Unit 1/3 Ramsay Street, Garbutt QLD 4814 | PO Box 1548, Townsville QLD 4810 T. +61 7 4728 9866 F. +61 7 4728 9899 W. www.worksafeconnect.com E. [email protected] GIQ COAL SURFACE GENERIC INDUCTION (GIQ) What is the GIQ Coal Induction? GIQ Coal is the new Generic Induction (GI) course for anyone working in Queensland in the coal mining industry. GIQ Coal replaces the previous GI course and is in accordance with Recognised Standard 11 for training in coal mines, as set by the Queensland Mining Safety Inspectorate, for meeting health and safety obligations in the coal mining industry in Queensland. GIQ Coal provides a centralised, quality‐assured and standardised training program giving mine‐sites peace of mind that each mine worker has some basic underpinning skill and knowledge in how to work safely in heavy industry. Once the program is completed, workers are able to move between sites and have a large portion of their induction training recognised without compromising the site’s legislative requirements. What has changed since the last GI Program? The old GI induction encompassed two (2) units of competency out of the RII20209 Certificate II in Surface Extraction Operations. The new GIQ Coal induction encompasses six (6) units of competency under the same qualification. The most significant change is the requirement for entrants to demonstrate they have relevant industry experience before being enrolled into the GIQ Coal induction program. Who is GIQ Coal targeted at? The GIQ Coal course is designed for short‐term contractors who have current industry experience relevant to their role. Individuals who do not have current industry experience have the option of participating in the program to prepare for entry‐level positions in the resources industry but may not be immediately eligible for a GIQ Passport. People that hold a current GI Coal Core Passport and who have been working in the industry will be required to ‘bridge over’ to the new GIQ Coal passport and obtain the additional four (4) units of competency when your respective mine site you work at nominates as such. Note, that this request may be before the 2 year expiry date of your current GI Passport. New entrants to the industry will need to supply evidence that they have relevant industry experience to their intended role before being permitted to enrol in the new GI Coal induction program. New entrants with no background or no suitable background experience shall need to take on a pre‐employment learning and assessment pathway to prepare themselves for entry level positions in the resources industry. Unit 1/3 Ramsay Street, Garbutt QLD 4814 | PO Box 1548, Townsville QLD 4810 T. +61 7 4728 9866 F. +61 7 4728 9899 W. www.worksafeconnect.com E. [email protected] What are the Course Prerequisites?......What is ‘Relevant Industry’ Experience? Enrolment in the Full 3 Day GIQ Coal Surface Induction Program To apply for enrolment into the full 3 day GIQ Coal Surface Induction applicants must provide the following MANDATORY information: 1. Evidence that they have relevant industry experience to their intended role. To view the criteria that we accept for relevant heavy industry experience please refer to Appendix A. 2. Driver’s Licence 3. A current resume to support claim of relevant heavy industry experience 4. A completed statutory declaration (refer to Appendix B for an example template or download an online template off of our website www.worksafeconnect.com Supplementary evidence that may also assist the applicant in proving their relevant heavy industry experience includes: Blue or White card construction induction evidence or high risk work or earthmoving licenses. Enrolment in the 2 Day GIQ Coal Surface Bridging Induction Program To apply for enrolment into the 2 day GIQ Coal Surface Bridging Induction applicants must provide the following MANDATORY information: 1. Letter from an Employer validating the applicant’s industry experience OR provide the details of a referee. 