteopathy American Cancer Society American Law Institute Formulation American National Standards Institute American Society of Anesthesiology Classification American Osteopathic Association American trypanosomiasis Americans with Disabilities Act amethopterin AMI Amicen amikacin Amilit amiloride amimia amine precursor uptake & decarboxylation Amineurin amino acid drink aminoglutethimide aminoglycoside aminolevulinic acid aminopeptidase aminophylline aminopterin amiodarone amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis Amiprol AMISTAD Amitril amitriptyline AML amlodipine besylate ammonia amnesia Amplicor amplification amplification system amplitude amprenavir ampule ampulla amputation amrinone AMS Amsterdam criteria amusia amygdalin amylase Amyline amyloid amyloid plaque amyloidosis primary amyotrophic lateral sclerosis amyotrophy after before Amytal amniocentesis ANA amnioinfusion ANA-negative systemic amniotic band ‘syndrome’ lupus erythematosus amniotic epithelium anabolic amniotic fluid amniotic anabolic steroid fluid analysis anabolism amniotic fluid embolism anaclitic depression amniotic sac amniotomy anaerobe amobarbital anaerobic Amoeba anaerobic exercise amorphous Anafranil amotivational syndrome anagrelide amoxapine anal amoxicillin anal agenesis AMPA receptor anal atresia AMPA-kainate receptor anal canal ampakine anal cancer amphetamine anal character Amphotec anal fissure amphotericin B anal intercourse ampicillin anal intraepithelial neo® plasia anal period anal personality anal-retentive anal tag analgesia analgesic analgesic drug ‘ladder’ analgesic nephropathy analgesic tolerance analingus analog analogue analysis analysis bias analysis of variance analytic sensitivity analytic epidemiology analytical psychology anamnesis anaphylactic reaction anaphylactic shock anaphylactoid purpura anaphylactoid reaction anaplastic carcinoma Anapsique anaptic anastomosis anastomotic anastrozole anatomic snuffbox anatomical imaging anatomical position anatomy ANCA anchor suture anchovy paste appearance ancillary service ancillary support anconeus ANCOVA Ancylostoma duodenale ANDA Andersen disease Anderson clamp androgen androgen ablation androgen deficiency androgen-independent prostate cancer androgen-induced hermaphroditism androgen insensitivity syndrome androgen replacement therapy* androgen resistance–complete androgen resistance–partial androgeic alopecia androgenital syndrome androgyny andrologist andrology andropathy andropause androstenedione androsterone anecdotal anemia anemia of chronic disease anemia of investigation anemia panel anemia of prematurity anemic infarct anencephaly anergy anergy testing anesthesia anesthesiologist anesthesiology anesthetic anesthetist aneuploid aneurysm aneurysmal bone cyst aneurysmectomy angel dust angiitis angina anginal anginal equivalent Angio-Seal angiocentric lymphoproliferative lesion angiodysplasia angioedema angiofibroma angiofollicular lymphoid hyperplasia angiogenesis angiogenesis inhibitor angiogenic angiogenic factor angiogenic gene therapy angiogram angiography angioid streak angioma angioneurotic edema angiopathy angioplasty angioscopy angiotensin angiotensin I angiotensin-converting enzyme angiotensin II receptor antagonist angiotensinogen angle closure glaucoma angle hook angry back syndrome angular cheilitis angular gyrus anhedonia anhidrosis animal animal dander animal fat anion gap aniridia ™ anisakiasis anismus anistreplase ankle/brachial blood pressure index ankle jerk ankle reflex ankle sprain ankyloglossia ankylosing spondylitis ankylosis anlage ANLL Ann Arbor classification annamycin anogenital anomaly anomic anonymous sex anonymous testing anorchia anorectal abscess anorectal fistula anorectic anorexia nervosa anorexic anoscope anoscopy anosmia ANOVA anovulatory anovulatory bleeding anovulatory cycle anoxia ANP Anpress anserine bursa anserine bursitis ANSI Ansial Ansiolin Ansiopax Anspor Antabuse ® antacid antagonistic antagonistic effect antalgic gait anteantebrachium antecedent Anten Antenex anterior compartment syndrome anterior cord syndrome anterior cruciate ligament injury anterior drawer test anterior dynamized system anterior horn disease anterior presentation anterior uveitis anterograde amnesia anterolateral cordotomy anthracosis anthracycline anthrax anthrax vaccination anthropometry antiacid antiallergic antiandrogen antianginal antiangiogenesis antiarrhythmic antiarrhythmic therapy antiasthmatic antibacterial antibacterial ointment antibacterial soap antibiogram antibiotic antibiotic assay antibiotic associated diarrhea antibiotic-associated coli- tis antibiotic bonding antibiotic-associated enteritis antibiotic-induced diarrhea antibiotic ointment antibiotic resistance antibiotic-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae antibiotic sensitivity & identification antibody antibody therapy antibody titer anticancer diet anticancer drug anticardiolipin antibody anticholinergic anticholinesterase anticipatory anxiety anticipatory side effect anticoagulant anticoagulant therapy anticonvulsant antidepressant antidiabetic antidiuretic hormone anti-dumping law antiemetic antiepileptic antiestrogenic antifolate chemotherapy antifreeze antifungal antigen antigenicity antigliadin antibody anti-glomerular basement membrane antibody antihemophiliac factor A antihemophiliac factor B antihistamine antihormone antihypertensive anti-IgE antibody anti-inflammatory anti-insulin antibody anti-islet cell antibody antikickback law antileukotriene antilymphocyte globulin antimetabolite antimicrobial antimicrosomal antibodies anti-mitochondrial antibody antimitotic agent antimongoloid slant antimony antimyelin antibody antimyocardial antibody antineoplastic antineoplastic antibiotic antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody antinuclear antibody antinucleoside analogue antioxidant antioxidant therapy antioxidant vitamin anti-pancreatic islet cell antibody antiparietal cell antibody antiphospholipid antibody antiphospholipid antibody syndrome antiplatelet agent antiplatelet antibody antiplatelet therapy antipromoter antipruritic antipsychotic agent antipyretic anti-receptor antibody antiretroviral anti-Scl-70 antisepsis antiseptic antiserum antisocial personality disorder antispasmodic anti-sperm antibody antistenotic therapy Antistreplase antistreptolysin O assay antisubstitution law Antitampering Act antithrombin III antithrombin III deficiency antithrombotic anti-thyroglobulin antibody antithyroid antibody antithyroid drug antithyroid microsomal antibody antithyroid peroxidase antibody antitoxin antitrust law antituberculosis drug antitumor antibiotic antitussive antivenom antiviral antiviral agent Antivirogram Antizol ANUG anuria Anxicalm Anxiedin anxiety anxiety attack anxiety disorder anxiety reaction Anxiolan ® ™ ™ anxiolytic Anxionil Anxira anything new, fear of Anzemet Anzepam AOA AΩA aortic aneurysm aortic arch syndrome aortic coarctation aortic dissection aortic ectasia aortic occlusion aortic regurgitation aortic stenosis aortic ultrasound aortic valve aortic valve stenosis aortic window aortitis AP diameter AP film APACHE III apareunia apathetic hyperthyroidism apathy APC APC resistance apex apex beat apexcardiography APGAR score aphakia aphasia aphonia aphthae aphthous ulcer apical abscess apical cap sign apical tumor apicoectomy Apis mellifera ™ Aplacasse aplasia aplastic anemia aplastic crisis Apligraf apnea apnea monitor apneic apneustic center apo apo A-IV APOE epsilon 4 apoenzyme apolipoprotein apolipoprotein A-I apolipoprotein B-100 apolipoprotein B-48 apolipoprotein C-II deficiency apolipoprotein C-III apolipoprotein E apolipoprotein E deficiency Aponal aponeurosis aponeurosis plantaris apophysitis of tibial tubercle apoplexy apoptotic cell Apozepam APP apparent agency apparent volume of distribution appearance appendectomy appendicitis apperception appetite center apple apple shape appliance application ™ applied genomics applied research appointment appose approach-avoidance conflict appropriate care appropriate for gestational age appropriate period of observation appropriateness approved charge approved program approximate apraxia APRES Apresoline APRICOT APSAC APSGN APUD system APUDoma Aquacel Hydrofiber aquatic therapy aque A/R AR ara-C arabinose arabinosyladenine arabinosylcytosine arachidonate arachnic injury arachnidism arachnodactyly arachnoid arachnoiditis arachnophobia Aralen Arato v. Avedon Arava arbovirus ARC ® ™ ® ™ arc of motion Arcanobacterium haemolyticum arch wire architectural barrier archiving arcitumomab arctic anemia arcus senilis ardeparin ARDS area under the curve Aredia areflexia Arenavirus areolar gland abscess ARESLD argatroban argentaffinoma Argentine hemorrhagic fever arginase deficiency arginine arginine deficiency arginine test arginine vasopressin argument Argyll-Robertson pupil argyria ARI Aricept Arilvax Arimidex Aripax arithmophobia Arizona arm armamentarium ARMD Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Armonil Arnett v. Dal Cielo Arnold-Chiari malforma® ™ ® ® tion AROM aromatic Aropax arousable arousal arousal disorder ARP-1 ARPKD ARREST arrest arrhenoblastoma arrhythmia arrhythmia mapping arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia arsenic intoxication arsenic trioxide Arsitran ART arterial anastomosis arterial blood oximetry arterial blood gas analysis arterial catheterization arterial embolism arterial gas embolism arterial plethysmography arterialization arteriogram arteriography arteriolar narrowing arteriolar nephrosclerosis arteriole arteriolosclerosis arteriopathy arteriosclerosis arteriosclerotic heart disease arteriovenous fistula arteriovenous malformation arteriovenous shunt arteritis arthralgia ascariasis ascending ascending tick paralysis ASCENT may ascites arthritis panel ASCUS arthrocentesis ASCVD arthrodesis ASD arthrography aseptic arthropathy aseptic bursitis arthroplasty aseptic meningitis arthroscope aseptic necrosis arthroscopic knee surgery asexual arthroscopy ash leaf lesion arthrosis ASHD Arthrotec Asherman syndrome articular cartilage Ashman phenomenon articulate ASIA motor score articulation Asian or Pacific Islander articulation deficiency ASIST articulation disorder ASK articulatory technique asminyl artifact ASO artificial blood ASO titer artificial heart ASP artificial heart valve -asparaginase artificial insemination asparagine artificial intelligence aspartame artificial liver aspartate aminotransartificial skin ferase artificial tears aspartate ARTISTIC ASPECT artistic temperament Asperger disorder arylsulfatase A deficiency aspergillosis arylsulfatase B deficiency Aspergillus Arzepam Aspergillus fumigatus as needed aspermatogenesis AS-PCR asphyxia ASA asphyxiant Asacol aspirate ASAP aspiration asbestos aspiration biopsy asbestosis aspiration cytology ASC aspiration pneumonia arthritis arthritis-dermatitis syndrome arthritis diet ® ® ® aspirator aspirin Aspirin versus Warfarin in Atrial Fibrillation ASR assassin bug assault & battery assault assault/interpersonal violence assay ASSENT I assent assertive behavior assertiveness training assessment ASSET assignment of benefits assimilation assisted mechanical ventilation assisted reproduction assisted suicide assistive device assistive technology Assival association association neuron associative conditioning assumption-of-risk doctrine assurance AST astemizole astereognosis asterixis asthenia asthma asthma triad and astigmatism astrapophobia ASTRID astringent astronaut diet asymmetry asymptomatic asymptomatic bacteriuria asymptomatic hematuria asymptomatic HIV infection asymptomatic proteinuria asynchronous pacemaker asystole AT/NC AT LAST ‘at-risk’ pregnancy ATAC Atacand atavism ataxia ataxia-telangiectasia ataxic gait ATCC Ateben atelectasis atenolol Atensine ATF ATG Atgam athelia atherectomy atherogenic atherosclerosis atherosclerotic heart disease atherosclerotic plaque atherosclerotic renal disease atherosclerotic vascular disease athetosis athetotic gait athlete athlete drug testing athlete’s foot athlete’s heart athletic training ® ® Ativan Atkins’ diet ATLANTIC atlantoaxial subluxation atlantodental interval ATLAS atlas fracture AT LAST atmospheric inner ear barotrauma ATN atonia atopic dermatitis atopy atorvastatin atovaquone ATPase ATR atracurium besylate Atragen atransferrinemia atraumatic atrazine atresia atria atrial atrial arrhythmia atrial fibrillation atrial flutter atrial gallop atrial kick atrial lead atrial myxoma atrial premature depolarization atrial septal defect atrial synchronous atrial synchronous, ventricular inhibited atrial systolic failure atrial tachycardia Atridox atrioventricular atrioventricular block ™ ™ atrioventricular bundle atrioventricular canal defect atrioventricular conduction defect atrioventricular dissociation atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia atrophic gastritis atrophic vaginitis atrophy atropine Atrovent Atruline ATSDR attached patient attachment attachment disorder attack attack rate attending physician attention deficit disorder attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder attentional distraction attenuated attenuated virus attenuation attestation at the elbow standard attitude ATTRACT attributable proportion attributable risk atychiphobia atypical atypical adenomatous hyperplasia–prostate atypical carcinoid atypical depression atypical GERD atypical lipomatous tumor atypical lymphocyte ® atypical mycobacterial infection atypical mycobacterium atypical nevus atypical pneumonia atypical squamous cell of undetermined significance atypical transformation zone atypical vessels AU AUA AUC0–∞ audio-CASI audiogram audiologist audiology audiometric zero audiometry AUDIT audit trail audition rotation auditory agnosia auditory association auditory brainstem response test auditory evoked potentials test auditory memory auditory perception auditory prosthesis auditory vocal automatic augment anesthesia augmentation augmentation cystoplasty augmentation mammoplasty augmentative device Augmentin Aunt Millie approach aura aural aural polyp ® aural rehabilitation Aurorix auscultate Auspitz’ sign Austin Flint murmur Austrian syndrome autacoid authentication author author ‘inflation’ authority authority figure authorization authorized person authorized user authorship autistic disorder autoagglutination autoantibody autoantigen Autocyte PREP autodigestion autoerotic autoerotic death autogenous autogenous control autograft autoimmune autoimmune chronic active hepatitis autoimmune disease autoimmune hemolytic anemia autoimmune hepatitis autoimmune thrombocytopenia purpura autoimmune thyroiditis autoimmunity auto-Lancet autologous aaa autologous bone marrow transplantation autologous chondrocyte transplantation ® ™ autologous graft autologous transfusion autologous unit autolymphocyte therapy automated cytology device automated external defibrillator automatic antitachycardia pacemaker automatic epilepsy automatic external defibrillator automatic negative thought automatic suspension automaticity automatism automobile blindness autonomic autonomic dysreflexia autonomic failure autonomic hyperreflexia autonomic neuropathy autonomy autophobia Autoplex T autoprothrombin C autoprothrombin I autopsy autopsy permit autosexual autosomal dominant autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease autosomal recessive autosome autosuggestion autozygote AUTS A-V A-V block A-V valve A-V conduction defect ® A-V dissociation A-V fistula A-V interval A-V node A-V sequential senses A-V synchrony availability bias Avakine avalanche Avalide Avandia Avapro avascular necrosis of hip Aventyl average average cost average length of stay average payment rate aversion therapy AVERT AVF aviation medicine aviator’s astralagus AVID avidity aviophobia AVM avoidance avoidant personality disorder avulsion avulsion fracture awake awake, alert & oriented Aware AWD Axcis percutaneous myocardial revascularization system axial compression axial-load teardrop fracture Axid ™ ® ™ ® ® ™ ® axillary line axillary lymph node dissection axillary lymphadenopathy axillary nerve dysfunction axillary tail axis axis fracture Axis I Axis II Axis III Axis IV Axis V axis of motion Axokine azacitidine azathioprine Azedipamin azimilide azithromycin azole Azolid AZOOR azoospermia Azopt azotemia prerenal renal postrenal AZT Azurogen ™ ® B b B antigen B cell B-cell lymphoproliferative syndrome B-CHOP B chromosome B complex vitamin B-DOPA B mode B-MOPP B symptom B1 therapy B-type natriuretic peptide B-type virus B value B virus B19 babbling babbling stage Babesia microti babesiosis Babinski sign baby baby aspirin baby batter baby bottle baby bottle syndrome Baby Doe law Baby Doe regulations baby fat baby shortage baby selling baby teeth babysitter bacillary angiomatosis Bacillus anthracis back extensor strength back labor back pain backbone background information background radiation background retinopathy backup backup contraception backward failure backwash ileitis baclofen BACOD m-BACOD BACOP bacteremia bacteremic shock bacterial arthritis bacterial count bacterial meningitis bacterial overgrowth bacterial skin infection bactericidal bacteriological specimen bacteriostatic Bacteroides fragilis bacteruria Bactrim Bactroban bad baby bad baby law bad cholesterol bad debt bad eicosanoid bad habit bad trip Baecke questionnaire BAER bag bag of waters bagof worms appearance bag price bagassosis baggage bagging bags Bairnesdale ulcer Bak BAK procedure Baker’s cyst Baker scale Bakke v Regents of the University of California BAL Baladi inverter balance balance billing balance disorder balanced diet balanitis ® balantidiasis bald tongue ball ball & socket ball-and-socket joint ball valve obstruction ballistic stretching balloon angioplasty balloon dissector balloon tamponade balloon valvoplasty ballooning ballotable balsalazide BALT BAMI banana form banana signbancroftian filariasis bandBand-Aid hospital Band-Aid surgery band keratopathy bandage scissors banding BANF bank Bankart lesion banking BAO BAP BAPP bar-reading test Bárány's sign barbell tumor barber's itch barbiturate barbiturate coma bare BARI bariatic medicine barium enema barium peritonitis barium swallow BARN ™ BarOn test baroreflex failure barotitis externa barotrauma barrel chestbarren Barrett’s esophagus barrier barrier-free barrier method barrier precautions Barthel Index Bartholin cyst Bartholin's abscess Bartholin’s gland bartholinitis Bartonella henselae Bartonella quintana Bartter syndrome basal acid output basal cell carcinoma basal cell nevus syndrome basal energy expenditure basal metabolic rate basal skull fracture base gait BASE jumping baseline characteristic base of tongue base pairingbaseball finger baseball stitch baseline examination baseline test bashing basic basic benefits package basic DRG payment rate basic life support basic pacing rate basic sciences basilar artery migraine basilar migraine basiliximab basket case basket cell basophilbasophilia BAT bathing suit pattern bathroom privileges bathtub-related electrocution batimastat Batista procedure batophobia batrachophobia battered child battered wife syndrome battery battle fatigue Battle sign Baycol Bayesian analysis Bayesian logic Bayley Scales of Infant Development Baylisascaris procyonis bayonet hand bayonet incision BBVP-M BCAP BCC bCG BCMF BCNU BCOP BCVPP BD beach chair position beading beaking Beano BEAT beat beat knee beating heart surgery beats per minute Beck Depression Inventory ™ ™ Becker's muscular dystrophy Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome beclomethasone diproprionate bed bed-wetting bedbug bedside glucose monitoring bedside manner bedside spirometry bedside test bedsore bedtime bee sting bee sting kit beep beeper beer behavior behavior management behavior therapy behavioral disorder behavioral health professional behavioral intervention behavioral medicine behavioral symptom behavioral technique Behçet’s disease Behcet’s triad being buried alive, fear of BEIR studies Bell’s palsy la belle indifference belly button belly tap belonephobia below the knee amputation belt Benadryl ® benazepril Bence Jones protein the bends benecol Beneficat beneficiary benefits benefits package BeneFix benign benign breast disease benign exertional headache benign faint benign glandular inclusion benign headache benign lymphadenopathy benign lymphoepithelial lesion benign ‘metastasis’ benign neglectbenign paroxysmal positional vertigo benign persistent hematuria benign prostatic hypertrophy benign tumor Bennett fracture benoxaprofen Benpine bentiromide test Benton verbal fluency test benzedrine benzodiazepam benzodiazepine benztropine benzoylecgonine Beraprost bereavement Berger’s disease beri-beri Bernard-Soulier syn™ ® drome berry aneurysm berry picking operation BERT beryllium poisoning BES BESS BEST Best’s disease beta beta-amyloid beta blocker beta-gamma bridge beta rhythm beta testing Betadine betamimetic Betapace Betapam Betaseron betaxolol bethanechol chloride the Bethesda System BETTER Bextra bezoar Bezold-Jarisch triad BF BFP BHAT Biafine bias Biaxin bicarbonate bicarbonate loadingbiceps reflex bicipital tendinitis biclonal gammopathy biclonality bicornuate uterus bicuspid aortic valve bicycling big-ticket item bilateral cancer ™ ™ ® bilateral hemothorax bilateral hydronephrosis bilateral locked facets bilateral mastectomy bilateral obstructive uropathy bilateral oophorectomy bilateral symmetry bile duct stricture bile duct cancer bile nephrosis bile peritonitis biliary atresia biliary calculus biliary disease biliary dyskinesis biliary obstruction biliary stent bilirubin biochemical mechanism biocompatibility biocycle biodegradable biodynamics bioelectricity bioengineered tissue bioengineering bioequivalent allergy unit biofeedback biofeedback device Biofix absorbable rods & screws biogenic biogenic amine theory Bioglass biographer biography biohazardous waste not biohybrid organ bilirubin encephalopathy bioinformatics billable test biologic transmission billing biological Billroth I operation biological agent Billroth II operation biological false positive bilocular biological family bimalleolar fracture biological half-life bimanous biological parent bimanual biological parent bimanual pelvic examina- biological response modition fier Bimaran biological variability binaural fusion biology binge biomagnetism binge drinking biomarker binge eating disorder biomaterial binge-purge syndrome biomechanical dysfuncbioabsorbable pin tion bioaccumulation factor biomechanics bioanalytical laboratory biomedical engineering bioavailability biomedical test Biobypass biometrics bioceramic biomicroscopy biochemical hepatitis Bionx screw ™ ™ biophysical profile bioprosthesis bioprosthetic valve biopsy biopsy forceps biopsy needle biosafety level BioScrew biosynthesis biosynthetic human insulin Biot breathing bioterrorism biotin deficiency biparental inheritance bipedal biphasic basal body temperature biphasic insulin biphosphonate biplane cath lab biplane transesophageal echocardiography bipolar bipolar disorder bipolar electrogenerator bipolar trait bird beak sign bird handler’s disease bird leg birth birth canal birth control pill birth defect birth mother birth parent birth rate birth weight birthing room birthmark bisacodyl bisexual bisferiens pulse bite ® bivalency bizarre BK virus BKA black death black gallstone black hairy tongue black lung disease black mold black palm black patch delirium black tarry stool black widow spider blackhead blackout bladder cancer bladder compliance bladder-conserving therapy bladder infection bladder outlet obstruction bladder polyp bladder stone bladder training bladder ultrasonography blade plate bland diet bland food blast blast cell blast crisis blast injury blastomycosis bleedbleeder bleeding bleeding disorder blemish Blenoxane BLEO-MOPP bleomycin blepharitis blepharoplasty blepharospasm blind blind biopsy blind loop syndrome blind spot blinding blindness blister bloating Blocadren block blockage blocking blood blood alcohol concentration blood blister blood-borne pathogen blood-brain barrier blood cell blood clot blood clotting factor blood component therapy blood count blood filter blood ga blood gas analysis blood glucose blood glucose monitoring blood group blood in urine blood pressure blood product blood shortage blood storage lesions blood sugar blood test blood thinner blood transfusion blood urea nitrogen blood warmer blood work bloodless surgery center Bloodloc system bloodshot bloody show blowout fracture ® blowout metastasis blue baby blue balls blue belly blue bloater Blue Cross Blue Cross & Blue Shield Association blue domed cyst blue nevus Blue Shield blue spell blue toe syndrome blue top tube blue valve ‘syndrome’ the Blues the blues blunt dissection blunt injury blunt trauma BM BMI BMP BMR BMT BNP BO BOAP board board-certified board-eligible board of health board-like rigidity board of medical examiners board of trustees boards BOAT body burden body dysmorphic disorder body fluid body image body language body lice body mass index body mechanics body odor body odors, fear of body packing body piercing body rocking body sculpting body substance isolation Boerhaave syndrome boil Bolivian hemorrhagic fever bolus bolus thrombolytic bomb bonding bone bone cancer bone densitometry bone density bone glue bone graft bone marker bone marrow ablation bone marrow aspiration & biopsy bone marrow harvesting bone marrow suppression bone marrow transplantation bone metastases bone mineral density bone modeling bone paste bone remodeling bone scan bone sclerosis bone spur bone tumor bone/joint panel Bonefos BoneSource Bonnevie-Ullrich syn® drome bonus bony boob job booked procedure bookmark BOOP boosted reaction booster booster phenomenon booster shot boot BOP BOPP borborygmus borderline borderline hypertension borderline isolated systolic hypertension borderline personality disorder borderline tumor Bordetella pertussis bore Borg scale boron therapy Borrelia burgdorferi borrowed servant doctrine bosentan bossing Boston exanthem botanical toxicity botox botryoid sarcoma botryomycosis bottom edge of stomach botulinum toxin A botulism bougie bougienage bounceback boutique hospital bovine spongiform encephalopathy bowel bowel disimpaction bowel infection bowel obstruction bowel perforation bowel prep bowel sound Bowen’s disease bowenoid bowenoid dysplasia bowleg bowler hat sign bowler’s thumb boxer’s fracture boxers boxers’ encephalopathy boxing boy bp BPD BPH BPPV brace brachial plexopathy brachial plexus injury brachiobrachium brachybrachycephaly brachydactyly brachytherapy bracket bradybradyarrhythmia bradycardia bradycardia-tachycardia syndrome bradycardic bradykinetic bradylalia Braille brain abscess brain aneurysm brain attack brain concussion brain contusion brain death brain edema brain-graft surgery brain herniation brain imaging brain-injury brain metastases brain scintigraphy brain tumor brain waves Brainerd diarrhea brainstem auditory evoked response brainstem glioma brainstem implant brake drug branbranchial cleft cyst branchial cyst branching snowflake test branchio-oto-renal syndrome brandy Branham sign brassy cough BRAT(T) diet BRAVO brawny edema Braxton Hicks contraction BRCA-related gynecologic cancer BRCA1 BRCA2 bread & butter disease breaking breaking the bag of waters breakthrough bleeding abnormal breakthrough infection breakthrough pain breast abscess breast atrophy breast cancer breast cancer gene(s) breast-conserving surgery breast feeding breast implant breast infection breast lump breast marker breast mass breast milk breast milk jaundice breast pain breast prosthesis breast pump breast reconstruction breast self-examination breast surgeon breast tumor profile breast ultrasound breath sound breath test breathalyzer breathe Breathe Right breathing breathing market breathlessness breech delivery breech presentation Brennen mesh brick-red sputum bridge bridging Brief Pain Inventory brief reactive psychosis briefs bright light therapy BRITE British Thermal Unit brittle bones brittle diabetes BRM broad-spectrum Broca’s aphasia ™ Brodie’s abscess bromazepam bromhidrosis bronch bronchial brushings bronchial challenge bronchial hyperresponsiveness bronchial veins bronchial washing bronchiectasis bronchiole-associated lymphoid tissue bronchiolitis bronchioloalveolar carcinoma bronchitis bronchoalveolar lavage bronchoalveolitis bronchocentric granulomatosis bronchoconstriction bronchodilator bronchogenic cancer bronchophony bronchopneumonia bronchopulmonary bronchopulmonary dysplasia bronchopulmonary segment bronchoscope bronchoscopy bronchospasm bronchostaxis bronze baby syndrome bronze diabetes Broviac catheter brown fat brown spider brown tumor brownish urine browser broxuridine ® Bruce protocol brucellosis Brudzinski sign Brugada syndrome bruise bruit brunneroma brush brush border brushing bruxism BS BSE BSL BSO BSS BT BU bubble stability test bubo bubonic plague buccal tube buccopharyngeal bucindolol Buck’s traction bucket handle fracture bucking Bucky Budd-Chiari syndrome buddy taping budesonide buffalo hump buffer buffered buffy coat bug bugeyes bugs in the rug bulbous nose bulging disk bulimia aaa bulk-forming laxative bulking up bulky disease ® bull neck bulla bullet bullous aaa bullous disease bullous myringitis bullous pemphigoid bulls-eye lesion bumetanide bumper fracture BUN bundle branch block bundlingbunion bunionectomy Bunyaviridae bupivacaine buprenorphinebupropion burbulence Burkholderia cepacia Burkholderia pseudomallei Burkitt lymphoma burn aaa burn cancer burn center burned out mucosa burned-out germinal center burned-out phase burner burnout burr burr cell bursa aspiration bursectomy bursitis burst & taper burst pacing burst therapy Büschke-Loewenstein tumor buserelin business Buspar buspirone ® busulfan butabarbital butalbital Butazolidin Butisol butterfly fragment butterfly needle butterfly pattern butterfly rash button hole stenosis button sequestrum buttress plate buttressing effect butylated hydroxyanisole buy-In buzzword BVAP BVPP bypass bypass graft bypass obstruction bypass surgery byssinosis byte ® ® C C c C-peptide C-peptide suppression test C reactive protein C&R C-section C spine c waveC1 C1 fracture C1 posterior arch fractureC2 fracture CA CA-125 CAA C-A-B sequence CABADAS cabergoline CABG CABG Patch trial cabin fever CABRI Cache Valley virus cachexia cacophobia cactus buttons CAD cadaveric organ cadaveric transplant CADILLAC cadmium poisoning caduceus CAESAR AIDS study café coronary caffeine caffeine dependence syndrome caffeine withdrawal syndrome Caffey disease CAG CAH Cain complex ‘caine family caisson disease calamine lotion calcaneal apophysitis calcaneal spur calcaneal valgus calcaneal varus calcaneodynia calcific tendonitis calcification calcinosis cutis calcitonin calcium calcium alginate dressing calcium channel blocker calcium deficiency calcium metabolism calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease calcium supplementation calculus Caldwell-Luc operation caliber caliceal stone calicivirus California encephalitis call call schedule call to stool Call syndrome callosity callus caloric restriction caloric test calorie Calot's triangle Cambridge classification camel back curve CAMELOT Campath campus Campylobacter campylobacter enteritis Campylobacter fetus ssp fetus Campylobacter jejuni Canadian Cardiovascular Society functional classification canaliculate canalplasty Canavan disease cancellous bone cancellous screw cancer cancer cachexia cancer-to-cancer metastasis cancer center cancer cluster cancer detection cancer effect level ™ cancer fallacy cancer incidence Cancer Information Service cancer of kidney & ureter cancer of mouth cancer myth Cancer myths–fringe oncology arguments cancer phobia cancer risk cancer screening guideline cancer screening test cancer surgery cancer symptom cancer of unknown primary origin cancer virus cancer, fear of cancerization CancerLit CancerNet Candida albicans Candida hypersensitivity syndrome candidiasis candidiasis of oral cavity candidiasis of skin CANDLE candle flame appearance candle wax drippings candlestick appearance Canesten canker sore cannabinoid receptor cannabis intoxication Cannabis sativa cannon 'a' wave cannonball metastases cannula cannulated screw canthaxanthin canyoneering CAP cap capacitation capacity CAPARES CAPD CAPE capillaritis capillary hemangioma capillary leakage syndrome capillary specimen capitation Caplan lesion Capnocytophaga canimorsus sp nov capnography Capoten CAPPP capreomycin CAPRIE CAPS caps caps capsaicin capsular contracture capsule capsulectomy capsulitis capsulotomy CapSure continence shield Captain Kangaroo captain of the ship doctrine CAPTIN captopril capture caput medusae caput succedaneum car sickness carapace pattern carbachol carbamazepine ™ ™ carbofuran carbohydrate carbohydrate drink carbohydrate loading carbon dioxide carbon dioxide content CO2 laser ablation carbon monoxide carbon monoxide poisoning carbon tetrachloride carboplatin carboxyhemoglobin carbuncle carcinoembryonic antigen carcinogen carcinogenesis carcinoid syndrome carcinoma carcinoma of breast carcinoma of cervix carcinoma of endometrium carcinoma in situ carcinomatosis CARDIA cardiac cardiac arrest Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial cardiac arrhythmia cardiac blood pool imaging cardiac catheterization cardiac ‘cirrhosis’ cardiac concussion cardiac ‘cripple’ cardiac cycle cardiac enzymes cardiac event cardiac failure cardiac glycoside cardiac hypertrophy cardiac index cardiac injury panel cardiac insufficiency cardiac marker cardiac output cardiac pacemaker cardiac profile guideline cardiac reserve cardiac risk evaluation panel cardiac tamponade cardiogenic cardiogenic shock –cardiogram cardiologist cardiology cardiomegaly cardiomyopathy cardiopathy cardioprotection cardiopulmonary bypass cardiopulmonary murmur cardiopulmonary resuscitation cardiopulmonary sleep study cardioselective cardiotonic cardiotoxicity cardiovascular disease cardiovascular exercise cardiovascular fitness cardiovascular surgery cardioversion cardiovocal syndrome carditis Cardizem Cardura care CARE care coordination care proxy care team CARE-HD career adviser ® ® caregiver caries CARISA carisoprodol CARMEN carmustine carnal Carney’s complex carnitine deficiency carnivore carnosinase deficiency Caroli’s disease carotenemia carotenoid carotid artery occlusion carotid bruit carotid endarterectomy carotid sinus syncope carotid sinus syndrome carotid stenosis carotid ultrasound carpal tunnel release carpal tunnel syndrome Carpentier-Edwards valve carpopedal spasm CARPORT carrier carrier test cart carteolol Cartia Carticel cartilage-hair hypoplasia syndrome cartoon caruncle carve-out carve-out coverage carving out cascade CASCADE cascade testing case case definition ® ® ® case-fatality ratio case-to-infection ratio case management case mix CASE case rate case study CASH cash out CASS Cassadan cast CAST CAST 2 castigophobia CASTLE Castleman’s disease castor oil castration castration anxiety casual casualty CAT cats, fear of cat’s elbow CAT fund CAT scan cat scratch disease catabolic disease catabolic pathway catalepsy cataplexy cataract cataract surgery catarrh catastrophe policy catastrophic illness catastrophic limit catatonia catchment area catecholamine category X drug catgut catharsis CCR-5 CCR-5 CCU CD CD-ROM tract infection CD-RW catheterization CD1 cathode ray tube CD3 cation CD4 CATS CD4 count cattle CD4/CD8 coexpression caucasian CD4/CD8 ratio cauda equina syndrome CD4 cell caudal block CD4 count cauliflower ear CD4 T cells causal factor CD8 causalgia CD8 cells causation CDE cause CDS cause of death CEA cause of cancer CEA scan cause-specific mortality CEDARS rate Cedax cauterization cefepime cauterize ceftibuten cavalry fracture ceftriaxone CAVEAT ceiling CAVEAT II Celebrex CaverMap cavernous hemangioma celery stick sign cavernous sinus syndrome Celexa CAVH Celexa cavity celiac disease cavovalgus celiac plexus block cavovarus celibacy CBC cell block CC cell phone cc cell Samaritan CCB cell surface marker CCD cellophane tape procedure C/C/E cellulite CCNU cellulitis CCPD Celsius scale CCR-1 cement CCR-3 Cenestin cathartic cathartic colon catheter catheter ablation therapy catheter-associated urinary ® ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ census center center of excellence Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Centers for Disease Control & Prevention central auditory processing disorder central cord syndrome central core myopathy central dogma central hypothyroidism central line central nervous system leukemia central nervous system prophylaxis