CURRICULUM VITAE OF PROF. T M MOHAPATRA OSD&FormerDirector InstituteofMedicalSciences BanarasHinduUniversity Varanasi‐221005,U.P.,India 0 CONTENT S. No. Particulars 1. Salient Features 2 2. Brief Bio-data 3 3. Awards & Recognitions 4-5 4. Administrative experience 6-7 5. Performance Appraisal as Director 8-9 6. Responsibilities as OSD (P&D) 10 7. Publications 11-22 1 Page No. SALIENT FEATURES ¾ Dynamic, diligent, innovative and adventurous with zeal to deliver goods maintaining the integrity at all level. ¾ Highly rated and well known clinical Microbiologist nationally and internationally. ¾ One of the most popular teachers amongst the students in the campus. ¾ Having 40 years of experience in Academics and Patient care. ¾ One Hundred & Forty Five publication in international and national peer journals including seventeen Chapters. ¾ First Microbiologist in Asia and third in the World to use ELISA as diagnostic tool for Amoebiasis (1979). ¾ First to report HIV infection in Varanasi (1991). ¾ Conducted research projects in Tropical diseases and Hospital Infection. ¾ Implemented local Antibiotic Policy for the University Hospital. ¾ At least 17 years of administrative experience in different capacities. ¾ Experience of working in four different countries at top level. ¾ Expert member for various regional, state and national bodies / organizations. ¾ Made innovations/modifications in administration, academics and patient care while working abroad which was highly appreciated. ¾ Served as Director (the administrative and academic head of the institute) & Dean in one of the top medical schools of the country having three faculties (Modern Medicine, Ayurveda & Dental Sciences) and Nursing College. ¾ WHO-CDC consultant for SRL of AIDS ¾ Member, Research Advisory Council, AIIMS, New Delhi – 2010. ¾ Expert member for ICMR Awards. ¾ Member of the Governing Council NEIGRIMS, Shillong - MOHFW. ¾ Member, Standing Selection Committee and Purchase Committee, NEIGRIMS, Shillong ¾ Director, Grievance committee, MHRD. ¾ Head of the India Collaboration, with UK-India Education and Research Initiative for St. Georges University ¾ Has been conferred various awards for his academic, administrative, community services and extracurricular activities. ¾ Pioneer in Public Private Partnership (PPP) implementation in health sector. Running projects of 64 Slice CT Scan Centre, Bio-medical waste management, drug store, Dialysis units, Liquid Oxygen, KAL Panchkarma Therapy etc ¾ Involved in more than 6 national and international projects as Nodal Officer / PI 2 BRIEF BIODATA Date of Birth : 21.11.1947 Academic Qualifications : MD, FRSTM&H (UK), FAMS Field of specialization : Medical Microbiology including hospital infection and antibiotics Field of Interest Present designation : Tropical diseases & : O.S.D (Planning & Development), Institute of address E-mail Medical Sciences, BHU, Varanasi-221005 : [email protected] [email protected] Contact No. : (O) 2367568 (Fax), 2309596, 2367406 (R) 0542 2369328 Mob: 09450530467 Professional Experience Teaching : Postgraduate 37 years : Undergraduate 40 years Research Experience of Supervised Research student Supervised 40 years : PG (MD/ MS) 37 years : Ph. D. 34 years : No. of Ph D. Produced 15 : No. of MD/MS supervised 50 Total number of Publications 145 : International Journals 64 : National Journals 63 : Chapters in Books 18 Scientific Congress attended 87 International 22 National 65 Chaired 15 Member