Monte Carlo for Radiation Therapy Dose Calculations Monte Carlo Refresher Course AAPM 2002 Jeffrey V. Siebers, VCU Outline What Monte Carlo is Why it is useful Use of Monte Carlo Monte Carlo and IMRT Research tool IMRT plan verification ¾ IMRT plan optimization J.V. Siebers Virginia Commonwealth University Medical College of Virginia Hospitals Richmond, Virginia USA ¾ ¾ Radhe Mohan M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Houston, Texas Monte Carlo Method What is Monte Carlo? Follows the path of individual representative particles through accelerator, beam modifiers, and patient to determine dose, fluence, and other distributions in patients and phantoms Uses basic physics interaction probabilities (sampled via selection of random numbers) to determine the fate of the representative particles Sufficient representative particles are transported to produce a statistically acceptable results (averages) e- Monte Carlo e- Bremsstrahlung Target Monte Carlo e- Target Collimator Collimator Vacuum Win Flattening Filter Ion Chamber Vacuum Win Flattening Filter Ion Chamber e- Compton Jaws Photoelectric MLC Jaws Electron slowing down and absorption MLC Simulate many (106-108) particles 1 Monte Carlo for Radiation Therapy Dose Calculations Monte Carlo Refresher Course AAPM 2002 Jeffrey V. Siebers, VCU and of the radiation source (electrons) Monte Carlo Target Collimator Requires detailed knowledge of geometry and materials Monte Carlo Beam Characterization Target Collimator Does not change for different beams Vacuum Win Flattening Filter Ion Chamber Jaws e- Vacuum Win Flattening Filter Ion Chamber PSD Model ¾ ¾ PSD Plane Jaws File of particles Source Model MLC MLC and the patient materials Beam Characterization and Commissioning is still a major task for MC implementations. GIGO! Dosimetric Verification Dose Verification 6 MV 10×10 cm2 6 MV 4×4 cm2 10×10 cm2 4×4 cm2 600 wedge 10×10 cm2 600 wedge No Normalization, No Output Factor Measurements Required Why Monte Carlo? Distance (cm) Effect of Heterogeneities on Dose water water air water water Monte Carlo is recognized as the most accurate dose calculation algorithm, it is limited only by accuracy of inputs. Arnfield et al., Med. Phys, 27 (6) 2000 2 Monte Carlo for Radiation Therapy Dose Calculations Monte Carlo Refresher Course AAPM 2002 Jeffrey V. Siebers, VCU Pencil Beam Calculation Speed Why Dose Calculation Algorithms use Monte Carlo for IMRT? Superposition/Convolution Monte Carlo Calculation Accuracy Intensity Dose Conventional dose algorithms can be inaccurate for Small fields Regions of dose gradients (radiation disequilibrium) Heterogeneous conditions 3DCRT IMRT IMRT is typically delivered through a sequence of small static fields or with a dynamically moving aperture with a small width. Dose gradients are common place in IMRT fields MLC Effects on IMRT Field Intensity variation MLC scatter Beam hardening MLC effect on energy distribution MLC Leaf Kim et al., Med Phys 28 2497 3 Monte Carlo for Radiation Therapy Dose Calculations Monte Carlo Refresher Course AAPM 2002 Jeffrey V. Siebers, VCU MLC scatter contribution changes with window width Reasons for physical dose measurement for IMRT QA Verify dose calculation accuracy ¾ Conversion of fluence to MLC motions (homogeneous phantom checks) Data transfer to treatment machine Ability of machine to deliver treatment Fix et al., PMB 46 3241 How Particle Transport Target Collimator Vacuum Win Flattening Filter Ion Chamber include IMRT into Monte Carlo dose calculation? Jaws MLC How transport particles through (moving) MLC? Full MLC Transport Full MLC Transport Transport particles through full complex MLC geometry Method ¾ ¾ MLC geometry is complex ¾ ¾ Efficiency ¾ sMLC = many segments dMLC = continuous segments Hundreds of surfaces to check Slow MC For IMRT, many particles hit MLC, requires 2-5x MU, therefore 2-5x source particles Speed ¾ Tens to hundreds of CPU hours with standard codes (EGS4 / MCNP) 4 Monte Carlo for Radiation Therapy Dose Calculations Monte Carlo Refresher Course AAPM 2002 Jeffrey V. Siebers, VCU Intensity Matrix Approximation Intensity Matrix Target Collimator Vacuum Win Flattening Filter Ion Chamber Jaws Intensity Matrix MLC ¾ Wf =Wi ×I(x, y) MC MLC Y fast ray-tracing Z Similar to