vector 1 Sep 12­8:06 AM

What is a vector and what is a scalar quantity?
How do we represent a vector quantity?
Sep 12­8:06 AM
Graphical methods for adding vectors:
We will use a method known as tail‐to‐tip TAIL TO TIP METHOD FOR ADDING VECTORS
(1) Move vector tail to tip
(2) Draw vector tail to tip
Same direction
Opposite direction
At right angles
Sep 12­8:08 AM
(1) Draw the negative for the vector below...
(2) Draw the negative for the vector below...
Sep 12­8:18 AM
You cannot add scalars to vectors, but you can multiply them!
(1) Draw the vector 2V
(2) Draw the vector ‐0.5V
(3) Draw the resultant of V1 ‐ V2 below
Sep 12­8:19 AM
HUGE!!! ‐‐> Adding vectors by components The process of finding the components of a vector is known as resolving the vector into its components
(1) Resolve the vector V into its components
(2) Resolve the vector V into its components
Sep 12­9:09 AM
How do we find the components of a vector mathematically? Trig Functions
Equations 3­3a and 3­3b on page 50
Sep 12­9:12 AM
Vector quantities need ____________________________ and ______________________________
There are two ways to specify a vector...
2) Sep 12­9:38 AM
#8) Vector V1 is 6.6 units long and points along the negative x axis. Vector V2 is 8.5 units long and points +45° to the positive x axis. (a) What are the X and Y components of each vector? (b) Determine the sum V1 + V2 (magnitude and direction)
Sep 12­9:46 AM
#14 (a) Determine B ‐ 2A
B (26.5)
A (44.0)
Sep 12­9:48 AM
Homework : Pg 65‐66: You should try 1‐14, turn in #9 and #10 Sep 12­9:51 AM