DECEMBER 2011 THE PALMER MORAVIAN PAGE 1 What Is It All About? I have been reading interviews and watching videos that ask the question, "What is Christmas all about?" Often this question is posed to someone on the street or walking through a shopping mall. The interviewee is caught off guard and forced to answer quickly, off the top of his or her head. The answers I've seen most often are things like giving gifts, decorating, sharing meals together, opening presents, baking cookies, vacation, and spending time with friends and family. Most of us would agree that these are wonderful parts of our Christmas celebrations. . ) -', These very things-the activities and traditions surrounding Christmas-are also the things that require so much of our time, energy, and money. It is easy to get caught up in the whirlwind ofthe next several weeks. I fmd myself wondering why some of the activities bring me joy, and others just seem to cause stress. I have come to believe that almost all seasonal activities are fun, but they are only meaningful and life-giving if they deepen our focus on the coming of Christ. ..... ~ , . f"'.; / I am reminded of another time when someone asked the question, "Isn't there anyone who knows /"""" what Christmas is all about?" And Linus answers Charlie Brown with the most stirring answer of all, as he recites from the Gospel of Luke, retelling the story of Jesus' birth. It is the story of ::)(, "CJ~\, the greatest gift ever given-s-one that would change the world forever. "r'Sf~j"I".-';'" ~~:;:/I::'~~- ~.~;~~! t ••••__ ~ Imagine that you might encounter an interviewer today, asking you, "What is Christmas all about?" How would you respond? What impression would you make? Would it be mostly about the joy of baking cookies and buying presents? Or would that person walk away, having heard a message of hope for the whole world? Most of us won't have the pressure of an on-thespot interview like this. Instead, we have an entire season to answer this question with our lives. This Advent, may our words and our actions, the use of our time and money, and our attitudes answer the question, "What is Christmas all about?" May our whole lives be an answer that glorifies God, keeps our priorities in order, and shows the love of Jesus to everyone around us. With Advent blessings and joy, Pastor Missy DECEMBER 2011 THE PALMER MORAVIAN PAGE Christmas Greetings From Your Pastors! A. • As another calendar year draws to a close, it gives us an opportunity to reflect on the blessings of2011. Among the most special blessings in our lives is the partnership in ministry that we have with the members of Palmer Moravian. Thank you for your ongoing prayers, support, and encouragement. These things are a source of strength and joy for our family. We look forward to the coming year and the work and fellowship we will have together. As we celebrate the Light of the World, may we continue to work together to share Christ s light in our community and beyond. A. • A. • A. • A. • Blessings, Missy, Frank, Morgen, and Quincy A. • ~ • ~ • A. • .&. • •• Advent and Christmas remind us of God s gift of Jesus, Immanuel, the incarnation of God s promise to always be with us. That constant presence of God provides each of us with daily strength, comfort, and peace. Our Palmer Moravian Church is a caring community of people, supporting one another and reflecting God s loving presence. We thank you for your love and prayers, which also have encouraged and supported us. We wish you an advent season and Christmas filled with hope, joy, and love. Wepray God will bless you and yours with good health and happiness in 2012, and pray it will be a year filled with God s peace for all. In Christ s Love, Doug and Rosemary •• A. • A. • .&. • .&. • A. • •• 2 DECEMBER 2011 THE PALMER MORAVIAN OUR DECEMBER WORSHIP SERVICES! SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4: THE SECOND IN ADVENT & HOLY COMMUNION 8:00 a.m. Early Worship Service with the lighting of the 2nd Advent Candle, the sacrament of Holy Communion 9: 15 a.m. Sunday School for all ages 9:30 a.m. New Horizon Worship with Holy Communion in Fellowship Hall with Caelib Troxell lighting the 2nd Advent Candle. 