2. Driver’s Licence 3. GI Coal Passport (current or expired within the last 3 months) 4. Original or certified copy of Statements of Attainment for RIIRIS201A Conduct local risk control and RIIERR205A Apply initial response first aid What do I get issued on successful completion of the GIQ Coal course? If you are successful in demonstrating competency during the GIQ Coal Induction program you will be issued the following: Statement of Completion in Generic Induction GIQ Coal Core An interim GIQ Coal Passport Statement of Attainment for the following six (6) units of competency out of the RII20209 Certificate II in Surface Extraction Operations: - RIIOHS201A Work safely and follow OHS policies and procedures - RIIRIS201A Conduct local risk control - RIIERR205A Apply initial response first aid - RIIGOV201A Comply with site work processes / procedures - RIICOM201A Communicate in the workplace - RIIERR302A Respond to local emergencies and incidents Unit 1/3 Ramsay Street, Garbutt QLD 4814 | PO Box 1548, Townsville QLD 4810 T. +61 7 4728 9866 F. +61 7 4728 9899 W. www.worksafeconnect.com E. [email protected] Please note: In order to receive your Statements of Attainment and the GIQ Coal Passport, you must have supplied evidence of your relevant heavy industry experience prior to commencing the course. If you have not supplied this information and you attend the course you will only receive the Statement of Completion in Generic Induction GIQ Coal Core upon successful completion of the course. You may apply for your Statements of Attainment and GIQ Passport once you provide us with the required evidence. What if I do NOT demonstrate competency in the GIQ Coal Induction Program? There will be two reasons why a student is deemed ‘Not Competent’. 1. The student is successful in completing the knowledge and skill components of the units of competency during the GIQ Coal Surface Induction program but does not demonstrate that they have adequate relevant industry practical experience and will need to demonstrate the application of the respective unit of competency in the workplace environment. Example 1.: A new (green) entrant to the coal mining and heavy industry. This person can complete the GIQ Coal Surface Induction program but will need to gather post‐course evidence over a period of 6‐8 weeks and submit to WorkSafe Connect. Once the evidence is submitted the person will be issued with their Statements of Attainment and their GIQ Passport. 2. The student is unsuccessful in completing the knowledge components and/or skill components of the respective unit/s of competency, irrespective of whether the person has relevant industry experience or not. Example 2.: A person demonstrates prior to enrolment that they have relevant industry experience. This person fails to demonstrate competency in the knowledge assessment. This person will need to resit the course delivery and will be required to be reassessed at a later date. There may also be a requirement for this person to gather post‐course evidence to demonstrate their application of the units of competency within industry. Once the person has successfully completed the knowledge assessment and has submitted the post‐course evidence (if required) they will be issued with their Statements of Attainment and their GIQ Passport. NOTE: If you do not demonstrate competency in a particular unit or in multiple units of competency you will not receive a Statements of Attainment for the respective unit/s of competency. Also, you will not receive a GIQ Passport. You will receive a Statement of Completion in Generic Induction GIQ Coal Core and a letter outlining the course of action that must be taken to obtain the relevant unit/s of competency and the GIQ Passport. What if I have acquired the required units of competency from other training programs? If you have acquired the six (6) units of competency required for the issuing of a GIQ passport from other training programs you can apply for a GIQ passport. You will need to make a passport application to WorkSafe Connect. (Refer to our website to download the application form). You will need to provide evidence of heavy industry experience and you will be required to sit a ‘GI Challenge Test’. The evidence required to support your application is listed in Appendix C. Unit 1/3 Ramsay Street, Garbutt QLD 4814 | PO Box 1548, Townsville QLD 4810 T. +61 7 4728 9866 F. +61 7 