What is the Risk to Runoff Water Quality Posed

What is the Risk to Runoff Water Quality Posed
by Fertilization of Turfgrass?
Dr. Chris Murray,
Department of Interdisciplinary Studies
What motivated this project?
Runoff and pollution
Turfgrass as a water quality management tool
The problem: excess nutrients
Experiments and studies of the effect of
• Best Management Practices
• Conclusions
Project motivation
• A collaboration between Landscape Ontario’s
Lawn Care Commodity Group and Lakehead
• Two factors initiated this project:
1. Source water protection agencies and similar
organizations are considering fertilizer bans as a
means of protecting water quality
2. Several studies had reported results
contradicting this approach: where fertilizer is
stopped, N,P in runoff increases
Why might this be a problem?
• As was the case with pesticide use, fertilization of
lawns is often cited as a purely cosmetic practice
• While lawns provide aesthetic and recreational
value, these benefits are considered nonessential
• Much more emphasis is placed on the risk of
water contamination than these “soft” benefits
of turfgrass
• If there is little or no value and significant risk,
why not ban fertilizers and eliminate that risk?
• Is this a quantitatively appropriate response?
What do I mean by quantitative?
• Not all situations require numerical
information to make an informed decision
• Example: how much gasoline should I drink in
a day?
• There is no benefit to drinking any amount of
• Answer: don’t ever drink gasoline!
• Don’t need to consider body weight, age, or
any other quantity to make this decision
Another example
How much water should I drink every day?
Q: Can you drink too much water?
LD50 in rats: 90 g/kg
A: Yes.
Q: Do I need to drink any water?
A: Yes, at least 2 L a day
So, drink somewhere between 2 and 10 L
Numbers are important to consider, because
there are competing factors
Turfgrass Fertilization
• How much should one fertilize a lawn to
obtain the best water quality?
• Q: Can you reduce water quality by fertilizing
too much?
• A: Yes.
• Q: Can you improve water quality by
• A: Yes.
Risks of ignoring competing factors
• If fertilization can improve water quality,
restricting fertilization can damage water
• Ignoring impact on turfgrass management
industries, the implication is that such
regulation could achieve the opposite of its
intended effect
• Even in Canada, we cannot afford to make
very many mistakes where water quality is
General research questions
• What is the true state of scientific information
regarding this issue?
• Is there consensus within the scientific
• If so, does it support a ban on fertilization of
• A primary focus of this study is the effect,
both positive and detrimental, fertilization of
turfgrass may have on the nutrient pollution
through runoff.
Stormwater / runoff
• My background: stormwater and wastewater (not
biology, ecology or turfgrass science)
• Most critical to understand: what dominates
water pollution
• Why is runoff a problem?
• Runoff is “natural”, and would exist without
human intervention
• Human activity dramatically increases runoff and
the pollution it carries.
• As runoff increases, pollution increases
From SUNY College of
Environmental Science
and Forestry
Clean water is pollution
• What?
• How do stormwater management devices
• Quality: Sedimentation, filtration, sometimes
chemical absorption
• Quantity: Dry wells, ponds, detention tanks
• Simple example: gravity separator
Velocity the same all along pipe, little settling occurs.
Pollutants in = pollutants out
Velocity reduced in expanded section
More time to settle, bigger particles drop faster
Slower flow, bigger tank = more captured, less pollution
“Self-cleaning” pollution traps
Scouring: high-velocity water stirs up sediment and
resuspends captured pollution
Pollution out > pollution in
Too much water is pollution,
even if it is pure.
Reduced runoff = reduced pollution
Combined Sewer Overflow
Photo credit: Christopher Zurcher
Experimental considerations
• Need to measure quantity and quality
• Apples-to-apples comparison requires
measurement of input as well as output
• Difficulty measuring small volumes introduces
• A mass balance approach is needed: what are
all the paths nutrients may follow?
