What is Tu-204SM?

What is Tu-204SM?
Russian Aviation
Roman Gusarov, Ekaterina Striganova
In late December 2013 the Minister of Industry and Trade, Denis Manturov, said during his
interview at “Russia 24” TV channel that the Ministry plans to deliver 20 Tu-204SM aircraft to
Russian and foreign carriers over the next 5 years. However, it is rumored that the top
management of United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) have banned their employees from working
on the 204SM project under penalty of dismissal. The UAC’s attitude towards the project was
demonstrated at MAKS-2013 airshow, when not a single representative of UAC’s management
attended the signing of two contracts for delivery of Tu-204. It was clear: the contracts were
signed in order to present a report to the government, but in fact no one was going to
implement them. And UAC’s program at the airshow did not include the presentation of the
new recently certified aircraft. It remained in the aircraft static display area overlooked by
high-ranking guests and mass media. However, we did not miss the opportunity to visit Tu204SM and talk to representatives of legendary Tupolev design bureau. We had just one
question: what is Tu-204SM?
- What exactly is Tu-204SM? Initially there were several concepts for upgrading Tu204. Which one of them has been implemented and to what extent does the jet meet
the current market requirements?
Ivcheva Nina Anatolyevna, Certification Director of Tupolev Company:
Tu-204SM aircraft is another step towards all-electric aircraft. Lev Aronovich Lanovski (Chief
designer of Tu-204) had tried to implement this idea. But we have managed to take a step
forward only in the network of Tu-204SM project developed under the leadership of Chief
Designer, Alashev Oleg Yurievich. Despite the fact that the new jet has Tu-204’s airframe and
wing, its avionics and warning and indicating system have been upgraded using state-of-theart hardware components – this is definitely a step forward. Moreover, the aircraft is fitted with
a two-seat cockpit.
The major innovation is general aircraft equipment control system (GAECS). The system’s
computer performs a number of crew’s functions decreasing the pilots’ workload. It is
integrated into almost all the primary aircraft systems. For 90% of the systems GAECS is
responsible for signaling and indication and for 20% of them it also acts as a control system.
In other words this system is a way to reduce the pilot workload and it is also a step towards
all-electric aircraft. The GAECS is manufactured by Ulyanovsk Instrument Manufacturing
Design Bureau (also known as UKBP), one of the largest equipment suppliers. We have a longstanding partnership with this enterprise. By the way, UKBP and Tupolev have successfully
completed EASA certification of Tu-204-120SE jet. Of course, it is not the final stage; we will
keep on working and expanding the system’s capabilities. But at first we need to obtain
operational data and verify the technical solutions used during development of GAECS.
Tu-204SM is also equipped with upgraded warning and indicating system. Basic version of
Tu-204 is fitted with KISS indication system and a separate SEI electronic indication system
responsible for displaying status of aircraft systems and flight parameters. On the other hand
Tu-204SM is fitted with KSEIS system responsible for both of the abovementioned functions.
Moreover, for the convenience of pilots the cockpit is fitted with trackballs similar to computer
mouse. This makes controlling the system easy. The cockpit indication includes electronic
indicator of standby instruments. Previously we used metal indicators.
In order to confirm the jet’s compliance with the existing airworthiness standards we have
carried out a lot of tests. In particular, we have carried out HIRF tests (High Intensity Radiated
Field) involving all the aircraft systems. We have tested equipment having installed it on the
aircraft in Taganrog and we have carried out bench tests as required by the existing Russian
and foreign standards. The test procedure meets the requirements of US and EU standards. In
this context Tu-204SM project has reached European level. As a result we have successfully
completed the test program and confirmed the jet’s compliance with the international
Moreover, the aircraft is equipped with an onboard maintenance system. The system is
carrying out aircraft health monitoring and maintenance personnel have quick access to
detailed information after every flight. It makes maintenance easier; the technicians may also
print the required data. This is the world standard.
I must admit that Tu-204-300 aircraft have already been fitted with ACARS system. The
similar system may be installed on Tu-204SM. All the necessary documentation has already
been elaborated.
It is hard to recall all the innovative solutions at once. For example, Tu-204SM has an
English-language cockpit. Tu-204-120SE powered by Rolls-Royce engines was also fitted with
an English-language cockpit; the jet received European certification. The text and its meaning
are very important in every version of the cockpit, because there are special requirements in
this area: information must assist the crew in decision-making. This was our advantage: we
have developed the English-language cockpit; EASA has approved our concept and then the
concept has been implemented in the network of Tu-204SM project.
