“All flesh is coupled by the wave of circular rotational similarity” B. L. Pasternak 1 Ultralow doses 2 RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES O. I. EPSTEIN ULTRALOW DOSES (HISTORY OF ONE RESEARCH) This edition was recommended and approved for publication by the Editorial Advisory Board of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Moscow RAMS Publishing House 2009 3 Ultralow doses UDC 615.015.32 LBC 52.81 E736 Re v i e we r s : Seredenin Sergey Borisovich, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Chereshnev Valeriy Akeksandrovich, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences S c i e n c e e d i to r: Sergeeva Svetlana Aleksandrovna, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor E736 Epstein O. I. Ultralow doses (history of one research). Moscow: Publishing Office of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, 2008. 336 pages. ISBN 9785790101014 This monograph is devoted to a systemic study of the effects of potentiated (activated) preparations that contain an active substance in ultralow concentrations. The activated preparations were shown to have previously unknown modifying properties. Taking into account these data, a new class of medical products (antibodies in ultralow doses) was developed. A new direction of bipathic pharmacotherapy was proposed. The first part of this monograph not only illustrates the results of our studies, but also describes the physiological and physical aspects and world outlook of ultralow doses. The final chapters are devoted to experimental and clinical pharmacology of antibodies in ultralow doses. The monograph is addressed to physicians of various specialties. ISBN 9785790101014 © RAMS Publishing House, 2009 4 Devoted to my teachers Table of contents Preface ............................................................................................ 7 List of abbreviations ............................................................................ 10 Introduction ......................................................................................... 13 Chapter 1. Analysis of the experience of homeopathy ....................... 15 Chapter 2. Three types of effects of ultralow doses ........................... 24 Chapter 3. Dual organization of vital activity .................................... 45 Chapter 4. Holographic control of vital activity by the immune system ...................................................... 62 Chapter 5. Principle of maintenance of the initial integrity .............. 77 Chapter 6. On the way to pharmacology of ultralow doses ............... 91 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies .................................. 111 7.1. Experimental study of antibodies to S100 protein in ultralow doses ................................................................ 111 7.2. Preclinical study of Impaza .................................................. 152 7.3. Preclinical study of Anaferon and Anaferon for children ........... 160 7.4. Preclinical study of Artrofoon ............................................... 173 7.5. Preclinical study of Epigam .................................................. 180 7.6. Preclinical study of Afala ..................................................... 190 7.7. Preclinical study of Kardos ................................................... 198 7.8. Study for antidiabetic activity of a new product from ultralow doses of antibodies on the model of streptozotocininduced diabetes in rats .............................. 204 Chapter 8. Clinical pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies .................................. 210 5 Ultralow doses 8.1. Use of medical products from antibodies to S100 protein in the therapy for alcoholism and anxiety disorders ................. 210 8.2. Use of Impaza in monotherapy and combined treatment for erectile dysfunction ......................................... 223 8.3. Clinical effectiveness and mechanisms for action of Anaferon ......................................................... 241 8.4. Artrofoon as a promising drug for pathogenetic therapy of chronic arthropathies ........................................... 252 8.5. Epigam in the therapy for gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer ............................................................. 259 8.6. Afala in the therapy for benign prostate hyperplasia ................ 262 8.7. Clinical pharmacology of Kardos .......................................... 265 Conclusion ........................................................................................ 275 References ........................................................................................ 277 6 Preface This book tells you about the history of a 10year study, which was per formed at the interface between immunology, pharmacology, pathophysiology, and problem of ultralow doses and resulted in the development of a new class of medical products. Ultralow doses were used in alternative academic medicine (homeopathy) over two centuries. Hence, this problem received little attention of scientists. At the beginning of the 1980s, advancedtechnology studies in Russia and other countries showed that ultralow doses have biological activity. The scientists sho wed a cautious attitude toward these results, although they were not associated with homeopathic doctrine. Moreover, such studies did not attract much attention of those investigators who was interested in them (primarily, of pharmacologists). Due to certain reasons, a systemic pharmacological study of ultralow doses was first performed in Russia. The author of this book, O. I. Epstein, was an initiator of such investigations in 1995. Now O. I. Epstein is the Doctor of Medical Sciences and Professor. He was awarded the prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology. During that period, a young physician was enthusiastic in homeopathy. He was the head of a small pharmaceutical company, who searched for a specific direction of ac tivity. Famous Russian specialists (investigators and clinicians) became interested in the idea of O. I. Epstein, which determined the success of a scientific search. The scientific way of O. I. Epstein extends from orthodox homeopathy to phar macology (i.e., immunopharmacology). Success attended him, since the direc tion of many researches was selected intuitively. Initially, the goal of his study was to develop new indications for the use of homeopathic remedies. If some God of Science protected O. I. Epstein, it was the God of Immunology. The study may be divided into three stages. Stage I may be designated as “nonhomeopathy”. The author assumed that ultralow doses and homeopathy are not identical to each other. It was proposed that the phenomenon of ho meopathy is associated with hypersensitivity of the organism to ultralow doses. Hence, the effects of ultralow doses were explained by immunological mecha nisms. 7 Ultralow doses In stage II, an unusual application was found for ultralow doses. It was shown that ultralow dose of a certain medical product modifies activity of the original substance. Therefore, ultralow doses of modern pharmaceutical prod ucts may be used to potentiate their effects and to reduce toxicity. Combined treatment with the medical product in normal dose and ultralow dose received the name “bipathy” (O. I. Epstein). Bipathy holds much promise for pharmaco logy. The researches could focus their attention on study of bipathy. However, the direction of investigations sharply changed. In stage III, these researches were in close contact with immunology. To confirm the phe nomenon of bipathy, O. I. Epstein in collaboration with M. B. Shtark (Acade mician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences) and high colleagues stud ied the effects of antibodies in ultralow doses on neurobiological models. They showed that antibodies in ultralow and normal doses have various effects. An tibodies in ultralow doses did not inhibit, but modified the activity of a specif ic antigenic molecule. The discovery of “proantigenic” effects of antibodies in ultralow doses resulted in the development of new effective and safe drugs for the therapy of various diseases. As an immunologist, I know that very low doses (or sometimes nano quantities) of immunogenic proteins, peptides, and polysaccharides may induce a strong physiological and pathophysiological effect. It mainly concerns antibod ies, allergens, and other immunologically active molecules. This monograph illustrates the results of advancedtechnology experi ments and clinical studies. However, the data that extremely low concentrations of medical products (from the viewpoint of molecular biology) exhibit the ac tivity seem to be unexpected and paradoxical. At the modern of stage of science development, the mechanism for action of ultralow doses can be described hy pothetically. The author gives his opinion on this problem. Sometimes, the un usual effects of ultralow doses are explained by uncommon events. As a pioneer in this field, O. I. Epstein can do it. Numerous preclinical and clinical trials were performed in leading insti tutions of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development. The results of these studies indicate that ul tralow doses have a reproducible effect, which may be evaluated and used in evidencebased medicine. However, the author notes that the exception is ho meopathic therapy. “An individual (similar) prescription of medical products is similar to art. The methodology of homeopathy is not associated with general pathophysiological approaches in pharmacology”. It is really true. O. I. Epstein is so infatuated with his hypotheses that sometimes he passes from a strongly scientific presentation to the emotional, speculative, or even philosophical conclusions. It is not necessarily that strong evidence exists for these conclusions. O. I. Epstein believes that there are no two medicines (allo 8 Preface pathic medicine and homeopathic medicine). At a particular finestructure level, the effects of normal and homeopathic doses in an organism are mediated by similar mechanisms. This level includes the distant intermolecular relationships, which are unique for each individual. O. I. Epstein assumes that the preserva tion of individuality is an evolutionary purpose of vital activity of the organism. This theory is close to the principles of immunology. M. Bernet, one of the founders of modern immunology, believed that a major role of the immune sys tem is regulation of genetic integrity in an organism. This monograph integrates the author’s notion of distant interactions in an organism with general principles of physiology. A lot of surprising and, some times, doubtful facts will be of interest to the reader. The monograph is writ ten in a vigorous and interesting style, which facilitates the understanding of complex biological problems. O. I. Epstein not only tells us about new medi cal products, which have high therapeutic effectiveness and hold promise for the treatment of various diseases. He wants the reader to form an opinion of new drugs in ultralow doses (particularly of those from antibodies). R. M. Khaitov Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and Russian Academy of Sciences 9 Ultralow doses List of abbreviations AWS — alcohol withdrawal syndrome BP — blood pressure AID50 — aerogenic infective dose AntiS100 — antiserum to brainspecific protein S100 AFC — antibodyforming cells APC — antigenpresenting cells ACE — angiotensinconverting enzyme ARA — American Rheumatology Association AT — angiotensin AT1 — type 1 angiotensin II receptor ABIRβ — antibodies to insulin receptor betasubunit ATP — adenosine triphosphate ATPase — adenosine triphosphatase ADC — analogtodigital converter EPSP — evoked postsynaptic potential GABA — gammaaminobutyric acid DTHR — delayedtype hypersensitivity reaction GCD — glucocorticoid drugs GCSF — granulocyte colonystimulating factor GMP — guanosine 3,5monophosphate GAD — generalized anxiety disorder BPH — benign prostate hyperplasia CI 95% — 95% confidence interval DNA — deoxyribonucleic acid LPTP — longterm posttetanic potentiation NK — natural killer cells GIT — gastrointestinal tract CHD — coronary heart disease IL — interleukin EIA — enzyme immunoassay IFN — interferon CIA — collageninduced arthritis LD — lethal dose 10 List of abbreviations LV — left ventricle LC — latency LPS — lipopolysaccharide IIEF — International index of erectile function ICD — International classification of diseases MTD — maximum tolerable dose ISIAH — inherited stressinduced arterial hypertension NAID — nonsteroid antiinflammatory drugs AE — adverse event OA — osteoarthritis ARVI — acute respiratory viral infections HTP — hydroxytryptophan AP — action potential EPM — elevated plusmaze RP — resting potential CGM — complete growth medium PSA — prostatespecific antigen RA — rheumatoid arthritis LBTR — lymphocyte blast transformation reaction RNA — ribonucleic acid RSV — respiratory syncytial virus SBP — systolic blood pressure DM — diabetes mellitus DBPM — daily (24h) blood pressure monitoring ULD — ultralow doses ULDH — ultralow doses of haloperidol ULDP — ultralow doses of phenazepam ALS — average lifespan MADD — mixed anxiety and depression disorder TRUSE — transrectal ultrasound examination TS — testosterone UA — urogenic reactive arthritis USE ultrasound examination CAAR — conditioned active avoidance reflex CPAR — conditioned passive avoidance reflex LVEF — left ventricular ejection fraction PHA — phytohemagglutinin PDE5 — type 5 phosphodiesterase PI — phagocytic index TNFβ — tumor necrosis factorβ PBS — phosphatebuffered saline PN — phagocytic number 11 Ultralow doses CHF — chronic heart failure cAMP — cyclic adenosine 3',5'monophosphate cGMP — cyclic guanosine 3',5'monophosphate CNS — central nervous system CP — cyclophosphane HR — heart rate SE — sheep erythrocytes ED — erectile dysfunction ECG — electrocardiogram 5HT — serotonin receptors ACR20 — 20% improvement by American College of Rheumatology criteria ARA — American Rheumatology Association AS100 — antiserum to brainspecific protein S100 AUC — trapezoid method for estimation of the area under the concentrationtime curve C — centesimal dilution D — decimal dilution EGF — epidermal growth factor eNOS — endothelial NO synthase FDA — USA Food and Drug Administration HAMA — Hamilton anxiety scale Ig — immunoglobulin IPSS — International questionnaire for symptoms of prostate diseases (International Prostate Symptom Score) ITT — analysis of the results for patients included in the trial (intention to treat analysis) MHC — major histocompatibility complex NMMA — NGmonomethylLarginine NOS — NO synthase NYHA — New York Heart Association QoL — qualityoflife index (IPSS questionnaire) STAI — Spielberger scale (StateTrait Anxiety Inventory) STAIS and STAIT — state and trait anxiety by the Spielberger scale VEGF — vascular endothelial growth factor WOMAC — index for the severity of osteoarthritis (Western Ontario and Mc Master Universities Osteoarthritis Index) 12 Introduction T he author of this book, as well as his colleagues, succeeded in an intriguing scientific path from homeopathy to immunopharmacology, and from traditional homeopathic remedies to hightechnology, safe, and effective medical products. These drugs were developed on the basis of a newly discovered phenomenon of ultralow doses of antibodies. Several preparations from ultralow doses of antibodies, including Ana feron, Impaza, and Proproten100, are well known. However, many physicians and specialists do not have enough information on the mechanism for action of these products. The phenomenon of antibodies in ultralow doses was opened at the boundary of the following three medical disciplines: pharmacology, immunology, and homeopathy. Therefore, this monograph includes some data on homeopathy and immunology. Experimental and clinical trials allowed us to obtain new data, which are not consistent with the common notions about vital functions of the organism. The interpretation of these facts requires other approaches and new knowledge. The pragmatic purpose of this monograph is to develop the notion of a new pharmacological direction. During the preparation of this manuscript, the author should become familiar with previously unknown areas of knowledge. It was necessary for him to learn the notions and terminology that exist in each field of science. Medical science consists of several special directions. A fruitful professional dialog does not necessarily occur between experimenters and clinicians. We would like this book to be available not only for representatives of theoretical medicine (pharmacologists, physiologists, and immunologists), but also for physicians. To simplify the understanding of some facts that require special biological knowledge, they are given in a popular scientific form (history of one research). Fundamentally, the monograph is divided into two sections. The first six chapters are devoted to the general problem of ultralow doses. The final two chapters show some data on experimental and clinical effectiveness of new products. It may be of interest to various specialists, including neurologists (Tenoten), infectious disease physicians and podiatrists (Tenoten for children 13 Ultralow doses and Anaferon for children), urologists (Afala and Impaza), rheumatologists (Artrofoon), narcologists (Proproten100 and Anar), and cardiologists (Kardos). The author is grateful to Professor S. A. Sergeeva, Yu. L. Dugina, I. A. Kheifets, and all colleagues from the Science Department of the “Materia Medica Holding” ResearchandProduction Company for their help in the preparation of this monograph. 14 C h a p t e r 1 Analysis of the experience of homeopathy T he author of this monograph, a recent graduate of the Medical Institute, received the book “Homeopathy” (G. Kohler) as a gift from his father in 1989. It was a rare book in the period of commodity deficit. A period of 1 year was required to overcome a skeptical attitude of the Soviet physician toward this “superficial” discipline. The book was opened and read. This moment may be considered as the first successful step in a study described here. As differentiated from various manuals on homeopathy, the general part in the book of G. Kohler was written in downtoearth language. Otherwise, the familiarity and further fascination with homeopathy could not occur. After ten years of neglect of homeopathy in our country, thousands of physicians were able to learn this discipline by visiting a variety of quasilegal training courses. However, only some of them became the practitioners. It was very difficult to learn homeopathy without assistance of a teacher. The author of this monograph was successful. A twist of fate introduced him to a famous physician T. D. Popova, who headed the Kiev school of homeopathy. She was a bright person. O. I. Epstein had the possibility to collaborate with Tat’yana Dem’yanovna and to look for the reception of patients. It helped him to learn the basic principles of homeopathy. Homeopathy is inseparably linked with the name of S. F. Hahnemann. In 1976, he published the manuscript on a new therapeutic direction. He described the method for preparation of medical products in ultralow doses, principles of prescription, and results of clinical trials. S. Hahnemann is one of the pioneers 15 Ultralow doses in clinical trials with medical products. There are ambiguous data on pharma ceutical studies in old time. The first comparative analyses of therapeutic agents were performed only in the 18th century. However, R. Virchow believed that the “farther of experimental pharmacology” is S. Hahnemann. Before Hahnemann, there was no integral and intelligent approach to study of medical products. He received a fine education and learned the ancient languages. In previous manuscripts, Hahnemann could learn the “like cures like” principle. The deve lopment of a new rational scientific method for medicinal treatment of various diseases was associated with activity of this unique man. Hahnemann decided to test the effect of cinchona bark with himself to confirm the reliability of published data. This substance caused fever, which was typical of malaria. The scientist concluded that a medicine for the therapy of some disease can induce a similar state in healthy individuals. S. Hahnemann tested the effects of various medical products (mainly of herbs and minerals) on healthy volunteers. Clearly the trial did not meet mo dern requirements and was performed with a small number of people (relatives, friends, pupils, and colleagues). The results confirmed the hypothesis of Hah nemann. The reactions induced by some substance in healthy volunteers may be considered as an indication for therapy of similar disorders with the same agent. The Hahnemann’s Law of Similars was formulated for the first time in the journal of Hufeland. “One should apply in the disease to be healed, parti cularly if chronic, that remedy which is able to stimulate another artificially pro duced disease, as similar as possible; and the former will be healed – similia similibus*”. It should be emphasized that the Law of Similars was discovered by S. Hah nemann with normal doses**. Some patients were characterized by severe drug induced exacerbation. Hence, Hahnemann decided to reduce the dose of re medies. Due to pedantry, the scientist developed a method for dilution of the original substance. He empirically showed that it is necessary to combine (exactly to combine!) a repeated dilution of the initial solution and tenfold mechanical shaking. Hahnemann proposed to use the centesimal (C) scale of dilution. At each stage of preparation, the initial amount of medical product is diluted by 100 times. In the followup period, homeopaths introduced the so called “decimal dilution” (D, successive tenfold dilution of the original substan ce). For example, dilution C30 means that the original substance was diluted 30 times. Moreover, the concentration of this substance was reduced by 100 times at each dilution. D6 means that the concentration of the original * Similia similibus (lat.) likes with likes. ** The term “homeopathy” originates from the Greek word “homo” (similar). It mainly designates the principle of “remedy prescription”, but not the dose. 16 Chapter 1. Analysis of the experience of homeopathy substance decreased by 10 times at each of six dilutions (Fig. 1.1). In the SI system, high dilutions by the method of Hahnemann correspond to 10—n M and 100—n M. Formally, the dilutions of more than 10—24 M (D24) and 100—12 M (C12) are submolar. They do not contain molecules of the original substance. This fact did not disturb the founder of homeopathy. Hahnemann did not know about the unit of “mole”, which was proposed by the physician Amedeo Avogadro (17761856). Hence, Hahnemann operated with submolar doses. In the 18th century, drug manufacturers were in conflict with Hahne mann. It was related to commercial reasons, but not to the absence of molecules of the original substance in homeopathic remedies. Hahnemann prepared these homeopathic remedies by himself and, therefore, deprived the manufacturers of earnings. S. Hahnemann and his followers studied the effects of various prepara tions on healthy volunteers. They showed that treatment with these agents in submolar concentrations is followed by druginduced exacerbation. Even at high dilution of one or another substance, there were two or three individuals (respondents) with hypersensitivity to the prescribed remedy. It should be emphasized that the respondents had similar personal characteristics, appearance, behavioral habits, and dietary predilections. They were predisposed to certain diseases, including inherited disorders. For example, the subjects reacting to ultralow doses of arsenic mainly appeared as lean, fine boned, and lightskinned individuals. They usually had a geographic tongue, drank a considerable amount of fluid in small sips, and felt comfortable in warm climate. These subjects differed in pedantry, anxious mood, and predisposition 1/100 1/100 1/100 1/100 1/100 ↓ ⏐ ↓ ⏐ ↓ ⏐ ↓ ⏐ ↓ (Н2О) (Н2О) (Н2О) (Н2О) (Н2О) 1:1 1:102 1:104 1:106 1:108 1:1010 Basic solution 1С 2С 3С 4С 5С ⏐ Alcohol solution Molecular dilution Homeopathic potency Increase in the potency of remedies Fig. 1.1. Scheme for the preparation of homeopathic remedies (V. G. Zilov et al., 2000). 17 Ultralow doses to psoriasis, bronchial asthma, and other diseases with common clinical symp toms. A complex description of the effects of any substance in ultralow dose and characteristics of hypersensitive patients received the name “pathogenesis of homeopathic remedy” (in this case, arsenic pathogenesis). It includes the phar macodynamic properties of a substance and markers of individual sensitivity, which should be taken into account in the prescription of this remedy*. S. Hahnemann demonstrated that the maximum individualization of therapy is necessary for clinical practice. The major therapeutic principle appeared as follows: “cure only with a similar drug”. The similarity was considered not only as the prescription of a medical product for certain symptoms (indications), but also as the use of a specific remedy in patients with high individual sensitivity. Hundreds of medical products are extensively used in homeopathy. There are 2000 homeopathic remedies. Homeopathy was born 200 years ago. There fore, homeopathic remedies are prepared from available raw materials (plants, minerals and, more rarely, biological substances). The major advantage of homeopathic remedies is that their effects were studied in details. Undoubtedly, the arsenal of homeopathy will always include wellknown “ancient” prepara tions. Some modern pharmaceutical (allopathic) products, including aspirin, nitroglycerine, insulin, and prednisolone, are sometimes given in ultralow doses. The quintessence of homoeopathy is the evaluation of sensitivity of each patient to one of the homeopathic remedies. In this case, the treatment will produce a therapeutic effect. Hahnemann developed the integral therapeutic discipline of homeopathy, which differs in allsufficiency. Potentially, a skilled homeopath may affect any disease state. The success of therapy strongly depends on the “appropriateness” of medical treatment, but not on the nosological form or severity of disease. A skilled homeopath is a general practitioner and good spe cialist in propaedeutic. The prescriptions of a homeopath are based on history taking, thorough examination, power of observation, and evaluation of patient characteristics. By the 20th century, homeopathy was widely distributed in Europe, North and South America, India, and Russia. Pharmaceutical chemistry, experimental pharmacology, and molecular biology became the specific areas of knowledge at a later period. They determine the type of modern medicine. Due to several reasons, homeopathy was separated from modern science. Symbiotic relation ships between academic medicine and homeopathy developed in the followup period. Traditionally, a European patient knows the problems that require him * 18 The term “drug pathogenesis” is very close to the modern notion of constitution in psychiatry and pediatrics. Hahnemann did not use the term “constitution” or “constitutional type”. They were introduced into the homeopathic lexicon by followers of Hahnemann. Chapter 1. Analysis of the experience of homeopathy to consult with a homeopath. Homeopathic therapy also develops in Russia. After longterm neglect, this method was officially approved in Russia in 1995. Let’s consider the main principles of the Hahnemann theory. Principle of similarity. First of all, it should be remembered that the prin ciple of similarity is not a prerogative of ultralow doses. The first prescriptions by Hahnemann were made in “normal” doses. This principle suggests that the remedy should be prescribed for a “similar” clinical manifestation. For example, arsenic causes fever in healthy volunteers. By contrast, arsenic in homeopathic doses may be used to cure fever in patients. However, arsenicinduced fever has several specific features. Fever is observed in a certain time (midnight) and accompanied by typical chill, which spreads in an upward direction of the back. Arsenic in homeopathic doses will be therapeutically effective in patients with this type of fever. Moreover, the effect will occur only in patients that are susceptible to ultralow concentrations of arsenic (primarily in lean and fineboned pedants). These features of symptoms and constitutional characteristics serve as a marker for individual sensitivity. Modern pharmacology also postulates the necessity of individual pharmacotherapy. Much attention is paid to the search for genetic and phenotypic criteria of individual sensitivity. It should be noted that each patient may have various markers. These data indicate that individual sensitivity (at least, phenotypic sensitivity) to a substance is determined by several markers, but not by one marker. The experience of homeopathy shows that one sign (e.g., geographic tongue) may serve as one of the markers for a large group of medical products. Only a specific combination of various markers is a reliable criterion for individual sensitivity to the remedy*. Trial with healthy volunteers. The trial with healthy volunteers was of con siderable significance. This approach allowed S. Hahnemann and his followers to perform a simple, rapid, and safe evaluation of indications for a large number of medical products. The following two facts are of importance for our study. First, medical products in ultralow concentrations cause exacerbation in a small number of patients. Hence, this state is associated with the reaction of hypersensitivity. Several types of immediate and delayedtype hypersensitivity were studied and described in immunology. However, little is known about their mechanisms. All these reactions are nonspecific. For example, anaphylactic shock may be induced by a variety of substances. By contrast, the symptoms of drug induced exacerbation in homeopathy are always specific for a certain substance. And second, arsenic in toxic doses causes hyperthermia in all subjects. Low doses of arsenic may produce the same clinical symptoms of fever in individual volunteers, which is related to hypersensitivity. Let’s consider fever as * In the future, this observation allowed the author to develop a new concept of seman tically organized constellations. 19 Ultralow doses a protective response. In this case, the substance in high doses serves as a “pathogen” for all individuals. By contrast, the same substance in low doses has a pathogenic effect only on several subjects. A similar protective response should be mediated by similar mechanisms. However, the substance in high dose triggers these mechanisms in all subjects. It remains unclear why the substance in low dose affects only sensitive individuals*. Preparation of ultralow doses. It is known that highly diluted solutions do not have biological activity. Otherwise, biological activity of these solutions is extremely unstable. Moreover, the Hahnemann’s method of mechanical shaking may be substituted for another external influence (electromagnetic or ultrasound exposure). However, ultradiluted solutions do not exhibit activity without suc cessive dilutions of the original substance in combination with external treat ment. It is surprising that Hahnemann could combine various procedures into a common system: preparation of medical products, study of pharmacological activity, and principle of prescription (similarity). The physical mechanisms for memory retention of the original substance in highly diluted solutions remain unknown. Several scientists have cast doubt on the use of ultralow doses and effectiveness of homeopathy. Modern studies were performed 200 years after the discovery of homeopathy. They illustrated that ultradiluted solutions (method of Hahnemann) have fine biological activity. The technological process of S. Hahnemann received the name “poten tiation”. The prepared remedies were designated as potentiated or dynamic substances. Hahnemann proposed that these agents are characterized by the release of an “active basis” or “vital force”. A clinical effect of potentiated pro ducts was not observed without maximum individualization. Hahnemann sug gested that potentiated products are ineffective without the principle of similarity (allornone law). Various properties of potentiated agents were revealed in modern molecular and cellular studies. Hahnemann had no technical possibilities to determine the general properties of ultralow doses, but proposed an approach to their use (homeopathy). The primacy of the principle of similarity took root in the mind of Hah nemann followers. Until the present time, homeopaths know little about other (nonhomeopathic) variants for the use of medical products in ultralow doses. The term “homeopathic dose” has been commonly accepted. It is more preferable to tell about the individual (homeopathic) prescription of a medical product in ultralow or low dose, but not about the dose. In our opinion, the term “homeopathic remedy” means that the indications for treatment with a * 20 The mechanisms of individual sensitivity are a major problem, which underlies the hypothesis on dual (holographic) organization of vital functions in an organism. This problem is discussed in the next chapters. Chapter 1. Analysis of the experience of homeopathy certain drug were evaluated in trials with healthy volunteers. However, the indications for modern pharmaceutics are estimated by other methods. The terms “low” and “ultralow” dose are also indefinite. Some authors believe that the doses of up to 10—12 M original substance are low (molar) do ses. The doses of not more than 10—24 M are ultralow doses. However, activity of the potentiated agent depends little on the presence or absence of several mo lecules of the original substance (see below). By contrast, this activity is deter mined by the technology of preparation. The method of potentiation supplies biological activity to ultradiluted solutions. Hence, these solutions can be used according to the doctrine of homeopathy. It is more appropriate to use the term “potentiated” or “activated” substance, but not the homeopathic, low, or ultra low dose. The scale of preparation (C or D) and number of dilution cycles (usually 6, 12, 30, 200, or 1000) should be designated. The term “activated” preparation seems to be preferable. First, this term in dicates than biological activity of the ultradiluted solution is related to external treatment. Second, the term “potentiation” has another meaning in modern pharmacology. And third, we showed that medical products in ultralow doses have a potentiating effect under certain conditions. These features may introduce terminological difficulties. However, the preparation of ultralow doses should retain its historical name of “potentiation” or “dynamization” (S. Hahnemann). Besides a rational analysis of homeopathy experience, it is necessary to consider the subjective feelings of homeopathic physicians. At a certain stage of professional activity, any homeopath notices that nearly all (even rarely observed) physiological signs are manifested in the description or pathogenesis of homeopathic remedies. For example, you see that one of the guests asks you to prepare tea. Then he gulps down boiling water. Another guest asks you to close the window since he cannot hear a noise (the yardkeeper cleans asphalt with a scraper). Under these conditions a homeopath will remember the pathogenesis of Lycopodium (club moss) and Asarum (snakeroot), respectively. When studying the temperamental characteristics of patients sensitive to one or another homeopathic remedy, you can see that they have a common feature (“stem” or “algorithm”). It is difficult to explain this algorithm. How ever, a homeopath cannot select the effective medical product without under standing this algorithm. Many homeopaths know that the psychological type of patients sensitive to some medical product is progressively transformed into the psychological type of another remedy. This feature contributes to the mosaic pattern, which resembles a change in the properties of chemical elements in the periodic table of D. I. Mendeleev. Psychological portraits of sensitive patients are similar in the pathogenesis of several preparations (mineral potassium sulfate and Pulsatilla of the family Ranunculaceae; calcium carbonate and belladonna; etc.). The remedies with 21 Ultralow doses similar “psychological characteristics” have the same therapeutic effect. These data suggest the systemic nature of homeopathy, which is difficult to verbalize. This impression becomes stronger in learning the other basic principles of homeopathy. Using the terminology of the 18th century, homeopaths classify all pathological processes into the following three groups (depending on general char acteristics): syphilis (destructive processes), sycosis (productive processes, including cough), and psora (subacute areactive states). Each type of pathological processes is characterized by a certain group of preferable homeopathic remedies. Other principles of homeopathy are also unusual. For example, some activated preparations are tropic for the rightsided or leftsided disease. Caustic (lime) and Lachesis (bushmaster snake venom) are prescribed for the therapy of rightsided and leftsided hemiplegia, respectively. The rules of C. Hering also seem uncommon. C. Hering (18001880) is the farther of American homeopathy. He described the spatial and temporal response of patients to homeopathic remedies. C. Hering revealed (1998) that “the patient will be cured and the symp toms will permanently disappear when they develop in the following direction: from within outwards, from above downwards, and from later symptoms to earlier symptoms (i.e. in the reverse order of their coming)”. The use of homeo pathic remedies is rarely followed by druginduced exacerbation. When the dynamics of druginduced exacerbation is consistent with the rules of C. Hering, it may be considered as a prognostically favorable process. Under these condi tions, the prescribed remedy is not withdrawn by a homeopath. Homeopathic practitioners know that each patient is sensitive to several homeopathic remedies (hierarchy of individual sensitivity). The higher is the sensitivity to the remedy, the greater is the effectiveness of this remedy. Summarizing the above we conclude that vital activity of the organism is based not only on wellknown physiological and chemical processes, but also on spatial and temporal laws of harmony. They are closely related to individual characteristics of each patient. Even though the homeopathic knowledge seems archaic, it is worthy of notice. This knowledge was obtained in a directed clinical study of medical products. Hence, these data are objective. Moreover, separate observations illustrate the existence of various clinical, phenotypic, psychological, and topic criteria for individual sensitivity of an organism. Most important in Chapt er 1 Chapter Homeopathy is a drug therapy based on the principle of similarity. The principle of similarity suggests maximum individualization in the prescrip tion of medical products, which involves a propaedeutic approach of S. Hah nemann. 22 Chapter 1. Analysis of the experience of homeopathy Homeopathy suggests the use of activated agents that are prepared by the meth od of potentiation (successive dilutions of the original substance and rhythmic mechanical shaking). Activity of ultradiluted solutions depends on the technology of poten tiation, but not on the concentration of the original substance. This fact is proved, but does not have a physical explanation. Ideally low doses in homeopathy are associated with the method of preparation. Over two centuries, potentiated (activated) preparations were believed to produce only the clinical effect. It was postulated that these drugs are ineffective with out individualization of therapy. Recent experiments showed that ultralow doses produce a fine molecularand cellular effect, which is not directly related to the principle of similarity. Acti vated preparations have a small effect that is insufficient for therapeutic activi ty. Taking into account these data, we assumed that homeopathic therapy is based on increasing the strength of ultralow doses by the mechanism of hyper ergia. After studying the ultralow doses of remedies with healthy volunteers, S. Hahnemann revealed the existence of individual sensitivity to certain medical products (complex of clinical, psychological, psychological, and topic criteria). 23 Ultralow doses C h a p t e r 2 Three types of effects of ultralow doses T he first professional experience of homeopathy showed that it is not necessary to follow the principle of similarity in achieving a therapeutic effect of remedies in ultralow doses. For example, a group of preparations exists that are a priori tropic for the liver (Lycopodium, Chelidonium, and Carduus marianus). Even without individualization of therapy, these medical products improve the state of most patients with hepatobiliary disorders. Moreover, travel sickness (acute paroxysmal state) may be treated with several homeopathic remedies that reduce the symptoms of autonomic disorders. Individualization of therapy is not required under these conditions. The “Materia Medica Holding” company was established in 1992. In the initial period, this company manufactured the socalled “complex homeopathic remedies”. The pharmaceutical formulation consisted of three or four homeo pathic drugs (granules and tablets). Other Russian and foreign complexons of wellknown homeopathic components from plants and minerals, as well as organotropic preparations of animal (embryonic) tissues or organs, appeared on the pharmaceutical market. The effects of potentiated remedies and tissue preparations are related to their tropism for a certain pathological condition and organ, respectively. A complex preparation Agri (homeopathic Antigrippin) was the brand of the “Materia Medica Holding” company in the 1990s. Surprisingly, this drug had a preventive effect on influenza and chill. These facts seem to contradict the principle of similarity. 24 Chapter 2. Three types of effects of ultralow doses Such “discrepancies” with the homeopathic doctrine did not alter our relation to the basic principles of homeopathy. These data stimulated us to search for new indications for ultralow doses. Experimental and clinical trials of potentiated products were conducted at the “Materia Medica Holding” company beginning from 1995. Several discoveries were made. The first steps of a largescale scientific research were devoted to study the effect of combined treatment with a medical product in normal dose and activated form of the same remedy. The phenomenon of isopathy was well known. It suggests that the symptoms of poisoning with a certain substance are treated by the potentiated form of this substance. Due to high risk of chemical attacks of the German army during World War II, English volunteers were exposed to skin burns with mustard gas. These burns were then treated with potentiated mustard gas. Complications of corticosteroid therapy, including ItsenkoCushing syndrome, are homeopathically treated with Cortex (activated prednisolone). However, isopathy was not subjected to a complex clinical study. Moreover, there are no experimental data on this problem. Similarly to the preventive effect of Agri, we decided to test ultralow doses of a certain substance for protective activity during intoxication that was induced by this substance in high (toxic or subtoxic) doses. As differentiated from the isopathic method, ultralow dose (“antidote”) was administered in combination, but not after treatment with the same substance in toxic doses (poison). We believed that this approach does not contradict the homeopathic doctrine. Administration of the substance in toxic doses served as a model to induce the symptoms typical of treatment with the activated form. The principle of our experiments was quite paradoxical. We tried to introduce a “drop” (activated substance) into the “sea” (toxic dose of the substance). Combined treatment with ultralow doses was performed in various regimens. Ultralow doses were administered simultaneously or before treatment with the toxic dose (onetoten minutes). Various routes of treatment with ultra low dose were also analyzed. For example, the potentiated preparation was mixed with a toxic dose of the same substance. The mixture was administered perorally through a probe. Otherwise, the original substance was administered parenterally, while the activated preparation was given perorally. Combined treatment with the substance in ultralow (homeopathic) and normal (therapeutic or toxic) doses was performed simultaneously or in a small interval. This approach received the name bipathic* treatment (O. I. Epstein, 1996, 1997). Prednisolone was the first medical product for combined treatment. It was the first step from homeopathy to immunopharmacology. Therefore, this study should be described in details. * Bipathic administration, allopathy + homeopathy. 25 Ultralow doses Bipathic administration of prednisolone was performed at the Laboratory of Biophysics (Kiev Institute of Otorhinolaryngologist) headed by A.F. Karas’. The animals simultaneously received prednisolone in “normal” and potentiated doses (dilution C30). In the latter case, the conventional concentration of prednisolone was 10—60 wt % (10—60 M). Series I was performed on 30 rats. The effect of bipathic treatment with pred nisolone was studied on animals with experimental acute inflammation. This state was induced by injection of 0.05 mg 1% carrageenan into the hindlimb of rats. Activated prednisolone was administered through a probe to group 1 animals with experimental inflammation. Group 2 animals received prednisolone in a total dose of 20 mg per rat. Group 3 animals were subjected to combined treatment with both drugs. The standard and potentiated forms of prednisolone were administered twice (1 h before and 2 h after carrageenan injection). The control groups consisted of intact animals and untreated rats with carrageenaninduced inflammation. We showed that administration of prednisolone alone or in combination with activated prednisolone is followed by the reduction of inflammatory edema of the paw. Potentiated prednisolone had no antiinflammatory activity and did not potentiate the antiinflammatory effect. However, bipathic administration of prednisolone was accompanied by several positive effects. Migration of peritoneal macrophages significantly decreased during inflammation. Normal doses of prednisolone did not improve macrophage migration. However, macrophage migration rapidly returned to the control level after combined treatment with study drugs. An electron microscopic and morphological study showed that administration of 20 mg prednisolone is followed by moderate destructive changes in the liver and thymus of animals. However, the structure of these organs was not impaired after combined administration of prednisolone and activated prednisolone in the same doses. Carrageenaninduced inflammation is accompanied by the increase in energy consumption due to activation of the protective response. Prednisolone has no effect on blood ATP concentration. Bipathic administration of prednisolone is followed by a sharp decrease in ATP content, which reduces energy supply to the inflammatory process. Combined administration of prednisolone in the toxic and ultralow dose improves enzyme activity in blood cells, activates alkaline phosphatase in neutrophils, and has a normalizing effect on the activities of ATPase, 5nucleotidase, and lactate dehydrogenase. These changes illustrate the restoration of energy supply to cells. As compared to “standard” prednisolone, bipathic administration was followed by a greater increase in biosynthetic activity of rat peripheral blood lymphocytes. This conclusion was derived from the increase in RNA level. Series II was designed to evaluate whether potentiated prednisolone (10—60 wt %) may prevent the side effect of chronic treatment with prednisolone in normal doses for 2 weeks. Prednisolone in a daily dose of 50 mg/kg body weight was administered through a probe. This dose of prednisolone produced a strong antiinflammatory effect on the model of carrageenininduced inflammation. The potentiated substance had a variety of protective effects under these conditions (Table 2.1; V.G. Zilov et al., 2000). These data indicate that the activated agent prevents metabolic disorders in lymphocytes and neutrophils and, probably, has a normalizing effect on membrane processes after treatment with normal doses of prednisolone. A potentiated form of prednisolone also prevented the development of de structive changes in the liver, adrenal glands, and lymph nodes and gastric 26 Chapter 2. Three types of effects of ultralow doses Table 2.1. Protective effects of potentiated prednisolone Prednisolone Prednisolone + potentiated form Significant increase in the number of stab granulocytes Slight increase in the number of stab granulocytes; significant decrease in the absolute number of monocytes Decrease in leukocyte count compared to the control Leukocyte count does not differ from the control No effect on peroxide chemiluminescence Activation of peroxidation in blood plasma Twofold decrease in adenosine triphosphate (ATP) content in the blood Increase in blood ATP concentration above normal Twofold decrease in alkaline phosphatase level in neutrophilic leukocytes Slight decrease in alkaline phosphatase level in neutrophils Increase in lactate dehydrogenase activity in neutrophils Lactate dehydrogenase activity in neutrophils practically does not differ from normal Decrease in ATPase activity in lymphocytes (nearly by 2 times) No changes in lymphocyte ATPase activity mucosal erosion, which is typical of longterm treatment with this drug. Activated prednisolone had a normalizing effect on synthetic activity of lym phocytes, which was suppressed after longterm administration of prednisolone. It was manifested in an increase in the amount of chromatin proteinuncoupled DNA. Hence, functional activity of lymphocytes returned to normal under the influence of activated prednisolone. We conclude that during combined (bipathic) treatment, potentiated prednisolone has protective (adaptive) activity and abolishes the effect of prednisolone in the toxic dose*. The next series of experiments was performed in collaboration with Professor Tamara Mikhailovna Vorob’eva (Head of the Laboratory of Neuro physiology and Immunology, Ukrainian Institute of Neurology and Psychiatry). When the protective effect of activated prednisolone was established, the author of this monograph (professional psychiatrist) decided to develop a new drug for the therapy of alcohol abuse and opium addiction. We asked Tamara Mikhailovna to perform an experimental study with po tentiated ethanol and morphine. The animals were subjected to chronic intoxication with these substances. These experiments involved the standard neurophysiological behavioral tests, biochemical assays, and immunological * In some experiments, a potentiated form of prednisolone tended to increase the anti inflammatory activity of prednisolone. Initially, this fact received little attention. 27 Ultralow doses methods. Electrical activity of the brain and selfstimulation of the “pleasure center” in the lateral hypothalamus were studied*. I would like to briefly describe the results of “bipathic” treatment with ethanol. It was shown that ultralow dose of test substance modifies the effect of the same substance in normal dose. Activated ethanol had a strong protective (adaptive) effect against alcohol in the toxic dose. It was manifested in the “re gulation” of animal behavior (e.g., conditioned responses) and normalization of several parameters (electrical activity of the brain, structure of sleep, neurotransmitter balance, and blood alcohol level). It should be emphasized that the animals could stimulate the “pleasure center” via a stereotaxic electrode by pressing the lever. However, they refused to perform selfstimulation. T. M. Vo rob’eva believed that this unusual effect reflects a wellbalanced emotional state. Hence, pathological alcohol addiction was reduced in these animals. Further clinical trials with ultralow doses of alcohol showed that they have antiabsti nence properties. An antialcohol drug AntiE (activated alcohol) was approved by the Russian Ministry of Health. This drug was manufactured by the “Materia Medica Holding” ResearchandProduction Company beginning from 1998. Experiments of T. M. Vorob’eva and further clinical trials showed that potentiated morphine has a wide range of protective activity during intoxication with morphine or opium surrogates. However, this drug was not introduced into clinical practice. Our studies revealed the phenomenon of bipathy in 1996 (200year anniversary of homeopathy). Followers of Hahnemann performed the effective, but extremely conservative studies for 2 centuries. Homeopaths believed that the principle of similarity is absolutely essential for the effectiveness of ultralow doses. Initially, we shared this opinion. The results of experimental studies in the mid1990s showed that activated preparations have biological activity. However, this fact received insufficient attention of homeopaths. There was a great discrepancy between homeopathic physicians and experimental biologists. On the one hand, homeopaths could not ignore the homeopathic doctrine. On the other hand, biologists knew a little about homeopathy and, therefore, could not introduce the phenomenon of homeopathy into the area of rational scientific knowledge. At the same time, studies of low and ultralow doses were conducted for a long time. At the beginning of the 1920s, a famous Russian pharmacologist N. P. Kravkov (1924) showed that blood flow variations in the rabbit ear can be induced by vasoconstricting and vasodilating agents in low concentration (up to 10—32 wt %). Further experiments of A. N. Kudrin (1991) revealed that * 28 The results of this experiment and further studies are described in the monograph “Informational and ontological models of adaptation” (O. I. Epstein et al., 1997) and joint articles. Chapter 2. Three types of effects of ultralow doses administration of epinephrine in a concentration of 10—16 wt % has a similar effect on blood flow in frog mesenteric vessels. The effectiveness of phosphatase in a concentration of 10—16 wt % was demonstrated by A. M. Kuzin in 1947. The results of these experiments were published only in 1997. At the beginning of the 1950s, A. Gay and J. Boiron showed that sodium chloride at dilution C27 modifies the dielectric constant of water. On the basis of these data, one vessel with potentiated sodium chloride in the submolar concentration was correctly selected from 100 vessels (99 vessels with placebo). In 1941, W. Boyd demonstrated that activated mercury chloride in a concentration 10—6 wt % accelerates enzymatic hydrolysis of starch. The effects of substances in ultralow concentrations on biological objected (primarily on plants) were described by various authors, including G. N. ShanginBerezovskii (1982, 1986) and L. Kolisko (1953). In the 1980s, hightechnology studies with ultradiluted solutions were de voted to the evaluation of their biological activity. A group of investigators under the direction of Professor E. B. Burlakova (N. E. Emanuel’ Institute of Bio chemical Physics, 1986) showed that antioxidants at submolar dilution (10—15 M) have a stronger effect on electrical activity of the isolated snail neuron than those in the physiological concentration (10—3 M). Further experiments of E. B. Burlakova et al. (1986, 1990) revealed that ultralow doses have various biological effects. The results of a wellknown study by E. Danevas and J. Benveniste (1988) were published in Nature. They showed that high and low doses have a similar effect. Until the present time, this experiment is one of the most “academic” researches in the field of ultralow doses. The authors revealed that degranulation of basophils with surface immunoglobulin E (IgE) may be induced by antiIgE at concentrations of 10—210—120 M. Treatment with the substance in these concentrations was followed by successive peaks of degranulation in 4060% basophils. Molecules of antiIgE were absent in several dilutions, which exceeded the Avogadro constant. However, the authors hypothesized that this method for preparation of homeopathic dilutions (thorough shaking of the solution) provides transmission of biological information due to the arrangement of water molecules. Basophil degranulation was also observed in the presence of other substances at high and low dilutions, including the specific allergen (basophils from allergic patients) and peroxidase (basophils from peroxidase immunized rabbits). J. Benveniste et al. evaluated the degree of basophil degranulation in the presence of phospholipase A2 from bee venom or pig pancreas, sodium ionophore monensin (up to 90% degranulation at an equivalent concentration of 10—30 M), and calcium ionophores A23187 and ionomycin (10—38 M). The specific effect of high dilutions was confirmed by experiments with ionophores. Degranulation of basophils decreased after the 29 Ultralow doses removal of the corresponding ion from the extracellular medium (E. Danevas et al., 1988). These results were reproduced in six laboratories of four universities (Paris South University, Toronto University, Jewish University, and Milan University) and published in Nature. However, an Editorial Article (J. Maddox, 1988) has cast doubt on the reliability of these data. In the followup period, a similar experiment was repeated under strict conditions. The results of this study were published in the Journal of the French Academy of Sciences (J. Benveniste, 1991). To bridge the gap between modern biology, medicine, and homeopathy, it was necessary to follow simple steps. The phenomenological (narrow) view of ultralow doses should be changed to a detailed systemic evaluation of their activity. Except for several researches in the 1980s and mid1990s, a rational study of ultralow doses was terra incognita. Until recent times, homeopathic remedies should meet simple requirements of Medical Regulatory Authorities in various countries. Hence, even worldwide leaders in the production of homeopathic remedies do not have the experience of highlevel experimental studies with ultralow doses. In discussing the results of studies with bipathic (combined) admi nistration of ethanol and morphine, T. M. Vorob’eva supposed that the pheno menon of bipathy is related to biological properties of ultralow doses. These properties should not be associated with the homeopathic doctrine. She proposed to perform a detailed study of ultralow doses. Neurophysiological studies of morphine in ultralow doses were performed in 1996. A largescale study showed that the systemic effect of activated morphine is qualitatively similar to that of normaldose morphine. Similarly to morphine in normal doses, potentiated morphine decreased the pain threshold, facilitated the acquisition of conditioned reactions in animals, and modulated the emotional state (model of selfstimulation). However, morphine in ultralow doses did not cause euphoria and addiction. These data could break the taboo of homeopathy, which was associated with the principle of similarity. Morphine in ultralow doses had a strong effect on experimental animals without individualization of treatment. Tamara Mikhailovna Vorob’eva showed that ultralow doses have a specific biological activity, which does not depend on individual treatment. It became clear that this activity is a general property of ultralow doses. Similarly to homeopathy, bipathy should be considered as a particular approach to the use of potentiated drugs. Morphine and other substances in ultralow doses have little effect, which limits the therapeutic use of these drugs. Hence, a particular application (homeopathy and bipathy) is of greater importance than a general application. The indication for use, but not the dose, serves as a “watershed” between allopathy and homeopathy. Trials of homeopathic remedies are performed on healthy volunteers. Homeopathic remedies can cause allergic 30 Chapter 2. Three types of effects of ultralow doses reactions in some of these individuals. They serve as a clinical criterion for the use of this remedy. Modern pharmaceutical products are tested on patients. The hyperergic reaction to these pharmaceutics is considered as a side effect. The indications for use of “standard” pharmaceutics are based on their general (physiological) properties. Previous studies of cyclophosphane, phenazepam, and haloperidol showed that combined treatment with a medical product and potentiated substance holds much promise. Combined administration of cyclophosphane and ultralow dose of this drug to experimental animals with melanoma, lung cancer, and carcinosarcoma was followed by an increase in antitumor activity of the cytostatic. The antimetastatic effect of cyclophosphane increased most significantly after bipathic administration (E. N. Amosova, 2003). To understand the mechanisms of bipathy we evaluated whether this phenomenon is the prerogative of a living organism, or ultralow dose may modify the effect of “high” dose in simple physicochemical systems. In vitro experiments were performed to answer this question. The first study was con ducted under the direction of Professor A. V. Zakharov and Senior Researcher V. G. Shtyrlin (Candidate of Chemical Sciences) at the Kazan State University. A nuclear magnetic resonance study was performed to estimate the effect of potentiation on the kinetics of ATP hydrolysis with citrate buffer at physiological pH. The rate of hydrolysis was measured after addition of potentiated ATP or potentiated buffer (Table 2.2). The rate of hydrolysis decreased slightly after addition of any component in a bipathic form. Our further studies were performed in collaboration with Professor S. I. Petrov (Institute of Oil and Gas). Potentiated preparations of lithium chloride and mercury nitrate were shown to modulate electroconductivity of a simple Table 2.2. Effect of potentiated substances on hydrolysis № Type of sample Hydrolysis rate, K (sec–1) 1 Reference (3.35+0.07)×10—5 2 Reference (3.45±0.12)×10—5 3 Bipathic (with potentiated ATP solution) (3.02±0.05)×10—5 4 Bipathic (with potentiated buffer solution) (2.60±007)×10—5 Note. (1, 2) Reactions with two various reference preparations; (3) addition of 10 vol % potentiated homeopathic solution of ATP at dilution C30; (4) addition of 10 vol % potentiated homeopathic solution of citrate buffer at dilution C30. K, hydrolysis rate constant for ATP in aqueous solutions of the reference and potentiated sample with citrate buffer at pH 6.7 and T378K. 31 Ultralow doses electrochemical system, which contained these electrolytes in normal concentrations (S. I. Petrov et al., 2003). Professor M. A. Myagkova et al. (2003) revealed that activated antibodies in ultralow doses have a modulatory effect on the antibodyantigen binding constant in EIA. Similar results were obtained in further experiments of E. A. Dukhanina. The effect of potentiated antibodies on “standard” antibodies was studied by means of EIA (E. A. Dukhanina). A reaction mixture consisted of antigen (sorbed in plate wells), standard antibodies (diluted in phosphatebuffered saline, PBS), and potentiated dilutions. The control systems were composed of potentiated water and PBS instead of potentiated dilutions and standard antibodies, respectively. The optical density in wells with potentiated dilutions was much higher than that in wells with standard antibodies and water. The average optical density Ast+dilut was estimated in four independent experiments with 1012 samples of potentiated dilutions. This parameter varied from 0.276±0 to 0.643±0.024. The average optical density Ast+water varied from 0.210±0.046 to 0.531±0.026. These values were not the sum of optical densities for the reference substance and potentiated dilutions. For a quantitative study of the effect, the relative optical density was calculated as follows: (Ast+dilutOAst+water)×100%/ Ast+water. The average value was 23.2±7.2%. These data suggest that potentiated dilutions have a direct effect on the antigenantibody interaction. Standard antibodies and sorbed antigen in various concentrations were used for a detailed study of this phenomenon. The concentration of standard antibodies varied from 0.3 to 100 ng/ml. The content of standard antibodies varied from 5.7±3.0 (at 0.3 ng/ml) to 22.7±3.9% (at 100 ng/ml). Hence, decreasing the concentration of standard antibodies was accompanied by the reduction of effect. We discovered the phenomenon of bipathy. During combined (bipathic) administration of ultralow dose and normal dose, the activated preparation always modifies the effect of the original substance. A potentiated form in vivo and in vitro modifies the effect of the original substance. It should be emphasized that the potentiated preparation modifies not only biological, but also fine physicochemical properties of the original substance. As regards the toxic and subtoxic dose* of a medical product, its potentiated form has a strong protective (adaptive) effect. Sometimes the potentiated preparation “strengthens” a therapeutic effect of the original substance (e.g., antimetastatic activity of cyclophosphane). Under other conditions the potentiated preparation has no effect on pharmacological activity of the original substance (e.g., antiinflammatory effect of prednisolone). Bipathy could become a major direction of activity in the “Materia Medica Holding” ResearchandProduction Company. Moreover, potentiation of wellknown pharmaceutics and correction of their toxicity are the urgent problems. These approaches are developed by the world’s leading pharma * 32 The potentiated substance can produce a complex polymodal effect on toxic doses (see Chapter 5). Chapter 2. Three types of effects of ultralow doses ceutical companies. Unexpectedly, our study gained a new direction. We met a famous scientist and one of the leading specialists in neuroimmunology M. B. Shtark (Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences). Mark Borisovich thoroughly examined the results of our experiments. He proposed further studies on simple biological models to formally confirm the presence of bipathy. In the opinion of M. B. Shtark, the socalled longterm posttetanic potentiation (LTPTP) in surviving brain slices serves as an adequate model. Ultrathin sections of the animal brain can retain functional activity for a long time in a special nutrient medium. LTPTP is a wellknown electrophysiological phenomenon. This phenomenon has been extensively used in neurobiology for many years. Neurotropic activity of various drugs may be evaluated from their effect on LTPTP. The phenomenon of bipathy was studied on the model of LTPTP with antibodies to S100 protein from nervous tissue*. In immunology, any molecule that causes the formation of complemen tary antibodies is designated as an antigen. Hence, we shall use the term “antibodies to S100 antigen”. The description of our experiment may seem complicated to the reader of this book (i.e., general practitioner). Let’s consider only the main results. Antibodies to S100 antigen (antiS100) in normal doses have an inhibitory effect on LTPTP. Under certain technical conditions, the potentiated substance completely abolished a physiological effect of antiS100 in “normal” doses. A major advantage of our experiment is the uniqueness of results. AntiS100 in normal doses inhibited the electrophysiological reaction (LTPTP—). However, this reaction returned to normal after combined treatment with potentiated anti S100 (LTPTP+; O. I. Epstein et al., 1999). This experiment was performed by M. A. Starostina, N. A. Borisov, and N. S. Sorokina under the supervision of M. B. Shtark (Novosibirsk Institute of Molecular Biology and Biophysics, Siberian Division of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences). These data are of particular importance for our scientific research. A complete description of this experiment is presented below (ac cording to the monograph of V. G. Zilov et al., 2000). The study was performed on surviving slices with an artificial medium, which retains physiological activity for a long time. It was based on a wellknown electrophysiological phenomenon of LTPTP. During tetanic electrical stimulation in one of the regions of rat hippocampal slice, the evoked postsynaptic potential is recorded in another region with a special electrode. This potential persists for a long time (from 40 min to several hours) and has specific characteristics. Synaptic effectiveness (transmission) is evaluated by recording of the potential. * An unusual name of this protein is associated with the procedure of isolation. In one of the stages, this protein is dissolved in 100% saturated solution of ammonium sulfate. 33 Ultralow doses The development of LTPTP is a calciumdependent process. S100 protein is a calciumbinding protein, which has an important role in synaptic processes. The antiserum to S100 protein inhibits these processes, including LTPTP. However, the synaptic effect was abolished after bipathic (combined) administration of antiserum in normal dose and potentiated form C6 (10—12 wt %). A homeopathic dose of the substance (i.e., immunological preparation) blocked the action of an effective dose. It is important that this experiment involved an electrophysiological method, which allowed us to repeat the measurements under standard conditions. This series was performed to compare the effects of antibodies to neurospecific protein S100 and potentiated sample of the same antibodies. The influence of combined (“bipathic”) treatment with these antibodies was studied on the model of LTPTP in the hippocampus of animals. Experiments were performed on hippocampal slices from Wistar rats weighing 180299 g. Transverse hippocampal sections (400 m in width) were placed in a temperaturecontrolled chamber at 3537oC (Fig. 2.1). Flow Yamamoto medium (Fig. 2.2) was aerated by carbogen (95% O2 and 5% CO2). 1 3 4 10 8 7 5 2 9 5 6 Fig. 2.1. Scheme of an experimental chamber to study LTPTP in surviving hippocampal slices. The incubation medium is delivered from reservoir 1, passes successively through polyvinyl tubes 2, tap 3 (regulation and maintenance of the flow rate at 250 ml/min), and dropper 4 (prevention of air bubble formation in the system), and enters compartment 6 (heatcapacity fluid). The constant temperature of this fluid was maintained using thermostat 5. The incubation medium was delivered through tube spirals in compartment 6, heated to a certain temperature, and entered chamber 7 (5 10 ml in volume). The medium outflowed from chamber 7 through waterjet pump 8. Incubation chamber 7 was closed with cap 10. The fluid in chamber 7 was heated and aerated with carbogen, which contributed to water evaporation and carbon dioxide exchange between the medium and air. Cap 10 had the only hole above chamber 9 for the release of water vapor and CO2 that moistened the abovechamber space and prevented a change in pH. 34 Chapter 2. Three types of effects of ultralow doses Fig. 2.2. General view of an experimental device to study LTPTP in surviving hippocampal slices: chamber with a flow system, micromanipulators that carry cathode followers, preamplifiers, and stimulating and reference electrodes. Position of electrodes is shown in Fig. 2.3. Evoked postsynaptic potentials (EPSP) were recorded after 4060min incubation. A stimulatory electrolytically sharpened bipolar wolfram electrode was introduced into the zone of mossy fibers. A reference glass electrode (tip thickness 34 m, resistance 25 mO) was filled with 2.5 M NaCl and placed in CA3 region (initial segments of apical dendrites; Fig. 2.3). Testing was performed with single rectangular pulses (duration 200 msec) delivered at intervals of not less than 5 min. The amplitude of test stimuli varied СА1 СА2 !!!!!!!!!! СА3 !!!!! ! ! !! ! СА4 DF 2 1 Fig. 2.3. Scheme for the position of a reference (1) and stimulating electrode (2) to study the dynamics of LTPTP in surviving hippocampal slices. CA14, fields of the Ammon’s horn (hippocampus); DF, dentate fascia. 35 Ultralow doses from 10 to 30 V. EPSP were recorded on a 12digit analogtodigital converter (Digidata, Axon Instruments Inc.). The results were analyzed on a computer with pClamp6 (Axon Instruments Inc.) and Microcal Origin softwares. To induce LTPTP, the amplitude of a test stimulus was selected so that the response corresponded to 50% of the maximum value. Tetanization was produced by three consecutive series of stimulation at 200 Hz. The length of each series was 1 sec. Stimulation was applied at 2sec intervals. The procedure of tetanization was repeated after 10 min. EPSP were recorded for at least 40 min after the first tetanization, which allowed us to make a conclusion about the induction or absence of LTPTP. A significant increase in the amplitude of EPSP (by 1.52 times), which persisted for at least 20 min after the second tetanization, served as a criterion for the induction of potentiation. The effect of antibodies to S100 protein was studied as follows. Tetanization was induced in one or two slices of each series. Further experiments with slices of this series were performed only after the induction of LTPTP. All slices were maintained in the incubation medium after addition of a specified amount of antibodies or reference solutions. The initial latency of effect was considered to be 20 min (according to D. Levis and T. Teyler). The effect of antiserum to neurospecific protein S100 on the induction of LTPTP in rat hippocampal slices was described previously (D. Levis et al., 1986). Then the period of incubation was selected experimentally. After study of each dilution, the chamber was repeatedly washed with distilled water and ethyl alcohol and completely dried with compressed air. The indication of LTPTP is characterized by a significant increase in the amplitude of EPSP in synapses of mossy fibers in the hippocampal dentate fascia in response to the test stimulus after tetanization (Fig. 2.4). Twentyminute incubation with antiserum to neurospecific protein S100 (antiS100, final dilution 1:50) completely inhibited the induction of LTPTP mV 5 1 0 2 0 5 10 15 20 Time, μsec Fig. 2.4. Dynamics of EPSP in CA3 region of the Ammon’s horn during extracellular recording. Amplitude of the test stimulus is 20 V. (1) Before and (2) 10 min after tetanization. 36 Chapter 2. Three types of effects of ultralow doses (Fig. 2.5), which is consistent with the results of previous experiments. High dilution of antiserum in our experiments is related to differences in the titer of antibodies at various laboratories. Nonimmune rabbit antiserum at the same dilution had no effect on LTPTP induction in rat hippocampal slices (Fig. 2.6). Incubation of slices with ethanol at a concentration present in potentiated preparations (similar dilution) did not impair the induction of LTPTP in slices (Fig. 2.7). To study the combined effect of test samples, antiS100 and its potentiated form were added simultaneously to the incubation medium. This treatment completely blocked the induction of LTPTP in slices. It should be emphasized that combined administration of these substances did not abolish mV 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 Fig. 2.5. Effect of antiS100 on the induction of LTPTP in hippocampal slices. Ordinate, amplitude of EPSP. (1) Before treatment with antiS100; (25) over 20 min after treatment with antiS100 (57min interval); and (6, 7) 7 and 12 min after the second tetanization, respectively. Amplitude of the test stimulus is 30 V. 