"7i'" 'r-v\' \ '/.' JUST ARRIVED: .. Aflama — Constitutional History of England 23/9 Shakespeare—King Lear, 6/-. FowIer—A Dictionary of Modern English Usage, 14/9, Harrod ~ Intemational Economics, 9/6. BOOKS FOB TOUR STUDIES IN ALL SUBJECTS are Obtainable from A. McLEOD, The University of Queensland Students' Newspaper "Brisbane's Best Bookstore/' 107 ELtKABE'l'H »T.> BRISBANE Vol, ^XVU. - No. 10 FRIDAY, 7th MAY, 1948 The Dragon Goes to Town A. McLEOD, "Brisbane's Best Bookstore," 107 ELIZABETH ST., BRISBANE Wegislered al G.P.O., Bnauane, ior transmisgion by post as a periodical. Commem* Cracks Well, the "day of days," Commem, has come and gone for yet another year, and it passed with its usual mixture of gaiety and solemnity, in spite of the unhelpful state of the weather. It began with gaiety, of course, in the form of the procession, on which the gods must have deigned to smile, for not a single shower disturbed the stately progress of the horses, dragons, etc. Then everybody cheered The ceremony in the afternoon morrow. took its usual form, except that it our popular President, Has. Wright, was remarkably quiet on the part because he'd managed to conduct . I of the undergrads—so quiet, in fact, proceedings without making a speech S Ithat the conductor was prac- at all. And so off to the grand finale tically reduced to singing solo for —the ball. MUDDIED MAIDENS. for the first couple of songs. This seemed a poor show compared with The'first thing that impressed itthe din that resounded all through self on my notice at Cloudland was Commem. pracs.—no reflection in- the length of muddy roads; da,ncers tended on the conductor's voice, of had to traverste in the rain between course, which was admirable, as was the car-parking area and the main his conducting both at the ceremony entrance, AVith the result tbat instead and at the practices, Sammy's en- of sweeping regally into the ballrciom trance provided a small diversion, in all their finery, the girls arrived especially when Mr, Bob Daniels breathless, wiping away drops of ; presented him with a choice bouquet water frOm hair and shoulders. (I in recognition of his services. And was lucky—my partner had a leather —which makes this an opportune moment to ask you the progress of the Artiste graduands overcoat. Pity about his suit, though,' to reflect on— across the stage seemed to put new wasn't it?) Once on the danqe floor, heart into the male members of the however, the girls made.a charming audience at least, to judge by the spectacle in their ball gowns. Many applause and whistles, Velyian favoured the ankle-length ballerina •• MacDonald's "New .Look" got the frock, but the full-length style preOur "day of days" is now a pleasant memory. The gaiety loudest whistles, in spite of all the dominated, and it would be a pity to of "The Male Animal," the mystery of the Science display, the male sex has had to say about the see it displaced, as it gives dignity and grace to a formal dance, , hilarity of the procession, the propriety of the Degree Ceremony, longer hemline. Among those newly graduated 1 The Commem. Dinner—late as the novelty o fthe Ball have become as ' ghosts of the past, usual—was remarkable for the noticed Elsa Vidler, who flew up from • pleasantly haunting us with joyful reminiscences. brevity of the speeches and tbe Melbourne for the occasion, in a low(I be- cut gown of pale blue figured satin; But other ghosts parade in strange discrimination iuid political neu- superfluity of the liquor. Joan Cooper, in maroon taffetas with lieve there are still about 30 gallons nnacabre shapes, disturbing our trality, and this principle has cona square neckline back and front; untouched.) The toast to the quietude. These are the ghosts of tinued to guide its work. Beris Thelander, in an ankle-lengthi graduates was proposed with enHunger and Poverty, Despair and WAYS AND MEANS. frock of blue checked taffeta; and thusiasm by Mr, Peter Connolly, and Disease, which assail our fellow The chief characteristic qf the responded to by Wally Campbell, (we Dawn Rees, charming in black lace students in Europe, India, Chuxa, and E.S.R,F, and World Student Relief (as the East Indies. The' gigantic con- the organisation has been called since loved your stories, Wally), and by over a pink skirt. trast between our happiness and their the linking of the Asian and Euro- Miss Nancy Brazier with charm and Black was a popular colour, by itmisfortune must trouble the most pean sections in 1943) is that it is sincerity. Mr. Charlie Elliott said a self or combined with pink or white. lot of nice things about the Univer- Meriel Quinn's fair hair was shown ' callous of us. based on student enterprise: the sity, td which the Vice-Chancellor, to advantage by her black net frock, "We are struggling for existence," greater part of its funds have always, Mr, Story, replied in his inunltable while Dell Dowrie looked very sweet writes a