ASG’s How to Survive Uni and TAFE 2012: without living on two-minute noodles Other information Other information Glossary of terms Glossary of terms ABSTUDY ABSTUDY is a scheme for Indigenous Australian students to financially assist their retention at school and further studies. Centrelink Income Bank Gives Centrelink recipients, who are working, some flexibility in the amounts they can earn at different times throughout the year. Australian Scholarships Group (ASG) ASG is a member driven, not-for-profit friendly society that assists parents to provide for their children’s future education costs in Australia and New Zealand. Centrelink Liquid Assets Waiting Period This is a waiting period penalty (up to 13 weeks) for Centrelink applicants who are single without dependent children if they indicate that they have more than $6,000 in monetary assets at the time of applying. Austudy An Australian Government scheme administered by Centrelink, Austudy assists students over the age of 25 who are beginning tertiary courses. Centrelink Rent Assistance This is additional financial assistance available to students on Centrelink benefits if they are required to live away from home to study. Census Refers to the deadline date where students must submit their request for FEE-HELP and pay any ‘up front’ tuition fees. It is also the last date to amend enrolment without being liable for course fees. Centrelink Fares Allowance Students receiving the dependent ‘living away from home’ allowance can claim two return trips each year from their home to their campus. Check Centrelink for details. Centrelink Is the Federal Government agency that administers ABSTUDY, Austudy and Youth Allowance. Commonwealth Learning Scholarships Scholarships specifically to assist Indigenous and rural and regional students who leave home to study. There are two types of scholarships for these students, Commonwealth Education Scholarships and Commonwealth Accommodation Scholarships. A student is able to hold both at the same time. Centrelink Advance Payments Is a lump sum payment (up to $500), which allows eligible students on Centrelink benefits to access. It is repaid through a fortnightly deduction from their allowance. Centrelink Health Care Card Gives concessions to the cardholder, i.e. discounted prescription medicines, car registration, utility bills, free ambulance cover and public transport concessions. Note: These scholarships are available only to those students who previously received them, subject to academic progress and full-time status. ASG’s How to Survive Uni and TAFE 2012: without living on two-minute noodles | page | 44 Other information Glossary of terms continued Commonwealth Supported Places (CSP) Places at universities that are subsidised by the Australian Government. Community Training Organisations These are organisations that provide Vocational Education and Training (VET) opportunities to students. FEE-HELP This is a scheme for students who do not enrol in a Commonwealth Supported Place at a university. This is applicable to many fee paying VET courses and other undergraduate or postgraduate courses that don’t offer CSP places such as private universities and Open University. HECS-HELP Is a loan from the Australian Government that allows university students to defer their tuition fee and repay their debt at a later time. OS-HELP A HECS type loan scheme to assist students who are undertaking a portion of their course overseas. Students can receive one loan per six months for up to two study periods. Registered Private Providers Privately run colleges that provide Vocational Education and Training (VET) opportunities to students. Relocation Scholarships Available to dependent students on Centrelink benefits who have to live away from home to study. RSA This is a certificate course in the Responsible Serving of Alcohol. It is usually completed in VET institutes. Rural Tertiary Hardship Fund This fund has been discontinued as of 1 January 2012. Start-up Scholarships Available to Youth Allowance, ABSTUDY and Austudy students each year of their course. Student Concession Card Gives students discounts on public transport. Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) A compulsory fee of up to $263 levied by the university to cover services such as sporting and recreational activities, careers and employment services, childcare, financial advice and food services. You can use a HECS type loan to pay the fee. TAFE Technical and Further Education institutes, which offer a wide variety of VET courses. Tax File Number (TFN) This is an individual number assigned to you by the Australian Taxation Office. Students need to have a TFN to be eligible for a Commonwealth Supported Place at a university, to get employment, apply for a Centrelink Health Care Card and receive Centrelink benefits. ASG’s How to Survive Uni and TAFE 2012: without living on two-minute noodles | page | 45 Other information Glossary of terms continued VET Courses Vocational Education and Training courses are provided by TAFE, Registered Private Providers and Community Training Organisations. VET FEE-HELP This is a HECS-style loan scheme specific to the Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses. Youth Allowance Is a scheme administered by Centrelink to assist eligible students to receive benefits while studying. You can be eligible generally from the age