IEEE TRANSBCTIONS ON AUDIO AND ELECTROACOUSTICS, VOL. AU-15,NO. 2, JUNE 1967 45 W h a t is the Fast Fourier Transform? G-AE Subcommittee on Measurement Concepts WILLIAM T. COCHRAN JAMES W. COOLEY DAVIb L. FAVIN, MEMBER, B E E HOWARD D. HELMS, MEMBER, IEEE REGINALD A. KAENEL, SENIOR MEMBER, IEEE WILLIAM w. LANG, SENIOR MEMBER, E E E GEORGE C. ML4L1NG, JE., ASSOCIATE B B ~ ~ ~ B EIEEE R, DAVIb E. NELSON, MEMBER, BEE, CHARLES M. RADER, MEMBER, IEEE PETER D. WELCH Absfracf-The fastFouriertransform is a computational tool which facilitates signal analysissuch as power spectrum analysis and filter simulation by means of digital computers. It is a method for efficiently computing the discrete Fourier transform of a series of data samples (referred to a s a time series). In this paper, the discrete Fourier transfom of a time series is defined, some its properties are discussed, the associated fast method (fast Fourier transform) for computing this transform is derived, and same of &e compai.ational aspects the method arepresented. Examples are included to demonstrate the concepts involved. iblemappingoperationfortime series. As the name implies, it has mathematical properties that are entirely analogous to those of the Fourier integral transform. In particular, i t defines a spectrum of a time series; multiplicationof thetransform of twotimeseriescorresponds to convolving the time series. If digitalanalysistechniques aretobe usedfor analyzing a corltinuous waveform then i t is necessary that the data be sampled(usually at equallyspaced INTRODUCTION intervals of time) in order to produce a time series of discrete samples which can be fed into a digital comN ALGORITHM for the computation of Fourier puter. As is w ~ l l known [ 6 ] , such a timeseriescomcoefficients which requires much less computapletely represents the continuous waveform, provided tional effort than was required in the past was this waveform is frequency band-limited and the reported by Cooley and Tukey [ l ] in 1965. This method samples are taken a t a rate that is at least twice the is now widely known as the "fast Fourier transform," highest frequency present in the waveform. When these and has produced major changes in computational techsamples are eqeally spaced they are known as Nyquist niques used in digital spectral analysis, filter simulation, s a ~ ~ pIkt ~ . be shown that the DFT of such a time andrefated fields. Thetechniquehasa Iong and interesting history that has been summarized by Cooley, series is closely related to the Fourier transform of the continuouswaveform fromwhich sampleshavebeen Lewis, and Llielch in this issue[2]. takentoformthetime series. This makes the DFT The fast Fourier transform (FFT) is a method for particularly usefulforpower spectrumanalysisand efficiently computingthediscreteFouriertransform (DFT)of a timeseries(discrete data samples). The filter simulation on digital computers. The fast Fourier transform (FFT), then, a highly efficiency of this method is such that solutions to many D F T of a time problems can now be obtained substantially more eco- efficient procedure for computing the nomically than in the past. This is the reason for the series. I t takes advantage of the fact that the calculation of the coefficients of t h e D F T can be carried out very great current interest in this technique. iteratively, which results in a considerablesavingsof The discrete Fourier transform (DFT) is a transform computation time, This manipulation is not intuitively in its own right such as the Fourier integra,' traxwform obvious, perhaps explainingwhythisapproachwas or the Fourier series transform. I t is a pourerful reversoverlooked for such a longtime. Specifically,if the timeseriesconsists of N = 2" samples,thenabout Manuscript received March 10,1967. W. T. Cochran, D. L. Favip, and R. A. Kaenel are with Bell 2nN=2N*10g2 N arithmetic operations will be shown Telephone Laboratories, Inc., Murray Hill, N. J. to evaluate all N associated D F T COH. D. Helms iswith Bell Telephone Laboratories,IIK., Whippany, to be required N. efficients. I n comparison with the number of operations J. W. Cooley and P. D. Welch are with the IBM Research Center, required for the calculationof t h e D F Tcoefficients with Yorktown Heights, N. Y . 