CONTENTS 1. THE FIELD OF PEDIATRICS R. James Richa I , McKay,lr., 106 Psychoses........... 112 Variations in Sexual Adaptati""t .:..:::. 106 The Field ol Pedlatrics ....... Victor C. Vaughan, The Schizoid Child .................... Prevenllon ot Psychologlc Disorders and E. Behnnan In the Slck Child Management o, PBychologic 2. DEVELOPMENTAL PEDIATRICS Growth and Deve|opment................. Fetal .............,..... Neonatal,,...,.,,..... Of the Premature Infant .......,,.....,...... ln ln In ln In the the the the Firct YeaI Second Year .....,....................., Preschool Years.,..,.... ...... ,,.... ... Early School Years ................... Adolescence.,. ,. Special Aspects of Growth .................. 10 13 15 79 20 23 24 25 25 26 Assessment.......... Victor C. Vaughan, lll Disorders............ 115 Psychopharmacology ...................... 7t7 Marc A. Forman, Wiryiafi H. Helzflecker, and ]ohn M, Dunn Abuse and Neglect of Children......... Batton Schfiitt and C, Henrq Kempe Drug Abuse by Adolescenis ............. Robert A. Ktamer Developmsntal Dysf unction in School-Aged Child....... .. ..... .. Meloin D. Letite .. Evaluatlon ol Adolesc€nts Disorders ol Hearing, Speech, and Language William A. Daniel, Ir. Carol C. TolDfle P6ychosoclal Dimenslons ol Pediairics Role of Parents..... Developmental Issues ......,.,.........,..... Environmental Issues,..,.................... Mental Retardalion .......................... 56 58 76 Assessment and lnterviewing ............. 80 Psychosocial Prob|ems .................... 85 Related to Central Nervous System Injury................. Psychosomatic Disorders.................... 86 754 159 Care of the Child With a Handlcap..... 155 lohn B. Bartran Care o, the Chlld With a Fatal lllness ................ 168 Dllricult Dlcisions in Pedialrlcs ........ 171 Victor C. Vaughdn, III 88 Disorders Related to Vegetative Functions Habit Disorders .... 88 Disord€rs of Emollons 92 NeuroEes,...,,........ Depression Suicidal Behavior .. Conduct Disorders in Early 92 93 95 Childhood 1,20 91 97 99 Hyperactive Slmdrome Aggressive Behavior..,,........,............. 104 Passive-Agglessive Behavior ...,.......... 105 The Dependent Child ........................ 106 3. NUTRITION AND NUTRITIONAL DISORDERS Nutritional Requirements.................. Water................. Calories .............. Proteins............., 173 173 775 Carbohydrates...... L77 L77 Fats .-. ... ... ... ... .. ... t76 179 Vitamins ..............-..-...................-... Miscellaneous Factors ................ -...... 179 Evaluation of 187 -179 - Diet,..,,........................ xi ./ ::..-:.-: xll Feeding ol 1n1ants.................,.......... Breast Feeding...... Formula Feeding............................... .: ..... ... ... :-. i;: OtherFoods..................................... lJc First Year Feeding Problems ............... Feeding Dudng the Second Year of Life.......................................... 109 Nutritional Disorders ....................... 271, Malnutrition ......... 211 305 307 308 311 209 Obesity................-....................-.--... 216 Vitamin A Deficiency ........................ 277 Vitamin B Complex Deficiency .-......... 220 Thiamine Def icien'cy ..,...................... 220 Ribofl avin Def icien cy......................... 221 Niacin Deficiency .............,............... 222 Pyridoxine Deficienry ......,....... 2....... 224 Vitamin C Deficiencv............ .....-........ 225 Rickets oMtamin d D"fi"i"rr.y ......... 228 Tetany of Vitamin D Deficiency.......... 234 Hypervitaminosis D .......................... 235 Vitamin E Deficiency ........................ 235 Vitamin K Deficiency............ ............. 236 288 295 Failu re tc nr;,i i'- r! :l 311 ,: Preoperative and ,: s::E{.--z:..r Care and Ca rdiop r. -:-.1 Resuscitatlon Preoperative Er':.:::. - : Prcoperative Prec::::: : : Intraoperative \lanaie::.. Postanesthetic Recove:-. lohn l. Dounes,iri,i i:,.i. _ - : Dlowning and Near-Drowning Lewis A. Barness Shirley A. Graoes 4. Hugo F. Catoaial and Armond S. Goldmatt Burns ......................... PREVENTIVE PEDIATRICS Organization ol Preventive Drug Servlces ............................,..,......... 238 PreventiYe Measures by Age Periods.......................................-... 243 Robert I. Hag&erty Therapy...... Phamacokinetics . Individualization of Drug Dosage . . . Special Problems of Drug Toxicitv ...... Sanford N. Cohen art.l Leon Strebel ::: i= :i: i} Health Care in Developlng Counlries P. ....-......- 249 \1. Udani 6. 5. PRENATAL DISTURBANCES GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS IX THE CARE OF SICK ils CHILDREN C-ri, 3ls Eyeluation 310 254 3.10 255 311 255 256 Pr#d.{rf B!ct! : .-.. The P ed ... le<li=l 1.; - 3M .1iQnrsioaog, of Body 344 Flurds -,...:=: 345 347 366 .:.. :--'i::. e.l ic:1 hra Flui, hani-::-:_,' Therapy -':i,i-ra?r: L. Sronmitt ConEeniial 370 Genetic Cou nseling 371 Teratogens 375 Lewis B. Holmes xlll CONTENTS 7. 8. THE FETUS AND THE NEONATAL INFANT The Fetus INBORN ERRORS OF METABOLISM -.-......... Matemal Disease and the Fetus ......,... Matemal Medication and the Fetus .,.'. Identification of Disease .................... Treatment and Prevention of Disease... 379 380 380 380 385 Detects ln Meiabolism ol Amino .....--. 497 Phenylalanine Tyrosine ................,..,.............,........ 499 ........,.. 501 Methionine Cystine ........................................... 504 Tryptophan ...................................... 504 Valine, Leucine, Isoleucine ....,......'..... 506 ........... 389 The Histoly Physical Examination,,................',,... 389 Ordinary Care ....... 393 clycine ........................................... Proline and Hydroxyproline..,............. 509 511 512 513 ........ Acid ........'..' Cycle Histidine " """ """ """"" """ " 515 517 Glutamic Urea Beta-Amino Acids............................. Lysine.,................................,,...'..... Threonine """""""" " """' Grafi Motror.D, lll 518 520 and Victor H, Auefuach Appraisal of the Sick Neonate.......... 415 Clinical Manifestations of Disease ....... 415 Congenital Anomalies ....................... 416 Birth Injury......... ..................... --...... 