Journal of Animal Ecology 2007 76, 854–865 Resource selection by female moths in a heterogeneous environment: what is a poor girl to do? Blackwell Publishing Ltd SOFIA GRIPENBERG*, ELLY MORRIËN†¶, AILEEN CUDMORE‡, JUHAPEKKA SALMINEN§ and TOMAS ROSLIN* *Metapopulation Research Group, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, PO Box 65 (Viikinkaari 1), FI-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland; †Institute of Ecological Sciences, Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences, De Boelelaan 1087, 1081 HV Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands; ‡Department of Zoology, Ecology and Plant Science, University College Cork, Distillery Fields, North Mall, Cork, Ireland; and §Laboratory of Organic Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Department of Chemistry, FI-20014 University of Turku, Finland Summary 1. According to the preference–performance hypothesis, female insects select resources that maximize offspring performance. To achieve high fitness, leaf miner females should then adjust their oviposition behaviour in response to leaf attributes signalling high host quality. 2. Here we investigate resource selection in Tischeria ekebladella, a leaf-mining moth of the pedunculate oak (Quercus robur), in relation to two alternative hypotheses: (1) females select their resources with respect to their future quality for developing larvae; or (2) temporal changes in resource quality prevent females from selecting the best larval resources. 3. Specifically, we test whether females show the strongest selection at the levels at which quality varies the most (shoots and leaves); whether they respond to specific leaf attributes (leaf size, phenolic content and conspecific eggs); and whether female preference is reflected in offspring performance. 4. Female choice of leaves was found to be non-random. Within trees, the females preferred certain shoots, but when the shoots were on different trees the degree of discrimination was about four times larger than when they were on the same trees. 5. While females typically lay more eggs on large leaves, this is not a result of active selection of large leaves, but rather a result of females moving at random and ovipositing at regular intervals. 6. The females in our study did not adjust their oviposition behaviour in response to leaf phenolic contents (as measured by the time of larval feeding). Neither did they avoid leaves with conspecific eggs. 7. Female choice of oviposition sites did not match patterns of offspring performance: there was no positive association between offspring survival and counts of eggs. 8. We propose that temporal variation in resource quality may prevent female moths from evaluating resource quality reliably. To compensate for this, females may adopt a risk-spreading strategy when selecting their resources. Key-words: host-plant quality, oviposition, preference–performance relationship, spatiotemporal variation, Tischeria ekebladella. Journal of Animal Ecology (2007) 76, 854–865 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2656.2007.01261.x © 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2007 British Ecological Society Correspondence: Sofia Gripenberg, Metapopulation Research Group, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, PO Box 65 (Viikinkaari 1), FI-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland. Tel.: +358 9191 57756. Fax: +358 9191 57694. E-mail: [email protected] ¶Present address: Department of Multitrophic Interactions, Netherlands Institute of Ecology, PO Box 40 (Boterhoeksestraat 48), 6666 ZG Heteren, the Netherlands. 855 Resource selection by Tischeria ekebladella © 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2007 British Ecological Society, Journal of Animal Ecology, 76, 854–865 Introduction Herbivorous insects are rarely uniformly – or even randomly – distributed in space (Denno & McClure 1983; Stiling, Simberloff & Anderson 1987; Crawley & Akhteruzzaman 1988; Faeth 1990; Mopper & Simberloff 1995; Eber 2004). Neither is the performance of insects even, but varies for example among different resource units such as individual plants or parts of individual plants (Denno & McClure 1983; Suomela & Nilson 1994; Roslin et al. 2006), or in concert with certain host-plant attributes such as leaf size (Whitham 1978; Faeth 1991), leaf phenolics (Zucker 1982; Lane et al. 1985; Beninger et al. 2004; Lahtinen et al. 2006), or the presence of conspecifics (Denno, McClure & Ott 1995; Roslin & Roland 2005). When host plants differ in their suitability for herbivorous insects, evolutionary theory predicts a positive relationship between female choice of oviposition site and the performance of the offspring (Thompson & Pellmyr 1991). Some studies have established clear links between female preference and offspring performance (Leather 1985; Damman & Feeny 1988; Craig, Itami & Price 1989; Briese 1996; Craig & Ohgushi 2002). The existence of such preference–performance relationships is thought to be particularly likely for insects with sessile larval stages, such as leaf miners and gallers, where the offspring is often confined to developing on the same leaf that the female has chosen (cf. Mopper 1996). However, there are also several forces counteracting any simple coupling between female preference and offspring performance (Thompson 1988; Mayhew 1997). For example, when the resource quality is not constant in time, or when host plants do not provide reliable signals of quality at the time of female choice, females may face a difficult task in choosing the best sites for offspring development (Riipi et al. 2004; Ruusila et al. 2005; Gripenberg, Salminen & Roslin 2007). Also, when females have to take several aspects of resource quality into account (including the direct effects on their own fitness; Scheirs, De Bruyn & Verhagen 2000; Scheirs & De Bruyn 2002), the adaptiveness of their choice is not always evident to the observer, although it is adaptive for the female. In our earlier studies of the leaf-mining moth Tischeria ekebladella (Bjerkander) on oak trees (Quercus robur L.), we have observed