Professor in Siam. A Ger- come from students and professors in style, wishing us all a gay time at the in an off-the-shoulder gown of black , ihan student poignantly describes the countries which have suffered less ball and a small hangover on the marquisette, and Gytha Wade and food rations as "too much for dying, than others in the war. Such funds Kath Mezger combined black and not enougli for living." In North are raised through student initiative white most effectively in their full- . China students have not "the heart as a demonstration of their belief in pledged its support to W,S.R., and is skirted dresses. Nan Gow's fushia ' to play, to sing, to laugh, for they the bonds which unite the univer- co-operating with the Australian coloured velvet featured the main. exhaust all their energy in fighting sity community around the world. characteristics of the "new look" in In February, 1947, the International branch of W.S,R, to raise £5,000 evening gowns—ankle-length skirt, for mere subsistence." In Greece, many students exist on one inade- Union of Students became a fourth from Australia. padded hips, and off-the-shoulder quate meal each day. In Poland constituent organisation of W.S,R., To conclude may we print in neckline, while Eleanor Cookie's tuberculosis is rampant. Books, and this year the World Union of large letters a quotation which draped gown of deep blue emboiised should be unprinted in our memory; clothing, shelter, food and medical Jewish Students has joined "From now on the whole world velvet featured a slit skirt and lowsupplies are urgently needed to save Thd next article in "Semper" wili cut bodice (but why didn't you take ' these students from despair and explain the finances of W.S.R.. and is our busings. The nttan whAi the bolero off, Cookie?). says: 'Why should we go short •death. We have a duty to help those later articles will describe the work Among the Fresherettes, pink, was in, need' which has been done and which is so that the coolies in China can a popular choice. Ann Appleby and-, be fed?' is sure of applause from There vsMs on organisatit^ whigh planned by W.S.R. people who call themselves liard- , Pam Harper looked dainty in paJe'.'^^i The AustraIian^ co-operating comhas: devoted its energies to Student headed. They are mistaken: the pmk net, while June Johnson chose a mittee of W.S.R, has its headquarters ReUef;' It came into existence ih hardness i^ in their hearts; their, lovely, lace frock with narrow shpul-, 1940 as the European Student Relief in Collins Street, Melbourne. The heads are soft. We have learned der straps. Green with a silver stripe '' Eund,t.when, the three majon inter- convenor of the Queensland W,S,R. nothing if we have not learned was the choice of Shirley Burrows, natiooal students otrgaoiisations, The Committee was appointed by Union that the world is one family or it while Ann Lahey's aqua-tinted satin made ah' effective ^ contrast to her •• •: Inteiiiatloiial'Stttdent Service (I.S.S.), Council. ' The Newman Society and is a battlefield.'? aubilrn'-o6lj5iti|ing. l.\/ y'\ ; v ' ' .^\i Pjoix Romana (the local branch is the the Student Christian Movement each :o:TIte.iball'ivogT(M8(^.. m e ^ NewioaiA-. Society);; .aaid: .the -World appoint threje member^, to the CornFRIDAY'S DEBATE f ^ n i » . . v t o ' r t c™:i<> »;livehr ciosBK Stadent-tairteti«!ii"F«da:iaiion (the mittee... AU iunds raised in Queenslocal hraniDh' ts^^be K Siti':oiL), decidedland .fu-e- dareS, for.byj Mr,- Hulbert, .,7f::tSEMi*!N%£fC i i t ^ ^ t ^ . ' • jTllfa' Jptti' an;, i^ee^><; . l«i^^ljQieiiU;effo^ vfhe. fleW <* ;TW^b^<gpjvards the money to th6»Mel"i 4^i|%e;head.quartfers.,:',...,, •; '. •• ,- •> . I'THAT THE PEN IS - '.?;•.;. THAN T^-T43NGUE.i'—w- — : .^ thi^ij^jfar. the I^atipnai l^nioh of Medicine (Aff.) v. Commerce (Neg.). usuaUy inarira 0Ml fii]SBbidC^|f£|fiiiiai&^ ' ..'Men's Common Room. ,StUI, ^ . . it Avas CGOODi^tSB^ffttP^' .' n>;^ciji|^^6J^-ireUi^iM;'/and'' rjuitii: imii' Australian^ Uhiversify,' Stuclents has "How the Other Half Lives ''4f:-tSm ^:-^'V^^H?- <.^\ SEMPER Paie Two FLOREAT Friday, 7th May, 1948 "Absence Mikes the Rift Grow Stronger" axtpr (3[l0r^at I have before me an article written jointly by two persons and containing (to m y prejudiced view, conceded) half the truth, "The Target—N.U,A,U,S,," which appeared in Semper on 23rd. April, yields to t h e enquirer many interesting half-facts, thecomplements of which do not appear in t h a t "objective" article.. To commence: N,U.A.U,S, played something which cannot be overlookNo, 10 no part in the introduction of Gov- ed in facts and figures. One (rf the F R I D A Y , MAY 7, 1948 Vol. XVII. ernment subsidies. Evidence is main functions of N.U.A.U.S. is given by quotations showing that li&kon and costs under this are under such prominent men as . Dr, Evatt, "Administration." when Minister for Education in STILL THICKENING. N.S.W, (which he never was) had Now