417 Anoxia................ .,,,................ -.,..,. - - 423 Emergencies in.the Delivery Roorll.,,.--- 424 Noninlecllous Disorders .............. Disturbances Disturbances Disturbances Disturbances -. -. 426 of the Respiratory Tract... 425 of the Digestive System... 1140 of the Blood ...,,............. 449 of the Genitoudnary System................,,..................,,,.. - 457 Disturbances of the Cranium ...'........ -. 457 Disorders of the Skin ........................ 458 Disturbances of the Eye .............,....... 458 UmbiIicus.................................. Metabolic Disturbances .......'............. The 458 t150 Disturbances of the Endocrine System.........,..,,.. ............,......... -... 464 Infants of Diabetic Mothers ................ 461 H)?oglycemia....... ............... -......... -.. 46 Richad E. Behrman lnlecllons Delects in Metabolism ol ...... Carbohydrates 520 lntestinal Defects .............................. 520 Defects in Intermediary Metabolism..... 522 The Glycogen Storage Diseases ..,....,... Therapy........................................... 531 547 George Hug Olsorders ol Purine Metabollsm ....... Dlsorders ot Pyrlmldine Metabollsm 548 551 R. Rodney Howell Prote|ns............... 552 Delects in Plasma Enzymes.............. 553 Def ects in Plasma Detects in Proteins ol Othe] T1ssues............................ 554 Victor H. Auerbach Delects in Meiabollsm of Liplds ....... 556 Daaid Wefl8er ............ 468 ............. 468 ............. 473 .. .....,.. 476 Arthritis........ 477 ........478 General Considerations ... -... Sepsis and Menin5as.. ....... Pneumoria Osteooyeiihs and SePtic Urmary Tract Diairhea.......................................... 478 9. IMMUNITY, ALLERGY, AND RELATED DISEASES ........ 479 Con:unctivitis Group B Streptococcus...,..,................ 480 Stap}iylococcus.................................. 481 The lmmunologic System ................. Listeria............................................481 Physiology....................................... Cytomegalovinrs.....,...,,.,.....,,......:..-- 482 ComPonents .........:.....-.....--..-...-..-... Rubella............................................ 483 Assessment ofT and B Cells............... . Diseases Due to Immunologic Deficiency ....... Herpes Simplex Virus ......,................. 486 Enteroviruses..............,,..........,..,.....- 487 Primary B Cell Diseases .................. Varicella-Zoster......,..,...,.......,.......... 488 Panhypoglobulinemia.......-............. Hepatitis .. ...........,. Lo@ell A. Glasgow and lames C. Ooerall, 582 585 587 485 Selective Deficiencies lr. 582 ..................... 590 590 591 592 Primary T Cell Diseases .................. 594 xtv CONTENTS Combined T-B Cell Diseases . . .. .,,,. ,,, 594 Secondary Immunodeficiency Diseases ....................................... 597 Richard Hong Complement ..,.,.,.. Primary Deficiencies ......................... Secondary Deficiencies..... .... . ... .... ... ... 599 602 604 604 Diagnosis of Disorders,.......,......,...... Management of Disorders .................. 605 Richard B. Iohnston, h. The Phagocytic System....................... 606 P Associated Diseases aul G. Quie ....................... 606 Helminths Viruses............................................ 701, 701, Application of Microbioiogy to Diagnostic Prob|ems ...................... 703 Stanley A. Plotkin Some Clinical Syndromes Usually of lnleclious Origin .......................... 704 Fever of Unknown Origin .................. 704 Rash . . . .. . ... .. ..... ,.. Ralph D. Feigin 707 Oiarrhea ..........,.. 770 Iohn D. Nelson Allergic Disorders............................ 611 611 615 619 626 Bacteremia and Septicemla 712 Osieomyelitis and Septic Arthritis..... 713 Asthma ........................................... 627 Atopic Delmatitis ............................. 635 Urticaria .......................................... 638 Cenlral Nervous Syslem Disorders with Fever........... 777 Acute Bacterial Meningitis 720 Anaphylaxis..................................... Serum Sickness ........ -....................... Acute Aseptic Meningitis Immunologic Basis of Atopic Disease ,.. Methods of Diagnosis...............r....... Principles of Treatment.,......,,,,,......... Allergic Rhinitis ....... -....................... Adverse Reactions to Drugs ............... Insect Allergy . ....... ... ... ... ..... . ... ... ... ... Ocular Allergies................................ Adverse Reactions to Foods ... ... ..., ... ... 640 641, 642 645 646 647 ElLiot F. Ellis 652 653 663 66s 5cleroderma.......... \lixed Connective Tissue Disease ,,..... 656 670 670 674 676 677 E:1:iema \f ulliforme Erudativum ....... 678 f:,::e:ra \odosu m 679 J .',' :::.:-:e Svncrome i:-:: i:: -: \ca- ar.:a,urative Rh eu m atic Syndrome Encephalitis Alex l. ............ ......... 728 Steigman lsolalion Measures .......................... 679 679 i "\':::rou ............580 FeYe r :'' lt. Bacterial lnlections Streptococcal Pneumococcal ...... Staphylococcal Due to Neisseria Ralph D. FeigiI Due lo Hcmophilu' influenzae .............. Due lo H?mophilu, ophrophilus ............ Sdrah H. W. Sell Pertuscis.............. Ralph D. Feigin 754 766 766 Due to Diarrheagenrc Eschericllta coli.... 769 i d Mork Stei hoff Due to Salmonella 773 Shigellosis (Bdcillary Dysentery).......... 782 Dax)id H. Smith Daaid H. Smith Cholera . .. ... .. .. ... . . 786 \lichael H. Merson P,r;,.ic,,ro1as......... 790 Bru cellosi> 793 'r 795 i'1 ,'i ......-...... le::: - ! .. O:he: C-c :::dra l:riecrions................. INFECTIOUS DiSEASES 736 743 746 Diphtheria -.r'e::.:rl 10. 727 R. lames McKay, 651, :.i:::_::::: \a::,a: i:: -:_::: l:.::;: Ralph D. Feigin 797 799 802 803 a07 -\naerocrc ia.:eaiions Other Than Clinical Use of the Microbiology La boratory 3:ceI:al Infections ::-:.\:1e:as......... r i,__-_ -__- Clostr-dra- ... 696 695 700 700 700 700 .. . .. Opponu rc Iarecuoni 811 813 Ralph D. Feigitt Actinomy(osi>...... \ocardio,is.......... 818 820 lerome S. Harris Tuberculosis 821 CONTENTS Atypical Mycobacterial Infections ........ 837 Heinz E. Eichenwsld and Thonas R. Tetzlafr Leprosy ........................................... 