Investment Bonds Update What is an Investment Bond? Investment Bonds (otherwise known as Insurance Bonds) are long-term investment vehicles which may offer tax efficiency to some investors. Investment Bonds are technically life insurance policies under the Life Insurance Act 1995 and require a Life Insured and beneficiaries to be nominated. Investment Bonds can be issued by life insurers and friendly societies. Historically, these bonds incorporated a life insurance element, however most are now purely investment vehicles focusing on wealth creation. Investment Bonds are designed to be held for at least 10 years, although investors can access their funds at any time. Regular contributions are permitted. A wide range of investment options are available within an Investment Bond structure, including diversified funds, multi-manager funds, Australian share funds, international equities, fixed income and capital guaranteed. Investment Bonds do not distribute regular income to investors. Instead, income is effectively re-invested into the bond to achieve a compounding effect. The current tax system makes Investment Bonds a tax-effective way to generate long-term returns. Investors contributing a lump sum or regular amounts for ten years or more receive ‘tax paid’ returns provided certain conditions are met. Income from investments is taxed at the corporate rate of 30% by the Investment Bond Issuer, meaning investment earnings are not required to be included in an investor’s tax return. Who should invest in Investment Bonds? Investment bonds may be suited to: • Investors with a long-term investment horizon (10+ years) • Investors with a tax rate higher than 30% • Investors aged between 65 and 74 who do not currently meet the work test for superannuation • Investors who have never been in the workforce so cannot invest in superannuation • Investors who have reached their annual contribution limits in superannuation • Parents / grandparents wishing to invest on behalf of children • lower income earners and retirees looking to maximise their potential eligibility for income-tested tax offsets • Investors who do not require regular income Lonsec Limited ABN 56 061 751 102 • AFSL No. 246842 • Market participant of ASX Group and Lonsec Research Pty Ltd ABN 11 151 658 561 who is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Lonsec Limited (together referred to as “Lonsec”) This information must be read in conjunction with the Warning, Disclaimer, and Disclosure at the end of this document 1 Investment Bonds Update Key Features Tax Paid One of the features of investing in Investment Bonds over a mainstream managed fund is that it is a tax paid investment. Issuers of Investment Bonds pay the corporate tax rate of 30% on the earnings on the investor’s behalf. Conversely, an investment in a mainstream managed fund generally requires tax to be paid on earnings at an investor’s marginal tax rate. Dividend imputation credits can further reduce the amount of tax payable. The following table shows the potential taxation consequences of investing in an Investment Bond versus a Managed Fund. The table assumes investment income of $100,000 and a marginal tax rate of 45%. Investment Bond Managed Fund Investment earnings $100,000 Investment earnings Tax Paid by manager $30,000 Tax Paid by manager Net Return (at maturity) $70,000 Assessable Income $100,000 Tax Paid by Investor ($45,000) Assessable Income After Tax Return 0 $70,000 After Tax Return $100,000 0 $55,000 Funds are accessible Unlike superannuation where strict conditions of release (including reaching the preservation age) must be satisfied before accessing funds, investors in Investment Bonds have access to their investment at all times. Regular Contributions are permitted Unlike superannuation, there are no government-imposed contribution limits. Assets Test Treatment Investments held in Investment Bonds are treated as financial assets and are counted as assets under the assets test. Investment Bonds can be used as security for a loan, which is generally not possible with superannuation assets. If a loan is taken out and is secured against the Investment Bond, all financing costs (including interest paid) in relation to the loan may be deductible. Lonsec Limited ABN 56 061 751 102 • AFSL No. 246842 • Market participant of ASX Group and Lonsec Research Pty Ltd ABN 11 151 658 561 who is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Lonsec Limited (together referred to as “Lonsec”) This information must be read in conjunction with the Warning, Disclaimer, and Disclosure at the end of this document 2 Investment Bonds Update Capital Gains Tax Any investment growth received by the investor should ordinarily not be subject to CGT. There are generally no CGT consequences for investors who switch between underlying investments strategies within the Investment Bond’s structure i.e. switching between the high growth to capital stable option. Where no consideration is passed (gift or inheritance), ownership of the Investment Bond can generally be assigned to another person without any CGT consequences. Ownership of the Investment Bond can be transferred to a minor without incurring any CGT