UNIT 1 PART-A 1. What is communication and mention the three essential things necessary or any communication? Communication is the process of establishing connection (or link) between two points for information exchange 2. Define signal to noise ratio? Signal to noise power ratio is the ratio of the signal power level to the noise power level S/N = Ps/Pn Where Ps = Signal power(watts) Pn= Noise power(watts) Signal to noise power ratio is often expressed as a logarithmic function with the decimal unit S/N(db) = 10log Ps/Pn 3. What are the three primary characteristics of a transmission line? Wave velocity Frequency Wavelength 4. What is transmission line? Transmission line is a metallic conductor system used to transfer electrical energy from one point to another using electrical flow. 5. Mention the disadvantage of an unbalanced transmission line? The primary disadvantage is its reduced immunity to common mode signals such as noise and other interference. 6. Mention the disadvantage of an open wire transmission line? There is no shielding so the radiation losses are high The cable is susceptible to picking up signals through mutual induction, which produces cross talk. 7. What are the different types of losses involved in a transmission line? Conductor loss Dielectric heating loss Radiation loss Coupling loss Corona 8. What are standing waves? With mismatched line there are two electromagnetic waves travelling in an opposite direction, present on the line at the same time. These waves are in fact called travelling waves. Two travelling wave setup an interference pattern known as standing wave. 9. Define critical frequency? Critical frequency is defined as the highest frequency that can be propagated directly upward and still be returned to the earth by the ionosphere. 10. What is Maximum Usable Frequency? MUF is the highest frequency that can be used for sky wave propagation between two specific points on earth’s surface. PART-B 1. What are the types of transmission line and their respective losses? Transmission lines Coaxial transmission line with one source and one load Impedance bridging is unsuitable for RF connections, because it causes power to be reflected back to the source from the boundary between the high and the low impedances. The reflection creates a standing wave if there is reflection at both ends of the transmission line, which leads to further power waste and may cause frequencydependent loss. In these systems, impedance matching is desirable. In electrical systems involving transmission lines (such as radio and fiber optics)—where the length of the line is long compared to the wavelength of the signal (the signal changes rapidly compared to the time it takes to travel from source to load)— the impedances at each end of the line must be matched to the transmission line's characteristic impedance ( ) to prevent reflections of the signal at the ends of the line. (When the length of the line is short compared to the wavelength, impedance mismatch is the basis of transmission-line impedance transformers; see previous section.) In radio-frequency (RF) systems, a common value for source and load impedances is 50 ohms. A typical RF load is a quarter-wave ground plane antenna (37 ohms with an ideal ground plane; it can be matched to 50 ohms by using a modified ground plane or a coaxial matching section, i.e., part or all the feeder of higher impedance). The general form of the voltage reflection coefficient for a wave moving from medium 1 to medium 2 is given by while the voltage reflection coefficient for a wave moving from medium 2 to medium 1 is so the reflection coefficient is the same (except for sign), no matter from which direction the wave approaches the boundary. There is also a current reflection coefficient; it is the same as the voltage coefficient, except that it has an opposite sign. If the wave encounters an open at the load end, positive voltage and negative current pulses are transmitted back toward the source (negative current means the current is going the opposite direction). Thus, at each boundary there are four reflection coefficients (voltage and current on one side, and voltage and current on the other side). All four are the same, except that two are positive and two are negative. The voltage reflection coefficient and current reflection coefficient on the same side have opposite signs. Voltage reflection coefficients on opposite sides of the boundary have opposite signs. Because they are all the same except for sign it is traditional to interpret the reflection coefficient as the voltage reflection coefficient (unless otherwise indicated). Either end (or both ends) of a transmission line can be a source or a load (or both), so there is no inherent preference for which side of the boundary is medium 1 and which side is medium 2. With a single transmission line it is customary to define the voltage reflection coefficient for a wave incident on the boundary from the transmission line side, regardless of whether a source or load is connected on the other side. a)imbalanced transmission line ii.unbalanced transmission line b) Baluns c) Metallic transmission line i.parallel conductor • Open wire •twin lead • Twisted pair d) co-axial transmission line Losses a) Conductor loss b) Dielectric heating loss c) Radiatin loss d) Coupling loss e) Corona loss 2. Equivalent circuit of transmission line? a)equivalent circuit for a single section transmission line terminated in a load equal to Zo. R-resistance L-self inductance c-capacitance The four terminal model For the purposes of analysis, an electrical transmission line can be modelled as a two-port network (also called a quadrapole network), as follows: In the simplest case, the network is assumed to be linear (i.e. the complex voltage across either port is proportional to the complex current flowing into it when there are no reflections), and the two ports are assumed to be interchangeable. If the transmission line is uniform along its length, then its behaviour is largely described by a single parameter called the characteristic