2014 Update to January 2013 - December 2016 Strategic Plan

2014 Update to
January 2013 - December 2016
Strategic Plan
We support people with developmental disabilities to
discover, pursue and achieve what is important to them.
Honesty & Trust
We strive for truthfulness and sincerity in our relationships with the people we serve and their families, our
community, provider organizations and each other.
Caring & Compassion
We are supportive of and attentive to people’s needs.
We demonstrate regard and appreciation for others.
Safety & Health
We strive to keep people safe and healthy.
Ethical Behavior
We strive to meet the highest standards of professional and personal behavior.
We adjust to changing needs and circumstances.
Responsibility to the Community
We are good citizens and careful with our resources.
The Future
We focus on planning for the people we support and our organization.
We strive for quality in everything we do.
We strive to be innovative and resourceful.
Persons with developmental disabilities and their families decide how, where, when and to
what extent they need services and supports from the Board.
Our staff can work in partnership with individuals and their families, assisting them in
achieving a quality of life they have defined for themselves.
Children with disabilities should have regular interaction with their typically developing
peers in environments natural to all children.
Adults with developmental disabilities can make contributions to the world around them.
They can be productively employed and spend their time in ways that are personally
People with developmental disabilities should be afforded opportunities to choose where
and with whom they live, consistent with the financial resources available to them. We
believe it is important for them to be good neighbors.
People with developmental disabilities can live, learn, work and recreate in the same ways
and in the same places as their peers, and that the role of the Board and its contracted
providers and vendors is to promote and support this.
People with developmental disabilities and their families will be the center of our work. We will partner with
people to encourage them to maximize their potential, assume a level of responsibility according to their
abilities, and secure their future. We will use resources creatively and responsibly to build a community
that cares about and contributes to the quality of life of its fellow citizens who have developmental
Key strategies to make our vision the reality:
 Identifying individuals’ responsibilities, as well as our own, in a partnership guided by the hopes,
dreams and needs of each individual.
 Demonstrating our commitment to excellent service by building a team of people, including families
and significant others, who recognize the unique role they play in helping people to discover, pursue
and achieve their goals.
 Recognizing that parents are the key to their children’s development, education and well-being. We will
educate parents so that they can take the leadership in maximizing their child’s developmental
potential. We will expect, encourage and respect their ongoing involvement in the life of their family
member with a disability.
 Educating and supporting people with developmental disabilities and their families on lifespan issues so
that they may plan for the future.
 Working with service providers to promote access to the services and supports people want and need.
 Providing exposure to what our community has to offer in the way of employment, education, housing
and recreation.
Encouraging people to develop the skills they need, and identify the supports they require, to live the
life they choose.
Educating people so they can make informed choices and take reasonable risks in the pursuit of those
Maximizing the financial and non-financial resources available to people. Helping them to leverage the
most they can from the financial and service decisions they make.
Actively encouraging friends, neighbors, volunteers, employers and others in our community to
contribute their time, hospitality, money and skills to their fellow community members with
developmental disabilities.
Utilizing taxpayer dollars in a way that does not duplicate services already available in the community,
whenever possible.
Principles for a Person Centered System
Quality of Life: Is defined by each individual, with an emphasis on the balance between
what is important to the person, and what is important for the person.
Language: All language demonstrates respect for the person, his or her family, and friends.
It is easily understood by everyone. This includes recordkeeping.
Culture of Strengths and Abilities: The strengths of each individual and family are
promoted. A focus on what can happen that is positive and productive is used throughout
a person’s engagement with the Board.
Collaborative: Contributions from all participants is equally valued and responsibility is
shared. Creativity and innovation in the management, design and delivery of services is
Results based: Results that are purposeful and meaningful to the person’s life are achieved
by building upon what works, and learning from what does not work, to continuously seek
improved results.