10:45 a.m. Worship Service with Callie Connelly lighting the 2nd Advent Candle, the sacrament of Holy Communion, special music by the Chancel Choir, a Children's Chat, and a message Pastor Doug SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11: ADVENT THE TIllRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT 8:00 a.m. Early Worship Service with the lighting of the 3rd Advent Candle, and a sermon by Pastor Missy 9: 15 a.m. Sunday School for all ages 9:30 a.m. New Horizon Worship in Fellowship Hall with McKenzie Murray lighting the 3rd Advent Candle. 10:45 a.m. Worship Service with Joe Lipari lighting the 3rd Advent Candle, special music by the Chancel Choir, and our Sunday School presenting it's Christmas Pageant and Program: "HOW THE GROUCH FOUND CHRISTMAS!" SUNDAY, DECEMBER 18: THE FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT 8:00 a.m. Early Worship Service with the lighting of the 4thAdvent Candle, and a sermon by Pastor Missy 9: 15 a.m. Sunday School for all ages. 9:30 a.m. New Horizon Worship with Jonathon Smith lighting the 4thAdvent Candle and the Candle Nativity in Fellowship Hall 10:45 a.m. Worship Service with the lighting of the 4th Advent Candle, special music by the Chancel Choir, a Children's Chat and sermon by Pastor Missy SUNDAY, DECEMBER 25: CHRISTMAS DAY PLEASE NOTE WE WILL ONLY HA VE ONE SERVICE ON CHRISTMAS DAY, AND THERE WILL BE NO SUNDAY SCHOOL! 9:00 a.m. Refreshments in the Gathering Area before worship. 9:30 a.m. Christmas Day worship in the Sanctuary with the praying of the Christmas Liturgy and a message by Pastor Doug. Bring a Christmas Gift you received to show the congregation and tell of its significance. PAGE 3 DECEMBER THE PALMER MORAVIAN 2011 ~ !CHRISTMA~: \ i CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICES! One of our most beautiful Moravian Worship Services celebrates the birth of Jesus on Christmas Eve. Each of our services will include the singing of familiar carols, the antiphonal singing of "Morning Star", and each participant receiving a lighted beeswax candle symbolic of Christ as the Light of the World. Invite your friends to come with you to these meaningful celebrations of our Saviors' birth. 4:00 P.M. CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS EVE LOVEFEAST AND CANDLELIGHT SERVICE will include special music by our Children's Choir, a Moravian lovefeast, and the traditional singing of "Morning Star". Brass Ensemble will be playing in the Gathering Area between services. 6:00 P.M. CANDLELIGHT SERVICE will include special music by a Brass Ensemble and the Hilltop Ringers, and the traditional singing of "Morning Star". Brass Ensemble will be playing in the Gathering Area between services. 8:00 P.M. CANDLELIGHT SERVICE will feature special music by our Chancel Choir and a Brass Ensemble, and the traditional singing of ''Morning Star". SUNDAY, JANUARY 1,2012: NEW YEAR'S DAY! PLEASE NOTE WE WILL ONLY HA VE ONE SERVICE ON NEW YEAR'S DAY, AND THERE WILL BE NO SUNDAY SCHOOL! 10:45 a.m. Worship Service in the Sanctuary with the praying of the New Year Liturgy, a Children's Chat, the selection of Watchwords for 2012, and a sermon by Pastor Doug PAGE 4 DECEMBER 2011 THE PALMER MORAVIAN YCHURCH CDUNOL ANNUAL CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING! SUNDAY, JANUARY 29, 2012 On SUNDAY, JANUARY 29th we will have our Annual Church Council Meeting. A "soup and salad" luncheon will be served at 11:45 a.m. in Fellowship Hall following our 10:45 a.m. worship service. At 12:30 p.m. our Church Council will convene and we will receive reports, elect new members to the boards of Elders and Trustees, and adopt a Budget for 2012. Copies of the written Annual Report of our Palmer Moravian Church will be available for you to pick-up on Sunday, January 22nd. All Communicant Members are eligible and encouraged to participate in our Church Council Meeting. Child care will be provided during the meeting. NOTE: In case the meeting is postponed because of inclement weather, the Church Council Meeting will be held on Sunday, February 5th• If inclement weather