HOW TO MAKE VEGETABLE -GARDEN ILLUSTRATED AND PLANTING WITH TABLES HARRISBURG, THE A COUNTRYSIDE 1915 PA. PRESS 6-5^,^, Copyright, THE 1909, SUBURBAN Copyright, THE 1911, 1914, PRESS 1915, COUNTRYSIDE by PRESS / CI.A416443 by TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 9 Planning Planting and Plan for The Things Supplying Preparing Quality 11 Done 13 13 Plant-food 16 Soil 17 Planting 19 and the Table Plan the Sowing A be to the Using and Variety Making 11 Seed Drill 22 Vegetable-Garden for a Family Six of 24 .... A Coldframe is Rotation of Useful Crops for Suggestions Desirable 27 Succession Vegetables Nine 26 28 Every Man Ought to Grow 30 ... The Late-started Keep Lettuce Beets Sown Get The Planting in Some Garden Garden Out in of June Table and 40 in Mature by for Sun the Melons Month 39 August 42 Cucumbers 43 Month Vegetables 46 62-73 INTRODUCTION part THE with procured the finest soil use gumption, likely is instinct from the folk hold they feel afraid gardening result in failure. from back they lack it follow are the be most of matter given brief but for some They they are for the stated emphatically In good because affair. gumption. may lot of Gardening directions (9) producing garden necessary, "know-how." should a toil that there a an be feel that a them gardening We yet and would the us the ing, garden- with not for And in this seeds operations complicated the of and did attempting it is too that tools instruments vegetables. ing garden- digested subject of sustenance means of had expression. the be to again, is largely that for in day every- written be all of almost struggling form amateur, in deep freely give would the on plain, plays you fertilizers,and soil the in the If the " it should your like would sense expensive most and down Way we to common treatises the just " big G. a elaborate very of large that so connection most gumption quahty is be that the pages of the INTRODUCTION 10 essential tables and the gumption, add that will not you a a like. Mix only give you of this and magazine articles, publishers. you much and ing plant- thoroughly with will have a joy, but will garden return saved. money material seed these and littletoil, profitin actual Much with operations,together originallyappeared is used in by permission of the TO HOW A MAKE VEGETABLE - GARDEN AND PLANNING MISTAKE A place made frequently too country, PLANTING is to leave the the on and planning . is to furnish the planting of the garden, which season's man supply of fresh vegetables, to some know how to grow things, has who, though he may and not requirements of given the particular needs careful table the planning which study and your are make to necessary possible a really satisfactory garden. least the at planning of the garden, and have supervision of the planting of it, should your is well It is a job that worth personal attention. looking after,for a great deal of the pleasure of the The whole season makes in will the amount and the depend upon quality of the green things which garden your furnishes for the table. And, incidentally, the very considerable a really good garden saving which be the season's household expenses is not to ignored. PLAN In FOR making constantly VARIETY your in mind AND garden these two (11) QUALITY TABLE plans, you should things : First, that keep the 12 HOW TO MAKE VEGETABLE-GARDEN A reallygood things of the garden the ones that make sit down, unroll chuckle to yourself as you you had anynever napkin and remark, 'Mother thing your on this;" the juicy, luscious,is-there-anyBantam more-in-the-kitchen? things, like Golden sweet beans, Mignonette lettuce,Brittle Wax corn, Gradus or spicy cantaloupe, should be had peas, it is of the season weeks out for just as many as ners dinthere are only seven possible to have them, is table quality;whether The second in a week! in the plebeian in the aristocratic stuffed pepper or of chance, but stewed onion, this is not a matter depends upon rapid,healthy growth, and the variety. Unfortunately, most of the garden's good things and mature either grow quickly,and are in the very for a very short period only, best table condition sweet such as peas, pod-beans, lettuce,and corn, else require such an or exasperatingly long time that we just get a little taste of them at the tail end of the season, such as lima beans, eggplant,and muskThe melons. these to overcome only way table regretDame Nature's shortcomings on part is to the garden planned so carefully, have tion by the selecof succession varieties and accurately timed succession is as one plantings, that as soon crop another will be ready, and, in the case of the gone long-seasonthings,to have them half-grown by the time you set them out, so that they will be nearly their first buds ready to show by the time your are neighl:)ors putting their seeds in the ground. So you see this garden business isn't such a simple " ' " TO HOW MAKE thing after all,and of which perhaps that now done, we let have us instructions further,that you have it has possibilities dreamed. never But fairlyclear idea of what is to be what most are definite,concrete get hoiu to do it. can THINGS THE 13 a see we VEGETABLE-GARDEN A TO BE DONE things to be done, and a few hours of decently hard have thought and work, if you to carry out someone instructions,will give your full not only of spinach and one a real garden, you beans, but of entrancing interest also,gratifyingnot only to the inner man, but to the keener palate of the Here are the " intellect. make To at your and information the disposal as definite and here data clear placed possible,it as headings, as follows: (1) Making the Plan, (2) Supplying the Plant-Food, (3) Preparing the Soil,(4) Sowing and Planting. To bring them all within the scope of a small book, it has been them to make brief,and omit necessary detailed reasons why. So, if you are going to follow portant them at all,follow them carefully,so that no imthings will be overlooked. has been put down under MAKING First of you will all,set down will want, require. and the Remember four PLAN THE in a the column number that of rows some vegetables of each you things, like 14 HOW TO MAKE A VEGETABLE-GARDEN yields continuously, should be chard, which planted sparingly,compared to peas or sweet corn, and yield onlj'two which more require much room, three pickings. Also, that such things as onions, or be stored for the beets, and cabbage, which may more bers generously than cucumwinter,should be sown Swiss or After peppers, each succumb to vegetable, put down which the first frosts. the varieties in the table are good, prefer. Those mentioned reliable sorts; if,however, you have favorite sorts of different things which are equally good, use them you instead of of these, if you like. Don't make the mistake trying a littleof everything. Then, if you want to do the job up properly,draw a plan of your garden to scale,showing the amount of space you have allotted for each vegetable. This be done distance can rapidly, as the proper very the rows of things is given in the tables on between 62 to 73. This will not only give you a much pages better idea of what your garden will be like,but will enable better as to the proporto judge much tionate you of space you may allot to each thing. amount In case garden space is very limited,and you your have to plan carefullyin order to get two even or three crops off of most of it during the season, it is this not only desirable but quite essential to make it will plan. The time and trouble taken to prepare be repaid a score of times by the amount of time and trouble it will save during the season. you Sucli a plan is simply the application of the principles of business efficiency to the garden. TO now 10 A MAKE SUPPLYING VEGETABLE-GARDEN PLANT-FOOD soil,the garden will be a poor one. of being in a condition Soil is not rich,in the sense the several to grow big crops, unless it contains in abundance to support plant-life ingredientsnecessary and in the proper proportions.Without getting it may be at all, into the technicalities of the matter has who stated that every a gardener, or person himself make herself familiar or garden, should with the fact that the three of these ingredients most which most are are important, and which phoric likelyto be deficient in the soil,are nitrogen,phosready acid, and potash. If your garden is not alsoils are and most not rich enough, nearly in a condition to grow big crops without being fed be abundantly first, these three things must up of a be supplied in any one supplied. They can Without rich " " but should not be stinted. A safe of ways, all the good, well-rotted stable-manure rule is to use number you can get, and in addition to this some fertilizer high percentage of potash, or sulphate or of potash alone; 300 to 500 pounds of the muriate former 150 to 300 or fertilizer, pounds of either sulphate or muriate, for each half-acre,will be none If you too much. can't get any apply a manure, dressing at the rate of 600 to 1,000 pounds to the half-acre of a high-grade fertilizer, with an analysis approximating 4 per cent of nitrogen,8 per cent of available phosphoric acid,and 10 per cent of potash. 