Practical: A balance is sought between quality of life and the boundaries of public
resources, with an understanding that limited fiscal resources must be responsibly
administered to support but not replace relationships with family and friends. Everyone
works to promote natural connections in neighborhoods and communities, and address
only those areas where the person supported wants involvement from the system.
The Board’s Funding Priorities
As long as resources are available, the following are the Board’s priorities for funding consistent with the
requirements of Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) 5123:2-1-02.
1. Services to the families of young children from birth through age five.
Early childhood services that are interest and strength based, use evidence based parent
coaching practices through a primary service provider, and are delivered in natural
environments by Board certified developmental specialists (see resolution #2013-10
adopted by the Licking County Board of DD 11/20/13).
2. Medicaid Waiver Match that is leveraged to secure federal funds that pay approximately 60% of the
cost of transportation, adult services, residential supports and other services available through
enrollment on the level one, individual options and SELF waivers. The amount of money determined by
the Board to be available for waiver match will dictate the number of waiver slots the Board applies for.
The Board will not request waiver slots for which no source of match is identified and
committed. Individuals eligible under the adult services re-financing priority category are a priority
for enrollment on the level one waiver.
3. Family Support Services as described in the Board’s policy on Family Support Services. The Board
makes an annual budgetary allocation for this program.
4. Activities that promote the transition of teenagers from school to adult life and promote
employment after high school graduation/completion.
5. Transportation and day service costs for adults who are not eligible for a Medicaid waiver.
Individuals who are competitively employed may be required to contribute, on a sliding fee scale, to
the cost of their transportation.
6. Supported living services to individuals not eligible for waiver services due to their assessed
level of care. The Board will authorize an annual allocation for these services. When the
allocation is exhausted, no additional services will be authorized.
The Current Environment
Updated November 2013
 Licking County remains a very fiscally conservative county. Unemployment and housing foreclosures
were a primary concern for many county residents during the great recession that started in 2008.
These are now beginning to abate. The ten school districts in the county have historically struggled to
pass operating levies. However, three of the four on the ballot in November, 2013 did pass.
The manufacturing sector employs many fewer people than it did a decade ago. The loss of these jobs
has affected primarily middle income families. As voters, they are careful about voting for issues that
increase their tax burden. The same is true for senior citizens on fixed incomes.
Census bureau data reflects county population growth of 8.8% since calendar year 2000, mostly in
Western Licking County. New residents in this area of the county largely come from Franklin County.
They move to escape higher property taxes, increase their purchasing power, and enroll their children
in smaller/rural schools. They remain oriented to Franklin County and the Columbus metropolitan area
for work, shopping, and socialization. Levies for new money do not garner support in Western Licking
Total revenue reductions from all sources (state, federal, local) since 2002 have resulted in the loss of
approximately 2.5 million dollars to the Board’s budget annually. Cumulatively this is a staggering
We continue to serve approximately 1,500 persons annually with the same local levy support we’ve had
since 1988. Enrollment increases are consistent with population growth in the county.
Our workforce is much smaller than 10-12 years ago. This is a function of the changing role of the
Board from direct provider to administrator and funder. By calendar year 2015 our workforce will
number approximately 75, a decrease from 205 in 2002.
Families we support are not homogenous. Different generations have different expectations. Families
of older adults are content (and appreciative) with a day service program such as Licco. Families with
younger children expect more resources to be put at their disposal, including money to match Medicaid
The waiting lists for a Medicaid waiver continue to be large (several hundred). Many of these families
have put their child’s name on a list in anticipation of services needed sometime in the future (an
insurance policy). However these families may not currently need a service that requires a Medicaid
waiver. The waiting list numbers do not translate into data that can be used for planning purposes.
Families with a loved one enrolled on the Transitions Developmental Disabilities Waiver
(TDD) feel a lack of support and connectedness with the Board as result of the regional
approach to service coordination for these people through MEORC.
Several providers of adult services have also begun to provide transportation services. The
cost of transportation services provided under contract by the Licking County Transit
Board has increased as their ridership has decreased.
