Parent Handbook Page 1 of 11 Gale River Co-op Preschool Parent Handbook 2013-2014 Gale River Co-op Preschool Mission Statement Our mission is to meet the needs of a diverse community by providing a safe, play-centered cooperative preschool where parents and children learn together. GRCP will provide a caring and fun environment for children ages 3-5 that addresses the children’s needs and interests, and stimulates learning and development socially, emotionally, cognitively, and physically. What is a Cooperative Preschool? A cooperative preschool is a place where parents and children learn together. The classroom experience provides parents with a valuable understanding of how their child interacts with other children and how s/he makes choices and moves through his or her world. Parents learn while immersed in their child’s world. By helping in the classroom and participating in the parent education program, parents acquire skills in supporting their children and meeting their social, physical, emotional and intellectual needs. The classroom operates under the direction of two teachers: a program director/teacher and an associate teacher. The teachers determine the curriculum and maintain standard procedures for the school program. The cooperative preschool is organized and administered by the GRCP Board of Directors and other participating parents and members. The parents assist the teachers as parent helpers in the classroom, raise funds, hold offices, work on committees, and maintain the school. Parents enrich the program by contributing their time, commitment, talent and skills. Their participation ensures smooth operation of a high quality program. Philosophy At GRCP, we believe in learning through play, and feel that young children learn best in a natural setting that allows them to be active participants. The classroom provides developmentally appropriate opportunities to stimulate each child’s physical, intellectual, social, and emotional growth. As a cooperative preschool, we believe that families and teachers working together provide the best environment for a child’s education and development. GRCP values diversity and respects differences among all children and families. Together, we help the children become self-confident, independent problem solvers who effectively manage their environment through language and appropriate action. Revised August, 2013 Parent Handbook Page 2 of 11 Curriculum The program will be geared towards experiential learning, with “academics” embedded in play, as children progress through various learning centers (art, discovery, dramatic play, library/writing, blocks, toys and games, music and movement, and sensory activities), as well as special activities related to projects and themes. Structure will be built into the schedule to create routines and allow children to progress through the morning understanding the expectations of the school. Daily circle time will be held, during which skills are learned through discussions, games, presentations, movement activities, songs and books. Children will be strongly encouraged to attend these circle times, understanding that the ability to participate may be an emerging skill for some. The emphasis will be on developmentally appropriate learning and kindergarten readiness, with activities geared toward each child’s level of development. Portfolios will be kept on each child and reviewed with parents at parent-teacher conferences. GRCP also incorporates regular educational enrichment programs into the curriculum. These include fall and spring sessions of weekly music classes through the Music Together program, led by Caroline Simon, and monthly environmental education lessons by Barb Desroches. The Cooperative Preschool Teacher The cooperative preschool represents a unique approach to education. Its success depends on the parents and teachers working together in administering the school, with the teachers in charge of the educational program. Preschool teachers are hired by the group and are paid a salary for their services. Their role is a dual one of working closely with both parent and child. It is the preschool teacher’s responsibility to provide the kind of environment and experience that will enable the young children to grow socially as they learn to live and play with others, emotionally as they begin to depend upon themselves, and intellectually as they explore their environment in the first step away from home. The teachers find time to foster the joy of learning and share in the growth of each child with parent participation. The teachers do not function in the traditional “teacher” role in the formal classroom. Rather, the teachers establish an environment suitable for preschool children, arranging equipment and providing materials to interest and challenge them. Teachers encourage the parents to contribute by making them aware that they are expected to be, and are needed as teacher assistants. Teachers may assign parent helpers to supervise the various play areas, help out with cleaning, or any number of other different classroom tasks. It is important that members feel free to make suggestions to the preschool teachers (either directly or via the curriculum committee) about the curriculum. The group must realize however, that educational programs are designed as a whole, not in bits and pieces, and that the teachers are in charge of designing the educational program. All constructive grievances regarding the program should be expressed through proper channels, and only through these channels. Parents may discuss issues with the Curriculum Committee Chair. Revised August, 2013 Parent Handbook Page 3 of 11 Confidentiality GRCP’s teachers will maintain confidentiality concerning any information about the children, their names, their disabilities, medical data/conditions, their families, and the circumstances in which they live. It is the teacher’s responsibility not to share specific information about the individual children with others outside this facility. Parents must also maintain this confidentiality, both inside and outside of the classroom. People and programs authorized to receive information are listed in each child’s file. Strategies for Discipline At GRCP, we use positive discipline. Punishment, physical