400 If you will require a quantity above 300 or with a TO HOW pounds, much A MAKE the best and VEGETABLE-GARDEN cheapest way 17 is to get the materials, and mix your own. (For instance, nitrate of soda, muriate of potash, 16 age, tankper cent acid phosphate, and high-grade animal used in the proportion of 30, 40, 50, and 60 lbs. respectively,will give you a complete, high-grade as fertilizer, good as any market-garden fertilizer, with an analysisof approximately 4 per cent nitrogen, 8 per cent phosphoric acid,and 10 per cent potash.) the case The manure or as be, is fertilizer, may into the soil before the garden is planted. In worked addition to these, you should get a hundred pounds phate suleach of nitrate- of soda, and of muriate or or so of potash, to use as top-dressingsfor crops during growth. The requiring special attention judiciously used, will former, especially, when astonishing results; all the nitrogen produce most in it is quickly available,and plant growth is quite wonderfully hastened; thus increasing not only the instances,the quality of the output, but, in most chemicals crop and raw also. PREPARING THE SOIL FOR PLANTING prepared is a crop half-grown," is old farmer's an saying which is just as true of the back-yard garden as of the twenty-acre potato field. is no mistake There more by the universallymade of small gardens than that of planting in managers is but ill prepared. The soil which garden should be plowed or spaded as deep as possible,plowing being "A field well 18 MAKE TO HOW A VEGETABLE-GARDEN it is possible to use preferable where down is meant to By as ''deepas possible'' if that is anywhere within 12 inches of The subsoil is the raw dirt,usuallyhard and far Cucumbers and of a different color the to have is best can be the latter. A shallow, should latter each any from year, the not great effect upon soil, sub- the top. lumpy, later soil,and little of it, if the surface be worked but surface horse. the started in pots for transplanting outside will enable to gain time you lies just below soil is a up and mixed in sufficient with quantity its character. applied beforeplowing or spading, so turned under, down out of the way Manure that it of the HOW VEGETABLE-GARDEN A MAKE TO 19 garden implements, and fertilizer should be applied afterplowing, and before harrowing or raking. Thorough harrowing or raking drill seed and various as thorough plowing or spading; just as necessary in order to prepare be well done both a jobs must When are ready to plant, your good seed-bed. you on top as a garden should be as clean and smooth tennis-court,and pulverized finelyfor several inches to tell you fully below the surface. There is not room why such careful preparation of the soil is necessary ; that seed but the three most are important reasons will not germinate properly in a poorly prepared, lumpy soil,full of air-spaces;that plant-rootswill not be able to get hold of their food supply so readily in such a soil as in one well prepared; and that, next oughly the drought hits you, a thorJuly or August, when all the difference prepared soil is likelyto mean is between and success SOWING Unless you operation that the of AND failure. PLANTING through the interesting garden planting frequently enough so various have been details of the work have become carefullythe planting data, in the table on pages 62 to 73, plus be given as to which specialinformation may any kind and variety of vegetable on the package or in the catalogue. Many of the failures which beginners due have are merely to carelessness in every year almost second just this matter. nature to If you you, need follow to refer to the table 20 HOW frequently,you planting data on cardboard, and place near that you the can A MAKE TO VEGETABLE-GARDEN will find it a piece of a good plan paper, to paste it on copy a the heavy it up in the garden where you tack refer to tool-chest,or some keep your seeds,so it readily,or take it right out garden with you, if you wish. The planting dates given are for the latitude of York. For Boston, they will be a week New ten or days later,and for Philadelphia,or farther south, a week ten or days earlier. They are approximate, because temporary weather conditions,the character the garden is made, and the of the soil in which whether of the season, an nature early or a late when be the would spring, will all go to determine time to plant. proper The different planted in drills, vegetables are be required by their habit of or hills,as may rows, is in hills, least desirable method growth. The because, while it is bad to have the plants crowded the roots above to have ground, it is still worse instead of being distributed as evenly as restricted, possi})lethroughout the soil,that their search for be unhampered. Such things as plant-food may pole beans and melons, which formerly were always that so planted in hills,do better in drills or rows there is no crowding of plants. Beans, tomatoes, and other trailingor running plants will give larger and better crops if trained on a trellis than on poles. Another thing that you will notice is that the depth for planting varies with early and late plantings of the same for this is that things. The reason into the 22 MAKE TO HOW VEGETABLE-GARDEN A the spring more rapidly on the surface, and seed will germinate and sprout all right when planted shallow, which would rot if planted deeper. Later in the season, however, when the soil too hot and dry for proper the surface has become on germination,the right conditions are found deeper in the soil,and the plant is also in a better position is pretty sure to resist the attack of drought which the to soil come in warms later. USING SEED THE DRH^L days, the only practicalway of planting which opens size is to use a seed drill, a garden of any it up, the furrows, drops the seed, accurately covers all in one rolls it,and marks out the next row tion, operabe done by hand. better than it can and much be must Where; however, the seed for any reason should be hoed or put in by hand, the drills or rows marked out to the proper depth as evenly as possible, the soil has a before the seed planted and covered chance to dry out, and the top of the row pressed down by the foot or the back of the hoe, both to In these the compress earth and to mark the row. straightas a string;the only way to do this is to use a stringin marking out the first one; after that, if you are using a drill,the hills others will all be parallelwith it. In making and for such things as pole beans, muskmelons, cucumbers, unless the garden soil has been made very rich,it is well to put in a compost of wellBe sure to get all rows TO HOW rotted MAKE or manure, cotton-seed well into hill should a meal the be A VEGETABLE-GARDEN handful or bone soil in each broad and or meal more of 23 a mixture and tankage, mixed hill before planting. The flat,12 to 24 inches in diameter, and not raised above the surface surrounding soil,so that the rain will not from of of the run off it. settingout plants of such things as are started early under glass lettuce,cabbage, tomatoes, eggplant, and