consequence under a ‘Child Advancement Option’. A ‘Child Advancement Option’ is a system where the policy is automatically transferred to the child at a nominated age between 10 and 25. Minors Tax Rates Earnings on Investment Bonds owned by children under 18 (but over 10) are taxed at 30%. Children under 10 cannot invest in an Investment Bond. Death, Illness, Financial Hardship The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has advised that the following events constitute a maturity resulting in no assessment for tax: Death of the owner of the Investment Bond Accident, illness or other disability of the owner of the Investment Bond Severe financial hardship 10 year tax rule If an investor has held an Investment Bond for 10 years or more, earnings do not need to be declared in tax returns and no additional personal tax or capital gains tax is payable. If an investor does withdraw prior to the ten year period, they will need to declare the earnings in their tax return. Tax offsets are available for withdrawals made within the specified withdrawal periods outlined below: Time of Withdrawal Within 8 years th During the 9 year Tax Payable All of the earnings are taxed at the marginal tax rate with a tax offset of 30% 1/3 of earnings are tax paid 2/3 of the earnings are taxed at the marginal tax rate with a tax offset of 30% th During the 10 year 2/3 of earnings are tax paid 1/3 of the earnings are taxed at the marginal tax rate with a tax offset of 30% th After 10 year All earnings are tax paid Lonsec Limited ABN 56 061 751 102 • AFSL No. 246842 • Market participant of ASX Group and Lonsec Research Pty Ltd ABN 11 151 658 561 who is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Lonsec Limited (together referred to as “Lonsec”) This information must be read in conjunction with the Warning, Disclaimer, and Disclosure at the end of this document 3 Investment Bonds Update The 125% Rule Investors can make additional contributions to their Investment Bond each year of up to 125% of a previous year’s contributions with the benefit of these contributions being treated as if they were invested at the same time of the original investment. Upon expiry of the full ten year term these additional contributions also acquire a tax paid status. If additional contributions exceed 125% a previous year’s contribution, the ten year term will re-set and a new ten year period is deemed to commence. The following examples outline Investment Bond maturity dates under different scenarios: Example 1 Example 2 Years Contribution Maturity Years Contribution Maturity Jan-2010 $10,000.00 Jan-2020 Jan-2010 $10,000.00 Jan-2020 Jan-2011 $12,500.00 Jan-2020 Jan-2011 $12,500.00 Jan-2020 Jan-2012 $15,625.00 Jan-2020 Jan-2012 $15,625.00 Jan-2020 Jan-2013 $19,531.00 Jan-2020 Jan-2013 $25,000.00 Jan-2023 Jan-2014 $24,414.00 Jan-2020 Jan-2014 $31,250.00 Jan-2023 Jan-2015 $30,518.00 Jan-2020 Jan-2015 $39,062.00 Jan-2023 Jan-2016 $38,147.00 Jan-2020 Jan-2016 - Jan-2023 Jan-2017 $47,684.00 Jan-2020 Jan-2017 - Jan-2023 Jan-2018 $59,605.00 Jan-2020 Jan-2018 $50,000.00 Jan-2028 Jan-2019 $74,506.00 Jan-2020 Jan-2019 - Jan-2028 Total Allowable Contribution for tax paid status $332,530.00 Jan-2020 Total Allowable Contribution for tax paid status $183,437.50 Jan-2028 • Investors can contribute as much as they wish during the first year. • If investors make additional contributions in excess of the 125% limit, the 10 year period to achieve tax paid status will re-set to the beginning of the investment year that the excess payment was made (as per Example 2, the contribution made in Jan2013 causes a re-set as it exceeds 125% of the previous contribution). • If investors do not make an additional contribution during an investment year, no further contributions can be made without re-setting the 10 year period (as per Example 2, no contribution was made in Jan-2016, causing a re-set when contributions resume in 2018). • Investors can continue to take advantage of the 125% opportunity after the 10 year, in which case earnings on each additional contribution receive immediate tax paid status. th Lonsec Limited ABN 56 061 751 102 • AFSL No. 246842 • Market participant of ASX Group and Lonsec Research Pty Ltd ABN 11 151 658 561 who is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Lonsec Limited (together referred to as “Lonsec”) This information must be read in conjunction with the Warning, Disclaimer, and Disclosure at the end of this document 4 Investment Bonds Update Risks Some of the risks that should be considered prior to investment include: Underlying Investment Fund Risk Different investment funds have different risk / return profiles. A fund’s profile can be affected by factors such as its strategies, managers, investments, the markets in which it operates and their volatility. Leverage, currency risk, derivatives or less liquid investments might be used by some investment funds. Poor performance of an investment fund can affect the returns and value of the relevant Investment Bond. Financial strength of the provider There is the risk that the life company or friendly society issuing the Bond could potentially fail in its financial obligations to its investors. Taxation