poor Mr. Rosier (the Research We can bear the rigors of Swot Vac; our wits are not also advocated the scheme. This Officer) and myself (Faculty Burunseated by the frantic exertions of the last fortnight before proves, in short, Sir, that the eaux Director) come under reviewthe Supplementaries; in short, we are a seasoned student in National Union was able to convince Woe is us! Because we are going to nwjst things. But there are limits to our endurance as we are such politicians of the worthwhile- try to find out things and because of the undertaking, and not that we are hoping to get (through cases discovering in this, the most soul-destroying of all times of the ness these men were the original advo- prepared) the increase of the Subyear, the fatal weeks between Commem. and first vac. cates of it. However, very shortly sidies Scheme and a betterment of Everywhere one sees the revellers of yesterday, the light- it may be possible to give the stu- our courses, we are to be condemnhearted playboys and playgirls of the Commem. Ball, gaze at dents of Queensland some document- ed for trying. No wonder these each other in wild surmise, to the accompaniment of much ed evidence of the correspondence gentlemen caimot appreciate a between the National Union and the National organisation. Their outpaling-beneath-the-tan, and whisper, "Can it really be?" Government in the looks are evidently restricted to the But the grim facts remain; the end of first term is at hand, Commonwealth early 1940's. sides of the rut along which they and none of us has opened a book this year. We make this crawl. THE PLOT THICKENS. statement confidently, as the universal inanition of students in Then ,in one glorious triumphant Messrs. O'Duffy and Windrum (for conclusion, first term was confirmed statistically by the results of a Gallup backed with all the Poll reported at the last conference of Oxometrical Society such were the names of the per- satire which can be mustered and. of this literary crime) gilded over with the dust of, Ancient. delegates. You are all in this with us: let us weep for the petrators claimed that the N.U.A.U.S. Cofagress History (indeed the majority of their might-have-been together . . . is not an annual congress because it references 1946) they claim, has been held in only two consecu- that I madeantedate classic distortions—from tive years. Besides being a major what has gone above seem to THANKS SCHOLARSHIP and important point., the title of a have put the boot on thetheV wrong perCongress is one to which every son's foot, and their claim reminds ALLOWANCE The E.U.S. wishes to thank the earnest-minded student should give Dentiste, kidnapped and subsequently long and considered thought. Per- me of the rhyme: FIRST TERM, 1948. tortured by the Engineers during the haps we should no longer call the "A lie which is all a lie may be met and fought with outright Procession, for the courage, forti"Annual"—"Yearly" may Scholarship holders are reminded tude and sportsmanship she dis- Congress But a lie which is half the truth is a well suit the situation better. They that they must complete a voucher played throughout. harder matter to fight," The Society proceed to show how my form and hand it in at the Enquiry apologises for damages and injuries thereupon However, perhaps the gentlemen, that "Student News" is Office not later than Wednesday, the inflicted and hopes her -recovery contention referred to above would like to write published five times a year and cir5th May, 1948. an article in conjunction with me or will be both rapid and complete. culated to 30,000 is incorrect, omitC. PAGE HANIFY, some other person who will put the :o:_ ting (per accidens, perhaps) my Registrar. case' for the National Union, (At comment "or at least has tried to do this stage I hark back to the opciUngNOTICE TO SECRETARIES so": four came here last year, two ART EXHIBITION editions being impossible to circulate. words of the article undeir review^ OF ALL CLUBS This matter is one which Queens- It was worked out by some confused Would all those who promised All Club Secretaries and other con- land have been very touchy about in metaphysic that I Iiad forecast oppowork for the Art Exhibition (1948) the past, and rightly so. It is up to sStiom to N.U.A.U.S., and therefore I please bring same down to "Semper" tributors to the Handbook are , re- us to see the situation (viz., ineffi- was obliged to advance these "conOffice so that the work can be in- minded that their efforts should be ciency in distribution and produc- tra" arguments. WeU . . . . ! ) cluded in this year's Exhibition, in the Hands of the Co-Editors by tion) is overcome. If this joint effort is accomplished end of First Term. please? then the significance of the title of After quoting me a;s stating that TED DELLIT, Queensland Director, N.A.E. this article will become more apparordinary students are not affected ent, "Absence " BRIAN MULLER, JOY ROGGENKAMP, the rift grow by tremendous volume of administra- stronger" is verymakes Co-Editors. true. It means just tive correspondence, they omit (again this—we won't get anything -:o: from the FREE RAILWAY PASSES per accidens) my qualifjine state- National Union' and we won't put ment that this correspondence is GRAMOPHONE SOCIETY anything in unless and until we used to pass on information from one cide that we want to be members deSCHOLARSHIP HOLDERS. of Scholarship holders desiring to University to another. Meeting at 1,10 p.m. on Friday, it, to help and aid it (and to keep a 14th May, to elect two Fresher mem- take advantage of the above priviHOW DARE YOU, SIRS? watchful eye on it!), but so long asbers to the Committee, Nomina- lege during the forthcoming vacation They infer that if we hop out yof we have this "passive resistance'* tions will be accepted at the meeting. are hereby asked to send their N.U.A,U,S, we can still send teams to when we are in the National Union,* Usual Lunch-hour Recital after- names and other particulars to the Drama and Debates, and quote two then both we and it are mere super-Enquiry Office not later than Friday, statements purporting to have been fluities in student politics, wards, RECITAL—"Brandenburg Concerto the 7th May, 1948. made by Messrs, Jameson and GERARD BRENNAN; C. PAGE HANIFir, No. 2" (Bach), "Iberia Suite" (DeWright that this would be so. If • :o: Registrar. bussy). this assurance was eiven, by what authority was it so given? Apart FACTS ABOUT STUDENTS IN OTHER LANDS from their position as delegates to the N,U,A,U.S. Conference these two Students who are interested in thegentlemen have no say regarding our rights as t& participation in these problems of students in other counfields were we to withdraw—that tries, especially of those in Europe, would be, under the circumstances, a will have a chance of gaining some' matter for Executive decision, not first-hand information on these matters next week. cne for hopeful opinion. We go on to consider the budget Mr, Hayden McCallum, a travellingof the U.Q,U, and the N,U,A.U.S. and Secretary of the A.S.C.M., .has .reTo all students, profeasional men. commercial and. find that the admhiistrative costs of cently returned from the Oslo ConIndustrial users (men and women), ire can supply the former are approximately 30 per fefence for. world' Christian Youth,. imtnertlately, Brltiah Drill Whlto Coats, of excellent HALF and cent, of the total budget, of the latter He; visited many European Univer«iu&uty. , Styles include Bls^ecUon Coata, .Medical Coats and Operating Gowns, Pentista''Coata' and serviceable approximately 60 per cent., so that sities,, and has; looked into the .pro- ^ QUARTER White Sac Coats. Queensland spends: £130.0 .p',a. "on blMns of their students. . Hiis purpose explain these problems to Aus-' : Useful Grey Drill Duet Coats alsoi-available, FTTTINOS admln^stxat'ibn,' iiie N,UJ\.U.S.; .about i§-to traliaii "students, and he .is to speak: 'Phone B0tf?7 and oar representatlte 'wUl call. £900. • If you want'to... get informa- at the University: stocked ID next'Tuesday.' . Special stttintlon paid'to Mali'Orders', tion ' from,' the. executive .. of the all sizes. U.Q.U.'.in. a. liur^> you go down.; t», ^M^^fkA^MtfWW* FOUND Uriibn office; if you want ^tha^'-Jnformatlon from N.UA.U.Sl. kenci^al Thro • flammitts .^ndva, Rejaptng.rHpblc;'. secretary! they have to_ __„ send, av^tele;? after, ttievProcegslon;.;on:^-»rtdJa^ ao ISAGLE STttEBT BBISBANTB Editor: ALAN ROBERTS Lilerai-y BtlUor: .BERT CORNELIUS. Sporting Editor: ALAN MCQUILLAIM Literary Staff: CHARLEY CAMERON, JOHN BURKB, BILL WHITE. LOUIS GREEN, DAPHNE FARNSWORTH, ELEANOR COOKE. Ciiief of Staff: OWEN EDGE Social Editress: RAE COX Business Manager: BILL ROGERS Art Staff: JOY ROGGENKAMP. "NERG." The Night of the Soul CROWN WHITE COATS l^ew Service for Students etc. . CRQWN WIITE COi^TSl TT :A. ••«^^%H^r3^ • ^ - • - " • ^ - • • " • ' ^ ' ' ' . ^ . l ' : . • • ' ' . • • Friday, 7th May, 1948 SEMPER FLOREAT Community Soap-Box Page Three Dellit's Diary The other day the Editor of munism and Catholicism for the as a fill-in subject. In Sydney he w*^ill "Semper" says to me: "Hey, Joe reason that jji this battle against do no language other than English, In reply to "Crab" I would like to Communism no other religion really When such fixed courses are not (that's my No. 1 alias), you open point out several important factors counts, because no other religion has acceptable to people of Vallis's stand- your mouth so much; what about writing a weekly column for "Semobviously neglected by him. the necessary unity of belief and ing, it is high time that they were So, folks, here is "Dellit's Firstly, the idea of such a regatta action or the requisite obedience altered. Surely a more flexible per"? has been under consideration by our to legitunate authority. Only a dis- curriculum could be devised. Why