A 2nd quantized (Fock space) formulation of LQG (and what is can be useful for) Daniele Oriti ! Albert Einstein Institute ! ! LQG workshop - Tux, Austria 10/02/2014 Plan of the talk • Part I: from LQG to GFT ! • LQG states as “many-particle states” • Second quantization of spin networks and Group Field Theory ! • • ! kinematics: states, observables and GFT fields/observables dynamics: canonical projector and GFT action ! ! ! • Part II: What is the 2nd quantised (QFT) formalism good for? • • ! relating LQG and Spin Foam models ! dealing with continuum limit (many d.o.f.) at dynamical level defining full LQG dynamics via QFT methods • continuum phase structure and LQG vacua • GFT condensates • extracting effective continuum dynamics • • (Quantum) Cosmology as GFT condensate hydrodynamics Introduction Reisenberger,Rovelli, ’00 we already know: GFT <---> Spin Foams - actually: GFT = Spin Foams L. Freidel, ’06 DO, ’06, ’11 A. Baratin, DO, ’11 ! GFT is often presented as the 2nd quantized version of LQG ! ! we show (Part I): (DO, 1310.7786 [gr-qc]) ! • this is true in a precise sense: reformulation of LQG as GFT • very general correspondence (both kinematical and dynamical) • do not need to pass through Spin Foams (LQG/SF correspondence obtained via GFT) ! ! ! the reformulation provides powerful new tools to address LQG open issues (Part II) Part I ! 2nd quantized LQG: ! From Loop Quantum Gravity to Group Field Theory DO,1310.7786 [gr-qc] The (kinematical) Hilbert space(s) of LQG algebra of observables: holonomy-flux algebra for paths (+ dual surfaces) ! quantum states: cylindrical functions of holonomies (fluxes) along links (surfaces) for graphs (+surfaces) 1 G14 H 3 G12 (G1 , ..., GE ) = (V, E) plus gauge invariance at vertices G13 4 Gi 2 SU (2) 2 G24 G34 G23 H1 = 3 [ H not a Hilbert space T. Thiemann, ’01 A. Ashtekar, J. Lewandowski, ‘04 M • huge • different graphs ~ orthogonal states • prominence to graphs H H2 = lim S H ⇡ =L 2 A¯ • based on kinematical continuum limit (states effectively defined on “infinitely refined graph”) • equivalence classes of graphs • different graphs ~ orthogonal states The (kinematical) Hilbert space(s) of LQG algebra of observables: holonomy-flux algebra for paths (+ dual surfaces) ! quantum states: cylindrical functions of holonomies (fluxes) along links (surfaces) for graphs (+surfaces) [ modified class of quantum states: • extended: closed + open graphs • restricted: d-valent graphs ˜d can generalise H ˜d plus gauge invariance at d-valent vertices W. Kaminski, M. Kieselowski, J. Lewandowski, ’09 DO, J. Ryan, J. Thuerigen, ‘14 M Hdext = V HV turned into Hilbert space by: ! • considering Hilbert space of states for V “open vertices” 1 g13 1 g1 g2 • 1 1 g2 3 g4 g2 g2 4 4 2 g14 2 g32 g23 g33 3 1 g3 • ! g V , ..., g V = ' ~g 1 ; ....; ~g V HV 3 ' g11 , ..., gd1 ; ....; d ! 1 embedding ! summing over V H ˜dV ⇢ H V vertex is a node with d outgoing open links, and can be thought as dual to a polyhedron with d faces . j ab 1 1 1 V V V (g ) = (g , g , . . . , g ; . . . ; g , g , . . . , g ), ), where the group elements Gdescribing 2 G are assigned to each link e := [(i a) (j b)] 2 E( ) of the tates are given by wavefunctions V vertices or their dual polyhedra, of the type 1 2 d 1 2 d i ij led by two pairs of indices: the first pair identifies the pair of vertices (ij) connected, while the j 1 1 1 V V V (gi ) =where (g1 ,each g2 , . open . . , gdlink ; . . .outgoing ; g1 , g2 ,from . . . , each gd ) ,vertex is associated a group element of (7)the the outgoing edges (ab) of each vertex together form theand link. assume the gauge or SL(2, C) inglued quantum gravity to GFT models, G =We SU(2) in standard LQG), wi 1 j j ab in V : (g ) = (g V elements ofthe G. The set G of (G such=functions (restricting = ({ G }), for any V group elements to vertices. j of i i associated i i j )a for ij j open link outgoing from each vertex is associated group element the group SU(2), Spin(4), 2 d·V V be turned into the Hilbert space L (G /G ) by defining the be innerobtained product via lent graph with V GFT vertices (specified E( )),inastandard cylindrical function bythe in quantum gravity models, and G by = SU(2) LQG), with gauge can invariance at vertices some right/left-invariant V 2measure dV in the V non-compact 1 case. V j y=wavefunction , embedding V ⇢ HThe ' Lfunctions G /G ' to ~g square-integrable , ..., ~g (gi j ) for V elements setH of such (restricting ones) can j of G. ˜ d3 The ˜Hilbert space for these functions, H , includes as a special class of states the usu d d·V V nto the Hilbert space L2 (G /G ) by defining the inner graphs product. via theis Haar measure on({1, the. .group, Z associated to closed d-valent There a relation E( ) ⇢ . , V } ⇥ or {1, . Y ab a case. ab b ab a b 1 left-invariant measure in the d↵ non-compact E( )) which specifies the connectivity of such a graph: ({Gab }) = ({g ↵ ; g ↵ }) = ({g (g ) }) , if [(i a) (j b)] 2 E( ), there (8) is ij ij i ij j ij i j Spin network functions as “many-particles” states ˜ includes ert space for these functions, a special class of states the cylindrical of LQG, link atasthe i-th node to the b-th link at usual the j-th node, withfunctions source i and target j e2E( ) GHd ,a-th 1 ab 2 G are assigned to each link of the ({G where Gab o closed d-valent graphs . There is aform relation E( )⇢ ({1, the . . . ,group V } ⇥elements {1, . . . , d}) ij }), ij 2(satisfying 1 g [(i a) (i a)] 62 g a ),bof graph. These are labelled by two pairs indices: the first pair identifies of ve g13 the g11edge h specifies the connectivity of such a graph: if [(i a) (j b)] 2 E( there is a directed the 1g connecting ach edge in is associated with two group elements g , g 2 G. The integrals over thepair ↵’s i j wave function second pair identifies the outgoing edges (ab) of each vertex glued to form g2 together the i-th node to the b-th link at the j-th node, with source i and target j. Cylindrical functions are then for closed graph 1 k vertices corresponding to the function , pairwise along common links, thus forming the spin 1 net vertices ab abspin wave function for many open invariance ab ({Gij }) = ({ i Gij j }), for any V group elements i associated to ab g the ({G }), where the group elements G 2 G are assigned to each link e := [(i a) (j b)] 2 E( ) of g ij ij y the closed graph . The same construction can graph be phrased in theg(specified flux representation and 1in fu 3 Given a closed d-valent with V vertices by E( )), a cylindrical G14 G while gthe 4 same in other fluxes,ofspins se are labelled bybasis: two pairs indices: the first of pair identifies the pair of vertices (ij) connected, 2 group-averaging any wavefunction , g n. g 4 2 2 g2 identifies the outgoing edges (ab) of each vertex glued together to form the link. We assume theggauge Z 4 2 G 13 Y 4 1 ab ab ab abvertices. a ab b ab a2 ({Gij }) = ({ G }), for any V group elements associated to the ⇧ ({G }) = d↵ ({g ↵ ; g ↵ }) = ({g i spin iij ⇥4 ij ⇥jnetwork vertices:d ij i ij j ij i (g “gluing” of ˜ d 1 d 1 gG the subspace ofXsingle-particle (single-vertex) states, i.e. elements of Hd with V =be 1. obtained A general g 2 ...., X = , ..... = (X + X ) ⇤ ⇥ X , X , .... ˜ ...., ij e2E( ) i i j i j closed d-valent graph with V vertices (specified by E( )), a cylindrical function can by G 24 1 imposition of symmetry, identification g4 g3 2 (ij) Eelements of Hv , eging decomposed intospecific products ofcombination of variables, linear of ⇤ any wavefunction , a b ⌅ in such a way that each edge in is associated with two group g 2elements gi , gj 2 1 d 03 )dV Z/(closure) 1 V) g3 ⌅ 1 , ..., X ⌅V ⌅ g ⇥˜ X L2 ((R X = (X , ..., X 34 i g G23along comm to the G function , pairwise i i) YVglue open spin network vertices corresponding 1 3 ab ab a ab b ab a b 1 Y X g g ({Giji}) function = @ network d↵ ({g gj ↵closed }) =V ({g. iThe (gj )same }) construction , 3 (8) in represented by can3 be phrased ~ 1in ...~ 1; the i ↵ij ij V Aij everyi cylindrical is contained new Hilbert spacegraph 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 4 2 12 2 4 2 2 1 4 3 2 2 3 3 3 (gI ) = hgI | i = hg |~ i · · · hg |~ i , 1 3 3 (9) V I ) G ⇧e2E( the ⌃I 1 spin representation. i=1 ~ i 3 ⌦ ⇥ 3 d d 1 1 ⌥ a b (...., j , ..., I , ....) = ⇥ ...., j , m , j , m , Ij , .... d 1 d 1 ˜ ij i mi ,mjtwo ji ,jH i ofg isingle-particle j , ..., way that each edge in is associated group elements G. IiThe integrals states, over the ↵’s j v the subspace Let uswith denote by (single-vertex) i.e. elemen i , jgj 2 d 1 (ij) E mi ,mj pin network vertices ⇤corresponding tocan thebe function ,decomposed pairwise commonoflinks, thusof forming the spin Any LQG state written terms ofalong “many-vertices” states V -particle state can into products elements Hv , ⌅ bein d 1 ⇤jV same ⇤ji can resented by the closed . ..., The phrased in0(m the1i , flux representation and in ⇥ ˜ (⇤j1graph ,m ⇤ 1 , I1 ), ,m ⇤ V , Iconstruction = (ji1be , ..., jid ) m ⇤i= ..., m V) i) V Yeach X GFT quantum (or spin t attention to the simplicial case, in which d equals the spacetime dimension, and i i ~ 1 ...