LOS ANGELES HERALD: TUESDAY MORNING. JULY racked FINANCE AND TRADE. The Day's Buluil on th* New York Brook Bxohanffn. New York, July :lo.?The week opened on the Block exchange with an unsettled feeling ln speculation which developed into weak neis. There was a loss on nearly the entire lilt at the closing hour. Government bonds were Heady; state bonds Inactive. QUOTATIONS. MONEY New York. July 30.?Money ou call?Easy, at 1 per cent; last loan at 1 per cent; closed at 1 per cent. Prlmo mercantile paper?3@s per cent. with actual busiSterling exchange?Firm, ness ln bankers' iiiilsa $4.89%c<*489% for demand, aud $-1.87(84.-17% lor tiO-days. Poßted ratas-$4.881»* 8 ?%. Commercial 0i1i5?f4.8i1%(<84.86%. Sliver certlfloates?o4(i*Bso. Sah Francisco, July 30.? light drafts on York, per #100, ids, Hew merlin* bills on bunion, bankers' 80-day Bills, fs.MTv London, July 30.?Consols, 101%. Bank of England discount rale. per cent. STOCKS AND BOND!. New York, oort g1.20; feed meal, barley, ifl.w. - July 30 ?The oloiing quotation) gl.10; rolled IJtY Salt Poiik? Bellies, clear, per lb., B%c; sh>rt clear, B%c. IIS I'ORX-Half bbl., $5.50. i. \ rii?Tierces, tvory compound, per lb, 7c; Xi, pure leaf, Be. Fr«sh Mftttte. Wholeiale butchers' prices f whole oarcases: BftEr?lirst quality. sgs%'c; do,, light, 4%® 4V,c- third, 4(A4%c. Ve\i.?Kanue heavy, 4'.j.iS%c; do., light, 5@ 6jitc; dairy, li)a (s7c. <»s%ii; lamb, 7@7%a ~ Sink, , ... , :t- ?; Monday. HIMIKQ SHARB3. Ban Francisco, July 30.-The offlclal closing quotations for mining stocks today were as follows: Alta Belcher Best A Belcher... 17 Hale A Norcrots... 88 Mexican .117 Mono OS Ophtr 15 rotosi Chollar 24 <m«»a con. Cal. A Va... 3.oi> sierra Nevada Crown Point 74 Onion Con Eureka Con 25 lull Could A Curry... .40 Yellow Jacket Bodle Con Bulwer .54 88 IS 1.68 40 24 60 58 05 46 Silver Bullion. Bas Francisco, July 30.- silver bus, 02V* C 2 per oz. Mexican dollars,s 11 if.s 1 London, July 30.?Bar silver, .023 fine, 28T a d. Nicw York, July 30.? Bar silver, 62% ptr ounce. Mexican dollars, 51c. . . c Bullion Gone Into the Bank of England. London, July 28,?The amount of gold (One Into the Dane ot JCugiand today ou balance, waa 11203,000. _____ San Francisco Produce Market. San FiiANcisno, July 30.?There ls chauge In the vegetable market. Potatoes ciesn up well at quotations. Onious are firm. Tomatoes w Battened offa little. Business was quiet; prices steady. little Melons aio lower. Htrawberriee plentiful and cheap. Blackberries are hlguer. Tho demand for butter continues active, and prices rule viin. Choice ranch eggs are strongly hald. Cheese ls utichauged. There are 110 changes iv the poultry market. The receipts of fruit aru abundant. Prices are steady. . San Francisco Grain Market. Ban Fuancisco, July 28.?Flour quoted as follows: Net cash prices tor Family Extras, |(3.40(53..>0: 11 iker.' Extras, $3.30x33.40; Super!, n $2.5u(jri!2.75. Wheat?Puruoiising for shipping purposes Is BtAudarc, shipping, 36%iJ87%c; moderate. milling,$1.02%(i*1.07%. BsTley?A ugnt business has been done this Feed, new, Ho(tpS2%c; wniek. Quotatious: old, 82%(»85c; brewing, new, 87;,@IIOc; t.hivalier standard, $1.20>qi1,25. Oats ?The week now cosing haa been a dragging ono for the on trnde. Miiliug,$1.15,tt1.25; fan'y la.-d, $1.200J riurprise, 1.25; goud lo euolce, $1.1041.17%; poor to fair, [email protected]; black, nominal; red, nominal; gray, $1.0591 15. Chicago Grain and Provisions. < iii'aiio, July 30,?Corn wm again ltadsr lv tha grain market; closing higher, Wheat advanced ltjc. Oata galued l^Bc ou the diy. Provisions closed at a alight decline. The leading tuturce closed as follows: tho 2%e Wheat No. 2? August 52'^ 54)4 $l\m~>W,i September December Corn Ko. 2? July September 45*£ tb% 40U 45J, 4 August May Oats No. 2 ? 31 July August 29W beptember SDK May 34 Gash quotations were as follows: Flour?Weak. Winter patent, $2 80fi?2.90: straight!, lit) spring pa.out, $3 10(11) 3.00: do. straits, $2.00(0)2 TO. 2 prlng, Wheat?No. \u25a0~ ,<r,.e ~r; No. 3, nominal; Kg). 2 r d, 5 l*4'gs3 12 c. 2, Corn?No. No. 3 yellow, 47V.C. Barley-No. 2, nominal; No. 3, 30c; No. 4 nominal, Oat>?No. 2, nominal: No. 2 White, 328 BGc!J; No. J white, 31(J435i;c. Kye?No. 2, 40:\ Fiai seed-No. 1, $1.27. Timothy seed?¥s.oo. Meas pork?Per übl.. if12.57WeM2.72Vi. , .. 4b%0! l.ard?Per 100 lbs.. !fii Bofaiu 02^. fchort ribs?.ides, lou.e, $ii.75(3itj.77 1£ Moulders?Dry salted, boxwi, $0.0014)8.121-j. Short cicar?Sides, boxed, $7.00,1417.20. Whlsket?Distillers' ilttisneu goods, per gal., $1.25, Sticar?Out loaf, $5.43; granulated, $2.02; staudard A, $4.49. On the produce exchange today tho butter market was Arm; Creamery, I4(d2o'je,; daily, 12®17c. Hggs-Firm, lO'itamk'c OTHJtII OItAIN MinKCTB. Liverpool, July 23.?Wbeat; No. 1 Califor- nia, 4s lioYjp'iß 7d; rod western wint-r, 4s l' !-v.ts 21; red westoru Bprlng, 4s t; units 7d. Market was steady; demand poor; holders offer frtely. Corn?Pi nn, demand moderate; new mixed «pot, 4s Id. Bailey-California brewing, 23s BJ@2sa«d. F,our?Bprlng patent, 5a 9a. Bam Francisco, July 3 >.?Wheat, quiet and steady; l)<e, mber, $1.01? B ; now sutler, 91 Uo; May, *1.085b Baney?turner; December, 84Ja'. corn?sl.4s. Bran??ltl.oo per ton. new spot, Petroleum. Nsw York, July 30 ?Petroleum?Weaker. Pennsylvania oil sale-, none; August option, tales none; doting, uttered at 81!-u. Lima oil Bales, uone. LOS ANGELES LOCAL MARKETS. flmiiv and Miii staffs. IiARLEY-per can 14), $1.20. Corn?Per cental, $1,15 Whkat?F*r catita., $1.15. Flour ?I oral exir* family, pa hbl., $4.00 northern and vast in, $1.15. MillFJBKO?Brau, per ton, $24; Khort<, $23; mixed feed (com aud barley), per cwt., $1.10; Jnly 30. A Kraft to his wife-W% of NU of Nt% of g 17, T2B, El 3 W, aud lot 4, bl A, X OhW% sec io A Frohiiug trt; gut. W N Leo et ux tv C Osbon?Lots 1507 and 1508 Chicago Park trt Bta Monica; $200. J W Cook tn his wife?Lets 1, 2 aud 3, bl E, Azoss; 82378.75. E Keher et con to X Kolbort?Lots 5 and 6, bl 137, Pomona; agmtto convey. R F Dodson et con to O H Peck, Jr?Bl 45, Hoaley's survey San Pedro; $10. W N Harris to E A Keclcy?Lot 26, bl 22, Wolfsklil orchard trt; $10. Mrs A Oilman to «v Kerns -Lot 18. bl 29. Burpart lot 2, bl 17, Louk Beach; $1. blnk.and H T G igeelnx to w H Workman-Und % of 8 12, Bee T 6 N, X 12 W. and lot 16, bl E, and E% 13, bl H, Cabl-j Boad trt; $1100 VV H Workman et ux to H T Gage?Lot 11, Workman A Hollenbeck trt; $10. C J Fox et ux to H Slddall?M 35 ft lot 2, bik E, Sherman trt; $1000. PC Howes to E J Brlttaln?Lot 6, Dlks, Howes' trt: $190. L C Edwaids 11 L M Brown?Lot 1, b'k 5, city donation lots; $125. W H Carpenter to M 0 Carpenter?tot 39, X A Miller's subdivision, blk 72, H8: $150. 