West Valley Christian School How to Enroll Checklist 2013-2014 1. Schedule an Informational Visit (Optional) Campus Tours, Shadow Days and informal interviews are encouraged and available by calling the Administrative Office at (623) 234-2100. 2. Complete the Application Forms for Admission All forms listed below must be submitted before processing begins: Completed New Student Enrollment Application and returned with a $50 Application Fee. [A $50 non-refundable fee is due with the application and $150 is due upon acceptance.] Notarized Emergency Contact Form Financial Commitment Form Pastor Recommendation or Parent Written Statement Form ADH Emergency Information and Immunization Card Private School Affidavit Form Birth Certificate (copy) Immunization Record (copy) Records [If applicable, only one of the following is required] Achievement Test Scores & Reports Cards for Last Two Years Completed Student Record Transmittal Request 3. Principal Interview A Principal interview is required prior to acceptance into a West Valley Christian School. Only students who have submitted all the forms listed above will be scheduled for an interview. At the time of acceptance, the remaining $150 enrollment fee will be due. 4. Admission Decision Each family will receive an official letter communicating the admission decision for your student. 5. Feel Free to Contact the Administration with Questions Front Office Call (623) 234-2100 Business Office (623) 234-2107 West Valley Christian School For Office Use Only Kindergarten—8th Grade Date Rec’d Fee Paid Ck#/Cash/CC Multi Family 14900 W. Van Buren Street Goodyear, AZ 85338 Phone (623) 234-2100 FAX (623) 234-2199 Enrollment Application 2013-2014 [Complete ALL information and include registration fee with your application.] STUDENT INFORMATION Please print or type Student’s Name Last First Middle Name Address ( Street Number Age City Date of Birth Applying for Grade ZIP ) Phone Birthplace For Term Beginning Primary Language in Home: Ethnic Origin: State □ English □ Spanish □ Sex: □ Male □ Female Other □ Caucasian □ Black/African American □ Hispanic/Latino □ Asian/Pacific Islander □ Native American/American Indian □Multiracial PARENT (GUARDIAN) INFORMATION Father/Guardian/Step-Father (circle one) Mother/Guardian/Step-Mother (circle one) Last Name Last Name First Name First Name Street Address Street Address City State City Zip State E-mail Zip E-mail Home Phone Home Phone Cell Phone Cell Phone Work Phone Work Phone Employer Employer Occupation Occupation Correspondence from the office is sent electronically by email. Please make sure to list your email address. Please also indicate if this method of communication is not available to you. □ Please check the box if you do not have regular access to email. FAMILY INFORMATION □ Mother & Father □ Mother □ Father □ Mother & Step-Father □ Father & Step-Mother □ One Parent Deceased □ Other Relationship Student lives with: If parents are divorced or separated, where does student primarily reside? Who has legal custody? Name/age/school of other children in family: 1. Name Age School Name Age School Name Age School Name Age School 2. 3. 4. West Valley Christian School Kindergarten—8th Grade 14900 W. Van Buren Street Goodyear, AZ 85338 Phone (623) 234-2100 FAX (623) 234-2199 CHURCH / FAITH INFORMATION Does one Parent/Guardian attend church regularly? □ Yes □ No Church Name Denomination Pastor’s Name Church Phone Number Church Address/City/ZIP Does student attend the same church as Parent/Guardian? □ Yes □ No If no, church name Is the student open to developing a personal relationship with Jesus Christ? □ Yes Does either Parent/Guardian have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ? □ Yes Respondent’s Name: □ No □ No Relationship to Student: ATTITUDE INFORMATION Please list schools student currently attends or has previously attended: School Name Phone Number Dates Grades Completed School Name Phone Number Dates Grades Completed Has the student ever been suspended? □ Yes □ No Been expelled or asked to withdraw? If yes, please give full details, including the principal’s name and address of the school. □ Yes □ No ACADEMIC INFORMATION Has the student ever failed a grade? □ Yes □ No If so, please state grade and date Reason: Does the student have a learning disability? □ Yes □ No Has the student been in a resource classroom for educational support? □ Yes □ No Does the student have an IEP (Individualized Education Plan), a 504 Plan or received special accommodations? □ Yes □ No If yes, attach a copy. Please rate the