method used by other algorithms Matrix can be same as used by other dose algorithms or independently developed Ignores beam hardening Does not include MLC scatter Can be added with empirical correction Attenuation from One Sample wi X At random “times” determine thickness t Z t ... ... wf w f = wi e − µ ( E )t / cosθ z Multiple Samples k=0 k=3 k=6 k=1 k=4 k=7 k=2 k=5 k=8 Compton Scattered Photons Choose one tk from the k thicknesses Sample energy and angle of scattered photon (EGS4 routines) … k=N Determine mean weight by sampling at multiple random w f “times”. w = i N N ∑e k =1 − µ ( E ) tk / cosθ z ( w'f = wi 1 − e− µ ( E)t / cosθ z ) µµ e c − µ ( E ')t ' / cosθ z' 5 Monte Carlo for Radiation Therapy Dose Calculations Monte Carlo Refresher Course AAPM 2002 Jeffrey V. Siebers, VCU MC MLC Model Tongue and Groove MC MLC Model Fence Field Step and shoot with 50% even leaves blocking, 50% odd leaves blocking Even leaves blocking field, Jaws set for 10x10 field 90% of points within ±1%, ±1 mm 90% of points within ±1%, ±1 mm Leaf edge effects accurately predicted Model OK for tongue-andgroove field Advantage of Monte Carlo Checkpoint Accurately transport radiation through the treatment head and patient Disadvantages of Monte Carlo Calculation time Statistical noise But… Monte Carlo codes are getting faster Computers are getting faster Noise reduction methods are improving IMRT Plan Verification Application of Monte Carlo to IMRT Use MC to re-compute IMRT plan for dose verification ¾ Method of including MC in IMRT important 6 Monte Carlo for Radiation Therapy Dose Calculations Monte Carlo Refresher Course AAPM 2002 Jeffrey V. Siebers, VCU IMRT Plan Verification IMRT Plan Verification MC compared to PB, same intensity matrix MC compared to PB, MC uses independent intensity matrix with empirical scatter correction 1.400 Pencil Beam 1.300 D95 V95 100 Target Volume (%) 80 Monte Carlo Monte Carlo Pencil Beam 60 RT Lung Ratio (MC/Std) 1.200 Dmean 1.100 1.000 0.900 0.800 40 Wang et al., Med. Phys. 29 2705 0.700 20 Cord 0.600 #1 0 0 5 10 15 Dose (Gy) SC 20 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #8b #9 Patient Pawlicki et al., Med Dosim, 26 157 Lung Head / Neck IMRT Plan Verification IMRT Plan Verification MC compared to SC, MC transport through MLC MC compared to SC MCMLC 66 Gy Hot-Spot 57 Gy line not cover PTV 7 Monte Carlo for Radiation Therapy Dose Calculations Monte Carlo Refresher Course AAPM 2002 Jeffrey V. Siebers, VCU VCU IMRT QA Beams on Patient Phantom ¾ ¾ Phantom Dose Verification Beams on Phantom Measure each beam at 5 cm depth, 95 cm SSD in phantom using film Compare with Pinnacle’s calculation under same conditions Patient ¾ Use Monte Carlo to compute beams for IMRT. ¾ MC uses leaf sequence files sent to accelerator to generate intensity modulation Compare patient DVHs for MC and Pinnacle’s convolution calculation Film Dosimetry Results For each beam SC to Measurement Comparison Measured Calculated (b) Included in patients chart 54% of points have a dose difference <2% or a DTA <2 mm MC to Measurement Comparison Measurement and Monte Carlo using Tx planning systems Intensity Matrix Measured Calculated Patient Dose Verification Beams on Patient •Compute dose with MC (b) Measurement and Monte Carlo •Use MLC leaf sequence files (c) 97% within 2%,2 mm •Compare DVH’s 8 Monte Carlo for Radiation Therapy Dose Calculations Monte Carlo Refresher Course AAPM 2002 Jeffrey V. Siebers, VCU Monte Carlo IMRT verification Obtain acceptable IMRT plan Copy plan and compute with MC Yes <3% DVH difference? No Print and sign DVHs and dose differences Include in chart Notify planning team Yes Differences acceptable? What is included in the patient’s chart from the Monte Carlo Monitor Unit Check? No Modify plan based on MC SC and MC DVHs IMRT Plan Verification VCU IMRT QA ∆=10% Superposition Monte Carlo 9 Monte Carlo for Radiation Therapy Dose Calculations Monte Carlo Refresher Course AAPM 2002 Jeffrey V. Siebers, VCU IMRT Plan Verification VCU IMRT QA What about using Monte Carlo for IMRT optimization? IMRT optimization dose evaluation modes One-pass dose computation Pre-compute and store each individual beamlet/ray ¾ Sum beamlets weighted by the ray intensity in each iteration ¾ Multi-pass dose computation ¾ Dose from each beam computed at each iteration Compute Dose (DO) 2 Evaluate Plan Objective 3 No Converged? 