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Fig. 2.6. Induction of LTPTP in the presence of nonimmune rabbit serum. Dilution 1:50. Ordinate: average amplitude of EPSP. (1) After 10min incubation in non immune serum; (2, 3) 5 and 10 min the first tetanization, respectively; and (46) over 20 min after the second tetanization. Amplitude of the test stimulus is 12 V. 37 Ultralow doses 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 Fig. 2.7. Induction of LTPTP after addition of 40 ml 40% ethanol. Volume of an experimental chamber is 10 m. Ordinate: average amplitude of EPSP. (1, 2) 20min incubation in Yamamoto medium after addition of ethanol; (3) 10 min after the first tetanization; and (4, 5) 10 and 30 min after the second tetanization, respectively. Amplitude of the test stimulus is 15 V. the effect of antiS100. Similar results were obtained after 10min preincubation of the slice with potentiated antiS100, further addition of antiS100, and 20 min incubation in a solution of both substances. The effect of antiS100 was abolished after 20min preincubation of slices in a solution of potentiated antiS100 (concentration 1012) and 20min incubation in a solution of native and potentiated antiserum. Hence, the induction of LTPTP in slices was similar to that in control samples not exposed to antibodies (Figs. 2.8 and 2.9). It could be suggested that the effect of native antiS100 is abolished due to long term incubation of the slice with an ethanolcontaining solution of the potentiated form, which results in modulation of the membrane state and/or impairment of antibodyantigen binding. The next series was performed to test this hypothesis. Preincubation was performed in an ethanol solution, whose concentration did not differ from that in potentiated anti S100. Other manipulations were similar to those in the previous series. Under these conditions, antiS100 retained the ability to block the induction of LTPTP. These data show that nonimmune serum and 40% ethanol did not prevent the induction of LTPTP. The inhibition of LTPTP was observed only in antiS100 solutions. Preincubation with potentiated antiS100 for 20 min abolished the inhibition of LTPTP by antiS100. This procedure did not prevent a normal reaction of the hippocampal CA3 region, which had a potentiating effect on synaptic effectiveness. A study of the model of LTPTP provides strong evidence for the phenomenon of bipathy. The experiment had unexpected consequences. In discussing the results of this research, we hypothesized that activated antibodies exhibit inexplicable “proantigenic” activity. T. M. Vorob’eva and M. B. Shtark did not exclude this possibility. However, it was necessary to confirm our hypothesis. Studies with potentiated antibodies to various neurotropic 38 Chapter 2. Three types of effects of ultralow doses a mV 1.0 0.8 0.6 Fig. 2.8. “Bipathic effect”. (a) Induction of LTPTP in the presence of antiS100 (final dilution 1:50): (13) incubation in Yamamoto medium with antiS100 for 20 min, interstimulus interval 57 min; (46) 10 min after the first tetanization, 3 4 min intervals; and (7, 8) 10 and 25 min after the second tetanization, respectively. Amplitude of the test stimulus is 12 V. 0.4 0.2 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 b mV 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 c mV 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 5 10 15 20 11 (b) Induction of LTPTP in the presence of potentiated antiS100 at a concentration of 10–12 (40 mmol): (13) incubation in Yamamoto medium with potentiated antiS100 (1012) for 20 min, interstimulus interval 57 min; (46) over 10 min after the first tetanization, 34 min intervals; and (711) over 30 min after the second tetanization, 57 min intervals. Amplitude of the test stimulus is 20 V. (c) Induction of LTPTP in the pre sence of antiS100 at a concentra tion of 10—12 (40 mmol) and dilution 1:50: (13) incubation in Yamamoto medium with potentiated antiS100 at a concentration of 10–12 for 20 min, interstimulus interval 10 min; (46) incubation with potentiated antiS100 for 20 min, 57min intervals; (710) over 10 min after first tetanization, 23min intervals; and (1121) over 40 min after the second tetanization, 35min intervals. Amplitude of the test stimulus is 10 V. substances, including morphine, delta sleepinducing peptide, histamine, and serotonin, were performed in Kharkov and Novosibirsk. These investigations supported our hypothesis. Under various conditions, potentiated antibodies and antigen had “codirectional” activity. It became obvious that this is a new immunological phenomenon. In standard immunological reactions, binding of antibodies to the complementary antigen is followed by the inhibition of its 39 Ultralow doses V, mV 0.7 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Fig. 2.9. “Bipathic effect: induction of LTPTP under “bipathic” conditions: (1, 2) 20min preincubation with potentiated antiS100 (10 –12); (3, 4) incubation with native antiS100; (5) after the first tetanization; and (6, 7) 5 and 10 min after the second tetanization, respectively. activity. By contrast, antibodies in ultralow doses modify the activity of this antigen. We asked T. M. Vorob’eva to perform the next series of experiments. Several pairs of potentiated antibodies and antigen (S100 protein and antibodies to S100 protein; morphine and antibodies to morphine; delta sleep inducing peptide and antibodies to delta sleepinducing peptide; etc.) were studied on the model of behavior and brain selfstimulation. It was shown that psychotropic activity of antibodies in ultralow doses is higher than that of antigen in ultralow doses. It should be emphasized that during this period the author of this monograph was not familiar with immunology. Similarly to the phenomenon of bipathy, we assumed that there is a mediator between activated antibodies and antigens (endogenous molecules, i.e., S100 protein) in the organism. I. P. Ashmarin and I. S. Freidlin hypothesized that the socalled natural antibodies have regulatory functions (I. P. Ashmarin et al., 1989). This hypothesis developed the theory of a famous immunologist Pierre Grabar about the physiological role of autoantibodies (P. N. Grabar, 1969). Under normal conditions, nearly all molecules in the organism have “predetermined” antibodies in very low physiological concentrations. These antibodies exhibit affinity for the corresponding antigens and stabilize, but not inhibit their activity. We suggested that natural antibodies serve as a target for activated antibodies in the organism. The effect of antibodies in ultralow doses in mediated by a change in physiological functions of predetermined antibodies (“regulation of regulator”). Scientific collaboration between the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biophysics (Siberian Division of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences), 40 Chapter 2. Three types of effects of ultralow doses Ukrainian Institute of Neurology and Psychiatry, and “Materia Medica Holding” ResearchandProduction Company resulted in the development of three medical products with activated antibodies of a new class (Proprotein100, Anar, and Tenoten). An antialcohol drug Proprotein100 contains antibodies to S100 at dilution C1000. This is the first drug of a new pharmacological class. Tenoten and Tenoten for children were synthesized from activated antibodies to S100 protein in other doses. They have a wide range of pharmacological activity. Anar is a drug for the therapy of opium withdrawal syndrome, which contains ultralow doses of antibodies to morphine. The discovery of a new immunological phenomenon in 1998 was accidental. However, this discovery was associated with the results of previous studies with ultralow doses. The phenomenon of bipathy was historically preceded by isopathy. However, it was impossible to foresee new properties of potentiated antibodies. Before 1998, there was only one historic “junction” between ultralow doses and immunology. J. Benveniste showed that antiIgE antiserum causes degranulation of basophils (E. Danevas et al., 1099). It could be suggested that treatment with antiIgE in ultralow and normal dose causes the same physiological phenomenon. However, new properties of activated antibodies were not revealed due to technical reasons. These studies should be performed on another experimental model (i.e., monospecific antibodies). Moreover, the phenomenon of bipathy should form the basis for a new ideology. After “accidental contact” with immunology, we studied the basic principles of this relatively young and rapidly developing area of biology and medicine. It was unexpected that homeopathy and immunology have common roots. Biologically, homeopathy is based on individual sensitivity. The immune system maintains the individual and genetically determined integrity in an organism. The knowledge of homeopathy and results of studying the biological activity of ultralow doses provide new insight into physiological functions of the immune system (see Chapter 4). It became evident that preparations of antibodies should be developed only by qualified pharmacologists. Rational scientists express skep ticism about ultralow doses. We are grateful to E. D. Gol’dberg (Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences) and A. M. Dygai (Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences) from the Institute of Phar macology (Tomsk Institute of Pharmacology, Siberian Division of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences). Despite dogmatic statements, our collaborative studies of ultralow doses were initiated 9 years ago. The Tomsk Institute of Pharmacology is equipped with specialized laboratories for a variety of pharma cological investigations. The collaborative study yielded highvalue results. A group of medical products from activated antibodies was developed. 41 Ultralow doses Besides the study of potentiated substances, Tomsk specialists made a contribution to the introduction and popularization of a new class of medical products. Some remedies with ultralow doses were developed in collaboration with the Tomsk Institute of Pharmacology and extensively used in clinical practice. They include antibodies to the following endogenous molecules (antigens): IFNγ (Anaferon and Anaferon for children), tumor necrosis factorβ (TNFβ, Artrofoon), endothelial NO synthase (Impaza), prostatespecific antigen (Afala), etc. During our collaboration with Tomsk scientists, the basic mechanisms for action of antibodies in homeopathic doses were evaluated. For example, our experiments showed that potentiated antibodies to the endogenous regulator modify its expression. Moreover, potentiated antibodies have a modulatory effect on functional and metabolic processes that are associated with this regulator (O. I. Epstein et al., 2004). Collaborative studies with Tomsk scientists confirmed the fact that that the system of natural antibodies has a role in the effect of antibodies in ultralow doses. A clinical trial of potentiated antibodies to S100 protein and morphine in patients with alcohol and heroin intoxication, respectively, was performed at the Institute of Mental Health (Tomsk Research Center, Siberian Division of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences). Administration of drugs with ultralow doses of antibodies improved the somatopsychic state of these patients and had a normalizing effect on natural (predetermined) antibodies to S100 protein and opiates, respectively (T. P. Vetlugina, 2003; N. A. Bokhan et al., 2003). Further studies showed that activated antibodies to IFNγ have a normalizing effect on natural antibodies to this endogenous regulator. For example, chickenpox patients have the increased level of natural antibodies (A. Caruso et al., 1997). The amount of natural antibodies in these patients rapidly returned to normal after treatment with antibodies to IFNγ in ultralow doses (as compared to the control group). Then clinical trials of new drugs had a major role in applied studies. During clinical trials, the scientists had to overcome skepticism about substances in ultralow doses. We thank V. I. Petrov (Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences) and specialists from the Volgograd Medical University for the first systemic study with a new class of medical products in clinical pharmacology. Our collaboration with Volgograd colleagues resulted in the development of a new drug Kardos for the therapy of chronic heart failure. This preparation of antibodies to the angiotensin II receptor in ultralow doses was initially considered as a hypotensive drug. The major contribution to a detailed clinical study of potentiated drugs was made by famous Moscow scientists E. B. Mazo (Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences), V. F. Uchaikin (Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences), and V. N. Yarygin (Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences). 42 Chapter 2. Three types of effects of ultralow doses In recent years, advanced clinical and experimental studies were headed by Professor S. A. Sergeeva (Scientific Director of the “Materia Medica Hol ding” ResearchandProduction Company). Svetlana Aleksandrovna built a creative team of young scientists. They summarized and systematized the data on pharmacology of ultralow doses. Collaborative studies of several research institutes and “Materia Medica Holding” ResearchandProduction Company to develop a new class of medical products from ultralow doses of antibodies were awarded with the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in 2005. Pupils of S. A. Sergeeva received the same prize for a detailed investigation of Tenoten in 2006 (category “Young Scientists”). These experiments were performed in collaboration with the Institute of Neurology (Russian Academy of Medical Sciences). A famous scientist Professor T. A. Voronina also made a contribution to study of the mechanisms for action of activated products. Before our collaboration, a qualified psychopharmacologist Tat’yana Aleksandrovna had the experience of working with ultralow doses. The author thanks K. V. Sudakov (Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences) for attention to our theoretical problems. In 1997, Konstantin Viktorovich supported the idea of “horizontal” and “vertical” regulation*. He proposed a collaborative approach to ultralow doses. We were greatly influenced by the theory of K. V. Sudakov about the holographic principle of functional systems and quantization of vital activity. This theory is close to our notion of structural organization of the organism. Our collaboration with K. V. Sudakov and V. G. Zilov (Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences) yielded the monograph “Elements of information biology and medicine” (2000). A new class of medical products was developed during a difficult period of transition in Russia. Despite difficulties, the collaboration between all participants of this scientific research opened a new chapter in the history of pharmacology. Most important in Chapter 2 Three types of effects of ultralow doses were evaluated. “Direct” fine molecularandcellular activity (confirmed by modern evidential studies by E. B. Bulakova, J. Benveniste, and other scientists in the 1980s and 1990s). The phenomenon of homeopathy was discovered by S. Hahnemann in study ing the effect of ultralow doses on healthy volunteers (1976). According to * This problem is discussed in Chapter 3. 43 Ultralow doses modern notions, this phenomenon can be considered as a hyperergic reaction of the organism to ultralow doses. Bipathy (i.e., combined treatment with a medical product in normal dose and its activated form) suggests that ultralow dose modifies the effect of normal dose. The phenomenon of bipathy was demonstrated on biological and physicochem ical systems. Clinical and experimental studies showed that potentiated antibod ies modify, but do not inhibit the activity of a specific antigen (as differentiat ed from antibodies in normal doses). This is the phenomenon of antibodies in ultralow doses. 44 C h a p t e r 3 Dual organization of vital activity I n the mid1990s, we knew the following three types of effects of ultralow doses: direct activity and phenomena of homeopathy and bipathy. Homeopathy and bipathy are particular cases of the activity of ultralow doses (Fig. 3.1). S. Hahnemann studied the particular (i.e., hyperergic reactions to ultralow doses). It was technically impossible to reveal and evaluate the general properties of potentiated products. The latter fact emphasizes the role of this scientist, who developed a new integral clinicalandtherapeutic discipline. In the epoch of bloodletting and leeching (200 years ago), homeopathy was the most effective therapeutic method. Potentiated products exhibit activity with no concern for the homeopathic doctrine. However, this fact did not facilitate an understanding of the nature of ultralow doses. By contrast, this situation was similar to the mathematical system of equations with unknowns. The greater was the number of questions about ultralow doses, the stronger was the desire to evaluate the mechanism of their action. It was at least necessary to systematize the data and to develop a new approach to the understanding of these facts. The direct activity of ultralow doses should be evaluated to under stand the mechanisms of their action. What do we know about ultralow doses? Experiments of J. Benveniste and E. B. Burlakova demonstrated that highly diluted solutions exhibit physiological activity. This activity has the socalled peaks or extremes. E. B. Burlakova revealed that ultralow dose retains the “split” (reduced) activity of a substance. Hence, this substance may produce only some 45 Ultralow doses Technologies of potentiation ↓ Ultrahigh dilutions ↓ → • hyperergic reactions General properties • reduced activity; • polymodal dosedependence ← Homeopathy Bipathy • modifying properties ↓ Ultralow doses of antibodies • normalizing effect on the sys tem of natural antibodies Fig. 3.1. Three types of effects of ultralow doses. of the effects. However, the opposite results were not revealed in our experiments and published data. Ultralow dose does not have the specific targets that are untypical of the initial dose. Hence, the effects of ultralow and initial dose are qualitatively similar. This conclusion was made by E. B. Burlakova and J. Ben veniste. Experiments of T. M. Vorob’eva produced similar results for potentiated ethanol and morphine (O. I. Epstein et al., 1996b; V. G. Zilov et al., 2000). The effects of activated products are smaller than those of the initial dose. Experiments with the isolated neuron from Helix pomatia showed that the effect of activated substances cannot compete with the influence of drugs in normal therapeutic doses (O. I. Epstein et al., 1999b). The results of this study are described below. Experiments were performed on the identified spontaneously active neurons of subesophageal ganglia V2V6, PPa1, and PPa2 from 28 edible snails. The snails were in an active state for at least 2 weeks before study. The following parameters were measured: resting potential (RP), action potential amplitude (Vo), time derivative of the action potential (AP), maximum rate of rise of AP (Vmax), spike discharge frequency, and currentvoltage and inactivation characteristics of ion channels for inward and outward currents. In some measurements with isolated neurons, calcium currents were recorded by the voltage clamp technique. A simulating electrode was connected to the output of a fixation block. The value of current to hold the membrane potential at a certain level was measured with an amplifier. The signal from this amplifier was delivered to the second input of an oscillograph. Under control conditions, the substitution of physiological saline for nonimmune serum or antiserum to sheep erythrocytes had no effect on electrical properties of the membrane (Fig. 3.2). 46 Chapter 3. Dual organization of vital activity % 100 Control 80 0.2% 60 2% 10-400 10-12 40 6% 20 12% 0 5 10 15 20 Time, min 25 30 35 Fig. 3.2. Maximum rate of rise of the action potential in giant neurons of snail subesophageal ganglion after application of antibodies to S100 antigen at various dilutions. Vmax decreased sharply 20 min after application of antiserum to S100 protein (AS 100) at antibody dilutions of 0.2 and 2% (by 2228 and 3745%, respectively). Vmax decreased by 6080% over the first 1015 min after treatment with AS100 at dilutions of 6 and 12% (Fig. 3.2). Similar results were obtained in experiments with potentiated AS100 (pAS100) in concentrations of 102 and 10400 wt %. Vmax decreased by 148% over 3035 min (Figs. 3.23.4). Independently on the concentration of antibodies, the action of AS100 on inward current channels is followed by a decrease in the strength of current and increase in the steadystate inactivation at zero conditioning pulse. Vmax and inactivation curves were shifted toward negative values of the membrane potential (Fig. 3.4). The pAS100induced reduction of inward current was mainly associated with a decrease in the maximum conductance of inward current channels, but not with an increase in the steadystate inactivation. These changes probably contribute to an AS 100induced decrease in the amplitude of AP. Similar results were obtained in experiments with pAS100 at various dilutions. Outward current remained unchanged under these conditions (Fig. 3.5). Potentiated AS100 decreased the amplitude of AP and inward current, but had little effect on leakage current. These data indicate that AS100 at normal dilutions and potentiated form has a depolarizing effect (Fig. 3.6). Studying the influence of antiserum to S100 on functional activity of isolated neurons showed that all dilutions of this substance (e.g., potentiated dilutions at concentrations of 102 and 10400 wt %) have a similar, but quantitatively different effect. This is manifested in membrane depolarization, decrease in the amplitude of AP, increase in the maximum rate of rise of AP, decrease in the maximum conductance, and inactivation of channels. A change in electrical properties of the membrane becomes less significant with a decrease in the dilution of antiserum to S100 (V. G. Zilov et al., 2000). 47 Ultralow doses % 105 100 1 2 3 95 90 4 85 80 5 0 10 5 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Время, мин Fig. 3.3. Amplitude of the action potential after application of potentiated antiserum to S100 protein. (1) Nonimmune serum, dilution 1:5; (2) potentiated AS100 in a concentration of 10 400 wt %; (3) 0.2% dilution of AS100; (4) 2% dilution of AS10; and (5) 6% dilution of AS10. % 105 100 1 2 95 3 90 4 85 80 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time, min 30 35 40 Fig. 3.4. Resting potential of giant neurons from H. pomatia after application of potentiated and nonpotentiated antiserum to S100 protein. (1) Nonimmune serum; (2) potentiated AS100 in a concentration of 10 400 wt %; (3) potentiated AS100 in a concentration of 10 2 wt %; (4) 2% AS100; and (5) 6% AS100. 48 Chapter 3. Dual organization of vital activity 5x108 A 16 14 12 1 2 3 10 8 6 4 2 50 40 30 20 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 1 70 mV 2 3 4 5 6 Fig. 3.5. Currentvoltage characteristics of inward current channels in the membrane of giant neurons from snail subesophageal ganglion after application of physiological saline (1), antibodies to S100 antigen at 12% dilution (2), and potentiated antiserum to S100 protein in a concentration of 10 2 wt % (3). Initial membrane potential 43 mV. О 10 mV О О О 15 msec PS NS С30 PS 10 mV 40 msec PS С6 Fig. 3.6. Action potential generation in snail neurons under the influence of pAS 100 in concentrations of 10 60 (C30) and 10 2 wt % (C6). PS, physiological saline for H. pomatia; NS, nonimmune serum. 49 Ultralow doses The activity of ultralow doses depends on the method of preparation (scale of dilution, number of dilutions, and conditions of dilution), but not on the content of the original substance. Hence, the preparation of ultrahigh dilutions is standardized. Our experiments were not directed toward studying the dose dependence of ultradiluted solutions. However, it became obvious that such dependence exists. This fact is of considerable importance. It seemed that the dose dependence has a polymodal (cyclic) nature. We used the standard homeopathic dilutions C12, C30, C200, C1000 and, more rarely, C6 and C50. The effects were more pronounced at low (C16, C12, and C30) or high dilutions (C200 and C1000). In some experiments, ultrahigh dilutions did not differ in activity. For example, the effectiveness of dilutions appeared as follows: C1000>C30=C200. Neurobiological studies confirmed a wellknown homeopathic fact that that the maximum neurotropism is typical of high dilutions C1000 and C200. These investigations showed that a mixture (chords) of various dilutions causes the cumulative effect. For example, experiments with ultralow doses of anti S100 revealed that the mixture of dilutions C12+C30+C200 has a stronger antianxiety effect that C1000. The original substance and its ultralow doses always produce a unidirectional systemic effect. Sometimes, the direction of local effects of potentiated substances depended on the dose. In experiments of T. M. Vorob’eva, activated ethanol was given to animals after 2week consumption of alcohol in high doses. Blood alcohol concentration decreased after administra tion of potentiated alcohol in dose C30, but increased in treatment with dose C200. Dose C30 decreased, while dose C200 increased the contents of dopamine and serotonin in the brain. It should be emphasized that potentiated alcohol in doses C30 and C200 had a protective effect during chronic alcohol intoxication (A. M. Titkova et al., 2002). Submolar dilutions produce the dosedependent effect. Hence, the proper ties of ultradiluted solutions are determined by the technology of preparation. The effects of “molar” dilutions C6 and C12 with molecules of the original sub stance are similar to those of “submolar” dilutions C30, C50, and C200 (O. I. Epstein et al., 2004). These data indicate that the activity of ultradiluted solu tions depends on the method of preparation (potentiation), but not on the concentration of the original substance. A slight increase in the dose of medical product (by several micrograms) has little effect on its properties. During combined (bipathic) administration of the medical product and its activated form, the latter compound in vitro and in vivo modifies the effect of the original substance. Therefore, the phenomenon of bipathy illustrates that the activity of ultralow doses is determined by the process of preparation. The technology of potentiation allows us to retain some basic pro perties of the original substance in ultradiluted solutions. Homeopathic studies 50 Chapter 3. Dual organization of vital activity showed that the ability of ultradiluted solutions to produce a therapeutic effect is observed for a long time (several years). The data show that potentiation provides not only activity, but also stability of these solutions. After preparation by the method of Hahnemann, potentiated solutions gain the unique modifying properties. Despite the fact that activated products were used in medical practice for 200 years, the mechanism of potentiation remains unclear. It is poorly understood how a potentiated solution “remembers” the properties of the original substance. Why these properties are transmitted to a solid pharmaceuti cal form (carrier)? It remains unknown which mechanism is responsible for activity of these preparations in the organism. During potentiation, molecules of the solvent (water, alcohol, or water alcohol mixtures) are probably arranged in a certain cluster order around the dissolved substance. Physical properties of this substance are “fixed” in the spa tial organization of clusters. They retain this information even when diluted beyond Avogadro’s number (1024 M, no molecules of the original substance). Some authors believe that the formation of these clusters results from spatial reconstruction of an aqueous medium. For example, 912 water molecules are arranged in the cubic structure and interact with each other by the principle of charge complementarity (S. Zenin, 1999). Otherwise, these clusters consist of fluid subsystems (e.g., proton subsystem; F. R. Chernikov, 1998). Indepen dently on the basis of solution “memory” (water molecules or submolecular particles), the potentiated solution is structured according to a fine organization of the original (dissolved) substance. Solvent molecules are in constant motion. Therefore, the potentiated solution is characterized by a dynamic structure. This is a stable dynamic constellation of solvent particles (organized spatial structure). The structure of any substance in normal doses determines its physico chemical and biological properties. Surprisingly, this structure may be accurately perceived and stored in the solution. Even without the molecule, its image and properties are retained in dynamic constellations of molecules in the solution. The structure of this “missed” molecule is a semantic content of constellations. This fact is of considerable importance for the theory of ultralow doses. We proposed the term “semantically organized molecular constellations”* (O. I. Ep stein, 2002). The term “molecular constellations” was introduced by A. G. Gur witsch. He proposed the concept of biological field (A. G. Gurwitsch, 1944). The field is considered as an integral factor, which determines the direction and order of biological processes. According to A. G. Gurwitsch, the constellations consist of molecular ensembles that are combined by a common suprasystemic factor. However, A. G. Gurwitsch did not consider the physical nature of re lationships in constellations. * Constellation (Latin name). 51 Ultralow doses During potentiation, the memory of various substances is retained in the solvent. It may be suggested that specific physicochemical properties of the dissolved substance are stored in the structure (relationships), but not in the nature of associations in constellations. Despite constant motion of molecules in a solution, memory of the original substance is retained in constellations (even during strong heating and cooling of potentiated solutions). The process of potentiation is a surprising empirical discovery of Hah nemann, which comprises the following two factors: successive dilution and external influence. This process requires fundamental physical investigations. Studies of the bipathic phenomenon on simple models showed that acti vated solutions and, therefore, process of potentiation may be analyzed by stan dard physicochemical methods*. We hope that this problem will be of interest for physicists. However, several conclusions were made about the process of potentiation. The external influence** (10sec mechanical shaking by Hahnemann) probably provides an additional energy source for structural reconstruction of the solution. Repeated treatment has proper oscillation characteristics. Hypothetically, the mechanisms of resonance contribute to the selection and storage of a typical vibration spectrum in the solution. A wellknown study by J. Benveniste (see Chapter 2) showed that 10 sec of shaking (according to Hahnemann) is the minimum time required for activation of a potentiated solution***. Repeated removal and further transfer of only one drop from the solution into the intact solution probably contribute to the preservation of other “basic” oscillation parameters in the previous dilution of solvent. Repeated dilution may be considered as a filtration of “information noise”. This fact probably deter mines an increase in the effect with increasing the number of dilutions (e.g., in experiments with neurotropic agents). * There is some controversy as to whether the potentiated solution has particular physical properties. We can remember a humorous poem of S. Ya. Marshak: The matrix of a song and its essence Cannot be made out of thin air by the author. Even God could not create anything In the absence of raw material. ** Little is known about other types of external influences (electromagnetic and ultrasound generators). *** Moreover, some technological principles were demonstrated by J. Benveniste et al. They illustrate an important role of potentiation in the activation of ultradiluted solutions. These authors showed that potentiation can occur in water, ethanol, and propanol, but not in dimethylsulfoxide. Various substances in usual doses differ in thermal resistance. However, the activity of potentiated products decreases in the same temperature range (from 70 to 80oC). 52 Chapter 3. Dual organization of vital activity Oscillation parameters of the electromagnetic spectrum and acoustic range are typical of any molecule. Theoretically, they may be stored in newly formed constellations and determine the properties of these constellations. The semantically organized constellations comprise not only solvent molecules, but also atomic and subatomic particles and specific wave characteristics. The “wave” constituent of constellations probably serves as a basis for distant transfer of information about the original (dissolved) substance in a structured solution. These data indicate that constellations may be considered as a wave structure. The term “semantically organized constellations” suggests the essential or ontological interpretation of the notion “information”. Information about the dis solved substance is an essence or substantive content of constellations. This es sence combines the relationships between solution molecules into a single whole, “couples” the specific wave characteristics, and serves as a complex spatial structure. The notion of semantically organized constellations is of particular importance for physics and philosophy. From the standpoint of phy sics, we postulate the existence of distant intermolecular (information) rela tionships of unknown nature. Philosophically, semantic constellations are a particular case when the “spirit” organizes the matter. The question arises: whether the “coupled” oscillation parameters of molecules may form a basis for distant transfer of information about the original substance in constellations? Let’s look at some published data. It is a wellknown fact that all biological objects have weak electromag netic radiation. Theoretically, weak electromagnetic field may transfer informa tion about some physiological parameters of the object and affect other biolo gical structures. Some authors believe that the effect of electromagnetic field on an organism is realized via membranebound acceptors with a specific frequency of coherent oscillations. Due to resonance with these structures, electromagnetic impulses provide synchronization of oscillations in membrane acceptors. These receptors mediate the influence of electromagnetic impulses. A. G. Gurwitsch (1944), V. P. Kaznacheev (1981), Yu. V. Tszyankan’ chzhen’ (1993) and other investigators attempted to confirm the possibility for distant transfer of information between biological objects. These studies have two features. First, not all information about the biological object, but only some general (modal) characteristics are distantly transferred under various conditions. And second, the biological objects serve as an inductor of information when their vital functions are strongly suppressed or activated under the influence of some factors. In experiments of A. G. Gurwitsch and Yu. V. Tszyankan’chzhen’ these factors were presented by degradation mitogenetic radiation and strong growth of young plants, respectively. In studies of V. P. Kaznacheev, the tissue culture was suppressed by viruses, mercuric chloride, and radiation. This culture was then connected to the intact culture through an optical channel. A cyto 53 Ultralow doses pathic effect was sometimes observed in the intact culture (suppression of vital activity). The inhibition or activation of vital functions in the early period after exposure to a strong external factor was probably followed by synchronization of physiological processes (e.g., mitotic activity). Synchronous rhythms of vital functions were accompanied by synchronization of weak electromagnetic radiation from biological objects. Electromagnetic field was characterized by modulation and served as a carrier of some general properties of the biological system in space. These data suggest that electromagnetic field and, probably, other fields contribute to a distant effect on the biological system. It should be emphasized that the potentiated product causes a specific response, which differs from other types of distant interaction. Our study and other researches showed that ultralow doses have a reproducible effect, which may be used in practice (as differentiated from the majority of distant interactions). The quintessence of our study is the notion of semantically organized constellation as a unique spatial structure. It became clear that the principle of similarity is not an exclusive principle. Ultralow doses can produce at least two types of effects. These results were absolutely unexpected. It was very difficult to explain a variety of properties of potentiated products. The most surprising discovery was that ultralow doses produce a specific physiological response in each individual. This response may be investigated by modern molecular and cellular methods. It was unclear why the substance in ultralow dose causes “drug exacerbation” only in sensitive patients. Which mechanisms are triggered by the essence of ultralow dose to induce a hyperergic reaction? To answer this question, we made the following suggestion: not only memory units of the potentiated solution are a semantically organized spatial structure. The whole organism can be also considered as a complex spatial structure, which consists of molecular constellations. As differentiated from inanimate nature, the spatial structure of biological systems has dual individualandspecies organization. Due to spatial duality of the organism, ultralow doses sometimes cause a hyperergic reaction. However, all facts should be considered one after another. We studied the process of potentiation and activity of potentiated products. Potentiation was discovered 200 years ago, but received little attention for a long time. It was a unique chance to investigate a simple physical process at the dawn of the 21st century. In natural sciences, there were no data on the phenomenology of this process. We hypothesized that potentiation may be considered as dematerializa tion, since this process results in “extraction” of the original specific information structure from any substance. It could be suggested that the reverse process also occurs during evolution (materialization of information). Taking into account this hypothesis, we proposed an evolutionary approach to explain the principle of dual organization in constellations. 54 Chapter 3. Dual organization of vital activity There is no general evolutionary theory. We hold to the idea of Logos that life originated from one common source due to selfdevelopment. The principle of the original matter is postulated in the Big Bang theory, which suggests saltatory evolution of the World. We also share the idea of V. I. Vernadsky that biotic and nonbiotic processes occurred simultaneously, and biosphere forma tion was a onetimeonly process (V. I. Vernadsky, 1988). Whatever the cause and mechanism of evolution, we should emphasize that the original discrete nonvacuum matter (“preform of material existence”) appeared in the hypo thetical absolute vacuum at a certain primary stage of life development. Self complication and selfdevelopment of the original matter were followed by the appearance of the World. The original form of material existence should have the specific geometric properties and semantic content. In our opinion, it was an essential information structure. Selfcomplication of the original information structure resulted in the appearance of complex information structures. These structures were spatially congruent (identical). The evolutionary process was probably associated with competition between at least two original substances for the spatial and temporal organization of a vacuum (according to principles of each original substance). The logical consequence is a tendency toward selfcomplication of the original matter and appearance of complex spatial structures. Only these structures provide transfer of life principles (“jurisdiction” of the original matter) to all hypostases of the World. The evolution of a spatially simple vacuum resulted in the formation of a threedimensional space. The “plane” information structures were “materia lized” or hypostatized* into complex spatial structures (e.g., biological systems). Complex information structures were formed from simple structures (elements) during evolution. The information structures of similar complexity were characterized by various combinations of constituent elements, which provided them with individual architectonics. Despite such individuality, each information structure is similar to the original matter. Materialization of complex information structures into biological systems (if it occurred) has several important consequences**. First, the structure of biological systems should have a “regular” hierarchy. This hierarchy is similar to the original matter and reflects prebiotic selfcomplication of life. And second, any biological system should have a dual individualandspecies spatial * Hypostatization is the ascription of material existence to any abstract notion, property, or idea. ** The idea that each biological species develops from an information precursor has something in common with the concept of nomogenesis (L. S. Berg and A. A. Lyubishchev). This seems contrary to the theory of C. Darwin. However, this concept is consistent with the notion of natural selection. Natural selection occurs in animate nature, but does not serve as an “engine” of evolution. 55 Ultralow doses organization to retain the initial predetermined integrity of functions (see Chapter 5). It is provided by specific principles of regulation. These assumptions contribute to the revision of common notions about the meaning of life. Evolutionarily, each living organism should reproduce itself in the next generation and have a “normal” function. A hypothetical structured vacuum with information structures is the ether in a threedimensional space. In biological systems, the relationship exists between physiological processes and vacuum. A “normal” function contributes to a “correct” reflection and memo rization of the environment. After biological death of the individual, its expe rience as a “regular” information structure remains in a vacuum. This “cell” of the universe is similar to the original matter. Primary information structures are characterized by a certain hierarchic relationship between constituent elements (architectonics). The initial architectonics is preserved during materialization into objects of a three dimensional space (e.g., biological objects). This transition without an increase in complexity of new threedimensional systems received the name horizontal transition (similarly to the relationships between constituent elements or molecules in biological systems that determine the general species properties). The species similarity does not abolish the individual properties. Hence, there are some individual relationships between elements in each biological system. Spatial relationships between constituent elements of each biological system have a specific species organization (horizontal relationships). However, some individual relations between elements of the system also exist within the limits of general species relationships. They received the name vertical relationships or vertical plane of biological systems (O. I. Epstein, 1996). To facilitate the understanding of horizontal and vertical relation ships, we proposed the “theory” of four billiard balls. Any plane passes through three points. Let’s assume that these three points are the billiard balls. The balls are adjacent to each other and form a triangle on the playing field (Fig. 3.7). A shot with ball 4 is followed by scattering of these balls into different directions (Fig. 3.8). Fig. 3.7. “Theory” of four billiard balls: step I. * 56 The theory of physical vacuum was very popular. However, this theory was rejected when A. Michelson failed to confirm the existence of a vacuum by astronomical methods. Chapter 3. Dual organization of vital activity Shot Fig. 3.8. “Theory” of four billiard balls: step II (plane constellations). The greater is the power of the shot, the longer is the distance between balls 1, 2, and 3 after scattering. Moreover, the quality of the shot with ball 4 may be estimated from the type of scattering (regular or rotational, smooth or sharp, and slow or fast). An experienced player can evaluate the quality of the break shot. Conventionally, the movement of balls 1, 2, and 3 may be con sidered as a semantically organized constellation. It reflects the quality and vari ous parameters of the shot with ball 4 (triangle 1'2'3 in Fig. 3.8, outlined with a dotted line). Let’s assume that we have four, but not three balls. These are the air balls, but not the billiard balls. They scatter in the air after playing a shot with the fifth ball (Fig. 3.9). According to the simplest geometrical laws, three balls will lie in the same plane. In the majority of cases, the fourth ball with be beyond this plane. There fore, such constellation of four air balls will appear like a pyramid (Fig. 3.10). The “species” relations are preserved in the base and each face of this pyramid. The face is formed by three balls (planes 1'2'3', 2'3'4', 1'3'4', and 1'2'4'). Any three balls are within certain spatial limits. The fourth ball may be situated in an individual, but predetermined place relative to the center of Shot Fig. 3.9. Constellations of “air balls”. Fig. 3.10. Principle of the spatial organization of constellations. 57 Ultralow doses each plane. In any case, this position of the fourth ball will contribute to a “re gular” species organization of pyramid faces. Hence, the “individual” will be always incorporated into the “species”. To achieve the maximum stability, each electron occupies a certain orbit during rotation around the nucleus. Similarly to the electron, each element has a specific position in the biological structure. This feature provides the irrever sibility of physiological processes. Various biological theorists, including I. Prigozhin (1986, 2006) and E. Bauer (1935), attempted to substantiate the irreversibility of processes on the basis of thermodynamic principles. They suggested that the organism is an open thermodynamic system with the arranged and directed energy flow, which provides the function of biological systems against the chaos (antientropic vital activity). We believe that the spatially nonlinear individualandspecies organization of biological systems contributes to the prevention of stochastic (random) processes. Ideally, molecules of the organism may be conceived as balls (points). Moreover, biological systems can be imagined as thermodynamic systems*. The response to external influences will appear as molecular constellations. They are associated with the semantic structure of a certain external factor. First of all, we are interested in the local and systemic response to medical products. The experience of pharmacology indicates that any medical product has a specific activity. The specificity of response is determined by new relationships between metabolic or functional processes, but not by the involvement of one molecule. Any substance causes a speciesspecific response, which does not exclude the possibility of individual (hyperergic) reactions. What is the cause of hypersensitivity? This state may appear as follows. Any medical product triggers a series of genetically determined molecular (ther modynamic) events in the organism. These events are in certain relations with each other (constellations). Similarly to constellations in the potentiated solution, these events are spatially “coupled” with each other by a fine structure of the medical product. Such events reflect a threedimensional image of this structure. “Reflection” of the medical product reaches maximum at the “peak” of a pharmacological response. In this period, the biological system is significantly deviated from the previous state of thermodynamic equilibrium. A negative feedback mechanism induces the secondary reconstruction of this system, which achieves another equilibrium state**. The achievement of equilibrium in this * Thermodynamics is a science that deals with the inner state of macroscopic bodies in equilibrium. According to another definition, thermodynamics is a science that deals with the laws of interconversion and transfer of energy. ** The equilibrium state of biological systems will be designated as an integrative state (Chapter 5). 58 Chapter 3. Dual organization of vital activity system serves as a biological adaptation. Pharmacologically, this process reflects a therapeutic effect of the medical product. The experience of immunology indicates that before responding to an external stimulus, the biological system should evaluate its major characteristics. Semantically (i.e., spatially), this factor can be “self” or “nonself” for the system. The organism is considered as a combination of considerable amounts of molecular constellations. Any organism has the conditional horizontal and ver tical planes. A paradoxical situation may occur. The semantic structure (archi tectonics) of an external stimulus may be similar to the individual structure of a biological system. Hence, the newly formed constellations in an individual (vertical) plane of the organism do not reflect (!) a fine structure of the medical product. Spatial perception is impossible under these conditions, which ne cessitates the construction of large constellations. The local response is trans formed into the systemic response. The studies to understand a major problem of homeopathy (nature of hyperergic reactions to ultralow doses) yielded the evolutionary postulate and notions on a dual individualandspecies spatial organization of vital functions in biological systems. The notion of semantic constellations allows us to illustrate schema tically not only the mechanisms of hyperergic reactions to ultralow doses (biological basis of homeopathy), but also the protective effect of activated products. Each medical product is biotransformed in the organism and induces a specific metabolic and physiological response. It results in the formation of local and systemic constellations that are coupled by semantic parameters of the medical product. Potentiation is accompanied by the formation of semantically organized constellations of solvent molecules in a solution. When molecular constellations in the organism and potentiated solution consist of the same medical product, their spatial structures are similar (congruent). Let’s return to the abstraction with three billiard balls. Biotransformation in an organism and potentiation in a tube are accompanied by three stages of biotransformation or potentiation of substance A. They are shown in Fig. 3.11. Constellations 1'2'3', 1'’2'’3'’, and 1'’’2'’’3'’’ are the successive stages of reflection (“reading”) of the image (structure) of substance A at various periods. If the specific response to an external stimulus is considered as a function, the constellations appear as derivatives of this function. After combined administration of substance A and its activated form (A’) during stage 1'’’2'’’3'’’ (Fig. 3.12), molecular constellations of the activated solution initiate an adaptive response to external treatment (negative feedback mechanism) in the earlier period than the intact nonbiotransformed molecule. The potentiated substance is characterized by greater degree of “reading” in time. It initiates an adaptive response of the organism, which occurs before 59 Ultralow doses Fig. 3.11. Scheme for the phase states of constellations. ↓ Substance A Activated substance A’ ↓ Biological feedback and induction of adaptive mechanisms ↓ Advanced (predetermined) “reading” of substance A Fig. 3.12. Scheme for the protective effect of activated substances. biotransformation of the same substance in normal dose. During combined treatment with medical product A and its activated form, the latter “prepares” the organism to an external influence. This process determines the protective effect of ultralow dose. The next chapters will show that the phenomenon of bipathy is mediated by more complex mechanisms. Activated forms of medical products have a modulatory effect not only on specific targets in the organism, but also on fine characteristics of the substance in normal doses. Most important in Chapt er 3 Chapter There is a large body of evidence that ultralow doses have physiological properties (polymodal dosedependence, “splitting” of the effect, unidirection 60 Chapter 3. Dual organization of vital activity al systemic effect of the activated and original substance, and effectiveness of potentiated products in molar and submolar concentrations). The physical prop erties of ultralow doses remain unknown. However, it is obvious that the activity of ultradiluted substances results is associated with their preparation (poten tiation). The effects of ultralow doses are qualitatively similar to those of the orig inal substance. These data suggest that the potentiated solution retains a fine structure of the dissolved substance. The memory unit of an ultradiluted struc tured solution is presented by stable relationships between solvent molecules. These semantically organized constellations are “coupled” by parameters of the original substance, which is absent in the solution. Molecules, submolecular particles of the solvent, and field processes (acoustic and electromagnetic fields) are integrated into the common spatial structure of semantically organized constellations. Semantically organized con stellations in potentiated solutions may appear as the wave structures that are capable of distant interactions. To explain the basic principle of homeopathic therapy (hyperergic reac tions), biological systems are considered as the integral spatial structures. They consist of molecular constellations and have a dual individualandspecies or ganization. The dual structure of living organisms is related to evolution of bi ological objects from the common material (essential) information source. Semantically organized constellations have a dynamic spatial structure, which is characterized by specific phaseandtemporal parameters. These data allow us to explain the phenomenon of bipathy. 61 Ultralow doses C h a p t e r 4 Holographic control of vital activity by the immune system I n the previous chapter, we attempted to explain the mechanism of hyperegic reactions to ultralow doses. It was hypothesized that they are related to a dual (individualandspecies) spatial structure of the organism. This approach is very close to the notion of holography. The term “holography” is formed by two Greek words: “holos”, whole; and “graphein”, to write. This method to obtain a threedimensional image of the object was proposed by Dennis Gabor in 1948. To develop the holographic image, a photographic film is exposed to the light beam. This beam passes through a prism and is split into two beams. Whereas the reference beam is projected directly onto a holographic film, the object beam first reflects off the object before reaching this film. According to the law of wave interference, these beams are combined in the plane of a holographic film to produce the picture of dark and light bands. The hologram is trans formed into a threedimensional image by means of a laser technique and other methods. The following consequences of the holographic theory are important for our research: 1) a holographic image is stable; and 2) each point and elementary unit of the hologram include the whole image. The basic principle of any hologram is spatial “coupling” of constituent elements by the general suprasystemic factor (light waves in physical holo graphy). Before separation by a prism, optical beams are spatially coupled in the 62 Chapter 4. Holographic control of vital activity by the immune system whole beam. These relationships are preserved after separation. Hence, the direct (reference) and reflected (object) waves can be combined into a three dimensional image. In essence, semantically organized constellations of molecules are similar to holographic structures. They are combined into a single whole by physicochemical properties of the dissolved substance*. As differentiated from a simple process of dissolution, potentiation allows the highly diluted solutions to retain activity and stability. Molecules of water and other solvents are linked by bonds (hydrogen, Van der Waals, and other bonds). These bonds exist for a short time and easily dissociate in heating. During the manufacture of homeo pathic remedies, it was concluded that ultradiluted solutions are resistant to heating. These data serve as indirect evidence that constellations in the solution are linked by other distant bonds. Conventionally, they may be designated as information bonds. There is no consensus on the physical nature of information (torsion fields by G. I. Shipov, 1993; Pwaves by N. D. Kolpakov, 1997; etc.). I do not want to be an amateur. This serious physical problem should be solved by specialists. For medicine and biology, it is important that the molecules and molecular processes can be coupled by information parameters. In the 1950s, a number of interesting facts were coming to light. Memory is distributed over the whole brain, but not stored in a certain local “cell”. Some authors believe that these data illustrate a holographic distribution of information in the brain. Physical holography postulates that each elementary unit reflects the whole image. According to P. J. Beurle (1956), damage to one or several regions in the brain does not impair an integral perception. A famous scientist K. Pribram (1975) assumed that any brain area includes the whole image (according to the principle of holography). In experiments of N. Yu. Belenkov, several regions of the cortex in animals were “switched off” by cold exposure. The animals were trained in the followup period. Then the damaged areas were returned to a normal state (N. Yu. Belenkov, 1980). It was shown that the interference of “trained” and “nontrained” regions in the brain is followed by the disappearance of acquired skills in animals. These data can be explained from the viewpoint of holography. K. V. Sudakov is one of the authors of the theory of functional systems. He proposed that the principle of holographic interference forms the basis for “coupling” between signaling and satisfaction of the demand. This process determines the activity of any functional system (K. V. Sudakov, 1984, 1990, 1996a,b). * The horizontal and vertical planes of an organism may be conventionally designated as analogues of the reference and object waves, respectively. 63 Ultralow doses It is very attractive to explain the effect of ultralow doses by holographic principles. For the extrapolation of these data to vital activity, it is necessary to evaluate the analogues of potentiation in an organism. Potentiation consists of the following two components: repeated dilution and shaking. Dilution is probably followed by separation of essential information about the properties of dissolved molecules from “information noise” in the solution (see above). The process of dilution does not occur in an organism. The analogues of dilution (network processes) will be discussed below. However, autooscillations (analogue of shaking) are typical of many structures in biolo gical objects. It remains unclear whether all these processes are accompanied by stable structuralization of liquid media in the organism (similarly to poten tiation). We believe that this property is typical only of complex molecules with a threedimensional or fourdimensional spatial structure (polypeptides and proteins). Autooscillations in the spatially complex molecule of DNA are probably followed by structuralization of liquid media in an organism, which results in the dual spatial organization. Russian scientists proposed that hereditary information has a wave (filed) nature (A. G. Gurwitsch, 1944; P. P. Garyaev, 1997). It is difficult to imagine that inherited characteristics have a certain “linear” arrangement in DNA (nucleotide sequence). Obviously, hereditary “memory” of DNA is stored in a more complex form (constellations of coding and noncoding regions in this supermolecule*). These data suggest that genetic information is encoded in oscillation parameters of DNA regions. It remains unclear whether this information is transmitted directly or indirectly (thought genomic products) into the cell. It should be emphasized that genomic products (polypeptides and proteins) have a more complex spatial structure than the matrix of DNA. Proteins and polypeptides probably regulate the spatial structure of vital functions. The mechanism of these events is similar to potentiation in the manufacture of ultradiluted solutions. During potentiation, a holographic image (i.e., constellations of solvent molecules) is “extracted” from the molecule of the original substance. A threedimensional and fourdimensional structure of regulatory molecules is probably organized by the holographic principle. Even in the absence of successive dilution (one of the stages in potentiation), autooscillations of spatially complex molecules can result in stable structuralization of liquid media in the organism. The minimal liquid locus is structured around the genomic product of any location (in the cell or intercellular space). This process is related to autooscillations and results in the “regular” spatial organization of molecular or ionic events. * 64 Recent studies showed that the genes are united into constellations or gene networks (V. A. Ratner et al., 1985; N. A. Kolchanov et al., 2004). Chapter 4. Holographic control of vital activity by the immune system It contributes to the “regular” spatial realization of “wavy” inherited characte ristics. Hence, DNA plays a dual role. First, the individual species hereditary information is stored in constellations of DNA regions. And second, DNA serves as a matrix for the synthesis of proteins and/or polypeptides that have a specific “vertical” structure and regulate the realization of hereditary infor mation in an organism. The primary control is genetically mediated and involves proteins and polypeptides. Beginning from a certain evolutionary level of multicellularity, the immune mechanisms became involved in the regulation of vital activity. It resulted in the appearance of secondary genetic control, or immunity. The immune regulation in an organism is directed toward epitopes that serve as the major molecular regions of proteins, polypeptides, and polysaccharides. Epitopes are the smallest structures that can be “recognized” by the immune system. They are spatially distributed within the molecule. The molecule serves as a skeleton to combine these structures. The notions of semantic and holographic constellations are closely related to each other. The notion “semantic constellations” is more inclusive and em phasizes the “determination” of constellations by information parameters. The notion “holographic constellations” refers to the spatial coupling between molecular and submolecular elements in constellations. Following the apologists of holography in biology, we believe that one of the holographic properties can be extrapolated to semantic constellations. It suggests that properties of the whole are reflected in each element of the hologram. It becomes clear that the immune system regulates a part of the molecule (epitope) and, therefore, has a modulatory effect on spatial integrity of the whole molecule (O. I. Epstein, 2002a). Holographic regulation of the molecular structure contributes to the evaluation of its “normal” function. The immune system has a great regulatory capacity. However, the principle of immune function is very simple. The immune system “supervises” the whole (function of the organism) through the small (epitope). Epitopes are spatially distributed within the molecule. They are the smallest structures, which can be recognized by the immune system. We believe that epitopes are submolecular semantic constellations, which retain the spatial and temporal properties of the whole molecule. Immunology is a relatively young science. This science was taught in institutes of higher education for a short time. Let’s briefly describe a physio logical role of the immune system. Antibodies are a major factor of humoral immunity. They were discovered by Emil von Behring and Kitazato in 1890. These scientists revealed that immunization of mice with tetanus toxin is followed by the appearance of serum antitoxin (protein “bodies”) in the plasma. A famous German scientist Paul 65 Ultralow doses Ehrlich designated the protein substances in blood plasma from animals with bacterial infection as antibodies. Until the middle of the 20th century, immunologists were mainly engaged in the development of new vaccines and sera. Much attention was paid to particular problems of antiinfective immunity. A famous Australian scientist M. F. Bernet (1963) radically altered the role of the immune system. He proposed that the immune response is directed to differentiation of “self” and “nonself”. Bernet believed that a major function of immunity is the maintenance of genetic integrity during individual (ontogenetic) development of the organism. The im mune mechanisms should be particularly specific. They can distinguish, recog nize, and meet the foreign agent (antigen). A simplified scheme of immuno logical specificity appears as follows: one antigen — one antibody and one clone* of lymphocytes. Antigens are structurally foreign substances (molecules) that can cause an immune response in the individual organism. Usually, the immune response is induced by highmolecularweight molecules (proteins, polypeptides, and polysaccharides). The immune response can be triggered by a small molecule (haptene), which is conjugated with protein (Fig. 4.1). The immune response is induced by a small spatial region (epitope), but not by the whole molecule. The epitope of a protein molecule usually consists of 612 amino acids. The epitopes interacting with T cells and B cells are de signated as the T cell epitope and B cell epitope, respectively. The B cell directly interacts with epitopes via the surface receptor. Immunoglobulin M is located on the cell membrane and serves as a surface receptor during the first inter action. By contrast, the T cell cannot directly interact with the epitope. T cells recognize the protein molecule only in a complex with histocompatibility mole cules. This is one of the most important features, which will be discussed below. In 1937, an electrophoretic study showed that antibodies belong to the γglobulin fraction of blood plasma. These antibodies are now designated as immunoglobulins (Ig). There are the following five classes of immunoglobulins: IgM, IgG, IgA, IgE, and IgD. They have a specific domain structure (Fig. 4.2) and consist of two easy chains and two heavy chains. Each polypeptide chain contains one variable domain (V), which contributes to specific binding of antibodies to the corresponding antigen. There are also three or four constant domains (C) in the polypeptide chain. Besides binding to the antigen, antibodies can interact with the complement or special receptors on various cells due to the presence of constant domains. Hence, structural dualism of antibodies determines their binding to the specific (original) antigen and involvement in common reactions (through the C domain). * 66 Clone is the progeny of cells from one precursor. Chapter 4. Holographic control of vital activity by the immune system (145) 146151 COOH Gem 5662 1521 (22) 113119 NH2 Fig. 4.1. Structure of myoglobin in cetacean sperm (Xray structure analysis). Shaded areas, sequences of amino acid residues that play a role of B cell epitopes. Numerals, order numbers of amino acid residues in polypeptide (V. G. Galaktionov, 1998). Antigenrecognizing receptors on the surface of B cells and T cells are structurally similar. The active antigenrecognizing site of these receptors is formed due to the interaction between variable domains (V domains). Similarly to all protein molecules, antigenrecognizing receptors are encoded by specific genes. The following fact is of considerable importance: as differentiated from other somatic cells, T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes are characterized by recombination of gene fragments that encode the light and heavy chain of immunoglobulins. This process is mediated by a specific mechanism. A certain degree of variability contributes to the formation of up to 240 billion types of various antibodies, which bind at least the same number of types of various antigens. Antibodies may directly bind the antigen. Before the interaction with T cell receptors, antigens of foreign viruses and bacteria are exposed to the intracellular preparation with antigenpresenting cells (APC). Thy bind to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and II molecules and are transformed to the surface of APC (Fig. 4.3). This complex binds to the T cell receptor. The next important fact suggests that antigens are squeezed in specific antigen binding clefts of MHC molecules. Therefore, they gain another spatial configuration before the interaction with T cell receptors (Fig. 4.4). The immune responseinducing foreign antigens may exist in liquid media of an organism, as well as on the surface of cells. In the first case, the foreign agent is neutralized by humoral effector antibody molecules (humoral immune response). In the second case, foreign antigens are killed by cytotoxic T lymphocytes (direct mechanism) or inflammatory T cells and T helper cells (indirect mechanism). They induce a series of molecular and cellular events 67 Ultralow doses ain L C L V Н С 1 Lc h V Н H ch ain a Domain Domain b Antigenbinding site VL Hinge region VH VH VL CH2 CH2 SS SS S S S S CL CL CH2 CH2 Fc fragment CH3 CH3 Fab fragment CH4 CH4 Fig. 4.2. Scheme (a) and molecule (b) of immunoglobulin (V. G. Galaktionov, 1988; R. M. Khaitov, 2005). L, light chains; H, heavy chains; V, variable domain; C, constant domain. NTerminal regions of L chains and H chains (V domain) form two antigenbinding sites. The Fab fragment and Fc fragment of the molecule interact with a specific membrane receptor on various cells, including macrophages, neutrophils, and mast cells. (cellular immunity). The cellular and humoral immune responses mainly involve T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes, respectively. T lymphocytes received their name from maturation in the thymus. T lymphocyte precursors migrate from the bone marrow in the thymus. B cells originate from the bone marrow and become mature in peripheral lymphoid structures. Historically, the name B cells is derived from the bursa of Fabricius in birds (one of the peripheral lymphoid organs). The development of lymphocytes has two distinctive features. 68 Chapter 4. Holographic control of vital activity by the immune system First, during differentiation T cells interact closely with the stroma of the thymus. They are selected for the ability to recognize MHC class I and II molecules (positive selection) and to interact with body’s own molecules (negative selection for autoimmune reactions). The cells that cannot interact with MHC molecules or react with autoantigens are removed from the population of T cells (thymocytes). And second, the immune response is accompanied by the following interrelated processes: 1) shift in antibody synthesis from one type (isotype) to another (prev alence of IgM and IgG in the initial and late stages of an immune response, respectively); and а TCR TCR T killer cell T helper cell α β α β CD4 CD8 peptide α β α β Target cell APC MHC II MHC I b CD80/86 APC MHC II CD28 AG TCR CD40 reception Т helper cell CD4 costimulation costimulation CD154 Fig. 4.3. Scheme for the recognition of a complex of antigenic peptide and MHC class I and II molecules by the receptor and coreceptor on T lymphocyte (a). Interaction between T helper cells and antigenpresenting cells (b). TCR, T cell receptor; CD4 and CD8, coreceptors, MHC I and MHC II, histocompatibility complex class I and II antigens; and AG, antigen (by R. M. Khaitov, 2005). 69 Ultralow doses α2 α1 N N C C α3 β2—m b α1 Antigenbinding cleft N α2 Fig. 4.4. Spatial structure of MCHA2 class I antigen (Xray structure analysis). Side view (a) and top view (b). Arrows, regions of the antiparallel βstructure; spirals, αspiral fragments (R. M. Khaitov, 2005). 70 Chapter 4. Holographic control of vital activity by the immune system 2) increase in the affinity of antibodies for an immune responseindu cing antigen. The properties of T cells and B cells are determined before their interaction with a foreign molecule (preantigenic stage of development). The interaction of T cells and B cells with the antigen results in cell proliferation and differentiation into mature effector cells, which are capable of neutralizing and killing this antigen. The degree of lymphocyte “maturity” determines their functional capacity and direction of the effect. Special molecules (markers) or differentiation clusters appear on the cell surface of certain function. Core ceptors also play a role in celltocell interactions during the immune response. They improve the interaction between lymphocyte receptors and antigen. This process also involves costimulators that are located on the surface of APC. Each event of the immune response is regulated by cytokines. Cytokines are synthesized by various cells, including lymphocytes. The majority of cyto kines, immunoglobulins, lymphocyte receptors, MHC molecules, coreceptors, and several adhesion molecules belong to a superfamily of immunoglobulins. They have a common evolutionary precursor and similar domain structure. The most extensively studied phenomenology of an antiinfective immune response is the largescale cascade molecularandcellular events that involve lymphocytes, accessory cells, and various classes of biologically active substan ces. However, some problems of immunology are poorly understood. The “loca lization” of immunological memory, fine mechanisms of tolerance and hyper sensitivity, and progression of autoimmune reactions remain unknown. The Nobel Prize winner M. Bernet (1963) believed that the main role of the immune system is regulation of genetic integrity in an organism during ontogeny. This function is based on the ability of the immune system to dis tinguish “self” from “nonself”. Let’s compare the commonly accepted notions of Bernet with our “spatial” postulates. At first, it is necessary to consider the notions of “self” and “nonself”. In our opinion the individuality of each organism is determined by its unique spatial structure, which combines the individual and species properties. Hence, the maintenance of “self” integrity means the preservation of an individual spatial structure that is organized by holographic principles. Lymphocytes are the only somatic cells in an organism. The lymphocyte genes encoding T cell receptors and B cell receptors of the immunoglobulin superfamily are characterized by allowed recombination. According to the germ line theory of L. Hood, a whole set of V genes and C genes is included in the genome and transferred between generations with no changes. The majority of authors believe that variability of immunoglobulins is associated with random recombination of V segments and C segments. 