impedance, symbol Z0. This is the ratio of the complex voltage of a given wave to the complex current of the same wave at any point on the line. Typical values of Z0 are 50 or 75 ohms for a coaxial cable, about 100 ohms for a twisted pair of wires, and about 300 ohms for a common type of untwisted pair used in radio transmission. When sending power down a transmission line, it is usually desirable that as much power as possible will be absorbed by the load and as little as possible will be reflected back to the source. This can be ensured by making the load impedance equal to Z 0, in which case the transmission line is said to be matched. A transmission line is drawn as two black wires. At a distance x into the line, there is current I(x) traveling through each wire, and there is a voltage difference V(x) between the wires. If the current and voltage come from a single wave (with no reflection), then V(x) / I(x) = Z0, where Z0 is the characteristic impedance of the line. Some of the power that is fed into a transmission line is lost because of its resistance. This effect is called ohmic or resistive loss. At high frequencies, another effect called dielectric loss becomes significant, adding to the losses caused by resistance. Dielectric loss is caused when the insulating material inside the transmission line absorbs energy from the alternating electric field and converts it to heat. The transmission line is modeled with a resistance (R) and inductance (L) in series with a capacitance (C) and conductance (G) in parallel. The resistance and conductance contribute to the loss in a transmission line. The total loss of power in a transmission line is often specified in decibels per metre (dB/m), and usually depends on the frequency of the signal. The manufacturer often supplies a chart showing the loss in dB/m at a range of frequencies. A loss of 3 dB corresponds approximately to a halving of the power. High-frequency transmission lines can be defined as those designed to carry electromagnetic waves whose wavelengths are shorter than or comparable to the length of the line. Under these conditions, the approximations useful for calculations at lower frequencies are no longer accurate. Telegrapher's equations The telegrapher's equations (or just telegraph equations) are a pair of linear differential equations which describe the voltage and current on an electrical transmission line with distance and time. Schematic representation of the elementary component of a transmission line. 3. Explain in detail about transmission line model? The transmission line model represents the transmission line as an infinite series of twoport elementary components, each representing an infinitesimally short segment of the transmission line: The distributed resistance of the conductors is represented by a series resistor (expressed in ohms per unit length). The distributed inductance (due to the magnetic field around the wires, self inductance, etc.) is represented by a series inductor (henries per unit length). The capacitance between the two conductors is represented by a shunt capacitor C (farads per unit length). The conductance of the dielectric material separating the two conductors is represented by a shunt resistor between the signal wire and the return wire (Siemens per unit length). The model consists of an infinite series of the elements shown in the figure, and that the values of the components are specified per unit length so the picture of the component can be misleading. , , , and may also be functions of frequency. An alternative notation is to use , , and to emphasize that the values are derivatives with respect to length. These quantities can also be known as the primary line constants to distinguish from the secondary line constants derived from them, these being the propagation constant, attenuation constant and phase constant. The line voltage as and the current can be expressed in the frequency domain When the elements and are negligibly small the transmission line is considered as a lossless structure. In this hypothetical case, the model depends only on the and elements which greatly simplifies the analysis. For a lossless transmission line, the second order steady-state Telegrapher's equations are: These are wave equations which have plane waves with equal propagation speed in the forward and reverse directions as solutions. The physical significance of this is that electromagnetic waves propagate down transmission lines and in general, there is a reflected component that interferes with the original signal. These equations are fundamental to transmission line theory. If and are not neglected, the Telegrapher's equations become: where and the characteristic impedance is: The solutions for and are: The constants pulse and , starting at transmitted pulse Transform, must be determined from boundary conditions. For a voltage and moving in the positive at position , of -direction, then the can be obtained by computing the Fourier , attenuating each frequency component by , advancing its phase by , and taking the inverse Fourier Transform. The real and imaginary parts of can be computed as For small losses and high frequencies, to first order in Noting that an advance in phase by can be simply computed as and is equivalent to a time delay by one obtains , Input impedance of lossless transmission line Looking towards a load through a length l of lossless transmission line, the impedance changes as l increases, following the blue circle on this impedance smith chart. (This impedance is characterized by its reflection coefficient Vreflected / Vincident.) The blue circle, centered within the chart, is sometimes called an SWR circle (short for constant standing wave ratio. The characteristic impedance of a transmission line is the ratio of the amplitude of a single voltage wave to its current wave. Since most transmission lines also have a reflected wave, the characteristic impedance is generally not the impedance that is measured on the line. For a lossless transmission line, it can be shown that the impedance