How to apply for a place at Primary School Yo u Fr m id u s ay t 14 app D ly ec b em y 3 be . 3 0 r 2 pm 00 o 7 n A guide for parents 2008-9 INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION Apply online. See Contents Introduction Glossary – some terms explained Letter from Councillor Alan Charles Useful contacts STARTING SCHOOL 02 03 04 Obtaining a place for your child in a primary school 05 06 07 07 How to use this guide The application process explained Dates to remember Further questions APPLYING FOR A PLACE Applying for a place 08 08 09 10 11 13 13 How to apply Applying by phone Applying online Important points The rules for getting a place Waiting lists Appeals ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Additional information Getting to school – transport Free school meals Changing your mind after making an application A change in your circumstances Going to a school outside Derbyshire Going to a Derbyshire school if you live outside the county Moving to another school outside the normal transfer time Early years education Transferring from early years to primary education Children’s centres Children with special educational needs Early transfer Uniform Other financial assistance School year and holiday dates LIST OF SCHOOLS 14 15 16 16 16 16 17 18 18 19 20 20 20 20 21 List of schools 22 23 24 52 53 77 Nursery schools Notes on primary schools List of primary schools List of special schools Outline of admission policies for voluntary aided and foundation schools List of neighbouring councils 79 What do you think of this guide? We can supply this guide in large print, Braille or on tape. Please call 01629 537479. If you need help filling in the application form or understanding the process, please contact a choice adviser. See page 8. Page 1 Apply by phone. Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058 A glossary of terms used in this guide The information contained in this guide relates to the admission of children to reception classes for the 2008/9 academic year. It also applies to children who will transfer from infant school to junior school in September 2008. Enhanced-resource schools are mainstream schools with additional resources, such as extra staff, for certain children with Statements of Special Educational Needs. Pupils are not generally taught separately and are included in the mainstream classes. Nursery schools generally cater for children between the ages of three and four. Special schools are attended by children with Statements of Special Educational Needs. Special schools provide for pupils whose disability requires a more comprehensive approach than a mainstream school or an enhancedresource school can provide. Some experience of mainstream school may be possible. The council handles admissions for all special schools. Within the primary phase of education, there are three types of school: Infant schools generally cater for pupils aged between five and seven. However, if the school has a nursery unit, it will cater for pupils aged between three and seven. Junior schools cater for pupils aged between seven and 11. Primary schools generally cater for pupils aged between five and 11. However, if the school has a nursery unit, it will cater for pupils aged between three and 11. Community and voluntary controlled schools are funded by Derbyshire County Council with the headteacher and governing body responsible for running the school. The admissions policy is determined and administered by the county council. Voluntary aided schools are jointly funded by Derbyshire County Council and a voluntary organisation, usually a church diocesan board. The headteacher and governing body run the school. The admissions policy is determined and administered by the governing body. Catholic schools are voluntary aided schools. Foundation schools are funded by Derbyshire County Council but responsibility for running the school rests with the headteacher and governing body. The admissions policy is determined and administered by the governing body. All of the above schools are called mainstream schools. Page 2 The normal area is a defined geographical area, made up of the area around the school, which the school serves. You can enter your postcode into an interactive tool on our website, to find out what your normal area school is. You can also find out from the Admissions and Appeals Team by emailing [email protected] or ringing the Admissions and Appeals Team switchboard on 01629 537479 or one of its direct line numbers given on page four. The Eckington area is an exception to the rule. Please contact the Admissions and Appeals Team to find out more. If you consider your child Catholic, it means he or she is also resident in the normal area of a Catholic school. If you are unsure about your child’s status regarding the Catholic school serving your area, contact the diocese for advice. The number is on page four. We use the word parent throughout the guide. It means anyone who has a parental responsibility in accordance with the terms of the Children Act 1989. A few children with special educational needs require a detailed assessment by us. This is called a statutory assessment of special educational needs. The child’s requirements are set out in a document called a Statement of Special Educational Needs. The published admission number is the set number of places available at a school. INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION Apply online. See STARTING SCHOOL Letter from Councillor Alan Charles Starting school for the first time, or the first day at a new school, are important milestones in every child’s life. As a parent you have a crucial role to play in helping your child take this important step on their educational journey. You will no doubt have begun to think about the school you would like your son or daughter to attend. APPLYING FOR A PLACE This guide is designed to help you through the process of your child’s admission to nursery, infant, junior and primary school. You can apply for a primary school place online at, where you will also find further details of this very easy way to apply for a primary school place. You can also apply by telephone. Just ring Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION You can also apply using the paper application form included in the admissions pack. We are keen to work with you to make sure that starting school is a positive experience for your son or daughter and to help them achieve their full potential in a safe and caring environment. LIST OF SCHOOLS I hope you will find this guide helpful. If there is anything which is not clear please see, ask at any school or Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058, or contact the Admissions and Appeals Team switchboard on 01629 537479 or one of their direct line numbers given on page four. With good wishes for a successful start to your child’s education in his or her new setting. Yours sincerely, Alan Charles Cabinet member for schools Derbyshire County Council Page 3 Apply by phone. Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058 Where to go for more information after reading this guide We hope that you will find all the information you need in this guide. But if, after reading it, you still have a question to ask, the following websites and phone numbers should help. How to get in touch with the Admissions and Appeals Team Information about early years education For information about educational opportunities for pre-school children contact the Children’s Information Service, Early Years and Childcare Section, Children and Younger Adults Department, County Hall, Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 3AG. Phone 01629 585585 or see Call the Admissions and Appeals Team on its switchboard 01629 537479 or any of the following direct line numbers: 01629 537470 01629 537474 01629 537477 01629 537473 01629 537476 01629 537478 By email The team can be emailed at [email protected] By post You can write to the Admissions and Appeals Team at St Helena Centre, Sheffield Road, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S41 7LU Look online Phone Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058. The call centre is open between 8am and 8pm, Monday to Friday, and Saturdays 9.30am to 4pm. Calls are charged at local rate wherever you live in Derbyshire. Page 4 Church schools Derby Diocesan Board of Education (Church of England Schools in Derbyshire) Derby Church House, Full Street, Derby, DE1 3DR (01332) 388660 Chester Diocesan Board of Education (Tintwistle Primary School only) Church House, Lower Lane, Aldford, Chester CH3 6HP (01244) 620444 Nottingham Diocesan Education Service (Catholic Schools in most of Derbyshire) The Diocesan Centre, Mornington Crescent, Mackworth, Derby, DE22 4BD (01332) 293833 Diocese of Hallam Schools’ Department (Catholic Schools in Spinkhill, Staveley and Chesterfield) Diocese of Hallam Pastoral Centre, St Charles Street, Sheffield S9 3WU (0114) 2566440 INTRODUCTION Apply online. See How does it work? Please read all the information contained in the guide before making an application. The council is not presently able to write to parents reminding them of when their child should start school. The form included in your pack is the only application form you should complete to apply for a school place. You fill in one application form only, no matter how many schools you want to apply for. There is no need to fill out a separate form for each school. Only make one application online, by phone or paper – not one of each. Derbyshire County Council acts as a clearing house for admitting all pupils to Derbyshire primary, infant and junior schools. If you are a parent wanting a place for your child in a Derbyshire primary, infant or junior school the information contained in this guide explains how you can apply for a primary school place for your child. Even if you have already approached a school or feel you have put your child’s name down at a school – that is not a formal application. A formal application can only be made by following the process explained in this guide. You can apply online. It’s quick and it’s free. See Or you can apply by phone. Ring Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058. The call centre is open between 8am and 8pm, Monday to Friday, and Saturdays 9.30am to 4pm. Calls are charged at local rate wherever you live in Derbyshire. The Admissions and Appeals Team, Children and Younger Adults, Derbyshire County Council, County Hall, Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 3AG Make sure your application is in by 3.30pm on Friday 14 December 2007. Application forms for a place in junior school will be distributed via Derbyshire infant schools in the week beginning 29 October 2007. The closing date for parents to return forms is 3.30pm on 14 December 2007. Applications are needed from all parents, including those who want their child to attend their normal area school. Supplementary Forms Some voluntary aided and foundation schools may want you to fill in other paperwork in addition to an application you make to us. This is called a supplementary form. Look at the school’s prospectus to see if this is the case. This is so that they can apply their own admission criteria. For example, they might want proof of your address or proof that your child has been baptised. Any additional paperwork of that type should be returned to the school by the closing date. This supplementary paperwork is not instead of our application form. You will still need to make an application to us. LIST OF SCHOOLS You may prefer to fill in the paper application form that came with this guide. You can fill in your preferences and hand the form in to a Derbyshire primary school. Or post it to: Transfer from infant to junior school When children are due to leave infant school and need to move to a different school for their junior education, parents must make an application to the council in the same way as described for a reception place. The application form for infant to junior transfer has been pre-printed with some of your child’s details and, if applicable, your normal area school. A place in a particular infant school does not guarantee a place at the associated junior school. Similarly, a place at a particular junior or primary school does not guarantee a place at a particular secondary school except in the Eckington area (see pages 11 to 12). ADDITIONAL INFORMATION We invite you to state preferences for one, two or three schools and give your reasons. We recognise that in some parts of the county multiple choices may not be appropriate. APPLYING FOR A PLACE How to use this guide MOVING TO SECONDARY SCHOOL STARTING SCHOOL Obtaining a place for your child in a primary school You must have your application in to a Derbyshire primary school or to the Admissions and Appeals Team by 3.30pm on Friday 14 December 2007. Special Educational Needs If your child has a Statement of Special Educational Needs you should not fill in an application form as his or her admission is dealt with through the statement. You should contact the Special Needs Section of Derbyshire County Council on 01629 580000 extension 6547 or 6531. Page 5 Apply by phone. Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058 The application process explained • You will fill in one application form – either online, by phone or on paper – on which we invite you to state one, two or three preferences for any Derbyshire primary, infant or junior school. • We ask you to put your preferences in priority order, with your most preferred school first. • The closing date is 3.30pm on Friday 14 December 2007. • All applications are considered against each school’s published admission number (the number of places available in the year group). • If there are more applications than there are places available at a school, places will be allocated according to the school’s published admissions criteria. • If a child is eligible for a place at only one school they will be offered a place at that school. • If a child is eligible for a place at more than one school, then a place will be offered at the highest priority school for which the child is eligible. • Your offer will be posted first class on 28 March 2008. • People who apply online can also view their offer online on 28 March 2008. • For more information on admissions policies for community and voluntary controlled schools see pages 11 to 12. • Voluntary aided and foundation schools decide their own policies. See pages 53 to 77. Page 6 INTRODUCTION Apply online. See Date Born Start School Between 1 Sep 2003 and 31 August 2004 2008-9 academic year Week beginning 29 October 2007 Application forms are distributed via primary schools 29 October 2007 3.30pm on Friday 14 December 2007 We must have received your preferences by this date – either online, by phone or on the paper form 28 March 2008 11 April 2008 Closing date for submitting an appeal, in relation to Derbyshire schools, if you are not happy with the school allocated to your child. 2008-9 academic year Children start school. The school at which your child has been offered a place will be in touch with you about the exact date. But first have a look at the website Read this guide carefully – your question may have been answered already. If you want to find out more about a school For information about individual schools refer to the school’s own guide. If you haven’t had a guide contact the school or visit the school’s website, if it has one. Most primary schools hold open evenings for prospective parents and pupils to have a look around and speak to teachers. OFSTED reports and performance tables for results of 10-year-olds are available from schools, libraries or online at LIST OF SCHOOLS We will post your offer letter, first class, on this date, whichever method you have used to apply for a place. If you have applied online you can view your offer online from 28 March, but you will still get a letter in the post. Please note no decisions can be given over the phone. Email the Admissions and Appeals Team at [email protected] or call the Admissions and Appeals Team switchboard on 01629 537479 or one of their direct line numbers given on page four. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Online admissions will be available at Telephone admissions are available by ringing Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058. If you have further questions APPLYING FOR A PLACE Important dates for your diary MOVING TO SECONDARY SCHOOL STARTING SCHOOL When will my child start primary school? Talk to parents of children who already go to the school you are interested in. We MUST receive your school preferences by 3.30pm on Friday 14 December 2007. Don’t forget you can apply for a school place online at Don’t forget you can apply for a school place by phone. Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058. The call centre is open between 8am and 8pm, Monday to Friday, and Saturdays 9.30am to 4pm. Page 7 Apply by phone. Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058 How to apply • From 29 October 2007 you can apply online at or you can apply by phone by ringing Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058. Forms will be available from Derbyshire primary schools and Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058 during the week beginning 29 October 2007 if you want to make a paper application. You can still apply online or by phone if you prefer. Applying by phone From 29 October 2007 you can make your application by phone. Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058 and a member of our call centre staff will fill in an application for you. The call centre is open between 8am and 8pm, Monday to Friday, and Saturdays 9.30am to 4pm. Calls are charged at local rate wherever you live in Derbyshire. • You only make one application online, by phone or on paper. • You are invited to state one, two, or three preferences. Please note, if you apply online or by phone, your application will be acknowledged automatically. If you complete a paper form you will only receive an acknowledgement if you complete and return the postcard included in the application pack. Need help? Choice Advisers are part of Derbyshire Parent Partnership service and offer free, confidential and impartial help, advice and support for parents and carers of children and young people who are starting primary or junior school, or moving school at other times of the year. Whatever you need support with, from filling in forms to understanding the appeals process, we can help. If you live in Northern Derbyshire You can contact us at: Parent Partnership The Community Centre School Board Lane, Chesterfield S40 1DD 01246 273154 / 5 If you live in Southern Derbyshire You can contact us at: Parent Partnership c/o Middleton House 27 St Mary’s Gate, Derby DE1 3NN 01332 716118 Out of hours answerphone available Email: [email protected] Page 8 What information will I need to hand when I’m applying by phone? • You will need to have read the information contained in this guide. • You will need to have made a decision about the preferences we invite you to make and your reasons. • Your child’s full name. • Your child’s date of birth. • Your child’s address and postcode. Why should I apply by phone? • It’s quick and easy to do. • Call centre staff can make sure the application is filled in correctly. • Calls are charged at local rate wherever you live in Derbyshire. • You will receive a copy of your completed application form in the post. • If you want to change your mind you can phone Call Derbyshire, quoting your application reference number, and amend your application – up until the closing date of 3.30pm on Friday 14 December 2007. INTRODUCTION Apply online. See You can now make your application online – which means you need not wait for the post before finding out which school your child has been offered a place at. If you have applied online you can view your offer online on 28 March. Offer letters are also posted on 28 March. Internet access is available free of charge at all Derbyshire libraries. Some schools may also let you apply online using their computers. The advantages of making your application online are that you have the assurance that your application has been received and you will also be able to keep a record of the application you made. When you apply online, you will need to give a username and password. Online applications will be issued with a unique identification number. On the inside page of the back cover of this guide there is space for you to record these details. For technical problems please contact [email protected] with details of your computer, web browser and specific nature of the problem. • It’s secure – only you can see your information • The system helps you by checking for errors before you submit your application • The application procedure is easy to follow as you are guided throughout the application process • You can save your unfinished application and complete it at a later date • You can change your application at any time up until the deadline • We will confirm the application has been received • You can view your application at any time • You will not have to post anything to us, saving you the cost of postage • The environment benefits from a reduction in the use of paper forms and envelopes LIST OF SCHOOLS The process should be easy to follow but if you have any problems you can either ring Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058 and make a telephone application or email the Admissions Team on [email protected]. • It’s quick and easy to do ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The online application form will enable you to make your application and send it to us immediately. You will receive confirmation that your application has been received. Even after you have made your application you will be able come back and make amendments at any time up until the deadline. Why should I apply online? APPLYING FOR A PLACE APPLYING FOR A PLACE Log onto and you will find the online application form. This will be made available from 29 October 2007 until the deadline of 3.30pm on Friday 14 December 2007. STARTING SCHOOL Applying online • We will email you with our decision on 28 March 2008 – it’s quicker than waiting for the post • You can also log on to get the result of your application on 28 March 2008 Call Derbyshire is open between 8am and 8pm, Monday to Friday, and Saturdays 9.30am to 4pm. Calls are charged at local rate wherever you live in Derbyshire. Page 9 Apply by phone. Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058 Important points • Get your application in on time – via the internet, call centre, Derbyshire primary school or post. If you miss the deadline of 3.30pm on Friday 14 December we will not be able to consider your application until the ones that we received on time have been dealt with. • Don’t name the same school more than once as a preference – this will not increase your chances of a place. • We will withdraw a school place where false information has been used to secure an offer. • Think about listing your normal area school. You may want to consider including the normal area school as one of your preferences, though it does not have to be your first preference. If you do not include the normal area school as one of your preferences, it may fill up with pupils who have said they would prefer to go to that school. This could mean the only school with available places may be further away and could mean you have to pay for transport to a distant school. For pupils moving from infant to junior education the normal area school is given on the paper application form. • Find out which is your normal area school. You can enter your postcode into an interactive tool on our website to find out the name of your normal area school. • If you do not make an application you cannot assume your child will get an automatic place at your normal area school. We will first offer places to those who have expressed a preference. If you do not make an application we will only be able to give your child a place at your normal area school – if places are still available. If your normal area school is full we will give your child a place in the nearest school which has room. This could mean you paying transport costs to a distant school. • Consider how your child will get to school when making your preferences. You are responsible for getting your child to school. If your child gets a place at a distant school, this could mean that you pay transport costs. Details of the transport policy are on page 14. Read these carefully before making your preferences. • Only make one application online, by phone or on paper. • Late applications received after the closing date will be included only if the reason for the delay is considered exceptional and appropriate evidence has been provided. Other late applications will not be considered until after applications received by the closing date have been dealt with. Page 10 INTRODUCTION Apply online. See Who decides the rules? In community schools and voluntary controlled schools, it is Derbyshire County Council that decides the rules for getting places. What are the rules for getting a school place? (the rules are known as ‘admissions criteria’) Please note, attendance at a particular nursery gives no priority for a place at an infant or primary school. Similarly, attendance at a particular infant school gives no priority for admission to a particular junior or primary school, except in the Eckington area (see below). In law there is no automatic right to a place in any particular school. Where we cannot offer a Derbyshire child a place at any of the chosen schools, he or she will be allocated a place at the normal area school – if places are still available – or the next nearest school with places available. You should bear in mind that school admissions are considered on an annual basis – so it is not possible to confirm that a place is available at a school any earlier than during the year before your child will join. Each year primary schools have to admit eligible pupils on request up to their published admission number (as shown in the list at the back of the guide) which takes account of the amount of accommodation available. Community and voluntary controlled schools Individual pupils who have a Statement of Special Educational Needs which can best be met in the school will be given priority where so determined by the county council in consultation with the governing body. In deciding on admissions to all community and voluntary controlled schools in Derbyshire, the following order of priority will be adopted. The Eckington area, however, has different rules. These are set out under the heading ‘Eckington Area’ below. 1. ‘Looked after’ children. 2. Children living in the normal area served by the school at the time of application and admission (including those living in another council’s area). For a definition of living in the normal area see note* on page 12. 3. Children not living in the normal area served by the school but who have brothers or sisters attending the school at the time of their admission. See note ** on page 12. LIST OF SCHOOLS If you are a parent seeking a place for your child at a Derbyshire school we will offer you one place at the highest-priority school for which your child is eligible. Admissions criteria ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Under the 1996 Education Act, you have a legal right to express a preference for which school you want your child to attend. The county council and school governors have a general duty to meet this preference – as long as it does not “prejudice the provision of efficient education or the efficient use of resources” or the council or governors are required to take extra measures under the Key Stage 1 class size legislation. As the published admission number covers all admissions throughout the school year, it may be that not all the places may be allocated for admission in September. This may be because the school has more than one date during the year when it takes new pupils. The governors must comply with the legal requirement that no infant classes size may exceed 30 pupils. APPLYING FOR A PLACE APPLYING FOR A PLACE In voluntary aided Church of England, Catholic and Methodist schools, as well as Foundation schools the governors decide admission rules for their school. STARTING SCHOOL The rules for getting a place at a Derbyshire school 4. In the case of voluntary controlled church schools, children whose parents request a place on religious grounds. *** 5. Other children whose parents have requested a place. Where, in the case of 3, 4, or 5 above, choices have to be made between children satisfying the same criteria, those children living nearest to the school (measured by the nearest available route) will be given preference. See note **** on page 12. Eckington Area Following a legal ruling some years ago different arrangements operate in the Eckington area. The admissions criteria for schools in the Eckington area are as follows: Page 11 Apply by phone. Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058 Eckington Birk Hill Infant and Killamarsh Infant, Marsh Lane Primary, Ridgeway Primary and Renishaw Primary Schools. (i) Looked-after children. (ii) Children whose parents have requested a place at the school who have older brothers or sisters** already in attendance. (iii) Other children whose parents have requested a place. If there is insufficient room to admit all applicants, those children living nearest to the school – measured by the nearest available route – would have priority. Eckington Junior and Killamarsh Junior Schools (i) Looked-after children. (ii) Pupils attending these schools' main contributory infant schools, that is Birk Hill Infant and Killamarsh Infant schools respectively. (iii) Other children who have older brothers or sisters** already attending Eckington Junior or Killamarsh Junior schools at the time of admission. (iv) Other children whose parents have requested a place. If choices have to be made between children in categories (iii) and (iv) above, children who live nearest to the school – measured by the nearest available route – should be given preference. Eckington School (Secondary) (i) Looked-after children. (ii) Pupils attending the school's main contributory primary schools – that is Eckington Junior, Camm's Endowed Primary, Renishaw Primary, Ridgeway Primary, Marsh Lane Primary, Killamarsh Junior, Killamarsh St Giles CE Primary and Immaculate Conception Catholic Primary (those pupils not proceeding to St Mary's Catholic High School in Chesterfield). (iii) Other children who have older brothers or sisters** already attending Eckington School at the time of admission. Page 12 (iv) Other children whose parents have requested a place. If choices have to be made between children in categories (iii) and (iv) above, children who live nearest to the school – measured by the nearest available route – should be given preference. note* “Living in the normal area”, in (2) above is defined as the child having full-time residence in a property which is the child's only or main residence. Documentary evidence including proof of actual permanent residency at the property concerned may be required. Please note that where the county council has reasonable grounds for believing the home address is not the child's only or main residence it reserves the right to carry out investigations which may include visits to the property. The county council reserves the right to withdraw any offer of a school place which has been obtained as a result of misleading or fraudulent information. note** The term brother or sister includes: (a) a half-brother and/or a half-sister (b) a legally adopted child being regarded as a brother or sister (c) a step-brother and/or step-sister residing in the same family unit note*** Parents seeking a place at a voluntary controlled school on religious grounds should obtain a letter of support from a Minister, Priest or Pastor or Religious leader if the child is a member of another Christian Church or World Faith, who knows the family and can confirm regular attendance at public worship. [Regular worship is defined as attendance at public worship at least once a month.] This must be included with the application. Where appropriate baptismal certificates should also be supplied. Exceptional circumstances will be considered if explained in writing by the relevant religious leader. note**** The county council has a Geographic Information System (GIS) to measure the nearest available route. It is measured by a standard walking distance calculated to within two metres. This measurement is taken from the postal address file, normally the house front door. INTRODUCTION Apply online. See Please note A place cannot be guaranteed for any child whose parents apply after the closing date. This includes a child who moves into a school's normal area after that date. Withdrawing an offer For admission procedures to be fair it is important that all the information you provide is accurate. If we find that any information provided by parents is misleading or fraudulent, the county council reserves the right to withdraw any offer of a school place. Do schools have waiting lists? You can get more information and make your appeal online at Details of the appeals procedure for all Derbyshire primary schools can be obtained by contacting Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058. The decision reached by the independent panel will be binding on the council and the parents. A further application in respect of the same school will not be entertained in the same academic year unless significant and material changes in circumstances arise. Infant (Key Stage 1 and Foundation) Appeals By law, subject to certain limited exceptions, no infant class may contain more than 30 pupils. Infant classes are those in which the majority of pupils will reach the age of five, six or seven during the school year. Admissions authorities can refuse to admit a child if to do so would require the school to take action such as employ an extra teacher or build an extra classroom to keep infant classes at 30 or less. In such circumstances should parents choose to exercise their right to appeal, the Appeals Panel is only allowed to look at the following matters. LIST OF SCHOOLS Derbyshire County Council maintains waiting lists for all oversubscribed Derbyshire schools. Waiting lists will be set up on 28 March 2008 and maintained until 30 September 2008. Your child’s name would automatically be placed on a list if they had not been offered a place and you had given that school a higher priority than the school at which your child has been offered a place. A vacancy arises only when the number of offers to a particular school falls below the published admission number. Priority on the waiting list is determined according to the published admission criteria. The date of application does not affect waiting list order. When parents are unable to obtain a place for their child at the school they want, they can appeal against the decision to an appeal panel independent of the council and the school. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Voluntary aided and foundation schools The criteria for admissions to aided and foundation schools are decided by each school’s governing body and are listed briefly on pages 53 to 77 of this guide. Full details can be obtained directly from the school. Appeals APPLYING FOR A PLACE APPLYING FOR A PLACE In situations where late applications are received and the school’s admission number has been reached, but subsequently a place becomes available – if choices need to be made between normal area applications, those children living nearest to the school (measured by the nearest available route) will be given preference. STARTING SCHOOL For schools, the grid reference is again taken from the postal address file and will be the centre of the school. Firstly, whether the admissions authority applied its own rules which were published in the admission arrangements. If the admissions authority contravened its own rules, either deliberately or by mistake, then the parents’ appeal can succeed, but only if their child would have gained admission had the rules been applied properly. Secondly, whether the admissions authority acted unreasonably. The law defines “unreasonable” very carefully in these cases. For the decision to be “unreasonable” it must be completely illogical, or not based on the facts of the case. Page 13 Apply by phone. Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058 How will my child get to school? Transport to the normal area school We provide assistance with transport for full time infant, junior and primary school pupils who do not live within statutory walking distance of their normal area school. This distance is two miles for children under eight and three miles for children over eight. It is measured by the shortest available route. Bus passes or refunds are issued where appropriate and special contract transport is arranged if public transport is not available. There may be exceptions to the transport rules if we agree that the route to the normal area school is dangerous for a child, accompanied if necessary, to undertake on foot. Spare places on a contract bus may be provided on a concessionary basis for children who are not normally entitled to free transport, however a fare will be charged. Transport to faith schools Parents choosing a voluntary aided faith school on religious grounds may be eligible to receive assistance with transport if the chosen school is the normal area voluntary school (in most cases the nearest voluntary school) and the school is outside the walking distance as explained above. In addition, in the case of Catholic schools, only Roman Catholic baptised children are eligible to receive assistance with travel. In all such requests baptismal certificates are required as necessary evidence. Transport to other schools Parents who send their children to a school which is not their normal area school will not normally receive assistance with transport (children living outside the county attending Derbyshire schools should apply to their home council). However, assistance with transport will be provided when a child attends a school, other than the normal area school, which is Page 14 beyond the two/three-mile limit but is closer to the child’s home than the normal area school. For more information please refer to our transport policy available on If you are in receipt of benefit From September 2007, children of primary age who are entitled to free school meals or whose families get the maximum level of working tax credit are entitled to free transport to the nearest suitable school where the distance from home is more than two miles. This distance is measured along the nearest available route. Each year, we check whether parents are still eligible for transport assistance. If parents are no longer eligible, for example because they no longer receive relevant benefits, parents may have to meet their child’s transport costs. Transport for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities Transport will be provided for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities who attend their nearest school, where the journey exceeds the statutory walking distances as outlined above or in other cases in accordance with the council’s special educational needs transport policy. Provision of transport will not generally be made if the preferred school is further away from the child’s home than another school considered appropriate by the council. For more information please refer to our special educational needs transport policy available on Please contact the Special Needs Section at County Hall, Matlock, DE4 3AG (Tel: 01629 580000 extension 6547 or 6531), if you have any queries. INTRODUCTION Apply online. See There are three Area Education Offices you can contact for further information on transport. They are: Children whose parents receive the following support payments are entitled to receive free school meals: North Area Education Office, Kents Bank Road, Buxton, Derbyshire, SK17 9HR (01298) 26121 • Income Support STARTING SCHOOL Am I entitled to free school meals? • Income Based Jobseeker’s Allowance • support under part VI of the Immigration Act 1999 South Area Education Office, Library Building, Grosvenor Road, Ripley, Derbyshire, DE5 3JE (01773) 744741 Any enquiries about school transport should be made to the Area Education Office. If a parent’s request for help with transport is refused and they feel that they may have special family circumstances which warrant help, then they can ask for the decision to be reviewed. The review will give the opportunity for the parent to state the particular reasons they feel their child should receive help with transport. • the guarantee element of State Pension Credit • Child Tax Credit, provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual income (as assessed by HMRC) that as of 6 April 2007 does not exceed £14,495. Children who receive Income Support or Income Based Jobseeker’s Allowance in their own right are also entitled to receive free school meals. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Enquiries and reviews APPLYING FOR A PLACE Area Education Office Sheffield Road, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, S41 7LU (01246) 204851 Contact your child’s school for more details and a form to fill in. To find out whether you are entitled to claim any benefits call Derbyshire County Council’s Benefits Helpline on 0845 120 2985. LIST OF SCHOOLS Page 15 Apply by phone. Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058 What to do if… I have changed my mind about the school I want my child to attend You can change your mind easily – as long as it is before the deadline of 3.30pm on Friday 14 December 2007. If you have made an online application just log on and amend your form. If you have made an application by telephone you must contact Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058. If you have made an application on paper you should call the Admissions and Appeals Team on any of the numbers listed on page four. But if you change your mind after the deadline you must either email the Admissions and Appeals Team on [email protected] or call them on any of the numbers listed on page four. My circumstances have changed, such as change of address or change of current school If you or your child’s circumstances change, such as a change of address or a change of current school, you must contact the Admissions and Appeals Team switchboard on 01629 537479 or one of their direct line numbers given on page four. Any change in your circumstances might affect the allocation of a school place. Page 16 I want my child to go to a school outside Derbyshire Under the 1996 Education Act, you have the right to ask for your child to go to a school run by another council. You should apply to the council which covers the area your preferred school is in. You can still apply for up to three schools in Derbyshire as well. A list of neighbouring councils is on page 77. I don’t live in Derbyshire but I want my child to go to a Derbyshire school You should apply to Derbyshire County Council as outlined in this guide. However, you may also wish to apply to your home council for a school place as well. You should contact your home council direct for information on their application process. INTRODUCTION Apply online. See STARTING SCHOOL Moving to another school outside the normal transfer time Getting a school place in Derbyshire for your child other than at normal intake / transfer time. APPLYING FOR A PLACE You should approach the school direct or contact the Admissions and Appeals Team by emailing [email protected] or call the Admissions and Appeals Team switchboard on 01629 537479 or one of their direct line numbers given on page four for an in-year application pack. You can also apply online at A place for your child cannot be guaranteed, even if you move into a school’s normal area. If the school is oversubscribed your application will be decided in accordance with the admissions criteria. See pages 11 to 12 for community and voluntary controlled schools. See pages 53 to 77 for voluntary aided and foundation schools. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ADDITIONAL INFORMATION In considering applications for admission outside the normal admission time Derbyshire schools will prioritise the needs of applicants who are ‘looked after’ children who have moved into their area as a result of changes in care arrangements. The information contained in this guide on transport, benefits, uniform, special educational needs and appeals still applies. Getting a school place outside Derbyshire at other than normal transfer time. LIST OF SCHOOLS Under the 1996 Education Act, you have the right to ask for your child to go to a school run by another council. If you want to send your child to a school outside Derbyshire you should apply to the authority that is responsible for admissions at that school. Neighbouring councils are listed on page 77. Page 17 Apply by phone. Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058 Early years education All children have the right to a free early years education place in the term following their third birthday, subject to the availability of places. Free places are available for up to 15 hours per week over a minimum of three days and may be taken with one or two early years providers. Enquiries about early years settings should be made to the Children’s Information Service, Children and Younger Adults Department, Derbyshire County Council, County Hall, Matlock, DE4 3AG. You can call them on 01629 585585 or visit Parents may choose their free early years provision from a range of council-run, private, voluntary or independent educational settings or a combination of these. Some parts of Derbyshire provide council-run nursery schools or classes. Children may be considered for a place on a part-time basis of up to five sessions per week, but usually they cannot join until the start of the term following their third birthday. Parents should contact the head teacher of the relevant school or setting which they wish their child to attend, remembering that there is often a waiting list. If too many places are requested in council-run schools or nurseries, governors will use the following order of priorities: 1) Children who are on the child protection “at risk” register. 2) Children who are – or are likely to be – the subject of a statement of special educational needs. 3) Children whose families are suffering severe social and psychological stress which could significantly affect the child’s development. 4) Other children from the normal area of the school. 5) Other children from the wider area served by the school. In the case of 4) and 5) above, priority will be given to those children who have had their fourth birthday. Please note: Parents have no automatic right to a nursery place for their child in their normal area school. Parents should not be allocated places in more than one council-run school for their child. The rules on admissions and appeals, as explained on pages 11 to 13, do not apply to nursery schools and classes. Page 18 Transferring from early years to primary education Children who have received early years provision or attended a council run nursery school or class will normally go into full-time infant education in September or January in the school year in which they become five years old, depending upon when their birthday falls as outlined below. Primary education By law, you must arrange for your child to start school full-time at the beginning of the term* (in this context, a term is as defined in legislation, see below) after his or her fifth birthday – unless you make arrangements to educate your child otherwise than at school. However, Derbyshire County Council has determined that all Derbyshire community and voluntary controlled schools admit children full-time as follows: • A child whose fifth birthday falls on or between 1 September and 30 April will start school in September. • A child whose fifth birthday falls on or between 1 May and 31 August will start school in January. A small number of schools have the council’s approval to admit children at the beginning of each term*. Foundation and voluntary aided schools decide their own admission arrangements. On the offer of a place you have the right to defer admission until your child reaches statutory school age, provided the place is taken up within the same academic year. As all children now receive at least two terms* of fulltime provision in a reception class or nursery, part-time admission is no longer thought necessary. INTRODUCTION Apply online. See A two-week phasing-in period at the beginning of fulltime education is acceptable. Following a major investment by the government, Derbyshire County Council, with its partners, is on target in developing a number of children’s centres which will be expected to provide a range of services to children under five and their families. This will include the integration of early years education with full day care in some areas as well as a range of other services such as family support, health services and links to Jobcentre Plus, local training and adult education providers. There will be 42 across the county by 2008. APPLYING FOR A PLACE *In this context “term” relates to one third of the academic year i.e. Autumn, Spring and Summer. Parents should note that Derbyshire County Council operates a six term year. Full details of which are given on page 21, for example, Derbyshire’s Autumn Term 1 and 2 are equivalent to one term as defined in legislation. STARTING SCHOOL Children’s centres ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ADDITIONAL INFORMATION LIST OF SCHOOLS Page 19 Apply by phone. Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058 Children with special educational needs The form included in this pack should not be used to apply for school places for children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs. Parents should contact the Special Needs Section of Derbyshire County Council on 01629 580000 extension 6547 or 6531. It is Derbyshire’s policy to meet children’s needs, wherever possible, in mainstream schools including those schools with enhanced-resource status. Places at enhanced-resource and special schools are given to certain pupils with Statements of Special Educational Needs. Most children with statements will be educated in mainstream schools. The term ‘special educational needs’ is used when children have a learning difficulty or disability, which makes it harder for them to learn than most children of the same age. A child with special educational needs may need extra help or different help from other pupils of the same age. Only a few children with special educational needs require a detailed assessment by us. This is called a statutory assessment of special educational needs. A Statement of Special Educational Needs describes your child's needs and how they should be met. It also gives you the opportunity to express a preference for which maintained school your child should attend. For more information contact: Special Needs Section Children and Younger Adults Department Derbyshire County Council County Hall Matlock Derbyshire DE4 3AG Tel: 01629 580000 ext 6547 or 6531 Email: [email protected] Early transfer We believe it is better for children to stay within their peer group instead of being accelerated through the education system, which may lead to difficulties later. In a very small number of cases a child may be admitted in the year before they would normally transfer. Such a decision will be based on information from the child's present school indicating: • Exceptional ability and progress on National Curriculum and other measures of school attainment. • Exceptional social, language, physical and emotional maturity for their age, so that they will be able to cope with an early transfer. Where an early transfer is being considered, schools can request advice, which may include individual assessment of the child by the Educational Psychology Service. Parents should consider carefully the full impact of early transfer for their child and consult the head teacher. Ultimately, the decision rests with the head teacher who will reach a decision based on advice sought and what is considered to be in the best interests of the child. School charging policy Charges may not be made for any cost associated with anything your child does during the school day. Schools may ask for voluntary contributions for school visits. Each governing body is required to tell parents details of the school’s charging and remissions policy. Will my child have to wear uniform? Uniform is decided by each school’s board of governors. Other financial assistance The county council has no general scheme of assistance to provide school clothing, clothing grants or any other financial help to parents. In exceptional circumstances, where a child is prevented from attending school, the council’s education welfare service can give advice on what financial help might be available. Page 20 INTRODUCTION Apply online. See that Aided and Foundation Schools dates may be different. Parents are advised to contact the relevant school. School Year 2007/2008 School Year 2008/2009 Agreed Six Term Pattern Agreed Six Term Pattern Autumn Term 1 Monday 3 September – Friday 19 October 2007 Autumn Term 1 5 September – 24 October 2008 Autumn Term 2 Monday 29 October – Friday 21 December 2007 Autumn Term 2 3 November – 19 December 2008 Spring Term 3 Monday 7 January – Friday 15 February 2008 Spring Term 3 5 January – 13 February 2009 Spring Term 4 Monday 25 February – Friday 4 April 2008 Spring Term 4 23 February – 3 April 2009 Summer Term 5 Monday 21 April – Friday 23 May 2008 Summer Term 5 20 April – 22 May 2009 Summer Term 6 Monday 2 June – Wednesday 23 July 2008 Summer Term 6 1 June – 24 July 2009 Training/Planning Days Strongly recommend that Tuesday 25 March 2008 is designated as an inset day Training/Planning Days 5 September 2008 Please note ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ADDITIONAL INFORMATION LIST OF SCHOOLS Bank Holidays 25 & 26 December 2007, 1 January 2008, Good Friday 21 March 2008, Easter Monday 24 March 2008 (term continues around these dates), 5 May 2008, 26 May 2008 APPLYING FOR A PLACE The Authority has agreed the following terms and holiday dates for community and controlled schools in Derbyshire. Individual schools will notify parents of four further staff training days (INSET) when schools will be closed to children each year. STARTING SCHOOL School year and holiday dates Bank Holidays 25 & 26 December 2008, 1 January 2009, Good Friday 10 April 2009, Easter Monday 13 April 2009, 4 May 2009, 25 May 2009 Page 21 Apply by phone. Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058 Maintained Schools in Derbyshire – Nursery Schools As well as the nursery schools listed, a number of schools in the primary schools list have nursery units. In addition Shirebrook Stubbin Wood Special School has a nursery unit which also caters for mainstream children. For further details please contact the Area Education Office. The number of places indicated in nursery schools and units refers to full-time equivalent places. DfES Number 1020 1016 1002 1001 1012 1018 1013 1019 Page 22 Name of School, Address, Email / Web / Telephone / Name of Head ALFRETON Alfreton Nursery Grange Street, Alfreton, Derbyshire DE55 7JA [email protected] (01773) 520031 / Mrs A J Stanton FLAGG Flagg Nursery Flagg, Nr Buxton, Derbyshire SK17 9QT [email protected] (01298) 85208 / Ms L Sinclair-Evans GLOSSOP Gamesley Early Excellence Centre Winster Mews, Gamesley, Glossop, Derbyshire SK13 0LU [email protected] (01457) 728950 / Mrs L Kennington HADFIELD Hadfield Nursery Queen Street, Hadfield, Glossop, Derbyshire SK13 2DW [email protected] (01457) 852297 / Mrs K Beswick NEW MILLS New Mills Nursery Sett Close, Off Market Street, New Mills, Derbyshire SK22 4AQ [email protected] (01663) 745098 / Miss C Inman PINXTON Pinxton Nursery Kirkstead Road, Pinxton, Derbyshire NG16 6NA [email protected] (01773) 863105 / Mrs S H Sisson RIPLEY Ripley Nursery Sandham Lane, Ripley, Derbyshire DE5 3HE [email protected] (01773) 745014 / Mrs P J Astill SOUTH NORMANTON South Normanton Nursery Hamlet Lane, South Normanton, Alfreton, Derbyshire DE55 2JB [email protected] (01773) 810876 / Ms A Colmar Number of Places 50 20 80 60 40 40 80 40 INTRODUCTION Apply online. See STARTING SCHOOL Primary Schools notes 1. All schools are co-educational (boys and girls) and unless otherwise indicated are community schools. 2. All Catholic schools are voluntary aided schools. 3. Whilst the age of admission to infant schools is given as 5 years, the actual date of admission is normally before the child’s fifth birthday. APPLYING FOR A PLACE 4. The approximate number of pupils refers to numbers as at January 2007. 5. The limit for admissions quoted refers to the 2008/2009 year. *Where two admission limits are shown against a school, the school admits pupils in two different year groups. Catholic CE Meth Controlled Aided Foundation ERS ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Key Catholic (Voluntary Aided) Church of England Methodist Voluntary Controlled Voluntary Aided Foundation (formerly grant maintained) Enhanced Resource Schools Please note LIST OF SCHOOLS LIST OF SCHOOLS 1. The number of applications received for 2007/8 is shown for each school. This information is provided as a guide only for 2008/9 admissions. It must be stressed that the position does vary from year to year. 2. In respect of community and voluntary controlled schools Derbyshire County Council is the admissions authority and a brief outline of each school’s admission policy including a summary of oversubscription criteria can be found on pages 11 to 12. 3. In respect of voluntary aided and foundation schools the governing body is the admissions authority and a brief outline of the school’s admissions policy including a summary of oversubscription criteria is given on pages 53 to 77. Parents are advised to obtain full details of the admissions policy direct from the relevant school. Page 23 Apply by phone. Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058 Primary Schools DfES Number 3518 Name of School, Address, Email / Web / Telephone / Name of Head ALFRETON Christ the King Catholic Primary Firs Avenue, Alfreton, Derbyshire DE55 7EN [email protected] / (01773) 832919 / Mrs H Carrazedo Age Range Nursery Size Number of Applications for places 2007/2008 3 - 11 26 33 30 205 Published Admission Number Approx Number of Pupils 2336 Copthorne Community Infant Rodgers Lane, Alfreton Derbyshire DE55 7FF [email protected] / (01773) 832362 / Mrs H Smith 5-7 - 54 40 80 2002 Croft Community Infant Marshall Street, Alfreton, Derbyshire DE55 7BW [email protected] / (01773) 832307 / Mrs J Walls 5-7 - 56 60 150 2000 Leys Junior Flowery Leys Lane, Alfreton, Derbyshire DE55 7HA [email protected] / (01773) 832895 / Mr C Hartley 7 - 11 - 59 37 185 2003 Woodbridge Junior Grange Street, Alfreton, Derbyshire DE55 7JA [email protected] / (01773) 833138 / Mr J Mash 7 - 11 - 58 65 120 5 - 11 - 18 12 75 5 - 11 - 6 9 25 3 - 11 26 16 20 130 3-7 26 51 50 110 2623 2263 2245 2333 AMBERGATE Ambergate Primary Toadmoor Lane, Ambergate, Belper, Derbyshire DE56 2GN [email protected] / (01773) 852204 / Mrs C Webster APPERKNOWLE Apperknowle Community Primary • Barrack Road, Apperknowle, Dronfield, Derbyshire S18 4AU [email protected] / (01246) 413071 / Mrs S A Colebourn ARKWRIGHT TOWN Arkwright Primary School Lane, Arkwright Town, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S44 5BZ [email protected] / (01246) 234018 / Mrs R Longmate (Acting) ASHBOURNE Hill Top Infant and Nursery Wyaston Road, Ashbourne, Derbyshire DE6 1NB [email protected] / (01335) 343041 / Mrs H Jaques 2317 Parkside Community Junior Cokayne Avenue, Ashbourne, Derbyshire DE6 1EJ [email protected] / (01335) 342891 / Ms S Jones 7 - 11 - 73 74 290 3002 St Oswald’s CE Voluntary Controlled Infant Mayfield Road, Ashbourne, Derbyshire DE6 1AS [email protected] / (01335) 342660 / Ms R Wood 5-7 - 61 45 125 5 - 11 - 57 30 210 5 - 11 - 51 27 200 2017 2018 ASHOVER Ashover Primary Narrowleys Lane, Ashover, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S45 0AU [email protected] / (01246) 590207 / Mr C Hadley ASTON-ON-TRENT Aston-on-Trent Primary Long Croft, Aston-on-Trent, Derbyshire DE72 2UH [email protected] / (01332) 799478 / Mrs L Kalirai (Acting) • At the time of publication, the local authority is undertaking an initial consultation on a proposal to close Apperknowle Community Primary School, effective 31 August 2008. It should be stressed that no decision on a closure has been made and it is advisable to seek confirmation on the outcome of the consultation process by contacting the Admissions Team at the time of application. Page 24 INTRODUCTION Apply online. See 3006 3151 2022 3007 2233 3009 BAMFORD Bamford Primary Fiddlers Well, Bamford, Hope Valley, Derbyshire S33 OAR [email protected] / (01433) 651267 / Mr N Hobson BARLBOROUGH Barlborough Primary High Street, Barlborough, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S43 4ET [email protected] / (01246) 810381 / Mrs L Jones BARLOW Barlow CE Voluntary Controlled Primary Millcross Lane, Barlow, Dronfield, Derbyshire S18 7TA [email protected] / (0114) 2890413 / Mrs V McKie BARROW Sale & Davys CE (Controlled) Primary Twyford Road, Barrow-on-Trent, Derbyshire DE73 7HA [email protected] / (01332) 702072 / Mrs C Stops BARROW HILL Barrow Hill Primary Station Road, Barrow Hill, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S43 2PG [email protected] / (01246) 472494 / Mrs J Primmer BASLOW Baslow St Anne’s CE Controlled Primary School Lane, Baslow, Bakewell, Derbyshire DE45 1RZ [email protected] / (01246) 583298 / Mrs R Bolton BELPER Herbert Strutt Primary Derby Road, Belper, Derbyshire DE56 1UU [email protected] / (01773) 822771 / Mr J Murday 5-7 - 26 40 85 7 - 11 - 36 43 100 5 - 11 - 25 20 105 5 - 11 - 71 30 240 5 - 11 - 13 13 100 5 - 11 - 26 15 90 3 - 11 26 10 15 100 5 - 11 - 26 16 135 5 - 11 - 42 30 160 Published Admission Number Approx Number of Pupils 2622 Belper Long Row Primary Long Row, Belper, Derbyshire DE56 1DR [email protected] (01773) 823319 / Mrs M E Cadman 3 - 11 39 101 45 340 2624 Pottery Primary Kilbourne Road, Belper, Derbyshire DE56 1HA [email protected] / (01773) 823383 / Mrs G Hutton 5 - 11 - 115 60 390 3513 St Elizabeth’s Catholic Primary Matlock Road, Belper, Derbyshire DE56 2JD [email protected] / (01773) 822278 / Mr B Lowe 5 - 11 - 35 35 200 LIST OF SCHOOLS LIST OF SCHOOLS 2626 Bakewell Methodist Voluntary Controlled Junior Stoney Close, Bakewell, Derbyshire DE45 1FR [email protected] / (01629) 812389 / Ms S Watson Nursery Size ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 3008 BAKEWELL Bakewell CE Infant (Controlled) Bath Street, Bakewell, Derbyshire DE45 1BX [email protected] / (01629) 812322 / Mrs P Outram Age Range APPLYING FOR A PLACE 2021 Name of School, Address, Email / Web / Telephone / Name of Head STARTING SCHOOL DfES Number Number of Applications for places 2007/2008 Page 25 Apply by phone. Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058 Primary Schools (Continued) DfES Number 3161 3040 2041 2048 BELPER (Continued) St John’s CE Voluntary Controlled Primary Laund Nook, Belper, Derbyshire DE56 1GY [email protected] / (01773) 822995 / Mr P Blunsdon BIGGIN Biggin CE Controlled Primary Biggin, Buxton, Derbyshire SK17 ODQ [email protected] / (01298) 84279 / Mrs H Gosney BLACKWELL Blackwell Primary Primrose Hill, Blackwell, Alfreton, Derbyshire DE55 5JG [email protected] / (01773) 811281 / Mrs J Thompson BOLSOVER Bolsover Infant and Nursery Welbeck Road, Bolsover, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S44 6DE [email protected] (01246) 823181 / Mrs C Holmes-Elener Age Range Nursery Size 5 - 11 - 121 70 495 5 - 11 - 5 10 35 3 - 11 26 31 24 175 3-7 39 89 70 215 Published Admission Number Approx Number of Pupils 3012 Bolsover CE (Controlled) Junior Horsehead Lane, Bolsover, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S44 6XH [email protected] / (01246) 822324 / Ms R Herbert 7 - 11 - 58 70 235 2045 New Bolsover Primary New Station Road, Bolsover, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S44 6PY [email protected] / (01246) 823240 Ms G Clubbs 3 - 11 26 47 50 260 5 - 11 - 7 12 65 3-7 26 58 70 120 7 - 11 - 32 74 165 5 - 11 - 11 7 45 5-7 - 16 24 35 7 - 11 - 11 20 55 5 - 11 - 23 13 95 3326 2338 2185 3015 3016 2049 3017 Page 26 Name of School, Address, Email / Web / Telephone / Name of Head Number of Applications for places 2007/2008 BONSALL Bonsall CE (Aided) Primary Church Street, Bonsall, Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 2AE [email protected] / (01629) 822573 / Mrs L Murhall BORROWASH Ashbrook Infant and Nursery Community Victoria Avenue, Borrowash, Derbyshire DE72 3HF [email protected] / (01332) 662695 / Ms A Clarke Ashbrook Junior Victoria Avenue, Borrowash, Derbyshire DE72 3HF [email protected] / (01332) 673785 / Mrs J Jaszczuk BRADLEY Bradley CE Controlled Primary Yew Tree Lane, Bradley, Ashbourne, Derbyshire DE6 1PG [email protected] / (01335) 370292 / Ms J Powell BRADWELL Bradwell CE Voluntary Controlled Infant Church Street, Bradwell, Hope Valley, Derbyshire S33 9HJ [email protected] / (01433) 620409 / Ms H Smith Bradwell Junior Hugh Lane, Bradwell, Hope Valley, Derbyshire S33 9JB [email protected] / (01433) 620473 / Mr I W Rose BRAILSFORD Brailsford CE Controlled Primary Main Road, Brailsford, Ashbourne ,Derbyshire DE6 3DA [email protected] / (01335) 360393 Mrs J Micklethwaite INTRODUCTION Apply online. See DfES Number 2019 3018 2055 BRASSINGTON Brassington Primary School Hill, Brassington, Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 4HB [email protected] (01629) 540212 / Ms C Walker-Sharp (Acting) BREADSALL Breadsall CE Controlled Primary Moor Road, Breadsall, Derbyshire DE21 5LA [email protected] / (01332) 831328 / Mrs G Goodman BREASTON Firfield Primary Sawley Road, Breaston, Derbyshire DE72 3EF [email protected] / (01332) 872216 / Mr W Norrie BRIMINGTON Brimington Junior Springvale Road, Brimington, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S43 1HF [email protected] / (01246) 232505 / Mr P Hickley Nursery Size 3 - 11 45 13 36 125 5 - 11 - 12 10 45 5 - 11 - 45 16 120 5 - 11 - 103 60 410 7 - 11 - 78 90 305 Published Admission Number Approx Number of Pupils Henry Bradley Infants Princess Street, Brimington, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S43 1HR [email protected] / (01246) 273857 / Mrs I Birkin 3-7 26 64 70 170 2056 Brimington Manor Infants and Nursery Manor Road, Brimington Chesterfield, Derbyshire S43 1NT [email protected] (01246) 234078 / Mrs A Booth (Acting) 3-7 13 47 30 75 5 - 11 - 77 50 315 2058 BUXTON AND DISTRICT Burbage Primary Cavendish Avenue, Burbage, Buxton, Derbyshire SK17 9AE [email protected] / (01298) 22278 / Mr A Guttmann Buxton Infant Hardwick Square South, Buxton, Derbyshire SK17 6QB [email protected] / (01298) 22499 / Miss S Bradbury (Acting) 5-7 - 85 70 180 2060 Buxton Junior Mosley Road, Buxton, Derbyshire SK17 9DR [email protected] / (01298) 22156 / Ms C Minter 7 - 11 - 79 60 225 3019 Fairfield Endowed CE Voluntary Controlled Junior Boarstone Lane, Fairfield, Buxton, Derbyshire SK17 7NA [email protected] / (01298) 22551 / Ms V Sherratt 7 - 11 - 70 88 235 2362 Fairfield Infants & Nursery Bench Road, Fairfield, Buxton, Derbyshire SK17 7PQ [email protected] / (01298) 22441 / Mrs S Coackley 3-7 56 57 90 200 2062 Harpur Hill Primary Trent Avenue, Harpur Hill, Buxton, Derbyshire SK17 9LP [email protected] / (01298) 23261 / Mr P O’Connor 5 - 11 - 62 50 325 3501 St Anne’s Catholic Primary Lightwood Road, Buxton, Derbyshire SK17 7AN [email protected] / (01298) 23589 / Mrs C Sierotko 5 - 11 - 49 47 315 LIST OF SCHOOLS LIST OF SCHOOLS 2061 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 2057 APPLYING FOR A PLACE 2053 BRAMLEY VALE Bramley Vale Primary York Crescent, Doe Lea, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S44 5PF [email protected] / (01246) 850289 / Mr D Wilson (Acting) Age Range STARTING SCHOOL 2052 Name of School, Address, Email / Web / Telephone / Name of Head Number of Applications for places 2007/2008 Page 27 Apply by phone. Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058 Primary Schools (Continued) DfES Number 2072 3162 3306 2063 3022 2013 (ERS) 3163 2296 Name of School, Address, Email / Web / Telephone / Name of Head BUXWORTH Buxworth Primary Station Road, Buxworth, High Peak, Derbyshire SK23 7NJ [email protected] / (01663) 732426 / Ms L Hartley CALOW Calow CE (Voluntary Controlled) Primary North Road, Calow, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S44 5BD [email protected] / (01246) 274370 / Mr M Thacker CARSINGTON Carsington & Hopton (Voluntary Aided) CE Primary Carsington, Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 4DE [email protected] / (01629) 540206 / Mr P Bateman CASTLE GRESLEY Castle Gresley Infant • Mount Pleasant Road, Castle Gresley, Swadlincote, Derbyshire DE11 9JF [email protected] / (01283) 217774 / Miss E Lenton CASTLETON Castleton CE (Controlled) Primary Back Street, Castleton, Hope Valley, Derbyshire S33 8WE [email protected] / (01433) 620630 / Ms A Montgomery CHAPEL-EN-LE-FRITH Chapel-en-le-Frith CE (Voluntary Controlled) Primary Warmbrook Road, Chapel-en-le-Frith, High Peak, Derbyshire SK23 ONL [email protected] / (01298) 812000 / Mr T Smith CHARLESWORTH Charlesworth School (Voluntary Controlled Primary) (Non-denominational Church School) Long Lane, Charlesworth, Glossop, Derbyshire SK13 5ET [email protected] / (01457) 853475 / Mrs S Gate CHESTERFIELD Abercrombie Community Primary Victoria Street, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S41 7LP [email protected] / (01246) 232425 / Mr N Oates Age Range Nursery Size Number of Applications for places 2007/2008 5 - 11 - 18 13 40 3 - 11 26 25 30 185 5 - 11 - 21 7 40 5-8 - 21 20 25 5 - 11 - 5 10 45 3 - 11 26 69 90 435 5 - 11 - 35 20 105 3 - 11 26 52 30 205 3 - 11 52 63 60 325 3- 7 26 108 60 190 Published Admission Number Approx Number of Pupils 2011 Brampton Primary School Board Lane, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S40 1DD [email protected] / (01246) 232817 / Mr M Finch 2307 Brockwell Nursery and Infant Purbeck Avenue, Loundsley Green, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S40 4NP [email protected] / (01246) 232034 / Mrs A Robinson 2349 Brockwell Junior Purbeck Avenue, Loundsley Green, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S40 4NP [email protected] / (01246) 278542 Miss C Holmes (Acting) 7 - 11 - 66 60 260 2283 Cavendish Junior Edmund Street, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S41 8TD [email protected] / (01246) 450691 / Mrs A Amenante Please note Cavendish Junior is federated with Gilbert Heathcote Nursery and Infant 7 - 11 - 36 50 130 3025 Christ Church CE Primary (Controlled) Tapton View Road, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S41 7JS [email protected] / (01246) 273569 / Mr P G Brooke 5 - 11 - 37 30 145 • At the time of publication, the local authority is undertaking an initial consultation on a proposal to close Castle Gresley Infant School, effective 31 August 2008. It should be stressed that no decision on a closure has been made and it is advisable to seek confirmation on the outcome of the consultation process by contacting the Admissions Team at the time of application. Page 28 INTRODUCTION Apply online. See DfES Number Name of School, Address, Email / Web / Telephone / Name of Head Age Range Nursery Size Number of Applications for places 2007/2008 2517 Dunston Primary Dunston Lane, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S41 8EY [email protected] / (01246) 450601 / Mrs S Davison 3 - 11 26 60 40 240 2287 Gilbert Heathcote Nursery and Infant Sheffield Road, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S41 8NF [email protected] (01246) 450634 / Mrs S Amenante Please note Gilbert Heathcote Nursery and Infant is federated with Cavendish Junior 3-7 35 38 50 105 2290 Hady Primary Hady Lane, Hady, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S41 0DF [email protected] / (01246) 279254 / Mr D Lambie 3 - 11 35 49 40 230 2289 Hasland Infant Eyre Street East, Hasland, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S41 0PE [email protected] / (01246) 234745 / Mrs J Lord 3-7 30 126 110 280 2288 Hasland Junior Broomfield Avenue, Hasland, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S41 0LP [email protected] / (01246) 234250 / Mr R Gilby 7 - 11 - 84 95 370 2293 Highfield Hall Primary Highfield Lane, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S41 8AZ [email protected] / (01246) 273534 / Mr G Martin 3 - 11 26 64 60 310 2510 Holme Hall Primary Taddington Road, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S40 4RL [email protected] / (01246) 237075 / Mr P Huskin 5 - 11 - 27 40 140 2291 Mary Swanwick Primary Church Street North, Old Whittington, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S41 9QW [email protected] (01246) 450597 / Mr P Giliker 3 - 11 26 33 50 230 3308 Newbold CE Primary (Aided) Cranborne Road, Newbold, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S41 8PF [email protected] / (01246) 232370 / Mr D Mayo-Braiden 5 - 11 - 44 30 200 2294 (ERS) Hearing Impaired New Whittington Community Primary London Street, New Whittington, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S43 2AQ [email protected] / (01246) 450688 / Ms J Hardy (Acting) 3 - 11 26 58 50 300 2295 Old Hall Junior Old Road, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S40 3QR [email protected] / (01246) 273801 / Mrs S Stone 7 - 11 - 82 65 280 2285 (ERS) Spire Infant and Nursery Derby Road, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S40 2EU [email protected] / (01246) 234727 / Mrs J Garrett 3-7 50 64 50 155 2286 Spire Junior Jawbones Hill, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S40 2EN [email protected] / (01246) 234546 / Mrs H Smith 7 - 11 - 33 50 140 3502 St Mary’s Catholic Primary Cross Street, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S40 4ST [email protected] / (01246) 232170 / Mrs J M Bolton 5 - 11 - 101 60 450 2308 Westfield Infant Vincent Crescent, Storrs Road, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S40 3NW [email protected] / (01246) 566124 / Mrs P Kingdon 5-7 - 106 70 205 Published Admission Number Approx Number of Pupils STARTING SCHOOL APPLYING FOR A PLACE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION LIST OF SCHOOLS LIST OF SCHOOLS Page 29 Apply by phone. Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058 Primary Schools (Continued) DfES Number 2514 2299 5211 3156 2251 CHESTERFIELD (Continued) Whitecotes Primary Whitecotes Lane, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S40 3HJ [email protected] / (01246) 234381 / Mr M Edwards William Rhodes Primary Hunloke Avenue, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S40 2NR [email protected] (01246) 234626 / Mrs J Seymour CHINLEY Chinley Primary (Foundation) Buxton Road, Chinley, High Peak, Derbyshire SK23 6DR [email protected] / (01663) 750367 / Mrs E J Openshaw CHURCH BROUGHTON Church Broughton CE Controlled Primary Main Street, Church Broughton, Derbyshire DE65 5AS [email protected] / (01283) 585301 Mrs M Davison CHURCH GRESLEY Church Gresley Infant and Nursery York Road, Church Gresley, Swadlincote, Derbyshire DE11 9QQ [email protected] (01283) 217357 / Mrs L Mansell Age Range Nursery Size 5 - 11 - 76 50 295 3 - 11 26 35 40 140 5 - 11 - 51 30 220 5 - 11 - 29 15 100 3-7 52 110 80 265 Published Admission Number Approx Number of Pupils 5210 Pennine Way Junior (Foundation) Pennine Way, Swadlincote, Derbyshire DE11 9EY [email protected] / (01283) 223697 / Mr P Harvey 7 - 11 - 74 82 300 3095 St George’s CE Controlled Primary Church Street, Church Gresley, Swadlincote, Derbyshire DE11 9NP [email protected] (01283) 217199 / Mr B Towe 5 - 11 - 59 30 195 3-7 39 45 53 85 7 - 11 - 39 81 165 5 - 11 - 47 15 110 3-7 60 82 80 245 7 - 11 - 77 80 320 3 - 11 26 40 40 260 2074 2075 3026 2080 2079 3164 Page 30 Name of School, Address, Email / Web / Telephone / Name of Head Number of Applications for places 2007/2008 CLAY CROSS Clay Cross Infant and Nursery Pankhurst Place, Clay Cross, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S45 9LQ [email protected] (01246) 862179 / Mrs A Tyler (Acting) Clay Cross Junior Market Street, Clay Cross, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S45 9JE [email protected] / (01246) 862166 / Mr A Denford CLIFTON Clifton CE Controlled Primary Cross Side Clifton Village, Ashbourne, Derbyshire DE6 2GJ [email protected] / (01335) 342473 / Mrs H Daughtry CLOWNE Clowne Infant and Nursery Ringer Lane, Clowne, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S43 4DB [email protected] / (01246) 810518 / Mr G Leyland Clowne Junior King Street, Clowne, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S43 4BS [email protected] / (01246) 810416 / Mr M D Edge CODNOR Codnor Community Primary School (Church of England Controlled) White Gates, Codnor, Ripley, Derbyshire DE5 9QD [email protected] / (01773) 742537 / Mr S P Bower INTRODUCTION Apply online. See DfES Number 2068 3032 3105 COTON-IN-THE-ELMS Coton-in-the-Elms CE Controlled Primary Elmslea Avenue, Coton-in-the-Elms, Swadlincote, Derbyshire DE12 8HE [email protected] (01283) 761361 / Mrs A Clayton CRESWELL Creswell CE Infant and Nursery (Controlled) Elmton Road , Creswell, Derbyshire S80 4JD [email protected] / (01909) 721471 / Mrs M Burdett Creswell Junior Elmton Road, Creswell, Derbyshire S80 4JD [email protected] (01909) 721260 / Ms K Adanski (Acting) CRICH Crich Carr CE Voluntary Controlled Primary Hindersitch Lane, Whatstandwell, Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 5EF [email protected] / (01773) 852070 / Miss A Punchard Nursery Size 5-7 - 17 8 25 5 - 11 - 16 20 120 3-7 78 53 60 135 7 - 11 - 26 70 210 5 - 11 - 13 10 50 Published Admission Number Approx Number of Pupils 5-7 - 28 20 45 2082 Crich Junior School Lane, Crich, Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 5DF [email protected] / (01773) 852384 / Mrs C Julian 7 - 11 - 13 23 55 5 - 11 - 11 20 65 5 - 11 - 23 10 55 5 - 11 - 25 12 105 5-7 - 29 30 55 5 - 11 - 14 20 95 5 - 11 - 39 30 185 3069 2083 2050 2077 3068 2172 CROMFORD Cromford CE Primary (Controlled) North Street, Cromford, Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 3RG [email protected] / (01629) 822248 / Ms E Marshall (Acting) CURBAR Curbar Primary Calver Bridge, Calver, Hope Valley, Derbyshire, S32 3XA [email protected] / (01433) 630266 / Mr S Flynn CUTTHORPE Cutthorpe Primary School Hill, Cutthorpe, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S42 7AS [email protected] / (01246) 234585 / Mr R P Andrews DANESMOOR Danesmoor Infant Pilsley Road, Danesmoor, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S45 9BN [email protected] (01246) 862219 / Mrs M J Brailsford DARLEY DALE Darley Churchtown CE Primary (Controlled) Church Road, Darley Dale, Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 2GG [email protected] / (01629) 732236 / Mr N Carr Darley Dale Primary Greenaway Lane, Hackney, Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 2QB [email protected] / (01629) 732226 / Mr P Hughes LIST OF SCHOOLS LIST OF SCHOOLS Crich (CE Controlled) Infants Bowns Hill, Crich, Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 5DG [email protected] / (01773) 852165 / Mrs J Kirk (Acting) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 3106 APPLYING FOR A PLACE 2104 COMBS Combs Infant • Lesser Lane, Combs, Chapel-en-le-Frith, High Peak, Derbyshire SK23 9UZ [email protected] / (01298) 813120 / Mrs A Curry Age Range STARTING SCHOOL 3027 Name of School, Address, Email / Web / Telephone / Name of Head Number of Applications for places 2007/2008 • At the time of publication, the local authority is undertaking an initial consultation on a proposal to close Combs Infant School, effective 31 August 2008. It should be stressed that no decision on a closure has been made and it is advisable to seek confirmation on the outcome of the consultation process by contacting the Admissions Team at the time of application. Page 31 Apply by phone. Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058 Primary Schools (Continued) DfES Number 3315 3024 2085 2086 2091 Page 32 Name of School, Address, Email / Web / Telephone / Name of Head DENBY Denby Free CE Voluntary Aided Primary Church Street, Denby Village, Ripley, Derbyshire DE5 8PH [email protected] / (01332) 880416 / Mrs C Gill DOVE HOLES Dove Holes CE Voluntary Controlled Primary Hallsteads, Dove Holes, Nr Buxton, Derbyshire SK17 8BJ [email protected] / (01298) 8l2808 / Mr P Raw DOVERIDGE Doveridge Primary 14 Chapel Green, Doveridge, Ashbourne, Derbyshire DE6 5JY [email protected] (01889) 563346 / Mrs N Clark DRAYCOTT Draycott Community Primary Hopwell Road, Draycott, Derbyshire DE72 3NH [email protected] / (01332) 872261 / Ms H Knott DRONFIELD Dronfield Infant School Lane, Dronfield, Derbyshire, S18 1RY [email protected] / (01246) 412302 / Mrs K Lovegrove Age Range Nursery Size Number of Applications for places 2007/2008 5 - 11 - 43 20 115 5 - 11 - 24 20 70 5 - 11 - 9 16 80 3 - 11 26 41 40 220 5-7 - 82 90 240 Published Admission Number Approx Number of Pupils 2089 Dronfield Junior School Lane, Dronfield, Derbyshire S18 1RY [email protected] / (01246) 413145 / Mr J Anderson 7 - 11 - 96 78 335 2012 Gorseybrigg Primary School Balmoral Crescent, Dronfield Woodhouse, Dronfield, Derbyshire S18 8ZY [email protected] (01246) 418508 / Mrs N White 5 - 11 26 42 30 190 2326 Holmesdale Infant The Avenue Dronfield, Derbyshire S18 2LR [email protected] / (01246) 413284 / Mrs G Oldfield 5-7 - 55 50 120 2358 Lenthall Infant and Nursery Marsh Avenue, Dronfield, Derbyshire S18 2HB [email protected] / (01246) 414569 / Mrs L Wallace 3-7 26 29 40 85 2332 Northfield Junior Falcon Road, Dronfield, Derbyshire S18 2ED [email protected] / (01246) 413134 / Mrs R Timperley (Acting) 7 - 11 - 45 52 100 3523 St Andrew’s CE/Methodist Primary (Aided) Pentland Road, Dronfield Woodhouse, Dronfield, Derbyshire S18 8ZQ [email protected] (01246) 417243 / Mr J Clapham 5 - 11 - 57 30 210 2361 Stonelow Junior Stonelow Road, Dronfield, Derbyshire S18 2EP [email protected] (01246) 414370 / Mrs A Perkins 7 - 11 - 46 43 145 2092 William Levick Primary Smithy Croft, Dronfield Woodhouse, Dronfield, Derbyshire S18 8YB [email protected] (0114) 2890670 / Mr P W A Wright 5 - 11 - 50 30 185 INTRODUCTION Apply online. See DfES Number 2243 5205 2095 DUFFIELD Duffield Meadows Primary Park Road, Duffield, Belper, Derbyshire DE56 4GT [email protected] (01332) 840305 / Mrs C Watkins William Gilbert Endowed CE Primary (Aided) Vicarage Lane, Duffield, Belper, Derbyshire DE56 4EB [email protected] / (01332) 840395 / Mrs S Whyld EARL STERNDALE Earl Sterndale CE Voluntary Controlled Primary Earl Sterndale, Buxton, Derbyshire, SK17 OBS [email protected] / (01298) 83263 / Mr D Holden ECKINGTON Birk Hill Infant Chestnut Avenue, Eckington, Derbyshire S21 4BE [email protected] / (01246) 433205 / Mrs S Birch Nursery Size 3 - 11 26 23 30 155 5 - 11 - 71 40 315 3 - 11 35 68 35 260 5 - 11 - 2 5 35 3-7 26 50 60 145 Published Admission Number Approx Number of Pupils 3 - 11 30 31 30 215 2093 Eckington Junior School Street, Eckington, Derbyshire S21 4FL [email protected] / (01246) 432549 / Mr J Stringer 7 - 11 - 36 60 200 5 - 11 - 6 6 25 5 - 11 - 25 10 50 5 - 11 - 5 7 30 5 - 11 - 72 40 210 5 - 11 - 8 10 50 5 - 11 - 12 10 50 3030 2103 3033 2105 3034 3317 EDALE Edale CE Voluntary Controlled Primary Grindsbrook Booth, Edale, Hope Valley, Derbyshire, S33 7ZD [email protected] / (01433) 670280 / Ms J Rackstraw EGGINTON Egginton Primary Church Road, Egginton, Derbyshire DE65 6HP [email protected] / (01283) 732748 / Mrs S Lovelock ELTON Elton CE Controlled Primary Main Street, Elton, Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 2BW [email protected] / (01629) 650282 / Mr P Hunter ETWALL Etwall Primary Egginton Road, Etwall, Derbyshire DE65 6NB [email protected] / (01283) 732301 / Mrs J E Meakin EYAM Eyam CE Controlled Primary Church Street, Eyam, Hope Valley, Derbyshire S32 5QH [email protected] / (01433) 630840 / Mrs H Cook FENNY BENTLEY The Fitzherbert CE Voluntary Aided Primary Ashes Lane, Fenny Bentley, Ashbourne, Derbyshire DE6 1LD [email protected] / (01335) 350362 / Mrs J Foster LIST OF SCHOOLS LIST OF SCHOOLS Eckington Camm’s CE Voluntary Aided Primary Camms Close, Eckington, Derbyshire S21 4AU [email protected] / (01246) 432829 / Mrs A J Caulton ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 3316 APPLYING FOR A PLACE 3039 DUCKMANTON Duckmanton Primary West Crescent, Duckmanton, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S44 5HD [email protected] / (01246) 825650 / Miss S Stevens Age Range STARTING SCHOOL 2344 Name of School, Address, Email / Web / Telephone / Name of Head Number of Applications for places 2007/2008 Page 33 Apply by phone. Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058 Primary Schools (Continued) DfES Number 2107 3312 2269 3504 FINDERN Findern Community Primary Heath Lane, Findern, Derbyshire DE65 6AR [email protected] / (01283) 702150 / Mr J Lord FRITCHLEY Fritchley CE (Aided) Primary Church Street, Fritchley, Belper, Derbyshire DE56 2FQ [email protected] / (01773) 852216 / Mrs S B Spenceley FURNESS VALE Furness Vale Primary Buxton Road, Furness Vale, High Peak, Derbyshire SK23 7PQ [email protected] / (01663) 744103 / Mrs J Ward GLOSSOP All Saints Catholic Primary Church Street, Old Glossop, Derbyshire SK13 7RJ [email protected] / (01457) 852756 / Mrs M Hyde Age Range Nursery Size 5 - 11 - 30 30 130 5 - 11 - 22 16 85 5 - 11 - 18 20 75 5 - 11 - 34 14 95 Published Admission Number Approx Number of Pupils 3319 Dinting CE Voluntary Aided Primary Dinting Vale, Glossop, Derbyshire SK13 6NX [email protected] / (01457) 853371 / Mrs L Elliott (acting) 5 - 11 - 34 25 160 2354 Gamesley Community Primary Grindleford Grove, Gamesley, Glossop, Derbyshire SK13 6HW [email protected] / (01457) 853721 / Mrs D Meredith 5 - 11 - 26 40 130 3036 St James’ CE (Controlled) Primary Chadwick Street, Glossop, Derbyshire SK13 8EF [email protected] / (01457) 852427 / Mr C Jones 3 - 11 51 55 60 320 3035 (ERS) St Luke’s CE Controlled Primary Spire Hollin, Glossop, Derbyshire SK13 7BS [email protected] / (01457) 852602 Mrs A Stringer 5 - 11 - 69 30 195 3521 St Margaret’s Catholic Primary Glossop Road, Gamesley, Glossop, Derbyshire SK13 6JH [email protected] / (01457) 855818 / Mr S Groarke 3 - 11 26 12 30 85 3505 St Mary’s Catholic Primary Gladstone Street, Glossop, Derbyshire SK13 8NE [email protected] / (01457) 854473 / Mrs J Whittaker 5 - 11 - 44 30 185 2373 Simmondley Primary Pennine Road, Simmondley, Glossop, Derbyshire SK13 6NN [email protected] / (01457) 852721 / Mrs C Grafton 5 - 11 - 66 40 320 3107 The Duke of Norfolk CE Primary (Controlled) Royle Avenue, Glossop, Derbyshire SK13 7RD [email protected] / (01457) 852635 / Mrs L Jones 5 - 11 - 96 42 305 3 - 11 26 32 40 195 5 - 11 - 22 10 60 2113 3037 Page 34 Name of School, Address, Email / Web / Telephone / Name of Head Number of Applications for places 2007/2008 GRASSMOOR Grassmoor Primary North Wingfield Road, Grassmoor, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S42 5EP [email protected] / (01246) 850349 / Mrs C C Moorcroft GREAT HUCKLOW Great Hucklow CE Primary (Controlled) Great Hucklow, Tideswell, Buxton, Derbyshire SK17 8RG [email protected] / (01298) 871293 Mrs J Harrison INTRODUCTION Apply online. See DfES Number 3325 2351 GREAT LONGSTONE Longstone CE Voluntary Aided Primary The Cross, Gt Longstone, Bakewell, Derbyshire DE45 1TZ [email protected] / (01629) 640377 / Mr D Pryor GRINDLEFORD Grindleford Primary Sir William Hill Road, Grindleford, Hope Valley, Derbyshire S32 2HS [email protected] (01433) 630528 / Mrs J Menzies-Conacher Nursery Size 5 - 11 - 25 20 170 5 - 11 - 12 10 55 5-7 - 65 80 155 Published Admission Number Approx Number of Pupils 7 - 11 - 42 65 255 3506 St Charles’s Catholic Primary The Carriage Drive, Hadfield, Derbyshire SK13 1PJ [email protected] (01457) 852692 / Mr S Williamson 5 - 11 - 43 30 205 5 - 11 - 4 10 35 5 - 11 - 22 16 100 5 - 11 - 25 25 150 5 - 11 - 34 40 215 5 - 11 - 31 30 225 5 - 11 - 38 30 210 3-7 26 45 40 125 3041 3042 3321 2321 2115 2511 2116 (ERS) Hearing Impaired HARTINGTON Hartington CE (Controlled) Primary The Dale, Hartington, Buxton, Derbyshire SK17 OAS [email protected] / (01298) 84254 / Mrs G Francis HARTSHORNE Hartshorne CE (Controlled) Primary Main Street, Hartshorne, Swadlincote, Derbyshire DE11 7ES [email protected] (01283) 217423 / Mrs S Skinner HATHERSAGE Hathersage St Michael’s CE Voluntary Aided Primary School Lane, Hathersage, Hope Valley, Derbyshire, S32 1BZ [email protected] / (01433) 650434 / Mr A Poole HATTON Heath Fields Primary Field Avenue, Hatton, Derbyshire DE65 5EQ [email protected] (01283) 813255 / Mr G McBurnie HAYFIELD Hayfield Primary Swallow House Lane, Hayfield, High Peak, Derbyshire SK22 2HB [email protected] / (01663) 742357 / Mr J Posnett HEAGE Heage Primary School Lane, Heage, Belper, Derbyshire DE56 2AL [email protected] / (01773) 852188 / Mrs K Murgatroyd HEANOR Aldercar Infant and Nursery Godkin Drive, Langley Mill, Derbyshire NG16 4GL [email protected] (01773) 713428 / Mrs G Shiels LIST OF SCHOOLS LIST OF SCHOOLS St Andrew’s CE (Controlled) Junior Hadfield Road, Hadfield, Derbyshire SK13 2DR [email protected] (01457) 852328 / Mr A Cartledge ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 3110 APPLYING FOR A PLACE HADFIELD Hadfield Infant Mersey Bank Road, Hadfield, Glossop, Derbyshire SK13 1PN [email protected] (01457) 853958 / Mrs C Taylor Age Range STARTING SCHOOL 2106 Name of School, Address, Email / Web / Telephone / Name of Head Number of Applications for places 2007/2008 Page 35 Apply by phone. Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058 Primary Schools (Continued) DfES Number 2126 HEANOR (Continued) Coppice Primary Roper Avenue, Heanor, Derbyshire DE75 7BZ [email protected] / (01773) 712840 / Mrs A Riley Age Range Nursery Size 3 - 11 26 58 30 225 Published Admission Number Approx Number of Pupils 3046 Corfield CE Infant (Controlled) Thorpes Road, Heanor, Derbyshire DE75 7GQ [email protected] / (01773) 712893 / Mrs J Goodchild 5-7 - 56 30 75 2118 Heanor Langley Infant and Nursery Laceyfields Road, Langley, Heanor, Derbyshire DE75 7HJ [email protected] (01773) 712823 / Mrs J Smith 3-7 26 70 40 140 3550 Howitt Primary Community Holmes Street, Heanor, Derbyshire DE75 7FS [email protected] / (01773) 713217 / Mrs M Marriott 3 - 11 52 70 60 430 3048 Langley Mill CE (Controlled) Infant Sedgwick Street, Langley Mill, Derbyshire NG16 4DT [email protected] (01773) 713429 / Mrs J Butler 3-7 26 44 40 105 2119 (ERS) Hearing Impaired Langley Mill Junior Bailey Brook Crescent, Langley Mill, Derbyshire NG16 4FZ [email protected] (01773) 712694 / Mrs W Arnold (Acting) 7 - 11 - 67 70 285 3049 Loscoe CE Primary (Controlled) Church View, Loscoe, Heanor, Derbyshire DE75 7RT [email protected] / (01773) 713396 / Mr S Jackson 5 - 11 - 35 20 130 2125 Marlpool Infant Prospect Road, Marlpool, Heanor, Derbyshire DE75 7NF [email protected] / (01773) 717647 / Mrs M Hill Please note Marlpool Infant is federated with Marlpool Junior 5-7 - 50 20 35 2124 Marlpool Junior Claramount Road, Marlpool, Heanor, Derbyshire DE75 7HS [email protected] / (01773) 712505 / Mrs M Hill Please note Marlpool Junior is federated with Marlpool Infant 7 - 11 - 63 47 210 3050 Mundy CE Voluntary Controlled Junior Lockton Avenue, Heanor, Derbyshire DE75 7EQ [email protected] / (01773) 713427 / Mr K Gibbs 7 - 11 - 58 39 150 3 - 11 26 32 40 245 3 - 11 26 122 110 650 3 - 11 26 16 15 95 2127 2370 2272 Page 36 Name of School, Address, Email / Web / Telephone / Name of Head Number of Applications for places 2007/2008 HEATH Heath Primary Heath Road, Heath, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S44 5RH [email protected] / (01246) 850277 / Mrs K Neville HILTON Hilton Primary Peacroft Lane, Hilton, Derbyshire DE65 5GH [email protected] / (01283) 732334 / Mr J Hilton HODTHORPE Hodthorpe Primary Queens Road, Hodthorpe, Worksop, Derbyshire S80 4UT [email protected] (01909) 720315 / Mr W Parkinson INTRODUCTION Apply online. See DfES Number 3160 2131 2265 2132 2133 3056 HOLMGATE Holmgate Primary & Nursery Holmgate Road, Clay Cross, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S45 9QD [email protected] / (01246) 862270 / Mr C W Rice HOLYMOORSIDE Walton Holymoorside Primary Holymoor Road, Holymoorside, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S42 7DU [email protected] (01246) 566502 / Mrs D Girdler HOPE Hope Primary Edale Road, Hope, Hope Valley, Derbyshire, S33 6ZF [email protected] / (01433) 620541 / Ms S Fisher HORSLEY Horsley CE Primary (Controlled) Church Street, Horsley, Derbyshire DE21 5BR [email protected] / (01332) 880782 / Mr P Leeson HORSLEY WOODHOUSE Horsley Woodhouse Primary Main Street, Horsley Woodhouse, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 6AT [email protected] (01332) 880403 / Mrs H Shipley HULLAND Hulland CE (Voluntary Controlled) Primary Firs Avenue, Hulland Ward, Ashbourne, Derbyshire DE6 3FS [email protected] / (01335) 370243 / Mrs W Underwood ILKESTON & DISTRICT Charlotte Nursery and Infant Trinity Close, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 8LQ [email protected] / (0115) 9320970 / Ms P Jordan - 45 20 135 3 - 11 26 66 36 260 5 - 11 - 6 9 40 3 - 11 26 42 35 205 5 - 11 26 77 50 365 5 - 11 - 10 14 40 5 - 11 - 31 11 70 5 - 11 - 28 15 125 5 - 11 - 9 20 60 3-7 60 132 80 315 Approx Number of Pupils 2135 Chaucer Infant and Nursery Cantelupe Road, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 5LN [email protected] / (0115) 9325629 / Ms C Beattie 3-7 60 109 60 175 2376 Chaucer Junior Cranmer Street, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 5JH [email protected] / (0115) 9324387 / Mr M Whyman 7 - 11 - 76 60 200 2139 Cotmanhay Infant Beauvale Drive, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 8RR [email protected] / (0115) 9302064 / Mrs A Boyle 3-7 39 69 90 190 LIST OF SCHOOLS LIST OF SCHOOLS 2146 HOLMESFIELD Penny Acres Primary The Common, Holmesfield, Dronfield, Derbyshire S18 7WP [email protected] / (0114) 2890330 / Mr G Trend 5 - 11 Published Admission Number ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 3055 HOLLINGWOOD Hollingwood Primary Lilac Street, Hollingwood, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S43 2JG [email protected] / (01246) 472417 / Mr S Hull Nursery Size APPLYING FOR A PLACE 2076 HOLBROOK Holbrook CE Voluntary Controlled Primary Moorside Lane, Holbrook, Belper, Derbyshire DE56 0TW [email protected] / (01332) 880277 / Mr A Davies Age Range STARTING SCHOOL 2631 Name of School, Address, Email / Web / Telephone / Name of Head Number of Applications for places 2007/2008 Page 37 Apply by phone. Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058 Primary Schools (Continued) DfES Number 2138 ILKESTON & DISTRICT (Continued) Cotmanhay Junior Beauvale Drive, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 8RR [email protected] / (0115) 9322011 / Mr D Schaller Age Range Nursery Size 7 - 11 - 40 90 235 Published Admission Number Approx Number of Pupils 2310 Dallimore Primary Dallimore Road, Kirk Hallam, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 4GZ [email protected] / (0115) 9320741 / Mr G Julian 3 - 11 75 40 60 305 2145 Field House Infant Lower Whitworth Road, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 4LT [email protected] / (0115) 9324526 / Miss D Wells 3-7 26 110 60 175 2141 Granby Junior Heanor Road, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 8DX [email protected] / (0115) 9322424 / Mr B Allsop 7 - 11 - 105 83 340 2142 Hallam Fields Junior Longfields Lane, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 4DB [email protected] / (0115) 9322568 / Mr A Waldron 7 - 11 - 69 60 240 2143 Kensington Junior St John’s Road, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 5PA [email protected] / (0115) 9322920 / Mrs L Partridge 7 - 11 - 86 60 220 2328 Ladywood Primary Oliver Road, Kirk Hallam, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 4NH [email protected] (0115) 9320585 / Mrs J E Mitchell 3 - 11 26 45 40 260 2375 Larklands Infant and Nursery Park Road, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 5DR [email protected] (0115) 9324288 / Mrs C L Goulding 3-7 39 101 60 185 3508 St Thomas Catholic Primary Church View, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 4LF [email protected] (0115) 9320550 / Mr M Geraghty 5 - 11 - 69 35 255 3 - 11 26 76 60 400 5 - 11 - 18 30 115 3-7 39 47 60 135 7 - 11 - 42 60 165 3-7 39 58 80 215 2632 2004 2149 2148 2151 Page 38 Name of School, Address, Email / Web / Telephone / Name of Head Number of Applications for places 2007/2008 INKERSALL Inkersall Primary Inkersall Green Road, Inkersall, Staveley, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S43 3SE [email protected] / (01246) 472370 / Mrs J Butterfield IRONVILLE Ironville & Codnor Park Primary Victoria Street, Ironville, Derbyshire NG16 5NB [email protected] / (01773) 602936 / Ms J Ennis KILBURN Kilburn Infant and Nursery The Flat, Kilburn, Belper, Derbyshire DE56 OLA [email protected] (01332) 880449 / Mrs J Bailey Kilburn Junior The Flat, Kilburn, Belper, Derbyshire DE56 0LA [email protected] / (01332) 880540 / Ms P Wongsam KILLAMARSH Killamarsh Infant and Nursery 43 Sheffield Road, Killamarsh, Derbyshire S21 2DX [email protected] / (0114) 2485852 / Mrs J Daine INTRODUCTION Apply online. See DfES Number Name of School, Address, Email / Web / Telephone / Name of Head Age Range Nursery Size Number of Applications for places 2007/2008 2150 Killamarsh Junior 38 Sheffield Road, Killamarsh, Derbyshire S21 2EA [email protected] / (0114) 2486277 / Mr S Turner 7 - 11 - 54 80 270 3541 Killamarsh St Giles CE Primary (Aided) Sheepcote Road, Killamarsh, Derbyshire S21 lDU [email protected] / (0114) 2482825 / Ms H Haynes 5 - 11 - 41 45 265 5 - 11 - 17 8 45 5 - 11 - 18 12 40 5 - 11 - 13 9 60 5 - 11 - 9 12 75 5 - 11 - 11 20 115 3 - 11 26 46/5 35/16 245 5 - 11 - 42 40 255 5 - 11 - 17 8 40 3 - 11 26 93 60 420 3062 2212 5204 2153 3546 LANGWITH Langwith Bassett Community Primary Bassett Hill, Upper Langwith, Mansfield, Derbyshire NG20 9RD [email protected] (01623) 742236 / Mr B J Feeney LEA Lea Primary Church Street Holloway, Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 5AY [email protected] / (01629) 534286 / Mr N Pratley LINTON Linton Primary (Foundation) Main Street, Linton, Swadlincote, Derbyshire DEl2 6QA [email protected] / (01283) 760382 / Mrs S Cottle LITTLE EATON Little Eaton Primary Alfreton Road, Little Eaton, Derbyshire DE21 5AB [email protected] / (01332) 831471 / Mr P Howard LITTON Litton CE Aided Primary Litton, Buxton, Derbyshire SK17 8QU [email protected] / (01298) 871449 / Mrs J Boyd LONG EATON & DISTRICT Brooklands Primary Clumber Street, Long Eaton, Derbyshire NG10 1BX [email protected] / (0115) 9732846 / Mr S Thorpe 2363 Dovedale Primary Dovedale Avenue, Long Eaton, Derbyshire NG10 3HU [email protected] / (0115) 9735984 / Mr D Allen 5 - 11 - 61 60 310 3519 English Martyrs Catholic Primary Bracken Road, Long Eaton, Derbyshire NG10 4DA [email protected] / (0115) 9733209 / Mrs A Glynne-Jones 5 - 11 - 53 40 205 LIST OF SCHOOLS LIST OF SCHOOLS 3324 KNIVETON Kniveton CE (Controlled) Primary Kniveton, Ashbourne, Derbyshire DE6 1JJ [email protected] / (01335) 342573 / Mrs L Board ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 2084 KIRK LANGLEY Kirk Langley CE Voluntary Controlled Primary Moor Lane, Kirk Langley, Ashbourne, Derbyshire DE6 4LQ [email protected] / (01332) 824264 / Mr A Mitchell APPLYING FOR A PLACE 3061 KIRK IRETON Kirk Ireton CE Voluntary Controlled Primary Main Street, Kirk Ireton, Ashbourne, Derbyshire DE6 3LD [email protected] / (01335) 370351 / Mr P Johnston Approx Number of Pupils STARTING SCHOOL 3060 Published Admission Number Page 39 Apply by phone. Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058 Primary Schools (Continued) DfES Number 2160 Name of School, Address, Email / Web / Telephone / Name of Head LONG EATON & DISTRICT (Continued) Grange Primary Station Road, Long Eaton, Derbyshire, NG10 2DU [email protected] / (0115) 9734956 / Mr R Gerver Age Range Nursery Size Number of Applications for places 2007/2008 3 - 11 26 78 60 395 Published Admission Number Approx Number of Pupils 2157 Harrington Junior Derby Road, Long Eaton, Derbyshire, NG10 4BJ [email protected] (0115) 9732963 / Mrs R Wilmot 7 - 11 - 54 61 225 2620 Highfield Primary • Wellington Street, Long Eaton, Derbyshire NG10 4HR [email protected] / (0115) 9733568 / Mr N J Oakes 3 - 11 26 35 40 180 2161 Longmoor Primary Newstead Road, Long Eaton, Derbyshire, NG10 4JG [email protected] / (0115) 9733368 / Mrs S Buczkiewicz 3 - 11 26 42 60 270 2159 Parklands Infant and Nursery Derby Road, Long Eaton, Derbyshire NG10 4WT [email protected] / (0115) 9732667 / Mrs J Meller 3-7 60 81 90 170 2331 Sawley Infant and Nursery Wilmot Street Sawley, Long Eaton, Derbyshire, NG10 3DQ [email protected] (0115) 9732652 / Mrs M Harral (Acting) 3-7 75 92 80 250 2340 Sawley Junior Wilmot Street, Sawley, Long Eaton, Derbyshire NG10 3DQ [email protected] / (0115) 9733626 / Mrs C Turnbull 7 - 11 - 67 67 240 3522 St Laurence CE (Aided) Primary Long Eaton Collingwood Road, Long Eaton, Derbyshire NG10 1DR [email protected] / (0115) 9728469 / Mrs M Fell 5 - 11 - 52 40 270 5 - 11 - 23 10 60 5 - 11 - 12 10 30 5 - 11 - 23 8 55 5 - 11 - 33 16 120 5 - 11 - 9 10 70 3064 3076 3065 2097 2169 LONGFORD Longford CE (Controlled) Primary Longford, Ashbourne, Derbyshire DE6 3DR [email protected] (01335) 330364 / Mrs M Matthews LONG LANE Long Lane CE Controlled Primary Long Lane, Dalbury Lees, Ashbourne, Derbyshire DE6 5BJ [email protected] / (01332) 824339 / Mrs S Goodall MAPPERLEY Mapperley CE Voluntary Controlled Primary Lodge Row, Mapperley, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 6BT [email protected] (0115) 9325386 / Ms A Godber MARSH LANE Marsh Lane Primary School Lane, Marsh Lane, Derbyshire S21 5RS [email protected] / (01246) 432701 / Mr M Fallon MARSTON MONTGOMERY Marston Montgomery Primary Marston Montgomery, Ashbourne, Derbyshire DE6 2FF [email protected] (01889) 590373 / Mrs J Brown • At the time of publication, the local authority is undertaking an initial consultation on a proposal to close Highfield Primary School, effective 31 August 2008. It should be stressed that no decision on a closure has been made and it is advisable to seek confirmation on the outcome of the consultation process by contacting the Admissions Team at the time of application. Page 40 INTRODUCTION Apply online. See DfES Number 3067 Name of School, Address, Email / Web / Telephone / Name of Head Nursery Size 5-7 - 70 60 120 Published Admission Number Approx Number of Pupils - 36 60 200 2005 Castle View Primary School Road, Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 3DS [email protected] / (01629) 582699 / Mr P Hooper 3 - 11 26 21 40 145 3544 Matlock St Giles CE Voluntary Aided Primary Starkholmes Road, Starkholmes, Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 5JE [email protected] / (01629) 56813 / Reverend J E Stanton 5 - 11 - 28 20 105 3545 St Joseph’s Catholic Primary Chesterfield Road, Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 3FT [email protected] (01629) 583616 / Mr A Dewhurst 5 - 11 - 48 30 200 5 - 11 - 12 10 60 5-7 - 48 60 160 7 - 11 - 61 60 240 3-7 20 15 20 40 5 - 11 - 17 12 75 5 - 11 - 16 20 95 5 - 11 - 13 9 60 5 - 11 - 39 10 60 3070 2175 2174 2314 2277 2625 3073 2177 MATLOCK BATH Matlock Bath Holy Trinity C.E. (Controlled) Primary Clifton Road, Matlock Bath, Derbyshire DE4 3PW [email protected] / (01629) 582862 / Mr S Gostick MELBOURNE Melbourne Infant Packhorse Road, Melbourne, Derbyshire DE73 8JE [email protected] / (01332) 862325 / Mrs N Smith Melbourne Junior Packhorse Road, Melbourne, Derbyshire DE73 8JE [email protected] (01332) 862344 / Miss J Hinchliffe MICKLEY Mickley Infant Milton Avenue, Stretton, Alfreton, Derbyshire DE55 6GG [email protected] / (01773) 832707 / Miss S Street MIDDLETON BY WIRKSWORTH Middleton Community Primary Main Street, Middleton, Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 4LQ [email protected] / (01629) 822236 / Ms S I’Anson MILFORD Milford Community Primary Chevin Road, Milford, Belper, Derbyshire DE56 OQH [email protected] / (01332) 841316 / Mr S Moore MONYASH Monyash CE Voluntary Controlled Primary Church Street, Monyash, Bakewell, Derbyshire DE45 1JH [email protected] / (01629) 812413 / Ms V Atkinson MORLEY Morley Primary Main Road, Morley, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 6DF [email protected] / (01332) 831295 / Ms K Marsland LIST OF SCHOOLS LIST OF SCHOOLS 7 - 11 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION All Saints CE Voluntary Controlled Junior Hurds Hollow, Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 3LA [email protected] / (01629) 583949 / Mrs C Newton APPLYING FOR A PLACE 3066 STARTING SCHOOL MATLOCK Matlock All Saints CE Infant (Controlled) Dimple Road, Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 3HX [email protected] (01629) 582913 / Ms H Button Age Range Number of Applications for places 2007/2008 Page 41 Apply by phone. Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058 Primary Schools (Continued) DfES Number 2178 3098 3074 5208 MORTON Morton Primary School Hill Main Road, Morton, Alfreton, Derbyshire DE55 6HH [email protected] / (01773) 872360 / Mrs E Charles MUGGINTON Mugginton CE Voluntary Controlled Primary Mugginton, Weston Underwood, Ashbourne, Derbyshire DE6 4PL [email protected] (01335) 360261 / Mrs G Lowden NETHERSEAL Netherseal St Peter’s CE Controlled Primary Main Street, Netherseal, Swadlincote, Derbyshire DE12 8BZ [email protected] / (01283) 760283 / Mrs S Brindley NEWHALL Fairmeadows Foundation Primary Fairfield Crescent, Newhall, Swadlincote, Derbyshire DE11 OTB [email protected] (01283) 211019 / Ms C Hodson-Walker Age Range Nursery Size 5 - 11 - 23 10 85 5 - 11 - 2 7 45 5 - 11 - 13 10 60 3 - 11 39 44 30 225 Published Admission Number Approx Number of Pupils 2254 Newhall Infant & Nursery Sunnyside, Newhall, Swadlincote, Derbyshire DE11 OTJ [email protected] / (01283) 216496 / Mr N Loftus 3-7 26 107 90 250 2253 Newhall Community Junior Chesterfield Avenue, Newhall, Swadlincote, Derbyshire DE11 OTR [email protected] / (01283) 217472 / Mr P K Collier 7 - 11 - 81 90 340 3511 St Edward’s Catholic Primary Newhall Road, Swadlincote, Derbyshire DE11 OBD [email protected] / (01283) 216721 / Mrs E Field 5 - 11 - 40 30 220 5 - 11 - 25 16 80 2180 Page 42 Name of School, Address, Email / Web / Telephone / Name of Head Number of Applications for places 2007/2008 NEW MILLS Hague Bar Primary Lower Hague, New Mills, High Peak, Derbyshire SK22 3AP [email protected] / (01663) 762203 / Mrs M E Mitchell 2179 New Mills Primary Meadow Street, New Mills, High Peak, Derbyshire SK22 4AY [email protected] / (01663) 744453 / Mr D Hoskisson 5 - 11 - 49 30 205 2181 Newtown Primary Buxton Road, New Mills, High Peak, Derbyshire SK22 3JS [email protected] (01663) 744358 / Mrs E Walker 5 - 11 - 28 20 100 3329 St George’s CE Voluntary Aided Primary Church Lane, New Mills, High Peak, Derbyshire SK22 4NP [email protected] (01663) 743222 / Mr P Thomas 3 - 11 29 20 30 110 3509 St Mary’s Catholic Primary Longlands Road, New Mills, High Peak, Derbyshire SK22 3BL [email protected] / (01663) 742412 / Ms A King 5 - 11 - 37 17 110 2182 Thornsett Primary Aspenshaw Road, Birch Vale, High Peak, Derbyshire SK22 1AT [email protected] / (01663) 744391 / Ms A Littlehailes 5 - 11 - 25 20 100 INTRODUCTION Apply online. See DfES Number 2043 2372 3547 3077 2186 2213 2187 NORBURY Norbury CE School (Controlled) Roston, Ashbourne, Derbyshire DE6 2EG [email protected] / (01335) 324337 / Mrs M Shermer NORTH WINGFIELD North Wingfield Primary Blacks Lane, North Wingfield, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S42 5LG [email protected] (01246) 851176 / Ms D Jennings OCKBROOK Redhill Primary (Foundation) The Ridings, Ockbrook, Derby, Derbyshire DE72 3SF [email protected] / (01332) 673537 / Mrs N Bargh OSMASTON Osmaston CE (Controlled) Primary Osmaston, Ashbourne, Derbyshire DE6 1LW [email protected] / (01335) 343140 / Mrs J Hart OVERSEAL Overseal Primary Woodville Road, Overseal, Swadlincote, Derbyshire DE12 6LU [email protected] (01283) 760398 / Mrs F Hughes PADFIELD Padfield Community Primary Rhodes Street, Padfield, Glossop, Derbyshire SK13 1EQ [email protected] (01457) 852751 / Mrs P Boffey PALTERTON Palterton Primary Back Lane, Palterton, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S44 6UN [email protected] (01246) 823143 / Mrs L Hunter PARWICH Parwich Primary Parwich, Ashbourne, Derbyshire DE6 1QJ [email protected] (01335) 390245 / Mr R T Williams - 29 30 135 5-7 - 28 23 40 3 - 11 26 25 30 180 5 - 11 - 15 8 55 3 - 11 26 59 60 315 5 - 11 - 54 30 200 5 - 11 - 40 15 115 5 - 11 - 39 30 180 5 - 11 - 40 16 120 5 - 11 - 35 13 95 5 - 11 - 4 10 45 Approx Number of Pupils LIST OF SCHOOLS LIST OF SCHOOLS 2109 NORBRIGGS Norbriggs Primary Norbriggs Road, Woodthorpe, Mastin Moor, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S43 3BW [email protected] / (01246) 473398 / Mrs S Eyre 5 - 11 Published Admission Number ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 5206 NEWTON SOLNEY Newton Solney CE Voluntary Aided Infant Trent Lane, Newton Solney, Burton-on-Trent, Derbyshire DEl5 0SF [email protected] (01283) 703461 / Mrs L Latchford Nursery Size APPLYING FOR A PLACE 3075 NEWTON Newton Primary Hall Lane, Newton, Alfreton, Derbyshire DE55 5TL [email protected] (01773) 872384 / Ms A Partlow Age Range STARTING SCHOOL 3330 Name of School, Address, Email / Web / Telephone / Name of Head Number of Applications for places 2007/2008 Page 43 Apply by phone. Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058 Primary Schools (Continued) DfES Number 2279 3079 3331 2190 2191 2192 PEAK DALE Peak Dale Primary School Road, Peak Dale, Buxton, Derbyshire SK17 8AJ [email protected] / (01298) 22695 / Mr M W Richards PEAK FOREST Peak Forest CE (Voluntary Controlled) Primary Hernstone Lane, Peak Forest, Buxton, Derbyshire SK17 8EJ [email protected] / (01298) 22074 / Mr D Gordon PILSLEY (BAKEWELL) Pilsley CE Aided Primary Pilsley, Bakewell, Derbyshire DE45 1UF [email protected] / (01246) 583203 / Mrs H Henson PILSLEY (CHESTERFIELD) Pilsley Primary Station Road, Pilsley, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S45 8EU [email protected] / (01773) 872378 / Mr D West Park House Primary Rupert Street, Lower Pilsley, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S45 8DB [email protected] / (01246) 851185 / Mr G Philbin PINXTON John King Infant Church Street West, Pinxton, Derbyshire NG16 6NB [email protected] / (01773) 810314 / Mrs M Ward Please note John King Infant is federated with Longwood Community Infant Age Range Nursery Size 5 - 11 - 13 20 65 5 - 11 - 7 7 45 5 - 11 - 20 12 60 3 - 11 26 27 30 155 5 - 11 - 63 30 205 5-7 - 39 50 120 Published Admission Number Approx Number of Pupils 2193 Kirkstead Junior Kirkstead Road, Pinxton, Derbyshire NG16 6NA [email protected] (01773) 810337 / Ms L Coster (Acting) 7 - 11 - 73 56 240 2194 Longwood Community Infant Wharf Road, Pinxton, Derbyshire NG16 6PA [email protected] (01773) 810329 / Mrs M Ward Please note Longwood Community Infant is federated with John King Infant 5-7 - 22 20 55 3 - 11 30 12 30 135 3 - 11 26 13 15 75 5 - 11 - 23 14 115 3 - 11 26 23 24 170 5 - 11 - 58/8 30/15 210 2196 2240 5207 2101 5202 Page 44 Name of School, Address, Email / Web / Telephone / Name of Head Number of Applications for places 2007/2008 PLEASLEY Anthony Bek Community Primary Rotherham Road, Pleasley, Mansfield, Derbyshire NG19 7PG [email protected] / (01623) 810355 / Mr M Freeston POOLSBROOK Poolsbrook Primary Cottage Close, Poolsbrook, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S43 3LF [email protected] / (01246) 472540 / Miss F Cowan QUARNDON The Curzon CE (Aided) Primary Church Road, Quarndon, Derby, Derbyshire DE22 5JA [email protected] / (01332) 550172 / Mrs G Lowden RENISHAW Renishaw Primary Hague Lane, Renishaw, Derbyshire S21 3UR [email protected] / (01246) 432366 / Mr J Dickinson REPTON Repton Primary Springfield Road, Repton, Derbyshire DE65 6GN [email protected] / (01283) 703732 / Ms L Coster INTRODUCTION Apply online. See DfES Number 2006 2102 Riddings Junior Church Street, Riddings, Alfreton, Derbyshire DE55 4BW [email protected] / (01773) 528492 / Mr S Booth RIDGEWAY Ridgeway Primary 1a Main Road, Ridgeway, Sheffield, Derbyshire, S12 3XR [email protected] / (0114) 2486249 / Mr J Connolly RIPLEY & DISTRICT Lons Infant Tavistock Avenue, Ripley, Derbyshire DE5 3SE [email protected] / (01773) 744319 / Mrs L Williams Nursery Size 3-7 26 64 60 175 7 - 11 - 61 50 210 5 - 11 - 56 15 195 5-7 - 59 30 90 Published Admission Number Approx Number of Pupils 5-7 - 64 70 110 2201 Ripley Junior Poplar Avenue, Ripley, Derbyshire DE5 3PN [email protected] / (01773) 742281 / Mr D Hanbury 7 - 11 - 63 110 345 3080 Ripley St John’s CE Voluntary Controlled Primary Dannah Street, Ripley, Derbyshire DE5 3BD [email protected] / (01773) 742457 / Mrs S Hannath 3 - 11 26 70 60 385 2205 Street Lane Primary Street Lane, Denby, Ripley, Derbyshire DE5 8NE [email protected] / (01773) 742717 / Mrs J Robinson 5 - 11 - 20 10 50 2371 Waingroves Primary Waingroves Road, Waingroves, Ripley, Derbyshire DE5 9TD [email protected] (01773) 744106 / Ms A Challand 5 - 11 - 41 30 160 5 - 11 - 42 17 130 5 - 11 - 26 12 90 5 - 11 - 17 10 70 7 - 11 - 51 80 265 3082 3083 3038 2369 RISLEY Risley Lower Grammar CE Controlled Primary Derby Road, Risley, Derbyshire DE72 3SU [email protected] / (0115) 9397622 / Mr P Bridgemount ROSLISTON Rosliston CE Voluntary Controlled Primary Main Street, Rosliston, Swadlincote, Derbyshire DE12 8JW [email protected] / (01283) 761409 / Mrs E C Greenwood ROWSLEY Rowsley CE Primary (Controlled) Woodhouse Road, Rowsley, Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 2ED [email protected] / (01629) 733727 / Mrs A Wain SANDIACRE Cloudside Junior Stanton Road, Sandiacre, Derbyshire NG10 5DE [email protected] (0115) 9392263 / Mrs L Lastowiecki LIST OF SCHOOLS LIST OF SCHOOLS Ripley Infant Kirk Close, Off Highfield Way, Ripley, Derbyshire DE5 3RY [email protected] (01773) 743354 / Ms H Bacon (Acting) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 2202 APPLYING FOR A PLACE 2377 RIDDINGS Riddings Infant West Street, Riddings, Alfreton, Derbyshire DE55 4EW [email protected] (01773) 602767 / Mrs A Politowski Age Range STARTING SCHOOL 2007 Name of School, Address, Email / Web / Telephone / Name of Head Number of Applications for places 2007/2008 Page 45 Apply by phone. Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058 Primary Schools (Continued) DfES Number 2210 2211 2217 2219 SANDIACRE (Continued) Ladycross Infant Victoria Road, Sandiacre, Derbyshire NG10 5JD [email protected] / (0115) 9397379 / Mrs L A Hooley SCARCLIFFE Scarcliffe Primary Langwith Road, Scarcliffe, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S44 6TH [email protected] / (01246) 823324 / Mrs A Ironmonger SHARDLOW Shardlow Primary London Road, Shardlow, Derbyshire DE72 2GR [email protected] / (01332) 792215 / Mrs E L Bainbridge SHIREBROOK Brookfield Primary Burlington Avenue, Langwith Junction, Mansfield, Derbyshire NG20 9AD [email protected] (01623) 742285 / Ms L Greenhough Age Range Nursery Size 3-7 26 63 80 185 5 - 11 - 25 10 80 5 - 11 - 22 12 65 5 - 11 - 53 30 180 Published Admission Number Approx Number of Pupils 2621 Model Village Primary Central Drive, Shirebrook, Derbyshire NG20 8BQ [email protected] / (01623) 742254 / Mr P H Davie 3 - 11 60 33 40 240 2306 Park Infant and Nursery Orchard Close, Shirebrook, Derbyshire NG20 8JX [email protected] / (01623) 742487 / Ms J V Rogers 3-7 60 50 70 195 2329 Park Junior Orchard Close, Shirebrook, Derbyshire NG20 8JX [email protected] / (01623) 742663 / Mr S Hewitt Richards 7 - 11 - 56 60 230 3516 St Joseph’s Catholic Primary Langwith Road, Shirebrook, Derbyshire NG20 9RP [email protected] / (01623) 742609 / Mr P Harkin 5 - 11 - 23 21 165 5 - 11 - 22/17 15/20 160 3 - 11 26 21 30 110 5 - 11 - 27 20 160 3-7 39 60 70 210 7 - 11 - 67 70 255 2223 2046 3086 2009 2008 Page 46 Name of School, Address, Email / Web / Telephone / Name of Head Number of Applications for places 2007/2008 SHIRLAND Shirland Primary Chesterfield Road, Shirland, Alfreton, Derbyshire DE55 6BN [email protected] / (01773) 832426 and Burnside Avenue, Hallfield Gate, Shirland, Alfreton, Derbyshire DE55 6AE (01773) 832754 / Mrs K Buxton SHUTTLEWOOD Brockley Primary and Nursey Clowne Road, Shuttlewood, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S44 6AF [email protected] / (01246) 823344 / Mrs E Thornhill SMALLEY Richardson Endowed Primary Main Road, Smalley, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 6EF [email protected] / (01332) 880317 / Mr D Smith SOMERCOTES Somercotes Infant Nottingham Road, Somercotes, Alfreton, Derbyshire DE55 4LY [email protected] / 01773 602849 / Mrs S Sisson Somerlea Park Junior Bank Street, Somercotes, Alfreton, Derbyshire DE55 4JE [email protected] / (01773) 602258 / Ms K Joyce INTRODUCTION Apply online. See DfES Number 3071 SOUTH DARLEY South Darley CE (Controlled) Primary Cross Green, Darley Bridge, Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 2JT [email protected] (01629) 732240 / Ms M Hall SOUTH NORMANTON Brigg Infant South Street, South Normanton, Alfreton, Derbyshire DE55 2DA [email protected] / (01773) 811317 / Mrs I Martin Age Range Nursery Size 5 - 11 - 14 10 70 5-7 - 89 60 165 Published Admission Number Approx Number of Pupils - 111 102 430 2226 The Green Infant New Street, South Normanton, Alfreton, Derbyshire DE55 2BS [email protected] / (01773) 811465 / Mrs K Thomas 5-7 - 73 60 120 5 - 11 - 16 17 100 5 - 11 - 32 30 205 5 - 11 - 38 15 105 5 - 11 - 25 10 80 5 - 11 - 13 13 90 5 - 11 - 4 10 45 3-7 30 42 60 110 2229 3503 3087 3088 2255 3090 2242 SOUTH WINGFIELD South Wingfield Primary Church Lane, South Wingfield, Alfreton, Derbyshire DE55 7NJ [email protected] (01773) 832890 / Mr P Addison SPINKHILL Immaculate Conception Catholic Primary College Road, Spinkhill, Derbyshire, S21 3YB [email protected] / (01246) 432916 / Mrs M Emmott STANLEY Stanley St Andrew’s CE Voluntary Controlled Primary Station Road, Stanley, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 6FB [email protected] / (0115) 9324252 / Miss M Lawson STANLEY COMMON Stanley Common CE (Voluntary Controlled) Primary 143 Belper Road, Stanley Common, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 6FS [email protected] (0115) 9322437 / Mrs S Gillott STANTON Stanton Primary Woodland Road, Stanton, Burton-on-Trent, Derbyshire DE15 9TJ [email protected] (01283) 564102 / Mrs C Nettleton STANTON-IN-PEAK Stanton-in-Peak CE (Controlled) Primary School Lane, Stanton-in-the-Peak, Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 2LX [email protected] / (01629) 636301 / Ms V Keen STAVELEY Speedwell Infant Lime Avenue, Staveley, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S43 3JJ [email protected] / (01246) 472336 / Mrs R Teather 3549 St Joseph’s Catholic and Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary Calver Crescent, Staveley, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S43 3LY [email protected] (01246) 472798 / Miss J Burke 5 - 11 - 38 20 150 2239 Staveley Junior College Avenue, Staveley, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S43 3XE [email protected] / (01246) 472325 / Mrs H Ellis 7 - 11 - 30 60 150 LIST OF SCHOOLS LIST OF SCHOOLS 7 - 11 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Glebe Junior Hamlet Lane, South Normanton, Alfreton, Derbyshire DE55 2JB [email protected] / (01773) 811304 / Mr N Rayner APPLYING FOR A PLACE 2228 STARTING SCHOOL 2227 Name of School, Address, Email / Web / Telephone / Name of Head Number of Applications for places 2007/2008 Page 47 Apply by phone. Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058 Primary Schools (Continued) DfES Number 2618 2224 3093 3094 2244 5200 STENSON FIELDS Stenson Fields Primary Community Goathland Road, Stenson Fields, Derbyshire DE24 3BW [email protected] / (01332) 772452 / Mrs S Smith STONEBROOM Stonebroom Primary and Nursery High Street, Stonebroom, Alfreton, Derbyshire DE55 6JY [email protected] / (01773) 872449 / Mr D Cook STONEY MIDDLETON Stoney Middleton CE (Controlled) Primary High Street, Stoney Middleton, Hope Valley, Derbyshire S32 4TL [email protected] (01433) 630520 / Mrs S Fitzpatrick (Acting) STRETTON HANDLEY Stretton Handley CE (Controlled) Primary Beresford Lane, Woolley Moor, Alfreton, Derbyshire DE55 6FH [email protected] (01246) 590418 / Mrs H T Badhams SUDBURY Sudbury Primary School Lane, Sudbury, Ashbourne, Derbyshire DE6 5HZ [email protected] (01283) 585251 / Mr D Brown SWADLINCOTE Belmont Primary (Foundation) Belmont Street, Swadlincote, Derbyshire DE11 8JZ [email protected] / (01283) 217782 / Mrs S Walker Age Range Nursery Size 5 - 11 - 45 40 280 3 - 11 26 26 30 170 5 - 11 - 9 6 20 5 - 11 - 16 8 60 5 - 11 - 6 15 30 5 - 11 - 137 60 425 Published Admission Number Approx Number of Pupils 2356 (ERS) Elmsleigh Infant and Nursery Queens Drive, Swadlincote, Derbyshire DE11 0EG [email protected] (01283) 2l6883 / Mrs L Bird 3-7 26 86 60 165 2315 Eureka Primary Dunsmore Way, Midway, Swadlincote, Derbyshire DE11 7LA [email protected] (01283) 216451 / Ms K Hambleton 5 - 11 - 31 20 110 2249 (ERS) Springfield Junior Springfield Road, Swadlincote, Derbyshire DE11 0BU [email protected] / (01283) 2l7855 / Ms L Coy 7 - 11 - 70 72 215 5 - 11 - 61 60 380 5 - 11 - 12 8 60 2010 3337 Page 48 Name of School, Address, Email / Web / Telephone / Name of Head Number of Applications for places 2007/2008 SWANWICK Swanwick Primary South Street, Swanwick, Alfreton, Derbyshire DE55 1BZ [email protected] (01773) 602268 / Mr I Hamilton TADDINGTON & PRIESTCLIFFE Taddington & Priestcliffe CE Aided Primary School Lane, Taddington, Buxton, Derbyshire SKl7 9TW [email protected] (01298) 85278 / Mrs S Kelcey INTRODUCTION Apply online. See DfES Number 2173 2258 3338 3538 3340 2262 3097 2266 Town End Junior Alfreton Road, Tibshelf, Alfreton, Derbyshire DE55 5PB [email protected] / (01773) 872306 / Mr J Dey TIDESWELL Bishop Pursglove CE Voluntary Aided Primary St Johns Road, Tideswell, Buxton, Derbyshire SKl7 8NE [email protected] (01298) 871282 / Mrs J Teeney TINTWISTLE Tintwistle CE Primary (Aided) South Close, Tintwistle, Glossop, Derbyshire. SKl3 1LY [email protected] / (01457) 852611 / Mrs J Griffin TUPTON Tupton Primary Queen Victoria Road, New Tupton, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S42 6DY [email protected] / (01246) 862191 / Mrs C Procter TURNDITCH Turnditch CE Voluntary Aided Primary Ashbourne Road, Turnditch, Belper, Derbyshire DE56 2LH [email protected] / (01773) 550304 / Mr M Mallender UNSTONE Unstone St Mary’s Infant Crow Lane, Unstone, Dronfield, Derbyshire S18 4AL [email protected] (01246) 412096 / Mrs S Creer Unstone Junior Main Road, Unstone, Dronfield, Derbyshire S18 4AB [email protected] / (01246) 413109 / Mrs E Kelly WALTON-ON-TRENT Walton-on-Trent CE Voluntary Controlled Primary Coton Road, Walton-on-Trent, Swadlincote, Derbyshire DE12 8NL [email protected] (01283) 716151 / Mrs C White WESSINGTON Wessington Primary The Green, Wessington, Alfreton Derbyshire DE55 6DQ [email protected] (01773) 832748 / Mrs V Cousins - 13 16 75 3 - 11 13 25 20 85 3-7 26 60 50 145 7 - 11 - 39 45 200 5 - 11 - 24 30 140 5 - 11 - 16 17 110 3 - 11 26 46 40 255 5 - 11 - 15 10 70 3-7 15 11 15 50 7 - 11 - 18 19 70 5 - 11 - 12 20 60 5 - 11 - 6 10 50 Approx Number of Pupils LIST OF SCHOOLS LIST OF SCHOOLS 2260 TIBSHELF Tibshelf Infant and Nursery High Street, Tibshelf, Alfreton, Derbyshire DE55 5PP [email protected] / (01773) 872571 / Mrs A Raynor 5 - 11 Published Admission Number ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 2259 TEMPLE NORMANTON Temple Normanton Primary Elm Street, Temple Normanton, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S42 5DW [email protected] / (01246) 850389 / Mrs P Quickfall Nursery Size APPLYING FOR A PLACE 2257 TANSLEY Tansley Primary Gold Hill, Tansley, Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 5FG [email protected] / (01629) 582448 / Miss T Holmes Age Range STARTING SCHOOL 2256 Name of School, Address, Email / Web / Telephone / Name of Head Number of Applications for places 2007/2008 Page 49 Apply by phone. Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058 Primary Schools (Continued) DfES Number 3341 2044 3342 2268 (ERS) 3157 2630 2270 2051 2368 2274 2359 3099 Page 50 Name of School, Address, Email / Web / Telephone / Name of Head WEST HALLAM Scargill CE Voluntary Aided Primary Beech Lane, West Hallam, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 6GU [email protected] / (0115) 9320005 / Mrs N Ross WESTHOUSES Westhouses Primary Bolden Terrace, Westhouses, Alfreton Derbyshire DE55 5AF [email protected] / (01773) 832518 / Mr J Grogan WESTON-ON-TRENT Weston-on-Trent CE (Aided) Primary Forrester Avenue, Weston-on-Trent, Derbyshire DE72 2BL [email protected] / (01332) 700488 / Mrs H Salih WHALEY BRIDGE Whaley Bridge Primary Buxton Road, Whaley Bridge, High Peak, Derbyshire SK23 7HX [email protected] / (01663) 732354 / Mr R Heys Taxal & Fernilee CE Primary (Controlled) Reddish Road, Off Park Road, Whaley Bridge, High Peak, Derbyshire SK23 7DL [email protected] (01663) 733262 / Ms Y Jeffrey WHALEY THORNS Whaley Thorns Community Primary and Nursery Portland Road, Langwith, Derbyshire NG20 9HB [email protected] (01623) 742604 / Mrs A Chambers WHITWELL Whitwell Primary Southfield Lane, Whitwell, Worksop, Derbyshire S80 4NT [email protected] / (01909) 720251 / Mr V Wilkinson WIGLEY Wigley Primary Wigley Chesterfield, Derbyshire S42 7JJ [email protected] / (01246) 566432 / Mr J Crawford WILLINGTON Willington Primary Trent Avenue, Willington, Derbyshire DE65 6DN [email protected] (01283) 702156 / Mrs P M Stones WINGERWORTH Deer Park Primary New Road, Wingerworth, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S42 6TD [email protected] / (01246) 232696 / Mr T Soar Hunloke Park Primary Lodge Drive, Wingerworth, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S42 6PT [email protected] (01246) 276831 / Mrs J Cadman WINSTER Winster CE Voluntary Controlled Primary Wensley Road, Winster, Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 2DH [email protected] / (01629) 650238 / Mrs S Tomlinson Age Range Nursery Size Number of Applications for places 2007/2008 5 - 11 - 50 68 420 5 - 11 - 8 10 60 5 - 11 - 40 15 95 5 - 11 - 45 36 260 5 - 11 - 45 30 185 3 - 11 26 14 30 145 3 - 11 26 38 50 215 5 - 11 - 6 7 35 5 - 11 - 49 30 220 5 - 11 - 89 50 335 5 - 11 - 59 40 205 5 - 11 - 11 10 30 Published Admission Number Approx Number of Pupils INTRODUCTION Apply online. See DfES Number 3100 Name of School, Address, Email / Web / Telephone / Name of Head Nursery Size 5-7 - 31 30 60 Published Admission Number Approx Number of Pupils 5-7 - 29 30 60 2275 Wirksworth Junior Wash Green, Wirksworth, Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 4FD [email protected] (01629) 822457 / Mr B Hawley 7 - 11 - 40 65 175 5 - 11 - 35 14 115 5-7 - 86 55 175 7 - 11 - 55 58 235 5 - 11 - 7 14 65 3092 2278 3101 3540 WOODTHORPE Woodthorpe CE Voluntary Controlled Primary Seymour Lane, Mastin Moor, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S43 3DA [email protected] (01246) 472584 / Mr R Griffin WOODVILLE Woodville Infant High Street, Woodville, Swadlincote, Derbyshire DE11 7EA [email protected] (01283) 217675 / Mrs J Smart Woodville CE Junior High Street, Woodville, Swadlincote, Derbyshire DE11 7EA [email protected] (01283) 217680 / Mrs S Hogan YOULGRAVE All Saints CE Voluntary Aided Primary Alport Lane, Youlgrave, Bakewell, Derbyshire DE45 1WN [email protected] (01629) 636289 / Mrs K Wildgoose (Acting) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Wirksworth Infant Harrison Drive, Wirksworth, Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 4GZ [email protected] (01629) 822496 / Mrs E Rosser Please note Wirksworth Infant is federated with Wirksworth CE (Controlled) Infant APPLYING FOR A PLACE 2276 STARTING SCHOOL WIRKSWORTH Wirksworth CE (Controlled) Infant North End, Wirksworth, Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 4FG [email protected] (01629) 822453 / Mrs E Rosser Please note Wirksworth CE (Controlled) Infant is federated with Wirksworth Infant Age Range Number of Applications for places 2007/2008 LIST OF SCHOOLS LIST OF SCHOOLS Page 51 Apply by phone. Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058 Special Schools Page 52 Name of School, Address, Email / Web / Telephone / Name of Head Age Range Approx Number of Pupils Alfreton Park Community Special School Alfreton Park, Alfreton, Derbyshire DE55 7AL [email protected] / (01773) 832019 / Mrs R MacKenzie 2 - 19 60 Ashgate Croft School Ashgate Road, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S40 4BN [email protected] / (01246) 275111 / Mr M Meaton 2 - 19 155 Bennerley Fields School Stratford Street, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 8QZ [email protected] (0115) 9326374 / Mrs M Stirling 2 - 16 65 Brackenfield School Bracken Road, Long Eaton, Derbyshire NG10 4DA [email protected] (0115) 9733710 / Mr P Ormerod 5 - 16 60 Holbrook Centre for Autism Portway, Holbrook, Derbyshire DE56 0TE [email protected] (01332) 880208 / Mr D Heald 5 - 19 40 Holly House School Church Street North, Old Whittington, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S41 9QR [email protected] (01246) 450530 / Mr P Brandt 7 - 14 40 Peak School Buxton Road, Chinley, High Peak, Derbyshire SK23 6ES [email protected] (01663) 750324 / Mrs L Scowcroft 2 - 19 40 Stanton Vale Special School Thoresby Road, Long Eaton, Derbyshire NG10 3NP [email protected] (0115) 972 9769 / Mrs J Wells 2 - 19 80 Stubbin Wood School Burlington Avenue, Langwith Junction, Mansfield, Derbyshire NG20 9AD [email protected] (01623) 742795 / Mr L Floyd 2 - 16 110 The Delves School Hayes Lane, Swanwick, Alfreton, Derbyshire DE55 1AR [email protected] (01773) 602198 / Mr K McKenzie 5 - 16 75 INTRODUCTION Apply online. See Outline of admission policies Christ the King Catholic Primary, Alfreton 1 & 2. All children who are in the care of the Local Authority. (See footnote 2 and 3). 3 & 4. Catholic (see footnote 3) children living or worshipping in the parish of Christ the King Alfreton and St. Patrick & St. Bridget, Clay Cross. 7 & 8. Catholic (see footnote 3) children living in parishes served by other Catholic schools. 9 & 10. Children of other world faiths whose parents are seeking a Christian environment for their children’s education. 11 & 12. Other children whose parents are seeking a Christian environment for their children’s education. Footnote 1 – Definition of a Sibling Siblings (brothers or sisters) are considered to be those children who live at the same address and either: 1. Have one or both natural parents in common or 2. Are related by a parent’s marriage or 3. Are adopted or fostered. Footnote 2 – Definition of Child in Public Care (Looked After) A child who is looked after by a local authority in accordance with section 22 of the Children’s Act 1989 (b) at the time application for his / her admission is made and who the Local Authority has confirmed, will still be looked after at the time when he / she is admitted to school. Footnote 5 – Place of Residence The child’s ordinary place of residence will be deemed to be a residential property at which the person or persons with parental responsibility for the child reside(s) at the closing date for receiving applications for admission to the school. LIST OF SCHOOLS LIST OF SCHOOLS If any of these categories are over subscribed, the governing body will make a decision based on the shortest distance between the applicant’s home and the main entrance of the School as measured by the Local Authority. The nearest to the school will be given priority. This distance ‘tie breaker’ will be used in any of the six categories, if two or more applicants are equal in all other respects. Footnote 4 – Churches Together in England The Baptist Union of Great Britain Cherubim and Seraphim Council of Churches Church of England Church of Scotland Congregational Federation Council of African and Afro-Caribbean Churches Council of Oriental Orthodox Christian Churches Free Churches Council Greek Orthodox Church Ichthus Christian Fellowship Independent Methodist Churches Joint Council of Anglo Caribbean Churches Lutheran Council of Britain Methodist Church Moravian Church New Testament Assembly Religious Society of Friends Roman Catholic Church Russian Orthodox Church Salvation Army United Reformed Church Wesleyan Holiness Church ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 5 & 6. Children who are baptised in or who are dedicated members of other Christian Churches as recognised by the Churches Together in England. Priority will be given to members of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Greek Orthodox Church and the Council of Oriental Orthodox Christian Churches. (These churches are shown in bold type in footnote 4). Footnote 3 – Definition of Catholic 1. A child baptised in the Roman Catholic Church or baptised in one of the other rites of the Catholic Church whose members are in full communion with the Bishop of Rome (Pope Benedict XV1) (e.g. The Greek Catholic Church). Advice available from the Diocesan Education Service. 2. A child baptised in another Christian faith who has been received into full communion in the Roman Catholic faith. 3. A child who, with his or her family, is enrolled in a recognised course of preparation leading to baptism. APPLYING FOR A PLACE Oversubscription Criteria Children who have a Statement of Special Educational Needs where the school is named as the most appropriate educational setting for the child will be admitted. This will reduce the number of places available to applicants. Priority in all categories will be given to children who have a sibling (see footnote 1) in the school at the time of the proposed admission. STARTING SCHOOL for voluntary aided and foundation schools including a brief summary of oversubscription criteria Where more than one person holds parental responsibility and those persons reside in separate properties, the child’s ordinary place of residence will be deemed to be that property at which the child resides for the greater part of the week, including weekends. St Elizabeth’s Catholic Primary School, Belper Oversubscription Criteria Children who have a Statement of Special Educational Needs where the school is named as the most appropriate educational setting for the child will be admitted. This will reduce the number of places available to applicants. Page 53 Apply by phone. Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058 1. Children who are in the care of a local authority. (See note 2). 2 & 3. Catholic (see note 3) children living in the parishes of Belper and Ripley. Priority will be given to children who have a sibling (see note 1) who will be on the school roll at the time of proposed admission. 4 & 5. Catholic (see note 3) children living in parishes served by other Catholic schools. Priority will be given to children who have a sibling (see note 1) who will be on the school roll at the time of proposed admission. 6, 7, 8 & 9. Children who are baptised or dedicated members of other Christian churches as recognised by Churches Together in England. (See note 4). First priority will be given to members of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Greek Orthodox Church and the Council of Oriental Orthodox Christian Churches. In addition to the above, priority will be given to children who have a sibling (see note 1) who will be on the school roll at the time of proposed admission. 10 & 11. Other applicants whose parents who are seeking a Christian environment for their children’s education. Priority will be given to children who have a sibling (see note 1) who will be on the school roll at the time of proposed admission. If any of the above categories are oversubscribed, the governing body will make a decision based on the shortest distance between the applicant’s home and the main entrance of the school using the same means of measurement as used by the Local Authority locally. Note 1 - Definition of Sibling Siblings (brothers or sisters) are considered to be those children who live at the same address and either : a. have one or both natural parents in common or b. are related by a parent’s marriage or c. are adopted or fostered. Note 2 - Definition of child in public care (looked after). This includes any child/young person who is subject to a full care order, an Interim Care Order, accommodated under section 20 of the Children Act 1989 or is remanded or detained into local authority accommodation under criminal law. Note 3 - Definition of Catholic 1. A child baptised in the Roman Catholic Church or baptised in one of the other rites of the Catholic Church whose members are in full communion with the Bishop of Rome (Pope Benedict) (eg The Greek Catholic Church). Advice available from Diocesan Education Service. 2. A child baptised in another Christian faith who has been received into full communion in the Roman Catholic faith. 3. A child who, with his or her family, is enrolled in a recognised course of preparation leading to baptism (parishes are requested to keep appropriate records). Note 4 – Churches Together in England The Baptist Union of Great Britain Cherubim and Seraphim Council of Churches Church of England Church of Scotland Congregational Federation Council of African and Afro-Caribbean Churches Council of Oriental Orthodox Christian Churches Free Churches’ Council Greek Orthodox Church Independent Methodist Churches Page 54 Joint Council for Anglo-Caribbean Churches Lutheran Council of Great Britain Methodist Church Moravian Church Religious Society of Friends Roman Catholic Church Russian Orthodox Church Salvation Army Ichthus Christian Fellowship New Testament Assembly Wesleyan Holiness Church United Reformed Church Note 5 - Place of Residence The child’s ordinary place of residence will be deemed to be a residential property at which the person or persons with parental responsibility for the child resides at the closing date for receiving applications for admission to the school. Where parental responsibility is held by more than one person and those persons reside in separate properties, the child’s ordinary place of residence will be deemed to be that property at which the child resides for the greater part of the week, including weekends. Bonsall CE (Aided) Primary Oversubscription Criteria 1. Children in public care in or outside the parish. 2. Children who live inside the parish. 3. Children who live outside the parish who have brothers or sisters already at the school. 4. Children who live outside the parish whose special needs can best be met at the school. In the event of over-subscription we would look to increase our admissions number through re-organisation. However, if this cannot be achieved then precedence will be given to the children living nearest to the school measured by the most direct walking route. St. Anne’s Catholic Primary, Buxton Oversubscription Criteria Children who have a Statement of Special Educational Needs where the school is named as the most appropriate educational setting for the child will be admitted. This will reduce the number of places available to applicants. If applications for admission exceed the number of places available, the Governors will apply the following criteria, in the order set out below, in order to allocate places. 1 & 2. Baptised Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority. Priority will be given to children who will have brothers or sisters attending the school at the time of admission. Baptised Catholic children living within the School's defined catchment area, which comprises villages from the Catholic parishes of Buxton, Chapel and the southern part of Whaley Bridge, in the following order:- INTRODUCTION Apply online. See 3 & 4. The parish of Buxton. Priority will be given to children who will have brothers or sisters attending the school at the time of admission. 5 & 6. The parish of Chapel-en-le-Frith Priority will be given to children who will have brothers or sisters attending the school at the time of admission. 9 & 10. Baptised Catholic children living outside the School’s catchment area. Priority will be given to children who will have brothers or sisters attending the school at the time of admission. 11 & 12. Children of other faiths or no faith who are in care of a local authority. Priority will be given to children who will have brothers or sisters attending the school at the time of admission. 13. Baptised children of other Christian denominations with an older sibling attending the School at the time of admission. 14. Baptised children of other Christian denominations where one of the parents/guardian is a baptised Catholic. (Please note that for an application to be placed in categories 15,16, 17 or 18, a reference from your vicar/minister will be required to establish that you and your child are committed members of other Christian churches. You will need to obtain a Clergy Reference Form from the School Office which will need to be appropriately completed by you and a vicar/minister who knows you). 21 & 22. Children of families of other world faiths, not referred to above, whose parents are seeking a Christian environment for their child’s education. Priority will be given to children who will have brothers or sisters attending the school at the time of admission. 23 & 24. Non-baptised children, whose parents are seeking a Christian environment for their child’s education. Priority will be given to children who will have brothers or sisters attending the school at the time of admission. Definition of Child in Public Care (Looked after) A child who is looked after by a local authority in accordance with section 22 of the Children’s Act 1989(b) at the time an application for his/her admission to a school is made, and who the Local Authority can confirm will still be looked after at the time when he/she is admitted to the school. List of Churches Together in England (See for further details on membership) The Baptist Union British Antiochian Orthodox Church Cherubim and Seraphim Council of Churches The Church of England Church of God Prophecy Church of Scotland (in England) Congregational Federation Coptic Orthodox Council of African and Afro-Caribbean Churches Council of Oriental Orthodox Christian Churches Ichthus Christian Fellowship Independent Methodist Churches Joint Council for Anglo-Caribbean Churches Lutheran Council of Great Britain The Methodist Church United Reform Church Wesleyan Holiness Church LIST OF SCHOOLS LIST OF SCHOOLS 19 & 20. Other baptised children on the basis of proximity of the child's home to the School. Applications in this criteria will be placed in order of the distance of the child's home from the main school entrance on Lightwood Road, using the same means of measurement as used by the Local Authority. Priority will be given to those living nearest to the school. Priority will be given to children who will have brothers or sisters attending the school at the time of admission. Definition of Sibling For the purposes of this policy, siblings (brothers or sisters) are considered to be those children who live at the same address and either: a. have one or both natural parents in common or b. are related by a parent’s marriage or partnership or c. are adopted or fostered. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 15, 16, 17 & 18. Baptised/dedicated* children from Christian families who are committed members of other Christian churches as recognised by Churches Together in England, and who the Governors are satisfied require a Catholic education. Please note that first priority will be given to members of the Orthodox Churches. Priority will be given to children who will have brothers or sisters attending the school at the time of admission. Definition of Catholic The definition of Catholic (for the purposes of this policy) is either: 1. A child baptised in the Roman Catholic Church or baptised in one of the other rites of the Catholic Church whose members are in full communion with the Bishop of Rome (Pope Benedict XVI) (e.g. the Greek Catholic Church); or 2. A child baptised in another Christian faith who has been received into full communion in the Roman Catholic faith. 3. A child who, with his or her family, is enrolled in a recognised course of preparation leading to baptism (parishes are requested to keep appropriate records). APPLYING FOR A PLACE (If categories 1 to 8 are oversubscribed, priority will be given to children of parents who are regular Mass attenders, followed by the ‘tie breakers’ set out below. In the case of over-subscription, a Clergy Reference Form will be supplied by the School and issued to parents for completion by them and by a priest who knows them). Tie Breaker Please note that if there are insufficient places available to take all the children from a particular Criteria (other than Criteria 19 and 20 - Proximity to the School), consideration will be given to the following points:a. Whether the child has a sibling (see below) who will be on the school roll at the time of proposed admission. b. Proximity to the school, as set out in Criteria 19 and 20 above. First priority in all categories will be given to children who will have brothers or sisters attending the school at the time of admission. STARTING SCHOOL 7 & 8. The parish of Whaley Bridge Priority will be given to children who will have brothers or sisters attending the school at the time of admission. (* ‘Dedicated’ in this instance refers to the special service used by some evangelical communities in place of the usual baptismal service.) Place of Residence The child’s ordinary place of residence will be deemed to be a residential property at which the person or persons with Page 55 Apply by phone. Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058 parental responsibility for the child resides at the closing date for receiving applications for admission to the school. Where parental responsibility is held by more than one person and those persons reside in separate properties, the child’s ordinary place of residence will be deemed to be that property at which the child resides for the greater part of the week, including weekends. Carsington & Hopton (Voluntary Aided) CE Primary Oversubscription Criteria 1. Looked after children 2. Children having a Statement of Special Educational Needs, which specifies the school 3. Children of parents resident in the parish (or beneficial area) where the school is situated 4. Children who have brothers or sisters who will be attending the school at the time of admission (brothers or sisters include half-brothers and sisters, children legally adopted into the family and step-brothers or step-sisters residing in the same family unit). 5. Other children whose parents request a place and who can be accommodated within the admission number. In the event of over-subscription those children living nearest to the school would be given priority, measured by the nearest available route. Newbold CE Primary (Aided), Chesterfield Oversubscription Criteria 1. Children in public care. 2. Children having special needs best met by our school. 3. Children who are baptized in the Church of England faith and parents are practicing. 4. Children who are baptized in any other Christian faith. 5. Children who have siblings (brother or sister, half brother or half sister, brother or sister through adoption, step-children residing in the same household) who will be receiving education at the school at the time when the child starts. 6. Children of parents sympathetic to the ethos. 7. Children of parents who reside in the parish of Newbold. In the event of over subscription children of parents who live closest to school will be given the place (distance by metalled surface useable in all weather conditions). Page 56 St Mary’s Catholic Primary, Chesterfield Oversubscription Criteria Please note that children who have a Statement of Special Educational Needs that names the school are required to be admitted. Where there are more applications for admission than the planned admission number, the governing body will apply the following criteria in strict order of priority: Should the planned admission limit be reached mid category, the governing body, as the admissions authority will make a decision based on the shortest distance between the applicant’s home and the main entrance of the school by the most direct route as measured by the Local Authority. 1. Catholic children (see footnote 1) who are in public care (looked after children). 2. Catholic children (see footnote 1) who are siblings (see footnote 2) of Catholic children attending St Mary’s Catholic Primary school at the time of their admission. 3. Catholic children (see footnote 1) who live and worship within the parishes of Annunciation, Holy Family, St Hughes and Holy Spirit. 4. Catholic children (see footnote 1) who live or worship within the parishes of Annunciation, Holy Family, St Hughes and Holy Spirit. 5. Children in public care (looked after children) who are not baptised Catholics. 6. Other children who have siblings (see footnote 2) attending St Mary’s Catholic Primary School at the time of their admission. 7. Catholic children who live and worship in other Catholic parishes but who do not have a sibling in the school. 8. Children who are worshipping members of other Christian Churches as recognised by Churches Together in England (see footnote 3) whose parents have sought the written support of their minister and live within the parishes of Annunciation, Holy Family, St Hughes and Holy Spirit. 9. Children who are worshipping members of other world faiths whose parents wish their children to be educated in a Christ centred environment and whose parents have the written support of their Religious Leader. 10. Children who have special educational needs who are supported by professional evidence as to why St Mary’s Catholic Primary School is deemed the most appropriate setting to meet those needs. 11. Children whose parents are seeking a Christian environment for their children’s education. Footnotes: Footnote 1 “Catholic children” are children who have been baptised into the Roman Catholic Church, those formally received into the Roman Catholic Church, or those whose parents have been formally received into the Roman Catholic Church, INTRODUCTION Apply online. See Where parental responsibility is held by more than one person and those persons reside in separate properties, the child’s ordinary place of residence will be deemed to be that property at which the child resides for the greater part of the week. Definition of a Catechumen Catechumens are those children who have expressed an explicit desire to be baptised into the Roman Catholic Church and who are currently preparing to receive the same by regular participation in Sunday worship and a recognised programme of preparation. Documentation Required 1. The school requires additional information not contained on the common application form, which can be obtained via school. This additional information is needed to place your application in the correct priority of admission category. Definition of a Candidate for Reception Candidates for Reception into Full Communion with the Roman Catholic Church are already baptised in another Christian Tradition, who have expressed an explicit desire to be incorporated into the Roman Catholic Church and who are currently preparing to be received into the Church by regular participation in Sunday worship and a recognised programme of preparation. It is advisable that records of any such reception or incorporation are maintained by the parish. 2. A copy of the child’s baptism certificate if the applicant is Roman Catholic/ baptised Christian. A list of those Churches which are in Full Communion with the Roman Catholic Church is available from the Diocesan Schools’ Department (0114 256 6440). 5. Failure to complete and return the Additional Information form may affect the admission category your application is placed in. STARTING SCHOOL Catechumens, Candidates for Reception (those formally preparing to be received into the Roman Catholic Church) or those members of Churches who are in Full Communion with the Roman Catholic Church. 3. Ministers Reference if the child is a member of another Christian Church or other world faiths. APPLYING FOR A PLACE 4. This Additional Information form is not an application for admission to the school and its return does not guarantee a place at the school. Footnote 2 – Definition of Sibling For the sibling criteria to be applicable, one of the following conditions must exist: a) a brother and / or sister is permanently resident at the same address b) a stepbrother and / or stepsister is permanently resident at the same address (to include half brothers / sisters). ADDITIONAL INFORMATION LIST OF SCHOOLS LIST OF SCHOOLS Footnote 3 Churches Together in England Antiochian Orthodox Synod The Baptist Union of Great Britain Cherubim and Seraphim Council of Churches Church of England Church of God of Prophecy Church of Scotland (in England) Congregational Federation Coptic Orthodox Church Council of African and Afro-Caribbean Churches Council of Oriental Orthodox Christian Churches Ichthus Christian Fellowship Independent Methodist Churches International Ministerial Council of Great Britain Joint Council for Anglo-Caribbean Churches Lutheran Council of Great Britain Methodist Church Moravian Church New Testament Assembly Oecumenical Patriarchate (Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain) Religious Society of Friends Roman Catholic Church Russian Orthodox Church Salvation Army Transatlantic and Pacific Alliance of Churches United Reformed Church Wesleyan Holiness Church Place of residence The child’s ordinary place of residence will be deemed to be a residential property at which the parent or persons with parental responsibility for the child resides at the closing date for receiving applications for admission to the school. Page 57 Apply by phone. Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058 Chinley Primary (Foundation) Oversubscription Criteria 1. ‘Looked–after Children’ 2. Children living in the normal area served by the school (a map of the catchment area is available for parents if requested). 3. Children not living in the normal area served by the school but who have siblings attending the school at the time of their admission. (“Siblings” is defined at the end of this policy document). 4. Other children whose parents have requested a place. Where in the case of (2) and (3) above, choices have to be made between children satisfying the same criteria, those children living nearest the school should be given preference. The Local Autjority has a Geographic Information System (GIS) to assist where it is necessary to measure by the nearest available route. It is anticipated that this will be available to measure by a standard walking distance calculated to within 2 metres. This measurement is taken from the postal address file, normally the house front door. For schools the grid reference is again taken from the postal address file and will be the centre of the school. Footnote 1 “Siblings” are defined as brothers and sisters by birth and half brothers and sisters, step brothers and sisters and adopted children so long as they live on a permanent basis with the sibling who already attends the school. Pennine Way Junior (Foundation), Church Gresley Oversubscription Criteria 1. We are required by The Education (Admission of Looked After Children), (England) Regulations to give top priority for admission to ‘Children in Care’ in our oversubscription criteria – thereafter admission will be determined by the oversubscription criteria given below. If the number of applications for admission to the school exceeds the school’s Published Admission Number, the following order of priority is used to allocate the available places: 2. Children living in the Pennine Way Junior School catchment area; 3. Children having a brother or a sister currently attending at the time of their admission. Brother or sister includes a half-brother or halfsister, a legally adopted child who is regarded as a brother or sister, a step-brother or step-sister who resides in the same family unit; 4. Children attending Church Gresley Infant and Nursery School but being outside the normal catchment area; 5. Children who have medical or social grounds provided this is supported by a written statement of evidence from a doctor or social worker at the time of original application; 6. Other children on the basis of proximity of the child’s home to school, measured by the shortest walking route, with those living nearest being given priority. Proximity will also be used on a tiebreaker in the event of over subscription in any of the above criteria. Page 58 Denby Free CE Voluntary Aided Primary Oversubscription Criteria 1. Children in public care. 2. Children with a sibling already on the school roll at the time of application and admission. For the reasons of clarity a definition of sibling is as follows: • A brother and/or sister • A half-brother and/or half-sister • A legally adopted child regarded as a brother or sister • A step-brother and/or step-sister residing in the same family unit 3. Children who live within the ecclesiastical parish of St Mary the Virgin. 4. Children whose parents/guardians have requested a Christian education. A letter of support from a priest, minister or pastor, who knows the family and can confirm *regular attendance at public worship, must be included with the application. The order of applicants within any of the above criteria will be determined by their proximity to the school. This will be by the nearest available route. The Local Authority has introduced a GIS system to assist where it is necessary to measure by the nearest available route. It is anticipated that this will be available to measure by a standard walking distance calculated to within 2 metres. This measurement is taken from the postal address file, normally the house front door. For schools the grid reference is again taken from the postal address file and will be the centre of the school. * Regular worship means attendance at least once a month. St Andrew’s CofE/Methodist Aided Primary, Dronfield Woodhouse Oversubscription Criteria 1. Children in public care. 2. Siblings, adopted/foster brothers and sisters of pupils already in the school at the time of the proposed admission. 