0 H Putnam to C E Putnam?part lot 11, blk 102, Bellevue Terrace trt; $10. J Lyons et nx to E T Keenly?Lots 5 and 6, blk 13, l.os Angeles Improvement company's sob qla 30, 118; #5. AUilmau to MM ataublln?Lot 24, Tuthlll A Glen'son's snb Orange Slope trt; $150. E A Miller et uz to8« Ualfhld?Lots 23 and 24, Miller Si Harriott's resub VY% Fitzgerald trt! $30' 0. J T Freos to 1 J Bryant?Lot 102, Rancho San Fernando, 31-39; $10. WN Harris to X I Follmer?Lots 16 and 17 and lrJ, blk 15, and lots 18 aud 19, blk 16, Wolfskin Orchard trt; $70. W B Armstrong ot ux to H H Worden?Lots 7 and 8, blk 20, same tract, as above; $10. Same to sh me-l ots 17 and 18,24 and 25, blk 10, and lot 26, blk 18, same tract; $10. F M Benedict et ux to J Aken-Lot 89, Park Villa trt; $1200 VD D'iDoee tn H H Worden?Lot 11, blk 5, and lot 8, blk 16, Wolfsklil Orchard trt; $10. 1 D Benbam et ux to J Simons?Land lv Ban Pasqnal trt: Pasadena, 334?218 deeds: $100. A Shu fer et con to M E Hoyal?Lot 37, Arthur tri; $275. M LMorceret con to C 0 Haddock? Lot 4, bl 62. resub bl 62, O 8; $7500. Security Bvgs Bk and Trust Co to M C HuntLot 10, bl 7. Moran trt: $525. G M Potter to 8 C Potter?Lots 5 and 6. bl ,1. Ponaerov & Mills' sub Bollenheok trt, and lot 3. bl A, Tappan's sub lot 4, blk 39, H 3: $1. L A Pitts et cou tn X W Wing-Lots 11, 12 and 13 Nlnde's sub bl C, Sau Palqual trtl HAIR VIGOR Dressing CUPIDENE Is the Great Life Giver. iWJpss JVgaft ' TtPJr yf IWtfJ of Jl «A-A lJtfSr T*£»r-SLA (> Invigorates all exliausted organso( the body. It Is tho great vegetable vitalizer that destroys the germs of insidious disease V- tluit which hai wasted the Btrftllgta c our i'oung -' TWBttnmn^e* \u25a0v ' There are hundrodsof young and middlu uged men whoso nerve force are doclininp, who sutler irom debilitating dreams aud those Ills which follows from excesses aud over Indulgences in early Hie. CHPIDKXR will give you hack your You will ho as powerfully strong after its uselife. as you are now puriently weak. Are you in a T).«mature con/\u25a0> C»L ditionf tiri'UIKVK will **h(\ stop this vvasto iv a fortnight o: &k W\ \ tbree weeks. Impotcncy, stcTlllty, mental licapacltieH are quickly cured speedily 10/ ryflSjLiy and nioveit i.y tiii> tuo -/A-fcaßg cures Lost Man- tKkvyt k hood, Loss of Brain Power, Con_> ) sumption of tho Rraln (pareisos). Sleeplessness, Lack of Power, diz. J ziuess Pains in the Back, Nervous A Prostration, Nervous Debility, efcflfpJW Varicocele, Constipation and will surely bring hack tho lost power isl of man. Prostatitis carries off our I - young ana setYf JadJ /3fi«tS**\ middle-aged men. Enlarged prostate gland needs a quieting yet powerful remcdial agent, Such ls OUPI- DBNB Use CUPIDENE and A*loSy*j\ avoid a dangorous operation. flqarantoe in writing given 4M Bn<l g money returned Ifper F/ WiVSm t Ai am J\ r mancut cure 1b uot offected V sw I V j Six boxes. Guarantee sent I with mail orders just tho the same, atl.ow a box, A rj.-.00 boxes for by mn;l. 5,000 Testimonials. Send for free circulars and testimonials. Adereas all mail srders to Sa ' DAVOL MEDICINE CO. P. O. Box *07», Ban Francisco, Cal FOR SAT.R HY 0 H. llanoe, Agt, 177-178 N. Bprlmr st. IF YOU WANT A Nice Room. IF YOU WANT Ballona. 6 delegates?Judge, : hoiel, 5 Cents a Line Kach Insertion. Do You Advertise your Real Estate for sale or Houses and Flats to rent in The Sunday Herald? It Pays. 46 22 $37,592.87 \u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666 Four Klir Successes. Having tho needed mer t to more than make good ail the advertising clsimed for tbem, tbe following four remedies ha>e reached a phenomenal sale: Or King's New Discovery, for consumption, coughs and cods, each bottle Electric Bitters, the great lemedy or liver, stomach aud kidneys; Bucklen's arnlc» Balve. the best ln the world, sad Dr. King's \u2666 Executed with Neatness New Lite Pills, which ara a perfect pill. All And Dispatch at the these reinedl-s are guaranteed to do Just, what Is claimed for them, and t>e deal r who>e name is attached hsrewi'h will be glad to sell vim more of them. Hold nt C. F. lianzeuan't drug storg, 222 N Mains'.. ! fuar.nteed: I PRI 250 envelopes, 50c; wrtTtnar pip?'. 2Tc Langstadter, 311 A, Second, Hoi values hotel Dr. Parker, d.'nllit, 120% Wost First street. Wall paper hnng, 10c roll; $328 8. Spring. Dt» Oxr.UAN Family Soii- DeVAN & RUTLEDGE, Grain and Stock Brokers, 12ii)8' W. Seconds!;., Bindick Blk. Telephone 157. V.'c receive continuously over special wire to our ofllce iho Chicago grain and provision morkeu. New York stock markets, San rranclsco grain mirkcts. Orders executed instantly, sfftTdlnK speculators the best of opportunities. Margin accounts ou boit terms to be had. Our book of its titties mailed on application. Notice to Creditors. THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Antoniu P. Coronel, deceased. INNotice is hereby given by the undersigned, egeoutrlje of the last will and testament of Antonio K. Coronsi, deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit the same with the iiccesstiry vouchers within ten months after the lirst publication oi this notice, to the said executrix, at the oifiic uf Lee & Scott, room 103, I'hillli-s block. No. I, In the city of Los Angeles county of Los Anrteles, state of California, s.iid office rjetnsr the place for the ti nns.ie ion oi the business of said estate. Dated this llth day ol July, A. 11. 1891. MARIANAW i)E COKONEL, Executrix of thu last will and testament of Coronel, i. Antonio deceased. 7-11-lmo J % NTINQ 309 W. SECOND ST. ing plsce Downey Ohamplon-omco. Duarte, 4 delegates?Judgo, J. 11. Voting place, clerk, K. B. Merman. house. Shrode: school El Monte. 