MR Imaging Infertility1 in Male Rosaleen B. Parsons, MD Andrea M Fisher, MD Natan Bar-Chama, MD Harold A. Mitty, MD In patients with male infertility, endorectal magnetic resonance (MR) provides high-resolution images of the prostate gland and ejaculatory apparatus. The multiplanar capability of MR imaging allows production of a detailed map of the reproductive tract for guiding treatment. Causes of male infertility can be classified as congenital, acquired, infectious, or hormonal. Wolifian duct abnormalities include agenesis of the kidney, vas deferens, or seminal vesicle and cysts of the vas deferens, seminal vesicle, or urogenital sinus-ejaculatory duct. M#{252}llerian duct abnormalities are less common and consist of mUllerian duct cysts and utricle cysts. Cowper duct cysts and peripheral-zone prostatic cysts are acquired causes of male infertility. Prostatitis, an infectious cause of male infertility, may mimic carcinoma on long repetition time/echo time images. A low testosterone level is one of the hormonal causes of male infertility. Pitfalls in the interpretation of MR images can be avoided by famiiarity with normal and abnormal findings in patients with male infertilimaging ity. INTRODUCTION . Fifteen percent is usually to of couples attributable half of the ejaculatory (US) duct) cases and is the US endo- rectal high-resolution Abbreviation: Gustave ceived print RSNA, spin 1997; July 15, requests accurately depict (MR) of the the the has gland vas (Fig deferens it (2). used However, tortuous US genital noninvasive tract. nonis opCT technique, capability adjacent 1). tract, commonly multiplanar and (deferent genital tract. A third imaging, prostate male most a dilated, ultrasound deferens apparatus of the are capability. with vas ejaculatory reproductive in close of the and pro- structures. echo system, of Radiology Pt, New 1996; (CT) found imaging of the the in conceiving be performed of evaluating male multiplanar resonance be stricture the can abnormalities, 84. 147 - Genitourinarv system, MR. 8. 12149 - Sterility 17:627-637 Departments L. Levy method Difficulty suspected, can tomography not (1). factor cannulation of postprocedure images Genitourinary RadloGraphics the lacks magnetic SE terms: may and infertile a male to opacify investigating and are is clinically requires traditional computed for radiation vides From and dependent involves factor material a risk techniques erator I carries States however, Vasography and vasography Transrectal a male guidance of contrast and invasive When injection is invasive United sterility; is performed. fluoroscopic Although Index (1). apparatus or in the to female York, revision (R.B.P., NY 10029. requested A.M.F.. Presented September HAM.) and as a scientific 5 and received Urology exhibit December (N.B.C.). at the 26; Mount 1995 RSNA accepted Sinai Medical scientific 1)cccmher Center. assembly. 3 1 . Address One Rere- to R.B.P. 1997 627 Table 1 Embryologic Tract Origins of the Male Embryologic Structure Permanent Structures Mesonephric Wolffian tubules Efferent duct Knowledge of the pearances of the images can this help one we present article, of lesions ian include duct avoid with anomalies), (Cowper are imaged Our (Signa; GE Medical disposable tum and In mUllerduct vesicle coil and at- in the planes. 500/1 msec) for fast The and (Fig Three paired pathologic and forms in the bules that ducts fetus: enter ducts. and 4,000/i (Fig 50 2). fetal the the development 3. Drawing (lateral view) shows a 5week-old embryo. A = pronephros, B = mesonephros, C = wotffian (mesonephric) duct, D = metanephros, E = ureteric bud, F = doaca, G = allantois. (Adapted and reprinted, with permission, from reference 3.) of the in understanding features organs the metanephros. 3rd join are time of male in- 1). excretory in the nephros, is helpful 3) (Table quentially parameters images of the tract anatomic fertility secand DEVELOPMENT knowledge genitourinary a Figure U EMBRYOLOGIC A basic a with msec/echo images (SE) is ad- obtaining sagittal, time A rec- contiguous following Ti-weighted spin-echo in the image axial, 2 (repetition unit of glucagon 4-mm-thick acquired coronal wolffian 1 mg localizer coil, are MR Wis). is placed After Ti-weighted used: a 1 .5-T Milwaukee, intramuscularly. phased-array week bilateral cloaca appear pronephros, The pronephros and consists pronephric and evolve semesoThe of iiiducts. into the kidney, generates. The Scientific