HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE The Guide has been published using the official GWEF language of English. The country section are in alphabetical order in the English language. In each section there is a lost of members' telephone numbers. The listed members should be able to arrange emergency accommodation, tools, etc. - if not themselves, then with another member who lives in his area. Each member is listed with a map reference, the nearest town/city (which will be marked on any good map of that country), his telephone number and details of languages spoken in addition to his national language. Also listed in each country section are useful phrases and normal national shopping hours. To use the phrases you should look at your own country section, check the number of the phrase you want, then say or show someone the phrase of the same number on the information page of the appropriate country. Also in Guide is a list of the international telephone codes to dial any country from another. We hope you find the information contained in the Guide to be useful. If you have any comments about the Guide, tell your International Rep who will tell the next GWEF-meeting. GWEF OFFICERS Chairman: Sergio Cafarelli Urb. Coblanca nº 19 E-03503 Benidorm - Spain Secretary: Martin Prissnitz Oberlaaerstr. 192, A-1100 Wien - Austria Treasurer: Lesley Snell 24, Colborne Way, Worcester Park KT4 8NG Surrey - Great Britain Honorary Life Member: Alex Lemoyne, Gent, Belgium Trevor & Margret Steiger-White, Oberwangen, Switzerland Pete Ware -F-26400 La Roche Sur Grane - France GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 1 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 3 iv. Any other costs determined by the Committee. 5 Organisation 1) 8 Formalities a. Periods of notice. For discussion at a Committee meeting, the following periods of notice shall be necessary: The Committee The GWEF Committee shall consist of: a. 2) A Chairman, a Secretary and a Treasurer who shall be known as the Officers. The Chairman may not concurrently serve on the national committee of a Member-Club. b. Up to two full voting members of the committee of the Member Club, one of whom shall have been nominated as the International Representative (IR) appointed under the constitution of the member club. c. Non voting Individual persons co-opted by the Chairman or Committee to help and/or advise the Committee on specific matters. d. A Member-Club may be exceptionally represented at any meeting either by another member of its national committee or, at the discretion of the Chairman, by another member of the Member-Club. i. 30 days verbal or written notice for items on the main agenda. ii. 60 days written notice for: a. Application for membership. b. Resignation of a membership. c. Proposal to discipline a Member-Club. d. Nomination for the post of an Officer. e. Resignation of an Officer. f. Proposal to discipline an Officer. g. Proposal that a Member-Club should discipline an individual member. iii. 90 days written notice for: a. Proposal to change the Constitution. b. Application for recognition of an event by GWEF. Periods of office. 1. 2. The Officer’s term of office shall be three years. The Committee shall elect Officers on a rotating basis, one officer each year, or sooner if a vacancy occurs. There shall be no limit to the number of periods of office of any Officer. 9 Discipline “The GWEF committee expects the highest standards of behaviour from its officers and member clubs, not only within the framework of this constitution and its rules but also against a background of mutual support, tolerance, honesty, friendship and respect for each other, regardless of background or nationality.“ Nomination of candidates for officer’s posts must be made by the national committee of a member club through the International Representative. a. Committee Voting Rights and Voting In the event of a breach of these constitutional requirements the GWEF committee may: i. ii. iii. iv. Each Country has one vote. The Chairman shall have the casting vote. The Secretary and Treasurer shall not have a vote. The quorum shall be seven Committee members with voting rights. If changes in the Constitution are to be decided, the quorum shall be two thirds. v. Voting decisions shall be carried by a simple majority. If changes in the Constitution are to be decided, two thirds of the Member-Clubs must approve. a. Reprimand, suspend or expel a Member-Club. b. Remove an Officer from office. 10 Representation a. GWEF shall be represented publicly by the Chairman and/or Committee members formally authorized by the Committee. b. No individual(s) shall in any way claim to speak for or to represent GWEF, its Committee or its Officers unless authorised by the chairman or by the Committee. Any liability arising from any unauthorised representation shall be the sole responsibility of the individual(s) concerned. b. Meetings i. A minimum of two Ordinary Committee meetings shall be held annually on dates and at venues set by the Chairman. ii. An Extraordinary Meeting may be called at any time by a majority of the Member-Clubs. a. The call shall be made in writing, with an agenda and proposals, to all Committee members. b. The meeting shall take place within 60 days of receipt of the call, on a date and at a venue set by the Chairman. 11 Adoption This, the Constitution of the Gold Wing European Federation, replacing that last revised in 2003, was accepted by a majority of the GWEF Committee meeting at Koekelare, Belgium 16th April 2006. 6 GWEF Recognized Events a. Events GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 5 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 7 INTRODUCTION Constitution of the Gold Wing European Federation The Gold Wing European Federation (GWEF) was formed in 1983 and the number of members has grown steadily since then. Now there are 22 affiliated country clubs representing around 16.000 individual members. 1. Title The Federation shall be called the Gold Wing European Federation, abbreviated to GWEF. 2. Language The official language of GWEF shall be English The affiliated countries and their clubs are as follows: 3. Objectives and purpose. 1. To provide a forum for the sharing of information between member Gold Wing Clubs and riders. 2. To promote international contact, activities and friendship among motorcyclists 3. To promote the Gold Wing and its rider as an example of all that is worthwhile about motorcycling. 4. To agree minimum standards for GWEF Treffens, tours and recognised events and prepare rules and conditions for same. 5. To organise and manage the GWEF touring award program. 6. To prepare and make available to member clubs the International GWEF help guide. 7. To encourage International participation in regional events. Austria Belgium Czech Republic Denmark Finland France Germany Great Britain 4 Membership a. (i) At the discretion of the GWEF committee and subject to their approval, membership shall be open to only one national Gold Wing club or organisation from any country. Hungary Ireland Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Russia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Ukraine (ii) The applicant club shall a. Prove it has been in existence for at least two years. b. Have at least ten active members. c. Confirm its committee is resident in the club’s country.1 d. Provide a national club constitution signed by two members of the clubs committee containing a section pertaining to GWEF affiliation. b. An applicant club shall agree to accept and abide by: i. this and future Constitutions by depositing a copy of this Constitution with GWEF, signed by the club chairman and one other committee member. the rules governing GWEF-recognized events, the Touring Award programme and majority decisions of the Committee. ii. 1 c. Once accepted, the national club shall be called a Member-Club. d. A Member-Club may withdraw from GWEF at any time only after fulfilling its current obligations. The intention to withdraw must be submitted in writing to the GWEF Chairman by the committee of that Member-Club. e. Each Member-Club shall receive non transferable GWEF membership cards for its individual members. f. In recognition of worthy, long and dedicated service to GWEF, the Committee may bestow the title of Honorary Life Member on an individual. An Honorary Life Member shall enjoy all the benefits of GWEF membership including free admission to all international Treffens and receive each Member-Club's magazine. This Help Guide is for Wingers in need when visiting other countries. REMEMBER: This folder is for use only in case of breakdown or when help or assistance is required. It is not a list of cheap places to stay ! rd Belgium 3 April 1999. Minutes Item 7. 