central obesity central pontine myelinolysis central sleep apnea central spinal cord syndrome central venouscatheter catheter Centrazepam centrifugation centronuclear myopathy cephalad march cephalexin cephalic presentation cephalic version cephalohematoma cephalopelvic disproportion cephalosporin cephalothin -cephaly cephazolin cephradine Ceprate cerclage cerclage wire ® cerebellar ataxia cerebellar herniation cerebellopontine angle tumor cerebr–, cerebri– cerebral amyloid angiopathy cerebral aneurysm cerebral angiography cerebral atrophy cerebral cortex cerebral cysticercosis cerebral edema cerebral granulomatous angiitis cerebral hematoma cerebral hemorrhage cerebral herniation cerebral hypoxia cerebral laceration cerebral lymphoma cerebral palsy cerebral performance category scale cerebral vasculitis cerebritis cerebrospinal fluid cerebrospinal fluid analysis cerebrospinal fluid leak cerebrovascular cerebrovascular accident cerebrovascular congestion cerebrovascular disease Cerebyx Ceredase Cerepax Ceresine Ceretec cerivastatin ceroid certifiable certificate ® ™ ® certified bed certified nurse midwife certifying death ceruloplasmin cerumen ceruminous gland cervical cervical adenopathy cervical biopsy-cytology correlation cervical biopsy cervical canal cervical cancer cervical carcinoma in situ cervical conization cervical cord neurapraxia cervical cord neurapraxia cervical disk syndrome cervical dysplasia cervical dystonia cervical erosion cervical eversion cervical incompetence cervical intraepithelial neoplasia cervical laminectomy cervical lymphadenopathy cervical mucus cervical os cervical osteoarthritis cervical polyp cervical radiculopathy cervical rib cervical ripening cervical smear cervical spine cervical spine fusion cervical spine injury cervical spine trauma cervical stenosis cervical traction cervicitis cervicovaginal junction cervix cervix mark CES cesarean section cessation cestode cetirizine CF CFR CFS CGD Chaddock sign Chadwick sign Chagas’ disease chain of custody chair chairman chairperson chalasia chalazion challenge challenged champagne bottle legs CHAMPUS chance chancre chancroid chandelier sign change change of life channeling CHAOS Chapel Hill Consensus Conference chaplain chapping character characteristics characterization Charcot’s joint Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease charge CHARGE complex charge explosion charge nurse charity care Charley Charley Horse CHARM Charnley arthrodesis chart chart war chasing the dragon chastity chat room CHD check check-list method check sample checkup Chediak-Higashi syndrome CHEESE cheilitis chelation therapy chelator Chem-6 Chem-7 Chem-12 chematology lab chemical burn chemical cardioversion chemical castration chemical colitis chemical denervation chemical dependency chemical diabetes mellitus chemical eye injury chemical imbalance chemical injury chemical matricectomy chemical peel chemical pneumonia chemical spill chemical substance Any chemically-modified hemoglobin chemiclave chemonucleolysis chemoprevention chemoprophylaxis chemoradiation chemoreceptor trigger zone chemoresistance chemoresponsive chemosensitivity chemosensory dysfunction chemosis chemosurgery chemotactic factor chemotherapeutic chemotherapeutic agent chemotherapy chemotherapy-induced emesis chemotherapy-induced leukemia chemotherapy-resistant disease Chérambault-Kandinsky syndrome cherry angioma cherry red color cherry spot cherubism CHESS chest chest examination chest film chest pain chest tube chest wall pain chest X-ray Cheung BPH system chew chewing gum diarrhea chewing tobacco Cheyletiella blakei Cheyletiella yasguri Cheyne-Stokes breathing CHF chi squared test chicken soup chickenpox chickenpox vaccine chief chief complaint chief of service chief of staff chief syndrome chigger chiggers child child abuse child abuser child labor child maltreatment Categories child protective services child psychiatrist child psychologist CHILD syndrome child welfare agency Child-Pugh score childbirth childbirth, fear of childhood childhood immunization childhood obesity childhood volvulus chill chin-lift maneuver China flu Chinese restaurant syndrome chip fracture chipmunk face chipper chiropody chiropractic chiropractic therapy chiropractor chisel fracture Chlamydia pneumoniae Chlamydia psittaci Chlamydia trachomatis chlamydial urethritis chloasma chloracne chlorambucil chloramphenicol chlordane chlordiazepoxide chlorination chlorine Chlorophyllum molybdites chlorpheniramine chlorpromazine chlorpropamide chlorpryrifos choanal atresia chocolate chocolate cyst choke choked disk the ‘chokes’ cholangiectasis cholangiocarcinoma cholangiography cholangioma cholangiopathy cholangitis cholecystectomy cholecystitis choledocholithiasis choledochotomy cholelithiasis cholera cholera toxin Cholestagel cholestasis cholesteatoma cholesterol cholesterol embolization syndrome ® cholesterol-lowering drug cholesterol-raising fatty acid cholesterosis cholesteryl ester storage disease cholestipol cholestyramine choline acetyltransferase cholinergic cholinesterase cholinesterase inhibitor chondralgia chondritis chondrocalcinosis chondrocranium chondrodysplasia chondrodysplasia punctata chondrodystrophy chondroid chondromalacia chondromalacia patellae chondropathy CHOP chordee chorea choreoathetosis chorioallantoic membrane chorioamnionitis choriocarcinoma chorionic gonadotropin chorionic villus biopsy choristoma choroid plexus tumor choroideremia choroidoretinitis Chow technique chrematistophilia Christian-Weber disease Christmas disease chromatic aberration chromatin chromatin body chromium deficiency chromium intoxication chromoblastomycosis chromogen chromosome chromosome analysis chromosome breakage syndrome chromosome complement chromosome disorder chronesthesy chronic chronic active EpsteinBarr virus infection chronic active hepatitis chronic atrophic pyelonephritis chronic bilateral obstructive uropathy chronic bronchitis chronic cholecystitis chronic disease chronic eosinophilic pneumonia chronic exertional compartment syndrome chronic fatigue syndrome chronic glaucoma chronic glomerulonephritis chronic granulomatous disease chronic hepatitis chronic idiopathic diarrhea chronic inflammatory polyneuropathy chronic leukemia chronic Lyme disease chronic lymphocytic leukemia chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis chronic mesenteric is- chemia chronic motor tic disorder chronic myelocytic leukemia chronic nephritis chronic nonspecific diarrhea chronic obstructive lung disease chronic osteomyelitis chronic otitis externa chronic otitis media chronic pain disorder chronic pancreatitis chronic phase chronic myelogenous leukemia chronic prostatitis chronic pulmonary coccidioidomycosis chronic pulmonary histoplasmosis chronic recurrent root neurapraxia chronic renal failure chronic sinusitis chronic stable angina chronic stress chronic symptomatic HIV infection chronic toxicity chronic urethritis chronic urinary tract infection chronic vascular syndrome chronic venous insufficiency chronicity chronobiology chronopharmacology chronotherapy chronotropic response Chryseobacterium meningosepticum Chry- temin CHS chubby puffer syndrome Churg-Strauss syndrome Chvostek sign chylomicronemia syndrome chyme chymotrypsin CI CIC cicatrix CID cidofovir CIDS cigarette ciguatera poisoning ciliary processes cilostazol cimetidine CIN Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale Cinderella delusion cineangiography cingulin CIO ciprofloxacin circadian pacemaker circadian rhythm circle of Willis circling the drain circulating nurse circulation circulatory system circumcision circumscribed circumstantial homosexuality circumstantial speech circus movement cirrhosis cirrhous CIS cis fatty acid cisapride cisatracurium cisplatin cisplatin neuropathy CISS citalopram citation citric acid urine test Citrobacter diversus Citrobacter freundii citrullinemia civil commitment CJD CK CK-MB Cl clade Cladosporium carrionii claim claims-made policy clamp clang association clap Clarion cochlear implant clarithromycin Claritin Clark clamp CLAS CLASP clasp knife phenomenon class CLASS class action lawsuit class I device class II device class III device class recall class switching classic classic complement pathway classic migraine classical ® ® classification claudication clause claustrophobia clavicle strap clavicular claw foot claw hand clean clean-catch urine clean wound clear clear-glass appearance clear up clearance cleft lip cleft palate cleidocleidocranial dysostosis clenched fist sign clenched fist syndrome clenoliximab CLIA click-murmur syndrome client climacteric Climara climatologic disaster climax climbing up on oneself clinafloxacin clindamycin clinic clinical clinical alert clinical cooperative group clinical decision analysis clinical depression clinical diagnosis clinical director clinical etiquette clinical evaluation clinical faculty clinical indicator ® clinical laboratory test clinical nurse specialist clinical pathology clinical pathway clinical practice guidelines clinical presentation clinical preventive service clinical proteinuria clinical psychology clinical responsibility clinical rotation clinical significance clinical study clinical suspicion clinical trial clinician clinicopathological conference Clinoril clipping Clitocybe clitoridectomy clitoroplasty CLL CLO test cloacogenic carcinoma cloasma clodronate clofazimine clomiphene citrate clomipramine clonality clonazepam clone clonic clonidine suppression test clonus clopidogrel clorazepate close call close contact infection close contact closed angle glaucoma ® ® closed bite closed comedo closed fist injury closed fracture closed loop system closed order book clostridial myonecrosis Clostridium botulinum Clostridium difficile Clostridium difficile colitis Clostridium perfringens clot clot buster clot-dissolving drug clotrimazole clotter clotting factor cloud baby cloxacillin clozapine club drug Club Med dermatitis clubbing of fingers clubfoot clumsy child syndrome cluster headache cluster suicides cluttering Clutton’s joint Cmax CME CMF regimen CMI Cmin CML CMO CMR CMS CMV CN CNS CNS abscess CNS leukemia CNS metastases CNS tumor co-sleeping coactivated T cells coagulation coagulation disorder coagulation factor coagulation factor I coagulation factor II coagulation factor III coagulation factor IV coagulation factor V coagulation factor VI coagulation factor VII coagulation factor VIII coagulation factor IX coagulation factor X coagulation factor XI coagulation factor XII coagulation factor XIII coagulation factor assay coagulation panel coagulopathy coal dust coal miner’s elbow coal tar coal workers’ pneumonoconiosis coaptive thermocoagulation coarctation coarse rales coated tongue Coats’ disease cobalamin deficiency cobalt knife COBALT cobblestone appearance cocaine cocaine blues cocaine cardiotoxicity cocaine nose cocaine rhabdomyolysis syndrome cocaine withdrawal syn- drome co-carcinogen coccidioidomycosis coccoon cochlear implant Cochran Collaboration Cockayne syndrome cockroach cocktail party syndrome cocktail therapy co-counseling COD cod-liver oil code code black code blue code orange code pink code purple code red code status coherent speckle cohort coiled spring appearance coin lesion coinfection co-insurance coital fantasy coital pain coitus coitus interruptus Coke bottles colchicine cold cold abscess cold agglutinin disease cold compress cold cone biopsy cold hypersensitivity cold injury cold laser cold nodule not cold remedy code yellow cold scan codec cold sore codeine cold turkey method co-dependency cold urticaria-angioedema coding colectomy Codman’s triangle colic coefficient coliform bacteria coefficient of retraction colitis coefficient of variation collaboration coercion collagen disease & arthricoffee tis panel coffee grounds appearcollagen vascular diseases ance collagenous colitis Cogan syndrome collapse Cognex collar button abscess cognitive behavioral ther- collar button lesion apy collateral cognitive function collateral circulation cognitive sciences collateral damage cognitive skill collecting station cognitive therapy collection agency cogwheel phenomenon collective attitude ® Colles fracture collimation collision colloid goiter colloid solution colloquialism co-localization colon cancer colon cut-off sign colon polyp colon resection colonic irrigation colonoscope colonoscopic polypectomy colonoscopy color blindness color flow Doppler Colorado tick fever colorectal cancer colorectal surgeon colostomy colostrum colposcopy colposuspension needle coma coma panel comatose combat fatigue combination therapy CombiPatch Combivent co-medication comedo comfort care coming out ‘coming soon’ advertising command hallucination commando operation comminuted fracture commission commissurotomy commitment committee commodity test ™ ® common cold common migraine common pathway common peroneal nerve dysfunction common source outbreak common variable immunodeficiency communicable disease communicating hydrocephalus community acquiredpneumonia community medicine community mental health center community rating community support system comorbidity companion comparison film compartment syndrome compassionate use compatible Compazine compensation compensation package compensatory mechanisms competence complaint complement complement C1q deficiency complement C3 complement cascade complement deficiency complementation complete abortion complete blood count complete fracture complete hysterectomy complete linkage ® complete remission completed stroke complex complex closure complex disease complex partial seizure complex regional pain syndrome complex test complexion compliance complicated disease complicated plaque complication component therapy composite cultured skin composite lymphoma composite/foam composition Composix mesh compound compound fracture comprehensive metabolic panel compress compression compression dressing compression fracture compression plate compressive ear dressing compulsion compulsive personality disorder computed tomography computer-assisted diagnosis computer-assisted screening computer-assisted therapeutics management computer-based patient record computer vision syndrome ™ computers, fear of COMT inhibitor Comtan conconcentrate concentration concentration-effect curve concentric contraction conception conceptus concierge fee concomitant concordance concrement concrete thinking concupiscence concussion condition conditioning condom condom therapy conduct disorder conduction conduction system conductive hearing loss condyloma acuminatum cone cone biopsy confabulation conference effect confidence interval confidence limits confidentiality confined spaces, fear of confinement confirmation conflict confrontation confusion congenital congenital adrenal hyperplasia congenital agranulocytosis ® congenital cataract congenital dyserythropoietic anemia congenital epulis congenital gout congenital heart disease congenital herpes congenital hip dislocation congenital hypernatremia congenital hypothyroidism congenital leukemia congenital malformation congenital megacolon congenital platelet function defect congenital rubella syndrome congenital syphilis congenital toxoplasmosis congested congestive congestive cardiomyopathy congestive heart failure conicotine conization conjugate movement conjugated bilirubin conjugation conjunctivitis connection connective tissue disease consanguineous conscious conscious sedation consensual light reflex consent conservative therapy consistent with consolidation consolidation chemotherapy constipation constitution constitutional evaluation constrictive pericarditis construction apraxia consult consultation consumable cost consumption coagulopathy -double entry- contact dermatitis contact lens contact rate contact sensitivity contact sport contagious containment contaminant contaminated sharp contamination contamination with germs, fear of continence continent reservoir contingency fee continuing medical education continuity of care continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis continuous filtration continuous positive airway pressure continuous quality improvement continuous venovenous hemofiltration continuous-loop event recorder contraception contraceptive contract contraction contraction alkalosis contractions contracture contragestion contraindication contralateral contrast bath contrast echocardiography contrast medium contrast imaging contrast study contrecoup injury contributory negligence control controllable life-style specialty controlled drug substance controlled drug substance Schedule VI agent controlled trial contusion conundrum conus medullaris convalescent serum convergence convergent therapy conversion conversion disorder conversion reaction conversion sickness converting enzyme convolution convulsion cooing murmur cooing stage cookie cutter border cool down Coombs’ test cooperative cooperative learning coordination COP cop-killer bullet Copaxone co-payment COPD ® Copelandia coping mechanism copper copper sulfate test coprolalia coproporphyria cor biloculare cor pulmonale coral reef appearance cord cord blood stem cells cord strangulation cordocentesis cordotomy core decompression core window Corgard coring reamer corkscrew esophagus corkscrew vessels corn corneal abrasion corneal graft corneal neurotrophic ulcer corneal reflex corneal transplant Cornell protocol coronary coronary angiography coronary artery bypass graft coronary artery disease coronary artery vasospasm coronary event coronary perfusion pressure coronary revascularization procedure coronary steal coronary stent coronary thrombosis coronary vasodilator reserve Coronaviridae ® coronavirus coroner corporal punishment corporate liability corps corpses, fear of corpus callosum agenesischorioretinopathy-infantile spasms syndrome corpus luteum corpus uteri corpuscular radiation correction correctional medicine correlation corridor procedure Corrigan’s pulse corroborating physician corrosive injury corset cortical contusion cortical dysarthria cortical oscillations cortical screw corticosteroid corticotropin corticotropin-releasing hormone cortisol cortisone Corvac tube Corynebacterium Corynebacterium diphtheriae Corynebacterium equi Corynebacterium minutissimum coryza Cosgrove clamp cosmesis cosmetic surgery cost cost-benefit analysis cost-effective ™ ™ cost-effectiveness analysis CoStasis hemostat co-stimulation costochondritis cotinine cotrimoxazole Cotswolds Staging System cotton ball patch cotton wool patch Cotton’s fracture couch potato cough cough suppressant Coumadin counseling count counterdetailing counterfeit drug counterirritant countersuggestion coup injury courtesy courtesy interview courtesy staff cover coverage covered covered person covered service covering physician COX-1 COX-2 COX-2 inhibitor coxa valga coxa vara Coxiella burnetii Coxsackie CP CPAP CPB CPC CPK-MB CPM/cpm ™ ® CPR CPT CPU CR crabs crack crack baby cracked pot sign cracker sign cradle cap cramp cranial arteritis cranial base surgery cranial electrotherapy stimulation cranial nerve rhizopathy cranial nerve I cranial nerve II cranial nerve III cranial nerve IV cranial nerve V cranial nerve VI cranial nerve VII cranial nerve VIII cranial nerve IX cranial nerve X cranial nerve XI cranial nerve XII cranial vault craniectomy craniofacial dysostosis craniopathy craniopharyngioma craniosynostosis craniotomy crash crash cart craving cream cheese appearance creatine kinase creatine kinase isoenzyme creatinine creatinine clearance credential credentials crepitation crescent CREST complex cretin Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease CRF CRH cri-du-chat syndrome crib death cricothyroidotomy criminal abortion ‘criminal’ nerve of Grassi Crinone crisis crisis intervention crispy critter ‘crit criteria critical access hospital critical care critical illness neuromyopathy critical value Crixivan CRNA Crohn’s disease cromolyn sodium cross-allergy crossbite cross contamination cross-cover cross eyes cross-facial nerve graft cross infection cross-locking screw cross-over design cross-reaction cross-training La Crosse encephalitis crossed syndrome crossing over crossmatch crossmatch/transfusion ® ® ratio crossover crossover unit croup Crouzon’s disease crowding crowing CRP CRPS cruciate ligament crude birth rate crude mortality rate cruise cruise-associated diarrheal disorder crunch crush syndrome crusted scabies crutch palsy cry for help cryocautery cryoglobulin cryoglobulinemia cryoprecipitate cryopreservation cryosurgery cryotherapy cryptococcal meningitis cryptococcosis cryptogenic cryptorchidism cryptosporidiosis cryptosporidium enterocolitis crystal crystallization period crystalloid solution C&S CsA CSF CT CT myelography CT/PET C/T ratio CT scan CT venography CTAB CTD CTLM CTZ cubital cubital fossa cue cul-de-sac culdocentesis cultural competence culture-negative endocarditis culture & sensitivity culture shock Culturette cumulative trauma disorder cunnilingus cupping curare curative curbside consultation curbstone sign cure curettage curing curing light currant jelly sputum current Current Procedural Terminology curriculum curriculum vitae Cushing syndrome Cushing’s ulcer cushingoid appearance cusp custody cut-off cut-off sign cut & paste cutaneous horn cutaneous T cell lymphoma cutdown cutter cutting edge cutting teeth and CV c-v wave CVA CVC CVD CVID CVP CVS cw CWP CXR C-xylose test CYA cyanide cyanocobalamin cyanosis cyanotic heart disease cyberdoc cybersickness cybersurgery cycle of violence cyclic edema cyclic neutropenia cycling cyclodestructive procedure cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor cyclophosphamide cyclopia cycloplegia cycloserine Cyclospora cayetanensis cyclosporine cyclosporiasis cyclothymic disorder cyclotron 14 cynophobia cyprianophobia cyst cystectomy cystic acne cystic fibrosis cysticercosis cystinosis cystinuria cystitis cystocele cystometrogram cystoscopy cystourethrocele cystourethropexy cytapheresis cytarabine cytochrome P-450 CytoGam cytokine cytology cytomegalic inclusion disease cytomegalovirus pneumonia cytomegalovirus retinitis cytometry cytopenia cytophilic cytostatic cytotoxic drug cytotoxic T lymphocyte Cytovene ® D ® D d D&C -dimer test D&E D need D-Val D&X D4 receptor d4T da Vinci dacarbazine daclizumab dacryoadenitis dacryostenosis dactinomycin dactylitis DAD Dafilon dahlite daily census daily value dalfopristin Dalkon shield DALM Dalmane daltaparin damage control Damocles’ syndrome danaparoid danazol dander danger space danger space infection dangle darbopoietin alpha darifenacin dart-out Darvocet Darvon dash’n dine dashboard fracture DAT data Data Bank data synthesis data to decision database date rape drug Datril daunorubicin dawn phenomenon ® ® ® ® ® day day care center day care diarrhea days per thousand Dazamide D/C DCA DCIS DDAVP ddC DDDR ddI -dimer DDT de-identification DEA dead aaa dead fetus syndrome dead space dead wood dean death death certificate death, fear of death rate death rattle DeBakey VAD debrancher deficiency debridement debt debulking operation Decadron decay decedent deceleration deceleration injury decerebrate posture decidua decidual cast decision analysis decision level decision to drug decision tree decitabine ® ® ™ declaration decompensation decompression decompression sickness deconditioned decongestant decontamination decorticate posture decubitus ulcer deep hypothermia deep shave biopsy deep sleep deep vein thrombosis deer mice defect defense defense mechanism defense wound defensive medicine deferment deferoxamine deferred diagnosis defibrillation defibrillator deficiency deficiency disease deficit definition definitive diagnosis definitive radiation definitive test defloration deformation deformity degeneration degenerative joint disease degloving injury degree dehiscence dehydration fever dehydration dehydroandrosterone déjà Delaney Clause delavirdine mesylate delay in diagnosis delayed reconstruction delayed sleep phase delayed stroke delayed union delegation deletion syndrome delinquency delirium delirium tremens delivery dellen delta wave delusion of grandeur delusional disorder Demadex demand model demand pacemaker dementia Demerol demineralized bone matrix putty demographics demulcent demyelination dendritic keratitis denervated denial Denis classification denominator dense deposit disease density density dependent dental amalgam dental dam dental impaction dental implant dentatorubral & pallidoluysian atrophy dentistry dentition dentures Denver developmental screening test ® Denver shunt deoxycorticosterone 11-deoxycortisol deoxygenated blood deoxypyridinoline deoxyribonucleic acid Depakene department head dependence dependency needs dependent dependent personality disorder dependent variable depersonalization depletion depolarization depolarizing agent DepoMorphine Depo-Provera deposition depraved heart murder Deprax deprenyl depressant depression depressive disorder Deprol Deproxin depth, fear of Deptran deQuervain’s fracture derailment derealization derivation set DermaBond dermabrasion Dermagran dermatitis herpetiformis dermatitis dermatoglyphics dermatographism dermatology dermatomycosis ® ™ ® ™ dermatomyositis dermatopathy dermatophyte dermatoplasty dermoid cyst derotation arthroplasty Deroxat DES descending paralysis descending perineum syndrome Desconet desensitization therapy desflurane desiccation design designated driver designer drug designer estrogen desipramine desirable weight Desirel deskercise Desloneg desmoid desquamation desquamative interstitial pneumonitis desulfatohirudin Desyrel detachment detailing detection determinant detoxication therapy deuteranopia development gap developmental delay developmental disorder developmental milestone developmental ‘red flag’ developmental screening test deviancy ® deviation device devitalization dewdrop appearance DEXA scan dexamethasone suppression test Dexedrine dexfenfluramine dexmedetomidine dexrazoxone dextran dextrocardia dextromethorphan dextroposition of heart dextro– DHEA DHFR DHT didiabesity diabetes diabetes insipidus diabetes mellitus diabetes, type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetic angiopathy diabetic embryopathy diabetic foot diabetic ketoacidosis diabetic macroangiopathy diabetic microangiopathy diabetic nephropathy diabetic neuropathy diabetic retinopathy diagnosis diagnosis of exclusion diagnosis-related group diagnostic center diagnostic evaluation diagnostic overkill Diagnostic & Statistical Manual diagnostic-therapeutic pair diagnostic yield dialect dialysis dialysis-associated peritonitis dialysis dementia Diamond-Blackfan syndrome Diamox Diana complex Diapam diaper rash diaphoresis diaphragm diaphragmatic hernia diarrhea diarrhea of undetermined origin diastole diastolic collapse diastolic heart failure diathermy Diatran diatrizoate Diazebrum diazepam diaziquone DIC dicing dictionary dicumerol didanosine dideoxynucleoside Didronel DIEP flap procedure diet diet pill dietary fiber dietary guidelines dietary mineral diethylstilbestrol dietician Dieulafoy ulcer ® ® differential differential count differential diagnosis differentiation differentiation therapy difficult patient diffuse alveolar damage diffuse axonal injury diffuse hypertrophy– breast diffuse ischemic injury diffuse large B-cell lymphoma diffuse lymphoma diffusely positive 'review of systems' diffusing capacity diffusion chamber diffusion-weighted imaging Diflucan DiGeorge syndrome digestive aid digital digital autoeroticism digital certificate digital imaging digital literacy digital mammography digital radiography digital rectal examination digital subtraction angiography digitalis digitalis toxicity digitalization digitoxin digoxin dihydrotestosterone dilatation catheter dilatation & curettage dilated cardiomyopathy dilation & curettage dilation ® dilator Dilaudid dildo diltiazem dilute dilutional anemia dilutional coagulopathy dilutional hyponatremia Dimetapp dimorphic anemia dimple sign dinging dinner fork appearance Diogenes syndrome dioxin DIP dip diphenhydramine diphtheria diphtheria toxin DIPJ diploid diploidy diplomate diplopia dipsophobia dipstick dipyridamole-thallium scintigraphy dipyridamole-thallium SPECT direct access direct antiglobulin test direct billing direct to consumer advertising direct contract direct Coombs test direct current cardioversion direct fluorescent antibody method direct transmission directed donation ® ® directional coronary atherectomy directly observed therapy director dirithromycin dirt, fear of disability disability insurance disaffiliation disarticulation disaster disaster syndrome disc discharge discharge summary disciplinary order disciplinary procedure discitis disclosure discogenic pain disconnection syndrome discontinuous metastases discovery discretely sampled data disease disease flare-up disease-free survival disease-modifying antirheumatic drug diabetes disease registry disease of regulation disease of the week ‘syndrome’ disenfranchised population disfiguring surgery disinterested disk syndrome diskectomy dislocation dismemberment Disopam disopyramide disorder disorientation dispense as written displacement display disposable disposition disruption disruption sequence dissecting aortic aneurysm dissection dissector disseminated gonococcal infection disseminated intravascular coagulopathy disseminated tuberculosis dissemination disseminator dissociation dissociative identity disorder dissociative syndrome distal axonopathy distended distinguished fellow really distorted thinking distortion break distractibility distraction distress syndrome distribution disulfiram disuse atrophy Ditropan diuresis diuretic diversion colitis diversion status diverticula diverticular disease diverticulitis diverticulosis ® dizygotic twins dizziness DJD DKA DM DN DNA DNA amplification DNA analysis DNA hybridization DNA ploidy analysis DNA repair syndrome DNA sequence DNAR DNI status DNR do not resuscitate DOA DOB dobutamine DOC ‘doc-in-a-box’ docetaxol doctor doctor-nurse game doctor-patient interaction doctor shopping doctrine document documentation DOD DOE dofetilide dog dog bite dog boning dog-ear appearance doll’s head sign Dolophine domain knowledge domain name domestic violence dominance dominant ® dominant hemisphere domination domino donation domoic acid Don Juan syndrome donation donepezil donor donor deferral donor exclusion criteria donormobile door to balloon door to data door to drug dopamine dopamine hypothesis dope doping doppelgänger Doppler echocardiography Doppler mapping Doppler velocimetry Dor procedure DORA Doriden Dorito syndrome dorsal root dorsal root ganglion syndrome dorsalis pedis pulse dorsiflex dose dose control trial dose dependence dose rate dose-response curve dosimetry dosing interval dot dystrophy DOT physical dothiepin dotted-Q sign double aorta ® ™ double-barreled aorta double blinded study double boarded double bolus approach double contrast study double crush syndrome double depression double discordance double effect double fracture double gloving double helix double-jointed double innervation double lumen double pneumonia double reading double set-up examination doubling time douching doughnut sign Down syndrome download downstream procedure downtime doxacurium doxazosin mesylate Doxepin Doxil doxycycline doxorubicin DP DP/PT DPT vaccination drag queen dragged disc phenomenon drainage drape draw drawer sign drawing station dread disease dream ® dream therapy dressing Dressler syndrome DREZ DRG drift drink drip drive-by shooting driveling driving under the influence (of alcohol) dronabinol drop attack dropfoot gait droplet spread dropout dropped bladder dropping drowning drowsiness DRT drug drug abuse drug of abuse drug allergy drug challenge drug of choice drug delivery Drug Enforcement Administration drug holiday drug-induced hypoglycemia drug-induced immune hemolytic anemia drug-induced lupus erythematosus drug-induced psychosis drug-induced tremor drug interaction drug paraphernalia drug promotion drug-related neuropathy drug ‘rep’ drug resistance drug sample drug screening drug-seeking behavior drug tampering drug tapering drug tolerance drug utilization review drunkenness drusen dry drowning dry eye syndrome dry gangrene dry labor dry mouth dry socket dry tap dryness DSM-III-R DSM-IV DSM-IV-PC DSMB DT vaccine DTaP DTIC DTP DTP vaccine DTR DTs dual-chamber pacing dual choice dual diagnosis DUB Duchenne muscular dystrophy ductal carcinoma in situ ductal carcinoma ductal intraepithelial neoplasia ductal lavage due diligence dueling experts phenomenon DUI Duke Activity Status Index Dukes classification duly qualified dumb down dumping dumping syndrome duodenal atresia duodenal ‘sweep’ duodenal ulcer duplicate testing duplicative drug DUR durable power of attorney DurAct Duragesic dural graft matrix Duraquin DuraSite duration of action dust dust mite duty to warn DV DVD DVT dwarf megakaryocyte dwarfism DWI Dx dyad dyazide dying dying-back neuropathy Dynabac dynamic cardiomyoplasty dynamic graciloplasty dynamic hip screw dynamic MRI dynamic testing dyphylline dysdysacusis ® ® ® ® ® dysarthria dysautonomia dyscrasia dysentery dysequilibrium dyserythropoiesis dysfibrinogenemia dysfluency dysfunction dysfunctional family dysfunctional uterine bleeding dysgenic dysgeusia dyskinesia dyskinetic gait dyslexia dyslipidemia dysmenorrhea dysmorphology dysmyelopoietic syndrome dysosmia dyspareunia dyspepsia dysphagia dysphasia dysphonia dysphoria dysplasia dysplastic nevus dyspnea dyspnea on exertion dyspraxia dysthymic disorder dystocia dystonia dystonic tic dystrophic calcification dystrophy dysuria E E e E-CABG E-care E-code E coli O157:H7 e-commerce e-disease management E5 E-health e-mail e-prescribing E/M services EAEC ear ear infection ear inflammation ear tag ear trauma ear wax eardrum early abortion early diastolic murmur early disseminated Lyme disease early dumping syndrome early pregnancy termination early pregnancy early puberty early stage breast cancer early uterine evacuation Eastern equine encephalitis Easy Rider microcatheter eating disorder ebastine EBD eburnation EBV EC ECASS ECC eccentric eccentric contraction eccentric training ecchymosis ECFMG ECG echinococcal cyst echinococcosis Echinococcus spp echinocyte echocardiography EchoFlow echolalia echopraxia eclampsia/pre-eclampsia Eclipse ECM ECOG ecstasy ECT ecthyma ectopia ectopic ACTH syndrome ectopic beat ectopic Cushing syndrome ectopic hormone ectopic kidney ectopic pregnancy ectropion eczema eczematous edatrexate EDC/EDL edema edentulous Edex Edronax EDTA educable education Edwards syndrome Edwardsiella tarda EEA stapler EEC group ™ ™ ® EECP EEG Efasedan efavirenz effacement effect modification effective reproductive ratio effectiveness effector efferent efferent neuron Effexor efficacy efficiency efflux effort thrombosis effusion EFM EGD egg egg crate egg harvesting EGJ ego ego dystonic ego identity egophony EHEC EHL ehrlichiosis eicosanoid eidetic image EIEC eight-hour rule ejaculate ejaculation ejaculatory incompetence ejection click ejection fraction ejection murmur ejection EKG elaboration ™ ® ELAD elastic fiber elastic recoil elastomer elastomeric infusion device Elatrol Elavil elbow elbow reflex ELBW eldepryl elder abuse elderly neglect elderly primigravida elective elective abortion elective surgery Electra complex electrical alternans electrical galvanic stimulation electrical muscle stimulator electrical storm electrically-enhanced drug delivery electrocardiogram electrocautery probe electrocauterization electrocerebral silence electrocochleography electroconvulsive therapy electrode electrodesiccation electroencephalogram electroencephalography electrogram electrolarynx electrolyte imbalance electrolyte panel electrolyte/fluid balance panel electromagnetic interfer™ ® ence electromechanical dissociation electromyography electronic claims processing electronic data interchange electronic fetal monitoring electronic journal electronic medical record Electronic Residency Application Service electronic signature electronic syringe electronystagmography electrophoresis electrophysiologic study electroporation therapy electrosurgical loop excision elemental diet elementary hallucination Elenium elephant ear appearance elephantiasis eligibility eligibility period eligible expense elimination diet elimination disorder ELISA ELITE elite athlete ELK ellagic acid ellipse sign ELM test ELOS Emadine emasculated hormone embolic stroke embolism ™ embolization embryo embryonal rest embryonic embryopathy embryoscopy embryotoxicity EMC EMD emergency emergency care emergency contraception emergency doctrine emergency medical service Emergency