measured at a given position from the load impedance is where is the wave number. In calculating , the wavelength is generally different inside the transmission line to what it would be in free-space and the velocity constant of the material the transmission line is made of needs to be taken into account when doing such a calculation. Special cases Half wave length For the special case where where n is an integer (meaning that the length of the line is a multiple of half a wavelength), the expression reduces to the load impedance so that for all . This includes the case when , meaning that the length of the transmission line is negligibly small compared to the wavelength. The physical significance of this is that the transmission line can be ignored (i.e. treated as a wire) in either case. Quarter wave length For the case where the length of the line is one quarter wavelength long, or an odd multiple of a quarter wavelength long, the input impedance becomes Matched load Another special case is when the load impedance is equal to the characteristic impedance of the line (i.e. the line is matched), in which case the impedance reduces to the characteristic impedance of the line so that for all and all Short . Standing waves on a transmission line with an open-circuit load (top), and a short-circuit load (bottom). Colors represent voltages, and black dots represent electrons. For the case of a shorted load (i.e. ), the input impedance is purely imaginary and a periodic function of position and wavelength (frequency) Open For the case of an open load (i.e. imaginary and periodic ), the input impedance is once again Stepped transmission line A simple example of stepped transmission line consisting of three segments. A stepped transmission line is used for broad range impedance matching. It can be considered as multiple transmission line segments connected in series, with the characteristic impedance of each individual element to be Z0,i. The input impedance can be obtained from the successive application of the chain relation where is the wave number of the ith transmission line segment and li is the length of this segment, and Zi is the front-end impedance that loads the ith segment. The impedance transformation circle along a transmission line whose characteristic impedance Z0,i is smaller than that of the input cable Z0. And as a result, the impedance curve is off-centered towards the -x axis. Conversely, if Z0,i > Z0, the impedance curve should be off-centered towards the +x axis. Because the characteristic impedance of each transmission line segment Z 0,i is often different from that of the input cable Z 0, the impedance transformation circle is off centered along the x axis of the Smith Chart whose impedance representation is usually normalized against Z0. Standing wave When Zo =ZL all the incident power is absorbed by the load.this is called as matched line.when Zo≠ZL some of the incident power is absorbed by the load,and some is returned to the source.this is called an unmatched or mismatched line.with a mismatched line,there are two electromagnetic waves,traveling in opposite direction,present on the line at the same time.the two traveling waves set up an interference pattern known as a standing wave. 4. Give short notes about ground wave propagation and space wave propogation? Radio waves in the VLF Very low frequency band propagate in a ground, or surface wave. The wave is confined between the surface of the earth and to the ionosphere. The ground wave can propagate a considerable distance over the earth's surface and in the low frequency and medium frequency portion of the radio spectrum. Ground wave radio propagation is used to provide relatively local radio communications coverage, especially by radio broadcast stations that require to cover a particular locality. The radio waves having high frequencies are basically called as space waves. These waves have the ability to propagate through atmosphere, from transmitter antenna to receiver antenna. These waves can travel directly or can travel after reflecting from earth’s surface to the troposphere surface of earth. So, it is also called as Tropospherical Propagation. In the diagram of medium wave propagation, c shows the space wave propagation. Basically the technique of space wave propagation is used in bands having very high frequencies. E.g. V.H.F. band, U.H.F band etc 5. Give short notes about Maximum Usable Frequency? In radio transmission maximum usable frequency (MUF) is the highest radio frequency that can be used for transmission between two points via reflection from the ionosphere ( skywave or "skip" propagation) at a specified time, independent of transmitter power. This index is especially useful in regard to short wave transmissions. In short wave radio communication, a major mode of long distance propagation is for the radio waves to reflect off the ionized layers of the atmosphere and return diagonally back to Earth. In this way radio waves can travel beyond the horizon, around the curve of the Earth. However the refractive index of the ionosphere decreases with increasing frequency, so there is an upper limit to the frequency which can be used. Above this frequency the radio waves are not reflected by the ionosphere but are transmitted through it into space. The ionization of the atmosphere varies with time of day and season as well as with solar conditions, so the upper frequency limit for skywave communication varies on an hourly basis. MUF is a median frequency, defined as the highest frequency at which skywave communication is possible 50% of the days in a month, as opposed to the (LUF) which is the frequency at which communication is possible 90% of the days, and the frequency o optimum transmission (FOT). Typically the MUF is a predicted number. Given the maximum observed frequency (MOF) for a mode on each day of the month at a given hour, the MUF is the highest frequency for which an ionospheric communications path is predicted on 50% of the days of the month. On a given day, communications may or may not succeed at the