COST Action E 15 ADVANCES IN DRYING OF WOOD (1999-2003) st 1 Workshop “State of the art for Kiln drying” in Edingurgh 13./14th, Oct 1999 How to Get a Relevant Material Model for Wood Drying Simulation ? Patrick Perré ENGREF/INRA, Forest Products Team, 14 rue Girardet F-54 042 Nancy Cedex - France. Email : [email protected] ABSTRACT What is a relevant material model for wood drying simulation? The answer, which obviously depends on the objective of the simulation code, should balance the possibilities and the requirements of each solution. The first part of this paper is devoted to the transfer phenomena involved in wood drying. The important physical mechanisms and related coupling are explained. The main physical formulations proposed in the literature to model these phenomena are presented and compared. Some simulation examples have been chosen to highlight the possibilities and limitations offered by these different formulations. The second part of the paper presents techniques that can be used to deal with stresses and deformations induced during drying by shrinkage. Starting with very simple configurations used to explain shrinkage, shrinkage induced stress and the memory behaviour of wood, the whole development of drying stress can be reconstructed from the evolution of the moisture content profile. For interested readers, the mathematical formulation of these mechanisms is presented thereafter. The main objective of this paper is to help the reader with the often difficult decision of: - the number of independent variables to be used in the physical formulation, - the number of space dimensions to be treated in the numerical solution, - the most consistent way to deal with drying stresses and deformations. Obviously, no single answer exists: each solution is only a compromise between requirements and possibilities that must account for the refinement expected for the process description, the knowledge of the product properties and the numerical expertise of the team in charge of the project. 1. INTRODUCTION The simulation of wood drying has been the subject of numerous works, including the physical and mechanical formulation, analytical and numerical solutions, physical and mechanical characterisation and process experiments carried out in both the laboratory and industry. However, in spite of these numerous works, the wood drying process still remains more or less based on empirical knowledge. Numerical codes have only recently been used in the improvement of the COST Action E 15 ADVANCES IN DRYING OF WOOD (1999-2003) st 1 Workshop “State of the art for Kiln drying” in Edingurgh 13./14th, Oct 1999 industrial process and as yet still are not used effectively for process control. The main reasons for this situation lie in the dramatic complexity of wood drying: - Coupled heat, mass and momentum transfer occur during drying, - Stresses and deformation due to shrinkage involve a complex mechanical behaviour, with an important memory effect, - The product to be dried is not only complex, but presents a huge variability (between and within species, within trees -sapwood/heartwood, flatsawn/quatersawn-, within boards knots, annual rings, fibre angle, reaction wood…), - In addition, the control of the industrial process must account for the kiln complexity (the air flow around the load and within the stack, with important variations in space and time). Nowadays, thanks to the increasing power of computers, the numerical simulation becomes a very interesting tool that is able to cope with this tricky situation. However, the complexity of a numerical model must remain consistent with a global project of wood drying improvement or kiln control. In particular, the final choice must account for: - the aim of a numerical model : What is the refinement expected for the process description ? - the knowledge of the product properties : Are all required values available ? Are you able to perform or propose measurements for the unknown values? - the possibilities of software development : What is the numerical expertise of the team in charge of the project ? Furthermore, numerous other possibilities and options exist in the development of a computer code for wood drying simulation, including: - the number of independent variables to be used in the physical formulation, - the number of space dimensions to be treated in the numerical solution, - the most consistent way to deal with drying stresses and deformations. This paper proposes some guidelines to help the reader with these thought processes. The first part of this paper is devoted to the coupled heat and mass transfer phenomena that occur during drying. Simple diagrams are used to outline the important physical mechanisms and related couplings. Then, the most common formulations encountered in the literature are presented and compared using the results of several numerical simulations. The conclusions of this part are summarised in a table that highlights the possibilities offered by a code as a function of the number of independent variables used in the physical formulation and the number of space dimensions computed in the simulation. The second part of the paper is devoted to the development of drying stresses and drying deformations. Firstly, in a similar fashion to the presentation of the heat and mass transfer processes, each single basic phenomenon is explained. Once put together, they allow the complete stress evolution to be reconstructed as drying progresses. Then, the general mechanical formulation is presented. The set of equations to be used is quite well defined for this mechanical part and no detailed discussion has to be undertaken in this case. COST Action E 15 ADVANCES IN DRYING OF WOOD (1999-2003) st 1 Workshop “State of the art for Kiln drying” in Edingurgh 13./14th, Oct 1999 Finally, the reader should be aware that this text is not exhaustive. It is only focused on numerical solutions of the drying process. In particular, neither analytical solutions (Crank 1975, Perré et al. 1999), nor global approaches (i.e. dimensionless drying curves proposed by Van Meel, 1958) are presented, even if both can be useful in addressing specific problems. Most of the diagrams and explanations used to explain the physical and mechanical mechanisms (paragraphs 2.1, 2.2, 3.1 and 3.2) come from a tutorial presented at the 5th IUFRO Wood Drying conference (Perré 1996). 2. HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER DURING DRYING 2.1. Low temperature convective drying Low temperature convective drying is the most widespread industrial process, i.e. conventional kiln drying. In this case, the role of internal gaseous pressure is almost negligible and transfer occurs mainly in the direction of the board thickness. Concerning drying mechanisms, we have to distinguish two periods: a) The constant drying rate period (Fig. 1) This stage is very common for some porous media, especially for example with aerated concrete, but is more difficult to observe for wood. However, it exists almost always for fresh boards consisting of sapwood that are dried in moderate conditions (Perré et al. 1993, Perré and Martin 1994). During this period, the exchange surface of the board is still above the fibre saturation point (FSP). As a result, the vapour pressure at the surface is equal to the saturated vapour pressure, and is a function of the surface temperature only. Crossed heat and vapour transfer occurs in the boundary layer. The heat flux supplied by the air flow is used solely for transforming the liquid water into vapour. During this stage, the drying rate is constant and depends only on the external conditions (temperature, relative humidity, velocity and flow configuration). The temperature at the surface is equal to the wet bulb temperature. Moreover, because no energy transfer occurs within the medium during this period, the whole temperature of the board remains at the wet bulb temperature. COST Action E 15 ADVANCES IN DRYING OF WOOD (1999-2003) st 1 Workshop “State of the art for Kiln drying” in Edingurgh 13./14th, Oct 1999 Boundary layers T Pv EXTERNAL FLOW VAPOUR HEAT Capillary migration low MC = small radius LIQUID FLOW WOOD high MC = large radius Fig. 1 - Constant drying rate period : the moisture migrates inside the medium mostly by capillary forces, evaporation occurs at the exchange surface with a dynamical equilibrium within the boundary layers between the heat and the vapour flows. The exchange surface is supplied with liquid water coming from the inside of the board by capillary action : the liquid migrates from regions with high moisture content (liquid-gas interfaces within large pores) towards regions with low moisture content (liquid-gas interfaces within small pores). The constant drying rate period lasts as long as the surface is supplied with liquid. Its duration depends strongly on the drying conditions (magnitude of the external flux) and on the medium properties. The liquid flow inside the medium is expressed by Darcy's law (permeability ? gradient of liquid pressure). When the moisture content decreases, the capillary forces usually increases but the permeability to the liquid phase decreases dramatically. On the whole, the liquid flow tends to decrease for a same gradient of moisture content. Consequently, the moisture content profile becomes steeper and steeper as the drying progresses, and continues to do so until the liquid flow directed towards the surface ceases. This is the end of the first drying period. b) The decreasing drying rate period (Fig. 2) Once the surface attained the hygroscopic range, the vapour pressure becomes smaller than the saturated vapour pressure. Consequently, the external vapour flux is reduced and the heat flux supplied to the medium is temporarily greater than what is necessary for liquid evaporation. The energy in excess is used to heat the board, the surface at first, then the inner part by conduction. A new, more subtle, dynamical equilibrium takes place. The surface vapour pressure, hence the external vapour flow, depends on both temperature and moisture content. In order to respect the energy balance, the COST Action E 15 ADVANCES IN DRYING OF WOOD (1999-2003) st 1 Workshop “State of the art for Kiln drying” in Edingurgh 13./14th, Oct 1999 surface temperature increases as the surface moisture content decreases. This leads to a decreasing drying rate (the heat supplied by the air flow becomes smaller and smaller). Diffusion of vapour and bound water EXTERNAL FLOW few vapour molecules VAPOUR HEAT many vapour molecules Capillary migration BOUND WATER AND VAPOUR low MC = small radius LIQUID FLOW high MC = large radius Fig. 2 - Second drying period : A region in the hygroscopic range develops from the exchange surface. In that region, both vapour diffusion and bound water duffusion act. Evaporation takes place partly inside the medium. Consequently, a heat flux has to be driven towards the inner part of the board by conduction. A two zones process develops inside the porous medium: an inner zone where liquid migration prevails and a surface zone, less efficient, where both bound water and water vapour diffusion take place. During this period, a conductive heat flux must exist inside the board to increase the temperature and to evaporate the liquid driven by gaseous diffusion. The region of liquid migration naturally reduces as the drying progresses and finally disappears. The process is finished when the temperature and the moisture content attain, respectively, the outside air temperature and the equilibrium moisture content. 2.2. The effect of internal pressure on mass transfer In order to reduce the drying time without decreasing the quality of the dried product, the drying conditions must be so that the temperature of the product is above the boiling point of water. Such conditions ensure that an overpressure exists within the material, which implies that a pressure gradient drives the moisture (liquid and/or vapour) towards the exchange surfaces (Lowery 1979, Kamke and Casey 1988). COST Action E 15 ADVANCES IN DRYING OF WOOD (1999-2003) st 1 Workshop “State of the art for Kiln drying” in Edingurgh 13./14th, Oct 1999 Saturated vapour Atmospheric pressure Pressure (kPa) 100 Boiling temperature 50 External pressure 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Temperature (°C) Fig. 3 - Vacuum drying seeks to reduce the boiling point of water in order to obtain a high temperature configuration with moderate drying conditions. At the atmospheric pressure, the boiling point of water equals 100°C. Consequently, in order to obtain internal overpressure, the temperature of the porous medium must be above that level during at least one part of the process. This is exactly the aim of convective drying at high temperature (moist air or superheated steam) and a possible aim of contact drying or drying with electromagnetic field (microwave or high frequency). However, as shown in figure 3, it is possible to reduce the boiling point of water by decreasing the external pressure and, consequently, to obtain a high temperature configuration with relatively moderate drying conditions. This