What is Brought by R&D Cooperation? A Global, Dynamic Analysis Jeroen Hinloopen∗ Grega Smrkolj∗† Florian Wagener∗ August, 2011 Preliminary and Incomplete Abstract We provide a detailed dynamic, global analysis for a strategic model of R&D, which allows us to consider the R&D process prior to the production stage. Contrary to the received literature, we do not have to assume that initial marginal costs are below the choke price. Our global analysis yields four distinct scenarios, depending on initial marginal cost to be below or above the choke price and whether or not the R&D process leads to the steady state; if not, the market is either not formed at all or R&D efforts are progressively scaled down, implying that the technology will die out over time while production is eventually terminated. We then compare two different possibilities across these scenarios: firms cooperate in R&D only or they extend this cooperation also to the product market. This yields two main results. First, the set of initial marginal costs above the choke price that will induce a stable equilibrium is larger if firms also collude in the product market. Second, the set of initial marginal costs that induces firms to abandon the technology in time is larger if firms cannot collude in the product market. We also discuss the consequences of these results for the rigour with which antitrust policies should be assessed. Keywords: Bifurcations, Cartel, Cooperation, R&D, Spillovers JEL: D43, D92, L13, L41, O31, O38 1 Introduction The possible trade-off between static and dynamic efficiency remains a subject of debate. One reason for a consensus view not to have surfaced is the ambiguous relation between competition intensity on product markets and the incentives to invest in Research and Development (R&D) (see for a recent overview of this debate Schmutzler, 2009). The another reason is the wide array of models that are used to analyze the problem. There is a fundamental distinction between static and dynamic models. Early contributions focussed on patent races (Reinganum, 1981) or on the strategic aspects of R&D investments (d’Aspremont ∗ University of Amsterdam and Tinbergen Institute author. University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam School of Economics, Roetersstraat 11, 1018 WB Amsterdam, The Netherlands. E-mail address: [email protected] † Corresponding 1 and Jacquemin, 1988). Several recent contributions analyze dynamic versions of well-known static models (Cellini and Lambertini, 2009, Lambertini and Mantovani, 2009, Kov´ aˇc et al., 2010). In this paper we also present a dynamic model of R&D. The distinguishing feature of our approach is that we provide a truly global analysis. A widely implemented policy response to the possible conflict between static and dynamic efficiency is to allow independent firms to cooperate in R&D while remaining competitors on the ensuing product market.1 This preserves the benefits of competition while at the same time removes obstacles for R&D investments. Because of the public goods character of R&D, the market is believed to typically provide too little incentives for investing in R&D. Allowing firms to form R&D cooperatives internalizes, at least to some extent, the concomitant positive externalities. However, as Scherer (1980) observes: “the most egregious price fixing schemes in American history were brought about by R&D cooperatives.” Martin (1995) shows that, indeed, the formation of R&D cooperatives makes it easier to sustain tacit collusion in the product market: “common assets create common interests, and common interests make it more likely that firms will non-cooperatively refrain from rivalrous behavior.”2 Supported by a prevalently declinatory position of economic theory towards market collusion, the authorities of both the USA and EU have made market cartels explicitly illegal.3 The competition authorities are therefore faced with some kind of a trade-off between static and dynamic efficiency. Whereas the extension of cooperation in R&D to that in the product market may reduce output, without it, incentives to pursue R&D may be lower. In this paper we examine to what extent the fear that firms cooperating in R&D may also seek to optimize their production plans is justified.4 Recently, Hinloopen, Smrkolj, and Wagener (2011) have warned that received models, which require that marginal costs are below the choke price at any point in time and thereby impose that investments at all time coexist with 1 National Cooperation Act passed by Congress in the USA in 1984 allows firms to cooperate in R&D (research joint ventures are explicitly evaluated on a rule of reason basis) provided this cooperation is not extended to product markets. The EU competition law has been even more sympathetic to joint research projects as joint ventures are exempt from antitrust restrictions and have often even been initiated and subsidized by different EU programs and government bodies. 2 That cooperation in R&D may to an extent blur competition can also be gathered from occasional press releases by corporative managers. For instance, when asked with whom they compete in the upstream market, Andrew N. Liveris, the CEO of Dow Chemical, answered how “...Frankly it is not very clear anymore, because I’m joint-venturing with all of them.” (The Focus (2007)). 3 In the USA, price-fixing conspiracies are banned by the Sherman Act. Under EU competition law, market collusion is banned by Articles 85 and 86 of the Treaty of Rome. Some exceptions like those for agreements that facilitate technological progress are provided. However, these should not completely restrict competition and very few such exemptions were granted in practice by the European Commission. 4 Geroski (1992) argues that it is the feedback from product markets that directs research towards profitable tracks and that, therefore, for an innovation to be commercially successful there must be strong ties between marketing and development of the product. Jacquemin (1988) observes that R&D cooperatives are fragile and unstable. He reasons that when there is no cooperation in the product market, there exist a continuous fear that one partner in R&D may be strengthened in such a way that he will become a dangerous competitor in the product market. Preventing firms from collaborating in the product market may therefore destabilize or prevent many valuable R&D agreements. 2 production, cannot by definition capture the very nature of industry dynamics as this assumption is obviously violated in the early stages of the innovation process. In this paper we extend their dynamic framework describing the R&D investments of a monopolist to allow for two potentially competing firms. A distinguishing feature of our analysis, compared to the received literature, then is that we consider a much larger parameter space. In particular, we do not rule out a priori all those cases where the initial marginal costs are above the choke price. Static models are forced to impose the assumption of ‘low enough’ marginal costs; dynamic versions of these models maintain this assumption without further justification. However, research has started long before a prototype sees the light; development begins long before the launch of a new product. It is then only natural to take this period into account when setting up a dynamic model of R&D. Indeed, the use of proper bifurcation theory allows us to model the R&D process prior to the production stage for all possible initial technologies. In particular, it yields a bifurcation diagram that tells us for every possible parameter combination the qualitative features of any equilibrium. Our global analysis yields four distinct scenarios: (i) initial marginal cost are above the choke price and the R&D process is initiated, after some time yielding production for which marginal cost continue to fall with subsequent R&D investments; (ii) initial marginal cost are above the choke price and the R&D process is not initiated, yielding no production at all; (iii) initial marginal cost are below the choke price and the R&D process is initiated, directly leading to production whereby marginal cost continues to fall over time, and (iv) initial marginal cost are below the choke price and the initiated R&D process is progressively scaled down, implying that the technology will die out over time while production is eventually terminated. We then compare two different possibilities across these scenarios; one in which firms form a full cartel, and one in which firms collude in R&D only. We find that the range of initial marginal costs that leads to production is larger when firms collude in both R&D and production. Furthermore, the set of initial marginal costs that induces firms to abandon the technology in time is larger if firms cannot collude in the product market. The speed at which firms abandon non-prospective technologies is larger as well if firms cannot collude in the product market. Our results are not without policy implications. For designing an optimal antitrust policy it is important to understand that these policies not only affect current markets, but also markets that are not yet visible. In particular, preventing firms from colluding in the product market reduces the number of R&D trajectories that successfully lead to new markets. In itself this constitutes a welfare loss. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the model. Section 3 describes all possible equilibria in case firms collude in both R&D and on the product market, and analyzes the properties of the global equilibrium dynamics. Section 4 derives all equilibria in case firms collude in R&D only, which are confronted with the full collusion case in Section 5. Section 6 concludes. 3 2 The model Time t is continuous: (t ∈ [0, ∞)). There are two a priori fully symmetric firms which both produce a homogenous good at constant marginal costs. In every instant, market demand is: p(t) = A − qi (t) − qj (t), (1) where p(t) is the market price, qi (t) is the quantity produced by firm i = {1, 2}, qj (t) is the quantity produced by its rival (i 6= j), and A is the choke price. Each firm can reduce its marginal cost by investing in R&D. That is, we consider process innovations which bring about reductions in production costs. The R&D process is subject to technological spillovers.5 Firm i exerts R&D effort ki (t) and as a consequence of these investments, its marginal cost evolves over time as follows: dci (t) ≡ c˙i (t) = ci (t) (−ki (t) − βkj (t) + δ) , dt (2) where kj (t) is the R&D effort exerted by its rival and where β ∈ [0, 1] measures the degree of spillover. The parameter δ > 0 is the constant rate of decrease in efficiency due to the ageing of technology. Both firms start with the same technology: ci (0) = cj (0) = c(0). The cost of R&D efforts per unit of time is for firm i given by: Γi (ki (t)) = b(ki (t))2 , (3) where b > 0 is inversely related to the cost-efficiency of the R&D process. Hence, the R&D process exhibits decreasing returns to scale.6 The firms discount the future with the same constant rate ρ > 0. The instantaneous profit of firm i is: πi (qi , qj , ki , ci ) = (A − qi − qj − ci )qi − bki2 , (4) yilding total discounted profit: Z Πi (qi , qj , ki , ci ) = ∞ πi (qi , qj , ki , ci )e−ρt dt. (5) 0 The model has five parameters: A, β, b, δ, and ρ. The analysis can be simplified by considering a rescaled version of the model which, as defined in Lemma 1, carries only three parameters: β, φ, and ρ˜. That is, rescaling the model reduces the five-dimensional parameter space into a three dimensional one. Lemma 1. By choosing the units of t, qi , qj , ci , cj , ki , and kj appropriately, we can assume A = 1, b = 1, and δ = 1. This yields the following rescaled version of the model: π ˜i (˜ qi , q˜j , k˜i , c˜i ) = (1 − q˜i − q˜j − c˜i )˜ qi − k˜i2 , (6) 5 These spillovers are the result of industrial espionage, common sources of basic research (e.g, universities), and other various ways a firm can learn about its competitor’s research experience (e.g, by hiring competitor’s employees). Their extent depends on the strength of intellectual property protection and on the ability of firms to protect their knowledge. 6 In assuming decreasing returns to scale, we follow the bulk of the literature. See Hinloopen, Smrkolj, and Wagener (2011) for a discussion. 4 ˜ i (˜ Π qi , q˜j , k˜i , c˜i ) = Z ∞ ˜ π ˜i (˜ qi , q˜j , k˜i , c˜i )e−ρ˜t dt˜ (7) 0 c˜˙i = c˜i 1 − k˜i + β k˜j φ , with ci = c˜i (0) = c˜0 , q˜i ≥ 0, k˜i ≥ 0 ρ˜ > 0, φ>0 c˜i ∈ [0, ∞) ∀ t˜ ∈ [0, ∞) conversion rules defined as: qi = A˜ qi , qj = A˜ qj , ki = √Ab k˜i , ˜ A A˜ ci , cj = A˜ cj , πi = A2 π ˜ i , π j = A2 π ˜j , φ = δ √ , t = δt , ρ˜ = ρδ . b (8) (9) (10) kj = A ˜ √ k , b j The rescaled version of the model introduces a new parameter φ, which captures the efficiency of the R&D process: a higher b implies that each unit of R&D effort costs a firm more, whereas a higher δ implies that each unit of R&D effort decreases the marginal cost by less. Therefore, a higher (lower) φ corresponds to a more (less) efficient R&D process. For notational convenience we henceforth omit tildes in the notation. 