4 Create Leaf Sequence Compute Dose (DO) MC During IMRT Optimization 1 Intensity Matrix Method Bixel Method IMCO No 3 Converged? 4 Yes Optimized Intensity (IO(x,y)) and Dose DO Create Leaf Sequence 9 Typical IMRT Process 7 9 Can account for heterogeneities ¾ Not include leaf effects ¾ Initial Intensity (II(x,y)) 1 Compute Dose (DO) 2 Evaluate Plan Objective 3 Converged? 4 Optimization 6 No Leaf Sequencer Leaf positions do not exist Yes Optimized Intensity (IO(x,y)) and Dose DO 5 Create Deliverable Intensities 8 (ID(x,y)) “Deliverable” Dose DD 7 Create Deliverable Intensities 8 (ID(x,y)) 2 6 Evaluate Plan Objective 5 Adjust I(x,y) Initial Intensity (II(x,y)) Optimized Intensity for each beam Yes Optimized Intensity (IO(x,y)) and Dose DO “Deliverable” Dose DD Adjust I(x,y) 1 6 Adjust I(x,y) IMRT Optimization Initial Intensity (II(x,y)) Create Leaf Sequence 5 7 Create Deliverable Intensities 8 (ID(x,y)) Delivery “Deliverable” Dose Calculation DD 9 10 Monte Carlo for Radiation Therapy Dose Calculations Monte Carlo Refresher Course AAPM 2002 Jeffrey V. Siebers, VCU Segment Weight Re-optimization Previous Initial Intensity (II(x,y)) 1 Compute Dose (DO) 2 Evaluate Plan Objective 3 Converged? 4 Segment Weight re-optimization for sMLC Create Leaf Sequence (segment and weights) No Yes Optimized Intensity (IO(x,y)) and Dose DO Create Leaf Sequence Segment weight re-optimization does not guarantee an acceptable solution Compute Dose (DO) Adjust Segment weights Adjust I(x,y) 6 5 Evaluate Plan Objective Converged? No 7 Yes Optimized Plan for Segmentation Used REPLACE Limits solution space Create Deliverable Intensities 8 (ID(x,y)) “Deliverable” Dose DD “Deliverable” Dose DD 9 Optimization Process Previous Deliverable Optimization Initial Intensity (II(x,y)) 1 Compute Dose (DO) 2 Initial Intensity (II(x,y)) 6 1 Converged? 4 Yes Optimized Intensity (IO(x,y)) and Dose DO Create Leaf Sequence 5 Compute Dose (DO) 2 Evaluate Plan Objective 3 Converged? 4 MCMLC 6 7 Create Deliverable Intensities 8 (ID(x,y)) “Deliverable” Dose DD Recomputed with MCMLC Create Deliverable Intensities 8 (ID(x,y)) 9 Adjust I(x,y) Adjust I(x,y) No 3 SC optimized 7 Create Leaf Sequence Evaluate Plan Objective Isodose coverage No Yes Optimized Intensity (IO(x,y)) and Dose DO = DD 5 Final dose is deliverable Deliverable Optimized with MC 66 Gy Hot-Spot 57 Gy line not cover PTV Deliverable Optimized with MC (a) Approved plan that did not agree with measurement Original SCopt Deliverable Plan SC MC of Deliverable MCopt (deliverable) Deliverable optimization can restore original optimized plan (b) MC optimized plan restores target coverage 11 Monte Carlo for Radiation Therapy Dose Calculations Monte Carlo Refresher Course AAPM 2002 Jeffrey V. Siebers, VCU Problem MC dose calculation takes too long for iterative IMRT dose computation MC IMRT Problem Possible Solutions Faster MC codes Negative weight particle method ¾ Hybrid dose calculations ¾ Smoothing / Denoising MC distributions ¾ ¾ What are the objectives of using hybrid algorithms? What is a Hybrid Algorithm? Combining or mixing of different dose calculation algorithms Useful for iterative IMRT calculation Decrease (wall clock) time required to do plan optimization Final optimized result as good as if accurate algorithm used for all iterations Hybrid Dose Calc Methods Smoothing / Denoising Correction Method Initialize II Set C=0 Calculate C = DMC - DPB Optimize using DPB+C = DC No ¾ Smoothing via fitting ¾ Wavelets to remove high frequencies Optimized Dose DC,O Compute DMC DC,O = DMC ? Yes Approaches Kawrakow, Fippel Deasy Can reduce #particles by ~8x Optimized Dose (DC,O = DMC) 12 Monte Carlo for Radiation Therapy Dose Calculations Monte Carlo Refresher Course AAPM 2002 Jeffrey V. Siebers, VCU Lessons learned / Future directions Smoothing / Denoising MC reveals dose discrepancies cause by ¾ ¾ Useful for plan verification ¾ Heterogeneities Fluence Practical In future will be used for plan optimization ¾ Requires speeding up Current Commercial implementations of MC ¾ ¾ Nomos (Peregrine) Photon MC Nucletron (MDS Nordion) Electron MC The End 13
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