patterns of qualitative variation in resource quality with likely implications for female resource selection and the coupling of preference and performance. First, individual oak trees form mosaics of highly variable resource quality (Gripenberg & Roslin 2005; Roslin et al. 2006; Gripenberg et al. 2007). When variation in a large number of host-plant traits and measures of larval performance is partitioned among several hierarchical levels, the differences are generally small between tree individuals, while there is abundant variation among shoots and leaves within trees (Gripenberg & Roslin 2005; Roslin et al. 2006). This leads us to hypothesize that ovipositing females should select their resources on rather small spatial scales – at the level of shoots and leaves rather than individual trees. In this case, we would also observe high offspring performance on the resource units preferred by females. Second, our observations on temporal variation in resource quality provide us with an alternative hypothesis. Since the quality of different resource units (trees, branches, shoots) is only moderately predictable both within and between years (Gripenberg et al. 2007), females might benefit from adopting a risk-spreading strategy (den Boer 1968; Hopper 1999). They would then scatter their eggs a little here and a little there, maximizing the chance that some offspring survive. In this case, observing a direct coupling between female preference and offspring performance would provide critical evidence against this hypothesis. Here we investigate patterns of resource selection by females of T. ekebladella, and explicitly test the two hypotheses presented above. We start by investigating female choice of oviposition sites in relation to patterns of hierarchical variation in resource quality, and in relation to given leaf attributes. We then examine the relationship between female preference and offspring performance. More specifically, we ask whether females discriminate between trees and between shoots, and whether the level of discrimination is roughly similar for both hierarchical levels (as predicted by our previous observations of little variation among trees and abundant variation among shoots within trees; Gripenberg & Roslin 2005; Roslin et al. 2006). Given our previous observations of increasing intraspecific competition among larvae with increasing densities (Roslin et al. 2006), we then ask whether females avoid leaves with conspecific eggs. To assess what traits affect female choice, we also ask whether females actively select leaves of a certain size (Whitham 1978; Tuomi, Niemelä & Mannila 1981; Simberloff & Stiling 1987; Faeth 1991), and whether leaves selected by females differ in their chemical profiles compared with leaves that are not selected (Zucker 1982; Haribal & Feeny 2003). Finally, we evaluate the adaptiveness of female choice by comparing female preference and offspring performance at the level of both trees and shoots. Materials and methods Tischeria ekebladella is a leaf-mining moth in the family Tischeriidae. In Finland, it is exclusively associated with the pedunculate oak, Quercus robur. The moths fly in June and early July, when the females lay their eggs on the upper side of fully extended oak leaves, typically next to a leaf vein. After approximately 3–4 weeks, the eggs hatch and the larvae start excavating distinct white blotch mines under the upper epidermis of the leaves (for illustrations see Roslin et al. 2006). The larvae cease 856 S. Gripenberg et al. Table 1. Materials used in the study Hierarchical levels in study design n No. eggs No. initial mines No. full-grown larvae Leaf area Tree pair Tree Bag Shoot Leaf 5 10 84 168 911 Experimental No. eggs Leaf area Leaf Direct observations Experimental No. visits on a leaf Time spent on a leaf No. eggs laid on a leaf Leaf area Female Shoot Leaf 9 19 110 Phenolics Experimental Concentrations (mg g)–1 of 23 phenolic compounds Tree Branch 6 20 Conspecific avoidance Experimental Density of conspecific eggs No. eggs Leaf area Shoot Leaf 24 215 20 trees Observational No. mines No. full-grown larvae Tree Branch Shoot Leaf 20 100 1967 12128 18 trees Experimental No. initial mines No. full-grown larvae Tree Bag Shoot Leaf 18 36 288 1973 Material Type Variables measured Tree pairs Experimental 10 trees 3284 A material is defined as observational if patterns of egg densities and offspring survival reflect wild, unmanipulated individuals, and as experimental if the moths were confined to given leaves by bags or cages. feeding in the autumn, retire to circular hibernation cocoons inside the mine, and overwinter inside the abscised leaves. Pupation occurs in spring inside the leaf. Due to the close association between T. ekebladella and the host plant lasting nearly 11 months of the year, we expect host tree quality to be a key determinant of lifetime reproductive success. As the larvae are confined to develop on leaves chosen by the females, we also expect an intimate association between female preference and larval performance. © 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2007 British Ecological Society, Journal of Animal Ecology, 76, 854–865 This study combines controlled experiments and observational studies. Most data sets were collected on the island of Wattkast (60°11′ N, 21°37′ E) in the archipelago of south-western Finland throughout 2004–06. The data were analysed using generalized linear mixed models (Littell et al. 1996). Unless stated otherwise, statistical analyses were implemented in for 9·1, using the GLIMMIX macro. As our study builds on several data sets (seven) and a wealth of statistical models (14), we have striven for maximum clarity by summarizing sampling designs in Table 1, and specifying model structures in Table 2. Levels of host-plant choice The hierarchical patterns of female choice were investigated at the level of trees and shoots. Do females discriminate more strongly among trees or shoots? To compare the strength of female choice at different hierarchical levels, we conducted an experiment where female moths were allowed to oviposit on two shoots of