the like the soil just as carefully prepare would for sowing seed. If you as want to give you the plants a quick start, a handful of dry hen or so of bone meal, tankage, or cotton-seed meal manure, (or the three mixed together,as suggested before), half a pint of rich liquid manure, be put a or may into the soil where each plant is to be set, before planting. Select a late afternoon or a cloudy day, if If the leaves of the plant possible,to do the work. to be set are large and succulent, they should be trimmed back a third to a half before being set out. Be sure, above all things,to set the plantsfirmly into the soil. Set them deep enough so that about half the stalk, up to the first leaves, will be covered. Press the soil down about the ball of roots as firmly is set, unless the as possible,and then after the row soil is very moist, go back over it and, with the balls of the feet placed on of the either side of the stem plant,press them in still more firmly. This operation will take very little time, and leave the job done properly; you will find later that the time expended In " " on it is worth while, HOW 24 MAKE TO A VEGETABLE-GARDEN VEGETABLE-GARDEN A A FOR OF FAMILY SIX rally vegetable-garden should natudepend upon the size of the family to be fed,as and kinds of vegetables it the number well as upon The plan shown 25 is for is desired to grow. on page a garden sufficiently large to grow enough vegetables about for a family of six. It covers a quarter of an dimensions being 75 x 150 feet. acre, the exact The garden is laid out with the idea of cultivating the land with a horse cultivator;the rows, in some instances, could be closer together if a hand wheel In the latter case, onions, hoe only were to be used. close as lettuce,beets, and carrots could be grown 18 inches or 2 feet apart very comfortably, thereby as saving considerable room. of a vegetable-garden, it is In the laying out better,under most circumstances, to have the rows the short way of the garden if it is to be cultivated run with a wheel hoe. Should it be a long, narrow the long way, that run so piece,then the rows may there the is size of one's The * will not rows. A be certain really necessary horse and much so waste of amount the at cultivator are space at the ends of ground not planted for turning when a ends It is far better used. to . have of the its the rows run north and south, so that each side of light. equal amount Of course, the plan here for given is included lowed suggestive value, and need not be exactly folrow gets in every an detail. w 73' Walk rr. pj'tvifi tv'-^i'- - ^ " If -4* ^^'""^ " A'BACt jimtiuvjaoe (rfi*.eiv CrifA "va J"!^ ".'Sf-CiViV ~iyifiH!"a lW"l"[OtlffecCa^U"M"I" lnTitfptPlfrf Ji^_ eca!!.flt"~CJli."Ot"WJtt""j'i('-^"A"' ffa'Sif ]s^L'i"vst^ fi^-^'J fL'UVJl. - rj.Ajjs.f^^i'j 4 t.-jL.^-tU'jer it. Gl A J"ijr: e rsJ'k.vm. "'"* 2'"""" O T^.' :-'." S'-'IASU I" G well-arranged garden for (25) o" a 9""" O P family of six MAI^E TO HOW 20 A VEGETABLE-GARDEN COLDFRAME A IS USEFUL garden is made for a three-sash This is not absolutelyessential,but very coldframe. vegetables that one can useful,for there are many flower, start early in the coldframe, such as cabbage, caulionions, and celery, for planting for early in this Provision and Three sashes At end the and mats frame of the stack to used are radishes ample for will be in which space and lettuce crops, to there the cover for immediate use. ordinary family. an has been allowed a sashes, and if shutters the sash, they can also here. ])e stored of the and garden, asparagus rhubarb are planted. Like the coldframe, they are A dozen will provide plants of rhubarb permanent. all of that vegetable necessary. The balance of the end of the garden is devoted it may be found to asparagus. Early in the season of plants will not that this number give sufficient for the family, but that will only be for a asparagus the In end same week or two, for the rest of the some to give are row of all winter. there will be away. parsnips and hardy vegetableswhich A season It is a most salsifycomes next; they be left in the ground practicable plan to keep may doors outover going to be wintered close together for convenience. They can be harvested more readily,and the rest of the garden everything can bo which cleaned with up them. is at the season's end without fering inter- MAKE TO HOW ROTATION A DESIRABLE CROPS OF 27 VEGETABLE-GARDEN ever be planted with whatremaining space may vegetables are desired, but it is better to keep selves, all the plants of the same family in a group by themmaking rotation of the crops a simple matter. the land to practicerotation, It is not only easier on insects, but this plan tends to avoid trouble from from the trouble and to reduce plant diseases, as in the ground of these pests winter over well,as some the plants which where they infested the previous flower, For instance, cabbage, cauliwere summer grown. be two and never turnips should grown the same successive seasons ground because of the on rules apply to The club-root. trouble from same The potatoes, because if you course, and you before have potato scab not winters Of scabby potatoes, any grown over. careful to disinfect your seed planting, there will be less trouble are each from year this has only a small piece one really,when precaution against such troubles land, every and cause; of the should An be taken. effort has been made to in the plan little things,like show everything ought to go ; but other in between be grown radishes for instance, can be need not plants, and therefore space for them radish seed in the It is a good plan to sow indicated. where row with few days and are the in the A whole way row lettuce. The radishes will be up in a pull long before they of the lettuce plants. is shown, but do not plant of beans will be ready to TO HOW 28 all at these This MAKE Make once. will make until the the a sorts varieties of the beans snap as the are They are are peas shame the to rest week apart. will be maintained in, and, dwarf they have once kinds. SUCCESSIONS FOR successions convenient which come SUGGESTIONS The plantings a need not bother about produce, one one can longer because get any pole beans that are just as good for to bush two succession beans pole commenced VEGETABLE-GARDEN A indicated on for the gardener who the plan not may be tries to follow them. given only as suggestions,but the early off the ground so early that it would be a allow that portion of the garden to lie idle of the Therefore season. late crop, some like cabbage, cauliflower, celery,rutabaga, or spinach for the following season's crop, can be planted. Some people will probably find fault with this plan because all of the cucurbits squashes, melons, etc. Do for an not are planted in adjoining rows. instant think that because squashes, cucumbers, and melons of are growing side by side that the presence is going to affect in any the flavor of the one way " " others. There have been cases where lay the poor quality of fruit from due when, in reality,it was cause, in the first place,a lack of attention to all of which On tomato the could plan has plants,set 2 have been been indicated feet apart and tried growers the vines to or poor poor to this varieties tion, cultiva- avoided. of single row trained to sticks, a HOW 30 sweet MAKE TO A cucumbers^ corn, vegetables. This like ten twelve to will this long, and family through a carefullycultivated be enough to last EVERY All here are and better matter when they how kinds come small his of vegetables directlyfrom kitchen. the in the ordinary OUGHT MAN of several few a easy an summer GROW gardener, no amateur plot, can grow that always are the ground to all year. TO The of potatoes, if it is bushels VEGETABLES NINE beans, and similar thing capable of raising some- peas, is space fertilized and well VEGETABLE-GARDEN to grow, if the planting tables brief directions on pages given 62 to 73 are followed. good radishes, you must quickly. They do well in a lightsoil,if of the early varieties most it is well enriched, and ing. will be ready to pull in three to five weeks from