4 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 2 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 i. Rules & Conditions for Gold Wing European Federation Recognised Events 1. Each Member-Club may organize annually one International Treffen with GWEF-recognition. ii. Member-Clubs or individual members may organize other events which may be recognized by GWEF. Events a. International Treffens A GWEF-recognized event shall benefit from: i. A Member-Club may annually organise one International Treffen which may receive recognition by GWEF. b. Other Events i. One free advertisement in each Member-Club's national magazine. i. ii. Inclusion in the GWEF Touring Award programme. A Member-Club or its individual members may organise other events having international participation which may receive recognition by GWEF. iii. Recognition implies that the event fulfils GWEF objectives and has been organized in accordance with GWEF rules and regulations. c. Event Co-ordination and Responsibility i. ii. d. To establish a balanced annual programme of events, organisers shall co-ordinate their plans with the GWEF Officers and each other at the earliest opportunity. Final responsibility for the date, location and organisation of an event shall rest with the organisers. b. Liability Neither GWEF officers nor any Committee members shall be liable for any costs incurred in organizing a GWEF- recognized event, nor for any injury, loss, damage or result of legal action arising out of the event. GWEF-recognition 7 Finances i. Recognition of an event by GWEF shall be at the discretion of the Committee. ii. Dates for recognised events for the following year must be finalised by the last committee meeting of the previous year. iii. Once a repetitive event has been recognised and the conditions for GWEF-recognised events continue to be met, this recognition remains implicitly in force unless the organisers annul the recognition in writing to all GWEF Committee members or it is withdrawn by the Committee. iv. Organisers shall allow no individual personally to profit in any way from the event other than in the course of a normal commercial relationship. Reasonable expenses incurred in the organization of the event are excepted. a. The financial year shall be from 1st January to 31st December inclusive. b. The GWEF annual budget shall be ‘non profit making’ realizing only that which is necessary for annual expenditure for the benefit of the member clubs together with a small prudent margin for contingencies. c. No GWEF officer or IR shall be in receipt of payment by way of remuneration from GWEF funds for fulfilling his/her duties towards GWEF d. Annual accounts will be presented to the first Committee meeting after 31st December. They shall be independently audited and a certified balance sheet provided. e. Events and Touring Award Programme GWEF-recognised events shall be part of the annual Touring Award (TA) programme, 2. e. GWEF shall be financed by: Publication of Event Information Details of the date, venue, purpose, inscription price and items or services included in that inscription price must be submitted for publication by the member club’s IR at least 90 days before the event or by the end of January if inclusion in the help guide is required. The organisers alone shall be responsible for the completeness and punctuality of this information. Each International Representative (IR) shall be responsible to his Member-Club for publishing event information received from other Member-Clubs. i. Annual subscriptions from Member-Clubs based on the total number of members registered by that Member-Club. The amount shall be set at the last Committee meeting of the previous year. ii. Member-Clubs shall pay the annual subscriptions by 15th January based on the Member-Club totals on 31st December of the previous year. iii. Contributions from organisers of GWEF-recognised events based on the total number of vehicles attending. The amount shall be set at the last Committee meeting of the previous year. Organisers shall: No inscription price shall be increased and no event-programme or facility offered for that price shall be reduced after their formal submission to any of the GWEF Committee. An IR and a Member-Club shall not be required: i. ii. a. Inform the Secretary of the total number of vehicles attending within 15 days of the event ending. b. Pay the invoice within 30 days of receipt. to publish information which is late or incomplete with respect to date, location, inscription price or facilities provided for that price. to publicise events not recognised by GWEF. iv. Sales of GWEF regalia. v. 3. Any other source determined by the Committee. f. Monies shall be held under the co-signatory authority of the Treasurer and any one other Officer. Inscription g. The funds shall finance: i. The GWEF Touring Award programme. ii. The purchase of GWEF regalia for resale. iii. Reimbursement of costs incurred by the Officers in the fulfillment of their duties. a. No motorcycle shall enter the event-site without an inscription form being completed and signed by its rider and passenger(s). b. lnscription and Admission of GWEF Members riding Gold Wings 1 8 Gold Wing Club Austria Gold Wing Motor Club Belgium Gold Wing Club Czech Republic Gold Wing Club Denmark Gold Wing Club Finland Federation des Gold Wing Club de France Gold Wing Föderation Deutschland Gold Wing Owners Club of Great Britain Gold Wing Club Hungary Gold Wing Owners Club of Ireland Gold Wing Club Italia Gold Wing Club Letzebuerg Gold Wing Club Holland Gold Wing Club Norway Gold Wing Club of Poland Gold Wing Clube de Portugal Gold Wing Club Russia Gold Wing Club Slovenija Gold Wing Asociacion de Espana Gold Wing Club Sweden Gold Wing Club Switzerland Gold Wing Club Ukraine GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 6 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 i. At inscription for an event offering advantages to GWEF members, any inscriber shall show a valid GWEF membership card bearing his name and Member-Club to receive those advantages. ii. A GWEF card is valid only for the individual(s) named on the card. iii. Organisers shall refuse such advantages if a valid GWEF membership card is not shown. iv. Beyond their normal right to refuse any admission, organisers of a GWEF-recognised event or any GWEF Committee member shall have the right to confiscate a GWEF membership card if they have grounds to believe that it is being misused. In the case of an individual GWEF membership card holder, the matter shall be referred to the committee of the member club for further action. The member club shall notify the GWEF committee of its decision. v. a. i. If, in their absolute discretion, Treffen organisers choose to make individual awards for distances ridden to a GWEF recognised International event, candidates for such an award must record their distance traveled on the inscription form. For the purposes of GWEF National Club prizes, the organisers shall assign the participation to the Member-Club issuing the membership card presented by the inscriber. c. Onus of Proof The onus of proving any conditions governing inscription, admission or distance rests with the inscriber. ii. • An individual member of GWEF not riding a Gold Wing, and his passenger(s), shall be admitted to the event-site without his vehicle. ii. A spouse, or one immediate-family member or one partner accompanying a Gold Wing rider who is riding a motorcycle other than a Gold Wing shall be admitted to the event-site with that motorcycle. iii. A Gold Wing rider, and his passenger(s), who is not an individual member of GWEF shall be admitted to the event-site with his Gold Wing. iv. The admission to the event-site of others to participate fully, or on a day-visitor basis, shall be at the discretion of the organisers. v. Inscription fees for fully participating non-GWEF members under (ii) and (iii) and (iv) above shall be at the discretion of the organisers. vi. At International Treffens there shall be free admission for: a. Children less than sixteen years old when inscribed by an individual member of GWEF. b. The nominated International Representative ONLY of a member club. c. iii. a. This distance shall be the direct distance after leaving his/her home address or, if another GWEF event has been attended since leaving home, the direct distance from that GWEF event. b. lt shall not be a cumulative event, touring or holiday distance. c. Distance claims falling outside the above conditions may be considered on individual merit. d. Organisers shall have the right to refuse any distance claim which they consider inaccurate. For GWEF administrative purposes and for determining award rankings, organisers shall maintain lists as follows:- d. Inscription and Admission of Others. i. The method of calculation shall be the number of club members in attendance divided by total membership multiplied by 100. c. Individual Riding Distances and Participation Totals The total number of participants. • The total inscription from each GWEF Member-Club and • Organisers shall send copies of these lists to the GWEF Secretary and all other Committee Members within fifteen days of the event ending. The GWEF admin page should be updated. At the end of each touring season, as a recognition of participation in GWEF’s International programme, GWEF will provide ‘Super Touring awards’ consisting of a patch and diploma to participants at four or more GWEF recognised events. If required, a patch will be provided to the regular passengers of those participants at additional cost. d. Other Awards Any other awards shall be at the discretion of the organisers. e. Award-giving Ceremony At the discretion of the organisers, the award-giving ceremony at an international Treffen shall be conducted firstly in English then, if possible, in German and French, followed by the local language, if different from these. GWEF Officers and Honorary Life Members 5 Riding Safety vii. No motorcyclist inscribing on a day-visitor basis shall enter the event-site with his motorcycle. viii. Apart from the motorcycles specified above and vehicles directly serving the organisers, no other motorcycle or vehicle shall be admitted to the event-site. ix. Organisers shall have the right to refuse admission to persons known to