TECHNICAL PAPER BY PROF. VLADIMIR V. FISENKO JOINT POWER CONFERENCE - MINNEAPOLIS, OCT. 11, 1995 What is the basis of this device's operation? One can judge the dynamics of fluids by two fundamental propositions: the concepts of viscosity and compressibility. By these two characteristics, the dynamics of the flow is determined. Thus the task is to correctly consider the influence of viscosity and compressibility on the hydrodynamics of the flow. when the flow is moving with a speed near the sonic speed, the Mach number is the only determining criterion, and the Reynolds number can, in some cases, not be taken into consideration. That is, when we are dealing with gases. Why? Because the gas' speed is about 300 m/sec. (or 500 m/sec. for steam); these are speeds equal to the sonic speed. In this case, it is not possible not to take the influence of compressibility into consideration. If you are dealing with a liquid, then the speeds of liquids are always slow in relation to their sonic speed. That's why the Mach number does not have any influence in this case (i.e. it need not be taken into consideration.). But what is happening in two-phase flows? In determining the dynamics of two-phase flow, the so-called modified criterion of Reynolds is used (i.e. viscosity is taken into consideration, but traditionally the Mach number is not at all considered.). Therefore, the Reynolds Number serves as a determining criterion of the ordinary liquid. That is, the criterion which determines the situation related to the viscosity—the resistance of the liquid in the pipeline, as well as the influence of the local resistances and the flow's conditions—laminar or turbulent—are determined with the help of the Reynolds number. Worldwide, calculations made for equipment operating with liquids use the Reynolds number. Only the viscosity—but not the compressibility—is considered. This is the greatest disadvantage of the existing theoretical approach to analysis of two-phase media. It still persists today. Yet no one, except the school I created, takes into consideration the influence of the Mach number on the dynamics of the two-phase mixtures. That’s why the device I invented is nowhere else to be found, since I take into consideration a factor which others do not. The situation with gases is different. If the gases are moving with speeds near the sonic speed, or faster than the sonic speed, the determining factor for the calculations becomes the compressibility, or the Mach number—the ratio of the flow's speed to the local sonic speed. Ignoring the influence of the Mach number in two-phase flows frequently leads to vibrations in the pipelines, to intensification of percussive waves, and to operational breakdowns in reactor plants. And, when the flow is moving with a speed near the sonic speed, or faster than the sonic speed, the determining factor for the calculations becomes the compressibility or the Mach number—the ratio of the flow’s speed to the local sonic speed. And The causes of all this are the peculiarities of two-phase flows, particularly, the strong influence of compressibility. 1 TECHNICAL PAPER BY PROF. VLADIMIR V. FISENKO JOINT POWER CONFERENCE - MINNEAPOLIS, OCT. 11, 1995 and 50% gas in the flow, it turns out that the sonic speed is less than 20 m/sec. (i.e. much slower than in gases, and all the more slower than in liquids). It sounds paradoxical, but a two-phase medium is a more compressible medium than the pure gas. Thus in cases when the sonic speed in the two-phase flow is much slower than the sonic speed of gas, it is impossible not to take this fact into consideration. Anyone today who seeks to obtain M>1 in gas flows—in the case of a supersonic speed aircraft, or a supersonic speed turbine—attempts to accelerate the speed and in this way obtain M>1. This requires a tremendous expenditure of energy. You know the sonic speed in the two-phase flow is much slower than the sonic speed in gases, which in its turn, is much slower than the sonic speed in liquids. It is obvious, that if we have to consider the compressibility factor in the flow of gases, much more so we have to consider it in two-phase flow, because the two-phase medium is more compressible than pure gas. What we do is quite the opposite. Taking into consideration this property of the two-phase flow, we slow down the sonic speed (i.e. reduce the denominator in the formula). And then, at quite moderate—even very slow speeds— which means with minimal energy expenditures, effects are being obtained related to the fact that the Mach number is greater than 1. It is very important to note that in two-phase homogeneous flow at moderate speeds, the Reynolds number is not at all the determining factor. Although everyone averages the Reynolds number in different ways when trying to describe the hydrodynamics of the flow of two-phase media, they forget altogether about the Mach number, considering it useless, because they think that it is less than 1. The basis of the operation of the device I am describing today lies in a new fundamental flow theory of the flow of two-phase media, which is founded on the concept of the influence of compressibility. The equations for the movements which I use for this kind of flow are valid for both the liquid and the gas. Fig. 1 This curve is quite impressive, isn’t it? The sonic speed in liquids (Vl) is 1500 m/sec., the sonic speed in gases (Vg) is 330 m/sec. If there is no liquid, the ratio equals 1 (amount of liquid - 0). If there is no gas (i.e. there is only liquid), the ratio equals 0. When there is 50% liquid The ideal gas, as well as the ideal liquid, 2 TECHNICAL PAPER BY PROF. VLADIMIR V. FISENKO JOINT POWER CONFERENCE - MINNEAPOLIS, OCT. 11, 1995 conditions my equations can also create conditions for an injector's work, but this is just a particular case, and, apropos, not an interesting one. In any manual about jet devices, a jet apparatus is described as the one, in which at the expense of the energy of the working medium (be it steam, gas or liquid) the transportation of another medium is provided, and where the mixture's pressure is always intermediate between the pressure of