or verbal, is not used as a form of discipline. We teach respectful and cooperative behavior by modeling it ourselves and encouraging the children to: • Recognize and verbalize their feelings. • Accept responsibility for their behavior. • Understand the natural consequences of their behavior. • Work out their differences with each other. Rules of conduct: • Respect yourself and others. • Respect the school environment. If a child exhibits behavior that the teachers feel severely compromises the safety or well being of the students or staff, the parents will be called to take the child home for the day. If a child’s behavior at school threatens the safety of other students and staff or severely impairs the ability of other children to enjoy the program, the teachers will notify selected members of the Board of Directors. Board members, teachers, and the child’s parents may meet to develop a plan for addressing the issue, listing a timeline for specific improvements. If problems persist beyond that timeline, the board may suspend or expel the child from the program. Such action may be immediate and will be made at the board’s discretion. GRCP is committed to helping students develop fully, while maintaining the integrity of the program for all. By-laws (Article IV, Section 3) amended to: A member and his and her child can be expelled or suspended by the Board of Directors following a serious disciplinary problem or infraction of the membership guidelines outlined in the parent handbook. Such an action by the Board may be preceded by a discussion with the teachers and family. Revised August, 2013 Parent Handbook Page 4 of 11 Admission Policy GRCP shall provide equal educational opportunity and treatment to all students receiving services regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, disability, political beliefs, and marital or family status. The admission criteria for GRCP are: • Children must be between the ages of 33 months and 5 years. • Children must be toilet trained; our facility is not certified to handle diaper changing. • Parents must fulfill the responsibilities of membership (see below). Applications will be sent to interested families in the spring, for the following school year. Families currently enrolled in the preschool will have two weeks prior to general admission to enroll their child for the following year. Priority for admitting children is based on date of paid registration. The Vice President is responsible for registering all students, and for maintaining and updating the waiting list on a regular basis. The waiting list will be on a first come/first served basis. A $50 nonrefundable application fee is required. If there is no space available for a child, this application fee will be reimbursed, unless the family opts to be placed on a waiting list. Annual Schedule GRCP will follow the schedule of Lafayette Regional Elementary School for vacations, holidays, and snow days. If Lafayette closes due to inclement weather, the preschool will also be closed. If Lafayette has a two-hour delay, GRCP will open at 9:30 a.m.; students should be picked at the regular scheduled time. Closings and delays will be posted on local radio and TV stations. Preschool is held from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00pm, Monday through Thursday. Emergency Procedure All students must have an up to date emergency contact form on file. This may be updated at any time by the child’s parent or guardian. This is of great importance should a family need to be contacted on any given day regarding a variety of emergencies such as minor injury, allergic reaction or illness. Should there be any catastrophic emergency such as fire, flood or acts or terrorism, the staff at GRCP will use appropriate measures to protect and insure the safety of the students at all times. Our catastrophic exit plan is to move the children to the Potato Barn which is located on the upper side of the farm providing telephone and electricity. The Sugar Hill Fire and Police Departments visit our school regularly to familiarize the children with our local officers and equipment and will work closely with us should such event occur. Financial Obligations GRCP is a non-profit corporation with 501(c)(3) status. Yearly rates are adjusted for an annual budget. School costs include teacher’s salaries, some teacher workshops/enrichment opportunities, Revised August, 2013 Parent Handbook Page 5 of 11 rent, utilities, insurance, accounting and bookkeeping costs, maintenance and repairs, and school supplies. Classes run from September (or late August, depending on Lafayette’s schedule) through mid-June. A $50 non-refundable application fee is required to hold a spot for your child. Tuition for the year is divided into ten equal installments based on a daily rate. The first and last installments are due on the first day of class. The remaining eight payments will be due on the first of each month beginning October 1st. Tuition payments after the 15th of the month will be charged a late fee of $20. If a member chooses to drop out of the preschool during the school year, s/he must give one month written notice to the Treasurer, in order to receive a refund of tuition for unused days. If you have trouble paying tuition on time, please contact the Treasurer, who will work with you to mitigate your situation. Parent Involvement and Responsibilities • Parents are expected to volunteer in the classroom as a parent helper on a regular basis (one day every four weeks) and to help clean the school as needed. • Parents are expected to participate in fundraising activities. • Parents are required to attend the Spring membership meetings. • Parents are a critical part of the ongoing operations of the preschool and are needed to keep it running; thus parents are encouraged to participate on a committee such as the curriculum committee or the fundraising committee (see below). Pick Up and Drop Off Parents should notify the teacher of absences by calling and leaving a message on the school phone (823-9995). If there is to be a planned absence, please notify the teacher beforehand. When you arrive at school, please sign your child in. If you will not be available at your regular phone number, please leave a phone number where you can