4728 9899 W. www.worksafeconnect.com E. [email protected] Who regulates the delivery of the GIQ Coal Induction? GIQ Coal, is a program owned and managed by the Mining Industry Skills Centre Inc. WorkSafe Connect is licensed by the MI Skills Centre to deliver the program ‐www.miskillscentre.com.au. When will I be issued my original GI Passport? On successful completion of the course students are issued with an interim GI Passport as per below. Within 4 weeks of being issued the interim GI passport you will be issued with an original GI Passport. The passport is valid for a period of two (2) years from the date of successfully completing the course. An example is shown below. GIQ Coal Surface Induction Program Outline The objective of this course is to introduce students to the following components of the mining industry: General Mining Overview Legislation General Safety Managing Workplace Hazards Risk Management Isolation and Tagging Procedures Traffic and Mobile Equipment Procedures Emergency Procedures Life Saving First Aid Fire Fighting & Fire Prevention The Environment The Work Process Unit 1/3 Ramsay Street, Garbutt QLD 4814 | PO Box 1548, Townsville QLD 4810 T. +61 7 4728 9866 F. +61 7 4728 9899 W. www.worksafeconnect.com E. [email protected] To assist in meeting the requirements of the Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF) and to ensure we meet the critical aspects for assessment and evidence to demonstrate competency for the six (6) units of competency encompassed with the GIQ Coal Surface Induction program the current course utilizes the simulation training tool, Project Canary. Project Canary is an industry first serious games‐based simulation training tool developed by the Mining Industry Skills Centre in collaboration with simulation experts, QinetiQ. The tool places individuals in a virtual world where they are confronted with current workplace scenarios from coal and metalliferous surface mining, as well as underground coal mining. Project Canary uses best practice adult learning methodologies to ensure individual users can assess their safety knowledge and learn how to better apply it to solve problems and face challenges working in our resources industry. GIQ Coal Surface Bridging Induction A two (2) day surface bridging course is available to allow those with a current Coal Generic Induction (or one that has expired within the last 3 months) passports to make the transition to Standard 11 requirements. The GIQ Coal Surface Bridging course involves completing day 2 and 3 of the GIQ Coal Surface Induction Program. Successful completion of the bridging course will provide students with statements of attainment for the units of competency: RIIOHS201A Work safely and follow OHS policies and procedures RIIGOV201A Comply with site work processes / procedures RIICOM201A Communicate in the workplace RIIERR302A Respond to local emergencies and incidents GIQ Coal Surface Generic Induction Public Course Prices 3 day Full course including GIQ Passport and Statements of Attainment‐ $775.00 2 day Bridging course including GIQ Passport and Statements of Attainment ‐ $550.00 Application for GIQ Coal Passport (if already hold 6 units of competency) + GI Challenge Test ‐ $385.00 Forms to be completed to enroll into the 3 day GIQ Coal Surface Induction Use the flowchart in Appendix D to ensure you have completed all of the required forms and attached all of the relevant evidence for enrolling into the course. Forms to be completed to enroll into the 2 day GIQ Coal Surface Bridging Induction Use the flowchart in Appendix D to ensure you have completed all of the required forms and attached all of the relevant evidence for enrolling into the course. Cancellation and Refund Policy Our refund policy can be viewed on our website www.worksafeconnect.com or if you prefer, contact our office by calling 07 4728 9866 or email [email protected] and we can forward you a copy. Unit 1/3 Ramsay Street, Garbutt QLD 4814 | PO Box 1548, Townsville QLD 4810 T. +61 7 4728 9866 F. +61 7 4728 9899 W. www.worksafeconnect.com E. [email protected] APPENDIX A – RELEVANT INDUSTRY EXPERIENCE RESOURCE INDUSTRY Drilling Oil & Gas >onshore/offshore Open Cut