11 delegates?Judge, J. c. Hannon; clerk. C. M. Bell. Voting p ace, Melyer's store. Enterprise, 4 delegates?Judge, Omrt Buills; oletk, George Nichols. Voting place, Enterprl'o school bouse. Florence, 5 delegates?Judge, Nathaniel McCl»!n; clerk, G. W. Williams. Voting place, school bouse. Frultland, 3 delegales-Jadge, B. Collins; clerk, Wm. Angel. Voting place, house on Bull's ranch. Garvnza, 3 de'egales?Judge, Frank Hall; clerk, Geo. H. Carwin. Votiug place, Cor win's rail estate ofllce Gleudulo, l> delegate!? Judge Robert Devlne; olerk, R G. uoyle. Voting place. Good Templar's hall. Qlendnrs, 6 delerates?Judge, Dr. A, B. Engel hardt; ckrk, J. N. Reiser. Voting place, Book's hall. N, M. Bolan; Howard 3 delegates-Judge, clerk, 8, B. Woodward. Voting piece, school house. Hyde Park, 4 delegatoj?Judge, F. BoMiib; Voting placj, school clerk, J. T. Jouhla. , iI $ Craudall's £ j | A. R. HOPKINS, Manager. George EngelLa Canada, Sdo'egates?Judg?, clerk, John Verdugo. Voting place, Cleaoeuu school house. La Llebra. 4 delegates?Jud-je, Wm. Bailey; Voting place, Neeuach olerk, 0 W. Sage. school house, Laniauda Park, 3 delegates?Judge, J. B Wilson; ok-rk, J. E. Butitr. Votiug plroe, hardt; * Eckstrom does the wall paper mildness of tbe city. He has a large stock, good taste and ? lowcbl prices. 309 8. Main st. Downey, Ist precinct, 6 delegates?Judge, J. M. McK.Ol ar; clerk, B. M. Blyttie. Voting place, B. M. Ulftht-'s office. DoA-ney, 2nd precinct, 0 delegates?Judge, T. K. Mauulug; clerk. V. B. J. Ohapinan. Vot- house. job I Herald Job Offlee John J. Chap- olerk, VY. R. Hupe. Voting; place, school house. ahuengs, 4 delegates?Judge, Wm. M. TarKart; clerk, T. Anderson. Voting place, Cahuenga school house. Calabasas, 4 delegates?Jndge, Pascal Ballade clci k, c. A. Beh. Voting place, Calabasas court house. Catalina, 2 delagates?Judge, Dr. A. T. Bishop: clerk, 8. Eddy. Voting place, pavilion. Cerritos, 3 delegates?Judge, W. A. Andrews; clerk, Alex Miles Voting place, school house. Clearwater, 2 delegates?Julge D. Lane; clerk, 8, N. Jenulugs. Votiug place, Clearwater halt. Common, 5 delegates?J idee, A. P. Bently; clork T. J. Havlin. Voting place, Judge Ben ly's office. Covins, 3 delegates?Jndge, Ari Hopper; oicrk, Joseph Maddeu. Voting place, Hodge's hall, Covinit. Dei Bur 3 delegates?Judge, Louis Mayet; clerk, Jarues Hetuer. Voting place, Hefner's The Herald summary. . man; clerk, 11. Bhimmel. Voting place, school house. Burbank, 3 delegates?Judge, F Bcntedler: YOU CAN FIND THEM BY USING THB COLUMNS OF SKLlndloyetnxtofi C Chevailler?Lot 12, bl 11, Uimston trt; $350 M Flynn to X Eadie?Lot 16 and pat lo', 17, Brockway'e sub bl J, Ban Fasqual trt, Pssadena; $450. J W Gervln et ux to A W Krone?Lot 14, bl 46 \u25a0 lee Ry Homesiead Assn tri; $300. J Fallows tn C W Wiuue?Lots 9 and 10, bit; The Palms: $600. Pomona coilesa toS E Colson?Lot 18, bl N; Claremout: $150. Same to P J Colton?Lot 17 bl 12; Claremont: $1. N PAlntor to Fassdcna LAW Co, Und?3-10 32.05 acres. Ro Ban Pssqnal (42-71) $1980. T Barrows to P J Colcord-Lot 16, bl 12; Claremont: $150. Los An Tho Democratic county rentrai committee of Lob Angeles county issues tne following proclamation in aci onlance with re-ultitions adopt, d by raid committee, duly assembled at Los Angola* city, Ju y 20, 1884, for the boldiug of primary elections aud caucuses for the c ei-tion of d-legates to a county couyentio-i to beheld at tho clly of Los Angeles in the New Turn Vereiu hall, 313 ?outh ? aiu street, on the 11th day of augusi, 1804 for the purpose of select ing forty-; wo de.egatr.s to the Democratic (tale tourer,t ou tv be held at Ban Francisco, on 1 uuaday, tin- 21st day ot August, 181(4. Cel., aria tjrtodei gates to the coneressioual aud other conventions; aad also to nomluate caa.tida ea vi, township nty, foco and other office* to bo voted for at the eleciion to bo held on the 8 h day of November, 1894; also to tv a new left auy county centra) committee and trunsaft aud all other business fnr ihe ftu-theraure of tbe Interests of ihe Democratic party. Said primary elections and caucuses shall be held HCcording to tbe followingrules and regulations; The c ection for delegates to the county convention shail,iu all Incorporated cities and towns,l.e belo by preciuct caucuses by the meeting of the Democratic electors of said pre Incts at some place to be designated by .aid committ c, at the hour of 7:30 p. m., ou the 4tb of Aniußl, 1804, aud close at 9:30 p.m. on said day. Th t the organization ot said caucus shall be by too member of the Democratic cmnty central committee for tbe lespeouve precinct* who shall pie-lde over said caucus, and lv case thero Is uo member of the Democratic committee )r sent, then the Democratic electors present shall elect a chairman of said precinct cauc a, who shall preside at said meeting, and said preoiuot caucus shall electa secretary nf meeting, and also two judges who. withsaid ths chair i,an of said meet ng, shall conduct all the proceedings of said caucus. That said caucus meeting shall remain open for Hi" purpose of receiving vntes until the hour of 9:30 p. m., at which tims said caucus shall close, aud the judge, chairman and socre tarv shall certify the number of votes polled and for whom, and shall Issue to the persons receiving lhe highest number of votes a certificate of election to said convention The secretary ol said oauous shall take down the names of all persons applying lo voe aud their residence, and shall return the bal ots cast, together with tbe full minutes of the proceeoiusaof said caucus, together with tne list of raid voters and their resldenoe, to tho chalrmau or secretary of the Democratic couuty cenir.il committee. In other prei incts o'said couuty of Los Augeles, not Ine udedin said Incorporated cities and towns, dc egatts shall be elected by precinct titularies, the polls shall be onen-rt at the hour of a p. ra. and closed at the hour of 5 p. m., and ssld elerttinn shall be conducted by a Judge and clerk appointed by tbis committee That the qualification to vote in any of the said caucuses or precinct primaries shall be that the voter ls a Democrat, that he pledges himself to vote the Democratic