show bad conduct, and to eject persons, without refund, showing conduct not in accord with local or GWEF standards. The latter matter shall be dealt with according to Section 9 of the Constitution. a. In the interests of safety, GWEF shall, with or in the Help Guide or by other means from time to time, publish guidelines concerning safe group-riding behaviour. b. Organisers organising group-rides must take reasonable steps to ensure the safety of the riders and public. c. Except during a Light Parade, motorcycles with trailers shall not be permitted to take part in group-rides unless the trailer serves the tour-needs of a disabled rider or passenger e. Touring Award Cards i. Organisers of GWEF-recognised events shall, with a unique mark, stamp the TA card of a fully participating GWEF-member arriving on a GoldWing. The TA card must bear the same name, address and Member-Club as the GWEF membership card and must be signed by the holder. Incomplete cards shall not be stamped. ii. Organisers shall not stamp cards of day-visitors. GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 d. Organisers shall have the right to exclude a rider showing persistently dangerous riding during a group-ride. lf such a rider ignores the exclusion, the organisers may eject him from the whole event. The matter shall then be dealt with according to Section 9 of the Constitution. Adoption These rules and conditions for events recognised by the Gold Wing European Federation were accepted as binding and adopted by the GWEF Committee, meeting at Koekelare, Belgium 16th April 2006. 9 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 11 GOLD WING CLUB AUSTRIA A (b) passengers of such riders USEFUL PHRASES The available places on the card shall be stamped sequentially. 1. Ja 2. Nein 3. Bitte 4. Danke 5. Können Sie mir helfen ? 6. Ich habe eine Panne 7. Ich brauche einen Arzt 8. Es hat sich ein Unfall ereignet 9. Wo ist das Spital ? 10. Wo ist die Polizei ? 11. Wo ist ein Telefon ? 12. Wo ist der nächste Campingplatz / das nächste Hotel ? 13. Würden Sie bitte diesen Notruf für mich durchführen ? 14. Wie weit / viel / lange ? 15. Wann wird das Geschäft geöffnet / geschlossen ? ii) The TA card presented must be complete with the information in 4(a)(ii)(a). This must correspond with the inscriber's GWEF membership-card. iii) The official stamp shall be the sole evidence of event-participation. The participant is solely responsible for ensuring the TA card is stamped. iv) The Secretary has the right to reject submitted cards which give cause to suspect irregular use. The card shall be returned to the card-bearer's Member-Club with suitable comment. c) The organisers shall send the Secretary an example of the official stamp or sticker used when they send the participation totals. 5) Submission of Cards a) Individual members or their passengers shall be solely responsible for submitting their TA cards to the Secretary by the given date. b) Submissions from passengers shall contain the required fee. SHOPPING HOURS Monday – Friday: 0800h – 1900h , Saturday 0800h – 1700h c) Neither GWEF nor its Officers shall accept any responsibility for cards not arriving or arriving late at the Secretary's address. d) Submissions made with insufficient postage or fees, and illegible or defaced cards, shall be considered invalid and ignored without further action. SPEED LIMITS (kph) Solo: in town – 50 outside town – 100 motorway – 130 With trailer: in town – 50 outside town – 100 motorway – 100 (trailer do not need a motorway-"vignette") 6) Presentation or Distribution of the Awards Awards shall be presented or distributed no later than the first TA event in the following year. The manner in which this is done shall be at the discretion of the Officers. Police – 133 Fire – 122 ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE AGENCIES ÖAMTC – 120 ARBÖ – 123 7) Adoption These Rules and Conditions for the Touring Award Programme of the Gold Wing European Federation (GWEF) were accepted as binding and adopted by the GWEF Committee, meeting at Koekelare, Belgium 16th April 2006. GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 SOS TELEPHONE Ambulance – 144 HONDA AUSTRIA Hondastraße 1, A-2351 Wr. Neudorf, Tel: 02236/6900, Fax: 02236/64130 13 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 15 Rules & Conditions for the Touring Award Programme of the Gold Wing European Federation iii. f. 1) Object The object of the Touring Awards (TA) of the Gold Wing European Federation (GWEF) is to recognise the efforts of individual GWEF Gold Wing riders who contribute to the purposes and aims of GWEF. Admission Conditions regarding Liability i. 2) Award Basis a) The award shall be given to each GWEF member who, riding his/her Gold Wing, participates in four or more GWEF-recognised events in one year. Organisers shall have the right to confiscate a TA card if they have grounds to believe that it is being misused. The matter shall then be dealt with according to Section 9 of the Constitution. The organisers shall take reasonable care to ensure the security of persons and their property on the event-site. This shall, where practically possible, include a Third-Party/ Public liability insurance to cover the event. ii. Unaccompanied minors shall not be admitted to the event-site. iii. The organisers shall make it a Condition of entry to the event-site for every adult entrant that: b) For a small fee, a passenger accompanying such a rider on four or more events shall also receive the award. a. He/She accepts all responsibility for all loss, damage or injury caused by him / her or minors accompanying him / her while on the site b. He/She absolves GWEF, its Committee members, the organisers and their agents from all responsibility for any loss, damage or injury caused to him or minors accompanying him / her while on the site. c) The form of the award shall be decided by the GWEF Committee. iv. This Condition of entry shall be: a. For full participants, a disclaimer in English, German and French on the inscription form, stating that the event is organised according to GWEF rules and conditions. The conditions in (f)(iiia and b) above must be reproduced on the inscription form and the participant must sign the form to the effect he understands and accepts these rules and conditions before admission. b. for all other entrants to the event-site, a clearly visible notice in the local national language, posted at the entrance, stating the entry conditions under (f)(iiia and b) and that the act of entry constitutes an acceptance of them. 3) Qualifying Events The annual TA programme shall consist of all events receiving formal GWEF-recognition during that year each one of which shall qualify towards a GWEF touring award. 4) Organisation a) TA Cards i) 4. Awards The Secretary shall, in a manner decided by the Committee, distribute TA Cards in time for the first event of the annual TA programme. a. GWEF International Awards and lndividual Prizes ii) The cards shall provide space for: (a) the name, full postal address, Member-Club and signature of the card-bearer i. Member-Clubs organising a GWEF-recognised International Treffen shall give rankings and awards to all participating GWEF Member-Clubs, except themselves. ii. The organisers shall calculate the rankings of participating clubs as follows: (b) stamps or stickers for every event on the TA programme a. As soon as possible, the organisers shall inform the GWEF Secretary as to their International Treffen location. The Secretary shall then inform them of the road kilometre distance to that location from the centre of each GWEF Member-Club country. and should state: (c) the name and address of the GWEF Secretary to whom the completed cards should be returned b. At the close of inscription, the organisers shall multiply the total of Gold Wings inscribed for each GWEF Member-Club by two times the road-kilometre distance assigned to that Member-Club (i.e. Total Member-Club Gold Wings x roadkilometres x 2) This gives the number of points for deciding the rankings of the awards. (d) the date by which the completed cards should be returned, which shall be the 15th October of the current year (e) the fee to be paid by passengers. c. GWEF card holders not arriving at a GWEF event on a Gold Wing or and participants not belonging to a GWEF Member-Club shall not be counted in these totals. b) Participation Stamp i) This shall be given at inscription according to the Rules & Conditions for Events Recognized by GWEF. Event-organisers shall uniquely stamp the TA card of: iii. (a) individual GWEF members attending a GWEF-recognised event on a Gold Wing (not including day visitors.) b. Clubs attendance award i. 12 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 A Organisers shall determine the size of the awards which should be suitable for carrying on a Gold Wing. At the close of inscription organisers shall determine the member club in attendance which has the greatest number of participants as a proportion of that club’s total membership as notified to the secretary after 31st December of the previous year and that club shall receive an additional award known as the ‘Clubs Attendance Award’. 10 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 AUSTRIA INTERNATIONAL PHONE CALLS 1. 2. 3. 