is the principle of vacuum drying, particularly interesting for materials that would be damaged by high levels of temperature. When overpressure exists inside a board, the high anisotropy ratios imply bi-dimensional transfers : heat is often supplied in the thickness direction, while, in spite of the length, the effect of the pressure gradient on gaseous (important for low MC) or liquid migration (important for high MC) takes place in the longitudinal direction (Fig. 4). This is obviously a result of the anatomical features of wood. In the case of very intensive internal transfer, the endpiece can be fully saturated, and sometimes, moisture can leave the sample in the liquid state (this is quite easy to observe during microwave heating). COST Action E 15 ADVANCES IN DRYING OF WOOD (1999-2003) st 1 Workshop “State of the art for Kiln drying” in Edingurgh 13./14th, Oct 1999 HEAT Vessel or tracheid VAPOUR LIQUID Pits Endpiece fully saturated OVERPRESSURE Liquid evacuation possible in microwave heating Fig. 4 - Drying at high temperature (second drying period) : a high temperature configuration means that an overpressure develops inside the medium. Depending on the MC, this overpressure induces liquid and/or gaseous flow; In addition, wood being strongly anisotropic, the most part of the flow occurs in the longitudinal direction (see the magnifyed views). 2.3. Physical formulation Several sets of macroscopic equations are proposed in the literature for the simulation of the drying process. The first fundamental difference between them lies in the number of state variables used to describe the medium: ? one : moisture content (or an equivalent variable: saturation, water potential...), ? two : MC (or equ.) and temperature T (or an equivalent variable : enthalpy...), ? three : MC (or equ.), T (or equ.) and gaseous pressure Pg (or an equivalent variable : air density, intrinsic air density...). The three corresponding sets of equations are presented hereafter, starting with the most comprehensive macroscopic formulation (Model 1, three state variables). At present, researchers using three state variables agree with the macroscopic formulation to be used. The set of equations, as proposed below, originates for the most part from Whitaker's works (Whitaker 1977, 1980) with minor changes required to account for wood properties and drying with internal overpressure (Perré and Degiovanni 1990). In particular, the reader must be aware that all variables are averaged over the REV (Representative Elementary Volume), hence the expression "macroscopic". This assumes the existence of such a representative volume, large enough for the averaged quantities to be defined and small enough to avoid variations due to macroscopic gradients and non-equilibrium configurations at COST Action E 15 ADVANCES IN DRYING OF WOOD (1999-2003) st 1 Workshop “State of the art for Kiln drying” in Edingurgh 13./14th, Oct 1999 the microscopic level. This is why, although very powerful for a lot of different configurations, this set of equations has some limitations (Perré 1998). Model 1 (comprehensive) Water Conservation (1.1) Energy Conservation (1.2) Air Conservation (1.3) where the gas and liquid phase velocities are given by the Generalised Darcy’s Law: (1.4) the quantities ? ?are known as the phase potentials and ? is the depth scalar. All other symbols have their usual meaning. Boundary conditions For the external drying surfaces of the sample, the boundary conditions are assumed to be of the following form : (1.5) COST Action E 15 ADVANCES IN DRYING OF WOOD (1999-2003) st 1 Workshop “State of the art for Kiln drying” in Edingurgh 13./14th, Oct 1999 where J w and J e represent the fluxes of total moisture and total enthalpy at the boundary respectively, x denotes the position from the boundary along the external unit normal. COST Action E 15 ADVANCES IN DRYING OF WOOD (1999-2003) st 1 Workshop “State of the art for Kiln drying” in Edingurgh 13./14th, Oct 1999 A more detailed description of these equations and related assumptions can be found elsewhere (Perré 1996, Turner and Perré 1996, Perré and Turner 1999). Because this formulation takes care of the internal pressure through the air balance (equation 1.3), the set of equations proved to be very powerful, able to deal with numerous configurations involving intense transfers: high temperature convective drying, vacuum drying, micro-wave drying,… Using Model 2, the porous medium is described with only two independent variables (temperature or equivalent and moisture content or equivalent). This model can be analysed as a simplification of model 1. No account is taken of the internal gaseous pressure. Equation 1.5 vanishes. Darcy's law (equation 1.4) subsists only for the liquid phase, in which only capillary forces act. Assuming the capillary pressure to be function on moisture content only (instead of moisture and temperature), both vapour and liquid migration can be expressed as diffusion mechanisms, with global "pseudo-" diffusion coefficients K v and K ?. This set is obviously unable to deal with the effect of internal pressure on liquid and gaseous migration, hence not suitable for drying configurations involving intense migration. However, through the difference of enthalpy between vapour and liquid, it accounts for the latent heat of vaporisation. By this way, it is able to deal with the most important feature of drying : the coupling between heat and mass transfer (this is due to the latent heat of vaporisation and the relation between temperature and saturated vapour pressure). Model 2 (heat and mass transfer) Water Conservation (2.1) Energy Conservation (2.2) where Boundary conditions (2.3) From model 2, it is still possible to imagine something simpler: just forget about temperature, and equation 2.2 is not longer necessary. By doing this, you assume in fact that the product temperature COST Action E 15 ADVANCES IN DRYING OF WOOD (1999-2003) st 1 Workshop “State of the art for Kiln drying” in Edingurgh 13./14th, Oct 1999 immediately follows the air flow temperature. It is no more necessary to differentiate liquid flow from vapour flow. The use of one global diffusion coefficient leads to Model 3. COST Action E 15 ADVANCES IN DRYING OF WOOD (1999-2003) st 1 Workshop “State of the art for Kiln drying” in Edingurgh 13./14th, Oct 1999 Model 3 (mass transfer only) Water Conservation (3.1) Boundary conditions (3.2) If we remember that the objective of drying is to remove the moisture from the product, the concept of a "one equation" model sounds relevant: it accounts for the moisture migration within the medium and the moisture flux at the boundary. This simplistic arguing encouraged too many scientists to use model 3. 