ticket at the ensuing election, that he is an elector at the precinct at which he applies to vote. Tbe judge and clerk of said preciuct caucus or precinct primary shail return to the secretary or chairman of the Democratic oounty central committee. immeJlstely after such caucus ele tion or prirauiy, the poll list contriniug the names of the persons voting at the said caucus o- primary, together with the ballots used at such election, with acertiticateceriifylogtheuumber of voles which each delegate received, on ', the said returnß to be Inclosed In a good, substantial envelope. Tho following Is the number of delegates to which each precinct is ut tled, tho uamos of the officers of election provided for under this call, aud the place of holding same: A clou, 2 delegates?Judge. G. Kruger; clerk, J. M. Jones. Voting place, scboo. house. Alabambra, 0 delegates?Judge, George Lownian: clerk, J, K. Pitts. Voting place, Adams' Hall. Arteila, 3 delegates?Judge, John Oarse: clerk, John Holllngsworth. Voting place, Artesia school house. Azuea, 9 delegates?Judge, Louis T. Nalhsn; clerk, YV. P. Barnes. Voting place, Nathan's store. A Good Boarding P]aee, grant. Nominal Total E X p. bnllds up, I flit refreshes, -/A~sß;ft « Deeds tho Democrat! of the County of TO it.-1.-B, ijtntvof ualifornia: It prevents the hair from falling out or turning gray. The best Bprlng , ATTENTION! AVER'S Dried Fralt. ArpLES?Sun drio>i, ssoki, per lb., 7(sßc; ancy boxes, per lb., incite; evaporated, 12c. apricots?Fancy, per lb., 11®12%c; peeled, ... Burlington has become thin, and keep the ecalp clean and healthy, use tajX. were: U. >. Ss reg 117% Nashville Chatt.. 6J Cordago do coup M% llS%Nat ffi 118!,,, dopfd do 4s ret 114 IN. J. Central. do4s coup .194% 14(gU6c. do 'as reg 96* Norf. at Wsln ptd. 18% Peaches-Fancy, unpseled, 7@9c; peeled, ?Paol«c6sol '95.100* N. Imtr. Oa 2% 14'f»16c. Atchison 3% Nor. Pao 8% Prunes?Choice, boxes, perlb.,7@9c; sacks, Adams Ex 149 ? dopfd... ..13 s@7c; fancy, 9<aioc Alton, Torre Hte. 29 ll'. P. D. 4 0u1f... 2% Fr.*h Frnlts. do pfd 168 Northwestern ....102% Apples?Per box, $1.76(1*2.00. 109}» <U» Pfd Am. Ex 140% bunch, »-.'.00tn2.25. Bananas?Per Balto. A Ohl* ... 71 N. Y. Central 90% Lsmohs?Cured, per box, Jj1.7612.00! nn«2%!n, Y. AN. Eng... 13« eured, Canada Pao il,Qoai.3S. Canada Bouth'n.. 48% Ontario & »stu. 14", ORANriK-? Nnvels, ptr box, g1.50®2.00; seed, Central Pue 10&Ore. Imp 12 lings, isi.ooiai.2.-.. Chas. at Ohio 15 16% ore. Nay Chicago A Alton.l4o ore. Short Line <k Nuts. Burilugtou U. Northeru Almonds?Paper shell, per lb,, 15@17c; soft 72% l 8% Chljago Qas 73??.Pa0. Mall 14% shell, 14 ttlsc; hard shell, 10@llc. Con. lias 114 Peoria, D. A E.?. Sl Psancts?Oiilllornia, raw, per lb., s@6c; *150 C.C.C.&Bt. Louis 35 Pittsburg toasted, 7(j(8c; eastern, raw, 607 c; roasted, 8(g) Col. Coal at Iron., ii- Pullman Palace.. 156% 9c. Cotton Oil 17 Vegetable-*. 26% Beading. Del. at Hudson. ..133 Richmond Ter.... 14', BliNs-PerlOOlbs., black-oyed, 92.00(1*2.25] dopfd Del., Lacxawanna 17% navy, $2.25; Lima, $2 Si Western 161 R.GrandsWestern 14% .50; small white, $2.65!g)2.75. It. A It. (1. pfd 42 pfd lbs,, 20% ido 100 90c per Busts?Per 03 18;, Back i.land llistillers Cabbaob? Per 100 lbs., 501jJ)750. 57 East fena 8 »L Paul Car Rats?Per 100 lbs.. 60c. Erie pfd de 117 13% ONiONH-Per 100 lbs., $4.00. pid do 28* Si. Paul <k Omaha 34% Vn| tabus?Mlsoxllaneoos. l!f> dopfd Ft. W.yne 150» Caui.iplower?Per doz., 60c Ot. Northern nfd. «»% Southern Pacific.. 18 Cki.f.ry?Per doz. bunches, 60c. Chicago Si Ksstrn Sugar 104% Chi. is?Dry, pur lb., 20c; green, 6a. Illinois nfd BS 1 Term. Coal A Iron 17% Ga iti.iv?Per Ib,. B(s|i4c. 8% Paofclnt Valley.. li;% l exas Pacing LKrrucx?Per doz., 150. lillnoUCsntrai... 00%(Toledo it O. C. pfd 6!) Onions?Green, Bt. Paul Si Duluth 23 per doz. buaobes, 20c. Union Paslflo 7 50 Kan. Sr Teias pid 2<i 11. 8. Ex Kadihiiks? Per doz. buuchbs, 20c PAHSNirs-Per 160 lbs., *1. Lake Erie d> We t 15% Wasa'b, St. Louis do pid Pact fie 8 Potatoks?Pel 100 lbs., 9S(JgI,IO. 6i% A Turnips?Per 100 lbs., 73c. dopfd Lake Hliore 13% laft% s-F*rgo Lead Ttutt Ex..112 38 Wei Humey and Uvea wax. afji/ L. A N western Union... fH% HoNEY-Comb, per lb., 10312% ci extracted, New Albany 7 Wheeling AL. B. 0 5;«6c. .w, pfd Ivianhat Con 112 do Beeswax?Per lb., 21@25c. Memphis A Char. 5 Minn. A St. Louie 3% Poultry and Ksrqrs. 04 D. AX. U 8 Mich. "Contral Poultry ?Per doz., hens, $5.00®5.75: old Missouri Pao 23% Ban. Electric 35% rocsters, young roost-is, $4.5010 $4.50(0)5.00; Mobile A0hi0... 18 Ltnieed i 5.50; broilers, [email protected]: tarkeys, per lb., 11 geese, per <S)l3c, ducks, per doz., ~Bld. Boston, July 30.?Following are closing head, $1. Eoos?California ranch, 12(jt13 per doz. quotations; Atchison 3%iMex. Cent 6% REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Bell Tele»uone...lUß San Diego 4 .. hair which Provision.. ITa>s?Rex, local smoked, psr lb.. 15c; Comeel-. Jl%c; Boneless, 12c; Picnic, B>»c. Ba/ON-Rex, l-nneleßß breakfast, 10c; xießancelOc: other grsdes, 9®9%c. 11rt i o Beef?Sets, per lb., 14Xc; lnstde, Mdtton?«% Poak?B(g>B%e. DEMOCRATS, To Restore Dairy Produots. BDTTKR-/ancy California creamery, per roll (l%lb«.). ai|»42%c: fancy dairy per roll (1% lbs.), 3.'.@f7%c; cnoice 30@32%c. CHEKsir-Cailfornla, naif cieam, per lb., 10® lie; do all cream, 14c; Young Am-irica, 15c: »mail f:i !\u25a0. hand), 16c; weitern, full cream 15 @16c; lOme-tlc Swiss, old, iß@Joe: new, 15(a) iMc; iimorted Bwlst, ggAiSOn. i.imburger, domestic 14(#15c; Imported, 18($20c. * store. Lttioitruer, 3 delegates?Judge, Capt. J. c. Voting olerk, Gdoige Welushnnk. Hannah: school house. plnro, Lankor'hlm. 2 delegates?Judge, G. 73. Key; clerk, it Varuoy Voting place, school house. LOUg B-a. 11, 3 delegates?Jtldirp, Louis A. Bailee; cierk, Jouu F. nwesnoy. Vollng plaoe. City Hal. Li.rdnlmrg. d d«>ratc«?Judge, G. F. Ferris: Voting place, Pioneer's clerk, J. I). Polouiares. stole routn. Dr, H. D. PerMonrovia, 3 delegates?Judge, clvnl: c'.ers, I-. Dame*. Voting P ace, ofllce of L, BarnesA, J. Gil. Monle Vlstn, 3 delegates?Judge, more ; 0 erk, P. I. Durf). Voting place, actio jl r house. Dealer lv Ni w and «gC__ + 3 National, First preciuct, 2 delegates; Recond fjr / Bee >ud-hflud third preclnrl, 2 dele preclnc, 1 delegate; FUKNITUI{E g-tti's: Fourth precinct. 