student’s interest in attending WVCS? (circle one) 0=none 10=very interested 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 West Valley Christian School Kindergarten—8th Grade 14900 W. Van Buren Street Goodyear, AZ 85338 Phone (623) 234-2100 FAX (623) 234-2199 USE OF PICTURES CONSENT Many pictures are taken at West Valley Christian School during the year of individual students and various groups for use on our website and in various promotional materials. By enrolling your student at West Valley Christian School you give the school permission to use pictures of your student. If you do not wish to have your student’s picture used, you must notify the school office in writing. STUDENT STATEMENT (required of 5th - 8th grade students only) By signing this application, I am indicating that I fully understand the rules of behavior as outlined in the “Student/Parent Handbook” (located online at www.wvchristianschool.org) and that these rules apply for the entire year, on and off the West Valley Christian School Campus. I further understand that the rules and regulations are subject to revision by the school at any time, and that each student/family is expected to be familiar with current school rules. I agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the school. I also realize that if I break the rules, my continued enrollment will be subject to immediate review. Student Signature Date PARENT/GUARDIAN STATEMENT I/We understand and agree that West Valley Christian School a is private evangelical Christian school where enrollment is a privilege and not a right. I/We certify by signature below that I/we understand the general rules and regulations that are published in the “Student/Parent Handbook” (located online at www.wvchristianschool.org). I/We further understand that the rules and regulations are subject to revision by the school at any time, and that each student/family is expected to be familiar with current school rules. I/We agree to abide by the rules and regulations. In the role as parent and/or guardian, I/we promise to enforce these rules. I/We understand and agree that violations of any West Valley Christian rules and regulations will be dealt with by the school administration and may result in expulsion from West Valley Christian School. In addition, I/we agree to accept full responsibility for all obligations that may result from injury incurred by my student as a result of participation in any school-sponsored activity. If I/we cannot be contacted in an emergency, call the physician listed on the Notarized Emergency form and follow his/her instructions. If the school cannot contact anyone listed, the school is authorized to act in whatever manner is deemed appropriate by school personnel. I/We also agree to comply fully with the financial requirement of the school regarding payment of tuition and understand and agree that the student may be removed from the school if tuition payments become delinquent. Parent/Guardian Signature__________________________________________ Date____________________ Parent/Guardian Signature__________________________________________ Date____________________ West Valley Christian School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs. West Valley Christian School Kindergarten—8th Grade 14900 W. Van Buren Street Goodyear, AZ 85338 Phone (623) 234-2100 FAX (623) 234-2199 EMERGENCY CONTACT & HEALTH INFORMATION FOR 2013-14 STUDENT INFORMATION Student Grade Student Address Home Phone ( Date City ) Zip Code Birthdate FAMILY INFORMATION Father/Step Father/Guardian E-mail Home Phone Work Phone Cell Phone Mother/Step Mother/Guardian E-mail Home Phone Work Phone Cell Phone EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION Please list two or three people who can assume temporary care of your student if you cannot be reached: DO NOT LIST PARENT/ GUARDIAN! 1. Name Relationship Daytime Phone Cell 2. Name Home Work (Circle One) Work (Circle One) Work (Circle One) Relationship Daytime Phone Cell 3. Name Home Relationship Daytime Phone Cell Home List any individual(s) who SHOULD NOT pick up and/or have contact with your student: 1. 