Diary," to give you the latest inside committee. It will be held sometime ciplined ai'my can stand up against a should creative artists and people information, news, views, brickbats, bouquets, winges, and anything else during second term. disciplined army,) with a strong individual bent be I can think of. Before we go I would Secondly, last year an open re(b) Revolutionary class-warfare forced to submit to someone else's like to emphasise that the views put gatta vras considered; however, with (e,g., the past railway strike), rigid ideas of what they should forth in this column are not necesour then lack of boats it was com- (c) Establishing a so-called dic- learn? sarily those of "Semper," the Union pletely impossible to boat more than tatorship of the proletariat. DISTURBED. or anyone else ottier tiian youn an eight and several piairs from (d) The abolition of private pro-^—^:o:~ truly. Varsity, perty as a means of production, disROWLAND REPLIES. Thirdly, I would appeal to "Crab" tribution and exchange, and all such other worthy critics to (2) Communists are those who So the Radicals are rattled. I It looks as though you haven't approach the secretary of the various studied their 95-page handbook, and hoped to impair their digestion and, heard the end of the N,U.A.U.S. con-, clubs rather than write to "Semper," carry out the substance of Commun- judging by reports, I certainly suc- troversy for this year. The matter's The U.Q.B,C. Committe is composed ism, Thus all who have read the ceeded. So long as it is their friends to come up at Union. Council on May of men who are only too willing to handbook should be deported, as they at the Trades Hall who are stacking 13th, when it will be thrashed out listen tq outside ideas; but, they do know what is required of them. meetings and pushing motions again. Seems as though Gerry object to having to publicly reply to Those who have not read the hand- through all gees well. But once the Brennan has a lot more talking to letters such as "Crab's" which could book and profess to be Communists boot is on the other foot there seems do yet. have been answered personally with- are subservient elements in the to be a unanimous dive for pencil By the way, for those who are inout this obvious waste of time. Communist Party, for they do not and paper and a hurried culling of terested, here's some news from the Thanking ''Crab" for his interest, know what they are letting them- the brain for suitable epithets. South, Canberra University College and hoping that in future he will selves in for, I admit it was rude, I admit it was Students' Association Coimcil deapproach the committee directly,— (3) They should be deported to out of order, but now you see what cided by 5 votes to 4 not to retain Yours, etc., the place they are always bragging lies behind those cryptic utterances affiliation with National Union. So B. E, HIRSCHFELD, about—Russia, from the "Hall." "The men voted much for N,U.'s "solidarity"! Hon. Sec. U.Q.B.C. (for the com« « * * (4) If the Fascists start playing up unanimously for a continuation of mittee). also, they will find themselves on the strike." Maybe the police have a sense of U>". their way home to Italy, .1 take great pleasure in not an- humour somewhere way beneath that IN PAWN? J. A, COSGROVE, swering Mr. Dellit's foolish questions. rugged exterior ! Noticed Inspector Who does he think he is? Jack Bright laughing at "Hag Anna," He Your "Correspondent" (who thinks Pavey? A WEIGHTY DEBATE. even went as far as to call his fellow that his fellow students are not suffiTo "Qew-ExJ' I would utter a word censor over to join in the fim, but ciently educated to read what he As a student of Philosophy I was of warning. 'Remember what hap- the latter only smiled. writes) should note well why it is pened to I. L, Tork. This could hapthat the Government has failed to impressed by Mr. James' interpreta- pen to you. Incidentally, my bot- Half the police along the route tion of Plato's "Republic," handled were amused, the other half were carry out its responsibilities. tom is the only part of my body that definitely not. Perhaps they have a first five minutes, that of Karl in the Once, Labour's policy was to aim is not well tanned, vivid recollection of the "Pink Elefor a self-reliant informed commun- Marx's "Das Kapital" in the next, and I offer my tipologies to anyone who phant" of last year! by his personal opinion of present ity. Now (and since 1921) this is thinks I have done anything to harm « * * * no'longer th;""aim'^of The^'G^vlrr| f ^^^t^",^?"^^ ^^ f / " f J ^ ^ ^ ' K ^* the good name of the profession A. _.,..