Review What an endoscopist should know about immunoglobulin-G4-associated disease of the pancreas and biliary tree Autoren L. Maillette de Buy Wenniger, E. A. Rauws, U. Beuers Institution Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Bibliography DOI 10.1055/s-0031-1291540 Endoscopy 2012; 44: 66–73 © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York ISSN 0013-726X Autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) and IgG4-associated cholangitis (IAC) are the recently recognized pancreatobiliary manifestations of IgG4associated systemic disease (ISD). Clinically, ISD of the pancreas and/or biliary tree may mimic pancreatic cancer, sclerosing cholangitis, or cholangiocarcinoma. Patients often present with abdominal pain, weight loss, jaundice, itch, and biochemical signs of pancreatitis and cholestasis. Tomography may reveal enlargement of the pancreas or may mimic malignant pancreatic lesions, and cholangiopancreatography may disclose irregularities of the pancreatic duct and stenoses of the distal and/or proximal common bile duct and intrahepatic bile ductules. Serum immunoglobu- lin G4 (IgG4) is elevated in most patients but, unlike tissue IgG4-loaded plasma cell infiltrates, is not diagnostic of the disease. The application of consensus diagnostic criteria for laboratory investigations, imaging, and histologic findings can identify patients who qualify for corticosteroid treatment. The excellent response to immunosuppressive therapy suggests an immune-mediated etiology of the disease, but the exact pathophysiological mechanisms are still under investigation. Relapse may occur after tapering down of corticosteroids, which supports the rationale of maintenance immunosuppression after remission has been induced. Immunoglobulin-G4-associated disease of the pancreas and biliary tree IgG4-associated sclerosing or systemic disease ! ! Endoscopic evaluation of the biliary tree and pancreatic duct can yield important information about stenoses that restrict the normal flow of bile and pancreatic secretions respectively towards the intestinal lumen. One of the least common and only recently acknowledged types of sclerotic disease of these ducts is characterized by a marked increase of serum immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4) in most patients. Although rare, identification of this patient group is of crucial importance, especially to distinguish them from those with malignant pancreaticobiliary disease. This review aims to provide a practical overview of the current knowledge of IgG4-associated disease of the pancreas and the biliary tree: when to think of the diagnosis, how to confirm the diagnosis, and how to treat patients with IgG4-associated pancreatic and biliary disease. IgG4-associated sclerosing or systemic disease (ISD) [1] is a recently established umbrella term for a range of organ abnormalities that are all associated with elevated IgG4 serum levels and/ or IgG4-positive plasma cell infiltrates in different tissues. High IgG4 serum levels were first reported by Hamano et al. in 2001 in patients with sclerosing pancreatitis, and have since then been associated with autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) [2]. Careful evaluation of patients with AIP now suggests that AIP should be classified into type 1, typically seen in older males and associated with high IgG4, and type 2, which is found in younger patients who do not have raised IgG4 levels [3]. As type 2 AIP is thought not to belong to the spectrum of IgG4-associated disease, in this review we will focus only on type 1 AIP. The list of organs that can be affected by ISD has expanded from the pancreas [4 – 6], the biliary tree, gallbladder, and liver [7], the retroperitoneum [8, 9], the salivary, parotid, and lacrimal glands [10, 11], and the kidney [12], to the lungs [13, 14], the lymphatic system, the prostate [15, Corresponding author Prof. Dr. Ulrich Beuers Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology G4-213 Academic Medical Center University of Amsterdam P O Box 22700 1100 DE Amsterdam The Netherlands Fax: +31-20-6917033 [email protected] Maillette de Buy Wenniger L et al. What an endoscopist should know about IgG4ssociated disease of the pancreas and biliary tree … Endoscopy 2012; 44: 66–73 Downloaded by: McGill University. Copyrighted material. 