of the scientific Societies 10 3 International 4 National 6 AWARDS/SPECIAL RECOGNITIONS • Member, National Board of Directory for Malaria Research New Delhi-1980 • Commonwealth Medical Awards- 1984 • Fellow of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, U.K-1984 • Member, Citizen Ambassador Programme, Washington, USA to visit China1987 • Life Member of Indian Medical Association-1991 • National Judge for Inter- University debate on “AIDS”- 1992 • Consultant Microbiologist and Director of the Lab. Riyadh Region Ministry of Health, Saudi Arabia-1993 • Member, The New York Academy of Sciences, USA- 1994 • Nominee for Who is Who in the World Marquis, A. Reed Reference Publishing Co. USA.-1995 • Member, National Academy of Medical Sciences National Academy of Medical Science India, New Delhi-1996 • Vice-President, IMA, BHU Indian Medical Association-1997-99 • Nominated as Men of Achievement in Biographical Historette Biography International South- Asia Pub. Co. New Delhi-1999 • Certificate of excellence in imparting training in screening of Hepatitis-C, NACO and National Institution of Biological, New Delhi-2000 • President, IMA (BHU Branch) Indian Medical Association (for two years)- 2000 • Who’s who in Medicine and Health care, 3rd edition MARQUIS WHO’S WHO. NJ, 07974-012, USA-2001 • Head, Department of Microbiology BP Koirala Inst. Of Health Sciences, DHARAN, Nepal.- 2003 • 200 Leaders of Science American Biographical Institute, Inc. North Carolina, USA-2003 • Men of Achievements in Biography International South Asia Publication and Co., New Delhi-2004 • Vijay Rattan Award and certificate of excellence India International Friendship Society, New Delhi.- 2005 • Glory of India Gold Medal International Inst. Of Success Awareness-2005 4 • President, IMA (BHU Branch) Indian Medical Association (for two years)- 2005 • Executive council member (IAMM) Indian Association of Medical Microbiologist 2006-09 • President (IAMM-UP Chapter) Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists2006 & 07 • Member Governing Body, IMA BHU Branch, Indian Medial Association-2008 • Prof. Bikram Dash Oration& Gold Medal Indian Association of Medical Microbiologist (Orissa branch)- 2008 • WHO-CDC consultant for SRL of AIDS • Member, Research Advisory Council, AIIMS, New Delhi • Kashi Ratna, Kashi Gaurav, Parasmani Chiktsa Guru, and Manishi RatnaVaranasi,2010-11 • Head of the India Collaboration, for UK-India Education and Research Initiative for St. Georges University • Member of the Governing Council NEIGRIMS, Shillong - MOHFW. 2011 • Member, Standing Selection Committee and Purchase Committee, NEIGRIMS, Shillong 2011 • Expert member for ICMR Awards 2011 • Director, Dean and Chief Medical Superintendent, SS Hospital and IMS-2009 to 2012 • Visiting Professor, SRM University, Chennai-2012 • Fellow of the National Academy of Medical Sciences (FAMS)-2012 • UC Chaturvedi Oration award and Gold Medal for outstanding contribution in Microbiology,UPMICROCON-2013 • Chairman National Committee , Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, New Delhi 5 ADMINISTRATIVE AND OTHER EXPERIENCES: International • Visiting Scientist to UK. • Director of the laboratory, Riyadh Central Hospital, Saudi Arabia. • Head of the department, Microbiology, BPKIHS, Dharan, Nepal. • Infection Control Officer in Riyadh and Dharan. • Reviewer for international journals. • Organized two international conferences. • First Microbiologist in Asia and