What is CQRS? Information for GP practice staff

What is CQRS? Information for GP practice staff
The Calculating Quality Reporting Service (CQRS), together with the General Practice
Extraction Service (GPES) is replacing the Quality Management and Analysis System
(QMAS), the system currently used to calculate payments to GPs under the Quality &
Outcomes Framework (QOF).
What are the benefits for GP practices?
• Time savings for GP practices through the
automation of recording, checking and
submitting achievement for the quality
services, e.g. QOF and Directed Enhanced
Services (DES) that CQRS and GPES
supports. This replaces and streamlines existing manual processes.
• Allows the management of multiple quality
• As the service will be available for longer
periods of time, GP practices will be able to see from the start of participation in a quality service how they are performing and take corrective actions where appropriate.
CQRS only gets data from GPES where a GP
practice is participating in a Quality Service, for
example a QOF or a DES. GPES will only send
aggregate data.
There is no patient level data needed for
calculating achievement on CQRS. Like QMAS,
CQRS can only be accessed via N3. This is to
ensure that only NHS staff and organisations
can use the system. Can you access CQRS?
How does CQRS work?
Advanced User Administrators will be created
within NHS England – through its Area Teams.
They can create users and assign or cancel
roles in their own organisation and GP
CQRS obtains data for Quality Services from
general practice clinical systems using the
General Practice Extraction Service (GPES),
which is being developed by the Health and
Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC).
User Administrators identified to CQRS, by the
Area teams, will be created within the GP
practices by CQRS from June. These users can
create users and assign or cancel roles in their
own organisation.
Note: Users must be set up using *.nhs.net or
*.nhs.uk email addresses.
Both roles can modify existing user accounts,
lock and unlock user accounts and retire users.
A list of user role responsibilities can be found
at: http://systems.hscic.gov.uk/cqrs/users/userroles.pdf
Once a user has been set up in CQRS, an
automated email is then sent to their NHS email
address inviting them to complete their user
registration and create a password and set their
security questions.
You may have previously registered for the
CQRS Learning Management System, you
will still need to complete your registration on
GP practices who do not have a User
Administrator set up on CQRS should contact
their Area Team Primary Care Support Team.
Phase one DES timeline
1 April
Start of Learning Disabilities
DES and Alcohol DES and
1 July
Start of Rotavirus DES
2 July
QMAS shutdown – 8pm
GP practices need to have
declared achievement and
Area Teams approve
achievement for QOF13/14
31 July
1 August
Participate in Learning
Disabilities DES, complete
manual entry of data and
declare achievement
Approve achievement
for Learning Disabilities
Are you participating in DESs or other
services CQRS is supporting in 2013/14?
CQRS will support national services where
the data is readily available from GP practice
clinical systems, at this time it is expected to
support the QOF, Learning Disabilities Health
Check Scheme, Rotavirus (Routine Childhood
Immunisation) and Alcohol Risk Reduction
Scheme from early June.
Further details of services that will be supported
later in the year can be found on the CQRS golive website: http://systems.hscic.gov.uk/cqrs/
A GP practice is likely to be participating in
many Quality Services on CQRS. This is where
CQRS is very different to QMAS. To help
manage this, CQRS has for each organisation functionality called ‘Participation Management’.
NHS England, through its Area Teams, is
expected to offer the clinical services (DES) to
GP practices to participate in. The GP practice can decide to accept or reject
the offer. The Area Team will then need to
approve participation. This is the trigger for
data to be requested to be sent from GPES to
To support this, each GP practice will have to
sign up using the GPES participation model to
ensure data is provided to CQRS.
Participation Management does not replace
discussions between NHS England and GP
practices about the Quality Services they
participate in. These reflect the national
arrangements for calculating payments under
those services.
Note for QOF 2013/14 CQRS will automate
this process for the QOF, NHS England Area
Teams will not be required to offer the QOF and
GP practices will not be required to accept the
offer i.e. All GP practices will be assumed to be
participating in the QOF.
GP practices will also have to use the GPES
software to opt in to GPES extracts for both the
QOF and DESs. If GP practices do not opt in to
GPES extracts no data will be extracted.
How and when do I need to manually
input achievement data?
