How to write a book review? Furrukh Hussain Zai

How to write a book review?
Furrukh Hussain Zai
Book Review
An Opinion
• Impression
• Information
• Recreation
• Scholars
• General
• Children
Before Reading the book
• Consider
▫ Title
▫ Preface or Introduction
▫ Table of Contents
• Type of Book
• Audience
During reading
• Consider
▫ Genre
▫ Views
▫ Style
▫ Language
▫ Format / Layout
▫ References
During Reading
• Make notes
▫ To quote in your review
• Describes
▫ Agree or disagree with the author's point of view
 To follow the author's thesis
 To critiques
▫ Book's style / Language
 Formal
 Informal
 Suitable for the intended audience or not
 Is the language clear and convincing or not
During Reading
• Analyze
▫ Concepts are well defined or not?
▫ How accurate the information is
 References are given or not
 Footnotes given or not
 Use of Sources… Primary / Secondary
• Evaluate
▫ Book is accomplish
▫ More work needed
▫ Compare the book to others
 By same author
 Books in this field by other authors.
Writing the Review
• Citation
Special features (maps, etc.)
Writing the Review
• Opening Sentence
▫ Hook the reader
▫ Set the tone
▫ Be familiar with the guidelines
 Plot summaries or not
Writing the Review
• Review the book you read
▫ Focus on the current work
▫ State the theme and the thesis of the book
 Theme
Subject or topic
Not necessarily the title
It is usually not expressed in a complete sentence.
It expresses a specific phase of the general subject matter.
 Thesis
An author’s generalization about the theme
The author’s beliefs about something important
The book’s philosophical conclusion
The proposition the author means to prove
Express it without metaphor or other figurative language, in one declarative sentence.
Writing the Review
• Explain the method of development
▫ The way the author supports the thesis
▫ Illustrate your remarks with specific references and
• Types of Methods (use exclusively or in combination)
Writing the Review
• Description:
Description presents background and setting.
The author presents word-pictures of scenes
Events by giving specific details
Appeal to the five senses, or to the reader’s imagination.
• Narration:
Its primary purpose is to tell a story.
Describing series of event
Presented in chronological order
Narration tells what has happened.
Writing the Review
• Exposition:
Its primary purpose is to explain.
Presents the facts about a subject
An issue as clearly and impartially as possible
The author uses explanation and analysis to present a subject or
to clarify an idea.
• Argument:
Its primary purpose is to convince.
Techniques of persuasion
Establish the truth of a statement
Convince the reader of its falsity
Argument takes sides on an issue
Writing the Review
• Write your review about the book
▫ From the views of interest, accuracy, objectivity, importance,
thoroughness, and usefulness to its intended audience.
▫ author's main arguments are true or not
▫ Respond to the author's opinions
▫ Explore issues the book raises.
▫ What possibilities does the book suggest?
▫ What has the author omitted or what problems were left unsolved?
▫ What specific points are not convincing?
▫ Compare it with other books on similar subjects or other books by the
same as well as different authors.
▫ Is it only a reworking of earlier books; a refutation of previous
▫ Have newly uncovered sources justified a new approach by the author?
Writing the Review
• Include more information about
▫ The author - reputation, qualifications, influences, biographical,
etc. or anything relevant to the book and the author's authority.
• Think about the person reading your review
▫ A librarian buying books for a collection
▫ A parent who wants a good read-aloud
▫ General readers looking for information
• Your conclusion should summarize, perhaps include a final
assessment. Do not introduce new material at this point.
Writing a Fiction Book Review
Writing a Fiction Book Review
• You don't have to answer every question -- they're
• Theme
▫ What was the story about?
• Plot
▫ How are the various elements of plot
Writing a Fiction Book Review
• Style
▫ Intellectual, Emotional, Aesthetic, Stylistic qualities of
the writing
• Setting
▫ What is the setting and does it play a significant role in
the work
Points to Ponder:
• What was the story about?
• Who were the main characters?
• Were the characters credible?
• What did the main characters do in the story?
• Did the main characters run into any problems? Adventures?
• Who was your favorite character? Why?
Your personal experiences
• Could you relate to any of the characters in the story?
• Have you ever done or felt some of the things, the characters did?
Your opinion
Did you like the book?
What was your favorite part of the book?
Do you have a least favorite part of the book?
If you could change something, what would it be? (If you wish you
could change the ending, don't reveal it!)
Your recommendation
• Would you recommend this book to another person?
• What type of person would like this book?
Things to Bear in Mind
• Do not write with bias attitude.
• Do not be intimidated by famous authors -- many
have written mediocre books.
• Do not review books by people you know, love, or
Thank You