Underground Metalliferous Quarry Coal Petrochemical Refineries Exploration CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY CIVIL CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY High Rise Commercial Rigging Scaffolding Earthmoving Crane Operators Bridge Work Demolition Bridge Work Council Dams/Explosives Road Works Chemical Plant Operators FABRICATION / MECHANICAL INDUSTRY DEFENCE FORCE INDUSTRY Diesel Fitter Electrician Boiler Maker Fitter & Turner Heavy Fabrication Road Works Engineers Transport RAEME Armoured Corp Unit 1/3 Ramsay Street, Garbutt QLD 4814 | PO Box 1548, Townsville QLD 4810 T. +61 7 4728 9866 F. +61 7 4728 9899 W. www.worksafeconnect.com E. [email protected] APPENDIX B – EXAMPLE STATUTORY DECLARATION STATUTORY DECLARATION Oaths Act 1867 Queensland To wit I, [insert full name], of [insert address], in the State of Queensland do solemnly and sincerely declare that [insert matters to be declared]. And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true, and by virtue of the provisions of the Oaths Act 1867. Taken and declared before me at [insert name of town or city and suburb where affidavit signed] this [insert date] day of [insert month] 20[insert year], before me. Justice of the Peace/Commissioner for Declarations Unit 1/3 Ramsay Street, Garbutt QLD 4814 | PO Box 1548, Townsville QLD 4810 T. +61 7 4728 9866 F. +61 7 4728 9899 W. www.worksafeconnect.com E. [email protected] APPENDIX C – EVIDENCE CRITERIA FOR GIQ PASSPORT APPLICATION The applicant must provide current evidence of heavy industry experience. To support their application the applicant will need to provide the following evidence: Category A Category B (Please provide ONE (1) of these) (Please provide ALL of these) Reference Statutory Declaration Letter from Employer Resume Certified Copies of Statements of Attainment Unit 1/3 Ramsay Street, Garbutt QLD 4814 | PO Box 1548, Townsville QLD 4810 T. +61 7 4728 9866 F. +61 7 4728 9899 W. www.worksafeconnect.com E. [email protected] APPENDIX D -FLOWCHART FOR ENROLLING INTO THE GIQ COAL SURFACE INDUCTION PROGRAM WANTING TO ENROL INTO GIQ COAL SURFACE INDUCTION WANTING TO ENROL INTO GIQ COAL SURFACE BRIDGING INDUCTION Complete the WorkSafe Connect Enrolment Form (Appendix E) Complete the WorkSafe Connect Enrolment Form (Appendix E) Complete the WorkSafe Connect Supplementary Enrolment Form (Appendix F) Attach a scan or photocopy of your drivers licence Attach a copy of your resume Attach a completed Statutory Declaration (Appendix B) Attach supplementary evidence Provide course payment Complete the WorkSafe Connect Supplementary Enrolment Form (Appendix F) Attach a scan or photocopy of your drivers licence Attach an Employer Letter supporting your heavy industry experience Attach a copy of your Coal GI Passport Attach a copy of your Statements of Attainment for RIIRIS201A and RIIERR205 A Provide course payment Unit 1/3 Ramsay Street, Garbutt QLD 4814 | PO Box 1548, Townsville QLD 4810 T. +61 7 4728 9866 F. +61 7 4728 9899 W. www.worksafeconnect.com E. [email protected] APPENDIX E - COURSE ENROLMENT FORM Please return to Fax: 07 4728 9899 or E‐mail: [email protected]. Course Title: Date of Course: / / $ Course Cost: PLEASE PRINT INDIVIDUAL BOOKING Student Name: Drivers Licence Number: Postal Address: Email: Expiry Date: Suburb: Mobile: Postcode: Telephone: Declaration: I agree to the terms, conditions & information attached to this form in relation to my course enrolment and attendance. Signature: COMPANY BOOKING Company Name: Postal Address: Email: Date: / / Contact Name: Suburb: Mobile: Postcode: Telephone: Declaration: I am authorised to make this booking on behalf of the company stated above. I am responsible for ensuring the person/s being enrolled are aware of all the terms and conditions of their enrolment and attendance to the course. The company, I and the student/s agree to the terms, conditions & information attached to this form in relation to payments, cancellations, confirmations, transfers, admin fees and privacy. Signature: Date: Student Name / / Date of Birth / / / / / / Mobile Number Total Cost $ $ $ $ All fees must be paid at time of booking to confirm enrolment Amount: $ Payment