• Large events are easy to measure, carry more
• If you don’t measure small events, you may
skew results towards higher pollutant count
• Many small events can account for more
pollution than a few large events, in total
• Small amounts of runoff stretched out over
long periods of time are difficult to measure
“Laboratory” vs. Field
Experimental plot
Real lawns
• Controlled fertilization
• Controlled rainfall
• Events observed by
• Can characterize all
input/output water and
• Unrealistic
• Always includes worst
case scenario
• Realistic
• Not as controlled
• May rely on
assumptions such as
homeowner behaviour
• Relies on automatic
• Realistic rainfall, lawn
From Yu et al., J.
Hydrology, 434-435
(2012) p.1-6
From Garn, USGS
Water Investigation
Report 02-4130
• Macronutrients required by
• H2O, CO2, O2
• Nitrogen (e.g. as NO3-)
• Phosphorous (e.g. as H2PO4-)
• Potassium (K)
• Calcium (Ca)
• Magnesium (Mg)
• Sulphur (S)
Nutrient Cycles, Role in Department
Geology, University
• Nitrogen:
of Illinois
– Ingredient in proteins, DNA, chlorophyll, etc.
– Affects shoot-root growth, density, color, disease
resistance, and stress tolerance.
• Phosphorous:
– Ingredient in cell membranes, energy transfer
molecules, DNA, etc.
– Affects rate of seedling development and root growth.
• Why are these of primary concern?
Algal Blooms, Eutrophication
From Ministry of the Environment , Northwest Pacific Region Environmental Cooperation Center
• Surface water/stormwater/runoff
• Infiltration/leachate
• In general, we aim to increase infiltration and
decrease runoff to decrease pollution
• Why?
• Sediment and associated chemical pollutants
• Wherever
occurs, risk of
increased runoff
velocity and
• More sediment is
carried into water
Dissolved/particulate pollution
• Nutrients such as phosphorous are soluble in
water, but will bind with minerals in sediment
• A very small concentration of sediment may
be responsible for most of the nutrient
• For a given mass, fine particles carry more
pollution than large particles, and carry it
How can adding fertilizer help?
• Turfgrass is, in general, a non-native groundcover
that requires maintenance to thrive
• Without human intervention, it will not
outcompete indigenous plants (weeds) which are
better-suited to harsh conditions (especially
drought) but not suited to human-scale runoff
• In general, healthier turfgrass increasingly
reduces runoff and increases
• Runoff can be completely eliminated by turfgrass,
and a lawn is often the only barrier between
impervious surfaces and waterways
Runoff, Infiltration and Erosion Control
• How might reducing fertilizer increase the
concentration of N, P in water?
• Small effect: increased decay of plants
• Large effect: less healthy turfgrass cannot hold
water as effectively, so runoff increases
• Filtering is not enough: the amount of water
must be reduced
Competing Factors
• The contamination of runoff by nutrients
(both dissolved and particulate) found in
fertilizer contributes to eutrophication of lakes
causing negative impacts on the aquatic flora
and fauna.
• Healthier turfgrass systems improve surface
water quality through natural filtration and
absorption of water, which reduces runoff
Summer/Fall 2012 Review
• More than 150 articles
• Aim: collect every piece of information
regarding the impact of turfgrass fertilization
on water quality
• Examined turfgrass versus alternative
Some simple questions
• Under controlled conditions, what is the effect
on the amount of nutrients output due to
fertilization of turfgrass?
• What evidence is there turfgrass is a good
choice for limiting runoff?
• What recommendations might be made,
based on scientific consensus (if one exists)?
Reports worth examining
• Garn, 2002:
– No runoff other than that due to rain on lawns
– Increase P in runoff for fertilized lawns
– The site with the best turf stand had the least runoff,
though quantitative measurements not made.