71 Ultralow doses However, this problem appears to be more complex. First, all recombinations are predetermined and depend on oscillation parameters of DNA. Second, the combination of individual gene fragments is directed toward the construction of an encoding region with unique spatial conformation* (in corporation of “individual” into “general”). Hence, the encoded receptors on T cells and B cells are characterized by a “regular” individualandspecies orga nization. This property contributes to the holographic recognition of antigen. And third, recombinant processes are followed not only by the appearance of T cell receptors or specific antibodies, but also by the synthesis of immunoglo bulin molecules of certain spatial complexity. Hence, IgM and T cell receptor can bind several antigens of the same spatial structure. Let us digress briefly to be more specific. In the periodic table of D. I. Mendeleev, an increase in the weight of elements is accompanied by a change in their chemical properties. Probably, a similar process occurs in the nature. The spatial structure of protein (polypeptide) molecules became more complex in evolution, which resulted in an increase of the semantic content and appearance of “semantic series”. The semantic series may be imagined as a shelf with books of the same genre (one detective story with another detective story; and one novel with another novel). IgM and T cell receptor recognize the antigenic epitope consisting of a small number of amino acid residues (612). However, the structure of each epitope holographically reflects the overall structure of an antigenic molecule. Hence, the spatial (semantic) complexity of this epitope should not correlate with the molecular weight. The immune system is prepared to analyze a spatial structure of any complexity, but not one molecule. The T cell receptor or immunoglobulin is polyreactive and recognizes a group of endogenous or exogenous molecules with the same degree of spatial complexity (but not a specific antigen). Polyvalence (hypervariability) suggests the recognition of up to 240 billion groups of epitopes. This is only one of the unique properties of immune system. Functional activity is also regulated by the opposite mechanism (unification of recognition), which involves MHC. MHC is a complex of linked genes. This complex was discovered in studying the mechanisms of tissue incompatibility in the 1920s. The main properties of MHC (polygeny and polymorphism) determine the individuality of MHC antigens in specimens of the same species. The MHCencoded antigens (molecules) belong to three classes. Class I and II molecules are particularly important for immunology. They share structural similarity and consist of four domains, which form an antigenbinding site * 72 Such approach suggests that the individualandspecies spatial hierarchy (specificity) of an organism is determined during the prenatal period. This problem will be discussed below. Chapter 4. Holographic control of vital activity by the immune system (cleft). The antigenbinding clefts in MHC class I and II molecules have a similar spatial structure (Fig. 4.4). Due to the peculiar structure of class I and II MHC, they may be considered as the standard of individuality. The antigenbinding cleft has a role of the Procrustean bed. All antigens undergo proteolysis and degradation in the cytoplasm of APC. They bind to MHC class I and II molecules. A complex of antigens and molecules is translocated to the cell surface. In the cleft of MHC class I and II molecules, an antigenic peptide is squeezed between specific an chor sites and forms the convolution of different shape. This convolution interacts with the T cell receptor (Fig. 4.5). The T cell receptor does not recog nize “self” and “nonself”, but evaluates the degree of spatial differences between “self” and “nonself”. The greater is the differences, the stronger is the immune response*. Hence, the immune system follows even small conformational changes in the “self”. Spatial characteristics of “nonself” are compared with those of “self” (MHC class I and II molecules). The elimination of foreign agents probably serves as an “emergency” or “immediate” response of the immune system (antiinfective immunity). Under normal physiological conditions, the regulatory capacity of the immune system is directed to routine regulation of vital activity. This capacity depends on the predetermined clone of native lymphocytes and natural autoantibodies. Physiological functions of autoantibodies were extensively studied. As mentioned above, the hypothesis of a regulatory role of natural antibodies was proposed by famous Russian scientists I. P. Ashmarin and I. S. Freidlin at the end of the 1980s (I. P. Ashmarin et al., 1989). The notion of natural antibodies is currently undergoing revision. Recent studies showed that natural antibodies are involved in multifactor regulation of Fig. 4.5. Specific interaction of antigenic peptides with MHC class I molecules (V. G. Galaktionov, 1998). * Previous experiments showed that the immune response depends on one autosomal dominant gene. MHC class I and II molecules are the phenotypic products of this gene. 73 Ultralow doses natural functions (I. P. Ashmarin, 1989, 1997; M. A. Myagkova, 2001; Y. Shoenfeld et al., 1993). The activity of these antibodies does not correlate with autoimmune disorders. The set of natural antibodies reflects the molecular specificity of each adult individual (I. P. Ashmarin, 1997). There are natural antibodies to some lowmolecularweight and highmolecularweight substances (peptides), surface membrane structures, and intranuclear structures. The majority of circulating natural antibodies are presented by IgG (up to 50%). Autoantibodies to endogenous regulatory peptides play a role in their active transport to membrane receptors. They prevent peptide molecules from preterm proteolysis. It was reported that natural antibodies have catalytic (enzymelike or abzyme) activity. These antibodies modulate cell proliferation, myelinization, activation of membrane ion channels, etc. There is a growing body of evidence on directed transport of natural antibodies through membrane structures and bloodtissue barriers. A combination study of natural antibodies to endogenous regulators is used for diagnostics of various diseases (A. B. Poletaev et al., 2002). Physicians should consider the immune system as a global regulatory system. Regulatory activity of the immune system is highly competitive with that of CNS. The immune system may be imagined as a brain with dispersedly distributed lymphocytes. Similarly to the nervous system, the immune system is involved in the regulation of functional and metabolic processes in an organism. This system has a role in the development of any pathological syndrome (e.g., infectious or noninfectious syndrome). Antiinfective protection is only a small part of physiological activity of the immune system. The main functions of the immune system are the maintenance of homeostasis and regulation of normal physiological functions. These functions are provided by regulating the spatial structure of own molecules (antigens). The immune system is responsible for local and distant regulation. During local regulation, endogenous antigenic molecules interact with detectors of immune individuality (MHC molecules, T cell receptors, and B cell receptors). Under normal con ditions this interaction is not followed by antigen elimination, but initiates a series of fine coadjustment reactions. Natural antibodies have a distant effect. The antigenic pattern of a variable region in immunoglobulins received the name “idiotype” (Fig. 4.6). This region may induce an immune response. Antibody 1 always induces the production of antiidiopathic antibody 2. This process is continuous. The same antibody 1 is induced by antibody 2. The Nobel Prize winner H. Hjдrne designated this phenomenon as “idiotypic/antiidiotypic network”. By the network principle of organization, natural antibodies resemble the nervous system. The system of natural antibodies attracted our attention. Our studies 74 Chapter 4. Holographic control of vital activity by the immune system confirmed the fact that this system has a role in the effect of antibodies in ultralow doses (see Chapter 2). Natural antibodies may be considered as a “top point” of humoral regulation. First, the synthesis of antiidiotypes provides a continuous pattern of the antibody network (independently on the halflife of immunoglobulins). And second, the continuous “mirrorlike” synthesis of antibodies provides genomic regulation of the spatial structure of antibody idiotypes. Autoantibodies are characterized by low affinity. Moreover, the concentration of autoantibodies in the blood and liquid media of an organism is low. These data suggest that even a single contact with the molecule (antigen) is sufficient for regulatory activity of natural antibodies. The information about antigen is stored in constellations of antibodies and provides distant regulation (relative to antigen). The whole network of antibodies may be considered as a large constellation, which reflects the parameters of all antigens in an organism. Due to the dual function of antibodies, such holographic network follows the “regular” individuality of an organism through V domains. It contributes to the regulation of main functions through C domains. Natural autoantibodies may be involved in antibodyantigen interactions for antigen elimination, which is mediated by a shift in the synthesis of idiotypes and increase in affinity. These reactions appear to be autoimmune in relation to own molecules. It is necessary to distinguish normal autoimmune processes that occur in each organism under normal conditions from a b VH CH3 CH2 VL Idiotype Immunoglobin molecule CH1 CL VH VL «Internal image» Antigen Fig. 4.6. Idiotypes, antiidiotypes, and their networks (J. Pleifer, 1999). Part of the idiotypic/antiidiotypic network (a); antigeninduced disturbance of the network (b). 75 Ultralow doses autoimmune diseases. Besides this, the term “autoantibody” should not be associated with a pathological condition in medical practice. The cause of autoimmune disease is poorly understood. These disorders may be related not only to immune deficiency or exhaustion, but also to structural changes in endogenous molecules. According to holographic principles, the molecule that has a major role in certain pathological conditions may undergo deformation and change in the fine “regular” structure. This molecule becomes “foreign” for the organism and induces immune aggression (beyond the scope of normal autoimmune regulation). However, physiological coadjustment functions of antibodies are not taken into account in clinical practice. While assuming that the system of natural antibodies serves as a target for activated antibodies in the organism, it is necessary to understand which fine regulatory mechanisms are affected. It can be said that we “regulate the regulator”. Most important in Chapter 4 The semantically organized molecular constellations are holographic structures. Autooscillations of molecules with a complex spatial structure (similarly to potentiation) can determine the appearance of structured liquid loci. Hereditary information is stored in constellations of DNA (RNA) molecules. This information is translated to liquid media through autooscillations of DNA regions. Autooscillations of genomic products (proteins and polypeptides) pro vide the regulation of vital activity in the structured locus (primary genetic con trol). The interaction with epitopes (individual regions of “heavy” molecules, includ ing proteins, polypeptides, and sugars) contributes to secondary genetic control of vital functions by the immune system. A major function of the immune system is the maintenance of individu alandspecies spatial integrity in an organism (homeostasis). After genetic reconstruction, immune detectors (T cell receptors, B cell receptors, and MHC molecules) gain a specific individual structure and provide the integral spatial (holographic) evaluation of own molecules (antigens). The immune system is as potent as the nervous system for the overall regulation of functional and metabolic processes. Natural autoantibodies are the components of the immune system that play a role in humoral regulation of vital activity. Previous studies suggest that natu ral autoantibodies serve as a target for medical products from potentiated anti bodies. 76 C h a p t e r 5 Principle of maintenance of the initial integrity M uch progress in molecular biology, biochemistry, and genetics was achieved during the second half of the 20th century. The doublestranded nature of DNA and new classes of regulatory molecules were discovered. The genome was “decoded”. Advances in biology and biotechnology provided the development of new potent drugs. The effect of medical products was explained schematically from their influence on the chain of “gene–protein–sign”. Mo dern notions of vital functions are based on the linear continuum (continuity) of vital activity. This hypothesis suggests successive transformation of molecular (biochemical) processes to other processes. Our study of ultralow doses showed for the first time that drugs have a distant effect on the organism. The notion of essential information was used to retain a scientific materialistic position. An informational approach does not abandon the general physiological principles. In older times, the laws of classical mechanics appeared to be insufficient to explain some physical processes. It resulted in the appearance of quantum mechanics and new notions of the space and time. The data on ultralow doses illustrate some new principles of vital activity. The pharmacotherapeutic effects (e.g., adaptive activity) of ultralow doses should be analyzed using a coordinate system. In the previous chapter, we hypothesized that inherited characte ristics are encoded in constellationandoscillation parameters of DNA. Auto oscillations of DNA and genomic products (peptides and proteins) result in structuralization of the liquid medium in an organism. All processes in this me 77 Ultralow doses dium develop in the genetically determined spatial and temporal limits. In herited characteristics (i.e., “wave” parameters of genetic information in struc tured loci) appear as a semantic factor, which “integrates” the molecular pro cesses into constellations. Figuratively, functions of a structured medium have the semantic content and holographic shape. Based on the experience of homeopathy, we emphasized that the specific marker of individual sensitivity serves as an indication for treatment with several homeopathic remedies. It depends on the association of this marker with other markers. Analogously, we believe that each endogenous molecule enters a considerable number of constellations and becomes involved in a variety of distant constellation relationships. These relationships extend beyond the cell or synapse, which forms the basis for celltocell interactions and systemic regu lation (M. A. Pal’tsev et al., 1995). “Network” constellation processes in the nervous, immune, and endocrine systems are particularly important for systemic regulation. Billions of cells and subcellular factors are involved in reciprocal relationships between the nervous and immune systems. By the degree of complexity, these relationships are comparable with the Cosmos*. However, local physiological processes are also based on the constellation principle. An example is the cascade of metabolic events during intracellular transduction, which involves secondary messengers, calcium, adenylate cyclase, phospho inositide cycle, and protein kinases. The existence of molecular constellations that combine cellular and inter cellular processes eliminates the distinction between such notions as “substrate” and “function”. More than 60 years ago the author of the theory of biological field (A. G. Gurwitsch, 1944) assumed the existence of structured processes, but not of the substrate or function. We shall use this good term. The formation of constellations from hereditary information endows them with the property of memory (i.e., holographic memory of normal function in certain molecular ensembles). Hence, constellations are the unity of structure, function, and regulations (holographic memory) of functioning. The molecular ensembles maintain this trinity due to constant motion and permanent dynamic changes in constellations. Each element of con stellations should constantly deviate from the mean value. Functions are regu lated by the “accuracy” of this deviation (i.e., on the basis of constellation me mory). Hence, the most important information is stored in particular network structures (neural networks in CNS, antiidiotypic network of natural anti bodies, etc.). Due to interference, all molecular and submolecular constellations of an organism are combined into the holographic sphere. The dual individual * The term “constellations” is most appropriate for these megaensembles. 78 Chapter 5. Principle of maintenance of the initial integrity andspecies organization of distant intermolecular relationships in this structure contributes to the existence of horizontal (generalspecies) and vertical (indi vidual) planes. The notion of “holographic sphere” amplifies the term “homeo stasis” by a new biophysical (spatial) content. The evolutionary principle pos tulates that structure of any biological system should be similar to the original matter. All manifestations of vital activity should be characterized by the specific, “regular”, and evolutionarily determined spatial and temporal relation ships between elements of the biological system. This is achieved by coupling between the horizontal and vertical plane of an organism’s holographic sphere. Vital functions are stable, structured, and homeostatic only within the “regular” spatial limits. To emphasize this idea, we introduced one new term into our hypothesis. This term (initial integrity) designates the ability of biological systems to retain a unique individualandspatial structure according to evolutionary (original) principles of the spatial and temporal organization of vital activity*. The integration of all constellations into a common holographic sphere provides the specific spatial architectonics of an organism. Spatialand hierarchic relationships are not typical of individual molecules. They are char acteristic of intermolecular distant (information) relations that serve as a primary element of the holographic sphere. The hierarchy of a biological system is based on the interrelated dual individualandspecies relationships, which develop in the prebiotic stage of evolution. The unique architectonics of an organism is formed during embryo genesis. The integration (interference) of maternal and paternal “wave” infor mation is probably a longterm process, which determines embryogenesis and terminates only during the postnatal development. Before this period, any foreign molecule introduced into the embryo has a specific place in the developing architectonics. New relationships of this molecule serve as a constituent element of the whole holographic memory in an organism (acquired tolerance). The immune system becomes mature in the postnatal period, which is related to genetic reconstruction of lymphocytes. This system is capable of evaluating the structure of any endogenous or exogenous molecule. The immune system estimates the identity of this molecule to the whole holographic structure of an organism (principle of “self” or “nonself”). On the basis of spatialandholographic notions, we believe that “non self” factors are hazardous for the integrity of an organism. Exogenous substan ces also have the property of integrity, which may be “imposed” upon the orga nism. A structurally “nonself” molecule forms the extraneous spatial constel lation relationships and causes disintegration in the organism. Toxic doses of a * By convention the compliance of organism functioning with basic principles is designated the “correct function”. 79 Ultralow doses slightly foreign substance also induce the formation of “incorrect” relationships in an organism. Under these conditions, the existent information relationships will be impaired due to a strong response to the toxic dose. The maintenance of initial integrity is a normal physiological property of the organism. This is similar not only to the idea of homeostasis (W. Cannon, 1915), but also to the notions of genetic integrity (M. Bernet, 1963) and anti entropic activity (I. Prigozhin, 1986, 2006; E. Bauer, 1935). A systemic or local disturbance in the initial integrity is always accompanied by disease. Oncological diseases are the most prominent example. Spatial and temporal laws for the regulation of atypical cells differ from those of normal cells. Before the specific response to an exogenous molecule, the organism evaluates the degree of its difference from the initial integrity. This molecule should interact with conformational regions of endogenous protein molecules that have a complex spatial structure (hormones, enzymes, cell receptors, and antibodies). During the interaction of exogenous molecules with the surface of somatic cells, these molecules are recognized by wellknown cell receptors. During the interaction with conformational sites of microsomal enzymes, low molecularweight xenobiotics undergo oxidationreduction and/or conjugation. An exogenous substance is not only neutralized, but also induces the formation of constellations to “read” its structure. Antibodies and lymphocyte receptors are responsible for the primary evaluation of integrity during the first interaction of antigen with immune system. This is typical of natural and synthetic antigens with any degree of spatial complexity. The recognizing site of such antibodies and receptors is specific for this antigen*. Large molecules are hydrolyzed in the cell. Lowmolecularweight fragments are also evaluated by the immune system. Under these conditions, a lowmolecularweight exogenous molecule or its fragment interacts with the conformational site of a higher molecular weight endogenous molecule. The weight of endogenous molecules probably “amor tizes” autooscillations of xenobiotics, which prevents the imposition of “foreign” integrity. Enzymes, receptors, and antibodies not only transform the signal of an exogenous molecule, but also maintain the initial integrity. This concept explains the domain structure of molecules that belong to a superfamily of immunoglobulins and originate from a common gene. Nonspeciesspecific domains of complex structure and high molecular weight provide the integral and safe evaluation of antigen by the immune system. As mentioned above, the medical product and its potentiated form have a qualitatively similar effect. It is not surprising since the potentiated substance consists of constellations of solvent molecules. After the first stage of biotransformation, this drug in normal doses causes the formation of * Let’s remember semantic series (see Chapter 4). 80 Chapter 5. Principle of maintenance of the initial integrity constellations in an organism. Druginduced constellations have the same spatial structure in vivo and in vitro. They reflect spatially a fine structure of this drug. A systemic effect of medical product will depend on the cascade of semantically organized molecularandconstellation events, but on the linear process (independently on drug dose). If both forms of the drug are constellationholographic structures, what is their target? Probably, this target is also a holographic structure with specific wave properties. Both forms of the drug (original and potentiated substance) can interact with this target by the resonancelike mechanism. A therapeutic effect of any drug is related to the direct action on pathological syndrome (i.e., holo graphic structure), but not on a specific molecular target (concept of “magic bullet”, P. Ehrlich). Any pathological syndrome is a defense response. Chronic diseases are usually characterized by hereditary (constitutional) predisposition. These data illustrate the relationship between pathological syndrome and individualand species structure of an organism. The question arises: what mechanisms do pro tect the organism in pathological syndrome (abnormal structure)? First of all, these mechanisms should maintain the initial integrity. Our evolutionary pos tulate suggests that the hypothetic information vacuum (structured vacuum) is characterized by a constant fight between at least two original substances for the organization of information processes in accordance with their structure. The tendency toward a “regular” spatial and temporal organization of normal func tions is restricted at the information level. Hence, the inertia is typical of phy siological processes (similarly to mechanical processes). The strength of in dividualandspecies regulation probably decreases with time, which contributes to the accumulation of stochastic events and natural aging of an organism. Due to the inertia of vital functions, sooner or later the organism is characterized by a tendency to the systemic or local formation of extraneous spatial and temporal relationships. The increased formation of “regular” relationships in “weak points” probably has a compensatory role. The stage of functional disorders (predisease) is followed by deformation of the holographic sphere in an organism. Such deformation is pathological syndrome, which probably contributes to the maintenance of “selfproperties” (initial integrity) in a “nonself” form. There are no “pathological” molecules in the organism. The induced pathological distant relationships between these molecules determine a conventionally abnormal state. Pathological syndrome should be diagnosed by the appearance of new relationships (correlations) between clinical and laboratory parameters, but not by a change in one biochemical or functional marker. Holographic notions of pathological syndrome give rise to a new understanding of the therapeutic effect of pharmaceutical products. Probably, the remedy will be effective if it has the properties of tropism for pathological 81 Ultralow doses syndrome and integrity. Tropic activity is associated with the resonance interaction between druginduced constellations and pathological syndrome. The influence should be integrative to produce a therapeutic effect. Integrity is mainly determined by the weight of medical product. This property may be considered as the ability of substance to retain specific physicochemical activity (integrity) during the interaction with an organism. The relationship between medical product and pathological syndrome depends on the integrity. It should be sufficient to disturb the dynamic equilibrium of pathological syndrome. The notion of pathological syndrome as a spatial structure does not contradict the physiological hypothesis of disease pathogenesis. When one or another endogenous molecule regulates a certain physiological process under normal conditions, it will be involved in the development of pathological syn drome to compensate disturbances in this process. These events are related to the formation of “pathological” relationships. Pathological syndrome has a specific hierarchic structure. The molecules involved in this pathological syndrome are subordinate to each other. Without pharmacological screening, it is difficult to estimate a priori which molecule has a “key role” in the spatial structure of pathological syndrome. This approach is also essential to evaluate the medical product, which will exhibit the highest tropism for one or another type of pathological condition. Some potent phar maceutics (aspirin, phenobarbital, and Viagra) were developed empirically. Knowing a physiological role of these drugs, it was difficult to anticipate the in dications for use. Pharmacological screening is a longterm and expensive process. A new notion of tropism will allow us to develop some methods to search for pharmaceutical products (e.g., resonance frequency analysis). Such studies can be performed with potentiated substances, but not with medical products. The mechanism of tropism is resonance. Therefore, tropism as a property of substance is related to its semantic analysis in the organism. A “correct” reflection of environmental events is the major evolutionary goal of each organism. Any physical and chemical factors have a modulatory effect on organism function. The first exposure to “neutral” factors is followed by only one response of the organism (reaction to novelty; T. M. Vorob’eva, 1962). All factors that may disturb the integrity always induce an organism’s response. Each external factor has a specific semantic (information) structure, which is manifested in the structure of induced molecular constellations. For example, some information is perceived through the second signaling system and transformed into plastic memory of the brain. These engrams are holographically distributed in the brain. Metabolism of chemical factors (e.g., medical products) is followed by the appearance of constellations. Distant relationships between all elements of the external factor and constituents of a biological system have the same physical (information) nature. In the 82 Chapter 5. Principle of maintenance of the initial integrity coincidence (resonance) of oscillation parameters for relationships between discrete (final and simplest) elements of any external factor and distant inter molecular relations in an organism (information acceptors), the image of this external factor is distributed over the holographic structure of an organism (“re cording”). External information is refracted through the holographic sphere (prism) and gains an individual nature. This information is stored in compliance with a unique structure of the organism, which constitutes its evolutionary purpose. By convention the “portion” of external information may be compared with the grammatical sentence, which is linguistically divided into “words” and “syllables”. On the basis of interference, these “syllables” are combined into new words and new “phrases”. The relationship between new phrases and ori ginal sentence is not always obvious. A famous linguist and Nobel Prize winner Noam Chomsky proposed the term “generative grammar”. According to Chomsky, each notion causes the for mation of brain associations that reflect its structure. The greater is the number of words to describe any notion, the more exact and clear is the definition of its meaning (N. Chomsky, 1999). A semantic analysis of medical products is based on the same principles. The question arises: which is the way to perform a semantic analysis of pharmaceutical products in various doses? A study of superdiluted solutions showed that they reproduce activity of the original substance in a reduced form (E. B. Burlakova et al., 1990). It may be suggested that due to little effect of the activated substance, its structure is only partially evaluated in an organism. The activated substance causes a small physiological response, which is mediated by the resonance mechanism and sufficient for the image analysis of ultralow doses. Clinically, the exposure to an activated product is followed by little activating effect. Other results are obtained when a homeopath prescribes the potentiated remedy according to the principle of “similarity” (i.e., individual sensitivity of patient). The image of a potentiated substance is also “read” and “recorded” in the holographic sphere of an organism. However, the whole spatial image of this exposure cannot be formed in an organism. The structure of an activated substance coincides with the individual vertical plane of a holographic sphere and, therefore, is not reflected. To perform a complete evaluation of the potentiated substance, druginduced constellations are combined to large constructions in the organism. These changes contribute to the hyperergic reaction. A specific response to ultralow dose increases due to hyperergia. In the case of tropism for pathological syndrome, the activated product has a therapeutic effect. The constellations induced by a therapeutic dose also resound with pathological syndrome. Under ideal conditions, a holographic sphere of the 83 Ultralow doses initial integrity is restored in this locus. These changes are followed by recovery of the patient. It is well known that the drug has individual toxicity. A prescribed medical product in the therapeutic dose becomes toxic when druginduced “wave” constellations directly interact (resound) with pathological syndrome. However, these constellations are so great that pathological syndrome cannot “absorb” them. Treatment with the toxic dose is a priori dangerous for the initial integrity of an organism. With respect to the initial integrity, such nonspecific event as unreactivity to high dose of any substance appears to be substantiated. The organism does not interact with this substance to retain its initial integrity. The toxic dose is similar to stress exposure. Hence, stress may be con sidered as a process to maintain the initial integrity (refusal to interact spe cifically with a strong pathogenic factor). A similar evolutionary appropriateness is typical of the opposite event (class reactions of hyperergia). It suggests the refusal to interact specifically with a substance whose structure is dangerous for the initial integrity. The experience of homeopathy shows that hyperergic reactions retain the specific nature only after treatment with ultralow doses. Let’s consider the interaction between ultralow dose and normal dose in the context of the phenomenon of bipathy. Our experiments showed that sometimes this phenomenon is reproduced during combined treatment with both doses. Under several conditions, ultralow dose should be administered before (several tens of minutes) treatment with “high dose”. These data indicate that modifying activity of the potentiated substance is associated not only with a direct effect of ultralow dose on “high” dose, but also with the readiness of an organism to treatment with the standard drug. It will be remembered that during bipathic treatment with prednisolone, ethanol, morphine, and cyclophosphane, ultralow dose serves as a protective factor against the toxic dose. The specific preparation of an organism to this exposure probably contributes to a variety of positive protective effects that were observed under experimental conditions. We showed that the ultradiluted substance sometimes has a potentiating effect on the same medical product. For example, antimetastatic activity of cyclophosphane increased after bipathic treatment. The potentiating effect of ultralow dose is probably related not only to its direct influence on normal dose, but also to the preparation of common oscillatory target acceptors in an organism. The drug in normal dose is biotransformed in an organism, which results in the “reading” of its structure. The potentiated product is a ready constellation form. An analysis of the potentiated product occurs more rapidly than that of the normal dose, which determines the preparation of an organism to “high” dose. Studying the effect of antiS100 in ultralow doses on the isolated neuronal membrane showed that their basic property is sensitizing activity. It 84 Chapter 5. Principle of maintenance of the initial integrity was manifested in subthreshold depolarization (with no generation of the action potential), increase in the maximum amplitude of inward current, and moderate functional modulation of ion channels. The systemic sensitizing effect of activated antiS100 is manifested in variations of synaptic plasticity. This conclusion was made in experiments on the model of LTPTP. The altered synaptic plasticity determines a wide range of properties of neuropsychotropic drugs in ultralow doses. Sensitization is an increase in the individual sensitivity to a certain external stimulus under the influence of another external factor. This phenomenon was demonstrated in some bipathic experiments. On the one hand, we revealed that ultralow doses of a drug specifically prepare the organism to normal dose of the same drug. On the other hand, studies of American scientists showed that pretreatment of neurons in the tissue culture with activated glutamate protects them from damage by glutamate in toxic doses (W. Jonas et al., 2001). Moreover, the protective effect against glutamate in toxic doses was also achieved after administration of cycloheximide in ultralow doses. However, other neurotropic drugs in ultralow doses did not have a protective effect (D. Marotta et al., 2002). Hence, sensitization with ultralow doses is a specific process. This conclusion was confirmed by the results of our studies with morphine (T. A. Zapora et al., 1999), caffeine and cyclosporine A (O. I. Epstein et al., 2004), theophylline and morphine (O. I. Epstein et al., 2003), and 5F5B6 antigen (N. A. Beregovoi et al., 1999). Longterm observations of antibodies in ultralow doses showed that they have an adaptive effect. It is not surprising. Neurophysiological studies revealed that weak and subthreshold factors have a sensitizing effect, which increases the adaptive capacity of an organism. More than 30 years ago, I. A. Arshavskii demonstrated the existence of adaptogenic remedies. They include extracts of Eleutherococcus, Schizandra, ginseng, Rhodiola, etc. (I. A. Arshavskii, 1976). Adaptive activity of these remedies is related to the nonspecific activating effect. This activity is shortlasting and mild. Therefore, adaptogens should not be identified with the adaptive effect of antibodies in ultralow doses. Antibodies in ultralow doses have a strong, rapid, and specific effect. The main advantages of activated antibodies are sensitization of natural antibodies and mobilization of predetermined normal functions (memory). Hence, activated antibodies produce a specific effect on the corresponding antigen. It should be emphasized that treatment with these antibodies (i.e., mild exposure) has a sparing effect. Adaptation is of the most complicated problems in physiology. Adaptation to a certain environmental factor is based on the structural trace of memory (F. Z. Meerson, 1993). By the principle of dominant, this process contributes to the integration of topographically different nervous centers into one constellation (A. A. Ukhtomskii, 1950, 1952). The final stage of adaptation 85 Ultralow doses (model) is encoded in this constellation. It was named “a model of the desired future” (N. A. Bernstein, 1990) or “useful adaptive result of activity” (P. K. Anokhin, 1975). According to P. K. Anokhin, parameters of the useful result integrate various elements of a biological system into dynamic, selforganizing, and self regulating functional systems. In other words, the goal (adaptation) combines various physiological processes into a single whole. The integration is based on acquired “adaptable” plastic relationships and “rigid” inherited relationships (N. P. Bekhtereva, 1977). Functional systems are structured by the holographic principle (K. V. Sudakov, 1984, 1990, 1996a,b). Our notions about semantic andholographic functional principles of biological systems are close to the classical concept of adaptation. During a semantic analysis, any external factor induces a specific response of the organism. The image of this factor integrates some physiological processes into dynamic constructions of memory (longterm memory). All constellations in the organism are “coupled” by wave hereditary information. During interference of genetic and acquired information, the latter becomes individual for this organism. The formation of an adaptive response results from individual experience, which is “superimposed” on generalspecies physiological processes (genetic memory). Our notions of adaption contradict the general theory. Approximately 10 years ago, the notions of evolutionary purposes of biological systems were revised after experiments of Professor B. I. Lyubimov. The animals (mice) were treated simultaneously with toxic doses of morphine and potentiated morphine C200 (10 400 wt %). Control animals received morphine in the same doses (Table 5.1). The following results were obtained for females: 257.476(244.302:271.361) LD50= 260.8298(238.9089:284.7621) mg/kg, 198.854(194.241:195.496) LD16= 152,3292(148.764:155,9799) mg/kg, 340.223(339.159:341.297) LD84= 446,6136(436,1606:457,317) mg/kg; The following results were obtained for males: 257.476(244.302:271.361) LD50= 275.4606(192.2007:394.7883) mg/kg, 198.854(194.241:195.496) LD16= 86 138.0255(73.4526:259.3652) mg/kg, Table 5.1. Toxicity of morphine after individual treatment and bipathic administration in combination with potentiated morphine (O. I. Esptein, 1999) Females Dose, mg/kg number of animals per group Males number of died animals number of animals per group number of died animals 150 72 72 0 7 72 70 0 7 175 72 72 10 24 72 70 10 29 200 72 72 12 24 72 70 12 26 250 72 72 36 32 72 70 36 30 300 72 72 48 42 72 70 48 35 87 Chapter 5. Principle of maintenance of the initial integrity individual bipathic individual bipathic individual bipathic individual bipathic administration administration administration administration administration administration administration administration Ultralow doses 340.223(339.159:341.297) LD84= 549.7437(292.5553:1033.029) mg/kg. The standard (individual) and bipathic methods of morphine treatment are shown in the numerator and denominator, respectively. The experiment yielded ambiguous results. On the one hand, the potentiated product had a protective effect against morphine in toxic doses (LD84). On the other hand, toxicity of morphine in safe doses (LD16) was elevated after administration of the potentiated product. A polymodal adaptive response is typical of ultralow doses (E. B. Burlakova, 1986, 1990) and normal doses (well known experiments of L. Kh. Garkavi et al., 1998). The question arise: what is the biological significance of a polymodal response to substance in any dose? We believe that the main role of adaptive capacity is not so much to pro vide environmental adaptation as to maintain the initial integrity in an orga nism. The tendency to integrity may be considered as a major factor, which combines biological systems into a single whole. Biophysically, it is manifested in an attempt of the organism to achieve a harmonic “regular” holographic state. The analogy to electron was drawn above. Each electron occupies a certain orbit during rotation around the nucleus. Similarly to this electron, the holographic sphere of an organism has steady integrative multiparametric functional states (orbits). Any medical product induces “wave” constellations in an organism. Phase characteristics of these constellations are determined by drug dose. Depending on the dose, this direct will “direct” all physicochemical processes in an organism at the closest functional orbit (relative to phase characteristics). Probably, multiparametric characteristics of a certain steady sate of the organism’s holographic sphere are the useful result of activity (according to P. K. Anokhin). In other words, a biological system always tends to achieve the predetermined integrative state. These data introduce new definitions into the classical notions of adaption in medicine and biology. Integrity appears to be at a higher evolutionary level than health. Therefore, adaptation may be achieved through disease. From this standpoint, any pathological condition should be considered as the lowest level of adaptation. The organism continues to function so long as it maintains the initial integrity and fulfils a main evolutionary purpose (correct reflection of reality). Functional inertia contributes to the dissociation of individual and generalspecies relationships in molecular ensembles of one or another specific locus in the organism’s holographic sphere. To compensate this dissociation, the organism integrates molecular processes within the framework of pathological syndrome. During drug treatment for pathological syndrome, we propose another program to achieve the organism’s integrity. In regard to allopathic drugs, this is related to integrative properties of the dose (weight). As for ultralow doses of antibodies, the specified condition 88 Chapter 5. Principle of maintenance of the initial integrity is associated with particular properties of these agents (i.e., type of natural antibodies). First, the amount of natural antibodies in an organism is extremely low to perform the role of endogenous regulators. Hence, the “degree” of constellations induced by potentiated antibodies is sufficient for the interaction with natural antibodies. The smaller is the target, the weaker is the weapon to “strike” this target. Despite low physiological concentration of natural anti bodies in the organism, their constellations include the regulations for function of all antigens. Hence, global problems (regulation of functions) can be solved by a “small force”. Second, natural antibodies have a unique morphofunctional dualism that is manifested in the existence of V domains and C domains. This property allows natural antibodies to “trigger” coadjustment regulatory (generalspecies) reactions in an organism. It is realized through C domains during the inter action of one or another molecule (antigen) with V domains. Third, antibodies are combined into the antiidiopathic network. A disturbance from the interaction of antigen with one or several molecules of antibodies can spread over the whole network. And fourth, a continuous transfer of information in network structures (e.g., antiidiopathic network of antibodies) seems to be analogues to the process of potentiation. During continuous circulation, the same spatial images (constellations) are superimposed on their traces. Hence, each image is divided into various temporal (phase) constituents. The antiidiopathic network not only includes the memory of normal function of antigens, but also encodes a step bystep program of using this memory (program for result of action, P. K. Anokhin)*. Activated compounds have an “accelerating” effect on reflection of the original substance in an organism (advanced programming of properties of the useful adaptive result, P. K. Anokhin) and reduce the latency of an adaptive response. This has been demonstrated with the phenomenon of bipathy. These data suggest that the effect of products from ultralow doses of antibodies is realized via advanced regulation of functions by natural antibodies. Most important in Chapter 5 The cell of vital activity consists of semantically organized molecular and submolecular ensembles (constellations) that appear as a trinity of structure, functions, and hereditary principles (memory) of functioning. * Antibodies at various dilutions can affect various stages of this program. Hence, the effect of antibodies in ultralow doses depends on their potency. 89 Ultralow doses Any organism as a sum of molecular constellations is the integral holo graphic structure (sphere) with a unique dual (individualandspecies) architec tonics. The maintenance of a unique specific structure in accordance with evo lutionary (basic) principles of the spatial and temporal organization of vital ac tivity is a main evolutionary purpose of any biological system. All physiological reactions of the organism (including an adaptive re sponse) are informationally predetermined and directed to maintain the initial integrity. Adaptive pathological syndrome is a holographic structure, which may be considered as an effort to retain the initial integrity (“self”) in another structural form (“nonself”). The medical product in any dose can interact directly with pathological syndrome and has a therapeutic effect under certain conditions (combination of tropism for a certain pathological condition and sufficient integrity). The main physiological property of remedies with ultralow doses is a sen sitizing effect on the certain structured processes. A specific nature of antibodies indicates that they can be used as mo dern higheffectiveness remedies in ultralow doses. As differentiated from ho meopathy, this approach dies not require individualization of therapy. Potenti ated antibodies have a sensitizing effect on the system of natural antibodies and, therefore, increase their regulatory activity (“regulation of regulator”). 90 C h a p t e r 6 On the way to pharmacology of ultralow doses E xperiments with ultralow doses showed that the division of medicine into homeopathic and allopathic medicine is arbitrary. Medicine is a unified science. The organism specifically reacts to a substance independently on its dose. This simple fact emphasizes that biological systems are characterized by a fine “informationalandessential” level of organization. At this level, the effect of medical products in “allopathic” and “homeopathic” doses is mediated by similar mechanisms. The effects of ultralow doses are reproducible, may be evaluated by standard methods and, therefore, hold promise for evidencebased medicine. The exception is homeopathic therapy. The individual (“similar”) prescription of remedies is like art. The methodology of homeopathy is not associated with a pathophysiological approach of modern pharmacology. However, the experience of homeopathy is worthy of attention. Physicians can adopt a wise (holistic) attitude of homeopaths to the patient. Moreover, the drugs should be prescribed with caution. Skilled homeopaths take an individual approach. They usually prescribe only one remedy, follow carefully the patient’s reaction, and do not tend to cure the disease “at any price”. A homeopathic approach to druginduced exacerbation is of interest to clinicians. This state is associated with drug treatment when the observed symptoms constitute the socalled “pathogenesis” (see Chapter 1). There is no causeand effect relationship between the remaining symptoms and drug treatment. A 91 Ultralow doses famous physician D. V. Popov (founder of the Kiev homeopathic school) proposed the following three groups of symptoms in exacerbation: 1) existing in a patient and increasing during drug treatment; 2) present in the anamnesis; and 3) observed at any time in immediate relatives. According to the rules of C. He ring, the homeopath can predict a favorable or poor prognosis of exacerbation. The drug is not withdrawn in a favorable prognosis. However, this state requires a decrease in the frequency of drug treatment or shortterm interruption of therapy. Therapy is interrupted only when druginduced exacerbation concerns vital organs. When clinical symptoms “migrate” from vital organs to other organs (e.g., skin) during treatment with the potentiated product, this trans formation is considered as a positive reaction (“minimal” harm) and therapy continues. The historical experience of homeopathy (i.e., study of medical products in ultralow doses with healthy volunteers, S. Hahnemann) is of particular importance for modern clinical pharmacology. This is a paradigmatic example of simplicity and greatness. Generally, up to one third of patients may exhibit an atypical response to any pharmaceutical product. The incidence of side effects, including severe complications, is high in the group of patients with atypical reactions. Genotyping of individual drug sensitivity is not introduced into clinical practice. We believe that standard clinical trials of medical products should be supplemented by the introduction of a group of healthy volunteers receiving the activated form of drug. Such approach will allow us to evaluate the hyperergic reaction to study drug in sensitive respondents. Therefore, all possible complications will be rapidly and safely revealed at the initial stage of therapy. The remaining side effects of study drug are associated with its cumulative action and may be evaluated only in normaldose trials. Besides the evaluation of adverse events, a study of activated products with healthy volunteers before the start of standard clinical trials will demonstrate the phenotypic and genetic markers (correlates) for individual sensitivity of respondents to a certain drug. Moreover, the activated forms of pharmaceutical agents should be tested also in patients. Before the start of clinical trials, one or another drug in ultralow dose may be given to a patient (onetotwo times). In the case of a strong hyperergic reaction, the respondents should be excluded from clinical trials or receive this drug in the reduced dose. Besides the experience of homeopathy, combined (bipathic) admi nistration of the drug and its activated form is of particular interest. Bipathy as a whole may be introduced into modern medicine. After the discovery of this phenomenon, there was a review on the protective effect of heavy metal salts in ultralow doses against the toxic concentration. Administration of the activated 92 Chapter 6. On the way to pharmacology of ultralow doses substance before and after treatment with heavy metals was followed by the increased elimination of a toxic agent (A. Delbancut et al., 1997). There were no data on the general modifying activity (except for protective properties) of ultralow doses, which occurs after combined (bipathic) administration of the substance and its activated form. Unfortunately, beginning from 1999 the development and introduction of products from ultralow doses of antibodies drew us away from further studies of bipathy. However, the results of previous experiments are sufficient to understand the importance of this phenomenon. The activated remedy potentiates* a pharmacological effect of the original substance, which is of particular significance for medical practice. Experiments at the laboratory of T. A. Voronina showed that combined treatment with the normal and ultralow dose of phenazepam (ULDP, dilution C12+30+200) is followed by a significant increase in anxiolytic activity of this drug (O. I. Epstein et al., 2007). Activated phenazepam was given simultane ously or 10 min before administration of the original substance. These studies were conducted on the model of punished drinking. Electric current was applied to the floor of cages and spout of drinking bowls. The animals attempted to satisfy their natural demands for water (drinking from bowls). However, they were punished by a mild electric current. Antianxiety drugs allowed the animals to adapt and satisfy their biological demands for water (in spite of punishment). The stronger was the anxiolytic (antianxiety) effect of study drug, the greater was the number of punished drinking episodes (Table 6.1). Another experiment of T. A. Voronina was designed to study the effect of bipathic treatment with phenazepam on animals with corazolinduced seizures Table 6.1. Effect of individual or combined treatment with phenazepam in the thera peutic and ultralow dose on the number of punished drinking episodes in rats (conflict situation) Group Dose Period between drug treatment and recording of the effect Control Number of punished drinking episodes at 0.25mA current 20 177.75±43.02 1 ml/kg 20 415.67±113.96* ULDP 2.5 ml/kg 20 260.67±38.21 ULDP 2.5 ml/kg 30 358.33±60.75* ULDP+phenazepam (simultaneously) 2.5 ml/kg + 1 mg/kg 20 1279.33±82.28** ULDP before phenazepam 2.5 ml/kg+1 mg/kg 20 1022.00±46.36** Phenazepam Note. *p<0.05 and **p<0.01 compared to the control. * For this reason, we proposed the term “activated” form instead of “potentiated” form. 93 Ultralow doses (O. I. Epstein et al., 2007c). Ultralow doses were administered simultaneously or 10 min before treatment with phenazepam in normal dose. Activated phenazepam had a potentiating effect not only on anxiolytic activity, but also on the antianxiety properties of this drug. It was manifested in an increase in the latency of seizures, decrease in the ratio of animals with seizures, and reduction of the mortality rate. The side effects of phenazepam were not revealed under these conditions (sedative and myorelaxant activity; Table 6.2). Further studies at the laboratory of T. A. Voronina showed that psycho tropic properties of a wellknown neuroleptic drug haloperidol are not observed after bipathic treatment of experimental animals. Combined treatment with normal dose and ultralow dose of haloperidol (ULDH) was followed by a decrease in the cataleptogenic effect of this drug. The degree of catalepsy decreased by 24, 46, and 33% by the 60th, 120th, and 190th minute after administration of ULDH, respectively (compared to animals of the haloperidol group). Administration of Cyclodol (6 mg/kg) in combination with haloperidol had a strong antagonistic effect on cataleptogenic activity of haloperidol. Catalepsy was completely abolished after 60, 120, and 180 min. The cataleptogenic effect was less pronounced after combined administra tion of Cyclodol and ULDH. It should be emphasized that the cataleptogenic effect was lower compared to that of Cyclodol, but higher than the activity of potentiated haloperidol (Table 6.3). It will be remembered that the antiblastoma effect of cyclophosphane in creases after bipathic administration (E. N. Amosova et al., 2003). Experimental studies (O. I. Epstein et al., 1997; V. G. Zilov et al., 2000; O. I. Epstein et al., 2002b; A. M. Titkova et al., 2002; O. G. Berchenko et al., 2003; I. F. Pavlov et al., 2003) and some clinical observations (N. V. Aleksandrova et al., 2003) Table 6.2. Effect of phenazepam in the therapeutic and ultralow dose on outbred albino rats with corazolinduced seizures Corazol+ Corazol+ ULDP ULDP+ before phenazepam phenazepam (simultaneously) Corazol Corazol+ phena zepam Corazol+ ULDP Latency of clonic seizures 0:11:20± 0:03:13 0:22:20± 0:05:42* 0:09:40± 0:00:35 0:37:20± 0:06:48*+ 0:32:00± 0:10:26* Latency of tonic seizures 0:16:40± 0:04:56 — 0:13:20± 0:00:34 — 0:33:00± 0:09:24* Parameter Tonic seizures, % 100 0 100 0 40 Mortality, % 80 0 100 0 20 Note. p<0.05: *compared to corazol; +compared to phenazepam in normal dose. 94 Chapter 6. On the way to pharmacology of ultralow doses Table 6.3. Effect of ULDH and Cyclodol on the degree of haloperidolinduced catalepsy in rats (Morpurgo method) Average score per group Group, dose after 60 min after 120 min after 180 min Haloperidol, 0.7 mg/kg 1.7±0.2 2.6±0.3 2.4±0.3 Haloperidol (0.7 mg/kg) + Cyclodol (6.0 mg/kg), simultaneously 0.0±0.0* 0.0±0.0* 0.1±0.1* Haloperidol (0.7 mg/kg) + ULDH (2.5 mg/kg), simultaneously 1.3±0.1* 1.4±0.2* 1.6±0.2* Haloperidol (0.7 mg/kg) + Cyclodol (6.0 mg/kg) + ULDH (2.5 mg/kg), simultaneously 0.5±0.2* 0.5±0.2* 1.0±0.2* Note. *p<0.05 compared to animals receiving haloperidol in a dose of 0.7 mg/kg revealed the protective effect of prednisolone, morphine, and ethanol during combined administration of the original substance and its activated form. Several experiments were performed with detoxification of heavy metals. The results of these researches suggest that the phenomenon of bipathy holds much promise not only for the potentiation of pharmacological activity, but also for the correction of toxic properties of pharmaceutical products. Unfortunately, none of the “bipathic” remedies is used in clinical practice (as differentiated from medical products from ultralow doses of antibodies). It should be noted that patents for bipathy have been granted in some countries. Bipathy suggests a specific modifying effect of activated drugs on the activity of original substances. Previous studies on various experimental models showed that ultralow doses of cadmium prevent the toxic effect of cadmium. Mercury in ultralow doses had a protective effect against toxic activity of mercury salts (A. Delbancut et al., 1997). There are some data on the protective activity of one substance against the toxic dose of another substance. As mentioned above, activated cycloheximide protects neurons from glutamate in toxic doses (D. Marotta et al., 2002). Moreover, ultralow doses of some substances potentiate the effect of an antitumor antibiotic adriamycin (N. P. Konovalova et al., 2002; N. P. Pal’mina et al., 2002). We proposed that ultralow doses of antibodies can be used in clinical practice. Activated products have a wide range of experimental and clinical effects. Therefore, this approach may be considered as a precursor of pharmacology of ultralow doses. At the present time, potentiated antibodies are the most studied substances of ultralow doses. Activated antibodies are a new class of medical products that meet the requirements of evidencebased medicine. Due to technical reasons, they 95 Ultralow doses are formally designated as homeopathic remedies. Probably, this classification will change after the solution of normative questions. Principally, all products of antibodies in ultralow doses are developed according to the general principles of modern pharmacology. They include an experimental evaluation of specific pharmacological activity, conduction of required toxicology studies, use of a doubleblind placebocontrolled method in clinical trials, comparison of new agents with modern pharmaceutical products, etc. The results of experimental and clinical studies with products from activated antibodies are presented in the final chapters of this monograph. They show that ultralow doses of antibodies exhibit high effectiveness, which is particularly important for modern pharmacology. The effectiveness of most products was highly competitive with or surpassed that of reference drugs. Even though the effectiveness of antibodycontaining agents in ultralow doses is lower than that of reference drugs (Impaza and sildenafil; and Artrofoon and indomethacin), the integral effectiveness/safety criterion of study preparations compares well with pharmaceutical products. Sometimes the effectiveness of antibodies in ultralow doses was unexpectedly high (even for developers). For example, a hypoglycemic effect of peroral treatment with activated antibodies to the insulin receptor βsubunit surpassed that of parenteral insulin. Besides this, ultralow doses of antibodies to interferonγ (IFNγ) were effective on the model of avian influenza. Antiinflammatory activity of Artrofoon allowed the patients to avoid the use of nonsteroid antiinflammatory drugs. The estimated safety of new products was expected. Ultralow doses could not be toxic a priori. All trials for acute and chronic toxicity, reproductive toxicity, embryotoxicity, immunogenicity, immunotoxicity, etc. confirmed the safety of activated antibodies. Moreover, ultralow doses of antibodies to IFNγ were shown to have antimutagenic activity. The effect of antibodies in ultralow doses can develop in the early (e.g., several tens of minutes for Anaferoninduced hypothermia) or late period after treatment (chronic diseases). It may be said that activated antibodies had the immediate and delayed therapeutic effects in acute and chronic diseases, respectively. A general tendency was revealed during the therapy of chronic diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, prostate adenoma, and cardiovascular failure) with ultralow doses of antibodies. The improvement was observed by the end of 1month treatment with study drugs, progressively increased in the followup period, and reached maximum after 3 or 6 months of therapy. The effect of “allopathic” reference drugs usually occurred after 2 weeks of therapy and was most pronounced by the 4th week. However, many patients were char acterized by exacerbation of the disease and development of side effects. Mild exacerbation of the underlying disease was rarely observed after treatment with 96 Chapter 6. On the way to pharmacology of ultralow doses ultralow doses of drugs. The adverse events were not revealed under these conditions. Otherwise, the relationship between treatment with antibody containing products and development of undesirable effects was ambiguous. During combination therapy with standard drugs and products from antibodies in ultralow doses, activated antibodies had a potentiating therapeutic effect. Sometimes the incidence of side effects of “allopathic” drugs tended to decrease under these conditions. The effectiveness and safety are associated with a particular effect of antibodies in ultralow doses on pathological syndrome. It will be remembered that pathological syndrome is considered as an adaptive response to a change in the individualandspecies integrity of an organism. Chronic diseases often develop in response to the uncoupling of physiological reactions due to their inertia, which increases with age. Pathological syndrome is a spatialand holographic structure, which allows the organism to maintain its initial integrity. According to the general laws of matter, any pharmaceutical agent may exhibit tropism for one or another structured process in an organism (including the pathological process). After a “semantic” analysis, the druginduced molecular constellations can directly interact with pathological syndrome. This interaction is probably mediated by the mechanism of resonance. The structure of medical product is reflected in constellations. Because of the integrity, this drug becomes “incorporated” into the structure of pathological syndrome. The observed changes result in a change in spatial configuration of pathological syndrome. Until this moment, the pathological syndrome is not “noticed” by holographic memory of an organism. This is associated with the absence of novelty, which serves as a major prerequisite for memory stimulation. Any external agent or internal event of unknown integrity serves as a novel factor for the organism. A druginduced disturbance in the dynamic equilibrium of pathological syndrome is followed by structural changes and loss of an individual initial integrity. The pathological syndrome becomes an object of regard with holographic memory*. After the loss of integrity, this organism programs new multiparametric characteristics of function to achieve the initial integrity. Clinically, the transformation of pathological syndrome may be followed not only by its complete or partial reduction, but also by the development of undesired events. * Some data of experimental immunology are analogous to this suggestion. Administration of an antigenic molecule to newborn or adult animals (under specific technological conditions) may inhibit the immune response to a specific antigenic molecule (tolerance). As mentioned above, the immune system does not respond to small molecules or haptens (see Chapter 4). After conjugation of this “nonreactive” antigen with hapten, the immune system “notices” a modified molecule and produces specific antibodies. 97 Ultralow doses A distinctive property of products from ultralow doses of antibodies is that they modulate a unique regulatory system of natural antibodies. We emphasized that antibodies have a specific individual structure and are combined into the antiidiopathic network. This network includes the principles of function (memory) for all antigens (molecules) in an organism. Potentiated antibodies have a sensitizing effect on the antiidiopathic network, which results in the actualization of holographic memory without structural reconstruction of pathological syndrome. Hence, they produce a sparing effect. Our studies showed that the therapeutic effect is achieved only after modification (through activated antibodies) of the molecule or antigen, which has a key role in the pathogenesis of a pathological condition. Under these conditions, the therapy with ultralow doses of antibodies may be considered as pathogenetic. Some evidence exists for our assumption, which is unusual for pathophysiology. Artrofoon, which consists of antibodies to TNFa in ultralow doses, has a strong diseasemodifying effect after longterm therapy for rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis (2 years). A pathogenetic effect of antibodies in ultralow doses is also confirmed by the persistence of druginduced changes after cessation of therapy. As distinct from one of the benzodiazepine drugs, the antianxiety effect of Tenoten (ultralow doses of antibodies to S100) is observed for at least 4 weeks (N. P. Vanchakova et al., 2007). The following clinical observation requires special attention: the cumulative effect of longterm therapy with ultralow doses of antibodies is not accompanied by an increase in the dose of prescribed drug. The experience of homeopathy indicates that the effect of ultralow doses may depend on their dilution (potency). Further studies revealed the unusual types of selectivity of ultralow doses. For example, mollusk neurons of different functions exhibit a response to various dilutions of antiS100. Otherwise, anti S100 of different potency have a modulatory effect on various systems of intracellular kinases. Clinical trials of Artrofoon in patients with rheumatoid arthritis yielded a surprising result. The antiinflammatory and analgetic effects were more significant after treatment with Artrofoon in a dose of 2 tablets 4 times a day (but not 1 tablet 4 times a day). It was unexpected that the effect depends on the volume (number) of dilutions of activated substances. Further studies of antiS100 were performed at the laboratory of T. A. Voronina and “Porsolt & Partners Pharmacology” research company. The effect of these antibodies in animals was characterized by an inverted Ushaped dependence on the volume of dilutions of activated antibodies to S100 protein (V. Castagni et al., 2007; Fig. 6.1). The observed dependence is important to understand the mechanism for effect of antibodies in ultralow doses. These data will be discussed later. It 98 Chapter 6. On the way to pharmacology of ultralow doses 80 ** 60 * 40 * 20 0 20 40 2.5 5.0 7.5 15 Tenoten dose, ml/kg Fig. 6.1. Dependence of the anxiolytic effect of Tenoten on its dose (elevated plus maze test): “Porsolt & Partners Pharmacology”. *p<0.05 and **p<0.001 compared to the control. should be emphasized that the notion “dose” is also applicable to activated products. Cumulation of the therapeutic effect without increasing the dose is a specific feature of activated products. Moreover, clinical trials showed that patients with rheumatoid arthritis and osteochondrosis may be treated with lower (maintaining) doses when a therapeutic effect of the antibodycontaining product reaches a plateau. Tolerance of an organism to medical products results from the inertia, which is typical of physiological processes. The stage of functionaland metabolic “reading” of any pharmaceutical product is followed by the formation of molecular constellations. This stage is also inert. During protracted treatment, the therapeutic effect of prescribed drug may be maintained only under conditions of “novelty” (i.e., increase in the dose). However, this procedure can result in the development of drug dependence. Activated solutions are the ready constellation product. Therefore, various drugs from ultralow doses of antibodies should not overcome the inertia during formation of constellations. Drug tolerance does not occur under these conditions. The inertia is typical not only of physiological processes, but also of conventionally pathological processes. This inertia does not allow the organism to “recover” naturally from one or another chronic disease. Not only the structure, but also the dynamics of pathological syndrome is encoded in the genetic memory. This information appears as the successive and pathologically related functionalandmetabolic stages. The program of each stage is encoded in the previous stage. The next stage does not start before the end of the previous stage. Increasing the dose of a therapeutic drug does not necessarily allow us to overcome the inertia of pathological process. The therapy with ultralow doses of antibodies has great advantages in torpid diseases. As 99 Ultralow doses mentioned earlier, potentiated antibodies have the specific phaseanddynamic characteristics. They serve as “time derivatives” of physiological functions of natural antibodies in the organism. Under conditions of pathological syndrome, these antibodies are coupled with an ensemble of other endogenous molecules. They “freeze” at the unrealized stage of pathological process. Ultralow doses of antibodies affect natural antibodies and transform them (in advance) into another phasic functional state. These changes also concern the antibodyregulated antigens and result in an “imbalance” of pathological syndrome. Sometimes ultralow doses of antibodies directly improve the dynamics of pathological process (up to complete recovery or remission). These antibodies can increase the sensitivity to previous therapy, which allows reducing the dose of standard pharmacological agents. The course of treatment with ultralow doses of antibodies to TNFα contributes to a twofold decrease in the dose of nonsteroid antiinflammatory drugs and cessation of therapy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, respectively. The following observations serve as an example of improved tolerance after administration of potentiated antibodies. Ultralow doses of antibodies to the insulin receptor betasubunit significantly increase tolerance to glucose on the model of streptozotocin induced diabetes. These antibodies are more potent than glybenclamide, but less effective than insulin*. T. M. Vorob’eva studied an antialcohol drug Proproten on the model of lateral hypothalamic selfstimulation. The results of these experiments were surprising for experimental narcology**. All animals refused the ability to self stimulate a “pleasure center”, which is untypical of allopathic psychotropic drugs. As differentiated from a variety of psychopharmacological agents, the same phenomenon was observed without increasing the dose of study drug. The ability to maintain a specific effect without increasing the dose is important for longterm therapy (particularly during treatment for nearly incurable diseases, which result from low level of adaptation). This is related to high toxicity and risk of undesired transformation of the underlying disease. The term “level of adaptation” is extensively used in physiology. Clini cians also know that the lower are the adaptive capacities of an organism, the higher is the predisposition to severe destructive diseases. The most prominent clinical example of multistage adaptation is the development of mental disorders due to external influences (e.g., craniocerebral injury). These * See Chapter 7. ** Ultralow doses of ethanol had a similar, but less pronounced effect on this experimental model. 