Threats exist to traditional “sheltered” employment including:
o Continued challenges by national policy groups. Legislation at the federal level that
results in changes to the sub-minimum wage provisions of the Fair Labor Standards
Act are anticipated in the future.
o The manufacturing industry in Licking County has significantly declined in the last
decade. Not only is it smaller, but technological advances have influenced how this
industry gets its work done. The result is substantially fewer opportunities for
traditional “subcontract” work for Licco, Inc., the only adult services provider with
a subminimum wage certificate.
o Research demonstrates that sheltered employment costs more than supported
employment. In addition, the skills learned in a sheltered congregate setting are
not useful in other environments. This is increasingly driving policy decisions about
funding and purpose of sheltered employment settings.
o Federal Department of Justice opinions/actions in several other states regarding
segregated services and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
On 11/20/13, the Board passed a resolution requesting that the Licking County Board of
County Commissioners put a 1.3 mil replacement levy on the May 6, 2014 primary ballot
along with a three tenths mill increase.
There are approximately 40 to 50 adult aged persons for whom the Board is paying 100%
of the cost of their adult services. Level of care assessments to enroll these persons on a
level one waiver will be completed in the first quarter of 2014.
Young adults who graduate/complete high school are automatically enrolled on a level one
waiver if eligible.
Eligible individuals are currently choosing from amongst ten or so privately operated adult services
programs. Two new day service providers began to provide services in calendar year 2013. The
numbers of individuals at the Licco building declined significantly in 2013 as other providers were
Ohio’s Employment First policy is now supported by statute and rule. The Board adopted
an “Employment First” policy on 11/20/13.
Community Employment Services was renamed Complete Employment Services (CES).
CES is being re-engineered to improve efficiency, effectiveness, and results. A
memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Licking County Job and Family Services
became effective 7/1/13. The Board is a partner in the local one-stop employment center
named Opportunity Links. Opportunity Links job development staff will engage business
and industry on behalf of people with developmental disabilities.
The Board remains committed to a person centered local system as evidenced by our
active involvement (and leadership) in the RVCC/Imagine project. Traditional assessment
and service planning processes have been largely replaced by the discovery and individual
support planning processes designed by the RVCC. An information system to support
these processes is expected to be available the first quarter of 2014 (Imagine).
We continue to maximize administrative and operational efficiencies available through our membership
in the Mideast Ohio Regional Council of Government (MEORC COG).
Our information technology continues to become more sophisticated. Access to
information by all staff recently took a significant step with server virtualization. iPads are
widely deployed. Service coordination and early intervention staff regularly telework.
In addition to an updated website, we have taken advantage of social media (specifically
Facebook and Twitter) to enhance our connectedness to families we support and make
information more readily available to them.
Contracted services are projected to be 51% of the Board’s operating expenses in 2014.
This reflects significant investment in specialized and generic community services for
people with developmental disabilities and reflects ongoing efforts to build community
The operating budget for 2014 makes the Coordinator of Self-Advocacy a full time rather
than part time position. While People First will continue to be supported by the person
filling this position, the range of activities related to self-advocacy will grow.
Our reputation in the community remains solid and community survey data show that a high
percentage of voters (70%) think that our services are a wise investment of tax dollars.
A director of transition services was hired in the third quarter. He is currently conducting
an inventory of transition services across the county and performing gap analysis. School
district special education personnel have been engaged for the purposes of collaborating
on a county wide system of transition supports that results in more young adults
graduating/completing high school with employment.
A long range vision exists for renovating the ESW building and preliminary designs and
cost estimates have been conducted. A timetable is yet to be established.
Long Term Commitments and Shorter Term Goals
January 2013 - December 2016
To keep the Licking County community informed about the Board’s mission and how
services purchased or provided by the Board impact the lives of eligible children and
To continuously improve organizational effectiveness and efficiency.
By 12/31/14 no more than 65 people will receive services in the Licco building at
600 Industrial Parkway.
By 12/31/15 explore with Licco, Inc. an alternative setting for the provision of services.