– No effect of fertilization on nitrogen in runoff
• Kussow, 2002, 2004, 2008:
Fertilization with P leads to more P in runoff
Accounted for runoff volume
Most (runoff, nutrients) recorded when soil frozen
Without fertilization for two years, runoff, nitrogen and
phosphorous increased
– Whether soil is frozen is dominating factor
• Easton and Petrovic, 2004
– Examined both synthetic and organic fertilizer
– P losses higher from P-containing fertilizer, highest
for organic types (P applied very high)
– Fertilization increased infiltration, decreased
– Frozen soil runoff accounted for majority
– Fertilization during establishment created most
– In many cases, equal or higher N,P losses from
unfertilized control due to overall increased runoff
• Soldat and Petrovic, 2008
– Review of various studies of runoff versus
– Worst-case scenario studies where water is added
to plots following P fertilization showed P in runoff
directly related to P applied
– Realistic rainfall events yielded results that
included higher P from non-fertilized sites
– Sediment loss from turfgrass very low, or zero
• Beirman et al., 2010
– Examined no fertilization, P-free, P and triple-P
– Runoff highest for non-fertilized plots
– P in runoff from non-fertilized site highest in year
1, the same as from site receiving P in fertilizer in
subsequent four years
– Frozen soil runoff dominates P loading, and
recommended that no P used in Fall where runoff
potential is high
• No studies perfectly controlled, perfectly realistic,
• Usually, nutrient concentrations in runoff higher
where fertilization is applied
• Usually, amount of runoff is lower where
fertilization is applied
• Most often, the total nutrient loss in runoff is
decreased by fertilizing
• Where applicable, nutrient loss when ground is
frozen dominates annual pollution
Turfgrass vs. other vegetative
• Comprehensive studies are lacking.
• Most lawn alternatives are composed of nonnative ornamental plant species
• The use of turfgrass reduces yearly runoff
volume much more than native grass species
• Much more nitrogen may be leached from
ornamentals than turfgrass
Best Management Practices: timing
• Worst: fertilization before the rain
• Avoid fertilization when soil is going to
freeze or is already frozen
• Frequent, small applications better
• Avoiding soil disturbance, or limit
disturbances to one area at a time, always
with turfgrass separating it from the
• Avoid fertilization of turfgrass on high silt or
clay content soil near the bottom of hills, near
water’s edge
• Mow at high cut height, frequently and when
grass is dry
• Leaving clippings can greatly reduce runoff,
but contributes (as much as 50% of required)
nitrogen (though not phosphorous)
• As with any nutrient source, keep clippings
away from impervious surfaces where they
may be washed away
• Irrigate in the morning
• Watering in recommended, as long as there’s no
• Water pollution is less likely with more frequent,
smaller volumes of watering… there is less
likelihood of runoff.
• Another issue of competing factors? Better roots
are supposed to be supported by the infrequent,
high-volume watering, and these will reduce
runoff… but short-term increased runoff
• Research lacking on effect of irrigation
• Every three years, soil test for P
• Until a test can be performed, use P-free
• Especially during establishment, monitoring of
soil needs is important
• Some reasons why soil testing is not enough:
soil levels do not determine runoff potential
• Need to also measure: bulk density of soil,
• The majority of studies examining the effect of
fertilization on turfgrass show reduced runoff
(and reduced nutrient loading) when lawns
are fertilized
• Turfgrass is more effective than most
alternative groundcovers
• Frozen soil, like any impervious surface,
increases runoff potential and can be
responsible for most of the pollution
• Too much water (even when clean) is pollution
• Development
= impervious surfaces
= high volume, high velocity runoff
= erosion
= pollution
• Turfgrass (which is improved by careful
maintenance) is one of the only “band aids”
we have to treat this problem
• Student researchers:
– Kayla Snyder, Diane Mitchell, Lindsey Jaanussen,
Brooke Marion, Kristyn Madrick
• Thanks to Mr. Ken Pavely, Mr. Gavin Dawson
and Landscape Ontario’s Lawn Care
Commodity Group
Thank You!
For more information contact:
Dr. Christopher Murray
Department of Interdisciplinary Studies
Lakehead University
[email protected]