100 Chapter 6. On the way to pharmacology of ultralow doses disturbances are transitory (Wick’s symptoms), alternate in a certain sequence, and usually result in asthenia. In this case, asthenia serves as a general adaptive response. Hence, clinical transformation of pathological syndrome is a normal sign of adaptive capacities in the organism. The pathomorphosis of disease may be spontaneous or induced by drug therapy. A physician must evaluate whether the prescribed drug therapy and subsequent transformation are the symptoms of a favorable prognosis (i.e., transfer of the disease to a higher level of adaptation). The transformation of symptoms serves as an unfavorable prognostic factor and may be accompanied by adverse events in severe chronic diseases (low level of adaptation). According to FDA, 100000 people in the USA annually die from complications of pharmacotherapy. The mortality of most patients is associated with undesirable transformation of destructive chronic diseases. There is need to minimize “harm” under these conditions. Incredible as it may seem, a “severe” pathological symptom should not be “cured”. It is more important to prevent the transformation of this symptom. Sparing therapy with potentiated antibodies is most appropriate for such patients. Therapy with ultralow doses of antibodies complies with the following principle: “First, do not harm”. By the mechanism, this therapy serves as an adaptive exposure of high effectiveness and safety. We would like a physician to known the mechanism for action of newgeneration drugs. The safety of potentiated products is not related to the presence of low doses of the original substance. These drugs are an activated form of the original substance, which has specific biological properties and involves other mechanisms of adaptation. Thirteen preparations from ultralow doses of antibodies were approved in the Russian Federation. However, the number of widely used drugs of this type is twofold lower. In recent years, antibodies in normal doses were used for the therapy of noninfectious diseases and manufactured by the largest international pharmaceutical companies (Table 4.6). The majority of them are monoclonal humanized antibodies. They appear to be identical to human antibodies and, therefore, are not perceived as a foreign agent after parenteral treatment. These drugs are mainly used in the therapy for severe disorders, including oncological diseases (N. I. Olovnikova et al., 2007). Previous studies showed that these drugs are effective, but not harmless. The development of these drugs is based on published data that antibodies directly block one or another molecular target. We believe that the primary effect is associated with complementary binding of antibodies to antigens. The systemic effect of antibodies in normal and low doses may be realized via activation of natural antibodies. This assumption is confirmed by the fact that Remikeid and Artrofoon (preparations from normal and potentiated 101 Ultralow doses Table 6.4. Antibodycontaining products in the world Product (company) Rituxan (Genetech) Herceptin (Genetech) Avastin (Genetech) Molecular target Indications for use CD20 (B lymphocytes) NonHodgkin’s B cell lymphoma HER2 antigen Breast cancer VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) Large intestine cancer Erbitux (Merck) Campath (Bayer) Zevalin (Genetech) MyloTarg (Wyeth Ayerst) Bexxar (GlaxoSmithKline) Remicade (Centocor) Oncological diseases TNFα Humira (Abbott) Raptiva (Genetech) Simulect (Novartis) Zenapax (Hoffmann La Roche) OrthoClone OKT3 (Qrtho Biotech) Psoriasis, Crohn’s disease, ankylosing spondyloarthritis, rheu matoid arthritis, and ulcerative colitis Autoimmune inflammatory diseases ReoPro (Eli Lilly) Platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor Prevention of thrombus formation in angioplasty (surgical treatment for CHD) Synagis (Medimmune) Respiratory syncytial virus protein Therapy of children with respiratory syncytial virus infection Immunoglobulin E Atopic diseases Xolair (Genetech/Novartis) antibodies to TNFα) have a similar effect. Longterm administration of both drugs is followed by a decrease in the level of TNFα (cytokine with proinflammatory activity). As regards the molecular targets (antigens), all products from ultralow doses of antibodies are classified into the following five groups: • antibodies to cytokines and growth factors (Anaferon, Artrofoon, and Poetam for IFNγ, TNFα, and erythropoietin, respectively); • antibodies to brainspecific protein S100 (Proproten, Tenoten, and Tenoten for children); • antibodies to enzymes (Impaza, endothelial NO synthase; and Afa la, trypsinlike protease or prostatespecific antigen); • antibodies to receptors (Kardos, angiotensin II AT1 receptor; and experimental product Bation, insulin receptor bsubunit); and 102 Chapter 6. On the way to pharmacology of ultralow doses • antibodies to lowmolecularweight compounds (histamine, Prohistam and Epigam; cholecystokinin, Cholestam; and morphine*, Anar). Published data show that the effectiveness of medical product from ultralow doses of antibodies does not depend on morphofunctional characteristics of antigen, but is determined by “tropism” for one or another pathological condition. The effects of activated antibodies are determined by the range of physiological activity of a particular antigen. For example, brain specific protein S100 does not have a narrow range of physiological activity. This protein is responsible for some basic functions of the nervous systems, including the generation and conduction of nerve impulses, synaptic plasticity, etc. (M. B. Shtark, 1985). It is not surprising that ultralow doses of antiS100 have a wide range of neurophysiological properties (from sensitization of the neuronal membrane to early gene expression) and psychopharmacological activity**. By contrast, activated antibodies to histamine exhibit an expected high specificity for ulcer disease and allergy (as expected). The possibility to predict pharmacological activity of antibodycontaining products from the knowledge of pharmacological properties of a specific antigen significantly facilitates the screening for drugs. It should be emphasized that potentiation allows us to modulate the previously “inaccessible” molecules and extends the number of therapeutic targets in pharmacology. For example, the mechanisms of action for Impaza (therapy of erectile dysfunction) differ from those for drugs consisting of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (Viagra, Levitra, and Sialis). The physiological mechanism of erection suggests NO release in the cavernous bodies during sexual stimulation. This process contributes to the elevation of cGMP concentration, relaxation of smooth muscles, and increase in blood supply to the penis. Type 5 phos phodiesterase is responsible for the consumption of cGMP. The inhibition of this enzyme is followed by an increase in cGMP concentration. Impaza has a normalizing effect on the reduced activity of endothelial NO synthase, increases NO level, activates guanylate cyclase, and elevates cGMP concentration in the cavernous bodies. Hence, endothelial NO synthase is a new pharmacological target for ultralow doses of antibodies. Moreover, ultralow doses of antibodies have a more physiological effect on this enzyme (modification, but not inhibition). Impaza has a mild effect, holds promise for the therapy of patients with hypertonia and CHD, and may be used in combination with nitrates. The technology of potentiation allowed us to reveal a variety of new pharmacological * Morphine is the only endogenous antigen used in our studies. However, antibodies to morphine can interact with some of the opiatelike lowmolecularweight endogenous molecules. ** See Chapter 7. 103 Ultralow doses targets (besides endothelial NO synthase), including S100 protein, prostate specific antigen, and insulin receptor. It is most important that ultralow doses of antibodies have a specific effect. In the previous chapters, we described various aspects of the effect of ultralow doses. In conclusion, we would like to briefly summarize the general principles that concern the mechanisms of action and specific effects of activated antibodies. Similarly to other drugs in ultralow doses, ultralow doses of antibodies have biological activity that is related to the technology of potentiation. Potentiated solutions of antibodies have a similar systemic effect, which does not depend on the presence of molecules of the original substance (O. I. Epstein et al., 2004). The technology of potentiation provides a new property of antibodies in ultralow doses. Subthreshold sensitization contributes to the modifying effect of these antibodies. The physical nature of ultralow doses remains unknown. Hence, the term “sensitization” is secondary in relation to activated products. This term does not reflect the effect of ultralow doses, but suggests the re storation of sensitivity (reactivity) of structured processes. Recovery of reactivity is associated with the influence of activated antibodies on “wave” genetic memory of an organism. We revealed two types of the doseeffect relationship for activated products. The effect of these substances is determined by dilution (potency) and volume of the activated solution. The potentiated product (liquid or solid substance) may be considered as an oscillatory circuit, whose characteristics are determined by the method of preparation (number of dilutions) and size (volume of the activated solution). The activated product has a selective dose dependent effect on various phases of the same physiological process with different frequencyoscillation characteristics, which is mediated by the mechanism of resonance. Maximum therapeutic effect is not induced by the highest volume of potentiated solution, but occurs when the amount of this solution is optimal for the resonance interaction with a target. Our observations are consistent with the general notion of Ushaped dependence (E. J. Calabrese et al., 2001). Complex mathematical models showed that an inverted Ushaped curve for the doseeffect relationship is not typical of substances with the standard receptor mechanism of action (as differentiated from a monotonic doseeffect relationship). This curve is appropriate for exogenous substances that activate nuclear receptors (similarly to natural endogenous ligands). A Ushaped doseeffect curve does not depend on receptor affinity for the exogenous sub stance (M. C. Kohn et al., 2002). This approach correlates with the assump tion of T. A. Voronina that Tenoten equilibrates the systems induced by exogenous and endogenous substances (A. V. MartyushevPoklad et al., 2003, 2004). Previous studies of various antagonists on the model of LTPTP and 104 Chapter 6. On the way to pharmacology of ultralow doses behavioral tests showed that the GABAA and GABAB systems are involved in the effect of Tenoten. However, the effects of activated antibodies to S100 were not completely abolished under these conditions. These data serve as indirect evidence that antibodies in ultralow doses have a wide rage of modulatory (normalizing) activity. Experiments with combined (bipathic) administration of the medical product and its ultralow dose showed that the activated substance not only prepares one or another structured process to the interaction with study drug, but also potentiates the effect of this drug. The nature does not like com plexity. Obviously, both phenomena are mediated by the same mechanism. It may be suggested that the potentiated substance affects fine conformational pro perties of the original molecule. Any endogenous molecule has the specific con formation at a certain moment of time. Hypothetically, the number of mole cular conformations is infinite or sufficiently great. The association of various molecules in physiological or pathological processes is probably followed by syn chronization of their conformational and oscillation parameters. Exposure of the original molecule to its activated form is followed not only by a change in the molecular structure, but also by modulation of distant functional relationships. There is indirect evidence that functional activity of natural anti bodies may be modified. The use of activated antibodies in EIA is followed by a change in affinity of natural antibodies for the antigen (O. I. Epstein et al., 2000). Clinical trials revealed that the content of natural antibodies returns to normal after the course of treatment with potentiated antibodies. The reduced level of natural antibodies to IFNγ in patients with viral infections increases on day 1 after administration of antiIFNγ antibodies in ultralow doses (A. Caruso et al., 1997). The content of natural antibodies to S100 protein in blood plasma of alcoholic patients returned to normal by the end of longterm treatment with ultralow doses of antibodies to S100 protein. A change in the activity of natural antibodies is probably followed by programming of the adaptive multiparametric state. Within the framework of this program, the systemic adaptive effect of activated antibodies is mediated by a variety of negative feedback biological reactions. The main effects are illustrated by the example of antibodies to IFNγ in ultralow doses. First of all, activated antibodies have a specific effect on expression of the corresponding antigen. We showed that the course of treatment with potentiated antibodies to IFNγ is followed by the increased production of endogenous IFNγ in experimental animals. It should be emphasized that activated antibodies to other cytokines had little effect on IFNγ expression*. Besides the increase in IFNγ expression, ultralow doses of * See Chapter 7. 105 Ultralow doses antibodies to IFNγ had an indirect modulatory effect on the production of functionally related IL2, IL4, IL10, and IFNα/β. These properties contribute to a wide range of antiviral and immunomodulatory activity of Anaferon. It is most important that Anaferon optimizes the interferon status*. The preventive effect of Anaferon in ARVI is probably related to a normalizing action of IFNγ on various components of immunity. The sensitizing activity of antibodies in ultralow doses serves as a physiological basis for their use in the prevention of various diseases. A specific effect of activated antibodies is illustrated by the example of antiIFNγ antibodies in ultralow doses. As shown above, potentiated antibodies to IFNγ significantly increase the production of IFNγ, have a mild activating effect on the expression of functionally related TNFα, and do not modulate erythropoietin secretion (O. I. Epstein et al., 2004). Moreover, potentiated antibodies have a speciesspecific effect. Ultralow doses of antibodies to chicken IFNγ improved the state of chickens infected with avian influenza. However, activated antibodies to human IFNγ were ineffective under these conditions. High specificity of ultralow doses was also observed in studying the phenomenon of bipathy. This specificity indicates that the activity of ultralow doses is strongly determined. It remains unclear why potentiated speciesspecific polyclonal antibodies (e.g., rabbit antibodies) modify the corresponding natural antibodies of a certain patient under clinical conditions. It will be recalled that anti bodies of any organism are individualized by the V domain due to recombinations in the genome of lymphocytes. Hence, potentiated antibodies have a primary effect on nonspeciesspecific regions of the C domain in natural antibodies. The specific activity of antibodies in ultralow doses is associated with a certain direction of effect, which depends on the initial functional state. For example, ultralow doses of antibodies to erythropoietin and GCSF increase erythropoietic and granulocytemacrophage activity, respectively, under conditions of cytostatic myelosuppression. By contrast, these antibodies have an inhibitory effect on test parameters during immobilization stress (A. M. Dygai et al., 2003, 2004). After administration of antiS in ultralow doses the frequency of action potential generation decreases in neurons with high basal level of spontaneous activity, but increases in neurons with spontaneous activity of low frequency (V. V. Andrianov et al., 2003). The effect of antibodies in ultralow doses depends on the initial state of target organs, which illustrates the adaptive nature of antibodyinduced changes. The remedies with ultralow doses of antibodies are manufactured at the “Materia Medica Holding” ResearchandProduction Company. They differ in the implementation phase. Some products, including Impaza, Proproten100, * See Chapters 7 and 8. 106 Chapter 6. On the way to pharmacology of ultralow doses Anaferon, and Anaferon for children, are extensively used in medical practice. Tenoten, Afala, and Artrofoon have recently appeared in pharmacies. Kardos and Epigam will soon be ready for manufacture. Experimental and clinical trials with ultralow doses of antibodies will be described in Chapters 7 and 8. We would like to show the prospects of treatment with these drugs. Tenoten and Proprotein100 include ultralow doses of antibodies to brain specific protein S100. The dose of antiS100 in Proprotein is C1000. Tenoten is a mixture of activated dilutions C12+30+200. Previous experiments showed that antianxiety activity of the mixture is higher than that of dilution C1000. Tenoten was approved for use as an anxiolytic. Tenoten is a typical daytime anxiolytic, since it combines the incompatible properties (antianxiety and activating effects). As differentiated from benzodiazepine drugs and plant preparations, ultralow doses of antibodies to S100 have no sedative and myorelaxant properties and do not cause drug dependence. The patients reported that Tenoten has a “gentle”, mild, and progressive effect (“sudden and imperceptible improvement of the state”). The drug provides a feeling of light ness and naturalness. After treatment with Tenoten the capacity for work returns to normal (but not increases). Tenoten may be prescribed in psychological tension (driving, examination, managing, and operating activity) and stress conditions. Tenoteninduced “lightness” was not perceived as euphoria or overexcitation. Clinical trials revealed that Tenoten does not cause drug addic tion. Tenoten may be extensively used as a drug of the “normal state”, which prevents internal stress and anxiety. Tenoten has a normalizing effect on mood and general activity. It should be emphasized that Tenoten is effective not only in patients with borderline mental disorders, but also in practically healthy people with a variety of situational neurotic states. Tenoten has an antiasthenic effect and improves cognitive function, which is particularly important for practically healthy subjects. In the future, we plan to introduce Tenoten into psychiatry. It will be used mainly for the therapy of patients with depressive disorders. A unique effect of Tenoten on synaptic plasticity should be taken into account in combined treatment with antidepressant and antipsychotic drugs. Combined administration of Tenoten and psychotropic drugs will allow us to reduce the volume of pharmacotherapy and to prevent side effects of various pharmaceutical products, including neuroleptics (J. L. Dugina et al., 2006). Previous experiments revealed that Tenoten has a neurotrophic and protec tive effect on the model of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. Hence, Tenoten holds much promise for combination therapy of these diseases. In several trials, Tenoten was effective for Parkinsonism, Alzheimer’s disease, and disseminated sclerosis. Tenoten for children contains a mixture of dilutions C12+C30+C50. This product is studied at the “Materia Medica Holding” ResearchandProduction 107 Ultralow doses Company. Tenoten for children holds promise for the therapy of children with nervousness and memory deficit. The composition of Proproten100 is similar to that of Tenoten. Proproten100 was manufactured from 1999. Proproten100 is widely used as an antialcohol drug in Russia. The effect of Proproten is associated with the ability of activated antiS100 to “saturate” a system of positive emotional reinforcement, which results in the decrease in alcohol abuse. Proproten does not cause euphoria and addiction. It can be said that Proproten has a pseudoeuphoric effect*. The patients reported that Proproten produces a “mild” and “specific”, but not intoxicant effect. T. M. Vorob’eva studied the effect of Proproten on the model of lateral hypothalamic selfstimulation. These ex periments showed that Proproten induces the socalled “emotional equili brium”, which is difficult to describe in words. In discussing the emotiotropic effect of Proproten, it is more appropriate to say about “normalizing activity”. Proproten decreases alcohol addiction and has the antidepressant, antianxiety, and neurotrophicandprotective effects. Therefore, Proproten may be used to for the prevention of alcoholism and recurrences of this disease. The effectiveness of drug treatment for many years (e.g., in combination with psychotherapy) will be evaluated in future studies. Activated antibodies to IFNγ, including Anaferon for children (mixture of dilutions C12+30+50) and Anaferon (C12+C30+C200), were manufactured by the “Materia Medica Holding” ResearchandProduction Company for 5 years. Ultralow doses of antibodies to IFNγ were shown to be effective in viral infections, including influenza, chickenpox, infectious mononucleosis, genital herpes, ophthalmic herpes, adenovirus infection, respiratory syncytial virus in fection, rotavirus infection, coronavirus infection, calicivirus infection, tickbone encephalitis, etc. Due to high effectiveness and safety, activated antibodies to IFNγ are extensively for the therapy and prevention of influenza and ARVI in Russia. Taking into account a wide range of immunomodulatory properties of Anaferon, we believe that the future lies with administration of this preparation in combination with other antiviral and/or antiinflammatory drugs, vaccines, and sera. For example, clinical trials showed that the effectiveness of acyclovir significantly increases after combined administration of this drug and Anaferon in patients with herpes infection (A. E. Shul’zhenko et al., 2005). After over coming the distrust of ultralow doses, Anaferon may be used in combination therapy for infectious diseases that are resistant to any treatment (e.g., AIDS, * In collaboration with E. N. Krylov, we studied the possibility of treatment with anti bodies to morphine in ultralow doses (activated neuropsychotropic drugs) as a nonnar cotic replacement therapy in additions (E. E. Krylov, 2003a; N. N. Ivanets et al., 2002). 108 Chapter 6. On the way to pharmacology of ultralow doses tuberculosis, and avian influenza). Promising results were obtained in study of avian influenza. Activated antibodies to chicken IFNγ improve the survival rate of chickens with avian influenza. We assume that Anaferon may be used in the therapy of noninfectious diseases, whose pathogenesis involves interferon (disseminated sclerosis, some mental disorders, etc.). The main indication for Anaferon therapy will be preventive treatment (particularly, in children of decreed groups). Besides Anaferon, the preparation from ultralow doses of antibodies to cytokines (Artrofoon) was developed at the “Materia Medica Holding” Re searchandProduction Company. Artrofoon consists of activated antibodies to TNFα. This drug has a strong antiinflammatory effect. At the present time, Artrofoon is mainly used in rheumatology. It should be emphasized that TNFα has a wide range of physiological activity. Probably, ultralow doses of antibodies to this cytokine may be used as an antiinflammatory agent in pulmonology, surgery, and gastroenterology. Strong evidence exists that Artrofoon is effective in Crohn’s disease. Our experiments showed that ultralow doses of antibodies to TNFα have antitumor activity, which is particularly important for oncology. Impaza has been extensively used in recent years. This product of antibodies to NO synthase in ultralow doses is used in the therapy for erectile dysfunction. Impaza is a drug of choice for elderly patients. Impaza may be given to nitratereceiving patients with coronary heart disease. Impaza has a mild hypotensive effect. This drug may be used for a long time to prevent the development of erectile disorders. Impaza modulates the production of NO and has a multifactor regulatory effect on intracellular processes. Therefore, Impaza holds much promise for the therapy of endothelial dysfunction. The other two products, Afala (activated antibodies to prostatespecific antigen) and Kardos* (ultralow doses of antibodies to the type 1 angiotensin II receptor), were introduced into clinical practice in recent years. Afala is used in the therapy for adenoma and inflammation of the prostate gland. Kardos is used in the therapy for chronic cardiovascular failure. Both drugs have high therapeutic effectiveness. In our opinion they hold promise for the preventive therapy. The effectiveness of drug treatment for many years will be evaluated in further studies. The products from ultralow doses of antibodies to histamine, Epigam and Prohistam, were also developed at the “Materia Medica Holding” Research andProduction Company. They may be used in the therapy for gastric ulcer and allergic diseases, respectively. These drugs hold much promise for secondary prevention of diseases. * Beginning from 2008, the drug will be designated “Kardosten”. 109 Ultralow doses Most important in Chapter 6 There are the following three directions to the use of potentiated prod ucts: homeopathy, bipathy, and pharmacology of antibodies in ultralow doses. The methodology of individual prescription of ultralow doses makes it difficult to use the experience of homeopathy by untrained physicians. The bi pathic method and treatment with potentiated antibodies do not contradict the paradigm of modern medicine and may be widely used in the therapy for vari ous diseases. The major advantages of products from ultralow doses of antibodies are a combination of effectiveness and safety, mild (adaptive) effect, cumulative action in longterm therapy, and absence of drug tolerance. 110 C h a p t e r 7 Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies 7.1. Experimental study of antibodies to S100 protein in ultralow doses A n experimental study showed that ultralow doses (ULD) of antibodies to S100 protein (ULD antiS100; Proproten100, Tenoten, and Tenoten for children) have pharmacological activity. They exhibited the anxiolytic, antiasthenic (activating), antidepressant, GABAmimetic, antiaggressive, stressprotective, antihypoxic, antiischemic, neuroprotective, and nootropic properties (Fig. 7.1). ULD antiS100 did not cause side effects (sedative and myorelaxant effects) that are typical of benzodiazepine anxiolytics. The action of ULD anti S100 was shown to be realized via the GABAergic and serotoninergic systems. ULD antiS100. ULD antiS100 had a modulatory effect on neuronal plasticity and cfos gene expression. We studied the consequences of combined treatment with ULD antiS100 and haloperidol. ULD antiS100 did not modulate the specific psychotropic activity, but abolished the cataleptic effect of a neuroleptic drug. The anxiolytic, antidepressant, and nootropic properties of ULD antiS100 were also revealed in experiments on young rats. ULD antiS100 were effective in the therapy of memory deficit and hyperactivity. ULD antiS100 had a good safety profile in a toxicology study. 111 Ultralow doses ANXIOLYTIC ACTIVATING AND ANTIASTHENIC ANTIAGGRESSIVE Diazepam ANTIDEPRESSANT Diazepam Amitriptyline STRESSPROTECTIVE ULD antiS100 NOOTROPIC Piracetam Mexidol Nimodipine Cavinton and piracetam ANTIHYPOXIC NEUROPROTECTIVE ANTIISCHEMIC Fig. 7.1. Pharmacological properties of ULD antiS100. Anxiolytic activity of ULD antiS100 Anxiolytic activity of ULD antiS100 was studied in the Vogel conflict test (T. A. Voronina et al., 2000; G. M. Molodavkin et al., 1995; J. R. Vogel et al., 1971; D. Triet et al., 1985; D. J. Sanger et al., 1991), elevated plusmaze (T. A. Voronina et al., 2000; S. Pellow et al., 1986; G. R. Dawson et al., 1995; S. E. File, 1995), and openfield test (T. A. Voronina et al., 2000). The benzodia zepine anxiolytic diazepam was used as a reference drug. Anxiolytic activity of ULD antiS100 in the Vogel test of “conflict situa tion”. A conflict situation (G. M. Molodavkin et al., 1995; T. A. Voronina et al., 2000; J. R. Vogel et al., 1971; D. Triet et al., 1985; D. J. Sanger et al., 1991) resulted from the opposition of drinking and defense motivations. Each episode of drinking was punished by pain electrostimulation. The number of punished drinking episodes was recorded for 10 min. The anxiolytic effect of study drug was estimated from a significant increase in the number of punished drinking episodes. 112 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies Experiments were performed on adult outbred albino rats weighing 230 250 g. The animals of groups 1 (control), 2, and 3 received intragastrically 2.5 ml/kg distilled water, 2.5 ml/kg ULD antiS100, and equivalent volume of 2 mg/kg diazepam, respectively. During single and repeated administration (5day course), the anxiolytic effect of ULD antiS100 compared well with that of diazepam (Fig. 7.2; T. A. Voronina et al., 2003a; T. A. Voronina et al., 2006). ULD antiS100 had a greater anxiolytic effect on lowactivity animals that were predisposed to anxiety and depressive behavior (S. B. Seredenin et al., 1994). In highactivity animals, the anxiolytic activity of ULD antiS100 compared well with that of diazepam (Fig. 7.3). These data indicate that ULD antiS100 not only produces the anxiolytic effect, but also exhibits the antiasthenic or activating properties (as differentiated from diazepam with anxiolytic and sedative activity). Anxiolytic activity of ULD antiS100 in the elevated plusmaze test. The elevated plusmaze (EPM) consisted of four arms (length 0.5 m, width 10 cm) % of the control 200 a b ! % of the control 250 ! ! 150 200 ! 150 100 100 50 0 50 0 1 2 1 3 2 3 Fig. 7.2. Anxiolytic effect of single administration (a) and 5day course of treatment with ULD antiS100 (b) in the Vogel conflict test. Control (1), ULD antiS100 (2), and diazepam (3). *p<0.05 compared to the control. a b % of the control 400 ! 300 200 100 0 ULD antiS100 Diazepam ULD antiS100 Diazepam Fig. 7.3. Effect of ULD antiS100 on highactivity (a) and lowactivity rats (b) in the Vogel conflict test. *p<0.05 compared to diazepamreceiving animals. 113 Ultralow doses that were perpendicular to each other. Two opposite arms were surrounded by a 40cm wall from three sides. The other two arms were open. This maze was placed at a distance of 0.5 m from the floor level. The area of EPM was il luminated by two luminescent lamps (20 W, 60 cm from the level of arms). This method is based on the fear of open space or fall from a height (T. A. Voronina, et al., 2000; S. Pellow et al., 1986; G. R. Dawson et al., 1995; S. E. File, 1995). Experimental animals were placed in the central area of EPM. The fol lowing behavioral parameters were recorded for 3 min: latency (LC) of the first entry into the open arms, number of complete and incomplete entries, and time spent in the open arms. Emotionality of rats was estimated from the urination rate and number of fecal boluses in EPM. Experiments were performed on adult outbred albino rats weighing 230 250 g. The animals of groups 1 (control), 2, and 3 were treated with 2.5 ml/kg distilled water, 2.5 ml/kg ULD antiS100, and 2 mg/kg diazepam (2.5 ml/kg, reference drug), respectively. Test substances were administered intragastrically 30 min before the study. ULD antiS100 had a strong anxiolytic effect. This conclusion was deri ved from significant changes in the number of entries into the open arms, time spent in the open arms, number of overhangs, and rates of defecation and urination (Fig. 7.4; T. A. Voronina et al., 2003a; T. A. Voronina, 2006). The effect of ULD antiS100 was similar to that of diazepam. Both drugs increased the number of entries into the open arms (by 2.1 and 2.4 times, respectively, p<0.05), time spent in the open arms (by 5.6 and 7 times, respectively, p<0.05), and number of overhangs (by 5 and 9 times, respectively, p<0.05). No differences were found in the effects of ULD antiS100 and diazepam (T. A. Voronina et al., 2003a; T. A. Voronina, 2006). Anxiolytic activity of ULD antiS100 in the openfield test. The openfield test is used for a study of rat behavior (locomotor activity and emotionality; a b c % of the control 1200 ! ! 1000 ! 600 400 control ! 800 ULD antiS100 diazepam ! ! 200 0 Fig. 7.4. Anxiolytic effect of ULD antiS100 and diazepam in the elevated plus maze. Number of entries into the open arms (a), time spent in the open arms (b), and number of overhangs (c). *p<0.05 compared to the control. 114 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies T. A. Voronina et al., 2000). The box had an area of 1×1 m and was surrounded by walls (0.5 m in height). The floor was divided into squares (10×10 cm). The holes (4 cm in diameter) were made at each corner of these squares. The open field was illuminated by two fluorescent lamps (20 W, 0.5 m above the floor level). The animals were placed in the corner of this box. Horizontal activity was studied for 3 min. The following parameters were recorded: number of crossed squares, vertical activity (number of rearing postures), number of entries into the center of the open field, exploratory behavior (exploration of holes in the floor), and frequency of grooming or scratching episodes. This study was performed to evaluate the anxiolytic and sedative effects of drugs (Bruhwyler et al., 1995). Experiments were performed on adult outbred albino rats weighing 230 250 g. The animals of groups 1 (control), 2, and 3 were treated with 2.5 ml/kg distilled water and equivalent volumes of ULD antiS100 and 2 mg/kg diazepam (reference drug), respectively. Test substances were administered intragastrically 30 min before the study. ULD antiS100 and diazepam had a strong antianxiety effect, which was manifested in a significant increase in the number of entries into the center of the open field (by 2.5 and 1.8 times, respectively; Fig. 7.5). As differentiated from diazepam, ULD antiS100 had no sedative activity. Horizontal activity of animals did not decrease after treatment with ULD antiS100 (Fig. 7.6; T. A. Voronina et al., 2003a; T. A. Voronina et al., 2006). Antidepressant activity of ULD antiS100 Antidepressant activity of ULD antiS100 was studied in the Porsolt’s forced swimming test (R. D. Porsolt et al., 1978), as well as in a water tank with Number of entries into the center of the open field 3.5 ! ! 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 0 Control ULD antiS100 Diazepam Fig. 7.5. Anxiolytic effect of ULD antiS100 and diazepam in the openfield test. *p<0.05 compared to the control. 115 Ultralow doses Number of entries into the center of the open field 25 20 15 ! 10 5 0 Control ULD antiS100 Diazepam Fig. 7.6. Effect of ULD antiS100 and diazepam on horizontal activity of rats in the openfield test. *p<0.05 compared to the control. wheels (G. M. Molodavkin et al., 1994; S. Nomura et al., 1982). A standard tricyclic antidepressant amitriptyline was used as the reference drug. Antidepressant activity of ULD antiS100 in the Porsolt’s forced swimming test. This method is based on recording of the immobility time in rats (R. D. Porsolt et al., 1978). The animals were placed in a water tank (diameter 40 cm, depth 60 cm). Under these conditions, locomotor activity of rats was directed to the avoidance of an aversive (unpleasant) situation. However, these animals became “suspended” in water during the followup period. They remained immobile or made slight movements to maintain the head above water. The duration of immobility served as a criterion of depressiveness. Experiments were performed on male outbred rats weighing 250300 g. The animals received 2.5 ml/kg distilled water (control group), 2.5 ml/kg ULD antiS100 (treatment group 1), and equivalent volume of 10 mg/kg amitriptyline (reference drug, treatment group 2). Test substances were administered intragastrically 30 min before the study. Single and repeated treatment (5day course) with ULD antiS100 and amitriptyline had an antidepressant effect, which was manifested in a significant decrease in the immobility time. The activity of ULD antiS100 compared well with that of a tricyclic antidepressant (Fig. 7.7; O. I. Epstein et al., 2003c; T. A. Voronina et al. 2006). Antidepressant activity of ULD antiS100 in the Nomura’s forced swimming test in a water tank with wheels. This method is extensively used to study the effect of antidepressant drugs (G. M. Molodavkin et al., 1994; S. Nomura et al., 1982). The rats were placed in a water tank. The reservoir was divided into four compartments with wheels. The animal’s snout was opposite to a wheel in each compartment. The number of wheel revolutions was recorded for 10 min. Experiments were performed on male outbred rats weighing 250300 g. The animals received 2.5 ml/kg distilled water (control group), 2.5 ml/kg ULD antiS100 (treatment group 1), and 10 mg/kg amitriptyline in an equivalent 116 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies % of the control a % of the control 140 140 120 120 100 b 100 ! 80 ! 80 ! ! 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 Control ULD antiS100 Amitriptyline Control ULD antiS100 Amitriptyline Fig. 7.7. Antidepressant activity of ULD antiS100 and amitriptyline in the Porsolt’s forced swimming test. Single administration (a) and 5day course of treatment (b). Ordinate: immobility time. *p<0.05 compared to the control. volume of the solvent (treatment group 2). Test substances were administered intragastrically 30 min before the study. ULD antiS100 and amitriptyline significantly reduced the signs of a depressive state. The number of wheel revolutions increased by 1.8 times after treatment with both drugs (Fig. 7.8; O. I. Epstein et al., 2003c; T. A. Voronina et al., 2006). Studying the possible side effects of ULD antiS100 Previous experiments showed that the anxiolytic activity of ULD anti S100 is similar to that of a benzodiazepine anxiolytic diazepam. However, the range of pharmacological properties of benzodiazepine drugs includes the sedative and myorelaxant effects. Further investigations were conducted to study these effects. % of the control 250 ! ! 200 150 100 50 0 Control ULD antiS100 Amitriptyline Fig. 7.8. Antidepressant activity of ULD antiS100 and amitriptyline (single treatment) in the Nomura’s forced swimming test in a water tank with wheels. *p<0.05 compared to the control. 117 Ultralow doses The possible myorelaxant and sedative effects of ULD antiS100 were evaluated in the rotarod test (T. A. Voronina et al., 2000; N. W. Dunham et al., 1957) and openfield test (T. A. Voronina et al., 2000). Studying the possible myorelaxant effect of ULD antiS100 in the rotarod test. The rats were placed on a rotating rod (diameter 4 cm, rotation speed 10 rpm). The number of falling animals and latencytofall from the rod were recorded for 2 min ((T. A. Voronina et al., 2006; N. W. Dunham et al., 1957). Experiments were performed on male outbred rats weighing 250300 g. The animals were divided into groups. The rats received 2.5 ml/kg distilled water (control group), 2.5 ml/kg ULD antiS100, or equivalent volume of diazepam in doses of 1, 2, and 4 mg/kg. Test substances were administered intragastrically 30 min before the study. ULD antiS100 had no myorelaxant activity (Fig. 7.9; T. A. Voronina et al., 2003). Diazepam produced a dosedependent myorelaxant effect. The per centage of animals falling from a rotating rod after administration of diazepam in doses of 2 and 4 mg/kg was 40 and 70%, respectively. Studying the possible sedative effect of ULD antiS100 in the openfield test. The sedative or stimulating effect of ULD antiS100 was evaluated in the openfield test (increase or decrease in locomotor activity and exploratory be havior; T. A. Voronina et al., 2000a). Experiments were performed on adult outbred albino rats weighing 250 300 g. They were divided into the control group and two treatment groups. The animals received 2.5 ml/kg distilled water, 2.5 ml/kg ULD antiS100, or 2 mg/kg diazepam in an equivalent volume of the solvent (reference drug). Test sub stances were administered intragastrically 30 min before the study. ULD antiS100 had little effect on horizontal and vertical activity and exploratory behavior of animals (exploration of holes). Administration of a % 120 b % 80 100 ! 60 80 ! ! 40 60 40 ! 20 20 0 0 Control ULD antiS100 Diazepam, 2 mg/kg Diazepam, 4 mg/kg Control ULD antiS100 Diazepam, 2 mg/kg Diazepam, 4 mg/kg Fig. 7.9. Effect of ULD antiS100 and diazepam on muscle tone of rats in the rotarod test. Ordinate: percentage of animals (in group). Remaining animals (a) and falling animals (b). *p<0.05 compared to the control. 118 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies diazepam in a dose of 2 mg/kg was followed by a significant decrease in horizontal activity of rats, which reflects the sedative effect of this drug (Table 7.1). These data indicate that ULD antiS100 do not cause a sedative effect (as differentiated from diazepam; T. A. Voronina et al., 2003a). Mechanisms for the effect of ULD antiS100 Role of the GABAergic system in the anxiolytic effect of ULD antiS100. Anxiolytic activity was studied in the Vogel conflict test (T. A. Voronina et al., 2000; J. R. Vogel et al., 1971). Experiments were performed on male outbred rats weighing 250300 g. The animals received intragastrically distilled water (2.5 ml/kg), ULD antiS100 (2.5 ml/kg), or reference drug diazepam (2 mg/kg, 2.5 ml/kg). GABAA receptor blockade was induced by intraperitoneal injection of a receptor antagonist bicuculline in a dose of 1 mg/kg (ICN Biomedicals Inc.; R. W. Olsen et al., 1984). Picrotoxin in a dose of 1 mg/kg (ICN Biomedicals Inc.; M. G. Corda et al., 1984) was injected intraperitoneally to cause Cl channel blockade in the GABAbenzodiazepine receptor complex. The anticonflict effects of ULD antiS100 and diazepam were significantly reduced under conditions of bicucullineinduced GABAA receptor blockade and picrotoxininduced Cl channel blockade. Hence, these subunits of the GABAbenzodiazepine receptorchloride ionophore complex are involved in the anxiolytic effect of test substances (Fig. 7.10; T. A. Voronina et al., 2003b). Role of the GABA(B)ergic system in the anxiolytic and antidepressant effects of ULD antiS100. The role of the GABA(B)ergic system in the anxiolytic and antidepressant effects of ULD antiS100 was studied in the Vogel conflict test and forced swimming test (water tank with freely rotating wheels), respectively. Table 7.1. Studying the sedative effect of ULD antiS100 in the openfield test (M±m) Parameter Control ULD antiS100 (2.5 ml/kg) Diazepam (2 mg/kg) Horizontal activity 18.2±2.4 15.8±2.1 Vertical activity 8.2±3.3 5.8±2.6 6.2±1.4 Exploratory activity 11.2±3.1 8.9±1.6 8.7±1.5 0 2.4±0.7* 1.8±0.9* Number of entries into the center of the open field 12.5±1.8* Note. *p<0.05 compared to the control. 119 Ultralow doses + x 2 3 ! ! % of the control 150 100 50 0 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 Fig. 7.10. Effect of GABAbenzodiazepine receptor antagonists on anxiolytic activity of ULD antiS100 and diazepam. Ordinate: number of punished drinking episodes. Control (1); ULD antiS100 (2); diazepam (2 mg/kg, 3); bicuculline (1 mg/kg, 4); ULD antiS100 + bicuculline (5); diazepam + bicuculline (6); picrotoxin (1 mg/kg, 7); ULD antiS100 + picrotoxin (8); and diazepam + picrotoxin (9). p<0.05: *com pared to the control; +compared to the “diazepam + bicuculline” and “diazepam + picrotoxin” groups; xcompared to the “ULD antiS100 + bicuculline” and “ULD anti S100 + picrotoxin” groups. This study was performed with the following substances (equivalent volume of distilled water as the control): 1) ULD antiS100 (2.5 ml/kg intragastrically, 40 min before the experi ment); 2) diazepam (Polfa; 2 mg/kg intragastrically, 40 min before the ex periment); 3) amitriptyline (Spofa; 10 mg/kg intragastrically, 40 min before the ex periment); 4) selective GABAB receptor agonist baclofen (ICN; 1 mg/kg intraperi toneally; L. Gilbo et al., 2000), 30 min before the experiment and 10 min before administration of ULD antiS100, diazepam, or amitrip tyline; and 5) GABAB receptor antagonist faclofen (ICN; 10 mg/kg intraperito neally; L. Gilbo, 2000), 30 min before the experiment and 10 min be fore administration of ULD antiS100, diazepam, or amitriptyline. The number of punished drinking episodes in rats of the ULD antiS100 group (507.33±120.59) was comparable to that in diazepamreceiving animals (Table 7.2). A GABAB receptor agonist baclofen (1 mg/kg) diminished the anxiolytic effect of ULD antiS100. The number of punished drinking episodes decreased to 231.67±79.66 (Table 7.2). By contrast, a GABAB receptor antagonist faclofen (10 mg/kg) potentiated the anticonflict effect of ULD antiS100. It was manifested in an increase in the number of punished drinking episodes. 120 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies Table 7.2. Incidence of punished drinking episodes (conflict situation) and number of wheel revolutions (forced swimming test) in rats after administration of ULD antiS100 and GABA(B)ergic substances (M±m) Group Control (distilled water) Number of punished drinking episodes Number of wheel revolutions 288.6±39.59 61.70±28.66 ULD antiS100 (2.5 ml/kg) 507.33±52.59* 116.1±23.5* ULD antiS100 (2.5 ml/kg) and baclofen (1 ml/kg) 231.67±39.66+ 78.20±12.51+ ULD antiS100 (2.5 ml/kg) and baclofen (10 ml/kg) 705.00±81.47*+ 66.60±21.64+ Diazepam (2 mg/kg) 623.33±115.65* Not measured Diazepam (2 mg/kg) and baclofen (1 ml/kg) 567.00±76.67* Not measured Amitriptyline (10 mg/kg) Not measured 112.40±24.86* Amitriptyline (10 mg/kg) and baclofen (1 ml/kg) Not measured 122.10±18.88* Note. p<0.05: *compared to the control; +compared to the ULD antiS100 group. However, baclofen did not modulate the anxiolytic effect of diazepam (Table 7.2; T. A. Voronina et al., 2006b; T. A. Voronina et al., 2003). Rats of the control group tried to escape from a water tank with wheels. The average number of wheel revolutions was 61.70±28.66. These attempts failed due to free rotation of wheels. Sometimes the activity was resumed, but remained unsuccessful. After administration of ULD antiS100, the number of wheel revolutions was 116.1±30.5. The effect of ULD antiS100 was similar to that of a standard antidepressant amitriptyline. Amitriptyline in a dose of 15 mg/kg increased the number of wheel revolutions to 112.40±24.86 (Table 7.2). GABA(B)ergic substances baclofen and faclofen were equally potent in diminishing the effect of ULD antiS100 (decrease in the number of wheel revolutions). Our results indicate that administration of ULD antiS100 in combination with GABA(B)ergic substances is followed by the interaction between these compounds. A GABAB receptor agonist baclofen diminishes, while faclofen potentiates the anticonflict effect of ULD antiS100. Role of the serotoninergic system in the anxiolytic and antidepressant effects of ULD antiS100. The serotoninergic system is involved in the genesis of anxiety and depression. Serotonin uptake inhibitors are extensively used for the therapy of depression. Much attention is paid to the search for new methods to modulate the serotoninergic system, including serotonin receptors (D. N. Middlemiss et al., 2002). 5HT1A receptor agonists (buspirone, gepirone, ipsapirone, flesinoxan, etc.) and 5HT3 receptor antagonists (ondansetron, tropisetron, bemesetron, granisetron, etc.) have the anxiolytic effect. 121 Ultralow doses Under experimental conditions, ULD antiS100 exhibit the anxiolytic and antidepressant activity. Hence, a 5HT2/5HT1C receptor antagonist ketanserin was selected for a pharmacological study of the serotoninergic system. These receptors have a role in the development of anxiety and depression. Ketanserin is not approved as a pharmaceutical product in the Russian Federation. This substance is used as an analyzer. Depression is accompanied by serotonin deficiency. Therefore, a serotonin precursor 5hydroxytryptophan (5HTP) was also used to analyze the effect of ULD antiS100. These experiments were designed to evaluate a possible role of the serotoninergic system in the anxiolytic and antidepressant effects of ULD anti S100. The study was conducted with a selective 5HT2/5HT1C receptor antagonist ketanserin and serotonin precursor 5HTP. Experiments were performed on male outbred albino rats weighing 200 250 g. Anxiolytic activity of ULD antiS100 was studied in the Vogel conflict test. The antidepressant effect of test substances was analyzed in the Nomura’s forced swimming test (water tank with wheels). The following substances were analyzed: 1) ULD antiS100 (single intragastric dose 2.5 ml/kg, 30 min before the experiment; distilled water as the control); 2) diazepam (Polfa; single intragastric dose 2 mg/kg, 30 min before the experiment); 3) ketanserin (ICN; 1 mg/kg intraperitoneally, 40 min before the experi ment and 10 min before administration of ULD antiS100); and 4) 5HTP (ICN; 50 mg/kg intraperitoneally, 30 min before the experi ment and 10 min before administration of ULD antiS100). In a conflict situation, the number of punished drinking episodes for control animals was 102.20±25.06. ULD antiS100 had a strong anxiolytic effect, which was manifested in an increase in the number of punished drinking episodes to 324.09±40.61. The effect of ULD antiS100 was comparable to that of diazepam in a dose of 2 mg/kg (Table 7.3). Ketanserin exhibited anxiolytic activity and increased the number of punished drinking episodes to 224.5±31.7. A serotonin precursor 5HTP also increased the number of punished drinking episodes (statistically insignificant). The anticonflict effect of ULD antiS100 became less pronounced after treatment in combination with ketanserin or 5HTP (Table 7.3). In the forced swimming test, control rats tried to escape with freely rotating wheels. However, their attempts failed. Sometimes the activity was resumed. The number of wheel revolutions for control animals was 73.00±25.19. After administration of ULD antiS100, the number of wheel revolu tions was 159.50±29.77. These data reflect the antidepressant effect of ULD 122 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies antiS100. Antidepressant activity of ULD antiS100 compared well with that of a standard antidepressant amitriptyline (119.13±19.16 wheel revolutions, Table 7.3). Individual administration of ketanserin or 5HTP was followed by an increase in the number of wheel revolutions, which reflects the antidepressant effect of drugs. However, the antidepressant effect of study drugs was reduced after administration in combination with ULD antiS100. A decrease in the antidepressant effect was most significant after combined treatment with ketanserin and ULD antiS100 (Table 7.3). Our results illustrate the interaction between ULD antiS100 and serotoninergic substances. A selective 5HT2/5HT1C receptor antagonist ketanserin had the anticonflict and antidepressant properties. The anxiolytic and antidepressant effects became less pronounced after combined administration of ULD antiS100 and ketanserin. A serotonin precursor 5HTP induces a significant increase in brain serotonin content. 5HTP had a strong antidepressant effect and mild anxiolytic effect. Combined administration of ULD antiS100 and 5HTP was also accompanied by a decrease in the anxiolytic and antidepressant properties of ULD antiS100 (statistically insignificant). We conclude that the anxiolytic and antidepressant effects of ULD anti S100 are modified after administration of this product in combination with ketanserin and 5HTP. It may be suggested that the serotoninergic system has a role in the realization of these effects (T. A. Voronina et al., 2006a; J. L. Du gina et al., 2005c). Table 7.3. Results of the conflict situation test and forced swimming test in rats after administration of ULD antiS100 and serotoninergic substances (M±m) Number of punished drinking episodes (conflict situation) Number of wheel revolutions (forced swimming test) Control 102.20±15.06 73.00±25.19 ULD antiS100 (2.5 ml/kg) 324.90±40.61* 159.50±29.77* Diazepam (2 mg/kg) 372.60±45.18* Not measured 5HTP (50 mg/kg) 135.00±33.15 146.60±30.16* Ketanserin (1 mg/kg) 224.5±31.7* 117.10±24.87* Group ULD antiS100 (2.5 ml/kg) and 5HTP (50 mg/kg) ULD antiS100 (2.5 ml/kg) and ketanserin (1 mg/kg) Amitriptyline (15 mg/kg) 259.2±48.4* 102.90±44.36 168.70±40.12+ 80.50±18.14+ Not measured 119.10± 19.16* Note. p<0.05: *compared to the control; +compared to ULD antiS100. 123 Ultralow doses Effect of ULD antiS100 on early gene cfos expression in the hypotha lamic paraventricular nucleus. An increased expression of the early gene cfos in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus serves as a criterion for the stress response of an organism (L. W. Swanson et al., 1980; T. R. Tolle et al., 1995; Z. Tan et al., 2002). Experiments were performed on male Wistar rats weighing 250280 g. The animals were divided into groups of highactivity and lowactivity specimens in the openfield test (E. V. Koplik et al., 1995; E. V. Koplik et al., 2001). The rats received intragastrically distilled water (2.5 ml/kg), ULD antiS100 (2.5 ml/kg), or imipramine (12 mg/kg). Test substances were administered once or several times (20day course). Each group consisted of active (n=5) and passive rats (n=5). Thirty minutes after acute treatment or last administration of substances, the animals were exposed to 1h immobilization and electrocutaneous stimu lation (46 V, frequency 50 Hz, pulse duration 1 msec, 1618 stimulations per 1 h). The rats were killed 90 min after stress. The brain was removed and frozen in liquid nitrogen. The slices were prepared and stained immunohistochemically with antibodies to cFos protein. The number of fospositive cells in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus and intensity of cfos gene expression were estimated in five intact (nonstressed) active and passive rats. Stress was followed by a significant increase in cfos gene expression in active and passive animals (by 2025 times). These changes were particularly pronounced in passive specimens. The course of treatment with imipramine was accompanied by a decrease in the number of immunoreactive cells in active and passive animals (by 1.2 and 1.5 times, respectively). The observed changes were statistically significant in passive specimens (Fig. 7.11). Administration of ULD antiS100 for 20 days was followed by a 1.3fold decrease in the number of fospositive cells in passive animals (p<0.0, Fig. 7.11). Imipramine and ULD antiS100 were equally effective in this respect. Effect of ULD antiS100 on longterm posttetanic potentiation in surviving hippocampal slices. The model of longterm posttetanic potentiation (LTPTP) in surviving hippocampal slices is extensively used to study the molecular mechanisms of synaptic plasticity and effect of substances on synaptic transmission. The induction of LTPTP is a Ca2+dependent process. This process involves not only Ca2+regulatory proteins, but also Ca2+binding protein S100. The induction of LTPTP in hippocampal slices is accompanied by an increase in the content of membranebound protein. Application of antiserum to S100 protein inhibits the induction of LTPTP in hippocampal slices (T. Lewis et al., 1986). Experiments were performed on hippocampal slices from adult Wistar rats weighing 180200 g. Transverse sections (400 m in width) were placed in a 124 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies a 25 b 25 20 20 15 15 10 10 5 5 0 + ! ! 0 Intact Control Imipramine ULD antiS100 active Intact Control Imipramine ULD antiS100 passive Fig. 7.11. Effect of single administration (a) and 20day course of treatment with ULD antiS100 and imipramine (b) on cfos gene expression in rats after immobilization stress and electrocutaneous stimulation. Ordinate: number of Fos positive cells. p<0.05: *compared to the control; +compared to imipraminereceiving animals. temperaturecontrolled chamber at 3537oC. Flow Yamamoto medium was aerated by carbogen (95% O2 and 5% CO2). Evoked potentials were recorded after 4060min incubation. A stimulatory electrolytically sharpened bipolar wolfram electrode was introduced into the zone of mossy fibers. A reference glass electrode (tip thickness 35 m, resistance 25 mO) was filled with 2.5 M NaCl and placed in CA3 region (initial segments of apical dendrites). Testing was performed with single rectangular pulses (duration 200 msec) delivered at an interval of not less than 57 min. The amplitude of test stimuli usually varies from 10 to 30 V. Evoked potentials were recorded on a 12digit analogtodigital converter (Digidata, Axon Instruments Inc.). The results were analyzed with pClamp6 (Axon Instru-ments Inc.) and Microcal Origin softwares. To induce LTPTP, the amplitude of test stimulus was selected to produce a halfmaximal response. Tetanization was induced by three conse cutive series of stimulation at 200 Hz. The length of each series was 1 sec. Sti mulation was applied at 2sec intervals. The procedure of tetanization was re peated after 10 min. The internal potentials were recorded for at least 40 min after the first tetanization, which reflected the induction or absence of LTPTP. A significant increase in the amplitude of EPSP (by 1.52 times), which persisted for 20 min after the second tetanization, served as a criterion for the induction of potentiation. After study of each dilution, the chamber was repeatedly washed with distilled water and ethyl alcohol and completely dried with compressed air. Experiments were performed with monospecific rabbit antiserum to neurospecific protein S100 and ULD antiS100. Nonimmune rabbit antiserum served as the control. 125 Ultralow doses The induction of LTPTP was characterized by a significant increase in the amplitude of evoked potentials in response to the test stimulus after tetanization. Twentyminute incubation with antibodies to S100 protein (final dilution 1:50) completely inhibited the induction of LTPTP, which is consistent with published data (T. Lewis et al., 1986). Nonimmune rabbit antiserum at the same dilution had no effect on LTPTP induction in rat hippocampal slices. The average amplitude of EPSP after 20min incubation in Yamamoto medium with antiserum to S100 (concentration 1012) at the interstimulus intervals of 10 and 57 min was 0.91.1 and 0.80.9 mV. Over 10 min after first tetanization at 23min intervals, this parameter was 1.1 mV. The effect of antiS100 was completely abolished after preincubation of slices with ULD antiS100 (concentration 1012, 20 min) and subsequent incubation in a solution of native and potentiated antisera (20 min). Hence, the induction of LTPTP in slices was similar to that in control samples (no treatment with antibodies). Over 40 min after the second tetanization at 35 min intervals, the average amplitude of EPSP was 1.72.0 mV. These data show that preincubation with ULD antiS100 modifies the in hibitory effect of antiserum to S100 protein. The inhibition of LTPTP is not observed under these conditions. This phenomenon is probably related to a di rect modulatory effect of ULD antiS100 on the corresponding endogenous li gand (O. I. Epstein et al., 1999a; M. B. Shtark, 2001). Effect of ULD antiS100 on electrical properties of neuronal membranes. Antibodies to S100 protein cause reversible changes in the passive and active properties of neuronal membranes from snail subesophageal ganglia (Kh. L. Gainutdinov et al., 1999). Moreover, ULD antiS100 have a strong effect on the membrane of giant neurons from H. pomatia (O. I. Epstein et al., 1996b). The snails were in an active state for at least 2 weeks before study. Experiments were performed on the identified spontaneously active neurons of subesophageal ganglia V2V6, PPa1, and PPa2. The resting potential, action potential amplitude, time derivative of the action potential, maximum rate of rise of the action potential (Vmax), spike discharge frequency, and current voltage and inactivation characteristics of ion channels for inward and outward current were measured on a Hitachi device. In some experiments with isolated neurons, calcium currents were recorded by the voltage clamp technique. The study was performed with glass microelectrodes (internal resistance 720 mΩ). The neuronal membranes were polarized with depolarizing and hyperpolarizing pulses through a reference electrode (up to 30 V). The dilution of antibodies to S100 protein was 0.2, 2.6, and 12%. The concentration of ULD antiS100 was 1012 and 10400 wt %. Nonimmune and immune sera of sheep erythrocytes served as the control. 126 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies Under control conditions, the substitution of physiological saline for nonimmune serum or antiserum to sheep erythrocytes had little effect on electrical properties of the membrane. Vmax decreased sharply 20 min after application of antibodies to S100 protein at dilutions of 0.2 and 2% (by 2228 and 3745%, respectively). Vmax decreased by 6080% over the first 1015 min after treatment with antibodies to S100 protein at dilutions of 6 and 12%. Similar results were obtained in experiments with ULD antiS100. Vmax decreased by 148% over 35 min. Treatment with various dilutions of antibodies to S100 protein and poten tiated form of these antibodies was followed by a decrease in the strength of inward current and increase in the steadystate inactivation at zero conditioning pulse. Currentvoltage characteristics and inactivation curves were shifted toward negative values of the membrane potential. The antibodyinduced reduction of inward current was mainly associated with a decrease in the maximum conductance of inward current channels, but not with an increase in the steadystate inactivation. These data show that ULD antiS100 have a strong effect on membrane electrical properties of the isolated neuron. The effect of ULD antiS100 is qualitatively similar to that of native antiserum in concentrations of 2, 6, and 12%. This is manifested in membrane depolarization, decrease in action potential amplitude, increase in the maximum rate of rise of the action potential, decrease in the maximum conductance, and inactivation of channels (O. I. Epstein et al., 1999b). Other pharmacological effects of ULD antiS100 Antiaggressive activity of ULD antiS100. Antiaggressive activity of ULD antiS100 was studied under conditions of motivated (Yu. V. Burov et al., 1976) and unmotivated aggression (T. A. Voronina et al., 2000). Antiaggressive activity of ULD antiS100 in the test of unmotivated aggression. The test of unmotivated aggression is based on studying the threshold of aggressive response for two rats on an electrode floor at increasing the strength of stimulating current (T. A. Voronina et al., 2000). Pairs of rats were placed on the electrode floor of a Plexiglas chamber (27.5×27.5×40 cm). Alternating voltage of increasing amplitude (beginning from 15 V) was applied to the chamber floor using a special stimulator. The duration of stimulation was 3 sec. The interstimulus interval was 1 sec. If three stimulations of similar intensity did not induce the aggressive response, voltage was increased by 1 V. Stimulation was continued until the aggressive response to at least three pulses of similar strength. This voltage was considered as a threshold. During the aggressive response, both rats stand up on their hindlimbs “face to face” and paw or bite each other. 127 Ultralow doses Experiments were performed on 120 male outbred albino rats weighing 250300 g. Distilled water (2.5 ml/kg) was given to control animals. The remaining rats received 2.5 ml/kg ULD antiS100 (treatment group 1) or equivalent volume of 5 mg/kg diazepam (treatment group 2). Test substances were administered intragastrically 40 min before the study. Single administration and, particularly, repeated treatment with ULD antiS100 and diazepam caused an increase in the aggressive threshold (Fig. 7.12). The activity of ULD antiS100 compared well with that of diazepam (S. A. Sergeeva et al., 2004). Antiaggressive activity of ULD antiS100 in the test of motivated aggression. A study of motivated aggression is based on the analysis of aggressive behavior in two rats that try to avoid punishment on a crowded safe bench (Yu. V. Burov et al., 1976). Experiments were performed on 120 male outbred rats weighing 250300 g. Study was conducted in two stages. A conditioned response to avoid nociceptive stimulation of the limbs was elicited on day 1. A safe bench was put in the center of the chamber. The animals were placed in this chamber. Pulses of alternating voltage (35 V, duration 3 sec, interpulse interval 1 sec) were applied to the electrode floor after 5min adaptation. After successful avoidance, the rat was permitted to remain on the bench for 30 sec. Then the rat was placed in the home cage. The same procedure was repeated after 2 min. The response was considered to be elicited when avoidance LC did not exceed 9 sec (100% trials). On the next day, pairs of rats were placed in the chamber. The behavior of animals was studied for 2 min. Control animals fought for a safe bench, although it was sufficient for two specimens. Antiaggressive substances allowed the rats to avoid nociceptive stimulation by getting to the bench. The efficacy of test substances was estimated from the time of avoidance for both rats. Threshold of aggression, % of the control 160 ! ! ! ! 120 80 40 0 Control ULD antiS100 Diazepam Fig. 7.12. Antiaggressive effect of ULD antiS100 and diazepam in the test of unmotivated aggression. Single administration (light bars) and course of treatment (dark bars). *p<0.05 compared to the control. 128 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies The animals were divided into three groups. They received distilled water (2.5 ml/kg, control group 1), ULD antiS100 (2.5 ml/kg, group 2), or diazepam (5 mg/kg in an equivalent volume, group 3). Test substances were administered intragastrically 40 min before the study. Single administration and course of treatment with ULD antiS100 and diazepam had a strong antiaggressive effect (Fig. 7.13). These drugs caused an increase in the time of avoidance by 3.8 and 3.3 times, respectively (S. A. Sergeeva et al., 2004). Antihypoxic activity of ULD antiS100. Antihypoxic activity of ULD anti S100 was studied under conditions of acute hypobaric hypoxia. Acute hypobaric hypoxia in mice was produced in a flowexhaust attitude chamber (M. V. Korablev et al., 1976). Pressure was measured with an altimeter. The rate of climb was measured with a variometer. The animals were “elevated” to a height of 11,000 m (20 m/sec). The time of exposure was 10 min. The mice were returned to a normal environment over the next 5 min. Alkali (3035%) was put into the chamber to prevent hypercapnia. The lifespan and survival rate of animals were calculated relative to the control (100%). The control and treated mice were simultaneously placed in the chamber to study hypoxia under the same conditions. Experiments were performed on male outbred albino mice weighing 18 24 g. ULD antiS100 were administered on days 1 (2.5 ml/kg twice a day at 10.00 and 17.00) and 2 of study (2.5 ml/kg at 10.00; and 5 ml/kg at 15.00). Treat ment was conducted 30 min before the study. An equivalent volume of mexidol (100 mg/kg) was given similarly. Control animals received physiological saline. Repeated treatment with ULD antiS100 was followed by an increase in the lifespan of mice during hypobaric hypoxia (Fig. 7.14). Antihypoxic activity of ULD antiS100 was highly competitive with that of mexidol. Time of collective avoidance, % of the control 500 ! ! 400 ! ! 300 200 100 0 Control ULD antiS100 Diazepam Fig. 7.13. Antiaggressive effect of ULD antiS100 and diazepam in the test of motivated aggression. Single administration (light bars) and course of treatment (dark bars). *p<0.05 compared to the control. 129 Ultralow doses % of the control 300 ! 250 ! 200 150 100 50 0 Control Mexidol ULD antiS100 Fig. 7.14. Effect on ULD antiS100 on the lifespan of mice after acute hypobaric hypoxia. *p<0.05 compared to the control. Neuroprotective activity of ULD antiS100. Neuroprotective activity of ULD antiS100 on the model of ischemic stroke. The antiischemic and antiamnesic properties of ULD antiS100 were studied on the model of irreversible focal ischemia due to bilateral focal photothrombosis of the prefrontal cortex in rats (G. A. Romanova et al., 1998; B. D. Watson et al., 1985, 1998). Bilateral focal ischemia of the prefrontal cortex in rats was induced by photochemical thrombosis. This method was developed by B. D. Watson et al. and modified by I. V. Viktorov. The surgery to induce photothrombosis was performed in animals under chloral hydrate anesthesia (300 mg/kg intraperitoneally). The head of shamoperated and treated rats was fixed using a stereotaxic device. Amnesia is a prominent symptom of integrative dysfunction in CNS during photothrombosis of the prefrontal cortex in rats. Integrative dysfunction of the brain was estimated from the impairment of acquisition and performance of a conditioned passive avoidance response (CPAR; T. A. Voronona et al., 2000). CPAR was elicited by the standard method. LC of transition from the dark compartment to the light compartment was measured. On day 1 of training, the rat was placed in the light compartment. The animal explored this area and moved to the dark compartment after several seconds. The door of this compartment was closed, and the rat remained in darkness for 300 sec. The procedure was repeated after 1 h. In this trial, the rat was immediately removed from the dark compartment. On the next day, this procedure was repeated two times at a 1h interval. When the rat entered the dark compartment, the door was closed. Electric current was delivered through a metal grid floor. CPAR was considered to be elicited at LC of 300 sec (preoperative period). The animals with a shorter period of LC were excluded from further observations. Before the start of CPAR training, locomotor activity of rats was studied in the automated openfield test. The number of crossed squares was measured for 300 sec. 130 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies A standard nootropic agent piracetam (200 mg/kg) and cavinton (4 mg/kg) were used as the reference drugs. The rats were divided into six groups. Group 1 animals (control, n=20) were trained in CPAR and received 0.9% NaCl. Group 2 specimens (n=20) were shamoperated and treated with ULD antiS100. The rats of groups 36 were subjected to photothrombosis and received 0.9% NaCl (group 3, n=12), ULD antiS100 (group 4, n=12), piracetam (group 5, n=12), and cavinton (group 6, n=7). In groups 36, test substances (2.5 ml/kg) were administered orally 1 h after photothrombosis and then daily for 9 days. In the last day, these drugs were given 40 min before testing. Control rats and shamoperated animals received physiological saline or ULDantiS100 according to the same regimen. Locomotor activity of all rats was studied in an automated open field on day 9 after photothrombosis of the prefrontal cortex. A pathomorphological study was performed immediately after CPAR testing. The natural extinction of CPAR in intact animals was observed 9 days after acquisition. LC decreased by 23% (G. A. Romanova et al., 2003). Irrever sible focal ischemia of the prefrontal cortex caused amnesia, which was mani fested in the impairment of response performance and 1.8fold decrease in the latency of CPAR. ULD antiS100 prevented the natural extinction of CPAR in shamope rated animals. Amnesia due to ischemic stroke was not observed after admini stration of ULD antiS100. LC in treated rats did not differ from that in intact animals. Piracetam and cavinton had little antiamnesic effect (Fig. 7.15). Administration of ULD antiS100 was followed by a significant decrease in the area of ischemic injury (by 40%), which illustrates the neuroprotective (antiischemic) effect of this product (Fig. 7.16). CPAR LC, % of the control 120 ! 100 80 60 40 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Fig. 7.15. Effect of ULD antiS100 on CPAR performance in rats on day 9 after ischemic stroke. Intact animals (baseline, 1); control (2); sham operation + ULD antiS100 (3); photothrombosis (4); photothrombosis + ULD antiS100 (5); photothrombosis + piracetam (6); and photothrombosis + cavinton (7). *p<0.05 compared to untreated rats with stroke. 131 Ultralow doses a b Fig. 7.16. Effect of ULD antiS100 on focal ischemic injury in the prefrontal cortex due to photothrombosis: control (a) and treated rats (b). Neuroprotective activity of ULD antiS100 in the model of hemorrhagic stroke. Hemorrhagic stroke was induced in adult male outbred rats weighing 200250 g (A. N. Makarenko et al., 1990; A. Jackowski et al., 1990). Soft tissues and periosteum in the parietal and central regions of the cranium were removed under nembutal anesthesia (40 mg/kg intramuscularly). A hole (diameter 1 mm) was made in the left hemisphere of the cranial bone (1.51.88 mm posterior to the bregma, 2.53.0 mm lateral to the sagittal suture). A special device (mandrel knife) was inserted into the hole at a depth of 4 mm. The brain tissue (internal capsule) was destructed in a stereotaxic device. The blood (0.020.03 ml) was taken from the sublingual region and introduced into the area of injury after 23 min. A morphological study showed that this treatment causes bilateral focal stroke in the internal capsule (diameter 2 mm, depth 3 mm). The upper structures of the brain and neocortex remain intact under these conditions. The dynamics of intracerebral hemorrhagic trauma was monitored for 14 days. The state and behavior of animals were examined on days 1, 3, 7, and 14 (T. A. Voronina et al., 2006b,c). ULD antiS100 (2.5 ml/kg) or nimodipine (0.1 mg/kg) was administered in tragastrically using a special probe. The probe was equipped with a thickened olive. Test substances were administered once a day. The first treatment was performed 4 h after surgery. The animals were tested on days 1, 3, 7, and 14 after surgery. Shamoperated animals of the control group were subjected to scalping in the parietal and central regions of the cranium and skull drilling with no damage to brain structures. 132 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies We studied the effect of substances on the survival rate of animals, neurological deficit (I. V. Gannushkina, 1996) and cognitive dysfunction (T. A. Voronina et al., 2000) due to hemorrhagic stroke, emotional state of rats (T. A. Voronina et al., 2000), and change in muscle tone (T. A. Voronina et al., 2000; N. W. Dunham et al., 1957). Blood infusion into the internal capsule (model of hemorrhagic stroke) caused death of some animals (50% mortality on day 14). This treatment was also followed by neurological deficit (60% survived animals), reduction of muscle tone (50% rats), and amnesia (2fold decrease in CPAR LC; Figs. 7.17 7.21). High anxiety of animals was manifested in a decrease in the time spent in the open arms (A. N. Makarenko et al., 2004; S. A. Sergeeva et al., 2005). ULD antiS100 increased the survival rate of rats to 100%, significantly decreased the percentage of animals with neurological deficit and reduced muscle tone, and produced an antiamnesic effect in the CPAR test (no differences between treated and intact animals). Administration of ULD anti S100 also had an anxiolytic effect on day 1 after stroke. It was manifested in an increase in the time spent in the open arms (by 20 times) and elevation of locomotor activity (by 2 times). A reference drug nimodipine had little effect on the survival rate of rats. The action of nimodipine on neurological deficit and muscle tone was similar to that of ULD antiS100. Nimodipine was less potent than ULD antiS100 in producing an antiamnesic effect in the CPAR test. The anxiolytic effect of nimodipine was less pronounced that that of ULD antiS100. Nootropic activity of ULD antiS100. Nootropic activity of ULD anti S100 was evaluated from CPAR performance by intact animals and specimens % of the control 110 2 100 90 80 3 70 ! 4 60 1 50 40 1 3 7 Time, days 14 Fig. 7.17. Effect of ULD antiS100 on the survival rate of rats with hemorrhagic stroke. Control animals (1); sham operation (2); ULD antiS100 (3); and nimodipine (4). *p<0.05 compared to the control. 133 Ultralow doses % 120 100 80 60 ! ! 1 ! ! 3 4 2 40 20 0 1 3 7 Time, days 14 Fig. 7.18. Effect of ULD antiS100 on neurological deficit in rats with hemorrhagic stroke. Ordinate: animals with neurological deficit. Control animals (1); sham operation (2); ULD antiS100 (3); and nimodipine (4). *p<0.05 compared to the control. % 80 70 4 60 1 50 40 ! 30 20 ! 3 ! 2 ! 10 0 1 3 7 Time, days 14 Fig. 7.19. Effect of ULD antiS100 on muscle tone in rats with hemorrhagic stroke. Ordinate: animals with reduced muscle tone. Control animals (1); sham operation (2); ULD antiS100 (3); and nimodipine (4). *p<0.05 compared to the control. with scopolamineinduced amnesia or Alzheimer’s disease (Yu. V. Burov et al., 1991; T. A. Voronina et al., 2006b). Effect of ULD antiS100 on CPAR performance. The test of CPAR in animals is based on passive avoidance of aversive events with no active movements (T. A. Voronina et al., 2006b). CPAR was studied in a special device (Lafaette Instruments Co.). This device consisted of the illuminated platform, which was placed at a height and connected with the dark compartment. Nociceptive stimulation was applied to the floor of this compartment. A hole between the platform and compartment was closed by a movable partition wall. After appearing on the illuminated platform, all rats were characterized by instinctive behavior to enter the dark compartment. The animals explored this 134 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies sec 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 ! ! 1 4 5 3 2 1 7 Time, days 14 Fig. 7.20. Effect of ULD antiS100 on CPAR performance in rats with hemorrhagic stroke (T. A. Voronina et al., 2006b). Intact animals (1); control (hemorrhagic stroke and distilled water, 2); sham operation (3); ULD antiS100 (4); and nimodipine (5). *p<0.05 compared to the control. % of intact animals 250 a ! b 200 150 100 ! ! 50 0 ! + + 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Fig. 7.21. Anxiolytic effect of ULD antiS100 on rats with hemorrhagic stroke. Anxiety in the EPM test. Time spent in the open arms (sec, a) and number of entries into the arms (b). Intact animals (1); sham operation (2); control (stroke, 3); stroke + ULD antiS100 (4); and stroke + nimodipine (5). p<0.05: *compared to animals of the stroke group; +compared to intact and shamoperated animals. compartment for 3 min, but sometimes visited the open area. In the followup period, a partition wall between the platform and dark compartment was closed. Electric current was applied to the floor of this compartment for 10 sec. Hence, the dark compartment became dangerous. CPAR acquisition was tested on the next day. The rats were placed on the illuminated platform. LC of the first entry to the dark compartment, as well as the total time spent in this compartment was recorded for 3 min. ULD antiS100 (2.5 ml/kg) or piracetam (400 mg/kg) was administered immediately before training (1 h before study), immediately after training, and 24 h after training (1 h before performance). Diazepam in a single dose of 5 135 Ultralow doses mg/kg was given 40 min before training. Control animals did not receive any drug. As differentiated from ULD antiS100 and piracetam, diazepam had an adverse effect on the acquisition and performance of CPAR (Fig. 7.22). These data indicate that ULD antiS100 do not cause one of the side effects, which is typical of a standard anxiolytic agent diazepam (impairment of cognitive function; T. A. Voronina et al., 2006c). Antiamnesic activity of ULD antiS100 under conditions of scopolamine induced amnesia. Antiamnesic activity of ULD antiS100 was estimated from CPAR performance by animals with scopolamineinduced amnesia (T. A. Voronina et al., 2006b; R. Ader et al., 1972). A muscarinic receptor antagonist scopolamine (single dose 2 mg/kg) was injected intraperitoneally 15 min before CPAR training to induce amnesia in rats. ULD antiS100 in a dose of 2.5 ml/kg were administered intragastrically before training (1 h before study), immediately after training, or 24 h after training (1 h before performance). The reference drug piracetam (Nootropil) in a dose of 400 mg/kg was administered intragastrically (similarly to ULD antiS100). Control animals received an equivalent volume of physiological saline. ULD antiS100 reduced the symptoms of scopolamineinduced amnesia (increase in learning ability for CPAR; Fig. 7.23). Nootropic activity of ULD antiS100 compared well with that of piracetam (T. A. Voronina et al., 2006c). Efficacy of ULD antiS100 in experimental Alzheimer’s disease. Experimental Alzheimer’s disease in rats was induced by the method of Yu. V. Burov et al. (1991) and T. A. Voronina et al. (2006b). This method is based on the induction of cholinergic deficit, which occurs during aging and serves as a major pathogenetic mechanism of Alzheimer’s disease. Experiments were performed on male outbred albino rats. % of trained animals 120 100 80 60 ! 