3 R&D and market cooperation (Full Cartel) In this section we assume that each firm operates its own R&D laboratory and production facility, however, firms adopt a strictly cooperative behavior in determining both their R&D efforts and output levels. These assumptions amount to imposing a priori the symmetry conditions ki (t) = kj (t) = k(t) and qi (t) = qj (t) = q(t). Equation (8) thus reads as7 : c˙ = c(1 − (1 + β)φk). (11) The profit of each firm in every instant is: π(q, k, c) = (1 − 2q − c)q − k 2 , yielding its total discounted profit over time: Z ∞ Π(q, k, c) = π(q, k, c)e−ρt dt. (12) (13) 0 The optimal control problem of the two firms is to find controls q ∗ and k ∗ that maximize the profit functional Π subject to the state equation (11), the initial condition c(0) = c0 , and two boundary conditions which must hold at all times: q ≥ 0 and k ≥ 0.8 Note that according to (11), if c0 > 0, then c(t) > 0 for all t. The set of all possible states at each time t is given by c ∈ [0, ∞). 7 It may seem reasonable to assume that when cooperating in this way, firms fully share their information, that is, that the level of spillover is at its maximum (β = 1). For the sake of the generality of a solution, we do not a priori fix the value of β. Intuitively, this way we allow for incomplete complementarity between the results of firms’ R&D activities that may occur despite otherwise complete information sharing (e.g., there might still be some ex post duplication or substitutability in R&D outputs if firms maintain their laboratories separated). This way, we more properly define β as the level of complementarity between the R&D outputs, and not solely as the level of bare information sharing. 8 Note that due to symmetry maximizing the per-firm total profit is the same as maximizing the two firms’ combined total profit. 5 To solve the dynamic optimization problem, we introduce the current-value Pontryagin function9 P (c, q, k, λ) = (1 − 2q − c) q − k 2 + λc (1 − (1 + β)φk) , (14) where λ is the current-value co-state variable. It measures the marginal worth of the increment in the state c for a firm in the cartel at time t when moving along the optimal path. As marginal cost is a ‘bad’, we expect λ(t) ≤ 0 along optimal trajectories. Pontryagin’s Maximum Principle states that if the pair (c∗ , q ∗ , k ∗ ) is an optimal solution, then there exists a function λ(t) such that c∗ , q ∗ , k ∗ , and λ satisfy the following conditions: 1.) q ∗ and k ∗ maximize the function P for each t: P (c∗ , q ∗ , k ∗ , λ) = max 2 P (c∗ , q, k, λ), (q,k)∈R+ (15) 2.) λ is a solution to the following co-state equation: − ∂P = λ˙ − ρλ ∂c ⇔ λ˙ = q + (ρ − 1 + (1 + β)φk) λ, (16) which is evaluated along with the equation for the marginal cost c˙ = c(1 − (1 + β)φk) (17) and the initial condition c(0) = c0 . Let Q(c, λ) and K(c, λ) solve the problem max(q,k) P (c, q, k, λ) for every (c, λ). We define the current-value Hamilton function H(c, λ) = P (c, Q(c, λ), K(c, λ), λ). The above necessary conditions (15)-(16) for an optimal solution are complemented by the transversality conditions:10 lim e−ρt H(c, λ) = 0 (18) lim e−ρt λc = 0. (19) t→∞ and t→∞ If problem (15) has a solution, this solution necessarily satisfies the following Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions: ∂P = 1 − 4q − c ≤ 0, ∂q q ∂P = 0, ∂q (20) ∂P ∂P = −2k − (1 + β)φλc ≤ 0, k = 0. (21) ∂k ∂k Conditions (20) imply that either i) q = 0 and c ≥ 1 or ii) q > 0 and c < 1.11 In particular, ( (1 − c)/4 if c < 1 q∗ = (22) 0 if c ≥ 1 9 Also called pre-Hamilton or un-maximized Hamilton function. necessity of (18), which allows exclusion of non-optimal trajectories, was proven by Michel (1982). For the necessity of transversality condition (19), see Kamihigashi (2001). 11 Observe that in the original (non-rescaled) model, the analogous condition for positive production is c(t) < A. 10 The 6 Conditions (21) imply that either i) k = 0 and k > 0 and ∂P ∂k = 0. In particular, ( λc if − (1+β)φ ∗ 2 k = 0 if ∂P ∂k ≤ 0 (implying λ ≥ 0) or ii) λ≤0 λ>0 . (23) The above conditions for the optimal production yields two regimes of the state-control systems. The first one is characterized by positive production, in the second one there is no production. 1. The system with positive production. In the region where c < 1, using (16), (17), (22), and (23), we obtain the following optimal state and co-state dynamics: ( c˙ = c 1 + 21 (1 + β)2 φ2 λc (24) λ˙ = 1 (1 − c) + ρ − 1 − 1 (1 + β)2 φ2 λc λ, 4 2 12 where λ ≤ 0. Equation (23) depends on the co-state and state variable. Note that the correspondence between k and λ is one-to-one if, and only if, λ ≤ 0, and that therefore the system can be rewritten in the state-control form. Differentiate equation (23) with respect to time to obtain the dynamic equation (1 + β)φ ˙ dk ≡ k˙ = − λc + λc˙ . (25) dt 2 Substitute λ˙ from (16) and c˙ from (17). Note that equation (23) also implies that 2k λ=− . (26) (1 + β)φc Substitute this expression into (25), together with the expression for the optimal output level (q = (1 − c)/4), to obtain: (1 + β)φ k˙ = ρk − c(1 − c). 8 (27) Hence, the system with positive production (c < 1) in the state-control form consists of the following two differential equations: ( k˙ = ρk − (1+β)φ c(1 − c) 8 (28) c˙ = c (1 − (1 + β)φk) 2. The system with zero production. In the region c ≥ 1, substituting (16), (17), and (26) into (25) and imposing q = 0, gives the following expression: k˙ = ρk. (29) Hence, the state-control system with zero production consists of the following two differential equations: ( k˙ = ρk (30) c˙ = c (1 − (1 + β)φk) 12 The differential equations in the main text are all valid for λ ≤ 0. For a complete specification of optimal state and co-state dynamics (including the case when λ > 0), we refer the reader to Appendix E. 7 The state-co-state analogue is: ( c˙ = c 1 + 12 (1 + β)2 φ2 λc λ˙ = ρ − 1 − 1 (1 + β)2 φ2 λc λ (31) 2 The Hamilton function, obtained by substituting (23) and appropriate expressions for q from (22) into the Pontryagin function (14), is given by ( H(c, λ) = 1 8 (1 − c)2 + 14 (1 + β)2 φ2 λ2 c2 + λc 1 4 (1 2 2 2 2 + β) φ λ c + λc if c ∈ [0, 1) if c ∈ [1, ∞), (32) where λ ≤ 0. The state-control analogue is given by H(c, k) = 1 8 (1 2 − c)2 + k k − (1+β)φ 2 k k − (1+β)φ if c ∈ [0, 1) if c ∈ [1, ∞), (33) where k ≥ 0. 3.1 Steady-state solutions The steady-state solutions to (28) and (30) are obtained by imposing the stationarity conditions k˙ = 0 and c˙ = 0. Lemma 2. The ‘no-production’ state-control system (30) has no steady-state in the region where it is defined. Proof. See Appendix B. Consider now system (28). Imposing the stationarity condition k˙ = 0, we obtain kF C = (1 + β)φ c(1 − c) ≥ 0 8ρ ∀c ∈ [0, 1], (34) where superscript FC stands for Full Cartel.13 Steady-state marginal cost follows from inserting (34) into the state dynamics (17) and imposing the stationarity condition c˙ = 0: (1 + β)2 φ2 c˙ = c 1 − c(1 − c) = 0. (35) 8ρ This yields: cF C = 0, where 1 V = 2 cF C = s 1 ± V, 2 (36) 32ρ . (37) (1 + β)2 φ2 √ Observe that V is real if, and only if, φ ≥ 32ρ/(1+β), in which case V ∈ [0, 21 ) and cF C ∈ [0, 1). The solution to the system is summarized in Proposition 1 and is depicted in Figure 1. 13 All 1− steady-state values have superscript FC. 8 √ Proposition 1. If φ > 32ρ/(1 + β), the state-control system with positive production (28) has three steady states: i) (cF C , k F C ) = (0, 0) is an unstable node, 1 is either an unstable node or an unstable foii) (cF C , k F C ) = 21 + V, (1+β)φ cus, and 1 iii) (cF C , k F C ) = 21 − V, (1+β)φ is a saddle-point steady state. √ At φ = 32ρ/(1 + β), a so-called “saddle-node bifurcation” occurs as the last two steady states coincide and form a so-called “semi-stable” steady state. √ If φ < 32ρ/(1 + β), the state-control system with positive production has one single steady state: the origin (cF C , k F C ) = (0, 0), which is unstable. Proof. See Appendix C. SN 12 3 steady states 10 Β=0 8 Φ Β = 0.5 Β=1 6 4 Hc, kL = H0, 0L is the only steady state 2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Ρ Figure 1: Steady states of the state-control system. The √ drawn curves are the saddle-node bifurcation (SN) curves given by φ = 32ρ/(1 + β). They are drawn for three fixed values of β. Passing through them from above, the two steady states other than origin coincide, form a ”semi-stable” steady state, and then disappear. In the saddle-point steady state, instantaneous marginal cost, output, and profits of each firm are, respectively: p (1 + β)φ − (1 + β)2 φ2 − 32ρ FC (38) c = 2(1 + β)φ p (1 + β)φ + (1 + β)2 φ2 − 32ρ qF C = , (39) 8(1 + β)φ 9 π 3.2 FC p (1 + β)2 φ2 − 16(1 + ρ) + (1 + β)φ (1 + β)2 φ2 − 32ρ . = 16(1 + β)2 φ2 (40) Global Optimality & Industry Dynamics (Bifurcations of optimal vector fields) The stable manifold of the saddle-point steady state is one of the candidates for an optimal solution. However, as the following remark shows, it may not (always) be the true optimum. Remark 1. The Pontryagin function of the optimization problem as given in (14) is not jointly concave in the state and control variables. Hence, necessary conditions for an optimum are not necessarily sufficient. Proof. See Appendix D. Therefore, we have to carry out a detailed bifurcation analysis14 to assess the dependence of the solution structure on the model parameters. This yields a complete overview of how optimal R&D investment and concomitant production respond to changes in the initial level of marginal cost and to varying characteristics of the R&D process. To analyze global optimality, we have to inspect the complete state-control space, which is the set of solutions (c(t), k(t)) of the state-control system considered as parameterized curves (trajectories) in a plane. Its general form is sketched in Figure 2. The dotted vertical line c = 1 separates the region with zero production from the region with a positive level of production. In the left-side region, the parabola which achieves its maximum at c = 1/2 is the locus k˙ = 0. The 1 loci representing points where c˙ = 0 are the horizontal line with height (1+β)φ and the k-axis. Loci c˙ = 0 and k˙ = 0 intersect in the saddle-point steady state (S2 ) and the two unstable steady states (S1 and S3 ). The black arrows in squares indicate the direction of trajectories in each respective region. The horizontal arrows indicate an increase or a decrease in c, whereas the vertical ones refer to changes in k. A number of trajectories is indicated by grey arrows. Together, the trajectories cover the entire space. However, there are only two trajectories leading to the saddle-point steady state; these are called “stable paths” or “stable manifolds”. They are indicated by the connected black arrows pointing towards S2 . The lighter arrows pointing away from S2 indicate the two unstable paths. Trajectories spiral out from S3 in a counter-clockwise motion. The solution to the state-control system (30), which gives trajectories in the region with zero production, is given by: k(t) = C1 eρt c(t) = C2 e eρt (1+β)φC1 t− ρ (41) , (42) where C1 and C2 are positive real constants. 14 The variations in the values of parameters typically lead to qualitative changes in the solution structure (e.g., some steady states lose their stability, indifference points appear). Such qualitative changes in the solution structure due to smooth variations in parameters are called bifurcations. For a good introduction to bifurcation theory and precise definitions of terms used in this section, see Grass et al. (2008). For a recent discussion, see, for instance, Kiseleva and Wagener (2009). 10 q>0 q=0 k˙ = 0 k L1 L2 S2 S 1 (1+β)φ 3 c˙ = 0 L3 S1 0 0.5 1 1.5 c Figure 2: Illustrative sketch of the state-control space. A solution to the state-control system (28), which yields trajectories in the region with positive production, cannot be obtained analytically; we therefore make use of geometrical-numerical techniques.15 A particular trajectory is a candidate for an optimal solution if it satisfies all necessary conditions: those given by Pontryagin’s Maximum Principle together with transversality conditions (18) and (19). As Figure 2 shows, there exists a whole range of solutions (c(t), k(t)) to the state-control systems. These trajectories all satisfy the conditions of Pontryagin’s Maximum Principle. By ruling out those trajectories that do not satisfy the transversality conditions, we are left with the candidates for an optimal solution. Lemma 3. The points along the c-axis in Figure 2 in the set {(c, k) : c ∈ (0, 1), k = 0} cannot be a part of any optimal trajectory. Proof. See Appendix E. Lemma 4. All trajectories along which k → ∞ and c → 0 as t → ∞ can be ruled out as optimal solutions. Proof. See Appendix F. For instance, the trajectory denoted by L1 in Figure 2 is in the set of Lemma 4. Lemma 5. The trajectory through the point (c, k) = (1, 0) satisfies the transversality conditions (18) and (19). 