66 Review Hypotheses on the pathophysiology of IgG4-associated disease ! Under normal conditions IgG4 makes up 5 % of total circulating IgGs. Induction of IgG4 is thought to be mainly associated with helminthic infections, some allergy-like conditions, and other situations of ongoing antigen exposure: beekeepers, for example, first develop a predominantly IgG1-mediated response to the bee venom, which is gradually overruled by an IgG4-driven reaction. Immunoglobulin G4 antibodies differ functionally from other IgG subclasses in their anti-inflammatory activity. This includes poor ability to induce complement and cell activation because of low affinity for C1q (the q fragment of the first component of complement) and Fc receptors [28]. Consequently, IgG4 has become the preferred subclass for immunotherapy in which recruitment of host effector function is undesirable. IgG4 was formerly thought to be a monovalent antibody, but this paradigm may need revision. IgG4 seems to be capable of dimerizing with IgG4 of other species via Fab-arm exchange [29]. This was shown to occur in vivo for natalizumab, a therapeutic antibody approved for use in humans, thus forming bispecific antibodies [30]. The pathophysiology of IgG4-associated diseases is elusive [31]. A derailment of the immune system is assumed to be causing overactive proliferation and infiltration of the target organs by IgG4loaded plasma cells. However, the initiation of this cascade is un- Table 1 List of possible localizations of immunoglobulin-G4-associated systemic disease. ISD localizations (adapted from Suggested additional [25]) ISD localizations Pancreas Lungs Biliary tree, gallbladder, and liver Lymphatic system (especially hilus) Salivary, parotid, and lacrimal glands Intestine, stomach, ileal pouch Retroperitoneum Vascular system (aortitis) Kidney Nervous system, eye (uveitis) Prostate Pseudotumor Thyroid gland Pituitary gland ISD, immunoglobulin-G4-associated systemic disease. known. One possibility would be that the immune system crossreacts with self antigens in a way similar to classical autoimmune disease, predominantly relying on T-helper-1 cells. Evidence for molecular mimicry of plasminogen-binding protein of Helicobacter pylori to carbonic anhydrase II has been provided recently in patients with AIP when an antibody against this peptide was identified [32]. Potential methodological shortcomings of this study included the lack of a control group of patients with an active H. pylori infection, and the fact that the H. pylori infection status of the investigated patients was not reported [33]. Another explanation of the apparent increase (which in itself is still under debate) in cases of IgG4-associated disease would be the plummeting rates of helminthic infections due to improved hygiene, leading to an increased risk of inappropriate overproduction of IgG4. Under preindustrial conditions IgG4 is thought to be an important antibody in the control of these parasites [34], and (sub)total removal of encounters with these parasitic animals could sensitize individuals towards aberrant reactions analogous to allergies [35]. The cytokine profile of ISD could fit such a T-2-driven reaction [36]. Whether IgG4 has a direct role in the pathogenesis of ISD is still unclear, and the finding of high IgG4 levels could be an epiphenomenon. Still, the finding of tissue reactivity of IgG4 from patient sera suggests that the immunoglobulins may have a pivotal function in the maintenance of the pathological process, and possibly even in its initiation [37]. In patients who respond to therapy the serum IgG4 levels fall [7], supporting a relationship between IgG4 load and disease activity. When to consider IgG4-associated pancreaticobiliary disease, and how to differentiate it from pancreatic or biliary malignancy ! The cholestatic and some gastrointestinal symptoms of IgG4associated disease of the pancreas and biliary tree are the result of stenoses of the pancreatic duct and/or biliary tree. Although isolated involvement of either the pancreas or the bile ducts has been reported, most patients already have ISD lesions in both duct systems on presentation or would develop them during the further course of the disease. Pancreaticobiliary ISD symptoms often include jaundice (approx. 75 % of all cases), weight loss, and abdominal or back pain. Anorexia, steatorrhea, and new-onset diabetes are also reported in significant percentages. Typical- Maillette de Buy Wenniger L et al. What an endoscopist should know about IgG4ssociated disease of the pancreas and biliary tree … Endoscopy 2012; 44: 66–73 Downloaded by: McGill University. Copyrighted material. 