of 16. There are some exceptions for homeless students. ASG’s How to Survive Uni and TAFE 2012: without living on two-minute noodles | page | 46 Other information Reference list Reference list Access Economics, Locking in or losing prosperity: Australia’s Choice, Business Council of Australia, July 2005, viewed 17/02/12 au (Note: Access Economics has joined with Deloitte to become Deloitte Access Economics, however this report resides on the organisation’s previous website) A ustralian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, 2012, What happened to the Student Learning Entitlement (SLE) systems? viewed 17/02/12, studyassist/helpfulresources/faqs/pages/faqs A ustralian Bureau of Statistics, A Picture Of The Nation – 2070.0, 2006, Canberra, viewed 17/02/12, A ustralian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, 2012, Student Services and Amenities Fee, viewed 17/02/12, StudentServicesandAmenities/Pages/Home.aspx A ustralian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, 2012, Information for Commonwealth Supported Students: HECS-HELP 2012, viewed 17/02/12 HelpfulResources A ustralian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, 2012, Youth Allowance Overview, viewed 17/02/12, A ustralian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, 2012, VET FEE-HELP, viewed 17/02/12, studyassist/helppayingmyfees/vet-fee-help/pages/vet-fee-help A ustralian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, 2012, Lowering the HECS-HELP discount, viewed 17/02/12 loweringthehecshelpdiscount A ustralian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, 2012, Can I pay off my HECS debt sooner? viewed 17/02/12, A ustralian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, 2012, FAQs—Withdrawing, viewed 17/02/12, au/sites/studyassist/helpfulresources/faqs A ustralian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, 2012, Student Services and Amenities Fee Payment options, viewed 17/02/12, pages/sa-help A ustralian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, 2012, FEE-HELP, viewed 17/02/12, studyassist/helppayingmyfees/fee-help/pages/fee-help A ustralian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, 2012, OS-HELP, viewed 17/02/12, studyassist/helppayingmyfees/pages/os-help-loans-and-study-overseas A ustralian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, 2012, When do ‘special circumstances’ apply? viewed 17/02/12, http:// A ustralian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, 2012, Rural Tertiary Hardship Fund, viewed 17/02/12, au/HigherEducation/Programs/Funding/RTHF/Pages/default.aspx A ustralian Scholarships Group’s (ASG), ASG’s Online University Cost Calculator, viewed 17/02/12, ASG’s How to Survive Uni and TAFE 2012: without living on two-minute noodles | page | 47 Other information Reference list continued A ustralian Taxation Office 2009, Australian Taxation Office, Canberra, viewed 17/02/12, Centrelink, 2011-12, Independence Test for Youth Allowance, Australian Government Centrelink, viewed 17/02/12, A ustralian Taxation Office 2012, Repaying your HECS-HELP debt in 2011-12 Guide, Australian Taxation Office, Canberra, viewed 17/02/12, Centrelink, 2011-12, Low Income Health Care Card, Australian Government Centrelink, Canberra, viewed 17/02/12, Australian Taxation Office, Guide to tax file numbers, Australian Government, Australian Taxation Office, viewed 17/02/12, Centrelink, 2011-12, Personal income test, Australian Government Centrelink, viewed 17/02/12, chartda.htm B radley, Professor Denise, Chair, Australian Government Review of Higher Education, December 2008, Executive Summary viewed 17/02/12, ReviewofAustralianHigherEducationReport.aspx C entrelink, 2011-12, ABSTUDY, Australian Government Centrelink, viewed 17/02/12, C entrelink, 2011-12, Earnings for independent classification, Australian Government Centrelink, viewed 17/02/12, Centrelink, 2011-12, Eligibility for Austudy, Australian Government Centrelink, viewed17/02/12, Centrelink, 2011-12, Eligibility for Rent Assistance, Australian Government Centrelink, viewed 17/02/12, Centrelink, 2011-12, Eligibility for Youth Allowance, Residence Requirements for Youth Allowance, Australian Government Centrelink, viewed 17/02/12, Centrelink, 2011-12, Fares Allowance, Australian Government Centrelink, viewed 17/02/12, Centrelink, 2011-12, How much Advance Payment on Youth Allowance do I get? Australian Government Centrelink, viewed 17/02/12, (see Youth Allowance brochure – PDF download at: au/internet/internet.nsf/publications/st002.htm) Centrelink, 2011-12, Independence classification, Australian Government Centrelink, viewed 17/02/12, Centrelink, 2011-12, Relocation Scholarships, Australian Government Centrelink, viewed 17/02/12, relocation_scholarship.htm Centrelink, 2011-12, Scholarship payment, Australian Government Centrelink, viewed 17/02/12, individuals/exempt_equity.htm Centrelink, 2011-12, Student regional area search, Australian Government Centrelink, viewed 17/02/12, clk_common/RIS Centrelink, 2011-12, Student Start-up Scholarships, Australian Government Centrelink, viewed 17/02/12, nsf/payments/start_up_scholarship.htm Centrelink, 2011-12, Study Loads for Youth Allowance, Australian Government Centrelink, viewed 17/02/12, Centrelink, 2011-12, The parental means test for Youth Allowance and ABSTUDY, Australian Government Centrelink, viewed 