15 See also [12, 28]. All numerical calculations were done in Matlab. 11 Proof. See Appendix G. In Figure 2, the trajectory of Lemma 5 is labelled L3 . We call this the “exit trajectory” as it implies that the firms (eventually) exit the market. Indeed, at some stage the exit trajectory enters the region where c ≥ 1, at which point both R&D investment and production come to a halt.16 Notice that the stable path (denoted by L2 in Figure 2) to the saddle-point steady state (S2 ) also satisfies the transversality conditions. Notably, along this trajectory, both c and k converge to finite limits and, therefore, so does the co-state variable (26). As the following corollary to the above lemmas shows, we are left with two candidates for an optimal solution. Corollary 1. The set of candidates for an optimal solution consist of the stable path of the saddle-point steady state and the trajectory through the point {(c, k) = (1, 0)}. Proof. See Appendix H. To find an optimal solution from the candidates, we make use of the following lemma. Lemma 6. If the pair (c(·), q(·), k(·)) satisfies the necessary conditions (15)(19), then Z ∞ Π(c, q, k) = π(q, k, c)e−ρt dt 0 1 = P (c(0), q(0), k(0), λ(0)) ρ 1 = H (c(0), k(0)) , ρ (43) where H is the Hamilton function in state-control form. Proof. See, e.g., Grass et al. (2008), ch. 3, pp. 161-162. Lemma 6 is useful whenever several paths satisfy the necessary conditions and we have to compare the corresponding values of the objective (total discounted profit) function in order to determine which one of them is the optimal solution. As the lemma states, these values are simply equal to the values of the Hamiltonian (33) at the corresponding initial points. Figure 3 provides an example in which the optimal solution is the stable path leading to the saddle-point steady state. Note that the initial marginal costs can be higher than c = 1. The optimal decision leads the firms to first produce nothing but to invest increasingly in the reduction of their marginal costs. When marginal costs are below one, they start producing. The level of 16 Strictly speaking, firms’ marginal costs continue to increase along the exit trajectory due to the positive depreciation rate δ. However, we interpret any situation in which a firm stays inactive as if it has left the market. 12 R&D investments then gradually decreases to its long-run steady-state level.17 The value of the total discounted profit function is increasing with decreasing marginal cost. Clearly, starting with lower initial marginal costs allows each firm in the cartel to obtain a higher present discounted value of its profit flow (notice that the profit function is just a rescaled Hamilton function, as stated in Lemma 6). Note that having a phase of zero production as a part of the stable path is possible only if the range of initial marginal costs is not bounded to be below the choke price. In this phase instantaneous profits are negative, but total discounted profits are positive; the firms invest in R&D because once marginal costs are below the choke price, production becomes profitable. Any model imposing marginal costs to be below the choke price at all times cannot capture these dynamics.18 0.32 0.25 0.3 0.28 0.2 0.26 0.15 q k 0.24 0.22 0.2 0.1 0.18 0.16 0.05 0.14 S2 0.12 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 0 1.6 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 c t (a) (b) 1.6 1.4 0.32 0.1 0.3 0.09 0.28 0.08 0.26 0.07 0.24 0.06 2.5 3 3.5 4 k c 1 0.8 0.6 Π 1.2 0.22 0.05 0.2 0.04 0.18 0.03 0.4 0.16 0.2 0 0.02 0.14 0 1 2 3 4 5 t (c) 6 7 8 9 10 0.12 0.01 0 1 2 3 4 5 t (d) 6 7 8 9 10 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 c (e) Figure 3: State-control space (a), time paths for quantity (b), marginal cost (c), and R&D effort (d), and the correlation diagram between the total discounted profit and marginal cost (e), respectively. All plots show curves for parameter values (β, ρ, φ) = (1, 0.5, 4). 17 The shape of the stable path complies well to the empirical evidence of the level of R&D activities over time. For instance, in his study of the petrochemical industry, Stobaugh (1988) finds that the level of process innovation is rising over the first years after the product innovation, whereas it is decreasing over time. Furthermore, he provides evidence that the probability of the next process innovation being major innovation also decreases over time. This relates to the concave shape of our stable path which implies that it takes increasingly more effort over time to reduce marginal cost. 18 Related, the literature on optimal technology adoption predicts a substantial time lag between the discovery of a new technology and its adoption (see e.g. Hoppe (2002) for an overview). Delaying the adoption provides additional information as to the profitability of a new technology; it is also rational if a better technology is expected to become available in the near future (see also Doraszelski (2004)). In this literature, however, technological progress is exogenous. 13 In the example of Figure 3, the firms optimally select an appropriate k such that (c0 , k0 ) is located on the stable path. However, as the Arrow-Mangasarian sufficiency conditions are not satisfied (see Remark 1), an investment policy that follows the stable path is not necessarily optimal at all times. Indeed, it could not even be a possible solution as the saddle-point steady state does not exist for all parameter values (recall Proposition 1). That is, the solution structure depends on the system’s parameters. Figure 4 presents the bifurcation diagram, which shows the optimal R&D investments for varying parameter values.19 Every combination of the exogenous parameters yields a point on this diagram. It consists of five distinct regions, each representing a particular structure of the set of optimal solutions. In general, either there exists an upper bound of initial marginal cost below which the firms selects the stable path towards the saddle-point steady state, or the (new) technology is always phased out by firms (eventually) exiting the market. Hence, if it exists, convergence to the saddle-point steady state along the stable path is locally optimal only; it is never optimal globally. Figure 5 differs from Figure 4 in that in the former β is fixed at 0.1 instead of at 1. As the two figures indicate, changing β does not qualitatively change our conclusions, yet it changes them quantitatively. Decreasing β (the degree of spillovers), pushes the curves upward. This was expected as larger beta implies larger complementarity of firms’ R&D efforts, which enhances the ability of the firms to reduce investment costs in circumstances with a convex investment cost function and so yields a higher return to their R&D. Solutions to the optimization problem for parameters outside the shaded region in Figure 4 are characterized by the presence of threshold values; the stable path of the saddle-point steady state is optimal if the initial marginal cost is below some threshold level, otherwise the exit trajectory is optimal. The threshold point can be either an indifference point20 or a repeller. Indifference points are initial states c = c0 for which the firm is indifferent between several possible investment policies (i.e., the stable path and the exit trajectory). A repeller differs from an indifference point in that at a repelling point, it is optimal to stay at that point forever after.21 In Region I, the point of indifference is above one. Therefore, the system will converge to the saddle-point steady state for all initial technologies c0 ∈ (0, 1].22 A typical example is depicted in Figure 6. The arrows indicate the direction of motion along optimal trajectories. The two regions (production, no production) are split by the dotted vertical line c = 1. For a given ρ and β, Region I is characterized by a relatively high φ, that is, by relatively large demand and/or high R&D efficiency. In such a favorable environment, the firms can compensate for their early stage losses if, intitally, production is postponed as that would yield negative mark-ups. There exists, however, a finite upper bound cˆ > 1 for the initial marginal costs c0 beyond which future profits are not enough to 19 The bifurcation diagram in Figure 4 is drawn for the parameters of the non-rescaled model. called Skiba points or DNSS points (see Grass et al., 2008). 21 More formally, a threshold point separates two basins of attraction: the initial values of the marginal cost below these points constitute the basin of attraction of the saddle-point steady-state; the initial values of the marginal cost above these points constitute the basin of attraction to exit the market. An indifference point lies in both basins of attractions, a repeller in neither. 22 Note that c = 0 corresponds to an unstable steady state; for this trivial value of the 0 marginal cost, the firms stay at that point forever. 20 Also 14 β=1 12 10 I II 8 A √ δ b6 IR III SN ISN 4 IA 2 IV V SN’ 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 ρ/δ 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 Figure 4: Bifurcation diagram for β = 1. The uppermost curve represents parameter values for which the indifference point is exactly at c = 1. SN stands for the “saddle-node bifurcation curve”, SN’ for the “inessential saddlenode bifurcation curve”, IA for the “indifference-attractor bifurcation curve”, and IR for the “indifference-repeller bifurcation curve”. ISN indicates the “indifference-saddle-node point”, which is the point from which indifferenceattractor, indifference-repeller, saddle-node and inessential saddle-node curves emanate. It’s coordinates are ρ˜ ≈ 2.14 and φ ≈ 4.1376. Roman numerals (IV) indicate the corresponding parameter regions discussed in the main text. The shaded region indicates the parameter region for which firms always exit the market. Notice that the axes are excluded from the admissible parameter space. The curve representing indifference points at c = 1 obtains a value of φ ≈ 1.41 for ρ˜ = 1e − 5. compensate for short-run losses (ˆ c ≈ 1.75 in the case considered). In that case, the technology will never enter the market. In Figure 6, the point of indifference (indicated by a dashed vertical line) occurs where the total profit function for the stable path (Π1 ) in the right-hand picture obtains a value of zero (which is the value of the total profit function for the exit trajectory Π2 in the region c ≥ 1). As the total profit beyond this point is negative (the firms make a net loss), the firms prefer no investment at all (giving them total profits of zero). Starting with any initial value of the marginal cost below the indifference point, the firms’ optimal decision is to follow the stable path. The exact position of the indifference point is defined in Lemma 7. Lemma 7. If an indifference point between the stable path and the exit trajectory does exist in the region with zero production (c ≥ 1), it is given by the value 2 of the marginal cost cˆ ≥ 1 for which the point (c, k) = cˆ, (1+β)φ lies on the stable path. For c0 = cˆ, total discounted profits are zero for both trajectories. 15 β=0.1 12 III IR I II SN 10 8 ISN A √ δ b 6 IA IV 4 SN’ V 2 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 ρ/δ 3.5 4 4.5 5 Figure 5: Bifurcation diagram for β = 0.1. The curve representing indifference points at c = 1 obtains a value of φ ≈ 2.56 for ρ˜ = 1e − 5. The coordinates of the ISN point are ρ˜ ≈ 2.14 and φ ≈ 7.523. 0.02 0.26 0.24 0.015 0.22 Π1 0.01 Π k 0.2 0.18 0.005 0.16 Π2 0 0.14 0.12 −0.005 0.1 0.08 S2 0 0,5 1 1,5 1,75 2 −0.01 2,5 c 1 1,5 1.75 2 2,5 c Figure 6: State-control space and the total profit function when the indifference point is in the region with zero production. The plots are drawn for parameter values (β, ρ, φ) = (1, 1, 6). Proof. See Appendix I. Region I is bounded from below by the curve representing those points for which the point of indifference is exactly at c = 1. This particular situation is depicted in Figure 7. For all initial values of the marginal cost c0 ∈ (0, 1), the optimal-solution trajectory is the stable path of the saddle-point steady state, while for c0 ∈ (1, ∞), it is optimal not to produce and invest anything. At c0 = cˆ = 1, either strategy is optimal. The right-hand picture indicates that the total profit Π1 for the stable path is zero at exactly c = 1. For comparison, the total profit Π2 on the exit trajectory, which passes through the point (c, k) = (1, 0), is plotted up to its conjugate point (defined later). We see that Π2 is smaller 16 than Π1 for c < 1, and it is equal to Π1 at the indifference point c = 1. 