causes further postponement, the meeting will be held on the first Sunday possible. (This schedule serves as announcement ofthe meeting as required by our By-Laws.) WORSIDP SERVICE OR MEETING CANCELLATIONS! Winter weather and poor driving conditions may result in the cancellation of scheduled meetings or worship services. Please check the Church Website, or call the Church Office, 610-253-2510 to inquire. A taped message will be on the Answering Machine. Remember your safety and the safety of your family should always come first. Please check the listings on television station, WFMZ (Channel 69) to include any changes in our Sunday worship schedule or the cancellation of church services and events. You can also check for worship closing and schedule changes. Organizations are asked to provide a method for communicating any changes in your meeting schedule to your group members. Thank you for your cooperation! PAGE 5 DECEMBER 2011 THE PALMER MORAVIAN PAGE BAPTISMS ~ MORAVIAN WOMEN ~~EMBER CIRCLEMEETINGS October 30 - Karin and Chris Vangeli, presented their son Harrison Joseph Vangeli to the Lord in infant Baptism at the 10:45 a.m. worship service. Sponsors are Joanna Williams and Sid Garger. SYMPATHY The Palmer Moravian Church family extends deepest sympathy to the family and friends of Marybelle Sales, who passed away on October 24, 2011. A service celebrating Marybelle's life was held at the church on Friday, October 28. MEMORIAL GIFTS The following gifts have been received by the church and will be entered into the Book of Remembrance: In Memory of Marybelle Sales: David and Gail Fragassi, Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Bieber, Gloria Hutchison Doris Geiger, Wayne Bertsch, Violet Meuser, Joe and Diane McGahan, The Rev. Helen R. Pearson Malibu Dream Girl, tnc., Tammy Zborel, National League of Cities, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaduk, Andrea and David McGahan Josephine Kocher, Shirley Hell, Eileen and David Sales, Joy Tavalsky, Jane W. Chaffee, Mark and Bruce Waldman, Mary McGahan Karen Norelli & Nicholas Franco, Martha Barnett, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Stecker, Mr. William Stackhouse, Mr. and Mrs. Watson Hart. The Ruth and Rebecca Circles will meet on Tuesday, December 13 at 12:00 noon in the Fireside Room for their Annual Christmas Covered Dish. Please bring a casserole, salad or dessert, as well as two inexpensive gifts for the "give and take" game. A free-will offering will be collected. Lydia Circle will meet on December 8th at 6:30 p.m. at Pat Wikert's home for their Christmas dinner. THANK YOU PALMER MORAVIAN WOMEN! Tha' 1~~ Thank you to all who helped out on Friday November 4th at our church for Church Women Unite World Community Day. We had an informative Program and Great Fellowship afterwards. Thank you again to everyone! Patti Miller Dear Patti, I would like to thank you and all the ladies of Palmer Moravian who made our World Community Day celebration a success. We were made to feel very comfortable. The desserts were ample and delicious and we all enjoyed them. Church Women United depends on the hospitality of it's member church to keep the organization going. Again, we thank Palmer Moravian Women for being such wonderful hostesses. Sincerely, Hildegard Kurt 6 DECEMBER 2011 THE PALMER MORAVIAN PAGE 7 DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS 1 Scott Fleming Tammy Post Margaret Vargo 2 Sandra Gordon 3 Kyleigh Schoener Marcia Eilenberger Barry Kocher 5 Rayla Stecker 6 Alfred Walter 7 Lisa Z. Nesbitt 8 Kaylie Kast 10 Connor Bartlett 11 Eden Bender Cailin Connelly Kyle Nicholas Heather Fredericks 12 William Walters 13 AJBorger Dean Cooley 14 Trudy Slawik Lacy Browne Sylvia Klein 15 Donald English T.e. Kohler Jeffrey Zimmerman 16 Neal Wikert Dorothy Wassum 17 AndySodl 18 Cynthia Oatis 19 Mark Cooley 20 Gail Cornish Wendy Darrohn 21 Kelly Assise Ryley Carroll Tom Eilenberger Brady Bielawski 22 Leroy Wassum Andrew Hedrick Reid Parkhurst 23 Austin Border Pamela Spadoni 24 Russell Brekne Colin Hedrick 27 Charles Adams Susan Espenshade Dana Bender 29 Susan Strock 30 Heather Crone MichaelJ.George 