third in the world to use ELISA as a diagnostic tool for Amoebiasis. • Member of the American Society of Microbiologists. • Partners, Harvard Medical International • Nodal Officer, Indo-UK collaborative project on Genetics of Congenital malformation. • Nodal Officer of Indo-US Project on Tuberculosis National • WHO-CDC-NACO (Govt. Of India) Expert for laboratory service for AIDS • Project Reviewer DBT. • Advisor to UPSC in field of Microbiology. • Member of the National Directory of Malaria. • Executive Council Member of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists. • Reviewer for National journals. • Organized three congress and three workshops. • First to report HIV infection in Varanasi. • Chaired sessions in many National Conferences. • Delivered orations/lectures in National Congress/ symposia/ CMEs. • Appointed as examiner for MD and PhD in many universities of the country • Member, Research Advisory Council, AIIMS, New Delhi – 2010 • Member, Selection Committee for ICMR Awards 6 State • President, IAMM, UP Chapter. • Advisor to Government of Orissa for DBT and DST. • Expert member for Public Service Commission of UP, Rajasthan, Jharkhand & West Bengal • Expert member for selection in universities of Delhi, Aligarh, Lucknow, Calicut, Guwahati and West Bengal. • Organized three congress and six CMEs University • Director, Institute of Medical Sciences, BHU • Officiating as Director/Dean of Medical Faculty, BHU • Member of Academic Council, BHU. • Head of the Department, Microbiology, IMS, BHU. • Chairman/Member for various committees. • Administrative Warden of Medical Hostels. • Conducted PMT in all centers of the University • Organizing Secretary of annual functions and Convocations of IMS • President of Indian Medical Association- BHU branch. • Infection Control Officer, S.S. Hospital, BHU • Professor In-charge, Sanitary and Support System, BHU International Exposure • UK, France, Germany, USA, Australia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Thailand, China, Malaysia, Nepal, Bangladesh and Pakistan 7 PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL AS DIRECTOR, IMS, BHU Academic 1 Papers published : : Chapters contributed : No. of Ph.D supervised : No. of MD/ MS supervised : No. of projects at hand/applied : as PI /Nodal Officer : : : : : Elected Fellow : 2 3 4 5 6 International National 18 2 5 5 4 6 DST 2 DBT 1 ICMR 1 INDO-US 1 INDO-UK 1 Fellow of the National Academy of Medical Sciences (FAMS) Administrative Reforms • Modification of Post Graduate Entrance Examinations • Constitution of effective Web Committee • Automation at Office and Library • Planning and completion of new Lecture Theatre Complex • Formulation and implementation of antibiotic policy • Organization of National Conferences • Organized IMS Golden Jubilee with academic and extracurricular activities • Planning and execution of evening OPD • Initiation of Geriatric Hospital • Establishment of stroke, trauma and metabolic ward Nodal Officer for Projects • National Nodal Officer for projects with St. Georges University, UK • Project for Tribal and Genomic Medicine • DST Project • Centre for Bone Marrow Transplant and Stem Cell Research • Indo-US Project on Tuberculosis 8 Private Public Partnership • Establishment of Dialysis System • Panchkarma Therapy by KAL • Modification of sharing pattern for 64 Slice CT Scan Contribution at University level • Made milestone decision s in many important issues for university’s