sowbe maintained A succession must by sowing them weeks. Sow two thickly in drills from every If you them grow 12 to 18 want inches to have apart, and then thin them out. A good early variety is Early Scarlet Turnip Forcing; and Breakfast French Long Scarlet are also good early varieties. in every Lettuce should be grown garden. There is a peculiar delight in having this vegetable fresh the soil,with from a crispness and freshness that It is easy to grow. has. "boughten" lettuce never TO HOW MAKE A VEGETABLE-GARDEN 31 earlyspring crop must be started in the in the be made in March, but sowings may coldframe from April to October. Lettuce requiresa rich open and moist soil,with fertilizers containing much nitrogen and that act quickly. The very P Grand Rapids lettuce plants taken to Thin make open. flat ready coldframe, grow the crop thickly will have many plants, small and tender. you allow the plants to out to 3 inches apart and be set out in the a growth. Then they may If and from transplant sown in the HOW 32 TO MAKE A VEGETABLE-GARDEN Rapids is a good, loose-headed type and is good for early forcing; for the main crop there number of good varieties but one of the best are a Curled known is Salamander. Simpson is a secondlettuce must be early crop. During the hot weather protected from the sun to get the best results. The The romaine Grand varieties resist the heat Beets be may sown the ground can vegetable,good for as hardiest the it will sandy soil, both grow early worked; as as be grown. well. its roots in the this and While the almost anywhere beet spring succulent tops, is likes a if the one of light, ground is well tilled. in be sown extra-early crop, seeds may boxes in February or March, and transplanted to the be sown ground later. The seed may thickly, open and as the roots be pulled to give they may grow for the others. Make more room sowings two weeks apart throughout the season. Egyptian, Eclipse, For and an Edmand's three very are useful varieties. Another hardy vegetable is the pea. They may be sown the ground can be worked, but as soon as the ground should be deeply worked and thoroughly soil will do, but it should stirred. Almost not be any made to too rich, as the plants will run too much vine. Sow later a sow only the the wrinkled successional Plant rows in varieties smooth varieties and first, every two a weeks little for crop. double being from rows, 6 to 2 to 4 feet apart 8 inches apart, the according to variety. TO HOW MAKE VEGETABLE-GARDEN A 33 be planted early, 1 inch heavy land they may the depth deep ; in light,2 inches. Later in the season In should to be avoid Cultivation increased. injuring the roots should and to be shallow the conserve moisture. The the The dwarf half-dwarf and varieties are best for they will need the least support. latter may be given in form of brush wire. or O'Rourke Daniel is best for the early crop, followed by Nott's Excelsior and Champion of England. small The young garden tomato as succumbs plants should to be set out not 15, in the latitude of New As frost readily,so the until May 10 or York. used exclusivelyin a general thing, manure hill of rich garden soil gives too much vine growth. A dressing of nitrate of soda, acid phosphate, and muriate of potash, applied in the hill and well mixed a A mess of early peas 34 with HOW the TO MAKE A soil,gives the VEGETABLE-GARDEN best results. Use one-half soda, two pounds of acid phosphate, of potash to and one-half pound of muriate ate acid phosphate and the muriten plants. The every be applied in the hill and mixed of potash may with the soil before the plants are set, and the nitrate the plant four or of soda applied to the surface near five days after setting. Do not let the nitrate touch the plant. Tomato plants should be set about 4 feet apart. Set the plants low trifle lower than the surface a of the garden. In garden culture, the greatest yield and best conditions obtained for ripening the fruit are by trainingthe vines upon a pole or trellis. They should be tied to the support looselyso as not to choke the growing stem. Tomatoes be regularly but carefullycultivated. must In working around large plants, there is danger that the fine rootlets which are to reinforce it through its bearing season be cut. It is better may and conserve moisture ing to discourage weeds by drawthe soil over the hill about the plants,instead of cutting into it with a hoe. Sweet corn is one of the products of the vegetablegarden which must be eaten very quickly after it has been picked, if it is to be enjoyed to the utmost. It be growoi can on rich,well-drained soil,and it any does not need the soil so thoroughly preto have pared is for some of the other garden as necessary crops, like onions, for instance,or strawberries. pound of nitrate of " Tomato plants may be (35) trained to stak' TO HOW 36 Plant the cherries hold far are pretty much true better all over the country, and is settingany absolute dates, because it is accurate, being a better indication of the than more of the advance The VEGETABLE-GARDEN A extra-earlyand early varieties when the in bloom; the second-early and main in flower. This rule will the apples are when crops MAKE season. distance apart to plant varies according to the variety. If you are going to use a wheel hoe, the dwarf, extra-earlyforms, like Peep o'Day and Golden Bantam, should be planted as close as 2 feet, while the second-earlies should be planted 3 feet man, apart, and the late varieties,like Country Gentlecorn 4 feet. The earliest sweet growing is Peep which o'Day, a corn only 2\^ feet high and grows bears two close to the ground. You ears never get this corn in market, for the market-gardener would consider it worth not growing; but for the home garden it is well worth putting in a few feet of drill of this variety,in order to get the earliest possible corn worth corn. Golden Bantam, Early Fordhook, Early Adams, Early Cory, and the White-cob Cory are all early varieties. early sweet sweet which corns Golden Bantam corns. in that It is the is one of the best of these distinguishedfrom the other kernels are a golden yellow, and early. It is very sweet gives it its name. such midcome Closelyfollowingthese in season varieties as Early Cosmopolitan, Champion, season week's is really about Crosby's Early. There a 38 HOW TO VEGETABLE-GARDEN A MAKE and Golden Self-blanchingare plants. White Plume good early varieties. This method gives the best flavor,but boards or placed closely to the plants to exclude the paper be used. lightmay out-of-doors in April. be sown The late crop may is hot and If the weather dry, shade the plants. Trcading-in carefully firmed the celery seed. after the seed It is necessary is sown to that the ground bring the moisture be to surface. Set Transplant when the third or fourth leaf comes. for the as firmly and cultivate cleanly. Blanch in early varieties. Celery requires a rich soil one which there is much nitrogen. is a tender The bean vegetable,and should not be planted until the weather is settled and the soil and loose. No warm vegetable seed decays more " MAKE TO HOW quickly. Almost A VEGETABLE-GARDEN 39 soil will do if it be well enriched any well worked. and Beans planted are apart, in shallow planting. Bush lima beans are drills. beans limas bush apart and inches 2 are a deep Firm and the inches after ground planted in little farther generallyplanted 3 2 rows apart. feet Pole in hills 2 to 4 feet apart. The various kinds of stringbeans, green and wax, planted at intervals of two weeks from the first planting until August. Of the lima beans, which take, a longer season to mature, only one planting is For the small garden, the bush limas usuallymade. be planted much to be preferred,as are they may closer and there need be no unsightly poles. The in the planting noted best varieties of beans are are table. THE LATE-STARTED GARDEN large proportion of amateur deners garwith the problem of startinga confronted are garden after most of the others have finished planting, harvested of the early birds have even and some some early plantings. All the best of the vegetables,such as beans, sweet