Exhibit a temporary, appears as the ureteric buds ducts) branch from the weeks. These buds detach nephric U mesonephros, primitive ducts, 628 duct. IMAGING with Systems, insufflated, sagittal tions MR endorecta! ministered The paramesonephric infectious (seminal OF patients the the Such and cysts), called features infertility. acquired *Also tatic utricle Urinary bladder, prostate gland, prostatic utricle sinus entities. U TECHNIQUE for male MR pitfalls. prostatic hormonal on imaging (wotffian and ap- tract MR congenital (prostatitis), abnormal diagnostic the peripheral-zone rophy) and reproductive associated lesions and normal male of epi- ulatory duct, epididymis, appendix of epididymis Appendix of testis, pros- M#{252}llerian duct* Urogenital ductules didymis Renal collecting system, ureter, vas deferens, seminal vesicle, ejac- Figure 1. Vasogram obtained to confirm patency of the vasa deferentia (arrowhead) shows an opacifled right seminal vesicle (arrow). The left seminal vesicle was not evaluated. Genital extend blastemas. caudally, de- (metanephric wolifian ducts from and Each functioning, pronephros bud Volume meet the the eventually 17 at 5 fetal wolffian metabe- Number 3 b. a. C- Figure 2. (a) Axial fast SE MR image (4,000/140) shows peripheral zone (arrow). B = rectal balloon, C = prostatic muscle, N = neurovascular bundle, 0 = obturator internus image (5,500/147) shows the vasa deferentia (arrows). BL age (5,500/147) shows the seminal vesicles (arrows). (d) the ejaculatory ducts (arrows). comes a ureter blastemas form and collecting the metanephros system, while the or permanent kidney. The wolifian the male the epididymis, duct internal deferens, ejaculatory The of the fuse ducts grow with May-June an outgrowth 1997 into appendix of epididymis, duct, seminal vas vesicle, join This induced weeks. in the of the by The becomes has no ducts involute factor, which cells of the testis. m#{252}llerian duct The the gland utricle, The m#{252}llerian to m#{252}llerian regres- is secreted The by the appendix Sertoli of the testis is a remnant. urogenital develops prostate prostatic function. secondary sion and the known sinus into the derives arises from bladder from and the cloaca urethra. the urethra et al U The (3-6). mUllerian midline, urogenital region which and are at 5 fetal caudally, matures the bladder. m#{252}llerian ducts wolffian and tract: paradidymis, hemitrigone ducts persists genital the central prostate gland (arrowhead) and capsule, I = ischiorectal fossa, L = levator ani muscle, R = rectal wall. (b) Axial fast SE MR = urinary bladder. (c) Axial fast SE MR imAxial fast SE MR image (5,500/147) shows and sinus. Parsons RadioGraphics U 629 Duct Cyst Deferens of inal e Figure 4. Drawing and periprostatic reprinted, with erence 8.) U CAUSES shows OF MALE abnormalities endorectal MR as congenital, (Table that often early congenital (before the ducts and ureteric bud. 8 weeks usually may Woiffian and Defects cause oc- isolated (7). abnormalities manifest as prostatic Lesions Duct normalities are Anomalies. more of the vesicles, Less common duct cysts cysts. and vas include deferens, and anomalies and -Wolifian common abnormalities seminal 7 weeks) wolifian 4). Congenital agenesis abnorerrors involve (Fig duct or hormonal and urogenital than renal absent seminal include U Scientific duct ab- m#{252}llerian Infertifity agenesis, or small vesicle cysts (6). ejaculatory sinus-ejaculatory Zinner esis duct syndrome with is renal ipsilateral Unilateral of the Exhibit of Male Congenital Woifflan duct anomalies Renal agenesis or atrophy Vas deferens agenesis or cyst Seminal vesicle agenesis or cyst Ejaculatory duct cyst MUllerian duct anomalies Mflllerian duct cyst Utnicle cyst Acquired Cowper duct cyst Peripheral-zone prostatic cyst Infectious Prostatitis Hormonal Seminal vesicle atrophy teric 630 2 Causes classified Developmental abnormalities cysts . experience, Table with be infectious, or m#{252}llerian duct These can in gestation after wolffian seen severe mUllerian cumng be They predominate. occur are can imaging. In our and ref- INFERTIliTY acquired, 2). malities prostatic cysts. (Adapted permission, from Numerous Vesicle Cyst renal agenesis population (5). bud fails tema and induce ney. There genital tract which are to meet the is a high or dysgen- vesicle is seen It occurs the cysts in about when the of the with most 17 kid- ipsilateral common abnormalities Volume ureblas- development vesicle (9, iO). 