0.25 0.09 0.08 Π1 0.07 0.06 0.2 k Π 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.15 0.02 0.01 Π2 0 S2 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 −0.01 1.4 c 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 c Figure 7: State-control space and the total profit functions when the indifference point is exactly on the boundary between the two regions (ˆ c = 1). The plots are drawn for parameter values (β, ρ, φ) = (1, 1, 4.7). The stable path in the region with zero production (c ≥ 1) is characterized by a decreasing k and an increasing c as t → −∞ (see (41)-(42) and Figure 6). From Lemma 7 follows that the indifference point between the stable path and the exit trajectory is exactly at c = 1 when the stable path reaches k = 2/ ((1 + β)φ) exactly at c = 1 (see Figure 7). As investment is increasing in φ (for a given ρ and β), we can find for every ρ and β a high enough φ such that the indifference point is either at c = 1 or in the region with c ≥ 1. A higher φ for a given ρ and β in Region I just moves the indifference point further beyond c = 1. Consequently, Region I is not bounded from the right. Moreover, as k decreases along the stable path as t → −∞, at some instant the stable path, having a value of k at c = 1 above k = 2/ ((1 + β)φ)), reaches the point with k = 2/ ((1 + β)φ) for some c > 1 as t → −∞. Therefore, for parameters in Region I, we always have an indifference point at some c = cˆ ≥ 1 and, in particular, the convergence to the saddle-point steady-state is for these parameters guaranteed if c0 ∈ (0, 1], but not for all c0 ∈ (1, ∞). In Region II the indifference point cˆ is below c = 1. This implies in particular that at the indifference point the monopolist produces a positive quantity. Figure 8 illustrates this case. The indifference point (indicated by the dashed vertical line) occurs where the two respective total profit functions (Π1 for the stable path, Π2 for the exit trajectory) intersect, as indicated in the right-hand picture. For the particular parameter values considered in Figure 8, the indifference point occurs at cˆ ≈ 0.59. Although it is also profitable to invest in R&D for some initial technology level c0 ∈ (ˆ c, 1), the technology is not promising enough for the firms to select the stable path towards the saddle-point steady-state. Rather, they invests in R&D at some smaller rate that retards the decay of the technology level optimally; but eventually the technology will leave the market, and the firms with it.23 For an even higher initial level of marginal cost (c0 ≥ 1), the firms do not initiate any activity; the new technology is not developed at all and the firms do not enter the market.24 23 Note that if c ∈ (ˆ c, 1), the alternative strategy of producing but not investing anything 0 in R&D, which corresponds to ‘following’ the c-axis below the exit trajectory in Figure 8, yields lower total discounted profits than following the exit trajectory (recall Lemma 3). 24 Conjugate points P and P indicate the last element on the respective trajectory (when 1 2 17 0.25 0.06 0.05 Π1 0.2 0.04 0.03 0.15 P1 P2 S3 k Π S2 0.1 0.02 0.01 P2 Π2 0 0.05 −0.01 0 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 −0.02 0.2 1.2 c P1 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 c Figure 8: State-control space and the total profit functions when the indifference point is within the region with positive production. The plots are drawn for parameter values (β, ρ, φ) = (1, 1, 3.5). The optimal-solution trajectories are marked by thick lines. The two candidates for the optimal solution, which both spiral out of the unstable steady state S3 , are the stable path and the exit trajectory. Incidently, it is not uncommon to observe continuous incremental improvements of an existing technology while it has been decided that it will be taken off the market at some future instant. An interesting example of a dying industry is ice harvesting, which was destined to disappear after the emergence of machine-made ice. According to Utterback (1994), the ice harvesters were however still making numerous improvements in harvesting, storing and delivery processes (e.g., steam-powered saws and conveyors were introduced), which resulted in greater volume and lower unit cost of ice. Similarly, even as the door was closing for producers of gas lamps after the electric light bulb had been invented by Edison, this did not stop their continuous process innovation. Utterback reports how among other improvements the Welsbach mantle, which increased the efficiency of gas lighting by five times, was successfully introduced. Yet another example is the production of dry plate photography, which was put on the road to extinction by Kodak roll film cameras. The old technology still found ways of improving itself (e.g., by introducing self-setting shutters, small plate cameras, celluloid substitutes for glass). See Utterback (1994) for numerous other examples of industry dynamics. These examples in which producers in a dying industry still invest in their products give much support for exit trajectories that are characterized by positive R&D efforts. As already noted in the discussion of Region II, our model shows that the ‘exit trajectory investment schedule’ leading up to eventually discontinuing the product gives a higher total profit than the investment schedule that is characterized by zero investment along the way of exiting the market. Hence, theoretical predictions conform well to real world practice. Region III is similar to Region II in that for all c ≥ 1 the firm does not initiate any activity and only for some small enough c ∈ (0, 1) there is converstarting from its end) where the marginal cost is still increasing/decreasing. Considering a particular trajectory beyond this point would give us two possible k-points for each c, of which the one beyond the P point is suboptimal. Observe that in the plot of the profits, the value of the total profit for the exit trajectory (starting from its end) increases all along the way to P2 (where it obtains a cusp point), beyond which it starts decreasing. 18 gence to the saddle-point steady state. There is, however, a small qualitative difference between the two regions. Namely, in Region III, the threshold point is not an indifference point but a repeller. Region III is separated from Region II by a type-2 indifference-repeller bifurcation curve (IR1 (2)), at which a repeller changes into an indifference point (see Hinloopen, Smrkolj, and Wagener (2011)). Region IV√is separated from Region III by a saddle-node bifurcation curve, given as φ = 32ρ/(1 + β). This curve represents parameter combinations for which the saddle and the unstable node S3 coincide and form a semi-stable steady state. After the bifurcation, both the saddle and the unstable node disappear. In such a case (see Figure 9), the only solution left is the exit trajectory: for c0 ≥ 1 the firms never initiate any activity, while for c0 ∈ (0, 1) the firms do invest in R&D but they will leave the market at some future instant. This is again intuitive as in Region IV we have that φ is relatively small (for a given ρ and β). That is, R&D is relatively inefficient and/or market demand is relatively small. Note that in Figure 9 R&D investments are initially increasing over time for very low values of marginal costs. These investments reduce the speed at which the firms will leave the market; for low initial marginal cost it turns out to be profitable to slow down this process in order to profit optimally from low marginal costs. 0.12 0.12 0.1 0.08 k Π 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.02 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 0 1.4 c 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 c Figure 9: State-control space and the total profit function for parameters of the shaded region. Parameter values are (β, ρ, φ) = (1, 1, 2.5). The exit trajectory covers the whole space and it is the only solution. Observe that the total discounted profit is positive for c < 1. Finally, Region V resembles Region IV in that only the exit trajectory is optimal. This is in spite of the fact that points in Region V have higher φ values than points in Region IV with the same value of ρ and β, and that the saddle-point steady state (S2 ) together with its stable path exists. The exit trajectory always yields a higher discounted profit flow than the stable path. Consequently, the saddle-point steady state is not even locally optimal. The IA1 curve that bounds Region V from above is a so-called indifference-attractor bifurcation curve (see Hinloopen, Smrkolj, and Wagener (2011) for details). The curve bounding Region V from below is an inessential saddle-node bifurcation curve (SN01 ). It is similar to the SN1 curve in that two new steady states appear when crossing it. However, it is inessential for the optimization problem in the following sense. The bifurcation does not entail a qualitative change of the optimal strategy, as the steady states involved in the SN01 bifurca19 tion are not associated with the optimal strategy; as above, the exit trajectory remains the optimal trajectory. Consequently, while the state-control system does bifurcate, the structure of the optimal solutions does not. Together, Region IV and Region V (the shaded region) represent the parameter region for which there is never convergence to the saddle-point steady state because it is either not optimal to approach it (Region V ) or because there is no saddle-point steady state at all (Region IV ). Moving from the shaded region, where the firms always exit the market, by increasing φ while keeping ρ and β fixed, we arrive at Region II, where staying in the market is possibly an optimal solution depending on the initial level c0 of the marginal cost. The interpretation is straightforward: staying in the market becomes an option if R&D becomes more efficient and/or if market demand increases. 4 The R&D Cartel We now turn to analyze the R&D cartel. We still assume that each firm operates its own R&D laboratory and production facility. However, while firms select their output levels non-cooperatively, they adopt a strictly cooperative behavior in determining their R&D efforts so as to maximize their joint profits. These assumptions amount to imposing a priori the symmetry condition ki (t) = kj (t) = k(t).25 As ci (0) = cj (0) = c(0), this implies that ci (t) = cj (t) = c(t). Equation (8) thus reads as: c˙ = c(1 − (1 + β)φk). (44) The instantaneous profit of firm i is: πi (qi , qj , k, c) = (1 − qi − qj − c)qi − k 2 , (45) yielding its total discounted profit over time: Z ∞ Πi (qi , qj , k, c) = πi (qi , qj , k, c)e−ρt dt. (46) 0 We look for feedback (also called closed-loop) Nash equilibria. As firms cooperatively decide on their R&D efforts, the only competitive decisions are that of production levels. However, as quantity variables do not appear in the equation for the state variable (44), production feedback strategies of a dynamic game are simply static Cournot-Nash strategies of each corresponding one-period game. Solving maxqi ∈R+ πi gives us standard Cournot best-response functions for the product market: ( 1 qj < 1 − c, 2 (1 − c − qj ) if (47) qi (qj ) = 0 if qj ≥ 1 − c, 25 In this paper we are looking only for symmetric equilibria. However, it is perhaps possible that joint profits could be increased if firms made unequal investments and produce unequal amounts. Such an asymmetric strategy would raise investment costs (the R&D cost function is convex) but might create more than offsetting benefits in the production stage. Salant and Shaffer (1998) consider this possibility within the framework of a static model of strategic R&D. 20 where the second part comes from the boundary condition for the non-negative production levels qi,j ≥ 0. Solving for the Cournot-Nash production levels, we obtain ( 1 c < 1, N 3 (1 − c) if (48) q = 0 if c ≥ 1. Consequently, the instantaneous profit of each firm is ( 1 2 2 if c < 1, 9 (1 − c) − k π(c, k) = 2 −k if c ≥ 1. (49) Then, the optimal control problem of the R&D cartel is to find control k ∗ (R&D effort of each firm) that maximizes the total discounted joint profit of the two firms taking into account the state equation (44), initial condition c(0) = 0, and the boundary condition k ≥ 0 which must hold at all times. Note that according to (44), if c0 > 0, then c(t) > 0 for all t. The set of all possible states at each time t is given by c ∈ [0, ∞).26 To solve the dynamic optimization problem, we introduce the current-value Pontryagin function27 ( 1 2 2 c < 1, 9 (1 − c) − k + λc(1 − (1 + β)φk) if (50) P (c, k, λ) = 2 −k + λc(1 − (1 + β)φk) if c ≥ 1. where λ is the current-value co-state variable of a firm in the R&D cartel. It measures the marginal worth of the increment in the state c for each firm in the cartel at time t when moving along the optimal path. As marginal cost is a ‘bad’, we expect λ(t) ≤ 0 along optimal trajectories. Pontryagin’s Maximum Principle states that if the pair (c∗ , k ∗ ) is an optimal solution, then there exists a function λ(t) such that c∗ , k ∗ , and λ satisfy the following conditions: 1.) k ∗ maximizes the function P for each t: P (c∗ , k ∗ , λ) = max P (c∗ , k, λ), k∈R+ (51) 2.) λ is a solution to the following co-state equation: − ∂P = λ˙ − ρλ ∂c (52) which is evaluated along with the equation for the marginal cost c˙ = c(1 − (1 + β)φk) (53) and the initial condition c(0) = c0 . 