16], the stomach [17, 18], the intestine [18] including ileal pouches [19], the nervous system [20], the thyroid gland [21], the pituitary gland [22], and the aorta leading to aneurysms [23, 24] " Table 1). Lesions in any of these organs are characterized by (● infiltrating T cells and IgG4-bearing plasma cells. Obliterative phlebitis is often present, and as the disease advances, fibrosis/ sclerosis of the tissue ensues. In this review we focus on IgG4-associated disease of the organs that can be evaluated using upper endoscopic techniques, i. e., the pancreas (type 1 autoimmune pancreatitis, AIP 1) [26] and the biliary tree (IgG4-associated cholangitis, IAC) [7, 27]. Nevertheless, endoscopists should be aware of the possibility of other organ involvement in IgG4-associated disease of the pancreaticobiliary system: recognizing these associated ISD locations may support the diagnosis of pancreaticobiliary ISD. Given the strong similarities between the clinical presentation, age of peak incidence, and initial findings of laboratory, radiological, and endoscopic investigations, IgG4-associated disease should always be seen as a differential diagnosis to the statistically more likely diagnosis of pancreatic cancer or to the profoundly less favorable diagnosis of cholangiocarcinoma or primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC). Only histological evaluation of the affected organs can eventually indisputably confirm either of these diagnoses, and most of the early cases of IgG4-associated pancreaticobiliary disease were only diagnosed retrospectively on resection specimens after surgery for suspected pancreatic malignancy. Knowing that the standard treatment with corticosteroids for ISD would negatively affect the prognosis of patients who turn out to have a malignant disease, it is of the uttermost importance to perform a full work-up in all suspected cases, including laboratory investigations, imaging techniques including endoscopic ultrasonography, and, if possible, biopsies of the pancreas and of affected bile ducts by the endoscopic route. Consensus criteria for the diagnosis of ISD should be stringently applied in all cases. 67 Review Cue Clinical action Findings in anamnesis not entirely typical of pancreatic cancer or biliary cancer, e. g.: Determine serum IgG4 Earlier episode of pancreatitis-like complaints Earlier unexplained pseudotumors Table 2 Diagnostic cues suggesting the possibility of immunoglobulin-G4-associated disease rather than pancreatic or biliary malignancy. Recently developed diabetes Other organ involvement (dry mouth, dry eyes, kidney involvement) Radiological findings not typical of pancreatic or biliary cancer " Table 3) (● Determine serum IgG4 Endoscopic findings not typical of cancer, e. g.: Determine serum IgG4 and screen for PSC (PANCA) Multiple intrahepatic biliary strictures, mimicking PSC rather than a classical hilar biliary malignancy (watch out for Klatskin tumor in a patient with undiagnosed PSC) Wall irregularities along whole trajectory of pancreatic duct Pathological examination of biopsy/brush material obtained by endoscopy shows no malignant cells Request immunohistochemical staining for IgG4-positive cells No malignant cells found in frozen section during (Whipple) surgery for suspected pancreatic/biliary malignancy, or no malignant disease found on pathological evaluation of resection specimen Determine IgG4; request immunohistochemical staining for IgG4-positive cells of resection specimen; and initiate steroid treatment if patient has recurrence of cholestatic complaints and matches HISORt criteria Patient diagnosed with pancreatic/biliary cancer without treatment options still alive approx. 3 – 6 months after diagnosis Determine serum IgG4 IgG4, immunoglobulin G4; PSC, primary sclerosing cholangitis; P-ANCA, perinuclear anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies; HISORt, histology, imaging, serology, other organ involvement, and response to therapy. ly, the disease is found in men above 60 years of age (range 40 – 80 years), with a reported male:female ratio of up to 8:1. The clinical signs and symptoms are often highly suggestive of pancreatic head cancer, but may provide subtle cues that point towards " Table2). Dynamic CT or MRI shows IgG4-associated disease (● the diffuse enlargement of the pancreas that is typical of AIP " Fig. 1), but may also further raise the suspicion of pancreatic (● cancer in cases where inflammatory changes mimic a pancreatic mass. Swelling of the inflamed pancreas may lead to compression of the common bile duct, inhibiting normal bile flow in patients with IgG4-associated pancreaticobiliary disease. Hilar involvement of bile ducts in IAC rather mimics hilar cholangiocarcinoma (Klatskin tumor). immune-mediated diseases as well. Elevated levels of CA19 – 9, an established tumor marker, have been documented in up to 18 % of AIP patients. Findings during endoscopy ! Endoscopy is often part of the clinical work-up of patients with pancreaticobiliary ISD. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) typically reveals strictures of not only the pan" Fig. 2) but also the biliary tree (● " Fig. 3). The creatic duct (● most common finding is distal common bile duct involvement (in 90 %), but typical strictures can be observed anywhere in the Laboratory investigations ! Case series report elevated levels of alkaline phosphatase in 80 % – 90 % of patients, and γ-glutamyltransferase is often also elevated. Serum activities of pancreatic enzymes are normal in about 60 % of cases. The finding of markedly raised IgG4 levels (> 280 mg/dL – twice the upper limit of normal) is highly suggestive of IgG4-associated disease, but moderately raised IgG4 levels (140 mg/dL < IgG4 < 280 mg/dL) are not pathognomonic of ISD. IgG4 levels above 140 mg/dL show a moderate sensitivity of 70 % – 80 % for diagnosing AIP. The added value of measuring total IgG levels is still under discussion [38]. Fluctuations in IgG4 levels provide a rationale for repeated serum IgG4 measurements. Based on serum markers only, discrimination between pancreatic cancer, cholangiocarcinoma, and IgG4-associated disease with adequate certainty remains difficult in most cases. Elevated levels of IgG4 are reported in about 50 % – 80 % of AIP and IAC patients, but mildly elevated levels were also found in 9 % of a retrospective cohort of patients with PSC and in 10 % of pancreatic cancer patients [39], and elevated IgG4 can be observed in other Fig. 1 CT of pancreas suggestive of autoimmune pancreatitis in a woman with markedly elevated serum levels of immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4). The pancreas has a sausage-like appearance, and an enhanced rim is visible. Maillette de Buy Wenniger L et al. What an endoscopist should know about IgG4ssociated disease of the pancreas and biliary tree … Endoscopy 2012; 44: 66–73 Downloaded by: McGill University. Copyrighted material. 68 Review Fig. 2 Pancreatic duct made visible during endoscopy in the same patient " Fig. 1. The duct wall shows irregularities. as in ● " Fig. 3. The pancreatic tail is swollen. CT of the same patient as in● may be further made likely by the finding of IgG4-positive plasma cells in a pancreatic core biopsy or biliary biopsies of the lesions. In patients with a dominant bile duct stenosis, stent placement may relieve cholestasis. What to biopsy and how to interpret histology ! Fig. 3 Endoscopic retrograde cholangiogram of a man presenting with cholestasis combined with markedly elevated IgG4 levels. biliary tree, and especially the intrahepatic stenoses that are seen in approximately 10 % of cases may mimic those in PSC. It is important to note that these strictures may come and go, even during the natural course of the disease. In clinical practice endoscopy is not likely to provide the definitive diagnosis of ISD. Still, in cases suggestive of IAC or pancreatitis ERCP may give an opportunity to gather extra arguments that favor the benign disease over pancreatic cancer or cholangiocarcinoma. The presence of (multiple) pancreaticobiliary strictures, in combination with appropriate findings on ultrasonography, " Fig. 4) may help in reaching a diagnosis, which CT, or MRI (● Pancreatic biopsy under EUS guidance may be of diagnostic value; a core biopsy should be performed since fine-needle aspiration provides no reliable information [41]. The exact value of biliary biopsies is still under debate, but strong IgG4-positive infiltrates in transpapillary, intraductal biopsies of the bile duct have been shown in cases of both AIP and IAC, whereas they were absent in cases of pancreatic malignancy [7, 42]. The finding of IgG4-positive infiltration in papillary biopsies was reported to be specific, although not very sensitive, but this finding should be confirmed in an independent large study group [43 – 45]. Performing a liver biopsy is not strictly necessary for diagnosing AIP or IAC, but the finding of more than 10 IgG4-positive cells per high power field may help to differentiate between IAC and PSC in cases where tissue is available [46, 47]. Central to the diagnosis of ISD in pancreatic, biliary, or liver tissue is the immunohistochemical staining of more than 10 IgG4-positive cells per high power field, although IgG4-positive cells may also be seen in lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates of other etiologies [48]. Routine histochemistry may reveal lymphoplasmacytic infiltration of the tissue, obliterative phlebitis and storiform fibrosis (swirling fibrosis centered around ducts and veins), and sclerosis in advanced cases. The finding of dense IgG4-positive infiltration is a strong indicator of IgG4-associated disease, which in combination with other investigations can result in a definite diagnosis of IgG4-associated