the working and the transported medium. represents the ultimate state of these equations. Everyone already knows that if the speed is accelerating, the resistance is increasing. It happens exactly in this manner, but only until a determined moment. When the Mach number reaches approximately 1, the resistance drops dramatically (it tends towards 0). When people say about our device: "This is a Venturi!," they suppose that this is an injector. There is an obligatory condition for an injector's work: the outlet cross section of the accelerating device the jet has to be smaller than the cross section of the mixing chamber. Otherwise, there will be no air suction, which is called the injection effect. For instance, if at the inlet, the steam pressure is 20 lb. and water pressure is 0, then the pressure of the mixture should be between 0 and 20. It should be this way according to thermodynamic rules. Depending on the mass ratio of the two media, the result could be as follows: if it is a pure gas: the steam’s pressure; if it is pure water: the water's pressure; and if it is a mixture the ratio between them. If you look at the drawing of our device, you will see that the outlet cross section of its jet is larger than the cross section of the mixing chamber. I would like to stress once again our device is not an injector; because its design is in principle different from the design of the injector's, because Bernoulli's equation does not work here, as it creates an outlet pressure higher than the pressure of the working medium. According to Bernoulli's law, such an apparatus cannot work. However, in seeming violation of this law, our device operates steadily. Which proves that it is not an injector! As we know, the effective condition for the steam-water injector’s operation is the necessity of condensation in the mixing chamber. In the present device, this condition is neither necessary nor desired. The known equations injector's functioning particular case of formulated by me. The impulse equation used for two sections II and IV on the accompanying diagram. In the first impulse there is the double-phased atmosphere and single Fig. 2 describing the are only a the equations Under certain 3 TECHNICAL PAPER BY PROF. VLADIMIR V. FISENKO JOINT POWER CONFERENCE - MINNEAPOLIS, OCT. 11, 1995 The first result is rather ordinary; only the steam is coming through the device, and it corresponds with this nozzle position in the cone chamber, when its outer extremities are protruding into the inner conical chamber and in this condition the fluid supply into the device is aborted. Second result earns a more serious analysis. By ß< 1/3, the given dependence (Gl/Gs) has physical sense only by the following conditions that the pressure on the outlet of the mixing chamber is greater than the back pressure of the system Pbp. This limits the region of application of existing steam-water injectors and creates the principle impossible and it works with a greater counter pressure. If ß reaches the value up from 0 to 1/3, it will result in a breakthrough. phase (liquid); in the second, taking into account the above mentioned 2 shock wave expression (P2=P1+P1 K ßM ) gives the real possibility of figure out the following expression for fluid-to-steam flow rate proportion: The following indexes are used in the above equation: Ws - outlet steam velocity from the steam nozzle (Section III) P1 - pressure before the jump; Pbp - working pressure in the operating supply system (back pressure); Pl - liquid pressure at inlet coming to the mixing plenum chamber (section II) What is the most important part of this device's theory? It is the fact that it takes into consideration the determining influence of the compressibility of homogeneous flows as compared to gases and its effect on sonic speed. When I say that the two-phase medium is more compressible than pure gas, the specialists are amazed. But I am not contradicting the facts. What is more, my theoretical description was experimentally proven long before my own experiments. Such a fact was determined long ago and was forgotten, since no one knew what to do with it. As the maximum value (Gl/Gs) is reached by given values of Pbp, Pl, P1 and pressure P0 at the nozzle inlet nozzle (sec. II) at the maximum value of (1-ß) (3ß-1) in its denominator. As the given expression reaches 0, as it is seen from the formula at maximum product into two values equivalent to the zero values ß = 0 and ß = 1/3, then this function shall have the extremes of: From the analysis brought forward dependence follows that the flow rate of the fluid through the device transforms into zero by the formula twice: Nobody realized that now different equations, different solutions, different calculations are needed. Everything has to be different. But nowhere is anyone doing that. when ß =1 and ß = 1/3. Once again, the basis of the operation of this device lies in the effect of the increased compressibility of the two-phase flows as compared with pure liquids and even pure 4 TECHNICAL PAPER BY PROF. VLADIMIR V. FISENKO JOINT POWER CONFERENCE - MINNEAPOLIS, OCT. 11, 1995 The second distinctive feature is related to the compressibility: the independence of the flow rate from the resistance of the system as seen at the outlet, guaranteeing a constant flow rate over a wide range of counter-pressures. gases. Steam and liquids are fed into the device. They exchange the quantities of their movements. This starts the zone of the twophase homogeneous mixture and in the mixing chamber a dramatic pressure jump arises (i.e. the pressure at the outlet is higher than the pressure at the inlet). In the conventional circulation pump, the flow changes depending on the resistance in the pipeline. This is a tragedy for the boilers, because in the process of their prolonged usage, scale is formed in the pipes of the boiler which causes the internal resistance to change, and consequently, the flow rate changes. That's why, in outfitting a boiler with pumps, standby output is always envisaged. As for our device, in a wide range of changes of the counter-pressure it creates conditions for an ideal and steady output. The