~ V 1 V presentation. Spin network functions as “many-particles” states embedding H ˜dV ⇢ HV with standard Haar measure LQG kinematical scalar product for given graph (with V vertices) is restriction of scalar product for V open-vertices states same pattern of “gluings” ⇧ | ⇥= ⇤ = , ⌥ ⇤ (ij)⇥E i⇥V ⌦ ⌦ dGij d⇧gi ⌅ ⌃ (ij⇥E) (..., Gij , ....) ⌦ d ij d⇥ij ⌅ ˜ (..., Gij , ...) = ⇥ ...., gid ij , gj1 ij , .... ⌅˜ ⇥ ...., gid ⇥ij , gj1 ⇥ij , .... = ⌅ ˜ |⌅ ˜ ⇥ this shows embedding of Hilbert space of given graph into new Hilbert space however, generic cylindrical functions for different graphs are embedded differently in new Hilbert space: Hdext = M V HV • states associated to different graphs with same number of vertices are NOT orthogonal • states associated to graphs with different number of vertices ARE orthogonal • prominence to number of vertices, not to graph structure • no cylindrical consistency, no projective limit Spin network functions as “many-particles” states ext Hd = M V H V HV 3 ' g11 , ..., gd1 ; ....; g1V , ..., gdV = ' ~g 1 ; ....; ~g V with standard Haar measure require also symmetry under relabelling of vertices (permutations of vertices) each state can be decomposed in products of “single-particle” (vertices) basis states: |⇥ ˜ = ⇥ ⇥˜ 1 ...⇥ V ⇥i ⇥ ⇧ i = ⇧ji , m ⇧ i, I ⇧i ⇥ ⇧i = X ⇥ ⇥ g|⇥ ˜ ⇥ = |⇤ 1 .....|⇤ V ⇤ ⇤ (⇧g ) = ⇥⇧gi |⇧ ⇥i ⇤ = ⇤ ⇤ (⇧g ) = ⇥⇧gi |⇧ ⇥i ⇤ = d ⌃ a=1 d ⌃ ⇥ ⇥˜ 1 ...⇥ V ⇥i ⇥ i V ⇤gi |⇤ i ⇥ ja j1 ...jd ;I Dm (g )C a n1 ..nd a na a=1 Ega (Xa ) ⌅ ⇥ ⇤ ⇧ a Xa ⌅ related by unitary transformation (NC Fourier transform, Peter-Weyl decomposition) 2nd quantized reformulation: kinematics standard procedure for writing same states in 2nd quantized form Hdext = result: M V HV ' F(Hd ) = M⇣ V symmetry under vertex relabeling ˜ (⇥g1 , ..., ⇥gi , ..., ⇥gj , ..., ⇥gV ) = (1) (V ) Hd ⌦ · · · Hd ⌘ (only a justification, not a proof: assumption!) bosonic statistics ˜ (⇥g1 , ..., ⇥gj , ..., ⇥gi , ..., ⇥gV ) sketch of procedure (1): • • • define ordering of links in each vertex (e.g. 1 < 2 < ... < d) define ordering (e.g lexicographic) for single-vertex labels (e.g. (j,m,I)) count how many times each set of labels appears and label states by these numbers: n1 ⇥ ⇥˜ 1 ...⇥ V • • ⇥i ⇥) ! na = V normalize states re-write generic wave function in “occupation number” basis: ⇤ ⇤ ⇥˜ 1 ...⇥ V ⇤ ˜ (⌅gi ) = (a na ⇥ ⇧⌅ ⇤ ⇥ ⇧⌅ ⇤ ! ⇤ 1 ...⇤ 1 ... ⇤ a ...⇤ a .... ! = ⇥˜ != C (n1 , ..., na , ...) ⇥ i⇥V = ⌅gi |⌅ i ⇥ = C˜ (n1 , .., na , ..) {na } C˜ (n1 , .., na , ..) ⇥{na } (⌅gi ) = n1 !...n ! V! a=1 ⇥ {⇥ i |na } i⇥V ⌅gi |⌅ i ⇥ = C˜ (n1 , .., na , ..) g|n1 , ..., na , ...⇥ 2nd quantized reformulation: kinematics sketch of procedure (2): • na = send number of vertices to infinity - no constraint on occupation numbers ! a • orthonormal basis (in LQG scalar product): • define creation/annihilation operators: c ⇥ , c†⇥ ⇥ ⇥ = |n1 .....|n |n1 , ..., na , ..., n ! = ⇥ ,⇥ c ⇥ |n ⇥ ⇥ = ⇤ 1⇥ c†⇥ , c†⇥ ⇥ =0 ⇤ † c ⇥ |n ⇥ ⇥ = n ⇥ + 1|n ⇥ + 1⇥ [c ⇥ , c ⇥ ] = n ⇥ |n ⇥ n⇥ = N ⇥ |n ⇥ ⇥ = c†⇥ c ⇥ |n ⇥ ⇥ = n ⇥ |n ⇥ ⇥ all quantum states generated from Fock vacuum | 0 > (“no-space” state) can define conjugate bosonic field operators: ⇥(g ˆ 1 , .., gd ) ⇥(⇤ ˆ g) = cˆ⇥ g) ⇥ (⇤ ⇥ˆ† (g1 , .., gd ) cˆ†⇥ ⇥ˆ† (⇤g ) = ⇥ ⇥ ⇥ = ⇥j, m, ⇥ I ⇥ or ⇥ ⇥= X ⇥ g) ⇥ (⇤ Spin networks in 2nd quantization Motivation Fock vacuum: “no-space” (“emptiest”) state | 0 > ~ AL LQG vacuum Motivation (this is the(III) natural background independent, diffeo-invariant vacuum state) and up fieldsingle theory we consider defined in terms of a field field “quantum”: spinisnetwork vertex or tetrahedron '(g1 , g2 , g3 , g4 ) $ '(B1 , B2 , B3 , B4 ) ! C (“building blockofofspace: space”) ng an elementary building block g1⇥ † ˆ (g1, g2, g3, g4)|⇤⌅ = | ⇥ ⇥ ⇥⌅ ⌅ g4 g2 ⌅ ⌅ ⌅ • ⌅ ⇥ ⇥ ⇥ ⌅⌅ g 3 ⌅ ⇤ ⇥g4⇥ ⇤⇤ ⇤ ⌅ ⇥ ⇤⇤ g3 g1 ⇥ ⌅ ⌅ ⇤ ⌅⇥⇤⇤⇥⇥ ⇥ ⌅ g2 ⌅ nts gi specify the geometry of the elementary tetrahedron by quantum state: arbitrary collection of spin network vertices (including glued ones) or mies ofgeneric the gravitational SO(4) connection along links dual to tetrahedra (including glued ones) Riemannian signature – the extension to SL(2, C) is doable but ) SO(4) gauge transformations on the vertex: Quantization of Systems with Constraints Two dynamical models for full LQG Outlook and Work in Progress Hamiltonian formulation of GR Relational Formalism: Observables & Evolution Basis of Hkin Spin network functions [Ashtekar, Isham, Lewandowski, Rovelli, Smolin ’90] j15 j14 j19 j18 j22 j17 j16 j20 j8 j21 j12 j13 j11 j23 j10 j2 1 , g2 , g3 , g4 ) = (g1 h, g2 h, g3 h, g4 h) , j1 j3 j6 j7 j5 j4 Kristina Giesel Dynamics of LQG j9 h ⇥ SO(4). Homogeneous cosmologies in discrete quantum gravity 5 / 16 2nd quantized reformulation: kinematics - observables any LQG operator can be written in 2nd quantized form ˆ = O\ O (E, A) “2-body” operator (acts on single-vertex, does not create new vertices) ⌃2 O ⌃2 |⇤ ⇤ = O2 (⇤ , ⇤ ) ⇥⇤ |O ⌅ ⇤ ⇥ † ⌃2 ⇥, O ⇧ ⇥ ⇧ = O2 (⇤ , ⇤ ) cˆ†⇥ cˆ⇥ = d⇤g d⇤g ⇥ ⇧† (⇤g ) O2 (⇤g , ⇤g ) ⇥(⇤ ⇧g) ⇥ ,⇥ “(n+m)-body” operator (acts on spin network with n vertices, gives spin network with m vertices) On+m ⇥⇤ 1 , ...., ⇤ m |On+m |⇤ 1 , ..., ⇤ n ⇤ = On+m (⇤ 1 , ..., ⇤ m , ⇤ 1 , ..., ⇤ n ) ⇤ ⇥ On+m ⇥, ˆ ⇥ˆ† = d⇤g1 ...d⇤gm d⇤g1 ...d⇤gn ⇥ ⌅† (⇤g1 )...⇥ ⌅† (⇤gm )On+m (⇤g1 , ..., ⇤gm , ⇤g1 , ..., ⇤gn ) ⇥(⇤ ⌅ g1 )...⇥(⇤ ⌅ gn ) basic field operators and the set of observables as functions of them define the quantum kinematics of the corresponding GFT 2nd quantized reformulation: dynamics can use general correspondence for operators to rewrite also any dynamical quantum equation for LQG states in 2nd quantized form assume quantum dynamics is encoded in “physical projector equation”: P| ⇥=| ⇥ Hdext | ⇥ or: ⇣ Fˆ | i = Pˆ ⌘ Iˆ | i = 0 projector operator will in general decompose into 2-body, 3-body, ...., n-body operators (weighted by (coupling) constants), i.e. will have non-zero “matrix elements” involving 2, 3, ..., n spin network vertices P ⇤=| ⇤ ⇥ ⇤ 2 P2 + 3 P3 + .... | ⇤ = | ⇤ ⇥⇤ ⇥1 , ...., ⇥ ⇤ m |Pn+m |⇤ ⇥1 , ..., ⇥ ⇤ n ⇤ = Pn+m (⇤ ⇥1 , ..., ⇥ ⇤ m, ⇥ ⇤ 1 , ..., ⇥ ⇤ n) the same quantum dynamics can be expressed in 2nd quantized form (using general map for operators): ⌅ ⇤ ⇥ ⌥ † ⌥ † ⌥ † ⌃ ⇧ = ⇥1 , ..., ⇥ ⌅ m, ⇥ ⌅ 1 , ..., ⇥ ⌅ n ) cˆ⇥ 1 ...ˆ c⇥ n | cˆ⇥ cˆ⇥ | cˆ⇥ 1 ...ˆ c ⇥ m Pn+m (⌅ n+m n,m/n+m=2 ⇥ ⌥ n,m/n+m=2 n+m {⇥ ,⇥ } ⇥ ⇥ d⌅g1 ...d⌅gm d⌅g1 ...d⌅gn ⇤† (⌅g1 )...⇤† (⌅gm )Pn+m (⌅g1 , ..., ⌅gm , ⌅g1 , ..., ⌅gn ) ⇤(⌅g1 )...⇤(⌅gn ) | = d⌅g ⇤(⌅g )⇤(⌅g ) | = equation 36 contribute. It would be the obvious option in a strict which states quantum are only language, those solving st choice we makephysical is to phrase theofquestion in aspacetime quantum statistical that i not the only in partition a generalized theory that on 14 the text of a definition of a possible quantum option statistical function for the theory . one 2nd quantized reformulation: dynamics starting point is of course the operator equation 36. Knowing this, once wouldand like othe to d discrete context (where the very notion of diffeomorphisms he quantum theory,hand in turn definedininits terms of a statistical density ρ. ˆ on LQG the other includes covariant ‘histories’, i.e.operator dynamica b) correlations) for F partition function (and correlations) of GFT is then obtained from partition function δ( (and be to define analoguespin of networks, the microcanonical ensemble:procedure. ρˆ = Zm Of with: theancontinuum) a canonical quantization course, an ex recast in 2nd quantised languagem for the dynamics which includes topology change for space and/or s ! One may expect from general arguments, and we will indeed con " first candidate (“microcanonical ensemble”): Zm = ⟨s| δ(F )|s⟩ ,|s> is arbitrary basis corresponds to a quantum LQG dynamics of this generalized type. s statistical amounts to a contribute choice of a density operator oftheory) the ca only statesterms solving dynamical constraint (natural from continuum canonical e s denotes an arbitrary complete basis of states in the Hilbert (Fock) space of the qu choice would mean that one defines a (quantum statistical) dynamics in which only stat In It thewould same spirit, can option weight states with m !continuum general context (abstract structures, noone continuum, topologydifferently change, …) quantum b n more 36 contribute. be the obvious in a strict canonical qua −F suggest