2 de tigutes?Judire, ColGray; clerk, W, Chamberlain. Votiug onel Carpets', Slatting, Tollplace, ot t):e»n house. Beds, Ofllue Deika f a tut Newhaii, 1 dnlega es -Judge, Matt McCor. and Hrovea Prices low Voting place, clerk, O. W. Lechlor. J iiiU|\ fnr cash or will sell ou mlckl Southern hotel. iILLLLij Ur?i- ~U c iustalimeiits. New Km? 3 delegates;?tudg-a, Pasadena, North J. 8. SicxcnsngeJ for mons ; clerk. C. K. Tom 1 Voting place, Painte's storo room. Norwalk, S delegates?Judßf, 4t31 8. ePHINQ BTREET W. 11. Seltle, olerk, P. A. Mrowti. Voting pare, schoolbiust.. Palwdtle, 3 delegates?Judge, Gcorgu iiorlHug: clerk, Butt Oolc. Votiug place, school house. Voting place, Cltv HARD WOODS, K'dondo, 9 delegates. »\u2666»\u2666\u2666\u2666»\u2666 \u2666\u2666\u2666»<»\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666»\u2666\u2666\u2666»\u2666 . -- I Tj MART I N .I. -Trt , L rflTttll WAGON MATERIAL, IRON, STEZEL, HORSE SHOES AND NAILS, Blacksmiths' Coal, Tools, Eto. JOHN WIQMOFIE, 117, 119 and 121 Bouth Lot Augeles Str.iot. J. M. Griffith, John T, arifflth, V. Ptcj. V. T. Oiintth, Becretary him Treasurer. t. L. Oluudier, Btipecntsndoiit. J. M. GRIFFITH COMPANY, LUMBER DEALERS Aud ,\Tanular'nr"-*nr DOOH9, WlNOOtVii, BLIMDJ AND rflAlliMitl work of every de crtn.ion. 1-6 »f 934 N. Alameda st., Loi Augeles. hail. . . H, McElI'ieo Height*, 3 delegates?Judge, ny; clerk, William McCann. Votiug place, alectiin stole. Rivers, 9 delegate?Judg \u25a0. IT. I. Montgomery ; clerk, Frank Cotfiu. Voting place, Town hall. Kosednle, 5 delegates- Judge, C. F. Harris; cleik, WI lard H»il. Voting piece, Rowland, 4 delegates?J -id c, George McCalee; cleik, T. Haye-. Voting place, Hayes it ot.'.« stor.v ran Fernando, 0 ilulr-gnte.s-Judgo, B. T. Oretin; cierk, 0, W, Judy. Voting place, Justice's olliee. George E, Pan G-brle', 7 delegates?Judvf, Voting place, Smith; clerk, W. W. Gainer, Bsylet". hall. Manuel MarBan Vlcent.-, 4 delegates?Judg?, ques, clem. M. FoW.ii. Voting place, 8. P. ieit t-.ur .ut i ttlldl .v :ti rr \u25a0 vi.eir ,;: del gales?Judge, w. U. Citali; clfik, c N. Miner. Voting piucu, Vista butld in a SL'Ulh Pasadena 3 delc~iies-J'<!'jd, Occ.-gs 31, 1894. . W. Barnard; olerk, W. B. Vail. Voting place, city hell. L. M Freyer; Sandra, 3 delegates?Jodgr, clerk, W. H- Hewitt. Voting place, University, 8 ileiegates-Juage, Wm. Oryden; Voting place, Wilson's clerk, W. 11. Webber store. Vernon, 8 delegates?Judg J. A. Brewer; Voting p'ece, Vernon cl. rk. J. *. Psmberion. houi-e. school Joha M. King; Whittier, 7 ilelegales?Judge, clerk, Milton J. Brooas, Voting pi-ce, Llvl gslon's s ore. Wilmington, sde egstes?Judge. Michael Msbar; clerk, M. F. Gibbous. Voting place, Dowßing's block. Pasadena, Flist preolnct, 2 delegates?Voting plac., Wotkyns Bros.' office. Pasadena, Second prtciuo, 3 delegates?Voting plsce, VVotkyn» Bros.' ofllce. 1 hlrd precinct 4 uelegates-VotPasodeua, ing p ace, Wotkyns Bros.' office. asadena. Fourth product, 3 delegates?Vot- 9 i Soutlm ?mk Cnpy IMPORTANT CH INGE OF TIME. JULi. 10, 189*. Traina 1h»»o aad Ira due lo arrive at LOs .NG«L«B,A6,I AD« DEPOT), Fifth atreet, daily ac follows: L-nvefor Obstisatio-. Arrive 200 p.m Aan Fran .v Sacram to 7:30 a.m 7:4.5 p.m dan Fran & bacram'to 1:48 p.m 2MM) I'.tn igden <ii Has ,2d elaei 7:30 am 7:45 !>.m Ojden i aaai, l»i ctaae 1.48 p.m Portland. Ore 7:45pm 7:3n«.a Salt .. 7:00 p.m 8:30a.m . ..BlPaaoaud .Bemlng 6:3 i» and East... 7:00 p.m 8:30a.m Ban una 7:00 p.m Red ands «9 21 a.m Ilea)laosts 6:30 a m »ln:loa.m Sediands. 4:55 pm 10C0 a.m 4:3 p.in Kediands 7.00 p.m Oo tn s»:21 am 8:30 s.m Cuilou sIOUOa. m 111:30 it Oof ton 4:58 p.m . a.m.. . . ... WONG HIM. who has praot eed mcdi Wotkyns gros.' office. cine la Los An<- les for 19 year-, aud Paßsdeua, gif h precinct, 4 delegates?Votwn. ae oftlcß ti at Upp r Main n eat, will ing p ace, Wotkyns Bros.' effl. c. treat by m dtcic» all di-e«s, s ?f ? vm n men 4 delegates?Voti, ,fi ieii sixth preciuct, and eh dren The docer clalroa that he haa 4:30p.m B"(»s.' ing place, Wotkyns office. ColtOi. 7: op.m remedies tht ie aupe tor to ali Mh«r*asn mveratde s»:81 a.at Pomona, First preomct, 4 delegate"?Voting ap c.fie for t oubles of vvomei; and men. A a.m Biverslde house, 8:30 .10:10 am place. Central scboo. E.len and Holt tr al alone will convince iha sick that Dr. aye. lo .i ia.m illvent de 4 68 ...m Wong Hist's remedloa are nn r efile c ous than Biversnie 7 00 p m 4 30 p. m Pomona, Second procincl, 7 delegates?Votg Mlm is a Chinese cau i*presoribed li. o. 59;21 a m -au Boiitsrd uo? ing place, Bay nhams' house, oeconu and Eilen physician of prominence and * neat eman of B:3oam Sun Hertiaidino AlOtlOa.ra nl, reputation 1 more ihan responsibility, JO:Boa.m Hiu Bern*, im 4:58 p.ln Pomona, Taird pr ciuct. 5 delegates?Voting welt eslabnihrd, and a person peeling h.s 4:30 p. in San Herns, dino 7:00 p.m place, city hall. ? ervlc.a cun iclym: ha as i; aid .billti. A a 8 50 a.m Chino Pomona, Fourth precinct, 6 delegates?Votcur la guaranteed In eve y rise lo which a re8:30 a.m Chiuo 9: lam ing place. Loud dt .Irllng's racking house He,b siedlisiaoa for sale. ry possible. cov ia 4:3'p.m Oh no *10:10 «,a lanlaMoni a. First precinct, ft deiagatas? *6:15pm.... Chino 4:58 p.ra Voting place, Bckeit A Hopi'spivilion. B:lop.tn ..Moilr ivia. 7:*>sa.in Banta Mon.ct, Sacou l piecicnt, & delegates..:0:_0 0,111 HbRB DOCTOR ..Monrovia Voting pla c, town hai., :\u25a0: .'p. m .Monrovia a' Sanledro, H.st precinct, 5 delegates?VotUpperstret't, 639 Main Los Ancri'les. t"> If- n.m Mourotii 4:45 p. a ing place, city ball. i:iH|.m 7:3oam 8 .at-Ji trbaia Ban Pearo, Becond pri ciuct, 4 delegates?VotLos AKSBLBt, Cai., June 17, 1889. 2:011 p.m...Bants Barbara.... 8:46 pa ing place, Jud -c Moore's court room. TO THK rCBLCGt I have beci sullerliig with A9:52a.n, At; , & Auaiieiaa villi 9:06 a.io delegatesAngeio precinct, i. s 6 city. First piles aud kid .ey troubiv for over live years, 6: 0 p.m|-antA Ana it Anaheim A4:o4p.ui Voting place, 110 N Truman. and nave tried several remedl but all fai p.in' 4 52 Tnstin. 