pancreaticobiliary disease. Diagnosing IgG4-associated pancreaticobiliary disease ! IgG4-associated sclerosing disease is a systemic disease that is histologically defined by IgG4-positive plasma cell infiltrates in many organs, often in the presence of elevated serum IgG4 levels, and responds to systemic administration of corticosteroids [49]. At present, the HISORt [7, 50] criteria (histology, imaging, serology, other organ involvement, and response to therapy) and Japa- Maillette de Buy Wenniger L et al. What an endoscopist should know about IgG4ssociated disease of the pancreas and biliary tree … Endoscopy 2012; 44: 66–73 Downloaded by: McGill University. Copyrighted material. Fig. 4 69 Review Diagnosing IgG4-associated diseasepancreaticobiliary Type 1 autoimmune pancreatitis IgG4-associated cholangitis Clinical suspicion of pancreatic disease Stricture(s) of intrahepatic, proximal extrahepatic or intrapancreatic ducts, with: Absence of classical imaging for AIP Negative work-up for cancer Classical imaging for AIP and one of the following: ▪ Elevated serum IgG4 ▪ Other organ involvement ▪ Compatible FNA histology One of the following: ▪ Serum IgG4 > 2 x ULN ▪ (Histologically) proven other ISD-spectrum organ involvement Two of the following: ▪Elevated serum IgG4 ▪Clinical/radiological evidence for other organ involvement ▪Compatible FNA histology Previous pancreatic/biliary resection or core biopsy of pancreas showing diagnostic features of AIP/IAC Definite diagnosis of AIP Response to 2 weeks of adequate steroid treatment: ▪Significant decrease in serum IgG4 ▪Markedly improved morphology as objectivated by imaging (CT, ultrasound, MRCP) Classical imaging findings of AIP and elevated serum IgG4 Definite diagnosis of IAC In all cases of non-response to adequate steroid treatment: ▪ Withdraw steroids! ▪Reconsider presence of malignant disease Two or more of the following: ▪ Elevated serum IgG4 ▪ Suggestive pancreatic imaging findings ▪ Other organ involvement ▪ Bile duct biopsy with >10 IgG4 positive cells/hpf Combined with following findings after 4 weeks of adequate steroid treatment: ▪ Markedly improved biliary strictures allowing stent removal ▪ Liver enzymes < 2 x ULN ▪ Significant decrease in serum IgG4 and CA19.9 Fig. 5 Summary of HISORt (histology, imaging, serology, other organ involvement, and response to therapy) diagnostic criteria for autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) and IgG4-associated cholangitis (IAC) [7, 50], adapted from Alderlieste et al. [27]. FNA, fine-needle aspiration; ISD, IgG4-associated systemic disease; CT, computed tomography; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; MRCP, magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography; ULN, upper limit of normal. nese consensus criteria [25] are ubiquitously applied for diagnos" Fig. 5). These criteria are valuable tools in clining AIP and IAC (● ical practice, but cannot exclude other disorders with 100 % accuracy before the successful induction of prolonged disease remission by immunosuppressive treatment. The most relevant differential diagnoses of pancreaticobiliary ISD are pancreatic cancer and cholangiocarcinoma. Given the strong resemblance of the clinical presentations of pancreatic cancer and AIP, and the knowledge that pancreatic cancer, with an incidence of about 10 per 100 000, is about 10 times more common than AIP, clinicians should be extremely alert to any indications that argue for the presence of malignancy. The risk of cholangiocarcinoma is much lower, but in patients suspected of having IAC who show intrahepatic strictures on cholangiography it is important to consider the possibility of cholangiocarcinoma against a background of PSC. PSC can barely be distinguished from IAC by cholangiography, especially in cases where the intrahepatic bile ducts are affected. The view, however, that PSC and IAC/AIP may be manifestations of the same disease spectrum, appears questionable [51]. Still, as IgG4-associated pancreaticobiliary disease, unlike PSC, typically responds to steroid treatment, clinicians should always consider the possibility of ISD in patients presenting with PSC-like features at an advanced age. Incidental reports of ISD in even young children [52] suggest the possibility that a subset of patients previously diagnosed as having PSC or autoimmune hepatitis and who respond swiftly to steroid treatment actually have a liver-dominant form of ISD [53]. Other differential diagnoses of ISD of the pancreas and biliary tract are chronic alcohol-induced pancreatitis, gallstone disease, microlithiasis and sludge, and the extremely rare eosinophilic pancreatitis or cholangitis [54]. Treatment options for