Connecting to a server-based TM in SDL Studio 2009 –

Connecting to a server-based TM in SDL Studio 2009 –
Translators’ Guide
In the following Quick Guide, we’ll cover the following areas to hopefully help you with your first steps:
Server-based translation memory (TM)
Opening a SDL Studio 2009 package
Opening a SDL Studio 2009 package
with double click
Opening a SDL Studio 2009 package
from SDL Studio 2009
Connecting to the server when extracting
the package
Translation Results window
What you need to send back
Server-based translation memory (TM)
A server-based translation memory (TM) is a translation memory which is stored on a server and can be
accessed remotely. It is used as any other TM.
The advantages of working with a server-based TM:
 you will work with the complete TM of the customer, not only with an extract;
 the translation agency doesn’t need to send you a huge TM for you to download on your computer;
 you can be sure the suggestions you get from the TM have been proofread as only the proofreader
has editing rights on a server-based TM;
 in the case of a project with multiple translators involved, and a proofreader working in parallel with
the translators, each translator will benefit from the translations already done by the other
translators working on the same project and proofread, because the TM will be updated by the
proofreader in real time.
Opening a SDL Studio 2009 package
aatranslations will send you a package (*.sdlppx) containing the *.sdlxliff files to be translated, a server
based master TM and a server based project TM, plus server based termbase (when available).
At the same time, you will receive login details to access the server where the TMs are stored (most
likely, this will happen only when you need to access the server for the first time).
To open the package, there are a couple of possibilities:
1. Double click in the *. sdlppx package file from the location where you saved it on your computer after
downloading it from FluentWork;
2. Open the *.sdlppx package file from SDL Studio 2009.
Opening a SDL Studio 2009 package with double click
When you double click the *.sdlppx package file, SDL Studio 2009 opens and the Open Package window
pops up along. Click on the Finish button.
In the Browse For Folder window, you will see a folder which is automatically created in the same
location you saved the *.sdlppx package file (this folder is easily recognized as it has the same name as
the *.sdlppx package file), click on this folder and click on the OK button.
If for some reason the folder is not created in the same location where you saved the *.sdlppx package
file, select the location yourself and create a new folder there with the help of Make New Folder button.
It’s very important that you know exactly the location where the folder is created as you will get the
translated files from there and send them back.
Opening a SDL Studio 2009 package with double click
After clicking on the OK button, the Open Package window will display the Importing package…
Completed message. This means all the files in the *.sdlppx package file were extracted successfully.
Press on Close button to close the Open Package window.
You should be able to see the project in the Projects View window.
If for some reason the project doesn’t appear in the Projects View window,
it helps to refresh the window (click on Editor View, then back on Projects View).
Opening a SDL Studio 2009 package with double click
After the package name is displayed in the Projects View, right click on it
and click on Open.
Now the files sent inside the package are displayed in the Files View.
In the Files View , right click on the file you need to translate and choose
Open for Translation, so the file opens for editing.
Opening a SDL Studio 2009 package from SDL Studio 2009
Open SDL Studio 2009 application. From the Home
window do one of the following:
1. Click on the Open Package button on the top menu:
2. Click on the Open Package button in the middle of the Home window:
Opening a SDL Studio 2009 package from SDL Studio 2009
In the Open Package window, go to the location where you saved the package after downloading it from
FluentWork, select the package and click on Open button.
Opening a SDL Studio 2009 package from SDL Studio 2009
In the Open Package pop up window, click on the Finish button.
In the Browse For Folder window, you will see a folder which is automatically created on the same
location you saved the *.sdlppx package file (this folder is easy to recognize as it has the same name as
the *.sdlppx package file), click on this folder and click on the OK button.
Opening a SDL Studio 2009 package from SDL Studio 2009
After clicking on the OK button, the Open Package window will display the
Importing package… Completed message. This means all the files in the
*.sdlppx package file were extracted successfully. Press on Close button
to close the Open Package window.
You should be able to see the project in the Projects View window, and the
files extracted from the package in the Files View.
In the Files View, right click on the file you need to translate and choose
Open for Translation, so the file opens for editing.
Connecting to the server when extracting the package
If the package contains a server based TM, before the file opens in the Editor View, a Log in window will
pop up asking you to login to the server. This is the server where the
server based TMs are located.
Click on Use SDL authentication and fill in the User name and Password fields with the details received
from aatranslations, as shown in the graphic below (the name in the User name field is just an example).
If you don’t want this login window to show again, tick the Do not prompt me again check box.
Connecting to the server when extracting the package
After the connection with the server is made, the file opens for editing in Editor View.
At this point, you are connected to the server-based TMs allocated in the package. You can check this by
opening the Project Settings.
As you can see in the graphic below, the settings for the project TM and master TM are different. The
translator has all the rights for the project TM (Lookup, Concordance and Update). This TM will be
updated with the translated segments from the current file after each translated segment is confirmed.
The master TM can be used only as reference (Lookup and Concordance).
Project server-based TM
Master server-based TM
Translation Results window
In the Translation Results window, you can see the names of the opened TMs (the TMs names are
separated by comma).
While translating, you are getting suggestions from both TMs. The results will be displayed in the order
of the match: the higher match will be on top.
Opened TMs name
TM name for the
selected results
Active segment
What you need to send back
After you finished translating the file(s), all you need to send back to aatranslations is the translated
*.sdlxliff file(s) in a zip file (even if you only need to send back one sdlxliff file, please zip the file).
In the folder automatically created when you extracted the *.sdlppx package file, open the folder named
after the target language of your project. Put the *.sdlxliff files inside in a zip file and upload it in
IMPORTANT: DO NOT change the names of the *.sdlxliff files, they need to remain the same as when
they were sent to you in the package.