Medical Treatment & Active Labor Act emergency psychiatric commitment emergency services emergency surgery emergent emerging infection emerging pathogen emeritus staff Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy emesis emetic emetophobia EMG emission EMLA emmenagogue Emmett tenaculum emollient emotion emotional abuse emotional disorder emotional distress emotional outlet emotional stability Emotival emphysema empirical Empirynol employee Employee Retirement & Income Security Act employer group empower empty nest syndrome empty sella syndrome empty vault empyema EMR EMS EMT EMT-A EMT-P EMTALA emulsion en bloc resection en plaque enabler Enafon enalapril maleate Enbrel encainide encapsulated cell therapy encapsulated encephalitis Encephalitozoon encephalomalacia encephalomyelitis encephalomyelopathy ™ ™ and encephalopathy encopresis encounter encounter data encounter group end-diastolic pressure end-to-end anastomosis stapler end-of-life end point end-stage renal disease endarterectomy endemic endemic disease Endep Ender nail endergonic Endo-Flo system endobronchial biopsy endocardial border enhancement endocardial lead transvenous lead endocarditis ENDOcare nitinol stent endocervical brush endocervical curettage endocervical speculum endocervicitis endocrine cancer endocrine kidney endocrine pancreas endocrinologist endocrinology endodontist endogenous anxiety endogenous depression endolymphatic hydrops endolymphatic sac decompression endometrial aspiration endometrial biopsy endometrial cancer endometrial curettage endometrial hyperplasia endometriosis endometritis endomyocardial biopsy Endopearl endoprosthesis endorphin Endosac endoscope endoscopic hemostasis endoscopic ligation ® ® ™ ™ endoscopic papillotomy endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography endoscopic sclerotherapy endoscopic sympathectomy endoscopic ultrasonography endoscopist endoscopy Endosolv E endospeculum endosteal endotoxin endovascular stent-graft endowed professorship endowment endurance enema energy energy-return system engagement engineering engineering controls engraftment enhanced external counterpulsation enlarged adenoids enlarged liver enlarged lymph nodes enlarged spleen enoxacin enoxaparin enrichment enrollee enrollment ENT entacapone Entamoeba histolytica enteral nutrition enteric adenovirus enteritis enteroadherent Es- cherichia coli Enterobacteriaceae Enterobius vermicularis enterocele Enterococcus faecium enterocolitis Enterocytozoon bieneusi enteroglucagon enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli enterohepatic recirculation enteropathic Escherichia coli enteropathogenic human orphan virus enteropathy enterorrhaphy enterotoxic Escherichia coli enterotoxin enterovirulent Escherichia coli group enterovirus enterovirus 71 enterprise liability enthesopathy enthusiasm hypothesis entomophagy entraining entrance wound entrapment neuropathy entropion entry-to-practice requirements enucleated enuresis environmental cancer environmental lung disease environmental tobacco smoke enzyme enzyme defect enzyme therapy EOG EOM eosinophilia eosinophilic gastroenteropathy eosinophilic granuloma eosinophilic panniculitis eosinophilic pneumonia EPA EPEC ependymoma ephebiatrics ephedrineephelis ePhysician epi-sick epicardial lead epicondylitis epidemic epidemic period epidemic pleurodynia epidemic viral gastroenteritis epidemiologic study epidemiologic surveillance epidemiology Epidemiology Intelligence Service epidermal inclusion cyst epidermoid carcinoma epidermoid cyst epidermolysis epidermolysis bullosa epididymitis epidural epidural block epidural hematoma epigastric epiglottitis epilation epilepsy epileptogenic zone epinephrine EpiPen episiotomy episode episode of care episodic memory epispadias epistaxis epithelial tissue epithelioid epithelioid sarcoma epitope EpiTouch Epivir epizootic Epley maneuver EPO epoetin alfa epoietin beta eponym Epoxide eprosartan mesylate EPS epsilon Epsom salts EPSP Epstein-Barr virus Epstein-Barr virus-associated hemophagocytic syndrome eptifibatide Epworth Sleepiness Scale Equagesic equal opportunity employer Equal Equanil equilibrium equilibrium radionuclide angio(cardio)graphy equine gait equinovalgus equinovarus equinus ® ® ® ™ ® equipoise equivalence trial ER ER+ ERER/trauma setting Erb’s palsy erbium:YAG laser ERCP ERDA erectile dysfunction ergogenic drug ergonomic standards ergonomics ergophobia ergotism Eridan ERISA ERNA erogenous zone erosion erotic eroticism erotomania ERPF ERRLA error eructation eruption erysipelas erysipeloid erythema erythema infectiosum erythrasma erythroblastosis fetalis erythrocyte erythrocyte count erythrocyte sedimentation rate erythroleukemia erythrophagocytosis erythroplakia erythropoietin escape beat escapee escharotomy Escherichia coli Escherichia coli 0157:H7 escitalopram oxalate Esclim esmolol esomeprazole esophageal achalasia esophageal cancer esophageal candidiasis esophageal hernia esophageal perforation esophageal ring esophageal spasm esophageal stricture esophageal ulcer esophageal varices esophageal web esophagectomy esophagitis esophagogastroduodenoscopy esophagoscopy esophagram esophagus esoteric test esoterica esotropia esprit de corps ESR ESRD ESSENCE essential cryoglobulinemic vasculitis essential dietary component essential hematuria essential hypernatremia essential hypertension essential thrombocythemia essential thrombocytopenia ® essential tremor estazolam esterase esthesioneuroblastoma esthetic rehabilitation estimate estimated hematocrit estradiol estramustine Estrasorb estriol estrogen estrogen dermatitis estrogen receptor estrogen receptor assay estrogen receptor negative estrogen receptor positive estrogen replacement therapy estrogen-responsive tissue estrone Estrostep ESWT Eta-1 etanercept état lacunaire ETEC ethacrinic acid ethambutol ethanol Ethernet ethics committee ethmoiditis ethnic group ethnicity ethosuximide ethotoin ethyl alcohol ethyl ether ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid ethylene glycol ethylene oxide etidronate disodium ™ ® etiology EtOH etoposide Etrafon Etravil etretinate EUA euglobulin clot lysis time eunuch eunuchoid euploidy Euroblood eutechtic mixture of local anesthetics euthanasia euthyroid goiter euthyroid sick syndrome Eutonyl euvolemic evaluable disease evaluate evaluation evaluation & management service event event-free survival event model eversion everything, fear of evidence-based medicine Evista evoked response Ewart sign Ewing sarcoma ex officio ex vivo therapy examination examination under anesthesia exanthem subitum exanthematous viral disease Excedrin EXCEL ® ® excessive daytime sleepiness exchange plasmapheresis exchange transfusion excimer laser excision excisional biopsy excitotoxicity exclude exclusion colitis exclusion criteria exclusive provider organization excretion execute execution wound executive committee executive profile exenteration exercise exercise echocardiography exercise hypertension exercise hypotension exercise-induced amenorrhea exercise-induced anaphylaxis exercise-induced asthma exercise-induced bronchospasm exercise/movement therapy exercise pyramid exercise test exergonic exertional myopathy exfoliative dermatitis exhaustion exhibitionism exhibitionist exit block exit-site infection exit wound exogenous anxiety exogenous depression exostectomy exostosis cartilaginea exotropia expanded rubella syndrome expectancy expectant expectant patient experience experience hypothesis experiment experimental device experimental procedure experimental treatment expert laboratory expert expert system expert witness expiratory reserve volume expire explant exploitation exploratory laparotomy explosion explosive explosive personality explosive syndrome exposure exposure assessment exposure-prone exposure therapy expressive language disorder exsanguinate exsanguination extended family extended radical mastectomy extended reporting endorsement extended-reach needle extended-spectrum betalactamase extension of life extension extern external external-beam radiation therapy external cephalic version external chest compression external fetal monitoring external fixation external hemorrhoids external pacemaker external rotation external version externship extinction extraaxial extracampic hallucination extracardiac murmur extrachorial placentation extracorporeal extracorporeal membrane oxygenation extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy extracranial/intracranial bypass extract extraction extradural hematoma extradural hemorrhage extramammary Paget’s disease extraneous tissue extranodal extranodal lymphoma extranodal recurrence extraordinary treatment extrapulmonary tuberculosis extrapyramidal disease extrapyramidal syndrome extrapyramidal system extravasation extreme fighting extreme sport extreme thrombocytosis extremely low birth weight infant extremities examination extrication extrinsic pathway extubation exudate eye bank eye donation eye injury eye-mouth gap eye-opener eye rolling eyelid inflammation Eysenck Personality Inventory F F f F wave FAB classification Fab therapy Fabry’s disease FACC FACCP face face-to-face time facelift face presentation facesheet facet facet joint facet syndrome facial droop facial fracture facial nerve palsy facial palsy facies facilitate facility facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy FACS factitious factitious disease factitious hypoglycemia factitious thyrotoxicosis factor factor I factor II factor III factor V factor V deficiency factor V Leiden mutation A factor V Leiden factor VII factor VII deficiency factor VIII factor VIII:C factor VIII inhibitor factor IX factor IX deficiency factor X factor XI factor XII factor XIII factor A factor B factor D factor H factor R faculty faculty practice plan fad diet Fagerstrom Tolerance Questionnaire fail-safe failed code failure failure of induction failure to diagnose failure to progress failure to thrive fall fallen arch Fallot's tetralogy false aneurysm false knot false labor false memory false negative false negative error false negative pap smear false negative rate false pelvis false positive HIV testing false positive false positive error false positive rate false teeth falsification of clinical credentials Falstaff snore FAM famcyclovir familial adenomatous polyposis familial combined hyperlipidemia familial dysautonomia familial dysbetalipoproteinemia familial focal facial dermal dysplasia familial hypercholesterolemia familial hypertriglyceridemia familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy familial intraosseous fibrous swelling of the jaws familial juvenile nephrophthisis familial malignancy familial Mediterranean fever familial tremor family family cancer syndrome family cluster family history family planning family practice family therapy family violence famotidine Fanconi’s anemia fantasy FAP FAQs Fareston farmer’s lung FARS farsightedness FAS fasciectomy fasciitis fascinoma fasciodesis fasciotomy fashion victim fast fast CT imaging fast food fast track fastin fasting glucose fasting specimen fat fat balance fat embolism fat embolism syndrome fat metabolizer fat necrosis fat pad atrophy ® not fat spurt fatality father father ‘factor’ fatigue fatigue fracture fatigue syndrome fatty acid fatty food attack fatty liver of pregnancy fatty metamorphosis of viscera Favoxil favus FBI sign FBS FD&C Yellow No. 5 FDA FDA classification of devices FDPs fear conditioning febrile seizure fecal impaction fecalith fecaloid feces federal medical privacy rules Federal Register fee for service feeding feeding gastrostomy FEF25%–75% FEIBA felbamate fellow fellowship felodipine felon female androgenic alopecia female athlete triad female condom female impersonator female pseudohermaphroditism feminist therapy feminization femoral hernia femoral pulse FemPatch Femprox Fen-Phen fenestration fenfluramine fenofibrate fentanyl ferritin fertility fertility drug fertility-focused intercourse fertilization fertilization window festinating gait fetal acoustic stimulator fetal alcohol syndrome fetal circulation fetal diabetic syndrome fetal distress syndrome fetal heart rate fetal hemoglobin fetal hydantoin syndrome fetal lung maturity fetal monitoring fetal mortality rate fetal movement fetal posture fetal tobacco syndrome fetal varicella syndrome fetal wastage fetation fetish fetishism fetomaternal hemorrhage fetoplacental unit fetoscopy fetotoxicity fetus FEV ™ ™ FEV1/FVC Fevarin fever fever blister fever-induced seizure fever of unknown origin fever phobia fever therapy FFP FGR FHR fiber fiberoptic bronchoscopy fibric acid analogue fibrillation fibrin-fibrinogen degradation products fibrin glue fibrin sheath fibrinogen fibrinogen Detroit fibrinoid necrosis fibroadenoma fibrocystic disease fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva fibroid fibromyalgia syndrome fibromyositis fibrosing alveolitis fibrosis Fibrostat fibrous coagulum FICSIT fictive imagery field cancerization fifth vital sign 55 rule fight bite fight-or-flight response FIGO staging system figure 8 distribution file filgrastim ™ filling filling defect film badge filter financial triage finasteride finder’s fee finding fine crackle fine needle aspiration fine needle aspiration biopsy finger agnosia finger-in-glove appearance finger-to-nose test fingerbreadth fingers, toes, penis, nose fingerstick specimen fire ant firearm fire fire retardant fireman’s hats first degree block first heart sound first-pass elimination first-pass radionuclide angiocardiography first responder first stage reconstruction first trimester pregnancy fiscal intermediary FISH fish face fish tapeworm fish vertebrae fishmouth incision fishmouthing fishy odor fissure fistula fitness fitness gadget five-part differential five-year survival fix fixation fixed drug reaction fixed vocal cord flabby heart flaccid paralysis flag Flagyl flail chest flake Flake maneuver flank pain flap flapping tremor flare flare-up flashback flasher flat affect flat face flat foot flat line flat liner flat waist sign flatulence flatus Flavimonas oryzihabitans Flaviviridae flavonoid FLB flea flea-bitten kidney flecainide flesh flesh-eating bacteria FLEX flexible bronchoscopy flexibility exercise flexibility flight-or-fight response flight of ideas flip-flap ® flipped LDH flipping FLK FLM S/A float floater Flomax Flonase flooding floor floppy infant flora flosequinan flossing flow cytometry flow-limiting lesion flow murmur flow-volume tracing floxuridine flu fluconazole flucytosine fludrocortisone fluffy infiltrate fluid fluid imbalance fluid level fluid overload fluid resuscitation fluid retention fluke flunisoide flunitrazepam fluorescein angiography fluorescence in situ hybridization fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption fluoride poisoning fluorography fluoroquinolone fluoroscopy fluorosis fluorouracil ® ™ fluoxetine fluoxymesterone flupentixol fluphenazine flurazepam flush method flutamide fluticasone propionate flutter fluvastatin fluvoxamine FMF FMG FMS FNA foam dressing foam stability index FOBT focal epilepsy foci focus fogging folate deficiency folded lung syndrome Foley catheter folic acid folie à deux follicle follicular lymphoma follicular phase follow-up follow fomite Fontan’s operation fontanel food food allergy food group food hypersensitivity food intolerance food poisoning food pyramid food services foodborne foodborne parasite foodborne pathogen FOOSH foot foot-drop footballer’s migraine footling breech presentation foramen magnum foraminal force feedback forced expiratory volume forced vital capacity forceps forefoot valgus forefoot varus foreign body foreign medical graduate forensic autopsy forensic documentation forensic drug screening forensic nursing forensics forequarter amputation foreskin forgoing of treatment formaldehyde formalin forme fruste formication formulary fornication Fort Bragg fever fortification fortification phenomenon forward failure Fosamax foscarnet fosphenytoin Founier’s gangrene four Bs four Fs four food groups four Hs ® four-month pill 4S fourth generation cephalosporin fourth heart sound fourth therapy fourth ventricle syndrome FPG fraction fractionation fracture fracture threshold fragile X syndrome fragmentation fragmented speech frailty Frank-Starling law Frankfort line fraternal twins fraud freak out freckles free association free base cocaine free drug free flap free-floating anxiety free PSA free radical free radical scavenger free-standing free thyroxine index freezing spell French sizes frenectomy frequency frequent flyer fresh frozen plasma fresh water drowning friction rub FRIEDA the Friedreich’s ataxia Friend sign fringe frog leg position front load frontal bossing frontotemporal dementia frost frostbite frozen pelvis frozen section frozen shoulder fructosamine fructose intolerance syndrome fruit & vegetable FSH FSP FT FTA-ABS FTI FTT 5-FU fugue state fulcrum test fulguration full axillary dissection full-body CT scan full range of motion full-service laboratory fulminant fulminant hepatic failure fume function functional disorder functional endoscopic sinus surgery functional exercise functional illiteracy functional instability functional MRI functional reach functional residual capacity fundoplication fundoscopy functional test fundus fungal fungal body infection fungal foot infection fungal inguinal infection fungal nail infection fungal scalp infection fungoides fungus ball funnel chest funny bone funny looking kid FUO furosemide furuncle fusiform fusion fusion beat futile medical intervention FVC Fx G G g G-CSF G protein disease G6PD deficiency GABA gabapentin gabexate GAD gadolinium gag reflex gag rule gain-of-function mutation gain gait gait analysis gait assistive device gait control galactography galactorrhea galactosemia galactosialidosis Galeazzi’s fracture gallbladder attack gallbladder biopsy gallbladder disease gallbladder radionuclide scan gallbladder series gallium nitrate gallium scan Gallivardin’s phenomenon gallop gallstone gallstone disease gallstone in bile duct gallstone pancreatitis GALOP syndrome GALT galvanic skin response biofeedback gambling gamekeeper’s thumb Games gamete gamete intrafallopian transfer gamma gamma-aminobutyric acid gamma camera gamma-glutamyl transferase gamma heavy chain disease gammaherpesvirinae gamma-hydroxy-butyrate gamma knife gammopathy ganciclovir ganciclovir implant gang bang ganglion cyst ganglionectomy ganglioneuroma gangrene ganja GANT Gantrisin gap GAPO syndrome garden hose appearance garden variety Gardner syndrome gargle gargoyle face garment nevus gas gas-bloat syndrome gas-producing ‘syndromes’ GASA gastralgia gastrectomy gastric analysis gastric aspiration gastric atrophy gastric balloon gastric bypass gastric cancer gastric ‘cannonball’ gastric inhibitory polypeptide gastric intubation gastric juice gastric lavage gastric lymphoma gastric outlet obstruction gastric stapling gastric stump gastric ulcer gastrinoma gastritis gastroduodenal anastomosis gastroenteritis ® gastroenterologist gastroenterology gastroenteropathy gastroesophageal reflux gastrointestinal gastrointestinal bleeding gastrointestinal endoscopy gastrointestinal eosinophilia gastrointestinal stromal tumor gastrojejunostomy gastropathy gastroplasty gastroscope gastroscopy gastrostomy gated blood pool scanning gatekeeper gatekeeping gateway drug Gatorade Gaucher disease, type 1 gavage feeding gay gay bowel syndrome GB GBM GBM antibody test GBS GC GC-MS GE reflux geezer gegenhalten gel penetration gelastic epilepsy gelling gem gemcitabine gemeprost gemfibrozil Gen-Probe CT assay ® GenBank gender gender-based illness gender bias gender identity gender identity disorder gender role gender-neutral gender-specific medicine gender transposition gene gene amplification gene chip gene dose gene expression gene library gene map gene product gene testing gene therapy general acceptance rule general adaptation syndrome general anesthesia general health screen general paresis general practitioner generalist generalized anxiety disorder generalized cortical hyperostosis generalized tonic-clonic seizure generic drug genesis genetic code genetic counseling genetic disease genetic effect genetic engineering genetic medicine genetic mother genetic parent genetic predisposition genetic screening genetic testing genetically engineered geneticist genetics Geneva Convention Geneva Protocol genital genital culture genital herpes genital mutilation genital phase genital prolapse genital wart genitourinary genitourinary system genius genome genome project genomic genomic medicine genomics genotophobia genotype Gensini score gentamicin gentian violet genu recurvatum genu valgum genu varum genus geographic exclusion geographic pattern geographic practice cost index geographic tongue geographic ulcer geologic disaster geomedicine geophagy GERD geriatric intervention geriatrics gene therapy germ-fighting toy germline mutation German measles gerontology gerontophobia Geschlechtsverkehr gestagen gestalt psychology gestation gestational diabetes mellitus gestational hypertension gestational mother gestational thrombocytopenia gestational trophoblastic disease get high GFR GGT GH GHB GHb GHF-1 ghost villi GHRH GI GI series giant cell giant cell arteritis giant cell carcinoma giant cell hepatitis giant cell reaction giant cell tumor of bone giant cell tumor of tendon sheath giant condyloma acuminatum giant hemangioma of Kasabach-Merritt giant hypertrophic gastritis giant peristaltic contrac- tion giant pigmented hairy nevus giant platelet giant platelet syndrome giant T wave inversion giantism giardiasis gibbous gibbus GIFT gigabyte or Gilbert syndrome Gilex Gilles de la Tourette syndrome gingivectomy gingivitis gingivostomatitis gingko ginseng abuse syndrome ginseng GIP GIPP G-I/R GISG GISSI GIST giving up-given up complex glanders glandular differentiation glandular fever Glanzmann's disease Glasgow coma scale glass eye glaucoma Gleason grading system Gleason score Gleevec Gliadel glial tumor glimepiride ® glioblastoma glioma gliopathy gliosarcoma gliosis GLIP glipizide global aphasia global medicine global surgery package globalization globoid cell leukodystrophy globoside dysfunction syndrome globulin globus hystericus glomerular filtrate glomerular filtration rate glomerular syndrome glomerulonephritis glomerulosclerosis glomus tumor glossary glossitis glossolalia glossy skin glove glove & stocking anesthesia GLP glucagon glucagon-like insulinotropic peptide glucagonoma syndrome Gluco-Pro glucocerebrosidase glucocorticoid glucometer gluconeogenesis Glucophage glucose glucose clearance glucose monitoring ™ ® glucose test glucose tolerance test glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency glucosuria Glucotrol GlucoWatch glue glue ear glue-sniffing glut Glutasorb glutathione glutathione peroxidase deficiency glutathione reductase deficiency gluteal gluteal flap gluten enteropathy gluten-free diet glutes glyburide glycation glycemic index glycine glycogen glycogen branching enzyme deficiency glycogen cardiomyopathy glycogen debrancher deficiency glycogen disease of muscle glycogen loading glycogen storage disease glycogen storage disease 0 glycogen storage disease Ia glycogen storage disease Ib glycogen storage disease Ic glycogen storage disease ® ™ ™ II glycogen storage disease IIb glycogen storage disease III glycogen storage disease IV glycogen storage disease V glycogen storage disease VI glycogen storage disease VII glycogen storage disease VIII glycogenosis glycohemoglobin glycoside glycosuria glycosylated hemoglobin A1 glycosylated hemoglobin A1c GM-1 gangliosidosis GM-2 gangliosidoses GM-CSF GME GMP GMS stain GN GNR GnRH GnRH stimulation test go down go live go sour goalie finger Göbell-Stöckel procedure God complex goiter belt goiter gold compound gold standard goldbricking golden hour golfball liver golfball metastases golfer’s elbow golfer's wrist golfing injury gomer gonadal dysgenesis gonadectomy gonadoblastoma gonadotropin deficiency gonadotropin gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogue goniometry gonococcal arthritis gonococcal bacteremia gonococcal pharyngitis gonorrhea good child syndrome ‘good’ cholesterol good death good habit good intern case good mood good patient Good Samaritan laws Goodpasture syndrome goose-flesh gooseneck deformity gopher Gore-tex gorging gork Gorlin Syndrome goserelin acetate GOT gothic arch appearance Gottron sign gourmand syndrome gout gouty arthritis gown GP gp120 ® GPi pallidotomy grade grade 1 injury grade 2 injury grade 3 injury graduate medical education graft graft failure graft rejection graft survival rate graft-versus-host disease graft-versus-tumor grafting of skin Graftpatch Graham Steel murmur –gram gram negative meningitis gram-negative bacteremia gram-positive bacteremia gram stain grand mal seizure grand rounds GRANDDAD syndrome grandfather clause grandfather device grandiosity granisetron grant granular cast granular cell tumor granular dystrophy granulation tissue granulocyte colony-stimulating factor granulocytic leukocytosis granulocytopenia granuloma granuloma inguinale granulomatosis granulomatous angiitis of CNS granulomatous arteritis granulomatous prostatitis ™ granulomatous thyroiditis granulomatous uveitis granulosa cell tumor grass GRATEFUL MED Graves’ disease Graves’ ophthalmopathy gravid gravidity gray gray hepatization the Gray Journal gray literature gray-out gray patch ringworm gray scale gray top tube Gray’s great case great imitator the Green Book green bottle fly the Green Journal green stool syndrome green tea green top tube green urine disease Greenfield filter greens greenstick fracture Greer’s goo grepafloxacin Grey Turner sign GRID grieving grimace Grinfeld cannula griseofulvin grommet groove sign grooved tongue gross anatomy gross evidence gross negligence ground glass appearance ground itch group group A streptococcus group B streptococcus Group B streptococcal septicemia of newborn group benefits agreement group dynamics group practice group theory group therapy growing pains growth factor growth failure growth hormone growth hormone deficiency growth hormone insensitivity syndrome growth hormone suppression test growth spurt grübelsucht grunting GTT guaiac-negative guaiac-positive guaifenesin Guanarito virus guardian aaa Guardian catheter guarding Gubex Guglielmi Detachable Coil guidance counselor guide guideline Guillain-Barre syndrome guillotine amputation guilt Gulf War syndrome gull wing pattern ™ ® gum gum disease gumboil gumma gums gun gunstock deformity gurney gustatory agnosia Gustilo classification GUSTO gut-associated lymphoid tissue gut feeling GVH disease GVHD Gy GYN gynandroid gynecologic cancer gynecologic oncologist gynecologist gynecology gynecomastia gynephobia H H h H antigen H blocker H&E H flu meningitis H flu vaccination H gene H&H H&P H pylori H- or U-shaped vertebra H-type fistula HAART habit habitual abortion habituation habitus HACEK Hachinski ischemic score hadephobia Haemonetics Haemophilus Haemophilus influenzae meningitis Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccination Hageman factor Haglund’s deformity hair HAIR-AN hair analysis hair-on-end appearance hair loss in men hair loss in women hair removal hair replacement hairbrush appearance hairline fracture hairy hairy cell leukemia hairy leukoplakia hairy polyp hairy tongue halberd bone Halcion Haldol half moon sign half-life halfway house halitosis Hallervorden-Spatz syndrome Hallpike maneuver hallucination hallucinogen hallux abductus hallux valgus halo appearance ® ® ® halo device halo effect haloperidol halothane halothane hepatitis HALT-C HAM HAM syndrome HAMA hamartoma hamartosis Hamman sign hammer toe Hampton sign hamstring injury HANC network hand hand-arm vibration syndrome hand-assisted laparoscopic surgery hand-eye coordination hand-foot syndrome hand-foot-flat face syndrome hand-foot-genital syndrome hand, foot & mouth syndrome hand grip strength hand-washing Hand-Schüller-Christian disease handheld electronic prescribing handicap handicapped health care provider HANE HANES hang a shingle hangman's fracture hangover headache hantavirus ™ hantavirus pulmonary syndrome HAPC HAPE haploid ‘–happy’ happy letter Happylite haptic interface haptic sense haptoglobin harassment hard clot hard data hard drug hard liquor hard medical services hard-on hardware hard water hard x-rays hardening of the arteries harlequin nail harlequin skin reaction harmonic scalpel harmonic ultrasound imaging harp player’s thumb Harrell v Total Health Care HART Hartmann procedure Hartnup disorder Harvard criteria Harvard-Hsiao study Harvest Moon phenomenon Hashimoto’s thyroiditis hashish hashitoxicosis HASI hassle factor hatband sign hatchet face ™ HAV hawkinsinuria Hawthorne effect hay fever hazard Hazardous Substances & Health Effects Database hazardous waste Hb HBIg HBLV HBsAg HCFA HCFA 1500 hCG hCG-like activity HCO3 HCT HCV HCW HDL-cholesterol HDL/LDL ratio HDN HE head banger tumor head drop sign head gear headhunter head lice head & neck cancer head of department head-tilt/chin-lift maneuver headache HeADDFIRST headlight effect HEADSS healer healing by first intention healing Healon Healos health health balance ® ™ health care access health care facility Health Care Financing Administration health care provider health care proxy health care rationinghealth care reform health care service health consultation health data health education health food health fraud health hazard health history health information system health information trustee Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act health insurancehealth intervention health literacy health maintenance organization health outcome health outcome data health plan health professional affiliate health profile health promotion health-related quality of life measure health services health statistics review health surveillance health yuppie healthy diet healthy food healthy habit Healthy People 2000 healthy weight heaped-up appearance hearing hearing aid hearing disorder hearing loss of aging hearing loss hearing sparing procedure hearing test heart HEART heart attack heart block heartburn heart disease heart failure heart laws heart-lung machine heart-lung transplantation HeartMate heart murmur heart rate heart rate variability test heart scan heart sound heart transplantation heart tumor heart valve prosthesis HeartWatch cardiac-event recorder heat index heat intolerance heat lamp heat-related death heat stress disease heat stroke heat wave heavy chain disease heavy guns heavy metal hebephilia Heberden's node hectic fever Hectorol HEDIS hedonism ® ® ™ heel-knee test heel pad heel pad syndrome heel strike Hegsted score heights, fear of Heimlich maneuver Heinrichs–Carpenter Quality of Life Scale helical scanning Helicobacter pylori heliophobia heliotrope rash heliox hell, fear of Heller-Dor procedure HELLP syndrome helmet helper T cell helper:suppressor ratio hem/onc hemangioma hemapheresis hemaphobia hemarthrosis Hemaseel APR HemAssist hematemesis hematocele hematochezia hematocrit hematogenous hematologic malignancy hematologist hematologist/oncologist hematology hematology/oncology hematoma hematopoietic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation hematoporphyrin derivative hematotoxic ™ hematuria heme heme-negative heme-positive hemi hemi-homograft hemianopia hemiballism hemihypertrophy hemilaminectomy hemilaryngectomy hemiparesis hemipelvectomy hemiplegia hemispheric disconnection syndrome hemivertebra hemlock hemo Hemobahn endovascular prosthesis Hemoccult sensitivity hemochromatosis hemochromatosis triad hemodialysis hemodilution hemodynamic dysfunction hemodynamic instability hemodynamic monitoring hemodynamic response hemodynamic success hemodynamics hemoglobin hemoglobin A1c hemoglobin C disease hemoglobin SC disease hemoglobinopathy E beta hemoglobinopathy hemoglobinuria hemolysis hemolytic anemia hemolytic crisis hemolytic disease of the newborn hemolytic transfusion reaction hemolytic-uremic syndrome hemophilia hemophilia A hemophilia B hemophilia & HIV Hemophilus influenzae vaccine hemoptysis HemoQuant hemorrhage hemorrhagic diathesis hemorrhagic disease of the newborn hemorrhagic familial nephritis hemorrhagic stroke hemorrhoidectomy hemorrhoids hemosiderosis HemoSleeve hemostasis hemostats hemostatic plug hemothorax Hemovac drain hemp HEMPAS Hennebert’s phenomenon Henoch-Schönlein purpura HEPA respirator heparin heparin-associated antiplatelet antibodies heparin-induced thrombocytopenia heparin lock heparinize hepatectomy hepatic clearance ™ hepatic encephalopathy hepatic function panel hepatic metabolism hepatic porphyria hepatic vein obstruction hepatitis hepatitis A hepatitis A vaccination hepatitis B hepatitis B antigen hepatitis B serology hepatitis B surface antigen hepatitis B vaccine hepatitis C hepatitis D hepatitis E hepatitis F hepatitis GB hepatitis non-A, non-B hepatitis non-A–G hepatitis panel hepatitis serology hepatitis surface antigen hepatization hepatobiliary scan hepatocerebral degeneration hepatolenticular degeneration hepatologist hepatoma hepatomegaly hepatopathy hepatopulmonary syndrome hepatorenal glycogenosis hepatorenal syndrome hepatosplenomegaly Her’s disease HER-2 herald bleed herald patch herald wave phenomenon herb herbal Herbal Ecstasy herbal medicine Herbert screw Herceptin hereditary hereditary amyloidosis hereditary angioneurotic edema hereditary cancer syndrome hereditary cerebellar ataxia hereditary cerebral hemorrhage with amyloidosis, Dutch type hereditary coproporphyria hereditary elliptocytosis hereditary fructose intolerance hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia hereditary motor & sensory neuropathy hereditary mutation hereditary neoplasia hereditary nephritis hereditary neuralgic amyotrophy hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin hereditary preneoplasia hereditary sensory neuropathy hereditary spherocytosis hereditary thrombophilia heredity Hering-Breuer reflex heritability hermaphroditism Hermes’ wing hernia ® hernia repair Herniamesh herniate herniated disk herniated disk ‘syndrome’ herniation HERO heroic surgery heroic therapy heroin herpangina herpes gestationis herpes gladiatorum herpes simplex herpesvirus-1 herpesvirus-2 herpesvirus-3 herpesvirus-4 herpesvirus-5 herpesvirus-6 herpes virus-7 herpes virus 8 herpes zoster herpetic herpetic lesion herpetic whitlow herpetophobia HERS hesitation wound hetero heterocyclic amine heterogeneous heterologous artificial insemination heterosexism heterosexual heterosexuality heuristic method hexachlorophene hexokinase deficiency HFV Hg Hgb hGH HGPRT HGSIL HHH syndrome HHHO syndrome HHRG HHV 1 HHV 2 HHV 3 HHV 4 HHV 5 HHV 6 HHV 7 HHV 8 5-HIAA hiatal hernia HIB vaccination hibernating myocardium hiccup Hickman catheter the hidden epidemic hide-bound skin hierba HIFU HIG high high-altitude cerebral edema high arch high blood pressure high blood sugar high cholesterol high-definition imaging ultrasonography high-density lipoprotein cholesterol high-discretion procedure high disseminator high-dose chemotherapy high-dose epinephrine high-fat diet high-fiber diet high-grade lymphoma high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion ® high-impact aerobics high-impact sport high-mortality outlier high-osmolality contrast medium high-output diarrhea high-output heart failure high potassium high-power institution high-resolution computed tomography high-risk high-risk behavior high-risk & complex procedure high-risk group high-risk infant high-risk pool high-risk pregnancy high-risk sex high sensitivity C-reactive protein high tibial osteotomy high ticket high touch high-yield procedure higher multiple highly complex test highly toxic Hill sign hilum overlay sign Hinchey staging system hindfoot hip fracture hip joint replacement hip-pointer contusion HIPAA Hippocratic face Hippocratic Oath hippus hired gun Hirschsprung’s disease hirsutism hirsutism profile hirudin Hirudinea Hirulog HIS His bundle electrocardiography His disease Hispanic histamine histamine receptor antagonists histidinemia histiocytic lesion histiocytosis X histocompatibility testing histocompatibility typing Histofreezer histologic examination histologically benign histopathology histoplasmosis historian historical control history & physical examination history of present illness histrionic personality disorder Histussin HIT hit hit & run accident the Hite Report HITT HIV-1 HIV antibody HIV-1 dermatopathy HIV drug resistance HIV drug resistance testing HIV encephalopathy HIV exceptionalism HIV genotype testing HIV & health care work® ® ® ers HIV nephropathy HIV-PARSE HIV prophylaxis HIV reporting HIV RNA