40 20 0 1 2 3 4 Fig. 7.22. Effect of single treatment with ULD antiS100 on CPAR performance in rats. Control (1); ULD antiS100 (2); piracetam (3); and diazepam (4). Control, 100% (posttraining level). *p<0.05 compared to the control. 136 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies % of trained animals 120 100 80 ! ! 60 40 20 0 1 2 3 4 Fig. 7.23. CPAR performance in rats with scopolamineinduced amnesia after single administration of ULD antiS100. Control (1); scopolamine (2); ULD antiS100 + sco polamine (3); and piracetam + scopolamine (4). *p<0.05 compared to the control. The rats were randomized into three groups of control (group 1) and trea ted specimens (groups 2 and 3). A muscarinic receptor antagonist scopolamine in a daily dose of 1 mg/kg was injected intraperitoneally for 20 days to induce cholinergic deficit in treated rats. Control animals received distilled water. On days 2130, the rats of groups 1 (passive control) and 2 (active control) received orally distilled water. ULD antiS100 were given to group 3 rats (2.5 ml/ kg twice a day at 10.00 and 16.00). Cognitive functions were estimated from the dynamics of CAAR acquisition after scopolamine administration (number of conditioned responses, percent of the total number of presentations; and ratio of rats reaching the learning criterion). Neurological status was assessed by the Mc Grow scale. Muscle tone was measured in the rotarod test. Movement coordination was studied in the hanging wire test. Anxiety was determined in the EPM test. Chronic administration of scopolamine was followed by delayed learning of CAAR, weakness, “floppy” movements, unilateral partial ptosis or ptosis (50% rats), and hypotonia (impaired coordination of movements; Figs. 7.24 Performance of conditioned responses, % 80 1 60 3 40 ! ! ! 2 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 Training, days 6 7 Fig. 7.24. Effect of ULD antiS100 on the dynamics of CAAR performance during experimental Alzheimer’s disease. Control (1); scopolamine (2); and ULD antiS100 + scopolamine (3). *p<0.05 compared to the control. 137 Ultralow doses 7.26). Anxiety of animals was manifested in a decrease in the time spent in the open arms of EPM. The rats were also characterized by a decrease in locomotor activity (T. A. Voronina et al., 2004). The course of treatment with ULD antiS100 and piracetam resulted in the improvement of learning (similarly to intact animals) and decrease in the percentage of animals with hypotonia (1.52fold decrease in muscle tone) and partial ptosis or ptosis. As differentiated from piracetam, ULD antiS100 had an anxiolytic effect (5fold increase in the time spent in the open arms of EPM). Moreover, locomotor activity of animals increased after administration of ULD antiS100. ULD antiS100 improved the CAAR learning ability of rats with cognitive dysfunction due to subchronic blockade of muscarinic receptors and further depletion of the cholinergic system. The efficacy of ULD antiS100 was similar to that of piracetam. % ! 60 45 30 15 0 1 2 3 Fig. 7.25. Effect of ULD antiS100 on amnesia during experimental Alzheimer’s disease: percentage of animals with the elicited response (5th day of training). Control (1); scopolamine (2); and ULD antiS100 + scopolamine (3). *p<0.05 compared to the control. а % 30 б 25 20 ! 15 ! 10 5 0 1 2 3 1 2 3 Fig. 7.26. Effect of ULD antiS100 on amnesia during experimental Alzheimer’s disease: no adequate response. Days 1 (a) and 2 (b). Control (1); scopolamine (2); and ULD antiS100 + scopolamine (3). *p<0.05 compared to the control. 138 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies Effects of combined treatment with ULD antiS100 and haloperidol The modulatory effect of ULD antiS100 on activity of haloperidol was studied in the test of apomorphine verticalization (K. S. Raevskii et al., 2000) and under conditions of catalepsy induced by high dose of haloperidol. Combined administration of ULD antiS100 and haloperidol. Influence of ULD antiS100 on the effect of haloperidol in the test of apomorphine verticalization. Experiments were performed on male outbred albino mice weighing 2532 g. The animals were randomly divided into four groups of 12 specimens each. Apomorphine in a dose of 2.5 mg/kg was injected subcutaneously to group 1 mice (control). Group 2 mice were treated with apomorphine 10 min after intraperitoneal injection of haloperidol in a dose of 0.1 mg/kg (Gedeon Richter). Group 3 mice were subjected to successive treatment with ULD antiS100 (2.5 ml/kg intragastrically), haloperidol (5 min after ULD antiS100 administration), and apomorphine (10 min after haloperidol injection). Group 4 mice received ULD antiS100 (2.5 ml/kg intragastrically for 7 days), haloperidol (5 min after the last treatment with ULD antiS100), and apomorphine (10 min after haloperidol injection). Immediately after apomorphine injection, the animals were placed in cylindrical wire chambers (diameter 13 cm, height 16 cm). Vertical activity was measured 10 min after injection of apomorphine. The measurements were performed for 1 h at 2min intervals. The degree of verticalization was determined by a 4point scale (number of limbs to hold on to a vertical wall; M. Vasse et al., 1985). The following parameters were calculated: total score of verticalization for each animal over the whole period of study; average degree of verticalization for each group; and vertical activity (relative to the control). Apomorphine injection was followed by a strong stimulatory effect on vertical activity of mice. The average score of vertical activity was 63.7±15.9 points over 60 min. A typical neuroleptic haloperidol completely abolished the stimulatory effect of apomorphine on vertical activity of animals (Fig. 7.27). Single administration of ULD antiS100 did not modulate the influence of haloperidol on apomorphine verticalization. These data indicate that single and repeated administration of ULD anti S100 has little effect on the specific psychotropic action of haloperidol in the therapeutic dose on apomorphine verticalization (T. A. Voronina, 2005). Influence of ULD antiS100 on the degree of catalepsy induced by high dose of haloperidol. Experiments were performed on male outbred albino rats weighing 250280 g. Catalepsy was induced by intraperitoneal injection of haloperidol in a dose of 1.0 mg/kg (ampoule solution, Gedeon Richter) 60 min 139 Ultralow doses Points 80 60 40 20 ! ! ! 2 3 4 0 1 Fig. 7.27. Effect of haloperidol and ULD antiS100 on vertical activity of apomorphinereceiving mice. Apomorphine (1); haloperidol + apomorphine (2); ULD antiS100 (single administration) + haloperidol + apomorphine (3); and ULD anti S100 (course of treatment) + haloperidol + apomorphine (4). *p<0.05 compared to the control. before the study (T. A. Voronina et al., 2000a). ULD antiS100 in a dose of 2.5 ml/kg were injected intraperitoneally 40 min after haloperidol administration (20 min before the study). Each group consisted of 10 animals. The degree of catalepsy (ability of animals to maintain a fixed body posture for some time) was estimated 60, 120, and 180 min after haloperidol injection. The placement of paws on the step (7.5 and 12.5 cm in height) was studied in the staircase test. We evaluated the ability of rats to hold the paw on the step for 10 sec. The degree of catalepsy was determined by a 6point scale: 1 point, only one of the forelimbs remains on the bottom step; 2 points, both forelimbs and one hindlimb remain on the bottom step; 4 points, both hindlimbs remain on the bottom step; 5 points, only one of the forelimbs remains on the tope step; and 6 points, both forelimbs remain on the top step. Treatment with high dose of a neuroleptic drug haloperidol caused catalepsy in rats (maintenance of a given posture for a long time). The degree of catalepsy in control animals was maximum (6point scale) over the whole period of study (180 min, Table 7.4). The degree of catalepsy in haloperidolreceiving animals significantly decreased 60 min after administration of ULD antiS100 (by 1.33 times, Table 7.4). The effect of ULD antiS100 was less pronounced after 120 and 180 min. However, the average score of catalepsy in these rats was much lower than in control animals (by 1.22 and 1.07 times, respectively). After administration of ULD antiS100, the highest degree of catalepsy (6 points) was not observed in 60% animals. Hence, single treatment with ULD antiS100 was followed by a significant decrease in cataleptogenic activity of haloperidol in a dose of 1 mg/ kg (T. A. Voronina, 2005). 140 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies Table 7.4. Effect of ULD antiS100 on the degree of haloperidolinduced catalepsy Animals without the highest degree of catalepsy (6 points), % Average score Group Haloperidol Haloperidol + ULD antiS100 after 60 min after 120 min after 180 min after 60 min after 120 min after 180 min 6 6 6 0 0 0 4.50±1.58* 4.90±1.29* 5.60±0.84 60 60 20 Note. *p<0.05 compared to the haloperidol group. Range of pharmacological properties of ULD antiS100 in young rats Experiments were performed on 767 outbred rats (384 males and 383 females) aging 3035 days. We studied the anxiolytic, antidepressant, and nootropic properties of ULD antiS100, efficacy of ULD antiS100 under experimental conditions of memory deficit and hyperactivity, and influence of ULD antiS100 on locomotor and behavioral activity of highactivity and low activity rat pups. Anxiolytic activity of ULD antiS100 in young rats. Anxiolytic activity of ULD antiS100 was studied in a conflict situation (T. A. Voronina et al., 2000c; G. M. Molodavkin et al., 1995; J. R. Vogel, 1971; D. Triet, 1985; D. J. Sanger, 1991) and EPM test (T. A. Voronina et al., 2000c; S. Pellow et al., 1986; G. R. Dawson et al., 1995; S. E. File, 1995). The benzodiazepine anxiolytic diazepam was used as a reference drug. Anxiolytic effect of ULD antiS100 on young rats in the Vogel test. Experiments were performed as described elsewhere (T. A. Voronina et al., 2000c; J. R. Vogel, 1971). The animals (n=36, 3035 days of life) were divided into three groups. The rats received 2.5 ml/kg distilled water (control group 1, n=12), 1.5 mg/kg diazepam (group 2, n=12), or 2.5 ml/kg ULD antiS100 (group 3, n=12). Test substances were administered intragastrically 30 min before the study. The behavior of control rat pups was characterized by high anxiety in a conflict situation. This conclusion was derived from a small number of approaches to the drinking bowl and low incidence of punished drinking episodes. Anxiety of animals in a conflict situation was significantly reduced after administration of diazepam. The number of punished drinking episodes in diazepamreceiving rats was 2.7fold higher than in control animals (Fig. 7.28). The anxiolytic effect of ULD antiS100 in a conflict situation was similar to that of diazepam. It was manifested in a significant increase in the number of punished drinking episodes compared to the control (Fig. 7.28). 141 Ultralow doses Number of punished drinking episodes 300 ! ! 200 100 0 Control ULD Diazepam antiS100 Fig. 7.28. Anxiolytic effect of ULD antiS100 on young rats in the Vogel conflict test. *p<0.05 compared to the control. Therefore, ULD antiS100 in a dose of 2.5 ml/kg had the anxiolytic effect on young rats in a conflict situation. Under these conditions, anxiolytic activity of ULD antiS100 compared well with that of diazepam in a dose of 1.5 mg/kg. Anxiolytic and antistress effect of ULD antiS100 on young rats in the EPM test. Experiments on young animals were performed as described for adult specimens (T. A. Voronina et al., 2000c; S. Pellow et al., 1986; S. E. File, 1995). The animals (n=36, 3035 days of life) were divided into the control and treatment groups of 12 specimens each. The rats received 2.5 ml/kg distilled water (control group), 1.5 mg/kg diazepam (treatment group 1), and 2.5 ml/kg ULD antiS100 (treatment group 2). Distilled water and test substances were administered intragastrically 20 min before the study. ULD antiS100 had a normalizing effect on the EPM behavior of animals. Administration of this product was followed by a significant increase in the number of entries into the open arms and central area of EPM (by 5.6 and 2.1 times, respectively; Fig. 7.29). Diazepam also had an anxiolytic effect. The number of entries into the open arms and central area of EPM increased by 8.3 and 3.6 times, respectively, after diazepam treatment (p<0.05, Fig. 7.29). No significant differences were found in the anxiolytic effect of ULD antiS100 and diazepam on young rats in EPM. Antidepressant effect of ULD antiS100 on young rats. The antidepressant effect of ULD antiS100 on young rats was studied in the Porsolt’s forced swimming test (R. D. Porsolt et al., 1978), as well as in a water tank with wheels (G. M. Molodavkin et al., 1994; S. Nomura et al., 1982). Antidepressant effect of ULD antiS100 on young rats: Porsolt’s forced swimming test. Experiments were performed as described elsewhere (R. D. Porsolt et al., 1978). The animals (n=40) were divided into three groups. They 142 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies sec 80 ! 60 ! 40 + +! ! 20 0 Control ULD antiS100 Diazepam Fig. 7.29. Anxiolytic effect of ULD antiS100 on young rats in the EPM test. Light bars, time spent in the central area; dark bars, time spent in the open arms. p<0.05: *compared to the control; +compared to diazepam. received 2.5 ml/kg distilled water (n=20, control group), 10 mg/kg amitriptyline in 2.5 ml/kg distilled water (n=10, treatment group 1), or 2.5 ml/kg ULD anti S100 (n=10, treatment group 2). Test substances were administered intragastrically 30 min before the study. ULD antiS100 and amitriptyline had an antidepressant effect in the Porsolt’s test of behavioral despair. The immobility time in treated rats was much lower than in control animals (by 1.3 and 1.4 times, respectively; Fig. 7.30). Therefore, the antidepressant activity of ULD antiS100 compared well with that of amitriptyline. Antidepressant effect of ULD antiS100 on young rats in the Nomura’s forced swimming test with rotating wheels. Experiments on young rats were performed as described for adult specimens (G. M. Molodavkin et al., 1994; S. Nomura et al., 1982). The animals (n=40, 3035 days of life) were divided into three groups. The rats received 2.5 ml/kg distilled water (n=20, control group), 10 mg/kg amitriptyline in 2.5 ml/kg distilled water (n=10, group 2), or 2.5 ml/kg ULD antiS100 (n=10, group 3). Test substances were administered intragastrically 30 min before the study. The number of wheel revolutions in the Nomura’s forced swimming test with freely rotating wheels increased by 1.8 and 1.7 times after administration Immobility time, sec 400 ! 300 ! 200 100 0 Control ULD antiS100 Amitriptyline Fig. 7.30. Antidepressant effect of ULD antiS100 on young rats in the Porsolt’s forced swimming test. *p<0.05 compared to the control. 143 Ultralow doses of ULD antiS100 and amitriptyline, respectively (p<0.05). Drug treatment was also followed by an increase in the correlation coefficient between the numbers of wheel revolutions during the first and second 5min periods of study (Fig. 7.31). These data indicate that test substances have a strong antidepressant effect. Nootropic effect of ULD antiS100 on young rats. Nootropic activity of ULD antiS100 was studied in the CPAR test under conditions of scopolamine induced amnesia (T. A. Voronina et al., 2000b). The product was also tested in rat pups with poor learning ability. Piracetam was used as a reference drug. Nootropic effect of ULD antiS100 (single administration and course of treatment) during scopolamineinduced amnesia. The device and design of experiments were similar to those in studies with adult animals (T. A. Voronina et al., 2000b). The parameter of DLC was calculated as follows: ΔLC=LC2LC1, where LC2 and LC1 are LC of the first entry into a compartment with the electrode floor during CPAR acquisition and testing (24 h after training), respectively. The optimal conditions of CPAR training for young rats were selected in previous experiments (eight series of electrostimulation with 0.6 mA, pulse duration 1 sec, interpulse interval 2 sec). CPAR amnesia was induced by the standard method. A cholinoceptor antagonist scopolamine in a dose of 1.4 mg/kg was injected subcutaneously 15 min before training (according to the Manual on Experimental (Preclinical) Study of New Pharmacological Substances, 2005). Rat pups were divided into the following groups: • group 1 (passive control, n=27): distilled water, 2.5 ml/kg intragastri cally, single or repeated administration (10 days, last treatment 40 min before training); and distilled water, 2 ml/kg subcutaneously, 15 min before training; Number of wheel revolutions 160 ! ! 120 80 40 0 Control ULD antiS100 Amitriptyline Fig. 7.31. Antidepressant effect of ULD antiS100 on young rats in the Nomura’s forced swimming test. *p<0.05 compared to the control. 144 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies • group 2 (active control, n=27): distilled water, 2.5 ml/kg intragastri cally, single or repeated administration (10 days, last treatment 40 min before training); and scopolamine, 1.4 mg/kg subcutaneously, 15 min before training; • group 3 (n=15): 400 mg/kg piracetam in 2.5 ml/kg distilled water, intragastrically for 10 days (last treatment 40 min before training); and scopolamine, 1.4 mg/kg subcutaneously, 15 min before training; • group 4 (n=12): 400 mg/kg piracetam in 2.5 ml/kg distilled water, intragastrically, 40 min before training; and scopolamine, 1.4 mg/kg subcutaneously, 15 min before training; • group 5 (n=15): ULD antiS100, 2.5 ml/kg intragastrically, 40 min before training; and scopolamine, 1.4 mg/kg subcutaneously, 15 min before training; and • group 6 (n=12): ULD antiS100, 2.5 ml/kg intragastrically for 10 days (last treatment 40 min before training); and scopolamine, 1.4 mg/kg subcutaneously, 15 min before training. Memory processes were retained in rat pups of the passive control group. These animals remained in the dangerous dark compartment for a longer period than during training (by 10 times, p<0.05). Scopolamineinduced amnesia was manifested in a decrease in LC of entry into the dark compartment (by 7.6 times, p<0.05) and reduction of DLC (by 18.2 times compared to the passive control, p<0.05; Table 7.5). The amnesic effect of a cholinoceptor antagonist scopolamine was less pronounced after single administration of piracetam. This conclusion was derived from an increase in LC of entry into the dangerous dark compartment (by 3.4 times, p<0.05) and DLC (by 7.4 times compared to the active control, p<0.05; Table 7.5). Single administration of ULD antiS100 had a similar effect under conditions of scopolamineinduced amnesia. LC of entry into the dark compartment and DLC increased by 2.2 and 4.6 times, respectively, compared to the active control (Table 7.5). Treatment with ULD antiS100 and piracetam was followed by an in crease in the number of rat pups that reached the learning criterion (Fig. 7.32). These data show that single administration of ULD antiS100 and piracetam has a strong antiamnesic effect on the model of scopolamineinduced amnesia. The antiamnesic effect of single treatment with ULD antiS100 is less pronounced than that of piracetam. Due to low effectiveness of ULD antiS100 after single treatment, further experiments were performed with repeated administration of ULD antiS100 and piracetam (10day course). A 10day course of treatment with ULD antiS100 and piracetam had a greater antiamnesic effect. The effect of ULD antiS100 was most pronounced 145 Ultralow doses Table 7.5. Antiamnesic effect of single treatment with ULD antiS100 and piracetam in the test for scopolamineinduced amnesia of CPAR (M±m, n=15) 24 h after training Before training Substance Passive control LC1 LC2 ΔLC=LC2–LC1 10.13±3.81 100.47±21.27 90.27±19.86 8.3±3.1 13.33±8.08+ 4.97±3.30+ Active control (amnesia + scopolamine) ULD antiS100 + scopolamine 6.77±2.0 29.80±9.84* 23.03±9.90* Piracetam + scopolamine 8.07±2.32 44.67±10.58* 36.6±10.9* Note. p<0.05: *compared to the active control; +compared to the passive control. under these conditions. It was manifested in an increase in LC of entry into the dark compartment (by 3.4 times compared to the active control, p<0.05) and DLC (by 8.6 times, p<0.05; Table 7.6). In animals of the piracetam group these parameters increased by 3.8 and 8.9 times, respectively (p<0.05). It can be concluded that the antiamnesic effect of repeated treatment with ULD anti S100 compares well with that of piracetam. Hence, ULD antiS100 and piracetam have a strong antiamnesic effect in the test for scopolamineinduced amnesia. During single administration, the antiamnesic effect of ULD antiS100 was smaller than that of piracetam. After the course of treatment, ULD antiS100 and piracetam had a similar effect. Effect of repeated treatment with ULD antiS100 on training of young rats with poor learning ability. Experiments were performed by the standard method (T. A. Voronina et al., 2006b). DLC for each animal was calculated as follows: Trained animals, % 120 100 80 60 + + 40 + ! 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 Fig. 7.32. Effect of ULD antiS100 on CPAR performance during scopolamine induced amnesia. Control (1); scopolamine (2); piracetam + scopolamine (3); ULD antiS100 (single administration) + scopolamine (4); and ULD antiS100 (course of treatment) + scopolamine (5). p<0.05: *compared to the control; +compared to scopolamine. 146 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies Table 7.6. Antiamnesic effects of repeated treatment with ULD antiS100 and piracetam (10day course): CPAR of 3035dayold rat pups in the test for scopolamineinduced amnesia (M±m, n=12) Training 24 h after training Substance LC1 LC2 ΔLC=LC2–LC1 Passive control (distilled water) 8.83±3.15 109.25±25.03 98.25±23.87 Active control (scopolamine) 9.08±2.28 14.83±3.12+ 5.08±1.95+ ULD antiS100 + scopolamine 7.17±2.25 50.83±17.43* 43.50±16.88* Piracetam + scopolamine 10.17±1.82 55.58±14.42* 45.42±14.02* Note. p<0.05: *compared to the active control; +compared to the passive control. ΔLC=LC2LC1, where LC2 and LC1 are LC of the first entry into a compartment with the electrode floor during CPAR acquisition and testing (24 h after training), respectively. DLC was low under specified conditions of training (five series of electro stimulation with 0.45 mA, pulse duration 1 sec, interpulse interval 2 sec). The animals were characterized by poor learning ability, which met the requirements of this series. Previous experiments with scopolamineinduced amnesia showed that the efficacy of drugs is much higher after the course of treatment. In the present study, test substances were administration for 10 days before training. Rat pups were randomized into three groups of 15 specimens each. The animals received intragastrically distilled water (2.5 ml/kg, group 1), ULD anti S100 (2.5 ml/kg, group 2), or piracetam (400 mg/kg, group 3) for 10 days (last treatment 40 min before training). LC of entry into the dark compartment tended to increase after piracetam administration (no statistically significant differences from the control, Table 7.7). LC of entry into the dark compartment and DLC significantly increased after treatment with ULD antiS100 (by 1.8 and 4 times, respectively; Table 7.7). The results indicate that a 10day course of treatment with ULD anti S100 improves memory processes in rat pups with poor learning ability. ULD antiS100 were more potent than piracetam in modulating the learning ability of these animals. Effect of ULD antiS100 on cognitive function, motor activity, and anxiety of highactivity young rats with inadequate behavior: experimental model of attention deficiency and hyperactivity. Highactivity animals with impulsive (inadequate) behavior in the openfield test and provoking stimulation were selected from the population of outbred rat pups (scale of Broudy and Nauta). 147 Ultralow doses Table 7.7. Effects of ULD antiS100 and piracetam on CPAR acquisition in young rats with poor learning ability (M±m, n=15) Before training Substance 24 h after training LC1 LC2 ΔLC Control 10.3±1.1 15.1±2.3 4.8±1.9 ULD antiS100 7.2±1.1 26.4±4.6* 19.2±3.9* Piracetam 9.2±2.1 19.2±4.8 10.3±5.7 Note. *p<0.05 compared to the control. The animals were divided into three groups. Rat pups received intragastrically 2.5 ml/kg distilled water (group 1, n=49), 125 mg/kg phenibut (group 2, n=20), or 2.5 ml/kg ULD antiS100 (group 3, n=36) for 7 days. Each group was divided into two subgroups. Subgroup 1 rats were trained in CPAR 15 min after the last administration of test substances. EPM anxiety of subgroup 2 animals was studied 20 min after the last treatment. Administration of phenibut was followed by a 2.8fold increase in LC of entry into the dark compartment (p<0.05 compared to the control). Phenibut also increased the number of animals not entering the dark compartment. Under these conditions the number of transitions between the illuminated platform and dark compartment decreased by 3 times (Table 7.8, Fig. 7.33). Treatment with ULD antiS100 was followed by an increase in LC of entry into the dark compartment (by 3.4 times, p<0.05), time spent on the illuminated platform (by 2 times, p<0.05), and number of animals not entering the dark compartment. Under these conditions the number of transitions between the illuminated platform and dark compartment decreased by 3 times (Table 7.8, Fig. 7.31). These data indicate that ULD antiS100 improve CPAR learning and decrease the hyperactivity of highactivity young rats with inadequate behavioral reactions. ULD antiS100 had a modulatory effect on learning ability during CPAR performance in the dark compartment (i.e., measurement of LC). This effect was manifested in an increase in the time spent on the illuminated platform. The number of animals not entering the dark compartment increased under these conditions. Moreover, hyperactivity of highactivity rat pups was shown to decrease after administration of ULD antiS100. This conclusion was derived from a decrease in the number of transitions between the illuminated platform and dark compartment. The effect of ULD antiS100 on learning of highactivity rat pups was more pronounced than that of phenibut. The EPM test showed that the behavior of selected rat pups is characterized by high motor activity. The animals exhibited multiple entries into 148 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies Table 7.8. Effects of ULD antiS100 and phenibut on CPAR acquisition in highactivity young rats with inadequate behavior (M±m) Control (n=27) Phenibut, 125 mg/kg (n=10) ULD antiS100, 2.5 ml/kg (n=18) 26.61±11.26 73.40±36.56* 91.33±34.14* Time spent on the illuminated platform, sec 51.99±20.85 73.40±36.56 102.56±32.58* Time spent in the dark compartment, sec 128.5±20.8 106.60±36.56 77.72±32.56 Number of transitions 2.40±0.67 0.80±0.26* 0.78±0.34* Parameter, 24 h after training Latency of entry into the dark compartment, sec Note. *p<0.05 compared to the control. the closed arms, active movement in the closed arms, and anxiety (rare visits to the open arms and central area, little time spent in the open arms and central area, considerable number of fecal boluses, and high incidence of grooming episodes). ULD antiS100 had a normalizing effect on the EPM behavior of high activity animals. ULD antiS100 decreased the number of entries into the closed arms (by 3.5 times, p<0.05), but increased the number entries into the open arms (by 5.2 times, p<0.05) and central area (by 2 times, p>0.05). The number of movements in the open and closed arms was similar after administration of ULD antiS100. The total number of these movements for animals of the ULD antiS100 group was lower compared to the control (4.6 and 6.1, respectively). Treatment with ULD antiS100 was followed by an increase in the time spent in the central area and open arms (by 2.7 and 1.8 times, respectively, p<0.05). Moreover, the number of fecal boluses decreased by 3.1 times (p<0.05). The observed changes reflect a decrease in the degree of anxiety (Table 7.9). Trained animals, % 40 ! 30 20 10 0 Control ULD antiS100 Phenibut Fig. 7.33. Effect of ULD antiS100 on CPAR performance in highactivity young rats with inadequate behavior. *p<0.05 compared to the control. 149 Ultralow doses Table 7.9. Effects of ULD antiS100 and phenibut on the behavior of highactivity rat pups in the elevated plusmaze (M±m) ULD antiS100, 2.5 ml/kg (n=18) Control (n=22) Phenibut, 125 mg/kg (n=10) into the closed arms 4.98±0.85 2.50±0.53* 1.44±0.33* into the open arms 0.33±0.39 1.2±1.0 1.72±0.89* to the central area 0.75±0.53 2.50±0.73* 1.50±0.66 on the central area 3.71±3.03 20.0±5.3* 10.06±5.21* in the open arms 3.69±4.79 8.5±7.31 6.56±3.32 25 40 50 Grooming 2.48±0.73 0.80±0.64* 2.50±0.51 Number of boluses 1.88±0.69 0.30±0.42* 0.61±0.39* Parameter Number of entries Time, sec Animals entering the open arms, % Note. *p<0.05 compared to the control. These data indicate that ULD antiS100 decrease the motor activity and have an anxiolytic effect on highanxiety rat pups. Phenibut also had a normalizing effect on the EPM behavior of high activity animals. This substance decreased the number of entries into the closed arms (by 2 times, p<0.05), but increased the number of entries into the open arms (by 3.6 times) and central area (by 3.3 times, p<0.05). However, phenibut was less potent than ULD antiS100 in decreasing the number of entries into the closed arms (by 3.6 and 2 times, respectively; Table 7.9). Therefore, phenibut had a smaller effect on the increased motor activity of highactivity animals. Phenibut also had a strong anxiolytic effect. This substance increased not only the number of entries into the open arms and central area, but also the time spent in the illuminated area. The incidence of grooming episodes and number of fecal boluses decreased under these conditions (Table 7.9). Phenibut had a greater anxiolytic effect on highactivity rat pups than ULD antiS100. These data indicate that ULD antiS100 and phenibut have a normalizing effect on the EPM behavior of highactivity animals. Test substances decreased the number of entries into the closed arms, but increased the number of entries and time spent in the open arms and central area. The number of fecal boluses decreased under these conditions. Hence, ULD antiS100 and phenibut produce an anxiolytic effect on highactivity rat pups. The anxiolytic effect of phenibut was greater than that of ULD antiS100. However, ULD antiS100 were more potent than phenibut in normalizing the increased motor activity of highactivity animals. 150 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies Safety of ULD antiS100 A complete toxicology study was performed to evaluate the safety profile, possible side effects, target organs, and safe dosage range of ULD antiS100. These experiments were conducted in accordance with the recommendations given in the Manual on Experimental (Preclinical) Study of New Pharmacological Substances and approved by the Pharmacological Committee of the Russian Ministry of Health in 2000. The purpose of studies with ULD antiS100 was to determine the acute toxicity (experiments on mice and rats), chronic toxicity (6month treatment of rats and rabbits), reproductive and allergic toxicity (experiments on rats), immunotoxicity, mutagenicity (chromo somal aberration assay in mouse bone marrow cells), and genotoxicity (test system for somatic mosaicism in wing cells of Drosophila melanogaster). Our experiments demonstrated a good safety profile of ULD antiS100. An acute toxicity study showed that this substance in the maximum permissible dose does not cause death of animals. Drugrelated death of animals was not observed after 6month treatment with ULD antiS100 in the highest dose. The product had no toxic effect on organs of experimental animals. A pathomorphological study did not reveal damage to the internal organs or local irritation of the gastric mucosa after drug administration. ULD antiS100 did not cause reproductive disorders in male and female rats. The embryotoxic effect of ULD antiS100 was not detected. ULD antiS100 had no mutagenic, allergenic, and immunotoxic properties. Acute toxicity of ULD antiS100 was also studied on young rats. Due to the absence of mortality, it was difficult to evaluate LD50 of ULD antiS100 for young animals (similarly to adult specimens). Conventionally, the dose of ULD antiS100 exceeding the maximum permissible dose (by volume, according to the route of administration) was considered as LD50. * * * Experimental studies for pharmacological activity of ULD antiS100 allowed us to make the following conclusions. Experiments on adult and young animals showed that the product of ULD antiS100 has a wide range of psychotropic and neurotropic pharmaco logical properties, including the anxiolytic, antidepressant, antistress, nootropic, neuroprotective, antiischemic, and antihypoxic effects. ULD antiS100 differ from modern neuropsychotropic drugs in a variety of properties, absence of side effects (typical of highefficacy reference drugs), and mechanism of action. A wide range of pharmacological properties of ULD antiS100 is related to the improvement of general adaptive processes in CNS (Fig. 7.34). The impairment of these processes is followed by a deficiency of endogenous stresslimiting systems 151 Ultralow doses Modification of functional activity of endogenous protein S100 and its ligands GABA(A) receptor complex GABAmimetic effect, functional recovery of the GABAergic system • Activation of inhibitory processes in CNS • Stresslimiting activity • Neuromodulatory effect:: neuronal plasticity growth factor for serotoninergic neurons reduced production of hypothalamic corticotropin releasing hormone • Functional regulation of other neurotransmitter systems Other ligands and regulatory targets for S100 protein Intracellular calcium, Ca 2+dependent processes Membrane adenylate cyclase Restoration of intracellular Ca 2+ homeostasis Regulation of cAMPdependent processes • Stabilization of neuronal impulse activity • Stressprotecting effect on cells • Regulation of functional plasticity of neurons: through the activity of calmodulin, protein kinase C, and other Ca 2+dependent kinases regulation of enzyme activity for energy metabolism and plastic metabolism (through dephosphorylation or phosphorylation) functional regulation of glutamate receptors and GABA receptors Recovery/increase in the activity of endogenous stresslimiting systems • Nuclear factor NFkB • Antiapoptotic factor Bcl2 • Cytoskeletal proteins (Tauproteins etc.) Regulation of the cell cycle, regeneration of neurons and glia, and cytoskeletal integrity; antiapoptotic effect • Signal transduction from G proteincoupled receptors • Regulation of functional plasticity of neurons: through protein kinase A through protein kinase G functional regulation of glutamate receptors and GABA receptors Regulation of enzyme expression for energy metabolism and plastic metabolism Recovery/increase in neuronal plasticity (natural stressprotective mechanism in CNS) Fig. 7.34. Possible pathways and mechanisms for pharmacological activity of ULD antiS100. (primarily of the GABAergic system) and chronic dysregulation of neuronal plas ticity. Functional recovery is accompanied by a variety of pharmacological effects of ULD antiS100. The prevalence of any mechanism for dysregulation determines the site of action and effects of this product under various pathological conditions. The proposed pathways and mechanisms for pharmacological activity of ULD antiS100 are consistent with the results of experimental and clinical studies. Moreover, they fit naturally into the existing neurobiological paradigm. ULD antiS100 have a normalizing effect and increase the activity of endogenous stresslimiting systems. The product regulates neuronal plasticity. These properties determine the neuroprotective and trophic effect of ULD anti S100. Hence, ULD antiS100 hold much promise for the pathogenetic therapy of various neurological and mental disorders. 7.2. Preclinical study of Impaza Impaze consists of affinity purified rabbit polyclonal antibodies to endothelial NO synthase (eNOS) in ULD (mixture of homeopathic dilutions C12, C30, and C200). 152 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies Previous experiments showed that Impaza improves sexual behavior and erectile function in male rats with decreased sexual activity. Moreover, Impaza had a positive effect on sexual function in females (Fig. 7.35). Impaza activates eNOS and increases the production of cGMP, nitrates, and nitrites in the ca vernous bodies of male rats. The drug has no effect on hemodynamics in nor motensive animals, but decreases blood pressure (BP) in hypertensive rats. These data indicate that Impaza may be used in the therapy of cardiovascular disorders. A toxicology study was performed in accordance with the recommenda tions of the Pharmacological Committee of the Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development. This study showed that Impaza exhibits a good safety pro file. Combined treatment with Impaza and nitroglycerine was not accompanied by a further decrease in BP. The data indicate that Impaza may be prescribed for patients with CHD. Effect of Impaza on sexual behavior of rats Effect of Impaza on sexual behavior of male Wistar rats. Although the development of erectile dysfunction (ED) is associated with a variety of factors, the major pathogenetic types of this disorder have a common mechanism. It suggests functional insufficiency of the NO synthase — NO guanylate cyclase — cGMP cascade and, primarily, inadequate production of NO (K. E. Andersson, 2001; M. Ushiyama et al., 2004). Previous experiments were designed to study the effect of Impaza on sexual behavior and activity of this regulatory pathway. The effect of Impaza on sexual behavior of Wistar rats was studied on two models of decreased sexual activity (seasonal and agerelated suppression). IMPAZA Effect on sexual behavior Males Seasonal suppression Females Mechanism of action Effect on eNOS activity and production of cGMP, nitrates, and nitrites Agerelated suppression Effect on hemodynamics Normotensive rats Hypertensive rats Fig. 7.35. Preclinical study of Impaza. 153 Ultralow doses Series I was performed on 4monthold animals (400450 g) in the winter period. Series II was performed on old males (16 months old, 600700 g). Impaza was administered intragastrically in a daily dose of 1.5 ml for 5 days (treatment group, n=10). Control rats (n=10) received an equivalent volume of distilled water. Sexual behavior in the open field was studied before and after therapy (J. Bures et al., 1983). The males were mated with 34monthold females (300400 g). The stage of estrus in females was induced by 4fold injection of 0.05% folliculin in a daily dose of 0.02 mg/kg. The profile of sexual activity was estimated from LC of mounting, total number of mountings, and number of matings (T. G. Bo rovskaya, et al., 2002). The course of treatment with Impaza in males with seasonal suppression of sexual activity was followed by an increase in the total number of mountings and matings by 2 and 3 times, respectively. These parameters in control animals increased by 25 and 35%, respectively (Fig. 7.36). Therefore, the course of treatment with Impaza improves sexual function and motivation (T. G. Borovskaya, et al., 2002). Experiments on old rats showed that Impaza is effective only in animals with preserved sexual behavior (55% specimens). The number of matings (ejaculations) is one of the major parameters, which determines sexual moti vation and sexual function. Under basal conditions, this parameter was low in 16monthold males of the control and treatment groups. The number of matings (ejaculations) increased by 3.3 times after administration of Impaza for 5 days (p<0.05). By contrast, this parameter decreased in control rats. LC of mating serves as the criterion of sexual motivation. Administration of distilled water and Impaza had no effect on this parameter in rats. The number of mountings reflects not only sexual function, but also sexual motivation. The a b ! 30 25 20 control Impaza 15 10 ! 5 0 Baseline After treatment Baseline After treatment Fig. 7.36. Effect of Impaza on sexual behavior of male rats with a seasonal decrease in sexual activity. Number of mountings (a) and matings (b). *p<0.05 compared to the baseline value. 154 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies number of mountings decreased in the control group, but increased after a 5 day course of treatment with Impaza (by 1.8 times, p<0.05 compared to the baseline value; Fig. 7.37). The data indicate that a 5day course of Impaza improves sexual function in male rats with a seasonal decrease in sexual function and agerelated erectile dysfunction (T. G. Borovskaya et al., 2001; T. G. Borovskaya et al., 2002). The effect of Impaza on the basal activity of the NOS NO cGMP cascade in the cavernous bodies was studied on male Wistar rats aging 4 months. The animals received intragastrically Impaza (1.5 ml, single administration or 5day course of treatment), distilled water, or reference drug sildenafil citrate (single dose 10 mg/kg; Pfizer). They were killed 3 h after the last treatment. The cavernous tissue was isolated. cGMP content was estimated by a direct enzyme immunoassay with Amersham kits. The concentration of NO derivates was measured colorimetrically with CN Biosciences kits. NOS activity was measured colorimetrically (Oxford Biomedical Research). Impaza improved copulative (erectile) function and had a stimulatory effect on sexual behavior under conditions of seasonal or agerelated suppression of reproductive function. A biochemical study showed that the improvement of erectile function after treatment with Impaza is accompanied by significant changes in the basal activity of NOS, production of NO, and content of cGMP in the cavernous tissue of male rats. Single oral administration of Impaza was followed by an increase in the activity of endothelial NO synthase and concentration of NO derivates in the cavernous bodies of male rats (by 2 and 1.4 times, respectively; p<0.05). A 5day course of treatment of Impaza also produced a 4fold increase in cGMP content in the penile cavernous tissue (Yu. P. Bel’skii et al., 2003; A. V. MartyushevPoklad et al., 2003). A reference drug sildenafil increased only the content of cGMP (Fig. 7.38). a 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 b ! control Impaza ! Baseline After treatment Baseline After treatment Fig. 7.37. Effect of Impaza on sexual behavior of old male rats with decreased sexual activity. Number of mountings (a) and matings (b). *p<0.05 compared to the baseline value. 155 Ultralow doses % of the baseline 700 ! 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 b а ! ! ! Single treatment control Course of treatment sildenafil Impaza % of the baseline 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 ! Single treatment control ! Course of treatment sildenafil Impaza c % of the baseline 300 ! ! 250 200 150 100 50 0 Single treatment control Course of treatment sildenafil Impaza Fig. 7.38. Major mechanism for the effect of Impaza: content of cGMP (a), concentra tion of NO derivatives (b), and activity of eNOS (c) in the cavernous tissue of male rats. *p<0.05 compared to the control (dis tilled water). Hence, the most probable peripheral mechanism for Impaza action is an increase in endothelial NO synthase activity and recovery of NO production (i.e., normalization of endothelial function). Effect of Impaza on sexual function in females. In addition to studying the effect of Impaza on sexual behavior of male rats, the influence of this drug on sexual behavior of estrous females was evaluated (T. G. Borovskaya et al., 2002). Sexual receptivity of females (readiness for mating) is determined by the reduced aggressiveness to males and appearance of the lordosis posture. Impaza had no effect on the number of lordosis postures in females, but increased the lordosis/mounting ratio (by 1.9 times, p<0.05). Moreover, Impaza increased the number of active females (exhibiting the lordosis posture) and decreased the number of aggressive females. Effect of Impaza on the cardiovascular system The vascular endothelium is a neuroendocrine organ, which maintains the relationship between blood and tissues (G. A. Chumakova et al., 2006). Endothelial dysfunction causes a variety of diseases, including hypertension, 156 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies CHD, and ED (D. V. Nibieridze, 2005; O. D. Ostroumova et al., 2005). Previous experiments showed that Impaza improves endothelial function (NO synthase — NO guanylate cyclase — cGMP cascade). Further investigations were performed to evaluate the effect of this drug on the cardiovascular system. The effects of Impaza on the cardiovascular system were studied in two series with normotensive Wistar rats (series I) and hypertensive ISIAH rats (series II). Effect of Impaza on hemodynamic parameters in normotensive Wistar rats. We studied the effect of test substances on the following parameters of systemic hemodynamics: cardiac output (CO), stroke volume, mean BP (MBP), central venous pressure, total peripheral resistance, and heart rate (HR). The drugs to modulate sexual potency (sildenafil, vardenafil, and tadalafil; according to the Instructions for Use) should not be administered in combi nation with nitrates (nitrites) and hypotensive pharmaceuticals, which limits their use in patients with CHD and arterial hypertension. It was interesting to evaluate the effect of combined treatment with nitroglycerine and Impaza. Experiments were performed on 100 male Wistar rats weighing 200250 g. The animals were divided into five groups as follows: group 1, single intragastric administration of distilled water (2 ml); group 2, single intragastric administra tion of 10 mg/kg sildenafil (2 ml, Pfizer); group 3, single intragastric admini stration of Impaza (2 ml); group 4, 5day course of intragastric treatment with Impaza (2 ml); and group 5, 5day course of intragastric treatment with distilled water (2 ml). Single and repeated administration of Impaza had no effect on a short term decrease in MBP induced by nitroglycerine (5 mg/kg intravenously). The timetorecovery of MBP remained unchanged under these conditions. Moreover, various routes of treatment with Impaza did not affect the systemic hemodynamics in healthy rats. Effect of Impaza on BP in ISIAH rats with inherited hypertension. ISIAH rats were bred at the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Siberian Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk). They are characterized by inherited stressinduced arterial hypertension. Experiments were performed on 30 male ISIAH rats aging 56 months. The animals were divided into three groups of 10 specimens each. Group 1 rats (control) received orally 0.5 ml distilled water for 10 days (through a glass pipette). Group 2 animals were subjected to a 10day course of treatment with Impaza in a dose of 0.5 ml. Losartan in a dose of 10 mg/kg was administered to group 3 rats for 5 days. BP was measured 2 h after the 5th and 10th treatment, as well as 7 days after drug withdrawal (day 17 after the start of therapy). Indirect measurements were performed with a special tail cuff. During this procedure, the animals were placed in a plastic chamber (B. N. Van Vliet et al., 2000). 157 Ultralow doses Impaza significantly decreased BP in hypertensive rats (A. L. Markel’ et al., 2002). The hypotensive effect of Impaza developed progressively. On the 10th day of treatment, BP in Impazareceiving rats significantly differed from the control (Figs. 7.39 and 7.40). The results suggest that Impaza contributes to activation of endothelial NO synthase and recovery or increase in the production of endothelial NO (improvement of endothelial function). A possible mechanism for the effect of Impaza is shown in Fig. 7.41. Probably, eNOS activity reaches the individual physiological optimum after longterm administration of Impaza. Safety profile of Impaza. A complete toxicology study was performed to evaluate the safety profile, possible side effects, target organs, and safe dosage range of Impaza. These experiments were conducted in accordance with the recommendations given in the Manual on Experimental (Preclinical) Study of New Pharmacological Substances and approved by the Pharmacological Committee of the Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development in 2000. The purpose of studies with Impaza was to determine the acute toxicity (experiments on mice and rats), chronic toxicity (6month treatment of rats and rabbits), reproductive and allergic toxicity (experiments on rats), immunotoxicity, mutagenicity (chromosomal aberration assay in mouse bone marrow cells), and genotoxicity (test system for somatic mosaicism in wing cells of Drosophila melanogaster). Impaza had a good safety profile. An acute toxicity study showed that Impaza in the maximum permissible dose does not cause death of animals. Drugrelated death of animals was not observed after 6month treatment with Impaza in the highest dose. The product had no toxic effect on organs and systems of organs in experimental animals. A pathomorphological study did not Decrease in MBP, % of the control 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1 2 3 Fig. 7.39. Effect of the course of treatment with Impaza on systolic BP in ISIAH rats with inherited stressinduced arterial hypertension. Effect of Impaza on day 5 of treatment (1); effect of Impaza on day 10 of treatment (2); and effect of losartan on day 5 of treatment (3). 158 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies MBP, mm Hg 195 190 185 ! 180 175 170 165 Baseline After 2h After 5 days After Seven days 10 days after withdrawal Time after the start of Impaza treatment Fig. 7.40. Dynamics of systolic BP in ISIAH rats during treatment with Impaza. *p<0.05 compared to the baseline value. Impaza +++ eNOS eNOS Vascular endothelium NO NO GTP Phosphate Smooth muscle cell cGMP Cell relaxation Activation of guanylate cyclase Fig. 7.41. Possible mechanism for the effect of Impaza. NO, nitric oxide; eNO, endothelial NO synthase; GTP, guanosine triphosphate; cGMP, cyclic guanosine monophosphate. reveal damage to the internal organs or local irritation of the gastric mucosa after drug administration. Impaza did not produce a damaging or embryotoxic effect on the reproductive system in male and female rats. Impaza had no mutagenic, allergenic, and immunotoxic properties. The results of preclinical studies show that Impaza improves copulative (erectile) function, increases sexual motivation, and stimulates sexual behavior 159 Ultralow doses of rats. These effects are realized via the NOS – NO guanylate cyclase – cGMP cascade. Impaza had a moderate hypotensive effect on animals with stress induced arterial hypertension, which was observed after the course of longterm treatment with this drug. Impaza had no general toxic properties and did not produce an adverse effect on reproductive function, fertility, and development of the offspring. Moreover, Impaza did not possess mutagenic and allergenic properties. 7.3. Preclinical study of Anaferon and Anaferon for children The active substances of Anaferon and Anaferon for children are affinity purified polyclonal antibodies to human interferonγ (IFNγ) in ULD. Experimental studies showed that the course of treatment with oral anti bodies to IFNγ in ULD has an antiviral effect on the model of various infec tions. This effect is related to their ability to stimulate the production of endo genous IFNγ and functionally related cytokines. This property also contributes to a wide range of immunomodulatory effects of the product (Fig. 7.42). ANAFERON Antiviral effect Models of viral infections influenza herpes genital herpes Immunomodulatory effect In vivo: humoral response (antibody production) cellular response (delayedtype hypersensitivity response) effect on phagocytosis In vitro: T lymphocytes B lymphocytes NK cells Mechanisms of effect (ex vivo) effect on the cytokine status (functional activity of type 1 and 2 T helper cells) specific effect on IFNγ induction Fig. 7.42. Preclinical study of specific pharmacological properties of Anaferon and Anaferon for children. 160 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies Antiviral effect of Anaferon To study antiviral activity of Anaferon, the infectious process was induced by aerogenic (aerosol) administration of influenza virus strain A/Aichi/2/68 (H3N2) in a dose of 50100 AID50 (aerogenic infectious dose). Anaferon in a daily dose of 0.2 ml was administered intragastrically (through a catheter) to outbred albino mice. Anaferon was given for 5 days before infection and 5 days after infection to study the preventive and therapeutic effects of this drug, respectively. Control mice of the reference group received distilled water. The preventive and therapeutic effects of Anaferon were estimated from the concentration of influenza viruses in the lungs of infected mice (treatment group and control group) on days 2, 3, 4, and 5 after infection. The presence of influenza viruses in clarified homogenates of the lungs was determined by titration on 10dayold developing chick embryos. The preventive and therapeutic treatment with Anaferon had an antiviral effect. This conclusion was derived from a decrease in the concentration of influenza viruses in the lungs of animals (by 2.7 times on day 2 of infection; and by 4.6 times on day 4 of infection, respectively) compared to the control group (p<0.05, Fig. 7.43; A. N. Sergeev et al., 2004). To induce herpes virus infection, outbred albino mice received intraperi toneal injection of herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV2; strain MS, ATCC) in a dose of 5 LD50. An aqueous solution of Anaferon was administered intragastrically for 5 days before infection (daily treatment). The animals were examined for 14 days. The survival of mice and virus concentration in the brain were estimated on days Virus concentration, lg (EID) 7 a Virus concentration, lg (EID) 7 b * 6 6 * 5 ! 5 ! 4 4 2 3 4 3 5 2 Time after infection, days control 3 4 5 Anaferon Fig. 7.43. Efficacy of Anaferon in mice with experimental influenza: preventive (a) and therapeutic treatment (b). *p<0.05 compared to the control. 161 Ultralow doses 6 and 9 after infection. Virus concentration in animals of the treatment group was much lower than in control specimens. The mortality rate of control and treated mice was 69.2 and 28.6%, respectively. The average lifespan of died animals from the treatment group was much greater than that of control specimens (by 3.3 days). The data indicate that preventive administration of Anaferon has a strong protective effect on mice (p<0.05). This treatment was followed by a decrease in herpes virus concentration in the brain (by 10 times) and increase in the average lifespan of animals (Fig. 7.44; M. A. Susloparov et al., 2004). The therapeutic efficacy of Anaferon was studied in guinea pigs with experimental genital herpes infection. The animals were infected with HSV2 virus (strain EC). Beginning from the first day after infection, the animals received intragastrically distilled water (5 ml/kg, control), acyclovir (100 mg/kg), or Anaferon (5 ml/kg) twice a day for 15 days. Group 4 guinea pigs were treated with Anaferon for 5 days before infection and 15 days after infection. The general state of animals, local symptoms, and viral titer in vaginal smears were estimated over 2 months. The therapeutic and, particularly, therapeuticandpreventive treatment with Anaferon was followed by a significant decrease in the severity and duration of general and local symptoms of herpes infection. Virus elimination also decreased under these conditions (Fig. 7.45). The antiviral effect of ULD antiIFNγ on chickens with avian influenza virus (H5N1, strain A/Chicken/Suzdalka/Nov11/2005) was studied at the “Vektor” State Research Center for Virology and Biotechnology (Novosibirsk) in 20062007. ULD antiIFNγ significantly increased the survival of chickens after infection with avian influenza virus in LD75 (p<0.05, Table 7.10). Administra a Survived animals, % 80 b BFU/ml * 1000000 100000 * control Anaferon * 4 6 60 10000 40 1000 100 20 10 0 1 Control Anaferon 2 9 Time after infection, days Fig. 7.44. Efficacy of Anaferon as a prophylactic drug in systemic herpes virus infection. Survival of mice on day 14 after infection with HSV2 (5 LD50, a); and HSV2 virus concentration in the brain of mice (b). *p<0.05 compared to the control. 162 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies а c % of the control 120 Days 3 100 * 80 * 2 * 60 40 1 * 0 1 2 Points 1200 3 4 20 0 1 2 3 4 b 1000 800 600 400 * 200 0 1 2 3 4 Fig. 7.45. Efficacy of Anaferon on the model of experimental genital herpes. Duration of mucosal damage in genital herpes (a), total score of symptoms (b), and titer of genital herpes virus (c). Control (1); acyclovir (2); Anaferon (3); and preventive and therapeutic treatment with Anaferon. tion of this product was followed by a significant increase in the survival time of chickens infected with avian influenza virus in LD90. However, the effect of ULD antiIFNγ was less pronounced than that of a reference drug Tamiflu (Fig. 7.46). These data indicate that the therapeutic, preventive, and therapeuticand preventive treatment with Anaferon has an antiviral effect. Hence, the action of this product is related to immunomodulatory activity and modulation of the key mechanisms for antiviral protection. Experimental models for drug efficacy in viral infections reflect functional activity of all systems that determine the antiviral resistance of an organism % of the baseline 80 ** 60 * 40 20 0 Control ULD of antibodies Tamiflu Fig. 7.46. Effect of test substances on the survival rate of chickens on day 4 after infection with avian influenza virus in LD 90. *p=0.03 and **p=0.01 compared to the control. 163 Ultralow doses Table 7.10. Effects of ULD antiIFNγ on the average lifespan of chickens after infection with avian influenza virus in LD75 Parameter Survived chickens, % Average lifespan, days (n=20) Control (distilled water) ULD antiIFNγ 25 55* 4.5±0.3 4.9±0.3 Note. *p=0.0528 compared to the control. (interferon system, NK cells, and specific cellular and humoral immunity). The effects of Anaferon on these systems were subjected to detailed analysis in studying the immunomodulatory properties. Studying the immunomodulatory activity of Anaferon Immunotropic properties of Anaferon and Anaferon for children were studied in accordance with the Manual on Experimental (Preclinical) Study of New Pharmacological Substances (2000). Experiments were performed on 372 CBA/CaLac mice (318 males and 54 females), 25 male F1(CBAґC57Bl/6) mice, and 36 male C57Bl/6 mice (22.5 months old, 1820 g), and 120 male and female outbred albino rats (2023 g). Experiments on females were conducted in studying the delayed type hyper sensitivity (DTH) reaction and phagocytosis of neutrophils. Other experiments were conducted on male animals. In vitro experiments were performed with the suspension of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from 10 healthy donors (22 36 years of age). To study the immunotropic properties, Anaferon (0.2 ml) was administered orally for 5 or 10 days. The reference of group of mice was treated with distilled water (solvent). The control group consisted of intact animals of the same sex. To study the effect of Anaferon on the humoral immune response, the mice were intraperitoneally immunized with sheep erythrocytes (SE) in the minimum dose (5×106/ml). Single immunization was performed at the beginning of a 5day course of treatment. Experiments were conducted on healthy and immunosuppressive CBA mice. To induce immunosuppression, cyclophosphane (CP, Biokhimik) in a single dose of 125 mg/kg (1/2 maximum tolerated dose, MTD) was injected intraperitoneally at the beginning of Anaferon treatment. The total number of splenocytes (total cellularity of the spleen [TCS], ґ106; E. D. Gol’dberg et al., 1992), relative (%) and absolute number (×106) of antibodyproducing cells (APC) in the spleen (A. I. Cunning ham, 1965), and antibody (AB) titer (standard hemagglutination reaction, HAR) were measured on day 5 after immunization. 164 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies To study the effect of Anaferon on the cellular immune response (DTH reaction), the mice were sensitized with SE (R. V. Petrov et al., 1984). A chal lenge dose of SE was administered into the hindlimb pad (single subcutaneous injection) after a 10day course of Anaferon treatment (5th day after sensiti zation). An equivalent volume of physiological saline was injected to the control limb. In a special series with the DTH reaction, some animals of the treatment and control groups received intraperitoneal injection of a specific NO synthase inhibitor NGmonomethylLarginine (NMMA) on days 4 and 5 after treatment with the sensitizing dose of SE. The reaction index was estimated in each animal (relative weight of the SEinjected to control limb, %). The effect of Anaferon on phagocytic activity of neutrophils and macrophages in the peritoneal exudate was analyzed after a 10day course of treatment with this drug or distilled water. The ability of these cells to phago cytize a 1dayold culture of St. aueus was estimated. The following parameters were evaluated: percent of microbeengulfing neutrophils or macrophages (pha gocytic index, PI); and average number of phagocytized staphylococci per cell (phagocytic number, PN). In in vitro experiments, the aqueous solution of Anaferon was added to a complete nutrient medium (CNM, 50 ml/ml). The in vitro effect of Anaferon on proliferative activity of T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes was studied in the reaction of spontaneous or mitogeninduced blast transformation (LBTR). Induced LBTR was conducted with the T cell mitogen (PHA) or B cell mitogen (pokeweed mitogen) in the suboptimal concentration. Anaferonfree CNM served as the control. The results were analyzed by the number of pulses per minute and stimulation index (ratio of radioactivity levels in the presence and absence of mitogen stimulation). The in vitro effect of Anaferon on production of interleukin1 (IL1) or IL2 was estimated from functional activity of IL1 and IL2 in supernatants of 1dayold mononuclear cell cultures after incubation with the test substance and lipopolysaccharide (LPS, induction of IL1 production) or PHA (induction of IL2 production). Control supernatants of 1dayold mononuclear cell cultures were incubated with LPS, PHA, or test substance. Otherwise, incuba tion of control samples was performed in CNM. IL1 activity was determined from comitogenic activity of IL1 (S. B. Mizel, 1980). The activity of IL2 was evaluated from its ability to stimulate proliferation of lymphoblast cells (R. V. Petrov et al., 1984). The suspension of peripheral blood mononuclear cells served as a source of NK cells to study the in vitro effect of Anaferon on cell function. Functional activity of NK cells (i.e., ability to lyse tumor cells without presensitization) was estimated from lysis of myeloblastic K562 cells in the cytotoxic reaction (B. B. Fuchs radiometric assay; R. V. Petrov et al., 1984). 165 Ultralow doses The effect of Anaferon on production of IFNγ, IL2, IL4, and IL10 by splenic lymphocytes was studied in mice after a 10day course of drug treatment. Lymphocytes were incubated in the absence (spontaneous reaction) or presence of PHA (induced reaction) for 24 h. The content of IFNγ, IL2, IL4, and IL10 in culture supernatants was measured by enzyme immunoassay with commercial kits. Anaferon had a strong immunomodulatory effect. This drug in vivo in creased the humoral and cellular immune response (course of oral administra tion) and had a direct stimulatory effect on functional activity of immune cells (A. V. MartyushevPoklad, 2003). A 5day course of treatment with Anaferon contributed to an increase in the humoral immune response to SE (immunization with the minimum dose of antigen in combination with the first administration of Anaferon). It was manifested in an increase in the percentage of APC in the spleen (by 1.7 times) and elevation of hemagglutinin titer in blood plasma (by 1.6 times, p<0.05 compared to the control; Fig. 7.47). The course of Anaferon treatment significantly activated the humoral immune response to SE in mice with CPinduced immunosuppression (1/2 MTD). These mice were characterized by a significant increase in the relative number of APC in the spleen (by 2 times) and elevation of specific hemagglutinins in blood plasma (by 3 times) compared to control animals (SE immunization in cytostatic disease with no drug treatment). These data show that Anaferon increases the humoral immune response to a complex corpuscular antigen (e.g., during immunization with the minimum dose of antigen under conditions of cytostaticinduced immunosuppression). Therefore, Anaferon has a positive effect on the regulatory (activation of type Antibody titer to SE, log 2 10 + * 8 6 4 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 Fig. 7.47. Effect of the course of oral Anaferon on the humoral immune response to SE: production of immune antibodies. Intact animals (1); control (SE, 2); SE + CP (3); SE + Anaferon (4); and SE + CP + Anaferon (4). p<0.05: *compared to the control; +compared to the SE + CP group. 166 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies 2 T helper cells) and/or effector components of the humoral immune response (antibody production). Studying the DTH reaction to sensitization with SE showed that the course of treatment with Anaferon significantly activates the cellular immune response (Fig. 7.48). In control and Anaferonreceiving specimens, the effector component of this reaction was mainly realized via NOdependent mechanisms. The activation was abolished after in vivo suppression of NO production by a NO synthase inhibitor NMMA. The DTH index decreased to 110.5±3.1 and 110.8±3.7%, re spectively (p<0.05). The course of treatment with oral Anaferon was accompanied by stimu lation of the phagocytic immune response in intact mice. The ratio of staphy lococcusengulfing neutrophils (phagocytic index) increased from 21.3±0.8 to 29.2±3.2% (p<0.05 compared to the control; Fig. 7.49). Phagocytic activity of peritoneal macrophages significantly increased after administration of Anaferon. The phagocytic index increased from 12.2±0.9 to 19.7±1.1% (p<0.05). However, the phagocytic number remained unchanged under these conditions. Reaction index, % 140 * 130 120 110 100 Control Anaferon Fig. 7.48. Effect of the course of oral Anaferon on the cellular immune response to sheep erythrocytes: DTH reaction. *p<0.05 compared to the control. a % 30 b ! 25 ! 20 15 10 5 0 Control Anaferon Control Anaferon Fig. 7.49. Effect of the course of Anaferon treatment on phagocytic activity (phagocytic index) of neutrophils (a) and macrophages (b). *p<0.05 compared to the control. 167 Ultralow doses These data indicate that the course of oral Anaferon stimulates the pha gocytic activity of neutrophils and macrophages (another component of the im mune system), which is related to an increase in the ratio of active phagocytes. These changes reflect the in vivo effect of Anaferon, which is probably mediated by various regulatory systems of the organism. The next series showed that Anaferon has a direct effect on immune cells under in vitro conditions. Addition of Anaferon in combination with the T cell mitogen or B cell mitogen to cultured MNC (induced blast transformation) was followed by an increase in the stimulation index for T lymphocytes (from 52.9±9.3 to 88.6±10.5) and B lymphocytes (from 74.7±32.6 to 120.7±39.7). The observed changes were statistically insignificant due to a wide scatter of data. However, the drug had no effect on spontaneous blast transformation of lymphocytes. Therefore, addition of Anaferon to the culture of MNC produces a moderate comitogenic effect on T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes. IL1 production in the culture of MNC was much higher after addition of Anaferon and LPS (compared to cell culturing with LPS). The stimulation index was 20.9±3.1 and 11.5±3.2, respectively. Oneday incubation of MNC with Anaferon also stimulated the production of IL1 (vs. IL1 concentration in supernatants of cell cultures in CNM). However, the effect of Anaferon was less pronounced than that of the mitogen. During culturing in the presence of mitogen, the stimulation index increased from 2.7±0.8 to 4.6±1.5. Anaferon had little effect on in vitro production of IL2 in the culture of peripheral blood MNC. Addition of Anaferon to the culture of MNC was followed by a significant increase in functional activity of NK cells. It was manifested in an increase in the cytotoxicity index at a target/effector cell ratio of 1:25 (from 63.6±2.7 to 71.7±1.9, p<0.05; Fig. 7.50). Hence, Anaferon increases functional activity of NK cells that play an important role in the protection from intracellular parasites and tumor cell growth. Cytotoxicity index 75 ! 70 65 60 55 50 Control Anaferon Fig. 7.50. Direct in vitro effect of Anaferon on functional activity of NK cells. *p<0.05 compared to the control. 168 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies IFNγ is one of the major inductors of NO production by effector cells of the immune system (U. Boehm et al., 1997). A quantitative study (enzyme immunoassay) was performed to evaluate ex vivo production of IFNγ by splenic lymphocytes from Anaferonreceiving ani mals. Spontaneous production of IFNγ by lymphocytes significantly increased on days 1 and 37 after treatment with Anaferon. The observed changes were most pronounced 3 days after Anaferon administration. IFNγ production in this period increased to 116.34±23.71 pg/ml (p<0.001; Fig. 7.51, a, b), which exceeded the baseline (14.03±1.31 pg/ml, more than 8 times) and control level (17.93±1.75 pg/ml, by 6.5 times). The increase in PHAstimulated production of IFNγ by lymphocytes was less pronounced. The maximum level was achieved on day 7 after treatment and exceeded the control by 9.5% (2636.22±63.41 and 2407.32±104.59 pg/ml, respectively; p<0.05). These data show that Anaferon significantly increases spontaneous and mitogenstimulated ex vivo production of functionally active IFNγ (key cytokine of type 1 T helper cells) by T lymphocytes from intact animals. IFNγ induces and regulates the cellular immune response and serves as a component of the interferon system (autonomic system for antiviral resistance). Oral administration of Anaferon has a modulatory (inducing) effect on the systemic production of endogenous IFNγ, which confirms the notion that ULD of antibodies to endogenous regulators have modifying properties. Spontaneous ex vivo production of IL2 by lymphocytes from treated mice increased on days 27 after administration of Anaferon. However, statistically significant differences were found only on days 3 and 7. This parameter increased from 42.13±2.92 to 61.07±7.65 pg/ml and from 38.71±2.76 to 56.46±5.70 pg/ml, respectively (p<0.05). The increase in PHAstimulated production of IFN2 by lymphocytes was less pronounced under these conditions. The maximum level was observed on days 2 (increase from 589.04±33.91 to 689.41±18.34 pg/ml, by 17%), 5 (increase from 532.68±22.27 to 684.37±29.89 pg/ml, by 28.6%), and 7 (increase from 502.78±41.10 to 649.47±31.97 pg/ml, by 29.3%, p<0.05; Fig. 7.51, c). Spontaneous production of IL4 by lymphocytes from experimental animals significantly increased on days 7 (from 5.37±0.23 to 16.06±4.10 pg/ml, by 198%) and 10 after administration of Anaferon (from 5.21±0.18 to 7.38±0.80 pg/ml, by 41.7%, p<0.05). Anaferon produced the opposite effect on PHAstimulated production of IL4 in various periods. The product had a stimulatory effect on days 1 (increase from 86.18±2.99 to 121.87±13.92 pg/ml, by 41%), 2 (increase from 80.48±0.76 to 111.02±8.49 pg/ml, by 38%), and 4 (increase from 84.27±3.62 to 100.67±7.73 pg/ml, by 19%; p<0.05). By contrast, PHAstimulated production of IL4 decreased on days 6 (from 62.74±5.75 to 52.13±5.49 pg/ml, by 17%) and 10 (from 52.63±5.77 to 38.50±3.75 pg/ml, by 26.8%; Fig. 7.51, d). 169 Ultralow doses The course of treatment with Anaferon had no effect on spontaneous production of IL10 by splenic lymphocytes, but caused a significant increase in PHAstimulated production of this compound on days 15 of study (by 40.6 84.5%, p<0.05 compared to the control; Fig. 7.51, e). a Treatment/control * 6 b Treatment/control 0.14 5 0.12 4 0.10 * 0.08 3 0.06 2 0.04 1 0.02 0 * 0 1 2 3 4 5 7 10 c Treatment/control 0.5 6 1 4 5 6 * * * 1.5 1.0 0.1 0.5 0 0 1 2 3 4 6 7 10 0.5 1 2 * * 3 4 5 * 6 7 10 * * * 0.6 5 * * e Treatment/control 1.0 0.8 10 2.5 * 0.2 7 d 2.0 0.3 0.4 3 Treatment/control * * 0.4 0.1 2 * * 0.2 0 0.2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0.4 Anaferon administration, days 170 10 Fig. 7.51. Effect of the course of oral Anaferon on spontaneous (light bars) and PHAstimulated ex vivo production (dark bars) of IFNγ (a, b), IL2 (c), IL4 (d), and IL10 by lymphocytes (e). Increa se, compared to the control. Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies We conclude that the course of treatment with oral Anaferon has a modulatory effect on the production of not only IFNγ, but also of functionally related cytokines in type 1 T helper cells (IL2) and type 2 T helper cells (IL4 and IL10). These properties contribute to the ability of Anaferon to stimulate the cellular and humoral immune response. It should be emphasized that an increase in spontaneous cytokine production mainly reflects the basal activity of producing cells. The reserve capacity of lymphocytes to produce cellular factors is evaluated from the intensity of sti mulated cytokine production. Type 1 T helper cells exhibited a spontaneous re sponse to the test substance. By contrast, the reaction of type 2 T helper cells was revealed under conditions of mitogenic stimulation (Fig. 7.52). These differences illustrate a change in the reserve capacity, but not in the basal activity of cells. These data indicate that Anaferon possesses the immunotropic properties, stimulates cellular and humoral immunity, has a modulatory effect on the balance between regulatory components of the immune system (type 1 and 2 T helper cells), and activates the specific (antibody production and cellular cytotoxicity) and nonspecific immune mechanisms (phagocytosis, NK cells, and interferon system). A strong effect of Anaferon on the IFN system during therapy of acute respiratory viral infections was confirmed in further clinical studies of this drug. Studying the toxicity of ULD antiIFNγ A preclinical safety study of Anaferon and Anaferon for children was performed in accordance with the recommendations given in the Manual on Experimental (Preclinical) Study of New Pharmacological Substances in 2000. a Treatment/control 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 IFN+IL2 IL4+IL10 6 7 10 Treatment/control 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 1 2 3 b 4 5 6 7 10 Anaferon administration, days Fig. 7.52. Effect of the course of oral Anaferon on an increase in spontaneous cytokine production (a) by type 1 T helper cells (light bars) and PHAstimulated cytokine production (b) by type 2 T helper cells (dark bars). 