26 In other words, firms that jointly decide on their R&D efforts know that as the result of this cooperation, the marginal cost of both firms will be the same and that their product market profits directly depend on it (recall (49)). Knowing this, they will select such a time path of R&D efforts, and through them the path of their marginal cost over time, that their joint profits, which in our symmetric case they share equally, will be the highest possible. 27 We again omit a factor of 2 for combined profits to obtain the solution expressed in per-firm values. 21 Let k = K(c, λ) solve the problem maxk P (c, k, λ) for every (c, λ). We define the current-value Hamilton function H(c, λ) = P (c, K(c, λ), λ). The above necessary conditions (51)-(52) for an optimal solution are complemented by the transversality conditions: lim e−ρt H(c, λ) = 0 (54) lim e−ρt λc = 0. (55) t→∞ and t→∞ If problem (51) has a solution, this solution necessarily satisfies the following Karush-Kuhn-Tucker condition: ∂P = −2k − (1 + β)φλc ≤ 0, ∂k Conditions (56) imply that either i) k = 0 and k > 0 and ∂P ∂k = 0. In particular, ( − (1+β)φ λc if 2 k∗ = 0 if k ∂P ∂k ∂P = 0. ∂k (56) ≤ 0 (implying λ ≥ 0) or ii) λ ≤ 0, λ > 0. (57) The two-part composition of the Pontryagin function leads us to differentiate between two regimes of the state-control system. The first one is characterized by positive production, whereas the second one corresponds to no production. 1. The system with positive production. In the region c < 1, using (52), (53), and (57), we obtain the following optimal state and co-state dynamics: ( c˙ = c 1 + 21 (1 + β)2 φ2 λc , (58) λ˙ = 2 (1 − c) + ρ − 1 − 1 (1 + β)2 φ2 λc λ, 9 2 where λ ≤ 0. Equation (57) depends on the co-state and state variable. Note that the correspondence between k and λ is one-to-one if, and only if, λ ≤ 0, and that therefore the system can be rewritten in the state-control form. Differentiate equation (57) with respect to time to obtain the dynamic equation dk (1 + β)φ ˙ ≡ k˙ = − λc + λc˙ . dt 2 (59) Substitute λ˙ from (52) and c˙ from (53). Note that equation (57) also implies that 2k λ=− . (60) (1 + β)φc Substitute this expression into (59) to obtain: (1 + β)φ k˙ = ρk − c(1 − c). 9 (61) Hence, the system with positive production (c < 1) in the state-control form consists of the following two differential equations: ( k˙ = ρk − (1+β)φ c(1 − c), 9 (62) c˙ = c (1 − (1 + β)φk) . 22 2. The system with zero production. In the region c ≥ 1, substituting (52), (53), and (60) into (59) gives us the following expression: k˙ = ρk. (63) Hence, the state-control system with zero production consists of the following two differential equations: ( k˙ = ρk, (64) c˙ = c (1 − (1 + β)φk) . The state-costate analogue is: ( c˙ = c 1 + 21 (1 + β)2 φ2 λc , λ˙ = ρ − 1 − 1 (1 + β)2 φ2 λc λ. (65) 2 The Hamilton function, obtained by substituting (57) into the Pontryagin function (50), is given by ( H(c, λ) = 1 9 (1 − c)2 + 14 (1 + β)2 φ2 λ2 c2 + λc 1 4 (1 2 2 2 2 + β) φ λ c + λc if c ∈ [0, 1), if c ∈ [1, ∞), (66) where λ ≤ 0. The state-control analogue is then H(c, k) = 1 9 (1 2 − c)2 + k k − (1+β)φ 2 k k − (1+β)φ if c ∈ [0, 1), if c ∈ [1, ∞), (67) where k ≥ 0.28 4.1 Steady-state solutions The steady-state solutions to (62) and (64) are obtained by imposing the stationarity conditions k˙ = 0 and c˙ = 0. 28 Our closed-loop solution differs from that of Cellini and Lambertini (2009), who consider the case when marginal cost is always lower than the choke price. This is so because their proof that the open-loop and closed-loop solutions coincide is flawed by the fact that in their derivation of the closed-loop solution, players’ output choices are not properly treated as functions of the state variable. The derivations of the authors implicitly assume that if marginal cost within the R&D cartel changes, the opponent’s quantity does not change, which is the violation of the feedback principle underlying the closed-loop solution. It is also counterintuitive as firms in the R&D cartel are supposed to jointly decide on their R&D effort taking into account that marginal cost in any period affects the Nash-equilibrium profit in the product market. This profit is a function of the cartel’s marginal cost and reflects changes in outputs of both players. Our calculations also show that the authors’ solution leads to situations in which the profit of the R&D cartel can be higher than that of the full cartel. We shall question any such a result as the full cartel can in principle always do what a lower form of cooperation (R&D cartel) does if this brings about a higher profit. We therefore stick to our closed-loop solution, which does not suffer from this oddity, for all future comparisons between regimes. 23 Lemma 8. The ‘no-production’ state-control system (64) has no steady state in the region where it is defined. Proof. See Appendix B. Consider now system (62). Imposing the stationarity condition k˙ = 0, we obtain (1 + β)φ k RC = c(1 − c) ≥ 0 ∀c ∈ [0, 1], (68) 9ρ where superscript RC stands for R&D Cartel.29 Steady-state marginal cost follows from inserting (68) into the state dynamics (53) and imposing the stationarity condition c˙ = 0: (1 + β)2 φ2 c˙ = c 1 − c(1 − c) = 0. (69) 9ρ This yields: cRC = 0, where cRC = 1 ± V, 2 (70) s 36ρ . (71) (1 + β)2 φ2 √ Observe that V is real if and only if φ ≥ 6 ρ/(1 + β), in which case V ∈ [0, 12 ) RC and c ∈ [0, 1). The solution to the system is summarized in Proposition 2. √ Proposition 2. If φ > 6 ρ/(1 + β), the state-control system with positive production (28) has three steady states: 1 V = 2 1− i) (cRC , k RC ) = (0, 0) is an unstable node, 1 is either an unstable node or an unstable foii) (cRC , k RC ) = 21 + V, (1+β)φ cus, and 1 iii) (cRC , k RC ) = 12 − V, (1+β)φ is a saddle-point steady state. √ At φ = 6 ρ/(1 + β), a so-called “saddle-node bifurcation” occurs as the last two steady states collide and form a so-called “semi-stable” steady state. √ If φ < 6 ρ/(1 + β), the state-control system with positive production has one single steady state: the origin (cRC , k RC ) = (0, 0), which is unstable. In the saddle-point steady state, instantaneous marginal cost, output, and profit of each firm are, respectively: p (1 + β)φ − (1 + β)2 φ2 − 36ρ RC c = , (72) 2(1 + β)φ p (1 + β)φ + (1 + β)2 φ2 − 36ρ q RC = , (73) 6(1 + β)φ p (1 + β)2 φ2 − 18(1 + ρ) + (1 + β)φ (1 + β)2 φ2 − 36ρ RC π = . (74) 18(1 + β)2 φ2 29 All steady-state values have superscript RC. 24 5 Market Collusion and Incentives to Innovate: Full Cartel and R&D cartel confronted The graphs showing different kinds of industry dynamics, each corresponding to one of the five distinct regions of the bifurcation diagram, are for the R&D cartel qualitatively the same as the ones for the full cartel.30 The bifurcation diagram for the R&D cartel is together with its full cartel counterpart depicted in Figure 10. Observe that the bifurcation curves for the full cartel lie below those for the R&D cartel, and this so over the entire parameter space. The relatively lower position of the shaded region (bounded above by the saddlenode and indifference-attractor bifurcation curves) for the full cartel leads to our first main result of the global comparisons of the two regimes. Result 1. For a given discount rate, it takes a larger market size and/or efficiency or R&D to make staying in a market a possibility for firms in the R&D cartel than it does for firms in the full cartel. This result stems from the fact that in the shaded region, the exit trajectory is the only solution. What is especially interesting to notice is the relative position of the curves indicating the point of indifference being exactly at c = 1. The curve for the full cartel lying below its R&D cartel counterpart implies the existence of the situation in which, for a given parameter combination, the full cartel regime has an indifference point at c > 1, while in the R&D cartel regime the indifference point is at some c < 1. This relates to our second main result. Result 2. Whenever there is a threshold value of initial marginal cost in both regimes, this value is for the full cartel strictly larger than for the R&D cartel, for every point in the parameter space. The above result implies that, for a given market market size and efficiency of R&D, the full cartel is ex ante more likely to bring a particular technology to a production phase and less likely to exit the market. This fact is further discerned by Result 3 and Result 4 below. Result 3. The set of initial marginal costs that will induce the formation of a new market is larger if besides cooperating in R&D, firms also cooperate in the product market. We already noted that the point of indifference in the region with c ≥ 1 is an important concept. It determines the highest value of the initial marginal cost for which the firms still initiate investment. If the firms find out that the initial marginal cost (reflecting the starting level of the technology) is higher than this upper bound, they do not go into development and the particular technological idea is left unrealized - the market is not formed. Figure 11 shows that this indifference point is for the full cartel at the higher value of the initial marginal cost (c20 ) than for the R&D cartel (c10 ). Hence, technologies corresponding to the marginal costs between the two indifference 30 Remark 1, Lemmas 3 - 7, and Corollary 1 apply also to the R&D cartel. Corresponding proofs are analogous to their full cartel counterparts. Any differences between the proofs are indicated within appendices corresponding to the full cartel. 25 25 I 20 II 15 IR A(1+β) √ δ b III SN 10 ISN IA IV 5 V 0 0 SN’ 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 ρ/δ 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 Figure 10: Bifurcation diagram. The bifurcation curves for the R&D cartel (blue) are drawn together with the bifurcation curves for the full cartel (red). points (in the interval of a nontrivial size (c10 , c20 )) are the ones that are developed only if besides cooperating in R&D, firms also cooperate in the product market. The intuition is as follows. The firms are prepared to incur initial losses only if they know they will make large enough profits to compensate for these losses once the production has been initiated. The higher the value of the initial marginal cost, the more investments it takes to reduce the marginal cost to the level where the production can start (below the choke price) and so the larger the initial losses that have to be compensated for. As the firms in the full cartel are able to extract larger profits from the product market than the firms in the R&D cartel (which earn only competitive profits), the firms engaged in the full cartel can compensate for larger initial losses than the firms cooperating in R&D only.31 As Figure 11 shows, the total discounted profit of the R&D cartel is for c0 ∈ (c10 , c20 ) zero as firms don’t optimally do anything.32 However, the total profit of the full cartel is positive. Hence, the full collusion appears endogenously as a voluntary agreement through which both firms expect to benefit. Moreover, as the plots in the figure show, this agreement is beneficial also from the social standpoint as without it, consumers, as well as firms, are left empty-handed (total discounted profit, consumer surplus, and total surplus are all zero for the R&D cartel when c0 ≥ c10 ). 