160 60 120 50 Temperature 80 40 T emperature (°C) Moisture co ntent (kg/kg) One equation (mass) One equation (hm divided by 10) Two equations (heat and mass) Averaged moisture content 40 0 0 30 20 40 60 80 20 100 Time (hours) Fig. 5 - Convective drying at low temperature (Dry bulb = 50°C, dew point = 30°C, board thickness = 30 mm, h = 14 W.m-2.°C -1; hm = 0.014 m.s-1) : Model 2 versus model 3. Figure 5 depicts 1-D computational results obtained for convective drying at low temperature (Dry bulb = 50°C, dew point = 30°C, board thickness = 30 mm). Model 2 (two equations) exhibits a COST Action E 15 ADVANCES IN DRYING OF WOOD (1999-2003) st 1 Workshop “State of the art for Kiln drying” in Edingurgh 13./14th, Oct 1999 constant drying rate period, during which the board temperature equals the wet bulb temperature. Model 3 (one equation) is not capable of capturing the reduction of vapour pressure at the surface, which results from the surface cooling due to evaporation. Consequently, the drying process is much faster than it should be when using Model 3 with reasonable physical values. This error can be corrected, at least the evolution of the averaged moisture content, by fitting the mass exchange coefficient hm (see figure 5, curve obtained with hm divided by a factor 10!). However, this trick provides the mass transfer coefficient to keep its physical meaning, and, more crucial, a new value has to be fitted each time the drying conditions change. For example, the factor 10, which allowed a good drying curve to be calculated at 50°C, is no more valid for a dry bulb temperature of 70°C (Fig. 6). In conclusion, because one variable prevents the strong coupling that always exists between heat and mass transfer within the medium to be captured, Model 3 is a crude choice that must absolutely be discarded, even for very simple configurations. 160 80 60 One equation (hm divided by 10) Two equations (heat and mass) 80 40 40 20 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 T emperature (°C) Moisture co ntent (%) 120 0 60 Time (hours) Fig. 6 - Convective drying at low temperature (Dry bulb = 70°C, dew point = 30°C, board thickness = 30 mm) : failure of model 3. Model 2 (two equations) is much more reasonable and allows numerous configurations to be simulated, including conventional kiln drying. This choice is the correct one to start with drying simulation or to provide on-line help in kiln control. Nevertheless, the users of such a model must be aware of its limitations. From figure 4, it is easy to understand that this formulation fails as soon as the internal pressure has a significant effect on transfer. There is no way to simulate high temperature drying, vacuum drying, microwave heating, or, simply, full saturation of a wood sample by cycles of vacuum and pressure! COST Action E 15 ADVANCES IN DRYING OF WOOD (1999-2003) st 1 Workshop “State of the art for Kiln drying” in Edingurgh 13./14th, Oct 1999 From the same figure 4, the need for the longitudinal direction to be computed in such cases becomes obvious. Numerous configurations have been computed with success using Model 1 (comprehensive set) with two space dimensions (length and thickness of the board). Several examples, compared to the corresponding experimental results, including temperature and pressure measurements within the board can be found in the literature (Stanish et al. 1986, Constant et al. 1996, Perré 1996, Perré and Turner 1996, Johansson et al. 1997). One example of high temperature convective drying (Tdry = 140°C; Tdew = 85°C) has been chosen to describe the possibilities of Model 1 with two space dimensions. This example depicts all the trends observed during drying of wood when the internal pressure is important. At the end of the constant drying rate period (Fig. 7, around 3 hours), the surface temperature increases first, then the centre temperature. Once the boiling point of water is attained, an overpressure develops within the board. Because the longitudinal permeability of wood is much higher than the transverse permeability (by a factor 1000 in this simulation), this overpressure gives rise to an important longitudinal moisture migration towards the end piece. The latter is resaturated and remains fully saturated for a long period (3.5 to 7.5 hours). Typical 2-D transfers occur: heat is supplied to the product mainly through the thickness and moisture partly moves along the longitudinal direction (Fig. 8). As a consequence of this moisture migration, the endpiece temperature remains close to the wet bulb temperature for a corresponding duration. This effect has often been observed during the experiment using thermocouples (Perré et al. 1993). During the last stage of drying, the overpressure remains important with less or no liquid water inside the product. However, longitudinal migration of moisture is still important through the high percentage of vapour that exists in the gaseous flux. 1m end 30 mm centre surface COST Action E 15 ADVANCES IN DRYING OF WOOD (1999-2003) st 1 Workshop “State of the art for Kiln drying” in Edingurgh 13./14th, Oct 1999 160 2.0 Tsurf 120 Tend T centre 80 1.5 MC average MC surf MC centre Pcentre 40 0 0 4 8 12 16 Internal pressure (P/P atm ) Temperature (°C) or MC (kg/kg) MCend 1.0 20 Time (hours) Fig. 7 - Convective drying at high temperature (Dry bulb = 140°C, dew point = 85°C, board thickness = 30 mm, borad length 1 m) : model 1, two space dimensions. The simulation proposed in figures 7 and 8 concerns sapwood (high initial moisture content, high values of permeability). When observing a stack of boards submitted to high temperature conditions, resaturation of the end piece occurs only for sapwood boards, or for sapwood parts of boards (Fig. 9). Because we use a material model, based on a comprehensive physical formulation, the differences between sapwood and heartwood can be simulated by changing material properties (Perré and Martin 1994). These differences lie in only two sets of parameters : the permeabilities and the initial moisture content. The values of initial moisture content come measurements (150% to 200 % for sapwood, 40% to 80% for heartwood). Concerning the permeabilities, the values used to differentiate sapwood from heartwood are based on considerations concerning pit aspiration. COST Action E 15 ADVANCES IN DRYING OF WOOD (1999-2003) st 1 Workshop “State of the art for Kiln drying” in Edingurgh 13./14th, Oct 1999 MC 