31 Christopher David Sharon Bisci ., MITTEN TREE ...: ' ~ The annual appearance of the Mitten trees in the Narthex and outside the office door indicate another one of our concerns and ministry to those less fortunate in the Easton area. Any contribution of new mittens, hats, gloves or scarves can be placed on the tree and will be distributed locally throughout the area. Handmade or bought, we appreciate your generosity and thoughtfulness. COOKIES FOR THE HOMEBOUND Cookies are needed! Once again we are asking for your donation of cookies for our homebound members at Christmas time. The cookies must be brought in by December 11th You may bring them in to the Church office anytime. DECEMBER THE PALMER MORAVIAN 2011 PAGE 8 It's here ... The Advent season with its wonderful music is here and that means Christmas is just around the corner. Consider celebrating the holidays this year by joining a choir. The Chancel Choir is in particular need of sopranos and basses for the Sundays of Advent and especially Christmas Eve. Contact Jan Harke to indicate your interest in announcing Christ's coming through music. To all music program participants and families: Thank you for all your outstanding work and dedicated service this year. Have a blessed holiday season. ~ December Rehearsal Schedule Children's Choir: Dec. 6, 13, 20 Dec. 24 Dec. 27, Jan. 3 6:15 - 7:00 p.m. Choir Room 3:30 p.m. Report to Choir Room No Rehearsal Chancel Choir: Dec. 1, 8, 15, 22 Dec. 24 Dec. 29 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. Choir Room 7:15 p.m. Report to Choir Room No Rehearsal Hilltop Ringers: Dec. 4, 11, 18 Dec. 24 Dec. 25, Jan. 1 12:00 - 1:30 p.m. Handbell Room 5: 10 p.m. Report to Handbell Room No Rehearsal Looking ahead to January ... The choirs will all enjoy a much-deserved break from rehearsals following Christmas. Rehearsals will resume as follows: Children's Choir Chancel Choir Hilltop Ringers Jan. 10 Jan. 5 Jan. 8 6:15 - 7:00 p.m. 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. 12:00 - 1:30 p.m. Choir Room Choir Room Handbell Room DECEMBER 2011 THE PALMER MORAVIAN PAGE 9 A Moravian Christmas and LiveNativity Saturday, December 3, 2011 Palmer Moravian Church 2901 John Street, Easton, PA 18045 610.253.2510 Live Nativity 2:00 - 7:00 p.m. Traditions Tours 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Spend an hour enjoying the spirit of the Christmas season while learning about some of the beloved Moravian customs. Moravian sugar cake, coffee, and tea will be served. Including demonstrations of: Candle Making • Star Making • Christmas Eve Candlelight Service and other Moravian Holiday traditions! Free admission. Tours every 15 minutes. Last tour leaves at 4:00 p.m. Please use the Gathering Room entrance. DECEMBER 2011 THE PALMER MORAVIAN PAGE THANK YOU YOUNG AT HEARTS SENIOR FELLOWSHIP! is" On December we will go to the Zoellner Arts Center at Lehigh University to see the Ballet Guild ofthe Lehigh Valley's performance ofthe Nutcracker. The cost is $6.50 per person and we will go to lunch in Bethlehem following the show. Palmer Moravian's own Natalie Hedrick is playing "Clara" in this performance. We will need to meet at church at 8:30 for this 9:30 performance. Sign up with Ruth soon. Thanks to everyone who helped make our Holiday Craft Fair a success this year! Special thanks to Rick and Nancy Humes, Ruth Gonzalez and my wonderful family. We were able to raise $1,081.00! Also thanks to all who helped set up and clean up, and to all the crafters and shoppers! Sincerely, Cindy George Check Us Out On the Web! COMING: AN INQUIRER'S CLASSIN JANUARY, 2012 We have scheduled an Inquirer's Class in January for those who would like to become members of our Palmer Moravian Church. The first of two sessions will be held on Monday, January 23, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. The second session will be held on Sunday, January 29, 2012 at 9:15 a.m. If you are interested in attending please contact the Church Office via email [email protected] or by calling 610-253-2510. CHRIS(MAS ~AM "I knew someday I'd be a star!" Newsletter Prayer Requests Latest News Calendar Worship