and cucumbers, will mature muskmelons, corn, is simply If one in June. when sown good crops even return in the country, and must spending the summer to the city early in September, then only the more quickly maturing kinds should be planted; but, if Every year a HOW 40 TO MAKE A VEGETABLE-GARDEN the stay is to last until cold weather in,a larger sets be grown. variety of vegetables may The quickest-growing vegetable that one may is the radish. In rich,moist soil,radishes will grow from sowing the seeds. be ready to eat in three weeks of good radishes is rapid growth; slowThe secret growing radishes are usually too fiery. For flavor in salads,plant a little mustard, which will be ready for eating in thirty days, or even less. be frequent sowings. Lettuce There must sown early in June will be ready to eat in July and August. But good lettuce in summer is hard to grow, for the plants are very apt to throw out seed-stalks without If having previously produced good, edible heads. the ground is rich and moist, and the soil is stirred three or four days, so that it has no chance to every bake, good heads will be formed. KEEP The grown LETTUCE position in also makes OUT the a OF THE SUN garden where the difference. Select a lettuce is spot where plants will be shaded a little from the intense The difference. midday sun. variety also makes a The crisp,heading type, of which Iceberg is the best known, stands the heat much better than the cabbage type. A good hot-weather variety of this latter the type is All Seasons. that does not Spinach is another summer green take kindly to hot summer weather, but, if seeds of the large-leaved varieties are planted, they will HOW TO MAKE produce good, excellent leaves in edible substitute VEGETABLE-GARDEN A for the and July August. An spinach is the is reallya figcut off, cooked common Zealand spinach; this The tender new wort. growths are and served the same as spinach. It will of heat and drought. amount so-called New 41 stand any mmsm: Brussels Bush beans Sprouts sown be planted may early in June in June will bear crops in supply of tender beans may be had all summer sowings long if more made at intervals of ten days or two are weeks, and The all the beans picked while they are still tender. to do better during the yellow or butter beans seem hottest weather than kinds, and the yellow green July and ones in are August, and not so a constant liable to rust the green however, the as are varieties ; latter are spite of this drawback, worth planting. Good varieties of yellow beans are Butter Wax, Refugee and Wax, Round-podded 42 HOW TO MAKE A VEGETABLE-GARDEN StringlessWax; of green beans, StringlessGreenPod, Extra-Early Valentine and Extra-Early Refugee. early By planting an early variety of sweet corn be had in August; and at in June, edible ears may time sowings of the larger-earedvarieties, the same like Stowell's Evergreen and Country Gentleman, for the early fall crops. of the Some should be made people make early varieties are so good that many frequent plantings. Experienced gardeners prefer Golden a Bantam, yellow variety. It is sweeter of the early white than most varieties,and a few successive sowings will insure an all-summer's supply. BEETS SOWN IN JUNE MATURE IN AUGUST in June, vegetable which, if it is sown Use one will be ready to eat in August, is the beet. Red Dark of the early kinds, like Detroit or Early rather thickly,and as soon Model ; sow as they come the thinnings for greens. out and use up thin them better in August than the These beets will be much would buy from the larger, older roots that one for by this time the early-sown beets green-grocer, have become woody. the most Like the beets, young carrots are luscious,but they will not be large enough to eat carrot quite so quickly as the beets. Early June-sown seeds produce good roots early in September. One the small should early or forcing carrots, as grow tender than the more larger, coarser they are Another kind. HOW TO MAKE VEGETABLE-GARDEN A 43 find a place in should plants of tomatoes the June-planted vegetable-garden; but these must the forethought to has had be bought, unless one start the plants in the window-garden. Buy early satisfaction in getting kinds is no varieties. There that are only just coming into bearing and have a heavy crop of unripe fruit on when the frosts arrive. and Chalk's Such varieties as Earliana Early Jewel A few will bear earlier than most kinds. other vegetables which everybody likes to grow, and the home-picked muskbe equaled by those cucumber melon or can never that are bought in the market, because the melons be left on the vine until they have must acquired a flavor and to be at their best. aroma Cucumbers, be absolutelyfresh. They lose too, to be good must their crispness in a very short time, when being shipped. Cucumbers GET The IN middle and SOME melons are MELONS of June is two AND none CUCUMBERS too late in northern plant the seed of melons and cucumbers. time; they will Squashes may be planted at the same earlier. mature just as early as though sown has a good If you wish to have a vegetable which turnip flavor and yet is not so strong, grow kohlrabi. This is rather a peculiar-lookingvegetable. It is ous hemispherical in shape, with leaves coming at variplaces,unlike the turnip,all the leaves of which finer The grain is much spring from the center. localities to HOW 44 that than MAKE TO VEGETABLE-GARDEN A of the too late to turnip, and the is flavor more dehcate. It is not for a The one should Kohlrabi is seeds of but for a use at this time Erfurt, Snowball, and any first crop of Early of the late kinds it may be cabbage and in the late use flower cauli- summer peculiar-looking vegetable get plants. The for Dwarf fall crop, sow may best are flower varieties of caulithe Extra-Early Of Snowstorm. be sown, and bage, cab- for the possiblestill to buy good plants Jersey Wakefield. HOW 46 MAKE TO GARDEN THE VEGETABLE-GARDEN A MONTH BY MONTH JANUARY While garden work should digging is possible,there is much actual no to done be this devoted be A now. month great deal of time planning the to garden. Draw and on paper the arrange utilize it the Decide entire that over of time and plan of your proposed garden, ground so that you will be able to a your the labor only by making season. garden will be a last in efficiencyand next devoted to it. This can vast provemen im- economy be done plans now. Send for the seedsmen's catalogues and make up order early. This will help the seedsmen to your give you better attention than when the rush season begins, and will also insure you that you will get all the varieties you pected want, and which, through unexbe out of stock later on. demands, may taken have undervegetables that you never Try some before. to grow Experiments of this kind often result in delightfulsurprises. very Get all of your garden tools in shape. If any parts If any tools worn or are broken, replace them now. with benzine, and paint with are rusty, scrub them white lead and lard. good time to decide on garden tools,so that your order may early. Now is your a any additional go to the facturers manu- HOW MAKE TO VEGETABLE-GARDEN A 47 FEBRUARY As the soon as have you garden tools and those that are ordered decide seeds,look over need to replace your what you out. worn Sow, in greenhouse or window-garden, seeds of for cabbage, cauliflower,tomatoes, and peppers planting outdoors early. Try some Jersey Wakefield cabbage in flats filled with lightloamy soil. Sow the seed the last of the month. It should be sown thinlyand covered lightly. The flats may be placed in a hotbed, or in any warm, the plants develop, transplant as place. As soon sunny to flats \}/2inches apart, and expose to the air the is favorable. when weather be They may removed Sow to a coldframe in March. Prizetaker some greenhouse, late in the open ground in rows ground is in working onions the or be set 3 inches and month, condition. hotbed transplant to foot apart one a as The soon as the plants should apart. Spread heavily well-rotted in flats in over your during manure rhubarb the dressing of a latter part of