Another innovative solution is installation of additional electric power generation system.
Even after failure of two generators we will be able to continue flight without changing a flight
level; all we have to do is just switch to this system without starting the APU. In fact we have
two additional generators.
- In other words the system has triple redundancy?
- We have two main generators providing all the aircraft systems with power in regular
operation mode, generator of APU, used as an alternative system in case of main generators
failure and now we have installed one more additional system. That is why even in case of
failure of two main generators (which is very unlikely) the jet will be able to continue its flight
without changing its flight level and the passengers will not even notice anything unusual. We
have completed a lot of flight tests during certification of the upgraded electric power supply
system; our test-pilot Viktor Alekseevich Minashkin has successfully completed the flight test
program. We have demonstrated that Tu-204SM is able to continue flight for at least 6 hours
using its backup generators. This system is also important in terms of obtaining ETOPS-180
Tu-204SM is powered by PS-90A2 engines offering high reliability required for obtaining ETOPS
certification. New fuel efficient and reliable engine and upgraded electric power supply system
will help us solve this problem. All the other aircraft systems meet the ETOPS requirements
without any upgrades. We have already completed required flight test program and we are
confident that Tu-204SM is ready for ETOPS certification.
PS-90A2 engine was derived from PS-90A powering previous-generation aircraft. This engine
was developed by Perm-based Aviadvigatel in cooperation with Pratt & Whitney. Pratt &
Whitney has taken part in upgrade of engine systems in terms of materials. The upgrade
resulted in increase of the engine’s reliability, service life and fuel efficiency. Once again, the
upgrade was focused on increasing reliability and service life, improving quality and operating
Minashkin Viktor Alekseevich, Chief test-pilot of Tupolev Company, Honored test-pilot and the
leading test-pilot of Tu-204SM program:
- Viktor Alekseevich, what aircraft types have you operated prior to Tu-204SM?
- In general I have operated all the aircraft designed by Tupolev – almost 30 vehicles,
including fighters and heavy airliners. I have been testing Tupolev aircraft since 1989; my
whole career is associated with this company.
- As a pilot having such a vast experience, what can you say about Tu-204SM?
- First of all, despite the fact that Tu-204SM is no different from Tu-204 in terms of
appearance, it is fitted with new equipment. There is not a single system without
modifications. The core, hot-section and panels of PS-90A2 engines have been upgraded. In
fact, this is not a PS-90A-based engine anymore. It is also fitted with new APU. All the
innovations in this jet are focused on increase of service life. The maintenance costs have been
decreased due to increase of time between overhauls and reliability of its systems. So the
primary objectives of the upgrade were: increase of reliability, improvement of operating
performance, comfort and flight safety (both active and passive).
- So you are talking about passive safety?
Concerning flight safety. today cases of spatial disorientation still take place. Experts believe
that retraining from “direct” to “reverse” indication (direct - aircraft symbol is rotating; reverse
- gyro horizon is rotating) is rather hard. Our indication is similar to indication used on most
part of large Russian and foreign airliners, but it has a side bank angle scale, which allows a
pilot used to “direct” indication to switch to this indication without any problems. Some pilots
didn’t even notice that Tu-204SM features a different type of indication. That is the element of
passive safety.
In the course of our test program we tried to take into account incidents that took place during
development and testing of our vehicle, but involved other aircraft. Airbus lost the speed
(stalled) and crashed, An-148 – the same scenario. In other words we have studies the cases,
when a pilot does not realize that the instruments indicated wrong speed. Following the results
of our studies we have added a speed measured by sensors installed on engines (the value is
then converted), instead of regular sensors. It is a rough estimate, but in case this speed
differs from the value measured by regular sensors, a pilot is notified about difference between
speeds. The most important thing for the pilot is seeing the problem and knowing how to solve
it. This solution has been implemented during testing.
Moreover, the crash of Yak-42 in Yaroslavl, when the pilot accidentally applied the brakes and
the liner was unable to take off from the runway. There was no such system on other Tupolev
aircraft, but Tu-204SM is fitted with a system that notifies the pilot every time the brakes are
applied. Ideology of this vehicle is focused on providing the pilot with all the necessary
information on time: he receives a signal and reacts to it.
