ORGANISATIONS 2013 ANNUAL OPERATIONS How to Apply Guidelines and Application Form Closing Date 20 July 2012 Please note: it takes a minimum of 12 weeks from the closing date until funding results are available. ORGANISATIONS 2012 ANNUAL OPERATIONS How to Apply Guidelines and Application Forms Closing Date 20 July 2012 Please note: it takes a minimum of 12 weeks from the closing date until funding results are available. General information Organisations Program Review Please read these guidelines carefully. They explain the priorities, assessment criteria and the information you must provide in your application. Arts Victoria is currently undertaking a comprehensive review of the Organisations funding program and the portfolio of organisations it supports. While there will be no changes to the Annual Operations program for 2013, the future of the program is being considered as part of the review. While an application may be assessed as meeting program requirements, funding is highly competitive. Previous support does not commit Arts Victoria to further funding of that applicant or activity. Please note that it is the applicant’s responsibility to provide the information and support material requested in these guidelines. Ensure that you keep a copy of your application for your records. If you have a disability and need guidance on submitting an application to any Arts Victoria program, please discuss this with the relevant program staff at least four weeks prior to the funding closing date by contacting Arts Victoria reception on (03) 8683 3100 or [email protected]. If you have difficulty understanding these guidelines, or would prefer discussing them in your first language, please contact the Victorian Interpreting and Translating Services on 131450 and ask to be connected to Arts Victoria. Organisations program overview The Organisations program provides operational funding to a wide range of key arts and cultural organisations across Victoria – including both competitive, peer-assessed funding and invitation-only multi-year packages of support. The program has three funding categories: 1. Annual Operations 2. Multi-year Operations 3. Federal Partnerships These guidelines and application form relate to Category 1: Annual Operations. More information on the Organisations program can be found at organisations. Page 2 of 12 For further information on the Review go to the Organisations Program Review page at Aims and objectives The Organisations program aims to deliver a dynamic and well managed arts and cultural infrastructure which produces and presents quality arts activities, and promotes the participation of all Victorians in the arts. The Organisations program provides funding for Victorian-based arts and cultural organisations or organisations delivering significant outcomes for Victoria. It aims to achieve a balance across: artform/activity region reach diversity. The program delivers on the following key objectives outlined in the Arts Victoria Act 1972: developing and improving the knowledge, understanding, appreciation and practice of the arts in Victoria; and increasing the availability and accessibility of the arts to the public in Victoria. The program works with and is informed by the following: Multicultural Victoria Act 2004 Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 Disability Discrimination Act 1992 Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 Annual Operations Annual Operations is a competitive category that considers eligible applications on a year by year basis. Funding is for one year only. Organisations must not assume that funding will be on going in subsequent years. ORGANISATIONS 2012 ANNUAL OPERATIONS How to Apply Guidelines and Application Forms The Annual Operations category provides funding for organisations that generally work to a one year business or operational plan. Support is for costs associated with creating and presenting high quality programs or services that contribute to the diversity of arts activity in Victoria. Organisations funded in this category have demonstrated, over time, a dynamic and responsive artistic and/or cultural program underpinned by an effective management model. It is essential that applicants contact Annual Operations program staff before submitting an application. The Annual Operations category has been developed in response to the diversity of artistic and management practice in the small arts and cultural sector. Annual Operations aims to support organisations: whose program is of high artistic quality whose program is relevant to a significant audience or participant base that engage with professional artists in either process or outcome that have sound management and financial accountability that have a track record of achievement, artistically and operationally. Eligibility Annual Operations welcomes applications from legally constituted not-for-profit, nongovernment organisations. Common structures for funded organisations include Incorporated Associations and Companies Limited by Guarantee. Eligible organisations must demonstrate that they undertake artistic and cultural activities as their main business and that their turnover (total income, including this funding request) is between $100,000 and $1,000,000. Organisations receiving funding in this category are generally