Type: Credit Card OR Direct Deposit Card Type: VISA Card No: Name: Signature: Master Card Expiry: Security Code: Date: / / Direct Deposit Details: Bank: ANZ, Hermit Park BSB: 014592 A/C #: 479067505 A/C Name: Krause Safety & Training Pty Ltd PRIVACY DISCLAIMER: By undertaking this training, I consent to my personal information (i.e. full name, date of birth, passport number and endorsement expiry dates) being made available to third party organisations including the Mining Industry Skills Centre, other Registered Training Organisations licensed to train in Generic Induction, mine sites, mine site contractors, Queensland Government departments (e.g. DETA) and statutory authorities as required by law. Office Use Only ‐ Please Initial Entered into Corskill Database Entered into Course Attendee List Invoice/Receipt No. Unit 1/3 Ramsay Street, Garbutt QLD 4814 | PO Box 1548, Townsville QLD 4810 T. +61 7 4728 9866 F. +61 7 4728 9899 W. www.worksafeconnect.com E. [email protected] Appendix F - GIQ Coal Surface Supplementary Enrolment Form Student Name: D.O.B.: What is your occupation in the Coal Industry? Please indicate by ticking each industry that you have been employed in. Mining Refineries Quarries Exploration Drilling Oil/gas Construction Manufacturing Fabrication Otherrelevantheavyindustry: How many years experience have you had, in total, in the above heavy industries? 0‐2years 2‐5years 5‐10years 10+years Which of the following systems/ processes / practices have you been exposed to within your employment in the above industries? (This could have been through previous training or on‐the‐job exposure) Hazard identification Workplace inspection Risk assessment Use of personal protective equipment Legislation Permits to work Safe work procedures Manual handling Communication equipment Working as a team Emergency procedures Hazardous substances Signaling (eg. Hand signals, horns) Firefighting equipment Isolation Completing company documentation Danger / Out of Service tags First aid / CPR Hazard / Incident reporting Student Declaration I hereby declare that the above information is a true and accurate account of my employment history. Name: Signature: Date: Self Employed / Employer Assessment Based on the student’s employment history and the above information provided, I/we believe, as the student’s employer that the above student is: Suitablefordirectentryintothe3dayGIQCoalSurfacecourse NotSuitablefordirectentryintothe3dayGIQCoalSurfacecourseandrequirestoundertakepreor postcourselearningandassessment Self Employed/Employer Signature: Representative: Position: Date: PLEASE COMPLETE PAGE 2 Unit 1/3 Ramsay Street, Garbutt QLD 4814 | PO Box 1548, Townsville QLD 4810 T. +61 7 4728 9866 F. +61 7 4728 9899 W. www.worksafeconnect.com E. [email protected] Student is Suitable for Direct Entry into the GIQ Coal Surface Course PLEASE TICK THE FOLLOWING EVIDENCE THAT YOU HAVE ATTACHED TO YOUR APPLICATION Where the student has been identified as suitable for direct entry into the GIQ Coal Surface course the following documentation shall be submitted: Documentation Mandatory Provided 1. GIQCoalEnrolmentForm Yes 2. GIQCoalSupplementaryEnrolmentForm Yes 3. CopyofDriversLicense Yes 4. CopyofResume Yes 5. CompletedStatutoryDeclaration Yes 6. SupplementaryEvidenceeg.WhiteCard No 7. Coursepayment Yes Student is Not Suitable for Direct Entry into the GIQ Coal Surface Course and Requires to Undertake Pre or Post Course Learning and Assessment PLEASE SELECT THE LEARNING AND ASSESSMENT PATHWAY Where the student has been identified as not being suitable for direct entry into the GIQ Coal Surface course please indicate which learning and assessment pathway has been selected for the student. Learning and Assessment Pathway Selection 1. ‘Pre‐CourseGIQCoalInexperiencedWorkerEvidencePack’tobe completedpriortocompletingtheGIQCoalSurfacecourse, 2. ‘Post‐courseGIQCoalInexperiencedWorkerEvidencePack’tobe completedaftercompletingtheGIQCoalSurfacecourse. Once you have indicated the appropriate learning and assessment pathway we will provide you with the appropriate Student Pack and provide guidance on the process to be followed.
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