171 Ultralow doses The study was designed to evaluate acute toxicity, general chronic toxicity, allergenic properties, genotoxicity, embryotoxicity, reproductive toxicity, and teratogenicity. Test products were classified to a group of lowhazard substances. They had no general toxic and allergic effects (systemic or local) and did not cause reproductive disorders. Antimutagenic properties of ULD antiIFNγ were re vealed in the test for somatic mosaicism in wing cells of Drosophila melanogaster (O. L. Voronova et al., 2002). Some common effects of ULD antibodies to endogenous regulators by the example of antibodies to IFNγ in ULD This experiment was designed to solve two problems. First, we studied the specificity of the pharmacological effect produced by ULD antibodies to a certain endogenous regulator. And second, we evaluated whether the effect of antibodies depends on their dose. The induction of endogenous IFNγ after oral administration of ULD antiIFNγ was estimated ex vivo with the supernatant of splenocytes (O. I. Epstein et al., 2004). Experiments were performed on 342 CBA/CaLac mice weighing 1820 g. The study was conducted with goat polyclonal antibodies to human IFNγ (IgG fraction) and rabbit polyclonal antibodies to erythropoietin (EP) and human tumor necrosis factorα (TNFα). ULD antibodies were obtained by the standard homeopathic method of potentiation. ULD antiIFNγ were admini stered in the molar (dilution C3; equivalent concentration 106 wt %; 1012 M) or submolar dose (mixture of dilutions C12+C30+C50; equivalent concentrations of 1024, 1060, and 10100 wt %; 1030 M). ULD antibodies to EP and TNFα were used in a mixture of dilutions equivalent to concentrations of 1024, 1060, and 10100 wt % (1030 M). Test substances (0.2 ml) were given orally for 10 days. Control mice received an equivalent volume of the solvent (distilled water). The reference group consisted of intact animals. The ability of substances to modulate IFNγ production by lymphocytes from experimental animals was studied as described above. IFNγ concentration in culture supernatants was measured by enzyme immunoassay with Amersham Pharmacia Biotech kits. Antibodies to an endogenous regulator IFNγ (oral administration) were highly potent in inducing the production of this substance (Fig. 7.53). Anti bodies to IFNγ in molar and submolar doses had the same effect. Preclinical studies showed that Anaferon has the immunomodulatory and antiviral properties that are related to the induction of IFNγ and activation of 172 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies IFNγ production, % of the control 500 * 400 * 300 200 100 0 1 2 3 4 Fig. 7.53. Specificity and dose dependence of the pharmacological effect of ULD antibodies to an endogenous regulator (antibodies to IFNγ): spontaneous production of IFNγ by splenocytes after administration of ULD antiIFNγ (molar and submolar dilutions, 12) and ULD antibodies to erythropoietin (3) and TNFα (4). *p<0.05 compared to the control. the key immune mechanisms. The product demonstrated a good safety profile. Moreover, ULD antibodies to IFNγ produced a specific effect. 7.4. Preclinical study of Artrofoon The active substances of Artrofoon are antibodies to human TNFα in ULD. Pharmacological activity of Artrofoon was estimated in a largescale expe rimental study (Fig. 7.54). Artrofoon not only had a strong antiinflammatory effect on the model of experimental arthritis, but also possessed the analgetic properties. Studying the mechanisms for action of Artrofoon revealed that this product affects the system of proinflammatory and antiinflammatory cytokines. A good safety ARTROFOON Antiinflammatory activity Analgetic activity Acetic acidinduced writhing test Modulation of cytokine production Hotplate test Adjuvantinduced arthritis (immune inflammation) Collageninduced arthritis (immune inflammation) Fig. 7.54. Preclinical study for the range of pharmacological activity of Artrofoon. 173 Ultralow doses profile of Artrofoon was demonstrated in a toxicology study. The effect of Artrofoon on tumor growth and dissemination was evaluated on various tumor models. Antiinflammatory activity of Artrofoon Experiments were performed on the following two models of immune inflammation: adjuvantinduced arthritis and collageninduced arthritis (CIA). Antiinflammatory activity of Artrofoon on the model of adjuvantinduced arthritis. Experimental adjuvant arthritis is extensively used to study the antiinflammatory effect of pharmaceutical substances in Russia (Manual on Experimental (Preclinical) Study of New Pharmacological Substances, 2000, 2005) and other countries (A. Bendele, 1999; F. A. J. Van de Loo, 2004). In the present study, immune inflammation was induced by subplantar injection of complete Freund’s adjuvant (ICN) in a single dose of 0.1 ml. Experiments were performed on male outbred albino rats weighing 180200 g. Artrofoon (2.5 ml/kg) and reference drug indomethacin (5 mg/kg) were administered 1 day before injection of complete Freund’s adjuvant and over the whole period of inflammation. The severity of edema was evaluated for 21 days at 2day inter vals. The measurements were performed using a plethysmograph (evaluation of the volume of fluid displaced by the submerged limb). Antiinflammatory activity of Artrofoon compared well with that of indomethacin (O. I. Epstein et al., 2001a). The effect was most pronounced on day 10 after drug treatment. The severity of edema decreased by 43.5 and 55%, respectively, compared to the control (p<0.05). No significant differences were found in the effect of Artrofoon and indomethacin. Antiinflammatory activity of Artrofoon on the model of collageninduced arthritis. CIA serves as an experimental model of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), which is extensively used to study the effect of antirheumatic drugs (F. Kato et al., 1996; A. Bendele et al., 1999; A. C. Tellander et al., 2000). CIA is progressive auto immune inflammation of the joints. CIA is a suitable model to study new antirheu matic drugs for the early stage of disease. In the present work, CIA was studied on male Wistar rats (D. E. Trentham et al., 1977). CIA was induced by twofold sub cutaneous injection of rat collagen type II (100 mg) in 100 ml incomplete Freund’s adjuvant. This solution was injected into the tail at a 7day interval. Experiments were performed in accordance with the manual “Successful Induction of Collagen Induced Arthritis in Rats” (Chondrex Company). Fortyfive animals of the treat ment group received intragastrically Artrofoon (0.5 ml) for 90 days beginning from the 8th day of study (i.e., next day after repeated injection of collagen). Distilled water (solvent) was given to 45 control rats according to the same regimen. The inflammatory response in rats was evaluated three times a week on days 897 of study (i.e., days 190 of treatment with Artrofoon or distilled 174 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies Points 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 control ! ! ! ! Artrofoon ! ! ! ! 1 3 6 8 10 13 15 17 20 22 24 27 29 31 34 36 38 41 43 45 48 50 52 55 57 59 62 64 66 69 71 73 76 78 80 83 85 87 90 Time after the start of therapy, days Fig. 7.55. Effect of Artrofoon on the severity of inflammation in rats with collagen induced arthritis. *p<0.05 compared to the control. water). The following parameters were studied: onset of arthritis; number of animals with arthritis; and count of arthritic joints in each rat. The degree of damage was expressed in points (04 points for one limb; and 016 points, overall severity for four limbs). Artrofoon had a strong antiinflammatory effect during type II collagen induced immune inflammation (similarly to the previous series). The course of treatment with Artrofoon was followed by the reduction of joint inflammation in rats with CIA. It was expressed in a decrease in the severity of joint injury (Fig. 7.55), number of animals with arthritis, and count of arthritic joints. Analgetic activity of Artrofoon Nonsteroid antiinflammatory drugs (NAID), including Artrofoon, produce the antiinflammatory and analgetic effects. Analgetic activity of Artrofoon was studied in the acetic acidinduced writhing test and hotplate test. Analgetic activity of Artrofoon in the acetic acidinduced writhing test. Acetic acidinduced writhing was studied on male outbred mice weighing 2225 g. The animals received intraperitoneal injection of 0.75% acetic acid (0.1 ml/10 g). Experimental mice were divided into three groups of 10 specimens each. Distilled water (2.5 ml/kg), Artrofoon (2.5 ml/kg), or indo methacin (5 mk/kg) was administered intragastrically through a probe for 5 days (last treatment 1 h before injection of acetic acid). The number of writhing episodes and LC of writhing were estimated for each animal over 15 min after acetic acid injection. The analgetic effect of Artrofoon was manifested in a significant decrease in the incidence of writhing episodes compared to the control (by 29%). The efficacy of Artrofoon was comparable with that of indomethacin. Indomethacin decreased the number of writhing episodes by 44.2% compared to the control (p<0.05, Fig. 7.56; O. I. Epstein, 2001a). 175 Ultralow doses Analgetic activity of Artrofoon in the hotplate test. The hotplate test was performed on male outbred rats weighing 180200 g. The animals were divided into three groups of 10 specimens each. The rats received intragastrically 2.5 ml/ kg distilled water (group 1), 2.5 ml/kg Artrofoon (group 2), or 5 mg/kg indomethacin (reference drug, group 3) for 5 days (daily treatment). In flammation of the right hindlimb was induced by subplantar injection of 0.1 ml complete Freund’s adjuvant on day 2 of treatment with test substances. Test sub stances were administered 2 h after the induction of inflammation. Each animal was placed on a hot plate (64oC) 3 h and 1 or 3 days after injection of Freund’s adjuvant. The analgetic effect was evaluated from the time of staying on a hot plate. LC of paw licking was recorded after the placement of rats to a hot plate. The nociceptive threshold decreased by 3.7 and 3 times on days 1 and 3 after administration of Artrofoon (p<0.05 compared to the control). The effect of Artrofoon persisted for a longer time compared to that of indomethacin. Indomethacin significantly decreased the nociceptive threshold in rats only on day 1 after treatment (Fig. 7.57; O. I. Epstein, 2001a). Number of writhing episodes 60 50 ! 40 ! 30 20 10 0 Control Indomethacin Artrofoon Fig. 7.56. Analgetic activity of Artrofoon on the model of aceticacidinduced writhing. *p<0.05 compared to the control. LC, sec 50 ! ! control indomethacin Artrofoon 40 30 ! 20 10 0 3h 1 day 3 days Time after injection of complete Freund’s adjuvant Fig. 7.57. Analgetic activity of Artrofoon in the hotplate test. *p<0.05 compared to the control. 176 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies These data show that Artrofoon and typical NAID indomethacin have a similar effect on two models for studying the analgetic properties of pharma ceutical substances. Immunotropic effect of Artrofoon Immune inflammatory diseases, including RA and systemic lupus erythematosus, are associated with immune dysregulation (C. D. Hamilton, 2005). RA is characterized by the prevalence of type 1 T helper cells and over production of proinflammatory cytokines IL1 and TNFα. The antiinflam matory and analgetic properties of some drugs (glucocorticosteroids, GCS; and monoclonal antibodies to TNFα, Infliximab) are related to their influence on the production of proinflammatory and antiinflammatory cytokines (e.g., inhibition of TNFα and IL1; C. D. Hamilton, 2005). TNFα can induce the production of IL1, IL6, and IL8. Moreover, TNFα modulates the secretion of IFNγ, IL4, IL10, and other cytokines. Hence, studying the effect of Artrofoon (ULD antibodies to TNFα as an active substance) on the cytokine profile of animals with immune inflammation was necessary to evaluate the mechanism for action of this product. Prednisolone that belongs to a group of GCS was used as a reference drug. Experiments were performed on 200 male CBA/CalAc mice with CIA (1820 g). Experimental animals were divided into three groups. The mice received orally 0.2 ml distilled water (14day course, from the day before CIA induction; control group 1), 0.2 ml Artrofoon (14day course, from the day before CIA induction; group 2), or 53 mg/kg prednisolone (Nikomed; 11day course, from the day before CIA induction; group 3). CIA was induced by subplantar injection of type II collagen (single dose 100 mg) in 50 ml complete Freund’s adjuvant. This solution was injected into the right hindlimb of mice. The concentrations of proinflammatory and antiinflammatory cytokines (TNFα, IL1, IL6, IFNγ, IL4, and IL10) in blood plasma and supernatants of peritoneal macrophages (TNFα, IL1, and IL6) and lymphocytes (IFNγ, IL4, and IL10) were measured after 3 h and 1, 3, 5, 9, 13, 17, and 21 days. The overall and mean production of cytokines was estimated by calculating the area under the concentrationtime curve. Artrofoon had the antiinflammatory and immunomodulatory effect on mice with CIA and immune inflammation. The activity of Artrofoon compared well with that of a reference drug prednisolone. The inflammatory index in Artrofoonreceiving animals decreased by 1027% on days 113 of inflammation (p<0.05 compared to the control). Administration of prednisolone was followed by a 3658% decrease in the inflammatory index on days 19 of inflammation (p<0.05 compared to the control). 177 Ultralow doses Prednisolone and Artrofoon produced the same changes in systemic production of cytokines (blood cytokine level; Fig. 7.58). These data show that Atrtrofoon has the antiinflammatory properties. Similarly to prednisolone, the effect of Artrofoon is related to the inhibition of proinflammatory cytokine production. Safety profile of Artrofoon The antiinflammatory and analgetic effects of Artrofoon compared well with those of typical nonsteroid antiinflammatory drugs (indomethacin) and glucocorticoids (prednisolone). Artrofoon reduces the symptoms of experimental immune inflammation. Similarly to prednisolone, Artrofoon has a modulatory effect on cytokine production. However, NAID and GCS cause some side effects. NAID contribute to gastropathy, allergy, and elevation of BP. Treatment with GCS is followed by gastropathy, hyperglycemia, and other disorders. Modern pharmaceuticals that affect TNFα (biological inhibitors of TNFα, including Infliximab, Etanercept, and Adalimumab) are potent in the therapy of autoimmune diseases, but cause serious side effects. Druginduced immune suppression increases the risk of tuberculosis, meningitis, fungal diseases, histoplasmosis, and sepsis (C. D. Hamilton, 2005). A complete toxicology study was performed to evaluate the safety profile, possible side effects, target organs, and safe dosage range of Artrofoon. The purpose of studies with Artrofoon was to determine the acute toxicity % of the control 200 ! 180 ! 160 ! ! 140 ! ! 120 100 80 ! ! ! ! ! 60 40 20 0 TNFα IL1 control IL6 Artrofoon IFNγ IL4 IL10 prednisolone Fig. 7.58. Effect of Artrofoon of systemic cytokine production on days 121 of experimental arthritis. Ordinate: average concentration of cytokines. *p<0.05 compared to the control. 178 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies (experiments on mice and rats), chronic toxicity (6month treatment of rats and rabbits), reproductive and allergic toxicity (experiments on rats), immunoto xicity, mutagenicity (chromosomal aberration assay in mouse bone marrow cells), and genotoxicity (test system for somatic mosaicism in wing cells of Drosophila melanogaster). Artrofoon appears to have a good safety profile. An acute toxicity study showed that this substance in the maximum permissible dose does not cause death of animals. Drugrelated death of animals was not observed after 6month treatment with Artrofoon in the highest dose. The product had no toxic effect on organs and functional systems of experimental animals. A pathomorphologi cal study did not reveal damage to the internal organs or local irritation of the gastric mucosa after drug administration. Artrofoon did not cause reproductive disorders in male and female rats. The embryotoxic effect of Artrofoon was not observed. Artrofoon had no mutagenic, allergenic, and immunotoxic properties. Despite good results of a toxicology study, it was important to evaluate the effect of Artrofoon on the cytokine system (e.g., TNFα). TNFα holds much promise for oncology. This cytokine possesses antiblastic activity and has a direct cytotoxic effect on malignant cells. This effect is associated with hemorrhagic necrosis of the tumor and activation of the immune system (S. M. Navashin et al., 1989; S. G. Zubkova et al., 2001; R. Horssen et al., 2006). Multicenter clinical trials confirmed the efficacy of TNFα infusion for therapy of some tumors (R. Horssen, 2006). However, TNFα may serve as a tumorinducing agent. The increased activity of TNFα provides favorable conditions for tumor cell dissemination, including stimulation of angiogenesis (N. Ahmaazadeh et al., 1990; D. Bertolini et al., 1986; F. Brennan et al., 1989; F. Brennan et al., 1997; P. Cunha et al., 1992; J. Dayer et al., 1985; C.A. Dinareilo et al., 1986; M. Feldman et al., 1986; C. Hawonh et al., 1991; E. Lupia et al., 1996; K. Macnaul et al., 1992; M. Shingu et al., 1993; G. Tilz et al., 1997). A TNFα inhibitor Infliximab increases the risk of tumor development (P. W. Szlosarek et al., 2006; L. Biancone et al., 2005). A special series was performed to determine the antitumor activity of Artrofoon. It was interesting to evaluate whether Artrofoon may contribute to tumor progression. Experiments on tumor models (Lewis lung carcinoma and B17 mela noma) showed that Artrofoon has no antitumor activity. The drug did not stimulate primary tumor growth. Moreover, Artrofon had no stimulatory effect on the development and growth of metastases. By contrast, Artrofoon exhibited the antitumor and antimetastatic properties under conditions of tumor transplantation with a small number of cells (E. N. Amosova et al., 2001). This series showed that Artrofoon does not have an adverse effect on tumor growth, but exhibits the antitumor activity. 179 Ultralow doses Preclinical studies showed that the antiinflammatory and analgetic effects of Artrofoon compare well with those of GCS and NAID. These properties of Artrofoon are related to its influence on the cytokine system. Toxicity was not observed after longterm treatment with Artrofoon in doses that exceed the recommended human dose by more than 1000 times. Artrofoon does not have the mutagenic, allergenic, immunotoxic, or tumorigenic properties. The results of experimental studies were confirmed by clinical observations. 7.5. Preclinical study of Epigam Epigam consists of affinity purified polyclonal antibodies to histamine in ULD. Studying the antiulcer activity of pharmaceutical products requires a stage of investigations on animals with experimental ulcers. The existence of various etiopathogenetic factors for ulcer disease and no general agreement concerning the cause, pathogenetic mechanism, and course of this disorder make it difficult to develop a general model for all manifestations of the pathological processes. Antiulcer activity of drugs is usually studied on several models of ulcer disease that differ in etiology and specific characteristics. The antiulcer effect of Epigam was evaluated on several models of acute and chronic ulcers. Studying the specific activity of an antiulcer drug suggests the evaluation of its effect on secretory and motorevacuation function of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Moreover, these experiments were designed to determine the analgetic, spasmolytic, antiedematous, and antitumor effects of Epigam (Fig. 7.59). Experiments were performed on 215 outbred albino rats (males, 300350 g; and females, 220240 g) and 390 outbred mice (females, 2224 g). The animals were obtained from the Laboratory of Experimental Biological Modeling (Institute of Pharmacology, Tomsk Research Center, Siberian Division of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences). Antiulcer activity of Epigam Antiulcer activity of Epigam on the model of acute ulcers. The effect of Epigam on acute ulcerative lesion of the gastric mucosa was studied on animal models for various etiologic factors of ulcer disease, including stress (neurogenic ulcer), NAIDinduced gastric mucosal injury (indomethacin, acetylsalicylic acid, butadiene), alcohol consumption, and acidpepsin factor (Shay ulcer). On the model of acute ulcers, Epigam was administered intragastrically to mice (0.3 ml) and rats (0.5 ml). The product was given once or several times for 58 days (last treatment 1 h before the induction of ulcerative lesions). 180 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies EPIGAM Antiulcer activity Antiinflammatory activity Acute ulcers Antiedematous Chronic ulcer Antiproliferative Effect on functional activity of the gastrointestinal tract Spasmolytic Analgetic activity Secretory Motorevacuation Fig. 7.59. Studying the pharmacological properties of Epigam Control animals received distilled water (solvent) according to the same regimen. The animals were killed by cervical dislocation under ether anesthesia or ether overdose. The number and area of gastric mucosal injury were estimated macroscopically. They were differentiated into petechia (less than 1 mm), large ulcers (more than 1 mm), and linear lesions. The average number of ulcerative lesions in one animal and percentage of mice with ulcers were evaluated as described elsewhere (Ya. I. Khadzhai, 1962). The Pauls index was determined as an integral criterion for the number of lesions (F. Pauls et al., 1947). Antiulcer activity of Epigam was estimated as the control/treatment ratio of the Pauls index (G. V. Obolentseva et al., 1974). Neurogenic ulcer. Stress is one of the major etiologic factors for GIT diseases. Immobilization is a strong stress factor, which causes ulceration in GIT. Stressinduced ulceration during immobilization is associated with nervous and humoral changes (I. S. Zavodskaya et al., 1981). The animals were suspended by application of dressing forceps to the skinfold of the neck. Partial immo bilization for 22 h was followed by ulceration of the gastric mucosa (Yu. I. Dobryakov, 1978). The bedding and food were removed from mouse cages 1 day 181 Ultralow doses before stress. The antistress effect of test substances was estimated from the number of gastric ulcers and weights of the adrenal glands, thymus, and spleen. Preventive treatment with Epigam for 6 days had a strong gastroprotective effect under conditions of neurogenic ulceration. The antiulcer activity of Epigam was 3.52 U. Epigam decreased the number of petechia and large ulcers by 3.5 and 5.5 times, respectively, compared to the control (p<0.05). The aver age number of ulcers in animals of the Epigam group was 3.8fold lower than in the control (p<0.05, Fig. 7.60; J. L. Dugina et al., 2002; 2003a,b,c; S. G. Krylova, 2002a; O. I. Epstein, 2001b; J. L. Dugina, 2002). It should be emphasized that single administration of Epigam prevented the stressinduced involution of the spleen and thymus and had a normalizing effect on the weight of the adrenal glands (no differences from the intact control). Indomethacininduced ulcer. Mucosal damage in GIT is one of the most common side effects of NAID (e.g., indomethacin). Ulcerogenic activity of these drugs is associated with barrier dysfunction of the mucous membrane, inhibition of glycosaminoglycan synthesis, blood flow disorders, impaired ability of the mucosa for reepithelization, and increased secretion of acid and pepsin (F. Bates, 1989). The gastroprotective effect of Epigam on the model of indo methacininduced mucosal injury was studied with two species of animals. Indo methacininduced damage to the gastric mucosa in mice was produced by intragastric administration of indomethacin in a dose of 20 mg/kg twice daily at a 4h interval. The number and severity of destructive changes were estimated after 18 h (O. I. Epstein et al., 1001b). Indomethacininduced damage to the gastric mucosa in rats was produced by intragastric administration of indomethacin in 1 ml physiological saline (single dose 60 mg/kg; F. Bates et al., 1989). The number of ulcers was evaluated 6 h after the last treatment with indomethacin. Average number of ulcers per mouse 10 control Epigam 8 6 * 4 * 2 0 1 2 3 Fig. 7.60. Antiulcer activity of Epigam after prophylactic intragastric administration to female mice. Neurogenic ulcer (0.3 ml × 1 day, 1); neurogenic ulcer (0.3 ml × 6 days, 2); and indomethacininduced damage (0.3 ml × 6 days, 3). *p<0.05 and **p<0.01 compared to the control. 182 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies After preventive treatment with Epigam for 6 days, 25% mice did not have gastric ulcers (p<0.01). The average number of ulcers in treated mice decreased by 2.4 times (p<0.05; Fig. 7.61). Epigam also prevented the formation of large ulcers and petechia. The average number of these lesions in mice of the Epigam group decreased by 5.2 and 2.0 times, respectively (p<0.05). Moreover, prophy lactic administration of Epigam completely abolished the formation of linear ulcers. Under these conditions, the antiulcer activity of Epigam was 3.22 U. Prophylactic administration of Epigam decreased the average number of ulcers in rats with indomethacininduced damage to the gastric mucosa (by 1.33 times, p<0.01; Fig. 7.60). The length of petechia, linear lesions, and large ulcers decreased by 1.4, 1.5, and 1.7 times (p<0.05), respectively, compared to the con trol. Fig. 7.62 illustrates that treatment with Epigam was followed by a 1.5fold decrease in the severity of gastric mucosal injury (p<0.05; J. L. Dugina et al., 2002, 2003a,b,c; S. G. Krylova, 2002a; O. I. Epstein, 2001b; J. L. Dugina, 2002). Average number of ulcers per rat 25 control Epigam 20 ** 15 * * ** 10 5 * 0 1 2 3 4 5 Fig. 7.61. Antiulcer activity of Epigam after prophylactic intragastric administration to rats. Indomethacininduced damage (0.5 ml × 5 days, 1); acetylsalicylic acid induced damage (0.5 ml × 7 days, 2); butadieneinduced damage (0.5 ml × 7 days, 3); ethanolinduced damage (0.5 ml × 8 days, 4); and Shay ulcer (0.5 ml × 7 days, 5). *p<0.05 and **p<0.01 compared to the control. mm 75 control treatment 60 45 * 30 15 ** 0 1 2 3 Fig. 7.62. Severity of gastric mucosal injury in female rats after prophylactic treatment with Epigam. Indomethacininduced damage (0.5 ml × 5 days, 1); buta dieneinduced damage (0.5 ml × 7 days, 2); and ethanolinduced damage (0.5 ml × 8 days, 3). *p<0.05 and **p<0.01 compared to the control. 183 Ultralow doses Acetylsalicylic acidinduced ulcer. Gastric ulcer in rats was induced by two fold intragastric administration of acetylsalicylic acid in a dose of 150 mg/kg at a 4h interval. The animals were examined after 24 h. A direct effect of acetylsalicylic acid on the gastric mucosa probably results in the loss of pro tective and barrier properties, desquamation of the epithelium, and formation of a large area of erosions and ulcers. Petechia, linear ulcers, and large ulcers were revealed in all rats of the control group 24 h after ulcerogenic treatment with acetylsalicylic acid. The average number of ulcers was 15.31±1.89. Prophylactic treatment with Epigam was followed by a decrease in the number of petechia (by 1.5 times, p<0.05) and average number of gastric lesions per rat (by 1.7 times, p<0.05 compared to the control; Fig. 7.61). The gastroprotective effect of Epigam was manifested in a decrease in the incidence of linear ulcers (by 4.5 times, p<0.05) and number of animals with this type of gastric lesions. Under these conditions, the antiulcer activity of Epigam was 1.84 U (J. L. Dugina et al., 2002, 2003a,b,c; S. G. Krylova, 2002a; O. I. Epstein, 2001b; J. L. Dugina, 2002). Ethanolinduced ulcer. Ethanolinduced gastric mucosal injury in rats was produced by single intragastric administration of 1 ml 96o ethanol per 200 g body weight (C. F. BouAbbound et al., 1988). The antiulcer effect was eva luated 1 h after ethanol administration. Gastric lesions were found in 100% animals of the control group after ethanol administration. The average number of ulcers was 14.00±0.95. Epigam significantly decreased the area and severity of gastric mucosal injury. The number of petechia, linear ulcers, and large ulcers in Epigamreceiving animals decreased by 40.6, 72.1, and 39%, respectively, compared to control specimens. The average number of ulcers in rats of the Epigam group was 1.9fold lower than in control animals (p<0.01). The antiulcer activity of Epigam was 2.01 U (Fig. 7.61). The total length of mucosal lesions per rat decreased by 5.8 times (p<0.05). The severity of damage decreased by 82.5% (p<0.05, Fig. 7.60; J. L. Dugina et al., 2002, 2003a,b,c; S. G. Krylova, 2002a; O. I. Epstein, 2001b; J. L. Dugina, 2002). Butadieneinduced ulcer. The rats received intramuscular injection of butadiene in a single dose of 300 mg/kg (15% suspension in acetone). The severity of ulceration was estimated after 24 h. Butadieneinduced ulceration of the gastric mucosa was found in control and treated animals. Epigam had an antiulcer effect on the model of butadiene induced ulcer. The number of large ulcers and average number of ulcers in rats of the Epigam group decreased by 1.8 and 1.4 times, respectively, compared to the control (p<0.05). The severity of gastric mucosal injury in Epigamreceiving animals decreased by 1.2 times (Fig. 7.62). Shay ulcer. Laparotomy was performed along the white line of the anterior abdominal wall under light ether anesthesia. The pylorus was ligated (H. Shay 184 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies et al., 1945). The tissues were sutured in layers. The animals were killed by ether overdose after 16 h. The forceps were applied to the esophagus. The stomach was removed. The gastric mucosa was examined under a microscope. Administration of Epigam was followed by a significant decrease in the number of animals with ulcers and average number of ulcers per rat. The average number of large ulcers in 75% control rats was 2.1±0.64. After treatment with Epigam only 57% animals had large ulcers. The average number of large ulcers in Epigamreceiving rats decreased to 1.29±0.61 (p<0.05). The number of rats with petechia decreased from 63 to 14% (p<0.05). Moreover, linear ulcers were not detected after administration of Epigam. The average number of ulcers in rats of the Epigam group decreased by 2.4 times (p<0.05; Fig. 7.61). Epigam was potent in reducing the severity of gastric mucosal injury. The area of large ulcers and petechia decreased by 2.3 and 7.3 times, respectively (p<0.05). The average area of gastric lesions decreased by 2.5 times (p<0.05). Hence, the severity of injury in treated animals decreased by 59.3% (p<0.05). The antiulcer activity of Epigam was 3.31 U. These data show that Epigam has a strong antiulcer effect on various mo del of acute ulcerative lesion, which does not depend on the etiology of pa thological process. This effect is manifested the prevention of ulceration and sig nificant decrease in the severity of gastric mucosal injury (J. L. Dugina et al., 2002, 2003a,b,c; S. G. Krylova, 2002a; O. I. Epstein, 2001b; J. L. Dugina, 2002). Antiulcer activity of Epigam on the model of chronic ulcer. Acid acetic induced chronic ulcer was produced in rats (S. I. Budantseva, 1973; A. A. Kalinichenko, 1973). Laparotomy was performed along the white line of the anterior abdominal wall under light ether anesthesia. A solution of acetic acid (0.05 ml, 5%) was administered into the subserous layer of the anterior wall of the stomach. Epigam in a daily dose of 0.5 ml was administered intragastrically for 21 days (immediately after the induction of ulceration). Control rats received distilled water (solvent) according to the same regimen. The animals were killed by ether overdose on days 7, 14, and 21. The antiulcer effect of Epigam was estimated from the area of ulcerative lesions. For a morphological study, the stomach was fixed in formalin and embedded into paraffin. Connective tissue in deparaffinized sections (5 m in width) was stained with hematoxylin and eosin by the Van Gieson technique. Acid glycosaminoglycans were stained by Schiff reagent. RNA was stained by the method of Brachet with methyl green pyronin (G. A. Merkulov, 1969). During examination of Brachetstained samples, tissue basophils were counted in the ulcer margin (per 1 mm2 section). By the number of granules, they were differentiated into strongly granulated, partially degranulated, and strongly degranulated cells. The effect of Epigam on rats with acetic acidinduced chronic gastric ulcers was evaluated on days 7, 14, and 21. Mucosal ulcers of the stomach were 185 Ultralow doses detected macroscopically in all animals of the control group on day 7 after ulcerogenic treatment. The depth of ulcers was 12 mm. The area of the bottom was 23.52±3.38 mm2. A swollen area around the ulcer was associated with inflammatory infiltration and edema of the mucous membrane (Fig. 7.63). The average size of ulcerandswelling in control animals was 98.04±15.04 mm2. Ulcer size in control specimens remained practically unchanged on day 14. The areas of ulcerandswelling and bottom decreased by 21.8 and 20.4%, respectively. Healing of ulcerative lesions in control animals was observed only on the 21st day. In this period the area of ulcerandswelling and ulcer bottom decreased by 44.4 and 75.7%, respectively (compared to day 7). The size of ulcerative lesions in Epigamreceiving rats was much lower than in control animals (Fig. 7.63). On day 7 the area of ulcerandswelling and ulcer bottom decreased by 14.6 and 19.9%, respectively, compared to the control. It should be emphasized that ulcer healing in Epigamreceiving rats was revealed on day 14 after the induc tion of ulceration. The area of ulcerandswelling and ulcer bottom decreased by 61.2 (p<0.05) and 75.4% (p<0.01), respectively, compared to the control. The degree of gastric ulcer healing in Epigamreceiving rats was much higher than in the control (J. L. Dugina, 2002, 2003a,b,c; S. G. Krylova, 2002a; O. I. Epstein, 2001b; J. L. Dugina, 2002). An ulcerative lesion was filled with granulation tissue. The tissue had a greater degree of maturity, included a smaller number of cells, and consisted of thick collagen fibers. The content of RNA and glycosaminoglycans in the cytoplasm of epithelial cells was higher compared to the control. Chief cells of the fundal glands had a normal structure. RNA content in the cytoplasm of these cells was higher than in the control. Hence, Epigam accelerates healing of experimental ulcers and contributes to the formation of glycosaminoglycans in the stomach wall. a mm2 120 b mm2 30 100 24 80 18 60 40 12 * * * 6 20 0 7 14 * 0 21 7 14 21 Time, days control Epigam Fig. 7.63. Effect of Epigam on healing of acetic acidinduced chronic gastric ulcer in male rats. Area of ulcerandswelling (a) and bottom of the ulcer (b). *p<0.05 and **p<0.01 compared to the control. 186 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies Healing of chronic gastric ulcer was probably associated with an Epigam induced increase in the number of mast cells in the zone of ulcerative lesion on day 7 of study (by 1.4 times compared to the control, p<0.05). Similar results were obtained on the 14th day. The count of mast cells in the gastric mucosa increased by 1.5 times after administration of Epigam (p<0.05). These changes should be considered as a positive event, which accelerates healing of the mucous membrane. Previous studies showed that mast cells regulate trophic processes in the gastric mucosa and play a role in ulcer healing (M. Barczyk et al., 1995; S. Nakajima et al., 1996). The model of chronic ulcers is most adequate to study the pathogenesis of peptic ulcer disease. These experiments revealed a strong antiulcer effect of Epigam. Effect of Epigam on the functional state of GIT Evaluation of secretory function of the stomach. The effect of Epigam on gastric secretion in rats was studied on the model of H. Shay ulcer. Surgery was performed under light ether anesthesia. The pylorus was ligated. The forceps were applied to the esophagus. The stomach was removed after 16 h. The stomach contents were placed in tubes and centrifuged at 1500 rpm for 10 min. The following parameters were measured: volume and pH of gastric juice; total acidity; and discharge of hydrochloric acid and pepsin (method of V. N. Tugolukov, 1965). Prophylactic administration of the test substance in a daily dose of 0.5 ml for 5 days was followed by the decrease in gastric juice secretion over 1 h. These changes reflect a decrease in the strain of gastric secretion. The increase in gastric juice pH (p<0.05) was associated with a significant decrease in acidity. Studying the proteolytic activity of gastric juice showed that Epigam significantly decreases the discharge of free hydrochloric acid (by 9 times, p<0.01 compared to the control). Basal H+ concentration was 3.7fold lower compared to the control (p<0.05). These data show that preventive treatment with Epigam before the exposure to an aggressive factor (pylorus ligation) is followed by a decrease in acidpepsin aggression of gastric juice in rats (Table 7.11; J. L. Dugina et al., 2002, 2003a,b,c; S. G. Krylova, 2002a; O. I. Epstein, 2001b; J. L. Dugina, 2002). Evaluation of excretory function of the intestine. Excretory function of the intestine was studied by the method of G. V. Obolentseva (1984). The mice received Epigam in 0.2 ml suspension of activated charcoal (10 mg/ml). The appearance of blackcolored feces was considered as a positive result. The effect in each animal was estimated after 3, 6, and 24 h and expressed in points. Fourfold treatment with Epigam had a moderate laxative effect. The laxative effect was most pronounced 3 and 6 h after the last administration of 187 Ultralow doses Table 7.11. Effect of prophylactic treatment with Epigam (daily dose 0.5 ml, 5 days) on gastric secretion in rats with ligated pylorus (M±m) Discharge of free hydrochloric acid, mmol/liter/h Gastric juice secretion, ml/h рН H+ concentration, mmol/liter Control 0.87±0.14 2.03±0.20 17.21±6.80 3.902×104± 2.16×104 Epigam 0.80±0.17 2.97±0.33* 4.71±3.70* 4.35×103± 0.35×104** Group Note. *p<0.05 and **p<0.01 compared to the control. Epigam (O. I. Epstein, 2001b; J. L. Dugina et al., 2002, 2003a,b,c; S. G. Krylova, 2002a; J. L. Dugina, 2002). Evaluation of motorevacuation function of GIT. Motorevacuation func tion of the stomach and intestine was studied by the method of “labels” (G. P. Coopman et al., 1977). Activated charcoal suspension of (0.5 ml, 10%) in 2% potato starch served as a label and was administered into the digestive tract of mice. The animals were killed 10 min after treatment. The effect of test substance was evaluated. Due to BaCl2induced spastic contraction of pyloric smooth muscles, a suspension of activated charcoal remained in the stomach of 50% animals over the first 10 min after injection of BaCl2. The degree of charcoal distribution in the intestine of control animals was 31.43%. Administration of Epigam was followed by an increase in evacuation function of the small intestine. Charcoal transit in the intestine of Epigamreceiving mice was 52.3% (p<0.05) greater than in control animals (O. I. Epstein, 2001b; J. L. Dugina et al., 2002, 2003a,b,c; S. G. Krylova, 2002a; J. L. Dugina, 2002). Evaluation of spasmolytic activity. Spasmolytic activity was studied by the method of J. Setnicar (1959). Experiments were performed on healthy mice and animals with indomethacininduced ulcer. The animals received intraperitoneal ly 0.2 ml 0.1% BaCl2. Activated charcoal suspension of (0.5 ml, 10%) in 2% potato starch was administered intragastrically. The animals were killed after 10 min. Spasmolytic activity of the product was evaluated. Epigam was potent in increasing the motor activity of GIT. In control mice, the suspension of charcoal was shown to pass 73.1% intestinal length over 10 min. This parameter increased to 98.9% in Epigamreceiving animals (p<0.01). A positive effect of Epigam on animals with indomethacininduced ulcer was manifested in the increase in motor activity of GIT (by 25.8%, p<0.05 compared to the control; O. I. Epstein, 2001b; J. L. Dugina et al., 2002, 2003a,b,c; S. G. Krylova, 2002a; J. L. Dugina, 2002). 188 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies Analgetic activity of Epigam Analgetic activity of Epigam was studied on outbred mice with acetic acidinduced writhing. The nociceptive response was induced by intraperitoneal injection of acetic acid (0.2 ml, 3% solution; C. Cashik et al., 1977). The reaction of animals to nociceptive stimulation was estimated from the number of writhing episodes (20min period after acetic acid injection) and writhing LC. Administration of Epigam in a dose of 0.3 ml was followed by a signifi cant decrease in the number of writhing episodes (by 71.29%, p<0.05). Writhing LC was shown to increase under these conditions. The analgetic effect of a reference drug indomethacin was much smaller (Table 7.12; O. I. Epstein, 2001b; J. L. Dugina et al., 2002, 2003a,b,c; S. G. Krylova, 2002b; J. L. Dugina, 2002). Antiinflammatory activity of Epigam Antiedematous effect of Epigam. The antiedematous effect of Epigam was studied on the model of agarinduced edema, which results from the induction of prostaglandin biosynthesis (S. K. Bhattacharya et al., 1989). The acute inflammatory response (edema) was induced by subplantar injection of 1% agar solution (50 ml) into the hindlimb pad. The animals were killed after 5 h. The paws were cut off to the level of the knee joint and weighted on a torsion balance. The antiinflammatory effect was evaluated from a change in the volume of edema and expressed in percent of the control. At the peak of agarinduced inflammation (5 h after agar injection), single administration of Epigam caused a significant decrease in the degree of edema (by 33.6%). We conclude that Epigam has a moderate antiinflammatory effect on mice with agarinduced inflammation (Table 7.13; O. I. Epstein, 2001b; J. L. Dugina et al., 2002, 2003a,b,c; S. G. Krylova, 2002b; J. L. Dugina, 2002). Antiinflammatory (antiproliferative) activity of Epigam. The course of chronic proliferative inflammation was studies in experimental rats. A sterile Table 7.12. Effect of Epiogam on pain sensitivity of female outbred mice on the model of acetic acidinduced writhing (M±m) Group Control Indomethacin (10 mg/kg, 7 days) Epigam (0.3 ml, 7 days) Number of writhing episodes over 20 min Decrease in pain sensitivity, % 24.00±3.67 Time to onset of writhing, min – 3.75±0.25 12.83±2.06* 46.54 4.00±0.68 6.89±1.71** 71.29 4.5±0.8 Note. *p<0.05 and **p<0.01 compared to the control. 189 Ultralow doses Table 7.13. Глава 7. Экспериментальная фармакология препаратов сверхмалых доз антител Antiinflammatory (model of agarinduced edema) and antiproliferative effects (model of cotton pellet granuloma) of Epigam in various doses (%) Epigam dose Parameter 0.3 ml, single treatment 0.5 ml, 8day course 33.6 — Inhibition of proliferation — 24.0* Inhibition of exudation — 30.0 Reduction of edema at the peak of inflammation Note. *p<0.05 compared to the control cotton pellet (13 mg in weight) was implanted subcutaneously on the back of animals (R. Meier et al., 1950). Epigam in a daily dose of 0.5 ml was administered intragastrically for 8 days. The animals were killed on day 8. Cotton pellets and surrounding granulation tissue were removed, weighted on a torsion balance, and dried to a constant weight at 37oC. The proliferative response was estimated from the difference in the weights of dried granuloma and initial weight of a cotton pellet. The exudative response was evaluated from the difference in wet granuloma weight and dry granuloma weight. The cotton pellet granuloma test showed that Epigam decreases the initial and dry weight of granulationandfibrous tissue. It should be emphasized that Epigam had an inhibitory effect on proliferation in the early proliferative phase of inflammation (p<0.05, Table 7.13). The degree of exudation tended to decrease in Epigamreceiving rats. The weight of exudate in these animals decreased by 1.5 times compared to the control. These data show that Epigam produces a moderate antiproliferative effect (O. I. Epstein, 2001b; J. L. Dugina et al., 2002, 2003a,b,c; S. G. Krylova, 2002b; J. L. Dugina, 2002). The data suggest that Epigam affects the histaminedependent activation of histamine H1, H2, and H3 receptors (Fig. 7.64). Epigam decreases acid pepsin aggression of gastric juice, has a normalizing effect on motorevacuation function of GIT, and possesses the antiinflammatory and analgetic properties. Therefore, the antiulcer effect of Epigam is realized via central (H3 receptors) and peripheral regulatory mechanisms (H1 and H2 receptors) of histamine mediated functions. 7.6. Preclinical study of Afala Antibodies to human prostatespecific antigen (PSA) in ULD constitute the active substance of Afala. PSA is a promising molecular target in benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH; E. P. Diamandis, 2000; S. P. Balk et al., 2003). Expression of 190 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies Histamine H3 H1 4 3 1 H2 py lo ri 1 H. 2 4 2 2 H+ TS NK SMC P ECL Vessel BP Fig. 7.64. Mechanisms for action of Epigam. Effect of Epigam on acidpepsin ag gression of gastric juice (1); antiinflammatory effect (2); effect of Epigam on mo torevacuation function of GIT (3); and analgetic effect of Epigam (4). His, histamine; H 1, H 2, and H 3, histamine receptors; P, parietal cells; ECL, enterochromaffin cells; BP, basophils; SM cells, smooth muscle cells; NK, natural killer cells; Ts, T sup pressor cells. this serine protease is regulated by androgens. PSA has antiangiogenic activity (A. H. Fortier et al., 1999), plays a role in the regulation of stromal cell growth in the prostate (D. M. Sutkowski et al., 1999), and modulates the expression of genes for tumor growth in prostate tissue (B. Bindukumar et al., 2005). Experimental preclinical studies on the models of acute and chronic aseptic inflammation and hormoneinduced inflammation of the prostate revealed that Afala exhibits the prostatotropic properties, reduces the severity of edema and inflammation, has a normalizing effect on prostate function, and prevents prostate sclerosis (Fig. 7.65). A toxicology study showed that Afala has a good safety profile. Antiinflammatory effect of Afala Model of acute aseptic inflammation of the prostate. Experiments were performed on 45 male outbred albino rats aging 3 months. The animals were 191 Ultralow doses AFALA Antiinflammatory effect Prostatotropic effect Young rats Model of acute prostatitis Model of chronic prostatitis ГHormoneinduce inflammation Young gonadectomized rats Fig. 7.65. Studying the pharmacological activity of Afala. divided into three groups. Group 1 rats (n=20) received Afala in a dose of 1.5 ml for 10 days. Distilled water in a dose of 1.5 ml was administered to 20 animals of group 2 (10day course). Group 3 consisted of 5 intact specimens. On day 3 after administration of test substances, the prostate was sutured with a silk thread to induce acute inflammation (B. A. Vertapetov, 1970). The animals were killed 7 days after surgery. The internal organs were examined visually. A histological study was performed with the prostate (A. P. Milovanov, 1986; G. G. Avtandilov, 1990). Zn2+ concentration in prostate tissue was measured by means of emission spectral analysis (G. V. Kashkan, 1988). Administration of Afala prevented the formation of adhesions between the prostate and surrounding tissues, had a normalizing effect on the density of the prostate gland, and decreased the severity of edema and hyperemia (Fig. 7.66). Zn2+ concentration in the ventral prostate of Afalareceiving rats was fourfold higher than in control specimens (Fig. 7.67). Hence, Afala improves function of the prostate in rats. These data show that Afala has an antiinflammatory effect during acute aseptic inflammation of the prostate. Model of chronic prostatitis. Experiments were performed on 50 male outbred rats weighing 250 g and aging 2.5 months. Chronic prostatitis was induced by suturing of the prostate with a silk thread (B. A. Vertapetov, 1970). The treatment group consisted of 20 animals. Afala therapy in these rats was started 1 month after surgery. Afala in a daily dose of 1.5 ml was administered intragastrically for 1 and 1.5 months. Control animals (n=20) were treated with 192 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies % of the control 100 ! 80 ! ! 60 40 20 0 Vessels Edema Fig. 7.66. Effect of Afala on the ratio of structural elements and severity of edema in rats with acute aseptic inflammation of the prostate. *p<0.05 compared to the control. distilled water in a daily dose of 1.5 ml for 1 and 1.5 months after surgery. Ten animals remained intact. The treated (n=10), control (n=10), and intact rats (n=5) were killed 2 and 2.5 months after surgery (1 and 1.5 months after administration of the test substance). The internal organs were examined visually. The weight, volume, weight ratio, and density of the ventral prostate were measured. The prostate was subjected to a histological study as described by A. P. Milovanov (1986) and G. G. Avtandilov (1990). Zn2+ concentration in prostate tissue was measured in 5 animals of each group (G. V. Kashkan, 1988). Previous studies showed that chronic prostatitis is accompanied by a decrease in sexual activity. In the present work, sexual activity of animals was estimated by the method of Ya. Buresh et al. (1991). Administration of Afala for 1 and 1.5 months contributed to a threefold increase in Zn2+ concentration in the ventral prostate (p<0.05 compared to the control, Table 7.14). Atrophy of prostate tissue due to chronic inflammation (decrease in the relative area of the secretory epithelium) was less pronounced in rats receiving Afala for 1.5 months (as compared to control specimens). mg% 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 Control Afala 2+ Fig. 7.67. Effect of Afala on Zn concentration in the ventral prostate of rats with acute inflammation. *p<0.05 compared to the control. 193 Ultralow doses Table 7.14. Effect of Afala on Zn2+ concentration in the ventral prostate and area of the epithelium in the distal region of the prostate in rats with chronic pro statitis (M±m) Parameter Intact Area of the epithelium in the distal region, % Zn2+ concentration, mg/liter after 30 days after 30 days after 45 days after 45 days 23.1±1.55 Control (distilled water) 19.2±2.80 16.60±0.96* 6.0±1.0 5.6±0.6 Treatment (Afala) 21.80±2.07 19.20±0.48*+ 19.9±2.7+ 20.9±2.3+ Note. p<0.05: *compared to intact animals; +compared to the control. Sexual activity of animals with chronic prostatitis was much higher after administration of Afala for 1.5 months (compared to the control group). These data show that Afala has an antiinflammatory effect during chronic prostatitis, reduces the degree of atrophy, and improves function of the prostate (T. G. Borovskaya et al., 2001). Afala had a normalizing effect on sexual behavior of animals, which was suppressed due to chronic prostatitis. Prostatotropic effect of Afala Model of gonadectomized infantile male rats with testosterone propionate induced androgen deficiency. Experiments were performed on gonadectomized infantile male rats aging 2325 days. Test substances were administered once daily for 7 days. The animals were divided into the following groups: 1) intact specimens; 2) gonadectomized specimens, olive oil subcutaneously; 3) gonadectomized specimens, testosterone propionate (0.5 mg/kg sub cutaneously) and distilled water (intragastrically); and 4) gonadectomized specimens, testosterone propionate (0.5 mg/kg sub cutaneously) and Afala (intragastrically). The animals were killed after the last treatment with test substances. The internal organs were examined. The weight and weight ratio of target organs were estimated (ventral prostate and seminal vesicles). The weight indexes were calculated as the ratio of the weight of the organ to body weight. The weight ratios of the prostate and seminal vesicles in gonadectomized animals were lower (by 42.8% for the ventral prostate; and by 33.3% for the seminal vesicles) than in intact specimens (Fig. 7.68). Testosterone propionate contributed to an increase in the weight of androgensensitive organs in gonadectomized male rats. The weight ratios of the prostate and seminal vesicles in animals of the “distilled water + testosterone” group were 188.8 and 362.5% 194 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies % 300 а b + 200 х + 100 ! ! 0 1 2 3 1 2 3 Fig. 7.68. Effect of Afala on the weight ratio of the ventral prostate (a) and seminal vesicles (b) in gonadectomized animals. 100%, intact animals. Treatment of rats with olive oil (1), distilled water and testosterone (2), and Afala and testosterone (3). p<0.05: *compared to intact animals; + compared to the olive oil group; x compared to animals receiving distilled water and testosterone propionate. of those in rats of the “olive oil” group, respectively (p<0.05, Fig. 7.69). The weight ratios of the ventral prostate and seminal vesicles in gonadectomized animals of the “Afala + testosterone propionate” group were 135.2 and 103% of those in rats of the “testosterone propionate” group, respectively (p=0.05). These data show that Afala potentiates the androgenic effect of testosterone on the prostate under conditions of androgen deficiency. However, Afala does not modulate the androgenic effect of this drug on the seminal vesicles (T. G. Borovskaya et al., 2001). Prostatotropic effect of Afala in young animals. Experiments were performed on 28 infantile male rats aging 23 days. The control and treatment groups consisted of 14 animals each. Afala (treatment) or distilled water (control) in a dose of 5 ml/kg was administered intragastrically for 10 days. The animals were killed on day 11. The testes, ventral prostate, and seminal vesicles were weighted. The weight ratios were calculated. The weight ratios of the testes and seminal vesicles did not differ in animals of the treatment and control groups. The weight ratio of the ventral prostate in treated rats was 43.5% higher than in control animals (p<0.05, Fig. 7.69). Therefore, Afala has a selective effect on the prostate in young animals (prostatotropic action). The weight ratio of the prostate gland increases, while the weight ratios of the testes and seminal vesicles remain unchanged under these conditions (T. G. Borovskaya et al., 2001). Efficacy of Afala in benign prostatic hyperplasia BPH was induced by intraperitoneal injection of sulpiride (Eglonyl, Sintelabo Grupp) in a dose of 40 mg/kg (F. Van Coppenolle, 2001) for 60 days. This treatment resulted in the development of hyperprolactinemia and, therefore, prostatic hyperplasia. Afala in a dose of 50 ml/kg was administered 195 Ultralow doses mg/g 0.4 * 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Control Afala Fig. 7.69. Effect of Afala on the weight ratio of the ventral prostate in young rats. *p<0.05 compared to the control. intragastrically for 60 days. Permixon (Serenoa Repens extract, Pierre Fabre Medicament Production) in a dose of 50 mg/kg served as the positive control. Distilled water (5 ml/kg intragastrically, 60 days) served as the negative control. Sulpiride cause hyperprolactinemia. Plasma prolactin concentration in creased on days 30 and 60 after sulpiride injection (by 2 and 1.6 times, re spectively, compared to intact specimens; p<0.05). Hyperplasia of the lateral prostate was observed on day 60 after sulpiride injection. The weight and weight ratio of the lateral prostate in treated animals were twofold higher than in intact specimens (p<0.05). A histological study revealed the signs of lateral prostate hyper plasia on day 60 after sulpiride injection. They included a significant increase in the relative area of the glandular epithelium, decrease in the lumen of distal portions of the gland, and thickening of connective tissue layer between the acini. Afala and Permixon had no effect on plasma prolactin concentration in rats on days 30 and 60 of study. Both substances prevented an increase in the weight ratio of the lateral prostate by the 60th day after sulpiride injection. The efficacy of Afala was 1.7fold higher than that of Permixon. The weight ratios of the lateral prostate in treated rats were 0.07±0.01 and 0.12±0.01 mg/g, respectively (p<0.01; vs. 0.18±0.02 mg/g in the control group; Fig. 7.70). A histological study of the prostate from animals of the Afala and Permixon groups revealed a decrease in the degree of structural changes due to hyperprolactinemia (compared to control animals). Administration of Afala and Permixon was followed by a decrease in the relative area of epithelial structures and increase in the relative area of the lumen in distal portions of the gland. The thickness of connective tissue layer remained unchanged under these conditions. These data indicate that Afala prevents the development of prolactin dependent prostatic hyperplasia in rats of late reproductive age (810 months; J. L. Dugina et al., 2006). The efficacy of Afala is similar to or higher than that of Permixon (J. L. Dugina et al., 2006). 196 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies mg/g 0.4 1 2 3 4 0.3 !+ х 0.2 ! х ! ! 0.1 х ! х х 0 Anterior lobe Median lobe Posterior lobe Fig. 7.70. Effect of Afala on the weight ratios of various lobes of the prostate in rats after 60day treatment with sulpiride. Intact animals (1); distilled water + sulpiride (2); Permixon + sulpiride (3); and Afala + sulpiride (4). p<0.05: *compared to intact animals; +compared to the control (distilled water and sulpiride); xcompared to Permixon and sulpiride. Safety profile of Afala A complete toxicology study was performed to evaluate the safety profile, possible side effects, target organs, and safe dosage range of Afala. These experiments were conducted in accordance with the recommendations given in the Manual on Experimental (Preclinical) Study of New Pharmacological Substances (2000). The purpose of studies with Afala was to determine the acute toxicity (experiments on mice and rats), chronic toxicity (6month treatment of rats and rabbits), reproductive and allergic toxicity (experiments on rats), immunotoxicity, mutagenicity (chromosomal aberration assay in mouse bone marrow cells), and genotoxicity (test system for somatic mosaicism in wing cells of Drosophila melanogaster). Our experiments demonstrated a good safety profile of Afala. An acute toxicity study showed that Afala in the maximum permissible dose does not cause death of animals. Drugrelated death of animals was not observed after 6month treatment with Afala in the highest dose. The product had no toxic effect on organs and systems of experimental animals. A pathomorphological study did not reveal damage to the internal organs or local irritation of the gastric mucosa after drug administration. Afala did not cause reproductive disorders in male and female rats. The embryotoxic effect of Afala was not detected. Afala had no mutagenic, allergenic, and immunotoxic properties. Some authors reported that chronic inflammation and hyperplasia are related to an imbalance between growth factors in prostate tissue (C. L. Eaton, 2003). Moreover, BPH is accompanied by structural changes in PSA and de velopment of the autoimmune response to PSA (A. Zisman et al., 1995, 1999). Experimental studies revealed that the course of treatment with antibodies to PSA in ULD modifies the effect of androgens on proliferative activity of prostate 197 Ultralow doses tissue. Moreover, they have a normalizing effect on the morphofunctional state of prostate tissue during chronic inflammation. Taking into account the pathogenesis of BPH and possible regulatory role of PSA in proliferative activity of prostate cells, it may be suggested that the pharmacological effect of Afala under specified conditions is associated with functional modulation of endogenous PSA. Our hypothesis is consistent with modern notions of the general mechanism for action of products from ULD of antibodies to endogenous regulators (i.e., modification of functional activity; O. I. Epstein et al., 2005). 7.7. Preclinical study of Kardos ULD of antibodies to the Cterminal fragment of human angiotensin II AT1 receptor constitute the active substance of Afala. Angiotensin II receptor type 1 (AT1) mediates the key effects of angiotensin II, which has a role in the pathogenesis of arterial hypertension, complications of this disorders, and chronic heart failure (M. de Casparo et al., 2000; R. M. Touyz et al., 2000). Previous studies showed that Kardos exhibits the hypotensive properties under conditions of arterial hypertension (two strains of rats with inherited arterial hypertension) and has a normalizing effect on cardiac function during experimental chronic heart failure (Fig. 7.71). Antihypertensive activity of Kardos Hypotensive activity of Kados in ISIAH rats. Pharmacological activity of Kardos was studied on adult (56 months) and young rats (28 days) with inherited stressinduced arterial hypertension (ISIAH). The animals received orally (through a pipette) 0.5 ml aqueous solution of Kardos, solvent (distilled water, control), or reference drug losartan. Losartan was given in a dose of 10 mg/kg, which corresponds to the human daily dose (taking into account a tenfold correction for interspecies metabolic differences). The hypotensive effect of single administration and repeated treatment with the test substance for 5 days or 4 weeks was studied in adult rats (mea surement of systolic BP by the cuff method). ECG and behavioral parameters of animals (openfield test and elevated plusmaze test) were recorded after a 4week course of treatment. The effect of Kardos (2week course) on the hypertensive state was studied in young rats with inherited arterial hypertension. The hypotensive effect of Kardos compared well with that of an angiotensin II AT1 receptor antagonist losartan in a dose of 10 mg/kg (A. L. Markel’ et al., 2002; O. I. Epstein et al., 2002c). However, the effect of losartan developed more rapidly that that of Kardos (Fig. 7.72). 198 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies KARDOS Efficacy on the model of chronic heart failure Antihypertensive activity ISIAH rats SHR rats Izadrin model Young rats Direct measurement of blood pressure Adult rats Blood pressure measurement with a cuff Fig. 7.71. Experimental study for pharmacological activity of Kardos. Administration of Kardos for 2 weeks prevented the hypertensive state in 4weekold ISIAH rats (treatment from the 4th to the 6th week of life; Fig. 7.73). A 4week course of treatment with Kardos was accompanied by the following significant changes in ECG: shortening of the QT interval; decrease in the QT/R ratio; and increase in RR. These results are consisted with published data on the effect of antihypertensive drugs (ACE inhibitors) on ECG. The observed changes reflect a positive effect of Kardos on the cardiac cycle. Kardos had no negative (depriming) effect on locomotor, exploratory, and other types of behavioral activity of hypertensive animals. mm Hg 25 a b c d e 20 15 10 5 0 5 10 Fig. 7.72. Hypotensive effect of losartan (light bars) and Kardos (dark bars) on adult male ISIAH rats. Single treatment (a); 5day course (b); 7 days after withdrawal (c); repeated 5day course (d); and 4week course (e). 199 Ultralow doses mm Hg 220 1 200 ! 180 2 160 140 120 100 4 6 8 10 Age of animals, weeks 24 Fig. 7.73. Systolic BP in ISIAH rats receiving Kardos from the 4th to the 6th week of life. Control (distilled water, 1); and Kardos (2). *p<0.05 compared to the control. Hypotensive activity of Kardos in SHR rats. Experiments were performed on the widely used model of inherited arterial hypertension (SHR rats). An aqueous solution of Kardos in a dose of 2.5 ml/kg was administered intragastrically. Control animals received the solvent (distilled water). Losartan in a dose of 10 mg/kg was given to specimens of the reference group. Direct measurements of BP and HR in the abdominal aorta were performed on day 28 of treatment. A catheter was introduced through the femoral artery under sodium ethaminal anesthesia. After 4week treatment of SHR rats, the hypotensive effect of Kardos was similar to that of losartan. As compared to the placebo group, Kardos and losartan decreased the mean BP (by 14.8 and 17.7%, respectively; Fig. 7.72), systolic BP (by 16.5 and 20%, respectively), and diastolic BP (by 15.6 and 17.1%, respectively; N. A. Medvedeva et al., 2006a,b). As differentiated from losartan, Kardos significantly decreased HR in SHR rats with hypertension and tachycardia. HR decreased by 9.3 and 1.9% after administration of Kardos and losartan, respectively (Fig. 7.74; N. A. Medvedeva et al., 2006a,b). Efficacy of Kardos during experimental chronic heart failure The therapeutic efficacy of Kardos was studied in rats with CHF. CHF was induced by twofold subcutaneous injection of isoproterenol (Izadrin) in a dose of 80 mg/kg at a 24h interval (A. M. Chernukh et al., 1977; M. Ishizawa et al., 2006; C. J. Trivedi et al., 2006). Izadrininduced hyperactivation of b adrenoceptors is followed by necrotic damage to the myocardium, myocardial dysfunction, and fibrosis and hypertrophy of the left ventricle (C. J. Friddle et al., 2000; R. Bos et al., 2005). It is accompanied by the impairment of excitation/inhibition in cardiomyocytes, actinmyosin interaction, and response 200 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies a mm Hg 200 ! ! 160 b HR, bpm 300 290 280 120 270 80 260 ! 250 40 240 230 0 1 2 3 1 2 3 Fig. 7.74. Systolic BP (direct measurement, a) and HR (b) in hypertensive SHR rats: comparative efficacy of Kardos and losartan (28day course). Control (1); losartan (2); and Kardos (3). *p<0.05 compared to the control. to badrenergic stimulation (R. M. Saraiva, 2003). This model for the evaluation of existing and potential cardiotonic drugs has several advantages. First, the experiment involves standard laboratory animals (rats) with high rate of reproduction (as differentiated from the model of epinephrine myocarditis). Second, the results of this experiment are highly reproducible. And third, the animals are not exposed to other factors and live under “standard” environmental conditions during Izadrininduced intoxication and in the follow up period. Experimental heart failure develops progressively, which is similar to medical practice (Manual on Experimental (Preclinical) Study of New Pharmacological Substances, 2005). Experiments were performed on 80 Wistar rats (40 males and 40 females) weighing 220250 g and aging 45 months. Studying the tolerance of animals to physical exercise (swimming time with a load of 15% body weight), recording of ECG (standard lead II), and rheography (evaluation of the stroke volume, cardiac output, and other hemodynamic parameters) were performed in the initial state, 7 days after the second injection of Izadrin, and on the 14th and 28th days after administration of test substances. After the second test, all rats with signs of CHF (decrease in the swimming time by not less than 20% of the initial level) were randomized into three groups. Each group consisted of ten males and ten females. The animals were subjected to daily intragastric treatment with Kardos (2.5 ml/kg), distilled water, or losartan (10 mg/kg, 2.5 ml/kg aqueous solution; Cozaar, Merck Sharp & Dohme). On day 28 of therapy, central hemodynamics and myocardial reserve in 50% rats were evaluated by the invasive method with an intraventricular catheter. These experiments involved the volume loading test (intravenous infusion of physiological saline, 0.3 ml per 100 g), intravenous injection of epinephrine, and 201 Ultralow doses maximum isometric tension (30sec occlusion of the ascending aortic arch). The maximum isometric tension in the left ventricular myocardium was calculated as follows: P×HR/M, where P is left ventricular pressure; and M is left ventricular mass. This parameter was expressed in mm Hg×g1×min1. The tolerance to physical exercise in females and males decreased by 39 and 25.4%, respectively, on day 7 after the last injection of Izadrin. The signs of CHF were more pronounced in females than in males. Kardos was less potent than losartan in the ability to normalize physical tolerance. The swimming time of CHF females increased by 30.2±7.7% after 4week administration of Kardos (placebo, by 9.9±6.8%; losartan, by 37.1± 5.7%). Fig. 7.75 shows that in males with CHF, the efficacy of test substances was similar to that of placebo (Kardos, 7.9%; losartan, 11.9%; placebo, 5.1%). Izadrin caused sinus tachycardia in females, which was manifested in a 16% increase in average HR. The degree of tachycardia decreased most significantly after administration of Kardos (by 8%) as compared to the placebo (by 7%) and losartan group (by 6%). Other parameters of ECG remained practically unchanged under these conditions. A rheographic study with males and females revealed a significant de crease in the stoke volume, cardiac output (by more than 30%), and stroke index and increase in total peripheral vascular resistance on day 7 after Izadrin injection. A 4week course of treatment with Kardos and losartan was accom panied by the improvement of these parameters. Figs. 7.76 and 7.77 illustrate that statistically significant differences in central hemodynamics (invasive functional tests) between the animals receiving % 40 ! 30 20 10 0 Females distilled water Males losartan Kardos Fig. 7.75. Tolerance to physical exercise in CHF rats after a 4week course of treatment with Kardos and losartan. Ordinate: Izadrine group. *p<0.05 compared to the control. 202 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies а mm Hg/sec 12 000 ! ! 10 000 + b mm Hg/sec 12 000 10 000 8000 8000 6000 6000 4000 4000 2000 2000 0 ! + ! 0 1 2 3 1 2 3 Fig. 7.76. Rates of contraction (a) and relaxation (b) of the left ventricular myo cardium in CHF females after a 4week course of treatment with Kardos and losartan. Distilled water (1); losartan (2); and Kardos (3). *p<0.05 compared to animals receiving distilled water. mm Hg 116 * 112 108 104 100 96 Distilled water Losartan Kardos Fig. 7.77. Left ventricular developed pressure in CHF rats after a 4week course of treatment with Kardos and losartan. *p<0.05 compared to animals receiving distilled water. losartan or Kardos and specimens of the placebo group are most typical of females with severe CHF. The volume loading test showed that losartan and, particularly, Kardos increase the rate of myocardial contraction and relaxation in rats with CHF (as compared to the placebo group, distilled water). Volume loading was followed by a greater increase in left ventricular pressure in animals of the Kardos and losartan groups. The epinephrine test revealed that animals of the Kardos and losartan groups differ from placeboreceiving rats in a smaller increase in the rate of left ventricular myocardial contraction. Therefore, administration of Kardos and losartan is accompanied by a slight decrease in myocardial adrenoreactivity during CHF. Occlusion of the ascending aorta is used to evaluate the reserve capacity of the left ventricular myocardium. Therapy of CHF rats with Kardos and lo 203 Ultralow doses sartan was followed by a significant increase in left ventricular developed pres sure and average maximum value of isometric tension in the left ventricular myocardium (by 7 and 9.6%, respectively, compared to placebo). The observed changes were particularly pronounced in females (19 and 20% for Kardos and losartan, respectively). These data show that Kardos significantly differs from placebo during a 4week course of intragastric administration to rats with Izadrininduced CHF. Kardos was as good as losartan for the increase in physical tolerance, impro vement of systemic hemodynamics, and elevation of myocardial reserve in the left ventricle (S. Sergeeva et al., 2006; I. N. Tyurenkov et al., 2007). Kardos safety A complete toxicology study was performed to evaluate the safety profile, possible side effects, target organs, and safe dosage range of Kardos. The pur pose of studies with Kardos was to determine the acute toxicity (experiments on mice and rats), chronic toxicity (6month treatment of rats and rabbits), repro ductive and allergic toxicity (experiments on rats), immunotoxicity, mutagenicity (chromosomal aberration assay in mouse bone marrow cells), and genotoxicity (test system for somatic mosaicism in wing cells of Drosophila melanogaster). The experiments demonstrated a good safety profile of Kardos. An acute toxicity study showed that this substance in the maximum permissible dose does not cause death of animals. Drugrelated death of animals was not observed after 6month treatment with Kardos in the highest dose. The product had no toxic effect on organs and systems of experimental animals. A pathomorpho logical study did not reveal damage to the internal organs or local irritation of the gastric mucosa after drug administration. HR in male and female rats decreased by 1416% after 6month treatment with Kardos (p<0.01 compared to the control). Kardos did not cause reproductive disorders in male and female rats. The embryotoxic effect of Kardos was not observed. Kardos had no mutagenic, allergenic, and immunotoxic properties. 7.8. Study for antidiabetic activity of a new product from ultralow doses of antibodies on the model of streptozotocininduced diabetes in rats According to the World Health Organization more than 180 million people worldwide suffer from diabetes mellitus (DM). The number of these 204 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies patients is expected to increase by more than 2 times in 2030 (M. B. Antsiferov et al., 2000). The main criteria of diabetes are an increase in fasting blood glucose level (above 6.7 mmol/liter) and impaired glucose tolerance (Expert Committee, 2003). The common type of pharmacotherapy for type 1 DM is insulin replace ment therapy. Blood sugarlowering drugs (sulfonylurea derivatives, biguanides, meglitinides, etc.) are used in the therapy of type 2 DM. Despite the efficacy of standard pharmacotherapy for DM, antidiabetic drugs cannot compensate completely the associated disorders. Moreover, they cause some side effects (M. B. Antsiferov et al., 2000; M. I. Balabolkin et al., 2005; R. K. Bidasee et al., 2003). The search for new hypoglycemic drugs is an urgent problem (M. I. Balabolkon, 1998). Streptozotocininduced diabetes is an extensively used experimental model of DM (D. A. Rees et al., 2005). Administration of streptozotocin is fol lowed by progressive dysfunction of pancreatic βcells, impairment of glucose tolerance, and development of associated disorders. This study was designed to study the antidiabetic properties of a new product, which belongs to a class of ULD antibodies (O. I. Epstein et al., 2004; A. A. Spasov et al., 2007) and contains antibodies to the insulin receptor βsubunit (ULD ABIRb) in ULD for oral administration. Experiments were performed on 130 male outbred albino rats weighing 250 300 g. DM was induced by intravenous injection of streptozotocin in a single dose of 50 mg/kg. Blood glucose level was measured after 72 h. Blood glucose level in DM rats was not less than 15 mmol/liter. These animals were divided into groups and treated in the followup period (50 days). The rats received distilled water (2.5 ml/kg intragastrically once daily; control, n=60); insulin (Aktrapid, daily dose 12 U/kg, subcutaneously twice daily; n=20); glybenclamide (Berlin Chemie; daily dose 8 m/kg, intragastrically twice daily, n=20); or ULD ABIRβ (“Materia Medica Holding” ResearchandProduction Company, 2.5 ml/kg intragastrically once daily, n=20). The intact group consisted of ten rats. Body weight, fasting blood glucose (glucose oxidase method with Glyukoza FKD kits), and water consumption were estimated on days 3, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, and 50 of therapy. The glucose tolerance test (1 g/kg glucose orally) was performed on days 14, 28, and 50 of therapy. The area under the concentrationtime curve (AUC) was calculated by the method of trapezoids. Streptozotocin caused hyperglycemia in rats. Blood glucose concentration in control rats was 46.5 times higher than that in intact animals. By the end of study, blood glucose level in control specimens reached 17.9±0.06 mmol/liter (Fig. 7.78). The severity of DM was determined from the morality rate of control rats. Only 15% animals of this group survived by the end of study (Table 7.15). On day 50 of observations, body weight loss in control specimens was 205 Ultralow doses 47%. By contrast, body weight of intact animals increased by 20%. Water consumption in streptozotocinreceiving rats was 2.7fold higher than in control specimens (Table 7.15). Insulin injection was followed by a significant decrease in blood glucose level (8.96±0.05 mmol/liter on day 50, p<0.001; Fig. 7.78), but had no effect on the degree of polydipsia in rats with experimental diabetes. The survival rate of these animals was 20% (Table 7.15). Body weight remained unchanged in rats of the insulin group. Glybenclamide also decreased the degree of hyperglycemia (10.01±0.03 mmol/liter on day 50, p<0.001; Fig. 7.78), which probably explains a slight increase in the survival rate of animals (up to 20%; Table 7.15). Blood glucose level in DM rats returned to normal on day 7 of treatment with ULD ABIRβ (Fig. 7.78). In the followup period, blood glucose concentration in animals of this group did not differ from that in intact specimens. Moreover, blood glucose level in rats receiving ULD ABIRβ was much lower than in animals of the insulin and glybenclamide groups. Administration of ULD ABIRβ was also followed by a significant increase in the survival rate of rats (up to 30%) compared to animals of other groups. The external appearance, behavior, and body weight gain in rats of the ULD AB IRβ group did not differ from those in intact animals. This product decreased the volume of water consumption by 22.5% compared to the control (p<0.05). The oral glucose loading test showed that streptozotocin injection is followed by a 36fold decrease in glucose tolerance (Fig. 7.79). Glucose tolerance increased by 2.53 and 22.5 times after intragastric administration of reference drugs (insulin and glybenclamide, respectively; p<0.05 compared to the control). Administration of ULD ABIRβ was also followed by the increase mmol/liter 25 20 2 15 ! ! ! 