1%'. Lann and G. C. Malina are with the IBM CorDoration, straightforwardprocedures ( W ) , thisnumber is so Poughkeepsie, iiJ. Y . small when N is large as t o completely change the comC. M. Rader is with Lincoln Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Lexington, Mass. (Operated with support from the putationally economical approach to various problems. U. S. Air Force.) that for N=8192 D. E. Nelson is with the Electronics Division of the General Forexample, it has beenreported Dynamics Corporation, Rochester, N. Y . samples, the computations require about fiveseconds 2 - I Authorized licensd use limted to: IE Xplore. Downlade on May 10,2 at 19:056 UTC from IE Xplore. Restricon aply. IEEE ELECTROACOUSTICS, AND TRANSBCTIOKS AUDIOON JUNE 46 for the evaluation ofall 8192 D F T coefficients on an IBM 7094 computer. Conventional procedures take on the order of half an hour. T h e known applications wherea substantial reduction incomputationtimehasbeen achieved include: 1 ) computation of the power spectra and autocorrelation functions of sampled data 2 ) simulation of filters 3j pattern recognition b y using a two-dimensional form of the DFT; 4 ) computation of bispectra, crosscovariancefunctions,cepstraandrelatedfunctions; and 5) decomposing of convolved functions. THEDISCRETEFOURIER TRANSFORM (DFT) Definition of the D F T and it:, Inverse Since the FFT is an efficient method for computing t h e D F T i t is appropriate to begin by discussing the DFT and some of the properties that make it so useful a transformation. The DFT is defined by1 N-1 A, X k exp ( - 2 ~ r j r k I N ) r M 0, 1 (1) k=O where A, is the rth coefficient of the DFT and X k denotes the kth sample of the time series which consists of N samples and j = 47. T h e Xk’s can be complex numbers and the A,‘s are almost always complex. For notationalconvenience ( 1 ) is often written as 1967 N- exp (2~rj(n m ) r / N ) LIT, if n m mod r=O 0, otherwise (6) establishes that the right side of (5) is in fact equal t o Xk. I t is useful to extend the range of definition of A, to all integers(positiveandnegative).Withinthis definition it follows that A, A.V+~ A,hr+, 7) x1 XW+l N,hT+l (8) Similarly, Relationshipsbetweenthe DFT andtheFourierTransf o r m of a Continuous Waveform An importantpropertythatmakestheDFT so eminently useful is the relationship between the DFT of a sequence of Nyquist samples and the Fourier transform of a continuous waveform, t h a t is represented by theNyquist samples. T o recognize thisrelationship, consider a frequency band-limited waveform whose Nyquist samples, X k , vanish outside the time interval 05tlNT N- A, (Xk)W,k 0, N 1 (2) k=O where W exp ( - 2 ~ r j l N ) . (3) Since the X k ’ s are often values of a function a t discrete time points, the index r issometimescalled the “frequency” of the DFT. T h e D F T h a salso been called the “discreteFouriertransform”orthe“discretetime, finite range Fourier transform.” There exists the usual inverse of the DFT and, because the form is very similar t o t h a t of the DFT, the FFT may be used to compute it. T h e inverse of ( 2 ) is A,W4 (l/N) Let the Fourier transform of g(t) be Gcf). As is well known [6], thistransformisexactly specified at discretefrequenciesbythecomplexFourierseries coefficients of gp(t). From this it follows: NT 0, NT gp(t) .exp ( - 2 ~ r j n t / N T ) (l/NT) N-1 XI where T is thetimespacingbetweenthe samples. A periodic repetition of can be constructed that has identically the same Nyquist samples in the time interval 0 NT 0, N 1. (4) r=O N- (l/NT) Xk.exp ( - 2 r j n k T I N( T1 )1 ) This relationship is called the inverse discrete Fourier k=O transform (IDFT). Itis easy to show that this inversion where nl < N / 2 due to the spectral bandwidth limitais valid by inserting (2) into (4) tion implicitly assumed by the sampling theorem underN - 1 AT-1 lying the validityof Nyquist samples. x1 (Xk/*W)W‘(k-l). (5) Comparing ( 1 1 ) and ( 1 ) i t is seen that they are exr=o k=O actly the same except for a factor of N T and ( Y , n) are Interchangingin (5) theorder of summingoverthe both unbounded. T h a t is, indices r and k, and using the orthogonality relation N . A, D, for r n and T 1 second. (12) The definition of the DFTis not uniform in the literature.Some authors use A , / N the DFT coefficients, others use A,/dT, still others use a positive exponent. Authorized licensd use limted to: IE Xplore. Downlade on May 10,2 at 19:056 UTC from IE Xplore. Restricon aply. The bounds specified for r and n require a correspondence which depends on (7) G-AE SUBCOMMITTEE: T H E TRANSFORM FAST FOURIER 47 ing between even and odd values of N , a distinction avoided by keeping r