following is the formula for the calculation of the jump: P2/Pl = 1 + K ß M2 I came to this equation during my work on the theory for the device. So, if the speed of the flow, after the steam has mixed with the water is—let us assume— 30 m/sec, then this speed is much slower than the sonic speed in steam and all the more slower than the sonic speed in water. It would appear this is obviously a subsonic rate. But because at this point the sonic speed in the homogeneous two-phase flow is 5 m/sec, the Mach number equals 10. And, if the jump is proportional to the squared Mach number, then it means that the jump equals 100, the pressure ratio: On a diagram, it would look like this: And it is possible to get even 1000. Indeed, what can this device do? If it raises the pressure it means that it is a pump. If at the same time a heat exchange takes place, then it can be a heater or a cooler. The first and most important distinctive feature of our device is that it creates a higher pressure at the outlet than the pressure of the working medium at the inlet. Fig. 3 5 TECHNICAL PAPER BY PROF. VLADIMIR V. FISENKO JOINT POWER CONFERENCE - MINNEAPOLIS, OCT. 11, 1995 If the pipeline's resistance is low, the intensity of the jump is low and its length is large. If the pipeline's resistance is high, the intensity of the jump is high and its length is short. This applies till the up right jump. It is a unique feature which distinguishes our pumps from existing pumps. Even as the outlet valve is closing, we continue to see an ideal steady flow. Conventional wisdom tells us when the outlet valve is closing, the flow must decrease. It seems, it can’t be otherwise. Not so with our device! The device is also a very efficient mixer. In figure 4 below are enlargements of electron micro-photographs of particles in a burn cream made out of 18 separate components. It was formulated in a German laboratory, using state-ofthe-art-mixing equipment. The size of the particles on the left is 2 - 3 microns. On the right is the same cream prepared with our device. Here the particles are 0.2 - 0.5 microns! Now, what else can the device do? It is a perfect proportioner, since you can feed into the vacuum zone any ingredient. The counter pressure at the outlet of the device does not influence the total flow of the mixture and the flow of the components running through it. It turns out, that if we regulate the parameters at the inlet, the changes at the outlet do not have any influence on the operation of the device. Fig. 4 How is the dispersion and such a high degree of homogeneity achieved in our device? Because, at the beginning, all components are fed into the expansion zone. Within this zone, everything is blown up! You have a pure cavitation effect. A misty medium is formed with a volume ratio of the phases at 50/50, then the smashing pressure jump crushes the gaseous mixture in such a way that what becomes mixed can’t be separated anymore. The acoustic mechanism snapping into action also adds a mixing effect. Adjusting the dosages in the food and pharmaceutical industry, for instance, is quite complicated. You need a lot of expensive electronics. But with our device, you don't need anything. You simply keep constant the parameters at the inlet and the doses of all components will ideally and strictly remain the same. This is a critical quality of our device, because proportioning pumps and valves are very capricious. They have very precise surfaces (plungers, cylinders, etc.) and at the slightest disturbance of the precision settings, they just stop, while our device offers effective proportioner capability in a fool-proof, simple manner, making it an ideal proportioner for numerous applications. The device manifests all of these properties because it develops a vast interaction surface. If the particles are very tiny, the activation surface is very well developed, and in any interchanging process, the interacting media have very fine dispersion and highly developed surface. 6 TECHNICAL PAPER BY PROF. VLADIMIR V. FISENKO JOINT POWER CONFERENCE - MINNEAPOLIS, OCT. 11, 1995 That's why through our device any interchanging processes can be realized in very small dimensions. So it can, without changing the technology, mix everything with equipment of considerably smaller sizes and with much less expenditure of energy. and retrofitting, in electricity, space utilization and in general maintenance. Also, it will find its way into improving the existing operations and processes in a broad number of many industries, as well as in new applications. They will yield time and materials savings and make new products and processes possible. To summarize the key features of the device: 1. The pressure at the outlet is higher than the pressure of the working medium; For myself and because of my lifelong concern with human safety and pollution control—and in light of the growing and very necessary global concern for the environment—I am extremely pleased to have made such a solid and meaningful contribution to technology. Because there is no doubt that such a device as this will find its place in industry and in homes. 2. In a broad range of counter pressures, the flow rate of the mixture and of the components remains constant, making it an ideal proportioner; 3. It is a perfect mixer; 4. The interchanging process proceeds extremely well because of the extraordinarily developed activation surface. Thank you for your kind attention. 5. It can be a degasifier and gas saturator. - Prof. Vladimir V. Fisenko 6. The only energy used is that contained in the liquid and gaseous inputs. 7. Extremely small space requirements. There are many fields in the industrial sector where the device has invaluable applications, including: • energy • chemicals and pharmaceuticals • perfumes and cosmetics • food and dairy processing • environment and industrial cleansing From the point of view of free market economics, this device and principal can mark a watershed of competitiveness in most of its applications, in terms of money saved in the initial cost of new construction, in replacement 7
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