ISD ! Corticosteroids form the cornerstone of treatment of any IgG4associated disease, and are generally effective. Some patients have been reported to improve spontaneously without any treatment, but the data on the natural course of AIP and IAC are too limited so far [1, 55]. Before the initiation of immunosuppressive therapy, manifest biliary obstructions should be taken care of by endoscopic stenting. Antibiotic prophylaxis should be given when hilar and intrahepatic bile ducts are affected. Blood glucose levels should be controlled as a significant proportion of patients develop (temporary) de novo diabetes. Patients who already have established diabetes should be instructed to expect and actively manage deregulation of their blood glucose, especially during the first weeks of corticosteroid therapy. An initial dose of 40 mg/day of prednisolone (or approx. 0.6 mg/ kg) is usually applied, and is effective in nearly all bona fide cases of AIP and IAC. In patients who do not show any improvement (radiologically after 2 weeks for AIP, or as measured by decreasing IgG4 levels and cholestatic markers after 4 weeks for IAC; " Fig. 6 and ● " Fig. 7) the suspicion of malignant or other disease ● " Fig. 8) should be raised. Steroid use should be quickly tapered (● in these cases and discontinued. Patients should be closely followed in the months after the initiation of immunosuppressive therapy. As clinical signs and symptoms improve and serum levels of IgG4 and alkaline phosphatase Maillette de Buy Wenniger L et al. What an endoscopist should know about IgG4ssociated disease of the pancreas and biliary tree … Endoscopy 2012; 44: 66–73 Downloaded by: McGill University. Copyrighted material. 70 Review 71 Downloaded by: McGill University. Copyrighted material. " Fig. 3 and ● " Fig.4 after a course of Fig. 7 CT of the same patient as in ● high-dose prednisolone. The pancreatic swelling has changed into a nearly atrophic pancreas. Fig. 6 Endoscopic retrograde cholangiogram of a patient with primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC), illustrating the difficulty of distinguishing PSC from IgG4-associated cholangitis on the basis of the cholangiogram alone. decrease the dose of prednisolone can be tapered by 5 mg every 1 – 2 weeks to 15 mg/day, which is then the recommended dose for a period of about 3 – 6 months to induce remission of the disease and to prevent relapse. Thereafter, steroid use can be further tapered down to a maintenance regime of 5 mg/day, which can be stopped as guided by the clinical course or continued as a safeguard against relapse for a maximum of 3 years (counting from the start of therapy). Biliary stents can often be removed after 1 – 2 months, and diabetes mellitus regularly improves. Under optimal treatment regimens the short-term prognosis of IgG4-associated systemic disease is good, but, as the concept of ISD is still young, firm predictions about its long-term prognosis cannot be made. The consensus is that ISD in itself represents a relatively benign pathology that is unrelated to malignant disease. In a recent series of 111 patients followed up for ISD, though, 3 patients developed non-Hodgkin lymphoma 3 – 5 years after the diagnosis [56]. The publication of a few additional case reports about the occurrence of malignant disease of B-cell origin [57] as well as one case of T-cell lymphoma [58] could indicate an elevated risk of hematologic malignancy, possibly due to the intense activation of the immune cells and the associated proliferation during IgG4-mediated disease activity. Clinical vigilance for hematological malignancies during the follow-up of ISD patients is thus warranted [58]. Fig. 8 Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatogram of the same patient " Fig. 3, ● " Fig. 4, and ● " Fig. 6 after prednisolone treatment, showas in ● ing nearly complete remission of the previously observed bile duct strictures. Reacting to relapse ! Relapse rates after a successful course of steroids vary greatly among the reported case series: figures from 10 % to over 50 % have been described. Early predictors of relapse appear to be rising serum levels of alkaline phosphatase and IgG4, and possibly enlargement of the pancreas on imaging. Upon (the suspicion of) relapse, steroid therapy can be reinitiated, or the dose can be stepped up to the initial dose (0.6 mg/kg per day). Escape treatments for steroid-refractory ISD all rely on suppression of the immune system. In these cases prednisolone is often used to induce remission and azathioprine or mycophenolate mofetil is subsequently used for long-term immunosuppression. Budesonide may be of value as it generally has fewer systemic Maillette de