positive. A waveform of the type considered by (9) is shown where in Fig. l ( e ) . I t is usually obtained as an approximation of a frequency band-limited source waveform [such as n r for n q N/2) the one sketched in Fig.1(a)] by truncating the Nyquist and sample series of this waveform, and reconstructing the continuouswaveformcorrespondingtothetruncated n N Y for n 1, 2, q N / 2 (13) Nyquistsampleseries[Fig.1 (b), (d), and(e)].Notwithstanding the identity of the Nyquist samplesof this and reconstructed waveform and the frequency bandG(n/NT) limited source waveform, these waveforms differ in the D, 1V.A,/2 for n N/2. truncation interval [Fig. l(c) and (e)]. The difference NT is usually referred to as aliasing distortion; the mechanics of this distortion is most apparent in the frequency Equations (13) and (14) give a direct relationship bedomain [Fig. l(c)-(e)]. I t can be made negligibly small tween t h e D F T coefficients and the Fourier transform by choosing a sufficiently largeproduct at discrete frequencies for the waveform stipulated by of the fre(9). A one-to-one correspondence could have been obquencybandwidth of the sourcewaveform andthe tained if the running variable r had been bounded by duration of thetruncationinterval [6] (eg., N is N / 2 . This, however, would have required distinguish- greater than ten). I *f (Frequency) T (a) Frequency-band-limited source waveform. (b)Nyquist samples of the frequencyband-limited source waveform. (c) Truncated source waveform. (d) Truncated series of Nyquist samples of the source waveform. (e) Frequency-band-limited waveform whose Nyquist samples are identical tothetruncated series of Nyquist samples of the source waveform. (f) Periodic continuation of thetruncated source waveform. (g) Periodic continuation of thetruncated series of Nyquist samples of the source waveform. (h) DFT coefficients interpreted as Fourier series coefficients producing complex waveform. Fig. 1. Related waveforms and their corresponding spectra asdefined by the Fourier transforms (integral transforms for energy-limited waveforms; series transform for periodic waveforms). Authorized licensd use limted to: IE Xplore. Downlade on May 10,2 at 19:056 UTC from IE Xplore. Restricon aply. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUDIO AND ELECTROACOUSTICS, JGNE 48 These aliasing distortions are carried over directly to the discrete spectra of the periodically repeated waveforms [Fig. l(f) and (g)], and appear correspondingly in the DFT of the truncated series of Nyquist samples [Fig. l(h)]. It may be of interest to observe that the waveform corresponding to the D F T coefficients interpretedasFourierseries coefficients is complex[Fig. 1(h) 1. 1967 D F T of a time series more rapidly than do other algorithms available. Thepossibility of computing the DFT bysuch a fastalgorithmmakestheDFTtechnique important. A comparison of the cornputational savings that may beachieved through use of the FFT is summarized in Table I for various computations that are frecomquently performed. I t is important to add that the putationaleffortslistedrepresentcomparableupper bounds; the actual efforts dependon the number N and Some Useful Properties of the D F T the programming ingenuity applied[7]. I t m a y b euseful to point out that the FFT not only Anotherpropertythatmakesthe DFT eminently reduces thecomputationtime; i t alsosubstantially useful is the convolution relationship.T h a t is, t h e I D F T reduces round-off errors associated with these computaof the product of two DFTsis the periodic mean convotions. In fact, both computation time and round-off lution of the two time seriesof the DFTs. This relationerror essentially are reduced by a factor of (logz N)/N ship proves very useful when computing the filter outwhere N is the number of data samples in the time p u ta s a result of aninputwaveform;it becomes especiallyeffective whencomputedbythe FFT. A series. Forexample, if N = 1024 21°, then N . log, N = 10 240 [7], [9]. Conventional methods for computderivation of this property is given in Appendix A. ing (1) for N = 1024 would require an effort proportional Other properties of the DFT are in agreement with t o N 2 1 048 576, more than 50 times that required with thecorrespondingproperties of theFourierintegral transform,perhapswithslight modifications. For ex- the FFT. T h e FFT is a clever computational technique of seample, the DFTof a time series circularly shifted by h is quentially combining