Victorian-based. Applications are also accepted from national arts organisations offering significant benefits to Victorians. Page 3 of 12 This program will accept applications on the applicant’s behalf from an auspice organisation. Any legally constituted body may act as an auspice. It is recommended that applicants have a clear written agreement with the auspice organisation. For further information on auspiced applications go to Information for All Applicants at Applicants who have not satisfactorily acquitted previous Arts Victoria funding are not eligible to apply for or receive further funding. Levels of funding Funding is available from $30,000 per annum with a maximum request of $75,000. Annual Operations priority areas for 2013 The program is particularly interested to receive funding submissions from organisations within the following priority areas for Annual Operations in 2013: Artform: dance, literature, new media, music and other performing arts (such as circus, physical theatre and puppetry). Type of activity: community development activities and industry service activities. Region: organisations located in provincial Victoria (particularly Gippsland, Loddon Mallee, Barwon, Hume and Grampians) and the Southern Metropolitan region. Diversity: organisations that support indigenous people, CALD people and people with a disability. What will not be funded The following activities are not funded through Annual Operations: activities that do not involve professional artists in either process or outcome competitions, prizes, awards, fundraising activities or award exhibitions documentation, promotion, audience development and/or marketing as a standalone activity projects whose primary focus and intent is screen culture activities, including narrative and non-narrative film/video making, film script development and animation (refer to Film Victoria) a program of activities due to commence before January 2013 ORGANISATIONS 2012 ANNUAL OPERATIONS How to Apply Guidelines and Application Forms applications received outside the stated closing date. Assessment criteria Annual Operations applications will be competitively assessed on evidence of how well they meet the following criteria: Artistic merit The quality and relevance of the program. The level of artistic or other professional skills appropriate to the activities. The extent to which the program engages professional artists in either process or outcome. The potential of the work to contribute to the quality and diversity of arts activity in Victoria. Audience and engagement Evidence of a sizeable audience or constituency. Capacity to attract new audiences and/or community participants. Evidence of effective marketing strategies. Impact statement The extent of impact on operations of the organisation including: governance, business systems and strategic planning. The extent to which the organisation can develop new opportunities, income sources and/or partnerships. The extent to which the organisation plays a distinctive role and strengthens its position within the arts and cultural sector in Victoria. Operations The extent to which the organisation can demonstrate good planning and effective use of resources. The extent to which the organisation has administrative, financial and governance practices in place. The extent to which the organisation can demonstrate it has a range of income sources. This may include financial or inkind support from government and nongovernment agencies, earned and philanthropic or sponsorship income. Note – Arts Victoria will not provide 100% of the program budget. Page 4 of 12 Assessment process Applications will be assessed against the stated criteria by Arts Victoria officers, who also consider advice from a peer advisory group drawn from a range of experienced arts and cultural industry practitioners and administrators. The peer advisory group assesses funding applications in relation to three of the evaluation criteria; Artistic Merit, Audience and Engagement and the Impact Statement. Funding recommendations are submitted to the Minister for the Arts for approval. Applicants should not assume they will be successful, and enter into commitments based on that assumption, before receiving formal written notification of the final decision. It takes a minimum of 12 weeks from the closing date until funding results are available. How to apply All written material must be legible when photocopied. Applicants to this program should note the following: use an 11 point font size on plain white A4 paper for originals and photocopies present all material on one side of the page only use black ink only do not staple, bind or place your application in a folder all handwritten material must be legible and able to be photocopied faxed applications will not be accepted. Applications for this program should include the following six sections and must be no more than 11 pages in length (not including support material or mandatory financial and statistical templates). Section 1 – Contact Information This form provides essential contact details and must be completed by all applicants. Part A – Organisation Details Part B – Auspice Details If applying through an auspice, applicants must fill in Part B as well as Part A and a ORGANISATIONS 2012 ANNUAL OPERATIONS How to Apply Guidelines and Application Forms