31 The assumption that firms know the market demand before the production stage has even started may seem strong. We could relax it by postulating that firms form expectations about future demand. However, while adding to the complexity of the model, this would not change our conclusions as long as these expectations are assumed to be identical between the two regimes; and we can not think of any good reason for not assuming so. 32 If the firms started developing the product, they would in total make a loss. 26 1 0.5 0.9 0.45 0.8 0.7 0.4 Π k 0.6 0.35 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.25 0.1 0.2 0 0.5 1 c c10 1.5 2 c20 0 2.5 0 0.5 1 (a) c c1 1.5 2 1.5 2 0 2 c0 2.5 (b) 4 2.2 3.5 2 3 1.8 2.5 TS CS 1.6 1.4 2 1.5 1.2 1 1 0.8 0.5 0.6 0 0 0.5 1 c c10 1.5 2 c2 2.5 0 0.5 1 c 0 (c) c10 c20 2.5 (d) Figure 11: State-control space (a), total discounted profit (b), consumer surplus (c), and total surplus (d), when the indifference point is in the region with zero production. The plots are drawn for parameter values (β, ρ˜, φ) = (1, 0.1, 2.25). Blue curves correspond to the R&D cartel, whereas the red ones correspond to the full cartel. Figure 12 illustrates Result 3 further by comparing the position of the indifference point for different parameter combinations. The indifference point is for the R&D cartel always below the one for the full cartel. For a given discount rate, increasing the market size and/or the efficiency of R&D, increases the value of the indifference point and so broadens the range of initial marginal costs that lead firms to select the stable path. It also increases the discrepancy between the two regimes (∆2 cˆ > ∆1 cˆ); the more so, the lower the discount rate (and so the higher the slope of the curves). This is intuitive. The surplus created by R&D that can be appropriated by the firms in the future (once the production has started) is for the full cartel larger than for the R&D cartel. And the lower the discount rate, the higher the value of this future surplus for firms. Figure 12 also shows that increasing the discount rate, for a given market size and efficiency of R&D, pushes the indifference point downwards (from C1 to C2 ) as it reduces the value of the future profits. This increase in the discount rate can in principle be offset by sufficiently increasing the market size and/or the efficiency of R&D, as indicated in the figure. At Figure 11 we showed that for c0 ∈ (c10 , c20 ), the technology is developed only by the full cartel. Assuming c0 = 2 (observe that 2 ∈ (c10 , c20 )), Figure 13 shows how marginal cost and price are continuously decreasing over time to their 27 10 9 ρ/δ = 0.1 ρ/δ = 0.5 8 7 cˆ 6 5 ρ/δ = 1 ∆2 cˆ C1 4 3 2 1 2 ∆1 cˆ 4 C2 6 8 10 12 14 16 A(1+β) √ δ b Figure 12: Dependence of the indifference point cˆ on model parameters. Curves are drawn for three fixed values of ρ˜. Curves for the R&D cartel (dotted) lie below the curves for the full cartel (full). long-run steady-state levels (0.0412 and 0.5206, respectively). We also plot the so-called Lerner Index which measures a divergence of price from marginal cost and is traditionally used as a short-cut estimator of the monopoly power and, as prevalently claimed, its corresponding welfare loss. Its value is increasing over time to the ‘high’ long-run level of 0.92. This increasing discrepancy between price and marginal cost is a consequence of the cartel increasing its mark-up over time to compensate for investments made before the production stage as well as to cover its current R&D expenses. This is clear from the plot of the instantaneous profit against the total discounted profit in Figure 13. Observe that it is only after a while that the instantaneous profit becomes positive. Its potential high size combined with a high Lerner Index may raise eyebrows of antitrust economists worrying about resource misallocation. We should note two things. First, while the instantaneous profit could well be judged high, focusing on it, one overlooks huge R&D expenditures made over years (let alone all the mental effort). Notably, the total discounted profit is much lower: 0.0131 in our case (see Figure 13). In fact, the latter will be closer to zero, the closer to the indifference point the initial marginal cost is. Second, at Figure 12 we saw how market characteristics that affect future production (and so profitability) affect the position of the indifference point. Hence, if market regulations reduce mark-ups (for instance, by dismantling the product market cartel), the range of initial technologies that are developed further shrinks (c20 ↓). It can then well happen that in our case 2 > c20 and the firms are not able to cover the costs already incurred in R&D. One should note that in our example, the full cartel created the market and did not just take over the preexisting 28 2 0.05 1.8 Π 1.6 0 1.4 −0.05 1.2 LI 1 π −0.1 0.8 p 0.6 −0.15 0.4 −0.2 0.2 c 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 −0.25 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 t t (a) (b) 12 14 16 18 20 Figure 13: Marginal cost, price, and Lerner Index (a); total discounted profit and instantaneous profit (b), for the full cartel. The plots are drawn for parameter values (β, ρ˜, φ) = (1, 0.1, 2.25) and starting point c0 = 2. one. Had firms not been able to cooperate also in the product market, the market would not even have been formed (recall that 2 > c10 ). Hence, the Lerner Index appears misleading from a correct dynamic perspective as it clearly cannot indicate ‘social inefficiencies’ in any meaningful way. As shown, (larger) deviations of price from marginal cost are not a source of inefficiencies but a requirement for technology to be developed and a market to be formed at all.33 Result 4. The set of initial marginal costs that induce firms to abandon the technology in time is larger if firms cannot collude in the product market. Result 4, corresponding to the indifference point in the region with positive production, is illustrated in Figure 14. For all initial marginal costs in interval (c10 , c20 ), the firms engaged in the R&D cartel gradually exit the market, whereas the firms engaged in the full cartel continue to reduce marginal costs and stay in the market. The revenue the firms in the R&D cartel can potentially earn in the product market is lower than that of the full cartel. Consequently, the relatively large expenses needed to stay in the market (to countervail depreciation) become for the R&D cartel ‘too high’ sooner than for the full cartel. That is, the full cartel is more resistant to strained investment circumstances.34 33 In the literature, the Lerner Index has been subject to several critiques. Pindyck (1985) claims that characteristics of dynamic markets (e.g., technological change, innovation, learning by doing) cause the Lerner Index to give a distorted picture of a firm’s monopoly power. The idea that deviations of price from marginal cost may arise from the need to cover incurred investment costs can be traced back to Lindenberg and Ross (1981):“...[The Lerner Index] does not recognize that some of the deviation of P from MC comes from ... the need to cover fixed costs and does not contribute to market value in excess of replacement cost” (p. 28). The argument that marginal pricing may be neither feasible nor desirable in technologydriven industries has been occasionally recognized by courts, e. g., in US v. Eastman Kodak (1995), where the court concludes that “Kodak’s film business is subject to enormous expenses that are not reflected in its short-run marginal costs”. See Elzinga and Mills (2011) for a comprehensive survey of limitations and qualifications of the index. For a critical discussion of numerous antitrust cases in business history, see Armentano (1999). 34 Strained in the sense of a relatively high depreciation rate in comparison with the market size and efficiency of R&D. 29 0.5 1.2 0.45 0.4 1 0.35 0.8 Π k 0.3 0.25 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.15 0.1 0.2 0.05 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 c10 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 c20 c 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 c (a) (b) 2.5 4.5 4 2 3.5 3 TS CS 1.5 2.5 2 1 1.5 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 c c (c) (d) Figure 14: State-control space (a), total discounted profit (b), consumer surplus (c), and total surplus (d), when the indifference point is within the region with positive production. The plots are drawn for parameter values (β, ρ˜, φ) = (1, 0.1, 2). Blue curves correspond to the R&D cartel, whereas the red ones correspond to the full cartel. Full curves correspond to the stable path, whereas the dotted ones to the exit trajectory. Dots indicate the saddle-point steady state. Result 5. When the stable path to the saddle-point steady state is optimal in both regimes, the steady-state value of marginal cost is for the full cartel lower than for the R&D cartel. The full cartel always invests more in R&D, be it along the stable path or the exit trajectory. From the fact that for every given marginal cost, the trajectory for the full cartel is characterized by a higher R&D effort (see Figure 11, 14, and 15), the following result follows. Result 6. For a given initial value of marginal cost, firms in the full cartel enter production phase earlier than firms in the R&D cartel. On the contrary, the speed at which firms abandon non-prospective technologies is lower when firms also collude in the product market than it is when they do not. As Result 5 states, the full cartel always achieves a higher production efficiency than does the R&D cartel when they both follow the stable path.35 35 This follows directly from comparing the steady-state value of the marginal cost of the 30 However, when both regimes follow the stable path, the partial cartel is socially preferred to the full cartel as the higher efficiency brought about by the full cartel is not relatively higher enough to compensate for the inefficiency arising by its relatively lower output, and it therefore does not translate into either higher consumer surplus or total surplus. Likewise, when both regimes are about to exit the market, socially the R&D cartel is preferred. While the full cartel indeed abandon production relatively more slowly36 (Result 6 ), this does not outweigh its relatively lower instantaneous production. Consequently, both consumer surplus and total surplus are lower for the full cartel (see also Figure 15). 0.1 0.14 0.09 0.12 0.08 0.1 0.07 0.08 Π k 0.06 0.05 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.01 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 c c (a) (b) 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0.45 0.25 0.4 0.2 0.35 0.3 TS CS 0.15 0.25 0.2 0.1 0.15 0.1 0.05 0.05 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 c c (c) (d) Figure 15: State-control space (a), total discounted profit (b), consumer surplus (c), and total surplus (d), when the exit trajectory is an optimal solution. The plots are drawn for parameter values (β, ρ˜, φ) = (1, 1, 2). Blue curves correspond to the R&D cartel, whereas the red ones correspond to the full cartel. However, as Figure 14 shows, the full cartel brings about a higher total full cartel with that of the R&D cartel (equations (38) and (72), respectively). The reason for this difference is that while both regimes indeed exert the same R&D effort in the steady state (the level needed to countervail depreciation), the investment paths of regimes are different. The full cartel invests more in R&D as it is able to appropriate a higher surplus resulting from it. This result stands in stark contrast to a strand of literature which claims that a lack of competition in the product market will through a lack of investment motivation lead firms to rest content with old methods and be engaged in x-inefficiency (a term first introduced by Leibenstein (1966). 36 The intuition for this is that, having a monopoly power, the full cartel has still more to extract from the market and therefore has incentives to leave slower. 31 surplus and also consumer surplus for initial marginal costs in interval (c10 , c20 ). Recall that for these costs, the R&D cartel eventually exits the market, while the full cartel follows the stable path and so stays in the market. Continuous reductions in marginal costs along the stable path by the full cartel eventually translate into a relatively higher output and in the end also into a higher total discounted consumer surplus and total surplus. These benefits of the full cartel, accruing from increasing efficiency over time, diminish with increases in the discount rate. As Figure 16 indicates, for a relatively higher discount rate, the R&D cartel can (for some subset of (c10 , c20 )) lead to a higher total surplus when market size and/or R&D efficiency are sufficiently small even though the firms engaged in it are destined to exit the market. With a lower market size and efficiency of R&D, the full cartel itself invests less along the stable path and thereby brings about lower gains in efficiency; and this future gains are of a lower value, the higher the discount rate. 0.1 0.2 0.08 0.06 TS TS 0.15 0.1 0.04 0.05 0.02 0 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0 0.8 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 c c (a) (b) 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 Figure 16: Total surplus for the R&D cartel (blue curves) and full cartel (red curves) for two different combinations of parameter values: (β, ρ˜, φ) = (1, 1, 4) in the left figure and (β, ρ˜, φ) = (1, 1, 3.14) in the right figure. Full curves correspond to the stable path, whereas the dotted ones to the exit trajectory. Dots indicate the saddle-point steady state. 