DNV-RP-C205 – what is new? Analysis of wave-in-deck loads Konstruksjonsseminar, Petroleumstilsynet Arne Nestegård, Det Norske Veritas 27.08.2008 DNV Offshore Codes: 3-level document hierarchy n Offshore Service Specifications (OSS): – n Principles and procedures for DNV offshore verification, classification, qualification and asset operation services Offshore Standards (OS): - Technical provisions and acceptance criteria for general use by the offshore industry as well as the technical basis for DNV offshore services. n Recommended Practices (RP): - Proven technology and sound engineering practice as well as guidance for the higher level Offshore Service Specifications and Offshore Standards. Version 02 September 2008 Slide 2 Offshore Standard vs. Recommended Practice n Offshore Standard (OS) - A DNV offshore standard is a document which presents the principles and technical requirements for design of offshore structures. The standard is offered as DNV’s interpretation of engineering practice for general use by the offshore industry for achieving safe structures. n Recommended Practice (RP) - The recommended practice publications cover proven technology and solutions, which have been found by DNV to represent good practice, and which represent one alternative for satisfying the requirements stipulated in the DNV offshore standards or other codes and standards cited by DNV. Version 02 September 2008 Slide 3 Structure of OS’s and RP’s u u u u u u u u u Version A: Quality and Safety Methodology B: Materials Technology C: Structures D: Systems E: Special Facilities F: Pipelines and Risers G: Asset Operation H: Marine Operation J: Wind Turbines 02 September 2008 ABC DE FGH J Slide 4 RP-C205 Environmental Conditions and Environmental Loads Background: n RP-C205 is an updated and enhanced version of DNV Classification Notes 30.5 Environmental conditions and Environmental loads. n CN 30.5 provides key information on main issues related to environmental loads on ships and offshore structures. - description on wave, wind and current conditions - methods for load prediction on various types of structures n CN30.5 has been widely used in the industry for design of offshore structures n The document has also been widely used by DNV in verification and advisory services and it serves as a basic reference for several other DNV rules, standards and recommended practices (RP). Version 02 September 2008 Slide 5 Developed in Joint Industry Project 2005-06 Objectives: n Establish a Recommended Practice for assessment of environmental conditions and environmental loads on marine structures n Establish a common basis for DNV’s offshore standards with respect to assessment of load effects Participants: n Hydro, Statoil, BP, DNV (funding) n Aker Kværner, Moss Maritime, PGS, PSA (observers) Version 02 September 2008 Slide 6 Contents of DNV RP-C205 1. Introduction 2. Wind conditions 3. Wave conditions 4. Current and tide conditions 5. Wind loads 6. Wave and current induced loads on slender structures 7. Wave and current induced loads on large volume structures 8. Airgap, wave-in-deck loads and wave slamming 9. Vortex induced oscillations 10. Hydrodynamic model testing Appendices: Scatter diagrams, added mass and drag coefficients Version 02 September 2008 Slide 7 Wind conditions n Definition of wind parameters n Wind data and wind speed statistics n Wind modelling - Mean wind speed and standard deviation - Long term probability distributions - Wind speed profiles (logarithmic, power law, Frøya) n Wind turbulence n Wind spectra (offshore / over land) – limitations/recommendation for use n Wind speed process and wind speed field (coherence spectra) n Wind profiles and atmospheric stability n Transient wind conditions (gusts & squalls) Version 02 September 2008 Slide 8 Wave conditions n Wave theories and wave kinematics n Short term wave conditions n Long term wave statisitics n Extreme value predictions Version η2 η1 (+ ) ∆η 2 ∆η 2(− ) ∆η 2 02 September 2008 Slide 9 Contents of DNV RP-C205 1. Introduction 2. Wind conditions 3. Wave conditions 4. Current and tide conditions 5. Wind loads 6. Wave and current induced loads on slender structures 7. Wave and current induced loads on large volume structures 8. Airgap, wave-in-deck loads and wave slamming 9. Vortex induced oscillations 10. Hydrodynamic model testing Appendices: Scatter diagrams, added mass and drag coefficients Version 02 September 2008 Slide 10 Wave and current induced loads on slender structures n Morison’s equation - Combined current and waves - Fixed and moving structures - Normal and axial forces n Governing parameters - n Diffraction parameter D/λ Reynolds number Re=DU/ν Roughness ∆ = k/D KC number KC=UMT/D Current flow velocity ratio α = Uc Uc + Uw Mass and drag coefficients – dependency on - Version Cross sectional shape Parameters (KC, Re, ..) Shielding/wake