3. Children of families in active membership of a Christian church in the catchment area. 4. Children whose parents have specifically requested education in the Christian faith and can provide evidence of that commitment. 5. Children who have specific special needs which can be met only or most effectively at the school. 6. Residence in the geographical parish of Dronfield with Holmesfield, the normal catchment area of the school. Should the number of applicants of equal merit exceed the remaining places available, the shortest walking distance from home to school will be used as the final determinant. INTRODUCTION Apply online. See The Fitzherbert CE Voluntary Aided Primary, Fenny Bentley Oversubscription Criteria Where applications for admissions exceed the number of places available, the following criteria will be applied, in descending order or priority, to decide which children to admit. Oversubscription Criteria Where numbers requesting admission exceeds places available Governors will apply the following criteria. STARTING SCHOOL William Gilbert Endowed CE (Aided) Primary, Duffield 1. Children in public care. 1. Children looked after by the Local Authority 2. Children from families living in the parish (beneficial area) in which the school is situated. 3. Children who have brothers or sisters already attending the school at the time of admission. 5. Children of parents not resident in the parish or beneficial area, who have requested a Christian education and can provide a written reference of the family’s commitment to their local church. 3. Siblings, adopted, step or foster brothers/ sisters of pupils who are in the school, at the time of application and admission. 4. Children whose parents have requested education in the Christian faith who have current Church links. APPLYING FOR A PLACE 4. Children with documented medical or social needs, which can only be met by the school and is supported by evidence from a doctor, social worker or educational welfare officer. 2. Residence in the parishes (beneficial areas i.e. Church boundaries) of Fenny Bentley, Thorpe and Tissington. 5. Children whose parents can demonstrate a particular need which can be best met in a small school environment provided that: i) the Governors consider that the school has adequate resources for offering appropriate education to the child ii) the number of such children does not exceed 5% of the school population. 6. Other children. In the event of the school being oversubscribed in any of the above criteria the following tie-breaker will be applied: The proximity of the child’s home to the school (shortest practicable route by road), with those living nearer being given higher priority. Oversubscription Criteria 1. Children in public care (looked after children). 2. Children of parents who worship in a church of any Christian Denomination within the parishes of Eckington with Handley and Ridgeway. 3. Children who have siblings (including step sibling living in the family home) already attending the school at the time of admission. 5. Children having special needs, which can best be met in the school. 6. Children of parents not resident in the parish (or beneficial area). In the case of these applications, if the school is oversubscribed a tiebreaker will apply with the shortest walking distance from home to school being given priority. Oversubscription Criteria In the event that the school receives more than 16 applications for admissions to the reception class, at the start of any academic year, the following criteria will be applied by the governing body to decide which children are offered a place. The criteria are ranked in the order in which they will be applied i.e. priority will be given to those applicants who meet the first criterion. 1. Children in public care. 2. Children with a sibling already on the school roll. For the reasons of clarity a definition of sibling is as follows: • A brother and/or sister • A half-brother and/or half-sister • A legally adopted child regarded as a brother or sister. • A step-brother and/or step-sister residing in the same family unit. LIST OF SCHOOLS LIST OF SCHOOLS 4. Children of parents resident in the parish (or beneficial area) in which the school is situated. Fritchley CE Aided Primary ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Eckington Camm’s CE Voluntary Aided Primary In the event of Governors having to make a choice between children with cases of equal strength, then the precedence will be given to the children living nearest to the school measured by the most direct walking route. The older sibling should be attending the school at the time of new admission. 3. Other children whose parents have requested a place at Fritchley CE (Aided) Primary School. 4. Children whose parents/guardians have requested a Christian education. A letter of support from a priest, ministers or pastor, who knows the family and can confirm some attendance at public worship, must be included with the application. In the case of a tie-breaker, the order of applicants within any of the above criteria will be determined by their proximity to the school, measured by the nearest available route. Page 59 Apply by phone. Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058 Footnote The Local Authority has introduced a GIS system to assist where it is necessary to measure by the nearest available route. It is anticipated that this will be available to measure by a standard walking distance calculated to within 2 metres. This measurement is taken from the postal address file, normally the house front door. For schools the grid reference is again taken from the postal address file and will be the centre of the school. All Saints Catholic Primary, Glossop Oversubscription Criteria 1. Catholic looked after children (see footnote 1). 2. Schools have a responsibility to serve their own neighbourhood; therefore, Baptised Catholic children from All Saints Parish will be given preference. (See footnote 2). 3. Baptised Catholic children from outside All Saints Parish. (See footnote 2). 4. Other looked after children. 5. Siblings whose brothers or sisters attend school at the time of their admission. (See footnote 3). Dinting CE Voluntary Aided Primary, Glossop Oversubscription Criteria The school will always give priority to children living in the parish of Holy Trinity, Dinting Vale, but is pleased to consider applications from families not resident in the parish, unless the total number seeking admission exceeds the school’s published admission number. Where applications for admissions exceed the number of places available, the priority will be determined as follows: 1. Children looked after in public care. 2. Children who will have siblings in school on the date that they will take up the place (siblings are brothers and sisters, as well as adopted or fostered brothers and sisters). 3. Children resident in the ecclesiastical parish of Holy Trinity Dinting. 4. Children whose parents can demonstrate their commitment to the Christian nature of the school (the application should be supported by a letter from a priest, minister or pastor). In the event of Governors having to make a choice between applications of equal strength, places will be allocated on the basis of the shortest distance that children will travel to school. This would be measured by the shortest route from the school gate to the applicant’s home address. 6. Non-Catholic children, who have been baptised, whose parents request a Catholic education for them. 7. Other children, those living nearest the school (measured by the nearest available route) will be given priority. St. Margaret’s Catholic Primary School, Glossop Footnote 1 – Definition of looked after children A child who is looked after by a local authority in accordance with section 22 of the Children’s Act 1989 (b) at the time of application for his/her admission is made and who the Local Authority has confirmed, will still be looked after at the time when he/she is admitted to school. Oversubscription Criteria Children who have a Statement of Special Educational Needs where the school is named as the most appropriate educational setting for the child will be admitted. This will reduce the number of places available to applicants. Footnote 2 - Definition of Catholic For the purposes of this policy, is either: 1. A child baptised in the Roman Catholic Church or baptised in one of the other rites of the Catholic Church whose members are in full communion with the Bishop of Rome (Pope Benedict XVI) (e.g. the Greek Catholic Church); or 2. A child who, with his or her family, is enrolled in a recognised course of preparation leading to baptism (parishes are requested to keep appropriate records). Footnote 3 - Definition of Sibling For the purposes of this policy, siblings (brothers or sisters) are considered to be those children who live at the same address and either: a. have one or both natural parents in common or b. are related by a parent’s marriage or partnership or c. are adopted or fostered. If applications for admission exceed the number of places available, the following criteria will be applied, in the order set out below, to decide which children to admit. 1. Baptised Catholic children in the care of the Local Authority. 2. Baptised Catholic children living within the School’s defined catchment area, which comprises Gamesley, Charlesworth, Chisworth and Broadbottom. 3. Baptised Catholic children living outside the School’s catchment area. 4. Baptised children of other Christian denominations with an older brother or sister currently attending the School – this includes half, step-, or adopted brothers/sisters. 5. Baptised children of other Christian denominations having a sibling who has attended the school – this includes half, step- or adopted brothers/sisters. 6. Baptised children of other Christian denominations where one of the parents/guardian is a baptised Catholic. Page 60 INTRODUCTION Apply online. See 7. Children of other faiths or no faiths who are in the care of a local authority. 10. Other baptised children on the basis of proximity of the child’s home to the School. Applications in this criterion will be placed in order of the distance of the child’s home, i.e. the house gate leading on to the road, from the main school entrance on Glossop Road. Priority will be given to those living nearest to the school by road route. 12. Non-baptised children (* ‘Dedicated’ in this instance refers to the special service used by some evangelical communities in place of the usual baptismal service). Place of Residence The child’s ordinary place of residence will be deemed to be a residential property at which the person or persons with parental responsibility for the child resides at the closing date for receiving applications for admission to the school. Where parental responsibility is held by more than one person and those persons reside in separate properties, the child’s ordinary place of residence will be deemed to be that property at which the child resides for the greater part of the week, including weekends. Oversubscription Criteria If there are more applications than places available, the Governors will apply the following criteria in order to allocate places. Children who have a Statement of Special Needs where the school is named as the most appropriate educational setting for the child will be admitted. This will reduce the number of places available to applicants. 1 & 2. Children who are in the care of a local authority (see footnote 1). Priority will be given to children who have a sibling who will be on the school roll at the time of proposed admission. If any of the above categories is oversubscribed, the governing body will make a decision based on the shortest distance between the applicant’s home and the main entrance of the school using the same means of measurement as used by the Local Authority locally. Note 1 – Definition of child in public care (looked after) This includes any child/young person who is subject to a full care order, an interim care order, accommodated under section 20 of the Children Act 1989 or is remanded or detained into local authority accommodation under criminal law. Note 2 – Definition of Catholic 1. A child baptised in the Roman Catholic Church or baptised in one of the other rites of the Catholic Church whose members are in full communion with the Bishop of Rome (Pope Benedict) (eg The Greek Catholic Church). Advice available from Diocesan Education Service. 2. A child baptised in another Christian faith who has been received into full communion in the Roman Catholic faith. 3. A child who, with his or her family, is enrolled in a recognised course of preparation leading to baptism (parishes are requested to keep appropriate records). Note 3 – Churches Together in England The Baptist Union of Great Britain Cherubim and Seraphim Council of Churches Church of England Church of Scotland Congregational Federation Council of African and Afro-Caribbean Council of Oriental Orthodox Christian Churches Lutheran Council of Great Britain Methodist Church Independent Methodist Churches Joint Council for Anglo-Caribbean Churches Moravian Church Religious Society of Friends Roman Catholic Church Russian Orthodox Church Salvation Army Ichthus Christian Fellowship New Testament Assembly Wesleyan Holiness Church United Reformed Church LIST OF SCHOOLS LIST OF SCHOOLS St Mary’s Catholic Primary, Glossop 9 & 10. Other children whose parents are seeking a Christian environment for their children’s education. Priority will be given to children who have a sibling who will be on the school roll at the time of proposed admission. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Definition of Catholic (for the purposes of this policy) is either: 1. A child baptised in the Catholic Church or baptised in one of the other rites of the Catholic Church whose members are in full communion with the Bishop of Rome (e.g. the Greek Catholic Church); or 2. A child baptised in another Christian faith who has been received into full communion in the Catholic faith. 7 & 8. Children of other world faiths not referred to above whose parents are seeking a Christian environment for their children’s education. Priority will be given to children who have a sibling who will be on the school roll at the time of proposed admission. APPLYING FOR A PLACE 11. Children of families of other world faiths whose parents are seeking a Christian environment for their child’s education. 5 & 6. Children who are baptised or dedicated members of other Christian churches as recognised by Churches Together in England. Priority will be given to children who have a sibling who will be on the school roll at the time of proposed admission. STARTING SCHOOL 8 & 9. Baptised/dedicated* children from Christian families who are committed members of other Christian churches as recognised by Churches Together in England, and who the Governors are satisfied require a Catholic education. Please note that baptised members of Eastern Christian Churches, i.e the Russian Orthodox Church, Council of Oriental Orthodox Christian Churches and the Greek Orthodox Church, will be given a higher priority than members of other Christian churches. 3 & 4. Catholic (see footnote 2) children. Priority will be given to children who have a sibling who will be on the school roll at the time of proposed admission. Page 61 Apply by phone. Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058 Note 4 – Place of Residence The child’s ordinary place of residence will be deemed to be a residential property at which the person or persons with parental responsibility for the child resides at the closing date for receiving applications for admission to the school. Where parental responsibility is held by more than one person and those persons reside in separate properties, the child’s ordinary place of residence will be deemed to be that property at which the child resides for the greater part of the week, including weekends. Parents will be asked on the request for admission to the school that they wish their child to take part in all aspects of school worship. 3 & 4. Baptised Catholic children from St Charles parish area. Priority will be given to children having siblings in the school at the time of application. 5 & 6. Baptised Catholic children from beyond St Charles parish area. Priority will be given to children having siblings in the school at the time of application. 7 & 8. Children baptised or accepted as part of any other Christian denomination. Priority will be given to children having siblings in the school at the time of application. 9 & 10. Children of other world faiths. Priority will be given to children having siblings in the school at the time of application. Longstone CE Voluntary Aided Primary, Great Longstone Oversubscription Criteria 1. Children in public care. 2. Residence in the ecclesiastical parishes of Ashford in the Water, Sheldon, Longstone and Wardlow, and the civil parish of Cressbrook. 3. Siblings of pupils currently being taught at Longstone School. This does not include siblings of children that have been offered a place at Longstone School, but have not yet started. Neither does it include siblings of children who have already been admitted, when, on their admission, it was made clear that a place would not be available for the sibling (for the purposes of this criteria, siblings shall include children brought up in the same household). 4. Children and families with special needs which the Governors feel can best be met by the school. 5. Families wishing their child to receive a Church School education. In the case of over-subscription in any of the above criteria, the following will be used as a tie-breaker:Distance the child lives from the school (measured by the shortest practical route by car). St Charles’s Catholic Primary, Hadfield Oversubscription Criteria If there are more applications than places available, the Governors will apply the following criteria in order to allocate places. Children who have a Statement of Special Education Needs where the school is named as the most appropriate educational setting for the child will be admitted. This will reduce the number of places available to applicants. 1 & 2. Children in the care of the Local Authority (looked after children). Priority will be given to children having siblings in the school at the time of application. Page 62 11 & 12. Children of parents who seek education for their child in a Catholic setting. Priority will be given to children having siblings in the school at the time of application. If any of the above categories is oversubscribed, the governing body will make a decision based on the shortest distance between the applicant’s home and the main entrance of the school using the same means of measurement as used by the Local Authority locally. Additional Notes Note 1 – Definition of Sibling Siblings (brothers or sisters) are considered to be those children who live at the same address and either: a. have one or both natural parents in common or b. are related by a parent’s marriage or c. are adopted or fostered Note 2 – Definition of child in Public Care (Looked after) This includes any child/young person who is subject to a full care order, an interim care order, accommodated under section 20 of the Children Act 1989 or is remanded or detained into local authority accommodation under criminal law. Note 3 – Definition of Catholic 1. A child baptised in the Roman Catholic Church or baptised in one of the other rites of the Catholic Church whose members are in full communion with the Bishop of Rome (Pope Benedict) (eg The Greek Catholic Church). Advice available from Diocesan Education Service. 2. A child baptised in another Christian faith who has been received into full communion in the Roman Catholic faith. A child who, with his or her family, is enrolled in a recognised course of preparation leading to baptism (parishes are requested to keep appropriate records). Note 4 – Churches Together in England The Baptist Union of Great Britain Cherubim and Seraphim Council of Churches Church of England Congregational Federation Council of Oriental Orthodox Christian Churches Church of Scotland Free Churches’ Council Greek Orthodox Church Independent Methodist Churches Joint Council for Anglo-Caribbean Churches Lutheran Council of Great Britain Methodist Church INTRODUCTION Apply online. See Note 5 – Place of residence The child’s ordinary place of residence will be deemed to be a residential property at which the person or persons with parental responsibility for the child resides at the closing date for receiving applications for admission to the school. Hathersage St Michael’s CE Voluntary Aided Primary Oversubscription Criteria The governing body will use the priorities below when considering parents requests for the admission of their children to the School. 2. Children of families residing within the parish of the school. (The parishes of Hathersage and Outseats). 3. Siblings, adopted or foster brothers/sisters of pupils attending the school in the year of admission. 4. Children whose parents have requested education in the Christian Faith and who can provide evidence of their commitment. 5. Children of parents who can demonstrate a special need of the child or the parent. St Thomas’ Catholic Primary School, Ilkeston Oversubscription Criteria In considering admissions, the Governors will apply the following criteria in order to allocate places. Children who have a Statement of Special Educational Needs where the school is named as the most appropriate educational setting for the child will be admitted. This will reduce the number of places available to applicants. 7 & 8. Siblings of children already in school, who are baptised or dedicated members of other churches as recognised by Churches Together in England. (See notes 3 and 4). First priority will be given to members of the Orthodox Churches. 9. Non-baptised siblings of children already in school (see note 4). 10 & 11. Other children who are in the care of a local authority. Priority will be given to children who will have brothers or sisters attending the school at the proposed time of admission (see notes 1and 4). 12 & 13. Children who are baptised or dedicated members of other churches as recognised by Churches Together in England. (See note 3). First priority will be given to members of the Orthodox Churches. 14 & 15. Children of other world faiths not referred to above whose parents are seeking a Christian environment for their children’s education. Priority will be given to children who will have brothers or sisters attending the school at the proposed time of admission (see note 4). 16 & 17. Other children whose parents are seeking a Christian environment for their children’s education. Priority will be given to children who will have brothers or sisters attending the school at the proposed time of admission (see note 4). Tie Breakers First priority in all categories will be given to siblings (see note 4) that is, children who will have older brothers or sisters attending the school at the proposed time of admission. If category seven is oversubscribed, priority (after sibling priority) will be given to members of the Orthodox Churches. LIST OF SCHOOLS LIST OF SCHOOLS In the event of oversubscription, pupils living nearer the school would have preference. This would be judged by the shortest, safe walking route. 5 & 6. Catholic children living outside the parish named in categories 3 and 4 above. Priority will be given to children who will have brothers or sisters attending the school at the proposed time of admission (see notes 2 and 4). ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Children in public care (‘looked after children’). 3 & 4. Catholic children living in the parish of Our Lady and St Thomas of Hereford. Priority will be given to children who will have brothers or sisters attending the school at the proposed time of admission (see notes 2 and 4). APPLYING FOR A PLACE Where parental responsibility is held by more than one person and those persons reside in separate properties, the child’s ordinary place of residence will be deemed to be that property at which the child resides for the greater part of the week, including weekends. 1 & 2. Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority. Priority will be given to children who will have brothers or sisters attending the school at the proposed time of admission (see notes 1, 2 and 4). STARTING SCHOOL Moravian Church Religious Society of Friends Roman Catholic Church Russian Orthodox Church Salvation Army Ichthus Christian Fellowship New Testament Assembly Wesleyan Holiness Church United Reformed Church Council of African and Afro-Caribbean Churches After this the governing body will make a decision based on the shortest distance between the applicant’s home and the main entrance of the school using the same means of measurement as used by the Local Authority locally. This distance ‘tie breaker’ will be used in any of the categories listed above, if two or more applicants are equal in all other respects. Note 1 - Definition of Child in Public Care (Looked After) A child who is looked after by a local authority in accordance with section 22 of the Children’s Act 1989 (b) at the time application for his / her admission is made and who the Local Authority can confirm, will still be looked after at the time when he / she is admitted to school. Page 63 Apply by phone. Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058 Note 2 - Definition of Catholic 1. A child baptised in the Roman Catholic Church or baptised in one of the other rites of the Catholic Church whose members are in full communion with the Bishop of Rome (Pope Benedict XVI ) (eg The Greek Catholic Church). Advice available from Diocesan Education Service. 2. A child baptised in another Christian faith who has been received into full communion in the Roman Catholic faith. 3. A child who, with his or her family, is enrolled in a recognised course of preparation leading to baptism (parishes are requested to keep appropriate records). Note 3 – Churches Together in England (See for further details on membership) The Baptist Union British Antiochian Orthodox Church Cherubim and Seraphim Council of Churches The Church of England Church of God Prophecy Church of Scotland (in England) Congregational Federation Coptic Orthodox Council of African and Caribbean Churches Council of Oriental Orthodox Churches Ichthus Christian Fellowship Independent Methodist Churches Joint Council for Anglo-Caribbean Churches Lutheran Council of Great Britain The Methodist Church United Reform Church Wesleyan Holiness Church Note 4 - Definition of Sibling Siblings (brothers or sisters) are considered to be those children who live at the same address and either: a. have one or both natural parents in common or b. are related by a parent’s marriage or c. are adopted or fostered. Note 5 - Place of Residence The child’s ordinary place of residence will be deemed to be a residential property at which the person or persons with parental responsibility for the child resides at the closing date for receiving applications for admission to the school. Where parental responsibility is held by more than one person and those persons reside in separate properties, the child’s ordinary place of residence will be deemed to be that property at which the child resides for the greater part of the week, including weekends or the property ordinarily occupied by the person in whose favour a Residence Order or Special Guardianship Order has been made. Killamarsh St Giles CE Aided Primary Oversubscription Criteria If on occasion, the number of applicants exceeds the number of places available the Governor’s Admission Policy is implemented. The criteria used when making admissions under this policy are: Page 64 Needs that names St Giles School. 3. Whether the child lives in the parish in which the school is situated. 4. Whether the child has siblings* already attending the school at the time of admission. 5. Whether the parents wish for a Christian education for their children. Where choices have to be made between children satisfying the same criteria and a tiebreaker enforced this will be decided on the walking distance between the child’s usual home address and the main entrance of the school. The term sibling includes: a) A half brother and/or half sister b) A legally adopted child being regarded as a brother or sister c) A step brother and/or step sister residing in the same family unit. Linton Primary Foundation Oversubscription Criteria 1. Looked after children. 2. Where the child has a brother or sister currently attending the school. 3. Where the child has medical reasons, special needs or social grounds (supported by other agencies) for admission. 4. Consideration will be given to the proximity of the child’s home to the school, measured by the shortest walking route with those living nearer being awarded the higher priority. 5. Where children have strong family connections with the school. Sibling is defined as: • A brother and/or sister • A half-brother and/or half-sister • A legally adopted child being regarded as a brother or sister • A step-brother and/or step-sister residing in the same family unit. Looked After Children A looked after child is a child who is in the care of a local authority or provided with accommodation by that authority Litton CE (Aided) Primary Oversubscription Criteria 1. Children in public care. 2. Children on the ‘at risk’ register. 3. Children who have, or are likely to have a Statement of Special Needs which would be best met by the school. 4. Children who have siblings, step, half or adopted brothers or sisters at the school at the time of admission. 1. Children in public care 5. Children who have full time residence in a property in the ecclesiastical parish of Tideswell. 2. Whether the child has a Statement of Special Educational 6. Children where parents can demonstrate their commitment INTRODUCTION Apply online. See to the Christian nature of the school. 7. Children from the wider area who are requesting an education in a faith environment. In the event of the above criteria resulting in a tie break to the taking of a place, we will use the closest distance to the school as the deciding factor. English Martyrs’ Catholic Primary, Long Eaton Oversubscription Criteria First priority in all categories will be given to children who have a sibling (see footnote 1) in the school at the time of application. If there are more applications than places available, the governors will apply the following criteria in order to allocate places. 2. Other Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority. (See footnotes 1 and 2) 3. Catholic children living in the parishes of St Francis of Assisi, The Assumption, Beeston and St John the Evangelist, Stapleford, and who have a sibling in the school at the time of application. (see Footnotes 2 and 4). 4. Other Catholic children living in the Parishes of St Francis of Assisi, The Assumption, Beeston and St John the Evangelist, Stapleford. (See footnote 2). 6. Other Catholic children living outside the parishes named in 3 and 4 above (see footnote 2). 7. Other children who are in the care of the local authority and who have a sibling in the school at the time of application (see footnotes 1 and 4). 