more general ansatz (“canonical ensemble”): Z = ⟨s|e |s⟩ c physical states of quantum spacetime are to only those solving the canonical constraint network vertices, and move a grandcanonical ensemble, defined by th s only possible option in a generalized theory that on the one hand is defined in a more e context (where theparameter very notion of diffeomorphisms and other continuous symmetries or, introducing a new weighting differently quantum states ! where we have put any “inverse temperature” constant β = b− b ) 1, fo − F µ N ( with different numbers of vertices (“grandcanonical ensemble”): other hand includes in its covariant ‘histories’, i.e. dynamical Zg = processes, ⟨s|e spacetimes |s⟩ t non-zeroquantization weight to procedure. quantum states notansolving the constraint eq tinuum) aacanonical Of course, example of the latter is a p s compared to generic (and so that such so dynamicssuch whichsolutions includes topology change for space spacetime. thisstates is and/or the expression leading mostonly directly to GFTs confirm and determines Spin Foam where the arguments, sign the and ‘chemical qua onefrom reproduces the of microcanonical ensemble). One also imag may expect general we willpotential’µ indeed it could inmodels thewhether following, verticesLQG are favored. wetype. work This in this general context. onds to a imaginary quantum dynamics this generalized generalized quantu constant β In =ofthe iT , following, giving such weights the appearance of tool: 2nd quantised coherent states ————->>>> that corresponds to existing group field theories, clarifying in the proce e− Fb 15 . However, in this this rewriting may be type probably more cal terms T amounts to a choice of acontext, density operator of the canonical : ρˆc = correspondence between the corresponding spin foam amplitudes andZcc proceed is the field theory analogue16 of the standard procedure of constructing the coherent state pat quantum mechanics [53]. Indeed, the 2nd quantized formulation of 36 is already set up to make this p most convenient one. We introduce then a 2nd quantized basis of eigenstates of the annihilation operator, that is the GFT q P R † ϕ b c g ϕ(⃗ g )ϕ(⃗ b g )† χ ⃗ χ ⃗ |0⟩ = e d⃗ operator, |ϕ⟩ = e χ⃗ |0⟩ satisfying: 2nd quantized reformulation: dynamics † c " |ϕ⟩ = ϕ |ϕ⟩ ⟨ϕ| c " = ϕχ⃗ ⟨ϕ| χ ⃗ χ ⃗ χ ⃗ basis of 2nd quantized coherent states: # or equivalently ϕ(⃗ g )|ϕ⟩ = ϕ(⃗g ) |ϕ⟩ ⟨ϕ|ϕ "† (⃗g ) = ϕ(⃗g ) ⟨ϕ| $ $ ! − |ϕ|2 2 I = DϕDϕ e |ϕ⟩⟨ϕ| |ϕ| ≡ d⃗g ϕ(⃗g ) ϕ(⃗g ) = ϕχ⃗ ϕχ⃗ X Z χ ⃗ b µN b) F ( ef f (',') gives: The functions classical fields, as we are going to see17 . Th hs|eϕ can be understood |si ⌘ as the D'D' Zg = ϕ and e SGFT integration DϕDϕs is the (formally defined) functional measure for fields on Gd entering the GFT path bpartition terms of this basis of states (and using the bosonic statistics of the GFT states),h'| theF function |'i Sef f (', ') = S (', ') + O(~) = + O(~) where the quantum corrected action is: h'|'i $ ! b − µN b) b b − (F − |ϕ|2 Zg = ⟨s|e |s⟩ = DϕDϕ e ⟨ϕ| e− (F − µN ) |ϕ⟩ . this is the GFT partition function with classical GFT action: s ⌃ ⇥ † S ⇥, ⇥It is=cleard⇤gthat ⇥† (⇤gwe ) ⇥(⇤ g ) here the GFT path integral with a quantum amplitude have ⇤⌃ ⌅ ⇥ ⇧ † † d⇤g1 ...d⇤gm d⇤g1 ...d⇤ g g )...⇥ (⇤g Nb) Vn+m (⇤g1− , ..., ⇤g , ⇤g , ..., ⇤gn ) ⇥(⇤g1 )...⇥(⇤gn ) 2⇥ (⇤ n+m 1 b n − (F − µm − |ϕ| Sef fm 1 ) e ⟨ϕ| e |ϕ⟩ ≡ e n,m/n+m=2 g1S, ..., ⇤g(ϕ, ⇤g1 , ..., ⇤gn )task = Pn+m (⇤g1 , ..., ⇤gthe gpartition gn ) fun n+m (⇤ m , ϕ). m, ⇤ 1 , ..., ⇤ that can be expressed in terms of an effectiveVaction The of relating ef f quantum theory,term defined some specific operator F" to the GFT path integral of specific models t the GFTLQG interaction is thebySpin Foam vertex amplitude task of understanding the form of the effective action Sef f . E. Alesci, K. Noui, F. Sardelli, ’08 For generic operators F", this is a very difficult task [53], of course. The general strategy for solv quantum corrections give new interaction terms or renormalisation of existing ones ever, is clear: one should a) expand the exponential operator function of F" in power series of polyno 2nd quantized reformulation: dynamics - 3d example test construction in “known” example: 3d quantum gravity (euclidean) Hamiltonian and diffeo constraints impose flatness of gravity holonomy general matrix elements of projector operator: K. Noui, A. Perez, ’04 |P⇥| ⇥ ⇥= | f ⇤˜ , (Hf ) | ⇥ ⇥ (independent) closed loops such action decomposes into an action on 2, 4, 6,... spin network vertices (glued to form closed graphs, because of gauge invariance of P - graphs formed by an odd number of spin net vertices do not arise) this in turn should give possible GFT interaction terms Vn+m (g1 , ..., gm , g1 , ..., gn ) = Pn+m (g1 , ..., gm , g1 , ..., gn ) E. Alesci, K. Noui, F. Sardelli, ’08 we expect these to give rise to the known Boulatov GFT model for 3d QG (NB: because matrix elements are real, do not expect any distinction between using the GFT field and its conjugate) 2nd quantized reformulation: dynamics - 3d example indeed.... using gauge invariance of GFT fields (i.e. of spin net vertices) gives the identity kernel g 1' g1 g2 g6' g4' g3 g5 g5 g2 g6 = g5' g6' ⇤ ⇤ [dgi dgi ] ⇥123 ⇥3 56 ⇥5 4 6 ⇥62 1 [dgi dgi ] ⇥123 ⇥3 56 ⇥5 4 6 ⇥62 1 g2' g4' g4 ⇥ 1 G4 G6 G5 g3 g3 1 ⇥ 1 ⇥ = ... = 1 g4 g4 Gi = gi gi 1 ⇥ g5 g5 1 ⇥ g6 g6 1 ⇥ ⇥ijk = ⇥ (gi , gj , gk ) exactly usual tetrahedral interaction term of Boulatov GFT g3' g3 g 1' 1 g6 g5' g1 ⇥ [dgi dgi ] ⇥123 ⇥3 45 ⇥5 2 6 ⇥6 4 1 G3 G5 G2 G2 G6 G1 ⇤ ⇥ ⇥ 1 1 = [dgi dgi ] ⇥123 ⇥3 45 ⇥5 2 6 ⇥6 4 1 g1 g1 g2 g2 1 g4 g3' g2' ⇤ already shown to correspond to GFT diffeos - even clearer in flux variable (A. Baratin,F. Girelli, DO, ’11) (G2 G1 ) (G6 G5 ) (G3 G5 G4 G2 ) = ... = g1 g1 1 ⇥ g2 g2 1 ⇥ g3 g3 1 ⇥ g4 g4 Gi = gi gi 1 1 ⇥ g5 g5 1 ⇥ g6 g6 1 ⇥ ⇥ijk = ⇥ (gi , gj , gk ) so-called “pillow” interaction term, also considered in Boulatov GFT L. Freidel, D. Louapre, ’02 can then compute diagrams of order 6,8,.... - GFT action will in general contain infinite number of interactions Part II: ! What for? extended discussion Relating LQG and Spin Foams via GFT LQG can be reformulated in 2nd quantized form to give a GFT - kinematical and dynamical correspondence insights: • • • ! direct route LQG <—> GFT (SF fully defined via perturbative expansion of GFT) ! SF vertex is elementary matrix element of projector operator ! E. Alesci, K. Noui, F. Sardelli, ’08 SF partition function (transition amplitude) contains more than canonical projector equations (scalar product) L. Freidel, ’06; T. Thiemann, A. Zipfel, ‘13 key issues: • ! class of diagrams to be summed over? subsector of canonical dynamics? ! (L. Freidel, ’06) • choice of quantum statistics? relation to diffeomorphisms and to GFT symmetries? • criteria for restricting GFT interactions (matrix elements of canonical projector P) • • (B. Bahr, T. Thiemann, ’07) (A. Baratin,F. Girelli, DO, ’11) ! ! (V. Bonzom, R. Gurau, V. Rivasseau, ’12) exact relation between Hilbert spaces (physical meaning of graph structures) ! role and significance of open spin networks? • more rigorous meaning to canonical partition function, ensembles and thermodynamic potentials Continuum limit of LQG (at dynamical level) QFT methods (i.e. GFT reformulation of LQG) useful to address physics of large numbers of LQG d.o.f.s, i.e. many and refined graphs (continuum limit) (superpositions of “many-vertices” states, refinement as creation of new vertices, etc) 1. making sense of quantum dynamics and LQG partition function (correlations) 2. understanding LQG phase structure 3. extracting effective continuum dynamics Continuum limit of LQG (at dynamical level) QFT methods (i.e. GFT reformulation of LQG) useful to address physics of large numbers of LQG d.o.f.s, i.e. many and refined graphs (continuum limit) 1.making sense of quantum dynamics and LQG partition function (correlations) • approximate tools for computing quantum dynamics (transition amplitudes) around appropriate vacuum state (spin foam perturbative expansion) • control quantum corrections and interactions of many quantum LQG degrees of freedom, compute effective dynamics at different scales (# LQG d.o.f.): GFT (perturbative) renormalization alternative: spin foam (lattice) refinement/coarse graining (B. Bahr, B. Dittrich, ’09, ’10; B. Bahr, B. Dittrich, F. Hellmann, W. Kaminski, ‘12) • ! ! (V. Bonzom, J. Ben Geloun, ’11; A. Riello, ’13; J. Ben Geloun, ’12; S. Carrozza, DO, V. Rivasseau, ’12, ’13; S. Carrozza, ‘14) give non-perturbative meaning to full partition function, control the full sum over spin foams: constructive GFT (and summability) (L. Freidel, D. Louapre, ’03; J. Magnen, K. Noui, V. Rivasseau, M. Smerlak, ‘09) Continuum