HIV seroconversion syndrome HIV-1 superinfection HIV surveillance HIV test HIV vaccine HIV viral load HIV virion HIV wasting syndrome HIV-2 HIV-3 hives Hivid hIVIG HLA HLA-B27-related arthropathies HLA & disease HLA match HLA mismatch HMG CoA reductase inhibitor HMG-CoA synthase deficiency HMO HMO network HMO penetration hoarseness Hodgkin lymphoma Hoffa’s disease Hoffmann sign Hogan Personality Inventory HOHD syndrome holding bed hole holiday heart holism holistic approach holmium "pulsed" laser holmium laser resection of prostate Holt-Oram syndrome Holter monitoring holy grail Homans’ sign home access HIV testing* home/beeper call home birth home-bound home field advantage home health care home infusion therapy home page HOME scale home test home uterine activity monitoring homelessness homeopathic homeostasis homeric laughter homicidal health care worker homicide homicide by fright homicide/suicide cluster homocysteine homocystinuria homogeneous homologous artificial insemination homophobia homosexual homosexual panic homosexuality homovanillic acid honest error in judgement honeycomb pattern honeymoon cystitis honeymoon period honk honorarium honorary co-authorship honorary staff hooch hook & deliver technique hooked hookworm HOPE hopeless hopelessness hoplophobia hopped up hordeolum horizontal fracture horizontal integration horizontal plane horizontal transmission hormonal cyclicity hormonalization hormone hormone receptor test hormone replacement therapy hormone resistance syndrome hormone therapy Horner syndrome horseshoe kidney hospice hospital hospital-acquired penetration contact hospital affiliation hospital-acquired pneumonia hospital-based physician hospital bed ‘syndrome’ hospital chart hospital committee hospital formulary hospital information system hospital insurance hospital mortality rate hospital utilization hospital waste hospitalist hospitalization hospitalization hazard hospitalization insurance host host defense host factor HOT hot hot flashes ‘hot’ food hot nodule hot potato speech hot scan hot spot hot tub disease hotdog headache hotel function hotline Hottentot apron house house call house dust mite house officer house physician house staff house-tree-person test housebound syndrome HP H&P HPLC HPRT HPV HPYLORI HR 1833 HRQL HRT HS HSGYV HSIL HSV HTLV HTLV-I HTLV-II HTLV-III HTLV-IV http Huckleberry Finn ‘syndrome’ the hug drug Humalog Pen human B lymphotropic virus human chorionic gonadotropin human chorionic sommatomammotropin human factors engineering Human Genome Project human granulocytic ehrlichiosis human immune globulin human immunodeficiency virus human in vitro fertilization human leukocyte antigens human monocytic ehrlichiosis human papillomavirus human placental lactogen human shield human subject humanistic medicine humanitarian use designation humanized antibody humanized milk Humate-P Humatrope humeral humidifier humidifier lung humiliating bias humor ® ® ™ humoral hump & dip sign hump sign Humulin hunchback hungry bones syndrome Hunt syndrome hunter Hunter syndrome Huntington’s disease huperzina A Hurler syndrome ® –double entry– hurricane HUS husband-coached birth hustler hustling Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome H-V interval Hx Hyalgan hyaline arteriolosclerosis hyaline membrane disease Hybrid Capture assay hybrid revascularization procedure hybridization Hycamtin hyCURE hydatid cyst disease hydatid disease hydatid mole hydatidiform mole hydergine hydralazine hydramnios hydrarthrosis Hydrasorb hydrocarbon pneumonia hydrocele hydrocephalus ® ®/™ ™ hydrochloric acid hydrocodone hydrocolloid dressing hydrocolonic ultrasonography hydrocortisone hydrogel hydrogen peroxide enterocolitis hydromorphone hydronephrosis hydrophobic pocket theory hydrops fetalis hydrosalpinx hydroureter hydroxyapatite deposition disease 17-hydroxycorticosteroid 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid hydroxyproline hydroxyprolinemia hydroxyurea hydroxyzine HYE hygiene hygiene hypothesis Hymenoptera hymenopterans Hypaque hyperactivity hyperacusis hyperaldosteronism hyperalimentation hyperammonemia hyperbaric oxygen therapy hyperbilirubinemia hypercalcemia hypercalcemia of malignancy hypercapnia hyperchromatic ® hypercoagulability hypercoagulable state hyperechoic hyperemesis hyperemesis gravidarum hyperemia hypereosinophilic syndrome hyperesthesia hyperextension hyperfractionation hyperglobulinemia hyperglycemia hyperglycinemia hypergonadism hypergonadotropic hypogonadism hyperhidrosis hyperhydration Hypericum perforatum hyper-IgE syndrome hyper-IgM syndrome hyperimmunoglobulin E syndrome hyperimmunoglobulin M syndrome hyperimmune hyperimmune globulin hyperinfection syndrome hyperinsulinemia hyperkalemia hyperkalemic periodic paralysis hyperkeratosis hyperkinesis hyperlearning hyperlipidemia hyperlipoproteinemia hyperlucency hyperlysinuria with hyperammonemia hypermagnesemia hypermobile joint syndrome hypermobility hypernatremia hyperopia hyperostosis hyperostosis corticalis generalisata hyperostosis corticalis infantalis hyperostosis frontalis interna hyperparathyroidism hyperphagia hyperphenylalaninemia hyperphilia hyperphosphatasia hyperphosphatemia hyperpituitarism hyperplasia hyperpotassemia hyperproteinemia hyperreflexia hyperresonance hypersecretion hypersensitivity hypersensitivity pneumonitis hypersensitivity pneumonitis profile hypersensitivity syndrome hypersensitivity vasculitis hypersomnia hypersomnolence hypersplenism hypertelorism hypertelorism-hypospadias syndrome hypertension hypertension assessment profile hypertension panel hypertensive hypertensive crisis hypertensive heart disease hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage hypertensive retinopathy hyperthecosis hyperthermia hyperthrombocytosis hyperthyroidism hypertrichosis hypertrichosis lanugosa hypertriglyceridemia hypertrophic cardiomyopathy hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy hypertrophic pyloric stenosis hypertrophic scar hypertyrosinemia hyperuricemia hyperventilation hyperventilation syndrome hyperviscosity syndrome hypervitaminosis hypervitaminosis A hypervitaminosis D hypesthesia hyphema hyphephilia hypnagogic imagery hypnagogic startle Hypnodorm hypnogenic hallucination hypnosis hypnotherapy hypnotic hypnotic suggestion hypnotized, fear of hypo hypoalbuminemia hypoaldosteronism hypocalcemia hypocapnia hypochlorite hypochondriac hypochondriasis hypochromia hypodermic hypoechoic hypofibrinogenemia hypogammaglobulinemia hypogenitalism hypogeusia hypoglycemia hypoglycemia associated with drugs hypoglycemic hypogonadism hypogonadotropic hypogonadism hypohidrosis hypokalemia hypokalemic periodic paralysis hypolipoproteinemia hypomagnesemia hypomanic episode hypomenorrhea hyponatremia hypoparathyroidism hypoperfusion syndrome hypophosphatemia hypophysectomy hypophysis hypopigmented hypopituitarism hypoplasia of parathyroids hypoplastic anemia hypoplastic left heart syndrome hypopotassemia hyposensitization hyposmia hypospadias hyposthenuria hypotension hypothalamic dysfunction hypothalamic fever hypothalamic-pituitary axis hypothalamic-pituitaryadrenal axis hypothalamo-hypophyseal portal system hypothermia hypothermic circulatory arrest hypothesis hypothyroid hypothyroidism hypotonicity hypoventilation hypovolemic shock hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase hypoxemia hypoxia hysterectomy hysteresis pacing hysteria hysterical hysterosalpingography hysteroscopy Hytrin Hyzaar Hz I ® I I-cell disease I&D I-125 radioactive seed IADL IAP –iasis iatrogenic iatrogenic illness iatrophobia IBD IBS ibuprofen IBW Icarus complex ICD ICD-9-CM ice ice climbing ice cream headache iceberg sign ichthyosis iconoclast ICRT ictal icterus ICU id ID number -id reaction idarubicin IDDM IDEAL ideal body weight ideas of reference ideation ideational apraxia ideational dyspraxia idee fixe identical twins identification identity identity crisis identity disorder ideokinetic apraxia ideomotor apraxia ideomotor dyspraxia IDET idiopathic idiopathic aplastic anemia idiopathic cardiomyopathy idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy idiopathic hydrocephalus idiopathic hypercalciuria idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis idiopathic midline de- structive disease idiopathic pulmonary hypertension idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis idiopathic sideroblastic anemia idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura idiosyncrasy idiot savant IDL idoxifene idoxuridine IEP IF IFE IFN ifosfamide IgA nephropathy IGF-I IGF-II IHSS Iktorivil IL IL372 ileal bypass operation ileitis ileostomy ileus iliotibial band syndrome Ilizarov technique illegal use of controlled dangerous substances illegitimacy illicit drug illiteracy illness illusion illustration ILO classification iloperidone IM image IMAGE image aversion therapy ImageChecker image-directed surgery image management Imagent imagery IMAGES imaging imaging center IMAO imatinib mesylate Imatron imbalance imciromab pentetate IMDD IMG iminoglycinuria imipramine Imiprex Imitrex immature teratoma immediate action values immediate adjunctive coronary angioplasty immediate cause of death immediate family immediate family member immediate hypersensitivity immediate post-op prosthesis immediate reconstruction immediately dangerous to life or health immobilized enzyme immotile cilia syndrome immune competence immune complex immune complex disease immune hemolytic ane™ ® ® mia immune response immune thrombocytopenic purpura immunity immunization immunoassay immunocompetent immunocompromised immunodeficiency immunodeficiency disorder immunoglobulin immunoglobulin A deficiency immunoglobulin M deficiency syndrome immunology immunomodulatory drug immunoscintigraphy immunosuppressive therapy immunotherapy IMPACT IMPACT II impact boosting impacted fracture impacted tooth impaired health care provider impaired memory impaired speech impaired taste impairment Impedance impedance plethysmography imperforate anus impertinent impetigo impingement impingement syndrome implant implant radiation therapy implantable cardioverterdefibrillator implantable contact lens implantable hearing aid implantable pulse generator implantable pump implantation implantation bleeding implantation recurrence implement impotence impotent IMPRESS Impress Softpatch Impril imprimatur imprinting impulse impulse control impulse control disorder IMRT ImuLyme Imuran IN in denial in extremis In-Fast system In-Flow catheter in house in-line skating injury in network in & out’ procedure in-service in-shoe device in situ in situ carcinoma in situ hybridization in-stent restenosis In-Tac anchoring system in utero in vitro in vitro fertilization in vivo inability to conceive ™ ™ ® inability to perform useful movements inability to sleep inability to speak inaccessible inactive arm inactive ingredient inactive residual extremity syndome inactivity inadequate nutrition inappropriate inappropriate affect inappropriate care inborn error of metabolism incapable of making an informed decision incapacitated health care provider incapacity incarcerated hernia Incardia valve system incentive arrangement incentive spirometry INCERT incest incidence incidence rate incident incident to incidentaloma incision & drainage incision incisional biopsy inclusion body myositis inclusion cyst inclusion/exclusion criteria incoherence incompatibility group incompatibility incompetence incompetent incompetent cervix incomplete abortion incomplete fracture incomplete penetrance incomplete testicular feminization incontinence incoordination increased appetite increased body hair increased head circumference increased intracranial pressure increased rate of breathing increased salivation increased sweating increased tearing increment-decrement life table incremental cost incubation incubation period incubator IND InDDEx indemnity insurance independent contractor independent investigator independent practice association independent symposium Inderal Indermil adhesive indeterminant colitis index index case index family index of inequality index patient index of suspicion Indiana pouch indication ® ™ Indigo LaserOptic system indinavir indirect compensation Indirect transmission individual psychology individualization indolent indolent myeloma indomethamin induced abortion induced psychotic disorder induced sputum induction induction failure induction chemotherapy induction of labor induction of remission induration industrial anthrax industrial blindness indwelling catheter inevitable abortion infancy infant infant botulism infant mortality infant of diabetic mother infant seat infanticide infantile agranulocytosis infantile cortical hyperostosis infantile digital fibromatosis infantile eczema infantile myofibromatosis infantile polyarteritis infarct infarct-avid scintigraphy infarction Infasurf infected abortion infection ™ ® infection control infectious infectious agent infectious arthritis infectious disease infectious mononucleosis infectious mononucleosis ‘syndrome’ Infectious myringitis Infectious period infective endocarditis Infergen inferior capsular shift inferior petrosal sinus sampling inferior vena caval filter inferior vena caval interruption inferiority complex infertility infiltrate infiltrating infiltration anesthesia infiltrative infirmary inflammation inflammation of heart muscle inflammation of kidney inflammation of rectum inflammatory bowel disease inflammatory breast cancer inflammatory carcinoma inflammatory polyp infliximab influential physician influenza influenza A influenza B influenza C influenza syndrome influenza vaccine ® informant information bias information overload informed consent informed decision infra infracalcaneal infrapatellar infrared capnography infundibulopelvic InfusaSleeve infusion infusion device infusion pump ingrown toenail inguinal canal inguinal hernia inguinal orchiectomy INH inhalant inhalation anesthetic inhalation anthrax inhaler Inhale inherited INHIBIT inhibited pacemaker inhibited sexual desire inhibition inhibitor initial phase INJECT injection injection sclerotherapy injection technique injections, fear of injury Injury Severity Scale injury to ear ink blot test inkwell inlay inlet patch inner ear decompression sickness ™ inner ear fistula inner ear infection innervated innidation innocent murmur Innohep InnoSense innovation innovative medicine Inocor inoculum Inocybe inoperable INOS inosine prabonex inositol inotropic agent Inoue balloon inpatient care Inpatient Multidimensional Psychiatric Scale inpatient service INR insane insanity insanity defense insecticide poisoning insemination insertable loop recorder insertional tendonitis inside-out technique INSIGHT insomnia inspissation instability instinct institute institutional effect institutional review board institutionalization syndrome instructional simulation instrumental activities of daily living ® ™ ® insufficiency insufflation insulin insulin antibody insulin pump insulin receptor insulin receptor antibody insulin resistance insulin sensitivity insulin shock insulin spike insulinogenic index insulinoma insult insurance insurance carrier insurance only billing insurer of last resort InSync int cib int noct Intacs INTACT intact dilation & evacuation Integra integrated delivery system integration integrative medicine INTEGRITI integumentary intellectual processing power intellectualization intelligence quotient intensification chemotherapy intensity of care Intensity of Sexual Desire & Symptoms Scale intensity-modulated radiation therapy intensive care unit intensive monitoring ™ ™ ™ intensive nursing intensivist intention tremor inter Inter Fix interaction interception of pregnancy intercostal retractions intercourse interest interesting disease interface interference interference screw interferon interferon-alpha interferon beta interferon gamma Intergel interictal interim analysis interleukin IL-1 IL-1alpha IL-2/LAK cells IL-2 IL-6 interlocking intermediate care facility intermediate density lipoprotein intermediate lymphocytic lymphoma intermediate resistance intermediate syndrome intermittent catherization intermittent claudication intermittent regimen intermixed stroma-rich neuroblastoma intern internal internal fetal monitoring internal fixation ™ ™ internal hemorrhoids internal radiation therapy internal rotation internal version international medical graduate International Normalized Ratio international sensitivity index international unit International Workshop classification for chronic lymphocytic leukemia internet addiction disorder internet pharmacy internet service provider internist the internist’s tumor internship interpersonal psychotherapy INTERSALT intersecting epidemics intersex syndrome Interstim interstitial cystitis interstitial disease interstitial keratitis interstitial laser coagulation interstitial lung disease Interstitial nephritis interstitial therapy intertrigo interval interval cancer intervention interventional cardiology interventional neuroradiologyinterventional radiology interventricular ® intestinal ‘angina’ intestinal bacterial overgrowth intestinal cancer intestinal malrotation intestinal obstruction intestinal perforation intestinal polyp intimate distance intimate part InTIME intoeing intolerance intoxication intra intraabdominal abscess intraaortic balloon pulsation intraaortic balloon pump intraarticular steroid injection intraaxial intracardiac echocardiography intracardiac electrophysiologic study intracarotid intracarotid infusion intracavitary intracavitary therapy intracerebral hematoma Intracerebral hemorrhage intracoronary radiation therapy intracoronary stenting intracranial abscess intracranial hemorrhage intractable hiccups intractable pain intradiscal electrothermal annuloplasty intraductal carcinoma of breast Intraductal papilloma intraepithelial intraepithelial neoplasia intrahepatic infusion intralobar pulmonary sequestration intraluminal brachytherapy intramedullary intramucosal carcinoma intramural esophageal diverticulosis intramyocardial bridge intraocular pressure intraoperative blood salvage intraoperative hemodilution intraoperative radiation therapy intraosseous infusion intraperitoneal hyperthermic chemotherapy intraperitoneal infusion intrapsychic IntraSite gel intrastromal corneal ring ICR intrathecal intrauterine growth retardation intrauterine insemination intrauterine pressure catheter intrauterine transfusion intravascular brachytherapy intravascular lymphomatosis intravenous drug use intravenous immune globulin intravenous pyelogram intravenous pyelography intravesicular therapy ® intrinsic intrinsic factor intrinsic pathway intrinsicoid deflection introceptive introducer introitus Introl intromission introspection introvert intubation Intuitive system Intussusception invasion invasive invasive cardiology invasive hemodynamic monitoring invasive mole invasive Streptococcus A invasiveness inventory inversion inverted inverted nipple inverted papilloma inverted S appearance inverted U sign inverted V sign inverted Y field investigation investigational new drug or device Invirase ‘invisible’ profession involuntary hospitalization involuntary infertility involuntary oscillation of eyes involuntary slow & twisting movement involuntary weight gain ® ™ ® involution iodine deficiency disorder iodine intoxication Iodosorb IoGold IOL Iontocaine iontophoresis IOP Iotrex IP IPA IPG ipecac ipecac abuse IPO IPPV ipratropium Br IPSID IPTD IQ test IR irbesartan iridectomy iris hook Irish’s node iron iron deficiency iron-deficiency anemia irradiation irrational irregular periods irregular sleep-wake syndrome irresistible impulse test irrigation irritability irritable bladder irritable bowel syndrome irritant contact dermatitis irritative nystagmus ischemia ischemic cardiomyopathy ischemic cascade ® ™ ™ ischemic colitis ischemic contracture ischemic heart disease ischemic penumbra ischemic time iScribe ISDNISI ISIS-4 islet antibody islet cell tumor ISO 9001 isobaric isobaric counterdiffusion gas lesion disease isochronous isoechoic isoflavone isoflurane isolated angiitis of CNS isolated hepatic perfusion isolation isolation room isometric exercise isomorphic effect isoniazid isoretinoin isosorbide dinitrate Isospora belli isosthenuria isotonic isotonic drink and isotonic exercise isotretinoin ISS issue itch itching in groin–males itching ITP itraconazole IU IUD IUGR IUI IUPC IV IVAT IVBAT IVDA IVF IVH IVIC syndrome IVIG IVP IVUS Ivy bleeding time Ixodes scapularis Jefferson fracture jejuno-ileal bypass Jekyll & Hyde syndrome Jeliffe formula Jello sign Jendrassik maneuver jeopardy call jerky leg syndrome Jervell & Lange-Nielsen syndrome jet lag jet lesions jet ventilation JIC tube jitter jitters job burnout JJ curve phenomenon job lock J pouch Job syndrome J-shaped sella Jocasta complex J wave ‘jock’ J-1 visa jock itch J1 waiver Joffroy sign jackknife phenomenon jogger’s nipple jackpot syndrome John Doe Jackson scale Johnson v University of Jacksonian seizure Chicago Hospitals jail bars sign Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease joint Joint Commission on AcJamaican neuropathy creditation of Healthcare Jamaican vomiting sickOrganizations ness joint fluid analysis jamais vu joint mobilization Jamar dynamometer Jane Doe joint mouse Japanese encephalitis joint venture Japanese illusion Jones fracture jargon Jones’ criteria jaundice Joubert syndrome jaundice of the newborn journal club jaw-thrust maneuver judicial bypass jaw winking jughandle view jaw wiring juice JCAHO juicy baby Jeep seat July phenomenon J ™ jump position jumper syndrome Jungian psychoanalysis junior internship junk food junkie juvenile juvenile laryngeal papillomatosis juvenile melanoma juvenile myoclonic epilepsy juvenile onset diabetes mellitus juvenile periodontitis juvenile polyp juvenile rheumatoid arthritis juvenile xanthogranuloma juxtaglomerular cell tumor juxtaovarian adnexal tumor JVD K ‘K Mart’ model K-wire fixation KAFO Kahn Test of Symbol Arrangement kainic acid Kallmann syndrome Kallmiren Kalma Kalmalin Kaltostat kanamycin Kaneda anterior spinal/scoliosis system Kansas v Hendricks Kaposi sarcoma kappa-lambda test Karnovsky scale Kartagener syndrome Kassebaum bill Kassebaum-Kennedy bill katagelophobia Katz ADL Scale Kawasaki disease kava kava Kaye catheter Kb KB Kearns-Sayre syndrome Kehr sign Kelly plication keloid Kenalog Kennedy-Kassenbaum Bill Kenny Self-Care Scale keratinaceous cyst keratitis keratokeratoacanthoma keratoconjunctivitis keratolytic keratoplasty keratorefractive surgery keratosis keratotomy keraunophobia kerion Kerley lines kernicterus Kernig sign Kerr incision Kestenbaum sign Ketalar ketamine ketoacidosis ketoconazole ketogenic steroid ketorolac tromethamine ketosis 17-ketosteroids 17-ketosteroids, total ® ketotifen fumarate keyhole configuration keyhole surgery keyway Ki-1 lymphoma(s) kick kickback alert kicking kidney cancer kidney damage kidney disease kidney failure kidney infection kidney panel kidney kidney stones kidney tumor killed vaccine killer Killip scale kilocalorie kindling kindred kinesiology kinky hair disease kinship Kirby-Bauer test Kirschner wire ‘kiss of death’ surgery ‘kiss of death’ test ‘kissing balloon’ coronary angioplasty kissing, hazards of Kleine-Levin syndrome kleptomania Klinefelter syndrome Klippel-Feil sequence/syndrome Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome Klonopin Klopoxid Kluver-Bucy syndrome knee bursitis knee injury knee jerk kneeing knob sign knock knees knot knotless anchor suture Knowles pin Knuc value Koala vascular clamp Koch’s postulates Kock pouch Koebner’s phenomenon Kogoj’s abscess Kohn v Delaware Valley HMO Korotkov sounds Korsakoff psychosis Kotex Krazyglue Kremer excimer laser Kronic-Selheim incision KS Kt/V KUB Kuf’s disease Kussmaul breathing Kussmaul sign kyphoscoliosis kyphosis Kytril ™ L ™ L l Ls of dermatology, the 5’ L&D LA Laband syndrome label labeling labile labile diabetes lability labioscrotum labor labor market laboratory lab error lab test labs labyrinthine concussion labyrinthine fistula procedure labyrinthine hydrops labyrinthitis laceration Lachman test LACI lactamase lactate dehydrogenase lactate lactation lactic acidosis Lactobacillus acidophilus lactose intolerance lactose tolerance test lacunar amnesia lacunar infarct lacunar state lacy appearance LAD ladder diagram ladder pattern LADME laetrile Lafora’s disease lag phase lag screw lalling stage Lamaze technique LAMB syndrome lambda Lambda Plus laser Lambert-Eaton syndrome lambswool lamellar ichthyosis ® Lamictal laminectomy laminotomy Lamisil lamivudine lamotrigine LAMP Lamprene Lamra LAN Lance Armstrong tumor lancet landmark case landmark walking land mine Langerhans’ cell histiocytosis language disorder language mismatch lanoteplase Lanoxin lansoprazole Lantiseptic Lantron Lantus Lanza scale LAP lap chole lap traveler laparoscope laparoscopic-assisted resection laparoscopic cholecystectomy laparoscopic colon resection laparoscopic morcellator laparoscopic staging laparoscopic surgery laparoscopic vaginal hysterectomy laparoscopist laparoscopy laparotomy ® ® ® ® ® lapse lapsus linguae large cell lymphoma large cell undifferentiated carcinoma of lung large for gestational age large head large simple trial large vessel vasculitis Lariam Laron dwarfism Laroxyl larva currens larva migrans laryngeal cancer laryngeal electromyography laryngeal-mask airway laryngeal microsurgery laryngeal nerve transplant laryngeal nodule laryngeal papillomatosis laryngeal paralysis laryngectomy laryngismus stridulus laryngitis laryngomalacia laryngoscopy laryngotracheal reconstruction Lasègue sign laser laser bronchoscopy laser dentistry laser hair transplantation laser myringotomy laser resurfacing laser surgery laser thrombolysis Lasette LASIK last menstrual period last LAT ® ™ latanoprost latchkey child LATE late abortion late dumping syndrome late luteal phase dysphoric disorder late-onset immune deficiency late phase reaction late potential late stent thrombosis late systolic murmur late-term abortion latency period latent latent clostridial infection latent content latent homosexuality latent tetany syndrome latent tuberculosis lateral lateral collateral ligament injury lateral decubitus position lateral epicondylitis lateral film lateral rotation latex latex agglutination test latex allergy latex glove allergy latissimus dorsi flap Latrodectus alpha-latrotoxin LATS protector lattice dystrophy laudanosine laughter therapy laundry list LAUP lavage law lawsuit laxative laxative abuse laxity test lay midwife lazy bladder lazy eye lazy leukocyte syndrome lazy pituitary Lazy-S incision LBBB LBW LC50 LCAT LCD LCHAD deficiency LCIS LCL injury LCM LD50 LDL LDL-cholesterol LE lead lead lead pipe rigidity lead-time bias leader leading cause of death leak leaky gut syndrome lean body weight learned helplessness learned profession learned treatise learning disability learning disorder Leber hereditary optic neuropathy lecithin-cholesterol acyl transferase deficiency lecithin/sphingomyelin ratio lecture lecturer metastases leptomeningitis leptospirosis LES lesbian benign LBBB is rare Lesch-Nyhan syndrome left heart catheterization Lescol left lower quadrant lesion left shift lesionectomy left-sided ‘appendicitis’ Lesquesne Index left upper quadrant let-down reflex left ventricular assist de- lethal midline granuloma vice lethargy left ventricular failure lethologia left ventricular hypertro- letrozone phy LETS leg letter leg length discrepancy letter of pre-determinalegal tion legal crisis letter of recommendation legally authorized repre- Letterer-Siwe disease sentative leukocyte adherence test Legg-Perthes disease leucovorin rescue Legionnaire’s disease leukapheresis Leigh’s disease leukemia leiomyoma leukemic coagulopathy leiomyosarcoma leukemogenesis Leipzig disparity leukemogenic Lembrol leukemoid reaction lemon sign Leukeran Lenal Leukine length leukocyte adhesion defilength of stay ciency syndrome Lennert's lymphoma leukocyte count Lennox-Gastaut syndrome leukocyte-poor blood lens opacity leukocyte reduction lentigo malignaLentiviri- leukocytoclastic vasculitis nae leukocytosis leukodystroleonine facies phy leopard syndrome leukoedema lepirudin leukoerythroblastic reacleprechaunism tion leptin leukopenia leptocyte leptomeningeal leukoplakia leech LEEP LeFort fracture left axis deviation left bundle branch block ® ™ ® leukorrhea leukotriene receptor antagonist leuprolide leuvectin levamisole levan Levanxol Levaquin Levate LeVeen shunt level level of care level 2 study level 1 test level 1 trauma center levetiracetam Levlite levolevobupivacaine levocardia levodopa levofloxacin levonorgestro levosimendan Levoxyl Lexapro Lexotan Lexxel Leydig cell hyperplasia LFT LGA LGL syndrome LGSIL LGV LH Lhermitte sign LHON LHRH Li-Fraumeni syndrome liability liarozole fumarate Libby Zion liberation ™ ™ ™ ™ libido Libnum Librium lice, fear of license licensee licensing authority licensure by endorsement licensure lichen planus lichen sclerosis lichen simplex chronicus lichenification lidocaine Lidoderm lie detector life LIFE life-enhancing therapy life event life expectancy life-extending diet life support measures life table lifeguard lung LifePak 12 LifeSite Lifeskin lifespan lifestyle disease lifestyle drug lifetime maximum lifetime risk ligase chain reaction ligate ligation ligature light blue code light bulb appearance light chain nephropathy light chain deposition disease light light for date ® ® ® ™ light-headed light sleep stage light therapy Light’s criteria lightening lightning lightning and thunder, fear of lightning mark lightning pains likehood ratio Likert scale LIMA-Lift limb limb-girdle disease limb perfusion limb salvage limbic system Limbitrol limerance LIMIT-2 limit limitation Limitrol limits of liability limit of viability lincomycin lindane line lines of Blaschko line-of-sight transmission linear dose-response linear fracture linear regression linearity linezolid lingual link linkage analysis lip stripping Lipanthyl lipectomy lipemia retinalis LIPID ™ ® ™ ® lipid-associated sialic acid lipid hypothesis lipid profile Lipid Research Clinics Prevalence Study lipid storage diseases lipidation Lipiodol Lipitor lipo(a) lipochrome lipodystrophy syndrome lipofuscin lipoid pneumonia lipoid proteinosis lipoleiomyoma lipoma lipoma arborescens lipomatosis dolorosa lipoperoxide lipoplex lipopolysaccharide-binding protein lipoprotein(a) lipoprotein lipase deficiency lipoprotein X liposhaving liposome liposuction Lipoxide lipstick sign liquid diet Liquid Embolic System LiquiVent liquor LIS lisinopril lisofylline lissencephaly listeriosis literacy the literature lithium carbonate ™ ® lithotripsy lithotripter liticaphobia litogen litter Little League elbow Little League shoulder Little’s disease live attenuated vaccine live birth livedo reticularis liver abscess liver adenoma liver cancer liver cancer profile liver dialysis liver disease liver failure liver function tests liver metastasis liver panel liver rounds liver-spleen scan liver spots liver transplant living will livor mortis LLE LM LMP LN load load & shift test loaded loading loading dose loaned servant doctrine lobar intracerebral hemorrhage lobar pneumonia lobe lobectomy lobucavir lobular carcinoma in situ lobular carcinoma local local anesthetic local recurrence local therapy localization procedure localized localized disease locally advanced cancer loci Locilex lock locked-in syndrome locked knee locked lung lockjaw locum tenens locus minoris resistentiae Lodine lofepramine log log in log on log-rolling logic logizomechanophobia loin loin pain-hematuria syndrome Lolita syndrome lollipop tree appearance Lombard voice-reflex test lomefloxacin Lomotrim lomustine Lonazep lone atrial fibrillation Lone Star tick loner longboarding long call long feedback loop long leg syndrome long Q-T syndrome long-term care ™ ® ® long-term memory longevity longitudinal study look-back program loop diuretic loop extrasurgical excision procedure loop-o-gram loosening of associations loperamide Lopid Lopressor Loprox Lorabid loracarbef loratidine lorazepam lordosis loricrin LOS losartan losartan-hydrochlorothiazide loss lossless compression loss of appetite loss of smell loss of taste lossy compression lost-opportunity doctrine lot Lotronex lottery Lou Gehrig disease louse louse-borne typhus Lovan lovastatin the ‘love drug’ love handles love-hate relationship Lovejoy staging Lovenox Lovett scale ® ® ™ ® ® Lovium low axillary dissection low back pain low birth weight low blood low blood sugar low-cost physician low-density lipoprotein low-dose aspirin low-energy defibrillation low-fat diet low-flow oxygen therapy low-grade B-cell lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue type low-grade lymphoma low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion low-impact sport low-level waste low magnesium low-molecular weight heparin low motion disease low muscle tone low-osmolality contrast medium low-output gastrointestinal fistula low-output heart failure low phosphate low potassium low-protein diet low-quality protein low sugar low T3 syndrome low T4 syndrome low-yield procedure Lowe syndrome lower cervical spine injury lower esophageal sphincter lower GI series lower rate lowest-observed-adverseeffect level Lown-Ganong-Levine syndrome loxapine Loxitane Loxosceles reclusa lozenge Lozepam LPS LQT1 LQT2 LQT3 LQTS LRTI LS & A L/S ratio LSD LSF LSIL LT LTD LTK system LTS lubricant Lucey-Driscoll Syndrome lucid interval Ludiomil Ludwig's angina LUE lues LUF syndrome Lufyllin Lugol solution lumbar puncture Luminal lumone lump in rectum lump in breast lumpectomy lumping lumpy jaw LUNA ® ™ ® ® Lunelle lung cancer ™ resectable , if it responds to chemotherapy lung collapse lung compliance lung disease lung metastases lung-reduction surgery lung squeeze lung transplant lung volumes lung water lupoid lupoid hepatitis Lupron lupus anticoagulant lupus carditis lupus eythematosus lupus nephritis lupus profile lupus psychosis lurking variable lust murder Lustral Lustra luteal phase defect luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone agonist luteinizing hormone luteoma lutetium texaphrin Luvox luxation luxury perfusion syndrome luxury room LVEF LVH LWBS LWSD lye injury Lyell syndrome Lyme arthritis ® ® ® Lyme disease Lyme embryopathy Lyme encephalopathy Lyme meningoencephalitis LYMErix lymph follicle hypertrophy lymph gland infection/inflammation lymph node necrosis lymphadenectomy lymphadenitis lymphadenopathy lymphangiectasis lymphangiography lymphangioma lymphangitis lymphatic pump lymphedema lymphoblastic lymphomalymphocytic choriomeningitis lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia lymphocytic lymphoma lymphocytic thyroiditis lymphocytosis lymphocytotoxicity assay lymphoepithelioma lymphogranuloma inguinale lymphogranuloma venereum lymphoid lymphoid granular complex lymphokine-activated killer cells lymphoma lymphomatoid granulomatosis lymphomatoid papulosis lymphomatosis ™ lymphopenia lymphopoietic lymphoproliferative disorder lymphostatic verrucosis Lynx over-the-wire catheter Lyon Heart Study lyonization lyophilization lyophilized liposomal delivery system lysergic acid diethylamide lysinemia lysis lysosomal storage diseases lytes lytic M M m M component M current M-mode echocardiography M2 protocol M-tropic strain M-VAC M-Zole pack M’Naughten test or MAAS MAB MAC MAC regimen maceration Machado-Joseph disease machine machinery murmur machinist’s hand MACOP-B macro macroamylasemia macrobiotic diet macrocephaly macrocytic anemia macrocytosis macroglobulin macroglossia macrolide antibiotic macronutrient macroparasite macropenis macrosomia macular macular degeneration macular edema macule maculopapular rash maculopapule mad cow disease mad dog MADD MADIT magenstraße maggot MAGIC magic bullet magic mushrooms magical thinking maginot line pattern magnesium magnesium ammonium phosphate stone magnesium deficiency magnesium-induced diarrhea magnesium sulfate magnet hospital magnet reaction magnetic media magnetic resonance magnetic resonance an- giography magnetic resonance imaging magnetic stereotaxis magnetic stimulation magnetoencephalograph magnetoencephalography magnification mail order medicine main d'accoucheur main-en-lorgnette deformity mainline mainstream medicine mainstreaming maintenance maintenance chemotherapy maintenance dose maintenance therapy Mainz pouch MAIS complex major cancer major depression major depressive disorder major depressive episode major life activity major medical major procedure major surgery malabsorption malaise malakoplakia malaoxon Malassezia furfur malathion maldigestion male male bonding