8. Other children who are in the care of the local authority (see footnote 1). 9. Children who are baptised or dedicated members of other churches as recognised by Churches Together in England and who have a sibling in the school at the time of the application (See footnotes 3 and 4). First priority will be given to members of the Orthodox Churches. 14. Other children whose parents are seeking a Christian environment for their children’s education. Tie Breakers First priority in all categories will be given to siblings (see footnote 4) that is, children who will have older brothers or sisters attending the school at the proposed time of admission. If categories 3, 4,5 or 6 are oversubscribed, priority (after sibling priority) will be given to children, who attend weekly Mass with one or both parents or with a close family relative. Parents will be issued with a verification form which will need to be countersigned by a priest who can verify Mass attendance. If categories 9 or 10 is oversubscribed, priority (after sibling priority) will be given to members of the Orthodox Churches. If categories 11,12,13 or 14 are oversubscribed, (after sibling priority) the governing body will make a decision based on the shortest distance between the applicant’s home and the main entrance of the school using the same means of measurement as used by the Local Authority locally. This distance ‘tie breaker’ will be used in any of the categories, if two or more applicants are equal in all other respects. Footnote 1 – Definition of Child in Public Care (Looked after) A child who is looked after by a local authority in accordance with section 22 of the Children’s Act 1989 (b) at the time application for his/her admission is made and who the Local Authority can confirm, will still be looked after at the time when he/she is admitted to school. LIST OF SCHOOLS LIST OF SCHOOLS 5. Catholic children living outside the parishes named in 3 and 4 above and who have a sibling in the school at the time of application. (See footnotes 2 and 4). 13. Other children who have a sibling in the school at the time of the application (see footnote 4) whose parents are seeking a Christian environment for their children’s education. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority and who have a sibling in the school at the time of application (see footnotes 1, 2 and 4) 12. Other children of other world faiths not referred to above whose parents are seeking a Christian environment for their children’s education. APPLYING FOR A PLACE Categories for admission Children who have a Statement of Special Education Needs, where the school is named as the most appropriate educational setting for the child, will be admitted. This will reduce the number of places available to applicants. 11. Children of other world faiths not referred to above whose parents are seeking a Christian environment for their children’s education and who have a sibling in the school at the time of the application (see footnote 4). STARTING SCHOOL 8. Children from the wide area who live the closest distance to the school, measured by the most direct walking route. 10. Other Children who are baptised or dedicated members of other churches as recognised by Churches Together in England (see footnote 3). First priority will be given to members of the Orthodox Churches. Footnote 2 – Definition of Catholic 1. A child baptised in the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church or baptised in one of the other rites of the Catholic Church whose members are in full communion with the Bishop of Rome (Pope Benedict XV1) (eg The Greek Catholic Church). Advice available from Diocesan Education Service. 2. A child baptised in another Christian faith who has been received into full communion in the Roman Catholic faith. 3. A child who, with his or her family, is enrolled in a recognised course of preparation leading to baptism (parishes are requested to keep appropriate records). Page 65 Apply by phone. Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058 Footnote 3 – Churches Together in England See for further details of membership The Baptist Union Council of Oriental Orthodox Churches British Antiochian Orthodox Church Ichthus Christian Fellowship Cherubim and Seraphim Council of Churches Independent Methodist Church The Church of England Joint Council for Anglo-Caribbean Churches Church of God Prophecy Lutheran Council of Great Britain Church of Scotland (in England) The Methodist Church Congregational Federation United Reform Church Coptic Orthodox Wesleyan Holiness Church Council of African and Caribbean Churches Footnote 4 – Definition of sibling Siblings (brothers or sisters) are considered to be those children who live at the same address and either: a. have one or both natural parents in common or b. are related by a parent’s marriage or c. are adopted or fostered Footnote 5 – Place of residence The child’s ordinary place of residence will be deemed to be a residential property at which the person or persons with parental responsibility for the child resides at the closing date for receiving applications for admission to the school. Where parental responsibility is held by more than one person and those persons reside in separate properties, the child’s ordinary place of residence will be deemed to be that property at which the child resides for the greater part of the week, including weekends. St Laurence CE (Aided) Primary, Long Eaton Oversubscription criteria 1. Children in public care. 2. Children who have a sibling attending the school at application and admission (the term sibling shall include step and/or half brothers or sisters resident at the same address). 3. Children whose parents are supportive of the Christian ethos of the school. 4. Children with special needs that could be best provided for at St Laurence. 5. Other places to be allocated by proximity to the school. In the event of the governing body having to make a choice between candidates who tie on the criteria above then the precedence will be given to the children living nearest to the school measured by the most direct walking route. Matlock St Giles CE Voluntary Aided Primary Oversubscription criteria 1. Children looked after in public care. 2. Children living within the beneficial area of the School (within the boundaries of the ecclesiastical parish of Matlock) and children living in the village of Riber. 3. Siblings, adopted or foster brothers/sisters of pupils attending the School at the time of proposed admission. 4. Children who live outside the beneficial area of the School but whose parents/guardians/carers can show a commitment to and membership of the Church of England. An application under this criterion should be accompanied by a letter from the Parish Priest of their church. 5. Children with special needs, which can be best served by the school. When there are more applications than available places pupils will be admitted on the basis of the shortest walking distance from school measured to the main entrance to the school. St Joseph’s Catholic Primary, Matlock Oversubscription criteria Children who have a Statement of Special Educational Needs where the school is named as the most appropriate educational setting for the child will be admitted. This will reduce the number of places available to applicants. Priority will be given in each category to children who have a sibling (see note 1). Who will be on the school roll at the time of proposed admission. 1 & 2. Catholic (see note 2) children who are ‘looked after’, in the care of a local authority. (See note 3). Priority will be given to children who have a sibling (see note 1) who will be on the school roll at the time of proposed admission. 3 & 4. Children of other faiths or no faith who are ‘Looked After’, in the care of a local authority. (See note 3). Priority will be given to children who have a sibling (see Note 1) who will be on the school roll at the time of proposed admission. 5 & 6. Catholic (see note 2) children living in the parishes of Matlock, Wirksworth, Bakewell and Hassop. Priority will be given to children who have a sibling (see note 1) who will be on the school roll at the time of proposed admission. 7 & 8. Catholic (see note 2) children living outside the parishes named in category 3. Priority will be given to children who have a sibling (see note 1) who will be on the school roll at the time of proposed admission. 9. Children who are baptised or dedicated members of other Christian churches as recognised by Churches Together in England. Priority will be given to members of the Russian Page 66 INTRODUCTION Apply online. See Orthodox Church, the Greek Orthodox Church and the Council of Oriental Orthodox Christian Churches and who have a sibling (see note 1) who will be on the school roll at the time of proposed admission. These churches are shown in bold type in note 4. 12. Children who are baptised or dedicated members of other Christian churches as recognised by Churches Together in England other than the Russian Orthodox Church, the Greek Orthodox Church and the Council of Oriental Orthodox Christian Churches. These churches are shown in note 4. Note 5 – Place of Residence The child’s ordinary place of residence will be deemed to be a residential property at which the person or persons with parental responsibility for the child reside(s) at the closing date for receiving applications for admission to the school. 15 & 16. Other children whose parents are seeking a Christian environment for their children’s education. Priority will be given to children who have a sibling (see note 1) who will be on the school roll at the time of proposed admission. Where parental responsibility is held by more than one person and those persons reside in separate properties, the child’s ordinary place of residence will be deemed to be that property at which the child resides for the greater part of the week, including weekends. If categories 9 to 16 are oversubscribed, the governing body will make a decision based on the shortest distance between the applicant’s home and the main entrance of the school using the same means of measurement as used by Derbyshire Local Authority. Fairmeadows Foundation Primary, Newhall This distance ‘tie breaker’ will be used in any of the categories, if two or more applicants are equal in all other respects. Note 2 – Definition of Catholic 1. A child baptised in the Roman Catholic Church or baptised in one of the other rites of the Catholic Church whose members are in full communion with the Bishop of Rome (Pope Benedict XVI). 2. A child baptised in another Christian faith who has been received into full communion in the Roman Catholic faith. 3. A child who, with his or her family, is enrolled in a recognised course of preparation leading to baptism. Note 3 – Definition of Looked After Children This includes any child/young person who is subject to a Full Oversubscription Criteria Definitions Sibling defined at the time of application and offer The term sibling is defined as: A brother and/or a sister A half-brother and/or a half-sister A legally adopted child being regarded as a brother or sister A step-brother and/or step-sister residing in the same family unit LIST OF SCHOOLS LIST OF SCHOOLS Notes to the priority categories of admission Note 1 – Definition of Sibling Siblings (brothers or sisters) are considered to be those children who live at the same address and either: a) have one or both natural parents in common or b) are related by a parent’s marriage or c) are adopted or fostered. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 13 & 14. Children of other world faiths whose parents are seeking a Christian environment for their children’s education. Priority will be given to children who have a sibling (see note 1) who will be on the school roll at the time of proposed admission. APPLYING FOR A PLACE 11. Children who are baptised or dedicated members of other Christian churches as recognised by Churches Together in England other than the Russian Orthodox Church, the Greek Orthodox Church and the Council of Oriental Orthodox Christian Churches and who have a sibling (see note 1) who will be on the school roll at the time of proposed admission. These churches are shown in note 4. Note 4 – Churches Together in England The Baptist Union of Great Britain Cherubim and Seraphim Council of Churches Church of England Church of Scotland Congregational Federation Council of African and Afro-Caribbean Churches Council of Oriental Orthodox Christian Churches Free Churches’ Council Greek Orthodox Church Independent Methodist Churches Join Council for Anglo-Caribbean Churches Lutheran Council of Great Britain Methodist Church Moravian Church New Testament Assembly Religious Society of Friends Roman Catholic Church Russian Orthodox Church Salvation Army United Reformed Church Wesleyan Holiness Church Ichthus Christian Fellowship STARTING SCHOOL 10. Children who are baptised or dedicated members of other Christian churches as recognised by Churches Together in England. Priority will be given to members of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Greek Orthodox Church and the Council of Oriental Orthodox Christian Churches. These churches are shown in bold type in note 4. Care Order, an interim care order, accommodated under section 20 of the Children Act 1989 or is remanded or detained into local authority accommodation under criminal law. Looked After Children A looked after child is a child who is in the care of a local authority or provided with accommodation by that authority. Oversubscription Criteria Parents are advised that priority is given to pupils who live locally but this in itself does not guarantee a place. Where applications for admission into the school exceed the number of places available, the following criteria will be applied in the order set out below, to decide which children to admit. Where after the application of any criterion, there is still a case of oversubscription, the next criterion in the list shall be applied. If after application of all criteria set out in the list there is still oversubscription, then the remaining Page 67 Apply by phone. Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058 places available shall be determined by the drawing of lots. 1. Looked after children. 2. Children who have siblings currently attending the school at the time of application. 3. Where parents can demonstrate that admission to the school is necessary for the social or medical well being of their child. Supporting evidence from a doctor or social worker will be required at the time of application. 4. Parents who wish their child to continue their education at Fairmeadows having attended Foundation One (Nursery) at the school. 5. Proximity of the child’s home to the school measured by the distance along designated pathways from the entrance to the School to the front door of the child’s home with those having the shortest distance taking the highest priority. St Edward’s Catholic Primary, Newhall Oversubscription Criteria If there are more applications than places available, the Governors will apply the following criteria in order to allocate places: The school is legally obliged to admit children who have a Statement of Special Educational Needs where St Edward’s School is named as the most appropriate educational setting for the child. This will reduce the number of places available to applicants. 1. Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority (see notes 2 and 3). 2. Catholic (see note 3) children living in the Parish of St Peter and St Paul, Swadlincote. 3. Catholic (see Note 3) children living outside the Parish of St Peter and St Paul, Swadlincote. 4. Other children who are in the care of a local authority (see note 2). 5. Children who have a sibling (see note 1) on the school roll at the time of proposed admission. 6. Children who are baptised or dedicated members of other churches as recognised by Churches Together in England (see note 4). 7. Children of other world faiths not referred to above, whose parents are seeking a Christian environment for their children’s education. 8. Other children whose parents are seeking a Christian environment for their children’s education. Tie Breaker If any of the above categories is oversubscribed, the governing body will make a decision based on the shortest distance between the applicant’s home (see note 5) and the main entrance of the school using the same means of measurement as used by the Local Authority locally. Page 68 Note 1 – Definition of Sibling Siblings (brothers or sisters) are considered to be those children who live at the same address and either: a. have one or both natural parents in common or b. are related by a parent's marriage or c. are adopted or fostered. Note 2 – Definition of Child in Public Care (Looked After) A child who is looked after by a local authority in accordance with section 22 of the Children’s Act 1989 (b) at the time application for his/her admission is made and who the Local Authority can confirm, will still be looked after at the time when he/she is admitted to school. Note 3 - Definition of Catholic 1. A child baptised in the Catholic Church or baptised in one of the other rites of the Catholic Church whose members are in full communion with the Bishop of Rome (Pope Benedict XVI) (eg The Greek Catholic Church). Advice available from the Diocesan Education Service. 2. A child baptised in another Christian faith who has been received into full communion in the Roman Catholic faith. 3. A child who, with his or her family, is enrolled in a recognised course of preparation leading to baptism. Note 4 – Churches Together in England (See for further details on membership) The Baptist Union Council of Oriental Orthodox Churches British Antiochian Orthodox Church Icthus Christian Fellowship Cherubim and Seraphim Council of Churches Independent Methodist Churches The Church of England Joint Council for Anglo-Caribbean Churches Church of God Prophecy Lutheran Council of Great Britain Church of Scotland (in England) The Methodist Church Congregational Federation United Reform Church Coptic Orthodox Wesleyan Holiness Church Council of African and Caribbean Churches Note 5 – Place of Residence The child's ordinary place of residence will be deemed to be a residential property at which the person or persons with parental responsibility for the child resides at the closing date for receiving applications for admission to the school. Where parental responsibility is held by more than one person and those persons reside in separate properties, the child's ordinary place of residence will be deemed to be that property at which the child resides for the greater part of the week, including weekends. St George’s CE Voluntary Aided Primary, New Mills Oversubscription Criteria Children who have a Statement of Special Educational Needs, where the school is named as being the most appropriate educational setting for the child, will be admitted. INTRODUCTION Apply online. See Selection Criteria: 1. Looked after children (in the care of the Local Authority). 3. Live in the normal catchment area served by the school. 4. Request for C of E education for those resident outside the normal catchment area. A letter of support from a priest, minister or pastor, who knows the family and can confirm *regular attendance at public worship, must be included with the application. The order of applicants within any of the above criteria will be determined by their proximity to the school. This will be by the nearest available route. The Local Authority has introduced a GIS system to assist where it is necessary to measure by the nearest available route. It is anticipated that this will be available to measure by a standard walking distance calculated to within 2 metres. This measurement is taken from the postal address file, normally the house front door. For schools the grid reference is again taken from the postal address file and will be the centre of the school. Children will not be discriminated against due to religion, disability, race, colour or gender. St Mary’s Catholic Primary, New Mills Oversubscription Criteria Children who have a Statement of Special Educational needs where the school is named as the most appropriate educational setting for the child will be admitted. This will reduce the number of places available to applicants. 1 & 2. Baptised Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority. Priority will be given to children who will have a sibling attending the school at the time of admission. (See footnote below for definition of sibling). 3 & 4. Baptised Catholic children living or worshipping in the Parish of the Church of The Annuciation (St. Mary’s). Priority will be given to children who will have a sibling attending the school at the time of admission. (See footnote below for definition of sibling). 5 & 6. Baptised Catholic children living outside the School’s catchment area. Priority will be given to children who will have a sibling attending the school at the time of admission. 10 & 11. Baptised children of other Christian denominations where one of the parents/guardian is a baptised Catholic. 12 & 13. Baptised/dedicated* children from Christian families who are committed members of other Christian churches as recognised by Churches Together in England, and who the Governors are satisfied require a Catholic education. Please note that first priority will be given to members of the Orthodox Churches. (See overleaf for list of Churches). Priority will be given to children who will have a sibling attending the school at the time of admission. (See footnote below for definition of sibling). 14 & 15. Baptised/dedicated* children from Christian families who are committed members of other Christian churches, other than the Orthodox churches as recognised by Churches Together in England, and who the Governors are satisfied require a Catholic education. (See overleaf for list of Churches). Priority will be given to children who will have a sibling attending the school at the time of admission. (See footnote below for definition of sibling). (Please note that for an application to be placed in categories 12-15 inclusive a reference from your vicar/minister will be required to establish that you and your child are committed members of other Christian churches. You will need to obtain a Clergy Reference Form from the School Office, which will need to be appropriately completed by you and a vicar/minister who knows you). 16 & 17. Other baptised children on the basis of proximity of the child's home to the school. Applications in this criteria will be placed in order of the distance of the child's home from the main school entrance on Longlands Road, using the same means of measurement as used by the local authority. Priority will be given to those living nearest to the school and who will have a sibling attending the school at the time of admission. (See footnote below for definition of sibling). LIST OF SCHOOLS LIST OF SCHOOLS If applications for admission exceed the number of places available, the governors will apply the following criteria, in the order set out below, in order to allocate places. 9. Baptised children of other Christian denominations with an older sibling attending the School at the time of admission. (See footnote below for definition of sibling). ADDITIONAL INFORMATION *Regular worship means attendance at least once a month. 7 & 8. Children of other faiths or no faith who are in care of a local authority. Priority will be given to children who will have a sibling attending the school at the time of admission. (See footnote below for definition of sibling). APPLYING FOR A PLACE 5. Resident in the Parish of St George’s Church but outside the catchment area. (If categories 3 to 6 inclusive are oversubscribed, priority will be given to children of parents who are regular Mass attenders, followed by the ‘tie breakers’ set out below. In the case of oversubscription, a Clergy Reference Form will be supplied by the school and issued to parents for completion by them and by a priest who knows them). STARTING SCHOOL 2. Children with a sibling already on the school roll at the time of application and admission. For the reasons of clarify a definition of sibling is as follows: • A brother and/or sister • A half-brother and/or half-sister • A legally adopted child regarded as a brother or sister • A step-brother and/or step-sister residing in the same family unit. (See footnote below for definition of sibling). 18 & 19. Children of families of other world faiths, not referred to above, whose parents are seeking a Christian environment for their child’s education. Priority will be given to children who will have a sibling attending the school at the time of admission. (See footnote below for definition of sibling). 20 & 21. Non-baptised children, whose parents are seeking a Christian environment for their child’s education. Priority will be given to children who will have a sibling attending the school at the time of admission. (See footnote below for definition of sibling). (* ‘Dedicated’ in this instance refers to the special service Page 69 Apply by phone. Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058 used by some evangelical communities in place of the usual baptismal service.) Tie Breaker Please note that if there are insufficient places available to take all the children from a particular criteria (other than criteria 16&17 - proximity to the school), consideration will be given to the following points:a. Whether the child has a sibling (see below) who will be on the school roll at the time of proposed admission. b. Proximity to the school, as set out in criteria 16 & 17 above. First priority in all categories will be given to children who will have brothers or sisters attending the school at the time of admission. Definition of Catholic The definition of Catholic (for the purposes of this policy) is either: 1. A child baptised in the Roman Catholic Church or baptised in one of the other rites of the Catholic Church whose members are in full communion with the Bishop of Rome (Pope Benedict XVI) (e.g. the Greek Catholic Church); or 2. A child baptised in another Christian faith who has been received into full communion in the Roman Catholic faith. 3. A child who, with his or her family, is enrolled in a recognised course of preparation leading to baptism (parishes are requested to keep appropriate records). Definition of Sibling For the purposes of this policy, siblings (brothers or sisters) are considered to be those children who live at the same address and either: a. have one or both natural parents in common or b. are related by a parent’s marriage or partnership or c. are adopted or fostered. Definition of Child in Public Care (Looked After) A child who is looked after by a local authority in accordance with section 22 of the Children’s Act 1989 (b) at the time an application for his/her admission to a school is made, and who the Local Authority can confirm will still be looked after at the time when he/she is admitted to the school. List of Churches Together in England (See for further details on membership) The Baptist Union Council of Oriental Orthodox Christian Churches British Antiochian Orthodox Church Ichthus Christian Fellowship Cherubim and Seraphim Council of Churches Independent Methodist Churches The Church of England Joint Council for Anglo-Caribbean Churches Church of God Prophecy Lutheran Council of Great Britain Church of Scotland (in England) The Methodist Church Congregational Federation United Reform Church Coptic Orthodox Wesleyan Holiness Church Council of African and Afro-Caribbean Churches parental responsibility for the child resides at the closing date for receiving applications for admission to the school. Where parental responsibility is held by more than one person and those persons reside in separate properties, the child’s ordinary place of residence will be deemed to be that property at which the child resides for the greater part of the week, including weekends. Newton Solney CE Voluntary Aided Infant Oversubscription Criteria 1. Looked after children 2. Children living in the catchment area (as defined by the Local Authority). 3. Parents who have requested education in the Christian faith. 4. Children who have brothers or sisters attending the school at the time of admission. The term brother or sister includes: • A half-brother and/or sister • A legally adopted child regarded as a brother or sister • A step-brother and/or sister residing in the same family unit Where choices have to be made between children satisfying the same criteria, those children living closest to the school (measured by the nearest available route) will be given preference. Redhill Primary (Foundation), Ockbrook Oversubscription Criteria Definitions Sibling The term sibling is defined as: • A brother and/or a sister • A half-brother and/or a half-sister • A legally adopted child being regarded as a brother or sister • A step-brother and/or step-sister residing in the same family unit Looked After Children A looked after child is a child who is in the care of a local authority or provided with accommodation by that authority. Parents are advised that priority is given to pupils who live in Ockbrook but this in itself does not guarantee a place. Where applications for admission into the school exceed the number of places available, the following criteria will be applied in the order set out below, to decide which children to admit. Where after the application of any criterion, there is still a case of oversubscription, the next criterion in the list shall be applied. If after application of all criteria set out in the list there is still oversubscription, then the remaining places available shall be determined by the drawing of lots. 1. Looked after children. Place of Residence The child’s ordinary place of residence will be deemed to be a residential property at which the person or persons with Page 70 2. Children living in the designated area, which is the parish of Ockbrook as defined by the Local Authority in 1993. INTRODUCTION Apply online. See 3. Children who have siblings currently attending the school at the time of application, who also will be on the school roll at the time the child starts school. (The Schools Admissions Code (2007) states that a child cannot be allocated a place at a school on the basis that a sibling or other relative is a former pupil, including siblings who were on roll at the time of application but will have left by the time the child starts school). which the school is situated. The ‘beneficial area’ covers children who live outside the ecclesiastical parish boundary, but within the Local Authority agreed area. 4. Where parents can demonstrate that admission to the school is necessary for the social or medical well being of their child. Supporting evidence from a doctor or social worker will be required at the time of application. 4. Children of parents not resident in the parish or beneficial area, who have requested a Christian* education and who as a family regularly** attend a Christian place of worship. Written evidence of the family’s commitment from their parish minister or other local priest should be submitted with the application. (*as defined by the council of churches for Britain and Ireland. ** we would expect this to be at least once a month). Pilsley C of E (Aided) Primary, Bakewell 2. Residence within the parish / catchment area of the school. 3. Siblings, adopted / foster brothers or sisters of pupils still attending the school at the time of admission. 4. Parents who have requested education in the Christian faith and can provide evidence of their commitment. 5. Parents who can demonstrate a special need of the child, which can be best met in a small school environment. 