How to reach us VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT BRUSSEL Dienst Chemische Ingenieurstechniek

Dienst Chemische Ingenieurstechniek
VUB – CHIS, Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussel, Belgium
Tel.: 32-2-629 32 50
Fax: 32-2-629 32 48
Email: [email protected]
How to reach us
From the Airport (Zaventem)
Take a Taxi (expensive) or a train to Brussels (frequent) and then from the station a taxi to the
Campus Etterbeek of the VUB. Tell the taxi driver VUB as there is also another university (ULB)
next door! You can also take a Metro to the closest station “Petillon”, a 5 minute walk away (see
campus map).
By Car
When you go to Brussels by car, you are likely to approach Brussels by the Ring Highway
around Brussels. From there on, there are two possibilities:
1. Highway E40 - Luik/Liege. Take the Montgomery exit at the end (keep left) and follow the
broad boulevards through the tunnels (under Montgomery Square) until the Boulevard General
Jacques (about 2 km). After you have passed the tram stop Hansen-Soulie, with old Military
buildings on your left, cross over the tramway tracks on your left and follow straight. Turn left at
the second lights into the Triomflaan. You can enter the campus through the third entry, ENTRY 6.
2. Highway E411 - Namur. Follow the viaduct at the end of the highway, arriving at the DELTA
Bus Depot. Turn right at the traffic lights and follow the Triomflaan until ENTRY 6. Turn left over
the central division into the campus. Watch out for other traffic! If you arrive from somewhere near,
maybe you don't need to take the Ring. Other possible ways of getting here by secondary roads are
shown on the map above.
! If you use your GPS notice that there are 2 steets named Pleinlaan 2 in Brussels. Please
make sure that you use the coordinates “Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Elsene”.
By Train
Take a taxi from any station or switch to Metro in Central station and go to station Petillon, or to
station Etterbeek by train.
CHIS Department
We are located on the 5th Floor of Building G at the campus Etterbeek - Oefenplein of the VUB,
as can be seen from the map below. The building G can be reached most easily from the
Triomflaan where one takes Exit 6. The building is some 250 meters further down the road. Take
the elevator at entrance (Rotule) 6 to the 5th Floor and you will immediately end up at the
Department of Chemical Engineering.
Another possibility is coming from the Pleinlaan where you can take Exit 13 and follow until you
reach the last building where you enter Rotule 6. If you come from the Etterbeek Railway Station
you'll enter the campus from Exit 11 and just have to follow the directions to Building G.