2. EMERGENCY & HEALTH INFORMATION In case of serious accident or illness at school, your student will be sent to an emergency medical facility. The parent/guardian is responsible for all expenses. Physician Phone Known Allergies Daily Medications (Please list any medicine taken at home and at school) Other Pertinent Medical Data It is the policy of West Valley Christian School to require that all students be covered by a health insurance policy. Name of Family Health Insurance West Valley Christian School Permission for any School Related Function and Consent for Medical Treatment 2013 - 2014 Must be signed in presence of Notary Public. STUDENT NAME GRADE DATE The undersigned hereby gives permission for the above named student to attend any school-related function for the period from August 1, 2013 to June 1, 2014 . In the event there is any emergency involving him/her, permission is hereby granted for West Valley Christian School personnel to consent to any x-ray examination, anesthetic, medical, surgical or dental diagnosis or treatment and hospital care to be rendered to the minor under the general or special supervision and on the advice of any physician or surgeon or dentist licensed to practice in any state, and school personnel shall not be held personally liable. If emergency service involving medical action or treatment is required, and neither the parent nor guardian can be contacted, the undersigned herewith consents for the student named above to be given medical care by a doctor selected by the school. Any intentional omission or falsification of this form may subject the parent/guardian to full liability for any subsequent injury, or may cause the student to be removed from sports participation. The parent/guardian must complete a written authorization form provided by the school for prescription medications that will be taken at school. All prescription medications must be turned in to the school office in the container dispensed by the pharmacy. Known Drug Allergies: _______________________________ Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian (Must Sign in Presence of Notary Public) None State of Arizona, County of Maricopa Subscribed and sworn to before me This day of , Notary Public Signature My Commission Expires 14900 W. Van Buren Street Goodyear, AZ 85338 (623)234-2100 Fax (623)234-2199 www.wvchristianschool.org West Valley Christian School Kindergarten—8th Grade 14900 W. Van Buren Street Goodyear, AZ 85338 Phone (623) 234-2100 FAX (623) 234-2199 2013 - 2014 Pastor Recommendation or Parent/Guardian Written Statement Note: Parent/Guardian Written Statement (on page 2) may be used in place of Pastor’s Recommendation Family Information Family Name Family Address Telephone E-mail Pastor Recommendation applicant full name grade has applied for admission to West Valley Christian School. We would welcome any comments or insights you have regarding his/her character and spiritual life. We have found a pastor’s perspective quite valuable in getting to know an applicant better and helping us to determine if West Valley Christian School is an appropriate placement. Thank you for your cooperation. In what capacity and for how long have you known the applicant? Please comment on the applicant’s involvement in your church or congregation. On average, how many times during a month does this applicant participate in church or congregationally related services or activities? In what congregationally related activities is this applicant typically involved? What involvement, if any, have you observed on the part of this applicant’s parent(s) or guardian with your church or congregation? Please share with us any specific concerns or highlights you have on the character of this applicant. Do you recommend the family for admission to West Valley Christian School? □ Enthusiastically □ Yes □ Yes, with reservation □ No Pastor / Church Leader Name Church Name Phone Number Pastor’s E-mail Address City State Zip Code Note: Although rarely requested, a parent/guardian has the legal right to view their student’s file. If you wish this information to remain confidential, please indicate by checking the box. □ Please return this form directly to the family or mail/fax to WVCS Attn. Admissions, 14900 W. Van Buren Street Goodyear, AZ 85015 (623)234-2100 Fax (623)234-2199 West Valley Christian School Kindergarten—8th Grade 14900 W. Van Buren Street Goodyear, AZ 85338 Phone (623) 234-2100 FAX (623) 234-2199 Parent/Guardian Written Statement 2013 - 2014 Student’s Full Name Date While the Pastor’s Recommendation (see page 1) is very helpful, parents/guardians may submit this Written Statement in place of the Pastor’s Recommendation. In your statement, please include the following: 1) discuss any spiritual goals you might have for your child; 2) comment on your desire for your child to receive a formal education that is based on Christian values as found in the Bible and reflected