be reached. If someone other than the person signing him or her in is picking up your child at the end of day, please make a note to this effect on the sign-in sheet and verbally notify the teacher. If you would like to stay and talk with other parents at the beginning or end of the day, please do so outside the classroom. This will minimize classroom noise and disruption. Please be prompt when dropping off and picking up your child. Any child not picked up within half an hour of school ending will go home with one of the parents or teachers. If a child is regularly left at school beyond 1 o’clock, the GRCB may impose a late fee. Cubbies/Parent Mail Pouch Be sure to check your child’s cubby and your parent mail pouch daily for artwork and school information. This is the main way we communicate information to parents. Also, be sure to check any bulletin boards for other information. The Parent Helper Schedule is posted on the bulletin board. Revised August, 2013 Parent Handbook Page 6 of 11 Clothing Please dress your child in clothing that is comfortable and can be soiled without concern. Creativity often involves messy, wet or sticky substances. Parent helpers should also follow this rule. We encourage full participation, which often requires you to get up to your elbows in sand, water and maybe even shaving cream! Bring a change of labeled clothing for your child. If it is rainy or cold, please bring appropriate clothing. Please bring snow pants, jacket, hat and boots in the winter months -- all labeled. We will change back into shoes once inside. Since we are encouraging children to be independent, they should have shoes or slippers that they can attempt to put on themselves. Because we are outside every day as weather permits, please send your child in appropriate footwear. If your child is wearing sandals, we recommend closed toe sandals with a back strap. With gravel, sticks, etc., we do not want any children injuring their feet. Snack/Lunch In order to respect individual diets and care for a variety of allergies, we will establish from the first day of school on that children may not share snacks or lunch. We ask that each child bring his or her own snack, lunch and water bottle to school each day. Please send them with a nutritious snack; no candy or sodas please. We do not allow children to chew gum. If there is any student enrolled with a peanut allergy, GRCP will be peanut free throughout the school year. If you would like to celebrate your child’s birthday at school, you are welcome to bring birthday treats. Please notify the teachers beforehand in order to accommodate all diets and give notice to those with individual diet requirements. For those whose birthdays are celebrated during school vacations or in the summer months, we happily observe “unbirthdays.” Again, parents should discuss celebration days with the teachers. Health In order to prevent the spread of contagious diseases in our school, please keep your child home if s/he has any of the following symptoms: • diarrhea and/or vomiting (within previous 24 hours) • fever (100 or greater, within previous 24 hours) • severe coughing • constantly runny nose (not due to allergy) with thick or yellow discharge • pink eye (conjunctivitis) • blistered and/or infected skin patches • head lice or nits. Please inform us whenever your child will not be in school by calling 823-9995. Revised August, 2013 Parent Handbook Page 7 of 11 If your child is on medication, please let the teacher know at drop-off. All medications have possible side effects of which we should be aware. Our policy is that we will not be responsible for giving a child any medication except in emergency situations. If your child has an Epipen, the school must be given written instructions from your health care provider as to how and when to administer it. Head Lice (pediculous) policy In an effort to minimize the spread of head lice (pediculosis) through the school, parents/guardians should check their child at home frequently. A parent/guardian who discovers that his/her child has head lice is required to inform the school immediately and treat the condition. If a student found at school with an active case of head lice the student will be sent home for treatment. It is the parents/guardians responsibility to make sure the child has been successfully treated before the child can return to school. The child must be lice/nit free or medical documentation must be provided indicating the infestation is not active before they can return to school. In the event that a student does have an active case of head lice the staff may require all students to have head checks by a nurse or designee. Parent Helper Responsibilities All families are expected to provide a ‘parent helper’ in the classroom approximately once each month of the school year. If a family is not able to fulfill this responsibility, the Vice President and Head Teacher must be notified as soon as possible, AND the family should arrange a substitute ‘parent helper’ to fulfill the obligation – either another member of that family or the parent of another student. If a substitute may not be arranged within the GRCP membership, the family MUST notify the Head Teacher early enough that a substitute teacher may be hired, and the family is responsible for covering the cost of the additional teacher: $40/day. Having parent helpers in the classroom is an integral part of our cooperative preschool. Families are allowed six weeks of maternity leave (eight weeks for a caesarean section) from their parent helper responsibilities. Your Day as a Parent Helper Parent helpers should arrive at regular drop off time and sign in on the staff sign-in sheet. Please meet with the teachers to find out any special jobs for the day. If possible, greet all children as they come into preschool telling them that you’ll be the parent helper for the day. During the morning, circulate as needed or as directed by the teacher or assistant, interacting with the children. The teacher will post and/or explain the schedule of the day’s planned activities. This will serve as a guide in the classroom, but the program may vary from day to day. The schedule is flexible, and the times are approximate. We usually maintain the same order of events so the children