limit of LQG (at dynamical level) QFT methods (i.e. GFT reformulation of LQG) useful to address physics of large numbers of LQG d.o.f.s, i.e. many and refined graphs (continuum limit) 2. understanding LQG phase structure what is the LQG continuum phase structure? what is the physical, geometric LQG phase? AL vacuum AL h0|ES |0iAL AL ES << 1 |0iAL = 0 8S AL AS >> 1 totally degenerate geometry (emptiest state) connection highly fluctuating unique diffeo invariant J. Lewandowski, A. Okolow, H. Sahlmannm T. Thiemann’06 C. Fleischack, ‘06 physical vacuum with non-degenerate space-time and geometry and GR as effective dynamics? LQG condensate vacuum (condensate of spin networks) in canonical LQG context: T. Koslowski, 0709.3465 [gr-qc] in covariant SF/GFT context: DO, 0710.3276 [gr-qc] Continuum limit of LQG (at dynamical level) QFT methods (i.e. GFT reformulation of LQG) useful to address physics of large numbers of LQG d.o.f.s, i.e. many and refined graphs (continuum limit) 2. understanding LQG phase structure what is the LQG continuum phase structure? what is the physical, geometric LQG phase? AL vacuum AL h0|ES |0iAL AL ES << 1 |0iAL = 0 AL AS KS vacuum KS h0|ES |0iKS KS ES << 1 >> 1 |0iKS = ES KS AS 8S totally degenerate geometry (emptiest state) connection highly fluctuating diffeo invariant 8S >> 1 non-degenerate geometry (triad condensate) connection highly fluctuating diffeo covariant T. Koslowski, H. Sahlmann, 1109.4688 [gr-qc] Continuum limit of LQG (at dynamical level) QFT methods (i.e. GFT reformulation of LQG) useful to address physics of large numbers of LQG d.o.f.s, i.e. many and refined graphs (continuum limit) 2. understanding LQG phase structure what is the LQG continuum phase structure? what is the physical, geometric LQG phase? AL vacuum AL h0|ES |0iAL AL ES << 1 |0iAL = 0 AL AS 8S >> 1 DG vacuum (or BF vacuum) |0iDG DG h0|F (A)|0iDG DG A << 1 DG ES = 0 >> 1 B. Dittrich, M. Geiller, 1401.6441 [gr-qc] KS vacuum KS h0|ES |0iKS KS ES << 1 |0iKS = ES KS AS 8S >> 1 Continuum limit of LQG (at dynamical level) QFT methods (i.e. GFT reformulation of LQG) useful to address physics of large numbers of LQG d.o.f.s, i.e. many and refined graphs (continuum limit) 2. understanding LQG phase structure what is the LQG continuum phase structure? what is the physical, geometric LQG phase? AL vacuum DG vacuum (or BF vacuum) ? KS vacuum phase transitions ? ? The idea of “geometrogenesis”: continuum spacetime and geometry from GFT • GFT is QG analogue of QFT for atoms in condensed matter system ! ! • continuum spacetime (with GR-like dynamics) emerges from collective behaviour of large numbers of GFT building blocks (e.g. spin nets, simplices), possibly only in one phase of microscopic system ! • continuum spacetime as a peculiar quantum fluid • • more specific hypothesis: continuum spacetime is GFT condensate GR-like dynamics from GFT hydrodynamics • even more specific suggestion: phase transition leading to spacetime and geometry (GFT condensation) is what replaces Big Bang singularity (geometrogenesis) cosmological evolution as relaxation towards (simple) condensate state exact GFT condensate state to correspond to highly symmetric spacetime • • ! ! ! ! ! (...., Hu ’95, Volovik ’10,...., Oriti ’07, ’11, ’13, Rivasseau ’11, ’12, Sindoni ’11) Continuum limit of LQG (at dynamical level) QFT methods (i.e. GFT reformulation of LQG) useful to address physics of large numbers of LQG d.o.f.s, i.e. many and refined graphs (continuum limit) 2. understanding LQG phase structure what is the LQG continuum phase structure? what is the physical, geometric LQG phase? (DO, L. Sindoni, 1010.5149 [gr-qc]; other simple candidates for LQG physical vacuum: GFT condensates S. Gielen, DO, L. Sindoni, 1303.3576 [gr-qc], 1311.1238 [gr-qc] all GFT quanta have the same (gauge invariant) “wave function”, i.e. are in the same quantum state Bi(1) , ...., Bi(N ) N Y 1 = (Bi (m)) N ! m=1 • such states can be expressed in 2nd quantized language one can consider superpositions of states of arbitrary N continuum geometric interpretation: homogeneous (anisotropic) quantum geometries 1 to 4 4In addition † † 1 termines metrics into the states. 1 states. ˆ such 1evolution 4termines 4 the † †of 1 4 4 † † ⇤ := d g d h ⇤(g h ) ⇧ ˆ (g ) ⇧ ˆ (h ), (17) 1 ˆ ahedra, specified by data metrics into the evolution of such In addition to ˆ I I I 1 4 4 d g d h ⇤(g h ) ⇧ ˆ (g ) ⇧ ˆ (h ), (18) ⇤ := I † † ⌅ := d g d h ⌅(g h ) ⌃ ˆ (g ) ⌃ ˆ (h ), (17) edra, specified by the data ˆ I I I ˆ depends on2ond the gauge we require that thethe state Istate I I I)dynamics I is ing— d hThe ⇤(gGFT hIinvariance ⇧ˆ (gI(1), ⇤⇤ := 2 ) ⇧ ˆ (h ), (18) := o depends the gauge (1), we require that is inIinvariance I gical dynamics. de2 depends theThe gauge invariance (1), that the state is inpatial homogeneity if GFT al dynamics. dynamics de-we require 2on — tial homogeneity if variant under right multiplication of allall group elements, variant under right multiplication of group elements, heevolution evolutionof ofsuch such states. In addition to variant under right multiplication of all group †elements, † states. In addition to † † † † where due to (1) and [ ⇧ ˆ (g ), ⇧ ˆ (h )] = 0 the function ⇤ here due to (1) and [ ⇧ ˆ (g ), ⇧ ˆ (h )] = 0 the function ⇤ † † I I= ng that thethe gI grequire ⇤ I[⇧ gI(g h,IIthat corresponding to invariance under (8) so⌃ˆso that I⇧ I = 0isthe ling that ⇤ g h, corresponding to invariance under (8) that where due to (1) and [ ⌃ ˆ (g ), (h )] 0 the function ⌅ nvariance (1), we the state inre due to (1) and ˆ ), ˆ (h I I re due )] function ⇤ I ng that the grequire ⇤ gIthat h, corresponding invariance under (8) so)that ⇥ ⇥ ariance (1), we the state is inIN. ⇥to ⇥satisfy ⌅k, m = 1, . . . , (15) ⇥ ⇥ can be taken to ⇤(g = ⇤(kg k ) for all k, k in n be taken to satisfy ⇤(g ) = ⇤(kg k ) for all k, k in ⇥ k, m = 1, . . . , N. (15) I I s, the leftthe state only depends on gauge-invariant data. ⇥ ⇥ elds, the leftthe state only depends on gauge-invariant data. I I der right multiplication of all group elements, can be taken to satisfy ⌅(g ) = ⌅(kg k ) for all k, k in be taken to satisfy ⇤(g ) = ⇤(kg k ) for all k, k in I I be taken I group I on gauge-invariant data. ds, the leftthe state depends right multiplication of all elements, 1 1 only 1 SU(2) and ⇤(g ) = ⇤(g ). ⇤been is aimfunction 1 ) invariant quantities g , we similarly obtain if we require ⌅(g k) = ⌅(gon forthe allgaugek ⇥ SU( U(2) and ⇤(g ) = ⇤(g ). ⇤ is a function on the gaugenner prodAssuming that the simplicity constraints been imI= ⌅(g have trresponding inner prodAssuming that the simplicity constraints have corresponding to invariance under (8) so that & function & )on ! " I I SU(2) and ⌅(g ) ). ⌅ is a the gaugeI 2) and ⇤(g ) = ⇤(g ). ⇤ is a function I 2) and on the gaugenner prodAssuming that(8) thesosimplicity constraints II to invariance under that Ihave been imI and ⇥ tetrahedron. 4 4 rinsic geometric data does two simple choices of quantum GFT condensate states invariant configuration space of a single out loss of generality ⌅(k g& ) = ⌅(g& ) for all k ue up to the plemented by (6), ⇧ is a field on SU(2) and we require nly depends on gauge-invariant data. sic geometric data and does up to the plemented by (6), ⇧ is a field on SU(2) and we require variant configuration space of a single tetrahedron. 4 invariant configuration space of a single tetrahedron. two simple of quantum GFTcondensate condensate states riant space ofdata. a choices single tetrahedron. two simple choices of quantum GFT states up toconfiguration the plemented by (6), ⇧ is a field on SU(2) and we require ydding depends on gauge-invariant riant configuration information apart from (homogeneous continuum quantum spacetimes) ghat that the simplicity constraints have been imWe then consider two types ofcandidate statesforfor mbedded tetrathis additional symmetry under the action of SU(2). It candidatestates gedded = g(x )(e (x ), e (x )) , (14) because of (1). dded tetrathis additional symmetry under the action SU(2). It ng information apart from We then consider two types of candidate states for # ! # " # ! " (#) (homogeneous continuum quantum spacetimes) (homogeneous continuum quantum spacetimes) We then consider two types of the simplicity constraints have been imtetrathis additional symmetry under the action of SU(2). It e then consider two types of candidate states for We then 4 very natural notion of spatial by (6), ⇧ is a field on SU(2) and we tor fields, can be imposed on arequire state created by 4 macroscopic, homogeneous configurations of tetrahedra: Acreated second possibility is condensate toofcondensate use a two-particle single-particle condensate rroscopic, fields, can be