male chromosome complement male factor male hermaphroditism male menopause male pattern baldness male pseudohermaphro- ditism malemission malformation malignancy malignancy of unknown origin malignant malignant ascites malignant blue nevus malignant dysphagia malignant fibrous histiocytoma malignant histiocytosis malignant hypertension malignant hyperthermia syndrome malignant melanoma malignant mesothelioma malignant mixed mesodermal tumor malignant mole malignant narcissism malignant nephrosclerosis malignant neuroleptic syndrome malignant osteoporosis malignant otitis externa malignant plasmacytoma malignant teratoma malignant transformation malingering malleolar torsion mallet finger mallet toe Mallophaga Mallory-Weiss tear malnutrition malocclusion of teeth malpractice malpractice stress syndrome MALT lymphoma Maltese Cross appearance maltreatment malunion MAMA mammary duct ectasia mammary dysplasia mammary souffle mammogram mammographic abnormality mammography Mammography Quality Standards Act mammoplasty man man-bling man-made death manmade disaster manage managed care managed care organization managed service organization management management service organization management test Manchester operation mandated benefit mandated choice mandatory assignment mandatory reporting mandibular advancement device mandibulectomy Manegan Manerix maneuver manganese deficiency manganese poisoning mania manic-depressive illness manic episode manic phase of bipolar disorder manifest content manipulation manipulator manner of death mannosidosis manometry manpower shortage manslaughter mantle port mantle-zone lymphoma Mantoux test manual manual expression manuscript many things, fear of MAO MAOI MAP map-dot dystrophy MAPCath maple syrup urine disease maprotiline MAR marasmus marathon marble bone disease marble brain disease marbling Marcaine MARCATOR march fracture march hemoglobinuria Marcus Gunn phenomenon Marfan syndrome marfanoid habitus Margrilan marijuana marimastat marital adjustment scale mark marker marker of choice market share marketing ® Markov process markovian analysis Marlex Maroteaux-Lamy disease Marquis of Queensbury rules marriage bonus MARSA Marseille Classification Marshall-Marchetti procedure marshmallow test marsupialization Martha Stewart disease martial arts masculinization mask mask-like face mask of pregnancy mask phenomenon masked masked depression masochism mass mass disaster mass effect mass hysteria mass immunizer MASS phenotype mass shooting mass sociogenic illness mass tort litigation Massachusetts General Hospital massage parlor massage therapy massive transfusion MAST mast cell leukemia mastectomy master-servant doctrine mastitis mastocytoma mastocytosis ® mastodynia mastoid obliteration operation mastoid surgery mastoidectomy mastoiditis mastopathy mastopexy masturbation MAT match match test the Match matching matching grant material Material Safety Data Sheet maternal age effect maternal deprivation syndrome maternal-fetal conflict maternal immunity maternal-infant transmission maternal inheritance maternal mortality rate maternal mortality ratio maternity home mathematics disorder matrix matrix point matroclinous inheritance matter maturity onset diabetes mellitus of the young Maveral Mavik max Maxalt Maxamine Maxaquin maxide maxillofacial injury ® ™ ™ ® MCTD MD MD/PhD MDA MDC MDD MDILog monitor MDM MDMA MDPIT MDR MDR system MDS ‘me too’ drug MEA mean measles measurable disease measure measurement meatal stenosis mebendazole mecamylamine mechanical infertility mechanical infusion pump mechanical instability dang, that HURTS mechanical restraint McCollough effect mechanical ventilation McCune-Albright disease mechanism McDougal clamp mechanism of death McDougall diet mechanotherapy mcg mechlorethamine McGill Pain QuestionMeckel’s diverticulum naire meclofenamate MCGN meconium MCH meconium aspiration synMCHC drome MCL meconium ileus MCL injury meconium-stained amniMCLN otic fluid McMurray sign Mectizan MCO MED MCT MEDAC syndrome maxillofacial surgeon maximum androgen ablation maximum containment facility maximum tolerable dose maximum voluntary ventilation Maxipime May-Hegglin anomaly Mayo Clinic syndrome mayoism maze procedure mazindol MB MB fraction mBACOD MBC MBD MBEST MBP MCAD deficiency McArdle’s disease MCAT McBurney’s incision McBurney's point ™ ® ™ Medea complex MEDENOX media epidemic media malpractice medial medial collateral ligament injury medial tibial stress syndrome median nerve dysfunction median rhomboid glossitis mediastinal crunch mediastinal emphysema mediastinal tumor mediastinitis mediastinoscopy mediastinotomy Medicaid Medicaid buy-in Medicaid fraud Medicaid mill Medicaidization medical medical abortion medical abuse medical castration medical center medical condition medical device medical direction medical directive medical documentation medical ethics medical examiner medical 'failure' medical fetal therapy medical food medical fragility medical futility medical history medical informatics medical mall medical malpractice medical massage Medical Mercy Mission Inc medical movie medical necessity medical oncologist medical paternalism medical privacy medical record medical risk medical school medical school syndrome medical service medical services organization medical Spanish medical specialty medical student syndrome medical staff medical student abuse medical student debt medical supervision medical surveillance medical team medical tourism medical underwriting medical waste medicalization medically necessary medically underserved area medically uninsured medicamentosa rhinitis Medicare Medicare fraud Medicare Identification Number Medicare risk contract medication medication administration record medication error Medication Event Monitoring System medication nurse medicine medicolegal death Medicus Nursing Classification Score Medifil medigap Medipramine MedisGroups meditation Mediterranean diet Mediterranean fever Mediterranean food pyramid Mediterranean lymphoma medium medium chain acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase deficiency medium-sized vessel vasculitis MEDLARS MEDLINE MedModeler Medoff sliding plate medomalacuphobia medroxyprogesterone acetate meds Medtalk Medtronic Meduck monitor medullary carcinoma of breast medullary carcinoma of thyroid medullary cystic disease medullary sponge kidney medulloblastoma medulloepithelioma medullomyoblastoma Medusa head appearance meet'em, treat'em, & street'em MEFR megaMegace megacephaly megacolon megadosing megalencephaly megaloblastic anemia megaloblastic madness megalocephaly megalophobia megaly Megan’s law megarectum megaureter megavitamin therapy C megestrol acetate meibomian cyst Meige syndrome melanmelancholia melancholy melanin melanocyte-stimulating hormone melanocytic nevus melanoma melanosis coli melanotic whitlow MELAS melasma melena melioidosis Melipramine melituria melorheostosis melphalan member membrane membrane potential membranes membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis type 1 ® membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis type 2 membranous glomerulonephritis meme memory memory impairment screen MEN menarche mendelian disorder Ménière’s disease meningeal carcinomatosis meningeal sign meningeal metastases meningioma meningismus meningitis meningitis belt meningocele meningococcal meningitis meningococcal septicemia meningoencephalitis meningomyelocele meniscus sign meniscus sign of Carman meniscus tear Menkes syndrome menometrorrhagia menopause menorrhagia menorrhea menses menstrual cramps menstrual cup menstrual extraction menstrual flow menstrual migraine menstrual sponge menstruation mental decline mental disorder mental examination mental filtering mental health professional mental health (service) provider mental illness mental retardation mental status mental stress Mentalium mentally defective mentally disabled mentally incapacitated Mentax menthol mentoplasty mentor menu meperidine mephenytoin meprobamate Mepron mEq purinethol MERCATOR Mercator catheter Mercedes-Benz sign Mercurochrome mercy killing merger Meridia merit compensation Merkel cell carcinoma Merlit MERRF mesalamine mescaline mesenchymoma mesenteric artery syndrome mesenteric venous thrombosis MeSH mesna Mesocestoides ® ® mesoridazine besylate mesothelioma mestinon meta-analysis metabolic acidosis metabolic alkalosis metabolic bone disease metabolic neuropathy metabolic panel metabolic screen metabolic syndrome metabolic toxemia of pregnancy metabolizer metacarpectomy metachromatic leukodystrophy metachronous metal fume fever metanephrine metaproterenol sulfate metastasectomy metastasis metastasize metastatic cancer metastatic cancer to brain metastatic cancer to lung metastatic disease panel metastatic pleural tumor metatarsalgia metatarsectomy metatarsus adductus metatarsus equinus metatarsus varus metered-dose inhaler metformin methadone methamphetamine methanol methaqualone methemoglobinemia methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus methionine malabsorp® tion syndrome method method of choice methotrexate methoxamine methoxsalen methsuximide methyl bromide 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase deficiency methylmalonic acid methylmercury methylphenidate methyltestosterone metoprolol succinate metrics metrifonate Metrix defibrillator metrizamide metrizoate metronidazole Metropolitan Life table metrorrhagia metyrapone Meuse fever Mevacor Meval mevalonic acid mevalonic aciduria mexiletine MFD MFO MFS MG mg MGN MGUS µg MH MHC MHC class II deficiency ™ ® MHC restriction MHz MI Miacalcin MIB MIBB system mibefradil MIC Micardis mice Mickey Finn miconazole MICRO-HOPE microabscess microaggregate filter microalbuminuria microampere microaneurysm microangiopathy Microban microbe microcalcification microcephaly microcirculation microcolon microcytic anemia microcytosis microdeletion syndrome microencapsulated microendoscope MicroFlow microfocal cancer microfracture microhematocrit microinvasive carcinoma microlaparoscope Microlet Vaculance micromanage micrometastasis Micromonosporaceae micronutrient microorganism micropenis microphthalmia ® ™ ™ ™ ® ™ microscopic esophagitis microscopic hematuria microscopic metastasis microscopic polyangiitis microsleep microsomia Microsporidia microsporidiosis Microsporum microsurgery microsurgical diskectomy microtrauma microvascular decompression microvascular disease microvascular free toe transfer microwave microwave catheter ablation microwave diathermy microwave prostatectomy microwave radar micturition MICU MID mid-arm muscle area midcycle pain middiastolic murmur midlevel provider midlife crisis midline granuloma midrange mid-systolic click syndrome midwife MIDAS midazolam MIDCAB middle ear infection middle lobe syndrome middle molecule toxins middle stage HIV disease middle-aged mifepristone migraine migraine equivalent Migranal migrating testis migratory thromboembolism MiKasome Miketorin mild traumatic brain injury miliaria miliary miliary tuberculosis milium milk milk-alkali syndrome milk intolerance ‘milk’ leg milk let-down ‘milking’ Milkman syndrome Millennium system Miller Behavioral Style Scale millimillion-dollar workup millivolt Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-II Mills’ test Milontin milrinone Miltown Milwaukee Brace Milwaukee shoulder MIM number mimic mind mind/body medicine mineral mineral oil mineralocorticoid miniantibody ® ® ™ ® ® minifilm mini-med school mini-mental test mini stroke Mini-Mental Status Exam minilap minimal brain dysfunction minimal breast cancer minimal change disease minimal detectable concentration minimal response minimally invasive direct coronary artery bypass surgery minimally invasive cardiac surgery minimally invasive surgery minimum bactericidal concentration minimum daily requirements minimum effective concentration minimum inhibitory concentration minimum risk level minipill Minipress ministroke minisuction Minneapolis plan Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Minnesota tube minor minor cancer minor depression minor salivary gland minor surgery minority institution minoxidil MINT CANDY minute volume & respiration rate minutes miosis Mipralin MIRA MIRACL MIRACLE MIRAGE Miraluma Mirapex Mircette mirror mirror image biopsy mirror movement mirror test mirtazapine MIS misadventure miscall miscarriage misdiagnosis misery index misinformed consent mismatch misophobia misoprostol misrepresentation MISS missed abortion mission mission statement mistake Mister Mr Green Mr Red mistreatment of elderly mitgehen MITI-1 MITI-2 mitmachen mitochondrial disease mitochondrial inheritance mitomycin ™ ® ™ mitotane mitotic activity mitotic activity index mitoxantrone Mitraflex mitral regurgitation mitral ring calcification mitral stenosis mitral valve prolapse syndrome Mitran mitriptyline mivacurium mix mixed connective tissue disease mixed cryoglobulinemia mixed episode mixed message mixed tumor mixed wound infection MJ MKSAP mL ml MLC MLD MLEL MLO MLR MLS group MLT mm Hg MMM MMPI MMR vaccine MMWR mnemonic Moban mobile laboratory mobile medical service MobilExcimer system mobility testing mobilization therapy ® ® MobiluncusMobin-Uddin filter Möbius sign mobs, fear of moccasin distribution moclobemide modafinil mode mode of dying model modeling modem moderate-impact sport modern medicine modified community rating modified fee-for-service modified neck dissection modified radical mastectomy modified radical mastoidectomy modulator MODY Mogadon mogul sign Mohs surgery moist rales molar molar pregnancy mold molding mole molecular biology molecular disease molecular epidemiology molecular genetic analysis molecular genetic test molecular imaging molecular medicine molecular mimicry molecular prognostication molecular wellness testing Molipaxin Mollaret’s meningitis molluscicide molysmophobia mom mometasone furoate Monafed MONARCS Monday morning sickness mongolian heart mongolian spot MONICA monilethrix monilial moniliasis of oral cavity monitor monitored anesthesia care monitoring mono monomonoamine monoamine oxidase inhibitor monoamniotic monochorionic monoclonal antibody monoclonal gammopathy monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance monoclonal immunoglobulin monocyte monocytoid B-cell lymphoma monocytosis monofilament monogamy monolaurin monomer mononeuropathy mononuclear-phagocytic system mononucleosis ® monophasic basal body temperature pattern monophasic oral contraceptive monophasic pill monophobia monoplegia monosaccharide monosodium glutamate allergy monosomy Monospot test Monostrut valve monotherapy monounsaturated fat monovalent vaccine monozygotic twins monster Monteggia fracture montelukast Montevideo unit Monurol mood moon face moonlighting moonshine MOPP moral masochism morbid fear morbid obesity morbidity morbidity rate morbilliform rash MORE morgue moricizine morning-after pill morning dip morning sickness Moro sign morphea Morphelan MorphiDex morphine Morquio syndrome ™ ™ ® ™ -double entry- mort d’amour mortality mortality deceleration mortality rate Morton’s neuroma Morton’s test MOS-HIV mosaic mosaic artifact mosaic pattern mosaic wart mosquito most-significant other moth ball syndrome moth-eaten pattern mother mother-to-child transmission mother index mother-in-law, fear of motherhood mothering motion motion sickness Motival motivation motivational interview motor aphasia motor neuron disease motor speech disorder motor tic motor vehicle accident Motrin MOTT mottled enamel mount mountain biking mountain fever mountain medicine mountain sickness Mountain staging system mountain tick fever Mournier-Kuhn syndrome ® mourning mouse mouse elbow mousetooth moustache mouth cancer mouth ulcer movement movement time MOXCON moxonidine moya-moya disease 6-MP MP MPEG MPGN MPH MPJ MPM II MPO MPS MPTP MR MR angiography MR IMAGES MRA MRC MRFIT MRI coronary angiography MRI MRO MRSA MS MSBOS MSDS MSG MSOF MSUD MT MTBE MTF MTP-PE MTX mu MUAC mucin clot test mucinous mucocele mucocutaneous lymph node disease mucolipidosis mucopolysaccharidosis mucopolysaccharidosis IH mucopolysaccharidosis IS mucopolysaccharidosis II mucopolysaccharidosis III mucopolysaccharidosis IV mucopolysaccharidosis V mucopolysaccharidosis VII mucopurulent cervicitis mucormycosis mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma mucosal lacerations of cardioesophageal junction mucositis mucous mucoviscidosis mucus mucus retention cyst muddy complexion muddy lung MUGA Muit-Torre syndrome mule müllerian mixed tumor multiaxial system multicasualty incident multicenter multicystic kidney multidirectional shoulder instability multidisciplinary approach multidrug resistance inhibition multidrug-resistant bacte- ria multifactorial multifocal multifocal atrial tachycardia multifocality multifocal neuropathy multigravida multi-infarct dementia Multikine MultiLight system multilineage leukemia multimodal therapy multiorgan transplantation multipara multiple autoimmune disorder multiple birth multiple chemical sensitivity/sensitivities syndrome multiple cholesterol emboli syndrome multiple endocrine neoplasia multiple epiphyseal dysplasia multiple hamartoma syndrome multiple lentigines syndrome multiple malformation syndromes multiple personality disorder multiple plane imaging multiple primary malignancy syndrome multiple sclerosis multiple-system atrophy multiproblem family multishot suicide multispatula cervical sam™ pler multispecialty management multistage carcinogenesis Multistix multisystem organ failure Multitak suture multitasking multivessel disease multivitamin mumps mumps vaccine Munchausen syndrome Munchausen-by-proxy syndrome munchies mupirocin murder one murmur murmur grade Murphy’s kidney punch Murphy’s sign muscarine muscle antibody muscle contraction headache muscle dysmorphia muscle relaxant muscular dystrophy musculoskeletal disorder mushroom mushroom of foam mushroom grower’s lung mushroom poisoning music therapy musician’s wart Musset sign MUSST MUST MUSTT mutilating arthritis mutilating surgery mutilation mutism MVA MVP Mx myasthenia gravis myasthenic crisis myasthenic reaction myasthenic syndrome Mycelex mycetoma mycobacteriology lab Mycobacterium Mycobacterium avium complex disease Mycobacterium bovis Mycobacterium kansasii Mycobacterium leprae Mycobacterium marinum Mycobacterium tuberculosis Mycobacterium xenopi Mycobutin mycophenolate mofetil Mycoplasma Mycoplasma fermentans incognitus strain mycoplasma pneumonia mycosis mycosis fungoides Mycostatin mycotic aneurysm myelitis myeloablative therapy myelodysplasia myelodysplastic syndrome myelofibrosis ® -double entry myelogenous myelography myeloid myeloma myeloma profile myeloma, Ig D type myeloma kidney myelomeningocele myelopathy myeloperoxidase deficiency myelophthisic anemia myelopoiesis myeloproliferative disorder myelosclerosis with myeloid metaplasia myelosuppression myelosuppressive therapy myocardial blush myocardial bridging myocardial contrast echocardiography myocardial contusion myocardial hibernation myocardial infarction myocardial infarction scan myocardial ischemia myocardial laser revascularization myocardial perfusion imaging myocardial stunning myocarditis myoclonus myofacial pain syndrome myofascial syndrome myofascial trigger point myofibroma myofibromatosis myogenic myoglobinuria myomectomy myopathic gait myopathy myophosphorylase deficiency myopia myopotential myositis myositis ossificans myotonia myotonia congenita myotonic dystrophy Myotrophin myotube myotubular myopathy myringoplasty myringotomy myrmecophobia mysophilia myxedema myxoid ® N N n n-3 fatty acid N of 1 trial NA NABCO Nabi-HB Nabothian cyst NAD nadolol nadolol with isosorbide mononitrate nafamostat mesylate nafarelin nafcillin Naffziger’s test Nagahara phaco chopper nail nail unit nail-patella syndrome nailfold capillary microscopy naked virus nalbuphine NALC Nalfon nalidixic acid nalorphine ™ ® naloxone naltrexone name named reporting NANB nandrolone decanoate nanism nanomedicine Nantucket disease nap NAPc2 naphthalene naphthol napkin napkin ring lesion naproxen naratriptan ‘narc’ Narcan narcissistic personality disorder narcolepsy narcosis narcosynthesis narcotic Nardil Narol Naropin NARP narratophilic narrow QRS complex tachycardia narrow therapeutic index drug NAS NASA syndrome nasal airway resistance nasal cannula nasal compliance nasal congestion nasal cycle nasal decongestant nasal endoscopy nasal flaring ® ® ™ nasal fossa nasal obstruction nasal packing nasal polyp nasal stuffiness nasal tumor nasal turbinate Nasalcrom NASCET NASCIS nasopharyngeal carcinoma nasopharyngitis NASS natal sex natal tooth National Bill of patients’ rights National Boards Examination National Cancer Institute National Center for Complementary & Alternative Medicine national certification National Committee for Quality Assurance National Council Against Health Fraud National Death Index National Domestic Violence Hotline National Drug Code National Formulary national health care National Health Federation National Health Service National Heart, Lung, & Blood Institute National Informatlon Infrastructure ® National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health National Institutes of Health National Institute of Standards & Technology National Library of Medicine National Polyp Study National Practitioner Data Bank National Provider Identifier National Surgical Adjuvant Breast Project National Toxicology Program nationalization Native tissue harmonic imaging natural antibody natural carcinogen natural childbirth natural death natural disaster natural family planning natural father natural food movement natural gas natural healing natural history of disease natural medicine natural mother natural pacemaker natural parent natural psychotherapy natural short sleeper naturally fluoridated water system nature cure naturopath naturopathic obstetrics naturopathy nausea nausea gravidarum navel ™ Navigator NB NBE NBG Code NBS NCCP NCEP NCI NCQA ND Nd-YAG laser Nd:YAG laser NDI near extremis ‘near miss’ sudden infant death syndrome near poor nearsightedness Nebcin nebulized lidocaine nebulizer NebuPent NEC Necator americanus necessary necessary fallibility necessary stopping distance necessity neck neck-cracker neuropathy neck dissection neck examination neck face syndrome neck hold neck tongue syndrome necrobiosis lipoidica necrolytic migratory erythema necrophilia necropsy necrosectomy necrosis necrospermia ® necrotic necrotic tumor necrotizing alveolar capillaritis necrotizing arachnidism necrotizing colitis necrotizing enterocolitis necrotizing fasciitis necrotizing lymphadenitis necrotizing pneumonia necrotizing sialometaplasia NED need needle needle aspiration cytology needle biopsy needle exchange program needle-free blood testing needle scope needlestick injury needs model nefazodone negative negative acute phase reactant negative autopsy negative axillary lymph node negative emotion negative end-expiratory pressure negative inotrope negative most-significantother negative pressure negative symptom negative triad neglect neglect patient negligence negligent nondisclosure negligent referral negotiated payment schedule negotiated safety Neisseria gonorrhoeae Neisseria meningitidis nelfinavir nemaline myopathy nematode Nembutal neo neoadjuvant chemotherapy neoadjuvant therapy Neocontrol neologism neomycin neonatal neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale neonatal conjunctivitis neonatal hemochromatosis neonatal ‘hepatitis’ Neonatal Infant Pain Scale neonatal intensive care unit neonatal macrosomia neonatal mortality rate neonatal panel/profile neonatal screen neonatal sepsis neonatal thrombocytopenia neonatal withdrawal syndrome neonate neonatologist neonatology neoplasia neoplasm neoplasm panel neoprene ® ™ Neoral Neosar neostigmine neostigmine test Neothylline Neotrend neovascularization nephrectomy nephritic syndrome nephritis nephroblastoma nephrocalcinosis nephrogenic diabetes insipidus nephrolithiasis nephrologist nephrology nephropathic cystinosis nephropathy nephropexy nephroptosis nephrosclerosis nephrosis nephrotic range nephrotic syndrome Nerbet Nerozen nerve nerve biopsy nerve block nerve conduction study nerve gas nerve pain nerve regeneration nerve root impingement nerve-sparing prostatectomy nerves nervous nervous bowel syndrome nervous breakdown nervous exhaustion nesting Netherton syndrome ® ® ® ™ netiquette netizen NETT Nettergram network network model HMO Neupogen Neuprex neural prosthesis neural tube defect neuralgia neuraminidase inhibitor neurapraxia neurasthenia neuritis neuroablative procedure neuroarthropathy neuroblastoma neuroblastoma, IV-S syndrome neuroborreliosis neurocardiogenic syncope neurocirculatory asthenia NeuroCol sponge neurocutaneous syndrome neurodegenerative disorder neurodermatitis neuroendocrine tumor neurofibrillary tangle neurofibromatosis, type 1 neurofibromatosis, type 2 neurogenic neurogenic bladder neurogenic communication disorder neurogenic shock neuroimaging neuroleptic malignant syndrome neuroleptic neurologic examination neurologic impairment neurologic orthostatic hy® ™ ™ potension neurologic stability neurologist and neurology neurolymphomatosis neurolytic block neurolytic celiac plexus block neuromuscular blockade neuromuscular reeducation neuronal nitric oxide synthase neuronal plasticity Neurontin neuro-oncologist neuropathic joint neuropathy Neuropax neuropeptide neuroprobe neuroprotective agent neuropsychiatry neuroradiologist neuroradiology neuroscientist Neurosedin Neurosine neurosis neurosurgeon neurosurgery neurosyphilis neurotic neurotic disorder neurotoxic neurotoxin neurotransmitter neurotrauma Neurotrend neurotrophic factor Neutra-Caine neutral lipid storage disease ® ™ ™ neutral position Neutralase neutralization plate NeuTrexin neutropenia neutropenic colitis with aplastic anemia neutrophil neutrophilia nevirapine nevus nevus anemicus nevus of Ota New Age new drug new drug application New Jersey vesicular stomatitis virus new physician New York Heart Association classification newborn jaundice newborn screening news embargo news release newsgroup Nexacryl Nexium next-of-kin NF NGU NHANES III NHL nibbling nibbling diet Nibblit NIC NicCheck NICE niche nick-you nickel & dime lesion nickel toxicity niclosamide ™ ™ ™ ™ ® NICODARD Nicorette nicotine nicotine analogue nicotine gum nicotine nasal spray nicotine patch nicotine replacement therapy nicotine withdrawal syndrome nicotinic acid deficiency Nicotrol inhaler nictameral ™ ® night-day nidation NIDDM Niemann-Pick disease nifedipine night blindness nightfloat night-owl insomnia night-shift fatigue nightstick fracture nightsweats nightmare NIH Stroke Scale nihilistic delusion NIHL nil disease nilutamide Nimbex NINDS 911 ninhydrin NIÑOS Nintendo surgery NIOSH niosome nip & tuck Nipent nipple discharge nisoldipine core coat Nissen fundoplication ® ® nit nitric oxide nitrogen embolismnitrogen mustard nitrogen narcosis nitroglycerin Nitropress nitrosamines nitrosourea nitrous oxide nitrovasodilator Nivalen nizatidine Nizoral NMD NMDA antagonist NMP22 test NMR NNRTI no choice plan no code orders no-fault insurance ‘no’ food no-impact sport No-Man’s land no masses no meningeal sign “no nit” policy no observable effect no observed adverse effect level no-reflow phenomenon no-show Noan Nobel Prize Nobelist nocardiosis nocebo nociceptor nocturnal bruxism nocturnal dyspnea nocturnal emission nocturnal enuresis nocturnal myoclonus ® ® nocturnal penile tumescence nocturnal sleep node node-negative nodovenous shunt nodular nodular melanoma nodule NOGA map noise noise-induced hearing loss noise pollution noisy breathing NOK Nolvaldex noma nomenclature Nomina Anatomica nominal nomogram non-accidental trauma non-A, non-B hepatitis nonarticular rheumatism non-bacterial endocarditis non-bacterial prostatitis noncardiac chest pain non-coital sex noncommitted operation noncompete clause noncompliance noncontrollable life-style specialty noncoverage nondepolarizing agent nondisclosure nondistended nonduplication of benefits nonedematous nonepileptic seizure nonesterified fatty acids nonfocal ® non-gonococcal bacterial arthritis non-gonococcal urethritis non-hemolytic transfusion reaction non-Hodgkins’ lymphoma nonhypertension syndrome nonimmune hemolytic anemia noninflammatory arthritis noninflammatory joint disease noninnovative drug non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus non-invasive noninvasive positive pressure ventilation non-ionizing radiation nonketotic hyperglycemic coma nonlinear nonmaleficence nonmelanoma skin cancer nonmendelian disorder nonmetastatic nonmodifiable risk factor nonmotile sperm nonneurolytic block nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor non-nutritive dietary component nonpalpable nonparous nonparticipation nonpitting edema nonprogressive HIV-1 infection nonproprietary non-Q-wave infarction nonrandomized trial non-rapid eye movement sleep nonsense syndrome nonsequitur nonsexual genital assault non-small cell carcinoma of lung non-smoking tobacco nonspecific back pain nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug nonstress test nontender nontherapeutic research nontoxic nontoxic goiter non-traditional cancer therapy nontropical sprue nontuberculous mycobacterium non-ulcer dyspepsia nonunion fracture nonverbal communication nonviable fetus Noonan syndrome noradrenaline norastemizole Norco NORD nordiazepam NORDIL Norditropin nordoxepin norfloxacin Norfranil Norian SRS Noritate Norline normal curve normal for age normal pressure hydrocephalus normal saline normal sleep ™ ® ® normal volunteer Normaton Normide Normiflo Normison normoactive Normodyne normophilia normotensive Norpace Norplant Norpramin Norpress Norrie’s disease North American operation Northern blotting Nortriptyline Norvasc Norvir Norwalk agent(s) Norwalk-like virus NOS inhibitor nose nose candy nose coverage nose hose nose job nosebleed nosocomial nosocomial AIDS nosocomial anemia nosocomial infection nosocomial pneumonia nosology not covered not palpable notching notebook notes notice notice of privacy practices notifiable disease Novacor Novaldex ® ® ® ® ® ® ™ ® Novantrone Novazam novelty diet novelty-seeking behavior Novidorm Novocain Novolorazem NovoPen 3 Novopoxide Novopramine NovoSeven Novotriptyn Novus fusion cage noxious music noxious thing nPA NPC NPI NPO NREMS NREMS period NSABP NSAID NSAID enteropathy NSCLC NSILA NSR NST NSTEMI NSU NTD n admission NTHI Nubain nuchal translucency sign nuclear cardiology nuclear:cytoplasmic ratio nuclear family nuclear magnetic resonance nuclear medicine nuclear scanning nucleoside analogue nucleoside analog reverse ® ® ® ® th ® transcriptase inhibitor Nuctane NUD nuke null hypothesis nulligravida nullipara number number ‘crunching’ number needed to treat numeracy numerator nu nurse nurse endoscopist nurse midwife nurse practitioner nursemaid's elbow Nurses’ Health Study nursing nursing home nut nutate nutcracker esophagus nutcracker phenomenon Nutrasweet nutrient nutriphile nutrition nutritional assessment nutritionist Nutropin Nuvaring Nuvera nyctophobia nymphomania Nyotran nystagmus nystatin ™ ® ™ ™ ™ O O obstructive airways disease obstructive hydrocephalus obstructive jaundice obstructive sleep apnea obstructive uropathy obtunded obturator sign occipital occipital horn occiput presentation occiput occlusion occlusive dressing occult occult bleeding occult blood occult cancer occult infection occult primary malignancy obetension occupant protection deOB/GYN vice OBJECT occupational asthma objective occupational bronchitis obligate occupational dose obligate carrier occupational exposure to OBS bloodborne pathogens observation occupational feminization observation bed occupational hearing loss observation services occupational malignancy obsession occupational medicine obsessive-compulsive disoccupational therapist order occurrence policy obsessive-compulsive perOCD sonality disorder ochronosis obstetric hypercoagulabilOCP ity profile OCT obstetric profile OCTAVE obstetrician Octopus obstetrics OctreoScan obstruction octreotide acetate obstruction series octyl-cyanoacrylate o O sign O/T OA oak leaf spot OASIS Oasis oasthouse urine disease OAT oat cell carcinoma OATS OB obese obesity obesity-hypoventilation syndrome obesity-related disease Obesity Task Force classification ™ ™ ™ ® ocular ocular flow analyzer ocular melanoma ocular photodynamic therapy ocular plethysmography ocular ultrasonography oculocerebrorenal syndrome OD ODD syndrome odds ratio odontoid odontoid fracture odontoma odor odynophagia odynophobia oedipal phase Oedipus complex oesophagus off campus off-gassing off-label use off-ladder off period off-shore medical school office Office of Alternative Medicine office D&C office hypertension office practice official compendium official written order offspring ofloxacin Oguchi’s disease 17-OH-corticosteroid OHTS ointment the old man’s friend old boy network old man sleeping after ™ dinner old soldier’s heart Old Sparky oldest old olestra olfactory agnosia olfactory hallucination olfactory reference syndrome oligooligoanalgesia oligohydramnios oligomeganephronia oligomenorrhea oligonephronic hypoplasia Oligon catheter oligospermia oliguria Ollier’s disease ology Olux ViaFoam Olympics oma omapatrilat OMD omega sign omega-3 fatty acids omentectomy omeprazole –omics Omiderm OMIM Ommaya reservoir OmniCath Omnicef Omniferon OMNIUM omphalitis omphalocele Omphatalus OMS on-campus on ™ ™ ™ ® ® ™ on-call on-off phenomenon on period onco OncoChek oncocytoma oncofetal antigen oncogenic HPV oncogenic virus oncogenicity OncoLink oncologist oncology oncology nurse Onconase oncoprotein oncornavirus oncotic pressure oncotope OnCyte system ondansetron one & one-half syndrome one bone-two bone sign one-eyed vertebra one hour glucose challenge one-lung anesthesia $1 million/$3 million coverage One-Shot one-stop shopping strategy onion skin appearance online online CME online disease management Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man online safety onset of action ONTARGET ontogeny onychodystrophy ™ ® ™ onychogryposis onychomycosis onychoosteodysplasia oocyst oocyte oogenesis oophorectomy oophoritis OP O&P opacification opacity Opal tissue ablation device OPAT OPCAB OPD syndrome open open architecture open artery theory open biopsy open capsulotomy open chain open colectomy open enrollment open formulary open fracture open heart surgery open-label trial open lung biopsy open panel open protocol system open reduction open-set speech recognition open spaces, fear of OPERA operable operant operating team operation operative mortality operative report ophidiophobia ™ ophthalmia neonatorum ophthalmoplegic migraine opiate opioid opioid anesthetic opioid intoxication opioid-mediated analgesia system opioid peptide opioid withdrawal opiophobia opisthotonus opium opportunistic opportunistic infection opportunity for improvement oppositional defiant disorder OpSite opsoclonus opsoclonus-myoclonus optic glioma optic nerve swelling optic nerve optic neuritis Optical Tracking System opticokinetic nystagmus OPTIMAAL OPTIME-CHF Optimil option optional surgery Optison Optrin OPUS OR OR notes oral cancer oral candidiasis oral contraceptive oral thrush oral rehydration therapy ® ® ™ oral sex orange person syndrome OraQuick OraTest ORBIT orbital cellulitis orbital pseudotumor orchiectomy orchiopexy orchitis order order entry orderly orders ordinary means ordinary negligence standard ORF orf Orfidal organ bank organ-based specialty organ brokerage organ cluster transplantation organ donor organ dose organ-limited autopsy organ panel organ shortage organ system approach organic organic acidemia organic brain syndrome organic mental disorder organic mood syndrome, manic type organization organomegaly organophosphate pesticide orgasm orgasmic headache Oriental flush complex ® ™ orientation oriented to person, place & time ORIF origin Orion laser system orlistat Ornish regimen ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency ornithinemia, type I ornithinemia, type II ornithophobia oromandibular dystonia oropharyngeal cancer orphan orphan disease orphan drug/product orphan patient ORS ORT Orthocomp orthodontics orthopaedics orthopedic hardware orthopedic shoes ™ ™ not by the orthopedic community at large orthopedist orthopnea orthopod orthosis orthostatic hypotension orthotics orthotopic transplantation Orthovisc Ortrip OS OSA oscillations oseltamivir Osgood-Schlatter disease OSHA Osler sign Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome osmolality osmole osmotic diarrhea osmotic fragility OspA vaccine osseointegrated implant ossicular chain reconstruction ossify