have the security of knowing what to expect next. During activities, it is important that the children do as much by themselves as possible. Please feel free to comment on what they are doing, how hard they are trying, etc. rather than the product. For example, “I see you have used purple, blue, and green in your picture” rather than “What a pretty picture” or “I like the monster you drew.” Revised August, 2013 Parent Handbook Page 8 of 11 Include all children, a few at a time, in the project so that everyone is offered a chance. Some children will finish sooner than others and some will not want to start right away. This is OK. Once the late starters see what the others are doing, they will probably want to join in. There may also be times when a child does not want to participate. Children should not be forced to participate when they do not wish to. As the children move from one activity to another, help clean up by clearing the tables of any art materials and other activities, wiping down the tables with 10% Simple Green and sweeping the floor. Dismissal time the parent helper should clean the bathroom, mop the bathroom floor and under the art table, sweep and vacuum and take out the trash. Parent helpers are free to leave at approximately 1:15 p.m. unless other arrangements have been made with the staff. If a parent helper is unable to stay for the entire day, that family will be expected to make up the time missed at a later date, to be worked out with the Lead Teacher Teacher/Parent Helper Observations During the school day, both the teachers and the parents have a wonderful opportunity to interact with and observe the children in the preschool setting. Information gained from observations can be very valuable to the teachers in planning their programs and to the parents in learning more about the children. When you are a parent helper, the teacher may ask that you supervise the children for a short time while she observes the children and jots down notes in a journal. Bathroom All children should be accompanied to the bathroom by an adult. The adult will remain just outside the door unless assistance is needed. It is not appropriate for any adult to be in the bathroom with a child with the door fully closed. Confidentiality Because parents are often in the classroom as parent helpers, it is important to maintain confidentiality concerning any information about the children. It is not appropriate for parents to discuss the affairs of other children with the teachers or with the other parents unless it directly involves their own child. Fund Raising Fund raising is a vital source of operating income for the preschool. We will give notice of fundraising opportunities as they arise and encourage and accept creative solutions from the parents. Board of Directors As established by the bylaws governing the Gale River Co-op Preschool, the board of directors is responsible for the property, interest, business, and transactions of the school. What that means is that your board manages the daily and weekly business activities of the school (collecting tuition, paying bills, and so on), as well as establishing long-term policy and procedures. The board is responsible to parents and the school as a whole; we all work together to make GRCP something special for our children. Revised August, 2013 Parent Handbook Page 9 of 11 The Board solicits encouragement, suggestions, compliments, and complaints in any areas that concern you. Board meetings are held monthly. Please check the school calendar for a schedule. Meetings are open for all co-op members to attend but are optional for non-board members. These meetings are a great place to find out about the inner workings of the school and a place to let your opinions be heard. If you have an item to discuss, please call the President so that it may be included on the agenda. The GRCP Board is made up of active parents and/or parents of alumni. It is a volunteer board and, as such, assumes no liabilities. 2013-2014 Board of Directors: President Vice President Treasurer/Facilities Secretary Fund Raising Chair Meghan McPhaul Meaghan Caron Heather Tabor-Russo Amanda Clough Wendy Thayer Parent Committees These committees are open to all parents, and all parents are required to join one committee: Facilities/Maintenance – Completes small maintenance and repair chores at the school as necessary; monitors and fills kerosene space heater as necessary; liaison between school and repair companies as needed. Fundraising – Coordinates and oversees fundraisers throughout the year (e.g. bake sales, bulb sales, etc.). Fundraising is a critical aspect of our budget, and all families are expected to contribute to fundraising events. This committee is chaired by a board member. Website maintenance – Keeps the GRCP website up to date with current news, information, and photographs. Publicity/Community Outreach – Prepares and submits press releases and advertisements as necessary; creates and circulates brochures, posters, and other school-related materials for the public. Photo – Photographs and files images of school events for use within the school as well as for press releases, brochures, and the GRCP website. Recycling – Responsible for sorting the recyclables at school and transporting them to the transfer station on a regular basis (weekly, or as necessary). Party organizer – Works with the teachers to coordinate school events (e.g. holiday parties). Revised August, 2013 Parent Handbook Page 10 of 11 Contact Information Gale River Co-op Preschool P.O. Box 261 Franconia, NH 03580 Turtle Ridge Farm 392 Streeter Pond Road Sugar Hill, NH 03586 Phone number: 603-823-9995 Website: E-mail: [email protected] Revised August, 2013 Parent Handbook Page 11 of 11 GRCP 2013-2014 Parent Handbook Agreement I, _________________________________ have read and understand the GRCP Parent Handbook 20132014. This handbook outlines and describes the responsibilities and duties of my membership. This will serve as an annual contract between GRCP and our family, to be signed and kept on file. Printed Name_______________________________________________________ Signature_______________________________________Date________________ Revised August, 2013
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