0.1% the metanephric association anomalies, seminal agenesis seminal of (Fig Number 5). 3 b. a. d. Figure e. Zinner quence (100/13.8) topic, blind-ending ter (arrow) entering dilated vas deferens rograde ending, May-June c. 5- urethrogram bifid ureter 1997 syndrome. (a) Coronal MR image obtained with a fast multiplanar spoiled gradient-echo seshows absence of the right kidney. (b) Sagittal fast SE MR image (4,00()/147) shows an ccureter (arrow). (c) Sagittal fast SE MR image (4,000/147) slightly lateral to b shows the urea dilated seminal vesicle (arrowheads). (d) Sagittal fast SE MR image (4,0()0/147) shows a (arrow). (e) Sagittal fast SE MR image (4,000/147) shows a dilated seminal vesicle. (I) Retof another with ectopic patient with similar examination insertion into a seminal vesicle results cyst. shows left renal Parsons agenesis Ct al and U a blind- RadioGraphics U 631 6, 7. (6) Axial fast SE MR image (4,000/147) shows congenital absence of the vasa deferentia. The linear structures of high signal intensity anterior to the prostate gland are vascular and mimic the vasa. The normal vasa are convoluted, not linear. (7) Coronal fast SE MR image (3,000/ 1 30) shows congenital absence of the left seminal vesicle and vas deferens. There is a seminal vesicle cyst in an atrophic right seminal vesicle (arrow). Arrowhead indicates where the vas deferens should enter the prosFigures tate gland. 6. Unilateral present agenesis in (i 1). Bilateral infertile and 6). may be seminal than but i% of cystic fibro- with unilat- seminal vesicle volume, in width spermatozoa are Urogenital duct and ejaculatory cysts may gland are defined The semen and absent has large as smaller is low an acid enter The Because cysts, These Figure 8. Axial fast shows a large, midline, duct cyst. are the sinus. extend (Fig from these spermatozoa. and cysts derived urogenital in pH. ( 1 4 , i 5). duct cysts (8,i6,i7) in width. or dysmotile ducts contain tate (13). Hypo- as smaller 7 mm than prostatic both extremely defined sinus-ejaculatory midline be are fructose, 7) semi- (Fig of infertility. vesicles lacks wolffian or absent a cause greater seminal 7 mm rare have vesicles 1 1 mm Atrophic than in about with all patients atrophic, vesicles plastic is males (1 1). Hypoplastic, nal is present agenesis abnormalities deferens normal is associated Almost or bilateral vas of otherwise agenesis men sis (1 2) (Fig eral of the 1%-7% 7. beyond the can pros- 8). cysts and (1 8, i 9). DuctAnomalies. utricle The the m#{252}llerian duct, rives cysts -M#{252}llerian are m#{252}llerian duct from separate entities cyst is derived duct and ejaculatory from utricle cysts U Scientific Exhibit whereas a dilatation these cysts. may cause M#{252}llerian duct cysts and are cyst can Large de- utricle. be urogenital identical sinus- m#{252}llerian duct and obstruction. occur in i% of men discovered utricle prostatic entities from duct cysts the of the indistinguishable newborns 632 (7,700/147) ejaculatory the cysts Radiographically, M#{252}llerian SE MR image hemorrhagic in 4%-5% (20). of male Usually, in infertile men Volume 17 the in the Number 3rd 3 Figures (9a) 9, 10. Coronal fast SE MR image (3,000/126) shows a hemorrhagic and debris-filled mullerian duct cyst. (9b) Sagittal fast SE MR image (5,000/126) shows the hematocrit effect of blood within the cyst. (10) Axial (5,000/140) (a) and coronal (3,000/ 130) (b) fast SE MR images show a utricle cyst. or 4th decade common of life; cause in this subgroup anomalies (2,2 are cysts not communicate When are large, the prostate and debris Most do not tract. Both May-June the most cysts obstruction genital spherical with extend and (Fig cysts and intraprostatic tract the prostatic and superolaterally may contain can researchers m#{252}llerian duct contain (23,24). Utricle dias, cysts and are intersex manifest often agenesis above cysts, utricle cysts prostate gland. the prostatic (Fig 10). do They urethra an increased in the associated disorders, renal whether that with carcinoma lateral spermatozoa believe associated urethra. hemorrhage 9). It is debatable communicate 1997 are prostatic of life they (16) (2 1 ,22). are duct 1). Associated gland m#{252}llerian duct cysts cysts rare. The do such of ejaculatory rate first 2 decades with hypospa- cryptorchidism, (8). Unlike not extend or ipsi- m#{252}llerian duct beyond communicate and contain of freely the with spermatozoa these with the genital cysts and utricle Parsons et a! U RadioGraphics U 633 11. 