4. Dial the national code for international phone calls for the country you are phoning from Dial the country code for the country you want to phone Dial the personal number remembering to omit the first "0" (Zero) from the area code ("9" in Finland) Using a mobile-phone, „+“ replaces the national code for international phone codes (e.g. „+43“ for Austria from all countries of Europe) Country Austria Belgium Czech Republic Denmark Finland France Germany Great Britain Hungary Ireland Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Russia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Ukraine 16 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 14 National code for international phone calls 00 00 00 00 990 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 00 00 00 Country code 43 32 420 45 358 33 49 44 36 353 39 352 31 47 48 351 7 386 34 46 41 380 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 GOLD WING CLUB AUSTRIA Map Name L3 Michael Frouz chairman Katrin Reitstätter secretary Martin Reitstätter Interrep Alland +43 (0) 664/6241919 GB Wr. Neustadt +43 (0) 699/17087141 GB Wiener Neustadt +43 (0) 699/17087142 GB A6 F8 G5 K6 K7 H3 L4 L4 D6 D6 Bartl Wolfgang Lukasser Helmut Kelemen Karl Durlacher Johann Meixner Adi Koch Robert Schmoll Johann Skuhra Wolfgang Bruno Schöch Kassian Stolz Nüziders Lienz Salzburg Hofstätten a.d. Raa Preding Wels Guntramsdorf Guntramsdorf Aldrans Innsbruck +43 +43 +43 +43 +43 +43 +43 +43 +43 +43 GB GB GB GB GB GB GB GB GB GB, I J4 J6 L4 L5 A7 D6 K3 L4 H4 Honda Magnum Hütter GesmbH Honda Faber Honda Mayerhofer Motorradcenter Mähr A&L-Schick Ernst 2-Rad Center Henschl 2-Rad-Börse Honda Stix L5 L5 Town Phone (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) GOLD WING MOTOR CLUB BELGIUM A Language 5552/67111 4852/6665-56 664/6176184 3112/3355 3185/2403 664/5330421 664/2504567 664/6126491 664/2616026 664/3002233 USEFUL PHRASES Flemish (French) 1. Ja (Oui) 2. Neen (Non) 3. Alst u blieft (S’il vous plâit) 4. Dank U (Merci) 5. Kunt U mij helpen (Pouvez-vous m’aider) 6. Ik heb panne (Je suis en panne) 7. Ik heb een doktor nodig (J’ai besoin d’un médecin) 8. Er was een ongeval (Il y a eu un accident) 9. Waar is het ziekenhuis (Ou est l’hôpital) 10. Waar is het politiebureau (Ou est le commissariat de police) 11. Waar is een telefoon (Ou puis-je téléphoner) 12. Waar kann ik overnachten (Ou puis-je loger) 13. Kunt U een noodoproep doen voor mij (Pouvez-vous téléphoner pour moi) 14. Hoever (A quelle distance) / Hoeveel (Combien) / Hoelang (Combien de temps) 15. Welke uren zijn jullie open / gesloten (Quelles sont les heures d’ouvertures/fermetures) SHOPPING HOURS Shops: 0900h – 1800h , Supermarkets: 0900h – 2000h (Friday – 2100h) Restaurants, Pubs: 1100h – 2400h, Snack Bars, etc.: 0800h – 2200h Honda-dealer / mechanics Traun Graz Wien Wiener Neustadt Feldkirch Weer Krems Wien Kematen/Innbach B SPEED LIMITS (kph) Solo & trailer: in town – 50 outside town – 90 Residential areas - 30 motorway – 120 07229/72886-0 0316/6050 01/49159-0 02622/28306 05522/72042 05224/68693 02732/82283-0 01/2148595-0 07247/8898 Police – 101 SOS TELEPHONE Ambulance, Fire – 100 ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE AGENCIES VTB / VAB – 03 252 62 70 SOS Depannage – 059 32 53 25 Touring Wegenhulp-secours: 02 233 22 11 HONDA BELGIUM Wihgaardveld 1, B-9300 Aalst, Tel: 053 76 02 11 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 17 GOLD WING MOTOR CLUB BELGIUM Map Name Town Phone Roland Gunst Heule 056 35 99 37 NL F GB chairman - Christine Peel Diksmuide 051 50 45 25 NL,F,GB secretary B5 SERCU JEAN-PIERRE IEPER 0477 756428 N GB C3 DEVEY EDWIN GISTEL 0495 507126 NL F GB D C5 GUNST ROLAND HEULE 0477 467588 NL F GB D3 DE DOBBELEER JOHAN SCHEPDAAL 0477 477874 NL F D3 DIERICKX FILIP ASSENEDE 09/344.67.22 NL F GB D D3 MECHELINCK PETER ASSENEDE 09/344.86.44 N F GB D D4 DE SUTTER PATRICK MALDEGEM 0495 916303 NL F GB D E3 DEVACHT MARC DEUX ACREN 068/33.21.95 NL F GB E3 VAN HAUWE PETER DENDERMONDE 052/42.22.06 N F GB D E4 CLINCKSPOOR JOHAN OOSTERZELE 09/362.00.41 NL F GB D E4 LEMOYNE ALEX GENT 0475 514996 N F GB D E4 MAES JEAN-PIERRE LIEDEKERKE 053/67.01.70 N F GB D E5 MERCKX BOB DIKKELVENNE 09/384.92.32 N F GB E6 JADOUL PATRICK OVERBOELARE 054/411493 NL F GB D F2 VAN DEN HEUVEL TONY WILRIJK 03/440.06.24 N F GB D F3 OP DE BEECK GUIDO ST. KAT. WAVER 0495 504065 N F GB F4 PEELMAN ANDRE BERLARE-UITBERGEN 0495 794354 N F GB D G2 STERCKX ERIC BEERZEL 0477 286041 N GB D G3 HEMELAERS WILLY BOOM 0477 254120 N F GB D G3 VOLKAERTS JOZEF HEIST-OP-DEN-BERG 015/23.42.32 N F GB D G4 CLAEYS REYNOLD BRUSSEL 0475 801044 NL F GB D G4 CLEYNHENS EDUARD KAMPENHOUT 0495 154348 NL F GB G4 JAECQUES FILIP WEZEMBEEK-OPPEM 0477 495552 NL F GB J6 JACQMIN WILLY DINANT 82713816 NL F GB D H3 BEECKX FRANK PUTTE 015/75.45.28 NL F GB D H3 DE DONCKER ERIC SCHRIEK 015/23.02.41 NL GB D I3 GLASSEE HERWIG BRASSCHAAT 03/653.14.48 NL F GB D J3 LAUWERS JOANNES LANAKEN 0476/313816 NFD I4 OOMS JOS DIEPENBEEK 011/33.16.34 N F GB D F6 HOYOIS JOSE FAMERIES 0478/269920 DF J4 VANWEERT RUDI DIEPENBEEK 0495 472490 N F GB I5 LAMBER GUY ENGIS 042/753306 F K8 MARTIN PIERRE MEIX-DEVANT-VIRTON 063/57.19.01 F J5 PIROTTE JOSEPH LIERNEUX 0476 245166 FD E4 Mouton Patrik Gent 0477 529176 NL F GB B4 De Schuyter Andre Ertvelde 484156727 NL F GB I4 VOERMANS FRANK TESSENDERLO 495290474 N F GB D Interrep I4 RUDI VAES BERINGEN 496549853 NL F GB D GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 Language C5 19 GOLD WING CLUB CZECH REPUBLIC B GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 CZ USEFUL PHRASES 1. Ano 2. Ne 3. Prosím 4. Dekuji 5. Muzete mi pomoci ? 6. Mám technickou poruchu 7. Potrebuju lékare 8. Stala se nehoda 9. Kde je nemocnice ? 10. Kde je policie ? 11. Kde je telefon ? 12. Kde je nejblisí camping / nejblisí hotel ? 13. Muzete pro mne provís toto nouzovou správu 14. Jak daleko / kolik / dlouho ? 15. Kdy se otvírá tento obchod / zavírá ? SHOPPING HOURS Monday – Friday: 0830h – 1830h , Saturday 0830h – 1300h SPEED LIMITS (kph) Solo: in town – 50 outside town – 90 motorway – 130 With trailer: in town – 50 outside town – 80 motorway – 80 No motorway-vignette needed for motorcycles ! Police – 158 SOS TELEPHONE Ambulance – 150 Fire – 155 ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE AGENCIES ABA – 124 UAMK – 123 HONDA CESKÁ REPUBLIKA Bavorská 20, 155 01 Praha 5, Tel: 2 57100111 21 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 23 B 20 A BELGIUM GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 18 24 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 B CZ CZECH REPUBLIC 22 AUSTRIA BELGIUM GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 GOLD WING CLUB CZECH REPUBLIC Map Name Town phone M5 E3 I6 D3 E7 D6 H6 M5 D7 L6 B3 M5 B3 D2 C5 C6 E3 E3 Vlastik Svrcek Barvik Lumir Bisek Miroslav Bozovsky Petr Hodny Vaclav Nosrati Jaroslav Novak Milos Pelikan Dalibor Rostecky Zbynek Sivik Rudolf Zaboj Martin Zimml Josef Zaboj Martin jun Mueller Roman Michaljevic Perica Weishaupl Pavel Tauber Martin Mic Jaroslav Ostrava-D. Praha Protivin Brandys nad Labem Tyn n / Vltavou Breclav Znojmo Orlova Strakonice Zlin Cheb Karvina Cheb Turnov Plzen Rokycany Hostivice Praha 777 603 603 602 334 602 602 608 602 602 603 602 605 603 602 777 777 602 755 421 258 816 731 533 553 464 454 520 884 538 245 442 413 620 852 701 GOLD WING CLUB DENMARK CZ Language 654 197 000 528 130 973 838 748 565 172 700 896 000 375 872 850 848 345 DK USEFUL PHRASES PL chairman D secretary E GB D PL,GB D PL GB PL,GB D,GB,R PL GB,D,E,R Pl,D D GB GB,D Interrep D 1. Ja 2. Nej 3. Vil De være så venlig 4. Tak 5. Kan De hjælpe mig? 6. Det er brækket 7. Jeg har brug for en doktor 8. Der er sket en ulykke 9. Hvor er hospitalet ? 10. Hvor er politi-stationen ? 11. Hvor er der en telefon ? 12. Hvor er nærmeste campingplads / hotel ? 13. Vil De være så venlig at klare denne nød-telefon opkald for mig 14. Hvor langt / meget / længe ? 15. Hvornår er der åben / lukket ? SHOPPING HOURS Mon – Thurs: 0830h – 1700h , Fri 0830h – 1900h, Sat 0830h – 1200h Solo: in town – 50 With trailer: in town – 50 SPEED LIMITS (kph) outside town – 80 outside town – 70 motorway – 110 motorway – 70 SOS TELEPHONE Police, Ambulance, Fire – 112 ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE AGENCIES Falck Salvage Corps – Ask for the nearest help-station number HONDA DENMARK Vilh. Nellemann A/S, Gåseagerrej 12, 8250 Egå. Tel: 87 43 54 35 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 25 GOLD WING CLUB DENMARK Map Name H9 E9 Vagn Skovbjerg Roskilde Thomas Bang Christensen Kværndrup Ronald Posey Nörresundby Preben Hundebøl Tønder Ove Mortensen Skive Henning Kristiansen Sdr. Omme Bjarne Tost Vojens Hans Erik Andreasson Vojens Kim Olsen Aalborg Robert Hansen Ulstrup Palle Iversen Daugård Bent Kristensen Frederikshavn Jørgen Malta Jakobsen Randers Erling Jensen Randers Michael Bay Gørlev Elo Rasmussen Korsør Palle Nielsen Ringsted Allan Schösler Roskilde Leif Malchau Roskilde Johnny L. Jensen Tappernøje Orla Knak Copenhagen Lars Peter Kruse Hanstholm Steen Egholm Næstved Jan Jensen Tværsted Carsten Jensen Espergærde Torben Kvamm Roskilde Egon Dam Juelsminde Niels Bentin Tversted Jens Peter Skovgaard Nørresundby Poul Erik Pedersen Holmegaard Lars Mogensen Silkeborg Dennis Sørensen Fanø Jochen Kergel Roskilde Claus Hansen Hundested B11 C6 C8 C10 C10 D4 D7 D8 E3 E6 E6 G9 G10 H9 H9 H9 H10 I9 B3 H9 D3 I8 H9 E8 E2 D4 G 10 C8 B 10 H9 F9 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 Town Phone Language +45 59 32 08 51 +45 62 27 29 15 +45 40511106 74 72 58 16 97 51 23 67 75 34 14 97 74 54 27 85 74 50 62 70 98 16 90 23 86 46 47 33, 40 27 75 89 59 05 98 42 09 18, 40 27 86 41 51 75 86 41 61 04, 86 41 58 85 90 30 58 37 15 89 56 82 80 50 46 73 44 53 46 40 24 44 55 96 76 04 32 55 18 54 97 96 25 66, 24 28 55 77 37 97 + 45 98 93 19 69 + 45 49 13 53 65 + 45 46 32 14 54 +45 75 68 52 01 +45 44 94 45 61 +45 40 73 15 10 +45 55 56 28 38 +45 86 86 73 20 +45 75 16 10 38 +45 46 16 20 16 +45 47 59 10 21 GB chairman GB secretary GB Interrep GB, D GB, D GB, D GB, D GB, D GB GB, D GB, D GB, D GB, D GB, D GB, D GB GB, D GB GB, D, F GB GB GB, D, Esp. GB GB GB GB GB GB D GB D GB GB D GB D GB D GB D 19 18 11 44 02 81 27 GOLD WING CLUB OF FINLAND DK 41 48 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 29 SF USEFUL PHRASES 1. Kyllä 2. Ei 3. Ole kiltti 4. Kiitos 5. Voitko auttaa ? 