840 -........ 944 ...,.,,,,,,......,......... 949 Other Viral Hemorhagic Fevers Scott B. Halsteqd Cat-Scmtch Disease Acute Infectious Lymphocltosis.......... 950 Michael Kstz Rlckeltslal D1seases......................... 951 Typhus Fever.................................... 953 Typhus ...... 954 Scrub T1ryhus................................... 955 Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever............ 955 Murine Chlamydlal 1niect|ons....................... Conjunctivitis and Pneumonia in lnfants .............................,.,......... 'Carcl F. Phittips 851 852 Lymphogranuloma Venereum............. 853 Michael Kdtz irycoplasmal 1n1ect|ons.................... 855 Floyd W. Deflny Exanthem Subitum (Roseola Infantum) ........... Erythema Infectiosum (Fifth Disease) ....................................... Herpes Simplex,......,.................,,.,...; Vaicella and Herpes Zoster ............--. Smallpox (Variola) ............................. Carol F. Phillips Cytomegalovilal Infection ............,..,,. Hq ..,................ Mumps ........................................... 867 867 873 876 886 890 Influenza Viral Infections ................... 893 Parainfluenza Viral Inf ections ........ -.... 897 lames D. Chetry Respiratory Syncytial Virus ........... 900 Adenoyiral Infections......................... Rhinoviral InJections ......................... 903 905 Robert H. Panott ections....................,...,.,.. 906 Hepatitis ......................................... Philip A. Br nell 907 Entercviial Infections ...,,.....,............. 914 Coxsackieviral...........,,,..,..,............ EchoviraI,...................,.,..,..........:.. E. C. Cutnen Poliomyelitis .......................... 958 958 960 967 953 964 Histoplasmosis ....... 967 Parasltlc 1n|ections.......................... 971 Roundworms (Nematoda) ............,,.,,. 972 Tapeworms (Cestoda) ........................ 983 Flukes (Trematodes) .......................... 987 Paul C. Beaoer ...-.-..997 Arthropods and Dlsease Systemlc Protozoan lnfectlons ......... Malaria............................................ Daoid F. Clyde Leishmaniasis ....... M. Udani Alricar Trpanosomiasis,..,............... 995 995 999 P. 1003 American Trypanosomiasis (Chagas Disease) ....................................... 1007 Adel A. F. Mahmoud Kenneth Mclnlosh l-nf .,..... ..,..... B ............ Albert Miller 883 957 957 efi o st hen e 5 P app a gianis Amos Christie Carol F. Phillips Reoviral Therapy with Amphotericin lerome S. Haris 857 852 Slaaley A. Plotkil afld Weruer Henle Infections Cryptococcosis Sporotrichosis D shew Infectious Mononucleosis Mycotic 1niections............................ North American Blastomycosis .,......... 857 865 956 EIi GoId Coccidioidomycosis vlral and Presumed Vlral inlectlons... Measles (Rubeola) ............................. German Measles (Rubella) .................. Iames B, FiAvle Boutonneuse.,.,,.....,................ Rickettsialpox...,..................,.,,......... Q Fever.....,......,,........-..-..--.--.......... ....... Alex I. Steigmat Rabies ........,..,.........,.....,...,,.........,,. Stanley A. PLotkin 916 921 924 931 Yellow Fever.......,,....,..,.....,.............. 938 Michael Katz Dengue Fever and Dengue-like Disease ........,.,.....,......,..,............. 940 Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever ..,......,...... 942 Toxoplasmosis..,......................,......., 1010 Harry A. Feldman Primary Amebic Meningoencephalitis... 1013 lntesllnal Protozoa .......................... Amebiasis Giardiasis Balantidiasis ............ .............. .......... 1014 1014 1017 1017 Paul C, Beaoer 11. THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM The Oral Cav|ty................................ Abnormalities of Jaws and Teeth .....,.. .Diseases of Jaws.............,..,......,....,... Diseases of Teeth ....,.,,......,............... Abnordalities of Palate and Soft Tissues....,.............-. 1019 1019 1023 1023 --..............,. 7027 Gingiva........................................ 1030 --- Periodontal Disease..............,.......,.... 1029 Diseases oI Oral Mucosa and CONTENTS Diseases of Lips and Tongue.............. 1032 Diseases of Salivary Glands ............. -.. 1034 Frederick M. P arkins The Gastrointestlnal Tract................ 1035 Maior Manifestations of Disease ...,,.... 1035 Richard Hamilton Development and Function of the Esophagus..................................... 1040 Disorders of the Esophagus .. .............. 1047 Iohn I. Herbst Development and Function of the Intestine ..............................,..,..... 1048 Richa Hamilton ' Congenital Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis.,..,,.............................,,,., Congenital [ntestinal Obstruction ....... 1050 1053 1054 1054 1055 1056 Atresia and Stenosis ........,.....,,...,,..... Congenital Duodenal Obstruction........ Anomalies of Rotation ............,..,....... Jejunal-Ileal Obstruction ..,................. Congenital Megacolon........................ 1057 Diverticula and Duplications....,...,...... 1060 Acquiied Intestinal Obstruction ........., 1062 1052 Intussusception .................,..,........... Foreign Bodies in the Stomach and Intestine ....... ..............,,,.....,... 1064 Motility Disorders............................. 1055 1056 Anorectal Malformations ..,....,............ Barry Shandling Massive Resection of Small Intestine ... 1058 Richard Hanilton Peptic Ulcer Disease ......................,... Maroin Anlent Intestinal Infections........................... lmmune Deficiency States and the 1069 Liver and Bile Ducts......................... Chronic Nonhemolytic Unconjugated Hyperbilirubinemia ....................... Alpha, -Antitrypsin Deficiency .. .. .. ... ... Wilson Disease ..... t126 t727 Tyrosinemia 112A Reye Syndrome 1728 Hepatic Drug Reactions .,................... 1,129 Philip G. Holtzapple Portal Hypertension and Varices ,..,.,... Cysts of the Liver,..........,.............,... Choledochal Cysts ............................ Cholecystitis Barry Shandling The Exocrine Pancreas .........,....,........ 