effects Wall interaction effects and effect of free surface 02 September 2008 Slide 11 Wave loads on large volume structures n Frequency domain analysis n Time domain analysis n Forward speed effects n Numerical methods (panel methods) n Hydrostatic and inertia loads n Wave frequency loads - Version n Mean and slowly varying loads Random wave loads - Difference frequency QTFs Equivalent linearization - Mean drift force Panel mesh requirements - Viscous effect on drift forces Irregular frequencies - Damping of low frequency motions Multi-body hydrodynamic interactions - Viscous hull damping Generalized body modes Shallow water and restricted areas n High frequency loads Moonpool effects - Sum-frequency wave loads (springing) Fluid sloshing in tanks - Higher order wave loads (ringing) 02 September 2008 Slide 12 Contents of DNV RP-C205 1. Introduction 2. Wind conditions 3. Wave conditions 4. Current and tide conditions 5. Wind loads 6. Wave and current induced loads on slender structures 7. Wave and current induced loads on large volume structures 8. Airgap, wave-in-deck loads and wave slamming 9. Vortex induced oscillations 10. Hydrodynamic model testing Appendices: Scatter diagrams, added mass and drag coefficients Version 02 September 2008 Slide 13 Wave in deck - background n ~1972 – designed according to API: Safety margin: 1.5m airgap for 100 yr wave n ~1985 – subsidence detected n ~1993 – Kaplan’s simplified wave-in-deck formulaes n 2005 – Renewed attention to wave-indeck loads. Lifetime extension of exisiting jackets. n à Computational Fluid Dynamics for wave-in-deck calculations Version 02 September 2008 Slide 14 Wave-in-deck and jacket loads Wave-in-deck load 10000 y 1000 y 100 y 22o N SWL Jacket wave load Version 02 September 2008 Slide 15 Present jacket load analysis methodology Loads on jacket: § According to Norsok (API/ISO) § Stokes 5th order (Hmax , THmax ) § VRF = 0.95 for North Sea conditions § Morison’s equation with CD = 0.65 (smooth), 1.05 (rough) (+ marine growth) § Loads from disturbed kinematics beneath the deck (jet effect) Loads on deck: § Stokes 5th order (Hmax , THmax ) § u(z) distribution shifted upwards (adjust water depth) so that Creststokes = Crest max § No velocity reduction, VRF = 1.0. § Long-crested waves d(η,u)/dy = 0 § CFD (VOF) wave-in-deck analysis with inflow Stokes wave Version 02 September 2008 Slide 16 5th order Stokes wave Wave period, T 120 100 Wave height, H 80 60 Crest Water depth 40 20 0 0 Version 50 100 150 200 250 02 September 2008 300 350 400 450 Slide 17 Computational Fluid Dynamics – ComFLOW Deck structure Inflow boundary, Stokes 5th wave Fluid domain Courtesy of Jørn Birknes, DNV Benedicte Brodtkorb, DNV Version 02 September 2008 Slide 18 Modelling of deck geometry NP wave NWP wave Version 02 September 2008 Slide 19 Fluid domain – 3D view Incoming wave Version 02 September 2008 Slide 20 Wave in deck – Fluid grid Wave from NP Detailed fluid grid close to structure, ~0.5 x 0.5 x 0.5m Wave from NWP Version 02 September 2008 Slide 21 Global wave-in-deck loads (1) Direction: 110 100 Fx-Deck 90 Fz-Deck Deck force [MN] . 80 Fz 70 60 50 40 30 20 Fx 10 0 -102.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 -20 -30 -40 -50 Time (sec) Version 02 September 2008 Slide 22 Global wave-in-deck loads (2) max F z deck min F z deck max F x deck Direction: 110 225, PL NW 1000yr DNV ( H = 29.31m) 100 Fx-Deck 90 Fz-Deck Deck force [MN] . 80 Fz 70 60 50 40 30 20 Fx 10 0 -102.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 -20 -30 -40 -50 Time (sec) Version 02 September 2008 Slide 23 Deck vs jacket loads n Wetted deck area varies with time n Time correlation with jacket load Direction: 110 Fx-Deck 100 Fz-Deck 90 Jacket Horisontal loading . 70 Wave load (MN) 80 60 Jacket vertical loading 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -20 -30 -40 -50 Version 02 September 2008 Time (sec) Slide 24 1) Simplified API method (solid decks) 1 Fh = ρ Cd A v 2 2 u Cd = Version 2.5 for end -on and broadside waves 1.9 for diagonal (θ w = 45 o ) waves 02 September 2008 Slide 25 2) Fh – head-on waves n Deck structures - Box-shaped, 30 m x 50 m - 6 other configurations 15 to 20 analyses n Normalized horizontal force curves versus the API method 3.5 deck girders 3 2 x-max - Varying wave inundation - Rp: 100 year to 10 000 year - Horizontal top of crest velocity: 7 m/s to 12 m/s - Fluid mesh: Horizontal ~0.3 m to ~0.5 m Vertical ~0.2 m to ~0.5 m Fx / 0.5 ρ A v force [-] Normalized (-) n Cd API = 2.5 2.5 2 Boxshaped deck 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 time [s] Version 02 September 2008 Time (s) Slide 26 2) Fh – head-on waves – selected deck 6 4m 7.6m/s fx 101_11b_non_dim Multiple under-deck 2.3m 7.8m/s fx 2101_8p5m_1_non_dim API Head-On girders Fx / 0.5 rho A vx_max2 [-] . 