17/02/12, internet/internet.nsf/filestores/ah2229_1102/$file/ah2229_1102en.pdf Centrelink, 2011-12, What is the maximum rate of pay under Wage Level A of the Australian Pay and Classification Scale? Australian Government Centrelink, viewed 17/02/12, Centrelink, 2012, Student Relocation Scholarship, Australia, viewed 17/02/12 relocation_scholarship.htm ASG’s How to Survive Uni and TAFE 2012: without living on two-minute noodles | page | 48 Other information Reference list continued Centrelink, 2012, Student Start-up Scholarship, Australia, viewed 17/02/12 start_up_scholarship.htm M edicare Australia, 2012, Saving you money on medicine, Australian Government Medicare Australia, Canberra, viewed 17/02/12, public/services/scripts/saving-money.jsp Centrelink, Changes to Youth Allowance, Austudy and ABSTUDY, Australian Government Centrelink, Canberra, viewed 17/02/12, internet/internet.nsf/individuals/change_independence.htm P ayne, Alicia and Percival, Richard, NATSEM Report, What price the clever country? The costs of tertiary education in Australia, Issue 21, November 2008, viewed 17/02/12 (select publications). Centrelink, Income and assets, Australian Government Centrelink, Canberra, viewed 17/02/12, change_independence.htm S tate Government of Victoria, Department of Human Services, 2012, Bond Loan Scheme, Department of Human Services, Melbourne, private-renters-assistance, viewed 17/02/12, Centrelink, Liquid Assets, Australian Government Centrelink, Canberra, viewed 17/02/12, C ommonwealth of Australia, 2011-12, Commonwealth scholarships, Australian government, Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Canberra, viewed 17/02/12, default.aspx V ictoria Legal Aid, Centrelink allowances and payments – youth allowance, Victoria, viewed 17/02/12, C ommonwealth of Australia, 2011-12, Support for Student Services, Amenities, Representation and Advocacy, Australian government, Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Canberra, viewed17/02/12, studentservicesandamenities/pages/home.aspx C ommonwealth of Australia, 2011-12, Student income support reforms, Australian government, Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Canberra, viewed 17/02/12, StudentSupport/Pages/StudentIncomeSupportReforms.aspx M arks, Gary, 2008, The Occupations and Earnings of Young Australians: The Role of Education and Training, LSAY Research Report 55, ACER viewed 17/02/12, ASG’s How to Survive Uni and TAFE 2012: without living on two-minute noodles | page | 49 Other information Index Index ABSTUDY 28-30, 32, 39 Accommodation options and costs 8, 10, 23-25, 30, 32, 38, 41, 42 Budgeting Template 12 Australian Scholarships Group (ASG) 4, 11, 51 Austudy 6, 28, 30, 32, 39 Author - Vince Callaghan 6 Benefits of further education 4-5 Budgeting 8-14, 24, 39 Census 19-20 Centrelink references 16, 21-22, 25-26, 28-34, 39, 40-42 Commonwealth Accommodation Scholarship 32 Commonwealth Supported Places (CSP) 9, 11, 16-17, 38, 40, 45 Community Training Organisations 5, 16, 45, 46 Compulsory university student fee 19 Computers 21-22 Employment options for students 30, 34, 41 Equipment 8, 9, 21-22 Estimated annual post-secondary study costs 8, 9-11 Failing course units 19 FEE-HELP 20, 44-45 Full-fee tuition courses for Australian university students 20 Glossary of terms 44-46 Government support 28-31 HECS-HELP 16-20, 38, 40 Help 37 Living costs 8, 26 OS-HELP 20 Payment options for CSP 17 Registered Private Providers 16 Relocation and Start-up Scholarship 28, 30-32 Responsible Serving of Alcohol (RSA) 34, 41 Scholarships 28, 30-33, 39, 41 Student concession card 21 Student Learning Entitlements 19 Study assist 16, 18, 20, 40-41 Study-related costs 21-22 Tax File Number (TFN) 17, 20, 39 Textbooks 8-9, 21-22, 39, 41 Travel 21-22, 25-26, 28, 31, 35, 41 Tuition fees and course costs 8-9, 11, 16-20 University course bands 17-18 University courses 16-17, 38 University websites 20, 23 VET courses 16, 20, 23, 32, 38, 40 VET FEE-HELP 16, 20, 38 VET websites 16, 38 Withdrawing from a course or subjects 19-20 Youth Allowance 28-34, 37, 39, 40-42 ASG’s How to Survive Uni and TAFE 2012: without living on two-minute noodles | page | 50 About the Australian Scholarships Group (ASG) ASG’s How to Survive Uni and TAFE 2012: without living on two-minute noodles is provided to students and parents as an education support initiative of the Australian Scholarships Group (ASG). Not-for-profit organisation and Australia’s specialist education benefits provider, the Australian Scholarships Group (ASG), offers parents a proven and proactive way to help nurture and fund their children’s education. As a not-for-profit organisation, ASG Members share the benefits. ASG has helped more than 243,000 families prepare for the cost of their children’s education. Currently ASG has more than 90,000 families enrolled in an ASG education program in Australia. In the past financial year, ASG has supported more than 72,000 students in their secondary or post-secondary education. ASG has returned more than $A1.4 billion in education benefits to Members and their children since its inception and has more than $1.6 billion in funds under management. For more information about ASG and its range of education and parenting support initiatives visit or call 1800 648 945. ASG’s How to Survive Uni and TAFE 2012: without living on two-minute noodles - Published 2012.
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