imposed on a one-particle state by natural notion of spatial acroscopic, homogeneous configurations of tetrahedra: two-particle dipole (6), ⇧ is a field on SU(2) and we require single-particle condensate macroscopic, homogeneous configurations tetrahedra: ry fields, can be imposed on a one-particle state created by homogeneous configurationsone-particle two-particle dipole single-particle condensate roscopic, of tetrahedra: two-particle dipole condensate ⌅ (Gross-Pitaevskii approximation) nal symmetry under the action of SU(2). It e context. ⌅ (Bogoliubov approximation) ⇥ ⇤ are the metric components in the frame which automatically has the required gauge inv ⇥⇤ ⇤ (Gross-Pitaevskii ⌅⇥ It context. #) (Gross-Pitaevskii approximation) al symmetry under approximation) the action of SU(2). (Bogoliubov approximation) ⇤ (Bogoliubov approximation) ⇥ 4 † (14) 4 †) ˆ |0⇧ . osed on a one-particle state created by (14) ⌅ ˆwill := dˆ|0⌦ g|0⇧ ⌅(g ˆ(19) (g (17) 4⇤ †⇧ |⌅⇧ := exp (ˆ ⌅ ) |0⇧ , |⇤⇧ := exp . (19) (14) mpatible with spatial homoI:= I )(ˆ |⌅⇧ exp ⌅ ) |0⇧ , |⇤⇧ := exp ⇤ (18) s frame a homogeneous metric be one ˆ ⌅ ˆ := d g ⌅(g ) ⇧ ˆ (g ) (17) ˆ ed on|⌅⌦ a one-particle state created by I I := exp (ˆ ⌅ ) |0⌦ , |⇤⌦ := exp ⇤ . ⌅ ˆ := d g ⌅(g ) ⇧ ˆ (g ) (17) patible with spatial homo|⇧⌦ I:= expI (ˆ ⇧ ) |0⌦ , |⌅⌦ := exp ⌅ |0⌦ . (18) |⌅⇧ ⌅ |0⇧ |⇤⇧ |0⇧ ⌅ ⌅with mpatible spatial isotropy nt coe⇤cients. We can then say that a disned by pushatible with spatial isotropy 4 † 1 dcorresponds by ⌅ˆpush:= g ⌅(g ) ⇧ ˆ (g ) (17) 4 d 2to †simplest 1 4with4 † † I I ˆ if we require ⌅(g k) = ⌅(g ) for all k ⇥ SU(2); ⇧ the case of single-particle conI I ⌅ ˆ := d g ⌅(g ) ⇧ ˆ (g ) (17) 2 ⇤ := d g d h ⇤(g h ) ⇧ ˆ (g ) ⇧ ˆ (h& ), 2) and g = a for some a. |⌅⇧ corresponds to the simplest case of single-particle contry of N tetrahedra, specified by the data orresponds to the simplest case of single-particle conI I if we require ⌅(g k) = ⌅(g ) for all k ⇥ SU(2); with& & & ij a ij for ij some a. corresponds elds on G. I |⇧⌦ corresponds I and g = to the simplest case of single-particle conij ⇥ ⇥ s on G. dsnsation with gauge 2k ⇥ SU(2) out loss of generality ⌅(k g ) = ⌅(g ) for all ⇥ ⇥ invariance imposed by hand; |⇤⇧ I I with gauge invariance imposedbybyhand; hand;|⌅⌦|⇤⇧ mpatible with spatial homogeneity ifdensation ation with invariance imposed |⇤⌦ out)number loss of generality ⌅(k gby =hand; ⌅(ggauge for all k ⇥ SU(2) metric at a gauge finite number ofSU(2); now reads sation I ) with I )|⇤⇧ densation invariance imposed tric at a finite of re ⌅(g k) = ⌅(g for all k ⇥ withow reads I = ⌅(g Ifor because of (1). ⌅(g k) ) all k ⇥ SU(2); withtomatically has the right gauge invariance. I I † † automatically has the right gauge invariance. matically has the right gauge invariance. because of (1). ⇥ ⇥ ically meaningless. Our interomatically where due to (1) and [ ⇧ ˆ (g ), ⇧ ˆ (h& )] = 0 the f automatically has the right gauge invariance. & lly meaningless. Our intergenerality ⌅(k ⌅(g ) for all ⇥ gI ) = ⇥ k ⇥ SU(2) Ifor A second possibility is to use a two-particle operator nerality ⌅(k g ) = ⌅(g ) all k ⇥ SU(2) , (15) I ⌅k, I= GFT Let us consider generic GFT models infour four dimen⇥ A second possibility is to use a two-particle operator = g m 1, . . . , N. (15) et us consider generic models in dimenLet us consider generic GFT models in four dimen(15) ormation given by knowing the ! " (#) ! " ($ ) et us can be taken to satisfy ⇤(g ) = ⇤(kg k ) for a (1). Let us consider generic GFT models in four dimen& & mation given by knowing the which automatically has the required gauge invariance: ). ons, whose actions consist of a kinetic term and an in-and 1 which automatically has the required gauge invariance: s, whose actions consist of a kinetic term and an insions, whose actions consist of a kinetic term an in-on t mpling of an underlying contins, whose SU(2) ⇤(g ) = ⇤(g ). ⇤ isand a and function possibility is to use a two-particle operator sions, whose actions consist of a kinetic term an inin the frame & ing of an underlying contin& possibility is to use a two-particle operator the frame the frame raction quintic (but otherwise general) in the field ⇧: n only uses intrinsic geometric data and does ction quintic (but otherwise general) in the field ⇧: teraction quintic (but otherwise general) in the field ⇧: matically has the required gauge invariance: ⌅ s are distributed in a region of ction quintic invariant configuration space of a single tetrah c will be one teraction quintic (but otherwise general) in the field ⌃: are distributed in a region of atically has the required gauge invariance: ⌅ will be one ⌅1 ⌅ will be one 4 4 from ⌅1 † † ⌅ on any embedding information apart ˆ 1 ⌅ pect to a background metric), We then consider y that a disd g d h ⇤(g h ) ⇧ ˆ (g ) ⇧ ˆ (18)two types of candidate ⇤ := 1 4 4 † † 1 1background I⌅1I)⇧ I † (h (h I ), ˆ ct to a metric), 4 4 † 1 ⇥ 4 4 ⇥ ⇥ that a disd g d h ⇤(g h ˆ (g ) ⇧ ˆ ), (18) ⇤ := ˆ 1 ⌅ ˆ I I I 1 44ad very 44d⇥⇥ gnatural 2, gId,⇥⇥ g)⇧(g I⇥V that a disg d h ⇤(g h )5⇧ˆ[⇧] (g )⇧ˆ⇥4 (h (18) ⇤ := ˆ ⇥⇥ )spatial 1/3 S[⇧] = )⇧(g ) + g ⇧(g ) K(g ⇥ configurations of te 4I4(20) ⇥ I ), homogeneous ⇥ 1 I f⇧] G. It is notion of ⌅1by I ˆ ⇧] = + ⇥V [⇧] (20) d g d g ⇧(g ) K(g I I I 2 1/3 ⇥ 4 ⇥ the data I I 5 rs up to N /L. In this sense macroscopic, = )⇧(g ) + ⇥V [⇧] (20) d g d g ⇧(g ) K(g , g )⇧(g )+ ⇥V (19) S[⇧] = d g d g ⇧(g ) K(g , g I I ˆ I I 5 1 5 [⇧](19) I Inaturally 4N 4 /L. In this †sense † I 2 up to simplest I (18) 2 I I • )⌃(g ) + ⇥V [⌃] S[⌃] = d g d g ⌃(g ) K(g , g y the data 5 I I simplest 2 gauge invariant • I I d g d h ⇤(g h ) ⇧ ˆ (g ) ⇧ ˆ (h ), 1 • 4 4 † † simplest ytyinthe •2data Icontext. Iˆ (h ),I † 2 2 † I)⇧ the discrete d g d h ⇤(g h ˆ (g ) ⇧ (18) if I I I ⇥ ⇤ eity is, at any N , an approxiwhere due to (1) and [ ⇧ ˆ (g ),†⇧ ˆ (h )] = 0 the function ⇤account some correlations 2 † I I⇧ I= yififis, at any N where , an approxitakes into • due to (1) and [ ⇧ ˆ (g ), ˆ (h )] 0 the function ⇤ † † I I ading to the quantum equation of motion ˆ |0⇧ where due to (1)spatial and [⇧ˆ homo(g⇤(g ˆ) (h )] = ⇥I0k ⇥the function ⇤⇥(ˆ ing to the quantum equation of motion I ), I⇧ I⇤(kg geometry compatible with |⌅⇧ := exp ⌅ ) |0⇧ , |⇤⇧ := exp ⇤ can be taken to satisfy = ) for all k, k in ⇥ ing to the quantum equation of motion rto continuous geometries. † can be † taken to satisfy leading quantum equation motion ontinuous geometries. ⇤(g = the ⇤(kg all k, k⇥ of in of leading to the quantum motion I⇤)to I k⇥ ) forequation (1) and [ ⇧ ˆ (g ), ⇧ ˆ (h )] = 0 the function † † N. (16) I I 1 can beI )]Consider taken to satisfy ⇤(kg ) for on allthe k, kanisotropic in ⌅[⇧ˆassame (1) (gvariable: ⇧ˆSU(2) (h = 0 ⇥the function ⇤case): geometric variables (in SU(2) for homogeneous geometries I ) ⇤=data Ik (16) •and addition compatible with spatial isotropy ⌅⌅(16) I ), 1⇤(g and ⇤(g ) = ⇤(g ). is a function gaugeI ⇥ ˆ ink of N I SU(2) and ⇤(g ) = ⇤(g ). ⇤ is a function on the gaugeˆ V k ofto Nsatisfy as 4variable: Consider en ⇤(g ) non-perturbative = ⇤(kg k for )⇥2I for all k, in ⌅a(infinite ˆ V Iˆ= I⇥ 1k5 4 ⇥truly ⇥I kI⇥⇤(g 5 quantum states QG on dofs, superposition ofˆgraphs) ⌅ V • ⇥ ⇥ ⇥ to satisfy ⇤(g ) ⇤(kg ) all k, k in SU(2) and ) = ⇤(g ). ⇤ is function the gauge5 I ˆ I invariant configuration space of a single tetrahedron. U(2) or Hom(2) and g = a for some a. 4 ⇥ ⇥ ⇥ |⌅⇧ corresponds to the simplest case of single-pa d g K(g , ) ⇧(g ˆ ) + ⇥ = 0 . (21) 1 I ˆ V5 ! " ! " ˆ I d g K(g , g ) ⇧(g ˆ ) + ⇥ = 0 . (21) I I data and does ose geometry is approximated I V 4 ⇥ ⇥ ⇥ invariant configuration space of a single tetrahedron. d g K(g , g ) ⇧(g ˆ ) + ⇥ = 0 . (21) I I ⇤(g ) = ⇤(g ). ⇤ is a function on the gauge1 5 ˆ e geometry is approximated I support perturbations sampling I• 4atdany ⇥ gˆ K(g ⇥, g scale ⇥ N I I on ta and does ⇧(g ˆIspace I). ⇤ invariant ) ⇧(g ˆ )+ ⇥ invariance = 0 .imposed (20)by I ) types ⇧(g ˆ ) gsaI )and = ⇤(g is a function the gaugeI configuration of a single tetrahedron. d g K(g , g ) ⌃(g ˆ ) ⇥ = 0 . (20) I I+ ⇧(g ˆ ) We then consider two of candidate states for I I densation with gauge I about the metric at a finite number of I I does ngapart apart from ⇧(g ˆI ) I ) We consider twoquantized types of candidate N leading to di⇥er2nd coherent states states for ⌃(g onfiguration space of a then single tetrahedron. • increase, ˆ N increase, leading to di⇥erfrom figuration space ofmacroscopic, a single tetrahedron. We meaningless. then consider two types of candidate states for homogeneous configurations of tetrahedra: automatically has the right gauge invariance. general physically Our intercan be studied using BEC techniques apart from nce |⌅⇧ is an eigenstate of ⇧(g ˆ ), when (21) acts on |⌅⇧ of