50 40 1.0 30 Le n gth ( cm ) 0.5 20 10 0.0 2 1 0 0 W h idt ) ( cm 50 12 5 30 Temp 15 0 40 10 0 Le n gth (cm ) 20 75 10 50 1 2 0 0 W h( idt ) cm 40 1.8 1.6 30 Le n gth ( Pres 50 1.4 cm ) 20 1.2 10 1.0 2 1 0 0 W th id ) ( cm Figure 8 - High temperature drying (140°C/85°C) of sapwood. Carpet plot at 5 hours of drying. Model 1 (Comprehensive physical formulation), two space dimensions. Internal overpressure, re-saturation of the endpiece, thermal conduction long the thickness and endpiece close to the wet bulb temperature are evident on these plots. COST Action E 15 ADVANCES IN DRYING OF WOOD (1999-2003) st 1 Workshop “State of the art for Kiln drying” in Edingurgh 13./14th, Oct 1999 MC 50 40 1.0 30 Le n gth ( cm ) 0.5 20 10 0.0 2 1 0 0 W h idt ) ( cm 50 12 5 30 Temp 15 0 40 10 0 Le n gth (cm ) 20 75 10 50 1 2 0 0 W h( idt ) cm 40 1.8 1.6 30 Le n gth ( Pres 50 1.4 cm ) 20 1.2 10 1.0 2 1 0 0 W th id ) ( cm Figure 10 - High temperature drying (140°C/85°C) of heartwood. Carpet plot at 5 hours of drying. Model 1 (Comprehensive physical formulation), two space dimensions. Note the high value of internal pressure and the absence of endpiece re-saturation Putting these new values in the model, all trends generally observed (Salin 1989, Pang et al. 1994, Perré and Martin, 1994) can be computed. In particular, no re-saturation of the endpiece is observed (Fig. 10). In addition, the constant drying rate period disappears. The overpressure develops from the COST Action E 15 ADVANCES IN DRYING OF WOOD (1999-2003) st 1 Workshop “State of the art for Kiln drying” in Edingurgh 13./14th, Oct 1999 beginning of the process and remains high up to the end of drying. The maximum pressure is higher for heartwood than for sapwood. Sapwood Heartwood Fig.9 - A stack of boards after some hours of drying at high temperature. Several configurations, always in good agreement with experimental data, have been computed using this model (Model 1, two space dimensions ): high temperature convective drying (superheated steam and moist air), microwave heating, vacuum drying… In this case of high temperature configurations, the needs for two dimensions and for a comprehensive set of equations can be proved by two additional simulations. 160 3.0 120 2.5 T centre Pcentre MC centre 80 2.0 MC average MC surf 40 1.5 0 0 4 8 12 Time (hours) 16 1.0 20 Internal pressure (P/P atm ) Temperature (°C) or MC (kg/kg) Tsurf COST Action E 15 ADVANCES IN DRYING OF WOOD (1999-2003) st 1 Workshop “State of the art for Kiln drying” in Edingurgh 13./14th, Oct 1999 Fig. 11 - Convective drying at high temperature (Dry bulb = 140°C, dew point = 85°C, board thickness = 30 mm, borad length 1 m) : Model 1, one space dimension. Using the same formulation (Model 1) in one space dimension (thickness only), provides the longitudinal mass transfer to be computed (Fig. 11). The internal overpressure develops without important effect on mass transfer (the transverse permeability is too small for a significant flux to be obtained). Both internal temperature and internal pressure increases faster than for a 2-D simulation, but the global drying curve is much slower. When using Model 2 the internal pressure is supposed to have the same value as the external pressure. Consequently, no mass transfer can be induced by internal vaporisation. Even if supplied by capillary action, which explains the plateau near the wet bulb temperature, the endpiece moisture content continuously decreases through the process (Fig. 12). For lack of important longitudinal mass transfer, the drying curve is much slower than the one depicted in figure 7. 160 2.0 T surf 120 T end 80 1.5 MC centre MC surf MCaverage 40 Internal pressure (P/P atm ) Temperature (°C) or MC (kg/kg) Tcentre MC end Pcentre 0 0 4 8 12 16 1.0 20 Time (hours) Fig. 12 - Convective drying at high temperature (Dry bulb = 140°C, dew point = 85°C, board thickness = 30 mm, borad length 1 m) : model 2, two space dimensions. More recently, the same physical formulation has been computed in three dimensions (Model 1, three space dimensions ). This allowed new mechanisms to be exhibited (Perré and Turner 1999). This version leads to a comprehensive description of both physics and geometry. Such a model has probably a great potential in the future, provided the computational time is dramatically reduced. As a conclusion of this part devoted to transfer mechanisms involved in wood drying, table 1 summarised the main conclusions that can be drawn from the simulations proposed above and from the literature. Boxes of this table are intercept between the number of independent variables (model 3 to COST Action E 15 ADVANCES IN DRYING OF WOOD (1999-2003) st 1 Workshop “State of the art for Kiln drying” in Edingurgh 13./14th, Oct 1999 1) and the number of space dimensions. The bold borders denote consistent choices, each adapted to specific problems. Finally, one must keep in mind that the computational effort dramatically changes according to these choices. Table 2 gives an order of magnitude of computational time required for a complete drying simulation on a classical Personal Computer. These values will decrease with the increase of computer power. Nevertheless, because all equations are strongly coupled and highly non-linear, the use of nonefficient computational strategies can lead to computational times orders of magnitude (a factor 10, possibly 100) higher than the values reported in table 2. Table 1 - Heat and mass transfer during wood drying: simple guideline to help the choice of a physical formulation and geometrical description. Independent variables Space dimension 1-D (Thickness) Model 3 One variable (MC) Model 2 Two variables (MC + T) Model 1 Three variables (MC + T + Pg) Simple but very poor physics (no coupling between heat and mass transfer) hence misleading results (1) Fast and easy Comprehensive physics, but unrealistic effect of the internal pressure (no longitudinal direction) misleading results at high temperature Suitable for coarse description of convective drying at low temperature 2-D (Thickness + Width) Correct description of the section shape but very poor physics (no coupling between heat and mass transfer) hence misleading results (1) Correct description of the section shape. Suitable for convective drying at low temperature Comprehensive physics, but unrealistic effect of the internal pressure (no longitudinal direction) misleading results at high temperature 2-D (Thickness + Length) Useless additional work compared to 1-D Very poor physics (no coupling between heat and mass transfer) and misleading results