6. Se on rikki 7. Tarvitsen lääkärin 8. On tapahtunut onnettomuus 9. Missä on sairaala ? 10. Missä on poliisiasema ? 11. Missä on puhelin ? 12. Missä on lähin leirintäalue / hotelli ? 13. Soittaisitteko puolestani hätäpuhelun ? 14. Kuinka kaukana / paljon / kauan? SHOPPING HOURS Monday – Friday: 0900h – 1800h / 2000h, Saturday 0900h – 1400h / 1800h SPEED LIMITS (kph) Solo: in town – 50 outside town – 80/100 With trailer: in town – 50 outside town – 80 motorway – 120 motorway – 80 SOS TELEPHONE Police - 10022, Ambulance, Fire – 112 ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE AGENCIES Autoliitto (AL), Hämeentie 105, 00550 Helsinki, Tel: 09-774 761 FIN HONDA Brandt Oy, Tuupakantie 4, 01740 Vantaa, Tel: 09-895 501 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 31 DK CZ CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK The GoldWing Treffen 2008 of the Czech Republic takes place in Pilsen from 03.07. to 06.07.2008 GWEF Please note the advert of this Treffen one of the next issues of your local GW-magazine 28 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 SF 26 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 DK FINLAND DENMARK There is NO INTERNATIONAL TREFFEN in Denmark this year. GWEF Please note the advert of the next Treffen in the next issue of this Help-Guide or in your GW-magazine 32 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 30 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 GOLD WING CLUB OF FINLAND Map Name Town Phone E11 Ismo Pesonen chairman Tampere +358 403004338 GB E11 Krister Illman interrep Hämeenlinna +358 400 401998 GB D8 D9 D9 D9 D10 D12 E7 E11 E11 E12 F9 F11 F11 F11 F12 F12 F12 F12 F12 F12 F12 G9 G12 G12 H9 C12 Kim Bruun-Riegels Ralf Englund Lasse Kankaanpää Kalevi Rinne Jorma Parkki Stefan Selenius Esa Peura Terttu Kuparinen Alpo Pasanen Harri Landen Jukka Muilu Hannu Tissari Antero Vainio Hannu Rantala Heikki Jormalainen Hannu Kankkunen Hannu Kotilainen Kari Puhakka Juhani Toivio Christer Stjernvall Ari Kainulainen Aki Komulainen Veli-Matti Aaltonen Jukka Sorakari Olavi Pennanen Juha Ojala Pyhäjoki Överpurmo Seinäjoki Hyllykallio Kaskinen Tenala Oulu Hämeenlinna Turenki Nummela Muurame Lahti Lahti Kuusankoski Helsinki Espoo Järverpää Espoo Helsinki Porvoo Porvoo Kuopio Huutjärvi Inkeroinen Eno Uusikaupunki 0400-198 556 0500-367 131 050-558 1118 040-575 4646 050-567 2318 0400-471 286 040-524 2865 040-724 2774 040-900 9742 0400-303 549 050-553 8504 0400-340 803 0400-716 007 0400-460 365 040-709 3677 0400-442 135 0400-428 264 040-511 3244 0400-422 072 040-580 1768 040-503 8358 040-512 8448 0400-659 421 0400-252 676 040-553 5432 040-551 3310 Language 1. Oui 2. Non 3. S’il vous plaît 4. Merci 5. Pouvez vous m’aider ? 6. C’est cassé 7. J’ai besoin d’un docteur 8. Il y a eu un accident 9. Où est l’hôpital ? 10. Où est le commissariat de police ? 11. Où est le téléphone ? 12. Où est le camping/ l’hôtel le plus proche? 13. Pouvez-vous m’appeler ce numéro d’urgence s’il vous plaît? 14. Quelle distance? Quel prix? Combien de temps? 15. Quelles sont les heures d’ouvertures / fermetures? SHOPPING HOURS Tuesday – Saturday: 0900h – 1200h & 1400h - 1900h SPEED LIMITS (kph) Solo and trailer: in town – 50 outside town – 90 (80 in rain) motorway – 130 (110 in rain) Police: 17 Town Phone 1 Paris Mob + 33 6 7494 6201 Paris Land +33 1 4543 2418 GB Pascal VIDAL Language J.Michel CLEMENT (Chairman) Paris 06 8171 3180 2 René MOUNIER (Chairman) Arras 03 2158 0414 3 Thierry MALOT Champagne-Ardenne 03 26 54 31 84 4 Alain PAGANT Chalon-sur-Saone 06 1440 6761 6 Jean-Louis GENIN Rhone-Alpes 04 74 86 29 88 7 Philippe HUMBERT Avignon 04 9012 8680 8 Alain LUTRAT (chairman) Montpellier 06 8084 6634 9 Gaétan MARCILLOU (Chairman) Brive 11 Jean Marc CHALIBERT (Chairman) Bordeaux 12 Yves CLAVAUD Saint Vaize 05 6491 7561 13 Yvon DINER Plougastel Daoulas 02 9840 5496 15 Thierry PICHON, Chairman Caen 02 3134 3989 16 Damien LORSERY, Chairman Bourges 06 0727 6433 10 35 D USEFUL PHRASES 1. Ja 2. Nein 3. Bitte 4. Danke 5. Können Sie mir helfen ? 6. Ich habe eine Panne 7. Ich brauche einen Arzt 8. Es hat sich ein Unfall ereignet 9. Wo ist das Spital ? 10. Wo ist die Polizei ? 11. Wo ist ein Telefon ? 12. Wo ist der nächste Campingplatz / das nächste Hotel ? 13. Würden Sie bitte diesen Notruf für mich durchführen ? 14. Wie weit / viel / lange ? 15. Wann wird das Geschäft geöffnet / geschlossen ? secretary 1 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 GOLD WING FÖDERATION DEUTSCHLAND chairman 1 on mobile: 112 HONDA FRANCE BP 46 77312 Marne la Valle Tel: 01 60 37 30 00 F Region Name SOS TELEPHONE Fire: 18 Ambulance: 15 ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE AGENCIES On Motorways only ! 33 FEDERATION DES GOLDWING CLUB DE FRANCE F USEFUL PHRASES GB,S S GB,S GB GB,S GB,S GB,S GB S GB GB, D, S GB GB, D GB GB, D, S GB,S GB GB GB, D, S GB,S GB,S GB GB,S GB,S GB GB,D,S GWEF Helpguide Update 2006 Jean-Pascal MORAINVILLE FEDERATION DES GOLDWING CLUB DE FRANCE SF GB GB SP 06 2156 4458 06 1916 0253 SHOPPING HOURS Mon– Fri: 0800h – 1300h & 1400h-1830h, Sat 0700h – 1300h SPEED LIMITS (kph) Solo: in town – 50 outside town – 100 motorway – 130 (advised) With trailer: in town – 50 outside town – 60 motorway – 60 Midi Pyrénées 14 Yvon DINER (Chairman) Plougastel-Daoulas 02 9840 5496 5 J.Jacques DESAVIS (Chairman) Brulange 06 0756 7520 7 J.F ZANUTTO (Chairman) Salon de Provence 06 0995 2471 I SP 7 Gilles BROSSY Aix-en-Provence 04 4222 0652 GB 15 Germinal SOLA Coutances 06 6340 5381 SP, P 11 Jean-Louis VIDAL Toulouse 06 1259 6531 GB, SP, RU 16 Thierry BOCQUET Orleans 02 3865 6287 GB SOS TELEPHONE Police - 110, Fire – 112 ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE AGENCIES ADAC AvD DTC HONDA DEUTSCHLAND Sprendlinger Straße 166, D-6050 Offenbach / Main, Tel: 069 83091 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 37 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 39 F SF FRANCE FINLAND Niemeläntie - 65170 Vaasa N63 06.011 E21 34.595 36 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 D 40 34 F GERMANY GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 38 FRANCE GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 GOLD WING FÖDERATION DEUTSCHLAND Name Uwe Blechschmidt Uwe Lochefeld Jürgen v. Bloh Jochen Lemke Bernd Schindel Detlef Klotz Eckhardt Denk Oskar Völker Gerald Bürig Uwe Ladwig Ingo Buscher Horst Manger Ralf Karge Achim Geidel Frank Sievert Norbert Gerhardt Rudolf Stammen Volker Runkehl Town Phone Leichlingen Suhl 41564 Kaarst 38110 Braunschweig 99428 Daarsdorf 04874 Belgern 38440 Wolfsburg 68259 Mannheim 06112 Halle 13439 Berlin 01591 Riesa 97618 Oberebersbach 27607 Langen 68305 Mannheim 31162 Bad Salzdetfurt 50169 Kerpen Horrem 29112 Celle 30419 Hannover +492174 30213 +493681 791010 02131 / 66 22 612 05307 / 9 11 11 9 03643 / 42 43 31 034224 / 40 246 05361 / 21 305 0621 / 71 11 89 0345 / 29 411 28 030 / 41 66 129 035 25 / 780 782 09708 / 70 215 04743 / 17 65 0621 / 74 75 74 05063 / 27 16 44 02273 / 68 185 05141 / 22 639 0511 / 23 57 577 GOLD WING OWNERS CLUB OF GREAT BRITAIN D GB USEFUL PHRASES chairman secretary interrep 1. Yes 2. No 3. Please 4. Thank You 5. Can you help me? 6. It is broken 7. I need a doctor 8. There has been an accident 9. Where is the hospital? 10. Where is the police station? 11. Where is the telephone? 12. Where is the nearest campsite / hotel? 13. Will you please make this emergency call for me? 14. How far / much / long? 15. What time does it open / close? SHOPPING HOURS Mon – Sat: 0900h – 1730h (Supermarkets 0900h – 2200h), Sun 1000h - 1600h Solo: in town – 50 With trailer: in town – 50 SPEED LIMITS (kph) outside town – 100 outside town – 100 motorway – 110 motorway – 100 SOS TELEPHONE Police, Ambulance, Fire – 999 ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE AGENCIES AA or RAC - see telephone directory for local number HONDA UK LTD. Power Road, Chiswick, London W4 5YT, Tel: 081 717 1400 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 41 GOLD WING OWNERS CLUB OF GREAT BRITAIN Name Town Phone Language D12 G11 Chris Easter Mike Pearce Duncan Mitchell Jim Fairclough Tim Lambert Michael Ball Chris Easter Kenneth Clarkson Alan Gillard Brian Swales Michael Pearce Steve Holbrook Chris Hinds NIGEL WHITEHOUSE JIM PARSONS STEPHEN MARTIN ROBERT KING PAUL WILES CHRIS GRAY VEVILLE PENTECOST FRANK CASTLE CHRISTOPHER HUNTER MARK PYMER ROBERT OBEE MIKE RAYNOR KIM WALKER STEVE TASLIM GLEN HOLT MARK GRIFFITHS DAVE PARSONS PETER WALKER GORDON STALKER Devon London Scotland Londonderry Cardiganshire Mid Glamorgan Tavistock Southampton Alresford Gowall London long Eaton Sevenoaks HAMPSHIRE CLEVELAND ESSEX SHROPSHIRE ESSEX ESSEX YORKSHIRE BERKSHIRE YORKSHIRE NORFOLK HERTFORDSHIRE SHROPSHIRE BUCKINGHAMSHIRE ESSEX ISLE OF WIGHT RENFREWSHIRE SOMERSET TYNE & WEAR YORKSHIRE 01822 615262 0208 527 2001 +44 7714753309 028 7035 2562 01545 561005 01443 836385 01822 625262 01489 577938 01206 825703 01405 860392 020 8923 1749 0115 975 4873 01959 523451 01264 338703 01642 480217 01708 445245 01746 712989 01206 251206 01268 728882 1226727119 01189 871799 01977 700238 0199533 607152 01923 252973 01630 685772 01753 646973 01708 766654 07815 691553 0141 8817026 01373 473955 0196 2677048 020 7722 2423 GB F chairman GB secretary GB Interrep D F F F D D E F A,B,F,NL,CH,D F S,D E A,CH,D S F D E D A F F E A,B,F,D B,NL,D D E A F I GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 43 GOLD WING OWNERS CLUB OF IRELAND GB Map C7 D11 D10 D12 F12 F12 F8 G12 G9 H12 F12 G7 H11 E10 H12 H12 G8 F11 G8 I10 G11 E10 G11 H11 F12 D5 E12 G7 G8 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 IRL USEFUL PHRASES 45 1. Yes 2. No 3. Please 4. Thank You 5. Can you help me? 6. It is broken 7. I need a doctor 8. There has been an accident 9. Where is the hospital? 