5 4 3 Cd API = 2.5 2 30 m by 50 m smooth deck 1 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 time (s) Time (s) Version 02 September 2008 Slide 27 2) Fh – oblique waves n Normalized horizontal force curves versus the API method, 2 45° oblique waves 1.8 Cd API = 1.9 Boxshaped deck 1.4 1.2 2 Fx / 0.5 [-] ρA v x-max Normalized force (-) 1.6 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 time [s] Time (s) Version 02 September 2008 Slide 28 3) Simplified vertical force – DNV-RP-C205 (1) Deck structure, elevation view Wave propagation vz bos Undisturbed surface elevation • 1 2 Fv = ρ Cv A v z bos 2 Wetted deck area at the time of maximum impact force 5 Cv = 10 Version for head-on and broadside waves for 45o oblique waves. 02 September 2008 Slide 29 3) Simplified vertical force – DNV-RP-C205 (2) n Definition of wetted length for maximum vertical impact force Wave crest Deck – elevation view vz bos Lp Version Undisturbed surface elevation • 02 September 2008 Slide 30 3) Simplified vertical force – DNV-RP-C205 (3) Deck breadth = B 0° head-on wave Wetted length = Lp Deck structure, elevation view vz bos Pr oj ec te Top view d W et te d le ng th = L p Lp Top view de ck br ea dt h = B p 45° oblique wave Version 02 September 2008 Slide 31 3) Fv – head-on waves n Normalized vertical force curves versus DNV-RP-C205, 0° head-on waves 6 CV DNV= 5 Boxshaped deck 4 2 z-bos Fz / 0.5ρ A force v [-] Normalized (-) 5 3 2 1 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Time (s) time [s] Version 02 September 2008 Slide 32 3) Fv – head-on waves – selected deck 8 4m 3.9m/s fz 101_11b_non_dim 2.3m 3.4m/s fz 2101_8p5m_1_non_dim Under-deck girders of varying size Fz / 0.5 rho A vz bos2 [-] . 7 6 Cv DNV = 5 5 4 3 2 1 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 time (s) Version 02 September 2008 Slide 33 3) Fv – oblique waves n Normalized vertical force curves versus DNV-RP-C205, 45° oblique waves 12 10 2 Fz / 0.5 ρA v [-] Normalized force (-) z-bos Cv DNV = 10 Boxshaped deck 8 6 4 2 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 time [s] Time (s) Version 02 September 2008 Slide 34 Increased jacket substructure loads due to disturbed wave kinematics Free kinematics DECK Disturbed kinematics In Marintek’s Wave Impact JIP PIV measurements of fluid velocities will be performed. Version 02 September 2008 Slide 35 Wave kinematics models Horizontal velocity of design wave 100 y 10000 y Stokes 5th VRF = 1 VRF= 0.94 Stokes 5th VRF = 1 VRF= 0.94 Version 02 September 2008 Slide 36 Comparison of CFD models Comflow By University of Groningen Comet by CD-Adapco Wave-in-deck loads on regular box with and without girders. Courtesy of Oleg Gaidai, DNV Version 02 September 2008 Slide 37 Wave in box without girders Horizontal load Vertical load Red line – COMFLOW, blue line – COMET Version 02 September 2008 Slide 38 Wave in box with girders Horizontal load Vertical load Red line – COMFLOW, blue line – COMET Version 02 September 2008 Slide 39 Contents of DNV RP-C205 1. Introduction 2. Wind conditions 3. Wave conditions 4. Current and tide conditions 5. Wind loads 6. Wave and current induced loads on slender structures 7. Wave and current induced loads on large volume structures 8. Airgap, wave-in-deck loads and wave slamming 9. Vortex induced oscillations 10. Hydrodynamic model testing Appendices: Scatter diagrams, added mass and drag coefficients Version 02 September 2008 Slide 40 Vortex induced oscillations n Introduction to Vortex induced oscillations - Vortex shedding frequency, reduced velocity, lock-in, damping, etc. Cross Flow and In-Line response n Implications of VIV n Principles for prediction of VIV - Force models, response models, flow models (CFD), model tests Assumptions and limitations n Vortex induced hull motions n Wind induced vortex shedding n Current induced vortex shedding n Vortex induced oscillations in waves Version 02 September 2008 Slide 41 Hydrodynamic model testing n When is model testing recommended - n Hydrodynamic load characteristics Global system concept and design verification Individual structure component testing Marine operations, demonstration of functionality Validation of nonlinear numerical models Extreme loads and response Unknown or unexpected phenomena Courtesy of Marintek Test methods and procedures - Modelling and calibration of environment (waves, wind and current) - Restrictions and simplifications in physical model n - Calibration of physical model set-up - Measurement of physical parameters and phenomena - Nonlinear extreme loads and response - Data acquisition, analysis and interpretation - Flow measurements - Accuracy level; repeatability - Photo and video Version 02 September 2008 Scaling effects - Froude scaling Reynolds number scaling Choice of scale Scaling of slamming load measurements Slide 42 Thank you for your attention! Version 02 September 2008 Slide 43 Version 02 September 2008 Slide 44
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