Useless additional work compared to 1-D Comprehensive physics and good geometrical description. Suitable for almost all drying processes (effect of internal pressure) 3-D Silly choice : complex numerical calculation for very poor physics and misleading results Good geometrical description. Can be interesting to calculate the global deformation of entire boards The best possible description at the macroscopic level (geometry and physics) (1) : Suitable only for diffusion in the hygroscopic range of very thick boards. COST Action E 15 ADVANCES IN DRYING OF WOOD (1999-2003) st 1 Workshop “State of the art for Kiln drying” in Edingurgh 13./14th, Oct 1999 Table 2 - Order of magnitude of the computer time required for a complete drying simulation (Personal computer, Pentium II 400 MHz, up-to-date numerical techniques) Independent variables Model 3 One variable (MC) Model 2 Two variables (MC + T) Model 1 Three variables (MC + T + Pg) 1-D Less than one second Around one second Some seconds 2-D Less than 30 seconds Around one minute Some minutes 3-D Less than 30 minutes Around one hour Some hours Space dimension 3. MECHANICAL PHENOMENA RELATED TO DRYING 3.1. Mechanical behaviour of wood Wood drying does not only consist in removing its moisture: the quality of the dried product is the main requirement for the industrial process. Because wood shrinks during drying, deformations and stresses develops than can lead to unusable products (Fig. 13). The simulation of these aspects must account for the complex mechanical behaviour of wood, including its memory effect. Section 3.1 is devoted to a simple presentation of this behaviour. Figure 13 - Two exemples of mechanical degrade during wood drying : board deformation and internal checking. COST Action E 15 ADVANCES IN DRYING OF WOOD (1999-2003) st 1 Workshop “State of the art for Kiln drying” in Edingurgh 13./14th, Oct 1999 Green wood FSP Length Ovendried MC 0 FSP Fig. 14 - Wood shrinkage. The FSP, usually close to 30% depends on the specie and the temperature. Firstly, we must refer to shrinkage which is the "driving" force for drying stress: without shrinkage, no drying stress would develop ! Figure 14 exhibits the dimension variation of a sample free of load versus the moisture content (the latter is assumed to be uniform). Under normal conditions, the dimensions do not change until the moisture content attains the FSP. Then, the dimension variations are almost proportional to the change of MC. This strain field is called free shrinkage. A sample subjected to tensile or compressive stress (Fig. 15), exhibits at first the instantaneous deformation (elastic part), which then increases in time (creep). When submitting the same specimen to moisture content changes, the deformation increases much more quickly (mechano-sorptive effect). MC Time t=0 + Constant MC LOAD Time T After cycles of MC LOAD LOAD Time Load Time Length variation mechano-sorptive viscoelastic Time Fig. 15 - Viscoelastic and mechano-sorptive behaviour of wood. Applying the viscoelastic and mechano-sorptive creep as shown in figure 15, it is possible to predict how the length of samples submitted to tensile or compressive load will evolve during drying (Fig. 16). Indeed, a loaded sample undergoes viscoelastic creep because of the time required for drying, and mechano-sorptive creep because of, obviously, the MC decreases from the initial value to the COST Action E 15 ADVANCES IN DRYING OF WOOD (1999-2003) st 1 Workshop “State of the art for Kiln drying” in Edingurgh 13./14th, Oct 1999 equilibrium. Therefore, a sample submitted to compressive stress (n°1) exhibits, at the end of drying, a smaller length than a same sample free of load (n°2). This is the opposite for a sample under tension (n°3). Time t=0 + High MC Time t Low MC LOAD 1 2 3 Drying 1 2 3 LOAD Fig. 16 - Dimension changes of a specimen loaded during drying. We have now sufficient knowledge to come back to our original concern: the development of drying stresses. Let us assume that a board is exposed to an air flow. At the beginning of drying (constant drying rate period), the entire board remains in the domain of free water. No shrinkage occurs, hence stress build up is absent (the initial stress field, which can exist at the beginning, mainly growth stresses, is supposed to be negligible throughout the following). Second drying period a b c tensile stress PSF compressive stress Fig. 17 - Appearance of drying stresses following upon shrinkage. COST Action E 15 ADVANCES IN DRYING OF WOOD (1999-2003) st 1 Workshop “State of the art for Kiln drying” in Edingurgh 13./14th, Oct 1999 End of drying a b c tensile stress PSF Xeq compressive stress Fig. 18 - Stress reversal due to the memory effect of wood. At the beginning of the second drying period, shrinkage exists close to the exchange surfaces (Fig. 17a). At this moment, if we cut the section into slices, the external slices would have a shorter length than the inner ones (Fig. 17b). This displacement field is not compatible and induces, in the actual section, tensile stress in the surface layers and (because of equilibrium conditions) compressive stress in the core layers (Fig. 17c). The section length is a weighted average of each slice length (the elastic properties depend on moisture content). During this period, surface checking is possible. Note that, from this point onwards, the wood layers dry under load. As the drying proceeds, viscoelastic creep develops, together with mechano-sorptive creep. External slices appear similar in configuration to that exhibited for slice n°3 in figure 16, while the internal slices resemble slice n°1. Consequently, in spite of the flat moisture content profile, slicing the section at the end of the drying would give picture b in figure 18: the core slices, dried under compression, are smaller than the external ones, dried under tension. In the actual section, compressive stress exists in the inner part (Fig. 18c). This phenomenon is known as the so-called stress reversal or casehardening. The residual stress level depends on many parameters (drying conditions, species, sawing pattern, thickness) which represents most of the problem of drying optimisation. In addition, we must keep in mind that gradients of moisture content, strain and stress exist along the thickness. This explains the curvature of the slices observed in prong test or cup method (Fig. 19). When the inner tensile stress is too high, internal checking occurs (Fig. 13). An interesting simulation of this test can be found in Dahlblom et al. (1994). COST Action E 15 ADVANCES IN DRYING OF WOOD (1999-2003) st 1 Workshop “State of the art for Kiln drying” in Edingurgh 13./14th, Oct 1999 Second drying period End of drying Prong test Cup method Fig. 19 - Two experimental methods used to determine drying stresses. 