• u :_ i_^ : -_i.. IS a been pity that he could not have ment, which is labour in name only, During the singing of "Gaudeamus" which it is my hope to enter. The Senate is but a pawn (a given another five minutes to throw To the Radical Club I oflter no at the Degree Ceremony last week, money-starved pawn, of course) in in character sketches of G.B.S, and apologies. I would remind my oppo- most of the people on the dais didn't Joe. The subject matter, by its hand. It has appeased the Gov-' Uncle their mouths and just looked the way, was the right of the Federal nents, both Reds or otherwise, that open ernment for so long that one won- Government blanlly ahead. "Gaudeamus" is the to retain control of respect should be given where reders if it would be capable of the prices and rents. University Anthem—according to the Shades of Uncle spect is due. great effort it must now muster if it Bob, programme—so I don't see official I don't intend to write again on this is to :do what is best for education, why the Senate and staff shouldn't J, T, DAMM. matter. for the University, and for Ausjoin in its singuig. Maybe they do not P. B. ROWLAND. know the words and couldn't :o: tralia, (or :o:UNBIASSED REPORT wouldn't) afford a shilling to buy SOPHOMORE. J, L. MICHIE MEMORIAL "Wackho." We might even call for :o: SCHOLARSHIP FUND. volunteers to teach the Chancellor! After the Radical Club meeting on , DISAFFILIATION? Thursday last I wrote a letter to the It is the intention of the ComI realised it was How dare the tyrannical authorities "Courier-Mail," mittee to close the Michie Memorial It's about time certain bodies woke doubtless too long to be published in of this University insist that, when I up to themselves and g'ot iheir own enrol in Arts, I must do Philosophy! entirety, so I underlined and clearly Fund by 1st May in order that the, food during the lunch-hour instead money may be handed to the Senate asked the Editor to include in his I shall withdraw my custom. of indulging in their favourite spoW G. R. PLATO, Athens. published version the most important by the end of the term. Outstand- of "queue-bustin*." This practice is ing subscriptions should be sent to points. :o: becoming: more prevalent, aAd some The following underlined parts the Treasurer, Mr, A, G. McCready, people are getting really annoyed ANSWERING MR. DELLIT. were omitted, although unmarked th University, The interest on the about it. If it gets any worse Union amount subscribed will be used to I am answering the four questions sections were included:— Council will have to rack its brains "Mr. Rowland must have heard of provide an annual scholarship for a and find sokne solution to the proput forward by Mr. DeUit, irrespective of whether Mr. Rowland replies 'Semper Floreat,' our student paper, student taking Honours in one of blem. I siUgg-est they might considex! which gives expression to all Student the courses which include classical asStfner Mr. Mallcy not to serve anyor not. studies. The late Professor Michie (1) Ommnunism is a Godless, views. He did not need to bring was Professor of Classics from the one who obviously buys more ihaax economic system which prohibits purely student activities into the foundation the University until enough for himself. Til bet the chap private property as a means of pro- daily Press, Finally, I have never his death inof1946. in front of me last week didn't cai duction, and which works through a before seen a newspaper photofour me&t pies, five bread rolls, and dictatorship of the proletariat .and grapher at a University meeting. Did The large number of subscribers a couple of slices of cake, as well as 'Courier-Mail' photographer who have associated themselves with drinbin«r a bottle of uHk, a boftte •£ professes to better the conditions of the KNOW Mr. Rowland was to make his the memorial have expressed their "coke" and a cup of black tea, the working classes. This betterspeech, or was it pure coincidence deep sense of gratitude for the life ment of the conditions of the work* # * m and work of a truly great teacher, he was there?" ing class seems virtuous, but it is the one whose influence as a man and Everyone will welcome the recent Is this freedom of the Press? means employed which are forbidden as a scholar has been incalculable decision of the Senate to establish a WONDERING. by the law of God (e.g., lying, cheatin the formative years of the his- University Press. At present under —^:o: ing, deceiving, forgmg, betraymg tory of this Universiy. ' the control of the Publications Comfriendships, givmg lip service to a PRINTED AS RECEIVED. The minimum, £1000, has been mittee it is hoped that this rentnre cause they are deliberately whitesubscribed, but further subscripwiU develop into something yre can anting,; or indulging in any under-, I must eniphatically state that I tions are invited before the closing be proud of in Queensland. As usual, hand . means whatsoever to defeat view the foUowing facts with grave date. finance seems to be causing some non-Communist policies. "Trick'* alariri:-^ . , E. HARWOOD, trouble. It might mean that a few questions in ballots, "rigging'* of-a" •'.