Ossigel ostectomy osteitis fibrosa cystica osteoarthritis osteochondritis osteochondrosis osteoclasis osteodystrophy osteogenesis imperfecta osteogenic osteogenic stimulation osteointegration osteolytic osteomalacia Osteomark osteomyelitis osteopath osteopathy osteopenia osteopetrosis osteophyte osteopoikilosis osteoporosis osteopuncture osteoradionecrosis osteosclerotic myeloma osteotome ostitis pubis ostium ostomy OT OTC OTC stimulant ™ ® Othello syndrome other otitis externa otitis interna otitis media otitis media with effusion otootolithic crisis of Tumarkin otopalatodigital dysplasia otoplasty otorhinolaryngologist otorrhea otosclerosis otoscope ototoxic drug ounce out-of-hospital transfusion out-of-network out-of-pocket costs outcome outcomes outcomes management outdated medicine outer ear infection outgrow outie outlier outpatient outpatient mastectomy outpatient services output outside-in technique outsource outstanding ear ovalocytosis ovarian ablation ovarian cancer ovarian cyst ovarian factor ovarian hypofunction ovarian monitoring ovarian stimulation ovarian vein ‘syndrome’ ovariectomy ovation falloposcopy overcompensation over-the-counter drug overdose overflow incontinence overflow proteinuria overgrowth syndrome overkill overlap syndrome overlapping toe overlying oversensing overtraining OVERTURE overuse overuse injury overvalued procedure overweight ox eye oxacillin oxalates oxaliplatin oxandrolone oxazepam oxidative phosphorylation oxidative stress Oxsoralen oxybutynin oxycodone OxyContin oxygen consumption oxygen dissociation curve oxygen radical oxygen saturation oxygen toxicity oxyphenbutazone oxytocin oxytocin stress test ozena ozonation ® P P p p arm ‘P’ pulmonale P wave PA PA interval p24 antigen P50 p53 PCO2 PO2 PAC PAC-A-TACH pacemaker pacemaker mediated tachycardia pacemaker syndrome Pacerone Paceum pachydermoperiostosis pachydermy pacing pacing mode Pacitran pack rat pack-years package insert packed red cells packing paclitaxel PACT PAD pad PAD syndrome padded dash(board) syndrome page Page syndrome Paget’s disease of bone Paget’s disease of breast PAH ® PAI pain pain clinic pain diary pain disorder pain management by surgery pain med-er pain medicine pain modulation PainBuster infusion kit painful bruising syndrome painful crisis painful fat syndrome painful heel painful red leg syndrome painless thyroiditis paintball pairbond paired helical filaments palatoplasty palindromic rheumatism palivizumab palladium-103 implantation palliate palliative palliative care palliative surgery palliative therapy pallidotomy Pallister-Hall syndrome pallor Palmaz-Schatz stent Palmaz Corinthian system palmomental reflex palpable palpation palpebral fissure palpitation PALS palsy ™ ™ ® ™ PAM Pamelor PAMI pamidronate Panadol Panaeolus panagglutination Panalgesic Panalok Panama red pANCA pancake omentum Pancoast syndrome Pancoast tumor pancolitis pancreas ultrasonography pancreatectomy pancreatic abscess pancreatic cancer pancreatic cholera syndrome(s) pancreatic endocrine tumor pancreatic insufficiency pancreatic islets pancreatic islet transplantation pancreatic juice pancreatic panel pancreatic pseudocyst pancreatic sufficiency pancreatic transplantation pancreatitis pancuronium pancytopenia pandiculation panel panel physician panencephalitis panhypopituitarism panic attack panic disorder panic value panlobular emphysema ® ® ® panniculitis pannus panphobia PANSS pansystolic murmur PAO PaO2/FiO2 PAP Pap smear Papile grading system papillary carcinoma papillary necrosis papilledema papillomavirus papovavirus paraaortic/hepatic field paracentesis paracervical block parachute reaction parachute valve complex paradigm PARADIGM paradox paradigm shift paradoxic embolus paradoxic incontinence paradoxic movement paradoxic pulse paraffin bath paraganglioma PARAGON paragrammatism parainfluenza Paralium parallel play parallel tracking Paralympics paralysis paralytic ileus paramedic parameter Paramyxoviridae paraneoplastic syndrome paranoia paranoid personality disorder paranoid schizophrenia paraphilia paraphimosis paraphrasia paraplegia Paraquat lung parasellar syndrome parasite parasite infection parasomnia parasympathetic parathion parathormone parathyroid adenoma parathyroid gland parathyroid squeeze test paravertebral facet joint denervation parent parenteral parenteral nutrition parenting paresis paresthesia pargyline Parinaud syndrome PARIS parite PARK Parkinson’s disease Parkinson’s tetrad parkinsonism plus syndrome Parnate paronychia paronychial parosmia parotidectomy parotitis paroxetine paroxysm paroxysmal atrial tachy- cardia paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia Parsol Parstelin part A part B partial birth abortion partial complex seizure partial disability partial draw tube partial remission partial syndrome eating disorder partial thromboplastin time partial twinning participation partner notification partner risk factor parturition parvus et tardus Parzam PAS PASE passive-aggressive personality disorder passive immunity passive learning passive smoking past, family and/or social history pasta loading paste Pastia sign PAT Patanol Patau syndrome ® patch patch test patellar dislocation patellofemoral pain syndrome patellofemoral stress syndrome patent patent ductus arteriosus patent foramen ovale pathogen pathognomonic pathologic fracture pathologist pathologist’s tumor pathologist’s disease pathologize pathology pathology consultation pathway patient patient autonomy patient ‘Bill of Rights’ patient compliance patient confidentiality patient-controlled analgesia patient educatlon patient empowerment patient informatics patient-initiated lab testing patient load patient medical record patient mix patient-physician relationship patient population patient record patient release criteria Patient Right to Know Act Patient Self-Determination Act patient tracking patient viewpoint standard Patrick’s test PAVE Pavlik harness Paxate Paxene Paxil Paxium Paxon Paxtibi payer mix payment payor Ps PBC PBS PC PC15 PCA PCH PCKD PCL PCL injury PCO PCP PCR PCTA PDA PDMS PDQ PDR pea soup stool PEACE peak expiratory flow rate peak level PeakLog spirometric device peanut allergy PEARL Pearl Index pearly penile papule Pearson syndrome peau d’orange appearance ® ® ™ ™ PEBB pectoral girdle pectus carinatum pectus excavatum pedal edema pederasty pediatric AIDS pediatric arthritis pediatric lymphoma pediatric patient pediatric trauma score pedicle flap pedicle screw fixation system pediculosis pediculus capitis pedigree pedophile pedophilia peduncle pee PEEP Peeping Tom ‘syndrome’ peer review peer review organization peer-reviewed journal PEFR PEG PEG-conjugated IL-2 pejorative PEL PELA peliosis hepatis pellagra Pelligrini-Steida disease pelvic field Pelvic Flex pelvic girdle pelvic inflammatory disease pelvic inlet pelvic ultrasonography pelvimetry pemoline ™ pemphigoid pemphigus pemphigus vulgaris pen penbutolol penciclovir ‘penciling’ Pendred syndrome pendulous abdomen penem penetrance penetrating trauma penetration penetration phobia penguin gait penicillamine penicillin penicillinase-producing Neisseria gonorrhoeae penile anesthesia penile cancer penile prosthesis penile reattachment penile wart penis envy Pennsaid penoclitoris Penrose drain PENS pentachlorophenol pentafluoropropionyl derivative pentagastrin test PENTALYSE pentamidine isoethionate pentazocine pentetic acid pentobarbital pentosan polysulfate pentostatin pentoxifylline PEP Pepcid PEPI ™ ® Pepper syndrome peppermint stick candy bone peptic ulcer disease per capita rate per diem per member, per month per os per re nata perception perception hearing Percocet Percodan PercScope PercuSurge percutaneous balloon valvuloplasty percutaneous diskectomy percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy percutaneous excisional breast biopsy percutaneous intervention percutaneous myocardial revascularization percutaneous pin percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography percutaneous transhepatic portal venography percutaneous transluminal cerebral angioplasty percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty percutaneous transluminal myocardial revascularization percutaneous transluminal renal angioplasty percutaneous transvenous ® ® ™ mitral commisurotomy percutaneous umbilical blood sampling PerDUCER perfectionism Perflex perflubron perforated diverticulitis perforating abscess perforating collagenosis perforation performance anxiety performance-enhancing drug performance profile performance test performing arts medicine perfusion perfusion scan perfusion shunt perfusion studies perfusion-weighted imaging periapical abscess pericardial adhesion pericardial effusion pericardial ‘knock’ pericardiocentesis pericarditis perichondritis perilymph fistula perimenopausal perimetry perinatal perinatal substance exposure perineal pearl perineal prostatectomy perineural invasion period periodic fever syndrome periodic paralysis periodontal disease periodontitis ™ ™ PerioGlas perioperative normothermia perioral dermatitis periorbital cellulitis periorbital edema Periostat periostitis peripartum cardiomyopathy peripheral blood stem cell transplantation peripheral blood peripheral excimer laser angioplasty peripheral giant cell granuloma peripheral MR angiography peripheral neuropathy peripheral pulses peripheral stem cell transplantation peripheral stem cells peripheral vascular disease peripheral vestibular disorder peripheral vision peritoneal dialysis peritoneal effusion peritoneal perfusion peritonealization peritonitis peritonsillar abscess periventricular leukomalacia PERLA Perlman syndrome Perma-Flow graft Perma-Seal graft permanent adjustable implant permanent lead ® ® ® ® permanent teeth permethrin permission permissive hypercapnia Permitil pernicious pernicious anemia peroxisomal disease perphenazine PERRLA Persantine perseveration persistent anxiety persistent generalized lymphadenopathy persistent vegetative state persister Personal Attributes Questionnaire personal physician personal protective equipment personal risk factor personality personality disorder personality test personnel perspective Perthes’ test pertinent diagnosis Pertofran pertussis pervasive developmental disorder perversion injury pes cavus pes planus Pesaro classification pessary pesticide pesticide bomb PET PET pet-associated disease ® ® pet therapy petechia Peter Pan & Wendy complex Peter Pan syndrome petit mal petrified man syndrome Peutz-Jeghers syndrome peyote Peyronie’s disease Pfannenstiel incision Pfeisteria PG PGA suture PGY-1 pH of urine pH study phacoemulsification PHADE Phaedra complex phaeohyphomycosis phag phagocytic disorder phakomatoses phalangitis Phalen sign phallic phalloplasty phallotoxin phantom phantom foot anterior cruciate ligament injury phantom limb syndrome pharmaceutical care pharmaceutical sales representative pharmacist pharmacognosy pharmacologic pharmacologic dose pharmacologic phlebotomy pharmacologic purging pharmacologic restraint pharmacologic stress im™ aging pharmacologic testing pharmacology pharmacopeia pharmacy Pharmadine pharmalogic study Pharnax pharyngeal pharyngeal facelift pharyngitis phase I clinical trial phase I study phase I 1 vaccine trial phase 2 clinical trial phase 2 study phase 2 vaccine trial phase 3 clinical trial phase 3 study phase 3 vaccine trial phase 4 study phase IV trial phase phase advance phase delay phase study PHC PhD phencyclidine Phenergan phenethyl isothiocyanate phenmetrazine phenobarbital phenol phenomenon phenothiazine phenotype phenotype testing phentolamine test Phenurone phenylbutazone phenylketonuria phenylzine phenytoin ® phenytoin-induced gingival overgrowth phenytoin lymphadenopathy pheochromocytoma pheresis Philadelphia chromosome -phile -philia -philiac -philic phimosis phlebitis phleborheography phlebotomy phlegmasia cerulea dolens PHN PHO phobia phobic disorder phocomelia Phoma spp phone counseling service phone sex phonocardiography phonologic disorder phonosurgery phonotrauma phosgene gas phosphate loading phospholipid antibody phosphorus binder photoactivator photochemotherapy photocoagulation photodamage PhotoDerm PL photodocumentation photodynamic therapy photoelectric effect Photofrin photography photomutilation Photon Radiosurgery Sys® tem photophobia photoprotection photoreceptor photorefractive keratectomy photosensitivity photosensitizer phototherapy PHS physiatrist physical physical abuse physical activity physical deconditioning physical dependence physical examination physical fitness physical inactivity physical rehabilitation physical status classification physical therapy physically helpless physician physician assistant physician-assisted suicide/euthanasia physician autonomy physician bashing physician expert witness physician extender physician-hospital organization physician income physician invulnerability syndrome physician oversupply physician-patient relationship physician profiling physician referral physician shopping physician shortage area provider-sponsored organization physician stress physician test Physician’s Desk Reference Physicians Online Physio ring physiologic Physiologic Endometrial Ablation/Resection Loop physiologic jaundice of newborn physiologic neutrophilia physiologic pacing physiologic saline solution physiology physostigmine pianist’s cramp piano playing pica PICC Pick’s disease picket fence fever pickoma Pickwick syndrome Picornaviridae picric acid picture frame appearance picture puzzle appearance PID PID shuffle PIE PIE syndrome Piedmont fracture Pierre Robin syndrome piezoelectric crystal PIF pig pigeon breast deformity pigeon diet pigeon toe piggyback device pigment pigment dispersion syndrome pigmented neuroectodermal tumor of infancy pigmented villonodular synovitis pigskin appearance pigtail catheter pilar sheath acanthoma piles pili torti the Pill pill pill esophagitis pill-rolling pill whore Pillo Pro pillow pilocarpine pilonidal cyst pilot study PIMI pimp pimping pimple PIN pin pincer nail pincers mechanism ™ or pinched nerve syndrome pindolol ‘ping pong’ infection pinguecula the Pink Sheet pinkeye pink puffer pink up Pinkus tumor pinprick Pinsaun pinup procedure pinworm pinworm infec- tion pinworm tape test pioglitazone PIOPED PIP PIP Pipelle piperacillin piperacillin-tazobactam pipercuronium pipestem calcification pipestem fibrosis pipestem ureter PIPJ PIPP piroxicam PISA pistol pistol shot pulse pit pit recovery time pitch workers’ cancer Pitocin pitting edema Pittsburgh brainstem score Pittsburgh pneumonia agent pituitary apoplexy pituitary insufficiency pityriasis rosea PIVOT pixel resolution PIXI densitometer PiZZ ™ ® normal PKU PLAC I/II place of service placebo placebo effect placenta abruptio placenta membranacea placenta previa placental clock placental dysfunction placental failure placental site trophoblastic tumor placental transfusion placentation placentophagy Placidox Placidyl plague plaintiff plan of care plan providers plan plantar fasciitis plantar ischemia test plantar wart Planum plaque Plaquenil plasia plasm plasma plasma cell dyscrasia plasma cell leukemia plasma protein fraction plasma renin activity plasmacytoma plasmacytosis Plasmanate plasmapheresis plasmin plasminogen Plastazote plaster cast lung plastic surgeon -plasty plate atelectasis plate plate rounds plateau development plateau phase plateauing platelet adhesion ® ® platelet antigen platelet concentrate platelet count platelet transfusion plateletpheresis platinum Plavix play or pay pleasure principle -plegia pleomorphic adenoma pleomorphic Plesiomonas shigelloides PLESS Pletal plethoric plethysmography pleural biopsy pleural effusion pleural exudate pleural needle biopsy pleural rub pleural tag pleuritis pleurodesis pleurodynia pleuropneumonia-like organism PLEVA plexogenic pulmonary arteriopathy Plexonal plexus Plidan PLLA screw ploidy analysis plucked chicken appearance plug & play plugginess plump hilus sign Plum pump Plummer-Vinson syndrome ® ® ® ® pluripotent stem cell PMA PMI PML PMN PMPA PMR PMS PMT PND pneumatic antishock garment pneumatic larynx pneumatic tube system pneumococcal meningitis Pneumocystis carinii pneumomediastinum pneumonectomy pneumonia pneumonitis Pneumopent pneumothorax PNH PNS PO POC pocket pocket infection pocket simulation pocketing pockets pockmark POCs POCT POD podagra podiatrist podiatry POEM POEMS syndrome point-of-care testing point point of service poison poison control center poison ivy poison oak poisoning poisonous mushroom poisonous plant Poisson distribution polar body biopsy polarization Polarus policy policy manual polio poliomyelitis politically correct POLL pollen pollen count Polly polyarteritis nodosa polyclonal immunoglobulin polyclonal antiserum polycystic kidney polycystic liver disease polycystic ovarian disease polycythemia polycythemia vera polydactyly polydipsia polydrug therapy polyene antibiotic polyglandular autoimmune syndrome polygraph polyhydramnios PolyMem polymerase chain reaction polymicrobial polymorphic polymorphic light eruption polymyalgia rheumatica polymyositis ® ® polymyositis/dermatomyositis polyneuropathy polyp polyphagy polypharmacy polypoid tumor polyposis polyserositis polysomnography polyurethane film polyurethane lead polyuria polyvalent pneumococcal vaccine polyvalent vaccine polyvinyl chloride Pomin Pompe disease pompholyx ponalrestat Pondimin Pontiac fever Pontius syndrome pool poor metabolizer poorly differentiated POP popcorn calcification pope popliteal cyst popliteal pterygium syndrome poppers population population health management porcine skin dressing porfiromycin pork barrel funding pork tapeworm PORN pornography poroma ® porphyria cutanea tarda porphyria port Port-A-Cath port access surgery port-access cardiopulmonary bypass port-access coronary surgery port site metastasis port-wine nevus port-wine urine portable coverage portacaval shunt portal portal venography Porterfield catheter POS POSCH Posicor position positioning positive positive axillary lymph node positive end-expiratory pressure positive feedback positive inotropic agent positive most-significantother positive motivation Positive & Negative Symptom Scale positive predictive value positive symptom positron emission tomography POST postanginal sepsis postconcussive syndrome post-datism post exposure prophylaxis postexposure zidovudine ® postgastrectomy syndrome postgraduate year-1 posthemorrhagic anemia postherpetic neuralgia posthypnotic suggestion posthypoxic ischemic myoclonus postlingual postlingual hearing loss postmenopausal post-mortem postmyocardial infarction syndrome post-nasal drip postnatal postnecrotic cirrhosis postneonatal mortality postoperative postoperative headache postoperative psychosis postoperative reinfusion postorgasm blackout post partum depression postpartum hypopituitarism postpartum renal failure postpartum thyrotoxicosis postperfusion lung postperfusion syndrome postpericardiotomy syndrome postpermanent dentition post-pill amenorrhea post-polio syndrome postprandial post-pump pancreatitis postpump syndrome postremission therapy post-renal transplant osteopenia post-resuscitation syndrome post-splenectomy syn- drome poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis postsynaptic serotonin antagonist-presynaptic serotonin reuptake inhibitor post-term pregnancy post-transfusion graft-versus-host disease post-transplantation lymphoproliferative disorder post-trauma malignancy post-traumatic stress disorder posttussive syncope postvoid residual urine volume postal worker syndrome posterior cord syndrome posterior cruciate ligament injury posterior/anterior drawer test post-transfusion purpura postural fixation postural hypotension posture posturing pot potable potassium potassium-sparing diuretic potato node potato nose potato tumor potency potency ratio potential potentiation pothole sign Pott’s puffy tumor Potter syndrome Potts’ procedure pouch pouchitis povidine-iodine powder powder-burn spots powder tattoo power power take-off lesion PowerHeart PowerVision ultrasound system pox PP PP-oma PPA PPD PPD conversion PPD skin test PPF PPHN PPLO ppm PPNG PPO PPS PPV PR PRA practical nurse practice practice guidelines practice standard practitioner Prader-Willi syndrome Pragmarel PRAISE pramipexole pramlintide Prandin pranlukast PRAVA-II pravistatin praziquantel prazosin ® ™ PRB pre pre-admission testing pre-authorization pre-cancer pre-cancerous changes of cervix pre-cancerous polyps precautions PRECEDENT preceptorship pre-certification precipitate labor precision precision therapy pre-clinical medicine precocious puberty pre-conscious Precose precut sphincterotomy pre-determination PREDICT-HD predictive value pre-disposition testing pre-donation pre-eclampsia pre-ejection period pre-emptive analgesia pre-emptive chemotherapy pre-excitation syndrome pre-existing condition preferred provider organization pregnancy pregnancy granuloma pregnancy-induced hypertension pregnancy test pre-leukemia preliminary diagnosis pre-lingual hearing loss pre-load Prelone ® pre-lymphoma pre-malignant Premarin pre-marital profile pre-market approval premature atrial complex premature contraction premature ejaculation premature infant premature ovarian failure premature rupture of membranes premature separation of placenta premature ventricular contraction prematurity pre-med pre-menopausal pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder pre-menstrual syndrome premie Premier Premilene Prempro prenatal diagnosis prenatal masculinization prenatal test pre-neoplastic state pre-op pre-op time pre-operative autologous donation ‘prep’ pre-participation physical exam PREPIC pre-renal azotemia Presamine presbycusis presbyopia prescription prescription drug ® ® ® pre-senile dementia present presentation pre-set pressure pressure dressing pressure pants pressure point pressure ulcer pressured speech PRESTO presumed consent pre-symptomatic testing pre-synaptic-postsynaptic noradrenergic-serotoninergic reuptake antagonist pre-syncopal dizziness pre-syncope pre-systolic murmur pre-term infant pretty good privacy Prevacid Prevacid triple therapy prevalence pre-validation pre-vascular phase PREVENT prevention counseling preventive medicine Preven Preveon Prevnar Prevpac priapism pre-vascular phase price fixing PRICE principle prickly heat Priftin Prilosec Prima primal scene primary primary acquired melanosis ® ® ™ ® ™ ™ ® ® ® primary amebic meningoencephalitis primary amenorrhea primary amyloid primary autonomic dysfunction primary biliary cirrhosis primary brain tumor primary care primary care exception primary care network primary care physician primary cause of death primary coronary angioplasty primary diagnosis primary G cell hyperplasia primary gain primary hyperoxaluria primary hyperparathyroidism primary lung cancer primary lymphoma of brain primary mental health care clinician primary prevention primary process primary response primary sclerosing cholangitis primary syphilis primary tumor primidone primigravida primipara primitive Primonil Primsol primum non nocere principle Prinivil Prinox ® Prinzmetal’s angina PRIO study group prion prior acts coverage prior authorization prior probability PRISM PRISM score prisoner of war syndrome Pritikin diet privacy private human-caused death private patient private speech privilege to disclose privileged communication privileges PRK prn order PRO PROACT proarrhythmia probability proband probation probe problem problem-based learning problem drinker problem-oriented medical record problem patient problem solving problem wound probono probucol procainamide procaine procap helmet procarbazine Procardia proceduralist procedure ® proceptive phase process process-oriented psychology processing prochlorperazine Pro-Clude procoagulant ProCrit proctproctalgia proctitis proctocolectomy proctoscope proctoscopy proctosigmoidoscopy procurement Prodep Prodigy prodrome prodrug production products of conception profession professional professional assistance program professional board professional boundary professional courtesy professional image professional liability professional misconduct professional patient professional voice professor professorial rounds profile Profile of Mood States profiling Profore four-layer system progeria Progesterone Plus progesterone receptor ® ™ ™ progesterone receptor assay progesterone receptor negative progesterone receptor positive progestin hermaphroditism prognosis prognostic estimate prognostic factor Prognostic Nutritional Index prognostic scoring system prognosticate programmable pacemaker progress note progressive angina progressive disease progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy progressive myoclonus epilepsy progressive purple mask of death progressive spinal muscular atrophy progressive stroke progressive supranuclear palsy progressive systemic sclerosis projectile vomiting projection projective identification projective test prolactinoma prolapse ProLease Proleukin pro-life proliferation Prolixin Prolixin shuffle ® ® ™ prolonged labor PROloop prolymphocyte PROM ProMACE-cytaBOM Prometrium promiscuity PROMISE promotion Promycin promyelocytic leukemia pronator drift prone pronouncing death ProOsteon propafenone Propagest Propam Propecia propentofylline prophylactic prophylactic antibiotic therapy prophylactic cranial irradiation prophylactic mastectomy prophylactic oophorectomy prophylactic surgery prophylaxis propofol proportionate mortality propoxyphene propranolol proprietary medicine proprioception proprioceptor neuromuscular facilitation stretching proptosis Propulsid Proscar ProSol prosopagnosia ™ ® ™ ® ® ® ® ® ™ Prosorba column prospective epidemiology prospective study PROSPER prostaglandin-induced abortion Prostar system ProstaScint ProstAsure prostate biopsy prostate cancer prostate chips prostate-specific antigen prostate ultrasonography prostate years prostatectomy prostatic prostatitis prostatitis syndrome Prostatron prosthesis prosthetic disk nucleus device prosthetic speech prosthetist prosthodontist Prostin prostitution ProStream Prostsafe protanopia protease inhibitor Protectaid protected health information protection protein protein C deficiency protein diet protein electrophoresis protein-losing enteropathy protein malnutrition protein restriction ® ® ® ® ® ™ ™ ® protein S deficiency protein-sparing proteinuria Proteus mirabilis Proteus vulgaris Prothiaden prothrombin complex concentrate prothrombin time protime proto-oncogene protocol proton pump inhibitor Protropin protuberant proud flesh PROVE IT PROVED Proventil proverbs test Providentia provider provider-based provider number provider profile Provigil Provir provisional status provocation test provost PROWESS proximal carcinogen proximal renal tubular acidosis proximate cause proxy Prozac Prozac-related suicide Prozepam PrP prudence prudent layperson standard prune belly syndrome ® ® ® ™ ® prune juice discharge prune juice sputum pruritus gravidarum pruritus Pryleugan PSA pseudoacanthosis nigricans pseudoachondroplasia pseudoaddiction pseudoaldosteronism pseudoallergy pseudoaneurysm pseudoarthrosis pseudoatrophy of brain pseudoautosomal region pseudoBartter syndrome pseudobulbar palsy pseudocholinesterase pseudochylous effusion pseudocoma pseudocryptorchidism pseudo-Cushing syndrome pseudocyesis pseudocyst pseudodelirium pseudodementia pseudodiabetes pseudofailure pseudofracture pseudofusion beat pseudogout pseudohermaphroditism pseudo-Hirschsprung’s disease pseudohyperaldosteronism pseudohyperinflation pseudohyperkalemia pseudohypertension pseudohypertrophy pseudohypoaldosteronism pseudohypohyperparathyroidism pseudohyponatremia pseudohypoparathyroidism pseudohypophosphatasia pseudoincontinence pseudoinfarct pseudoinfectious proctitis pseudoinsomnia pseudo-Kaposi sarcoma pseudolymphoma pseudomembrane pseudomembranous colitis pseudometabolic acidosis Pseudomonas aeruginosa pseudomyotonic reaction pseudomyxoma peritonei pseudoobstruction pseudoparaproteinemia pseudopolyp pseudoprecocity pseudopseudofusion beat pseudopuberty pseudosac pseudosarcoma pseudotolerance pseudotumor pseudotumor cerebri pseudo-Turner syndrome pseudovitamin pseudo-von Willebrand’s disease pseudo-Whipple’s disease pseudoxanthoma elasticum Psicofar Psilocybe psittacosis PSL syndrome PSO psoas sign psoralen psoriasis psoriatic arthritis PSS PST psyche psychiatric psychiatric evaluation psychiatric history psychiatric interview psychiatrist psychiatry psychic psychic dentistry psychic energizer psychoactive drug psychoanalysis psychoanalyst psychobiology psychodiagnostic test psychogenic dyspnea psychogenic seizure psychogenic syndrome psycholinguistics psychological abuse psychological adjustment psychological autopsy psychological distress psychological well-being psychologist psychology psychometric test psychomotor agitation psychomotor retardation psychomotor seizure psychomotor test psychoneuroimmunology psycho-organic ‘syndrome’ psychopathy Psychopax psychosexual development psychosis psychosocial development psychosocial dwarfism psychosocial intervention psychosocial support psychosomatic disorder psychostimulant psychosurgery psychotherapy psychotic psychotic disorder psychotic symptom psychotomimetic psychotropic drug psyllium PT PTCA PTE PTER pterygium pPTMR ptoptic ptosis PTP laser PTP PTRA PTSD pubertal delay puberty pubic lice pulmonary alveolar proteinosis pulmonary angiography pulmonary anthrax pulmonary arteriovenous fistula pulmonary aspergilloma pulmonary aspergillosis– invasive type pulmonary atresia pulmonary barotrauma pulmonary blastoma pulmonary burn pulmonary capillaritis pulmonary-capillary wedge pressure pulmonary chemoreflex pulmonary compliance pulmonary dirofilariasis pulmonary edema pulmonary embolism pulmonary eosinophilic granuloma pulmonary function test pulmonary hemorrhagic syndrome(s) pulmonary hypertension pulmonary nocardiosis hirus pubis pulmonary panel public distance pulmonary renal synpublic health advisory drome public health assessment pulmonary sequestration public health hazard pulmonary stenosis public hospital pulmonary tuberculosis PUBS pulmonary thromboemPUD bolism pudenda pulmonary toilet pudendal block pulmonary tuberculosis pufferfish pulmonary veno-occlusive PUGH syndrome disease pugilistic stance pulmonology pull the plug Pulmozyme Pulmicort pulp pulmonary actinomycosis pulp vitality test ® Pulsar pulsatile pulsatile tinnitus pulsation pulse pulse generator pulse ox pulse oximeter pulse oximetry pulse-temperature dissociation pulse width pulseless disease pulselessness PulseMaster Nd:YAG laser PulsePak pulses per minute PulStar pulsus alternans pulsus paradoxus pump pump lung punch biopsy punch-drunk syndrome punched-out punctation puncture Punktyl pupillary reflex PUPPP pure autonomic failure pure gonadal dysgenesis pure tone audiometry pure white cell aplasia purge purging purging behavior purified protein fraction purine analogue purine nucleoside phosphorylase deficiency purity Purodigin ™ ™ ™ ® puromycin the Purple Book purpura purpuric PURSUIT purulent purulent drainage purulent meningitis push push enteroscope/enteroscopy pusher pustule put out PUVA therapy PV PVC PVD PVS pyelogram pyelography pyelonephritis Pylori-Chek pyloric stenosis pyloric string sign pyloroplasty non- pylorospasm pyopyoderma gangrenosum pyogenic granuloma pyosalpix pyramid pyramid diet pyramid system pyrethrin pyridinium collagen crosslinks Pyridium pyridostigmine pyridoxine Pyrilinks -D assay pyrimethamine pyrin ® ® pyrogen pyromania pyrroloquinolone quinone pyruvate kinase deficiency PYtest pyuria PZA PZI ® Q Q angle QMB QNS qod QoLITYQRS complex QRS score QRST interval QT Interval Quaalude quack quackery quad pack Quadramet quadrant quadrantectomy quadriceps angle quadriparesis quadriplegiaquads qualified patient quality-adjusted life year quality assurance quality control quality of lifequality of life therapy quality of motion‘quality’ time quantify Quantison quantitative CT quantitative overview quantity of motion Quantum PSV ™ ™ ™ quarantine quarter bag quarter moon sign quarter-strength formulaQuartet quasi-courtship Quazepam Quebec classification questionable doctor questioning mania quetiapine fumarate queue Quibron ‘quick and dirty’ QuickDraw venous cannula quickening QuickScreen QuickSilver guide wire QuickVue quiescence QUIET ‘quiet zone’ Quietal quinacrine quinapril Quincke’s pulse quinidine quinolone quinsy quinupristin Quitaxon Quixil Quohog quorum QVAR QWB scale ™ ® ™ ™ ® ™ R ® R r R-on-T phenomenon r-tPA RA RA cell rabbit nose ‘rabbit’ stool rabbit syndrome rabeprazole rabies Rabson-Mendenhall syndrome RACA Racal space suit raccoon eye race racial inequality rad Radepur radial growth phase melanoma radial keratotomy radial nerve dysfunction RADIANCE radiate radiation radiation enteropathy radiation fibrosis radiation-induced cancer radiation oncologist radiation oncology radiation pneumonitis radiation sensitizer radiation surgery radiation syndrome radiation therapy radical cystectomy radical mastectomy radical mastoidectomy radical neck dissection radical nephrectomy radical prostatectomy radical skiing radical surgery radiculitis radiculopathy radioactive radioactive drug radioactive iodine radioactive iodine uptake radioactive isotope radioactive material radioactive spill radioactivity radioallergosorbent test radiocurable radiofrequency ablation radiofrequency catheter ablation radiofrequency current radiofrequency energy ablation radiofrequency thermal rhizotomy radiograph radiographic absorptiometry radiography radioimmunoassay radioimmunoguided surgery radioimmunotherapy radioinsensitive radioisotope stent radiolabeled radiologic pelvimetry radiologic radiologist radiology radiolucent radiomimetic drug radionuclide radionuclide angiocardiography radionuclide scan radionuclide venography radionuclide ventriculography radiopaque radiopaque contrast radiopharmaceutical radioresistanceradiosensitivity radiosensitizer radiosurgery radium RADIUS Radizepam radon RAEB rage ragweed RAI staging system railroad track scar rale RALES raloxifene Ralozam RALS rambling ramipil ramp pacing ramped dosing Ramsay Hunt syndrome random random glucose random sample randomization randomized clinical trial range of affect range of motionranitidine rank list ranolazine rapamycin rape rape trauma syndrome rape kit RAPERRAPID rapid eye movement sleep rapid sequence induction rapid urease test rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis with pulmonary hemorrhage rapids riding RapiSeal patch rapport ™ RAPPORT Rapunzel syndrome rare disease rare hemoglobinopathy RARS rasburicase rash raspberry tongue RAST ratrat-bite fever rat tail tapering rate rate-adjusted mortality index rate of change rate response curve rate responsive pacing rating ratio rationalization rationing rattlesnake rave RAVEL raw milk Raxar Ray TFC Raynaud phenomenon Raysedan RBBB RBC RBE RBRVS RCA RCS RD RD RDS RDT re-do vascular surgery re-entry phenomenon re-entry tear re-emerging disease reabsorptionREACHRE™ ™ ACT reaction formation reaction reactive airway disorder reactive arthritis reactive attachment disorder of infancy reactive depression reactive hypoglycemia reactive leukocytosis reactive marrow reactive perforating collagenosis reactive thrombocytosis reader reading disability reading disorder reading retardation readmission reagent reagent strip REAL classification real miss real time ‘real-time’ imaging real-time telemetry reality testing REALM reappointment rearfoot valgus reason for visit reasonable & necessary reasonable accommodations reasonable person standard reasonable physician standard reasonable prudence reasoning reattachment rebeccamycin Rebetol Rebetron ™ ™ Rebif rebound rebound effect rebound hypersecretion rebound insomnia rebound scurvy rebound tenderness recalcitrant recall recall bias recent completed small stroke recent memory recertification recessive RECIFE recipient reciprocal inhibition reciprocity recognition recombinant recombinant DNA technology recombinant human antihemophilic factor recombinant pharmacology recombinant protein recombinant toxin Recombivax HB recommended control range recommended daily allowance reconstruction plate reconstructive surgery record recorder recovered memory recovery recovery room recreational drug recreational therapy recredentialing ® ® recrudescence recruitmentt rectal rectal abscess rectal cancer rectal prolapse rectal stenosis rectocele recumbent recurrence recurrent anginarecurrent cancer recurrent cystitis recurrent seizure recurrent urinary tract infec- Redomex reduction reduction mammoplasty redundancy redundant test Redux reemerging infection reentrant arrhythmia reference