the month. If you would like rhubarb, place a headless more sturdy plants, and around them. Cover The satisfaction well repay you in the of extra-early stalks some the barrel top of the these little time operation. a pile fresh having for the over few of of the horse-manure barrel early and lightly. stalks trouble will volved in- MAKE TO HOW 48 A VEGETABLE-GARDEN MARCH As the as soon be ground can be worked, peas may of the early, smooth varieties are planted. Any good for this purpose. be planted as soon the as Spinach seeds may The be worked. ground can plants will take the in the fall. place of that sown Do not let potatoes that have been kept for seed be stored in a temperature that sprout. They must is low, say, near the freezingpoint. Pick out all decayed specimens. the end of the month, sow the seeds of Toward artichokes for next year's.crop. They like a rich, deep, sandy loam. If you have old plants,give them forked in. a dressing of old, well-rotted manure, Sow lettuce intervals repay and of ten days Asparagus beds of bone meal Barnyard Cover or for the time you or They at will well better for a good commercial too many top-dressing fertilizer. weed seeds. ing clumps with pilesof fermentwant to force some early stalks. rhubarb if you manure other hotbed attention. and will do in the weeks. two introduces manure the seeds radish APRIL You gain time by startingbeans, both the stringvariety and limas, in pots, to be transplanted outdoors when all danger of frost is past. Four weeks before planting-out time is sufficient to start them. can HOW on method inverted sods a row summer. The roots. of Be garden. sow you all gaining time which, later on, can Another into the VEGETABLE-GARDEN A MAKi: TO to sure sow 49 plant beans put directly is to be beet some seed. If thickly,they will produce Always thin out by pulling the larger of seeds tops of beets young excellent make greens. cabbage and cauliflower seed in beds for transplanting,for the late out-of-doors and The fall crops. summer early plants that are the in the frames should be transplanted as soon as off to harden ground is ready for them, but be sure ing plants from hotbed and coldframe before transplantYou can now sow them. be Celery may for the main sown in seed-beds now out-of-doors crop. carefullythe eggplants that have been sown earlier,as a check to their growth be serious. Transplant to either paper would now the pots are or large enough. clay pots, but be sure Spade a good dressingof fertilizer into the asparagus bed. This work be done must carefully,so as not to injure the crowTis. Be A to sure small amount be useful be ready for should for some the of in two use as and mustard weeks. and in pots in the seeds will plants will Successive sowings salads. long as they muskmelons seeds and cress seasoning be made Start sowing water are The wanted. cucumbers coldframe now, or on by verted in- sods. Parsnips and salsifythat have been left in the HOW 50 MAKE TO VEGETABLE-GARDEN be should all winter ground A they start into of these vegetables,sow before new dug now, growth. For seeds as soon and stored new crops the as ground be worked. can of for water parsley in warm doors. twenty-four hours before sowing in the ground outThese seeds are very slow to germinate. Sow varieties of peas just as soon smooth the as For later plantings,use the ground can be worked. wrinkled varieties. The ground should be prepared for the wrinkled than deeply, and should be warmer Soak for the smooth If you flats and head to get the early potatoes, sprout the tubers before use an early planting them. be done can As varieties. wish variety and This seeds the soon by placing the potatoes in shallow keeping them in a light,warm place. the ground can be worked, sow both as and loose lettuce seeds outdoors. leeks. delicate flavor They have a more than onions. As soon the plants get started,thin as to 6 inches apart, and blanch them by placing brown collars on them, held in place by small stakes. paper Try some If you artichokes want to have from they should be started at once The latter are better because named for next seed or varieties year, plants. can be obtained. One row of Swiss chard will supply an ordinary family with greens all summer. Sow as spinach seeds as soon possible,planting Long-standing, or a similar heat-resistingvariety, for earlysummer use. As MAKE TO HOW A VEGETABLE-GARDEN 51 the radish sow ground can be worked seeds. Use the turnip-rooted varieties for the early in twent}^ days. If you want They will mature crop. as soon earlier crops, Be sow that sure your in the to plants get careful water. Transplant to be sure pepper attention, especially as or clay pots, and paper largeenough. Tomatoes in the coldframe. the seed coldframe the that hotbed or pots should are be as they have transplanted to paper pots as soon good root-growth. They will make sturdier plants. MAY In settingout tomatoes, eggplants,and the weather be sure no frost,a sudden that is settled. Even drop in temperature at peppers, if there is night may kill them. Do let the not They will rot if the weather ground must be quite warm of the middle in the they appear plant pole and bush not month Pull flower. when flower-stalks Do rhubarb lima out the clumps. beans is cold and early. rainy. The too germinate them. The will generally be found early to enough. After some a May more every plant sweet ten days or com, two and weeks then put in to maintain succession. If you to 15 started transplant them. outside for a is the time glass,now the ground is warm, sow beets under When succession. HOW 52 MAKE TO VEGETABLE-GARDEN A Cabbages generallydo best on freshlyturned sod. They should be set out before the land has had time rich land. to dry out after plowing. Cabbage needs Put all the on manure the end Toward It ground. open can you of the month, plant melons is useless has after settled weather spare. to put arrived. in the them out They require until a soil. rich,well-manured of peas. Be sure Use to provide for a succession first the early smooth varieties;later,plant the weeks. kinds for two wrinkled Wire poultry-netting is excellent for trainingup the pea-vines. A of starting cucumber seeds is in good way inverted sods If you want some or pots. paper like dandelions for use as a salad or greens spring, the seeds should tap-root requires a whole year next The planted now. produce a good whorl of leaves. It is wise and practicalto sift dry wood-ashes cabbage, cucumber, and squash plants before flea beetle has had a chance to establish and be to on the itself near them. of preventing method highly recommended the striped beetle from harming melons, cucumbers, and as squashes, is to protect each hill as soon planted with a frame covered with mosquito netting. Don't forget that weeds will get a good start in soft muggy The days and May if you let them. for growing ideal conditions frequent rains make at the well squelch them as weeds, and you may A start. HOW 54 TO that closely,so soon as melon MAKE VEGETABLE-GARDEN A you fight the striped beetle may it appears. vines with It is wise a cheesecloth-covered If you the borer, cover with there would the northern In some melon good crop can be It is also not northern and, the stem- squash vines here and that they can take root. it is not too late to plant if the fall is a late one, a very had. too late to Those states. loss from as the states seeds until its ravages. attention same prevent jointsof little soil,so a the the cover boxes withstand they are tough enough to much Squashes need melons. practiceto as plant lima in the beans of the tall varieties that are already up should be trained on poles. Be trellises for the to provide stakes sure or Where tomatoes. neither is convenient, put down brush This will for the plants to run some over. keep the fruit cleaner and drier and lessen the chances of rot. Plan well take Keep to sow the place of the ground free from and turnips for fall use. some weeds. drills, they should some about They may of the earlier crops. well stirred the onions If onions be thinned been have to 4 or sown 5 inches in apart. JULY Just because the