6 Discussion and concluding remarks Great benefits of R&D cooperations proven both in theory and practice have led policy makers not to treat such initiatives as per se violations of the antitrust law (as it holds for price-fixing agreements) but to consider them on a rule-ofreason basis. A possible extension of cooperation in R&D to that in the product market has been considered as something that must be prevented at all costs. In their seminal paper, d’Aspremont and Jacquemin (1988) conclude, within their static model of R&D, that while the amount of R&D in the case of collusion in both R&D and product market is higher than in the case of R&D cooperation only, the quantity produced is still lower. Petit and Tolwinski (1999), who consider a dynamic model of R&D, conclude the same. Moreover, a higher price under full collusion leads in their model to a reduction in a consumer surplus and to the lowest total surplus among regimes considered. Consequently, the 32 authors conclude that “...[full collusion] is socially inferior to other forms of industrial structures” and “...thus, antitrust legislation is important.” (p. 206). Our global analysis shows that the received literature suffers from neglecting the very possibility that the initial marginal cost is higher than the choke price. By assuming that a particular product is already in the production stage and this so irrespective of the market regime under consideration, this literature disregards an important part of the development phase. Indeed, it assumes an existence of a situation whose formation the true theory of R&D should explain. The practice shows that firms do not pursue further all conceived technological ideas at all, but rest their decision upon their (expected) profitability.37 Yet, this profitability is affected not only by the (expected) demand for a product but also by the current and (expected) future market structure. The more competitive the latter, the lower the price, the lower the mark-up, and hence the lower the profitability of the idea. We have shown that collusion in the product market through a larger profit enlarges the set of initial marginal costs for which the firms pursue further development of corresponding technologies. Preventing collaboration in the product market reduces this set.38 As Hinloopen, Smrkolj, and Wagener (2011) points out “the loss of total surplus this reduction brings about is a hidden cost of competition policies if the indifference point is above c = 1, as in that case there is initially no production. Not pursuing the development of the technology does consequently not surface as an immediate reduction in total surplus. Yet, these indirect costs should be taken into account when assessing properly the trade-off between static and dynamic efficiency.” We have also shown that the popular Lerner Index gives a distorted picture of welfare losses as market concentration with its ensuing future high product market prices might in fact be needed for the market to be formed at all. The practice of antitrust prosecutions however shows that antitrust authorities widely neglect the exposed trade-off. As reported by Armentano (1999) in his comprehensive exposition of past antitrust cases, “...price-fixing agreements were always illegal and there was to be no rule of reason with regard to such conspiracies” (p. 143) and “...whether prices have actually been fixed, or whether they have been fixed at unreasonable levels, has been immaterial [at a federal court]” (p. 147). In this paper we have focused on two market regimes (full cartel and R&D cartel), leaving aside, in particular, a regime where firms compete both on the product market and in their R&D endeavors. The technical demands of its global analysis prevent us from including it here. We think it is also interesting to try to include shochasticity, endogenous choice of spillovers, separate investments into innovative R&D on one hand and imitative R&D on the other hand, asymmetric R&D abilities and differentiated products in the global framework we developed here. Furthermore, we abstracted from potential new entry into the market. These are in our opinion some of the fruitful areas we leave for 37 Elmer Bolton, a scientist-manager at the DuPont company, one of the most innovative corporations in American business history, was famous for saying to company’s chemists who in his opinion lacked the awareness that the success of the company depends on its products being commercially exploitable: “This is very interesting chemistry, but somehow I don’t hear the tinkle of the cash register.” (Hounshell and Smith, 1988). 38 Notice that the probability of being detected by the antitrust authorities when engaged in collusion can be accounted for as an increase in a firm’s discount rate (as it is standard in the literature). We have shown in Figure 12 that a higher discount rate reduces the value of marginal cost at the indifference point. 33 future research. 34 Appendices A Proof of Lemma 1 A rescaled variable or parameter is distinguished by a tilde: for instance, if π denotes profit, then π ˜ denotes profit in rescaled variables. The profit function in the original (non-rescaled) model is: πi = (A − qi − qj − ci ) qi − bki2 Using the conversion rules given in Lemma 1, we obtain: πi = (A − qi − qj − ci ) qi − bki2 = (A − A˜ qi − A˜ qj − A˜ ci ) A˜ qi − b = A2 (1 − q˜i − q˜j − c˜i ) q˜i − k˜i2 A √ k˜i b 2 = A2 π ˜i The equation for the evolution of marginal cost over time is in original variables given by: c˙i (t) = ci (t) (−ki (t) − βkj (t) + δ) . Write ci (t) = ci 1δ t˜ . Then, dci dt˜ = = dci dt dt dt˜ c˙i δ = ci 1 − kj ki −β δ δ . Setting ki = √Ab k˜i and kj = √Ab k˜j , and substituting them in the previous equation, we obtain: A dci = ci 1 − k˜i + β k˜j √ . dt˜ δ b A It is now natural to introduce φ = δ√ . b Note that if c˜i = ci /A, then c˜˙i = c˙i /A and c˜˙i = c˜i 1 − k˜i + β k˜j φ ˜ Observe finally that if t = δt , then e−ρ˜t˜ = e−ρt if and only if ρ˜ = ρδ . B Proof of Lemma 2 and Lemma 8 As ρ > 0, the equilibrium condition k˙ = ρk = 0 implies that k = 0. But then c˙ = c (1 − (1 + β)φk) = c. This is equal to 0 if and only if c = 0. But this cannot be as in the system with zero production we have c ≥ 1. 35 C Proof of Proposition 1 √ Assume φ > 32ρ/(1 + β). The stability of the steady states can be analyzed by evaluating the trace and determinant of the following Jacobian matrix:39 " ∂ c˙ ∂ c˙ # " # 1 − (1 + β)φk −(1 + β)φc ∂c ∂k = JFC = . (75) ∂ k˙ ∂ k˙ − (1+β)φ(1−2c) ρ 8 ∂c ∂k At c = k = 0, the trace τ of the matrix J F C is given as def τ = tr J F C = 1 + ρ > 0, its determinant ∆ is def ∆ = det J F C = ρ > 0, and its discriminant D is def D = τ 2 − 4∆ = (1 − ρ)2 > 0. Hence, this steady state is an unstable node. Evaluating the Jacobian matrix at (1 + β)φ c(1 − c), k= 8ρ 1 1 1 c= +V = + 2 2 2 s 1− 32ρ , (1 + β)2 φ2 (76) we obtain τ = ρ > 0 and p p (1 + β)2 φ2 − 32ρ (1 + β)φ + (1 + β)2 φ2 − 32ρ ∆ = (77) 16 1 1 = (1 + β)2 φ2 V + V , (78) 8 4 √ which is clearly positive if φ > 32ρ/(1 + β). Hence, this steady state is also unstable. The discriminant takes the value p 1 D = ρ(8 + ρ) − (1 + β)φ (1 + β)φ + (1 + β)2 φ2 − 32ρ , (79) 4 q 2ρ(8+ρ)2 which is zero for φ = φ0 = (1+β) 2 (4+ρ) , negative for φ > φ0 , and positive for √ 32ρ/(1 + β) ≤ φ < φ0 . The steady state is an unstable node if D > 0 and an unstable focus if D < 0. In the latter case, the eigenvalues of J F C are complex conjugates with positive real parts.40 39 Note that the trace of the respective Jacobian matrix is equal to the sum of eigenvalues, while its determinant is equal to their product. If the real part of each eigenvalue is negative, then the steady state is asymptotically stable. If the real part of at least one of the eigenvalues is positive, then the steady state is unstable. More particular, if one eigenvalue is real and positive and the other one real and negative, the steady state is said to be a saddle. In this last situation, there are four special trajectories, the separatrices, two of which are forward asymptotic to the saddle, while the other two are backward asymptotic to it. The union the former separatrices with the saddle form the stable manifold of the saddle; analogously, the union of the latter with the saddle form the unstable manifold. √ 1 40 Note that the eigenvalues of J F C are r 2 1,2 = 2 τ ± τ − 4∆ . 36 Finally, evaluating the Jacobian matrix at (1 + β)φ k= c(1 − c), 8ρ 1 1 1 c= −V = − 2 2 2 s 1− 32ρ , (1 + β)2 φ2 (80) we obtain τ = ρ > 0 and (1 + β)2 φ2 − 32ρ − (1 + β)φ ∆= 16 p (1 + β)2 φ2 − 32ρ . (81) √ If φ > 32ρ/(1+β), then ∆ < 0, and the eigenvalues are real and have opposite sign. Therefore, (80) is a saddle-point steady state of the system. Observe that √ for φ = 32ρ/(1 + β), the steady states (76) and (80) coincide at c = 1/2 and 1 k = (1+β)φ . A saddle-node bifurcation occurs at these parameter values, where the two equilibria coincide and disappear.41 Substituting the expression for the steady-state marginal cost of the steady states other than the origin into (34), the expression for the optimal investment 1 . in the steady state simplifies to k F C = (1+β)φ D Proof of Remark 1 The Hessian matrix of the Pontryagin function with respect to control and state variables is 2 ∂ P (·) ∂ 2 P (·) ∂ 2 P (·) 2 −4 0 −1 ∂q∂k ∂q∂c 2∂q P (·) ∂ 2 P (·) ∂ 2 P (·) 2 −2 −(1 + β)φλ D(q,k,c) P = ∂∂k∂q = 0 ∂k2 ∂k∂c ∂ 2 P (·) ∂ 2 P (·) ∂ 2 P (·) −1 −(1 + β)φλ 0 2 ∂c∂q ∂c∂k ∂c (82) The leading principal minor of the first order is −4. The leading principal minor of the third order, which is also the determinant, of the above matrix is equal to 2 + 4(1 + β)2 φ2 λ2 . As the leading principal minors of odd order do not have the same sign, the matrix is indefinite. Consequently, the Pontryagin function is nowhere jointly concave in state and control variables. Hence, the Arrow-Mangasarian sufficiency conditions are not satisfied.42 For the R&D cartel, the appropriate Hessian matrix of the Pontryagin function is 2 " # ∂ P (·) ∂ 2 P (·) −2 −(1 + β)φλ 2 ∂k ∂k∂c 2 = D(k,c) P = 2 (83) 2 ∂ P (·) ∂ 2 P (·) −(1 + β)φλ 9 2 ∂c∂k ∂c The determinant of the above matrix is −4/9 − (1 + β)2 φ2 λ2 , which is clearly negative. Notice that the determinant is the leading principal minor of the second order. As the leading principal minor of the even order is negative, the Hessian is by definition indefinite and, therefore, the Pontryagin function is nowhere jointly concave in state and control variables. Hence, the ArrowMangasarian sufficiency conditions are not satisfied. 41 In Figure 2, this corresponds to the locus c˙ = 0, which is the horizontal line k = becoming tangent to the locus k˙ = 0 at its peak. 42 For details of sufficiency conditions, see, for instance, Grass et al. (2008). 37 1 , (1+β)φ E Proof of Lemma 3 To prove the lemma, we consider the state-co-state form of the solutions, given by: 0 ≤ c < 1, λ ≤ 0 c 1 + 12 (1 + β)2 φ2 λc , c, 0 ≤ c < 1, λ > 0 c˙ = (84) c 1 + 21 (1 + β)2 φ2 λc , c ≥ 1, λ ≤ 0 c, c ≥ 1, λ > 0, λ˙ = 2 τ (1 − c) + (ρ − 1 − 12 (1 + β)2 φ2 λc)λ, 0 ≤ c < 1, λ ≤ 0 2 τ (1 − c) + (ρ − 1)λ, 1 − 21 (1 + β)2 φ2 λc)λ, 0 ≤ c < 1, λ > 0 (ρ − 1)λ, c ≥ 1, λ > 0, (ρ − H(c, λ) = 1 τ (1 − c)2 + 14 (1 + β)2 φ2 λ2 c2 + λc, 1 4 (1 1 2 τ (1 − c) 2 2 2 2 c ≥ 1, λ ≤ 0 (85) 0 ≤ c < 1, λ ≤ 0 + λc, 0 ≤ c < 1, λ > 0 + β) φ λ c + λc, c ≥ 1, λ ≤ 0 λc, c ≥ 1, λ > 0, where τ = 8 for the full cartel and τ = 9 for the R&D cartel. Introduce the characteristic function χS of a set S by ( 1 if x ∈ S χS (x) = 0 if x ∈ / S. (86) (87) Differential equations (84) and (85) can be rewritten more compactly as: 1 def c˙ = c + χ(−∞,0] (λ) (1 + β)2 φ2 λc2 = F (c, λ) 2 (88) and 1 2 def λ˙ = (ρ − 1)λ − χ(−∞,0] (λ) (1 + β)2 φ2 cλ2 + χ[0,1) (c) (1 − c) = G(c, λ). (89) 2 τ The state-co-state space is sketched in Figure 17. We first consider the trajectories in the region where c ≥ 1 and λ > 0, which are the solution to the following canonical system: ( c˙ = c (90) λ˙ = (ρ − 1)λ, given by λ(t) = C1 e(ρ−1)t and c(t) = C2 et , where C1 and C2 are positive constants. As mentioned in the main text, every candidate for an optimal solution must necessarily satisfy the transversality condition limt→∞ e−ρt λ(t)c(t) = 0. As we now show, the trajectories in the region considered violate this condition. Moreover, they also violate the following transversality condition: lim e−ρt H(c, λ) = 0, t→∞ 38 (91) q > 0, 0.6 k=0 q = 0, k=0 q = 0, k>0 0.4 S1 λ˙ = 0 λ 0.2 0 c˙ = 0 λ˙ = 0 S 3 −0.2 −0.4 q > 0, 0 k>0 0.5 1 1.5 c Figure 17: Illustrative sketch of the state–co-state space (for the full cartel with ρ < 1). The dotted vertical line c = 1 separates the region with zero production from the region with a positive level of production, whereas the horizontal line λ = 0 separates the region with positive investment from the region with zero investment. The loci c˙ = 0 and λ˙ = 0 intersect in the two unstable steady states (S1 and S3 ) and the saddle-point steady state S2 (not indicated). A number of trajectories is indicated by black curves: the arrows point in the direction of the flow. The thick curve indicates the stable path leading to the saddle-point steady state. which in this case coincides with the first transversality condition, as shown below. It follows from Michel (1982) that condition (91)43 is also a necessary condition, and hence that it allows exclusion of trajectories which verify the other necessary conditions in an infinite horizon optimization problem. The value of the Hamiltonian function evaluated along the considered trajectories is H(c, λ) = λ(t)c(t) = C1 C2 eρt ; it follows that lim e−ρt H(c, λ) = lim e−ρt λ(t)c(t) = C1 C2 6= 0. t→∞ t→∞ (92) Hence, no trajectory in the region given by the restriction c ≥ 1 and λ > 0 can be optimal. Consider now trajectories in the region with 0 < c < 1 and λ > 0. These trajectories are the solution to ( c˙ = c (93) λ˙ = τ2 (1 − c) + (ρ − 1)λ. 43 In words, the above condition means that the present value of the maximum of the Pontryagin function (the present value of the Hamiltonian) converges to zero when time goes to infinity. 