progressively larger weighted t h e D F Tof the time series multiplied byWmrh. Furthersums of data samples so as to produce the DFT coeffimore, the DFTof the sum of two functions is the sum of cients as defined b y (2). The technique can be intert h e D F T of thetwofunctions.Thesepropertiesare preted in terms of combining the DFTs of the individual readily derived using the definition of the DFT. These data samples such that the occurrence times of these and other properties have beencompiled by Gentleman samples are taken into account sequentially and applied and Sande [7]. to the DFTs of progressively larger mutually exclusive subgroups of data samples, which are combined to ultiTHEFASTFOURIER TRANSFORM mately produce the D F T of the complete series of data General Description of the F F T samples. T h e explanation of the FFT algorithm adopted As mentionedin theIntroduction,the FFT is an in this paperis believed to be particularly descriptive for algorithm that makes possible the computation of the programming purposes. TABLE I COMPARISON OF T H E x U M B E R O F hIULTIPLICATIONS REQUIRED USING “DIREcr’’ AND Operation Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) Filtering (Convolution) Autocorrelation Functions Two-Dimensional FourierTransform(Pattern Analysis: Two-Dimensional Filtering Authorized licensd use limted to: IE Xplore. Downlade on May 10,2 at 19:056 UTC from IE Xplore. Restricon aply. FFT METHODS E R F A S TG-AE S U TB HC EO M M I T T E E : Conventional Forms of the F F T which, using (16), may be written in the following form: Decimation in T i m e : T h e D F T [asper (2)] and its inverse [see (4)] are of the same form so that a procedure, machine, or sub-routine capableof computing one can be used for computing the other by simply exchanging the roles of X k and A,, andmakingappropriate scale-factor and sign changes. The two basic forms of the FFT, each with its several modifications, are thereforeequivalent.However, i t isworthdistinguishing between them and discussing them separately. Let us first consider the form used by Cooley and Tukey [l] which shall be called decimation in time. Reversing the roles of A, and Xkgives the form called decimation in frequency, which will be considered afterwards. Suppose a time series having N samples [such as Xk shown in Fig. 2 ( a ) ] is divided into two functions,Y k and zk,each of which has only half as many points ( N / 2 ) . T h e function Y k iscomposed of the even-numbered points ( X o ,X 2 , X g and is composed of the odd numbered points (XI, X p ,X5 These functions are showninFig. 2 (b) and (c), and we maywritethem formally as A,. yk X2k K=0,1,2,... zk (15) 1. ' 2 X2k+l Since Y k and are sequences of N / 2 points each, they have discrete Fourier transformsdefined by h=O r=0,1,2;.. (N/2)--1 C, N (16) ' 2 zkexp (-4rjrK/;V) T h e discreteFouriertransform t h a t we want is A,, whichwecanwrite in terms of theodd-andevennumbered points 25 [2K N exp 11)) 1 (17) Zk exp ( - 4 n j r k / N ) (18) 2, Y N or (N/2)--1 A, Y k exp 4.-jrk/Ar) k=O (Ni2)-1 exp 2~jr/N) k=O Authorized licensd use limted to: IE Xplore. Downlade on May 10,2 at 19:056 UTC from IE Xplore. Restricon aply. B, exp 27rjr/N)C, O l r < N / 2(. 1 9 ) For values of r greater than N / 2 , the discrete Fourier transforms B , and C, repeatperiodicallythevalues taken on when r N / 2 . Therefore, substituting r + N / 2 for r in (19), we obtain Ar+N/2 B, exp (-2=j B, r $]/N) C, 5Y 05Y exp (-2n-jr/AT)C, N/2 N / 2 .( 2 0 ) By using (3), ( 1 9 ) and ( 2 0 ) may be written as A, B, 4- W'C, A,+N/2 B, W'C, 5Y 05 r (21) 0 hT/2. (22) From ( 2 1 ) and ( 2 2 ) , the first N / 2 and last N / 2 points of the discrete Fourier transformof Xk (a sequence having N samples) can be simply obtained from the DFT of Y k and Z k , both sequences of N / 2 samples. Assuming t h a t we have a methodwhichcomputes discrete Fourier transforms ina time proportional to the square of the number of samples, we can use this algorithm to compute the transformsof Yk and Zk,requiring a time proportional to 2 ( N / 2 ) 2 , and use ( 2 1 ) and ( 2 2 ) to find A , with additional N operations. This is illustrated in the signal flow graph of Fig. 3. The points on the left are the values of Xk (Le., Yk and Zk),and the points on the right are the points of the discrete Fourier transform, A,. For simplicity, Fig. 3 is drawn for the case where Xk is an eight-point function, and advantage is taken of the fact that Wn Wn-N'2,as per (3). However, since Yk and zk are to be transformed, and since we have shown that the computation of t h e D F T of N samples can be reduced to computing the DFTsof two sequences of N / 2 samples each, the computationof B k [or C k > can be reduced to the computation of sequences of N/4 samples. These reductions can be carried out as long as each function has a number of samples that is divisible by 2. Thus, if N = 2" we can make such reductions, applying (IS), ( 2 1 ) , and ( 2 2 ) first for N , then for N / 2 , and finally for a two-point function. The discreteFouriertransform of a one-point function is, of course, the sample itself. The successive reduction of an eight-point discrete Fourier transform, begun in Fig. 3, is continued in Figs. 4 and 5. In Fig. 5 the operation has been completely reduced to complex multiplicationsandadditions.Fromthesignal flow graph there are 8 by 3 terminal nodes and 2 by 8 by 3 arrows, correspondingto 24 additions and48 multiplications. Half of the multiplications can be omitted since the transmission indicated by the arrow is unity. Half of the remaining multiplications are also easily eliminated, we shall see below. Thus, in general, N-logz N complex additions and, at most, 4N.Iog2 N complex multi- IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUDIO AND ELECTROACOUSTICS, JUNE 1967 50 k (b) o Fig. 2. Decomposition of a time series into two part-time series, each of which consists of half the samples. Fig. 4. Signal flow graph illustrating further reduction of the DFT computation suggested by Fig. 3. c3 Fig. 3. Signal flow graphillustrating the reduction of endpoint D F T to two DFTs of N / 2 points each, using decimation in time. The signal flow graph may be unfamiliar to some readers. Basically it is composed of dots (or nodes) and arrows(transmissions). Each node represents a variable, and the arrows terminating at that node originate at the nodes whose variables contribute to the value of the variable at that node. The contributions are additive, and theweight of each contribution, if other than unity, is indicated by the constant written close to the arrowhead of the transmission. Thus, in this example, the quantity A7 a t t h e bottom right node is equal t o B3fW7XCa. Operations other than Fig. 5. Signal flow graph illustrating the computation of the DFT when the 0perations:involved are completely reduced to multipliaddition and constantmultiplication must be clearly indicated by cations and additions symbols other than or Authorized licensd use limted to: IE Xplore. Downlade on May 10,2 at 19:056 UTC from IE Xplore. Restricon aply. ER 51 FASTG-AE SUBCOMMITTEE: THE plications are required for computation of the discrete Fourier transform of an N point sequence, where N is a power of 2. When N is not a power of 2 , but has a factor p , the development of equationsanalogousto (15) through ( 2 2 ) is possible byforming p differentsequences, Yk(i) =Xpk+;,each having N / p samples. Each of these sequences has aD F T Br(i),and the DFTof the sequence Xkcan be computed from thep simpler DFTs with p N complex multiplications and additions. That is, p-1 AT+rn(NlP) &(i)WiI‘+”(”/P)I m=0,1,2,...,p-l 9.=0,1,2,... N ’ P (23) The computation of the DFTs can be further simplified if N has additional prime factors. Further information about thefast Fourier transform can be extracted from Fig. For example, if the input sequence Xk is stored in computer memory in the order xo, x4, x 2 , X6, XI, x5,x 3 X, ? , (24) For this version of the algorithm, the initial shuffling of the data sequence, X,, wasnecessaryfor the“in place”computation.This shufflingis duetothe repeated movement of odd-numbered members of a sequence to the end of the sequence during each stage of the reduction, as shown in Figs. 3, 4, and 5. This shuffling has been called bit reversal2 because the samples are stored in bit-reversed order; i.e., X4=X(100)2is stored inposition (011)z = 3 , etc. Note that the initial data shuffling can also be done (‘in place.” Variations of Decimation in T i m e : If one so desires, the signal flow graph shown in Fig. 5 can be manipulated to yield different forms of the decimation in time version of thealgorithm. If oneimagines that in Fig. 5 all the nodeson thesamehorizontal level as A1 areinterchangedwith all the nodeson thesame horizontal level as A 4 , and all the nodes on the level of As are interchanged with the nodes on the level of Ag, withthearrows carriedalong withthenodes, then one obtains