Advanced foreign-produced aircraft feature a director control used from takeoff to landing. Our
previous liners used the director control only during landing; Tu-204SM uses it throughout the
whole flight. All the systems and their operation meet the existing standards – the primary
functions are performed by aircraft systems (they also prevent pilots from making mistakes),
while a pilot duplicates the system’s functions. The pilot can’t do something accidentally. First
of all he must understand that the system prevents him from doing something, then he should
turn this system off and only then he may, for example, turn off an engine. If you violate the
procedure the system will not accept your commands and warn you about it.
If you follow the instructions specified in an electronic checklist you will have the priority.
Nowadays most accidents are caused by human factor and our jet is the first line of defense
against accidental mistakes. Tu-204SM is comparable with advanced Airbus and Boeing aircraft
in terms of a number of systems to be controlled during flight (only Dreamliner has more such
systems). Even position of windscreen-wipers is being controlled. If the windscreen-wipers
were turned off and did not come into right position, the system will move them automatically.
We have also taken into account problems encountered during operation of previous version of
the aircraft. Tu-204SM is equipped with larger and more informative displays. It has an
interactive cockpit suitable for passive aircraft navigation and even in manual mode a pilot
may obtain all the necessary information. If you don’t need additional information, you will not
display it, but the key information is always available. When you have more time you may
change the configuration of information displayed. For example, you need to take a look at the
final course: you just click it and see a maneuver to be performed near an airport, final course
and position. Vertical Navigation may be found on a display: it may be displayed or hidden.
During cruise flight additional information increases pilot’s workload so it makes sense to hide
the unnecessary data. And when you need more information you can easily display it again.
When you are completing a checklist you must follow the instructions and confirm your
actions. Everything is focused on eliminating the human factor, when a pilot forgets about
something or loses focus, skips an action, etc. You cannot skip a single action here – it will be
highlighted in yellow.
This liner may be certified for category 3 landing (at present it is approved only for CAT II
landing). After additional tests it will be performing flights in accordance with ICAO category 3
requirements. So we don’t see any difficulties related to implementation of the test program.
All the results related to flight modes and aerodynamic performance have already been
obtained so I think that the jet will be competitive in terms of aircraft performance.
- The liner’s avionics are integrated by Tupolev or…?
- We use Russian-produced avionics and use our own ideology.
- The components are manufactured in Russia?
- Most part of them is manufactured by Russian enterprises. There are also foreign-produced
components, but you know about problems connected with Russian element base. However,
we use our own logic. In general we have a good technology advance for Tu-204/214 Family
aircraft. For example we offer an Electronic Flight Bag as an option. The jet will be equipped
with two displays (one to the left and another to the right) and all the maps will be shown on
these LCDs. We also offer heads-up display system with an IR-camera. We are ready to fit the
jets with this system and the final list of options depends on the customer. The problem is as
follows: in foreign countries carriers pay less for insurance of aircraft fitted with heads-up
display system, thus the airlines are interested in equipping their liners with the latest
equipment, but there are no such privileges in Russia. And the price of such system is rather
high. Nevertheless we offer this option.
- As compared to Tu-204, has the control wheel been modified? Pilots told me many
times about special aspects related to piloting this jet.
- Yes, the control wheel has been upgraded. We believe the new one is more comfortable: the
axis of rotation differs from axis of oscillation, because the axis of rotation acts as a “position
filter” and when you get into a turbulence zone and move the control wheel the longitudinal
moves are transmitted laterally. When there is a rotation, any longitudinal move does not
affect lateral moves. We hope that this solution makes piloting in turbulence zone and other
situations easier.
- Let’s talk about engine. Besides service life and reliability, did its thrust change?
- The manufacturer provided us with the same parameters as compared to the old one. But
first of all, they have increased the turbine inlet temperature; the engine’s fuel-efficiency has
also been increased and now it has higher margin allowing it to demonstrate stable
performance in a wider range of temperatures. The engine’s characteristics in terms of icing
have also been improved. It also meets the existing requirements in terms of noise and
- Do you think it will be easy for pilots operating Tu-204 to retrain or they will have
to work hard?
- In my opinion, and I have already discussed it with the Flight Director of Red Wings, when
he came to inspect the jet, we cannot cut down the ground training, because all the systems
are new. Pilots must know everything about the equipment, because they are responsible for
the lives of passengers. Simulator – the same situation, we cannot cut down this part of
training, because the crew size has been reduced to two pilots and they must learn new
procedures. As for practice, I am confident that any pilot, who has passed the simulator
training is ready to perform real flights, because it will be easier for them. Each airline has its
own retraining program, but they wanted their instructors to study in our school. We will do
our best and tell them about all the nuances.