10. Where is the police station? 11. Where is the telephone? 12. Where is the nearest campsite / hotel? 13. Will you please make this emergency call for me? 14. How far / much / long? 15. What time does it open / close? SHOPPING HOURS Mon – Sat.: 0900h – 1730h , Sun closed (except large Shopping Centres) SPEED LIMITS (kph) Solo & trailer: in town – 50 outside town – 90 motorway – 110 SOS TELEPHONE Police, Ambulance, Fire – 999 ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE AGENCIES AA Members Freephone 1 800 667788, others: see local dictionary HONDA IRELAND Two Wheels Ltd, Crosslands Business Park, Dublin 12, Tel: 01 4602111 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 47 GB D GREAT BRITAIN GERMANY The GoldWing Treffen 2008 of Germany takes place in Geiselwind from 21.05. to 25.05.2008 GWEF Please note the advert of this Treffen one of the next issues of your local GW-magazine 44 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 IRL IRELAND 42 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 GB GREAT BRITAIN The GoldWing Treffen 2008 of Great Britain takes place in Drifield (East Yorkshire) from 21.08. to 25.08.2008 GWEF Please note the advert of this Treffen one of the next issues of your local GW-magazine 48 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 46 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 GOLD WING OWNERS CLUB OF IRELAND GOLD WING CLUB ITALIA IRL Map Name Town Phone Language D9 Mary Long Tony Griffin Frank McArdle Kevin Fay Michael Devanney Jackie McPherson Barry O'Flynn Sam McManus Kevin Reynolds Bryan Tynan Les Cowan Michael Wilson Eamonn Toner Michael Kearney William Peachman Gerald Campion Pat Cox Gerry Ward Joseph Heffernan Pat Wynne Paul Devenney Ger Dempsey Matt Canavan Peter Towey Adrian McKenna John Bradley John Hayes Kevin de Lara José Benson Kevin McCarthy George Keogh Noel Jameson Co. Clare Cavan Armagh Cavan Clare Cork Cork Donegal Dublin Dublin Dublin Dublin Galway Kerry Kildare Kilkenny Limerick Louth Meath Offaly Tyrone Wexford Wicklow Sligo Roscommon Donegal Carlow Tipperary Limerick Clare Waterford Wicklow +353 61 471262 +353 87 616 4466 +44 287518872 +353 4755347 +353 61364186 +353 214646495 +353 214946771 +353 7432912 +353 18403587 +353 18331054 +353 14907672 +353 18484459 +353 91522290 +353 667125457 +353 45879969 +353 5659851 +353 61454246 +353 416856664 +353 46324449 +353 50951758 +44 2871883779 +353 5341406 +353 40468989 +353 872244658 +353 872610001 +353 7760009 +353 872247357 +353 863739202 +353 61412398 +353 61368699 +353 51391736 +353 40461051 secretary Interrep G4 F5 D9 E11 E11 E3 H7 H7 H7 H7 D7 C10 G8 F9 D9 H5 G6 F8 F3 H10 I8 D5 E5 F2 G8 F10 D9 D9 G10 I8 F 1. Si 2. No 3. Prego 4. Grazie 5. Mi puo’aiutare? 6. E’rotto 7. Ho bisogno di un dottore 8. Ho avuto un incidente 9. Dov’e’ l’ospedale? 10. Dov’e’ la stazione di polizia? 11. Dov’e’ il telefono? 12. Dov’e’ il campeggio / Hotel piu’vicino? 13. Potrebbe farmi questa telefonata di emergenza? 14. Quanto dista / costa / tempo? 15. A che ora apre / chiude? Solo: in town – 50 With trailer: in town – 50 SPEED LIMITS (kph) outside town – 90 outside town – 70 Police – 113 F motorway – 130 motorway – 80 SOS TELEPHONE Carabinieri - 112 ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE AGENCIES ACI - 116 Honda Assistance Italia - 02 5459555 E E HONDA ITALIA INDUSTRIALE Via Kenya 72, 00144 Roma, Tel: 06 547941 NL 49 GOLD WING CLUB ITALIA Map Name Town Phone H8 Amedeo Ribezzo chairman Gianpino Napolitano secretary Piermarco Pellizzon interrep NAPOLITANO GIANPINO OLDANI MAURIZIO CAPPI GIANMARIA PISTONE FERNANDO CERIANI GIANLUCA GIULIANI ANTONIO RODERI MAURO VALSECCHI ETTORE BOVERI ALESSANDRO ANGERER TOBIAS PERNTHALER REINHOLD CAJO' VITTORIO MEMOLI ROSARIO CADAMURO LUCIO TIBERTI BRUNO MESSANA SERGIO BOARINO PIERUGO RIBEZZO AMEDEO ANGLANA MARCELLO MERATI SILVANO Brindisi +39 328 60 484 00 GB/F Torino +39 335 429 209 F/GB Samarate +320 3298665 GB TORINO NOVARA TORINO ALESSANDRIA MILANO COMO CREMONA MILANO GENOVA BOLZANO BOLZANO MODENA GROSSETO TREVISO RAVENNA PALERMO VARESE BRINDISI LECCE MILANO + 39 335 429 209 + 39 0321 477000 + 39 011 7716159 + 39 0347 4300856 + 39 338 7295960 + 39 329 4388653 + 39 348 2714288 + 39 335 8483044 + 39 335 370468 + 39 348 3202363 + 39 339 7213753 + 39 347 1113411 + 39 335 6450077 + 39 347 2333310 + 39 339 6916564 + 39 338 7915905 + 39 0862 680341 + 39 328 6048400 + 39 339 1037611 +39 347 4889011 F/GB GB/F F/GB/E GB/F GB/F/E GB F F/GB GB/F D D GB/F No No D F GB/F E/F GB GB/F GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 51 GOLD WING CLUB LETZEBUERG I B3 B3 B3 B4 C3 C3 C3 C3 C4 D2 D2 D4 D6 E3 E4 F11 C3 I8 I9 C3 USEFUL PHRASES SHOPPING HOURS Tue - Sat: 0900h – 1230h, 1600h – 1930h GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 B3 I Language L USEFUL PHRASES 1. Jo 2. Nee 3. Wann ech gelift 4. Merci 5. kannst du mer hellefen? 6. Et ass gebrach 7. Ech brauch en Doktor 8. Dôhannen wuar en Accident 9. Wou ass en Spidôl? 10. Wou ass en Policeüro? 11. Wou ass en Telefon ? 12. Wou ass dén nôtsten Camping / Hôtel? 13. Giffs du fier mech dât dregend Telefonsgespréich mâchen? 14. Wéi wait ass ett? / Wât kascht dât? / Wéi lâng ass dât? 15. Um wivill Auer micht den Buttek op / zou? SHOPPING HOURS Mon – Sat: 0800h – 1200h & 1400h – 1800h SPEED LIMITS (kph) Solo: in town – 50 outside town – 90 motorway – 130 (rain 110) With trailer: in town – 50 outside town – 75 motorway – 90 Police – 113 SOS TELEPHONE Ambulance, Fire – 112 ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE AGENCIES Automobile Club Luxembourg (ACL) – 45 00 45 Europ. Assistance – 437 440 or 0032 2 5390303 GOLDWING SERVICE-POINTS IN ITALY: EUROWING LTD -E3- VIA RENATA DI FRANCIA 37/A - 44024 LIDO DEGLI ESTENSI (FE) - TEL. 0533/326929 WINGSTORE DI OLDANI MAURIZIO -B3- VIA VERBANO 190 - 28100 NOVARA - TEL. 0321/477000 GUERRINI PERFORMANCE -D6- VIA BIRMANIA 131 - 58100 GROSSETO - TEL. 0564/450678 - GOLDWING SPECIALIST- GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 53 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 55 I 52 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 L 56 IRL ITALY 50 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 I LUXEMBOURG 54 IRELAND ITALY GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 GOLD WING CLUB LETZEBUERG Map Name Town - Roger Santioni chairman Heng Huppertz Interrep Henri Schmit Fernand Thiry Paul Arend Gilles Ast de Waha Jean-Paul Sandra Schu-Santioni Michel Kieffer Francis Sauber Lucien Birgen Saarholzbach 00352 621 16 20 94 D,F,GB,NL Hagen +352 661 59 41 56 GB Bascharage Vichten Bettembourg Mensdorf Medernach Sandweiler Gonderange Moutfort Canach 504346 838641 510840 779059 43 70 97 59 07 85 78 96 03 35 00 20 35 91 58 F,D,GB F,D,GB F,D,GB F,D,GB GB,D,F GB;D;F; D;F; D;F; GB;D;F; C10 D6 E11 G8 E7 E9 F8 F 10 G9 Phone GOLD WING CLUB HOLLAND L Language NL USEFUL PHRASES 1. Ja 2. Nee 3. Alst u blieft 4. Dank u 5. Kunt u mij helpen? 6. Het is stuk 7. Ik heb een doktor nodig 8. Er is een ongeluk gebeurd 9. Waar is het ziekenhuis? 10. Waar is het politiebureau? 11. Waar is de telefoon? 12. Waar is de meest nabijgelgen camping? 13. Kunst u alst u blieft dit noodgesprek voor mij voeren? 14. Hoe ver? / Hoeveel? / Hoe lang? 15. Hoe laat gaat het open / dicht? SHOPPING HOURS Mon.-Fri. 09.00h-20.00h (-21.00h Thur. or Fri.) Sat. 09.00h-17.00h Closed on Sunday SPEED LIMITS (kph) Solo : In Towns -50/30 Outside towns -80/60 Motorways -120 With Trailers : In Towns -50/30 Outside towns -80/60 Motorways -80 SOS TELEPHONE Police – 112 Ambulance – 112 Fire – 112 „(For non emergency inquieries call police at: 0900 8844)” ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE AGENCIES ANWB Breakdown Assistance 0800-0888 (Free telephone) HONDA NETHERLAND B.V. Capronilaan 1 1119 NN Schiphol-Rijk Telephone: +(31)207074444 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 57 GOLD WING CLUB HOLLAND Map Name Town F9 Rien Krouwel Maasbree Chairman B9 Marga van Rij Schiedam Secretary E8 Barry v/d Rijdt Liempde International Rep. E-mail: [email protected] C10 C6 C8 C8 C8 C8 D5 D6 D6 D8 D9 D9 D9 D9 E6 E6 E7 E7 E7 E7 E8 E9 E9 E9 E9 F9 F9 F6 F7 F10 G10 G3 G4 G5 G5 G5 H6 Richard Fuchten Richard Venema Andre Bijleveld Hoogerheide IJmuiden Wateringen Phone GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 +(31)620700900 +(31)620362638 GB,D GB,D GB,D GB,D GB,D GB,D, F GB,D, F GB,D GB, D, E GB,D GB,D,F GB,D GB,D GB,D,F GB,D GB, D GB, D GB, D GB, D GB GB, D GB, D GB, D GB, D GB, D D D D, PL D, F D D D D D D D D 61 N USEFUL PHRASES Language GB, GB, GB, GB, GB, GB, GB, GB, GB, GB, GB, GB, 59 GOLD WING CLUB NORWAY NL +(31)773076318 0031 653496730 0031 255-523364 0031 174-221913 mobile 0031 618052491 Jan Heemskerk Kwintsheul 0031 654942414 Frank van Rij Schiedam 31 Arthur Schuitemaker Heinenoord 0031 186-603356 Willem de Jong Sint Pancras 0031 651454860 Ben Robert Diemen 0031 20-6998103 Gerrit Scholts Oostzaan 0031 75-6841760 Teus Groeneveld Papendrecht 0031 6-53930324 P.W. Weijters Goirle 0031 611011784 Sandra Boelen Sprang Capelle 0031 416-284543 Arthur van Weely Waalwijk 0031 610228884 Frank Staps Drunen 0031 620610224 Ron IJtsma Almere 0031 622942202 Peter Spaans Lelystad 0031 653169089 Piet Schaddenhorst Doorn 0031 343-415282 Kees van Middendorp Amersfoort 0031 33-4552107 John Wiedlewski Amersfoort 0031 622669331 Louis den Exter Soesterberg 0031 628228368 Martin de Visser Heeswijk Dinther 0031 623269501 Michel Meijer Rosmalen 0031 73-5221238 Louis Mandos Vinkel 0031 648179954 Peter Kneepkens Best 0031 651407330 Wilgert Bouman Genderen 0031 651349513 Henk Hagelaar Helmond 0031 492-515988 mobile 0031 620025932 Peter van de Boomen Helmond 0031 492-518939 Jan Ruiterkamp Wapenveld 0031 634594219 Piet van Leeuwen Wijk bij Duurstede 0031 343-591934 Henri van de Akker Deurne 0031 493-315374 Thijs Arts Afferden 0031 653896630 Klaas Hernamdt Zwaagwesteinde 0031 511-443222 Lammert Berghuis Norg 0031 592-613936 Peter Kommers Beilen 0031 593-541176 A.J. Jonkman Heeten 0031 572-850840 Bennie Kodden Sint Jansklooster 0031 640322739 Harry Hof Hengelo 0031 620998354 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 1. Ja 2. Nei 3. Vær så snill 4.Takk 5. Kann du hjelpe meg ? 