1130 1131 1L32 1133 1133 Gordon Forstner Pancreatitis .......,... 1135 Disorders ol Periloneum and Allled Structures ............................. 1137 Paul A. di Sant'Agnese Richard E. Behrman and William Speck Evaluation ol Apparent DigeetiYe Tract Disease.................................. 1141 Maroin Amett and Richard Hattilton Liver Function Tests .......,........... .,.. - -. 174l B. Watkins Intestine ....................................... 1075 12. THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 1075 114 Infants ......................................... 1119 lohn B. Watkins Chronic Active Hepatitis ............ 1120 Cirrhosis ..................................:. :. :.. 7727 Ioh lntestinal Malabsorption..................... Man'in Afient Allergy to Foods................................ 1 Coniugated Hyperbilirubinemias......... 1115 Infections and Liver Disease in 1072 Richa/d Hanilton 1109 Development of the Lung ................. 1!18 1091 Ri.hard Hamilton .{cute Appendicitis .......................,,.. 1092 1150 1150< Fallis 1151 1153 1153 1157 1095 1098 1101 1102 1103 1103 1101 ldjcpath:c Prclonged Diarrhea ............ D- -:. -.; L -* ',,.,, 1104 Dis€as€s of the Anus, Rectum, and Colon -......--.......................,.... 1105 tsany Shandling Heoias-....- --.,............-..................... Iras F :-:-< 1107 L-L-,'riro alld the Digestive ....................1109 IE--.,..,..,..,. .bi-.j*:-:- Diagnostic Procedures ln Pulmonary Disease........................................... 1158 Radiographic Techniques ................... 1158 Endoscopv ........-..- 1159 Thoracentesis.................. -................. 1150 Percutaneous Lung Tap ..................... 1160 Lung Biopsv .-....... Ll6L Tmnsillumination of the Chest Wall...... 1161 Microbiologv........ -......,... -................ 1161 Blood Gas Analysis ............. ........,.,,.. 7762 Pulmonary Function Testing... ........... - 7L62 Robett E. Wood 7154 1164 xvI CONTENTS t24l 1241 1243 1245 1245 Neuromuscular and Skeletal Diseases Anectlng PulmonaIY Dlsea6es of the Respiratory Syst€m...................... - ---.................. Acute Respiratory Failure,...........,...... Iatrogenic Pulmonary Disease ............. Drug-Induced Pulmonary Disease........ 11'67 1168 1168 1169 Robert C. Stefll Upper Respintory Tract..................... Nose ....................,..,,..,........'....... . Retropharyngeal Abscess ................ Lateml Phar,,ngeal Abscess ..,.......... Pedtonsillar and Retrotonsillar Thomas F. Boat, Carl F, Doershuk, and Robert C. Stetll 1180 1180 1182 1182 1184 1188 Trauma of the Ear and Temporal Bone....,....,............................'... Tumo$ of the Ear and Temporal Bone.......................................... Diseases o! the Bony Labyrinth -....,, 1188 1189 1189 Chsrles D. Bluestofle Lower Respiratory Tract.............,....... 1190 Congenital Anomalies .........,............. 1190 Laryngeal and Tracheal Infections ....-.. 1193 Foreign Bodies in the Lar,.nj(, Trachea, and Bronchi................ ... 1197 Trauma to the Larynx ..... -.. -............ 1 200 Laryngeal Stenosis..... -........... ... ... .. 1201 Neoplasms of t]le Lar]'nx ....,..... .. .. 1201 Bronchitis .... -...... .......................... 7202 Acute Bronchiolitis . -...........,.......... 1203 Bronchiolitis Obliterans .................. 1205 Bacterial Pneumonias . -.. -.....,,,......., l2O7 viral Pneumonias .........,................ 1214 Miscellaneous Pneumonias ..........'... 1.215 Atelectasis -..,,,...7226 Emphysema............. -...... -.....,..,,,.., 7227 Pulmonary Edema . .. - -... -........,........ 123L Pulmonary Embolism and Infarction .. 1232 Bronchiectasis ........................,...... 1233 Pulmonary Abscess .,...,..........,,...... 1235 Robert C. Stem Approach to Recurlent ot Persistent Lower Respiratory Tract S)'rnptoms in Children ............. ...... THE CARDIOVASCULAR Evaluatlon ot the Hoart and Circulatlon........... 1236 1,249 Fetal and Neonatal Circulation ......... 1269 The Critically lll Neonate with Cardiorespilatory Manifestations ..... t277 Persistence of Fetal Circulation............ t271, Congenltal Cardiac Disease with Cyanosls Tetralogy of Fallot O gin of the Great Arteries from the Right Ventricle, with Pulmonary Stenosis ........................................ 1275 L275 1280 Pulmonary Atresia.........,.,................. 1280 Tricuspid Ahesia .............................. L282 Eisenmenger S)'ndrome...................... Transposition of the Two Great Artedes ....,,.....,.............,..,........... Isolated Transposition of the Gieat Arteries ........................................ Transposition of the Great Arteries with Other Defects......................... Ebstein Disease................................. Truncus Arteriosus ......... -.... -......... -.. Single Ventricle......,.,......... --,............ Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome ...--.. Abnorma.l Positions of the Heart: Dexhocardia and Levocardia ..--......Pulmonary Artedovenous FistuIa......... Ectopia Cordis.................................. Dive iculum of the Left Ventdcle.,...,.. 1283 1284 1285 1288 1289 1290 1297 1292 7293 1294 1295 1295 Congenltal Heart Dlsease with Llttle or No Cyanosis ....................... 1295 Ventricular Septal Defects ...............,.. 1295 Origin of Both Great Arteries from the Right Ventdcle ........... -............. L299 Corrected L-Transposition of the Great Arteries .....,,,....... -....... -....... 1299 Ventricular Septal Defect with Other Defects ...,,..,................................. Atrial Septal Defect............................ Patent Ductus Artedosus ................... Aorticopulmonary Septal Defect -......... Fistual of a Coronary Artery ............... Ruptured Shus of Valsalva ................ Pulmonic Stenosis (with Normat Ar ThomLs F. Boat I3. SYSTEM 1169 1169 1173 1174 Abscesses.....,..,...,..,,.................. 777 4 Sinusitis ....................................... 1174 Chronic Cold,,..,,..,,,,,,.......,.......... 1176 Chronic Rhinitis ........................ -... 117 6 Nasal Potyps........ ..................... - -... 1'L77 Tonsils and Adenoids ... -................ - U'77 Ear............................................... Clinicil Diagnosis .......................... Congenital Malformations ..........,.... Infl ammatory Diseases ......,............. otitis Media.................................. Inner Ear....................................... Function.......... Robert C. Stern Aortic Root)................................... 1300 1300 1305 1308 1309 1309 1309 Simple Valvular Pulmonic Stenosis...... 1309 CONTENTS Infundibular Stenosis....,............,...,... 1311 Pulmonic Stenosis with Arteriovenous Shunt.................. ......................... 1,312 Pulmonic Stenosis with Venoaltedal Shunt........................................... 1312 Pulmonary Arterial Branch Stenosis ..... 1313 Pulmonary Valvular Stenosis.........,..... 1313 Coarctation of Ao a..,....................,,. 1313 Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return................ -.....,,,.,,.,,.,....... 731,6 Congenital Aortic Stenosis....,,..,......... Congenital Mitral Stenosis ......,,...,..... Congenital Mitral. Insulficiency,..,,.,,,,, Late Systolic Mitral Regurgitation ....... Pulmonary Venous Hype*ension ........ Anomalies oI Aortic Arch ................... Anomalous Origin of Coron'ary r 1318 1320 A eries .. .........,.,............................ Iron Deliciency Anemia .........,........ Other ...........,............................... Hemolytic Anemias.,..............,.......... Due to Intrinsic Abnormalities of the Red Cell ........................... Hereditary Spherocytosis.............. Hereditary Elliptocytosis .............. Other Structura.l Defects,.....,........ Enzymatic Defects of the Red Cells ,,. Hemoglobinopathies.,..................... Sickle CelI.................................. Other Hemoglobinopathies........... Thalassemia................................ 7321 1321 Due to Extrinsic Factors .................. 1322 1322 Due to Intoxications and Infections .. 1323 Autoimmune Disorders ..........,.... Polycythemia Principles ol Treatment ol Congenital Hean Oisease 1325 1326 Disturbances o, Cardlac Rate and Rhythm ............... 1329 133s 1337 Transf u6ions .............,............,,....... Indications for Whole 81ood................ Platelet Trangfusions ....,..........,.,,...,.. White Blood Cells............................-. Plasma and Plasma Concentrates.....,... Choice of Blood for Transfusions ..,..... Risks of Blood Transfusion ........,,,,,.... Reactions to Blood Transfusions,......... 1351 SamueL Kaplan Hypertersion 1353 Atherosclerosls ............................... Mqnl Iane lesse 1361 lennifer M. H. Loggie 14. 7406 1408 I Disorders-The Hemophilias 1410 Phase II Disorders ... .,..,.. . ... ... .,.... ... fat3 Phase III Disorders ....,,.,,.,,............. 14-14 The Purpuras................................... Nonthrombocytopenic Purpuras . . . . , . . , Thrombocytopenic Purpuras.........,..... Tfuombocytosis ................................ 1415 1415 1416 1418 Dissemlnated lntravascular Coagulation Development ol the Hematopoietic System............................................ 1363 The Anem|as................................... Inadequate Production oI Red Cels ..... Congenital Pure Red Cell Anemia...,. Acquired Pure Red Cell Anemia ...... 1366 1368 1358 1369 1370 1370 Transient Erythroblastopenia ........... Chronic Infection and Renal Disease Congenital Dyserythropoietic Anemias .................................... 1320 Physiologic Anemias of Infancy........ 13ZO Megaloblastic Anemias ................... 1371 Mioocytic Alemias ....,..............,... 1400 1401 1401 Coagulation Disorders ......,,..........,,... 1410 . DISEASES OF THE BLOOD 14OO Schema of Coagulation.........,,............ 1408 Tests for Evaluation oI Hemostatis ,.,... 1408 Phase ....... 1399 1399 1400 1400 7406 Hemorhagic Diseases..............,....,. Diseases ol the Blood Vessels ......... 1381 1383 1385 1386 1388 1389 1393 1393 1394 Disordsrs of the Leukocytes ..,......... L402 Neutrophilia L404 Neutropenia......... 1,404 Qualitative Abnormaiities oI the Neutrophils 1349 1381. 1397 Inhe ted Abnorma|ities.,...........,....... Olseases ot the Pericardium 1380 1380 1396 Primary Pulmonary Hypertension........ 1324 Marfan Sl,ndrome: Cardiovascular Manifestations............................... 1375 1378 1379 1375 ......... t4t9 ...........,... 1419 Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome .............. 1420 Thrombocytopenic Purpura ................ 1420 Purpura Fulminans .,..,,............,,....... 1420 The Fibrinolytic Mechanism Spleen .......... t421 Congestive Splenomegaly .,,,............,, 1422 Anomalies and Ttauma ......... ,..........,, 1422 The Splenectomy ......... 1,423 The Lymphatic System .............. --.... 1424 Diseases of the Lymph Vessels ........... 1424 Diseases of the Lymph Nodes .........-.. L4Js Howard A, Pearco xlr CONTENTS I5, NEOPLASMS AND NEOPLASM. LIKE LESIONS Renal Physlology ......... ... 7476 Diagnosilc Assessmenl ................... Keith N. Drummond 1480 Etiologic Factors ...,,,..,...................... 1426 Principles of Diagnosis ...................... 1428 Principles of Treatment........ .............. 1428 Diagnostic lmaging ol the Urinary The Leukemlas ............................... Geoffrey F, de Caires Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL)..... Acute Nonlymphocytic Leukemia (ANLL) ........................................ Chronic Myelocytic Leukemia (CML) ... Lymphoma...................................... Hodgkin Disease .............................. Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma . -....,.. ... -... .. Iisllocytosis 1431 1431 143s 1437 1438 1438 '144L ........7443 Histiocytosis X.................................. 1443 Other Histiocytoses,.......................... 7443 Mlscellaneous Causes of Lymphadenopathy 1444 Neoplasms ol Nervous Tigsue.......... 7444 1.444 1.447 Neoplasms ol Kldney Wilms Tumor Other Renal NeopIasms...........,.......... 7447 1,M7 1,449 Solt Tlssue Sarcomas...................... tM9 Rhabdomyosarcoma........................... tM9 Other Sarcomas.... 1451 Neoplasms oI Bone ......................... ................,........,.,....... Ewing 9arcoma............................,.... ....... Reiinoblastoma ............................... 