6:43 a.m Augelej 5 delecity, precinct, Los Bro-ind to relieve me. A short time since I tried Dr. *9:40 ami Whmier e:tti m gates?Voting place, HON. Truman street. Wong Him, 039 Upper Ma n street, aud 1 hbi p.m! a 1:45 p.a l.os Angeles city, lh.nl precinct, 7 delegates 4:62 Whittier now well and -trong, and conalder him a first- t sB:3da.m Sau Pedro a7:16 p. -a ?Voting place, 100 8. Truman .tree!. c.ass dor..or. Yours Italy, I .1,1 uk Etao i e~: 15 p.m Los Angeles city. Fourth precinct. 7 doleW. H. HI LYER, on|i B'.di A Salt Ped.o 9:25 a.m 6:15 a.m gates?Voung p ace, NW corner Kuhrtz and 235 S. H ii sl. J, ,s Ai.ge es, l 12:60 p.m Sau red 0 A Long B'en il;54 ate Bit-lie. streets. i iiiif.in i.'iiu li'iiii au Pedro 4:15 p.to l.os a uveitis city. Fifth precinct, 10 delegates Los ANom.es, Jane 9, 1893. IdcaOs.ii [ Salt* Woule ?Voting place, Prospect park grocery store, To THxPunuc: Fnr over lis years i have 9:305.:n SantaMoniea B:o'Ja.ra 081 Mitchell Piace. b eu troub ed with nervous a ck headache aud 8:5, i.m Bant* Moines lut3oi.nl? l.os Augeiesolty, Sixth precinct, 7 delegates liver complaint. I didn't «e-m >o find any help 12:12p.a 1:10 p.m Samo Motnea ?Vollns p.ace, power hoi se. s2:u()i..ui from the many doctors anl medlcin»s that I .Sinia Sioniei 4:25 p.m Loi Angeles clly, Seventh precinct, 6 deletiled until I tried Dr. Wong Him. 630 Upptr 5:15 p.m is.2tip.rn Sa ia Moui ia gale,? Votiug plaoe, engine bouse. Main street. lam now well. mitt, s6:4sp,ra i4::tsp.m Youra ..SantaMoniea Los Ange s cltv, Eighth precinct, 7delegnt.es M 16 i M. G. BROCK. illi :i m Mouica ii.iii ..Sihiu ?Vo Ing plaoe, 1456 Ban Fernando street, drug 46 Hlntonave., Loa Auge.es, cal. suiti Moines n10:35 p.m ?tors. 10:30a.rn soldier* 1 Heme 8:55 tv Lot Angeles ci'y, Ninth precinct, 8 delegates * ..ro do tt' Home 4:25 p.m lXJfi *x^.js>iiti>or> 0:26 |> m ?Voting place, Colby block. 9:;tOn.TD ion l.viAngeles ) 12:12 p.m Easily, Quickly and Permanently Restored. l.os Angeles city, Tenth precinct, 11 delegates 10:30 a.m I and 4:25 D.m > ?Voting idn ie, Pain'er's ha 1, Aliso street. Cci.rßrtATKn ENOt.iau XirttxriY 4. 1 10p m tSarth ftmch Stat'n) att:l2p.m Los Angeies city, Eleventh preclnot, 12 d-leAs:3op.m A9:3t'a.'i; f .cualstvoi-ih park..! gates?Voting place, 212 N. Los Angeies street. j ; TrallM start fiom I Loi Angeles city, Twelfth preciuct, 10 dele) It: v. r at ation Etaatj 3 litis sold oe a. poeilir* gates?Vollng p ace, 112 N. Alameda atreet. ?, guarantee to cure suy fes -iB uf For.UAllde at.i only J Los Angeles city, 'Ihlitoanth precinct, 13 iilj delegates?Votiug plact, BE corner of Alameda 1.-rm o£ uervotiß ]»miisSundavs ouly. ABuodays eac ?pted. aSaturtmtk»nor disK-Tfter 1 *dsyf »ny only. and Commercial streeie. daya ot tbe gen.ta l organs of Los Angeios city, Fourteenth preclnot, c deleCATALINAISLAND. gates? Votingplace, Club stabler, 212 B. Lei a either sex cnuacd Southern ?sclfic Comta iy a trains connect Augeles street. by exceesiv* use of AftOfTransportatljn B©forOatS n redro with Los Augeles city, Fifteenth precinct, 11 deleor or on accouot compauy'a .me steamers. fobnnco. AJoohol gates?Voting place, Walton ht.u>e, 009 Second -A youthful indi»rr(!tion ur over indulKence eto., Depot. Leave. | Arrive. DiifirnT'-n, CofTviilaions, Wiikvfuinew, ileadnL'bo, street. Los Angelea city, Sixteenth precinct. 0 de'eMental Deprassiun, ItWfteDitig oftho iJrflin, Wt -.It Sunday 8:30 n. in! 7:15 pa gales?Voting mace, corner Tfalid aud Los tfAmory, JieAriog Down J';tit>c. Seiuinal Vt'eakncse, 5 :00 p.in! li:*4 s, a Hysteria. Nocturnal Emissions, Hitermatoirhnea, .Sunday Anse.es streets. Monday 12 50p.m| 11:54a.m Los Angeles oity, Seventeenth precinct, 7 ivosß of I'nwer and Impotency. wliicu if neglected, 12:50 i.m 11 54 a ia I'ussulAy. Dtny lead to premature old age an rt insanity. delegates?Voting place, Arcade hot. 1. p.m... Wedoeiday 12:50 li:u4a.io V, Angeles Eighteenth precinct, Positively 8 F'rioti. a box; $' city, guaranteed. Los .00 bores 11;5* a.m Thursday 32 :5o p.rr. delegates?Vollng place, ooraer Fifth and Ma.jrss 00. Kent by mail on receipt of price. A written rridsy 12.50 pm 11:54 a. ra ple avenue. ruaranteo fttruisbed Sft-Otl order received. Saturday. h:2sa.lii 11.54 a.m precinct, 7 '.o refund ,v te money It *% permanent cure ia not Lot Angelts city, Nineteenth 5:00 p.m I .Saturday deltgatcs?Voting place, Atlas mills, Fifth and ffected A <r. S»n Pedro streets. Allot the seaside and local Interior i rains Los Angeles city, Twentieth procinct, 8 del- For tale by GEO. H. 1 REE MAN CO., 102 a. Bprint; street. slop at the vv atation, cor. of First and Alaegates? Vollng place, Kearney's hall, 1716 strejta. meda Eatt Sevonthstreet. The trains arriving from Santa Monica at 6 Los Angela! city, Twenty-grit precinct 4 n.m. aud 6:27 o m stop oaly at The Palms aad detegitea?Voting place, store corner WashingUniversity, between S-nta Monica and Arcada ton and Central ay nue. depol. LosAng-let city, Twenty-second precinct, 7 Local aud through tickets sod, bavgage Augeles depots: Los East cud Flrstst aad delegates?Voting place, car barn, corner Main cheesed, Pjllman sleeping etr reservation* Downey aye. bridges. and r»sshlnglonstreett. made and general information g.veu upon a :.Angeles city, Twenty-third precinct, Los 10 Angelts for Leave iasadena for pltcatiou to J M. OKA i.EV, Assistant Pesdelegates?Voting place, engine house on Mam Leave Loi Pasadena. Lto Atigelus. ?ecgei Ageui, 141 S. Spring sat., cor. eecond. street near Adams street. CH A Ul. t H t. V LER, agent itfjtMM*. i.os Angeles c ly, Twenty-fourth precinct, 7 ? (1:35 a.m ? 7:15 a.m RICHARD (iREi, General Mb Manager. delegates?Votiug place, hall on northwest t» 7:10 a.m t» 8:05 a.,u T. 11. GOJDMAN, Oeu'l PaM-Tftont. corner of Thirtieth and Main streets a.m 9:l»3 a.m Lot Angeles city, Twenty-fifth preolnct, 8 ? 98:00 00a ?10:35 a.m C.tI.IKOKkU BtILtTAT delegates?Vot ng plac.-, aouthweit corner ?10:30 a. m ?12:30 p.m 10. (Banta Fe Route.) n Twenty-third street and Grand avenue. ? p.m 1 45 p.m IN EFFECT JULY 17. 1894. Los Angeles city, Twenty-sixth precinct, 0 ?12:25 ? 1:40 ? p.m 3:05 p.m Traina leave and are due hi arrive at Lot Aadelegates?Voting piece, englue houae Seven? 