6. Den er ødelagt 7. Jeg trenger lege 8. Det har skjedd en ulykke 9. Hvor er sykehuset ? 10. Hvor er politistasjonen ? 11. Hvor er det en telefon ? 12. Hvor er nærmeste camping / hotel ? 13. Kan du ringe en nødtelefon for meg ? 14. Hvor langt / mye / lenge ? 15. Når åpner det / Når stenger det ? SHOPPING HOURS Monday – Friday: 0900h – 2000h , Saturday 0900h – 1800h Solo: in town – 50 With trailer: in town – 50 SPEED LIMITS (kph) outside town – 80 outside town – 80 motorway – 90 motorway – 80 SOS TELEPHONE Police – 112 Ambulance – 113 Fire – 110 „(For non emergency inquieries call police at: 02800)” ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE AGENCIES Viking – 80032900 Falken - 02222 NAF - 81000505 HONDA NORWAY Kellox a/s, Nygårdsveien, 67-Nordby, 1401 Ski, Tel: 64976100 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 63 NL 60 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 N 64 L NETHERLANDS 58 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 NL NORWAY 62 LUXEMBOURG NETHERLANDS GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 GOLD WING CLUB NORWAY Map Name Town Phone Language - Einar Radem chairman Helle Bjørk Antonsen Interrep Ole Bertil Grønningsæter Rolf K Hansen Sigurd Årskaug Reidar Habbestad Jan Arne Karstensen Leif Undheim Finn H Simensen Tor Gunnar Fagerland Einar Nilsen Stig Pedersen Roar Thun Håkon Trønnes Atle Fiskvik Jan Bøie Tor Erik Edvang Øystein Gundersen Dan Rambøll Øyvind Avdal Gunnar Sogndalen Lille Rolf Håvard Kaald Bjørn Roald Hagen Løken +47 918 42 778 GB Lierstranda +47 916 00 932 GB Sykkulven Bergen Viksdal Bømlo Haugensund Undheim Sandnes Vedavågen Porsgrunn Trondheim Steinkjer Tynset Tynset Lørenskog Nittedal Strømmen Rælingen Lier Fredrikstad Arendal Malvik Skien +47 91383737 4790944452 4791388622 +47 911 85 857 4790075171 4798230773 4791106682 1,008069634 0,999998795 4791302288 4793249991 4790667548 4797195690 4790597991 4790740855 4793090417 4745044170 4797159833 4790044540 0,988792148 4748011592 4791336231 GB GB GB GB GB GB GB GB GB GB GB GB.D GB.D.F GB GB GB.D GB.D GB GB GB,D,E GB GB A9 A10 A10 A11 A12 A12 A12 A12 B11 C8 C8 C9 C9 C11 C11 C11 C11 C11 C12 B12 C8 B11 GOLD WING CLUB OF POLAND N PL USEFUL PHRASES 1. Tak 2. Nie 3. Prosze 4. Dziekuje 5. Czy moze mi Pan / Pani pomóc ? 6. Jest zlamane 7. Potrzebuje lekarza / doktora 8. Wydarzyl sie wydpadek 9. Gdzie jest szpital ? 10. Gdzie jest komisariat policji ? 11. Gdzie jest telefon ? 12. Gdzie jest najblizszy kamping / hotel ? 13. Zadzwonilbys za mnie ? 14. Jak daleko / duzo / dlugo ? 15. O której sklep jest otwarty / zamkniety ? SHOPPING HOURS Mon – Fri: 0900h – 1800h (food 0600h - 2000h), Sat 0900h – 1500h SPEED LIMITS (kph) Solo: in town – 60, outside town – 90, Exp.way - 100/110, motorway – 130 With trailer: in town – 60, outside town – 70, motorway/expway – 80 Important: Always ride with your headlight on Police – 997 SOS TELEPHONE Ambulance – 999 Fire – 998 ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE AGENCIES PZMot (Polish Motor Union) - see telephone directory for local number HONDA (POLSKA) MOTOPOL Ul. Opolska 39, 42-600 Tarnowskie Góry, Tel: 032 768 33 33 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 65 GOLD WING CLUB OF POLAND Name Town Phone E10 Tomasz Nowak chairman Sylwia Nowak secretary Stefania Wilgucki Interrep Ostrowski Tomasz Wysokinski Andrzej Rzeznik Krzysiek Pawlowski Piotr Valentin Mieliszewicz Szczerba Romuald Danko Marcin Kowalski Tomasz Danko Henryk Gorka Tadeusz Piwek Andrzej Pszczyna +48 509 206 773 Pszczyna +48 509 206 773 Luton (GB) +44 7855 187 286 GB Warszawa Nieporet Kluczbork Bedzin Brest/ BY Szczecin Gdynia Lodz Chwaszczyno Nowy Sacz Minsk Mazowiecki 603 304 148 602 152 321 077 418 05 43 601 700 910 0-037 5162 421 931 504 737 165 509 909 419 605 297 871 500 207 400 502 939 561 500 285 980 GB GB GB G B,D,Rus Rus GB, RUS GB GB, RUS GB, RUS F, RUS D, RUS E10 F7 F7 D9 E10 I9 A5 D4 E8 D4 F11 F7 67 GOLD WING CLUBE DE PORTUGAL PL Map GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 P USEFUL PHRASES Language 1. Sim 2. Não 3. Por favor 4. Obrigado 5. Pode ajudar-me ? 6. Está avariado 7. Preciso de um médico 8. Houve um acidente 9. Onde fica o Hospital ? 10. Onde fica a esquadra da Polícia ? 11. Onde há um telefone ? 12. Onde fica o Parque de Campismo / Hotel mais próximo ? 13. Por favor faça-me um telefonema de emergência 14. A que distância / Quanto / Quando ? 15. A que horas abre / fecha ? SHOPPING HOURS Monday – Saturday: 0900h – 1900h (Supermarkets 1000h – 2200h) SPEED LIMITS (kph) Solo & trailer: in town – 50 outside town – 90 motorway – 120 SOS TELEPHONE Police, Ambulance, Fire – 112 ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE AGENCIES A.C.P. - see telephone directory for local number HONDA MOTOR DE PORTUGAL Parque indust. Da Cabra Figa, L.4 Cabra Figa, Albarraque - Tel: 9150948 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 69 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 71 PL 68 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 P 72 N POLAND 66 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 PL PORTUGAL 70 NORWAY POLAND GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 GOLD WING CLUBE DE PORTUGAL Map Name C3 Carlos Silva chairman Luis Nascimento secretary José Caniço Nunes Interrep Adelino Lopes Angelo Fontes António Jorge Cavaleiro António Raposo Magalhães Carlos Dias Carlos Moteiro Cipriano Costa Jaime Gomes João Terroso José Manuel Duarte Manuel Cardoso da Silva Mário Alberto Lopes Orlando Almeida Paulo Girão Domingos Gonçalves Fernando Nogueira Vitor Tomás Paulo Jorge Pinto Sérgio Falcão José Manuel Costa Joaquim Isidoro de Sousa Licinio Monteiro Constantino Marques José Terroso José Pinto Carlos Pires Aurélio Gomes Luis Castelos C7 E9 C3 C4 C2 B9 C10 C7 C3 B9 C2 C2 B8 C4 B9 D13 B9 D13 E9 C5 B9 C4 D13 C3 D13 C2 C3 B9 B9 E9 Town Phone Famalicão - Porto +351 916 140 726 GB, E +351 919 425 870 GB, F, I, E Évora +351 91 862 93 93 GB Maia Aveiro Póvoa de Varzim Lisboa Setúbal Leiria Porto Almada Póvoa de Varzim Póvoa de Varzim Alenquer Oliveira de Azeméis Loures Loulé Cascais Boliqueime Évora Figueira da Foz Lisboa Aveiro Loulé Porto Messines Póvoa de Varzim Lousada Charneca da Caparica Lisboa Évora + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 919 967 963 917 918 917 919 964 917 919 917 966 964 965 962 967 917 966 964 962 916 917 914 917 917 933 964 917 Language Leiria 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 GOLD WING ASOCIACION DE ESPAÑA P 672 881 052 407 044 758 282 706 600 180 588 123 374 842 762 130 535 026 457 716 533 832 041 044 778 033 632 292 488 200 064 767 548 375 773 331 044 472 394 685 611 169 511 738 816 064 536 283 521 796 657 306 040 086 238 009 USEFUL PHRASES E GB, F, E F,E GB, F, I, E GB, E E GB, F, I, E GB, F, E E I,F,E GB, F, E GB, F, E E,F F,E GB, F GB, F, D GB, F, D, E GB, F, E GB, F, E F, E F, E GB GB, F GB,F,E E GB,F,E GB, F, E GB, E, F GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 73 GOLD WING ASOCIACION DE ESPAÑA Town Phone Language F4 JOSE ANTONIO GONZALEZ chairman JOSE MARIA LAZARO secretary Cesar Palacios Javier Diez Antonio Pages Angel Fernandez Jose M. Fernandez Julian Padrino Luis Miguel Irazabal Jose Ignacio Redin Angel Hermandez Pedro Caldeira Interrep Luis Miguel Gómez José Blanco Ramón Olabarri Jose M. Abarca MADRID 00 34 629166784 E, GUADALAJARA 00 34619223353 E Oviedo Valladolid Madrid Bilbao Barcelona Guadalajara Vizcaya Navarra Caceres Lisboa-Portugal 34985520249 34609700000 34639197511 34942851515 34609218811 34680220668 34609788300 34658887298 34608031553 3,51938E+11 E , GB E E , GB E,F E,F E E , GB E E E,GB,F ,P Madrid Alicante Badajoz Madrid 34649855111 34627228376 34629759832 34695306754 E,F E ,F E , GB GB, F , E F4 I6 D6 F4 SHOPPING HOURS Mon – Fri: 1000h – 1330h & 1700h - 2000h, Sat 1000h – 1400h SPEED LIMITS (kph) Solo: in town – 50 outside town – 90 motorway – 120 With trailer: no information received SOS TELEPHONE Police, Ambulance – 092 Fire – 2323232 ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE AGENCIES HONDA SPAIN C/Mor del nord S/N 08130, Santa Perpetua de Mogoola, Barcelona, Tel: 93-5740770 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 75 Name D1 E3 F4 F1 J4 G4 F1 H3 D6 B6 1. Si 2. No 3. Por favor 4. Gracias 5. Podriá ayudarme 6. Tengo una averiá 7. Necessito un médico 8. Ha habido un accidente 9. ¿ Donde está el hospital ? 