variable origin. In one treatment, females were offered shoots from different trees, whereas in another treatment, both shoots were on the same tree (material ‘tree pairs’; Table 1). Before the onset of the experiment, five pairs of neighbouring trees were selected on the island of Wattkast. Each tree pair consisted of two trees standing close enough to each other to allow shoots to be tied together. To examine female choice among shoots on different trees, 22–24 shoots on each of these tree pairs were tied together (using plastic-covered metal wire), forming 11 or 12 shoot pairs. Each pair of shoots was enclosed in a 20 × 30-cm muslin bag. These bags are referred to as the ‘between-tree treatment’. To assess choice among shoots within trees, 11 or 12 pairs of shoots were formed within one of the trees in each tree pair. These were enclosed in bags (referred to as the ‘within-tree treatment’). To prevent wild females from laying eggs on leaves, shoots in both treatments were tied together and bagged well before the flight period of the moths. The moths used for the experiment were collected as larvae from trees on the island of Wattkast and surrounding islands in autumn 2003. During the winter, larvae were stored outdoors in small muslin bags inside cages of wire netting. In spring, mined leaves were 857 Resource selection by Tischeria ekebladella Table 2. Structure of the generalized linear mixed models used to analyse the data Link function Model Material Response Fixed effects Random effects 1 Tree pairs No. eggs Treatment Leaf area Pair (treatment) Log Bag (pair treatment) Shoot (bag pair treatment) 2 Tree pairs No. eggs Leaf area Pair Tree (pair) Bag (pair) Log 3 Tree pairs Leaf area Pair Tree (pair) Bag (pair) Identity 4 Direct observations Leaf visited or not (0/1) Leaf area Female Logit 5 Direct observations Time spent on a leaf Leaf area Female Identity 6 Direct observations Oviposition rate: Leaf area No. eggs laid/time spent on leaf Female Log 7 Phenolics Concentration* Treatment Compound Tree Branch (tree) Identity 8 Conspecific avoidance Density of eggs Density of conspecific eggs Bag Log 9 Tree pairs Egg hatching: No. initial mines/no. eggs Pair Tree (pair) Bag (pair) Logit 10 Tree pairs Larval survival: No. full-grown larvae/ no. initial mines Pair Tree (pair) Mine density Bag (pair) Logit 11 20 trees No. mines Tree Branch (tree) Shoot (branch tree) Log 12 20 trees Larval survival: No. full-grown larvae/ no. initial mines Tree Branch (tree) Shoot (branch tree) Logit 13 18 trees No. mines Tree Bag (tree) Shoot (bag tree) Log 14 18 trees Larval survival: No. full-grown larvae/ no. initial mines Tree Bag (tree) Shoot (bag tree) Logit No. mines No. mines *Square root-transformed to achieve homoscedasticity and normality of residuals. Materials refer to entries in Table 1. © 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2007 British Ecological Society, Journal of Animal Ecology, 76, 854–865 transferred to cylindrical hatching cages. Upon emergence between 10 June and 15 July, individuals were sexed and immediately transferred to the bags on the experimental trees. We transferred one female and one male moth to each bag. To avoid overcrowding of eggs in the bags, we checked the leaves ≈ 4 days after transplantation. If there were eggs on the leaves, the individuals were removed. This resulted in a mean count of 25·3 eggs per bag (SD = 19·0). If there were no eggs, the individuals were returned to the bag, or (only if the moths were dead or damaged) replaced by fresh individuals. Hence the distribution of eggs within a bag would always reflect the choice of a single female. We filled all bags on one tree pair before proceeding to the next tree pair. This was done to ensure sufficient replication within each of the tree pairs included in the study. When the moths had been removed from the bags, we counted the exact number of eggs laid on each leaf. To account for a possible effect of leaf area on female choice, we also measured the size of each leaf using a leaf-area meter (LI-3000A, Li-Cor, Lincoln, NE, USA). In some bags, all leaves on one of the shoots had dropped before the end of the experiment, and we were not able to measure their area. These bags were discarded from further analyses. The number of replicates in Table 1 correspond to bags in which we were able to assess leaf areas on both shoots. Data were modelled using model 1 (Table 2). To assess whether females prefer one shoot over the other, we extracted variance estimates and associated standard errors at the shoot level, then applied Wald’s z-test to test explicitly whether shoot-to-shoot variation added significantly to overall variation in leaf-specific egg counts. To test whether the preference for one shoot over the other was similar in both treatments, variance components associated with the shoot level were estimated separately for each treatment. We used parametric bootstrapping in - ver. 6·1 to derive 95% confidence 858 S. Gripenberg et al. limits for these variance components. If the variance component of shoot in one of the treatments fell outside the confidence limits of the variance component of shoot in the other treatment, female discrimination among shoots was considered to be significantly stronger in one of the treatments. To test whether females in the between-tree treatment on each of the tree pairs consequently prefer shoots from one of the trees above shoots on the other tree, we used model 2 (Table 2). Here, a significant effect of tree would suggest that females preferred shoots from one of the trees. We assessed pair-specific differences between trees using t-tests of appropriate contrasts in . Finally, to assess whether female preference for certain trees could be due to differences in leaf areas between trees, we built model 3 (Table 2). Pair-specific differences between trees in terms of leaf area were assessed using t-tests, then compared with pair-specific differences between trees in terms of female preference (model 2). Attributes affecting female choice To assess patterns of female choice in relation to leaf attributes known to affect herbivores in