8:00 p.m ? 4:05 o m II geles (La Grande atation), First et and Banta teeni h and Hope streets. ? ? 5:25 p.m 4:00 p m t c aye. Los Angeles city, Tweuty-sevenlh precinct, 6 ? 5:2tl ? 7:05 p.m delegates?Voting place, Francisco's store. 1500 ? ti 20 p.m Leave Los Afcofti.iai Arrive p.m * 8:05 p.m West Pico streei. p.re tilled am ? 112:15 Angeles city, Twenty-eighth precinct, Los 10 j 9:30 p.m 3:00 p.m L't'ed Overland Express * 9:20 a m ] p.in 10:15 *ll:t)t>a.m Sau Diego Coast liae.. de-egatea?Voting place, livery stable corner * 1:16 p.m ? 8 :35a.m t Pico and I earl streets. Downey avenne leaving time 7 mioutts later. i ? 0:20 a. n Los Angeles city, Twenty-ninth precinct, 9 ?:t:uo p.m...Sin Bernardtuo...} ?O.Sia.m for [Leave Altadena June? 4.01) p.iii delegates?Voting place, Ninth street engine Lea re Los Angeles via Pasadena....) * 6:aos.m Altadena Junction, j tiou for Loa Angelea. ? home. 8:35a.m i.... hivers.de via.... I \u2666 H:3oa.a *4:00p.m ) ...San Hemaroino...( ? 0:30 p. m Los Annies city, Thirtieth precinct, 8 de e- ? ?Jo;loa.m 9:00 a. iv J gates- Votingplace, corner Eighth and Olive ?ll:O0a.m i... .Bivers deand....) * 1:15 p.m n.m 112:00 m. streets. <( .Ban Bernardino...> ) ?110:30 ? 2:40p.m p.m 1:40 Los Angeles city, T'hlriy-firßt precinct, 7 delvia Orange ? 4:00 p.m 6:00 p.m ? 8:35 a.m ißedtauds, Mentone, egates?Votiug place, (second-street park paJ * 9:50 a.m ? 4.00pm vilion, .ami Illch Iand.. ..> *«.3op.m depot. A 1 trains start irom First at. J.. ) Angeles Thirty-second city, precinct, Los 8 4 via Pasadena deie<atei-Vdtiug place, 003 South Olive Leave L-.s Angeles f.r I.eavu Glendale for Los ?li :()oa.i. Rcdiands it Meutonei *1:15p.a Augeles. Btreet. U endale. via 5 I (orange Loa Angeles clly. Thirty-third precinct. 8 &. Biverslde) del: gates-Voting p.ace. South tide of Fifth t 6:40 a.m A/uta 1 7:35 a.m t 7:28 c.m »? 8 35a.m I j 6:20 s.m 1;30p.m street, betw- en Mem and epritig streets. ! 8::>0am tt 9:i2» m ? 4:00 I aud {.... Inteimediate.... Los Angeles city, Thirty-fourtb precinct, 7 112:35 p.m 9:80a.m p.m.... 1:30 n.m delegates?Voting place, nor n side ol Fifth ? 5:26 p.m 6:13 p.m ? 0:10 p.m | BUUOI.S I ?? 4;i6».m Btreet, betwe n Main and Spring street-. J o :30 pm Loa Angeles for Leave East Ban Pedro ? 8:35 a.m i Los Angeles oity, Thirty-fifth preclnot, 6 Leave Pasadena 1 7:35a.m i ong beach and East for ? B soa.ni delegates -Votiugplaoe, 307 South Utoitdwsy. 1:30 p.m Pasadena 1 Ang San Los Pedro. dea. ? 3 00p.m Pasadena *»:«oa.m Lob Angeles city, rnirty-sixih preolnct, 7 ? delegates?Voting place, basement of California p.m Pas dene s.m 4:00 * 9:30 I? 8.00 a. m t 7:15 i.m ? 0:10 p.at bank building. Pasadena o.m *? 4:10 ii.m j 7:50 a. in 6:60p.m Paaadena L»« angelea city, Thirty -seventh preolnct, 8 ? 9:56 ) :' 6 p.m *11:20a.m ? S:lsa.ui giuutlii delegates?Voting piace, Evening Telegraph 8:30* m ? * p.m p. t 5:15 ra 9: 0 * 1:15 p.m. office, Wilson blook. i.m Mailt* Ana p.m t 7:00 p.m 'lliOn "4:10p.m Los Angelea city. Thirty-eighth precinct, 9 1 0:1)0 p.m s iita Aa * 6:45 de.egates?Voting placc,2l3 N«w H gh street. Between East 8a n Pecro and Long Beach 10 1 9:iMia.m eamaMo .i.-a hi'Jtliin * B'.SOf.m J 10:00n.m San<A Los Angelea city, Tnirty-aiuth precinct, 7 Monica minutes. ? 1:35 p.m ? i. no p.m suits K.iaica delegates?Voting piece, 1034 leraple strest. BUBltf CANTON A"ND ECHO MOUNTAIN. 5:15r.m Los Augeles city, Fortieth preciuct, 7 deleSau » MoulO* ? 6:69 a.m Trains leave Los Angles at o a. m., 1:40 and 1 »:otia.m gates?Voting place, v.t nut store, opposite Eedando ? Temple street power house. 3:50p-m 4 p. m. dally, and 9 a. ra., 10:30 a. vi., 1 llti p. ?10:00 am X dondo ? i:35 p.m Ins Aegelescity Forty-first pre inct, 8 delem. and 4 p. iv. Sundays. 9MO n.m .Kadondd * ? place, pavilion p.m temple 12uo Fine and hotel. 5:15 Kedondo gataa?Voting street. CATALINAISLAND. 8:35 a.m son Jaeiu o v Paaadena Los Angeles city, Forty-second precinct, 0 1 Los Angelea Terminal trains connect at San |11:00s.m Ban Jaciuto via Orange t 1:15 p.m delegates?Voting p ace. Northwestern ImPedro with lhe llncsteamer Fa'cou. provement association hall. f B;'tstt.m reiuecdla via Pasadens ,11:00 D 3..Tettw nla via Cranae.. i 1:15 p.m Loi Augeles city, Forty-third precinct, 9 delAir.ye. Leave. Fir.t st. depot. egates?Voting place, room 45 Downey block. | j llltOOa » n:ei.ondlao v coast Line f l:lsp.in Loa Angeles city, Forty-fourth precinct, 9 Satcrday 9:53 us v > Vandana Use arrive at fl .waey a.m! 801 plsce, ?Voting Buena Vista de.emtes tyeitUoAtai Saturday 5:15 p.m 7 ruinous ear.ler an'l le«vo 7 street. 8:00 c.m 8 :00 p tn miiiulrii i»:er. Snnlay Angeles city, Forty precinct,7 fifth deleLoa p.iu Monday p.m |D«|.y fxeept Sunday. faußd'TS only y. 1:05 12:23 ?..!.i gates? Voting piac i, cori.e College and Upper Cay Pass. & r. .tgt 1:0» p.m CnesJav 5 p.m uf. MoGttK, 12: Main street-. 1:(.5 p.ra v-ednofcday 12:2* p.tn Let AUjpsliM, and let virande By order of Democratic County Central ComThuniay p.ii |im 1:05 12:.'5 mute. Friday 1:05 p.ml 12:25 pm Henby P. Wilson, C. F. A. Last, pal \u25a0 M iii.tSl BIIiAMSIIII'CO. Secretarychairman. ?Dally, (Dally except Sundays. )ruudcy I 1 loudal', only. Dated t his 3utn day of July, 1894. rVrklnttt Co., Gcnjrtl Ag n'.s Sau p. Blades m- ct the 8 a. m. and 12:21 m. Ira.it i.'iMii Hno, Piaidena for M Wilson on new trail. es nmbrsen Ilnet for Portland, Order of Adjudication of liisolvpiicy. at I'atßeu-rri leaving 1 os AngeitS un illeBi H. C, and Pug;t Souud, Alus** t>in. train lorMt. Wilson can return asm-da... i and all onitl point.. THESri'E'tlOR COURT OF THK COUNTY Hp ci a 1 rales lo excursion an i Mitt] psrtier Depots caslend of FllttßC. and Dnwntyav.* ol J-ok Angeles, Slato ol Cttliloruia. In tho iiICTHMtN IiOOTBi ni-iticr of the estate of T. B. Wiliueth, an inbridge. solvent debtor: City ticket ofiice nf. A. 11. Greenwa d's cig.u ll '.E TABLE aott JULY, IWt havtpg tiled in this court his atore,"corner Fir.t and dpfi ig sts. T. 11. \Mlmeth petition, schedule and inventory In insolvency, General offices: Flrstst depot. X.RAVC SAN rUAKCISOO. it is inso vent appears irom which that ho an T. B. hI'KN'CIT, Gimeroi Manager. debtor, the said T. It. Wilineth is hereby de] * W. WINCI'P, Con. Paiseuxer Ag't. *~ Piir? clared to be insolvent. The sheriff ol the \u25a0i Hirford H. Meileo. July 8, 17, 20; county ofLOs Angeleslis hereby appointed reAugust 4, Hilbil'U? l charge ond posseseeirer and directed te taksand it. lotido personal, of the sion of all the estate, real Lo. Augehß. S. 6, 6»cti Beta, July 5,13, said T. B. W ilineth, insolvent debtor, except FOX TIME TABLE HER LOS A.NGELj£fc> T 'IKM- Mi'.r..,. 