12a. Figures 11, 12. (11) Retrograde urethrogram retrograde filling of the Cowper glands (arrows). blood within a Cowper duct cyst (arrow). (12b) per duct cyst (arrow). P = prostate gland. . Acquired Lesions Cowper (bulbourethral) The accessory Bartholin tion, the rial cant organs glands in females. Cowper that for the the drains into the 2.3% the (28). structed form of prenatal and early to urinary obstruction been have trauma duct large retention (29-34). In adults, (26,28,35). Most such cysts are however, large cysts may cause including discharge, and coronal the urogenital (Fig 12). Acquired peripherally as parasitic be prostate cysts located cysts. cysts or asymp- helpful Sagittal are smooth-walled, are categorized with noma, and do communicate not contain carci- The creases with U Scientific Exhibit (4,000/147) found prostatic retention left peripheral zone. cysts retention spermatozoa with age, prostatic (Fig with the 1 3). These genital of prostatic however, benign cysts cysts tract or (8,36). pathogenesis is unknown; 634 Axial fast SE MR image in identifying of these associated 13. shows an incidentally cyst (arrow) in the urethral origin They Figure urinary bloody dribbling. can diaphragm cysts, to infection hematuria, postvoiding images cases secondary due symptoms and obSeveral occur tomatic; cysts in an lesions death from 1 1). rare; become postnatal reported (Fig are cysts. lies duct of such can retention cysts gland (25-27) glands ducts lubri- The urethra mate- and main prevalence The and Cowper The Cowper ejacula- a mucoid diaphragm. bulbar study, was before milieu spermatozoa. of the autopsy Just an alkaline paired to the secrete urogenital Lesions are analogous glands provides within glands sexual 12b. shows an anterior urethral stricture (arrowhead) and (12a) Axial fast SE MR image (4,000/147) shows Sagittal fast SE MR image (4,000/147) shows a Cow- and their they retention frequency are seen hypertrophy Volume in patients (37). 17 cysts inInfer- Number 3 14. 15. Figures 14, 15 (14) Coronal fast SE MR image (4,000/1 30) shows prostatitis. peripheral gland demonstrates diffuse decreased signal intensity (arrow). (15) fast SE MR image (5,500/147) shows tuberculous prostatitis. Diffuse, abnormal signal intensity is present in the peripheral zone (arrow). prostatitis appear malities in the guishable as low-signal-intensity peripheral from (39,40) (Fig vesicles have rial The Axial low the 14). been usually age Primary common; can of carcinoma cause seminal of bacte- infertility (Fig affects (41). 1 5) is rare. persons 20-40 tuberculous secondary indistin- in cases prostatitis infection are or atrophic identified which Tuberculous abnor- that abnormalities Stenotic prostatitis, (42). zone The years prostatitis infection develops passage of infected urine through urethra. Ejaculatory duct strictures of is unafter the prostatic can develop (21). I Figure 16. Axial fast shows atrophic seminal ary to a low testosterone Hormonal The SE MR image (4,000/138) vesicles (arrows) secondlevel. nificant which is produced cells, have prevalence trol been of retention patients found cysts to have than a higher fertile con- (2). Infectious Prostatitis gland. The however, inflammation causes of prostatitis nonbacterial (38). On ages, chronic May-June long of the are causes for by the (43). A low testosterone causes of male testosterone tion Kansas of luteinizing City, can Mo), vesicle level (Fig improved Marion which se- is one infertility be (Clomid; Tesprostate of seminal levels citrate is the Leydig spermatogenesis, cretions Dow, gland, synthesis. production hormonal a sig- of 16). with Merrell induces produc- hormone. predominate repetition time/echo prostatitis and 1997 prostate numerous; pituitary is produced is required clomiphene is acute in the which plays hormone, of testosterone and the Lesions patient Luteinizing growth, Low . of the in fertility. regulator tosterone, patients status role major tile Lesions hormonal time MR im- granulomatous Parsons Ct al U RadioGraphics U 635 U CONCLUSIONS MR imaging place transrectal patients be whom We for multiplanar selected in identifying and ureters the extent vas deferens, ages can and serve ACknowledgments: for help MR 7. in definithe beneficial paths of ectopic, and quantify- seminal vesicle, gland (44). 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