other systems, we investigated egg distribution in relation to leaf size, leaf phenolics and the presence of conspecifics. © 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2007 British Ecological Society, Journal of Animal Ecology, 76, 854–865 Do females prefer large leaves? The relationship between leaf area and the number of eggs laid on a leaf was investigated using several approaches. To explore the relationships between leaf area and egg numbers, and between leaf area and egg density (number of eggs laid per cm2), we produced graphical plots based on experimental data. To assess the generality of any patterns found, we used two independent data sets. First, we used the ‘tree pairs’ material (cf. above; Table 1). Second, we used data generated from an experiment involving transplantations of moths to each of 10 bags on each of 10 experimental trees (material ‘10 trees’; Table 1). For details on this experiment, see Gripenberg et al. (2007). To reveal the processes behind the patterns, we conducted an independent experiment where females were offered a set of leaves of variable size, and their oviposition behaviour directly observed (material ‘direct observations’; Table 1). Females of T. ekebladella are nocturnal, laying most of their eggs at dusk and in the early hours of the night. Therefore all observations were conducted at night. On each night of observation, a small twig with two shoots of numbered oak leaves was placed into a cage of plexiglass (45 × 30 × 30 cm). At ≈ 10 pm, one fertilized female was released into the cage. During the hours of female activity we followed her movements across the leaves and recorded the time spent on each leaf. Afterwards we counted the number of eggs laid on each leaf, and measured leaf areas. Altogether we followed nine ovipositing females for over 12 h. Data collected through direct observations of ovipositing females were summarized by three models (Table 2). First, to test whether females are more likely to visit large leaves than small leaves, we used model 4. Second, to analyse whether, once a leaf is visited, the time spent on the leaf is dependent on leaf area, we built model 5. Third, to test whether females adjust their oviposition rate with respect to leaf size, we built model 6. If females moved randomly over the leaves, we would expect females to visit large leaves more often than small ones (model 4); females to spend more time on large leaves (model 5); and the oviposition rate to be independent of leaf size (model 6). If, as an alternative, females actively selected large leaves, we would expect an increasing oviposition rate with increasing leaf size (model 6). Finally, if females simply treated leaves as equal units regardless of size, we would expect no relation between leaf size and any aspect of female behaviour (models 4–6). Do females select leaves with respect to phenolics? To examine differences in phenolic contents between mined and unmined leaves, we collected leaf samples on six oak trees in Läyliäinen, southern Finland, on 3 September 2001 (material ‘phenolics’; Table 1). In this case, branch tips had been enclosed in muslin bags in late May 2001 and females transplanted between 15 June and 18 July (for specific procedures see Roslin et al. 2006). Two bagged branch tips were randomly selected on each of two oaks, three bagged branch tips on the other four. From each branch, we collected three leaf samples: within each bag, we picked six leaves with leaf mines and six leaves free of mines, and outside the bag we randomly selected an additional six leaves. Guidelines for sampling storage, preparation and chemical analyses followed those of Salminen et al. (2004), with one exception: to exclude the physical effects of leaf mining (when specific leaf tissues are consumed and others remain), we cut out and removed the leaf mines themselves. To assess differences in the concentrations of phenolic compounds between treatments, we used model 7 (Table 2). Do females avoid conspecific eggs? The effect of conspecific eggs on leaf selection was studied experimentally in 2005 (material ‘conspecific avoidance’; Table 1). On a tree with several easily accessible branches, we haphazardly selected 24 shoots with at least eight leaves. To exclude a subset of leaves from female oviposition, we covered approximately half the leaves on each shoot in small bags of muslin to prevent female oviposition. The full shoot was then enclosed in a larger bag, into which a fertilized female moth was released. After 2 days the moth was removed, eggs were counted, and the small leaf bags used to control female access was removed. A new female was then introduced into the bag and allowed to oviposit for approximately two nights, after which we re-counted the number of eggs on each leaf. This allowed us to establish the number of eggs laid by the second female. Finally, leaf areas were measured. To test the response of the second female to eggs laid by the first, we built model 8 (Table 2). We excluded 859 Resource selection by Tischeria ekebladella unbagged leaves on which the first female had not laid any eggs, as these might have been perceived by females as completely unsuitable. Female preference vs. offspring performance The coupling between female choice and larval performance was studied using several data sets, depending on the spatial scale considered. In all cases we measured female preference (number of eggs laid or number of small mines) and offspring performance on the same resource units. © 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2007 British Ecological Society, Journal of Animal Ecology, 76, 854–865 Do larvae perform better on preferred trees? To study preference–performance coupling at the level of trees, we used two data sets. First, we used data from the between-tree treatment in the ‘tree pair’ material (Table 1; see ‘Levels of host-plant choice’ above). Some 4 weeks after eggs had been counted, we assessed egghatching rates by counting the number of small mines on each leaf. At this stage the bags had to be removed from the trees in order to prevent the build-up of aphid colonies