10 ! ! ! ! ! + 5 ! ! + + + 35 42 ! 4 3 +5 1 0 3 7 14 21 28 50 Time, days Fig. 7.78. Effect of ULD ABIRβ, insulin, and glybenclamide on blood glucose level in rats with streptozotocininduced diabetes. Intact animals (1); control (2); dia betes+insulin (3); diabetes+glybenclamide (4); and diabetes+ULD ABIRβ (5). p<0.05: *compared to the control; +compared to the diabetes+insulin group and diabetes+glybenclamide group. 206 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies Table 7.15. Survival rate, body weight gain, and consumption of food and water in rats with streptozotocininduced diabetes on day 50 of study Total number of animals Survived animals Body weight gain, % Intact animals 10 10 +20 57.32±4.63 Control (diabetes) 60 9 47 151.78±10.5 Diabetes and insulin 20 4 0* 189.23±21.92 Diabetes and glybenclamide 20 4 30.5 164.05±15.76 Diabetes and ULD ABIRβ 20 6 +12.5* 117.57±8.38* Group Water consumption, 1 ml per rat Note. *p<0.05 compared to the control. in glucose tolerance in diabetic rats (by 2.43.7 times compared to the control, p<0.05). It should be emphasized that the effect of ULD ABIRβ compared well with that of reference drugs. These data indicate that ULD ABIRβ have a strong antidiabetic effect on the model of streptozotocininduced DM in rats. The product had a normalizing effect on blood glucose level, glucose tolerance (oral glucose loading), and body weight gain. The survival rate of rats significantly increased after administration of ULD ABIRβ. The effect of ULD ABIRβ on glucose tolerance was similar to that of standard drugs for the therapy of type 1 and 2 DM (insulin, 12 U/kg; and glybenclamide, 8 mg/kg). Moreover, ULD ABIRβ had a greater hypoglycemic effect than reference drugs. We conclude that ULD ABIRβ have high antidiabetic activity. AUC, mmolхmin/liter 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 0 14 28 50 Duration of therapy, days 1 2 3 4 5 Fig. 7.79. Glucose tolerance (glucose AUC, oral glucose loading) in rats with streptozotocininduced diabetes after administration of test substances. Intact animals (1); control (diabetes, 2); diabetes+insulin (3); diabetes+glybenclamide (4); and diabetes+ULD ABIRβ (5). *p<0.05 compared to the control. 207 Ultralow doses * * * Chapter 7 was devoted to the results of experimental studies with 11 products that contain ULD of antibodies to the following agents: S100 protein (Proproten100, Tenoten, and Tenoten for children), NO synthase (Impaza), IFNγ (Anaferon and Anaferon for children), TNFα (Artrofoon), histamine (Epigam), PSA (Afala), Cterminal fragment of the angiotensin II AT1 receptor (Kardos), and insulin receptor βsubunit. These studies were designed to evaluate the range of pharmacological activity of products from antibodies in ULD. ULD antiS100 have the anxiolytic, antiasthenic, activating, antidepressant, antiaggressive, nootropic, stressprotective, antihypoxic, antiischemic, and neuroprotective properties. Antibodies to NO synthase in ULD improve endothelial function (e.g., erectile function) and decrease the increased BP. ULD of antibodies to IFNγ have the immunomodulatory and antiviral effects. Antibodies to TNFα in ULD possess the antiinflammatory, analgetic, and antitumor properties on some models of experimental tumors. ULD of antihistamine antibodies have the antiulcer effect and improve motor activity of GIT. Antibodies to PSA in ULD exhibit the prostatotropic activity (efficacy during experimental inflammation of the pro state and BPH). ULD of antibodies to the Cterminal fragment of the angio tensin II AT1 receptor produce the hypotensive and cardiotropic effects (reco very of myocardial function and morphology on the model of CHF). ULD of antibodies to the insulin receptor βsubunit have a strong hypoglycemic and antidiabetic effect. Each product was subjected to a complete toxicology study in accordance with the recommendations given in the Manual on Experimental (Preclinical) Study of New Pharmacological Substances (2000, 2005). The purpose of studies with these products was to determine the acute toxicity (experiments on mice and rats), chronic toxicity (6month treatment of rats and rabbits), reproductive and allergic toxicity (experiments on rats), immunotoxicity, mutagenicity (chromosomal aberration assay in mouse bone marrow cells), and genotoxicity (test system for somatic mosaicism in wing cells of Drosophila melanogaster or Ames test). Antibodies in ULD demonstrated a good safety profile. An acute toxicity study showed that intragastric and intraperitoneal administration of products in the maximum permissible dose does not cause death of animals. Hence, ULD of antibodies were classified to a group of lowhazard substances (GOST 12.1.00776). Drugrelated death of animals was not observed after 6month treatment with ULD of antibodies in the highest dose. These products had no toxic effect on organs and systems of experimental animals. A pathomorpholo gical study did not reveal damage to the internal organs or local irritation of the 208 Chapter 7. Experimental pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies gastric mucosa after drug treatment. Antibodies in ULD did not cause reproductive disorders in male and female rats. The embryotoxic effect was not observed. Products of antibodies in ULD had no mutagenic, allergenic, and immunotoxic properties. A toxicology study revealed some specific effects of products from ULD of antibodies. Hence, preclinical studies demonstrated the efficacy of antibodies in ULD. The activity of antibodies in ULD compares well with that of reference drugs. Moreover, these products have a good safety profile. The results of preclinical studies were confirmed by further clinical observations. 209 Ultralow doses C h a p t e r 8 Clinical pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies 8.1. Use of medical products from antibodies to S100 protein in the therapy for alcoholism and anxiety disorders P harmacological activity of products from antibodies to S100 protein (Proproten100, Tenoten, and Tenoten for children) is associated with their ability to modify functional activity of the endogenous protein S100. This property of antibodies in ULD was discovered in vitro on the model of longterm posttetanic potentiation (Epstein et al., 2003a; O. I. Epstein et al., 2003). S100 protein has a wide range of biological functions, which formed a theoretical basis for the development of medical products from antibodies to S 100 protein (new molecular target for drug treatment). This protein is involved in neuronal plasticity, regulation of GABAergic neurotransmission, intracellular calcium homeostasis, and neurotrophic processes (A. V. MartyushevPoklad et al., 2004). Experimental studies showed that the products of antibodies to S100 protein in ULD have a wide range of pharmacological properties, which reflects a variety of biological functions of this protein (O. I. Epstein et al., 2005). The efficacy and safety of new medical products from antibodies to S100 protein were confirmed in controlled clinical trials. 210 Chapter 8. Clinical pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies Proproten100 in the therapy of alcoholism Proproten100 was approved for the use in medical practice in 1999. This drug was shown to be effective in the therapy of alcoholism (O. I. Epstein et al., 2001c; A. G. Gofman et al., 2002; G. A. Livanov et al., 2003; N. A. Bokhan et al., 2003; A. T. Davydov et al., 2004). The efficacy and safety of Proproten100 in the therapy for alcohol withdrawal syndrome (AWS) were studied in a doubleblind, randomized, placebocontrolled trial with parallel groups (Proproten100 monotherapy and placebo+detoxification; A. G. Gofman et al., 2003). An open comparative study of Proproten100 vs. amitriptyline (75 mg daily + detoxification) and phena zepam (2 mg daily + detoxification) was performed by E. N. Krylov (2003b). Proproten100 monotherapy was much more effective than placebo treatment and detoxification. The symptoms of mild and moderate AWS were reduced on day 1 of treatment with Proproten100 (Fig. 8.1). Anxiety, depression, alcohol craving, and somatovegetative symptoms of AWS (tremor, hyperhidrosis, and tachycardia) were relieved in a greater number of patients on days 13 of Proproten100 therapy. Dysphoria, asthenia, and dyssomnia were not observed in a greater number of patients on days 23 of treatment. Proproten100 had a strong anxiolytic, antidepressant, antiasthenic, and vegetostabilizing effect, prevented the development of affective disorders, and caused the reduction of alcohol craving in the acute period of alcohol abstinence (Fig. 8.2; A. G. Gofman et al., 2003). As differentiated from amitriptyline and phenazepam, Proproten100 significantly decreased the time to relief of AWS symptoms. It should be emphasized that Proproten100 did not cause side effects. Amitriptyline was more potent than Proproten100 in reducing alcohol craving. The severity of anxiety and sleep disorders decreased most significantly after phenazepam therapy (Fig. 8.3; E. N. Krylov, 2003b). Points 25 20 15 10 1 5 2 0 1 2 3 Duration of therapy, days 4 Fig. 8.1. Effect of Proproten100 on the overall severity of AWS. Placebo and detoxification (1); and Proproten100 (2). 211 Ultralow doses a % 100 ANXIETY b DEPRESSION ! ! ! ! ! 80 % 100 60 ! 80 60 ! 40 40 20 20 0 ! 0 Placebo + detoxification Proproten Placebo + Proproten detoxification Placebo + detoxification Proproten c % 100 TREMOR HYPERHIDROSIS ! TACHYCARDIA ! ! ! ! ! 80 ! 60 ! 40 ! 20 0 Placebo + detoxification Proproten Placebo + detoxification Proproten Placebo + detoxification Proproten d % 100 DYSSOMNIA ! INSOMNIA 1st day 2nd day 3rd day ! ! 80 ! 60 40 20 0 Placebo + detoxification Proproten Placebo + Proproten detoxification Fig. 8.2. Effect of Proproten100 on the symptoms of AWS. Anxiolytic and antide pressant effect (a); antiasthenic effect (b); effect on somatovegetative symptoms of AWS (c); and effect on dyssomnia (d). Ordinate: responding patients. *p<0.05 compared to the placebo group. The efficacy and safety of Proproten100 in alcoholic patients with post withdrawal disorders were studied in an open randomized controlled trial. After the relief of AWS (N. A. Bokhan et al., 2003), hospital patients of the control group received Proproten100 or individually prescribed antidepressants (amitriptyline, up to 100 mg daily), drugs for behavioral disturbances (Neuleptil, up to 30 mg daily; Sonapax, up to 50 mg daily), drugs for sleep disorders (chlorprothixene, up to 100 mg daily), nootropic agents (piracetam, up to 800 mg daily), and vegetostabilizing drugs (Pyrroxan, up to 60 mg daily; Grandaxin, up to 100 mg daily; N. A. Bokhan et al., 2003). The degree of affective 212 Chapter 8. Clinical pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies Relief time, days 6 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1 0 Alcohol craving Anxiety Depression Sleep disorders Somatovegetative disorders Fig. 8.3. Comparative therapeutic efficacy of Proproten100 in AWS patients. Placebo and detoxification (1); Proproten100 (2); amitriptyline (75 mg daily) and detoxification (3); and phenazepam (2 mg daily) and detoxification (4). disorders, dyssomnia, neurovegetative disturbances, and alcohol craving was evaluated daily. Proproten100 monotherapy was as good as combination therapy for the reduction of AWS symptoms during the subacute period. The degree of anxiety and depression (Hamilton’s scale) in patients receiving Proproten100 was re duced more rapidly than in the control group. Proproten100 had a strong an xiolytic and antidepressant effect during the subacute period of AWS. The effi cacy of Proproten100 was higher compared to that of reference drugs (Fig. 8.4). Studying the efficacy, safety profile, and activity showed that Proproten 100 monotherapy has some advantages over other psychopharmacological drugs a b Degree of anxiety (Hamilton’s scale), % of the baseline level 160 Degree of anxiety (Hamilton’s scale), % of the baseline level 160 120 120 80 80 ! ! 40 40 ! ! ! ! 0 0 Baseline level 7 days 14 days 21 days Baseline level 7 days 14 days 21 days Time, days reference group Proproten100 Fig. 8.4. Anxiolytic (a) and antidepressant effects (b) of Proproten100 in the therapy of alcoholic patients with postwithdrawal disorders. *p<0.05 compared to the reference group. 213 Ultralow doses during therapy of alcoholic patients with mild or moderate AWS and post withdrawal disorders. Previous experiments showed that the product of antibodies to S100 protein had an anxiolytic effect under standard conditions. Moreover, the activity of Proproten100 compared well with that of diazepam. As differentiated from diazepam, Proproten100 did not cause side effects (sedative, myorelaxant, and amnesiainducing effects). Experimental studies revealed that Proproten100 has a wide range of pharmacological activity, including the antidepressant, antiasthenic, stressprotective, antihypoxic, antiischemic, neuroprotective, and nootropic (antiamnesic) properties. Therapeutic activity of the product from antibodies to S100 protein is partly related to the GABAmimetic effect (O. I. Epsyein et al., 2005). A favorable combination of the anxiolytic and activating properties provides a basis for studying the clinical efficacy of Tenoten in anxiety disorders. Tenoten in the therapy of anxiety disorders The therapy of anxiety disorders that constitute the most common type of mental disturbances is an urgent problem of modern medicine. A deficiency of GABAergic transmission in CNS is one of the major pathogenetic mechanisms for anxiety disorders. The action of wellknown anxiolytic drugs (e.g., benzodiazepines) and newly developed products is directed to compensate for this deficiency. However, the most effective and rapidly acting drugs cause a variety of side effects. This disadvantage limits the longterm use of standard pharmaceuticals. Prolonged administration of some antidepressants with anxiolytic activity may be accompanied by side effects, which limits their use in clinical practice. The efficacy and safety of Tenoten (product of antibodies to S100 protein, ULD for oral administration) in the therapy of anxiety disorders were confirmed in randomized controlled clinical trials at the Institute of Neurology (Russian Academy of Medical Sciences), V. P. Serbskii State Research Center for Forensic and Social Psychiatry (Moscow), V. M. Bekhterev Psychoneurological Research Institute, Military Medical Academy (St. Petersburg) and other institutions. An openlabel randomized trial was designed to compare the efficacy and tolerability of 4week monotherapy with Tenoten and diazepam (15 mg daily) in patients with borderline disorders. The majority of patients had anxiety disorders, including neurasthenia, adaptation disorder or mixed anxiety depression, generalized anxiety disorder, and mixed anxietydepression disorder. The anxiolytic effect of Tenoten was studied in patients of the treatment group with borderline anxiety (primarily with generalized anxiety disorder). 214 Chapter 8. Clinical pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies The Hamilton anxiety scale (HAMA) is one of the most common and valid methods to evaluate the severity of anxiety disorders. There are several approaches to study the efficacy of anxiolytic drugs by HAMA (criteria for a favorable response to treatment, remission criteria, etc.; A. Doyle et al., 2003). This study also included a validated test with the Spielberger scale (StateTrait Anxiety Inventory, STAI). As differentiated from HAMA, the patients were asked to answer the STAI questions. A multicenter, randomized, parallelgroup, comparative trial involved ambu latory patients (men and women, 1865 years of age) who met the criteria of neura sthenia (F48 by ICD10), adaptation disorders (mixed anxietydepression, F43.22), generalized anxiety disorder (F41.1), and mixed anxietydepression disorder (F41.2) and had moderate or severe anxiety (HAMA total score not less than 20). The exclusion criteria were internal diseases, epilepsy, decompensated personality disorders, comorbid neurological and somatic diseases (difficulties in the evaluation of anxiety disorder), alcoholism, abuse of psychoactive drugs, pregnancy and breastfeeding, and participation in another clinical trial within the past 30 days. The patients who met the inclusion criteria were selected during the first visit. They were informed about the purpose of this trial. The informed consent was obtained from each patient. The patients were randomized into groups (1:1 ratio) at each medical center (Institute of Neurology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, V. P. Serbskii State Research Center for Forensic and Social Psychiatry, V. M. Bekhterev Psychoneurological Research Institute, Military Medical Academy, etc.). Therapy was prescribed during the second visit (after entry into the trial). The time of entry into the trial depended on the halflife of withdrawn drugs (usually 7 days). The state of patients and adverse events were evaluated in each of the next four visits at 7day intervals. A study of vital parameters (BP and HR), routine blood test, and urine test were performed at the beginning (baseline visit) and by the end of the trial (28 days). All data were recorded in the case report form. The total duration of therapy was 28 days. The study drug (Tenoten, 12 lozenges; 612 lozenges daily) or diazepam (5 mg orally, three times daily) was given as monotherapy for 28 days. Medication taking was not associated with food intake. In patients of the Tenoten group, the frequency of drug treatment could be increased to 1012 times daily (at low effectiveness) or decreased to 24 times daily. The majority of patients required a higher dose of Tenoten. By the end of study, the average daily dose of Tenoten was 10 tablets. Psychotropic drugs, psychoactive compounds, and alcoholic beverages could affect the results of therapy and, therefore, were strictly forbidden during the trial period. The patients were allowed to take vitamins and to receive 215 Ultralow doses physiotherapy or physiotherapy. Hypnotic drugs with a short halflife (Zolpidem and Zopiclon) were prescribed in severe insomnia. The patient’s use of addi tional drugs was recorded in the case report form during each visit. The efficacy and safety of study drug were evaluated after 1, 2, and 4 weeks of therapy. A decrease in the severity of anxiety (HAMA total score) and symptoms of anxiety (STAI scale) was considered as the primary efficacy endpoint. The secondary endpoints were a favorable response to treatment (decrease in the HAMA total score by at least 50%) and achievement of partial remission (decrease in the HAMA total score to 10 points or less). The safety profile was determined after 1, 2, and 4 weeks of therapy using a structured scale for adverse events (AE). Vital functions (BP and HR) and key laboratory parameters were measured. This study was designed to test the hypothesis that Tenoten and diazepam are equally potent in reducing the overall degree of anxiety (HAMA and STAI) and providing a 50% decrease in the anxiety score (HAMA). The data from all patients who met the inclusion criteria and received drug therapy were subjected to statistical analysis (intenttotreat analysis). The mean values were compared with the baseline and diazepam group (Student’s t test). The data of patients from both groups who demonstrated a favorable response to treatment and signs of remission were compared by x2 test for homogeneity of proportions. All statistical tests were twosided. The hypotheses were tested at a significance level of 5%. The number of patients in each group was selected to achieve a statistical power of 80%. Among 300 patients enrolled in the trial, 272 patients were randomized into the groups of diazepam (130 subjects) and Tenoten (142 subjects). The final stage was performed with 247 patients. Six patients of the diazepam group and fifteen patients of the Tenoten group were excluded from the trial due to protocol noncompliance. Drug safety was evaluated in 272 patients. Demographic data and key clinical parameters for all patients enrolled in the trial and further analysis are shown in Table 8.1. The efficacy of Tenoten and diazepam according to HAMA (primary endpoints) is illustrated in Fig. 8.5. Small differences in the HAMA total score were found between patients of various groups in the basal state. Significant betweengroup differences were revealed in the final total score (HAMA) and average decrease in the HAMA total score. However, these differences were clinically irrelevant. In clinical practice, a statistically significant difference may be characterized by variations in effect size. Two drugs are considered to be clinically equivalent when the deviation of effect size does not exceed 0.5. Effect size is calculated as the ratio of the difference between mean values in groups to the standard deviation (SD) of the combined sample. A difference in the efficacy (decrease in the HAMA 216 Chapter 8. Clinical pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies Table 8.1. Baseline characteristics of patients with anxiety disorders enrolled in the trial (M±m) Group Parameter diazepam Tenoten Number of patients in group 120 127 Number of women in group 73 (60.8%) 81 (63.8%) Average age, years 39.0±1,0 38.6±1.0 Mean duration of disease, months 34.0±3.8 27.7±3.5 Mean total score by HAMA 28.6±0.5 27.4±0.5* Number of patients with the diagnosis GAD (F41.1) 40 (33.3%) 40 (31.5%) MADD (F41.2) 26 (21.7%) 31 (24.4%) adaptation disorder (F43.22) 16 (13.3%) 17 (13.4%) neurasthenia (F48.0) 38 (31.7%) 39 (30.7%) Note. *p<0.05 compared to another group. total score) of diazepam and Tenoten is 2.3 points, which corresponds to the effect of 0.33. SD of the combined sample is 6.96. Hence, a statistically significant advantage of diazepam over Tenoten is clinically irrelevant. These data indicate that diazepam and Tenoten have similar efficacy. Small betweengroup differences were found in the baseline level of situational and trait anxiety (STAI). Diazepam and Tenoten caused a similar decrease in situational and trait anxiety. The patients reported that these drugs are equally potent in decreasing the degree of anxiety. Points 35 a b Points 25 ! 30 20 ! 25 15 20 ! 15 10 10 5 5 0 0 Baseline After 4 weeks STAIS STAIТ Fig. 8.5. Efficacy of 4week treatment with diazepam (light bars) and Tenoten (dark bars) in patients with anxiety disorders. (a) Decrease in the total score by the Hamilton’s scale; and (b) reduction of situational (STAIS) and trait anxiety (STAIT) by the Spielberger scale. *p<0.05 compared to the diazepam group. 217 Ultralow doses Fig. 8.6 illustrates the secondary efficacy endpoints. The number of patients who achieved a good response to treatment was insignificantly higher in the diazepam group. The incidence of partial remission was similar in patients receiving diazepam and Tenoten. Diazepam demonstrated a slight advantage over Tenoten in inducing the rapid response to treatment (50% decrease in the total score by the Hamilton anxiety scale and achievement of partial remission; Fig. 8.7). However, no betweengroup differences were found in the number of patients with remission and favorable response to treatment after 4 weeks of therapy. The “delayed response” of Tenotenreceiving patients could be related to selecting the optimal dose of this drug at the beginning of treatment. At the start of our study, the optimal dose of Tenoten was at least 10 tablets daily. In patients receiving less than 10 tablets daily over the 1st week of therapy (n=52), partial remission or favorable response to treatment was not observed after 2 weeks. The patients receiving 1012 tablets daily from the start of the study (n=75) demonstrated a favorable response (22.7% subjects) and partial remission (9.3% subjects) after 2 weeks. By the 4th week of therapy, small differences were found between subgroups of patients receiving various doses of Tenoten. The exception was the achievement of remission. Among 82 patients receiving 12 tablets daily, remission was achieved in 17.1% subjects. After treatment with a lower dose of Tenoten (36 patients), remission was observed only in 2.8% subjects. These data indicate that the optimal dose of Tenoten is 1012 tablets daily. By the 14th day of therapy, the HAMA total score in these subjects decreased more significantly than in patients receiving less than 10 tablets daily (10.1 and 7.1 points, respectively). Fig. 8.8 illustrates the baseline, final level, and average decrease in the degree of psychic (psychic anxiety factor; items 16 and 14) and somatic anxiety % 100 a b ! 80 60 40 20 0 Fig. 8.6. Efficacy of 4week treatment with diazepam (light bars) and Tenoten (dark bars) in patients with anxiety disorders: percentage of patients with a favorable response to treatment (a) and partial remission (b). *p<0.05 compared to the diazepam group. 218 Chapter 8. Clinical pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies 1 week 100 2 weeks 4 weeks 80 60 40 20 0 PR RPT PR RPT PR RPT Fig. 8.7. Partial response to diazepam (light bars) and Tenoten (dark bars) during a 4week course of therapy for anxiety disorders. Patients with a favorable response to treatment (decrease in the HAMA score by at least 50%) and partial remission (decrease below 11 points). RPT, response to treatment; PR, partial remission. (somatic anxiety factor; items 713; Hamilton’s scale) in patients receiving diazepam and Tenoten. Before the start of therapy, psychic anxiety in the diazepam group was more pronounced than in the Tenoten group. After a 4 week course of therapy, diazepam was more potent that Tenoten in reducing the psychic and somatic symptoms of anxiety. Similarly to the HAMA total score, diazepam had a slight advantage over Tenoten in effect size. The primary efficacy endpoints are shown in Fig. 8.9. The efficacy of diazepam and Tenoten practically did not depend on patient’s sex. Among patients of the Tenoten group, a favorable response to treatment was most typical of women. Similar results were obtained for patients of the diazepam group (statistically insignificant). In subgroups of patients below 45 years of age, baseline anxiety, decrease in the HAMA total score, and ratio of responding subjects were slightly higher after therapy with diazepam. The advantage was clinically irrelevant. However, 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 a b 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 ! Baseline After 4 weeks ! Baseline After 4 weeks Fig. 8.8. Efficacy of Tenoten (4week course of treatment) in patients with anxiety disorders. HAMA psychic anxiety (a) and somatic anxiety (b). Light bars, diazepam; dark bars, Tenoten. *p<0.05 compared to the diazepam group. 219 Ultralow doses a % 100 ! 80 60 40 30 0 All diagnoses GAD MADD % 100 Adaption disorder Neurasthenia b ! 80 60 40 30 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Fig. 8.9. Therapeutic efficacy of Tenoten in patients with anxiety disorders. Analysis of subgroups. (a) Diagnosis. (b) Baseline characteristics of patients: (1) all parameters; (23) sex (women and men, respectively); (45) age (not older than 45 years of age, older than 45 years of age); and (67) baseline anxiety score (less than 30 points by HAMA, not more than 30 points by HAMA). Ordinate: percentage of patients with a favorable response. Light bars, diazepam; dark bars, Tenoten. GAD, generalized anxiety disorder; MADD, mixed anxietydepression disorder. *p<0.05 compared to the diazepam group. these drugs did not differ in the posttreatment level of anxiety and ratio of patients with partial remission. The efficacy of study drugs was much lower in patients older than 45 years of age (compared to younger subjects). It is probably related to the greater inertia of pathological processes that require a longer time for regression. In patients of this group, Tenoten was as good as diazepam for the reduction of anxiety. Moreover, the percentage of patients with a favorable response to treatment and achievement of remission did not differ after therapy with Tenoten and diazepam. Onethird of patients in both groups had severe anxiety disorder (HAMA total score > 30). The effects of diazepam and Tenoten (decrease in the HAMA total score; and percentage of patients with a goof response to treatment) were particularly pronounced in subgroups of patients with severe anxiety. Diazepam 220 Chapter 8. Clinical pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies was more effective than Tenoten in patients with moderate anxiety. However, the efficacy of Tenoten compared well with that of diazepam in subgroups of patients with high level of anxiety. The size of subgroups with various diagnoses (GAD, MADD, adaptation disorder, and neurasthenia) was similar in the diazepam and Tenoten groups. A statistically significant advantage of diazepam over Tenoten was revealed in patients with MADD and neurasthenia (decrease in the total score). This score decreased most significantly in subgroups of MADD patients, which was probably related to high level of baseline anxiety. Other criteria for the efficacy of Tenoten and diazepam were similar in all nosological groups. A statistically significant advantage of Tenoten over diazepam (percentage of patients with partial remission) was revealed in the group of patients with adaptation disorder. A statistically significant advantage of diazepam over Tenoten in decreasing the HAMA total score was observed not only in main groups, but also in subgroups (except for patients with severe anxiety, GAD, and adaptation disorder). However, the percentage of patients with a favorable response to treatment and partial remission did not differ in subgroups of patients receiving Tenoten and diazepam. The safety evaluation was performed with all patients who received study drugs (n=272). Significant betweengroup differences were found in the incidence of AE. The percentage of patients reporting AE was sevenfold lower in the Tenoten group than in the diazepam group. The total number of AE (per 100 patients) was 15fold lower in Tenotenreceiving patients (Fig. 8.10). The majority of AE in diazepamreceiving patients were the typical side effects of this drug. The relationship between AE and drug therapy was probable or possible. The most common AE were observed in more than 10% patients and included daytime sleepiness, muscle weakness, orthostatic disorders, vertigo, and dry mouth. a b 300 300 200 200 100 100 ! ! 0 0 Fig. 8.10. Reporting of adverse events during a 4week course of therapy with diazepam and Tenoten. (a) Percentage of patients; and (b) number of AE per 100 patients. *p<0.05 compared to diazepam. 221 Ultralow doses Mild AE were revealed in the majority of Tenotenreceiving patients. A causeandeffect relationship between AE and drug treatment was ambiguous or absent. Daytime sleepiness and tympanites were observed most frequently (1.4% patients). One patient of the Tenoten group and six patients of the diazepam group were excluded from the trial due to side effects. The results of laboratory tests and vital parameters remained practically unchanged during this trial. A randomized controlled clinical trial showed that 4week monotherapy with Tenoten (average daily dose 10 tablets) is less potent than diazepam (15 mg daily) in reducing anxiety in patients with anxiety disorders. The severity of anxiety was evaluated by a physician (HAMA scale) and patient (STAI scale, effect size 0.33). The efficacy of Tenoten compared well with that of diazepam in patients with severe anxiety (more than 30 points by the HAMA scale). The effect of Tenoten developed more slowly than that of diazepam. By the 4th week of therapy, Tenoten and diazepam were equally potent in producing a favorable response (at least twofold decrease in anxiety) and partial remission (HAMA total score < 11). The effect of drug is determined by an initial daily dose. The optimal dose of Tenoten is not less than 10 tablets daily. Tenoten (average daily dose 10 tablets) had a better safety profile than the reference drug diazepam (15 mg daily) during 4week monotherapy of patients with anxiety disorders (1865 years of age). Serious AE were not observed in patients of both groups. In the majority of Tenotenreceiving patients, the relationship between AE and drug treatment was ambiguous or absent. The design of this trial suggested an open comparative study of Tenoten and diazepam. However, the possibility of system errors due to the placebo effect cannot be excluded. Moreover, the duration of this trial could not exceed the maximum length of diazepam treatment (4 weeks). The trial allowed us to make several conclusions (A. V. Martyushev Poklad et al., 2005a). During shortterm treatment of patients with anxiety disorders (4 weeks), the product of antibodies to S100 protein (Tenoten) shows a better efficacysafety ratio (benefiteffect) than diazepam in a daily dose of 15 mg. The efficacy of Tenoten in patients with GAD and severe anxiety was similar to that of diazepam. Due to the absence of sedative and myorelaxant properties, Tenoten may be considered as a firstline daytime tranquilizer. A clinical trial at the Institute of Neurology (Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow) included the patients who had not only anxiety disorders, but also chronic cerebrovascular diseases and Parkinson’s disease. Tenoten was well tolerated and exhibited the high antianxiety activity (above the placebo effect). Therefore, Tenoten can be used for the therapy of patients with serious diseases. Controlled clinical trials showed that the original products of antibodies to S100 protein demonstrate high efficacy and good safety profile in the 222 Chapter 8. Clinical pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies therapy for alcoholism (Proproten100) and anxiety disorders (Tenoten). By the range of pharmacological properties and benefit/risk ratio, both products have advantage over standard pharmaceuticals. Hence, Proproten100 and Tenoten hold much promise for the use in clinical practice. These products should be subjected to largescale clinical trials. 8.2. Use of Impaza in monotherapy and combined treatment for erectile dysfunction Although the development of erectile dysfunction (ED) is associated with a variety of factors, the major pathogenetic types of this disorder have a com mon mechanism. It suggests functional insufficiency of the peripheral me chanism for erection (signal transduction cascade of NO synthase — NO gua nylate cyclase — cGMP) and, primarily, inadequate production of NO (T. F. Lue, 2000; K. E. Andersson, 2001). Type 5 phosphodiesterase (PDE5) inhi bitors are most effective in the therapy for ED. They provide temporal control over a deficiency in the cavernous tissue, which is related to a modulatory effect on the final stage of this cascade. However, the therapy for ED of various etio logies should be directed to an increase or recovery of normal NO production. Impaza consists of antibodies to endothelial NO synthase (ULD for oral administration). This medical product was approved for the therapy of ED in 2001. Preclinical studies showed that Impaza improves copulative function of male rats (T. G. Borovskaya et al., 2001, 2002; I. V. Smolenov et al., 2002) and does not exhibit the general or reproductive toxicity. The peripheral effects of Impaza in ED are related to its influence on the signal pathway of NO synthase — NO guanylate cyclase — cyclic GMP in the cavernous tissue (Fig. 8.11). The course of treatment with Impaza increased the activity of NO synthase, production of NO, and concentration of cGMP in the cavernous tissue of male rats. The efficacy and safety of Impaza in monotherapy and combination therapy for ED were studied in controlled clinical trials (A. MartyushevPoklad et al., 2005c). A randomized placebocontrolled trial of the efficacy and safety of Impaza during ED was performed in 20012003 (common protocol). This trial involved the following five clinical centers in Russia: Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Volgograd State Medical University; Institute of Pharmacology, Volgograd State Medical University; Department of Urology and Surgical Nephrology, Russian State Medical University (Moscow); R. M. Fronshtein Urology Clinic, I. M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy; and S. P. Fedorov St. Petersburg Urology Society. 223 Ultralow doses IMPAZA +++ eNOS eNOS Vascular endothelium NO NO GTO Phosphate Smooth muscle cell cGMP Cell relaxation Guanylate cyclase activation Fig. 8.11. Effect of Impaza on the regulatory cascade of NO synthase NO cyclic AMP (experimental data). NO, nitric oxide; eNO, endothelial NO synthase; GTP, guanosine triphosphate; cGMP, cyclic guanosine triphosphate. After the primary clinical and laboratory examination, the trial enrolled ambulatory patients (1870 years of age) in heterosexual relationships that com plained of decreased erection. The diagnosis of ED was made by the Inter national Index of Erectile Function (IIEF). The integral index of “erectile func tion” varies from 7 to 25 points. The patients were asked to sign informed con sent to participate in a clinical trial. Before enrollment in the trial, all patients were examined for case history, history of sexual activity, and IIEF questionnaire. Laboratory examination included the routine blood test, urine test, measurement of plasma glucose and creatinine, and study of hormonal status and lipid profile. The exclusion criteria were alcoholism, drug abuse, anatomical de formation of the penis, endocrine causes of ED, uncontrolled or decompensated somatic disease, therapy with other pharmaceuticals for ED, treatment with medical products that may cause ED, and participation in other clinical trials. Impaza and placebo lozenges were prescribed to take in the evening time (1 tablet) every other day. The patents could also receive 1 tablet of Impaza 13 h before the proposed sexual activity. The efficacy was evaluated after therapy for 4 and 12 weeks. Patients were invited to complete the IIEF questionnaire and to evaluate the overall efficacy 224 Chapter 8. Clinical pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies of therapy. The primary efficacy endpoints were a 3point increase in the integral index of IIEF for “erectile function” (percentage of patients with a fa vorable response), achievement of a normal criterion for “erectile function” (more than 25 points), and patient’s evaluation of the overall efficacy (per centage of patients who evaluated drug efficacy as “excellent” and “good”). Three months after the main trial, some patients receiving Impaza (n=18, Volgograd Medical University) were enrolled in the prospective evaluation of drug efficacy. The degree of ED (according to IIEF) and patient’s subjective evaluation of ED over 3 months after completion of the main trial were analyzed in the followup visit. The safety profile was evaluated by monitoring of drugrelated adverse events (side effects) and drug interactions. Clinical examination of patients and study of vital indexes were performed by the 4th and 12th weeks. The patients who refused to participate in a clinical trial or demonstrated serious drugrelated adverse events were excluded from the research. During the first examination in the Department of Urology and Surgical Nephrology (Russian State Medical University, Moscow), all patients were subjected to intracavernous pharmacological testing, Doppler ultrasonography of penile vessels before and after artificial erection, and penile electromyography. In the Department of Urology and Surgical Nephrology (Russian State Medical University) and Urology Clinic (I. M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy), the hormonal status of patients (morning blood test for thyrotropic hormone, triiodothyronine, thyroxin, total testosterone, and serum prolactin) was assayed before enrollment in the trial and after the 4th and 12th weeks of therapy. One hundred and sixtynine patients met the inclusion criteria. They were randomized to the placebo group (30 patients) and Impaza group (139 patients). The trial involved 1960 patients in each center. After 12 weeks, 23 patients of the placebo group (ineffectiveness of therapy) and 1 patient of the Impaza group (irrationality of further treatment due to the recovery of erectile function) discontinued participation in the trial. Six of seven patients from the placebo group had ED of psychogenic origin. Study groups were comparable by the major indexes (except for ED etiology; Table 8.2). The placebo group mainly consisted of patients with psychogenic ED. These patients could be expected to exhibit the maximum favorable response to treatment. Therefore, a possible system error of the trial might be related to overestimation of placebo efficacy. Impaza was much more potent than placebo in the ability to improve erectile function (Table 8.3, Fig. 8.12). As differentiated from placebo, Impaza efficacy significantly increased with an increase in the duration of therapy from 4 to 12 weeks. 225 Ultralow doses Table 8.2. Data on patients enrolled in the trial (M±m) Group Parameter Average age, years Impaza (n=139) placebo (n=30) 47.8±0.98 (1969) 47.5±1.8 (3367) Mean duration of ED, years 3.6±0.32 4.1±0.64 Patients with ED of primarily psychogenic origin, % 51.1 73.3 17.70±0.35 16.3±0.7 Average score of “erectile function” according to IIEF (30 points maximum) ED patients, % severe (EF < 11 points) 7.2 10 moderate (EF = 1116 points) 29.5 33.3 mild (EF = 1725 points) 63.3 56.7 Note. EF, erectile function. Impaza had a stronger effect on various components of erectile function compared to placebo (IIEF items 15 and 15; Table 8.4). Table 8.4 shows the intentiontotreat analysis of groups without regard to 77% placebo patients who discontinued the trial. The perprotocol analysis revealed a greater difference between patients of the Impaza and placebo groups on the 12th week of study. It may be concluded that the efficacy of Impaza is much higher than the placebo effect (Tables 8.28.4). Impaza therapy was followed by significant improvement of the integral index for “erectile function”. Impaza had a positive effect not only on erectile function, but also on other aspects of sexual activity in patients with ED (Table 8.5). Percentage of patients, % 80 ! ! ! ! 60 ! 40 30 0 Favorable response to treatment Recovery of EF Impaza, 4 weeks Impaza, 12 weeks Patient’s evaluation as “excellent”/”good” Placebo, 4 weeks Placebo, 12 weeks Fig. 8.12. Impaza efficacy in a placebocontrolled trial: patients who achieved the key efficacy endpoints. *p<0.05 compared to the control. 226 Chapter 8. Clinical pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies Table 8.3. Therapy efficacy in the Impaza and placebo groups (key endpoints, %) Time of observation, weeks 4 Parameter 12 Impaza (n=138) placebo (n=30) Impaza (n=138) placebo (n=7) Patients with improved erectile function (EF, increase by 13 points) 68.3* 30 76.9** 3.3 Patients who achieved a normal level of EF (> 25 points) 19.4* 6.6 33.8** 0 Patients who evaluated the efficacy of therapy as “excellent” or “good” 62.6* 23.3 69.6** 3.3 Note. *p<0.05 and **p<0.01 compared to the placebo group. In the Impaza group, three patients suffered from headache (2%) and one patient had nausea (0.7%) during the 1st week of treatment. These events were believed to be associated with drug therapy. Headache was reported by one patient of the placebo group (3.3%). Serious drugrelated adverse events were not revealed in the Impaza and placebo groups. Adverse drug interactions with Impaza were not found in patients who received medical products for the underlying disease (e.g., nitrates in CHD). These data illustrate the efficacy and safety of Impaza in patients with ED. The effect was particularly pronounced after longterm treatment with Impaza (12 weeks or more). Table 8.4. Effect of Impaza and placebo on various components of erectile function (completion of the IIEF questionnaire, M±m) Impaza Parameter Baseline Placebo 4 weeks 12 weeks 4 weeks (n=30) 12 weeks (n=7) 3.2±0.2 3.0±0.3 Frequency of erection 3.1±0.1 3.8±0.1*+ 4.2±0.1*+ Success in insertion of the penis 3.0±0.1 3.7±0.1*+ 4.0±0.1*+ 2.9±0.2 2.7±0.3 Ability to achieve erection 3.1±0.1 3.8±0.1* + 4.1±0.1*+ 2.9±0.15 3.2±0.3 Ability to maintain erection 2.9±0.1 3.7±0.1*+ 3.9±0.1* 3.0±0.15 3.4±0.3 Ability to complete sexual intercourse 2.8±0.1 3.5±0.1*+ 3.8±0.1*+ 3.1±0.15* 2.8±0.2 Erection confidence 2.5±0.1 3.5±0.1* + 3.8±0.1*+ 2.7±0.2 Erectile function 17.4±0.4 22.1±0.3*+ 24.0±0.3*+ 17.8±0.8* 2.6±0.3 17.9±0.7 Note. p<0.05: *compared to the baseline; +compared to the placebo group. 227 Ultralow doses Table 8.5. Effect of Impaza and placebo on the integral criteria of IIEF (average increase; M±m) Impaza Parameter Placebo Baseline 4 weeks 12 weeks 4 weeks (n=30) 12 weeks (n=7) Satisfaction with sexual intercourse 8.3±0.2 2.0±0.2**+ 3.0±0.2**+ 0.6±0.2* 0.7±0.9 Orgasm 6.9±0.2 1.0±0.1**+ 1.2±0.2**+ 0.3±0.1* 0.14±0.4 Libido 6.1±0.2 1.0±0.1**+ 1.5±0.2**+ 0.4±0.1** 0.3±0.2 Overall satisfaction 5.1±0.2 + 1.6±0.2** 2.3±0.2**+ 0.4±0.2* 0.1±0.4 Note. *p<0.05 and **p<0.01 compared to the baseline; +p<0.01 compared to placebo. A detailed study revealed the specific drug effects in patients of various age groups (Fig. 8.13). A favorable response to treatment was observed in patients of the following age groups: younger than 40 years (n=31), 90% patients; 4049 years of age (n=39), 77% patients; 5059 years of age (n=48), 73% patients; and 6069 years of age (n=24), 70.8% patients. After Impaza therapy, normal erectile function was achieved in 71, 28, 25, and 8.3% patients, respectively. A favorable response was observed only in 3.3% patients of the placebo group. Therefore, Impaza was effective in the majority of ED patients from all age groups. Impaza had a normalizing effect on erectile function in the majority of patients younger than 40 years (primarily psychogenic ED). Impaza was effective in more than twothirds of ED patients from the older age group Percentage of patients, % 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Impaza, total (n=139) Placebo (n=30) Younger than 4049 years 40 years (n=31) (n=30) response to treatment recovery of EF 5059 years (n=45) 6069 years (n=24) patient’s positive evaluation Fig. 8.13. Efficacy of Impaza in patients of various age groups: achievement of the key efficacy endpoints. 228 Chapter 8. Clinical pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies (primarily organic ED). A complete recovery of erectile function did not occur in the majority of these patients, which was probably related to progressive organic changes during ED. The efficacy of oral pharmacotherapy differed in patients with various pathogenetic variants of ED. Hence, a detailed analysis of Impaza effect was performed by the results of a placebocontrolled trial. Table 8.6 shows the characteristics of patients from various groups. Impaza was most effective in patients with primarily psychogenic ED (Table 8.7; Figs. 8.14 and 8.15). The effect of Impaza in these patients developed more rapidly compared to subjects of other groups. Moreover, this effect remained practically unchanged with an increase in the duration of therapy from 4 to 12 weeks. The efficacy of Impaza in patients with psychogenic ED is probably related to the influence on central and peripheral components of erectile function. Study drug had a progressive effect on patients with organic ED. The percentage of responding patients was shown to increase by 1015% with an increase in the duration of therapy to 12 weeks. The efficacy of Impaza was highest in patients with the prevalence of arterial factors for ED, but lowest in Table 8.6. Subgroups of patients with various pathogenetic factors for ED in a placebo controlled trial of Imapza Group n Age Patients with venous factors 11 51.5±2.4 Patients with neurogenic factors (except for venous factors) 15 53.6±0.8 Patients with arterial factors (except for venous and neurogenic factors) 38 54.4±1.0 Patients with all organic factors 68 53.6±0.8 Patients with primarily psychogenic factors of ED 71 42.3±1.5 Note. n, number of patients. Points 10 8 6 4 2 0 Venous Neurogenic Arterial All organic factors Psychogenic ED Fig. 8.14. Effect of pathogenetic factors for ED on the efficacy of 12week therapy with Impaza: average increase in the index of “erectile function”. 229 Ultralow doses Table 8.7. Effect of pathogenetic factors for ED on the efficacy of Impaza therapy (percentage of patients who achieved the efficacy endpoints) Favorable response to treatment, % Pathogenetic factor 4 weeks 12 weeks 27.3 45.5 Venous (group 1) Patient’s eva Average luation as “good” increase in EF or “excellent”, % (12 weeks, points) 4 12 weeks weeks 45.5 45.5 2.9±0.9 Neurogenic (group 2) 46.7 60 60 66.7 3.4±0.7 Arterial (group 3) 63.2 76.3 47.4 55.3 4.7±0.5 53 67.6 50 57.4 4.2±0.4 83.1 85.9 74.6 80.3 8.6±0.6 All organic factors Prevalence of psychogenic factors vascular venous ED. These results are consistent with published data on the peripheral mechanism of drug effect (recovery of endothelial function). Particular attention was paid to the efficacy of Impaza in patients with cardiovascular diseases (arterial hypertension and atherosclerosis). A favorable response to therapy for ED in 56 and 69% patients of this group (n=48) was observed by the 4th and 12th weeks of treatment, respectively. An average increase in the index of “erectile function” was 3.1±0.4 (4 weeks) and 4.3±0.5 (12 weeks). Normal erectile function was achieved in 16.7 and 18.8% patients by the 4th and 12th weeks of Impaza therapy, respectively. The patients with cardiovascular diseases did not report side effects or adverse drug interactions between Impaza and medical products for the underlying disease (e.g., nitrates). A clinical trial of Impaza efficacy in ED patients with chronic CHD (Institute of Cardiology, Russian Ministry of Health, Saratov) showed that the course of drug treatment not only improves erectile function, but also decreases the incidence of anginal attacks (K. S. Umetskii et al., 2005, 2006). Patients, % 100 4 weeks 12 weeks 80 60 40 20 0 Venous Neurogenic Arterial All organic Psychogenic factors ED Fig. 8.15. Effect of pathogenetic factors for ED on the efficacy of 12week therapy with Impaza: favorable response to treatment (percentage of responding patients). 230 Chapter 8. Clinical pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies An initiative controlled clinical study of Impaza efficacy in patients with CHD was performed at the Altai State Medical University (A. I. Neimark et al., 2006a,b). Impaza not only improves erectile function, but also has a positive effect on clinical manifestations of angina pectoris, microcirculation, and endothelial function in these patients. The product and standard drugs for CHD therapy are a good combination. These data indicate that Impaza holds much promise for the therapy of CHD. All patients were asked to complete the IIEF questionnaire 3 months after completion of the trial. The course of drug treatment was followed by the relief of ED and withdrawal of medical products to improve erectile function in 44.4% patients. The subjective evaluation was confirmed by the results of IIEF testing. This group consisted of patients with primarily psychogenic factors of ED. Drug withdrawal was accompanied by the decrease in erectile function in 33.3% patients. Therapy should be continued in these patients. The effect of Impaza was preserved after reinstitution of therapy. This group mainly consisted of patients with arterial factors of ED (arterial hypertension). The remaining patients (22.3%) were not satisfied with Impaza therapy and refused to use this drug in the followup period. Drugrelated adverse events were not reported over 3 months after completion of the main trial. Serum testosterone (TS) concentration was measured in 60 patients. Impaza therapy for 12 weeks was followed by improvement of erectile function in 67% patients. Table 8.8 shows that 10% variations in total serum TS were typical of 72% patients (increase in 52% patients, decrease in 20% patients). TS concentration significantly increased in 50% responding patients (group 1). The mean values did not differ between patients of this subgroup and entire group (except for an average increase in erectile function). TS concentration increased by more than 10% in group 2 patients not responding to Impaza. The average increase in TS level and improvement of libido in these subjects were twofold lower than in group 1 patients. These groups differed in the etiological structure. The percentage of ED patients with venous and/or neurogenic factors in group 2 was twofold higher than in group 1 (55 and 22.5%, respectively). By contrast, the percentage of patients with primarily psychogenic ED in group 2 was three times lower than in group 1 (5 and 15%, respectively). The reduced baseline level of TS (group 3) was associated with low index of erectile function. These patients exhibited an intermediate frequency of response to treatment and improvement of erectile function. By contrast, the increase in TS concentration was most pronounced in group 3 patients (by more than 25%). Orgasmic function and libido improved in these subjects. 231 Ultralow doses Table 8.8. Effect of 12week treatment with Impaza on serum total TS in ED patients Responding to treatment, % Subgroup Number of patients, % of the entire group Average age, years Improved erectile function 67 53.5±0.9 No improvement of erectile function 33 Baseline TS < 14 nM 42 Increase in TS after 12 weeks, by more than 10% Decrease in TS after 12 weeks, by more than 10% TS baseline, nM increase, % of the baseline value 100 14.9±0.8 14.1±4.5* 53.7±0.9 0 15.1±1.3 7.2±4.1 55.6±1.2 64 9.9±0.4 27.1±5.5* 52 55.2±1.1 68 12.7±0.7 30.0±3.8* 20 51.8±1.7 75 18.3±1.5 20.2±2.6* No changes in TS level 28 52.3±0.6 59 16.3±1.3 2.4±1.4 Total 100 53.7±0.7 (4569) 67 14.8±0.7 12.1±3.3* Note. *p<0.05 compared to the baseline value. Impaza therapy was followed by the decrease in total TS concentration in group 5 patients, which demonstrated high baseline level of TS and relatively low index of erectile function. The percentage of group 5 patients responding to treatment was higher than the average. These patients were characterized by an intermediate increase in erectile function. The increase in orgasmic function, libido, and overall satisfaction was most pronounced in group 5 patients. Impaza had no effect on TS level in group 6 patients with the higher in tegral index of orgasmic function, libido, and overall satisfaction. TS concen tration in these patients was above the average. The incidence of psychogenic/ psychological factors for ED in group 6 patients was twofold lower than the average. The response to treatment was rarely observed in these patients. TS concentration increased by more than 10% in six of seven patients with primarily psychogenic ED (85% vs. 52% on average). These data suggest that Impaza has a modulatory effect on the central mechanisms of erectile function and central regulation of androgen status. Hence, longterm treatment with Impaza is accompanied by the increase in total serum TS concentration in 50% patients. This effect is particularly pronounced in patients with low baseline level of TS. Among patients with baseline total serum TS > 14 nM, this parameter remained unchanged in 50% subjects, increased in 20% subjects, and decreased in 30% subjects. The decrease in TS level was associated with a greater in cidence of response to treatment and significant increase in orgasmic function, 232 Chapter 8. Clinical pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies libido, and overall satisfaction (above the average). A causeandeffect rela tionship between Impaza treatment and decrease in TS concentration should be evaluated in further studies. The effect of drug therapy for ED depends on the relative contribution of central and peripheral components in the impairment of erectile function in each patient. A change in androgen status seems to be secondary to the correc tion of central components of erectile function. It may be suggested that the effect of Impaza on androgen status is mediated by the central regulation of androgen biosynthesis. The second clinical trial extended the notion of a possible role of Impaza in clinical practice (E. B. Mazo et al., 2004a,b). This trial was performed at the Department of Urology (Russian State Medical University, Moscow) in 20032004. A prospective, openlabel, randomized, parallelgroup study was designed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of various schemes of pharmacotherapy for ED. After clinical and laboratory examination, ambulatory patients (2075 years of age) with complaints of reduced potency were enrolled in the trial. All patients were examined as follows: case history; history of sexual ac tivity; IIEF questionnaire; physical examination; Viagra test; intracavernous phar macological testing with prostaglandin E1; Doppler pharmacoultrasonography of penile vessels with audiovisual sexual stimulation before and after artificial erection; penile electromyography; blood hormone test; and standard laboratory tests (routine blood test, urine test, blood glucose, creatinine, and lipid profile). All patients were divided into three groups of comparable size, age, possible etiology, pathogenesis, and severity of ED. The duration of therapy was 6 months. Group 1 patients (n=81) received Viagra (sildenafil, Pfizer) in an individual dose. The initial dose of Viagra was 100 mg. Viagra dose could be reduced, which depended on the effect, tolerability, and degree of undesired reactions. Viagra was given twothree times a week. Group 2 patients (n=64) received Sialis (tadalafil, Eli Lilly) in a dose of 20 mg twothree times a week. Group 3 patients (n=73) received Impaza (1 sublingual lozenge) every other day. The effects of PDE5 inhibitors (Viagra and Sialis) and Impaza are mediated by various mechanisms. These drugs were combined in patients that did not respond to monotherapy and had serious side effects. An additional group consisted of patients who did not respond to Viagra or Sialis in the previous time, received intracavernous injections of vasoactive drugs (n=22), or were untreated (n=32). The patients received Levitra (vardenafil, Bayer) at an initial dose of 20 mg. This drug was given 2040 min before sexual activity. The dose of Levitra was then selected individually, which depended on drug effect and tolerability (reducton to 10 ml and 5 mg; or no changes, 20 mg). The course of Levitra therapy was 3 months. 233 Ultralow doses The efficacy of therapy in all groups was evaluated from an increase in the index of “erectile function” by at least 3 points (IIEF questionnaire, favorable response to treatment) or up to 26 points (recovery of EF). The percentage of subjects who responded to treatment, achieved normal EF, and rated the efficacy as “good” or “excellent” was evaluated in each group of patients enrolled in the trial and receiving therapy (ITT). All statistical tests were twosided. The hypotheses were tested at a significance level of 5%. The number of patients in each group was selected to achieve a statistical power of 80%. The analysis of proportions was performed by x2 test for homogeneity of proportions. Parametric variables were analyzed by Student’s t test for dependent (difference from the baseline) and independent variables (difference from placebo or reference drugs). The main part of this trial (groups 13) involved 218 patients with ED (2173 years of age, average age 58.1±13.2 years): younger than 35 years, 58 patients; 3555 years of age, 69 patients; and older than 55 years of age, 91 patients. The possible etiologic factors for ED in 174 patients were essential arterial hypertension (n=81), diabetes mellitus (n=27), CHD (n=15), lumbosacral osteochondrosis (n=23), chronic pelvic pain syndrome (n=21), and postoperative period after radical surgery (organs of the pelvis minor, n=7). Eight patients had organic disorders of unknown etiology. Psychogenic ED was diagnosed in 36 patients. Mild (1825 points), moderate (1117 points), and severe ED (not more than 10 points) was found in 74 patients (33.9%), 91 patients (41.7%), and 53 patients (24.4%), respectively. According to the results of a complex andrological examination, these patients had ED of primarily psychogenic (n=36, 16.5%), arteriogenic (n=87, 39.9%), venoocclusive (n=54, 24.8%), and neurogenic origin (n=41, 18.8%). The groups were comparable by size, age of patients, possible etiology, pathogenesis, and severity of ED (Table 8.9). The overall efficacy of therapy with Viagra, Sialis, and Impaza was 77.8, 81.3, and 56.2%, respectively. The dependence of drug efficacy on the age of patients, pathogenesis of ED, and severity of ED is shown in Table 8.10. The efficacy of Viagra, Sialis, and Impaza was similar in patients younger than 35 years. Sialis was much more potent than other drugs in patients of the older age group (55 years of age or older). The advantage of Sialis over Viagra is probably associated not only with physical capacities of these patients, but also with the role of prelude to sexual activity and main attributes of sex (e.g., romantic situation). Both inhibitors of PDE5 were pathogenetically effective in all groups of patients. The efficacy of Sialis was higher only in patients with venoocclusive ED. These differences are probably related to the pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties of Sialis (e.g., prolonged circulation in blood 234 Chapter 8. Clinical pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies Table 8.9. Characteristics of ED patients enrolled in a comparative efficacy study of monotherapy with PDE5 inhibitors and Impaza Viagra Sialis Impaza Parameter abs. % abs. % abs. % Age younger than 35 years (n=58) 22 27.2 17 26.5 19 26.0 3555 years (n=69) 26 32.1 20 31.3 23 31.5 older than 55 years (n=91) 33 40.7 27 42.2 31 42.5 16.4 Etiology psychogenic ED (n=36) 13 16.1 11 17.2 12 essential hypertension (n=81) 30 37.0 24 37.5 27 37.0 diabetes mellitus (n=27) 10 12.3 8 12.5 9 12.3 11.0 osteochondrosis (n=23) 8 9.9 7 10.9 8 chronic pelvic pain syndrome (n=21) 8 9.9 6 9.4 7 9.7 CHD (n=15) 6 7.4 3 4.7 6 8.2 after radical surgeries (n=7) 2 2.5 3 4.7 2 2.7 unknown etiology (n=8) 4 4.9 2 3.1 2 2.7 16.4 Pathogenesis psychogenic (n=36) 13 16.1 11 17.2 12 arteriogenic (n=87) 33 40.7 25 39.0 29 39.7 venoocclusive (n=54) 20 24.7 16 25.0 18 24.7 neurogenic (n=41) 15 18.5 12 18.8 14 19.2 Degree mild (n=74) 27 33.3 21 32.8 26 35.6 moderate (n=91) 34 42.0 27 42.2 30 41.1 severe (n=53) 20 24.7 16 25.0 17 23.3 81 100 64 100 73 100 Total (n=218) plasma). Impaza was most effective in patients with compensated and subcompensated arteriogenic ED. The efficacy of study drugs decreased with an increase in the severity of ED. The efficacy of Impaza progressively increased from 33.2% (1 month of therapy) to 56.2% (6 months of therapy). Significant changes were observed 19 patients (26.2%) by the 4th month of therapy (Fig. 8.16). These patients initially reported the improvement and recovery of spontaneous erection, penile swelling, and increase in the size of the penis (state of continuous partial tumescence). The recovery of erections was observed after 34 months. These changes probably serve as the early signs for therapeutic action of Impaza. They reflect the cumulative effect and physiological activity of Impaza. Hence, Impaza should be taken for at least 34 months to achieve a stable therapeutic effect. 235 Ultralow doses Table 8.10. Efficacy of PDE5 inhibitors and Impaza as monotherapy for ED Number of patients with a favorable response Parameter Viagra (n=81) Sialis (n=64) Impaza (n=73) abs. % abs. % abs. % younger than 35 years (n=58) 21 95.5 15 88.2 16 84.2 3555 years (n=69) 22 84.6 17 85.0 12 52.2 older than 55 years (n=91) 20 60.6 20 74.1 13 41.9 Age Pathogenesis psychogenic (n=36) 11 84.6 10 90.9 9 75.0 arteriogenic (n=87) 25 75.6 19 76.0 18 62.1 venoocclusive (n=54) 14 70.0 13 81.3 6 33.3 neurogenic (n=41) 13 86.7 10 83.3 8 57.1 Degree mild (n=74) 25 92.6 19 90.5 20 76.9 moderate (n=91) 26 76.5 22 81.5 15 50.0 severe (n=53) 12 60.0 11 68.8 6 35.3 63 77.8 52 81.3 41 56.2 Total (n=218) Examination of an additional group showed that Levitra is effective in 44 patients (81.5%), including 28 of 32 primary patients (87.5%) and 16 of 22 patients not responding to Viagra or Sialis (72.7%). A favorable response to Levitra (10 mg) was observed in 19 primary patients (59.4%). A positive effect of Levitra (20 mg) was also revealed in the majority of patients not responding to Viagra or Sialis. Side effects of Viagra therapy (100 mg) were mainly found in fasting patients. They included headache (11 patients, 13.6%), reddening of the skin and neck (7 patients, 8.6%), dyspepsia (5 patients, 6.2%), and change in color perception (3 patients, 3.7%). These symptoms persisted for up to 4 h. AE of Sialis therapy included headache (eight patients, 12.5%), dyspepsia (six patients, 9.4%), reddening of the skin and neck (four patients, 6.3%), and back pain (two patients, 3.1%). The duration of side effects varied from several hours to several days. In some patients, side effects persisted for the period of drug action (36 h or more; up to 3 days). Levitra was well tolerated. The efficacy and side effects of Levitra did not depend on food intake and alcohol consumption. Side effects were most pronounced 5090 min after the use of Levitra in a dose of 20 mg, which corresponded to the maximum concentration of this product in the blood. They 236 Chapter 8. Clinical pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies % 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 Duration of therapy, months Fig. 8.16. Efficacy of Impaza therapy: percentage of patients with a favorable response. included headache (seven patients, 12.9%), hot flashes to the face or neck (six patients, 11.1%), stuffiness of the nose (six patients, 11.1%), and dyspepsia (two patients, 3.7%). The events were of mild severity, persisted for up to 1.5 h, and did not require treatment with additional pharmaceuticals or drug withdrawal. AE were not revealed during Impaza therapy. Impaza had no adverse effect on the course of underlying diseases. Therapy correction was not required. The design of study and results of combination therapy are shown in Fig. 8.17. Viagra monotherapy was ineffective in 18 patients. The therapy was supplemented by Impaza (1 tablet every other day). Combination therapy had a positive effect in eight patients. Ten patients not responding to combined treatment were prescribed to take Sialis. Sialis was effective in two of these patients. The remaining eight patients were prescribed to receive intracavernous injections. Combination therapy with Impaza and Viagra was given to 12 patients with serious side effects (severe headache), which resulted from the use of Viagra in a dose of 100 mg. The dose of Viagra was reduced to 50 mg in eight of these patients (previously ineffective dose). This therapy was effective and did not cause side effects. The dose of Viagra could not be reduced in four patients. These patients were successfully treated with Sialis, which did not cause side effects. Combined treatment with Impaza was followed by a positive effect in 6 of 12 patients from the Sialis group. The remaining six patients demonstrated a good response to Viagra in a dose of 100 mg. Five patients received therapy with intracavernous injections and entered the Levitra group in the followup period. Patients not responding to Impaza (n=32) were divided into two equal groups (group 1, Viagra; group 2, Sialis). Viagra and Sialis had a positive effect in 11 patients (68.7%) and 12 patients (75%). The remaining nine patients received intracavernous injections. These data show that combination therapy with two inhibitors of PDE 5 and Impaza increases the overall efficacy of oral therapy for ED up to 90%. 237 Ultralow doses 218 patients 81 patients 64 patients 73 patients Viagra Sialis Impaza + 63 18 77,8% 100 mg Side effects 12 52 12 56,2% +Impaza + +Impaza + 8 6 +Impaza + + 81,3% 10 Sialis + + 41 32 6 16 16 Viagra + Sialis Viagra + 12 4 75% 8 50 mg 4 Sialis 2 90,1% 8 1 5 92,2% + 11 5 68,7% 87,7% Other forms of therapy Fig. 8.17. Efficacy of PDE5 inhibitors and Impaza in combination therapy for ED. “+”, presence of effect; “”, no effect. Four primary patients did not respond to Levitra monotherapy (Fig. 8.18). None of the PDE5 inhibitors had a positive effect in six patients. After three unsuccessful attempts of sexual intercourse during Levitra treatment, ten patients were prescribed to receive combination therapy with Impaza (1 sublingual lozenge every other day). This scheme of treatment had a positive effect in seven patients (3 months of therapy). Therefore, combination therapy with Impaza and Levitra was followed by an increase in the efficacy of therapy from 81.5 to 94.4%. The efficacy and safety of Impaza for ED of various etiologies were confirmed in accordance with the principles of evidencebased medicine. The course of prolonged treatment with Impaza was most effective. Impaza differs from other products for pharmacotherapy of ED in the mechanism of action, profile of therapeutic activity, safety profile, and influence on androgen status. Preclinical and clinical studies showed that Impaza has a pathogenetic effect during ED, including the recovery (increase) of nitric oxide production in the endothelium (key process in erectile function). 238 Chapter 8. Clinical pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies The pathogenetic mechanism for action of Impaza explains the fact that a clinical effect of this product develops more slowly compared to other oral drugs for ED. An individual approach is required to develop the scheme of drug treatment for each patient. It is necessary to take into account all factors that modulate the clinical effect of study drug. High efficacy of Impaza in patients with primarily psychogenic ED and vascular arterial ED, as well as a good combination of Impaza and nitrates in CHD patients indicate that Impaza holds promise as a firstline drug for ED in patients of these groups. Taking into account the mechanisms for action of Impaza and oral inhibitors of PDE5, combination therapy is required to increase the clinical efficacy of these drugs. The therapeutic algorithm for ED patients was developed from the results of combined treatment (Fig. 8.19). If a young patient has psychogenic, isolated neurogenic (osteochondrosis), compensated and subcompensated arteriogenic ED of mild or moderate severity, and CHD (nitrate therapy), treatment can be started from Impaza. PDE5 54 patients 22 patients: ineffectiveness of Viagra and Sialis 32 primary patients with ED Levitra + 72,7% 16 Levitra + 28 4 87,5% 6 10 +Impaza + 7 3 94,4% Fig. 8.18. Efficacy of combination therapy with Impaza and Levitra. 239 Ultralow doses inhibitors are prescribed for patients with Impaza inefficacy, as well as for patients with severe or moderate venooclusive ED. Pharmacotherapy with PDE5 inhibitors should not be withdrawn when one of these drugs appears to be ineffective. Another inhibitor of PDE5 can be prescribed under these conditions. At low efficacy of PDE5 inhibitors, they should be combined with Impaza. This scheme of treatment will allow us to reduce side effects of monotherapy due to a decrease in the dose of PDE5 inhibitors. The efficacy of therapy will remain unchanged. When therapy is chosen, a physician should perform dynamic monitoring and evaluation of the patient’s state. From the first days of treatment, Impaza should be given in combination with PDE5 inhibitors. Besides the above mentioned advantages, this combination allows us to increase the interval between drug intakes. These patients maintain the ability to complete successful sexual intercourse. Prolonged therapy with Impaza and PDE5 inhibitors is accompanied by the recovery of adequate and spontaneous erections. This conclusion is derived from the patient’s report, increase in cavernous blood flow (Doppler ultrasonography of the penis with audiovisual sexual stimulation), and elevation of cavernous Complex andrological examination Mild Impaza + Moderate Arteriogenic and neurogenic ED Another pathogenesis of ED “yes” •sexual activity more than twice a week Sialis •sexual intercourse in the morning •necessity of spontaneous intercourse + Severe “not” for everything “not” for •combination of sex with food everything intake or alcohol consumption Viagra •necessity of the rapid effect “yes” •severe ED + Combination of Impaza and PDE5 inhibitors Levitra Six months of therapy + Other forms of therapy no effect Fig. 8.19. Algorithm of differential combined pharmacotherapy with Impaza for erectile dysfunction (E. B. Mazo et al., 2004). 240 Chapter 8. Clinical pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies electrical activity (penile electromyography). It is possible to reduce the mini mum effective dose and to withdraw PDE5 inhibitors. The patient is transferred to Impaza monotherapy. This drug may be withdrawn in the followup period. The proposed scheme of combined pharmacotherapy with Impaza has a positive effect in more than 90% ED patients, increases the safety of treatment, and significantly decreases the cost of therapy. 8.3. Clinical effectiveness and mechanisms for action of Anaferon Among a variety of products for therapy of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI), much attention is given to pathogenetic drugs that affect the natural mechanisms of antiviral resistance (primarily the IFN system). Despite much progress in vaccine prevention of influenza, the antigenic variability of this virus and high incidence of mixed infections in clinical practice require the development of universal remedies for ARVI prophylaxis. Modulation of the endogenous IFN system as a natural mechanism of antiviral resistance holds much promise in this respect. The adequate induction of endogenous IFN provides a mild or abortive course of viral infections. Therefore, IFNinducing agents have a particular place in the therapy for ARVI. Moreover, viral infections often cause or accompany secondary immunodeficiency. The strategy of immunorehabilitation with immunomodulatory drugs should be used for the therapy and prevention of ARVI, particularly in children. IFN inductors are effective in the therapy of viral infections. A variety of side effects limit the prolonged use of these drugs for prevention of viral infections, particularly in children. Experimental and clinical studies showed that Anaferon, a new immunomodulator with antiviral activity (Russia), holds promise for therapy and prevention of ARVI. Anaferon contains antibodies to human IFNγ. The drug formulation for children was designated as “Anaferon for children” (V. F. Uchaikin et al., 2003). Anaferon induces the production of endogenous IFNγ and IFNα/β and affects the expression of functionally related cytokines, including IL2, IL4, and IL10 (A. V. MartyushevPoklad, 2003). Previous experiments showed that endogenous IFNγsensitive immune cells serve as a target for Anaferon (Fig. 8.20; A. V. MartyushevPoklad, 2003). The most probable mechanisms for therapeutic activity of Anaferon in ARVI are shown in Figs. 8.21 and 8.22 (according to the results of experimental and clinical studies). The early and frequent use of Anaferon from the onset of viral infection provides the induction of IFNα, IFNβ, and IFNγ and activation of NK cells. 