Shashok Alexander Petrovich, Deputy Director – Head of project administration (civil aviation):
- There are several versions of Tu-204: medium-haul liners and medium-haul jets
with an extended range. In this context what can you tell us about Tu-204SM?
- This is a medium-haul jet seating up to 215 passengers (single-class cabin layout). Tu204SM featuring a comfort single-class cabin layout seats 200-210 passengers. In addition,
the jet featuring two-class cabin layout seating 176 passengers has also been certified (12
seats in business class and 164 – in the economy class). This liner demonstrates the highest
efficiency on routes with flight duration of three hours and more. Such characteristics are in
demand in Russia due to size of the country and location of regions. This jet is also well-suited
for performing international charter flights.
- What is its maximum range with a full payload?
- Its range is 4800 km with a full payload (single-class cabin layout with 215 seats). The jet
featuring the two-class cabin layout has longer range. In other words, depending on passenger
load the airliner may move closer to long-haul aircraft.
- Will a shortened version of the aircraft be developed similar to Tu-204-300?
We have several concepts. The jet has great aircraft performance, good aerodynamics and
high lift-to-drag ratio, so it has a great potential for upgrade.
- In case of signing a firm contract tomorrow, how many jets will Aviastar-SP be able
to manufacture per year?
- Aviastar-SP told us that in accordance with the requirements of their potential customers,
they are able to manufacture about 10 jets over the next 3 years and then they will increase
the output to 5-7 airliners per year. Today we have already completed some amount of work in
the network of this program. The assembly of 10 liners has already been started; the assembly
of 3 ones has been completed by 70-80% (the airframe has been assembled and all the
necessary components have been purchased). In general, the first vehicles may be delivered
to the customer in 9-10 months from the start of financing. Speaking about production
capacities of Aviastar-SP, the enterprise is able to launch two Tu-204 assembly lines each able
to manufacture 15 liners per year. At present the assembly line may reach the output of 15
vehicles per year in about three years. The potential contracts are being considered and the
enterprise confirmed that it is able to meet the requirements of airlines in terms of delivery
- So if we sign the firm contract today, the first vehicles will be delivered within a
year …
– Yes, the first vehicles may have been delivered to a customer in 2014.
- I have a question about aftersales service, customer support and owning cost. Are
there some programs the company has to offer to the customer?
- Let’s say the parties are working hard to provide it in the network of announced contracts.
Developer, manufacturer, suppliers and airlines are taking part in the negotiating process.
A working group has been formed and they are working really hard in order to define the
mechanism for provision of aftersales services during both warranty and post-warranty period.
In addition they are cooperating with suppliers in order to create a pool of spare parts. The
working group comprises representatives of the following organizations: UAC, Aviation
Equipment Holding Company, Radioelectronic Technologies Concern, Aviadvigatel, United
Engine Corporation (UEC), etc. All the efforts are focused on provision of required level of
aftersales services to the operators.
- The aircraft will be serviced in Ulyanovsk?
- Different variants are being considered, including establishing line maintenance stations at
the operator’s base airport. The possibility of using facilities of Aviastar-SP and KAPO is also
under consideration. We have held a number of meetings at MAKS airshow. For example, we
met with representatives of Aviation Equipment Holding Company and a number of Russian
airlines in order to discuss the possibilities of decreasing the cost of after-sales support. It is a
package of services, which affects the airline’s economic performance and the ticket prices. It
is essential for making the Tu-204SM competitive and all the parties involved in its
development know it: manufacturer, developer, suppliers, etc. I remind you that 90% of the
jet’s components are manufactured in Russia. So this matter is of great importance for all the
parties taking part in the project.
- What approach is used for continued airworthiness system: service life limit or oncondition maintenance?
- On-condition maintenance. Of course there are some parts and components with a limited
service life, but in general the ideology of on-condition maintenance is dominant.
In fact you’ve already seen a complicated monitoring system – the onboard maintenance
system. It is a really advanced aircraft, which embodies a modern approach and modern
ideology. That is why at present we are solving other problems related to financing deliveries
of the aircraft. It is the mission of the whole aircraft industry. And we are trying to solve this
problem too.