within the bags. At the end of summer, before leaf fall, we counted the number of living larvae on each leaf and defined larval survival rates as the number of living larvae divided by the initial number of mines on a leaf. To assess egg-hatching rates and larval survival rates on different trees, we used models 9 and 10 (Table 2). Differences between trees within pairs (and the direction of the differences) were assessed through pair-specific contrasts (t-tests). To assess the relationship between preference and performance, we then compared the tree-specific differences in offspring performance to differences between trees within pairs in terms of female preference (cf. model 2; Table 2). At the level of trees, we also assessed the coupling of preference and performance using survey data on wild individuals of T. ekebladella on 20 trees, collected in the autumn of 2004 (material ‘20 trees’; Table 1). Here the distribution of mines was assumed to reflect female choice. The trees were visited from 9–15 September, and we recorded the number of leaf mines per leaf on each of 20 shoots on each of five branches within each tree. We also noted whether the larva inside each mine was dead or alive, enabling us to assess larval survival rates. For details on this material, see Gripenberg et al. (2007). To study the relationship between preference and performance of wild individuals at the level of trees, we first wanted to correct for potential effects of intraspecific competition. Therefore we built models 11 and 12 (Table 2) and extracted fitted values for each tree (best linear unbiased predictions or BLUPs; Littell et al. 1996) for the average number of mines per leaf and for larval survival, respectively. As the effect of mine density was non-significant in model 12, we did not include that effect in calculations of the BLUPs. The relationship between the tree-specific BLUPs of mine numbers and larval survival was investigated using Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. A positive correlation between the two variables would indicate a coupling between preference and performance: that a tree being popular among females is also good in terms of larval survival. Do larvae perform better on preferred shoots? To study preference–performance coupling at the shoot level, we used data from an experiment conducted in the summer of 2005 (material ‘18 trees’; Table 1; S.G. and co-workers, unpublished data). Between 21 June and 10 July 2005, moths were experimentally transplanted to 18 trees on the island of Wattkast. Within each tree, one female and one male moth were introduced in each of two muslin bags (dimensions 50 × 60 cm; mean number of leaves per bag = 54·3, SD = 27·8). Some 5 weeks after transplantation, we counted the number of initial mines on each leaf (assumed to reflect female preference given a high hatching rate). The bags were then resealed to exclude natural enemies. Between 14 and 23 September we counted the numbers of living larvae on each leaf, enabling us to assess larval survival rates. Models 13 and 14 were fitted to the data. To adjust for density-dependent effects, we again obtained model predictions (BLUPs) for the number of mines per leaf, and larval survival for each of the 288 shoots in our material. Expected shoot-level survival was calculated for the mean number of mines per mined leaf (average = 2·87) across the whole material. The relationship between the BLUPs for mine numbers and larval survival was investigated using Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. Results When given the choice among two shoots, females in the tree-pair experiment preferred one shoot over the other. This was the case for both within-tree treatment and between-tree treatments, with variance estimates being more than twice as large as their standard errors in both groups (z = 2·1, P = 0·02; z = 3·3, P < 0·001, respectively). Female preference was still stronger when shoots were located on different trees (Fig. 1): when shoots were on the same tree, variation at shoot level explained 6% of the variation in female choice, compared with 22% of the variation when the shoots were on different trees. This difference was statistically significant, as the confidence limits do not overlap with the estimate means (Fig. 1). The difference in preference between shoots could not be attributed to corresponding differences in leaf area: while the effect of leaf area was statistically significant (estimate = 0·03, SE = 0·003, t = 11·18, P < 0·0001), this seemed largely due to the extreme power of the test (df = 742). When a model including the covariate leaf area was compared with a model excluding leaf area, 860 S. Gripenberg et al. Fig. 1. Differences in the strength of discrimination among two shoots located on the same vs. different trees. Proportion of total variation in numbers of eggs per leaf attributed to the shoot level in ‘between-tree’ and ‘within-tree’ treatments, respectively, of the tree-pair experiment. Error bars show 95% confidence limits. the proportion of total variation explained by the shoot level decreased by only 5%, from 24 to 19%. This suggests that the preference for one shoot over another is largely explained by factors other than leaf area. When females were given the choice among shoots from two different trees, there was some consistency in their choice at the tree level: within some of the tree pairs, females in different bags commonly preferred shoots from one of the trees over shoots from the other tree (Fig. 2a). However, these differences were evident in only two of the five tree pairs. The differences between trees could not be explained by differences in the area of full-grown leaves: despite some overall differences in leaf size between trees within tree pairs (F5,376 = 3·35, P = 0·006), there were no statistically significant differences between trees in the two tree pairs where the females were consistent in their choice (pair 1, t = 0·01, df = 376, P = 0·99; pair 2, t = –0·98, df = 376, P = 0·33). Leaf size © 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2007 British Ecological Society, Journal of Animal