risk As is the case with any investment there is no guarantee that the taxation treatment of Investment Bonds will remain the same. Who can invest in Investment Bonds? • Individuals aged 16 years and over • Children aged 10 – 16 with parental (or guardian) consent • Organisations, Companies and Trusts • Joint Owners These comments constitute ‘General Advice’ only and Lonsec advises potential investors to consult a taxation specialist before making a decision to invest (or not to invest) based upon these taxation considerations. Intending investors should refer to the relevant taxation pages of the prospectus of the underlying fund for more information regarding the taxation of unit holders. Lonsec Limited ABN 56 061 751 102 • AFSL No. 246842 • Market participant of ASX Group and Lonsec Research Pty Ltd ABN 11 151 658 561 who is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Lonsec Limited (together referred to as “Lonsec”) This information must be read in conjunction with the Warning, Disclaimer, and Disclosure at the end of this document 5 Investment Bonds Update Lonsec Rated Investment Bond Managers Fund Name APIR Rating at July 2012* Aust Unity Balanced Growth Bond AUS0313AU Investment Grade (Closed to new investors 30/6/10) Aust Unity Conservative Growth Bond AUS0312AU Investment Grade (Closed to new investors 30/6/10) Aust Unity High Growth Bond AUS0101AU Investment Grade (Closed to new investors 30/6/10) CommInsure Capital Guaranteed Cash Fund FSF0039AU Recommended CommInsure Fixed Interest Fund FSF0039AU Recommended CommInsure Property Fund FSF0454AU Investment Grade CommInsure Australian Equities Fund CFM0404AU Recommended CommInsure International Equities Fund FSF0047AU Hold CommInsure Stable Fund FSF0008AU Investment Grade CommInsure Managed Fund FSF0008AU Investment Grade ING Investment Savings Bond Australian Shares - EF MMF0097AU Fund Watch ING Investment Savings Bond Australian Shares - NEF MMF0096AU Fund Watch ING Investment Savings Bond Balanced - EF MMF0035AU Fund Watch ING Investment Savings Bond Balanced - NEF MMF0034AU Fund Watch ING Investment Savings Bond Capital Stable - EF MMF0203AU Fund Watch ING Investment Savings Bond Capital Stable - NEF MMF0213AU Fund Watch ING Investment Savings Bond Diversified Fixed Interest - EF MMF0951AU Fund Watch ING Investment Savings Bond Diversified Fixed Interest - NEF MMF0943AU Fund Watch ING Investment Savings Bond Emerging Companies - EF MMF0099AU Fund Watch ING Investment Savings Bond Emerging Companies - NEF MMF0098AU Fund Watch ING Investment Savings Bond Managed Growth - EF MMF0204AU Fund Watch ING Investment Savings Bond Managed Growth - NEF MMF0214AU Fund Watch ING Investment Savings Bond Tax Effective Income - EF MMF0958AU Fund Watch ING Investment Savings Bond Tax Effective Income - NEF MMF0950AU Fund Watch ING Investment Savings Bond ING Protected Growth Fund No. 2– EF MMF1189AU Recommended ING Investment Savings Bond ING Protected Growth Fund No. 2NEF MMF1190AU Recommended ING Investment Savings Bond ING Sustainable Investments Australian Shares - Entry Fee MMF1187AU Recommended ING Investment Savings Bond ING Sustainable Investments Australian Shares - Nil Entry Fee MMF1188AU Recommended ING Investment Savings Bond Optimix Australian Shares - EF MMF0952AU Recommended ING Investment Savings Bond Optimix Australian Shares - NEF MMF0944AU Recommended ING Investment Savings Bond Optimix Balanced - EF MMF0953AU Recommended ING Investment Savings Bond Optimix Balanced - NEF MMF0945AU Recommended ING Investment Savings Bond Optimix Global Shares - EF MMF0954AU Recommended ING Investment Savings Bond Optimix Global Shares - NEF MMF0946AU Recommended ING Investment Savings Bond Optimix Growth - EF MMF0955AU Recommended Lonsec Limited ABN 56 061 751 102 • AFSL No. 246842 • Market participant of ASX Group and Lonsec Research Pty Ltd ABN 11 151 658 561 who is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Lonsec Limited (together referred to as “Lonsec”) This information must be read in conjunction with the Warning, Disclaimer, and Disclosure at the end of this document 6 Investment Bonds Update Fund Name APIR Rating at July 2012* ING Investment Savings Bond Optimix Growth - NEF MMF0947AU Recommended ING Investment Savings Bond Optimix Moderate - EF MMF0956AU Recommended ING Investment Savings Bond Optimix Moderate - NEF MMF0948AU Recommended ING Investment Savings Bond OptiMix Geared Australian Shares Entry Fee MMF1181AU Recommended ING Investment Savings Bond OptiMix Geared Australian Shares Nil Entry Fee MMF1182AU Recommended ING Investment Savings Bond Optimix Global Emerging Markets Shares - Entry Fee MMF1183AU Recommended ING Investment Savings Bond Optimix Global Emerging Markets Shares - Nil Entry Fee MMF1184AU Recommended IOOF WealthBuilder Capital Guaranteed Fund IOF0311AU Recommended IOOF WealthBuilder Fixed Interest Fund IOF0008AU Highly Recommended IOOF WealthBuilder Australian Shares Fund IOF0017AU Highly Recommended IOOF WealthBuilder Smaller Companies Fund IOF0132AU Highly Recommended IOOF WealthBuilder Global Property Securities Fund IOF0130AU Investment Grade IOOF WealthBuilder Australian Shares Fund – MulitiMix IOF0133AU Recommended IOOF