aflow graph like that of Fig. 6. For this rearrangement one need not shuffle the original data into the bit-reversed order, but the resulting spectrum needs to be unshufled. An additional disadvantage might be that the powers of W needed in the computation are in bit-reversed order. Cooley’s original description of the algorithm [ l ] corresponds to the flow graph of Fig. 6 . A somewhat more complicated rearrangementof Fig. 5and yields the signal flow graph of Fig. 7. For this case both the input data and the resulting spectrum are in “natural” order, and thecoefficients in the computation are also used in a natural order. However, the computation may no longer be done “in place.” Therefore, at leastoneotherarray of registersmustbeprovided. This signal flow graph, and a procedure corresponding to it, are due to Stockham[8]. Decimation in Frequency: Let us nowconsider a second, quite distinct, form of the fast Fourier transform algorithm, decimation in frequency. This form was foundindependentlybySande and Cooley and Stockham [SI. Let the time series X k have a DFT A,. The series andthe DFT bothcontain N terms. As before, we divide X k into two sequenceshaving N / 2 pointseach.However,thefirstsequence, Yk,is now composed of the first N / 2 points in X L ,and the second, Z k , is composed of the last N / 2 points in Xk. Formally, then as inFig. 5, ihe computation of the discrete Fourier transform may be done “in place,”that is, by writing all intermediate results over the original data sequence, writing the final answer over the intermediate results. Thus, no storage is needed beyond t h a t required for the original N complex numbers. T o see this, suppose that eachnodecorrespondstotwomemoryregisters(the quantities to be stored are complex). The eight nodes farthest to the leftin Fig. 5 then represent the registers containing the shuffled order input data. The first step in the computation is to compute the contents of the registers represented by the eight nodesjust to the right of the input nodes. But each pair of input nodes affects only the corresponding pairof nodes immediately to the right, and if the computation deals with two nodes at a time, the newly computed quantities may be written intotheregisters fromwhich theinputvalues were taken, since the input values are no longer needed for further computation. The second step, computation of the quantities associated with the next vertical arrayof nodes to the right, also involves pairs of nodes although these pairs are now two locations apart instead of one. Yr, X k This fact does not change the property of “in place” computation, since each pair of nodes affects only the pair of nodes immediately to the right. After a new pair of results is computed, it may be storedin the registers which held the old results that are nolonger needed. In thecomputationforthefinalarray ofnodes,corresponding to the values of the DFT, the computation This is a special case of digit reversal where the radix of the involves pairs of nodes separated by four locations,but address is 2; more general digit reversalsare available for transforms the “in place” property still holds. with other radices. Authorized licensd use limted to: IE Xplore. Downlade on May 10,2 at 19:056 UTC from IE Xplore. Restricon aply. IEEE TRANSSCTIONS ON 52 Fig. 6 . Rearrangement of the flow graph of Fig. 5 illustrating the D F T computation from naturally ordered time samples. Fig. 7. AUDIO AND ELECTROACOUSTICS, JUNE 1967 Rearrangement of the flow graph of Fig. 5 illustrating the DFT computation without bit reversal. Fig. 8. Signal flow graph illustrating the reduction of endpoint DFT to two DFTs of points each, using decimation in frequency. Authorized licensd use limted to: IE Xplore. Downlade on May 10,2 at 19:056 UTC from IE Xplore. Restricon aply. 53 G-AE S U B C O M M I T T E E : T H E F A S T F O U R I E R T R A N S F O R M TRANSFORM AI -w'= Fig. 9. Signal flow graph illustrating further reduction of the DFT computationsuggested by Fig. 8. Fig. 11. Rearrangement of the flow graph of Fig. 10 illustrating the computation of the DFT to yield naturally ordered D F T coefficients. Authorized licensd use limted to: IE Xplore. Downlade on May 10,2 at 19:056 UTC from IE Xplore. Restricon aply. Fig. 10. Signal flow graph illustrating the computation of the DFT when the operations involved are completely reduced to multiplications and additions. Fig. 12. Rearrangement of the flow graph of Fig. 10 illustrating the DFT computation without bitreversal. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ELECTROACOUSTICS, ON AND AUDIO 54 J U N E 1967 Examination of Fig.10gives us muchinformation about the method of decimation in frequency, and allows us to compare it with decimation in time. Both methods requireN / 2 .log N complex additions, complex subtractions, and complex multiplications. Both computations can be done in place. If the coefficients in the computation are to be used in a “natural” rather than “bit-reversed” order, as in Figs. 5 and 10, then the decimation in frequency method works on time samples in (N/2)--1 unshuffled order and yields frequency samples in shufA, Y k [exp (-rjr)]Zk] exp (-2?rjrL/N). (27) fled (bit-reversed) order. Recall that Fig. 5 yielded the k=O opposite result. Let us consider separately the even-numbered and oddWe are also able to rearrange the nodes in Fig. 10 to numbered points of the transform. Let the even-numobtain the signal flow graph, Fig. 11, which works on bered points be X, and the odd-numbered points be S,, shuffled time samples and yields naturally ordered frewhere quency samples, but the coefficients are needed by the computation in bit-reversedorder. T h e geometry of Rr A Zr this signal flow graph is identical to the geometry of 05 r N/2. (28) Fig. 5, just as the geometry of Fig. 10 is identical to the geometry of Fig. 6. T h e differences lie in the transmisSr Asrtl sions. I t is this step that may called be decifnation in frequency. A somewhatmorecomplicatedrearrangement of Note that for computing the even-numbered spectrum Fig. 10 (shown in Fig. 12) yields a signal flow graph that points, (27) becomes simply takes unshuffled samples of thetimeseriesandproduces a set of Fourier coefficients that are not in bit(N/2)-1 reversedorder. The computation cannot, however, be R, z k } e ( - 2 ~ j r k ) / ( ~ / 2 ) (29) done “in place,” and a t least one other arrayof registers k=O must be provided. The method is similar to that shown which we recognize as the N / 2 point D F T of the func- in Fig. 7 for decimation in time. T h e forms of Figs. 5, 6, tion Yk+Zk), the sum of the first N / 2 and the lastN / 2 7, 10, 11, and 1 2 constitute a set of what we might call timesamples.Similarly,fortheodd-numbered spec- canonic forms of the fast Fourier transform. We may trum points, (27) becomes choose among these forms to find an algorithm with the properties of “in place” computation, normally ordered (W/Z)-l input, normally ordered output,. or normally ordered Sr A2r+1 vk exp ( - ~ j [ 2 ~ 11) coefficients, but not all four at once. T o achieve“in place” computation, we must deal with bit reversal, and .exp ( - 2 r j [ 2 ~ I]R/N) to eliminate bit reversal we must give up “in place” (N/Z)-l computation.Thetwomethodsmost effective when ylc ~ , ] ~ ( - 2 r j i i ) : ~ ~ [ ( ~ ~ r r j r k ) / ( i \ ‘ /(30) 2)1 using homogeneous storage facilities are those providing k=O in right order the sine and cosine coefficients needed in which we recognize as the N / 2 point D F T of the func- the computation. The other methods seem less desirtion Y k Z,)exp 27rjjk/N). ablesincetheyrequirewastefultables.Still, all six I t can be concluded from (29) and (30) t h a t t h e D F T methods have about equal usefulness, and the method of an N-samplesequence, X k , may be determined as usedbest will dependontheproblem a t hand.For follows. For even-numbered transform points,it maybe example,themethodshowninFig. 10 maybeused computed as anN / 2 point D F T of a simple combination to transform from the time to the frequency domain, of the first N / 2 and last N / 2 samples of X k . For odd- and the method shown in Fig. 4 may be used for the numberedtransformpoints,itmaybecomputed as inverse transform. Any of the methods described above another N / 2 point D F T of a different simple combina- may be used for the inverse discrete Fourier transform if tion of the first and lastN / 2 samples of X k . This is illus- the coefficients are replaced by their complexconjutrated in the signal flow graph of Fig. 8 for an eight- gates, and if the result of the computation is multiplied point function. W has been defined in (3). by 1/N. As was the case with decimation in time, we can reT h e six forms mentioned are, in a sense, canonic, b u t placeeach of theDFTsindicatedinFig. 