Ecology, 76, 854–865 In both the large experimental data sets investigated (‘tree pairs’ and ‘10 trees’), we found a positive relationship between leaf area and egg numbers (Fig. 3a,c), and a negative relationship between leaf area and egg density cm–2 (Fig. 3b,d). A qualitatively similar pattern of egg distribution was evident following our direct observations of ovipositing females (Fig. 3e,f ). Still, our observational studies of ovipositing females provided no evidence for active female selection of either large or small leaves. Overall, the females used for direct observations of leaf selection laid 156 eggs. They visited 57 of the 112 available leaves, and oviposited on 44 of them. Females visited large leaves more often than small leaves (coefficient for leaf area = 0·04, SE = 0·02, F1,100 = 5·25, P = 0·02), but this was only due to females avoiding the very smallest leaves (Fig. 4). Fig. 2. Preference and performance in the tree-pair experiment. Box plots show (a) number of eggs laid on leaves on each of the two trees in each tree pair; (b) bag-specific egg-hatching rates; (c) bag-specific larval survival rates. Lines within boxes show the median; boxes represent 25th and 75th percentiles; whiskers indicate 10th and 90th percentiles; dots indicate outliers. Statistically significant differences between trees are indicated by asterisks: *, P < 0·05, **, P < 0·01, ***, P < 0·001. When leaves <10 cm2 were excluded, there was no longer any association between leaf area and whether or not a leaf was visited (coefficient for leaf area = 0·02, SE = 0·02, F1,77 = 0·71, P = 0·40). Once having landed on a leaf, the time spent on the leaf was not significantly related to leaf area (coefficient for leaf area = 0·24, SE = 0·15, F1,47 = 2·49, P = 0·12), although there was a weak trend for females spending more time on large leaves (Fig. 5a). Also, the oviposition rate (number of eggs laid on the leaf divided by time spent on the leaf ) did not vary with leaf size (Fig. 5b; coefficient for leaf area = –0·002, SE = 0·005, F1,34 = 0·18, P = 0·68). 861 Resource selection by Tischeria ekebladella Fig. 3. Numbers and densities (eggs cm–2) of eggs in relation to leaf area (cm2). (a,b) Based on data from the ‘10 trees’ material; (c,d) data from the ‘tree pairs’ material; (e,f ) egg numbers and densities resulting from direct observations of ovipositing females (material ‘direct observations’). Fig. 5. Effect of leaf area on (a) total time (min) spent on a leaf by a female; (b) oviposition rate (number of observed oviposition events on a leaf divided by total time female spent on leaf ). Different symbols show data points from different females. average phenolic contents between treatments (F2,1109 = 6·48, P = 0·0016). This, however, was due to a general effect of bagging, with reference leaves outside the bag differing from both mined (t1109 = –2·27, P = 0·02) and unmined (t1109 = –3·57, P = 0·0004) leaves, but with no significant difference between mined and unmined leaves within bags (t1109 = 0·33, P = 0·18). Conspecific eggs Fig. 4. Fraction of leaves in different size categories visited by female moths in the ‘direct observations’ material. Females did not avoid leaves with conspecific eggs, as the density of prelaid eggs did not have any negative effect on the density of eggs laid by subsequent females. Rather, different females oviposited on the same leaves more often than explained by chance alone (estimated effect of density of prelaid eggs on a leaf = exp(0·61 × number of eggs), SE = 0·30, F1,136 = 4·29, P = 0·04). Leaf phenolic content © 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2007 British Ecological Society, Journal of Animal Ecology, 76, 854–865 Female choice of leaves appeared to be independent of the concentrations of phenolic contents measured in early September. Twenty-three phenolic compounds were detected in the HPLC analyses: nine hydrolysable tannins and 14 flavonoid glycosides. The identities and biochemical relationships between the compounds are discussed further in another paper (Salminen et al. 2004). There were statistically significant differences in Patterns of egg hatching and larval survival rates in the paired tree experiment showed no consistency with female choice at the level of individual trees (Fig. 2). Hence offspring on shoots of the more preferred tree fared no better than offspring on shoots of the less preferred tree. Similarly, our material on the distribution 862 S. Gripenberg et al. Fig. 6. Relationship between female preference and offspring performance (larval survival). (a) Relationship between best linear unbiased predictions (BLUPs) for preference and performance of wild individuals at tree level (material ‘20 trees’); (b) the same relationship for shoot level (material ‘18 trees’). and survival of wild individuals on 20 trees provided no evidence for a coupling between female preference and offspring performance at the level of individual trees: there was no correlation between the tree-specific BLUPs for larval density and larval survival (Fig. 6a; Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient = 0·24, P = 0·32). At the level of individual shoots, we found a weak negative relationship between female preference and larval performance (Fig. 6b; Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient = –0·16, P = 0·006). While statistically significant due to the high number of observations (n = 288), we consider this effect to be too small to be of any real biological significance (r2 = 0·03). © 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2007 British Ecological Society, Journal of Animal Ecology, 76, 854–865 Discussion This study suggests that female moths face a difficult task in selecting the best possible resources for their offspring in a spatially and temporally variable environment. Patterns of oviposition did not mirror spatial patterns of variation in offspring performance. Neither did females adjust their behaviour to any of the leaf attributes studied. When female preference and offspring performance were compared across the identical resource units (at tree and shoot levels), there