By 7/1/16 sell or lease the Licco building at 600 Industrial Parkway.
To using person centered thinking, practices and tools to balance what is important to,
with what is important for, the person.
By 12/31/16 all children in a priority category will be enrolled on a level one
waiver if requested by the family.
By 12/31/16 eligible families will have access to an annual FSS allocation of $1,000.
To decreasing the numbers of adults supported in congregate settings. (new)
By 7/1/14 move to electronic delivery of all annual notices to eligible persons and their families
whenever possible.
By 7/1/15 develop a plan for move to an electronic personnel file.
By 7/1/15 acquire and begin use of document imaging software.
To purchase or provide services and supports that are fiscally sustainable with priority
given to services that keep people at home with family and included in their communities.
Expose the community to information about the Board and the men, women and children it
serves at least monthly.
Promote the Board’s role in funding and administering the developmental disabilities service
Assist providers to regularly communicate with their stakeholders and the public
about their financial partnership with the Board.
By 4/1/14 Board service coordinators will begin to use the IT platform called
“imagine” to support person centered processes for discovery, individual support
planning, listening and learning, and resource management.
By 7/1/14 the Board will begin to pilot the person centered standardized process
for “introduction and eligibility.”
By 12/31/14 less than one percent of persons eligible for Board services will have a support
plan that includes aversive consequences.
To expanding the use of evidence based practices with children through five years of age.
By 4/1/14 the support of a certified developmental specialist will be offered to families with
children three, four and five years old.
By 8/1/14 a plan for engaging community providers of OT, PT and speech in the
context of a trans-disciplinary team will be developed and implemented.
To adopting a population/risk based model for service coordination adjusted for the “ages”
and “stages” of human development.
To re-designing the support system for families of youth ages 6 through 12 years.
By 3/1/14 re-align contract administrator and waiver coordinator functions so each is better
focused in the engagement of their respective stakeholders.
By 9/1/14 conduct an assessment (written) of day service provider
training/education needs and a plan for addressing these.
To regular engagement of families as key stakeholders of the local system. (new)
By 7/1/14 find alternate space for the Board’s Complete Employment Services program
currently housed at 600 Industrial Parkway, Heath.
By 7/1/14 assist Licco, Inc. to apply for certification as a provider of services.
By 12/31/14 expand local job coaching capacity.
By 12/31/16 increase the numbers of individuals in integrated employment to 40% of eligible
To increasing the type and frequency of technical assistance and support available to
generic and specialized providers of services for people with developmental disabilities.
By 2/1/14 complete inventory of existing transition programs and services.
By 5/1/14 develop training curriculum for service coordination staff serving
transition age students.
By 7/1/14 acquire support from all Licking County School districts and other
stakeholders for an interagency agreement around transition services and supports.
Expand the “bridges to transition” program to serve at least 50 high school age
students by 12/31/16.
To Re-designing the array of adult services in Licking County.
By 9/1/14 develop a position description for the intervention specialist functions described in
the “Call to Action.” Acquire Board approval.
To promote and coordinate a meaningful “transition” for youth to adult life with a focus
on improving employment outcomes for young adults at high school
By 4/1/14 Help Me Grow service coordination will be fully aligned with service
coordination for children birth through age five.
By 7/1/14 assess the feasibility of directly providing service coordination to children
and adults enrolled on the TDD waiver.
By 3/1/14 assemble a family advisory committee with a goal of three to four face
to face meetings in 2014.
By 3/15/14 expand the number of “likes” on the Board’s Facebook page to 1,000.
By 12/31/14 provide written and verbal feedback from family advisory to the
To promoting self-advocacy by people with developmental disabilities
By 3/1/14 fill vacant position for one full time self-advocacy coordinator
By 7/1/14 self-advocacy coordinator to develop written action plan for increasing
the reach of self–advocacy activities beyond People First.