in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Please feel free to use additional sheets of paper as necessary. Parent Signature 14900 W. Van Buren Street Goodyear, AZ 85338 (623)234-2100 Fax (623)234-2199 www.wvchristianschool.org West Valley Christian School ENROLLMENT FINANCIAL FORM 2013 – 2014 Parent Name Phone Person responsible for tuition and fees (if different from above) Address City State Zip RETURNING STUDENTS YES, I do want to re-enroll my child(ren) at West Valley Christian School for the upcoming school year. I understand that the re-enrollment fee is due with the re-enrollment packet. Re-enrollment fees reserve space in the classroom and are non-refundable. The re-enrollment fees are per student as follows; $75 February 1st - February 28th $100 March 1st – March 30th $150 After March 30th NEW STUDENTS YES, I do want to enroll my child(ren) at West Valley Christian School for the upcoming school year. The enrollment fee is $200 with $50 due with the application and the remaining $150 due at the time of acceptance. (The $50 enrollment fee is non-refundable.) Monthly Payment Plans (Please choose a monthly payment plan and a payment option) □ □ □ 12 Monthly Payments (July 1, 2013 – June 1, 2014) 11 Monthly Payments (August 1, 2013 – June 1, 2014) 10 Monthly Payments (August 1, 2013– May 1, 2014) Monthly Payment Options Monthly payments can be made through the front office. WVCS accepts all major credit cards in addition to cash, checks and money orders. Parents are encouraged to use bill pay through their bank if this option is available. A $15.00 late fee will be added to any payment not received by West Valley Christian School by the 15th of the month. Signature of Person Financially Responsible Returning Student(s) Name(s) New Student(s) Name(s) Date Fall Grade Fall Grade *** For tuition and fees, please refer to the enclosed 2013 - 2014 Tuition/Fee Schedule. *** Please direct any questions concerning tuition/fees to the Business Office: (602) 234-2107 West Valley Christian School Kindergarten—8th Grade 14900 W. Van Buren Street Goodyear, AZ 85338 Phone (623) 234-2100 FAX (623) 234-2199 STUDENT RECORD TRANSMITTAL REQUEST Under PL 93-380, Sec 438 (Protection of the Right and Privacy of Parents and Students), student records cannot be released without the signed consent of the parent, guardian, or student (if over 18 years of age). ___________________________ (name of former school) has my permission to release the school records for the students listed below. Student’s Name Date of Birth Grade ___________________________ ___________ ______ ___________________________ ___________ ______ ___________________________ ___________ ______ ___________________________ ___________ ______ Withdrawal Date___________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian___________________________ Date Address and phone number of former school: _______________________________________ (Street Address) _______________________________________ (City) (State) (Zip) _______________________________________ (Phone Number) _______________________________________ (Fax Number) www.wvchristianschool.org _______________ CDC/SGH# or name:____________________ Arizona Department of Health Services Bureau of Child Care Licensing Emergency, Information and Immunization Record Card Child’s Name: Updated: Date Enrolled: Home Address (#, Street, City, State, Zip Code): Date Disenrolled: Date of Birth: Home Phone: Sex: Mother or Guardian Name: Home Address (#, Street, City, State, Zip Code): Cell Phone (optional): Contact Telephone Number: Father or Guardian Name: Home Address (#, Street, City, State, Zip Code): Cell Phone (optional): Contact Telephone Number: male female I authorize the following individuals to collect my child from the facility in case of emergency or if I cannot be contacted: Name: Contact Telephone Number: Name: Contact Telephone Number: Name: Contact Telephone Number: Name: Contact Telephone Number: If Medical care is necessary, call: Contact Telephone Number: Health Care Name: Provider* *A Health Care Provider is a physician, physician assistant or registered nurse practitioner. I hereby give authority to any hospital or doctor to render immediate aid as might be required at the time for his/her health and safety. It is understood by me that the expense of this service will be accepted by me. In case of injury or sudden illness, I request that this individual be called first: Does your child have insurance coverage? No Yes Name of Insurance Company: The following individual(s) may NOT remove my child from