MUF. Commonly, the optimal operating frequency for a given path is estimated at 80 to 90% of the MUF. As a rule of thumb the MUF is approximately 3 times the critical frequency. It is the highest frequency that can be used for sky wave propagation between specific two points on earth surface. Mathematically muf=critical frequency/ 6. Explain in detail about Transmission line impedance matching? In electronics, impedance matching is the practice of designing the input impedance of an electrical load (or the output impedance of its corresponding signal source) to maximize the power transfer or minimize reflections from the load. In the case of a complex source impedance ZS and load impedance ZL, maximum power transfer is obtained when where * indicates the complex conjugate. Minimum reflection is obtained when Reflection-less matching Impedance matching to minimize reflections is achieved by making the load impedance equal to the source impedance. Ideally, the source and load impedances should be purely resistive: in this special case reflection-less matching is the same as maximum power transfer matching. A transmission line connecting the source and load together must also be the same impedance: Zload = Zline = Zsource, where Zline is the characteristic impedance of the transmission line. The transmission line characteristic impedance should also ideally be purely resistive. Cable makers try to get as close to this ideal as possible and transmission lines are often assumed to have a purely real characteristic impedance in calculations, however, it is conventional to still use the term characteristic impedance rather than characteristic resistance. Complex conjugate matching Complex conjugate matching is used when maximum power transfer is required. This is different from reflection-less matching only when the source or load have a reactive component. Zload = Zsource* (where * indicates the complex conjugate). If the source has a reactive component, but the load is purely resistive then matching can be achieved by adding a reactance of the opposite sign to the load. This simple matching network consisting of a single element will usually only achieve a perfect match at a single frequency. This is because the added element will either be a capacitor or an inductor, both of which are frequency dependent and will not, in general, follow the frequency dependence of the source impedance. For wide bandwidth applications a more complex network needs to be designed. Power transfer Whenever a source of power with a fixed output impedance such as an electrical signal source, a radio transmitter or a mechanical sound (e.g., a loudspeaker) operates into a load, the maximum possible power is delivered to the load when the impedance of the load (load impedance or input impedance) is equal to the complex conjugate of the impedance of the source (that is, its internal impedance or output impedance). For two impedances to be complex conjugates their resistances must be equal, and their reactances must be equal in magnitude but of opposite signs. In low-frequency or DC systems (or systems with purely resistive sources and loads) the reactances are zero, or small enough to be ignored. In this case, maximum power transfer occurs when the resistance of the load is equal to the resistance of the source. Impedance matching is not always necessary. For example, if a source with a low impedance is connected to a load with a high impedance the power that can pass through the connection is limited by the higher impedance. This maximum-voltage connection is a common configuration called impedance bridging or voltage bridging, and is widely used in signal processing. In such applications, delivering a high voltage (to minimize signal degradation during transmission or to consume less power by reducing currents) is often more important than maximum power transfer. In older audio systems (reliant on transformers and passive filter networks, and based on the telephone system), the source and load resistances were matched at 600 ohms. One reason for this was to maximize power transfer, as there were no amplifiers available that could restore lost signal. Another reason was to ensure correct operation of the hybrid transformers used at central exchange equipment to separate outgoing from incoming speech, so these could be amplified or fed to a four-wire circuit. Most modern audio circuits, on the other hand, use active amplification and filtering and can use voltage-bridging connections for greatest accuracy. Strictly speaking, impedance matching only applies when both source and load devices are linear; however, matching may be obtained between nonlinear devices within certain operating ranges. Impedance-matching devices Adjusting the source impedance or the load impedance, in general, is called "impedance matching". There are three ways to improve an impedance mismatch, all of which are called "impedance matching": Devices intended to present an apparent load to the source of Zload = Zsource* (complex conjugate matching). Given a source with a fixed voltage and fixed source impedance, the maximum power theorem says this is the only way to extract the maximum power from the source. Devices intended to present an apparent load of Zload = Zline (complex impedance matching), to avoid echoes. Given a transmission line source with a fixed source impedance, this "reflectionless impedance matching" at the end of the transmission line is the only way to avoid reflecting echoes back to the transmission line. Devices intended to present an apparent source resistance as close to zero as possible, or presenting an apparent source voltage as high as possible. This is the only way to maximize energy efficiency, and so it is used at the beginning of electrical power lines. Such an impedance bridging connection also minimizes distortion and electromagnetic interference; it is also used in modern audio amplifiers and signalprocessing devices. There are a variety of devices used between a source of energy and a load that perform "impedance matching". To