3.2. Drying stress formulation During drying, shrinkage appears in all parts of the board for which the moisture content X is within the hygroscopic range. This phenomenon induces a deformation field noted ? sh defined in the material axes by: (1) If this deformation field does not fulfil the geometrical compatibility, a strain tensor ? mec related to stresses is generated. The constitutive equation, which represents the mechanical behaviour of the material, relates this strain tensor ? mec and the stress tensor. Due to the memory effect of wood, this tensor ? mec has to be divided into two parts : an elastic strain ? elas , connected to the actual stress tensor and a memory strain ? mem which includes all the strain due to the history of that point (? mem can deal with plasticity, creep, mechano-sorption... ): (2) The geometrical compatibility applies to the total strain field ? tot. When solving the mechanical problem in terms of displacement, the total strain tensor is deduced from the displacement field and this geometrical condition is automatically fulfilled within the domain. The stress field must satisfy the local COST Action E 15 ADVANCES IN DRYING OF WOOD (1999-2003) st 1 Workshop “State of the art for Kiln drying” in Edingurgh 13./14th, Oct 1999 mechanical equilibrium and the boundary conditions. Finally, the complete formulation of the problem is given by : (3) Remarks: • this static formulation is usable only for boundary and volumetric forces satisfying the global equilibrium. • in order to ensure the uniqueness of the solution, additional conditions are required on the boundary conditions ( ). Otherwise, the solution is defined within a rigid body motion. • wood being orthorhombic, each behaviour law involves nine independent terms. In fact, it is more common to define the inverse of aijkl which, for the case of linear elasticity, leads to the so-called generalised Hooke's law (Guitard 1984). ? How to express the memory effect? In the memory strain field ? mem lies the entire problem of constitutive model for wood. Several works, both theoretical and numerical proposed solutions. They can be very comprehensive, but at the same time very complicated and, consequently, very difficult to characterised (Ranta-Maunus 1975). In fact, wood exhibits so particular behaviour that each new experiment can lead to another expression. The problem lies in the fact that the memory effect of wood depends not only on the temperature and moisture content values, but also on their variations in time and on the history of their variations in time. Nevertheless, in the case of drying, the moisture content only decreases and some simplifications apply. Here, only the most common way to express creep and mechano-sorptive effect will be presented. The general formulation of the time dependency of the creep property involves the whole stress history: (4) Jijkl(t) is the creep compliance tensor and t the actual time. The experimental creep function is often analysed as N Kelvin elements in series (Dahlblom 1987, Genevaux 1989, Martensson 1992, Mohager and Toratti 1993). In the case of uniaxial load, this leads to: (5) COST Action E 15 ADVANCES IN DRYING OF WOOD (1999-2003) st 1 Workshop “State of the art for Kiln drying” in Edingurgh 13./14th, Oct 1999 The temperature and moisture dependency of that function can be expressed using a material time or changing the characteristic time ?n. The thermal activation, for example, is often expressed with the aid of an Arrhenius law : (6) ? Wn is the activation energy associated to element n. The mechano-sorptive effect occurs as soon as the moisture content changes during load. The simpler way to express this effect consists in assuming that the strain rate depends linearly on both the stress field and the time derivative of the moisture content: (7) Remark : the mechano-sorptive strain rate is always in the direction of the stress field, hence the factor sign(u). A tri-dimensional resolution is very costly in terms of calculation time and memory space. The need for such a cost is justified when the objective of the calculation lies in the global deformation of the board. By this way, the effect of reaction wood, fibre angle, properties variations can be analysed. Nice examples of these possibilities can be found in the literature (Dahlblom et al. 1994, 1996, Ormarsson 1999). Nevertheless, in order to study the stress development within a section far from the ends of the board, a 2-D simulation is sufficient. A "plane displacement" formulation has to be used in this case (Perré and Passard, 1995). 3.3. Some simulation examples The results presented in this section have been computed with a code able to solve the heat and mass transfer and the mechanical phenomena occurring during drying. The mechanical part is described in Perré and Passard (1995). In order to point out the possibilities offered by the complete simulation of transfer and mechanical aspects of wood drying, two different configurations have been chosen : conventional kiln drying and non-symmetrical convective drying. COST Action E 15 ADVANCES IN DRYING OF WOOD (1999-2003) st 1 Workshop “State of the art for Kiln drying” in Edingurgh 13./14th, Oct 1999 Fig. 19 – Board deformation during non-symmetrical drying. A complete code is used, that accounts for both heat and mass transfer and mechanical behaviour following shrinkage. For this configuration, a large displacement formulation is used. In the case of non-symmetrical convective drying, one face of the board is impervious. This configuration allows one part of the drying stresses to be transformed into a global deformation of the sample section (Brandão and Perré 1996). Figure 19 depicts one example of deformed section during non-symmetrical drying. In this case, the board section is described by a triangular finite element code, which is used for mechanical calculations. The heat and mass transfer equations are solved using control volumes built from the finite element mesh. 20 1.2 Surface 5 mm 7.5 mm Stress (MPa) 10 2.5 mm 1.0 Mid-thickness 5 0.8 0 0.6 Moisture content -5 0.4 -10 -15 0 0.2 10 20 30 Time (hours) 40 0 50 Moisture content (kg/kg) 15 1.4 COST Action E 15 ADVANCES IN DRYING OF WOOD (1999-2003) st 1 Workshop “State of the art for Kiln drying” in Edingurgh 13./14th, Oct 1999 Fig. 20 - Low temperature convective