reference range referral referral center bias refill REFLECT tion reflective communication recurrent vestibulopathy reflex reflex arc recuts reflex diagnostic testing red bag reflex sympathetic dystrored blood cells phy Red Book reflexology red cell count red cell distribution width Refludan reflux red cell fragmentation reflux episode syndrome reflux esophagitis red cell indices MCH reflux laryngitis MCHC reflux nephropathy MCV reflux pneumonitis red cell osmotic fragility refractive error red eye refractive surgery ‘red flag’ refractory red-free filter refractory anemia with exred herring cess blasts red hot throat refractory cancer red ink refractory hypertension red man syndrome refractory osteomyelitis red meat refractory period ‘red-out’ refractory septic shock red pulp disease Refsum’s disease red sauce regimen red skin regional cancer red urine disease regional disease redneck heroin regional perfusion redness regional recurrence ® ® regionalization registered nurse registration registry Regnauld procedure Regranex REGRESS regression regressive behavior regulatory agency regurgitant murmur regurgitation rehabilitation rehabilitation massage rehabilitation medicine rehydration solution reimbursement reinfarction reinforcement reinfusion Reinke space Reinsch test reinsurance Reiter syndrome rejected specimen rejection Relac Relanium relapse relapsing fever relapsing nodular nonsuppurative panniculitis relapsing polychondritis relationship relative bradycardia relative infertility relative polycythemia relative tachycardia relative value scale relative value unit relaxant relaxation relaxation training Rela ® ® Relenza reliability Reliance Reliberan religious diet religious faith relocation test rem REM behavior disorder REM sleep REMATCH remedial profession remedial proficiency testing remedy Remeron Remicade remifentanil Reminyl remission remission induction therapy remnant-like particle cholesterol assay remnant radiation remnant removal disease remodeling remote memory REMS REMS latency REMS period Remune remuneration RENAAL Renagel RENAISSANCE renal ablation glomerulopathy renal agenesis renal allograft renal aplasia renal artery stenosis renal artery thrombosis renal biopsy ® ® ® ™ ™ ® renal calculi renal cell carcinoma renal clearance renal colic renal failure ‘renal’ glycosuria renal infarction renal insufficiency renal stone renal transplant renal tubular acidosis renal tubular necrosis Renaquil renin Renografin renoprotection renovascular hypertension Renovue ‘rent-a-doc’ reoperation ReoPro reovirus repaglinide repeatability reperfusion injury reperfusion therapy reperfusion-eligible acute MI repetition compulsion repetitive motion injury replacement Replicare replication study Repliderm report card report disclaimer reportable occupational disease reporting Reposal Repose surgical system repositioning repressed memory ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ repression reprint reproducibility reproduction reproductive death reproductive history reproductive toxicity Repronal Repronex reptiles, fear of reputation Requip required surgery requisition form res ipsa loquitur Rescriptor rescue rescue adjunctive coronary angioplasty rescue breathing research resection reserpine reservation of rights reserve residency resident residential facility residential treatment residual cancer residual disease resiniferatoxin resistance resistance training resi-tern resolution resolution phase RESOLVD RESOLVE resource resource allocation resource-based relative value scale resource utilization group ™ ™ ™ resources RespiGam respiration respirator respiratory acidosis respiratory alkalosis respiratory distress syndrome respiratory distress syndrome of newborn respiratory papillomatosis respiratory syncytial virus ‘respiratory syndrome’ respiratory therapy respite care respondeat superior response responsibility responsiveness rest restenosis restless leg syndrome Restocalm RESTORE Restoril restraining garment restraint restricted area restriction restrictive cardiomyopathy restrictive lung disease resuscitation resveratrol retained acid syndrome retained antrum syndrome retained bullet retardation Retcol retention retention polyp reteplase reticulocyte count Retin-A ™ ® retinal retinal anlage tumor retinal detachment retinal migraine retinal vessel occlusion retinitis retinitis pigmentosa retinoblastoma 9-cis-retinoic acid (all-trans-)retinoic acid retinoic acid embryopathy retinoid retinoid X receptor retinopathy retinopathy of prematurity retirement syndrome retort tube appearance retracted nipple retraction retractor retrieval retrobulbar neuritis retrocalcaneal bursitis retroflexion retrogasserian glycerol rhizotomy retrograde amnesia retrograde conduction retrograde ejaculation retrograde pyelography retrolental fibroplasia retroperitoneal fibrosis retropharyngeal abscess retroposition retropubic prostatectomy retrospective study retrospectroscope retrosternal thyroid retroversion of uterus retrovirus Retrovir Rett's disorder return of spontaneous cir® culation revascularization reversal agent reverse ‘5’ sign reverse isolation reverse peristalsis reverse ‘precautions’ reverse psychology reverse T3 reverse 3 sign reverse transmission reversible injury reversible ischemic neurologic disability reversion review review of systems reviparin Revised Trauma Score revision Revive Ring/Vacuum Therapy Unit revocation revolving door ‘syndrome’ rewarming Rey test Reye syndrome Rezulin RF RFLP rH Rh antigen Rh immune globulin Rh incompatibility Rh system rhabdomyolysis rhaphy rheumatic fever rheumatic heart disease rheumatism rheumatoid arthritis rheumatoid factor rheumatoid nodule rheumatoid pneumonitis ® rheumatoid vasculitis rheumatologist rheumatology RhIg rhinitis rhinitis medicamentosa rhinomanometry rhinophyma rhinoplasty rhinorrhea rhinovirus RHIT rhizotomy rhizoxin Rhodococcus equi RhoGAM rhombencephalitis rhonchus rhuMAb-E25 rhythm rhythm method RHYTHMS Rhythm catheter rhytidectomy rib raising rib-tip syndrome ribavirin ribbon ribbon rib riboflavin riboflavin deficiency ribosomal RNA RICE rice body rice water stool Richter syndrome ricin rickets rickettsial infection rickettsialpox RID RID-HD rider’s bone Riedel’s thyroiditis ™ Rieger syndrome rifabutin rifalazil rifampin rifapentine Rift valley fever right bundle branch block right heart catheterization right lower quadrant right ovarian vein syndrome right-sided heart failure right-to-die right to refuse treatment right upper quadrant right ventricular failure right ventricular dysplasia right ventricular hypertrophy rigid bronchoscope rigid bronchoscopy you need a cadice rectifier rigid hysteroscope rigid spine syndrome(s) rigidity rigor mortis Riley-Smith syndrome riluzole rim sign RIMA rimantidine RIND ring block ring enhancement ring fracture ring sign ringworm Ringer’s lactate solution Rinne test ripe cervix Ripolin ripple effect rippling effect rippling muscle disease Risachief RISC RISCC rating risedronate risk risk analysis risk assessment risk communication risk factor risk management risk stratification Risolid RIST risus sardonicus RITA ritodrine ritonavir ritual Rituxan Rival river surfing Rivotril RK RLC RLE RLF RLP cholesterol RLS RMT RN RNA Ro-Azepam roach roach clip road rash road-test robo-ing robotic system robust ROC ROC analysis Rocaltrol Rocephin Rochester study ™ ® ® rock climbing rocker bottom foot rocker bottom shadow Rocky Mountain spotted fever Rocosgen rocuronium rod rodent Roe v. Wade rofecoxib Roger's murmur Rogerian therapy Rohypnol ‘roid rage Rokitansky syndrome Rolando fracture role-playing role socialization ‘roller ball surgery’ RollerLOOP rollover ROM Romberg sign rongeur rooming-in root canal rooting reflex ROP rope sign ropivacaine Rorschach test rosacea rosary bead appearance ROSC rose spots Rosenkranz retractor roseola roseola infantum rosette blister rosiglitazone Ross procedure rotary gamma scalpel rotating tourniquet ™ ™ rotation rotation diet rotational thrust rotator cuff tendonitis rotavirus infection rough sex roughage rouleaux round roundtable rounds routine intervention routine orders roux-en-Y operation Rovsing sign Rowexetina Roxicodone RPR test RPT RQ RR RS3PE syndrome RSD RSR RSV RT rT3 RTA RU 486 rub rubber dam rubella rubella vaccine rubeola Rubin test rubitecan rubor ruby laser RUE Rufen rugger jersey spine appearance rule rule of the artery ™ ® rule of the forceps rule of the nerve rule of nines rule-out ‘rule of rescue’ ‘rum fits’ runner runner’s ‘high’ runner’s rump runny nose runs rupture ruptured aortic aneurysm ruptured disk rural area Rush rod Russell-Silver syndrome Russell traction rusty lung rusty sputum RUTH RVH RVU Rx Rye Staging System Rynatuss S S S S s s S&M S phase analysis S phase fraction S pouch S/S S/TOP the 'S' word S1 S2 S3 S3 gallop S4 SA node SAARD SAB Saber BT trocar saber shin Sabolich socket system sabot heart sac saccadic eye movement saccharin Saccharomonospora viridis saccharopinuria saccular aneurysm sacral sacro-occipital technique SAD saddle back curve saddle embolus SADHAT sadomasochism SADR safe ‘safe’ blood SAFE safe cigarette safe harbor rule safe sexual activity safe weapon safety safety committee safety net safety pacing–ventricular safety seat SAFHS Safil suture SAGE sagging face sagging rope sign SAHS ™ ® sail sign sail vertebra St John’s wort salaam convulsion Salagen Saldino-Noonan syndrome salicylate salicylism saline saline abortion Salinetrode saliva salivary duct stone salivary duct tumor salivary gland biopsy salivary gland disorder salivary gland infection salivary insufficiency Salk vaccine Salla disease salmeterol Salmonella enteritis salpigectomy salpigitis salpingo-oophorectomy salpingo-oophoritis salpingo-peritonitis salpingoscopy salt & pepper appearance SALT salt water drowning salutary salvage chemotherapy salvage cryosurgery salvage pathway Salvarsan SAM same-day surgery same-sex partner sampling sampling error sanction sanctuary site ® ™ Sandimmune Sandoglobulin Sandostatin LAR sandpaper skin sandwich vertebrae sane SANE Sanfilippo syndrome SangCya sanitarium sanitary sanitary napkin sanitation score sanitize Santos syndrome SAPHfinder SAPHO syndrome sapphism SAPS II saquinavir mesylate SAR sarcoglycanopathy ® ® ® ™ ™ any sarcoidosis sarcoidosis of nervous system sarcoma sarcomatoid carcinoma Sarcoptes scabiei SARECCO Sargramostim Sarin Saromet Sarotex SARS SART sartan family satellite satellite abscess satellite phenomenon satiation factor satigrel satumomab saturated fatty acid ® saturation Saturday night palsy saturnine gout satyriasis saucerization saucerization biopsy sausage link pattern sausage toe Sauvé-Kapandji procedure SAVE SAVED SAVS Savvy saw sawfish pattern sawtooth pattern SBE SBLA syndrome SBP SBT SC disease SCAB scabies scalded skin syndrome scale Scale for Assessment of Positive Symptoms scaling scalloping scalp scalpel SCAN scan scanner scanning speech scaphocephaly scaphoid abdomen scar scar cancer scarlatina scarlatinoid scarlet fever Scarlett O’Hara ‘syn® drome’ scatologia SCC SCD scent Scharff-Bloom-Richardson grading Schatzki’s ring schedule schedule I agent schedule II agent schedule III agent schedule IV agent schedule V agent scheduled downtime Scheie syndrome Schiller’s test Schilling test Schindler’s disease Schirmer’s test Schistosoma schistosome schistosomiasis schizoaffective disorder schizoid personality disorder schizophrenia schizophreniform disorder schizotypal personality disorder Schneider scale school phobia school refusal Schwabach’s test SCI sciatic nerve dysfunction sciatic nerve dysfunction sciatica SCID science science literacy scientist scintigraphy scintimammography Scion set sciophobia scirrhous scirrhous carcinoma scissors SCIWORA SCLC scleral icterus scleredema scleritis scleroderma ScleroLaser scleroma ScleroPLUS sclerosing cholangitis sclerosing hemangioma sclerosing metanephric hamartoma sclerosing peritonitis sclerosis Sclerosol sclerosteosis syndrome sclerotherapy scoliosis scombroid intoxication ‘scoop and run’ ‘scope scope of practice scopolamine scoptophilia scopy score Scorpaenidae scorpion scorpion sting Scotchtape test scotoma scout film Scoville retractor Scoville scale (the) ‘scramble’ scrape screen ™ ™ ® ™ screening screening colonoscopy screening facility screw screwup SCRIP SCRIPPS script scrotal exploration scrotal mass scrotal tongue scrub scrub nurse scrub typhus scrubs scuba sculpting scurvy scut ‘monkey' scut work SD SDA SDAT SEAL seal seal finger sealant seamless search engine seasickness seasonal affective disorder seasonal allergic rhinitis Seasonale seasonality seat belt syndrome sebaceous cyst seborrheic dermatitis seborrheic keratosis seclusion secobarbital second cancer second degree block second degree burn ™ second disease phenomenon second generation oral contraceptive second-hand smoke second heart sound second impact syndrome second-line chemotherapy second-line drug ‘second-look’ operation second opinion Second Skin second stage reconstruction second surgical opinion second wind phenomenon secondary secondary amenorrhea secondary aplastic anemia secondary cardiomyopathy secondary care center secondary deficiency secondary diabetes secondary female characteristic secondary gain secondary glaucoma secondary hyperparathyroidism secondary Lyme disease secondary male characteristic secondary malignancy secondary obesity secondary peritonitis secondary polycythemia secondary prevention secondary sex characteristic secondary syphilis secondary systemic amyloid secretin injection test ® secretory otitis media section Sectral secure SED sed rate sedation Sedatival sedative sedimentation rate Sedizepan Seduxen ‘see one, do one, teach one’ see-through phenomenon seed seed calculus seesaw nystagmus Seever’s disease Segard Segawa’s dystonia segment segmental dysfunction segmental resection of breast Seinfeld syncope seizure seizure disorder Seldane selection selective amnesia selective estrogen receptor modulator selective imidazoline receptor agonist selective neck dissection selective photothermolysis selective reduction selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor selective termination of pregnancy Selector aspirator ® ™ ® ® selegiline selenium deficiency selenium intoxication self abuse self-actualization self-blood glucose monitoring self-bougienage self-esteem self-examination self-fulfilling prophecy self help self-hypnosis self-insured self-limited self-medication self-mutilation self-neglect self-protection self-referral semantic memory semen analysis semen quality semicomatose semipermeable membrane semi-starvation neurosis seminoma Semont maneuver semustine SEN-V Sengstaken-Blakemore tube senile cardiac amyloid senile cerebral amyloid angiopathy senile dementia senility senior clerkship seniority Senning procedure sensation Sensaval sense sensi Sensibal sensing threshold sensitivity sensitization Sensival sensorimotor polyneuropathy sensorineural hearing loss sensory aphasia sensory nerve transposition sensory tic sentinel event sentinel loop sentinel node sentinel pile SEPA/alprostadil separation anxiety SEPA Sepracoat sepsis sepsis syndrome septal defect Septata intestinalis septic abortion septic arthritis septic shock septic syndrome septicemia septo-optic dysplasia sequence septoplasty Septra septuplets Seven sequelae sequence sequential compression device sequential pulse cardioversion/defibrillation sequential study sequestration ® ™ sequestration complex sequestration crisis sequestrum sequoiosis Serax Seren Serentil Serepax Seresta Seretide serial films serial induction serial killer serial murder serial seizure serial sevens test series serious emotional or behavioral disorder serious reportable event Serlect SERM Sermonil SEROCO seroconversion serologic test serologic test for syphilis serology seronegative Seronil seropositive seroprevalence Seroquel seroreversion serosanguineous serositis serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor serotonin-selective reuptake inhibitor serotonin syndrome serous drainage serous otitis Seroxat ® ® ™ ® serpiginous tract serpiginous ulcer Serratia marcescens sertraline serum serum concentration serum lipid serum protein electrophoresis serum sickness servant service service area service coordination service dog service patient Servium Servizepam Serzone sesamoidectomy sesamoiditis sessile sestamibi setback setpoint hypothesis setting sun sign setting sevelamer Seven Countries study 70s, the rules of 72-hour fast severe combined immune deficiency severe sepsis severely debilitating illness severity-adjusted death rate sevoflurane sex sex change sex derivative sex differential sex drive ™ sex industry sex life sex linked sex-linked disease sex-reversed person sex role sex-specific mortality rate sex toy sexist behavior sexology sextant biopsy sexual sexual abuse sexual activity sexual addiction sexual aggressor real sexual anhedonia –double entry– sexual arousal sexual asphyxia sexual assault sexual assault response team sexual behavior sexual body signal sexual contact sexual desire sexual development sexual deviancy sexual differentiation sexual drive sexual dysfunction sexual fantasy sexual favor sexual feelings sexual harassment sexual history sexual incompatibility sexual intercourse, fear of sexual interplay sexual life sexual maturity rating sexual misconduct sheep shelf life shelf sign shell shock sheltered environment he to she shelterization sexual response Shenton’s line sexual response cycle SHEP sexual responsibility Sherlock anchor Sexual Symptom Distress Shewanella putrefaciens Scale shiatsu sexual traffic shield sexual violation shift differential sexual work shift syndrome sexuality shift work maladaptation sexually acquired reactive syndrome arthritis Shigella sexually aggressive Shigella dysenteriae sexually dangerous Shigella enteritis the sexually transmitted dis- Shigella sonnei shigellosis ease Shiley heart valve Sezary syndrome shin splint SF-12 shingles SF-36 shivering SF-EMG SHOCK SGA shock shadow shock lung shaggy heart sign shock therapy shake & bake symptoms shoot up shake test shooter shaken baby syndrome shooting gallery sham feeding shop shaping short bowel syndrome shared-decision program short call shared psychotic disorder ‘short’ draw SHARP short PR syndrome sharp dissection short rib-polydactyly synsharp injury drome ‘sharps’ shortage shave biopsy shortwave diathermy SHBG shot shed mediastinal blood shot therapy salvage shotgun Sheehan syndrome ‘shotgun approach’ sexual orientation sexual pain disorder sexual penetration sexual perjury sexual reassignment ™ shotgun technique shotty lymphadenopathy ‘shoulder’ shoulder bursitis shoulder complex shoulder dystocia shoulder-girdle syndrome shoulder-hand syndrome shoulder instability shoulder pointer ‘syndrome’ shoulder presentation Shprintzen syndrome shrink shrinkage ‘shrinking field’ technique shrinking lung shuffling gait shunt shunting shunt nephritis Shwachman syndrome Shy-Drager syndrome SI SIADH sialadenitis sialidosis type I sialidosis type II sialography sialolith sialorrhea SIAM ‘Siamese’ twins sibilant sibling sibling rivalry sibrafiban sibutramine sicca complex sick building syndrome sick Santa ‘syndrome’ sick sinus syndrome sickle cell anemia sickle cell disease sickle cell trait sickle chest syndrome sickness Sickness Impact Profile SICU SIDA Side Branch Occlusion system side effects side-impact air bag Sidenar Sideril siderosis SIDS SIESTA sievert SIG SIG E CAPS sigh sigmoidoscope sigmoidoscopy sign sign language signal signal averaged electrocardiography signal event signal-to-noise ratio signature Signa system signet ring cell significance significant other SIL SILENT silent angina silent infection silent killer silent myocardial ischemia silent organ silent thyroiditis silhouette symmetry ™ silicon silicone silicone arthroplasty silicone implant silicone-reactive disorder siliconoma silicosis SILIG silk silo-filler disease silver silver wire appearance Simantha Simasedan Simdax simian crease Simon filter simple fracture simple goiter simple mastectomy simple phobia simple suction probe simple test simple traction Simplified Acute Physiology Score Simpson-Angus Scale Sims position simulation simulator Simulect simultanagnosia simultaneous pulse cardioversion simvastatin ‘sin’ tax sine wave Sinemet Sinequan Sinestron singer’s node single breath diffusing capacity single breath imaging ® ® ® ® single donor transfusion single drug therapy single fiber electromyography single-gene disorder single organ system examination single-parent family single-payer system single pulse cardioversion/defibrillation single unit transfusion single vessel disease SingleBAR singles bar singleton Singulair sink testing sinoatrial exit block sinoatrial node Sinonna Sinquan sinus arrest sinus bradycardia sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy sinus node sinus node dysfunction sinus tachycardia SinuSeal sinusitis Sipam Sipramine sips/chips SIRA sirolimus sirolimus-eluting coronary stent SIRS SISI test sister Sister Mary Joseph nodule ™ ® ® ™ Sisyphus ‘syndrome’ site visit SiteSelect SITEtrac sitophobia 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire sixth disease size size acceptance size discrimination Sjögren syndrome skeletal survey skeletal traction skeletonize Skelid skew foot skewed ‘skid row’ stereotype skier's tear skill skilled nursing care ‘skimping’ skin skin abscess skin cancer skin graft skin ‘popping’ skin resurfacing skin test skin test conversion skin type SkinLaser Skinlight Skinner’s line skinnerian ‘skinny’ needle–biopsy skip metastases skitching skull fracture sky surfing SLAC wrist slang ™ ™ ® ™ ™ slanted palpebral fissure slapped cheek appearance slave SLE sleep sleep apnea sleep apnea syndrome sleep architecture sleep attack sleep deprivation sleep disorders sleep drunkenness sleep hygiene sleep latency sleep medicine sleep onset association disorder sleep paralysis sleep-related myoclonus sleep stage 1 sleep stage 2 sleep stage 3 sleep stage 4 sleep terror disorder sleep walking sleepiness sleeping sickness sleepwalking slice slipped disk 'slippery slope' slit-lamp microscope slot defect sloughed off 'slow code' slow pathway slow virus SLUDGE syndrome SMA smack small airways small airways disease small capacity syndrome small cell small cell carcinoma small cuff syndrome small for gestational age small intestine biopsy small lymphocytic lymphoma small meal syndrome small non-cleaved cell lymphoma small vessel disease small vessel vasculitis smallpox SMART smart defibrillator smart gun smart loop ‘smart’ terminal smarts SmartTack SMART biliary stent SMD smear smegma smell smell disorder SMILE Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome smog ‘smoke’ smoke-free workplace smoke inhalation smokeless tobacco smoker smoker data smoker’s palate smoking smoking cessation ‘smoking gun’ smoldering leukemia smoldering myeloid leukemia smooth muscle antibody SMR ™ ™ snake snakebite snakes, fear of snap snare Sneddon syndrome sneeze sneezing gas sniffing dog position SNOMED SNOMED International snore ‘snorting’ snow snowblindness snowman sign snowstorm pattern snow white sign snowboarding snuff snuffles Snugs SOAP soap bubble SOB social adaptation social breakdown syndrome social contract ‘social disease’ social distance social drinker social good social history social inequality in health social isolation social maladjustment social medicine social phobia social power Social Security Administration social skill social stress ™ Social Support Inventory social worker socialized medicine sociopath Socratic method SOD SODA soda loading sodium sodium azide sodium nitrite sodium oxybate sodomy SofDraw syringe Sofsilk soft soft diet soft drug soft food ‘soft’ medical services ‘soft’ risk factor soft tissue soft tissue sarcoma software soiling Solanax solar solar elastosis Solarase soldier’s heart sole Solenopsis saevissima solid cancer solid organ transplant solid tumor of childhood Solis solitary congenital nodular calcification solitary myeloma solitary rectal ulcer syndrome solitary sex solitary thyroid nodule Solium solo practice ™ ™ Solus SOLVD SOLVD-Prevention Study SOLVD-Treatment Study solve rate solvent abuse SOM somatic somatic dysfunction somatic pain somatization somatization disorder somatostatinoma somatostatinoma syndrome somatostatinoma triad somatotropin somatotropin release-inhibiting hormone Soma Somese somesthetics somnambulism Somniton Somnium somnolence somnophilia somnophilic Somnoplasty system Somogyi effect Sonablate 200 Sonacon Sonata Songar sonic fracture healing system– sonicated albumin sonogram Sonopsy system sonorous rhonchus SonoRx Sonotron Sontac SOP ® ® SM ™ ® ™ ® ® sor sorbitol sore Sorsby syndrome ‘sort of’ test SOS sotalol Sotos syndrome souffle sound sound generator sound vocalization sounds of Korotkoff SoundScan soup-to-nuts source source amnesia ‘South American’ operation Southern blot hybridization sp gr space space adaptation syndrome space medicine space-occupying lesion space sickness space suit spaces, confined, fear of spaces, open, fear of spade deformity spade field SPAF SPAF-2 spam Spanish spanking SPARCL sparfloxacin spasm spasmodic dysphonia spasmodic torticollis spasmus nutans ® ™ spastic colon spastic diplegia spastic paralysis spasticity spatial agnosia spatial resolution spear tackling spearing special need special test specialist specialization specialized laboratory specialoid specialty specialty board specialty network species-ism Specific Activity Scale specific gravity specific phobia specificity specificity spillover syndrome specimen specimen radiograph SPECT spectacles Spectra spectrophotometry speculum speech speech disorder speech dyspraxia speech pathology speech-preserving operation speech processor speech recognition speech therapist speech threshold audiometry SPEED speed spell SPEP sperm analysis sperm bank sperm banking sperm count spermatocele spermatogenesis spermatorrhea spermicide SPEX SPF sphenoethmoidectomy spherocytosis sphingolipidoses sphingomyelin lipidosis sphygmomanometer SPI-77 SPICA cast spica cast SPICE spicy food spider spider angioma ‘spider’ dystrophy spiders, fear of Spielberger scale spike spike & dome contour spike potential spike & wave pattern spiking fever spillover infection spina bifida spina bifida occulta SPINAF spinal adjustment spinal & bulbar muscular atrophy spinal block spinal cord abscess spinal cord injury spinal cord resuscitation spinal cord tumor spinal fusion spinal muscle atrophy spinal nerve spinal shock spinal tap spinal vasculature steal syndrome spindle and/or epithelioid cell nevus spindle cell carcinoma spine spinnbarkeit spinocerebellar degeneration spiral computed tomography spirit spiritual training spirometry spironolactone spit-up Spitz nevus splash injury splashback splenectomy splenic flexure syndrome splenomegaly splenosis splinter hemorrhage split personality split thickness graft ‘splitting’ spondee word spondylitis spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia spondylolisthesis spondylosis sponge bath sponge kidney sponge-worthy spongialization spongy degeneration of infancy sponsored symposium spontaneous abortion spontaneous bacterial peritonitis spontaneous pneumothorax spontaneous regression of cancer spontaneous tumor spontaneously spooge spoon nail spooning sporadic sporadic fatal insomnia Sporonox sporotrichosis sport SPORT sports ‘anemia’ sports dermatology sports drink sports injury sports massage sports medicine spot spot test spotted fever spotted leg ‘syndrome’ spotting spousal benefits spousal rape spousal support spouse sprain 'spray-on' skin spread Sprengel’s deformity spring spring fever spring-loaded lancet spring practice SPRINT SPROM sprue syndrome SPS3 ® spun blood spur spurt sputum • squamocolumnar Z line squamous cell carcinoma squamous intraepithelial lesion squamous intraepithelial lesion, indeterminant grade square root sign square-shaped wrist test square wave square wave jerk ‘squaring’ squash drinking syndrome ‘Squash It!’ squat jump ‘syndrome’ squatting squeeze technique squint SRI SRUS SS S/S SS disease SSBOs SSPE SSRI SSSS 4S the 6 Ss St St Louis encephalitis stabilize stable angina stable disease staccato speech Stachybotrys atra Stachybotrys chatarum stacking staff staff privileges stage stage fright stage migration staging staging laparotomy stagnant loop stagnant loop syndrome stainless steel endoprosthesis staircase ventilation staircase vertebra stalk stalking STAMP I regimen stance standard standard acid reflux test standard of care standard of care test standard deviation standard drink standard operating procedure standard treatment guideline standard(ized) mortality ratio standardized patient standby standing order stanozolol Stapam stapedectomy staphylococcal meningitis staphylococcal protein A immunoadsorption staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome staphylococcal skin infection Staphylococcus aureus food poisoning Staphylococcus aureus Staphylococcus epidermidis S epidermidisstaple STAR ‘starch blocker’ starch granuloma Stargardt’s disease Stark law STARRT STARS START starvation starvation diabetes starvation diet starvation stools stash stasis stasis dermatitis stat lab STAT state state of the art state board state boards state regulatory agency statement static resistance –statin station statistic statistical significance statistics ‘stats’ Statue of Liberty position status status asthmaticus status epilepticus status/post statute of limitations statutory rape stavudine stay stay & play ™ STD STD litigation steakhouse syndrome steal syndrome stealth hardware stealth virus steatorrhea Stedicor steer steering steering wheel ‘syndrome’ Stein-Leventhal syndrome Steiner speculum Stelazine stellate fracture stem cell therapy stem cell transplantation Stemgen Stenger test stenosis stent stent-graft step-down therapy step-off sign stepladder pattern steppage gait stepped formulary ® ® ® after stercoral ulcer stercoroma StereoEndoscope stereotactic biopsy stereotactic neurosurgery stereotactic radiosurgery stereotype stereotypic movement disorder stereotypy Steri-Strip sterile sterile field sterile ‘infection’ sterile pyuria sterility sterilization sternotomy steroid steroid injection steroid therapy sterologist stethoscope Stevens-Johnson syndrome Stewart-Treves syndrome STICH stick stick-man syndrome sticky floor phenomenon sticky food stiff baby syndrome stiff heart syndrome stiff person syndrome stiffie stigma STILE trial stillbirth Still’s disease stimulant stimulant laxative stimulated acid output stimulated cycle stimulation stimulation threshold stimulative music stimulus-response theory sting stinger stinging insect stinky nose stippling stirrup stitch stochastic Stockholm syndrome stocking & glove distribution Stokes-Adams syndrome stoma stomachache stomach cancer stomach-partitioning gastrojejunostomy ‘stomach virus’ stomatitis stone stone heart stone heart syndrome ‘stoned’ stones, bones and groans stool stool culture stool lipids stool softener STOP STOP-Hypertension STOPIT stopping power storage disease storage lesion storage pool diseases stork mark stovepipe colon strabismus straddle lesion straight straight back syndrome Straight-In system strain straitjacket strangers, fear of strangulated hernia strangulation strap muscles strawberry cervix strawberry gallbladder strawberry tongue street drug street smarts the streets strength ‘strep throat’ strephosymbolia streptococcal pharyngitis ™ streptococcal proctitis streptococcal sex syndrome Streptococcus agalactiae Streptococcus pneumoniae streptokinase streptomycin streptozotocin stress STRESS stress echocardiography stress fracture stress incontinence Stress Index stress-related condition stress response stress shutdown stress test stress ulcer stressor STRETCH ‘stretch mark’ stretch reflex stretching strict liability stricture stride length stridor string of beads sign string sign string test strip stripping stroke stroke belt stroke buckle strokes Stromectol strontium-89 Stroop test structural imaging structure struma ovarii strychnine ® Stryker saw STS stubborn stucco keratosis student loan student’s elbow study STUMP stump stump blowout stump carcinoma ‘stunned’ myocardium Sturge-Weber syndrome stuttering sty Stypven time subacute subacute bacterial endocarditis subacute combined degeneration subacute necrotizing encephalomyelopathy subacute sclerosing panencephalitis subacute thyroiditis subarachnoid hemorrhage subclavian steal syndrome subclinical hyperthyroidism subclinical hypothyroidism subclinical infection subconjunctival hemorrhage subconscious subcutaneous insulin-resistance syndrome subcutaneous mastectomy subcutaneous port subdural effusion subdural empyema subdural hematoma subfertility subinternship subject subjective probability estimate subjective vertigo sublethal sublimation sublingual testosterone subluxation submammary abscess submarining submersion syndrome submission hold subphrenic interposition syndrome subspecialty substance abuse substance dependence substance use substantial factor test substantial pain substitution substrate subsyndromal depression subtalar joint neutral subtotal laryngectomy succimer succinylcholine succussion splash sucralfate suction suction curettage suction irrigator SUD sudden cardiac death sudden deafness sudden death sudden infant death syndrome sudden unexplained nocturnal death SUDS sufentanil sugar sugar cube sugar hypothesis sugar substitute suggestion suggestive of suicidal gesture suicidal ideation suicidal patient suicide suitcase sign Sular sulcus sign sulfa drug sulfadiazine sulfamethoxazole sulfamethoxazole/trimeth oprim sulfasalazine sulfisoxazole sulfite sulfone syndrome sulforaphane sulindac sulphur sulprostone sumatriptan succinate summary suspension summation gallop sun protection factor sunblock sunburst pattern SUND Sunday neurosis sundown syndrome sunglasses sunscreen sunstroke super aspirin Superbowl Sunday abuse supercritical result superfecundation superfetation Super Glue superinfection ® superovulation SuperSkin Superstat hemostatic pad super stress test superwarfarin super woman syndrome(s) superficial superficial spreading carcinoma superficial spreading melanoma superficial thrombophlebitis superior mesenteric artery syndrome superior vena cava syndrome superiority complex supervising physician supervision supine supple supplementary groove supplementation SUPPORT support support group support services supportive supportive therapy suppository suppression suppression test suppuration supracricoid laryngectomy suprahepatic inferior vena cava supraphysiologic supravalvular aortic stenosis supraventricular tachycardia surdomutism ® SurePress bandage surface surface anatomy surfactant surfactant replacement therapy surge surgeon surgerize surgery surgical abdomen surgical anatomy surgical blood management surgical castration surgical closure surgical history surgical isolation bubble system surgical menopause surgical oncology surgical pathology surgical review committee surgical robot surgical scrubs surgical service surgical site infection surgical specialty surgical sterilization surgicenter SurgiLav Plus Surmontil Surodex Surplix surrogacy surrogate marker surrogate mother surrogate motherhood surrogate parenting surveillance surveillance scanning survey survival survival analysis ® survival curve survivorship effect susceptibility susceptibility test susceptible sushi sushi syncope suspected child abuse or neglect suspended heart ‘syndrome Suspend sling suspension suspicion suspicious Sustiva Sutton’s law suture Sutureloop SVC obstruction SVGLAD SVGRCA SVS Apex Plus SVT swallowing disorder swamp fever swan neck deformity Swan-Ganz catheter Swan-Ganz catheterization sweat test sweat testing sweet protein Sweet syndrome sweetener swelling of eyes swelling of optic disk SWIFT swimmer’s ear swimming pool granuloma SWING swinging flashlight test ‘swinging heart’ ™ ™ swisher Swiss agammaglobulinemia switch SWOG swollen lymph glands SWORD symptoms Sydenham’s chorea Sydney System symbiotic psychosis Symmetra sympathy SYMPHONY Symphony stent symphorophilia symposium symptom Symptom Checklist symptom magnifier symptom-oriented construct symptom picture sympto-thermic method Synagis synaptic plasticity synchronous pacing synchrony syncope syncytial knot syndactyly syndesmosis sprain syndrome syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion syndrome X synechia Synercid synergism synergist synergistic necrotizing cellulitis syngeneic transplant ™ ™ ® SynMesh synovial effusion synovial fluid analysis synovial sarcoma synovitis synthesis synthetic absorbable suture synthetic