match electrical impedances, engineers use combinations of transformers, resistors, inductors, capacitors and transmission lines. These passive (and active) impedance-matching devices are optimized for different applications and include baluns, antenna tuners (sometimes called ATUs or roller-coasters, because of their appearance), acoustic horns, matching networks, and terminators. Transformers Transformers are sometimes used to match the impedances of circuits. A transformer converts alternating current at one voltage to the same waveform at another voltage. The power input to the transformer and output from the transformer is the same (except for conversion losses). The side with the lower voltage is at low impedance (because this has the lower number of turns), and the side with the higher voltage is at a higher impedance (as it has more turns in its coil). One example of this method involves a television balun transformer. This transformer converts a balanced signal from the antenna (via 300-ohm twin-lead) into an unbalanced signal (75-ohm coaxial cable such as RG-6). To match the impedances of both devices, both cables must be connected to a matching transformer with a turns ratio of 2 (such as a 2:1 transformer). In this example, the 75-ohm cable is connected to the transformer side with fewer turns; the 300-ohm line is connected to the transformer side with more turns. The formula for calculating the transformer turns ratio for this example is: Resistive network Resistive impedance matches are easiest to design and can be achieved with a simple L pad consisting of two resistors. Power loss is an unavoidable consequence of using resistive networks, and they are only (usually) used to transfer line level signals. Stepped transmission line Most lumped-element devices can match a specific range of load impedances. For example, in order to match an inductive load into a real impedance, a capacitor needs to be used. If the load impedance becomes capacitive, the matching element must be replaced by an inductor. In many cases, there is a need to use the same circuit to match a broad range of load impedance and thus simplify the circuit design. This issue was addressed by the stepped transmission line, where multiple, serially placed, quarter-wave dielectric slugs are used to vary a transmission line's characteristic impedance. By controlling the position of each element, a broad range of load impedances can be matched without having to reconnect the circuit. Filters Filters are frequently used to achieve impedance matching in telecommunications and radio engineering. In general, it is not theoretically possible to achieve perfect impedance matching at all frequencies with a network of discrete components. Impedance matching networks are designed with a definite bandwidth, take the form of a filter, and use filter theory in their design. Applications requiring only a narrow bandwidth, such as radio tuners and transmitters, might use a simple tuned filter such as a stub. This would provide a perfect match at one specific frequency only. Wide bandwidth matching requires filters with multiple sections. L-section L networks for narrowband matching a source or load impedance Z to a transmission line with characteristic impedance Z0. X and B may each be either positive (inductor) or negative (capacitor). If Z/Z0 is inside the 1+jx circle on the Smith chart (i.e. if Re(Z/Z0)>1), network (a) can be used; otherwise network (b) can be used. A simple electrical impedance-matching network requires one capacitor and one inductor. One reactance is in parallel with the source (or load), and the other is in series with the load (or source). If a reactance is in parallel with the source, the effective network matches from high to low impedance. The L-section is inherently a narrow band matching network. The analysis is as follows. Consider a real source impedance of and real load impedance of . If a reactance is in parallel with the source impedance, the combined impedance can be written as: If the imaginary part of the above impedance is canceled by the series reactance, the real part is Solving for If the above equation can be approximated as The inverse connection (impedance step-up) is simply the reverse—for example, reactance in series with the source. The magnitude of the impedance ratio is limited by reactance losses such as the Q of the inductor. Multiple L-sections can be wired in cascade to achieve higher impedance ratios or greater bandwidth. Transmission line matching networks can be modeled as infinitely many L-sections wired in cascade. Optimal matching circuits can be designed for a particular system using smith charts. Power factor correction These devices are intended to cancel the reactive and nonlinear characteristics of a load at the end of a power line. This causes the load seen by the power line to be purely resistive. For a given true power required by a load this minimizes the true current supplied through the power lines, and minimizes power wasted in the resistance of those power lines. For example, a maximum power point tracker is used to extract the maximum power from a solar panel and efficiently transfer it to batteries, the power grid or other loads. The maximum power theorem applies to its "upstream" connection to the solar panel, so it emulates a load resistance equal to the solar panel source resistance. However, the maximum power theorem does not apply to its "downstream" connection. That connection is an impedance bridging connection; it emulates a high-voltage, low-resistance source to maximize efficiency. On the power grid the overall load is usually inductive. Consequently, power factor correction is most commonly achieved with banks of capacitors. It is only necessary for correction to be achieved at one single frequency, the frequency of the supply. Complex networks are only required when a band of frequencies must be matched and this is the reason why simple capacitors are all that is usually required for power factor correction.
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