representative of the auspice must sign the Declaration. Section 2 – Application Summary This form summarises the application and provides an introduction to the organisation. Section 3 – Written Proposal Arts Victoria does not provide a form for this section. The written proposal must include details on one year’s activity addressing the following: 3.1 – Artistic Program (3-5 pages) Provide a statement regarding the artistic rationale including the curatorial vision and selection process for developing the program. Provide program details including confirmed dates, locations, professional artists and other personnel involved. Provide brief biographies of confirmed artists/creative personnel involved in the program. Describe how your organisation engages with your artform sector. Describe how the program will contribute to the quality and diversity of arts and cultural programming in Victoria. 3.2 Audience and Engagement (1-2 pages) Describe the target audience/market and the relevance of the program to that audience. Describe how you will attract an audience for the program including the distribution and/or marketing strategies. Describe what evaluation methods you will use to measure the effectiveness of your distribution/marketing strategies. 3.3 Impact Statement (1 page) Describe for what specific purposes Annual Operations funding will be used in 2013. Provide a statement regarding the desired impact of Annual Operations funding on your 2013 operations and artistic program. Include a description of opportunities that might be realised if you are successful in receiving this grant. 3.4 Operations and Governance (3 pages) A description of the current management and staffing structure including staff EFT and volunteers. Page 5 of 12 A description of what the staffing would look like with Annual Operations funding (eg additional staff members or increased EFT) Brief biographies of current key management positions (eg Artistic Director, Manager, Editor, Gallery Director). A matrix of current Board/Committee members, including position, respective skills and length of tenure. A description of how the organisation makes decisions about its artistic program, management and budgeting. As evidence of your organisation’s planning, your Business/Operational Plan may be submitted as part of support material. This is not a mandatory requirement. Section 4 – Detailed Annual Budget You must submit a detailed annual budget, using the Financial Reporting Template, of all revenues and specific costs associated with your program including production, administration, salaries and marketing. Please indicate in the $Arts Victoria column on the Summary Budget tab of the Financial Reporting Template where Annual Operations funding would be expended. The Financial Reporting Template is available from the Annual Operations page of the Organisations section of the Arts Victoria website at Section 5 – Quantitative Data Summary This is a statistical summary on programming, marketing, financials and employment levels over a three year period. This information will enable Organisations Program staff the opportunity to assess your 2013 budget and program in the context of your organisation’s past and present achievements. The QDS template is available to download from the Arts Victoria website at Section 6 – Support Material The support material you submit is very important as it enables both Arts Victoria staff and the peer advisory panel to gain an understanding of your artistic program. ORGANISATIONS 2012 ANNUAL OPERATIONS How to Apply Guidelines and Application Forms Your support material should be your own work and the work of other key artists involved in the program where possible. You should submit your best work that is recent and relevant. Ensure that you do not provide promotional material as opposed to examples and an illustration of your program. A description of appropriate media for different artform support material is at Section 6 of the application form. Section 7 – Declaration All applicants must sign and date the Declaration. If the organisation is auspiced, the auspice body’s representative must also sign the Declaration on this page. Applications with unsigned Declaration forms will not be accepted. Enquiries Further information about the Annual Operations category can be obtained from Annual Operations Program staff. Telephone: 03 8683 3100 Fax: 03 9686 6186 Email: [email protected] Freecall: 1800 134 894 (Regional Victoria only) Additional information Arts Victoria offers a range of funding programs. Information on these programs is provided on the Arts Victoria website at In conjunction with the Australia Council, Arts Victoria has developed planning tools that may assist organisations. They are: Business Plan Framework Financial Reporting Template These documents are available on the Arts Victoria website. Freedom of information Arts Victoria treats all information provided in support of a grant application in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2000, Public Records Act 1973 and the Freedom of Information Act 1982. Page 6 of 12 Glossary of terms Audience/Attendances – general audience attending performances, exhibitions, events and other programmed activities. Does not include broadcast audience numbers. Budget – to include income and expenditure of the organisations