WealthBuilder International Shares Fund – MulitiMix IOF0135AU Recommended Centuria Life Limited - Capital Guaranteed Bond OVS0004AU Investment Grade Centuria Life Limited – Income Accumulation Bond OVS0311AU Investment Grade Centuria Life Limited – Balanced Bond OVS0011AU Investment Grade Centuria Life Limited – Growth Bond OVS0006AU Investment Grade Centuria Life Limited – High Growth Bond OVS0012AU Investment Grade Centuria Life Limited – Australian Shares Bond OVS0010AU Investment Grade *Ratings are derived from the Lonsec rating of the relevant underlying managed fund and are subject to change. Subscribers are encouraged to check underlying fund ratings on the Lonsec website. Lonsec Limited ABN 56 061 751 102 • AFSL No. 246842 • Market participant of ASX Group and Lonsec Research Pty Ltd ABN 11 151 658 561 who is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Lonsec Limited (together referred to as “Lonsec”) This information must be read in conjunction with the Warning, Disclaimer, and Disclosure at the end of this document 7 Investment Bonds Update Analyst Disclosure & Certification Analyst remuneration is not linked to the rating outcome. The Analyst(s) may hold the products(s) referred to in this document, but Lonsec considers such holdings not to be sufficiently material to compromise the rating or advice. Analyst(s) holdings may change during the life of this document. The Analyst(s) certify that the views expressed in this document accurately reflect their personal, professional opinion about the financial product(s) to which this document refers. Date Prepared: July 2012 Analyst: Deanne Fuller Release Authorised by: Michael Elsworth IMPORTANT NOTICE: This document is published by Lonsec Limited ABN 56 061 751 102 AFSL No. 246842 (Market participant of ASX Group) and by Lonsec Research Pty Ltd ABN 11 151 658 561 who is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Lonsec Limited (together referred to as “Lonsec”). Please read the following before making any investment decision about any financial product mentioned in this document. Warnings: Lonsec reserves the right to withdraw this document at any time and assumes no obligation to update this document after the date of publication. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Any express or implied recommendation, rating, or advice presented in this document is a “class service” (as defined in the Financial Advisers Act 2008 (NZ)) or limited to “general advice” (as defined in the Corporations Act (C'wlth)) and based solely on consideration of data or the investment merits of the financial product(s) alone, without taking into account the investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs (”financial circumstances‟) of any particular person. Warnings and Disclosure in relation to particular products: If our general advice relates to the acquisition or possible acquisition of particular classes of assets or financial product(s), before making any decision the reader should obtain and consider more information, including the Investment Statement or Product Disclosure Statement and, where relevant, refer to Lonsec’s full research report for each product, including the disclosure notice. The reader must also consider whether it is personally appropriate in light of his or her financial circumstances or should seek further advice on its appropriateness. It is not a “personalised service” (as defined in the Financial Advisers Act 2008 (NZ)) and does not constitute a recommendation to purchase, hold, redeem or sell any product(s), and the reader should seek independent financial advice before investing in any product. Lonsec may receive a fee from Fund Manager or Product Issuer (s) for reviewing and rating individual product(s), using comprehensive and objective criteria. Lonsec may also receive fees from the Fund Manager or Product Issuer (s) for subscribing to research content and services provided by Lonsec. Disclaimer: This document is for the exclusive use of the person to whom it is provided by Lonsec and must not be used or relied upon by any other person. No representation, warranty or undertaking is given or made in relation to the accuracy or completeness of the information presented in this document, which is drawn from public information not verified by Lonsec. Conclusions, ratings and advice are reasonably held at the time of completion but subject to change without notice. Lonsec assumes no obligation to update this document following publication. Except for any liability which cannot be excluded, Lonsec, its directors, employees and agents disclaim all liability for any error or inaccuracy in, or omission from, this document or any loss or damage suffered by the reader or any other person as a consequence of relying upon it. Lonsec Limited ABN 56 061 751 102 • AFSL No. 246842 • Market participant of ASX Group and Lonsec Research Pty Ltd ABN 11 151 658 561 who is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Lonsec Limited (together referred to as “Lonsec”) This information must be read in conjunction with the Warning, Disclaimer, and Disclosure at the end of this document 8
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