drying. Stress level at different positions from the surface and moisture content versus time. Case of symmetrical drying conditions. In order to simplify the graphs, one-dimensional results will be presented in the following (Fig. 20 and 21). Using these moderate drying conditions (dry bulb: 80°C, dew point: 50°C) and with a high initial moisture content (100%), a constant drying rate period exists. The entire board remains in the domain of free water during this period: no shrinkage, hence no stress appears during the first drying period. Then, in the case of symmetrical drying, the section remains flat and the stress calculated at different level is quite easy to understand: tension in the surface layers due to shrinkage and, because of momentum balance, compressive stress in the inner part at the beginning of the second drying period. As the process progresses, the stress reversal can be observed. When only one face dries, the curve shapes are quite confuse and the understanding is almost impossible without a detailed analysis of the calculated results. However, the section curvature depicts an evolution similar to what can be measured (in particular, the negative curvature at the end of the process). Note that almost the same trend could be obtained using any memory effect: creep (Kawai 1984), mechano-sorptive (Perré and Passard 1995) or both (Mauget 1996). As previously stated, wood exhibits a very complex constitutive equation: several parameters can be taken into account, with temperature and moisture dependency. The objective of a drying model is to achieve a good balance between required knowledge and simulation possibilities. For example, in figures 22 and 23, the same set of physical parameters have been used to simulate two different drying configurations: drying of a loaded sample and non-symmetrical drying. The memory effect is assumed to be captured by two constant parameters: one for the mechano-sorptive effect and the second for the viscoelastic creep. For each single test, one parameter can be adjusted as a function of the other in order to obtain a good agreement between experiment and simulation. However, by using both tests, only one set of parameters works. Simulations depicted in figure 22 and 23 have been computed using this set (Mauget 1996). This example proves that the problem of material characterisation is possible, but certainly not simple. This constitutes the most difficult part of drying stresses prediction. In addition, other phenomena exist that are even more complex and not really put in the existing codes: checking and collapse. COST Action E 15 ADVANCES IN DRYING OF WOOD (1999-2003) st 1 Workshop “State of the art for Kiln drying” in Edingurgh 13./14th, Oct 1999 20 8 Stress (MPa) 10 4 2 0 0 Impervious face -10 -4 2.5 mm 5 mm -20 0 -2 7.5 mm 10 -1 Curvature 1/ radius of curvature (m ) 6 Surface -6 20 30 -8 50 40 Time (hours) Fig. 21 - Low temperature convective drying. Stress level at different positions from the surface and section curvature versus time. Case of non-symmetrical drying conditions. 80 70 Simulation Deflection (mm) 60 Experiment 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 5 10 15 Time (hours) Fig. 22 - Low temperature convective drying of a loaded sample. Evolution of the end deflection versus time : experiment and simulation (Mauget 1996). 20 COST Action E 15 ADVANCES IN DRYING OF WOOD (1999-2003) st 1 Workshop “State of the art for Kiln drying” in Edingurgh 13./14th, Oct 1999 0.15 0.1 Curvature (1/cm) 0.05 Simulation 0 0 2 4 6 -0.05 -0.1 8 10 Time (hours) Experiment -0.15 -0.2 Fig. 23 - Non-symmetrical low temperature convective drying. Evolution of the section curvature versus time : experiment and simulation (Mauget 1996). 4. CONCLUSION AND PROSPECTS In this paper, fundamentals of physical and mechanical aspects of wood drying have been simply described. The comprehensive formulation able to account for these phenomena is proposed. A few examples proved the ability of a numerical model to simulate the complete process (transfer and mechanical aspects of wood drying). Simplified formulations and their limitations are also presented. Concerning heat and mass transfer, three formulation are analysed : - the simplest one (Model 3) has only one equation and one state variable. Not able to account for the coupling between heat and mass transfers, it is misleading and must be discarded, - the two equation model (Model 2) is suitable for most configurations of low temperature convective drying. It can be used for drying optimisation or kiln control in one dimension (simple and fast) or two dimensions (effect of section shape), the comprehensive macroscopic formulation (Model 3) accounts for the internal pressure within the product. Only this formulation can deal with processes involving internal vaporisation (high temperature, vacuum, HF and microwave …). It can be used for 2-D models (thickness and length) or 3-D model (exhaustive geometrical description). Note that the computation effort increases dramatically with the number of space dimensions, while it is less sensitive to the physical formulation. Presently, in 1999, it is roughly a question of seconds in 1-D, minutes in 2-D and hours in 3-D. This means that a 1-D model could be used for the simulation of the COST Action E 15 ADVANCES IN DRYING OF WOOD (1999-2003) st 1 Workshop “State of the art for Kiln drying” in Edingurgh 13./14th, Oct 1999 entire stack of boards put in a kiln with reasonable computer time. This is certainly a good way to account for the biological variability of wood. In 2-D, only some boards can be computed at the same time (flat- and quarter-sawn, sap- and heart-wood). Even if essential to model specific configurations (microwave and HF drying, stresses within the section during drying at high temperature), the 3-D computation will certainly stay in the laboratory for some more years. The modelling of stress and deformation during drying is another big challenge for numerical simulation. The formulation is well known and difficult to simplify: shrinkage, elasticity, creep and mechanosorption have to be taken into account. 1-D calculations can give an order of magnitude of stress level during the process. 2-D (thickness and width) allows the section shape to be studied. Finally, 3-D calculations can be justified for the analysis of global deformation of the board (reaction wood, fibre angle, property variations). Finally, one has to remember that any material model requires the knowledge of several properties. 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