benefit Contribution at National level • WHO-CDC consultant for SRL of AIDS • Member, Research Advisory Council, AIIMS, New Delhi – 2010. • Expert member for ICMR Awards. • Member of the Governing Council NEIGRIMS, Shillong - MOHFW. • Member, Standing Selection Committee and Purchase Committee, NEIGRIMS, Shillong • Director, Grievance committee, MHRD. • Visiting Professor, SRM University, Chennai Future projects at hand • Bone Marrow and Stem Cell Centre • cGMP Complied Animal House • BSL4 System for Infectious Diseases • Modern Mortuary for Department of Anatomy and Forensic Medicine • Up-gradation of IMS to AIIMS status • Jan Ausadhi Program for SS Hospital • Completion of Trauma Centre • Modular OT in SS Hospital • Comprehensive cancer therapy and research centre • Referral tertiary care and research centre • Indo US VAP on TB 9 RESPONSIBILITIES AS OSD (P&D) Developmental works 1. Centre for Bone Marrow Transplant and Stem Cell Research (orders at final stage) 2. Modern Mortuary for Department of Anatomy and Forensic Medicine (ongoing) 3. Office automation (ongoing) 4. Making the IMS campus WI-FI & digital display (ongoing) 5. Completion & Commissioning of Trauma Centre (at advanced stage) 6. Jan Ausadhi Program for SS Hospital ( MOU to be signed) 7. Institute beatification programme 8. Installation of Linear Accelerator Planning 1. Up-gradation of IMS to AIIMS status( at negotiation stage) 2. Comprehensive cancer therapy and research centre (Project submitted to MOHFW) 3. Referral tertiary care and research centre (Project submitted) 4. Establishment and modification of Students and Employees Health Care Complex. 5. University Guest House at Delhi with exhibition hall to show case the achievements of Mahanaji. Creation of New Facilities 1. GLP Compliant Animal House ( project submitted to DBT). 2. BSL4 System for Infectious Diseases( project accepted by DST on principle) 3. Central Facility at IMS level ( committee formed). 4. RNTCP- EXPAND programme for DOTS + WARD and strengthening of Mycobacteria lab. Projects 1. Nodal officer (for India) for the MRC project “AGTC-India”(INDO-UK) 2. Nodal officer for Indo US VAP on Tuberculosis. 3. T cell Chimerism for transplantation (DST Project-approved) 4. Nodal officer for Tribal and Genomic Medicine 10 PUBLICATIONS Chapters Contributed 1. Pulmonary Vasculature in Anaphylaxis. Aspects of Allergy and Applied Immunology. 4: Ed. R.K. Sanyal. Published by Atma Ram & Sons., Kashmere Gate, New Delhi (1976). 2. Immuno-diagnosis of Kala-azar with special reference to Direct Agglutination Test (DAT). 459. Tropical diseases: Molecular biology and Control Strategies. Ed.: Sushil Kumar, A.K. Sen, G.P.Dutta and R.N. Sharma. Publications and Information Directorate, CSIR, New Delhi (1994). 3. In vitro effect of levamisole on acetycholineestarase from W.bancrofti infected microfilaria serum.40-45. Tropical diseases: Molecular biology and Control Strategies. Ed.: Sushil Kumar, A.K. Sen, G.P.Dutta and R.N. Sharma. Publications and Information Directorate, CSIR, New Delhi (1994). 4. “AIDS” 16th Orientation Course (Science Stream). Academic Staff College., B.H.U. (1996). 5. Infections in the Renal Transplant Recipients. Hand Book of Nephrology, PartII. Proceeding of International Certificate Course and CME on Nephrology, Varanasi, (1999). Edited : Prof. RG Singh & Prof. JP Ojha. 6. Bioterorrism. Proc. Acad. Staff College, BHU - 2001 7. Immunology in Filariasis, 2001, In: Pani’s Filariasis. Jaypee Brother Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. New Delhi. 