Buy Wenniger L et al. What an endoscopist should know about IgG4ssociated disease of the pancreas and biliary tree … Endoscopy 2012; 44: 66–73 Review Table 3 Radiological findings suggestive of pancreaticobiliary immunoglobulin-G4-associated systemic disease [25]. Delayed-phase enhancement of enlarged pancreas on dynamic CT or MRI Capsule-like rim surrounding pancreas with low density on CT or hypoin" Fig. 1) tense on T2-weighted MRI (● Diffuse or multiple signal intense areas on diffusion-weighted MRI Low apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) on MRI [40] Abnormal extrapancreatic FDG uptake (lymph nodes, salivary glands) on FDG-PET (beware confusion with metastases) Hypoechoic pancreas with focal or diffuse parenchymal swelling on endoscopic ultrasonography Intrapancreatic, extrahepatic, or intrahepatic biliary strictures on ERCP " Fig. 2 and ● " Fig. 3) (● Thickened gallbladder wall on ultrasonography MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; FDG, fluorodeoxyglucose; PET, positron emission scanning; ERCP, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography. side effects than prednisolone, but it may fail to suppress disease manifestations outside the biliary tract. A more specific approach may lie in the depletion of the IgG4-producing B-cell pool: rituximab, a monoclonal antibody directed against CD20 on B lymphocytes, was reported to induce remission swiftly in a steroidrefractory case and in patients with IgG4-associated systemic disease [59, 60]. Summary and outlook ! Autoimmune pancreatitis and IgG4-associated cholangitis are the pancreaticobiliary manifestations of IgG4-associated systemic disease. The possibility of IgG4-associated pancreaticobiliary disease should be considered especially in elderly men presenting with jaundice, abdominal pain, and weight loss, in whom imaging reveals a diffusely swollen pancreas and distal stricturing of the common bile duct, but malignant cells are absent in pancreatic or biliary biopsies or biliary brush material obtained during endoscopy. In men above 55 years of age in whom findings are suggestive of pancreatic or biliary malignancy, but histology has been negative for carcinoma, IgG4 levels should be assessed. Markedly elevated IgG4 levels ( > 2 × upper limit of normal) are suggestive of IgG4-associated pancreaticobiliary disease. The pathogenesis of IgG4-associated disease remains elusive, but using consensus diagnostic criteria enables clinicians to distinguish pancreaticobiliary IgG4-associated disease from its main differential diagnoses, pancreatic or bile duct cancer, with an important role for the finding of an IgG4-positive infiltrate in biopsies of the pancreas or bile ducts. Using oral corticosteroid therapy, remission of disease can be obtained and maintained in the majority of patients. Endoscopists have an important role in the integrated care of these patients, especially by relieving cholestasis by biliary stenting in the acute phase of disease or by performing biopsies and imaging of the lesions in pancreas and/or bile ducts during the diagnostic work-up and evaluation of therapy. Prospective follow-up of patients with IgG4-associated disease will, hopefully, yield more definite insight in the etiology, response to therapy, and prognosis of this only recently recognized disease entity. Since serum IgG4 levels alone have proven to be insufficient as a diagnostic biomarker, the hunt is on for the identification of sensitive and specific blood-derived markers for ISD. Histology will probably remain a crucial diagnostic tool, but there is a need for a clear consensus on which tissue to biopsy and what criteria to use in its evaluation. The clinical application of nonsteroid immunosuppressive medication as maintenance therapy as well as the use of targeted B-cell depletion therapy deserves further investigation. Eventually, immunological studies may identify the cell biological mechanisms that are causative of IgG4-associated systemic disease. Lucas Maillette de Buy Wenniger and Erik A. Rauws have no potential conflicts of interest to declare. Ulrich Beuers has received lecture fees from Falk Foundation, Gilead, Roche, and Zambon. He has received a research grant from Zambon and has performed clinical trials with Dr. Falk Pharma. He has signed a consultant agreement with Intercept (obeticholic acid). References 1 Kamisawa T, Takuma K, Egawa N et al. Autoimmune pancreatitis and IgG4-related sclerosing disease. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol 2010; 7: 401 – 409 2 Hamano H, Kawa S, Horiuchi A et al. High serum IgG4 concentrations in patients with sclerosing pancreatitis. 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