For some Quality Services there is an element
of achievement data that will need to be
manually entered e.g. data that cannot be
automatically extracted as the data is not
recorded in clinical systems or where data
previously submitted manually needs to be
When GPES cannot provide data from GP
clinical systems for a Quality Service then the
data will need to be entered manually by the GP
When does achievement data need to be
entered in 2013/14?
Data will start to be visible in CQRS for QOF
2013/14 from July with data supplied by GPES.
GP practices are not required to enter data for
QOF; with the exception of certain QOF
indicators that require manual entry. Users will
be able to view historic QOF data on CQRS
from early June 2013 for the years 2008/9 to
2011/12 (2012/13 data will be provided later).
Data will be unavailable from GPES for the first
payment calculation of the Learning Disabilities
Health Check scheme which starts from April
2013. GP practices will be required to manually
enter achievement data for the first payment to
be calculated.
GP practices are not required to manually enter
data for Alcohol Risk Reduction into CQRS as
this is an annual payment and GPES will be
able to back date the extracts for this data to
cover the period from 1 April 2013. Rotavirus
will start from 1 July 2013.
Business rules containing the Read Codes and
indicators for the DES and new immunisation
services have been published on the Primary
Care Commissioning (PCC) website: http://
Guidance is also available on NHS Employers:
For the Learning Disabilities DES, GP practices
are required to complete participation on CQRS
and manually enter data by 31st July 2013 for
achievement between 1 April and 30 June 2013
for the following indicators in CQRS:
LD0001 - GP practices must enter the number
of health checks given in the period 1 April 2013
to 30 June 2013 that reflects what they expect
to be paid.
LDMI001 – GP practices must set this figure to
zero if no data is available.
Please note for every quarter, regardless of
GPES automatic extractions, a GP practice
must submit the count of their agreed Learning
Disabilities Register (patients known to local
authorities). CQRS cannot make a payment
calculation without this.
How to declare achievement for QOF,
DES or other supported clinical service
After CQRS has calculated the GP practice’s
final achievement payment the practice needs
to approve the payment value and submit an
achievement declaration. The Area Team will
need to approve the payment value and initiate
the actual payment. Once GP practices have
submitted their data and the declaration and
approval process has been followed, then
payment for the service will be sent to the
payment agency for processing.
View progress through achievement
reporting throughout the year
CQRS allows GP practices and their area team
to view progress of achievement through the
year. The practice and the Area Team can also
download the achievement data at any time,
so that they can analyse the QOF or DES data
outside of CQRS. The reports can be used to
predict and identify achievement trends,
successes and areas for improvement.
Handy checklist to support GP practices
Steps to consider
I know where I can access training materials and job aids for CQRS.
I have declared achievement on all activities on QMAS prior to QMAS shutdown.
I can log on to CQRS and have completed my registration.
I can log on to GPES.
I know how I can set up other users on CQRS.
I have participated in Directed Enhanced Services as agreed with my local Area
I know how to manually enter achievement data.
I know how to opt into GPES extracts for QOF and Directed
Enhanced Services.
I know how to declare achievement for QOF and Directed Enhanced Services.
Further information and useful links
CQRS news and updates – http://www.hscic.gov.uk/cqrs
• CQRS Service Desk: 0800 440 2777 email: [email protected]
CQRS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – http://systems.hscic.gov.uk/cqrs/faqs
CQRS Training – https://training.cqrs.nhs.uk/home
o Tutorials and job aids - https://training.cqrs.nhs.uk/performance-support
o Training Materials - https://training.cqrs.nhs.uk/web/training/participant-guides
For more information on QMAS and QMAS shutdown - http://systems.hscic.gov.uk/qmas
GPES Training – http://www.hscic.gov.uk/gpestraining •
For more information on GPES – http://www.hscic.gov.uk/gpes
NHS Employers
o Vaccination and immunisation services: www.nhsemployers.org/PayAndContracts/GeneralMedicalServicesContract/vaccination_and_immunisation/Pages/VaccinationandImmunisation.aspx
o Enhanced services changes: http://www.nhsemployers.org/PayAndContracts/GeneralMedicalServicesContract/DirectedEnhancedServices/Pages/EnhancedServices201314.aspx
QOF and DES Business Rules - http://www.pcc-cic.org.uk/
• To find out about service management alerts and known CQRS issues http://nww.hscic.gov.uk/servicemanagement/status/subscribe