asparagus is not a producing for neglecting is no reason throughout the summer will it. Keep it thoroughly cultivated, and you find that such a policywill pay you well next spring. crop TO HOW MAKE A VEGETABLE-GARDEN July 1 is not too late pods of this vegetable are harvested are for The hot New summer the winter with a months, and The be spinach. As late a be well to sown a during the take the rule,only the large radishes sowing of to sure to the spray keep down do better the put in peas, vines the mildew troubled. are than If too many be dried may eaten. are late peas months thrives may fungicide,in order which they The months. spinach If you want to try Daniel O'Rourke, but with okra. some in soups. use, Zealand place of the common tipsof the growth plant used for immediate during use to 55 small during the varieties. hot Try mer sum- some. Certain and of the varieties may be stored for winter use, will keep fresh all winter and be as mild as the first spring radishes. cabbage, cauhflower, and celeryplants. This, of course, may follow some early You still set may out crop. You take can a sow chance corn on the July 1, if you frosts being late. about want Plant to an early variety. If you germinate well during the hot summer in a be sown weather, they must moist, shaded place. Only the hot- weather-loving varieties should be planted. Do not forget to spray potatoes with bordeaux mixture containing arsenate of lead or other arsenical would poison, if you prevent any bad effects from the blight. want lettuce seeds to TO HOW 50 MAKE that Remember VEGETABLE-GARDEN A rhubarb requiresplenty of manure. Wise gardeners sow of rows under give at corn the you last sow be succession. They can has been occupied by cabbage or spinach. If with feeder between in order on the the turned soil and to maintain ground of the early crops put some beets some for fall the to and that like They will be found remarkably tender when ready to pull. the melons, cucumbers, and squashes you spray bordeaux and mixture, mildew blight will be Sow to be clover humus beans wax gross cultivating. This, spring,will add cheap nitrogen. to a crimson next Continue a is use. held in check. AUGUST It is not too late to make a last sowing of the early table sorts of beets for a succession. The be ready early crop of cabbage should now for harvesting. Give good cultivation to the main the bugs and the worms. crop, in order to keep down the onions are As soon well formed, begin to as them. harvest They should lie on the ground until barn well cured in the air and then be placed on a other floor and or spread out thinly for a thorough drying. The last crop of celery may still be set out early in the month if the rows hoed frequently and the are plants are kept growing. Did drain-tiles for ever you try the common TO HOW MAKE A VEGETABLE-GARDEN blanching celery? Put them the latter are half-grown. tops from the over the Cut the Cut off the old tops of asparagus the old stubs 57 plants when plants toward If you the end of the month. do not do this,the seeds will fall and germinate in places where they ought not to be. asparagus close to the sticking up are hkely to scratch the hands when harvesting next year's crop. Burning the tops will effectuallydestroy the seeds. the garden often. This will make Cultivate a the moisture, and and conserve good dust mulch is important this the of moisture conservation ground, as month. cabbage and other crops, plan for future fertilization by planting seeds of rye or of vetch and the other legumes. These can in next be turned spring, in order to make green When harvested have you fertilizer. week, radishes,beans, and lettuce for supply of fresh vegetables for the early fall. Sow a every If you would have an season, sow middle of the month. with up and bordeaux sweet corn the and blight on fight against mildew melons by spraying at regular intervals the mixture. If your potatoes have become infested with they will not keep well through the winter. after the of at the end extra-early variety before the Keep squashes some blightand the of lead in bordeaux bugs by spraying with mixture. blight, Keep ate arsen- VEGETABLE-GARDEN A MAKE TO HOW 58 SEPTEMBER nearly time to get ready for winter in the be harvested must vegetable-garden. Many crops which before any damage is done by the earlyfrosts, It's toward come The and beets of the month. end the should carrots should be stored in be housed before cool place,and will in sand. do well if they are imbedded In storing that they so beets, be careful not to injure them bleed,because they lose in quality if they are bruised. is an In banking the celery, which important part of the work of the month, be careful not to get it to rot. earth into the heart, which will cause frost. They Sow lettuce in coldframes some early winter It use. of the other many a It is not for fall and will be appreciated when things of the garden are gone. late to too now radishes some sow so in cold- frames. should Rhubarb a serves and double the mulched be purpose enrichment with It manure. for the winter ^i^rotc^ction of the ground for the next " spring'scrop. If you have not asparagus-bed, do the already so at cut once, off the tops from and be to sure the burn tops. Another melon and wise precaution is squash vines as soon to collect all of the they are through gardeners defer this been killed by frost. Some bearing and burn them. operation until the vines have As the garden approaches the as end of the season, TO HOW MAKE keep it cleaned should plants then be VEGETABLE-GARDEN All refuse up. that sure A insect dead burned. and gathered any and 59 pests which vines and You are they be may destroyed. Be sure to store the squashes and pumpkins in a cool,dry place,but one that is free from frost. lima beans the shell and should be picked Both be then before the frosts kill the plants. They may harboring shelled for winter digging hours. the dried and After days are Put in an use. potatoes, dry them the for bags and store them airy place, and then they are for into them a a ready few few for cellar. of sweet Growers potatoes find that they will keep dug before the vines frost. They have to be sweated better if touched are before with being the stored. OCTOBER celeryout of the ground. Dig chicory,and store in damp sand. Clean and fertilize the asparagus patch. endive Blanch by tying the tipstogether. the Get If you have White grub Transplant winter no set out asparagus, some now. is easilydestroyed by fall spading. for some parsley into window-boxes use. Start well with Clean excellent rhubarb-patch this month, a and mulch manure. up all shelter cabbage for stumps. cabbage worms. They provide HOW GO MAKE TO VEGETABLE-GARDEN A Parsnips should not be harvested, excepting as for use. wanted They have a better flavor if left in the ground. and rhubarb, dig If you have plenty of asparagus of the roots for forcing in the cellar. The up some will do heat furnace Squash bugs garden, and it. be can found boards under laid in easily destroyed. They seek shelter under the boards during the night. Spade up the garden and leave it rough over will be winter. Many pests, including cutworms, destroyed by the loosening up of the ground and the thus of their cells. destruction consequent NOVEMBER planted spinach,give it a lightmulch of litter or straw. Use just enough to hold a little and prevent alternate thawing and freezing. snow of good, wellrhubarb should have a mulch Your is a, gross feeder, and the Rhubarb rotted manure. If you mulch have will serve and the double of winter purpose tection pro- soil nourishment. good time to attend to hotbed repairs and all the sash not in use and repainting. Gather store in a dry place. Before putting your garden tools in winter quarters, is Now them look broken them a and over If any paint with of the parts. and lard and one part of order tools renewals are for rusty, any scour coating of three parts of powdered resin,melted together. a thin A studying planting tables of PLANTING TABLE kinds, we are convinced many will find this the most helpful and practical table been which has ever tor planting