spatial • macroscopic, homogeneous configurations of tetrahedra: eon |⌅⌦ is an eigenstate of ⇧(g ˆ ), when (21) acts on |⌅⌦ consider types offor states(21) for acts on |⌅⇧ reach each If (15) holds for I ),I when |⌅⇧spatial eigenstate ofcandidate ⇧(g ˆallall of Nis.Nan If.two (15) holds QuantumGFT GFTcondensates condensates Quantum (14) (14) obtained by by pushpushobtained ctor fields on on G. G. tor fields metric now now reads reads metric ⌅ ˆ := ⌅ d 4g ⌅(gI )⇧ˆ† (gI ) (17) iflimit we require require ⌅(gI k) (at = ⌅(g withwe I ) for all k ⇥ SU(2); Continuumifout of LQG dynamical level) out loss loss of of generality ⌅(k ⇥ g ) = ⌅(g ) for all k ⇥ ⇥ SU(2) I I because of of (1). because (i.e. GFT reformulation LQG) useful toisaddress of large numbers of LQG d.o.f.s, A second secondof possibility operator A to usephysics a two-particle (xmmQFT )),, methods(15) (15) (x )) i.e. many and refined graphs (continuum limit) which automatically automatically has the required gauge invariance: which ion 2. ofin gijthe under the adjoint action of Cosmological dynamics. — The GFT dynamics de nents frame nents in the frame understanding LQG phase structure ion of gphysically adjoint actioninto of⌅ Cosmological dynamics. — The GFTIndynamics de 3 such ij under the nsforms distinct metrics termines the evolution of states. addition t metric metric will will be be one one 1on 4the nsforms physically distinct metrics into termines the states. In addition t 1evolution 4gauge † geometric †ofwesuch what is the LQG continuum phase structure? what is the physical, LQG phase? ˆ ˆ notion of homogeneity also depends invariance (1), require that the state is in en say that aa disd g d h ⇤(gI hI )⇧ˆ (gI )⇧ˆ (hI ), ⇤⇤ := hen say that dis(18) := notion of of homogeneity also depends theThe gauge invariance (1), that1010.5149 the state is in nt action Cosmological dynamics. GFT dynamics de-we require 2on — (DO, L. Sindoni, [gr-qc]; variant under right multiplication of all group elements cified by ecified by the the data data variant under multiplication of allDO, group elements metrics into issues termines the evolution of such states. In†right addition toto invariance S. Gielen, L. Sindoni, tha † th of those by recalling that the g ⇤ g h, corresponding under (8) so other simple candidates for LQG physical vacuum: GFT condensates I I geneity if ogeneity if where due to (1) and [ ⇧ ˆ (g ), ⇧ ˆ (h )] = 0 the function ⇤ where due the I th of those recalling that gIthat h,I corresponding under (8) so tha depends on issues theby gauge invariance (1), we grequire the state is in-to invariance I ⇤ 1303.3576 [gr-qc], 1311.1238 [gr-qc] a natural basis of vector can fields, the left-to satisfy the state only ⇥on gauge-invariant be taken ⇤(g =depends ⇤(kg can be taken ) for all k, k ⇥⇥ in data. I )group a natural basis of vectorunder fields, the leftthe state only depends gauge-invariant data. I k on variant right multiplication of all elements, . . . , N. (16) , . . .all , N. 1 function”, fields. Fixing aa (16) G-invariant inner prodAssuming that the simplicity constraints have been im GFT quanta (spin neth, vertices) have theIIsame “wave i.e. are in the same quantum state SU(2) and ⇤(g ) = ⇤(g ). ⇤ is a function on the gaugeSU(2) and fields. Fixing inner prodAssuming that the simplicity constraints have been im ing that the gG-invariant ⇤ g corresponding to invariance under (8) so that I I I 4 gebra ggleftthis basis is unique up to the plemented by (6), ⇧ is aatetrahedron. field on SU(2) and we requir 4condensate two simple choices of quantum GFT stat invariant configuration space of a single gebra this basis is unique up to the plemented by (6), ⇧ is field on SU(2) and we requir lds, the the state only depends on gauge-invariant data. invariant configuration N etric data and does Y etric data and does 1 We now demand that the embedded tetrathis additional symmetry under the action of SU(2). (homogeneous continuum quantum spacetimes) such states can be expressed in 2nd quantized language II inner prodAssuming that the simplicity constraints have been imWe now demand that the embedded tetrathis additional symmetry under the action of SU(2). We then consider two types of candidate We then states for B , ...., B = (B (m)) i i(1) i(N ) mation apart from mation apart from 4 consider N ! one can superpositions of states of arbitrary N left-invariant vector fields, can be imposed on a one-particle state created by uewith up the to the plemented by (6), ⇧ is a field on SU(2) and we require with the left-invariant vector fields, can be imposed on a one-particle state created by macroscopic, homogeneous configurations of tetrahedra: m=1 single-particle condensate macroscopic, two-particle ll notion notion of of spatial spatial ⌅ ⌅⇥ It (Gross-Pitaevskii bedded tetrathis additional symmetry under approximation) the action of SU(2). (Bogoliubo ⇤ 4 † vvi(m) = e (xcan ), be imposed on|⌅⌦ 4 g ⌅(g )⇧ † (g ) (14) ˆ ⌅ ˆ := d ˆ (17 m ),condensate i(m) = eii (xm or fields, a(14) one-particle by I II ) := exp (ˆ ⌅ ) state |0⌦ , created |⇤⌦ := |0⌦ single-particle ⌅ ˆ := d g ⌅(g ) ⇧ ˆ (17 |⌅⇧ |0⇧ |⇤⇧ exp ⇤ |0⇧ . (19) ⇥(g ˆ )| = (g I | (g I I ith spatial homowith spatial homo⌅ he fields on M obtained by push- 4 † (14) h vector spatial isotropy th spatial isotropy \ ⌅ ˆ := d g ⌅(g ) ⇧ ˆ (gI ) case (17) |⌅⌦ corresponds to the I simplest if we require ⌅(g k) = ⌅(g ) for all k ⇥ with h | '(g i = (g |⌅⇧ corresponds of single-particle conI I I )|SU(2); I) 22 left-invariant vector fields on G. s of ⇥ by hand; |⇤⌦ ⇥ = aa ijij for for some some a. a. densation with gauge invariance imposed out loss of generality ⌅(k g ) = ⌅(g ) for all k ⇥ SU(2 densation |⇤⇧ I I ned byofpush(13) the physical metric now reads of newnumber IRREP of observables algebra, inequivalent wrt Fock vacuum (AL withvacuum) if we require ⌅(g k) = ⌅(g ) for all k ⇥ SU(2); aldsfinite finite number of I I automatically has the right gauge invariance. because of (1). automatically onsymmetry G. ⇥ BF vacuum) breaking U(1) symmetry & BF⇥ gdiffeos/translations (not (A. Baratin,F. Girelli, DO, ’11) ngless. Our interout loss of generality ⌅(k ) = ⌅(g ) for all k ⇥ SU(2) ingless. Our interI I Let us consider generic GFT models in four dimenA second possibility is to use a two-particle operato = g(x )(e (x ), e (x )) , (15) reads usfunction - more general than constant triad field mparameter: m condensate m ii m jj m Let ))now order wave of (1). ven the venby by knowing knowingbecause the which automatically hasterm the required gauge invariance: sions, whose actions consist of a kinetic and an in- Quantum GFT condensates Continuum limit of LQG (at dynamical level) QFT methods (i.e. GFT reformulation of LQG) useful to address physics of large numbers of LQG d.o.f.s, i.e. many and refined graphs (continuum limit) 2. understanding LQG phase structure what is the LQG continuum phase structure? what is the physical, geometric LQG phase? AL vacuum DG vacuum (or BF vacuum) ? KS vacuum phase transitions GFT condensate ? issue is to prove dynamically the choice of vacuum and the phase transitions V. Bonzom, R. Gurau, A. Riello, V. Rivasseau, ’11; experience and results in tensor models and GFTs A. Baratin, S. Carrozza, DO, J. Ryan, M. Smerlak, ‘13 Continuum limit of LQG (at dynamical level) QFT methods (i.e. GFT reformulation of LQG) useful to address physics of large numbers of LQG d.o.f.s, i.e. many and refined graphs (continuum limit) 3.extracting effective continuum dynamics general strategy: change vacuum • obtain effective GFT or spin foam amplitudes around new vacuum • write approximate SD equations in new vacuum • approximate techniques, e.g. mean field theory applied in simple models for: • conditions on non-perturbative vacuum (DO, L. Sindoni, 1010.5149 [gr-qc]) • effective spin foam dynamics (DO, L. Sindoni, 1010.5149 [gr-qc]; E. Livine, DO, J. Ryan, 1104.5509 [gr-qc]) • effective dynamics of simple fluctuations around new vacuum (W. Fairbairn, E. Livine, gr-qc/0702125) most recently: cosmology from full QG (via GFT formalism) ——> (Quantum) Cosmology from GFT S. Gielen, DO, L. Sindoni, arXiv:1303.3576 [gr-qc], arXiv:1311.1238 [gr-qc] problem 1: identify quantum states in fundamental theory with continuum spacetime interpretation many results in LQG (weaves, coherent states, statistical geometry, approximate symmetric states,....) Quantum GFT condensates are continuum homogeneous spacetimes described by single collective wave function (depending on homogeneous anisotropic geometric data) similar constructions in LQG (Alesci, Cianfrani) and LQC (Bojowald, Wilson-Ewing, .....) problem 2: extract from fundamental theory an effective macroscopic dynamics for such states following procedures