241 Ultralow doses IFN suppresses viral replication and prevents infection of other cells. NK cells lyse infected cells. These processes determine the rapid antiviral effect of Anaferon. The induction of endogenous IFNγ as a key immunoregulatory cytokine triggers the cascade of other events in the immune system. They include the induction of regulatory components for the immune response (type 1 and 2 T helper cells) and activation of macrophages. Activation of effector components of the cellular and humoral response is realized via cytotoxic lymphocytes and antibodies and contributes to lysis of infected cells, binding of viral particles, and elimination of the virus. Sufficient activation of macrophages and antibody production prevent the development of bacterial complications after viral infection. Randomized controlled clinical studies of the efficacy and safety of Anaferon for children in children with influenza and other ARVI were performed at the In stitute of Influenza (Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, St. Petersburg), Rus sian State Medical University (Moscow), and Volgograd State Medical University. The trial involved 390 children (from 1 month to 14 years of age). The children received inpatient or outpatient therapy for influenza (verified by an immunofluor ANAFERON IL12 TNFα IFNγ IFNγ AG IL12 NK Cellular immune response Monocyte IL12 IFNγ Th 1 IL2 IFNγ TNFβ MP Tc NK Th 1 cytokines Th 0 Th 2 cytokines Humoral immune response IL4 Basophil PL Th 2 IL2 IL10 IL13 B AB IL10 IL6 AG Monocyte ANAFERON Fig. 20. Natural regulation of the immune response and targets for Anaferon. Th, T helper cells; AG, antagonists; AB, antibodies; MP, macrophages; NK, natural killer cells. 242 Chapter 8. Clinical pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies ANAFERON IFNγ IFNα/β Activation of NK cells Suppression of viral replication Lysis of infected cells Induced resistance of uninfected cells ANTIVIRAL EFFECT Fig. 8.21. “Rapid” mechanisms for the antiviral effect of Anaferon. ANAFERON IFNγ Activation of NK Activation of macrophages Induction of regulatory components for the immune response Type 2 T helper cells B lymphocytes (proliferation and differentiation) Type 1 T helper cells Antibody production Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (proliferation, differentiation, and activation) Lysis of infected cells IgM, IgG, IgA Binding of viral particles ELIMINATION OF VIRUSES Fig. 8.22. Mechanisms for the immunomodulatory effect of Anaferon. 243 Ultralow doses escence study) and other ARVI, including those complicated by laryngotracheo bronchitis with stenosis or bacterial infection. Anaferon lozenges were given three seven times a day, which depended on the stage of disease. The product was dis solved in water for treatment of infants. Patients of the reference groups received placebo, Immunal, or Arbidol in combination with symptomatic and/or antibac terial therapy (when prescribed). The main symptoms of disease (fever, intoxica tion, and catarrhal symptoms) and possible side effects were evaluated. The in terferon system and immune status (subpopulations of peripheral blood lympho cytes, serum IgE, and sIgA in nasal lavage fluid) were studied in some children. Anaferon therapy was followed by a significant decrease in the severity and duration of main clinical manifestations of ARVI and complications in children (p<0.05 compared to the placebo group). The duration of fever, intoxication, rhinitis, and cough decreased by 3540, 4050, 20, and 30%, respectively. Fig. 8.23 illustrates the main results of a placebocontrolled trial of the efficacy of Anaferon for children during influenza (Institute of Influenza, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences). The diagnosis of influenza was verified by laboratory tests. The trial involved 105 patients (110 years of age, average age 5.40±0.02 years). Besides the presence of influenza A and/or B virus, 59% patients were shown to have the adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, parainfluenza virus, coronavirus, or mycoplasma as etiologic factors of the disease. In addition to the reduction of disease duration, patients of the Anaferon for children group were characterized by a significant decrease in the incidence of purulent rhinitis as a major complication of influenza (p<0.05; Fig. 8.24). The use of Anaferon was followed by a decrease in the period of inpatient treatment and volume of antibacterial and symptomatic therapy. Drugrelated adverse events were not observed in patients of the Anaferon group. Anaferon for children improved the IFN status of patients. This remedy not only promoted the induction of endogenous IFN on days 23 of therapy, Days 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 placebo ! Anaferon ! ! ! Fever (>37°С) Intoxication Rhinitis Cough Fig. 8.23. Effect of Anaferon for children on the duration of main clinical mani festations of influenza. *p<0.05 compared to placebo. 244 Chapter 8. Clinical pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies but also prevented a decrease in IFN production by lymphocytes at the stage of reconvalescence (Fig. 8.25). The ability of Anaferon to induce not only endogenous IFNγ (as shown in a preclinical study), but also IFNα in patients with viral infection is related to the existence of a close functional relationship between IFNγ and IFNα. Published data show that IFNγ potentiates the induction of IFNα during viral infection (A. P. CostaPereira et al., 2002). These data are of particular import ance since one of the major “strategies” of influenza virus in overcoming the mechanisms of natural resistance includes the inhibition of early interferon in duction (X. Wang et al., 2000). The content of various subpopulations of peripheral blood lymphocytes (CD3+, CD4+, CD8+, CD20+, and CD16+) returned to normal after drug ther apy (Fig. 8.26). These changes were accompanied by a decrease in IgE level and increase in sIgA level (Fig. 8.27). Percentage of patients, % 30 25 20 15 ! 10 5 0 Placebo Anaferon Fig. 8.24. Effect of Anaferon for children on the incidence of purulent rhinitis after influenza. *p<0.05 compared to placebo. a pg/ml 400 b pg/ml 60 ! ! 50 300 ! 40 200 30 ! 20 100 10 0 0 1 2 3 1 placebo 2 3 Anaferon Fig. 8.25. Effect of Anaferon for children on the IFN status of influenza patients: stimulated production of IFNγ (a) and IFNα by peripheral blood leukocytes (b). Days 12 of disease (1); days 23 of therapy (2); and convalescence (3). *p<0.05 compared to placebo. 245 Ultralow doses Children with normal content of lymphocytes, % ! 100 90 ! ! ! ! 80 ! 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 CD3+ CD4+ CD8+ CD20+ Lymphocyte subpopulation before therapy (control) before therapy (Anaferon) CD16 + CD3+/CD8+ after therapy (control) after therapy (Anaferon) Fig. 8.26. Effect of Anaferon for children on subpopulations of peripheral blood lymphocytes in influenza patients. *p<0.05 compared to placebo. Hence, the therapeutic use of Anaferon has an immunomodulatory effect on influenza patients. These data are consistent with the results of preclinical studies and confirm the fact that Anaferon modulates the mechanisms of antiviral resistance (innate and adaptive cellular and humoral responses; L. V. Osidak et al., 2003). a % of the baseline 160 b % of the baseline ! 160 120 ! 120 ! 80 ! 80 40 40 0 0 Control Anaferon Control before therapy Anaferon after therapy Fig. 8.27. Parameters of humoral immunity during therapy of influenza patients with Anaferon for children: secretory IgA in nasal lavage fluid (a); and IgE in blood serum (b). *p<0.05 compared to the baseline value. 246 Chapter 8. Clinical pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies Among a variety of ARVI, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infections have a particular place. These infections most often cause complications (disorders of the lower respiratory tract) and require hospitalization. A randomized placebo controlled study of the efficacy of Anaferon for children in patients with RSV infection was performed at the Institute of Influenza (Russian Academy of Medical Sciences). The patients with confirmed RSV infection (110 years of age) received Anaferon (n=40) or placebo (n=36) in combination with symptomatic drugs for 710 days (from the 1st or 2nd day of disease). Anaferon therapy was followed by a decrease in the mean duration of hyperthermia (by 1.2 days), period of intoxication (by 1 day) and catarrhal syndrome (by 2.2 days), and total length of disease (by 2.3 days, p<0.05). Similarly to influenza patients, Anaferon induced the production of endogenous IFNα and IFNγ by peripheral blood leukocytes (days 23 of therapy) and prevented a change in the IFN status (period of reconvalescence; E. G. Golovacheva et al., 2003). A randomized placebocontrolled study of the efficacy of Anaferon for children in ARVI prevention was performed at the Institute of Influenza (Rus sian Academy of Medical Sciences, St. Petersburg) and Russian State Medical University (Moscow). The trial involved 400 children (from 1 month to 4 years of age, 70% patients with poor health). The drug or placebo (lozenges) was given daily for 3 months. The product was dissolved in water for treatment of infants. ARVI patients were prescribed to take Anafaron as a therapeutic drug in combination with symptomatic therapy. The morbidity rate, severity of ARVI, incidence of complications, and drug tolerability were evaluated during Anaferon therapy. The IFN status in some patients was studied before and after the start of preventive treatment. Latent infection with various viruses was determined by an immunofluorescent study of nasal lavage fluid. Both trials in various clinical institutions yielded the same results (Fig. 8.28). The average number of ARVI in one patient decreased by 1.51.8 times. This drug had a stronger effect on the incidence of severe (febrile) ARVI, which was reduced by 2.12.4 times. The prophylactic and therapeuticandprophylactic effects of this drug were studied in details at the Institute of Influenza. During this trial, the patients were examined daily. The preventive and therapeutic use of Anaferon for children was followed by a decrease in the incidence and severity of ARVI and complications. The duration of all symptoms (fever, intoxication, and/or catarrhal symptoms) decreased by 2.2 times. The duration of fever and purulent rhinitis decreased by 3.8 and 3 times, respectively (Fig. 8.29). The incidence of ARVI complications due to purulent rhinitis and otitis decreased by 2.4 and 2.7 times, respectively. The decrease in ARVI morbidity was most pronounced in children with poor health. The percentage of children not suffering from ARVI over a 3month trial increased from 3 to 24.7%. 247 Ultralow doses а b ARVI morbidity per one patient ARVI morbidity per 100 patients per month 3 60 50 ! 2 40 ! ! 30 1 ! 20 10 0 0 I II I placebo II Anaferon Fig. 8.28. Effect of prophylactic treatment with Anaferon for children (3month course) on the overall incidence of ARVI (a) and incidence of febrile ARVI (t>37.5 oC, b). Results of two placebocontrolled trials: Institute of Influenza (I) and Russian State Medical University (II). *p<0.05 compared to placebo. Anaferon did not cause AE. An immunofluorescent study of nasal lavage fluid showed that latent infection of children (occurrence of typical agents for ARVI) decreased from 48.1 to 22.9%. Latent infection with herpes simplex virus decreased from 13.5 to 4.4%. After the course of treatment with Anaferon for children, the ability of peripheral blood lymphocytes to produce IFNα/β upon stimulation increased by 2.2 times. The efficacy and safety of Anaferon for children as a drug for the therapy and prevention of influenza and other ARVI in children were confirmed in randomized clinical trials (in accordance with the principles of evidencebased medicine). This remedy not only decreases the duration and severity of clinical manifestations of ARVI and reduces the morbidity rate from viral infections, but Incidence per 100 patients per month a Number of days 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 b 60 50 40 ! Any symptom of ARVI/ complication 30 ! 20 ! ! ! 10 0 Subfebrile/ febrile state Purulent rhinitis Purulent rhinitis placebo Otitis Anaferon Fig. 8.29. Effect of therapeutic and prophylactic treatment with Anaferon for children (3month course) on the total duration of ARVI symptoms (a) and incidence of ARVI complications in children (b). *p<0.05 compared to placebo. 248 Chapter 8. Clinical pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies also contributes to immunorehabilitation of patients with clinical and laboratory signs of secondary immunodeficiency (L. V. Osidak et al., 2003; A. V. Martyu shevPoklad et al., 2004a,b; S. A. Sergeeva et al., 2004). A deficiency of immune resistance and inadequacy of the immune response play an important role in the pathogenesis of viral infections (including herpes virus infections, enterovirus infections, and viral hepatitides). A combina tion of immunomodulatory and antiviral properties of Anaferon is related to the induction of endogenous IFN and provides a significant clinical effect of the drug during viral infections. Studying the prophylactic efficacy of Anaferon showed that this remedy promotes the elimination of herpes simplex virus under conditions of latent virus infection (Institute of Influenza, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences). These results were confirmed by further observations. The family of herpes viruses also includes the agents that cause infectious mononucleosis (EpsteinBarr virus) and chickenpox (Herpes zoster). The therapeutic efficacy and safety of Anferon for children in patients with infectious mononucleosis (EpsteinBarr virus) were evaluated in a double blind placebocontrolled trial at the Siberian State Medical University (Tomsk). The efficacy of Anaferon in various therapeutic schemes for infectious mono nucleosis was also studied at the Ural State Medical Academy (Ekaterinburg). The trials involved 140 children (314 years of age) with moderatetosevere and severe infectious mononucleosis. The efficacy of Anaferon for children, acyclovir, cycloferon, combination of Anaferon and acyclovir, and placebo was evaluated. The patients also received antibacterial and symptomatic therapy (when prescribed). The therapeutic efficacy was estimated from main clinical manifestations, including the duration of fever and acute tonsillitis. The trial in Tomsk showed that Anaferon significantly decreases the duration of clinical symptoms (as compared to placebo). The duration of acute tonsillitis, hepato megaly, and lymphadenopathy decreased by more than 1, 3, and 4 days, respec tively. Body temperature rapidly returned to normal after Anaferon therapy. Studying the efficacy of Anaferon in various therapeutic schemes for infectious mononucleosis was performed in Ekaterinburg. A combination of Anaferon and acyclovir was most effective under these conditions. The mean duration of fever and acute tonsillitis in patients of various groups appeared as follows: 2.4 and 4.3 days, respectively, in the Anaferon group; 2.2 and 2.8 days, respectively, in the Anaferon+acyclovir group; 5.1 and 4.1 days, respectively, in the acyclovir group; 5.4 and 4.8 days, respectively, in the cycloferon group; and 8.7 and 6.5 days, respectively, in the placebo group. Therefore, Anaferon and other inductors of in terferon hold much promise for the therapy of infectious mononucleosis. IFNin ducing agents should be used in combination with antiviral drugs (L. A. Zhu ravleva et al., 2003a,b; K. I. Chuikova et al., 2004; V. V. Fomin et al., 2004). 249 Ultralow doses A doubleblind, randomized, placebocontrolled trial of the efficacy and safety of Anaferon for children in chickenpox was performed at the Vol’sk Children’s Hospital (Saratov oblast). The trial involved 236 children (115 years of age). The duration of disease did not exceed 48 h. Anaferon for children (n=136) or placebo (n=100) was given therapeutically in combination with symptomatic drugs (treatment of rash with 2% solution of brilliant green). The time to normalization of body temperature, new crops of skin rash, relief of itching, and incidence and severity of complications were evaluated. Anaferon significantly decreased the duration and severity of disease (Fig. 8.30). Body temperature in Anaferonreceiving children returned to normal by the 3rd day of therapy (vs. 6th day in the reference group). A correlation was found between the occurrence of skin rash and body temperature, which is consistent with published data. Anaferon prevented the appearance of new spots in an earlier period (by 3 days). The duration of itching decreased by 4 days in the Anaferon group (as compared to placebo). The percentage of children with bacterial infectionassociated pustules was sevenfold higher in the reference group compared to the Anaferon group. These data illustrate the efficacy and safety of Anaferon for children in the therapy of chickenpox (M. V. Kudin, 2005a,b; A. V. MartyushevPoklad et al., 2005b). The development of acute intestinal infections is one of the urgent problems in treatment of children’s infections. According to the international statistics, 7080% of intestinal infections are caused by viruses. Rotaviruses, caliciviruses, and coronaviruses are the major etiologic agents for these diseases. The efficacy and safety of Anaferon for children in acute intestinal infections of viral etiology were confirmed by several clinical studies. A doubleblind randomized clinical trial was performed at the Institute of Influenza (St. Petersburg). The trial involved 79 patients (from 6 months to 10 a Duration, days 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ! Fever b ! New spots ! Itching °С 38,0 37,9 37,7 37,5 37,3 37,1 36,9 36,7 36,5 1 2 1 1e 2 2e 3 3e 4 4e 5 Period of therapy, daysлечения, сут placebo Anaferon Fig. 8.30. Efficacy of Anaferon for children in chickenpox: effect on the duration of main clinical symptoms (a) and temperature curve (b). Placebo (1) and Anaferon (2). (b) Evening temperature, e. *p<0.05 compared to placebo. 250 Chapter 8. Clinical pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies years of age). The diagnosis of coronavirus infection was confirmed by laboratory tests. Patients of the main (n=51) and control groups (n=28) received Anaferon and placebo, respectively, in combination with standard therapy. The clinical state at admission was moderatetosevere. The main symptoms of coronavirus infection were rapidly relieved in Anaferonreceiving patients. These patients were characterized by a significant decrease (p<0.05 compared to the placebo group) in the duration of gastrointestinal symptoms (from 4.4±0.5 to 2.5±0.2 days), fever (from 3.4±0.3 to 2.0±0.1 days), intoxication (from 5.1±0.4 to 2.9±0.1 days), and catarrhal symptoms in the nasopharynx (from 7.0±0.4 to 4.3±0.2 days; E. V. Obraztsova et al., 2006). Twoday treatment of children with coronavirus infection of the main and control groups was followed by a significant decrease in the number of patients with fever (by 75 and 44%, respectively). A doubleblind, placebocontrolled clinical trial of the efficacy and safety of Anaferon for children in calicivirus infection was performed at the Institute of Children’s Infections (St. Petersburg). The trial involved 60 children (from 6 months to 15 years of age) that were hospitalized with symptoms of acute intestinal infection. The diagnosis of calicivirus infection was verified by means of scanning electron microscopy. The patients were divided into two groups of Anaferon for children (n=30) and placebo (n=30). The groups were represen tative of age, sex, and severity of disease. The use of Anaferon for 57 days was followed by a significant decrease in the duration of symptoms of calicivirus infection. The duration of fever, vomiting, and diarrhea in patients of the main group was 1.3±0.2, 1.5±0.2, and 1.2±0.1 days, respectively. Fever, vomiting, and watery diarrhea in patients of the control group persisted for 2.9±0.3, 2.4±0.2, and 2.0±0.2 days, respectively (p<0.05). Anaferon had a strong effect on the duration of virus elimination. By the end of treatment, caliciviruses were detected in the feces from 1 patient of the main group (3%) and 16 patients of the control group (53%; I. V. Razdyakonova et al., 2005). A pilot study of the efficacy of Anaferon for children in rotavirus gastroenteritides was performed at the Rostov State Medical University (Rostov onDon). The trial involved 27 children (1.55.5 years of age). The diagnosis of rotavirus gastroenteritis was confirmed by laboratory tests. Thirteen patients received Anaferon (therapeutic treatment) and standard therapy. Fourteen patients received only standard drugs. The introduction of study drug into combination therapy was followed by a significant decrease in the duration of main symptoms of this disease (p<0.001). The duration of fever and diarrhea decreased by 1.5 and 2.3 days, respectively (E. N. Simovan’yan et al., 2004). Clinical studies demonstrated the efficacy and safety of Anaferon for children in treatment of acute intestinal infection of viral etiology. Anaferon significantly decreased the time to virus elimination from an organism, which 251 Ultralow doses reflects the antiviral effect of this remedy. The product was well tolerated and did not cause AE. These data indicate that Anaferon for children should be used in combination therapy of children with acute viral infections. Anaferon had a positive effect in patients with tickborne encephalitis (A. V. Skripchenko et al., 2005), hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (E. B. Egorov et al., 2004), pseudotuberculosis (V. N. Timchenko et al., 2004), tubulointerstitial nephritis (I. F. Vladimirtseva et al., 2005), and enteroviral and meningococcal meningitis (Yu. B. Khamanova et al., 2005). Anaferon was also used in emergency pro phylactic therapy of ARVI in children with bronchial asthma (E. I. Kondrat’eva et al., 2004, 2005, 2006), as well as in the treatment of ARVI in children with heart diseases (L. V. Yakovleva et al., 2005). Controlled clinical trials in leading medical institutions of the Russian Federation showed that Anaferon holds much promise for the prevention and therapy of influenza, viral infections of the respiratory tract, and herpes infection (including chickenpox and infectious mononucleosis). Anaferon can be used in combination therapy for acute intestinal infections of viral etiology, prevention and treatment of complications of viral infections, therapy of secondary immunodeficiency of various etiologies, and combination therapy for bacterial infections. 8.4. Artrofoon as a promising drug for pathogenetic therapy of chronic arthropathies The introduction of biological antirheumatic drugs into clinical practice in various countries has opened new perspectives in the therapy of RA, osteo arthritis (OA), and other autoimmune inflammatory diseases. Unfortunately, these drugs are of limited use in Russia due to the high cost. Artrofoon (ULD of antibodies to TNFα, Russia) is a new drug for the therapy of RA. Six month clinical studies were designed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Artro foon in RA and OA. The drug was also used in inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the joints. The clinical efficacy of Artrofoon during RA was evaluated in an open randomized study at the Volgograd State Medical University (V. I. Petrov et al., 2003, 2005; A. V. MartyushevPoklad et al., 2003; V. I. Petrov et al., 2003; J. L. Dugina et al., 2005a,b). Diclofenac was used as a reference drug. The trial involved 81 patients with RA (according to the criteria of the American Rheumatology Association, ARA). Thirtyone patients (average age 54.0±1.1 years, mean duration of disease 11.6±1.2 years) received diclofenac in a daily dose of 100 mg. Fifty patients (average age 51.2±1.5 years, mean duration of 252 Chapter 8. Clinical pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies disease 8.9±1.0 years) were treated with Artofoon (4 tablets twice daily) for 6 months. The average number of damaged joints in patients of the diclofenac and Artrofoon groups was 23.8±1.3 and 22.7±1.3, respectively. Seronegative RA was diagnosed in 48.4 and 42% patients of the diclofenac and Artrofoon groups, respectively. Among patients enrolled in the trial, 12.9% patients of the diclofenac group and 25% patients of the Artrofoon group previously received standard therapy (methotrexate, 7.5 mg weekly). This treatment was ineffective in 45 and 26% patients of the diclofenac and Artrofoon groups, respectively. During the trial, standard therapy was continued in 16.1% patients of the diclofenac group and in 18% patients of the Artrofoon group. A 6month course of treatment with diclofenac was followed by a decrease in the number of painful joints (from 19.2±1.3 to 17.4±1.2, by 1.9±0.5 or 9.4%) and swollen joint (from 8.3±1.0 to 5.7±0.7, by 2.6±0.6 or 27.5%) and reduction of the duration of morning stiffness (from 131±13 to 102±9 min, by 29±7 min or 17.3%). The improvement of clinical symptoms was more pronounced in patients of the Artrofoon group. Artrofoon therapy was followed by a decrease in the average number of painful joints (from 17.4±1.1 to 13.6±0.9, by 3.8±0.6 or 20.5%) and swollen joint (from 6.2±0.7 to 3.8±0.4, by 2.4±0.5 or 33.6%) and reduction of the duration of morning stiffness (from 136±10 to 87±6 min, by 49±5 min or 33.2%). After 6 months of therapy with diclofenac, 25.8% patients reached the ACR20 criterion (20% improvement of clinical symptoms, CI 95% = 13.7 43.3%). The number of Artrofoonreceiving patients who reached the ACR20 criterion was twofold higher than in the diclofenac group (58% patients, CI 95% = 44.270.6; Fig. 8.31). The symptoms of RA in patients were reduced after 1 month of therapy with diclofenac. In the followup period, the effect of diclofenac increased less significantly than that of Artrofoon. Artrofoon had a positive effect on local and general symptoms of inflammation in RA patients. A significant improvement % 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Artrofoon Diclofenac (100 mg daily) Fig. 8.31. Patients with rheumatoid arthritis who reached the ACR 20 improvement criterion after 6 months of therapy. 253 Ultralow doses of the patient’s state was observed 3 months after the start of therapy. The effect of Artrofoon developed progressively and reached maximum by the 6th month of therapy (Fig. 8.32). The severity of pain in patients of the diclofenac and Artorfoon groups decreased by 21.0 and 34.7%, respectively. Roentgenologically, progression of the disease was not found in patients of both groups. The effect of study drug was rated as “good” by 54% patients of the Artrofoon group and 32.3% patients of the diclofenac group. All patients who were enrolled in the trial completed a 6month course of therapy. Artrofoon had a better safety profile than diclofenac. Serious adverse events were not reported in the Artrofoon group. AE in 22.6% patients of the diclofenac group were associated with drug effect on GIT (pain of discomfort in the epigastric region, eructation, and nausea). These events required the prescription of antacid drugs and/or antiemetic agents. Eleven patients of the Artrofoon group continued to take the drug after 6 months of therapy (five patients for 12 months; one patient for 11 months; one patient for 10 months; one patient for 9 months; and three patients for 8 months). By the end of treatment, all patients reached the ACR20 criterion. The relief of clinical symptoms for joint disease in Artrofoonreceiving patients was accompanied by a significant improvement in laboratory signs of inflammation, including the concentration of proinflammatory cytokines. In some patients the concentration of proinflammatory cytokines significantly decreased (>25%) after 6 months of therapy with Artrofoon. They demonstrated a decrease in the concentrations of plasma TNFα (50% patients), IL1 (70% a % of the baseline 60 50 ! 40 ! 30 20 ! ! 10 0 Number of painful joints Severity of pain b % of the baseline Duration of morning stiffness CRP level Artrofoon 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Number of painful joints Severity of pain Duration of morning stiffness CRP level diclofenac, 100 mg daily Fig. 8.32. Effect of 6month therapy with Artrofoon (light bars) and diclofenac (dark bars) on the severity of rheumatoid arthritis. Mean improvement of the RA activity (a); and percentage of patients with an improvement by at least 20% (b). CRP, C reactive protein. *p<0.05 compared to the diclofenac group. 254 Chapter 8. Clinical pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies patients), and IL6 (50% patients). These changes were not found in patients of the control group. These data suggest that antiinflammatory activity of Artrofoon is related to the regulation of systemic production of proinflammatory cytokines. An open comparative clinical trial of the efficacy and safety of Artrofoon vs. diclofenac in OA patients was performed at the Volgograd State University (I. V. Kostryukova et al., 2005; I. V. Kostryukova et al., 2006). The trial involved 120 patients with the diagnosis of OA (112 women, 93.33%; and 8 men, 6.66%; average age 63.84±0.88 years). The majority of patients were older than 60 years of age (66.6% disabled persons). They had polyarticular (101 patients, 84.16%), oligoarticular (11 patients, 9.16%), monoarticular OA (8 patients, 6.66%). The majority of OA patients (n=72, 60%) suffered from severe synovitis, which was manifested in pain at rest, swelling, hyperthermia, and functional disorders. Subclinical synovitis in 48 patients (40%) was manifested in spontaneous nighttime pain, morning stiffness, and local tenderness in palpation. Pain sensation in all patients was revealed during joint movement and palpation of the joints and periarticular tissue. Damage was most often observed in the knee joints (90.83%), ankle joints (50.83%), hip joints (20.83%), and small joints of the hand (31.66%). All patients with OA were randomized into the following three groups: group 1 (60 patients), Artrofoon (4 tablets twice daily); group 2 (30 patients), reference drug diclofenac (100 mg daily); and group 3 (30 patients), com bination therapy with Artrofoon (8 tablets daily) and diclofenac (100 mg daily). Drug efficacy was evaluated 1, 3, and 6 months after the start of therapy. The following clinical parameters were evaluated: WOMAC index (Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index); overall pain; articular index; Ritchie index; swelling index; and Leken’s indexes for gonarthrosis and co xarthrosis. Artrofoon safety was determined from the incidence of AE (Table 8.11). The WOMAC total score in Artrofoonreceiving patients was 49.92±1.75 (vs. 52.00±0.72 and 51.5±1.97 in the diclofenac and diclofenac+Artrofoon groups, respectively). The WOMAC total score in patients of these groups decreased by 10.94, 10.23, and 22.03 points, respectively, 1 month after the start of therapy. The WOMAC total score in these patients decreased by 24.22, 20.6, and 32 points, respectively, 3 months after the start of therapy. Six months after the start of therapy, the WOMAC total score in Artrofoonreceiving patients was 18.72±1.81 points (decrease by 31.2 points, p<0.001 compared to the diclofenac group). This index also decreased in patients receiving diclofenac (by 25 points, 27.53±2.52 points) and combination therapy (by 40.4 points, 11.10±1.12 points; p<0.001 and p<0.01 compared to the diclofenac and Artrofoon groups, respec tively; Fig. 8.33). Similar changes were found in clinical manifestations of OA (WOMAC subscales of pain, stiffness, and function). Six months after the start of therapy, 255 Ultralow doses 256 Table 8.11. Main clinical and laboratory parameters of osteoarthritis during therapy with Artrofoon and diclofenac Artrofoon (2 tablets, 4 times daily) Parameter baseline after baseline 3 months Severity of pain 2.17±0.10 Duration of morning stiffness Ritchie index Articular index Lee index Diclofenac (100 mg daily) 6 months after 3 months Artrofoon + diclofenac baseline after 3 months 6 months 6 months 1.12±0.10** 0.58±0.10** 2.27±0.14 1.53±0.12** 1.57±0.12** 2.43±0.18 19.37±1.77 8.72±1.13* 3.72±0.81* 18.83±2.71 12.17±1.57* 13.43±1.46 17.83±1.06 2.83±0.92* 6.45±0,40 3.73±0.31* 2.43±0.18** 7.23±1.01 5.47±0.87 4.87±0.87 5.70±0.38 2.77±0.31* 1.90±0.22** 5.03±0.31 3.23±0.26* 2.30±0.21** 6.33±1.05 4.60±0.64 3.97±0.52* 4.67±0.25 2.27±0.25* 1.90±0.20** 8.53±0.41 5.75±0.41* 4.00±0.30** 9.87±0.79 8.07±0.67 7.83±0.59* 9.03±0.33 5.20±0.27* 4.33±0.25* Leken’s index 14.95±0.49 10.97±0.58* 8.28±0.54* 16.07±0.59 13.27±0.51* 13.00±0.53* 14.70±0.42 9.93±0.44* 8.00±0.32* WOMAC index 49.92±1.75 25.70±1.89* 18.72±1.81* 52.00±1.72 31.40±2.49* 27.53±2.52* 51.5±1.97 19.50±1.23* 11.10±1.12* ESR 17.90±1.16 12.92±0.73* 11.3±0.69* 20.77±1.96 14.83±0.78* 14.13±0.83* 18.13±1.20 11.87±0.88* 10.50±0.62* Creactive protein 9.30±0.58 7.20±0.37** 6.80±0.27** 10.20±0.87 7.80±0.77* 7.40±0.55* Note. *p<0.05 and **p<0.01 compared to the baseline value. 7.60±0.64* 10.20±0.96 1.40±0.24** 0.57±0.10** 1.00±0.56* 7.00±0.42* Chapter 8. Clinical pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies a decrease in the severity of pain, stiffness, and dysfunction was most significant in the combined treatment group and least pronounced in the diclofenac group. After 6 months of monotherapy for OA, Artrofoon (4 tablets twice daily) was more effective than diclofenac (100 mg daily) for the relief of pain and improvement of functional state and quality of life. The effect of Artrofoon developed more slowly than that of diclofenac. One month after the start of therapy, the clinical efficacy of diclofenac was higher than that of Artrofoon. However, Artrofoon and diclofenac were equally potent by the 3rd month of therapy. After 6 months of therapy, Artrofoon had a stronger effect than diclofenac. The improvement of clinical symptoms in patients of the diclofenac group was not observed from the 3rd to the 6th month of treatment. The clinical effect was most pronounced in patients receiving combination therapy with Artrofoon and diclofenac. A significant clinical effect in these patients was detected after 1 month of therapy. By the end of therapy, the efficacy of combined treatment did not differ from that of Artrofoon monotherapy. Diclofenac therapy was followed by a variety of gastrointestinal complications in 80% patients. By contrast, Artrofoon had an excellent safety profile and did not cause AE. As differentiated from diclofenac, Artrofoon had a longterm antiinflamma tory effect and demonstrated an excellent safety profile. Therefore, Artrofoon holds much promise for the therapy of OA. These properties are related to the action of Artrofoon on pathogenetic mechanisms of degenerative and atrophic processes in the osteoarthritic joint. During the 1st month of therapy, Artrofoon should be used in combination with diclofenac to produce a rapid effect. Artrofoon monotherapy can be given from the 2nd month to reduce the incidence of AE. Similar results were obtained by Prof. B. A. Alikhanov at the Moscow State Medical Stomatological University (B. A. Alikhanov, 2004, 2006). The clinical efficacy of Artrofoon in various doses was studied in OA patients after longterm therapy with this drug (from 6 months to 2 years). The trial involved WOMAC total score 60 Artrofoon 50 Artrofoon+diclofenac diclofenac, 100 mg 40 ! ! ! 30 ! 20 ! + ! + 10 0 Baseline After 3 months After 6 months Fig. 8.33. WOMAC total score in osteoarthritic patients after 6month treatment with Artrofoon and diclofenac. p<0.05: *compared to the baseline value; +compared to the diclofenac group. 257 Ultralow doses 90 OA patients (stage IIIII gonarthrosis) receiving various doses of Artrofoon as monotherapy or in combination with NAID for 624 months. The efficacy of therapy was evaluated from the severity of joint syndrome, laboratory and clinical parameters, and ultrasound examination of the joints. Artrofoon had a significant clinical effect, which was observed on days 2030 of treatment and reached maximum after 3 months of therapy. After 3 months, the overall effect of therapy was most pronounced in patients receiving Artrofoon as monotherapy (8 tablets daily) or combination with NAID. This effect persisted for up to 6 months during therapy with Artrofoon at the specified dose or half dose. The positive effect was maintained for 2 years of treatment with Artrofoon in a dose of 24 tablets daily. NAID monotherapy had a smaller effect. Longterm therapy with Artrofoon (for up to 2 years) did not cause AE. Combination therapy with Artrofoon and NAID was followed by the reduction of NAID produced adverse reactions. The efficacy and safety of Artrofoon in OA patients were confirmed by Prof. N. A. Shostak at the Russian State Medical University (N. A. Shostak et al., 2005). The effect of Artrofoon on production of cytokines and growth factors in RA patients was studied by Prof. V. I. Mazurov in St. Petersburg (V. I. Mazurov et al., 2007). Besides the high clinical efficacy, Artrofoon decreased the production of proinflammatory cytokines IL1β and TNFα, stimulated the secretion of antiinflammatory cytokines IL4 and IL10, and had a normalizing effect on the concentrations of epidermal growth factor (EGF) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). The efficacy and safety of Artrofoon in patients with urogenic RA (UA) were evaluated in a pilot study at the Volgograd State Medical University (V. I. Petrov et al., 2005). An open randomized comparative study of Artrofoon efficacy was per formed with UA patients (diagnostic criteria of E. R. Agababova). The diagnoses of ureaplasma infection and chlamydial infection were made in 66.7 and 33.3% patients, respectively. A clinicalandanatomical type of UA was presented by OA with primary damage to the joints of the lower extremities. The patients received Artrofoon (8 tablets daily) or diclofenac (100 mg daily) for 3 months in combination with antibacterial therapy (depending on the infectious agent). Clinical and labora tory parameters were monitored for 1 month at 2week intervals. The patients were examined monthly in the followup period. Artrofoon therapy was followed by a decrease in the severity of pain (83.3% patients), Ritchie index, and swelling (66.6% patients). The severity of pain, Ritchie index, and swelling were reduced in 66.6% patients of the diclofenac group. Drugrelated adverse events were not observed in patients of the Artrofoon group. The efficacy of Artrofoon in UA patients should be confirmed in largescale clinical trials. 258 Chapter 8. Clinical pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies Artrofoon was effective in the therapy of patients with other diseases of the joints and musculoskeletal system, including psoriatic and gouty arthritis, ankylosing spondyloarthritis, osteochondrosis, and periarthritis of the shoulder joint (V. V. Badokin et al., 2005; O. V. Inamova et al., 2005; I. V. Kudryavtseva et al., 2005; O. I. Epstein et al., 2005; N. A. Khitrov, 2006). The therapeutic efficacy of Artrofoon in patients with nonspecific ulcerative colitis was demonstrated at the Samara Military Medical Institute. TNFα has an important role in the pathogenesis of this disease (M. A. Osadchuk et al., 2005). The results of randomized controlled clinical studies of Artrofoon allow us to make the following conclusions. Pharmacodynamically, Artrofoon holds promise as a diseasemodifying drug with the longterm clinical effect in RA patients. Artrofoon may be used in combined treatment and monotherapy of these patients. Artrofoon has a complex effect on the cytokine cascade during systemic autoimmune inflammation, which differs from the action of TNFα antagonists (e.g., Infliximab). The antiinflammatory effect of Artrofoon on RA patients is probably associated with a decrease in the systemic production of TNFα. The clinical efficacy of Artrofoon should be evaluated in patients with TNFαrelated diseases. 8.5. Epigam in the therapy for gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer An open, randomized, comparative pilot study of the clinical efficacy and safety of Epigam (ULD to histamine for oral administration, 28day triple therapy) during gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer was performed at the Volgograd State Medical University in 20022003 (P. A. Bakumov et al., 2003; J. L. Dugina, 2003a,b; O. I. Epstein et al., 2003b; J. L. Dugina et al., 2002). The trial involved stationary patients 1850 years of age. Ulcerative lesions of the gastric or duodenal mucosa (20 mm in diameter) were revealed during endoscopic examination. The patients were confirmed to have Helicobacter pylori infection. The patients were divided into two groups of ten subjects each. Group 1 patients received Epigam (1 tablet, six times daily for 28 days), amoxicillin (500 mg, three times daily for 14 days), and metronidazole (500 mg, twice daily for 14 days). Ranitidine (150 mg, twice daily for 28 days), amoxicillin (500 mg, three times daily for 14 days), and metronidazole (500 mg, twice daily for 14 days) were given to group 2 patients. During the study, all patients could receive symptomatic antacid therapy. The main symptoms of peptic ulcer were evaluated in the basal state and after 1, 2, 3, and 4 weeks of therapy. The overall severity of symptoms was determined during a pretrial period of 1 week. Endoscopic 259 Ultralow doses examination with an OlympusGIFE gastrofiberscope was performed before and after 4week therapy. The number and area of ulcerative lesions, endoscopic and histological signs of gastroduodenal mucosal inflammation, and secretory status (Congo red test) were evaluated. The benign nature of mediogastric ulcers was confirmed histologically. Helicobacter pylori was detected by invasive (histological, molecular genetic, and rapid urease test) and noninvasive methods for infection diagnostics (indirect solidphase enzyme immunoassay). The rapid urease test (KhELPIL test, St. Petersburg) was used for primary rapid diag nostics of H. pylori. This test is based on the measurement of urease activity in biopsy specimens of the gastric mucosa after endoscopic examination. The average age of patients in both groups (n=20) was 32.2 years. Twelve men (60%) and eight women (40%) were enrolled in the trial. The majority of patients (n=19, 95%) had a history of peptic ulcer. In one patient (5%), the diagnosis was made for the first time. The mean duration of disease was 3.2 years. The time to relief of pain syndrome and dyspepsia did not differ in patients receiving Epigam and ranitidine. Epigastric pain in group 1 patients was reduced after therapy for 3 (two patients, 20%), 10 (eight patients, 80%), or 14 days (all patients). These changes were accompanied by the disappearance of dyspeptic disorders. Epigastric pain in group 2 patients was reduced after therapy for 2 (five patients, 50%), 10 (eight patients, 80%), or 14 days (all patients). The mean time to pain relief was 7.50±0.81 days (Fig. 8.34). The severity of epigastric pain syndrome (including nighttime pain), heartburn, and nausea and volume of symptomatic therapy in patients of the Epigam group decreased significantly after 4week treatment (p<0.01, Table 8.12). The mean time to pain relief was 10.6±1.2 days (67 days in the majority of patients). Pain syndrome and dyspeptic disorders were reduced in the early period after combination therapy with ranitidine, amoxicillin, and metronidazole (p<0.05). Epigastric and pyloroduodenal pain and dyspeptic disorders were relieved over 311 and 214 days, respectively. Pain syndrome in 53.8% patients Duration of symptom, days 15 Epigam ranitidine 12 9 6 3 0 Pain Heartburn Eructation Nausea Fig. 8.34. Mean time to relief of peptic ulcer symptoms in a controlled clinical study of Epigam. 260 Chapter 8. Clinical pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies Table 8.12. Reduction of peptic ulcer symptoms in patients receiving Epigam in combination with amoxicillin and metronidazole (points, M±m) Symptom Epigam+ amoxicillin+metronidazole baseline after 4 weeks Ranitidine+ amoxicillin+metronidazole baseline after 4 weeks Epigastric pain 2.8+0.4 0.8+0.04* 2.4±0.5 0.70±0.03* Nighttime pain 1.8+0.2 0.1+0.01* 1.6±0.1 0.20±0.01* Heartburn 1.3+0.2 0.5+0.01* 1.6±0.1 0.30±0.01* Eructation 1.1+0.1 0.70+0.03 0.90±0.04 0.80±0.01 Nausea 0.9+0.1 0.60+0.02 1.20±0.06 0.40±0.02* Palpatory tenderness 2.9+0.2 0.70+0.03* 2.7±0.2 0.50±0.06* Note. *p<0.05 compared to the baseline value. was not observed after drug therapy for 5 days. The mean time to relief of epigastric pain and dyspepsia (mainly of nausea) was 7.5±0.8 and 4.9±0.8 days, respectively. The duration and severity of symptoms did not depend on basal gastric acid secretion and length of the disease. The area of gastroduodenal ulcers decreased significantly after 4week triple therapy with Epigam (p<0.001). Ulcer cicatrization in nine of ten patients (90%) was observed by the 4th week treatment. The area of ulcerative lesion in one patient decreased by 7580%. Epigam significantly decreased the severity of erosive changes. In six patients (60%) ulcer cicatrization was accompanied by epithelization of gastric and/or duodenal erosions after 4week therapy (p<0.05, Table 8.13). Fourweek combination therapy with ranitidine, amoxicillin, and metro nidazole was also followed by a decrease in the area of mucosal erosions and ulcers and reduction of macroscopic (endoscopic) signs for gastritis. Erosive gastroduodenitis was not found in treated patients. Ulcer healing was observed in 100% patients (Table 8.14). Table 8.13. Clinical efficacy of 4week combination therapy with Epigam in patients with peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum (n=10) Parameter Epigam+ amoxicillin+metronidazole Ranitidine+ amoxicillin+metronidazole abs. % abs. % Incidence of ulcer cicatrization 9 90 10 100 Incidence of epithelization of erosions 6 60 8 80 261 Ultralow doses Table 8.14. Endoscopic examination for reparative and inflammatory processes in the gastric and duodenal mucosa of peptic ulcer patients receiving combination therapy with Epigam (points, M±m) Parameter Epigam+ amoxicillin+metronidazole baseline Ranitidine+ amoxicillin+metronidazole after 4 weeks baseline after 4 weeks Area of ulcers 1.21±0.07 0* 0.96±0.02 0* Number of ulcers 1.06±0.04 0* 1.45±0.04 0.07±0.01* Erosions 0.90±0.03 0.46±0.02* 0.73±0.01 0.24±0.01* Gastritis 1.29±0.06 1.05±0.01 1.17±0.06 1.03±0.03 Duodenitis 1.35±0.04 1.30±0.05 1.08±0.02 1.01±0.02 Duodenogastric reflux 0.18±0.01 1.17±0.04 0.35±0.01 0.27±0.01 Note. *p<0.05 compared to the baseline value. The clinical improvement was accompanied by a decrease in the volume of symptomatic therapy in patients receiving Epigam (from 3.21±0.16 to 0.53±0.09 tablets/spoons daily, p<0.001) and ranitidine (from 2.96±0.11 to 0.22±0.04 tablets/spoons daily, p<0.001). A pilot clinical study confirmed the efficacy of combination therapy with Epigam (6 tablets daily for 28 days) and standard drugs (amoxicillin and me tronidazole) in patients with H. pyloriassociated peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. The efficacy of Epigam compared well with that of the refer ence drug ranitidine (300 mg daily). 8.6. Afala in the therapy for benign prostatic hyperplasia The drugs for BPH have two main molecular targets, 5αreductase and αadrenoceptors in the lower urinary tract. 5αReductase inhibitors are effective in severe hyperplasia of the prostate gland, but do not affect clinical symptoms of BPH during the first 34 months of therapy. However, these drugs improve the longterm prognosis in BPH patients. αAdrenoceptor antagonists do not influence prostate tissue, but have a strong effect on the dynamic component of obstruction and rapidly relive the symptoms of BPH. Clinical symptoms (total IPSS, International Prostate Symptom Score) and urodynamics improve by 2050 and 2030%, respectively (S. Madersbacher et al., 2004). Among a variety of physiotherapeutic products, much attention was paid to Serenoa repens extract. The efficacy of Serenoa repens extract compares well with that of finasteride (T. Wilt et al., 2004). 262 Chapter 8. Clinical pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies The target for S. repens was not identified. This extract has the pleiotropic properties (modulation of cholesterol metabolism; antiestrogenic, antiandro genic, and antiinflammatory effects; etc.). PSA is one of the molecular targets during BPH (E. P. Diamandis, 2000; S. P. Balk et al., 2003). The expression of this serine protease is regulated by androgens. PSA has antiangiogenic activity (A. H. Fortier et al., 1999) and plays a role in the regulation of stromal cell growth in the prostate gland (D. M. Sutkowski et al., 1999). BPH is accompanied by a strong immune response to PSA, which serves as one of the pathogenetic factors and reflects the progression of other pathological processes (A. Zisman et al., 1995, 1999). The pathogenetic role of PSA in BPH requires further investigations. Afala was developed at the “Materia Medica Holding” Researchand Production Company. The active components of this product are rabbit poly clonal antibodies to PSA (ULD for oral administration). Preclinical studies showed that Afala decreases the severity of acute and chronic aseptic inflam mation of the prostate gland (T. G. Borovskaya, 2002). Moreover, this product reduces the degree of prostatic hyperplasia under conditions of sulpiride induced hyperprolactinemia (K. V. Savel’eva et al., 2007). The effect of Afala is probably related to functional modification of endogenous PSA, which is impaired during BPH. Here we describe the results of two randomized, controlled, parallelgroup studies to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Afala in BPH (V. N. Pavlov et al., 2005a,b; A. A. MartyushevPoklad et al., 2005; Z. A. Yurmazov et al., 2005; V. I. Petrov et al., 2006; A. MartyushevPoklad et al., 2005d). The trials of similar design were performed at the Volgograd State Medical University, Bashkirian State Medical University (Ufa), Institute of Pharmaco logy (Tomsk Research Center of the Siberian Division of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences), and Central Military Medical Hospital No. 32 (Moscow). The patients were randomized into the Afala group, placebo group, and open control group. After 4 weeks of a placebocontrolled phase, the Afala group was opened. An open randomized comparative study was performed with the active reference drug. The total duration of therapy was 16 weeks. The study involved patients (4070 years of age, average age 63.50±0.49 years) with moderate symptoms of chronic prostate disease. The diagnosis of stage III BPH (total IPSS 925) was confirmed by transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) examination. The volume of the prostate gland was more than 25 cm3. The maximum urine flow rate (Qmax) was 515 ml/sec. The informed consent was obtained from each patient. The exclusion criteria were a history of surgical treatment for diseases of the prostate or urinary bladder, residual urine volume > 150 ml, suspected prostate cancer, serum PSA > 4 ng/ml, etc. 263 Ultralow doses The patients received Afala (16 weeks) or placebo (4 weeks) in a daily dose of two lozenges. The parallel open control group was treated with an active product of Serenoa repens extract (Prostamol Uno, 320 mg daily). The trial involved 241 patients (stage III BPH) receiving Afala (n=132), Prostamol Uno (n=54), or placebo (n=55, control group). The severity of disease symptoms (total IPSS), quality of life (integral criterion, IPSS), urodynamics (uroflowmetry), state of the prostate gland (TRUS), and serum PSA level were evaluated during followup visits. AE were recorded during each visit. Routine blood test, urine test, and measurement of serum glucose or creatinine were performed before and after the study. The efficacy endpoints were the relief of symptoms, improvement of urodynamic parameters, and increase in patients’ quality of life. After 4 weeks of therapy, the efficacy of Afala significantly differed from that of placebo (according to clinical manifestations and urodynamics). IPSS decreased by 0.9±0.4 points, while Qmax remained unchanged in the placebo group. IPSS was 1.9±0.3 points, and Qmax increased by 13.3±2.4% in the Afala group. Fig. 8.35 illustrates the results of a 16week open comparative study. Drug treatment was followed by a significant decrease in the total IPSS (by more than 40% after 16 weeks). In 50% patients, IPSS decreased below 8 points. Pharmacotherapy was not required under these conditions. The improvement of urodynamics (Qmax) in patients of the Afala and Prostamol groups was 45 and 36%, respectively. The quality of life (qualityoflife score in IPSS) improved more significantly in the Afala group. TRUS examination revealed a significant decrease in residual urine volume (from 31.0±3.2 to 12.9±1.7 ml, p<0.001) and size of the prostate gland (from 44.6±1.3 to 41.9±1.3 cm3, p<0.01) after Afala therapy. Afala (8 tablets daily for 16 weeks) had a good safety profile in patients with stage III BPH. Drugrelated AE were not reported. The results of routine blood test, urine test, and biochemical blood analysis did not differ from normal before and after therapy. The concentrations of total and free PSA in blood serum from Afala receiving patients not only remained within normal limits (less than 4 ng/ml), but even decreased (by 17.6 and 21.7%, respectively). The PSAfree/PSAtotal ratio did not change after Afala therapy (within normal limits). Serum PSA level remained unchanged in the Prostamol group. These data indicate that Afala is an effective and safety drug for the therapy of stage III BPH. The product improves clinical symptoms of this disease (particularly those associated with urination disorders), parameters of urodynamics, size of the prostate, and residual urine volume. A modulatory effect of Afala on serum PSA level indirectly reflects the pathogenetic action of this product. 264 Chapter 8. Clinical pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies a Qmax, ml/sec 16 Points 16 12 12 8 8 4 4 0 c 0 Baseline 4 8 12 16 Baseline 4 b Qaver, ml/sec 9 8 12 16 12 16 d Points 4 6 3 2 3 1 0 0 Baseline 4 8 12 16 Baseline 4 8 Time, weeks Afala Prostamol (320 mg daily) Fig. 8.35. Course of BPH during therapy with Afala (light bars) and Prostamol (dark bars). Q max (a); average flow rate of urine (b); reduction of disease symptoms (total IPSS, c); and quality of life (QoL index, d). *p<0.05 compared to the other group. 8.7. Clinical pharmacology of Kardos Chronic heart failure is an urgent problem of public health. The incidence of CHF in the European population reaches 0.42.0%. The disease is most common in elderly people. The average age of CHF patients is 74 years. The percentage of patients with systolic dysfunction not accompanied by CHF is similar to that of subjects with CHF symptoms. Nearly half of patients with the diagnosis of CHF die over 4 years. The survival time of 50% patients with severe CHF does not exceed 1 year. CHF patients have a poor longterm prognosis. CHF is most often associated with CHD. The left ventricular ejection fraction in many patients decreases below 4550%. However, there is no direct relationship between symptoms and degree of cardiac dysfunction (as shown by instrumental methods). Hence, the severity of CHF is mainly evaluated from functional parameters. 265 Ultralow doses There are a variety of clinical, electrophysiological, and other signs of poor prognosis of CHF. The major signs are a persistent decrease in BP, NYHA functional class III or IV CHF (clinical parameter), reduced level of maximum oxygen consumption (functional parameter), and low left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF, central hemodynamic parameter). Therapy for CHF is directed to the prevention of disease progression, maintenance or improvement of the quality of life, decrease in the incidence of hospitalization for CHF, and increase in the lifespan of patients. The drugs affecting the reninangiotensinaldosterone system are widely used to decrease the mortality rate of patients and incidence of hospitalization. They include angiotensinconverting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor antagonists (AT II; mainly in combination therapy), aldosterone antagonists, and βadrenoreceptor antagonists (Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Heart Failure, 2005). The angiotensin II receptor type 1 (AT1) mediates the key effects of AT II, which plays a role in the pathogenesis of arterial hypertension, complications of this disease, and CHF. Various fragments of the receptor have different functions. The extracellu lar fragment is responsible for binding of peptide agonists. The transmembrane fragment has a role in binding of peptide agonists, signal transduction to G proteins (rapid effects of AT), and binding of nonpeptide antagonists (including those used in clinical practice). The Cterminal intracellular fragment is in volved in signal transduction (phosphorylation and, therefore, longterm effect of angiotensin) and receptor internalization. The longterm effects of AT II include longterm regulation of vascular tone and remodeling of the vascular wall. Internalization is a key event of the receptor cycle, which serves as one of the regulatory mechanisms for AT II signal transduction. Arterial hypertension is accompanied by abnormalities in receptor internalization (impairment of signal transduction from the receptor) and overphosphorylation (M. de Gasparo et al., 2000; R. M. Touyz et al., 2000). The Cterminal fragment of the AT II AT1 receptor serves as a molecular target for Kardos. Antibodies to this fragment are the active component of Kardos (ULD for oral administration; Fig. 8.36). Previous experiments showed that Kardos has a hypotensive effect on animals with inherited arterial hypertension and exhibits the cardioprotective properties on the model of CHF. Toxicology studies revealed that this product has a good safety profile. Clinical trials at the Volgograd State Medical University were performed to evaluate Kardos efficacy in patients with arterial hypertension and CHF (P. A. Ba kumov et al., 2005; V. I. Petrov et al., 2005, 2006; V. V. Ivanenko et al., 2005; S. A. Sergeeva et al., 2006). 266 Chapter 8. Clinical pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies NH2 Agonists С С K 102 108 V 111 N 74 N R 167 163 D A P 198 T K 199 D R Y Y 292 N 295 N P L 300 301 F Y Antagonists 252 W L H P W S 294 N 256 P Y Kardos COOH Fig. 8.36. Functional fragments of the angiotensin II AT 1 receptor. Targets for peptide agonists and nonpeptide antagonists. Clinical studies of Kardos efficacy in patients with arterial hypertension. An open clinical study at the Volgograd State Medical University was designed to evaluate the safety profile and effect of Kardos in various doses on BP in normotensive subjects (healthy volunteers). During the first stage of the trial, Kardos pharmacodynamics was studied in 48 healthy volunteers (2148 years of age). These volunteers were divided into the following four groups (according to the dosage regimen of Kardos): group 1, 1 tablet three times daily; group 2, 2 tablets three times daily; group 3, 2 tablets five times daily; and group 4, 2 tablets six times daily. Kardos was given 2 h after the start of BP monitoring. The 24h profile of BP and incidence of AE were evaluated. According to the results of 24h BP monitoring, Kardos did not cause the decrease of BP in all four groups (Fig. 8.37). AE were not reported. These data indicate that Kardos has a good safety profile and does not cause firstdose hypotension in normotensive patients (E. A. Zernyukova et al., 2005). Kardos safety was demonstrated in CHD patients (no firstdose hypoten sion; N. A. Davydova et al., 2005). Pharmacodynamics and efficacy of Kardos during therapy of patients with arterial hypertension. An open randomized clinical study at the Volgograd State Medical University was designed to evaluate the antihypertensive properties, optimal dosage regimen, and safety profile of Kardos during therapy of patients with arterial hypertension. 267 Ultralow doses mm Hg 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Time, h Fig. 8.37. 24h BP monitoring in healthy volunteers. Acute pharmacological test with Kardos, 2 tablets six times daily (maximum dose). Systolic BP (1) and diastolic BP (2). The trial involved 40 patients (1870 years of age) with mild arterial hypertension. The patients did not receive hypotensive drugs in the pretrial period (2 weeks before the start of study). BP was 140/160 mmHg (systolic) and/or 90/100 mmHg (diastolic). The patients were divided into four groups. Kardos was given orally (lozenges) in the following four regimens: 1 tablet three times daily (group 1); 2 tablets three times daily (group 2); 2 tablets six times daily (group 3); and 1 tablet six times daily (group 4). The duration of therapy was 3 months (12 weeks). The state of patients was estimated at 4week intervals. The BP profile was estimated from the results of 24h BP monitoring. BP was measured manually. In group 1, the hypotensive effect of Kardos became more pronounced with an increase in the duration of therapy (significant decrease in diastolic BP during the nighttime). The hypotensive effect of Kardos in group 2 patients was observed after 1 month of therapy and remained unchanged over the next 2 months. Systolic BP decreased by 10.7% compared to the baseline value (manual measurement; 5.6% according to the results of 24h BP monitoring). A decrease in systolic and diastolic BP was particularly pronounced in the nighttime (by 18.7 and 27.2%, respectively). The hypotensive effect of Kardos on systolic and diastolic BP in group 3 patients was significant after 2week therapy (decrease by 7.3 and 7.7%, respectively; p<0.05; manual measurement). After 3 months of therapy, systolic BP decreased by 8.4 (manual measurement) or 11.4% (24h monitoring). These changes were accompanied by a 20.3% decrease in nighttime systolic BP (24 h monitoring). Nighttime diastolic BP decreased by 26.6%. The hypotensive effect of Kardos in group 4 patients was similar to that in group 3 patients. 268 Chapter 8. Clinical pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies Drugrelated AE were not reported by patients of all groups. In various regimens of 3 monthtreatment, Kardos had a moderate hypotensive effect on patients with “mild” arterial hypertension. A stable hypotensive effect of Kardos was observed after 2 months of therapy. Increasing the dose of Kardos was accompanied by a more rapid development of the effect. This product was most potent in modulating the nighttime level of BP. Therefore, Kardos had a normalizing effect on the 24h profile of BP. The product was well tolerated in various dosage regimens. A randomized, controlled, parallelgroup study of the efficacy of 4week therapy with various pharmaceutical formulations of Kardos (monotherapy and combination therapy for stage III arterial hypertension) was performed at the Volgograd State Medical University. A placebocontrolled study was performed with the drop formulation of Kardos. Patients of two open control groups received an ACE inhibitor and AT II receptor antagonist. All patients enrolled in the trial were divided into six groups of 15 subjects each: group 1, placebo (612 drops, three times daily); group 2, Kardos (612 drops, three times daily); group 3, Kardos (12 tablets, three times daily); group 4, Kardos (12 tablets, three times daily) and enalapril (5 mg twice daily); group 5, lisinopril (1020 mg once daily); and group 6, losartan (5010 mg three times daily). The duration of therapy was 4 weeks. The results of this study are shown in Table 8.15 and Fig. 8.38. Biochemical parameters remained practically unchanged during the course of monotherapy or combination therapy with Kardos. % of the baseline 14 SBP 24h DBP 24h BPm 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 Group Fig. 8.38. Decrease in BP in patients with stage III arterial hypertension receiving antihypertensive therapy for 4 weeks (24h monitoring). SBP 24h, 24h systolic BP; DBP 24h, 24h diastolic BP; BP m, mean BP. *p<0.01 compared to group 1. 269 Ultralow doses 270 Table 8.15. Results of 24h BP monitoring in patients with stage III arterial hypertension during 4week hypotensive therapy (mmHg, M±m) Group Parameter 1 2 3 4 5 6 24h systolic BP baseline 149.5±2.7 149.7±2.1 149.2±2.8 151.2±5.5 150.8±5.4 151.0±2.8 after therapy 150.6±2.9 139.9±2.4* 139.3±2.1 136.0±4.8 134.2±4.6 135.9±2.2 baseline 90.3±1.9 90.5±1.1 91.4±1.6 91.6±3.2 91.7±3.1 94.4±1.8 after therapy 91.2±2.3 84.9±0.9* 85.3±1.7 80,7±3.4 80.7±3.2 86.3±1.5 24h diastolic BP Mean BP baseline 118.9±3.8 113.1±1.9 113.3±1.0 115.4±2.9 114.7±2.8 115.2±3.6 after therapy 120.4±2.7 105.8±1.2* 105.7±0.9 102.8±1.7 101.5±1.9 104.3±2.8 Note. *p<0.05 compared to group 1. Chapter 8. Clinical pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies Side effects were not observed during Kardos therapy (including dry cough and firstdose hypotension). We conclude that 4week treatment with the drop formulation of Kardos has a strong hypotensive effect (as differentiated from placebo). Various pharmaceutical formulations of the product (drops and tablets, 4week therapy) produce the same hypotensive effect. Combination therapy with Kardos and ACE inhibitor potentiates the hypotensive effect of treatment. The hypotensive effect of lisinopril and losartan was greater than that of Kardos. Therapeutic efficacy of Kardos in patients with chronic heart failure. A blind, randomized, placebocontrolled study was performed at the Department of Cardiology and Functional Diagnostics (Faculty of Postgraduate Medical Education, Volgograd State Medical University). The trial involved ambulatory patients (2080 years of age) with a stable course of functional class IIIV CHF. LVEF did not exceed 35%. The patients received standard therapy for CHF (ACE inhibitors, βadrenoceptor antagonists, and diuretics). The infor med consent was obtained from each patient. The patients were randomized into groups to receive 6month therapy with Kardos (1 tablet three times daily; 30 patients, including 27 male subjects) or placebo (30 patients, inclu ding 24 male subjects). The efficacy and safety of therapy were evaluated during outpatient visits after 4, 12, and 24 weeks of treatment. The percentage of patients with improved functional class of CHF was considered as a primary efficacy endpoint. The secondary efficacy endpoints were an increase in physical tolerance (6min walking distance), variations in LVEF (echocardiography), and maximum oxygen consumption (treadmill test). The safety profile was determined by recording of AE. The statistical analysis was performed with patients who met the inclusion criteria and received therapy. The mean values were compared by Student’s t test for independent variables. The percentage of patients was compared by χ2 test for homogeneity of proportions. Kardos significantly surpassed placebo in the primary efficacy endpoint or one of three secondary efficacy endpoints. No betweengroup differences were observed in the safety profile. The average age of patients enrolled in the study and receiving placebo and Kardos was 53.9±1.0 and 57.3±1.6 years, respectively. CHF was associated with CHD in 28 patients of the placebo group and in 30 patients of the Kardos group. Arterial hypertension served as an etiologic factor of CHF in two patients of the placebo group and in three patients of the Kardos group. The baseline severity of disease did not differ in patients of both groups. Patients of the placebo and Kardos groups had FC III (15 and 19 patients, respectively) or FC IV (3 and 1 patients, respectively; Fig. 8.39). 271 Ultralow doses Placebo Kardos 10% 3% 40% 50% 34% 63% FC II FC III FC IV Fig. 8.39. Severity of CHF in patients enrolled in the study of Kardos efficacy for CHF. After 6 months of therapy, FC of CHF was reduced in 8 patients of the placebo group (26.7%; CI 95% = 14.244.5) and in 16 patients of the Kardos group (53.3%; CI 95% = 36.169.8). Among patients with baseline FC IIIIV, the improvement was observed in 8 subjects of the placebo group (44.4%; CI 95% = 24.666.3) and in 14 subjects of the Kardos group (70%; CI 95% = 48.1 85.5; Fig. 8.40). Sixmonth therapy was followed by an increase in LVEF in patients of the placebo group (from 26.4±1.1 to 28.0±1.4%) and Kardos group (from 27.1±0.9 to 33.6±1.5%; p<0.01 compared to the baseline value and placebo group; Fig. 8.41). Effect size was 1.01. The standard deviation of baseline LVEF for the combined sample was 5.52. The 6min walking distance increased in patients receiving placebo (from 390.5±11.9 to 409.1±11.5 m; p=0.12 compared to the baseline value; average a b Percentage of patients, % 80 LVEF, % 36 60 32 40 28 20 24 ! 20 0 Placebo Kardos Baseline 24th week placebo Kardos Fig. 8.40. Kardos efficacy during 6month treatment of CHF patients. Percentage of patients with improved FC of CHF (CI 95%, a); and systolic function of the left ventricle during therapy (b). *p<0.05 compared to placebo. 272 Chapter 8. Clinical pharmacology of products from ultralow doses of antibodies a m 440 b VO2max, ml/kg/min 22 ! 420 ! 20 400 18 380 16 360 14 340 12 320 10 Placebo Kardos Placebo baseline Kardos 24th week Fig. 8.41. Efficacy of 6month therapy with Kardos in CHF patients. Influence on physical tolerance (6min walking distance, a) and maximum oxygen consumption (treadmill test, b). *p<0.05 compared to the baseline value. increase 6.7±3.7%) and Kardos (from 378.7±12.4 to 419.6±13.7 m; p<0.05 compared to the baseline value; average increase 11.9±2.9%). After 6 months of therapy, maximum oxygen consumption in the treadmill test increased in patients of the placebo group (from 16.2±1.4 to 17.8±1.3 ml/kg/min, statistically insignificant) and Kardos group (from 17.4±1.2 to 19.5±1.3 ml/kg/min; p<0.05). After 6 months of therapy, the total score of the Minnesota questionnaire for assessing quality of life was reduced in patients of the placebo group (from 48.3±3.7 to 42.4±3.4 points) and Kardos group (from 47.5±2.8 to 39.1±3.0 points; p<0.05). Patients of the Kardos group were characterized by a significant improvement of myocardial remodeling (size and volume of the left ventricle), heart rate variability, and endothelial function (pulse wave propagation and endotheliumdependent vasodilation; V. V. Ivanenko et al., 2004a,b,c). Fatal outcome was not observed during 6 months of therapy. None of the patients withdrew from the trial. One AE was reported in the placebo group. Cardiac fibrillation was followed by decompensation of CHF, which required hospitalization of the patient. Combined treatment with Kardos (3 tablets daily for 6 months) and standard drugs was much more effective than standard therapy for CHF. Kardos significantly improved the clinical state, morphofunctional parameters of the heart, and tolerance to physical exercise. We conclude that Kardos is an effective drug, which has a good safety profile and may be used in combination with standard therapy for CHF. Kardos improves the prognosis of this disease. 273 Ultralow doses *** Chapter 8 reviews the results of clinical studies with ULD of antibodies. All clinical trials were performed in accordance with the Manual on Clinical Studies of New Pharmaceutical Substances in Russia (2005) and International Principles of Good Clinical Practice (GCP). Placebocontrolled clinical trials confirmed the results of preclinical studies. It was concluded that products of antibodies in ULD demonstrate the efficacy and good safety profile. Proproten100 was effective and had a good safety profile in the therapy of alcoholism and reduction of alcohol withdrawal syndrome. Tenoten was successfully used in the therapy of anxiety disorders. Anaferon and Anaferon for children were effective in the therapy of ARVI (influenza, adenovirus infection, respiratory syncytial virus infection, etc.), herpes virus infections (chickenpox, infectious mononucleosis, and genital herpes), and acute intestinal infections (rotavirus infection, coronavirus infection, and calicivirus infection). The efficacy and safety of Impaza were revealed in treatment for ED of various etiologies. Impaza was used as monotherapy or in combination with other drugs to improve potency (Viagra and Sialis). The efficacy and safety of Artrofoon were demonstrated in patients with RA, OA, and other autoimmune diseases. Some trials were performed with Epigam (therapy for gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer), Afala (treatment of BPH), and Kardos (CHF and arterial hypertension). It should be emphasized that the possibility of using antibodies in ULD is not limited to the described nosological forms. ULD of antiTNFα (Art rofoon), antiNOS (Impaza), and antiIFNγ (Anaferon and Anaferon for children) hold much promise for therapy of autoimmune disease (e.g.., non specific ulcerative colitis), endothelial dysfunction, and tickborne encephalitis, respectively. 274 CONCLUSION T he method for potentiation (activation) of ultradiluted solutions was empirically discovered by S. Hahnemann at the end of the 18th century. This approach was used to prepare medical products that have a good safety profile and do not cause drugrelated adverse events. Treatment with activated (potentiated) substances in ultralow doses was a part of the therapeutic method of S. Hahnemann (homeopathy). Hence, these products received the name “homeopathic substances”. A famous botanist K. Negeli (19th century) and other researches (20th century) showed that ultradiluted solutions of various substances exhibit the biological activity. There was no direct relationship between these properties and homeopathic doctrine. Experimental studies of ultralow doses by J. Benveniste and E. B. Burlakova were of high methodological quality and gained general acceptance in the scientific community. Homeopathy is based on a particular property of ultralow doses. They cause a hyperergic reaction, which increases the effect of potentiated products. Homeopathy is an effective, but casuistic approach. The method requires individualization of therapy, which limits the use of homeopathic remedies. Potentiated products have low biological activity. Therefore, ultralow concentrations cannot substitute for standard (therapeutic) doses of medical products. Our studies revealed that the activated form of a substance, which is prepared by the method of Hahnemann, can modify the effect of this substance (phenomenon of bipathy). The phenomenon of bipathy was demonstrated on biological and simple physicochemical models. Hence, ultralow doses are not the prerogative of biology. By contrast, they are the subject matter of various sciences. Ultralow doses may be used not only in medicine, but also in other fields of science and technics. The modifying (bipathic) activity of ultralow doses holds much promise for modern pharmacology. This property may be used to potentiate the action of pharmaceutical products, to reduce the adverse effects, and to prevent the development of drug resistance. 275 Ultralow doses We showed for the first time that activated antibodies do not inhibit, but modify the activity of the corresponding antigen. The modifying effect is a variant of the phenomenon of bipathy, which contributes to the development of a new class of medical products with ultralow doses of antibodies. The results of experimental and clinical observations are considered as a step to pharmacology of ultralow doses. The resolution power of modern scientific methods does not allow us to evaluate a physical basis for the activity of ultradiluted potentiated solutions. At the present stage of science, the mechanisms for action of ultralow doses are hypothetically explained. Our hypothesis of dual spatiotemporal organization of vital activity provides an explanation for the pleiotropic effects of activated substances. The reproducibility is a distinctive feature of the phenomenon of bipathy. New medical products developed on the basis of modifying activity of antibodies in ultralow doses meet the requirements of evidencebased medicine. 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Ustinov Publishing House of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences 14, Solyanka St., Moscow, 109240 Russia Tel: +7 (495) 6985778, 6985989 Email: [email protected], [email protected] Internet address: www.iramn.ru 302
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