vegetables published. In using hundred miles north or south. the table, allow ten days for every one After that the amateur (62) FOR VEGETABLES of the latitude throughout to have When a of New the York followed City. If this table is carefullj^ it will make it possible ior the amateur succession of vegetables until late in the fall. summer, constant selecting varieties, it is best Thin or Transplant Season 24 36 X of local seedsmen. the Cultural Information Crop (inches) to consult to French September Grow Globe is in rich soil. the 3G X April-Juno Bears three slightprotection. Barr's if given years Mammoth, best White has off and Cut x24 June, July As to frost 30 Aug. to frost stalks. Needs lightlyfirst season. burn stalks For in fall. early main plant crop Broad crop. of off commercial Needs X metto, Palmoth Mam- pods have formed, plant to force top into strength pods. For early crop plant Henderson's; second early, Dreer's; main crop, Plant the "eye" down. Large Bush. Use 36 white or When break Aug. for two varieties. bed hardy as peas. Early Mazagan; Windsor. gathered are Colossal, and green rich soil. Cut 12 sort. for the fiower-heads, which they open. before 24 standard Is grown fertilizer in row. land. warm early plant Early Sieva; crop early. Early Jersey; main Large White; late crop, Dreer's crop. Use 10-foot Pole. poles and plant before them putting in the beans. For early crop plant Early Valentine; main second early, Refugee Wax; Golden late Wax; Early crop, crop. For second 12 x24 July on Sow Valentine. every two weeks for succession. 36 X 36 Aug. to frost For early crop plant Kentucky Caseknife Dutch Wife bear IVo 9x18 July on are good, but der. Won- and later. Lazy All will until frost. For second Egyptian; early crop, main early.Eclipse; Edmand's; crop, late crop, Sow Egyptian. rieties early vatwo weeks, using beets every when (63) small and tender. A (64) PLANTING TABLE FOR VEGETABLES, Thin or Transplant continued Season (inches) to 24 x3G of Cultural Crop July Oct. to Information better cauliflower, but adapted than it for the cool North. For early crop Early White; grow Similar to main Mammoth crop, White ^or " Purple Cape. IS X 36 October Good on varieties x36 July touched Are hardy, so during winter if cornstalks. or protected with straw field; early, plant Early Jersey Wakesecond early, All-Head; main For on early August Good on Flat Late Large Solid. about 18 July grown. Large are Grow on Spanish, rich ground. with stems early For crop which on feet high tie tops together, and draw earth straw 3 protect X Late land on were peas varieties When Dutch. planted be can x36 frost. by be left outdoors crop. 24 Island, Salgood until Not may 24 Long are keith, Half-Dwarf. blanch. to crop plant Early crop of Forcing; Danvers; early, main crop, late crop, tinuous Early Forcing. For con- on second 24 X 18 July to Oct, small tender roots bi-weekly. sow For earliest earliest Dwarf sov/ crop Erfurt; second main crop, August 6x48 For on earliest crop, 24 June to frost No choice Giant of like nitrate X grow crop early, Golden abundance as cool a White Plume; Self-blanching; Pascal. Cook x36 Aug. to frost and an manure of soda. to varieties. Commence serve 6 inches formed. like beet greens. early plant Peep o'Day; second midseason, Bantam; early, Golden main Crosby's Twelve-rowed; crop, two weeks, Stowell's plant every For Evergreen. (65) Give nitrogenous leaves cutting when are leaves will be high. New 36 weather soil. rich, moist second main Needs Erfurt. Dwarf and early,Early Snowball; Algiers;late crop. Earliest A (66) PLANTING TABLE FOR VEGETABLES, Thin continued or Transplant Cultural Information (inches) to June 6x6 Grown on mostly substitute outdoors Of on all winter the it will can be grown live a tection pro- leaves. cress Curled sow weeks; again; water grow in damp soil or when two every cut Good Will if given or garden Upland salad. lettuce. of straw June fall for for cress well as as in water. July frost to early crop Early grow Spine; second early, Cool and For main plants indoors 12 30 X X 18 36 Grown Following spring Aug. for pot York New there 12 Sept. through IS not crop, White Make successive weeks. or give the same Good cabbage. Dwarf Green, Curled and Brown. For early Early bulbs June to frost For are early,grow main (67) crop. hot weather hot midday Siberian in Short-leaved grow or in frames; Vienna. 3 inches head; second as are Scotch, Dwarf Vienna Vienna White attention early "greens." crop White Early Purple or store use varieties Sow for September Aug., Sept. two every winter in the cellar. Curled x24 main Broad-leaved. sowing For for 12 riety. va- and Curled; Curled three Grow September best in garden set sow Green plants X is the Spineless early, For winter 12 few They plants ground is thoroughly warm is no danger of frost. until X herb. a sods. are greatly is by blanching, which done with by covering an A-shaped varieties French trough. Good are Garden, Thick-leaved, Large-leaved. Do 12 inverted on Crisp; Start improved frost to Green. Long crop. White main Gather Early crop, when in diameter. Grand Rapids, a looseearly, Curled Simpson; Salamander. protect sun. lettuce During from A (68) PLANTING TABLE A (70) PLANTING TABLE FOR VEGETABLES, Thin or Transplant continued Season (inches) to of Cultural Crop June frost to For early second O'Rourke; Elxcelsior;main of England; late, Late crop subject Champion Daniel July Daniel crop, early, Nott's crop, to Information O'Rourke. mildew. These are edible-podded peas picked while the pea or stillsmall and the pod tender. which seed are broken are cooked, up, is They and served like string beans. 18 x36 12 X 24 IS X 36 July frost For on For to early, plant Neapolitan; secondmain early, BuUnose; Ruby crop, King. Neapolitan has a very sweet fif^h and July is the early early. Beauty X lOS Two September Plant rot. in For 25 for pies Must be (45"),dry place warm Mature mixture early, plant early Sugar are stored in room. save Scarlet a will they or to corn among and weeks. two every crop, Mountain. bordeaux Dunkard. main Green or varieties good and 1, second Rose; of Hebron; No. Spray with paris green for cooking. Early crop, Carman lOS best Turnip Breakfast Forcing; second, French Long winter, Scarlet. For days and Black Half-Long successive 3x8 Oct. to Feb. Roots be can they and salads. x48 May to July It has good and plant horse of Martins St. are To it with are good winter over damp stews, Sandwich and Mammoth (71) seed fresh manure. Store in in sand damp smallest put surround White Long winter or get the earliest barrel headless over varieties. rhubarb, Sept. through the Victoria, Linnaeus, all in radishes, be served vegetable. any 48 can roots week. a like leaves Store in cellar. once eaten the Make Spanish. sowings sand. etc. Used varieties. in to cellar flavor Island Hardy. packed soups, A (72) PLANTING TABLE FOR Deep How Plant to (inches) R. S.= continued VEGETABLES, = roots Thin or Transplant to Season of Cultural Crop (inches) Information seeds May to August Sow Winter early mulch of for good July to .Sept. Not Thick-leaved spring true a leaves Bush, 36 Late, 72 X x 48 00 Aug. throu^^h winter For when Use early crop. Yellow Au";. 4 X IS Aug. through 8 X 30 winter to frost branches lime or Scallop, These For winter or are use, Hubbard. ashes. to protect from cutworms. Early Milan; secondearly, grow Globe; late early,Purple-Top White For Very Rutabaga. be sown with inches or need August. squash vegetable. Must as fully mature, English squashes. summer inches 20 9 long. Italian long. picked grows latter The until July delicious be (73) of not Earliana; secondearly crop, grow early,Early Jewell; main crop, Acme of plant and Stone. stem Wrap with brown in before planting open crop. August Bush heat will For not x48 White Marrow Boston paper 3G of the Crookneck. with Dust 4S spinach ends squashes. grow X the the leaves. summer 3G with standing, Long- straw. or it withstands as and fall for Long Season, Victoria spring sowing. stitute spinach, but a good sub- midsummer grow. in Protect use. before
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