Tupolev Andrey Alekseevich, Deputy Director of Marketing and External Relations Directorate:
Tupolev Company is carrying out a market analysis and it is also working closely with airlines
in cooperation with UAC and Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade, in particular the parties
are discussing the carriers’ requirements to the aircraft type. We understand the airlines’
requirements and interests. At this point they are not interested in the aircraft only as a means
of transport. They are interested in a service package and capacity. The key parameters are:
leasing rates, continued airworthiness costs, service life and time between overhauls,
possibility of rescheduling maintenance during peak season, affordability of components and
other factors connected with economy, operation and owning cost. And of course another
important factor is the “price” of raised funds, which is way too high in our country (twice as
high as compared to credits provided by foreign banks in terms of price and credit period). Our
banks offer a credit period of 5-7 years, while the foreign ones offer 15-20 years.
- VIM-Avia signed memorandum for delivery of 5 Tu-204SMs at MAKS-2013 airshow.
- Yes, the parties signed a memorandum of understanding for delivery of 5 jets of the type
with an option for 5 more ones on the stand of Ilyushin Finance & Co. (IFC). The following
officials have taken part in the signing ceremony: Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade - Yuri
Borisovich Slusar, CEO of IFC – Alexander Ivanovich Rubtsov, shareholder of Air Bashkortostan
and VIM-Avia – Rashid Mursekaev, CEO of VIM-Avia - Kochnev Alexander Yakovlevich, CEO of
Aviastar-SP – Sergey Gennadievich Dementyev, First Deputy Director General of Tupolev
Company – Sergey Anatolyevich Bogatikov.
- So IFC will be responsible for financing Tu-204SM deliveries?
- Yes, we believe that Alexander Ivanovich will deal with the matter.
- Judging from the fact that IFC has signed the document, the leasing company is
interested in this aircraft?
- Yes, they are interested in the jet as the subject of a contract. Moreover, I may tell you that
a delegation of VIM-Avia headed by A.Y. Kochnev visited us on the same day. They were no
longer interested in financial details and asked questions related to technical solutions and
operation of the aircraft: service life extension, reliability of accessories, affordability of
components, fuel consumption and other factors contributing to the owing cost and profit.
- I understand that it is rather hard to start from scratch. When a new unknown
product enters market it is hard to convince airlines that they really need it. In your
opinion, what tools may be used to promote this project under our difficult
- First of all, it is no secret that when a new product (in our case we are talking about some
kind of revival of the national aircraft industry) is launched by USA or EU countries, they
provide it with direct and indirect state support. In other words, I am talking about subsidizing
part of the aircraft’s price and using tremendous lobbying capabilities of the government for
signing credit agreements between countries, including tied credits, when other countries
(borrowers) must spend a part of the credit on purchasing aircraft manufactured by the lender.
Moreover, taking into account Aviastar’s financial situation and low output we will not be able
to offer a competitive price. So we will have to ask the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the
Ministry of Finance to create new budget items for subsidizing part of the aircraft’s price.
Almost all new projects of Russian aircraft industry are implemented this way. This will be a
temporary measure limited in scope and later the project will reach the breakeven point.
- How many jets should be manufactured in order to reach the breakeven point?
- According to our estimates, about one hundred aircraft.
- We understand all the difficulties connected with promotion of our airliner at the
global market; that is why we are looking for niches suitable for it. Which regions are
the most promising for this jet?
- First of all, these are the regions, where Tu-204 liners are operated. Besides Russia, Cuba
operates two Tu-204-100E passenger aircraft and two Tu-204SE cargo airliners. Tu-204 Family
jets are also operated by Cairo Aviation (Egypt) and a national carrier of People’s Republic of
Korea. In general, there is market for these vehicles. The potential customers are companies
operating Tu-204 jets and having vast experience in this area. And negotiations with these
companies on deliveries of the new aircraft type are in progress.
- The state program for development of aircraft industry presented by the Ministry
of Industry and Trade, almost put paid to Tu-204 project. And I also remember that
president of UAC, Mikhail Pogosyan, said at one of the world’s largest airshows that
he doesn’t see any prospects for Tu-204.
- The contract with VIM-Avia was signed in the presence of Deputy Minister of Industry and
Trade; this fact may point to renewed interest in this aircraft. We hope that the presence of
such a high-ranking government official at the signing ceremony means that the interest in
this vehicle grows and allocating funds for the project makes sense; this fact gives us
confidence. We also feel that Russian operators are also interested in the aircraft. Contrary to
popular belief, Russian airlines do not rule out the possibility of purchasing Russian-produced