of standard BEC QG (GFT) analogue of Gross-Pitaevskii hydrodynamic equation in BECs is non-linear and non-local extension of quantum cosmology equation for collective wave function similar equations obtained in non-linear extension of LQC (Bojowald et al. ’12) Quantum GFT condensates Quantum GFT condensates 2. . , N. pends on the gauge (15) invariance (1), we require I I that the state is in⇥ ⇥ ⇥ ⇥satisfy m = 1, . ⇥ ⇥ atural basis of vector fields, the leftthe state only depends on gauge-invariant data. can be taken to ⇤(g ) = ⇤(kg k ) for all k, k in taken to satisfy ( g ) = ( kg k ) for all k, k in I I he leftthe state only depends gauge-invariant data. I group I on can be taken to satisfy ⇤(g ) = ⇤(kg k ) for all k, k in ht multiplication of all elements, tural basis of vector fields, the leftthe state only depends on gauge-invariant data. I I variant under right multiplication of all group elements, † † †= 0 the† function ⇤ 1 1[)] ,rnd N. (16) 1 nd [ ⇧ ˆ (g ), ⇧ ˆ (h eponding due to (1) and ⇧ ˆ (g ), ⇧ ˆ (h )] = 0 the function ⇤ ds. Fixing a G-invariant inner prodAssuming that the constraints have been im- w SU(2) and ⇤(g ) = ⇤(g ).the ⇤been issimplicity aimfunction onforthe gaugeI I riant quantities g , we similarly obtain if we require ⌅(g k) = ⌅(g ) all k ⇥ SU(2); I I ( g ) = ( g ). is a function on the gaugeI ). ⇤ Assuming that the simplicity constraints have under (8) so that & & ! " SU(2) and ⇤(g ) = ⇤(g is a function on the gaugeI s. prodFixing inner prodAssuming that simplicity constraints have been imthat theI toainvariance gG-invariant ⇤ g h, corresponding to invariance under (8) so that I I I I I ⇥ ⇥⇥ 4 ⇥4 ⇥ontetrahedron. ⇥ geometric data and does tisfy ⇤(g ) = ⇤(kg k ) for all k, k in bra g this basis is unique up to the plemented by (6), ⇧ is field SU(2) and we require e taken to satisfy ⇤(g ) = ⇤(kg k ) for all k, k in 4 two simple choices of quantum GFT condensate states invariant configuration space of a single out loss of generality ⌅(k g ) = ⌅(g ) for all k ⇥ SU I I I I to the plemented by (6), ⇧ is a field on SU(2) and we require pends on gauge-invariant data. nt configuration space of a single tetrahedron. two simple choices of quantum GFT condensate states & & ra g this basis is unique up to the plemented by (6), ⇧ is a field on SU(2) and we require the leftthe state only depends on gauge-invariant data. invariant configuration space of a single tetrahedron. c⇤(g data 1 and does 1(homogeneous information apart from continuum quantum demand that the embedded tetrathis additional symmetry theaction action ofSU(2). SU(2).ItIt ). ⇤ is a function on gauge)now and ⇤(g ) = ⇤(g ). ⇤that is,symmetry athe function on the gaugethe simplicity constraints have been imWe then consider types ofunder candidate states for d tetrathis additional under the action of SU(2). Itunder = g(x )(e (x ), e (x )) (14) because ofspacetimes) (1). (homogeneous continuum quantum spacetimes) I hen consider two types of candidate states for two ! # the # er prodAssuming the simplicity constraints have been imI # I" ow demand that embedded tetrathis additional symmetry the of We then consider two types of candidate states for ion apart from 4 natural notion of spatial 4 created , ⇧ is a field on SU(2) and we ith the left-invariant vector fields, can be imposed on aone-particle one-particle state created tion space of a single tetrahedron. ant configuration space of asingle-particle single tetrahedron. elds, can be imposed on arequire state by macroscopic, homogeneous of tetrahedra: A second possibility is tocondensate use acreated two-particle oper condensate copic, homogeneous configurations of tetrahedra: ph single-particle to plemented by (6), ⇧ isone-particle ahomogeneous field on condensate SU(2) andtwo-particle we require dipole thethe left-invariant vector fields, can be imposed on aconfigurations state byby macroscopic, configurations of tetrahedra: two-particle dipo otion of spatial ⌅ ⌅ (Gross-Pitaevskii approximation) ymmetry under the action of SU(2). It text. (Bogoliubov ⌅⇥ It then consider two types of candidate states forof SU(2). er twometric types ofadditional candidate states for components in the frame (Gross-Pitaevskii which automatically hasapproximation) the required gauge invarian ⇥ ⇤ edthe tetrathis symmetry under approximation) the action (Bogoliubov ap ⇤ follow closely procedure used in real BECs 4 † (14) 4 † v = e (x ), (14) 4 †ˆused ni(m) aaone-particle state created by i spatial vible (x := dˆone g|0of ⌅(g )state ⇧ ˆexp (g )(ˆ |i(m) := = eexp (m), ˆ )be |0 imposed , metric |configurations =⌅ˆwill exp .⌅tetrahedra: (19) ˆ:= iconfigurations m with homo⌅ˆby := dgprocedure gexp ⌅(g (g (17) closely BECs (17) I:= Icreated |⌅⇧ ⌅ ) follow |0⇧ ,:= |⇤⇧⇤(17) ⇤ˆ)ˆ⇧ |0⇧ fields, can on a(14) one-particle oscopic, homogeneous me homogeneous be geneous of: tetrahedra: ⌅ ˆ d ⌅(g ) (g I⇧ |⌅⇧ := exp (ˆ ) |0⇧ , |⇤⇧ := exp |0⇧ . (19) I I )I.)in real(18) single-particle GFT condensate: dipole GFT condensate: ⌅ spatial homo⌅ a dis⌅ ⇥ ⇤ ble with spatial isotropy ⇤cients. We can then say that ⇥ ⇤ y push4 † vector fields onwe M obtained byof push1 ector fields on M obtained by push4 ˆ ) for †all k ˆ⇥ SU(2); (14) ⌅ ˆspatial := |⌅⌦ d:= g ⌅(g ) ⇧ ˆ (g ) (17) 1 4with4 † † 2to isotropy I I ˆ if require ⌅(g k) = ⌅(g esponds the simplest case single-particle con⌅ ˆ := d g ⌅(g ) ⇧ ˆ (g ) (17) exp (ˆ ⌅ ) |0⌦ , |⇤⌦ := exp ⇤ |0⌦ . (19) I I I I ⇤ := d g d h ⇤(g h ) ⇧ ˆ (g ) ⇧ ˆ (h&with),withdnfleft-invariant g⌅ = a for some a. (ˆ ) |0⇧ , |⇤⇧ := exp ⇤ |0⇧ . (18) |⌅⇧ corresponds to the simplest case of single-particle conif we require ⌅(g k) = ⌅(g ) for all k ⇥ SU(2); if we require ⌅(g k) = ⌅(g ) for all k ⇥ SU(2); N tetrahedra, specified by the data |⌅⇧ corresponds to the simplest case of single-particle con& & & ij ij vector II II G. left-invariant vector fields on G. fields on G. ⇥ ⇥ 2k ⇥ SU(2) ⇥ ⇥ ⇥ ⇥ out loss of generality ⌅(k g ) = ⌅(g ) for all for some a. on with gauge invariance imposed by hand; | I I ij out loss of generality ⌅(k g ) = ⌅(g ) for all k ⇥⇥SU(2) out loss of generality ⌅(k g ) = ⌅(g ) for all k|⇤⇧ SU(2) densation with gauge invariance imposed by hand; le with spatial homogeneity if densation with gauge invariance imposed by hand; |⇤⇧ cby at a finite number of reads I I I I push)nite of the physical metric now reads 3) of the physical metric now reads k) = ⌅(g ) for all k ⇥ SU(2); withI Ito because of (1).⌅(g rresponds the simplest case of=single-particle conifcase we require k) ⌅(g )the forright all of kof ⇥(1). SU(2); with- invariance. number ofOur tically has the right gauge Ibecause † † (1). the simplest of single-particle conbecause automatically has the right gauge ⇥ ⇥Iinvariance. automatically has gauge invariance. on G. meaningless. interwhere due to (1) and [ ⇧ ˆ (g ), ⇧ ˆ (h& )] = 0 (real the functi & ality ⌅(k g ) = ⌅(g ) for all k ⇥ SU(2) ⇥ ⇥ I I microscopic quantum GFT dynamics obtained (first approximation) from GFT action fields) A second possibility is to use a two-particle operator out loss of generality ⌅(k g ) = ⌅(g ) for all k ⇥ SU(2) (15) tion with gauge invariance imposed by hand; |⇤⌦ less. Our interI I us consider generic G F T models in four dimen⇥ A second possibility is to use a two-particle operator g(x )(e (x )) ,. , N. (15) = g! ⌅k, m = 1, . )) .the quantum GFT dynamics obtained (first approximation) from GFT (real fields) invariance byus hand; |⇤⇧ Acan second possibility ismodels to use a) action two-particle operator wuge reads Let us consider generic GFT in four dimenion given by knowing Let consider generic GFT models in four dimenm mm = g(x )(e (xmm), ),eejimposed (15)(15) " ($ ) i (x be taken to satisfy ⇤(g = ⇤(kg k ) for all k, k m imicroscopic j (x & & which automatically has the required gauge invariance: because of (1). matically hasthe the right invariance. by knowing whose actions consist ofgauge a whose kinetic term and an in1required with extra approximations required for consistent continuum geometric which automatically has the required gauge invariance: which automatically has the gauge invariance: right gauge invariance. sions, whose actions consist of a kinetic term and an in-on the ga gethe of an underlying continsions, actions consist of a kinetic term and an inSU(2) and ⇤(g ) = ⇤(g ). ⇤ is a function bility is to use a two-particle operator frame & & more precisely, from truncation of SD equations for GFT model A second possibility is to use a two-particle operator (15) metric components in the frame interpretation: GFT quanta “small enough” and “flat enough”: us consider generic GFT models in four dimenderlying continthe metric components in the frame n quintic (but otherwise general) in the field : yhe uses intrinsic geometric