8. Biological Warfare and its Management. Handbook on Emergency Medicine, 2002. 9. Bioterorrism – role of microbiologists and laboratory medicine. Proc. of CME on bioterorrism – a public health challenge, RIMS, Imphal, 2002. 10. Laboratory Diagnosis of Kala Azar : Recent Trends in Serological and Immunological Profiles. Proc. Of CME on Molecular Techniques for the Diagnosis of Parasitic Diseases and Workshop on Transfer of Basic Technology to Rural Area, PGI Chandigarh, 2007. 11. Six Thousand years of Tropical Medicine.Proc.2nd Orissa Chapter of IAMM, Cuttack, 2008. 12. Leishmaniasis/HIV co infection. Proc. of CME, Indian Academy of Tropical Parasitology,New Delhi.2008 11 13. Biological War: yesterday,Today and Tomorrow. Proc.National Symposium on Emerging trends in Biomedical Sciences, Dehradun. 2009 14. RK Singh and TM Mohapatra Cyanobacteria: a potent source of pharmaceuticals. In Advances in Life Sciences. Eds. NK Sharma, RP Sinha, AK Rai. IK Publishing House, New Delhi pp. 212-252. 2011 15. Preeti Singh, RKumar Singh, R K Sai, S P Tiwari, T M Mohapatra Diversity of Listeria. In: Biotic Potential and Abiotic Stress (Eds.) AK Diwedi, M Srivastava, V N Pandey. Lambert Academic Press, Germany. P 373-389. 2011 16. S Upadhyay, RK Singh, SP Tiwari, MR Sen and TM Mohapatra (2011) Toxins produced by family Enterobacteriaccae. In: Microbial Toxins and Toxigenic Microbes. Eds. SK Singh, VD Pandey. Studium Press, New Delhi, India. 17. RK Singh, P Singh, R Sharma, TM Mohapatra (2012) Nonribosomal peptide synthesis in microbes. In: Recent Advances in Microbiology Vol-I. Eds. SP Tiwari, Rajesh Sharma, RK Singh. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York, USA. 18. Bidya Shrestha, BM Pokhrel, TM Mohapatra (2012) Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus: A Review. In: Recent Advances in Microbiology Vol-I. Eds. SP Tiwari, Rajesh Sharma, RK Singh. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York, USA. Paper Published 1. N. Prakash.,T.M. Mohapatra, R.K. Sinha and R.K. Sanyal. Effect of anaphylactic shock on pulmonary surfactant in Guinea pig. Bulletin R.M.R.I, 2:15 (1974). 2. T.M. Mohapatra, S.C. Sanyal., P.C. Sen., S. Mittal., J.P. Gupta., A.K. Agrawal and S.K. Bhattarcharya. Parasitological & Serological studies in intestinal amoebiasis. Indian J. Prev. & Soc. Med., 6:265 (1975). 3. K.P. Dubey., M.K. Mishra.,T.M. Mohapatra, S.C. Sanyal., P.C. Sen., A.K. Agrawal and S.K. Gupta. Some studies in Hepatic Amoebiasis. Indian J. Prev. & Soc. Med. 6:291 (1975). 4. T.M. Mohapatra, S.C. Sanyal., S. Mittal and P.C. Sen. Evaluation of Geldiffusion precipitation test in Amoebiasis. Indian J. Med. Res. 67: 754 (1978). 5. T.M.Mohapatra, S.C.Sanyal.,S. Mittal, P.C. Sen., A.K. Agrawal, M.K. Mishra. and J.P. Gupta. Evaluation of Parasitological & Serological Studies in Amoebiasis: Trop. Med. Und Parasit., 30: 53 (1979). 12 6. T.M. Mohapatra, P.C. Sen. and S.C. Sanyal. The micro-ELISA technique in the serodiagnosis of Amoebiasis. Proc. 4th Nat. Cong. Med. Micro. 4: 76 (1980). 7. J.P. Gupta., Yogendra Behari.,T.M. Mohapatra, A.K. Jain and P.C.Sen. Immunoglobulins in symptomatic Giardiasis. Asian Med. J. 23: 636 (1980). 8. T.M. Mohapatra and P.C. Sen. Evaluation of micro-ELISA technique in Invasive Amoebiasis. Ann. Trop. Med. Parasite. 77: 101 (1983). 