entire operations for one year or more. Constituents – can refer to either the areas into which a country is divided for election purposes, or customers (ie audiences/ participants/artists) considered as a group of people served by an organisation. EFT – Equivalent Full Time. Participants – people who attend or participate in seminars, conferences, workshops, masterclasses, projects or other activities (where the intention of the activity is the development of skills for participants and/or collaboration between artists and participants in a creative process). To calculate the number of participants, multiply the number of sessions by the number of participants in each session. If your organisation runs a series of ten workshops with the same five people then there would be 50 participants. Professional Artist – a practising artist who has specialised training in their field (not necessarily in academic institutions), is recognised by their peers (professional practitioners working in the artform area), is committed to devoting significant time to artistic activity and has a history of public presentation. Volunteer – someone who performs a service out of their own free will without payment. ORGANISATIONS 2012 ANNUAL OPERATIONS How to Apply Guidelines and Application Forms SECTION 1 – CONTACT INFORMATION If you are an: Organisation applying, complete Part A Auspice applying for an organisation, complete Parts A & B Part A – Organisation Details Please enter organisation details here. If you are applying using an Auspice, enter details of the Organisation that is being auspiced. Full Name of Organisation: Street Address: Postcode Postal Address (if different): Postcode Contact Details: Salutation First Name of Contact Person Family Name of Contact Person Position of Application Contact Person Business Hours Phone Alternative Phone/Mobile Fax Email Organisation website Organisation Details: Trading Name ABN/ACN Yes No Are you GST Registered? Legal Status of Organisation Under its articles or constitution, is the organisation a not-for-profit body? Yes No In what year was the organisation formed? On what date did you submit your last annual return to ASIC or Consumer Affairs Victoria? Key Personnel Artistic Director/Equivalent General Manager/ Equivalent Chair/Equivalent Page 7 of 12 Position Name (Salutation/First Name/Family Name) ORGANISATIONS 2012 ANNUAL OPERATIONS How to Apply Guidelines and Application Forms Part B – Auspice Details Enter the details of the Auspice organisation here. Full Name of Organisation: Street Address: Postcode Postal Address (if different): Postcode Contact Details: Salutation First Name of Individual Family Name of Individual Business Hours Phone Mobile Fax Email Website Organisation Details: Trading Name ABN Yes No Are you GST Registered? Legal Status of Organisation Under its articles or constitution, is the organisation a not-for-profit body? Yes No In what year was the organisation formed? On what date did you submit your last annual return to ASIC or Consumer Affairs Victoria? Key Personnel Artistic Director/Equivalent General Manager/Equivalent Chair/Equivalent Page 8 of 12 Position Name (Salutation/First Name/Family Name) ORGANISATIONS 2012 ANNUAL OPERATIONS How to Apply Guidelines and Application Forms SECTION 2 – APPLICATION SUMMARY Full Name of Organisation: Auspice body (if applicable): Provide a brief description of your organisation and encapsulate your organisation’s purpose – who you are, what you do and for whom. Where (geographically) will your 2013 program take place? Please tick the predominant artform of your organisation: Administration of culture Community cultural activities Cultural heritage Dance Literature and Publishing Multi-arts Museums Music excluding opera New media Opera and Music Theatre Other performing arts (eg circus/puppetry) Performing arts venues Theatre Visual arts/crafts & photography Other_______________ – please describe Please tick one box that best describes the nature of your organisation: Producer/Presenter Community Development Festival Industry Service Organisation Please choose one of the following areas for your primary focus: Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander Culturally &Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Disabled General Senior Adult Women Youth Annual Operations Priority Areas for 2013 Please nominate the areas where your organisation addresses Annual Operations priorities for 2013: Artform: Dance Literature Type of Activity: Community Development Region: Gippsland Diversity: New Media Music Industry Service Activity Loddon Mallee Barwon Hume Organisations that support: Indigenous people Amount requested for Annual Operations $ Total planned expenditure $ Total planned income $ Grampians CALD communities Amount Page 9 of 12 Other Performing Arts Southern Metropolitan People with a disability ORGANISATIONS 2012 ANNUAL OPERATIONS How to Apply Guidelines and Application Forms Co-funding summary Source* Name/Board or other identifying information $ Amount Confirmed/ Not Confirmed (Decision Date) Australia Council* Local Government* Other Government Departments* Philanthropic Trusts* Other Total $ *Provide the name of the fund, board or other identifying information, for example ‘Australia Council – Key Organisations – Emerging. SECTION 3 – WRITTEN