[''•' F,I,D.O. Hon. Secretary J. L. Michie of the original works of Queensland so-calied secret ballot >hd persecur-—r-:o: scholars wiUbe published instead of, Memorial Scholarship Fund, tioh eveii.td the exterit of physical ARTS>OR ARTISTS' SAKE. feeing^.Ieft .to crumble in tiie Uni"^ injury otfo>6i?(menj^.i,;^'',. ^ -:o:yetsltr archives. CoromuhSt'" prbpji^^ '^te" rwaefy' With the departure*of Val Vallis these' sdfeisr'evils.' / o l ' i ^ e WW RiMNCOAT for' Sydney, this- University has lost clas^?t^; Its first important poet; • ifr)V/.Aijn:intcnBiV'e^''lintFG6d •^cam-f ' r/believe^ that Vallifl transferresd:to' Taken by mistake-from Cloudland. (»; patimi'C^if:, Mr. Middlet^'^ljtutrayrQn* Sydhey-'!be$fi^s«r;ii6 * cotiloi hot do. Friday Night.; Owner may' elaim A NIP AT CRAB. itoi^i4Hi^9Uts'ife?^'^thoai-ab^^fciom:Ai H. pmiiP, ^gfini^ifrvi^ • ,\..::v,.»i'A page Pour SEMPER! DON'T FORGET SERVICES COLUMN DENTAL BAUL FriiW/7t'h May f 1948 FLO R E A T GOLF NOTES RDFLE CLUB On Monday, May 3, the first round of the University Golf ChampionIt has not hitherto been possible The Australian Universities' teams' ship was played at Gailes. The event for trainees imder the Common- match will be held in Adelaide on was originally planned for Indoroowealth Reconstruction Scheme to May 26 and 27, 1948, This Club wiU pilly, but the heavy rain oyer the travel by rail at the concession rates be sending a team for the second week-end made the course unplayavailable to other students not in successive occasion, the team com- able. Thanks to the good graces of receipt of wages. This prohibition prising eight riflemen and two the Gailes Golf Club, the event was was imposed because the trainee's emergencies. The major portion of transferred to Gailes at short notice. living aUowance was regarded by the our expenses wiU be provided by our The gohig was heavy, and this was Railway Department as the equiva- University of Queensland Sports reflected in the scores. The leading Union, the controlling body of sport scores are:—J. Long 83, D. Maries lent of wages or salary. The matter has recenUy, however, in this. University, We are deeply 84, J. WUson 87, M. Quatermass 88, been reconsidered; and the new grateful to them for their assist- P. Todd 91, J. McArthur 95, R. Needham 95, T. Ahearn 95, ruhng of th Department is that ance. Both Long and Maries played very As time is running out, it is imallowances received under the consistently and accurately, although perative that a group of riflemen Scheme will not influence the Maries fell away slightly over the who ha.ve shown the most promise granting' of ordinary students' concession fares to trainees, ' be selected for special practice and inward nine. Long came home in coaching. Any instructions given to 39 after starting badly. IMPORTANT. A trainee living away from home members verbally by me to attend Bob Needham easily won the for the purpose of training may be practice must now be considered handicap event with a 68 off 27 -:0',reimbursed, in respect of one return canceUed, and only the undermen- handicap. Bob had 3 pars on diffijourney home in each twelve tioned 14 members are to attend at cult holes and played very steadily LAW BALL, 17tb JUNE months of training, for any amount Enoggera next Saturday afternoon: over the rest. Other leading scores in the handiby which the second class return P, Agnew, F. Barr-David, H, J, BelCITY HALL. fare at the concession rate exceeds son, W, Carruthers, F, George, K. cap event are: J. Long 71, D. Maries Glanville, C. C. Harrington, J, 73, K, Barry 75, Mai, Quatermass 76, £3. Jacobs, D. Miller, L, A. Perrim, F. P. Todd 79, N. Gow 80, L. BrunckAdmission, 19/ Double, Perc. Garner's Band, A trainee under the Common- Sharp, A. M, Thomson, —, Waring, horst 81. This event will be continued next wealth Reconstruction Training R, Wilkie, Scheme may on occasions find it I have been most fortunate in Sunday morning at Royal Queenspossible to purchase necessary securing seven heavy barrels through land. Cars will leave the Hamilton items of equipment under hire-pur- Mr, Alan Duncan (6) and Mr. E. H, Hotel from 7.45 onwards. P'or University K.\uminutioii!> Belson (1), and these will be used by Last week the continuous stroke chase agreement. by Kxpcricnrcd Tutor, Before entering into sudi agree- the team. The secretary (L, A. event at Victoria Park was conD. T. ROBERTSON, M.Sc. ments (if the student wishes the pay- Perrim) has gone to no end of cluded. Bill Pitt had a spectacular (First Class Honours) ment aUowance), the approval of the trouble in securing slmgs, swivels, victory. He returned a net 53. Mai Enquiries Phone LM4675 local Branch Office of the Uni- etc., and the Club has at long last Quatermass was the next best with versities' Commission should be ob- a full complement of essentials— 57, Mai had the best gross score, everything is our own—including an exceUent 73. tained. aperture sights. This may not ap- After the championship is over, the Such approval may be