39 We show that any trajectory in this region sooner or later enters the region with c ≥ 1 and λ > 0. Observe that the equation c˙ = c has as a solution c(t) = C3 et , where C3 is a positive constant. Hence, along any trajectory in this region, c is increasing. From (85) follows that if λ = 0, then 2 λ˙ = (1 − c) > 0 τ for all c ∈ (0, 1). Hence, trajectories in the region with 0 < c < 1 and λ > 0 cannot exit this region through the line segment {(c, λ) : c ∈ (0, 1), λ = 0}. We now show that they also cannot exit through the point (c, λ) = (1, 0).44 Let x = (c, λ) and x0 = (c0 , λ0 ) = (1, 0). Furthermore, let F : D → R2 be a vector function defined as F(c, λ) = F (c, λ), G(c, λ) , where F is defined in (88) and G in (89).45 Its domain is D = R+ × R ⊂ R2 . We are then looking for a solution to a 2-dimensional nonlinear autonomous dynamical system of the form x˙ = F(x), x(0) = x0 . (94) Take 0 < r < 1. Then the set D0 = Br (x0 ) = {x ∈ D : kx − x0 k ≤ r}, (95) is a neighborhood of x0 . First, we show that the restriction of the functions F and G on D0 (a compact subset of D) is Lipschitz 46 . Consider first the function (1 + β)2 φ2 2 c . 2 and set h(λ) = χ(λ)λ. Then, F (c, λ) = c + λχ(−∞,0] (λ) Write for brevity χ = χ(−∞,0] |h(λ) − h(0)| = |χ(λ)λ − 0| = |χ(λ)λ| ≤ |λ| = 1 · |λ − 0|. (96) Hence, h is Lipschitz on D0 . As on compact sets continuously differentiable functions are Lipschitz, as well as sums and products of Lipschitz functions, it follows that F is Lipschitz on D0 . Consider now on D0 the function G = (ρ − 1)λ − λ2 χ(−∞,0] (λ) (1 + β)2 φ2 2(1 − c) c+ χ[0,1) (c). 2 τ 44 If they exited through this point, they would satisfy the transversality conditions as λ ˙ =0 for λ = 0 and c ≥ 1. 45 Though continuous, functions F and G are not differentiable: F is not differentiable with respect to λ at λ = 0, whereas G is not differentiable with respect to c at c = 1. Using Peano’s existence theorem, the continuity of F implies that at least one solution to (94) exists. However, continuity is not enough to guarantee uniqueness. An additional condition that needs to be fulfilled to guarantee uniqueness of solutions, at least in some neighborhood of x0 , is that F is locally Lipschitz in x at x0 . 46 Simply put, a function f : D → Rn is said to be Lipschitz on B ⊆ D if there exists a constant K > 0 such that kf (x) − f (y)k ≤ Kkx − yk, for all x, y ∈ B. See Kelley and Peterson (2010), ch. 8, and Sohrab (2003), ch. 4, for the introduction to concepts and precise definitions of terms used in this section. 40 The first term of this expression is a linear function; the second term is the function h introduced above times a differentiable function. That the final term is Lipschitz at c = 1 is demonstrated in the same way as for the function h. It follows that G is Lipschitz on D0 . We have proved that the functions F and G are locally Lipschitz at x0 . Consequently, so is also the vector function F. By the Picard-Lindel¨of Theorem, the system (94) has a unique solution in a neighborhood of x0 . As this point is on the exit trajectory, no other trajectory can pass through it, in particular no trajectory from the region with λ > 0. As c˙ > 0 in the region with 0 < c < 1 and λ > 0, as shown above, all trajectories in this region exit through {c = 1, λ > 0} and enter the region with c ≥ 1 and λ > 0 as t → ∞. We have already shown that none of these can be optimal. Moreover, trajectories through points in the set {(c, λ) : c ∈ (0, 1), λ = 0} satisfy λ˙ > 0; they move in the region for which λ > 0 and hence cannot be a part of any optimal trajectory. Due to a one-to-one correspondence between λ and k as given in the first part of (23), this set corresponds to the set {(c, k) : c ∈ (0, 1), k = 0} in the state-control representation of the solution. As we have shown, all trajectories leading to these points violate the transversality conditions which every optimal trajectory must necessarily satisfy. F Proof of Lemma 4 Assume that there is an optimal investment schedule for which c → 0 and k → ∞ as t → ∞. The instantaneous profit function of each firm in every instant is: π = (1 − 2q − c)q − k 2 . (97) As c → 0 along the trajectories considered, they sooner or later enter the region with positive production, where we have q = (1 − c)/4. Substituting this expression into (97), we obtain: π= (1 − c)2 − k2 . 8 (98) As c → 0, (1 − c)2 /8 approaches its upper bound of 1/8. The second term in the above equation, −k 2 , decreases beyond all bounds as k → ∞. As t → ∞, there is therefore a time t0 such that π(t) = 0 for t = t0 , and π(t) < 0 for all t > t0 . Changing the investment schedule to k(t) = 0 for all t ≥ t0 would yield a higher value of total discounted profits Π, contradicting the assumption. In the case of the R&D cartel the instantaneous profit is π(c, k) = (1 − c)2 − k2 . 9 (99) As c → 0, (1 − c)2 /9 approaches its upper bound of 1/9. The second term in the above equation −k 2 however increases beyond all bounds as k → ∞. The rest of the argument is analogous to the one for the full cartel above. 41 G Proof of Lemma 5 We know that the state-control system with zero production is: ˙ k(t) = ρk(t) c(t) ˙ = c(t) (1 − (1 + β)φk(t)) . ˙ At k = 0, this reduces to: k(t) = 0, c(t) ˙ = c. Hence, marginal costs increase to infinity along the exit trajectory as t → ∞. However, as λ = 0 for c ≥ 1 along the exit trajectory, the transversality condition (19) is satisfied. Observe that along the exit trajectory k > 0 for 0 < c < 1 and k = 0 for c ≥ 1. Consequently, it follows from (23) that λ = 0 at c = 1. Then, from (85) we have that indeed λ = 0 for all c ≥ 1. Increasing marginal costs along the exit trajectory sooner or later exceed the value of 1, for which the value of H(c, λ) becomes 0 (see (86)). Hence, the transversality condition (18) is satisfied as well. H Proof of Corollary 1 TO BE DONE The result of the corollary follows directly from lemmata (3)-(5) and the directions of trajectories in the phase diagram provided in Figure 2. It is easy to observe that given the trajectories in the phase diagram, if we exclude trajectories defined in Lemma 3 and Lemma 4, we are left exactly with the two trajectories defined in the corollary. As the latter both satisfy the transversality conditions, the result of the corollary is obtained. We now prove that the directions of trajectories in different sectors of the phase diagram are indeed those that are in the phase diagram indicated in squared brackets. ˙ For c < 1, Consider first the equation for k. (1 + β)φ k˙ = ρk − c(1 − c). 8 (100) FC ˙ The k˙ = 0 isocline is given by k F C = (1+β)φ 8ρ c(1 − c). Then, k > 0 if k > k and k˙ < 0 if k < k F C . For c ≥ 1, k˙ = ρk. Hence, in this case, k˙ > 0 for all k 6= 0. Consider now equation for c, ˙ given by c˙ = c(1 − (1 + β)φk). (101) 1 The c˙ = 0 isoclines are given by c = 0 and k = (1+β)φ = K. Assume c > 0. Then, c < 0 if k > K and c > 0 if k < K. ˙ For c < 1, For the R&D Cartel: Consider first the equation for k. (1 + β)φ k˙ = ρk − c(1 − c). 9 (102) RC ˙ The k˙ = 0 isocline is given by k RC = (1+β)φ 9ρ c(1 − c). Then, k > 0 if k > k RC and k˙ < 0 if k < k . For c ≥ 1, k˙ = ρk. Hence, in this case, k˙ > 0 for all k 6= 0. 42 Consider now equation for c, ˙ given by c˙ = c(1 − (1 + β)φk). The c˙ = 0 isoclines are given by c = 0 and k = Then, c < 0 if k > K and c > 0 if k < K. Q.E.D. I (103) 1 (1+β)φ = K. Assume c > 0. Proof of Lemma 7 From (33), we know that the Hamiltonian for c ≥ 1 is given by: 2 H(c, k) = k k − (1 + β)φ (104) and from Lemma 6, we know that the comparison of the total discounted profits of each two candidate optimal paths amounts to comparing the values of the respective Hamiltonians in the initial point of each respective path. As the Hamiltonian in the case of zero investment and zero production is zero, the indifference point between the stable path and the exit trajectory in the region with zero production must be the point at which the Hamiltonian evaluated along the stable path obtains the value of zero. 2 =0 H(c, k) = k k − (1+β)φ ⇒k=0 or k = 2 (1+β)φ The solution structure (41)-(42) tells us that the stable path in the region with c ≥ 1 decreases as t → −∞, assuming that the stable path covers the respective region. Observe that the derivative of the Hamiltonian with respect 2 1 to k is ∂H(c,k) = 2k − (1+β)φ , which is positive for k > (1+β)φ and negative ∂k 1 for k < (1+β)φ . If the stable path enters the region with zero production at all, it enters this 1 ; this follows directly from equation (30). region at the point where k > (1+β)φ The same equation implies that k is decreasing along the stable path as t → −∞, assuming the stable path enters the zero-production region. The above conclusions lead us to distinguish three cases. First, if the stable path crosses 2 the boundary line c = 1 at k > (1+β)φ , then the value of the Hamiltonian is decreasing along the stable path in the region with c ≥ 1 as t → −∞, passes zero 2 at k = (1+β)φ and is negative afterwards. In this case, the indifference point is 2 the value of the marginal cost cˆ > 1 that corresponds to the point cˆ, (1+β)φ on 2 the stable path. Second, if the stable path reaches c = 1 at exactly k = (1+β)φ , then the indifference point is c = 1. Third, for lower values of k on the stable path at c = 1, the value of the Hamiltonian evaluated along the stable path in the zero-production region is negative, such that the point of indifference (if at all) must be in the region with positive production. J Proof of Proposition 2 √ Assume φ > 6 ρ/(1 + β). The stability of the steady-states can be analyzed by evaluating the trace and determinant of the following Jacobian matrix: 43 " J RC = ∂ c˙ ∂c ∂ k˙ ∂c ∂ c˙ ∂k ∂ k˙ ∂k # " = 1 − (1 + β)φk −(1 + β)φc − (1+β)φ(1−2c) 9 ρ # . (105) 36ρ , (1 + β)2 φ2 (106) At c = k = 0, the trace τ of the matrix J RC is given as def τ = tr J RC = 1 + ρ > 0, its determinant ∆ is def ∆ = det J RC = ρ > 0, and its discriminant D is def D = τ 2 − 4∆ = (1 − ρ)2 > 0. Hence, this steady state is an unstable node. Evaluating the Jacobian matrix at (1 + β)φ c(1 − c), k= 9ρ 1 1 1 c= +V = + 2 2 2 s 1− we obtain τ = ρ > 0 and p p (1 + β)2 φ2 − 36ρ (1 + β)φ + (1 + β)2 φ2 − 36ρ ∆ = (107) 18 1 2 = (1 + β)2 φ2 V + V , (108) 9 9 √ which is clearly positive if φ > 6 ρ/(1 + β). Hence, this steady state is also unstable. The discriminant takes the value p 2 (109) D = ρ(8 + ρ) − (1 + β)φ (1 + β)φ + (1 + β)2 φ2 − 36ρ , 9 √ 3 ρ(8+ρ)2 which is zero for φ = φ0 = √ , negative for φ > φ0 , and positive for 2 2 √ 6 ρ (1+β) (1+β) (4+ρ) ≤ φ < φ0 . The steady state is an unstable node if D > 0 and an unstable focus if D < 0. In the latter case, the eigenvalues of J M are complex conjugates with positive real parts.47 Finally, evaluating the Jacobian matrix at s (1 + β)φ 1 1 1 36ρ k= c(1 − c), c = − V = − 1− , (110) 9ρ 2 2 2 (1 + β)2 φ2 we obtain τ = ρ > 0 and (1 + β)2 φ2 − 36ρ − (1 + β)φ ∆= 18 p (1 + β)2 φ2 − 36ρ . (111) √ If φ > 6 ρ/(1 + β), then ∆ < 0, and the eigenvalues are real and have opposite sign. Therefore, (110) is the saddle-point steady state of the system. Observe 47 Note that the eigenvalues of J RC are r1,2 = 44 1 2 √ τ ± τ 2 − 4∆ . √ that for φ = 6 ρ/(1 + β), the two steady states (106) and (110) coincide at c = 1 . A saddle-node bifurcation occurs at these parameter values, 1/2 and k = (1+β)φ where the two equilibria collide and disappear. Substituting the expression for the steady-state marginal cost of the steady states other than the origin into (68), the expression for the optimal investment in the steady state simplifies to 1 . k RC = (1+β)φ References [1] Adams, J., Griliches, Z., 1996. Measuring science: an exploration. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 93: 12664-12670. [2] Armentano, D. T., 1999. Antitrust and Monopoly. Anatomy of a Policy Failure. 2nd Edition. The Independent Institute. [3] Cellini, R., Lambertini, L., 2009. Dynamic R&D with spillovers: competition vs cooperation. Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control 33, 568-582. 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