Schedule And more! UNITY PRAYER WATCH December Palmer Moravian Church will be participating in the Unity Prayer Watch of the Moravian Church on Tuesday, December 6h from noon to midnight. Volunteers will be asked to sign up to spend 30 minutes in prayer and a list of suggested prayer topics will be provided for you. Sign up sheets will be placed at the end of each pew. Please sign your name in the time slot during which you are able to pray. Please consider joining this important ministry of prayer. Jean Pyatt is our coordinator again this year. s" 10 THE PALMER MORAVIAN DECEMBER 2011 Christmas Poinsettia Order Form Wow! I Didn't Know That! The World's Women True or False - which of these statements the world's women are correct: about The vast majority of the world's poor are women. 2/3 of the world's illiterates are female. Of the millions of school age children not in school, the majority are girls. More than % of all young people living with HIVare women. 7 out of 10 of the world's hungry are women and girls. More women and girls are enslaved in brothels Qg! year in this century than the number of African slaves that were shipped per year into slave plantations in the is" or 19th centuries. Each extra year of a mother's education reduces the probability of infant mortality by 5-10%. Education of women and girls is the most effective means to preventing unwanted pregnancies in underdeveloped countries. Women are up to 20 times more likely to spend money on the household needs than men. As we contemplate the upcoming Christmas holiday and the important role of the mother of Jesus, we enter the season with renewed appreciation for the role of women around the world. We also come with a sense of dedication to the uplifting of women so that they may enjoy the full measure of life's gifts and with a desire to make their needed talents and abilities more available to humanity. Happy holidays and many blessings to you this season. Missions in ACTION Committee P.S. All the above statements are true. PAGE 11 Each Christmas season our sanctuary is beautifully decorated with red poinsettias purchased by members of our congregation. Thank you to all who participate in this wonderful tradition. Please return this form and your check made out to the Palmer Moravian Sacristan Corps by Monday, December 5th. Mail to: Mrs. Trudi Slawik 14 White Road Belvidere, NJ 07823-2806 • Printing clearly, please provide the following information: (Qty.) Poinsettias at $8.00 each (Cash payments should be left in the Church office) Presented by: (Circle one) : In memory of Received In honor of For Blessings Please pick up your poinsettias following the 8:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Services, or make arrangements with the Church office for pick up. Those not picked up will be given to shut-ins. Thank you! DECEMBER 2011 THE PALMER MORAVIAN PAGE 12 This Christmas, celebrate Jesus' birthday by making this keepsake ornament. What you need: • Wooden clothespin with round end • Black permanent marker • White cloth or felt • Small wooden star (available at craft stores) • Yellow paint • Paintbrush • Gold glitter (optional) • Glue gun (and an adult) • Straw-colored raffia • Palm-size wicker wreath (available at craft stores) • Ribbon What you do: 1. On the clothespin's round knob, draw two dots for eyes. 2. Wrap the white cloth around the clothespin, like a swaddled baby. 3. Paint the star yellow; add glitter, if desired. 4. With the glue gun and adult supervision, glue the raffia to the bottom inside of the wreath. Then glue the swaddled clothespin atop the raffia and glue the gold star atop the wreath. S. Tie a ribbon around the top, near the star. 6. Hang the ornament on your Christmas tree or tie it on a gift. "He his 15 10 20 in the 17 .... And they of the 13 11 4 24 , for then 19 14 16 of to the 3 CAH " 2& 12 MI 6 5:4, 7 NIV AIN 't:s l.{1'!;)W'J: ,,'l.J.l.rn<l<ll{lJO spua <ll{l ffiM SS<lU}E<l.ilisrq ual{l lOJ '1\I<lJIlJas <lAITffiM Aal{l puy .... pl<Y} <ll{lJO ql2uallS <ll{llI! )[.)OIJ s"!lIpraqdoqs pus pueas IflM <lH" :Sl<lMSUY 01 ipsar
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