PROPOSAL The written proposal must include details on one year’s activity addressing the following: Artistic Program (3-5 pages) Audience and Engagement (1-2 pages) Impact Statement (1 page) Operations and Governance (3 pages) Further information on the Written Proposal can be found on page 5. SECTION 4 – DETAILED ANNUAL BUDGET Please list all sources of income using the Financial Reporting Template, separately listing all other Arts Victoria funding programs and all other Government funding. On the (E) Summary Budget tab, indicate where Annual Operations funding would be expended using the $ Arts Victoria column. If the amount requested through the Annual Operations program in the (B) Income tab differs from the amount indicated in the (E) Summary Budget tab, a message will appear informing you that the Arts Victoria request does not equal the $ Arts Victoria allocation. If you are registered for GST, your expenditure and income should be exclusive of GST. If you are not registered for GST, your expenditure should include the GST to be paid. The Financial Reporting Template is available to download from the Annual Operations page of the Arts Victoria website at SECTION 5 – QUANTITATIVE DATA SUMMARY This is a statistical summary on programming, marketing, financials and employment levels over a three year period. This information will enable Organisations Program staff the opportunity to place the 2013 budget and program in the context of your organisation’s past, present and future achievements. You only need to complete data relevant to your organisation’s particular artform and/or area of programming. The QDS template is available to download from the Annual Operations page of the Arts Victoria website at Page 10 of 12 ORGANISATIONS 2012 ANNUAL OPERATIONS How to Apply Guidelines and Application Forms SECTION 6 – SUPPORT MATERIAL Provide a list of the support material accompanying your application. Important: All material must be clearly marked with your organisation’s name. While all due care will be taken, Arts Victoria takes no responsibility for damage or loss that may occur to support material. Do not send original material. If you want your artistic support material returned, tick the relevant items in the return column. Late support material will not be accepted without prior consent of program staff and a valid reason. Print-based supporting documents Title/description (if applicable) Curriculum Vitae/Biographies Detailed Budget Marketing plan Program Timeline Confirmation Letter(s) Quotes (equip. hire etc) Letters of support Internet Site Media / Press articles/Quotes Business Plan extract Artistic support material (eg) Title/description (if applicable) Return Book/Magazine Manuscript / Play Excerpt Audio CD CD ROM DVD Slides/Photos/Hard copy images Score Other: please detail SECTION 7 – DECLARATION I have read the program guidelines, eligibility and assessment criteria and certify that to the best of my knowledge the information provided in this application is true. I have provided a completed application form, budget, written proposal and appropriate support material. Signature Date: / / Name/Position (Please print) Auspice body representative (where applicable): Signature Name (Please print) Page 11 of 12 Date: / / ORGANISATIONS 2012 ANNUAL OPERATIONS How to Apply Guidelines and Application Forms Checklist Before you submit your application, make sure you have included the original and one photocopy of the following: Number of pages to copy 1-2 pages Section 1: Contact Information If applicable. Part B for Auspiced applications Section 2: Application Summary This must be signed or the application will be deemed ineligible. Where the application is auspiced, a representative of the auspice organisation must also sign the declaration form 2 pages Section 3: Your Written Proposal Artistic Program, Audience and Engagement, Impact Statement, Operations and Governance No more than 11 pages Section 4: Detailed Annual Budget Indicate funding sources and whether confirmed or not confirmed on (B) Income tab and; Indicate where the Arts Victoria funding would be spent on (E) Summary Budget tab. Please use the Financial Reporting Template. Section 5: Quantitative Data Summary Please use the QDS template. Tick Section 6: Support Material Provided print-based support material (eg abridged CVs, letters confirming interest and support) No more than 6 pages Provided venue, publisher, distributor, site, gallery confirmation As appropriate Provided artistic support material relevant to your program (eg DVD, video, slides, drawings, literary excerpts, CD) As appropriate Provided your current Business/operational plan if you have one As appropriate Section 7: Declaration 1 page As well as providing a hard copy to Arts Victoria, please email the completed application. Email to: [email protected] Retain a copy of the application for your own records Where to send your application Applications postmarked up to and including the specified closing dates will be accepted. Postal Address Annual Operations Arts Victoria Private Bag 1 South Melbourne VIC 3205 Page 12 of 12 Street Address Arts Victoria Level 6, 2 Kavanagh Street Southbank VIC 3006 Hand deliveries can be made during business hours only – 8:30am to 5:30pm, Monday to Friday.
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