1454 1454 1456 1,457 1458 1,459 Neoplasms of the LlveI 1M 1161 1{61 1{61 1,16.1 1.464 7464 iscellaneous Benign Tumors ......... 1465 Beniga Tumors and Tumor-Like Processes in Bone...,........... ............ 1Ms Hemargiomas....... ....,,.,,.....,.......,..... 7467 Ly'mphangioma................................. Thymoma......................................... Splenic Cysts.................................... Ahtin M. Mauer 16. 1458 1468 1468 1,490 The Nephrotic Sy"d.o-" ..........,...::.:: L494 Minimal Lesion Form ....,..,............. 1,495 Focal Glomerulosclerosis ...,...,..,...... t498 Idiopathic Membranous Glomerulopathy ... 1,499 Membranoproliferative Clomerulonephrilis .,................... In the First Year of Life .................. Acute Glomerulonephritis ................., Acute Postskeptococcal...............,... 1,499 1500 1501 1502 Glomerulonephritis ..........,.......... With Septicemia, Infected Shunts, or hfective Endocarditis .................. 1506 1508 In Systemic Lupus Erythematosus .,.. 1508 In Anaphylactoid Purpura ..,..,......... 1511 Keith N, Drummond Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome ............ Xeith N. Dr mmond. qnd Beruird S . Tubular Dlsorders Renal Tubular Acid"rir............... 1515 :.. Fanconi Syndrome Nephrogenic Diabetes tinsipidus...... Renal Clycosuria... Cystinuria 1512 Kaplan : :.. 1515 ... - 1519 1519 l52l Duelo Electrollrte Disturbances ..... 1572. .. 15:2 Hereditary or Fanrlid DG€€ses. .... 1523 Hereditary \ephritis *r.l Dea::ess and Ocula AbnorErali 5e-. . 1523 . Benign FanLilial He.maturia ................. 1526 \ephronophtiisis ... .... .... ... . ... ....,.. ,,.. 1526 The \ail-Patetla Syndrome ................. 1528 Lipodsstrophv................................,, 1.528 Sicjde Cell Anemia and the Kidney...... 1529 Oxalosis ................,.................,....... 1529 Childhood-Type Polycystic Kidneys..... 1530 Adult-Type Polycystic Kidneys............ 1531 Keilh N. Drummond Renal Fallure ........ 1531 Acute Renal Failure ........................... 1531 Acute Renal Failure in the Newbom 1535 Chronic Renal Failure .........,......,......, 1536 Keilh N. Drufimond otd Bemard S. Koplan lnfection of the U nary Tract ........... 1543 Keith N. Drumfiond Developmental Abnormalities........... 1548 Bemard Kaplan THE URINABY SYSTEM Renal Anatomy Diseases ol the Glomerulus........ t4BZ RecuEent Hematuria with Focal Neuroblastoma Pheochromocytoma Osteosarcoma Tracl .................. ............................ 1,472 Miscellaneous Condltlons..-.............. 1552 Nephrolithiasis .... 7552 Keith N . Drummo d CONTENTS Renal Vascular Disorders ................... 1553 Renal Venous Thrombosis in Infants 1553 With the Nephrotic Syndrome ...... 1554 Renovascular Hypeltension,............ 1555 Berrard KapLan and Keith N. Drutltfiond Enuresis........................................... 1559 Tumors .............. .........,,............ 1629 1560 Incomplete (Partial) Precocious Development..... -. .............,,........... 1629 Medicational Precocity ...... .... ,............ 1630 Betnard Kanlnn Myoglobulinuda with Rhabdomyolysis 1552 Diabetic Nephropathy. ... ..... ... ... ....... . . 1562 a The Genitourinary System ................ Anomalies of Urinary Collecting System.........,................................ Prostatitis............. .,....................,,. Epididymitis ................................. Disturbances ol Micturition With Organic Brain Lesions ............ With Hypothyroidism .................... With Gonadotropin-Secreting Disorders oI the Thyroid G|and......... Thyroid Hormones ......................,..... Hypothyroidism................................ 1563 1563 Anomalies of Bladder and Urethra ...... 1566 Anomalies of Male Extemal Genitalia... 1559 Anomalies of Testis . ... . ... .... . . ............. 1571 Infections of Urinary Tract .............. 1574 Vesicouteteral Reflux ...................... 1575 Renal and Perirenal Infections .........1576 Antedoi Urethitis ..................,,..... McCune-Albright Syndrome..........., Silver Syndrome........ ... ...... ...... ... ... Keith N. Dr nmond Toxic Nephropathy ........................... 1557 Bernard Kaplan and Keith N. Drummand Keith N. Drummond 1621 Gigantism and Acromegaly.... .......... 7621 Cerebml Gigantism ........................ 1,622 True Precocious Puberty....... . .... ......... 1,623 1626 1627 1628 1628 1557 Interstitial Nephritis.......................,.. Keith N. Drumnond Obstiuctive Lesions of Urinary Tract ... Hyperpituitarism .....,........................ 1S7Z 7572 1527 1574 Trauma .............. .............................'1529 R. Lawrence KrooT)dl1d Goiter.............................................. 1632 1b33 1534 1640 1643 Thyroiditis ...,..... . .. ... .... ... .... ... .... ..... Hyperthyroidism... ......,,.................... 1644 Carcinoma of the Thyroid...... ............. 1,642 Disorders ol the Parathyroid c|ands............................................ Hypoparathyroidism.......................... Pseudohypoparathyroidism ................ Hyperparathyroidism.........,............... 1650 1652 1655 1656 Disorders ol the Adrenal Glands ...... 1659 Adrenocortical I nsulf iciency......... ....... 1 b62 Adrenocortical Hyperfunction . ... . .... . ... l66g Adrenogenital Syndrome ................ 166g Cushing Syndrome ......,..................., 167 4 Excess Mineralocorticoid Secretion....... 1626 a d Aldn D. Perlm ttet Pdmary. Aldosteronislr. .....,,............ -1626 T loi-totl ..... -......... 16ZZ Excessive Secretion of Feminizing Adrenal 17. Catecholamines ........,..,.............. 1.627 Pheochromocytoma ........... -.,.......... 1677 METABOLIC DISORDEBS Diabetes Me11itus............................. 1581 The Diabetes Mellitus Syndrome in the Newbom InJant ......... -........ ....,,.,... 7596 AllLtn L. Drash 1598 1600 1.502 1603 1603 1601 1505 16.15 Other Neoplasms . .,................,,...... j,679 Calcification Within the Adrenal ...,..... 1679 Disorders ol the Gonads .................. Maturation in Boys ........................... Maturation in Girls............................ Hypofunction of the Testes ............... Hypergonadotropic Hypogonadism .. XY Tumer Phenotype .................. Klinefelter Syndrome................... XX Males ......... XYY Males ................................. Hryogonadotropic Hypogonadism ... Pseudo.recocit]- With Tumors of the 1681 1681 16g1 1683 1683 1684 1685 1686 1686 1687 l:::e: ..... ............................... 16gg J.:::::::j::: .,,.. ._........,,.......169g l- . : ::: ::::: a: ihe O\.aries....... _....... 1.6g9 --. :::..:.:tr.::c.ic Hr.pogonadism .. 16gg . _r::: :.. :- .1ac::1e . ... ._ ... ..,.,... i6gg ' , l-:. :::::i lt-i*enesis ... .. . 1691 '.1 ,.: : r::t l-.,:e_::es:s . . - 1,69"1 -_ 18. . ENDOCRINE SYSTEH Disorders ot HypcrF Pituitary .. . Hvpopitur:a:: -: a, .. ..... amus and .a-- .:'.: I::::.: -, I-,---.r--,.- Diatete. Hocnone - . .... j52O C::.: --. t-,:: l=:=::. .- .. 1692 ': ':::.:::;:: .t ,l:.;.'.:.... i:3i Sex Chromosome .- Abnormalrrres lvithout Gonadal Defects................. 1693 xxi CONTENTS Pseudoprecocity Due to the Lesions of the Ovary............. Estrogenic Lesions Androgenic Lesions ....................... Hermaphrod itism Female Pseudohermaphroditism ..-... Male Pseudohermaphroditism ......... True Hermaphroditism ................... 7693 7693 1,694 1,694 1695 1696 1700 Angelo M. DiGeorge 19. Cerebral Palsy...... .................,,..,,,.,,.. 7759 Headache and Vertigo.......... ..,......,,,., 7761 Neurocutaneous Syndromes................ 1763 Degenerative Diseases .............. ......... 17 66 Of the Cerebellum and Basal Ganglia ... 1773 Neoplasms .......... .........,...,..,......,,.,,, Mass Lesions Secondary to lnfection ... Reye Syndrome,,............................... Cerebral Vascular Diseases ................. 1777 1781 1783 1784 Head Injury...................................... 1.787 Subdural Hematoma.....................,..., 1788 Of the Spinal Cord ................... ......... 7789 Of the Autonomic Nervous System....,. 1791 PEDIATRICGYNECOLOGY Peter R. Huttenlocher Methods ol Examinatlon Developmental Disorders ot Exlernal ... 22. 7706 "1707 7707 1707 Abrormalilies ol lnternal Genilalia ... Prepubetal Vaginal Bleeding ............. Menstrual Disorders in Adolescence ..... Adenosis and Adenocarcinoma of the Vagina ................-........-...-.......-..Medicosocial Problems ol Adolescence Neuropaihies and Muscular Dlseases 1795 Anterior Hom Cell Diseases ..-.. .. :..... 1796 Polyneuropathies Cuillain-Ba116 Syndrome 1708 1708 1708 Hypertrophic Interstitial Neu tis ..... Charcot-Marie-looth Disease .......... Congenital Sensory Neuropathy....... Congenital lndifference to Pain........ 1709 Mononeuropathies Congenital Ptosis .. . ... . .. . ...... ....... ... . Tolosa-Hunt Syndrome........,.....,,... Sixth Nerve Palsy ..... . ... ,..... ... . ... ... . . Seventh (Facial) Nerve Palsy ............ ,,,.....l77o Venereal Disease............................... 1710 Rape................................................ Pregnancy and Birth ControI............... NEUROMUSCULAR DISEASES 1710 1711 Elsie R. Carritlgton Traumatic............. Junction .,........... Diseases of Muscle 1799 1799 1799 1799 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1801 1801 1801 ............................ 1802 1803 Endocrine Myopathies 1803 Congenital Defects .. . . . . .. ... . . .. .... ... ... 1804 Myotonia 1805 Periodic Paralyses 1806 \luscular Dystrophies..........-.......... 1806 lnflammatory CONVULSIVE DISORDERS Altered States ot Consciousness ...... 1798 Diseases of the Neuromuscular Myasthenia Gravis ......................... 20. 7797 1713 Convulsive Disorders............ ........... 1713 Acute o! Nonrecurrent Convulsions..... 1715 Chronic or Recurrent Convulsions Ptlcr R. Huttcnloth?t (Epilepsy)...................................... 1:1; Disorders Simulatlng Epllepsy . ........ 1728 Ilenry 14. Baircl 23. THE BONES AND JOINTS Orihopedic Problems ....................... 2.I. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 1810 ..,.......................... 1810 Hip........................................... 1814 Knee......................................... 1819 Leg ........................................... 1820 The Spine . .. .... . .. . .:. 1822 The Neck ......................................... 1825 Delormities of the Sternum....., ........... 7826 The Upper Extremities .....,.....,.. -...,.... 1826 The Head......................................... 1828 ' Trauma............................................ 1830 The The The The Feet and Toes Hugh C. Watts antl lohn Kirkpatrick Hereditary and Developmental Lesions ol Bone and Carii|age...................... 1831 Forms of Dwarfism Recognizable at Birth............................................. 1831 xxI CONTENTS Conditions Recognizable Postnatally ... Disorders of Diaphyses .............. '.. '. 1838 1838 1840 1841 Disorders of Epiphyses ................... Disorders of MetaPhyses................. Hereditary Disorders of Fibrous Tissue........................................ 1843 William T. Speck Mucopolysaccharidoses................. . 1845 Albert Dorfman Metabolic Bone Oiseases ................ Rickets............................................, With Hepatic Diseases.................... With Familial HypoPhosPhatemia ... Vitamin D-DePendent Rickets .,,.'... With Anticonvulsant Therapy .....,.... Oncogenous ................ r......r......... Hypophosphatasia............,.. . ..... ... 1848 1848 1849 1849 1851 1852 1852 1852 Metaphyseal Dysostoses (Schmid Type)........................................... Idiopathic Hypercalcemia ...... .....-.. -.. Hyperphosphatasia.........,.................. 1852 1852 1852 Laurence Finberg 25. PEDIATRIC OPHTHALMOLOGY 1939 Examinaiion ol the Eye.................... Abnormalities of Refraction and 1939 Accommodation...............,.......,,..., 1942 Disorders of Vision ............. .....,.,.,.... 1943 Abnormalities of Pupil and Iris ........... 1958 Disorders of Eye Movement and Alignment..................................... 1960 Abnormalities of the Lids........... ..-..... 1954 Disorders of the Lacrimal System ........ Disorders of the Conjunctiva -.........,... Abnormalities of the Cornea....... ........ Abnormalities of the Lens .......... ...,.... Disease of the Uveal Tract .......... .......Disorders of the Retina ..................-... Abnormalities of the Optic Nerve........ Disorders of Ocular Pressure. ...... -....... Orbital Abnormalities ..............,,,.... lnjuries to the Eye ............................. Robisan D. Harley and Lois l. Martyrt 1966 7967 1969 1970 1970 L977 1975 1977 L977 1978 Fanconi Syndrome............................. 1853 cvstinosis............................" " .' Rickets Associated with Renal Tubular 1854 Acidosis........................................ Lowe Syndrome......,......................... Renal OsteodystroPhy.................... ... 1854 1855 1855 26. UNCLASSIFIED DISEASES Sudden Unexpected Death in Rlchatd E. Behrman |nfancy............................................ Maie Valdes-Dapena 4my1oidosis..................................... 24. Sydney S. Gellis THE SKIN 1857 Disordsrs ........................................ Transient Lesions of the Neonate ........ .. .. . .. ..-. .. - ... ... ... .. ... . .. ... . .. . ... Photosensitilit1 ....-........................... Diseases oi the Epiderrnis Ich)'thvosis ... ... ........ .. . .. ... . ... Diseases of the Derrnis.-........... ......... Disorders of Subcutaneous Tis-.ue ....Diseases of the Sueat G]ands.............. Bacterial Infections............................ The Histiocytosls Syndromes Allen C. Crocker 1883 1887 1890 1896 1900 1905 1907 1906 1910 1913 1913 1918 Fungal Infections............,.........,........ Cutaneous Viral lnfections..... ............. 1924 lnsect Bites and Parasitic Infestations... 1926 Aqre .......................................,,..,,,, 1929 \eoDlasms .. .. ....... .......... ... . ... . .. . ...... . 1932 ...... ....... ... ..................... 1982 1860 1850 1861 1861 1864 1865 1859 Disorders of Hair .............................. Structural Defects of Hair............... Diseases of the Nails ......................... 1911 Diseases of the Mucous Membranes..... 1912 vasculitis ......................................... ... ... 1935 1981 Floyd W. Denny 1858 Developmental Defects ...................... Cutaneous Defects ...................,,.... Ectodermal Dysplasia ..................... Vascular Lesions ...... .......,................ Cutaneous Nevi ................................ Disorders of Pigment........... .......,..,... 1872 Vesicobullous Disolders ... . . . . . . ... .. . ... .. . 1878 Eczema . .. Sarcoidosis 1980 Progeria ......................................... 1983 1986 Franklin L. DeBusk Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome........................................ 1988 Cystic Flbrosis ................................ 1988 Paul A. di Sant' Agnese Lyme Arthritis ................................. 2001 R. Ianes McKoy, Ir. 27. RAOIATION INJURY Radiation lniu ry ................. .............. 2002 28. POISONINGS FROM FOOD, DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, POLLUTANTS, AND VENOMOUS BITES xxlI CONTENTS Chemical and Drug Poisoning........... 2009 Management of Poisonin8s................. 2009 Acetaminophen................................. Salicylates ........................................ Strong Alkalis.,................................. Barbiturates...................................... Hydrocarbons................................,,. Iron....,.........................................,,. Tlicyclic Antidepressants.................... 2016 2018 2019 2021 Urinalysis (Table 30-8) ...................... Tarc Akabane 2025 2029 Robert W. Miller Fetal Alcohol Syndrome ................... Aoroy A. Fa arcff 2031 Venom Diseasas ............................. 2032 Ellise Delphin and lNilliam T. Speck (Table 30-9) .......2094 C. Charlton Mabry and Notbert W. Tietz Milliosmolal and Milllosmolar .............2095 Solulion8 Howard W. Robinson and Victot C. Vaughan, lll Conver3lon Tables ............... . -......... 2096 Milligrams to Milliequivalents per Liter (Table 30-10) ........ ......................... 2096 Milliequivalents per Liter to Milligrams per Deciliter and Vice Versa (Table 30-11)........................................... 2096 Milliequivalents and Milligrams of Cations and Anions Present in a Millimole (Table 30-12)........ ........... 2097 Apothecary's Measures to Metlic Equivalents (Table 30-13)........ ........ 2097 (Table 30-14) Mallormalion Syndromes.................. 2035 APPENDIX Tables of Orugs ..........,.................... 2052 Selected Drugs for Systemic Therapy Grouped Alphabetically by Category of Indication for Their Use (Table 30-1,A).......................................... Drug Doses (Table 30-lB) .................. 2052 2056 Sanford N. Cohen and Leon Strcbel Tables o, Normal Laboratory Values ............... Chemistry tf"Ule SO-ZI ...................... Amniotic Fluid (Table 30-3). . . . . ... . . . . . . . 2093 Radioisotopic Procedures Temperatuie (Centigrade and Fahrenheit) MALFORMATION SYNDROMES Daoid W. Smith 30. 2088 Hematology (Table 30-5)......... ........ - -. 2089 Coagulation (Table 30-6)......... ........... 2091 Serology (Table 30-n............ -............ 2092 Mercury............... .......,.....,,...,.,....... 2022 Acrodynia............. -.... -. -.. -... -......... 2023 Minamata Disease............... ....,,..,,, 2024 29. 30-4)............................................ 2012 2013 2015 Paul S. Lietmarl Lead ............................................... l. lulian Chisolm, lr. Chemlcal Pollutants........... -.. -.......... Lumbar Cerebrospinal FIuid (Table Composltion ol Commonly Used Oral and Parenteral Solulions (Table 30-15) .......2098 Food Va1ues.................................... 2100 Short Method of Dietary Analysis (Table 30-16) ................................. 2100 Baby Foods (Table 30-17) ........ ........... 2103 Lipids and Lipoprotein Values in Chlldren .......................................... 2105 2105 white Females (Table 30- 188) . . ... ... .... . 2106 Black Children (Table 30-18C)...... ....... 2107 white Males (Table 30-18A) ............... I- Bruce Gordorl . 2075 2076 2088
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