6. Children who attend Pilsley Pre-School Nursery. The Curzon CE (Aided) Primary, Quarndon Oversubscription Criteria Where applications for admissions exceed the number of places available, the following criteria will be applied in the order set out below to decide which children to admit. 1. Children looked after in public care. 2. Children of parents living in the parish or beneficial area in *Brothers and sisters are considered to be those children who live at the same address and either have one or both natural parents in common; or are related by a parent’s marriage, or are adopted or fostered. In the event of an over-subscription of children meeting any of the above criteria, the Governors will give priority according to the proximity of the child’s home to the school – measured by the shortest available route on the public highway, with those living nearer being given the higher priority. St Joseph’s Catholic Primary, Shirebrook Oversubscription Criteria If the number of applications exceeds the Planned Admission Number, governors will consider applications according to the following order of priority: 1 & 2. Baptised Catholic children in the care of the Local Authority. Priority will be given to children who have a sibling in school at the time of application and admission (see notes 1,2 and 3). LIST OF SCHOOLS LIST OF SCHOOLS In the event of governors having to make a choice between candidates with cases of equal strength, preference will be given to families who live nearest to the school measured by the nearest available route, as defined in the Local Authority parents guide. 6. All other children whose parents have requested a place. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Oversubscription Criteria 1. Children living in public care. 5. Children with documented medical or social needs, which are supported by evidence from a doctor, social worker or educational welfare officer, who, in the view of the Governors, would benefit from a place at the school. Parents must declare any special factors at the time of the original application for a place at the school. APPLYING FOR A PLACE Note The County Council has a Geographic Information System (GIS) to measure the nearest available route. It is measured by a standard walking distance calculated to within two metres. This measurement is taken from the postal address, normally the house front door. For schools, the grid reference will be the centre of the school. STARTING SCHOOL 5. Proximity of the child’s home to the school as provided to the school by the Derbyshire County Council Geographic Information System, with those having the shortest distance taking the highest priority, (see note below). 3. Children who have brothers or sisters* currently attending the school at the time of application and admission and who do not live in the normal area served by the school. 3 & 4. Baptised Catholic children living or worshipping in either the Parish of St. Joseph’s, Shirebrook with St. Bernadette’s, Bolsover or St. Teresa’s, Warsop. Priority will be given to children who have a sibling in school at the time of application and admission (see notes 1 and 2). 5 & 6. Baptised Catholic children from other parishes. Priority will be given to children who have a sibling in school at the time of application and admission (see notes 1 and 2). 7 & 8. Baptised children of Eastern Christian Churches. Priority will be given to children who have a sibling in school at the time of application and admission (see notes 1 and 4). 9 & 10. Children who are in the care of the Local Authority who are not already included in categories 3 to 8 inclusive. Page 71 Apply by phone. Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058 Priority will be given to children who have a sibling in school at the time of application and admission (see notes 1 and 3). 11 & 12. Baptised children of Christian faiths (See note 5) and dedicated members of other world faiths worshipping within their community whose parents/guardians have requested a Catholic education for them. Priority will be given to children who have a sibling in school at the time of application and admission (see note 1). 13 & 14. Baptised children whose parents/guardians request a Catholic education for them. Priority will be given to children who have a sibling in school at the time of application and admission (see note 1). 15 & 16. Other children whose parents/guardians request a Catholic education for them. Priority will be given to children who have a sibling in school at the time of application and admission (see note 1). If categories 3 to 6 inclusive are oversubscribed, priority will be given to children of parents who are regular Mass attenders. Parents will be required to complete a verification form and to have it signed by a priest who knows them. If categories 7 to 10 inclusive are oversubscribed, the governing body will make a decision based on the shortest distance between the applicant’s home and the main entrance of the school using the same method of measurement as used locally by the local authority. This distance “tie breaker” will be used in any of the categories if two or more applicants are equal in all other respects. Note 1 – Definition of Sibling Siblings (brothers or sisters) are considered to be those children who live at the same address and either: a. have one or both natural parents in common or b. are related by a parent’s marriage or c. are adopted or fostered Note 2 – Definition of Catholic 1. A child baptised in the Roman Catholic Church or baptised in one of the other rites of the Catholic Church whose members are in full communion with the Bishop of Rome (Pope Benedict XVI), (e.g. The Greek Catholic Church). 2. A child baptised in another Christian faith who has been received into full communion in the Roman Catholic faith. 3. A child who, with his or her family, is enrolled in a recognised course of preparation leading to baptism. (Parishes are requested to keep appropriate records). Note 3 – Definition of child in the care of the authority or looked after child (in public care) This includes any child/young person who is subject to a full care order, an interim care order, accommodated under section 20 of the Children Act 1989 or is remanded or detained into local authority accommodation under criminal law. Note 4 – Definition of Eastern Christian Churches These are the churches which are not in full communion with Rome but with which “there already exists an almost total communion… resulting from our joint participation in Christ and of his Church” (Pope Paul VI). For this reason we recommend that you indicate in this category that baptised members of these churches are given a higher priority than members of other Christian churches. The Eastern Christian churches are the Russian Orthodox Church, Council of Oriental Orthodox Page 72 Christian Churches and the Greek Orthodox Church. Note 5 – List of Churches Together in England (not including Roman Catholic or Eastern Christian Churches already mentioned in previous categories) The Baptist Union of Great Britain Cherubim and Seraphim Council of Churches Church of England Church of Scotland Council of African and Afro-Caribbean Churches Free Churches’ Council Congregational Federation Independent Methodist Churches Joint Council for Anglo-Caribbean Churches Lutheran Council of Great Britain Methodist Church Moravian Church New Testament Assembly Religious Society of Friends Salvation Army United Reformed Church Wesleyan Holiness Church Ichthus Christian Fellowship Note 6 – Place of Residence The child’s ordinary place of residence will be deemed to be a residential property at which the person or persons with parental responsibility for the child resides at the closing date for receiving applications for admission to the school. Where parental responsibility is held by more than one person and those persons reside in separate properties the child’s ordinary place of residence will be deemed to be that property at which the child resides for the greater part of the week, including weekends. Immaculate Conception Catholic Primary, Spinkhill Oversubscription Criteria Please note that children who have a Statement of Special Educational Needs that names the school are required to be admitted. Where there are more applications for admission than the planned admission number stated (see footnote 1), the governing body will apply the following criteria in strict order of priority: (Should the planned admission limit be reached mid category, the governing body, as the admissions authority will make a decision based on the shortest distance between the applicant’s home and the main entrance of the school by the most direct route as measured by the Local Authority). 1. Catholic children (see footnote 2) who are in public care (looked after children). 2. Catholic children (see footnote 2) who live and worship within the parishes of Spinkhill and Clowne. 3. Catholic children who are siblings of Catholic children attending Immaculate Conception Catholic Primary School at the time of their admission (see footnotes 2 and 3). 4. Catholic children (see footnote 2) who live or worship within the parishes of Spinkhill and Clowne. INTRODUCTION Apply online. See 5. Children in public care (looked after children) who are not baptised Catholics. A list of those Churches which are in Full Communion with the Roman Catholic Church is available from the Diocesan Schools’ Department (0114 2566 440). 6. Children who live in the village of Spinkhill. 8. Catholic children who worship in other Catholic parishes but who do not have a sibling in the school 9. Catholic children who live in other Catholic parishes 10. Children who are worshipping members of other Christian Churches as recognised by Churches Together in England (see footnote 4) whose parents have sought the written support of their minister and live within the parishes of Spinkhill and Clowne. 12. Children who have Special Educational Needs who are supported by professional evidence as to why Immaculate Conception Catholic Primary School is deemed the most appropriate setting to meet those needs. 13. Children whose parents are seeking a Christian environment for their children’s education. Footnote 1 This number has been calculated according to the capacity of the school, which the law defines and has been agreed with Derbyshire Local Authority. Definition of a Catechumen Catechumens are those children who have expressed an explicit desire to be baptised into the Roman Catholic Church and who are currently preparing to receive the same by regular participation in Sunday worship and a recognised programme of preparation. Place of Residence The child’s ordinary place of residence will be deemed to be a residential property at which the parent or persons with parental responsibility for the child resides at the closing date for receiving applications for admission to the school. Where parental responsibility is held by more than one person and those persons reside in separate properties, the child’s ordinary place of residence will be deemed to be that property at which the child resides for the greater part of the week. LIST OF SCHOOLS LIST OF SCHOOLS Footnote 2 “Catholic children” are children who have been baptised into the Roman Catholic Church, those formally received into the Roman Catholic Church, or those whose parents have been formally received into the Roman Catholic Church, Catechumens, Candidates for Reception (those formally preparing to be received into the Roman Catholic Church) or those members of Churches who are in Full Communion with the Roman Catholic Church. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Footnotes: Footnote 4 – Churches Together in England Antiochian Orthodox Synod The Baptist Union of Great Britain Cherubim and Seraphim Council of Churches Church of England Church of God of Prophecy Church of Scotland (in England) Congregational Federation Coptic Orthodox Church Council of African and Afro-Caribbean Churches Council of Oriental Orthodox Christian Churches Ichthus Christian Fellowship Independent Methodist Churches International Ministerial Council of Great Britain Joint Council for Anglo-Caribbean Churches Lutheran Council of Great Britain Methodist Church Moravian Church New Testament Assembly Oecumenical Patriarchate (Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain) Religious Society of Friends Roman Catholic Church Russian Orthodox Church Salvation Army Transatlantic and Pacific Alliance of Churches United Reformed Church Wesleyan Holiness Church APPLYING FOR A PLACE 11. Children who are worshipping members of other world faiths whose parents wish their children to be educated in a Christ centred environment and whose parents have the written support of their Religious Leader. Footnote 3 – Definition of Sibling For the sibling criteria to be applicable, one of the following conditions must exist: a) a brother and / or sister is permanently resident at the same address b) a stepbrother and / or stepsister is permanently resident at the same address (to include half brothers/sisters) STARTING SCHOOL 7. Other children who have siblings (see footnote 3) attending Immaculate Conception Catholic Primary School at the time of their admission. Definition of a Candidate for Reception Candidates for reception into Full Communion with the Roman Catholic Church are already baptised in another Christian tradition, who have expressed an explicit desire to be incorporated into the Roman Catholic Church and who are currently preparing to be received into the Church by regular participation in Sunday worship and a recognised programme of preparation. It is advisable that records of any such reception or incorporation are maintained by the parish. Page 73 Apply by phone. Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058 St Joseph’s Catholic & Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary, Staveley Roman Catholic Church, those formally received into the Roman Catholic Church, or those whose parents have been formally received into the Roman Catholic Church, Catechumens, Candidates for Reception (those formally preparing to be received into the Roman Catholic Church) or those members of Churches who are in Full Communion with the Roman Catholic Church. Oversubscription Criteria Please note that children who have a Statement of Special Educational Needs that names the school are required to be admitted. Definition of a Catechumen Catechumens are those children who have expressed an explicit desire to be baptised into the Roman Catholic Church and who are currently preparing to receive the same by regular participation in Sunday worship and a recognised programme of preparation. Should the planned admission limit be reached mid category, the governing body, as the admissions authority will make a decision based on the shortest distance between the applicant’s home and the main entrance of the school by the most direct route as measured by the Local Authority. 1. Children who are in public care (looked after children). 2. Baptised Catholic children and Church of England children (see footnote 1) who live or worship within the parishes of St Joseph’s, Staveley and those Church of England Parishes within the same parish bounds. 3. Baptised Catholic children and Church of England children (see footnote 1) who are siblings (footnote 2) of Catholic children or Church of England children currently attending St Joseph’s Catholic and Church of England school at the time of application and admission. “Church of England Children” are children whose parents/ carers/guardians are regular attendees (i.e. at least once a month) at a Church of England Parish Church within the same parish bounds as St Joseph’s Catholic Parish of Staveley. Such attendance must be confirmed in writing by an ordained priest from the parish group. 4. Baptised Catholic children and Church of England children (see footnote 1) who live and worship within the parishes of St Joseph’s, Staveley and those Church of England Parishes within the same parish bounds. A list of those Churches which are in Full Communion with the Roman Catholic Church is available from the Hallam Diocesan Schools’ Department (0114 2566440). 5. Other children who have siblings (footnote 2) attending St Joseph’s Catholic Primary and Church of England school at the time of application and admission. 6. Catholic children and Church of England children who live and worship in other Catholic or Church of England Parishes but who do not have a sibling in the school. 7. Children who are worshipping members of other Christian Churches as recognised by Churches Together in England (footnote 3) whose parents have sought the written support of their minister and live within the parishes of St Joseph’s, Staveley and those Church of England Parishes within the same parish bounds. 8. Children who are worshipping members of other world faiths whose parents wish their children to be educated in a Christ centred environment and whose parents have the written support of their Faith Leader. 9. Children who have special educational needs supported by professional evidence as to why St Joseph’s Catholic and Church of England school is deemed the most appropriate setting to meet those needs. 10. Children whose parents are seeking a Christian environment for their children’s education. Footnotes: Footnote 1 “Catholic children” are children who have been baptised into the Page 74 Definition of a Candidate for Reception Candidates for Reception into Full Communion with the Roman Catholic Church are already baptised in another Christian Tradition, who have expressed an explicit desire to be incorporated into the Roman Catholic Church and who are currently preparing to be received into the Church by regular participation in Sunday worship and a recognised programme of preparation. It is advisable that records of any such reception or incorporation are maintained by the parish. Footnote 2 – Definition of Sibling For the sibling criteria to be applicable, one of the following conditions must exist: a) a brother and/or sister is permanently resident at the same address b) a stepbrother and/or stepsister is permanently resident at the same address (to include half brothers/sisters). Footnote 3 – Churches Together in England The Baptist Union of Great Britain Cherubim and Seraphim Council of Churches Church of England Church of Scotland Congregational Federation Council of African and Afro-Caribbean Churches Council of Oriental Orthodox Christian Churches Free Churches’ Council Greek Orthodox Church Independent Methodist Churches Joint Council for Anglo-Caribbean Churches Lutheran Council of Great Britain Methodist Church Moravian Church New Testament Assembly Religious Society of Friends Roman Catholic Church Russian Orthodox Church Salvation Army United Reformed Church Wesleyan Holiness Church Ichthus Christian Fellowship International Ministerial Council of Great Britain INTRODUCTION Apply online. See Place of Residence The child’s ordinary place of residence will be deemed to be a residential property at which the parent or persons with parental responsibility for the child resides at the closing date for receiving applications for admission to the school. Bishop Pursglove CE Voluntary Aided Primary, Tideswell Where parental responsibility is held by more than one person and those persons reside in separate properties, the child’s ordinary place of residence will be deemed to be that property at which the child resides for the greater part of the week. 2. Children of parents living in the parish Oversubscription criteria 1. Looked after children. 3. Children who live within the normal area of the school (a map of which is available in school). 4. Children who live outside the normal area of the school. 3. Children who have a sibling in school at the time they are admitted (sibling means a brother or sister or an adopted brother or sister). 4. Children who have special needs that can best be met at the school. That is children who have medical or social grounds, supported by appropriate professional evidence. 5. Children of parents not resident in the parish or beneficial area in Tideswell but who have requested a Christian education for their children (parents should submit a letter of support from their priest, minister or pastor with their application). APPLYING FOR A PLACE 2. Children who have a sibling attending the school at the time of application and admission. (The term sibling shall include adopted brothers and sisters and children living at the same address). STARTING SCHOOL Belmont Primary (Foundation), Swadlincote Oversubscription Criteria 1. Children who are in public care *Note If any of these categories are oversubscribed, the governing body will make a decision based on the shortest distance between the applicant’s home and the main entrance of the school as measured by the council. The nearest to the school will be given priority. This distance “tie breaker” will be in any of the five categories, if two or more applicants are equal in all other respects. Within each category, children living nearest to the school would be given priority (measured by the shortest walking distance on public highways). ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Taddington and Priestcliffe CE Aided Primary Oversubscription Criteria 1. Children in public care. 2. Residence within the catchment area. 3. Siblings of pupils previously admitted to the school, including step-brothers and sisters, adopted children, and other children living permanently in the household, at the time of admission. LIST OF SCHOOLS LIST OF SCHOOLS 4. Prospective pupils whose parents specifically want their children to be educated in a Christian environment. 5. Pupils of parents who can demonstrate a special need such as convenience, transportation to the school, or a link with the village. 6. Pupils who attend Flagg Nursery School. 7. Others. In the event of over-subscription those children living nearest to the school would be given priority, measured by the nearest available route. Page 75 Apply by phone. Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058 Tintwistle CE (Aided) Primary Oversubscription Criteria In the event that there are more applicants than places, the governing body will allocate places using the following criteria, which are listed in order of priority: 1. Looked after children and children with Statements of Special Educational Needs naming the school or special medical or social circumstances affecting the child where these needs can only be met at this school. (See note (a) below). 2. Children who are resident in the parish of Tintwistle. (See note (b) below). 3. Children who have a sibling in school who will still be attending school the following year. (See note (c) below). 4. Children whose parents are involved in the work and worship of Christ Church or URC, Tintwistle. (See note (d) below). 5. Children whose parents have a commitment to a Christian church, as recognised by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland. 6. Children who live nearest to the school, measured along the shortest safe walking route. (See note (e) below). If there are not enough places to admit all applicants meeting any one criterion, the governors will apply the subsequent criteria, in order of priority, to all these applicants. Notes (a) Professional supporting evidence from e.g. a doctor, psychologist, social worker, is essential if admission is to be made under the criterion for special medical or social circumstances, and such evidence must set out the particular reasons why the school is question is the most suitable school and the difficulties which would be caused if the child had to attend another school. (b) A map showing the boundaries is available in school. (c) Siblings include step, half, foster, adopted brothers and sisters living at the same address and full brother and sister living apart. (d) By involved in the work and worship of the church we would expect parents to be on the electoral roll of Christ Church or the membership list of URC. Commitment to any other church should be demonstrable in the same way. Parents wishing to inform the school of their commitment to the church should complete the supplementary form available from the school. A letter from your incumbent or minister or other church officer will be required as proof of attendance. (e) Shortest safe walking routes will be calculated by the Local Authority using postal addresses. Turnditch CE Voluntary Aided Primary Oversubscription Criteria In considering applications for admissions, the Governors will, within the number of children it is intended to admit, give priority to: 1. Children in public care 2. Residence in the school’s defined area 3. Siblings of current pupils (older sibling must be in school when younger sibling starts). Children with a sibling already on the school roll. For clarification the definition of a sibling is as follows: • A brother and/or sister • A half-brother and/or half-sister • A legally adopted child regarded as a brother or sister. • A step-brother and/or step-sister residing in the same family unit. 4. Children of regular worshippers at the Parish Church who live outside the school’s defined area; 5. Children with special needs which the governors feel can best be met by the school; 6. Children who live outside the school’s defined area who are regular worshippers at a Parish Church with no church school; 7. A final choice will be made on the basis of the travelling distance the child lives from the school. (From the front door of child’s house to school gate). Scargill CE Voluntary Aided Primary, West Hallam Oversubscription Criteria 1. Looked after children. 2. Children of parents resident in the parish or benefice. Parishes in the benefice are St Wilfrid’s West Hallam, Holy Trinity Mapperley, St Andrew Stanley and Church of All Saints Stanley Common. 3. Children who have brothers or sisters already attending the school at the time of admission. 4. Children having special needs which can be best met at the school. 5. Children of parents not resident in the Parish or Benefice but which are sympathetic to the Christian nature of the school. Definitions – Sibling The term sibling is defined as: • A brother and/or a sister • A half-brother and/or half-sister • A legally adopted child being regarded as a brother or sister • A step-brother and /or step-sister residing in the same family unit Page 76 INTRODUCTION Apply online. See Looked after children A looked after child is a child who is in the care of a local authority or provided with accommodation by that authority. If oversubscribed the tie breaker of ‘shortest walking distance’ will apply in all 5 categories. Oversubscription Criteria If the number is exceeded then the places are allocated based on the following criteria: 1. Looked after children 2. Residence within the parish/normal catchment area of the school 4. Children who have siblings already attending the school. For the reasons of clarity a definition of sibling is as follows: • A brother and/or sister • A half-brother and/or half-sister • A legally adopted child regarded as a brother or sister • A step-brother and/or step-sister residing in the same family unit. All Saints CE Voluntary Aided Primary, Youlgrave Oversubscription Criteria 1. Children in public care (resident within the normal school catchment area). 3. Siblings, adopted or foster brothers and sisters of pupils attending the school at the time of admission. 4. Parents who have requested education in the Christian faith and who can provide evidence of their commitment. 5. Parents who can demonstrate a special need of the child or the parents. Kirklees Council West Yorkshire 01484 225007/8/9 Leicestershire County Council 0116 305 6684 Nottinghamshire County Council 01623 433433 Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council 0161 770 4213 Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council 01709 822505 Sheffield City Council 0114 2735766 Staffordshire County Council 01785 278593 Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council 0161 474 3926 / 474 3949 LIST OF SCHOOLS LIST OF SCHOOLS 2. Children resident within the ecclesiastical parish of Youlgrave with Middleton. Derby City Council 01332 716940 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION In the event of governors having to make a choice between candidates with cases of equal strength, the shortest walking route from home front door to school gate will be used in making the decision. Cheshire County Council 0845 1110304 APPLYING FOR A PLACE 3. Parents who have requested education in the Christian faith and who can provide written evidence of their Christian commitment. Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council 01226 773689 STARTING SCHOOL Weston on Trent CE (Aided) Primary Neighbouring Councils Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council 0161 3423208 Warwickshire County Council 01926 742037 (central and south) 01926 742047 (north and east) In the event of the governing body having to make a choice between candidates who tie on the criteria above then the precedence will be given to the children living nearest to the school measured by the most direct walking route. Page 77 Apply by phone. Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058 Page 78 INTRODUCTION Apply online. See Send us your feedback STARTING SCHOOL How to apply for a place at Primary School – a guide for parents We should be glad to know whether you found this guide helpful. Please complete the following questions, cut out this page and return it to the address below via your child’s school or by post. Did you find the guide: Please circle as appropriate Very Good Poor 2 3 4 5 Easy to understand, without too much jargon? 1 2 3 4 5 Contained the information you wanted? 1 2 3 4 5 Well laid out, so that you could find the sections you wanted? 1 2 3 4 5 Gave you a better understanding of the admission process and related matters? 1 2 3 4 5 Overall did you find the guide helpful? 1 2 3 4 5 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1 APPLYING FOR A PLACE Clearly written? Are there any issues not covered in the guide which you think should be included in future? Do you have any suggestions for improving the guide? LIST OF SCHOOLS LIST OF SCHOOLS Are you responding as a parent/governor/DCC employee/other? – please specify Thank you for your help. Please return to: Public Relations, Derbyshire County Council, County Hall, Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 3AG Page 79 Apply by phone. Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058 Page 80 If you apply online, make a note of these details so that you can log on to get your allocation on 28 March 2008. Username Password Unique identification number The information in this guide was correct at the time of going to press but may be subject to amendment at a later date. A separate guide is produced for admissions to secondary schools. The information contained in this guide relates to the admission of children to reception classes for the 2008/2009 academic year. It also applies to children who will transfer from infant school to junior school in September 2008. If you are a parent wanting a place for your child in a Derbyshire primary, infant or junior school the information contained in this booklet explains how you can apply for a primary school place for your child. You can apply for a school place online at You can apply for a school place by telephone by ringing Call Derbyshire on 08 456 058 058. You must apply by 3.30pm on Friday 14 December 2007. Design:
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