9. G. Sengupta, T.M. Mohapatra and P.C. Sen. Detection of human filariasis cases using Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent. Assay and IHA. Indian J. Parasit. 9:161 (1985). 10. Mritnyujay Kumar., S.K. Roy., T.M. Mohapatra and S. Khanna. Diagnostic role of hepatitis B-virus antigen and alpha foeto protein in liver cancers. Indian J. Med. Micro. 4:13 (1986). 11. G.Sengupta., T.M. Mohapatra and P.C. Sen. Immunodiagnosis of filariasis. J. Trop. Med. & Hyg., 89: 313 (1986). 12. T.M.Mohapatra, P.N. Gupta. & P.C. Sen. Host cellular response in Bancroftian filariasis. Indian J. Med. Res. 88:308 (1988). 13. G.Nath.,T.M. Mohapatra and P.C.Sen. Serum Immunoglobulin and complement component C3 in filariasis. Ind. J. Med. Micro. 7:60 (1989). 14. S. Sunder.,K. Kumar., V.P. Singh and T.M. Mohapatra Prolonged diagnostic lag period in Kala-azar; Test for early diagnosis needed. J.A.P.I. 39:651 (1991). 15. G.Nath.,T.M. Mohapatra and PC Sen. Circulating immune Complexes in bancroftian filariasis. Indian J. Path. Micro. 34: 92 (1991). 16. T.M. Mohapatra, P.N.Gupta & PC Sen. Immunological profiles of Lymphatic Filariasis in Man. Indian J. Prev. & Soc. Med. 22: 60 (1991). 17. S. Misra., T.M. Mohapatra and S. Rathaur. Wuchereria bancrofti: Identification of parasitic acetylcholinesterase in microfilariae infected human serum. Trop. Med. Parasitol: 44, 75-78, 1993. 18. S.Rathaur, S. Misra.,T.M.Mohapatra & V.Taneja. A comparative study of Secretory Acetylcholinesterase in Lymphatic and Bovine Filariasis. Lymphology. 25: 159 (1992). 19. N.R. Agrawal, A.M. Tripathi.,T.M. Mohapatra and S. Sunder. Effect of subclinical malaria on foetal development. J. Obst. Gynae, India.356 (1994). 13 20. S. Sunder., B.B. Thakur., A.K. Tandon., N.R. Agrawal, C.P. Mishra.,T.M. Mohapatra and V.P. Singh. Clinico epidemiological study of drug resistance in Indian Kala-azar. Brit. Med. J. 308: 307 (1994). 21. Al-Basam,T.M. Mohapatra and L.Al-ogay’LL. Microsporum audoini infection in a-14 days- old twins. Practional Journal (1995). 22. S.Sharma,TM Mohapatra and S.Rathaur.Detection of microfilaria carriers in bancroftian endemic areas using the secretory acetylcholinestrases of Sateria cervi microfilariae. a pilot study.Indian.J.Med.Microbilogy:16,108-111(1998) 23. Anupurba, MR Sen, G Nath, BM Sharma, AK Gulati,TM Mohapatra. Prevalence of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus in a tertiary Care referral hospital in Eastern Uttar Pradesh. Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology (2003) 21:4951. 24. Das BK,Gurubacharya RL,Mohapatra TM,Mishra OP. Bacterial antigen detection test in meningitis. Indian J Pediatrics.(2003):70(10);799-80. 25. N.Arianpour & TM Mohapatra,Serological diagnosis of Amoebiasis by ELISA in human.Yakhteh Med.Journal (2003):5(2);91-95 26. N.Arianpour & TM Mohapatra,Study of AntiAmoebic Antibody in Amoebiasis Using ELISA and RID technique.Iranian J Publ Health (2003):32(4):13-18 27. N.Arianpour & TM Mohapatra,Evaluation of Specific and Non-specific Cellular Immune Responses in Amoebiasis Patients Iranian J Publ Health (2004):33(1):27-30. 28. Nahid Arianpour, T. M. Mohapatra. Immunogenicity of Entamoeba histolytica Crude and Fractionated Antigens in Animal model. Yakhteh Med Journal (2004): 5 (20); 128-31. 29. P Hazrah,KTH Oahn,M Tewari,AK Pandey,TM Mohapatra and HS Shukla. The frequency of live bacteria in gallstones. Journal of Hepato Pancreatic Biliary Surgery (2004):6(!);28-32. 