was no detectable coupling between preference and performance. Nevertheless, despite being apparently non-adaptive, female resource selection showed non-random patterns at several spatial scales. When offered two shoots, female moths clearly preferred leaves from one shoot above leaves on the other. This was the case both when the shoots offered to females were on different trees, and when they were from the same tree. Female preference for certain shoots was expected: in a study on hierarchical variation in a number of host attributes and several measures of larval performance, we have previously found plenty of variation at the shoot level (Roslin et al. 2006). Nevertheless, in the same study, we also found differences between individual trees to be minimal. Our observation, that female preference for one shoot over another in the tree-pair experiment was more than three times greater when shoots were on different trees than when they were on the same tree, therefore appears inconsistent with the spatial distribution of variation in leaf quality. We do not know the reasons for the mismatch between the spatial scales of variation in female choice and hostplant quality. One possible explanation is temporal shifts in patterns of hierarchical variation in leaf quality. Our previous studies have shown that, at the beginning of the season, there are marked differences among trees in the concentrations of many phenolic compounds. As the season proceeds, these differences become less pronounced (cf. decreasing standard errors in Fig. 2 of Salminen et al. 2004). If female choice and offspring performance are affected by leaf phenolics, the contrasting hierarchical patterns of female preference and offspring performance therefore could reflect the shift in spatial patterns of leaf chemistry. While the ovipositing female would experience large tree-to-tree differences, the differences between trees would be comparatively small during the time of larval development. Interestingly, the two tree pairs where females showed a consistent preference for one tree over the other were those to which females had been transplanted earliest in the season (pairs 1 and 2; Fig. 2a). This supports the idea that tree-specific differences might appear largest early in the season. At an interspecific level, we might then expect among-tree differences in insect distribution and performance to be larger for species feeding early in the season than for species with a later phenology, such as T. ekebladella. This prediction will be tested in future studies. While many studies on herbivorous insects have reported clear effects on offspring performance of leaf size (Whitham 1978; Faeth 1991), phenolic content (Lane et al. 1985; Beninger et al. 2004; Lahtinen et al. 2006), and the presence of conspecifics (Connor & Beck 1993; Roslin et al. 2006), the females in our study did not seem to respond to any of these leaf attributes. 863 Resource selection by Tischeria ekebladella © 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2007 British Ecological Society, Journal of Animal Ecology, 76, 854–865 The relations were either non-existent or highly complex, as with respect to leaf area. Here, we found more eggs in total on larger leaves, while large leaves had fewer eggs per cm2 than small leaves. Based on these patterns alone, one could then argue that females prefer large leaves, or that they prefer small leaves. Yet the most parsimonious interpretation seems to be no preference at all. Our experimental observations of actual female behaviour suggest a scenario where females visit leaves irrespective of leaf size (except for the very smallest leaves, which are not visited). Once the female has landed, leaf area has no major effect on the time a female spends on the leaf. As the female also continues to lay eggs at a constant rate irrespective of leaf size, we conclude that females actively choose neither small nor large leaves. The processes revealed by direct observation also illustrate that great care needs to be taken before drawing conclusions regarding causal mechanisms based on patterns alone. While females showed no response to variation in leaf size, they also showed no response to variation in the chemical composition of leaves. We detected no difference in leaf phenolic contents between leaves that had been oviposited on and leaves that had not been chosen by the females. This could be a result either of oak leaf phenolics being ecologically unimportant and thus not influencing female ovipositional behaviour, or of females being incapable of predicting temporal changes in oak phenolic content. Numerous studies have linked phenolic chemistry to herbivore performance (Ayres et al. 1997; Salminen & Lempa 2002; Park et al. 2004), and we have no reason to doubt that the performance of T. ekebladella could be adversely affected by phenolic chemistry. We still have good reason to suspect that temporal changes in oak leaf content might prevent females from making appropriate choices (Salminen et al. 2004). In T. ekebladella, the early larval stage (a time when the offspring is probably particularly sensitive to noxious compounds) occurs about 1 month after female oviposition. Hence chemical changes occurring after eggs are laid, but before larvae start feeding, may prevent females from making optimal choices. If leaf attributes did not have any detectable effect on female choice, then neither did the density of T. ekebladella. This lack of response to conspecific eggs suggests that intraspecific competition does not act as a very strong agent of selection in the evolution of female choice in our study system. Despite a consistent effect of intraspecific competition on several measures of larval performance, the estimated effect size is rather small compared with constitutive variation in host-plant quality (Roslin et al. 2006). Moreover, the conspecific densities experienced by wild individuals of T. ekebladella are typically low, and might not often reach situations where intraspecific competition becomes severe (Roslin et al. 2006). The fact that the females in our experiment often