23 31; Au<ua; 9. such as may be by law exempt from execution, I -INAI. RAII.WAV 5-3* t-an 00. tl vouchers, books of acand of all his de.ds, 6 C^n^aTjuly" 6, 157 24; count, and papers, and to keep and care for j August 2and dispose of the same until the appointment E». -in...U.S. Eureka, Ja'v 9, 11, 20, and ot an assignee oi his estate. All persons are Sat forbidden lo pay any d.-his io the said Insolv».... 1 29. August 7, KKKNCH Lltfl TO HAVRF. belonging ent, or to deliver liny property to r*lltll iftKW) NO. 12 NORTH I.E. X POBf LOB AMKKLKS Ui SEOOMIiI. such Insolvent, to him or to any person, linn f~ iOMTANY'3 Kiv<ir, to tot Misftoii ai \r VorJr. corporal on or association lor his use; and the |S. S. Santa Bosa, Juiy 7, 15, Fur? hvuk] Traveler* thl» lino by Ly both irtvvel skid dobtor is hereby forbidden to transfer or Eii»;lHh 24: Augu-: -t. iinri th dimotaiOtt ol iro»i>deliver uny property until lhe further o derof ii)£T thu <\u25a0!)rniiwuy D.ego. E v is. S. Mexico, lv y 1, 10,19, titnil ln H StDf,l> i i rt L 86; A»s7B»t <>\u25a0 tilts court, as herein ordered. ('hamphgne, -i Ancu<it 18. i 11 la further urdert.il mat all the creditors of Augu i -'5. J "ly 9, 17, ,8. S. Saata and appear before i lie Hon. J. said debtor bo Judge 'l'oursinc, La 1. tfetLemter kali F a'lelsco I 20: Auguai. i w. McKinley, of the superior court of La Hif ii,:nt-, Se. tvij.b'-r v Mexico, Jo.y 8, 12, 2), Pert Hi-Mid S. 8. the county of I.os Angeles, in open court, at La Rourgoitiie, September 15. aai.la Barbart. 1 30; August 8. the court room oi said court, In Ihu county of Lv Cii'ia.p&glit*, ttptf uibrir I. Os Augeles, on the 281 i uav of August, Is fl, Ntvr York 'o Al' xuuuri i, Kuvpt, vU P. ris, lsavk ban rKisno and kast ban pkiiho. day, to their in., prove at 10 o'clock a. of that Ccsi-f'lft'ji KiO, second-yla»s $110. debts and choose one or mote assignee! of the For? s. S. Eureka, July 5, 14, 23; y .0 For fiuigbt or estate ol said debtor. San Franciaco August I. a. *OR'Jirr. Agent. be pubIt Is further Ordt'Sd that tho order tt How; lii (.1 cc», N« w Yitrlt. and i. B. Con mi. July 9, 18, 27; No. lished in Hie Utii.Y HkaALp, a newspaper of way Augusts. ports I s eem., A CO 5 Mou goninry general circulation, published iv I ho county ayeJ. F. FUQAKI S&n t'rrtUoUtiO. BraU 'h otHt.''*, 1 UoQV Cara to connect with steamers vl* San Pedro o. l.os Angeles, as often as the an .1 paper is K'-merys'. Tiikeis for saic by ali rftilrunl and leave 6. P. R. 8. tArcade) depot at 5 m., aud published belo c the said day set for the meetfcto.nm«hi(i oflloo ? Term uai X U depot t 5 .15 pm. ing of creditors. Cars locitinec". via Bedondo leave Sinta Fe meanAnd His further ordered that,iheInsaid,0 insolvdep.'tat 10 a.m, or from Kedondo Radway against PKWeeolßgS time, all depot at '.' a.m. ent be stayed. EriDAY, 18, I.N KFFKCT VCICDN JULY 1834 Cara to conuuet via Port Los Angelea l*ave J. IV. MCKINLEY. 1-0* AtyelfK lierot, corner Grand aveunti 6, P. R. R depot at 1:10 p.m. for stciuie.a Judg) of the Superior Court nnd Jcftrjrsou uroot. un]th bound. Dated July 25, 18u4. Ta\s« Cixaml avt>. rabie oatb or Mt.in street and -,JU _?i^ Pantot stcavera tablns at sgsnt's office, Endorsed: Filed July 25, 1804. where tieiths mny bosecurrd. Aerlcullu al far** ho se catv. Trains leavo Trains lesve The c.-mi any r?serves the rlgnt to ohange the Notice of Hearing; of Petition for Lo, An».rle« Redondo Hie st-amera of their days of salliug. Vncatioii of Certain Streets iv tiie for Krilondo. fir Los AuKelufc BSSF" Foi passage or frotgh 1 at aliovo or for »aii.Y. tickets to and from all important potntt in DULY. MacUy tta-nclio, Ex-Miasiou ol Sau \u26666:10 a. in. 7:45 *. m. r.urope. apply to Fei'iiautlu. 0:15 «t. vi. 11 ;dOa. m. W. P\RR[!", Ag-nt. ] t»5 p. Mi. 3:4.% r. n\ OlBca Nn. 124 W. Second st, I.os Augeles. XTOTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN TilAT THE vi, 5 10 p. iv. p. 'S'.OO s for the 1> petilion of 11. L. Macneil et al avenue, *B4turday and >>!inv3ays only. Pierce vacation of those portions oi Kuuuin*: ttina betwe n Los An<elei and ReHEINZEMAN, C. avenue, Lincoln ? Beach, 60 minute*. Buchanan avenue, Tejunga dondo uo, uartieid avenue. Grant avenue, iiayesavo Oity ticket otTic« nt A. IL Greenwatd'i Clgtr Twenty-second avenue, Ttventy-HHt street. fitort. coiner First uud sitiuk Bireeis. I). McFARHNI), rTHvldeut. struct. Twenty-third street. Twenty-fourth street, Twenty-Itfth street snd Twenty-sixth J. N. MJTTON, bu^rlntemiflnt. by street, bounded the north line of sections 523 N. Main St, Loa Aogelea, 8. [ township 2 north, range 15 we>t, 27 and 11. M,, has bten uled With the board of superFreacrtptlons carelulH.' compounded **» m. visors of I.os Angeles county, and the hearing Bleat BBBtIW of he same has been lixoil by said board lor p. in. Juiy 46th, 1894 at 3 o'olock Special parlies to Europe May 21 and Hy order of the boa d of supervisors of Los 20m, Juuo 13ih, 27th, leavingindependent 30th. Angeles county, passed July 10th. 189-1. ticteis al lowest rctoa. fend for pn.gr intma-, T. 11. WARD etc., Hi 950 TO 0110 B tlE \u25a0 A VIS 1 A ST. County clerk and ex-oltlolo clerk oi lhe board THO;?. COOK & SON, of Lunervlsors. By C. \\. BELL, U2l Market at.. Palace Hntul, LOS ANGELES, OAI Deputy. 7-12 ISt 4-0 3m Adjoining d P. Uiuuudl, Tel. 121. Ban Eiauuiauo, o*l. ing piece, , ' DE. . - DR. WONG HIM . .' . . ... : .. - ... v .3 '' I ' . Arc*d; . v. Los Angeles Terminal R'y . SOUTHICKN . < . . ... .. \u25a0? ~> * .. . IN i~ ijmmh TriDsitiaatique .. , ** , " ' , Mount Lowe R'y Compagnie * ' ' , » * , Kedondo . I ~8.. a. - . * Railway Z. , F. Druggist & Chemist, COOK'S TOURS Baker Iron Works . _
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