30. R K Goyal, T M Mohapatra Superiority of DAT over ELISA as a Diagnostic and Seroepidemiological Tool for the Diagnosis of Indian Kala-Azar. Ind. J. Med. Microbiol (2004); 22; 57-61. 31. N.Kumari,TM Mohapatra and G. Ghimire. Antibiogram pattern of isolates from urinary tract infection cases in Eastern part of Nepal. Nepal Medical College Journal. (2005); 7(2): 116-8. 14 32. G.Ghimire, J.K.G.Magar, S.Bhattacharya andT.M.Mahapatra. Acinetobacter spp. : A major isolates of nosocomial infections – clinical significance and antimicrobial susceptibility.JIOM:27,2(2005) 33. N. Kumari, T. M. Mohapatra, Amreshwar Rai. In-vitro evaluation of piperacillin and tazobactum combination in a tertiary care hospital-a preliminary study. Ind.J Path Microbiol. (2006); 49(1): 57-58. 34. Abhishek Gaur, Pradyot Prakash, Shampa Anupurba, T M Mohapatra. Possible role of Integrase gene Polymerase Chain Reaction as an epidemiological marker: Study on multi-drug resistant Acinetobacter baumannii isolated from nosocomial infections. Int. J. Antimicrob. Agents.(2007); 29(4); 446-50. 35. Abhishek Gaur, Amitabha Bhattacharjee, Shampa Anupurba, Pradyot Prakash, M R Sen and Tribhuban M Mohapatra. Clinical significance and Epidemiology of multi drug resistant Acinetobacter species isolated from nosocomial infection: An experience of a tertiary care hospital in North India. Ind. J. Prev. & Soc. Med. (2007); 38(1-2); 33-37. 36. A Acharya, B Kanal, R Kanungo and T Mohapatra. .Characterization and susceptibility patterns of clinically important Enterococcus species in eastern Nepal. Nepal Medical College Journal (2007); 9 (4) 37. A Gaur, A Garg, P Prakash, S Anupurba, and T M Mohapatra .Observation on Carbapenem resistance by MIC in nosocomial isolates of Acinetobacter species: an experience at a tertiary care hospital in North India. Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition (2008):26(2),183-188 38. Lekha Tuli, T M Mohapatra and A K Gulati. Socio-Economic relevance of opportunistic infections in HIV patients in and around Varanasi. IJPSM, 39, No. 1 (2008). 39. Lekha Tuli, A K Gulati and T M Mohapatra. The Saviors of mankind in troubled waters – The Indian perspective. IJPSM, Vol. 39, No. 2 (2008). 40. Lekha Tuli, A K Gulati, Shyam Sundar and T M Mohapatra . Correlations between CD4 counts of HIV patients and enteric protozoan in different seasons – An experience of tertiary care hospital in Varanasi, India. BMC Gastroenterology :8,36. (2008). doi: 10.1186/ 1471- 230x8-36. 41. Kumari N, Mohapatra TM, Singh YI. Prevalence of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus(MRSA) in a Tertiary care Hospital in Eastern Nepal.J Nepal Med. Assoc(2008) 47(170):53-56. 15 42. TM Mohapatra, Bidya Shrestha, BM Pokhrel Constitutive and Inducible clindamycin resistance in staphylococcus aureus and their association with methicillin-resistanct S. aureus(MRSA):experience from a tertiary care hospital in Nepal. International J Antimicrobial Agents: 33,2. 187-189 ( 2009) 43. Lekha Tuli, TM Mohapatra and A K Gulati. Childrens innocence at stake-an alarming report from Varanasi, India. J. Child Abuse and Neglect: 33, 203-204 (2009) 44. Lekha Tuli,Gk Bhatt,DK Singh & Tribhuban Mohan Mohapatra. Dark Secrets behind the shimmer of contact lense:the Indian scenario. BMC Research Notes:2:79(2009) 45. Bidya Shrestha, Bharat M Pokhrel and Tribhuban M Mohapatra. Phenotypic Characterization of nosocomial isolates of Staphylococcus aureus with reference to MRSA. J Infect. Dev. Ctries 3(7):554-560. (2009) 46. Dharmendra Prasad Singh, Shyam Sundar and Tribhuban Mohan Mohapatra. The rK39 strip test is non-predictor of clinical status for kala-azar. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:187 doi: 10.1186/1756-0500-2-187 47. B Shrestha, B Pokhrel, T Mohapatra. “Study of nosocomial isolates of Staphylococcus aureus with special reference to methicillin resistant S. aureus in a tertiary care hospital in Nepal” Nepal Med Coll J. 2009; 11(2): 123-126. 48. B Shrestha, BM Pokhrel, TM Mohapatra. Antibiotic susceptibility pattern of nosocomial isolates of Staphylococcus aureus in a tertiary care hospital, Nepal, JNMA. 2009 Sept.; 48 (175) p 234-238. 49. Mohapatra TM, SinghDP, SenMR, Bharti K, Sundar S: Comparative evaluation of rK9, rK26 and rK39 antigens in the serodiagnosis of Indian visceral leishmaniasis. J. Infect. Dev. Ctries; (2010) 4(2), 114-7. 50. Dharmendra P.Singh,Rahul K Goyal,Rahul K.singh,S Sundar and TM Mohapatra In Search of an Ideal Test for the Diagnosis and Prognosis of Kala-azar.J.Health Popul Nutr(2010)28;(3) 51. Shrestha B, Pokhrel BM, Mohapatra TM. Staphylococcus aureus nasal carriage among health care workers in a Nepal hospital. Brazilian J Infectious Diseases. 13(5): 322, 2009; 52. Shrestha B, Pokhrel BM, Mohapatra TM. Molecular epidemiology of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus among nasal carriers of a tertiary care hospital: First report from Nepal. J Hosp Infect. Vol. 48, No. 3, P 234-238, 2009. 16 53. Shrestha, B M Pokherel, TM Mohapatra. Molecular epidemiology of MRSA among nasal carriers in a tertiary care hospital: first report from Nepal. J. Hosp. Infect, Vol. 74, No. 3, P 294-295, 2010. 54. Lekha Tuli, Deepak K Singh, Anil K Gulati, Shyam Sundar, Tribhuban M Mohapatra. A multiattribute utility evaluation of different methods for the detection of enteric protozoa causing diarrhea in AIDS patients. BMC Microbiology, Vol. 10, doi ; 10.1186/1471-2180-10-11 (2010) 55. R.K.Singh, S Upadhyay, SP Tiwari, AK Rai and TM Mohapatra (2010) Screening of cyanobacterial extracts against bacteria causing nosocomial infections. J Pharmacy Research 3(9): 2096-2098. 56. D.P.Singh, RK Goyal, RK Singh, S Sundar and TM Mohapatra (2010). In search of an ideal serological test for diagnosis and prognosis of Kala azar. Journal of Health Population and Nutrition 28(3): 281-285. 57. RK Singh, DP Singh and TM Mohapatra, (2011) Targeted Therapies for Cancer treatment. 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Pushpendra Kumar Mishra, Rahul Kunwar Singh, Anamika Gupta, Adya Chaturvedi Rahul Pandey, Shree Prakash Tiwari, Tribhuban Mohan Mohapatra (2013). Antibacterial activity of Andrographis paniculata (Burm. f.) Wall ex Nees 17 leaves against clinical pathogens. Journal of Pharmacy Research, 7, pp. 459462. 63. Rashmi, V K Singh, A N Gangopadhyay, G L Shah, A khanna, T M Mohapatra, Om Shankar, Royana Singh (2013). In Silico Study Of transcription factor binding elements of human PAX gene Family Members. Trends in Bioinformatics, ISSN 1994-7941/DOI :10,3923/tb.2013:1-29. 64. Shira Elkobi-Peer, Rahul Kunwar Singh, Tribhuban Mohan Mohapatra, Shree Prakash Tiwari and Shmuel Carmeli (2013). Aeruginosins from a Microcystis sp. Bloom Material Collected in Varanasi, India. Journal of Natural Products, Communicated Articles 1. Androg M, Singh RK, Tiwari SP, Mohapaptra TM, Carmeli S. (2013) Two new diterpenoids from an Indian plant Andrographis paniculata Tet. Letters. 2. 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