seemed to oviposit on the same leaves suggests that there might be some other, more important cues dictating their oviposition behaviour. If leaf size, phenolics and the presence of conspecifics are not affecting female oviposition behaviour, what cues – if any – could then be guiding female choice? In addition to the leaf traits investigated in this study, numerous chemical and physical properties of leaves, such as their nutritional value and toughness, could influence patterns of oviposition (Valladares & Lawton 1991; Derridj et al. 1996; Nieminen et al. 2003; Schoonhoven, Van Loon & Dicke 2005). We suspect that the tendency for females in some pairs of the tree-pair experiment to prefer shoots from one of the trees above shoots from the other tree might be at least partly due to differences in leaf toughness, stemming from treespecific differences in phenology. Whether a trait such as leaf toughness could also explain differences in egg distribution at smaller spatial scales (within trees) is unclear. As the current study does not allow us to assess the importance of some other factors shown to influence oviposition behaviour in other systems, such as abiotic factors (Moore, Myers & Eng 1988; Potter 1992) and the presence of potential competitors (Wilson & Faeth 2001), the role of those factors remains unclear. Regardless of the exact attributes determining offspring performance, the most striking result of this study was a complete lack of any coupling between female preference and offspring performance. Hence our study adds to a large body of studies reporting no link between female preference and offspring performance. Despite the clear and seemingly straightforward predictions of the preference–performance hypothesis, the empirical evidence in support of it is mixed. Sometimes female insects make ovipositional choices that neatly translate into high larval performance (Leather 1985; Damman & Feeny 1988; Ng 1988; Craig et al. 1989; Craig & Ohgushi 2002), but female choice seems to be non-adaptive surprisingly often, with larval survivorship being poor on the plants actually chosen (Auerbach & Simberloff 1989; Courtney & Kibota 1990; Valladares & Lawton 1991; Underwood 1994; Ferrier & Price 2004; Digweed 2006). In our study, female choice did not match the distribution of offspring performance at any of the spatial scales studied. An important question emerges: is female choice really unrelated to resource quality, or did we focus on irrelevant measures of offspring performance (cf. Leather 1994)? In all our assessments of coupling between preference and performance, we examined the relationship between egg numbers and offspring survival rates. In addition to survival, herbivore fitness could be influenced by, for example, larval growth rates and size (Reavey & Lawton 1991). In this context, we consider our focus on survival well justified: In the ‘18 trees’ material, model-fitted survival at the shoot level ranged from 7 to 96%. Given such huge variation, the exact shoot that a female chooses for her eggs may determine either nearly complete survival or almost certain death. At the level of trees, our inference of preference– performance coupling is complicated by the fact that the larvae were exposed to natural enemies throughout 864 S. Gripenberg et al. most of their development. Thus we cannot exclude the possibility that survival might have been higher on preferred trees in the absence of natural enemies. In the material used for assessing preference–performance coupling at the level of shoots, however, larvae were sheltered from natural enemies throughout their whole development, and we still did not detect any coupling between female preference and offspring performance. To conclude, our earlier work on T. ekebladella suggests two alternative hypotheses for the relationship between female oviposition behaviour and offspring performance: (1) female behaviour is adaptive and reflects fine-scale variation in leaf quality within individual oak crowns; or (2) temporal inconsistency in resource quality prevents females from making adaptive choices. In this study we found tentative support for the latter hypothesis, but a rigorous test of the hypothesis will require further work. The observed mismatch between spatial patterns of female oviposition and offspring performance and the lack of preference–performance coupling suggests that female choice is largely independent of larval food quality. Hence female moths seem to counter the unpredictability of the larval food by adopting a risk-spreading strategy in their resource selection, thereby reducing the risk of losing all offspring at the same time (den Boer 1968; Hopper 1999). From the perspective of the plant, spatiotemporal heterogeneity can be seen as an adaptation against herbivory (Whitham 1983). Trees are long-lived, and if their quality was stable in space and time, insects could probably adapt quickly to their properties and get an advantage in the co-evolutionary arms race (Thompson 1994). In contrast, if trees provide resources that are heterogeneous through space and time, herbivores might not be capable of tracking the best quality resources. Hence the results from this study make the evolution of fine-tuned discriminatory responses in T. ekebladella appear unlikely. Rather, these results provide an example of the difficulties of specializing in a dynamic environment (Cobb & Whitham 1998; Cronin, Abrahamson & Craig 2001; Ruusila et al. 2005). Acknowledgements © 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2007 British Ecological Society, Journal of Animal Ecology, 76, 854–865 The tree-pair experiment was designed based on an idea by Dieter Ebert. We thank Bob O’Hara for statistical advice and Otso Ovaskainen for perceptive comments on data interpretation. Magnus Lindström and Anna-Leena Mäkelä assisted in a pilot study on ovipositional behaviour of T. ekebladella conducted at the Tvärminne Zoological Station. Katja Bonnevier, Virpi Lintunen and Riikka Kaartinen helped in the field and Maarit Karonen conducted the chemical analyses. 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