8 bytwo one could also employ a combination of decimation in 2-point DFTs, and each of the 2-point DFTs by two time and decimation in frequency at different stages in 1-point transforms, these last being equivalency opera- thereductionprocess,yielding a hybridsignal flow tions. These steps are indicatedin Figs. 9 and 10. graph. zk Authorized licensd use limted to: IE Xplore. Downlade on May 10,2 at 19:056 UTC from IE Xplore. Restricon aply. G-BE SUBCOMMITTEE: THE FAST FOURIER TRANSFORM A Useful Computational Variation: I t may be worth pointing out here how some programming simplicity is realized when the factors p and p = N / p are relatively prime. As described by Cooley, Lewis, and Welch, [2], the “twiddle factor” Wi’ of (23) can be eliminated by choosingsubsequences of the X k ’ s thataredifferent thanthose usedbefore. T h e DFT computationsare then conveniently performed in two stages. 1) Compute the q-point transforms of each of the 55 is alsofrequency-band-limitedto l/2T Hz and completely specified byitsNyquistsamples spaced T second apart The convolution relationship facilitates computation of this equation. T o prove the convolution relationship, let the D F T of the XL’S be A , andcorrespondingly the D F T of the Yh’s be B,. T h e I D F T of the product of A,. B , then becomes [see ] p sequences 2) Compute, then, the p-point transforms (33) of the where sequences B,(%), (+)-Zs perturbation term. (36) is meant to represent the rei.e., thesolution of ~ ( p ) ~ - ~ >If1 the first N / 2 samples of each of the two time series (X,)and ( Y h ) are assumed to be identically zero, then the perturbation term of (36) is zero so t h a t t h e I D F of T CONCLUSION the productof the two DFTs multiplied by N is equal to T h e integral transform method has been one of the the convolution product of (35). Since it is always foundations of analysis for many years because of the possible to select the time series to be convolved such easewithwhichthetransformedexpressionsmaybe that half of the samples are zero, the convolution relamanipulated, particularly in such diverse areasa s acous- tionship for the DFT can be used to compute the contic wave propagation. speech transmission, linear netvolution product [see (35)] of two time series. work theory, transport phenomena, optics, and electroI t is useful to point out that if A,=B,, aperiodic magnetic theory. Many problems which are particularly autocorrelation function emerges. amenabletosolutionbyintegraltransformmethods REFERENCES have not been attacked by this method in the past because of the high cost of obtaining numerical results this [ l ] J. W. Cpoley and J. W. Tukey, ILAnalgorithm for the machine calculation of complex Fourier series,” Math. of Comput., vol. 19, way. pp. 297-301, April 1965. The fast Fourier transform has certainly modified the [2] J. W. Cooley, P. A. Mr. Lewis, and P. D. Welch, “Historical notes the fast Fourier transform” thisissue, p. 76-79. economics of solution by ‘transform methods. Some new [3] on R.B. Blackman and J. W. Tukey, TheMeasurement of Power applicationsarepresented in thisspecialissue,and Spectra. New York: Dover, 1959. C. Bingham, M. D. Godfrey, and J. W. Tukey, “Modern techfurther interesting and profitable applications probably [4] niques of power spectrum estimation,” this issue, p. 56-66. will be found during the next few years. [5] T. G. Stockham, “High speed convolution and correlation,” 1966 and the notation (p)pl ciprocal of p, mod (mod SpringJoint ComputerConf., A F I P S Proc., vol. 28. Washington, D. C.: Spartan, 1966, pp. 229-233. [6] W. T. Cochran, J. J. Downing, D. L. Davin, H. D. Helms, R. A. Kaenel, W. W. Lang, and D. E. Nelson, “Burst measurements in As is well known, if the filter impulse response is frethe frequency domain,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 54, pp. 830-841, June quency-band-limitedto1/2THzand is given by its 1966. Nyquist samples Yh spaced T second apart, and further- [7] W. M. Gentleman and G. Sande, “Fast Fourier transforms-for fun and profit,” 1966Fall Joint ComputerConf. A F I P S Proc., more, if the input waveform is alsofrequency-bandvol. 29. Washington, D. C.: Spartan, 1966, pp. 563-578. Private communication. limited t o 1/2T Hz andgiven by its Nyquist samples x k [9] J. W. Cooley, “Applications of the fast Fourier transform method,’’ spaced T second apart, then the filter output waveform Proc. of the I B M Scientific Computing Symp., June 1966. APPENDIX Authorized licensd use limted to: IE Xplore. Downlade on May 10,2 at 19:056 UTC from IE Xplore. Restricon aply.
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