granted, For that Photograph pear momentous to many of you, but Club will devote its activity to finalprovided that: to me the supply position has been a ising the team for Melbourne, (a) the equipment is essential; (b) the option to purchase on the vertable nightmare. hire-purchase system will not Next term members not in the result in the payment of a team for Adelaide will be specially NOTICE greater sum for hiring the catered for, as was promised in my mally be expended in its hure policy talk at the first meeting this, As this week's issue Is limited equipment than would nor- year. to four pages, many contribuif no option to purchase were Those who have not paid their fee tions, have been held over till held; of 7/6 for the year must do so by 101 Adelaide St., Brisbane next week. (c) hire payments cover only May 12 (Wednesday next), as we periods during which the must stabilise our membership, and (Between Arcade and Albert Street) items hired are essential for each then is registered with Victoria Barracks, Subscriptions are payable BOXING TOURNAMENT the purpose of tramhig, to L. A, Perrim (Vet, Sc, IL), I, J. D. DUNN, Guidance Officer. Holle (treasurer, Med. III.), or C, BE IN IT. Bath (Engin. IV.), -:o:A. M. THOMSON, During the last fortnight of first Captain, U.Q. Rifle Club. term a novice tournament wUi be U.Q. BOXING CLUB :o: conducted, and this will be'open to aU members of the University, day or ATHLETICS A Meeting of the above Club wiU evening students. All intending be held in the New Chemistry Lecfighters are requested to place their The second day of the U.Q,A,C. ture Theatre at 1,10 p.m. Monday, name, faculty and telephone number Athletic Carnival wiU be held next 235 EDWARD STREET 10th May. on the lists provided as soon as posWednesday. A novelty event with (Over Rowe's Cafs) -:o:the customary prizes of cigarettes sible. If this is unsuitable entries EVANGELICAL UNION and chocolates will be held. The may be lodged with J. O. Harris DENTAL STUDENTS* novelty event is to be a mixed relay (J 2563) or Al Toohey (JY 1475). FRIDAY, MAY 7th, The tournament will be fought with the lady running 75 yards and Requirements Available New Library Building, Ipjn., the gentleman finishing with a 100 over three two-minute rounds, and " Mr, H. A, Brown wUl speak on yards dash. All those desirous of this should allow all prospective eri"I believe in The Holy Catholic competing are requested to be at the trants who are not in "top nick" to Church and the Communion of Exhibition oval next Wednesday, have a go. A further provision will FOR ADVICE OR SERVICE ON Saints." Post entries will be accepted, and be the use of heavy gloves which wUl ' From the Series of Addresses on prizes will be given to winners of tend to prevent any injury to the the "Apostolic Creed." competitors. Fighting in this tournaheats and winners of the finals, ment will be beneficial to aU boxers, G. L. BRADFIELD, for the experience gained in onefight Hon, Sec, U.Q.A.C, LR.C. ADDRESS > f • is worth several weeks of gym. wbrfc, Consult and will be ^a solid foundation on TUESDAY, 1.10 p,m,, NIGHT OWLS which to base additional skill, . ; "[' Mr. Hayden McCallum, KENNETH A. LEMON, B.A. However so that aU the details' of! Delegate to World Christian Youth RALLY, RALLY!!, WHAFFOR? the tournament may be worked out' of the Conference, ' Danchig, Free, Main ^Hall, a meeting will be held edrljf h^'Xt' TraveUing Sec, A,S,C.M. 7,45 p.m.. May 8, ^M.P. SOCIETY week—see notice boards' and "Sem"Student Life in Western Europe." SuppM. per." Everyone is cordiaUy 'invited GEOLOGY THEATRE, Telephones: B 6408 Box 1404R, to this meeting—so-be 'thiere.and •• ^-ot . B 3741 GP.O. CALUNG ALL bring along youi: friends.' , CLOUDLAND, FRIDAY, 21st MAY, Dancing 8.30-1,0. TICKETS SELLING FAST. Get your from— I, McGUANE (Emman.). J. SPENCER (Union Hostel). J. MILLER (John's). K, HEINER (King's), - N, TIGHE (Leo's), P, G. COOKE (Dent. II,), P, TODD (Dent. 11.), G, KENNY (Gen, Hosp.). J, STEELE (Med, School), T. DELLITT (George St,). J. HERON (Dent. IV.). O. HODGSON (Dent, III,). A. BRAY (Dent. I,). K. BARRY (Dent, I,). Alcoves from W, A, HIRST (Dent, HI.), Dent, Col. RAILWAY CONCESSIONS. CAPTAIN'S STATEMENT. CHEMISTRY ROY COOPER STUDIOS Miine Browne & Co. Pty. Ltd. LIFE ASSURANCE PROCESSION PHOTOS lelmikone^, B 91SZ •- After BoQfS n^U . FLOWERS FOB EVERY V rOCCASION VALI^INE fS>HISTS available at U}IOA FLASH Old Town Hall Ai«ade. Gome $jx^ Jnppect a photo of your float. ijWK^'-'' jMf;5Jf'Shipping ^(B^Bpattefe % Edwatd SteMtrv ' > MOUNTAINEERS! Come and Enjoy the E.U. HOUSEI PARTY • On ^ e . , MALENY" R A l ^ G B - Di^i?ing:^'th^. ' '••' ••'.••••>•• NEWMAN TH^NIS^^P The Newipian Society lijais .itrraujgei^ •., a ^ t e h i s Day,^imday,,lV16yK:^Di^^^^ ... naehcihgi at'9' o'clock, at' the vfS^9;PX,j. Terracfe .CoUegte Cqurts-.^.TiiaCcMiMs 6re situated-M'Victoria* P#;>^n§iU5L3v f
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