10. ¿ Donde está la comisariá ? 11. ¿ Donde puedo telefonear ? 12. ¿ Donde puedo alojarme ? 13. ¿ Podriá llamar pormi ? 14. ¿ Cuanta distancia / cuanto / cuanto tiémpo ? 15. ¿ Cuales son las horas de apertura / cierre ? GOLD WING CLUB SWEDEN E Map G4 E S USEFUL PHRASES 1. Ja 2. Nej 3. (Too many variations) 4. Tack 5. Kan du hjälpa mig ? 6. Den är bruten 7. Jag behöver en doktor 8. Det har hänt en olycka 9. Var ligger sjukhuset ? 10. Var ligger polisstation ? 11. Var finns det en telefon ? 12. Var finns närmste camping / hotell ? 13. Kan ni hjälpa mig att ringa ett samtal ? 14. Hur långt / mycket / länge ? 15. Vilken tid öppnar / stänger ni ? SHOPPING HOURS Monday – Friday: 0900h – 1800h , Saturday 0900h – 1300h Solo: in town – 50 With trailer: in town – 50 SPEED LIMITS (kph) outside town – 70/90 outside town – 70/80 motorway – 90/110 motorway – 70/80 SOS TELEPHONE Police, Ambulance, Fire – 112 ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE AGENCIES Assistancekåren, 020-912912 or Bärgning - Check Telephone Directory in yellow section HONDA MC Box 10173, 434 01 Kungsbacka Tel: 0300-51300 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 77 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 79 E 76 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 S 80 P SPAIN 74 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 E SWEDEN 78 PORTUGAL SPAIN GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 GOLD WING CLUB SWEDEN Map D6 E10 C11 C13 D10 D10 D12 D13 E2 E7 E7 E9 E9 E12 F3 F4 F5 F5 F5 F9 C11 C11 Name Town Christer Franzén chairman Bo Kardeby secretary Hjalmar Klingberg Interrep Jan Persson Jan "Plattis" Plateryd Calle Andersson Mikael Bender Leif Johansson Lars-Åke "Hylla" Nilsson Torbjörn Nilsson Åke Hermansson Monica Sandmann Per Boman Thomas Lidström Bo Lundin Gunnar Burström Hans Lindberg Thomas Lundström Anders Hansson Ola Westman Olle Palmqvist Börje Bengtsson Gillis Adolfsson Phone GOLD WING CLUB SWITZERLAND S Language Frösön +46 63 104217 Södertälje +46 8 55011580 GB Haninge +46-70-867 71 01 GB Göteborg Helsingborg Kumla Väring Tävelsås Blentarp Kiruna Iggesund Sundsvall Uppsala Västeräs Ljungbyholm Luleå Sikfors Skelleftehamn Umeå Hömefors Stockholm Skephult Aplared 031 487403 042 293909 019 581519 0500 442022 0470 776056 0411 71011 0980 61147 0650 17594 060 615344 018 551392 021 352069 0480 30636 0705 591626 0911 70109 0910 34147 090 770719 0930 20932 08 801097 0320 731 55 033 280548 USEFUL PHRASES (See also France / Italy) GB GB GB, GB GB, GB GB GB, GB, GB, GB, GB GB, GB, GB, GB GB GB, GB, GB GB CH 1. Ja 2. Nein 3. Bitte 4. Danke 5. Können Sie mir helfen ? 6. Ich habe eine Panne 7. Ich brauche einen Arzt 8. Es hat sich ein Unfall ereignet 9. Wo ist das Spital ? 10. Wo ist die Polizei ? 11. Wo ist ein Telefon ? 12. Wo ist der nächste Campingplatz / das nächste Hotel ? 13. Würden Sie bitte diesen Notruf für mich durchführen ? 14. Wie weit / viel / lange ? 15. Wann wird das Geschäft geöffnet / geschlossen ? D D SF D D D, F SHOPPING HOURS Monday – Friday: 0800h – 1830h (2000h), Saturday 0800h – 1600h D SF D SPEED LIMITS (kph) Solo: in town – 50 outside town – 80 motorway – 120 With trailer: in town – 50 outside town – 60 motorway – 80 (trailer do not need a motorway-"vignette") D I Police – 117 SOS TELEPHONE Ambulance – 144 Fire – 118 ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE AGENCIES TCS Touring Club Schweiz - 140 HONDA SUISSE S.A. Route des Mouliérs 10, CH-1214, Vernier-Genève, Tel: 022 939 09 19 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 81 GOLD WING CLUB SWITZERLAND Map Name Town Phone D5 Walter Zbinden chairman Neuenegg 031 741 10 51 83 GOLD WING CLUB RUSSIA CH RUS Language USEFUL PHRASES D5 Kathrin Zbinden secretary Neuenegg 031 741 10 51 A7 A7 C4 Rico Grimm Eric Koelle Roger Gremaud Chene-Bourgeries Grand-Lancy Massongex 022/3480358 022/7947795 024 471 32 68 Natel 079 305 09 78 F, D GB, F 1. da 2. net 3. pojalusto 4. spasibo 5. pomogite mne 6. eto slomano 7. mne nujen doctor 8. bila avarija 9. gde hospital? 10. gde milicia? 11. gde telefon? 12. gde rjadom otel 13. pomogite pozvonit v slujbu spasenija 14. kak daleko / mnogo / dolgo? 15. v kakoe vremia otkrito / zakrito F C4 C7 D8 J-Rodolphe Winkler Yves Hasler Yann Petitpierre La Chaux-de-Fonds Ependes Martigny 032/968 13 40 024/435 19 74 079/213 85 29 D, F D, F F D8 Adi Suppiger interrep St Maurice 024/485 10 83 D, F E4 F4 F5 F8 G2 G3 G3 G4 G4 G7 H2 H2 H2 H3 H3 H3 I2 J5 J5 Jürg Hofer Beat Daum Walter Dietrich Hugo Andenmatten Hansruedi Burri Mike Weeks Werner Brülisauer Dani Furrer René Reichlin Carlo De Bernardi Hans Bleisch Hans Epprecht Marco Ruchti Thomas Frey Rudi Kaufmann Bruno Zürcher Martin Segmüller Andreas Ganser Paul Koller Lohn Winterthur Matten b. Interlaken Saas-Grund Höri Cham Rottenschwil Holzhäusern Meggen Ascona Winterthur Effretikon Dietlikon Stäfa Wädenswil Bauma Illighausen Trimmis Fideris 032/6771846 079/6393718 033/822 39 18 027/957 17 43 01/861 11 63 o41/7815427 056/634 32 08 041/780 28 20 041/377 03 09 091/7805475 052/233 72 73 052/343 72 87 043/4955303 043/4770744 01/7803749 052/386 26 57 071/688 45 20 081/353 89 16 081/3321396 GB, I, F F, I, GB GB D GB D GB D GB, F D D, F, GB D, F F, GB D GB F, GB, SL NL D D GB, F GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 Shopping hours: Mon -Sat: 10h - 20h (Supermarkets 10h - 21h), Sun 10h - 18h speed limits: solo: in town - 60 km/h, outside town - 90; motorway - 120 with trailer: in town - 60, outside town - 70; motorway - 70 SOS telephone: Police - 02, Ambulance - 03, fire brigade - 01 Roadside Assistance Service: 001 85 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 87 CH 84 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 RUS S SWITZERLAND RUSSIA 82 SWEDEN GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 CH SWITZERLAND There is NO INTERNATIONAL TREFFEN in Switzerland this year. GWEF Please note the advert of the next Treffen in the next issue of this Help-Guide or in your GW-magazine 88 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 86 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 GOLD WING CLUB SLOVENIJA GOLD WING CLUB UKRAINE SLO USEFUL PHRASES UA USEFUL PHRASES 1. da 2. ne 3. prosim 4. hvala 5. ali mi lahko pomagate 6. to je zlomljeno 7. potrebujem zdravnika 8. tam je bila nesreca 9. kje je bolnisnica 10. kje je policijska postaja 11. kje je telefon 12. kje je najblizji kanping / hotel 13. ali mi lahko pokličete pomoc 14. kako dalec / koliko / kako dolgo 15. kdaj se odpre / zapre 1. tak 2. ni 3. bud'laska 4. dyakuyu 5. dopomojit' bud'laska 6. miy baik zlomavsya 7. meni potriben likar 8. trapilas' avariya 9. de likarnya 10. de vidil miliciy 11. de telefon 12. de naiblijchiy gotel' 13. viklichte bud'laska shvidku 14. naskil'ki daleko\ yak bagato do 15. y kotriy godini vidchineno\ zachineno 16. skil'ki tse koshtue Shopping hours: Shopping hours: From Mon - Fri. 8.00 - 19.00, Sat 8.00 - 13.00, Shopping centers M- Sat. 9.00 - 21.00 Sun. 9.00 - 17.00 from 9.00 - 24.00 Mon-Sat: (Supermarkets every day 8.00 - 24.00) speed limits: speed limits: solo: in town - 60 km/h, outside town - 90; with trailer: in town - 50, outside town - 80 solo: in town - 50 km/h, outside town - 90; motorway - 130km with trailer: in town - 50, outside town - 90; motorway - 130km SOS telephone: SOS telephone: Police 113, Police - 02 Ambulance - 03 fire brigade - 01 Ambulance of fire br. 112 Roadside Assistance Service: Tel. 1987 Honda Slowenia: AS Domzale, Blatnica 3a, 1236 Trzin, tel. 051 381 326, 01 562 22 62 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 89 GOLD WING CLUB HUNGARY GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 SUPERTREFFEN 2008 H 91 EU USEFUL PHRASES 1.igen 2. nem 3. kérem 4. köszönöm 5. tudna segíteni? 6. elromlott 7. kell egy orvos 8. baleset történt 9. merre van egy kórház? 10. merre van a rendőrség? 11. merre van egy telefon? 12. merre van a legközelebbi kemping / hotel? 13. kérem hívna telefonon segítséget? 14. milyen messze/ mennyi / meddig 15. mikor nyit / zár? Shopping hours: Mon -Sat: 10.00h - 20.00h (Supermarkets 6:00h - 21:00h), Sun 8:00h - 06:00h speed limits: solo: in town - 50 km/h, outside town - 90; motorway - 130 km/h with trailer: in town - 50, outside town - 80; motorway - 80 SOS telephone: Police - 107, Ambulance - 104, fire brigade - 105 General emergency: 112 Roadside Assistance Service: Tel. 112 Honda Hungary Kft 2040 Budaörs Törökbálinti u. 25/b. Telefon: +36 23 506 406 Telefax: +36 23 416 650 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 93 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 95 UA UKRAINE SLO SLOVENIA The Slovenian GoldWing Treffen 2008 takes place in Camping Sobec, Lesce - Bled from 29.05. to 01.06.2008 GPS location is N:46:21.364 E:14:08.995 Internet side GWEF Please note the advert of this Treffen one of the next issues of your local GW-magazine 92 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 EU 90 TOURS 2008 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 H Benelux Tour HUNGARY There is NO INTERNATIONAL TREFFEN in Hungary this year. 26.04 - 01.05.2008 Start in Luxembourg In-Between Tour 04.05 - Start at the French treffen and goes to the Dutch treffen GWEF Please note the advert of the next Treffen in the next issue of this Help-Guide or in your GW-magazine GWEF 96 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008 94 GWEF Helpguide Update 2008
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