the facility: Name(s): Custody papers have been provided and are on file at the facility. Telephone Authorization Code (optional):___ yes _______ no Immunization Information (A licensee shall attach an enrolled child's written immunization record or exemption affidavit to the enrolled child's Emergency, Information and Immunization Record card.) For information regarding current immunization requirements go to: www.azdhs.gov/phs/immun/index.htm or contact the Arizona Immunization Program Office at (602)364-3630. One of these items must accompany the EIIR card at all times: Copy of current official documented immunization record attached Religious Beliefs exemption form signed by parent/guardian attached Medical Exemption form signed by physician and parent/guardian attached Signed Laboratory Proof of Immunity form attached Notification of immunizations needed sent to Parent(s) or Guardian(s): Updated immunizations received and attached: mo /day/ yr mo /day/ yr mo /day /yr mo /day/ yr mo /day/ yr mo /day /yr Medical Information No Yes Is child usually susceptible to infections and if so, what precautions need to be taken? If yes, list precautions: No Yes Is child subject to convulsions and what should be our procedure if one occurs? If yes, specify procedure: No Yes Is there any physical condition that we should be aware of and what precautions should be taken (heart trouble, foot problem, hearing impairment, hernia, etc.)? If yes, list precautions: No Yes Is child allergic to food or other substances? If yes, describe symptoms, name foods or substances to be avoided, and the procedure to follow if reaction occurs: Additional comments: Other special instructions: This Emergency Information and Immunization Record Card is accurate and complete, front and back, and was provided by: Parent/Guardian PRINTED Name: SIGNED Name: G:\Forms\Emergency Information and Immunization Record Card (9/11) DATE: PRIVATE SCHOOL AFFIDAVIT OF INTENT Dr. Donald D. Covey – Maricopa County Superintendent of Schools Maricopa County Education Service Agency STUDENT INFORMATION: NAME: ____________________________________________________________________ DATE OF BIRTH: ___________________________ (LAST, FIRST, MIDDLE) SCHOOL DISTRICT OF RESIDENCE: __________________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN INFORMATION: NAME: ___________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE NUMBER: _______________________________ (LAST, FIRST, MIDDLE) HOME ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________ CITY: _________________________ ZIP: _________________ PRIVATE SCHOOL INFORMATION: PRIVATE SCHOOL NAME: ___________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS OF SCHOOL: _______________________________________________CITY:_______________________________ ZIP: ________________ ARIZONA STATE PRIVATE SCHOOL LAWS FOR REGISTRATION AS PRESCRIBED BY THE ARIZONA REVISED STATUTES: 15-802 A: Every child between the ages of six and sixteen years shall attend a school and shall be provided instruction in at least the subjects of reading, grammar, mathematics, social studies and science. The person who has custody of the child shall choose a public, private or charter school or a homeschool as defined in this section to provide instruction. 2. If the child will attend a private school or homeschool, file an affidavit of intent with the county school superintendent stating that the child is attending a regularly organized private school or is being provided with instruction in a homeschool. The affidavit of intent shall include: (a) The child's name. (b) The child's date of birth. (c) The current address of the school the child is attending. (d) The names, telephone numbers and addresses of the persons who currently have custody of the child. AUTHORIZATION: PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE: __________________________________________________ Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed) before me this: STATE OF: _________________________ ______ day of________________, 20__________. COUNTY OF: _______________________ NOTARY SIGNATURE: _________________________________________________________________ Submit this form either by mail or in person to the Private School Services Division at the address listed on the bottom of this page . 4041 N. Central Avenue, Ste. 1100, Phoenix AZ 85012 • Phone 602-506-3866 • Fax 602-506-3753 Homeschool Hotline 602-506-3144 www.maricopa.gov/schools Known as experts. Renowned for service.
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