nonabsorbable suture Synthofil Synvisc syphilis syphilitic aortitis syringe syringe exchange program syringomyelia system systematic desensitization systemic circulation systemic idiopathic fibrosis systemic immunoblastic proliferation systemic inflammatory response syndrome systemic lupus erythematosus systemic-onset juvenile rheumatoid arthritis systemic sclerosis systemic therapy systemic vasculitis Syst-Eur systole systolic heart failure systolic time interval ® ® T T t T&A T-cell immunodeficiency syndrome T cell lymphoma T1 line T-max T-on-P phenomenon T&S T-shaped fracture T3 suppression test t-test T-wave alternans T zone T3 T3 suppression test T3 thyrotoxicosis T3 uptake test T4 T4 thyrotoxicosis T7 assay T12 assay T-ACE TA-GVHD TAB tabes dorsalis table taboo TAC tachophobia tachyarrhythmia tachyarrhythmia-mediated cardiomyopathy tachy-aye tachycardia tachycardia-bradycardia syndrome tachypnea tackle tacrine tacrolimus TACT TACTICS tactile agnosia tactile aphasia tactile device tadpole sign Taenia Taenia solium taffy candy ‘syndrome’ taffy pulling effect Tafil tag Tagamet TAH TAH-BSO tail tail coverage TAIM Takayasu’s arteritis take talc talc insufflation talcosis Talent endoluminal stentgraft talipes talipes calcaneus talipes equinus talipes valgus talipes varus talismanic paraphilia talk & die ‘syndrome’ talking therapy talon noire talotibial joint Talpramin Talwin TAMI Tamiflu tamoxifen tampering tampon tamponade the Tan Sheet Tandearil tangential speech tangentialty Tangier disease Tanner Developmental ® ™ ® ® ® Scale tanning tanning device tanning pill tantrum tap tap-out Tapazol tape tape booger taper tapering tapering off tapeworm infection taphophobia tapir mouth tapotement TAR syndrome Tarantula Tarasoff decision tardive dyskinesia target target heart rate target lesion target organ target sign targeting Targis system Tarka tarsal coalition tarsal cyst tarsal tunnel syndrome TART tartar tartrazine Tarui disease task analysis taste disorder taste fatigue TAT Tatlockia micdadei tattoo tattooing TAUSA ™ ® Tavor tax Taxagon taxanes taxol Taxotere Tay-Sachs disease tazarotene TB TB screening program TBF TBG TBI TBT Tc-labeled RBC scintigraphy TCA TCE TCP/IP Td Td vaccination TD50 TDM TDMS –Trex mammography TE tea TEA tea-drinker’s disease teaching hospital teaching patient teaching surgeon TEAM team team approach TEAM-2 tear teardrop bladder teardrop fracture teardrop sign teaser advertising Tc sulfur colloid technical component ™ 99m ™ 99m technitium pyrophosphate myocardial scanning technological disaster technology Techstar Teczem TEE teenage pregnancy teeth grinding TEF Teflon Teflon injection therapy tegafur tegafuracil Tegison Tegretol tegumentary teicoplanin TEIS telangiectasia teleconsultation telediagnosis telegraphic speech telehealth TeleMed forceps telemedicine telemetry telepathology telephone counseling telephone receiver deformity telephone scatologia telephysician telepresence surgery teleradiology telescoped finger Telescope catheter telescoping telescoping fracture telesurgery television theory of allergy TeliCam ™ ™ ™ ® ™ telmisartan temafloxacin temafloxacin syndrome temazepam temozolomide temper temper tantrum temperament temperature method temperature spike template temporal temporal arteritis temporal lobe seizure temporal lobe syndrome temporal lobe trauma temporary insanity temporary lead temporary privileges temporomandibular joint syndrome TEN ten-fingered osteopath ten percent tumor tenaculum tender tender years doctrine tenderness tendinitis tendinosis tendon sheath syndrome tenecteplase tenesmus teniasis teniposide tennis elbow tennis leg tennis wrist Tenormin tenosynovitis tenosynovitis-dermatitis syndrome Tensilon Tensilon test ® ® ® Tensinyl tension tension band wiring tension headache tension myalgia tension pneumothorax tenting tenuous tenure Teperin Tequin terabyte teratogen teratophobia terazosin terbinafine terbutaline terfenadine term of art terminal terminal cancer terminal condition terminal event terminal ileitis terminal illness syndrome terminal reservoir syndrome terminally ill termination of pregnancy Terminologia Anatomica terminology terodiline TERP terrace terrain therapy tertian fever tertiary tertiary care tertiary care center tertiary Lyme disease tertiary prevention tertiary syphilis Teslascan test ™ ® test of cure test of healing test menu test panel test-retest reliability test-tube baby testicle testicular cancer testicular cancer panel testicular failure testicular feminization testicular infection testicular lymphoma testicular regression syndrome testicular torsion testing testis-determining factor Testoderm TTS testosterone 17beta-dehydrogenase–NADP deficiency testosterone testosterone replacement therapy testotoxicosis tetanospasmin tetanus tetanus toxoid tetany tethered cord syndrome tetra tetra-X syndrome Tetracel vaccine tetracycline tetrahydrobiopterin tetraiodothyronine tetralogy of Fallot tetrodotoxin Tetwrist teutophobia Teveten Texas Primary Reading Inventory ® + ™ ® TexCAPS text bite textbook TFL syndrome TFR THA thalamic syndrome thalassemia alpha-thalassemia beta-thalassemia delta-thalassemia gamma-thalassemia thalassemia minor thalidomide thalidomide neuropathy thallium stress test THAM thanatophoric dwarfism THBR THC theca cell tumor thelarche Thematic Apperception Test thenar muscles Theo-dur theobromine theophylline theory Theospan therapeutic therapeutic alternative therapeutic abortion therapeutic apheresis therapeutic cloning therapeutic community therapeutic crisis therapeutic drug monitoring therapeutic equivalent therapeutic gain therapeutic immune paralysis therapeutic index ® ® therapeutic intent therapeutic misadventure therapeutic phelobotomy therapeutic privilege therapeutic privilege doctrine therapeutic range therapeutic rating therapeutic threshold therapeutic vaccine therapeutic window therapist therapist-patient privacy therapy therapy addict Theratope vaccine ThermaChoice UBT system thermal capsular shift thermatic sterilization thermescent skin treatment Thermo-STAT system ThermoChem HT system Thermoflex system thermography thermolysis thermophobia thermoreversible gel theta waves thiamin deficiency thiazolidinedione thick conception of risk thick prep thin conception of risk thin melanoma think-drink effect thinking thinning of blood ThinPrep thin prep thiocyanate thioguanine thiopental ® ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ thioridazine thiotepa thiothixine third & fourth pharyngeal pouch syndrome third-degree burn third-degree block third degree collateral ligament injury third diabetic syndrome third ear–the third generation oral contraceptive third-generation cephalosporin third heart sound third-line therapy third party third spacing 30-day mortality 36-item Medical Outcomes Study Short-Form General Health Survey Thomas spint Thombran Thomsen's disease thoracentesis thoracic thoracic inlet injury thoracic outlet syndrome thoracotomy Thoratec system Thorazine Thorburn position thorn sign thought disorder thought insertion thought leader threadworm threat threat level threatened abortion 3D ultrasound reconstruction imaging ® ® ® 3D conformal external beam radiation therapy 3D radiotherapy 3D ultrasound reconstruction 3D volume reconstruction three-finger rule three glass test Three Main Complaints questionnaire threshold thrill thrill of victory; agony of defeat throat culture thrombthrombasthenia thrombectomy thrombin time thrombin thrombinogen thromboangitis obliterans thrombocytopenia thrombocytosis thromboembolic state thrombokinase thrombolysis thrombolytic agent thrombolytic therapy thrombophlebitis thrombosis thrombotic occlusion thrombotic stroke thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura thrombus throw-away journal thrush thrust thud drill thumb thumb & little finger signs thumbprinting thumpversion thunder & lightning, fear of thymoma thymus & parathyroid hypoplasia thyroglobulin thyroglossal cyst thyroid thyroid antibodies thyroid cancer thyroid cascade thyroid disease thyroid function test thyroid scan thyroid-stimulating hormone thyroidectomy thyroiditis thyromegaly thyroplasty thyrotoxic crisis thyrotoxic periodic paralysis thyrotoxicosis thyrotropin thyrotropin blocking antibody thyrotropin releasing hormone stimulation test thyroxine thyroxine-binding globulin tuberculosis TI Tiazac TIBBS TIBC tibial nerve dysfunction tibial valgum tibial varum TIBO tic doloreaux tic ticarcillin ® TICE BCG tick tick-borne fever tick-borne rickettsiosis tick fever tick paralysis ticket tickler ticlopidine tid tidal volume Tietze syndrome Tiger Woods syndrome Tikosyn TIL therapy Tilade tilt test tiludronate disodium time time bomb time/dose time manual performance test time-out time-sampling method time to thrombolysis time trade-off metric timed collection Timentin TIMI classification TIMI studies timidity timolol maleate tincture tinea barbae tinea of body tinea capitis tinea corporis tinea cruris tinea of groin tinea pedis tinea of scalp tinea versicolor tingling throat ‘syndrome’ ® ® ® tinidazole Tinnel sign tinnitus tinted spectacles sign tinzaparin tioconazole tip electrode tip migration tip-toe position tip-of-the-tongue error tipped uterus Tipramine TIPS tirofiban TISS Tisseel tissue tissue bank tissue factor tissue factor pathway inhibitor tissue pathology tissue plasminogen activator tissue review committee tissue tracking tit sign titer title titration Titus tixocortol pivalate TLC TLD TLV Tm TM Tmax Tmax TMJ TMJ syndrome TMP-SMX TMR TMT ® Tn syndrome TNF TNK-tPA TNKase TNM classification TNT TNTC TOAD tobacco tobacco control tobacco dependence Tobacco Withdrawal Symptoms Inventory tobacco withdrawal syndrome TOBI tobramycin tocainide tocol tocolytic tocopherol tocophobia toddlers’ diarrhea todeserwartung toe toe walking Tofnil Tofranil tofu TOHP toilet toke tolcapone Tolectin tolerance tolerance test tolmetin Tolosa-Hunt syndrome tolterodine toluidine tomato effect tomboy tombstone advertisement TOMHS ® ™ ® ® tomography tone tone decay test tongue tongue inflammation tongue-retaining device tongue scraping tongue tie tongue worm tonic tonic contraction tonic-clonic seizure tonometry tonsillectomy & adenoidectomy tonsillitis toot tooth abscess tooth decay tooth root hypersensitivity tooth whitener tooth whitening toothache toothbrush toothpaste sign top of the basilar syndrome Topamax TOPAS tophus TOPIC topical topical chemotherapy topical microbicide Topiglan topotecan Toprol TOPS TORCH panel TORCH(e)S toremifene tori palati torsade de pointes ® ™ ® torsion dystonia torsion of testis tort torticollis tortious tortuous torture syndrome Torulopsis glabrata torus fracture toss-up total abdominal hysterectomy total aphasia total-body clearance total-body irradiation total catecholamine test total drug concentration total energy expenditure total estrogen block total hip replacement total hysterectomy total ischemic burden total knee replacement total knee system total laryngectomy total lung capacity total lymphoid irradiation total parenteral nutrition total pelvic exenteration total quality management total range of motion touchy-feely tough love Toughlove toughman fighting Tourette syndrome Touretter tourniquet tourniquet paralysis towel clamp towns toxemia toxemia with seizures toxic ® toxic core toxic dose toxic emotion toxic epidermal necrolysis toxic facelift toxic megacolon toxic metal toxic multinodular goiter toxic shock syndrome toxic shock-like syndrome toxic sock syndrome toxic staring toxicity toxin toxocariasis toxoid Toxoplasma gondii toxoplasmosis toy t-PA TPH TPHA test TPI TPN TPR TQM TR trabeculoplasty TRACE trace evidence traceback tracer tracheal/bronchial rupture tracheitis tracheobronchial lavage tracheoesophageal fistula tracheomalacia tracheopathia chondro-osteoplastica tracheostomy tracheostomy button tracheostomy tube tracheotomy Trachipleistophora ho- minis trachoma track tracking tract traction trade name trading traditional European massage traditional medicine traffic traffic accident trail-making test train train wreck trainer training trait TRAM flap tramadol tramtrack appearance trance trance logic Trandate trandolapril Trankimazin tranquilizer trans fatty acid transactional analysis transaminitis transbronchial lung biopsy transbronchial needle–aspiration biopsy TRANSCEND transcervical balloon tuboplasty transcranial Doppler ultrasonography transcranial electrotherapy transcranial magnetic stimulation ® transcript transcutaneous cardiac pacemaker transcutaneous drug delivery transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation TransCyte transdiaphragmatic recurrence transducer transesophageal echocardiography transfer transference transferrin ransformation zone transformation transforming growth factor transforming growth factor–beta1, –beta2 transfusion transfusion-associated graft-versus-host disease transfusion criteria transfusion guideline(s) transfusion medicine transfusion reaction transfusion-related acute lung injury transfusion siderosis transfusion trigger transgendered transglottic carcinoma transient global amnesia transient hypogammaglobulinemia of infancy transient hypothyroxinemia transient ischemic attack transient response imaging transient retinal ischemia ™ transient tic disorder transillumination transitional cell carcinoma transitional-dyspnea index transitional year program transjugular access set transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic stent-shunt translational medicine translumbar amputation transluminal angiography transmission transmural transmyocardial revascularization transparent transparent dressing transpersonal psychology transplacental transplant Transplant Games transplant rejection transplantation transposition transposition of genderidentity/role transposition of great vessels transpulmonary pressure transrectal ultrasonography transseptal catheterization transsexual transsexualism transspecies transplantation transtelephonic transmitter/receiver transtentorial herniation transthoracic echocardiography transthyretin transurethral laser-in- duced prostatectomy transurethral microwave therapy transurethral needle ablation transurethral resection of bladder tumor transurethral resection of prostate transvaginal ultrasound transvenous pacing transverse facial fracture transverse lie transverse myelitis transvestic fetishism transvestism transvestite Tranxene trapdoor scar trapedoidal rule trapped in the wrong body trapped lung trapping trastuzumab trauma trauma center trauma score trauma X TraumaSeal traumatic aortic rupture traumatic arthropathy traumatic disc rupture traumatic grief traumatic injury of bladder and urethra traumatic pneumothorax traumatic tap travel medicine travelers’ diarrhea traveling nurse Traverso-Longmire technique Trazalon ™ Trazepam trazodone treadmill test treasure hunting TREAT treated wood treatment treatment arm treatment device treatment field treatment group treatment modality treatment pathway treatment port treatment recommendation treatment window Trelex mesh tremor tremor at rest trench fever trench foot trench mouth -Double entry– Trendelenburg position Trental trephine biopsy Trepiline Treponema pallidum Treponema pallidum hemagglutination test Treponema pallidum immobilization test tretinoin TRH stimulation test TRH triad triage trial Trial of Antihypertensive Interventions & Management trial & error method trial of therapy Trialam triamterene triangulation triazolam TRIC tricarboxylic acid cycle triceps reflex triceps skin-fold thickness triceps surae reflex Trichinella spiralis trichinosis trichloroacetic acid trichobezoar trichomoniasis trichophytin test Trichophyton trichorrhexis nodosa Trichosporon beigelii trichotillomania trichuriasis Trichuris trichuria trick movement Tricomin Tricor tricuspid atresia tricuspid regurgitation tricyclic antidepressant tricyclic antidepressant suicide trident sign Tridep Tridione trifluoperazine triflupromazine trifluralin trigeminal ganglion balloon microcompression trigeminal neuralgia trigeminy trigger trigger finger trigger point trigger point injection therapy ® ™ ® trigger zone triggered pacemaker triglitazone triglyceride trihexylphenidyl trihydroxycoprostanic acid syndrome triiodothyronine triiodothyronine–resin uptake test Trilafon trimester trimethadione trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole trimetrexate glucuronate trimipramine trinucleotide repeat disease triosephosphate isomerase deficiency trip TriPak Tripedia triphasic oral contraceptive triple airway maneuver triple apical pulse triple-blinded study triple bypass surgery triple combination therapy triple flexion movement triple-marker screen triple phosphate calculus triple test triple therapy triple threat physician triple X syndrome triplet triplicate prescription form triploidy syndrome tripod fracture ® ™ ™ tripod sign Triptizol triptorelin triradius triscadecaphobia trisomy 13 trisomy 18 trisomy 21 Trittico trivial complaint trivial name Trivora trocar trocar site metastasis troche trogliatazone Trojan horse effect Trojan troleandromycin Tropheryma whippelii trophic ulceration trophoblastic tumor TROPHY tropical immersion foot syndrome tropical medicine tropical oil tropical pulmonary eosinophilia tropical splenomegaly syndrome tropical sprue tropicamide Tropium troponin I Trotter syndrome troubleshoot trough Trousseau sign trovafloxacin mesylate Tru-cut biopsy true cholinesterase true hermaphroditism true knot ® ™ true memory true negative true positive true rib TRUE test true vocal cord Truelove-Witts criteria truncal obesity truncated truncus arteriosus TRUS Trusopt trustee trustworthiness truth-telling Trynol trypanosomiasis tryptophan malabsorption syndrome Trytanol TSH TSLS TSP TSS TST Tsukamurella tsunami T-TAC TTP-HUS tubal factor tubal ligation tubal pregnancy tube tube insertion tubercle tuberculid tuberculin skin test tuberculosis tuberculosis test tuberculous arthritis tuberculosis tuberculous meningitis tuberculous mycobacteria tubular necrosis tuberculous pleuritis tuberous sclerosis tuberous sclerosis triad tubo-ovarian tuboplasty TUBS tubulovillous polyp tularemia Tulio’s phenomenon TULIP Tumarkin crisis tumescent anesthesia tumescent liposuction tummy tuck tumor tumor-associated antigen tumor board tumor debulking tumor development tumor implant tumor lysis syndrome tumor marker tumor necrosis tumor necrosis factor tumor promoter tumor seeding tumor-to-tumor metastasis tumoral calcinosis tumorigenesis tumour TUMT TUNA tunnel effect tunnel infection tunnel vision TURBO TURBT Turcot syndrome turf turf toe turgor turnaround time Turner syndrome turnkey TURP TUSS Tussi-12 Tutoplast process tutorial TV test TVH TWA TWAR agent tweaking Tweedles disease tweezers twelve lead EKG Twelve-Step Program 12 to 24 pH study 24-hour urine 24-hour virus 23-hour stay 24 hour sleep-wake cycle twilight sleep twin twin study twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome Twinkie defense twinkling star sign TWiST twisted ovarian cyst twitch two b/three a inhibitor two-dimensional echocardiography two-parent advantage 2 plus 2 curriculum two-point discrimination two-tiered system TX Tylciprine Tylenol tympanic membrane perforation tympanoplasty tympanoplasty failure ™ ® ™ tympanostomy tympanostomy tube Tyndall effect type type A personality type B personality type I error type II error type 1 diabetes mellitus type 2 diabetes mellitus type & screen type T typhoid fever Typhoid Mary typhus typing tyramine hypertension tyrosine kinase tyrosinemia type I U U u U curve phenomenon U-P junction obstruction U-shaped scar U-shaped vertebrum U wave U90 UA UAC UB-92 UBF UBT breath test uE3 UGH syndrome ugliness, fear of ugly UGP UICC UIP UK-HEART ™ ulcer ulcerating tumor ulcerative colitis ulcerative stomatitis ulnar nerve dysfunction ulnar tunnel syndrome ultimate fighting Ultimate Xphoria ultradian rhythm ultraertia ultrafast CT ultrafast Papanicolaou stain Ultraject ultramarathon ultrarapid detoxification ultrasensitive C-reactive protein ultrasonic ultrasonic osteogenic stimulation ultrasonic pulse ultrasonography angiographic catheterization ultrasonography ultrasound densitometry ultrasound therapy ultrastructural ultraviolet blood irradiation ultraviolet germicidal irradiation ultraviolet light Ulysses syndrome umbilical artery catheter umbilical cord blood umbilical hernia umbilical vein catheter umbrella UNASEM unattached patient unbound drug unbundling uncal herniation ® ™ uncircumcised uncompensated care unconscious uncontrolled pain unconventional ‘virus’ ‘under general’ under the influence ‘under local’ undercall underdrive pacing undergraduate education underimmunization underinsurance underlying cause of death underrepresented minority underride crash undersensing underuse underwriting undescended testicle undifferentiated carcinoma undifferentiated connective tissue disease undue hardship unethical medical research unexplained cause of infertility ‘unhappy gut’ unhealthful day unhealthy day unhealthy food unhealthy lifestyle UNICEF unicompartmental osteoarthritis unidimensional echocardiography Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale Uniform Anatomical Gift Act uniform deceleration unilateral hydronephrosis unilateral locked facet unilateral obstructive uropathy unilateral vocal cord paralysis uninsurable unintentional injury uninvolved bystander phenomenon unipolar electrogenerator unique physician identifier number unit United Network for Organ Sharing United States Adopted Names univariate universal coverage universal design universal donor universal precautions universal recipient university univessel disease UNIX unknown primary cancer unknown risk unload Unna boot unnatural death unnecessary surgery UNOS unproven unproven care unproven method for cancer management unresectable cancer unresectable gallbladder cancer unresponsive unscientific unstable unstable angina unstable bladder unusual life event unvoluntary unwanted pregnancy unwed parent UOAC Upan upcoding upgrade UPJ obstruction upper upper airways upper body fat obesity upper cervical spine injury upper GI endoscopy upper GI study upper rate upper respiratory tract flora upper respiratory tract infection UPPP upright tilt test Uprima upset stomach upside-down films upstream procedure urate crystal urea breath test urea cycle disorder urea nitrogen urea reduction ratio Ureaplasma urealyticum urecholine supersensitivity test uremia uremic frost uremic heart disease ureteral obstruction ureteral vesical reflux ureterocele ™ ureteropelvic junction obstruction urethral bulking agent urethral injury urethral meatal stenosis urethral obstruction urethral pressure profile urethral stricture urethral syndrome urethralism urethritis urethrocele urethroplasty urge incontinence urgency urgent care urgent surgery URI uric acid uric acid ‘infarct’ urinalysis urinary fistula urinary free catecholamines urinary retention urinary tract infection urinary tract obstruction urine concentration test urine culture urinoma URL urn urourodynamic evaluation urogynecology urokinase urolagnia Urolase urolithiasis urologic disorder urologist urology urostomy ursodiol ™ urticaria urticaria pigmentosa U/S USAN USB use user USFMG Usher syndrome USMLE USOH USP usual interstitial pneumonia uterine apoplexy uterine balloon ablation uterine border uterine cancer uterine fibroid uterine monitoring uterine polyp uterine prolapse uterine sarcoma UTI utilization utilization review Uvadex UVB phototherapy UVC uveitis uvulopalatopharyngoplasty Uxen ® V V v V cholera V fracture V-HEFT V-shaped scar V tach v wave advance V&P VA VA-HIT V-A interval vaccination vaccine vaccine reaction vaccine therapy vaccinology VACTERUL vacuolar myelopathy vacuolar myopathy Vacutainer vacuum abortion vacuum curettage vacuum erection system vacuum extraction vacuum phenomenon vacuum sign vacuum system Vagifem vaginal atrophy vaginal birth after cesarean vaginal cancer vaginal candidiasis vaginal cone vaginal cuff vaginal discharge vaginal dryness vaginal hysterectomy vaginal pouch vaginal ring vaginal speculum vaginal spotting vaginismus vaginitis vaginoplasty vaginosis Vagistat vagotomy vagus nerve stimulation ™ ™ ® VAHS Val-HeFT valacyclovir Valaxona valdecoxib Valeans valgus VALIANT validation set Valitran Valium valley fever valproic acid Valsalva maneuver Valstar valuation value VALUE valuing valve valve dysplasia valve stenosis valve vegetation valvoplasty valvular valvular heart disease valvuloplasty the Vampire project vampirism Vanatrip Vanceril vancomycin vancomycin-resistant enterococcus vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Vanconin VANILA vanishing lung syndrome vanishing twin VANQWISH Vantin vapor lock vapor pressure ® ™ ® ® vaporizer vapors Vaportrode Vapr system VA/Q mismatch Vaqta variable variable deceleration variable resistance variant angina variceal bleeding varicella varicella embryopathy varicella-zoster virus varices varicocele varicose veins variegate porphyria variegated Varigrip system varix varus vasvascular access vascular access specialist vascular access thrombosis vascular dementia vascular headache vascular/lymphatic invasion vascular phase vascular purpura vascular skin changes vascular sling vascular spasm vascular-ventricular coupling vascularity vasculitis vasculitis profile vasculoma vasculopath vasectomy ™ ® vasectomy reversal vasoactive substance vasoconstrictor vasodilator Vasofem vasomotor center vasomotor rhinitis vaso-occlusive crisis vasopeptidase inhibitor vasopermeability reaction vasopermeation enhancement vasopressin vasopressin resistance VasoSeal vasospasm Vasotec vasovagal syncope VAST VATER complex VATER syndrome VATK technique Vatran VATS Vaughan Williams classification vaulting Vaxid Vazen VBAC VBPAC VC VCUG VD Vd VDAC VDRL test VDT vector vector-borne disease vectorcardiography vecuronium vegan vegetarianism ® ® ® ™ vegetation vegetative state vehicle vein stripping Velcro-like crackles vellus hair velocardiofacial syndrome velocity Velosef velvet ants vena cava filter Venefon venereal venereal disease venereal wart venesection Venezuelan equine encephalitis veni, veno venipuncture venlafaxine venography venom venom immunotherapy veno-occlusive disease venous hum venous insufficiency venous introducer venous lake venous O2 saturation venous patterning venous port venous stasis venous thrombus venovenous hemodialysis vent VentCheck ventilation ventilation/perfusion ratio mismatch ventilation-perfusion scan ventilation scan ventilation studies ventilation system ® ™ ventilator ventilator-assistance pneumonia ventilator-induced lung injury venting VenTrak system ventral ventral hernia ventricular ventricular arrhythmia ventricular assist device ventricular fibrillation ventricular gallop ventricular late potential ventricular lead ventricular pacemaker ventricular premature beat ventricular remodeling ventricular septal defect ventricular tachycardia ventricular tachycardia ventriculitis ventriculography ventriculoperitoneal shunt ventriculotomy verapamil verbal abuse verbal and motor perseverence verbal intelligence quotient verbal overflow verbal stereotypy verbal therapy verbigeration Verdia Verdict THC Verelan Veridien umbilical clamp verification verified longest lived in™ ™ ® dividual Verluma vermicide Vermox vernal conjunctivitis vernix caseosa vernix caseosa peritonitis vero toxin verocytotoxin Veronal VerreScope verruca verruca acuminatum verruca pedis verruca plana juvenilis verruca vulgaris verrucae verruciform xanthoma verrucosis verrucous carcinoma verrucous hyperplasia VersaPoint Versaport VersaPulse Versed version VERT vertebral-basilar artery occlusive syndrome vertebral compression fracture vertebrobasilar circulatory disorder verteporfin–benzoporphyrin vertex compression vertex presentation vertical transmission vertiginous vertigo very high-density lipoprotein very low birth weight very low-density lipopro® ™ ™ ® ® tein vesical vesicle vesico-ureteral reflux vesicular vesicular stomatitis virus vesnarinone vessel Vessel Sanitation Program vest CPR vest-over-pants repair vestibular neuronitis vestibular testing vestibular window vestibulo-ocular reflex veto Vexol viability viable infant Viadur Viagra ViaScint ViaSpan ViaStem Vibra-Surge vibration vibrator Vibrio cholerae Vibrio vulnificus vibrotactile aid vicarious menstruation vicious viscous hypothesis Vicoprofen victim victimization victimizer vidarabine video-assisted surgery video-assisted thoracic surgery video consultation videodefecography video electroencephalog™ ™ ™ ® ™ ™ ® raphy videolaryngoscope video thoracoscopy Videx Vietnam syndrome view Viewing Wand vigabatrin vigilance VIGOR vigorous exercise villi VIN vinblastine vinca alkaloid Vincent's stomatitis vincristine vindesine vinorelbine vinyl chloride violent household violin band mark violin string adhesions Vioxx VIP receptor scan V.I.P. ‘syndrome’ VIPoma VIPoma syndrome Viprinex Viracept VIRADAPT viraemia viral arthritis viral culture viral encephalitis viral gastroenteritis viral hemorrhagic fever syndrome viral hepatitis viral load viral load test viral meningoencephalitis viral pharyngitis viral pneumonia ® ® ® ™ ® viral profile viral study viral transduction virally-induced cancer visit Visken Vistaril Vistide may visual acuity Viramune visual agnosia Virchow’s node visual association virgin birth visual evoked-pattern virginal hypertrophy shift response virginity visual laser ablation of the virilism trigone virilization visual memory virologic failure visual reception Viroptic Visudyne virosome vaccine vital viroxan vital capacity virtual animal vital signs virtual colonoscopy vital statistics virtual consultation vitamin virtual endoscopy vitamin A deficiency virtual hospital vitamin A embryopathy virtual physician vitamin A toxicity virtual reality exposure vitamin B1 therapy vitamin B1 deficiency virtual visit vitamin B2 virulence vitamin B6 deficiency virus-associated hemovitamin B6-dependency phagocytic syndrome syndromes virus vitamin B6-dependent virus scan streptococci vis-a-tergo vitamin B12 visceral vitamin B12 deficiency visceral larva migrans vitamin C deficiency visceral manipulation vitamin C intoxication visceromegaly vitamin D3 Viscoat vitamin D deficiency viscosity vitamin D-dependent viscosupplementation rickets the Visible Man vitamin D-dependent visible light transmittance rickets type I Visiflo vitamin D intoxication Visilex mesh vitamin E deficiency vision vitamin E intoxication Visipaque ‘vitamin H’ ® ® ® ® ™ ™ ™ ® vitamin K deficiency vitamin K-dependent proteins VITATOPS vitiligo Vitrasert Vitrase Vitrax vitrectomy Vivelle-Dot system Vividyl Vivol VLBW VLCD VLDL VLP VMAC vocabulary vocabulary test vocal anesthesia vocal cord cancer vocal cord medialization vocal cord paralysis vocal tic vocal tremor Vocare bladder system Vogt-Koyanagi syndrome voice voice box void voiding cystourethrography volatile organic compound volatility volenti non fit injuria Volhard’s test volition test volitional collapse Volkmann's ischemic contracture volume depletion volume of distribution volume fraction ™ ™ ™ volume-outcome analysis volume overload volume voluntary abortion voluntary admission voluntary formulary permitted voluntary hospital voluntary sector voluntary sterilization volunteer volvulus vomit vomiting von Gierke's disease von Hippel-Lindau disease von Recklinghausen’s disease von Willebrand disease von Willebrand factor VOR voriconazole vorozole vox populi VOXEL-MAN voyeurism VP VP shunt VPAP V/Q scan VRE VRSA VSD Vulcan nerve pinch vulgarism vulnerable child syndrome vulvar anesthesia vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia vulvitis vulvovaginitis VUR VVIR VZV W W w W2 form Waardenburg syndrome Wada test waddling gait waffle WAGR syndrome Wagstaffe fracture WAIS WAIS-R waist waist-to-hip ratio waiting period waived test waiver of liability waiver of premium wake boarding wake time Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia Waldeyer field walk walk-in clinic walker walking walking cast walking economy walking pneumonia walking-through phenomenon walkway wall sign wall of silence walled abscess walling-off reaction Walter Reed Staging System wanderer wandering pacemaker wanton negligence ward ward X Ward’s triangle ware warfarin WARIS warm agglutinin disease warm antibody warm nodule warm reactive antibody warm shock syndrome warm-up rotation warning leak WARSS wart Warthin’s tumor washed red cells washer washerwoman skin washout test WASID wasp sting wastage waste wastebasket diagnosis wasted wasting disease wasting syndrome WATCH watchful waiting water water in abdomen water balance water-based therapy waterbed water-borne diarrhea outbreak water-borne pathogen water bottle heart water on brain water brash water deprivation test water filter water hammer pulse water in lung water-induced thermotherapy water intoxication water pill water retention water softening water sports water treatment Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome watering-pot perineum Waters’ position watershed infarct watery diarrhea-hypokalemia-achlorhydria syndrome watery runny nose wave wavefront phenomenon wavy change wax blockage wax epilation waxy casts waxy exudates waxy flexibility WBC WDHA syndrome weak D wean weaning diarrhea weapon weapons-related injury wear-and-tear arthritis weasel weather Hottest Coldest Highest windspeed Deadliest tornado Most rainfall in 1 minute in 24 hours Wellferon wellness wellness testing Wenckebach block web Wendy dilemma Web browser Werdnig-Hoffmann disweb server ease website Werner-His disease webbed neck patient Wernicke’s aphasia webEBM Wernicke-Korsakoff synWeber test drome Weber-Christian synWerther effect drome WEST Wechsler Adult IntelliWest Nile fever gence Scale-Revised West syndrome Wechsler tests wedding ring appearance Westergren method Westermark sign wedge biopsy Western blot wedge excision Western diet wedge fracture Westphal-Leyden synwedge pressure drome wedge resection wet dream wedge shadow wet drowning WEE wet gangrene weed wheal-and-flare reaction weekend call weekend facelift wheeze Wegener’s granulomatosis wheezing weight whiff test weight-bearing WHIP weight discrimination whiplash weight-lifter’s headache whiplash injury weight lifting belt whiplash shaken infant weight training syndrome Weight Watchers Whipple’s disease Weill-Marchesani synWhipple procedure drome Whipple’s triad welfare whipworm infection well whiskering appearance well baby visit whistle-blowing Well-Being at Work or in white Daily Routine Scale white blood cell well-developed, wellwhite blood cell differennourished tial count Wellbutrin white cell count heaviest hailstone Most snow in one season 29.0 meters Biggest snowflake ® ® ® White’s classification white coat white coat hyperglycemia white coat hypertension white graft white head white noise white of eye white-out white plague white pulp disease white sponge nevus white spot white strawberry tongue whites whitlow WHO classification WHO staging system whole blood whole-body dose whole body hyperthermia whole gut scintigraphy whooping cough ‘whore’ wicking wide-complex tachycardia Wide Range Achievement Test Widmark formula ‘widow-maker’ wife abuser WIHS wild wilderness medicine wilding will Will Rogers phenomenon will to live willful negligence Wilms’ tumor Wilson's disease wind chill factor and wind Women’s Health Initiative wonder drug Wonderlic Personnel Test wooden sensation woolly appearance woolly hair disease woolsorter’s disease word approximation word association test word salad work work adjuster work conditioning workout work practice controls work-up workers’ compensation workflow working diagnosis working memory working through , workplace stress witch-hunt workplace violence witch’s milk works withdrawal workshop withdrawal emergent syn- World Medical Games drome World Trade Center withdrawal syndrome World Wide Web withdrawing world’s most expensive withhold system drug within normal limits worm witness worn tennis ball appearwitzelsucht ance WIZARD the worried well WNL worst headache of my life wobbling worth Wohlfahrtia WOSCOPS Wolff-Chaikoff effect Wotherspoon criteria Wolff-Parkinson-White wound syndrome wound care product Wolman’s disease wound culture WOMAC wound healing woman WPW syndrome women’s health wraparound policy window window of opportunity window period windpipe windsock deformity windup winging of scapula WINS winter depression winter sport winter vomiting disease Wintin wire wire-guided excisional biopsy WISC wisdom teeth WISE wishful thinking Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome
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