data and does generic GFT models in four dimenteraction quintic (but otherwise general) inof⇧: the field ⇧: ally has the required gauge invariance: ⌅ distributed in a region of teraction quintic (but otherwise general) in the field invariant configuration space a single tetrahedron be one which automatically has the required gauge invariance: ⌅ ˜ a homogeneous metric will be one 1 of ⌅ whose actions consist a kinetic term an inV ed in a region of e a homogeneous metric will be one 1and 4 4 † † ny embedding information apart from ˆ 1 ⌅ ns consist of a kinetic term and an in⌅ a background metric), We then consider two types of candidate states he frame to a disd g d h ⇤(g h ) ⇧ ˆ (g ) ⇧ ˆ (h ), (18) ⇤ := 1 ˜ 4 4 † † 1 iId] K(g 1 I I I [dg ˆ ˆ:= , g ) ⇤(g ˆ ) + ⇥ = 0 1 4 4 † † ⇥ 4 4 ⇥ ⇥ ients. We can then say that a disg d h ⇤(g h ) ⇧ ˆ (g ) ⇧ ˆ (h ), (18) ⇤ i S. Gielen, DO, L. Sindoni, 1 ˆ 1 I )⇧ I ), i⇥ I I h 2gin⌅I that tion quintic (but general) I i⇥ )⇧ ⇤cients. We then a disground g d ˆ (g ˆ (h (18) ⇤ := 1/3 =but ) ( g ) d metric), g d can gIn (gotherwise Ksay ( , g ⇥ h ⇤(g 4+ in4Vthe ⇥ [ ]field ⇥d ˆ 4 (20) 4⇧: ⇥ Itbedata isotherwise a very natural notion of spatial I I(19) I )sense 5 ˆ I I general) the field ⇧: 2 I l4to one ⇤(g ˆ ) he N /L. this macroscopic, homogeneous configurations of tetrahe S[⇧] = )⇧(g ) + ⇥V [⇧] (20) d g d g ⇧(g ) K(g , g )⇧(g ) + ⇥V [⇧] S[⇧] = d g d g ⇧(g ) K(g , g i I 5 I 1 5 4 † † simplest II I 2I II 2tetrahedra, • NN tetrahedra, specified by the data 1303.3576 [gr-qc], 1311.1238 [gr-qc] 1 ⌅ g d h ⇤(g h ) ⇧ ˆ (g ) ⇧ ˆ (h ), (18) 1 4 4 † † simplest I I I 2 2 • ˆ specified by the data L. thisNsense † I h †)⇧ I e, at discrete context. at aIn disg d [h⇧ ⇤(g ˆ I(g)]I )=⇧ˆ 0(hthe (18) ⇤ :=to (1)d and ⇥function ⇤ functions I ), function any , an approxiwhere due ˆ (g ˆ (h 1 † + ⇤SD equations † I⇧ I ), with spatial if ⇥ 4 homogeneity 4 dynamics ⇥ ⇥ effective for dipole condensate extracted from this for n-point where due to (1) and [ ⇧ ˆ (g ), ⇧ ˆ (h )] = 0 the ⇤ 2 ˆ † † I I ]tinuous = )⇧(g ) + ⇥V [⇧] (20) d g d g ⇧(g ) K(g , g ⇥ ⇥ to quantum equation of motion with spatial homogeneity if ˆ N an approxi⇥ 4 ⇥, the ⇥ I I 5 where due to (1) and [ ⇧ ˆ (g ), ⇧ ˆ (h )] = 0 the function ⇤ the data I I metry compatible with spatial homoˆ |⌅⇧ := exp (ˆ ⌅ ) , |⇤⇧ exp ⇤ |0⇧ . I|0⇧ I := Z can be taken to satisfy ⇤(g ) = ⇤(kg k ) for all k, k in geometries. ⇥ ⇥ leading to the quantum equation of motion I I )⇧(g ) + ⇥V [⇧] (19) g ⇧(g ) K(g , g † † leading to the quantum equation of motion 5 I I 2 ˜⇥ for all k, k ⇥in taken to satisfy ⇤(gI ) = ⇤(kgI k )V when GFTfunction condensate state, and [⇧ˆ applied (gI ), ⇧ˆto(hI(coherent) (16) I )] =I0 the †1 ⇤ can † be eometries. 0 0 0 can be taken to satisfy ⇤(g ) = ⇤(kg k all k, k0 in where due to (1) and [ ⇧ ˆ (g ), ⇧ ˆ (h )] = 0 the function ⇤ compatible spatial isotropy and ⇤(g ⇤(g ).I ⇤ is asystem function on the gaugegftion ⌅k, mSU(2) =equation 1,Consider .with . . , N. (16) I )+ I ) for ˜ I 1 ) (g I) = ⌅ ij(k) ⇥for ⇥ ˆ N as variable: of equations I [dg ] K(g , g | = it gives “wave function”: and ⇥ ⇤(gIi) = ⇤(g the gaugei I⇥ i). satisfy ⇤(g ==⇤(kg k. ,)⇥N. for allofk,V(16) k5 in SU(2) ⌅= ⇤(kg gij(k) ⌅k, 1, 1 ⇤ isiˆa function on '⌘ Iˆ)m I.equation ˆ 4Consider ⇥ quantum ⇥ .taken 2 ng to the motion V can be to satisfy ⇤(g ) k ) for all k, k in iable: '(g and ⇤(g⇥I ) = ⇤(g ).simplest ⇤V is5 a function the gaugeinvariant of 5 Ithe or Hom(2) gfunction = for some corresponds to case ofi )on single-particle dequation (isg Ia, of )motion ˆ (configuration gaI )on +"the =Iˆinvariant 0SU(2) . ,ag4|⌅⇧ (21) I 1g isKand 4space ⇥ a. ⇥single ⇥ tetrahedron. ! " ! I nd does eometry approximated ⇥ ⇥ ntum = ⇤(g ). ⇤ gaugeconfiguration space of a single tetrahedron. d g K(g ) ⇧(g ˆ ) + ⇥ = 0 . (21) (16) ˆ II ,on Iad function ˆ (two g I1)). types I Ig candidate K(g gIwith )the ⇧(g ˆstates )+ ⇥ invariance = 0 .imposed (20)by hand; ses intrinsic geometric data and does SU(2) and ⇤(g ) = ⇤(g ⇤ is gauge⌅ Igauge s approximated We then consider of for I invariant configuration space of a single tetrahedron. densation ⇧(g ˆ ) I ⇥(g ˆ )| = (g ) | for odd-order GFT interactions, eqn from kinetic term decouples separate equations out the metric at a finite number of since: I rt from ˆ5 I We then consider two Itetrahedron. uses intrinsic geometric data and does ⇧(g ˆ ) ncrease, leading to di⇥erration space of a single types of candidate states for I V embedding information apart from 4 ⇥ ⇥ ⇥ invariant configuration space of a single tetrahedron. ˆ meaningless. macroscopic, homogeneous configurations of tetrahedra: ˆ)⇧(g eading to differWe then consider types of candidate states for automatically hastwo the configurations right gauge invariance. d g K(g , g ˆ ) + ⇥ = 0 . (21) and ral physically Our interisdoes an eigenstate of ˆ ( g ), when (21) acts on | I spatial V I I I der two types of candidate states for embedding information apart from 5 h N . If (15) holds for all macroscopic, homogeneous of tetrahedra: ⇥ ⇥ Since |⌅⇧ is two an eigenstate of ⇧(g ˆ⇥ ⇤Ihomogeneous ),constraint-like when (21) acts on |⌅⇧ ⇧(g ˆ1(20) ) ismacroscopic, isI ,aMarch very natural notion of spatial ⇥+ ⇥consider ⇥Since Hamiltonian eqn for collective wave functio We then of candidate states for Itypes (g g ) ⇧(g ˆ ) ⇥ = 0 . ˜ sday, 7, 2013 |⌅⇧ an eigenstate of ⇧(g ˆ ), when (20) acts on |⌅⇧ I I art from 16) holds for all configurations of tetrahedra: Let us consider generic GFT models in four dim I [dg ] K(g , g ) (g g ˜ ) = 0 w the information given by knowing the mes a non-linear equation for : ⇥ ⇤ mogeneous configurations ofextension tetrahedra: i t is a very natural notion of spatial Thursday, March 7, 2013 non-linear and non-local of quantum cosmology-like equation for “collective wave function N , the spatial geometry ⇧(g ˆ ) i i i i ˆ I discrete context. |⌅⇧ := expit(ˆ ⌅a ) |0⇧ , configurations |⇤⇧ := exp ⇤of tetrahedra: |0⇧ . ⌅: (19) + non-linear equations coming from higher-order correlato it⇥becomes non-linear equation foractions macroscopic, homogeneous ˆ ⇥ ⇤ fdiscrete spatial becomes a non-linear equation for ⌅: ⇤ sions, whose consist of a kinetic term and an geometry homo|⌅⇧ := exp (ˆ ⌅ ) |0⇧ , |⇤⇧ := exp ⇤ |0⇧ . (19) spatial as a sampling of an underlying contin|⌅⌦ is an eigenstate of ⇧(g ˆ ), when (21) acts on |⌅⌦ ! I context. uracy. ⇥ ⇤ ⌅ try4(ˆ compatible with spatial V.5homoˆ |0⌦ . ˆ(20) ⇥) |0⇧ ⇥ ), ⇥ |⌅⌦ := exp (ˆ ⌅ ) |0⌦ , |⇤⌦ := exp ⇤ (19) xp ⌅ , |⇤⇧ := exp ⇤ |0⇧ (19) ˆ ⌅ nstate of ⇧(g ˆ when acts on |⌅⇧ sotropy teraction quintic (but otherwise general) in the field V the points are distributed in a region of QG (GFT) analogue of Gross-Pitaevskii hydrodynamic equation in BECs ˆ I d g K ( g , g ) ( g ) + = 0 . (22) comes a non-linear equation for ⌅: 5 I 4 ⇥ ⇥ ⇥ etry compatible with spatial homo|⌅⇧ := exp (ˆ ⌅ ) |0⇧ , |⇤⇧ := exp ⇤ |0⇧ . (19) |⌅⇧ corresponds to the simplest case of single-particle conI I ˆ can identify awith quantum V=5 0 .case of(22) n compatible spatial isotropy d g K(g , g )⌅(g ) + ⇥ ( g ) ⇥ = 4 ⇥ ⇥ ⇥ I l homoI |⌅⇧ corresponds to the simplest I I ˆ ome a. ⌅with neararespect equation ⌅: tify quantum d g K(g , g )⌅(g⌅ ) + ⇥ =single-particle 0. (21) contofor a background metric), Effective cosmological dynamics from GFT Effective cosmological dynamics from GFT Effective cosmological dynamics from GFT derivation of (quantum) cosmological equations from GFT quantum dynamics very general it rests on: ! • • • continuum homogeneous spacetime ~ GFT condensate good encoding of discrete geometry in GFT states 2nd quantized GFT formalism • • • general features: quantum cosmology-like equations emerging as hydrodynamics for GFT condensate non-linear non-local (on “mini-superspace”) derivation of (quantum) cosmology from fundamental QG formalism! exact form of equations depends on specific model considered if GFT dynamics involves Laplacian kinetic term, then FRW equation is contained in effective cosmological dynamics for GFT condensate, with QG corrections S. Gielen, DO, L. Sindoni, arXiv:1303.3576 [gr-qc], arXiv:1311.1238 [gr-qc] Continuum limit of LQG (at dynamical level) QFT methods (i.e. GFT reformulation of LQG) useful to address physics of large numbers of LQG d.o.f.s, i.e. many and refined graphs (continuum limit) 1. making sense of quantum dynamics and LQG partition function (correlations) 2. understanding LQG phase structure 3. extracting effective continuum dynamics beside the formal role in linking canonical LQG and covariant Spin Foam models (and in giving a complete definition of the latter) GFT (2nd quantized LQG formalism) key for further developments! Thank you for your attention!
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