Co-op News VICTORIA ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE Why We Celebrate You in October MESSAGE FROM GENERAL MANAGER BLAINE B. WARZECHA 20 Texas Co-op Power VICTORIA EC October 2012 We Need Your Memories! PH OTO © T H E NEXT GR EAT EST T HI NG PU BLI SHED BY NAT ION AL RU RAL ELEC TR IC COOP ERAT IVE ASSOCIAT ION This year, National Cooperative Month has taken on a special meaning to folks at Victoria Electric Cooperative with the United Nations-sanctioned International Year of Cooperatives. But what are we really celebrating? What makes Victoria Electric different, and why should that matter to you? Our economy still has critical hurdles to overcome, so you may not feel like celebrating at all. But when our faith in big institutions has been shaken, it’s the perfect time to remember what we’ve already accomplished locally—all with a little cooperation. We’ve faced tough times before: 75 years ago, our area didn’t have electricity. Younger folks were leaving to find a brighter future in urban areas, and rural America was left in the dark. Instead of waiting for someone else to fix our problem, we turned to each other. We built our own utility, and we powered our future. By our very nature, not-for-profit, local, member-owned and -governed cooperatives like Victoria EC empower members to improve their lives. And while bringing electricity to rural Texas was a big first step, you, as our members, certainly didn’t stop there. Just think about what we’ve accomplished in our area in the past year! You annually send a local student on the Government-in-Action Youth Tour. These bright young leaders will keep our community’s future strong. Supporting a strong community on your behalf, our co-op is a member of the Victoria Chamber of Commerce and donates to Community Action. Our employees serve on civic organizations, foundations and Little League boards (and coach teams). They are members of church councils and Relay for Life teams. VEC participates in local parades and sponsors families at Christmas. By working with your cooperative, you can make a big impact on the communities we serve. Ready to get involved? Attend our annual membership meeting October 20 to let us know what issues are important to you. Visit our website at to find out what national and state regulations and legislation might affect your electric bill, and help us stand up for our community’s right to affordable, safe and reliable electricity. I invite you to give us a call at (361) 573-2428 with ideas on how to improve our communication with you and ways we can work together to support our community. As we celebrate National Cooperative Month, thank you for your efforts to strengthen our community. The cooperative business model is a powerful tool that can be used to improve our quality of life. We want you to continue to stay involved as we build a better future together. Victoria Electric Cooperative will be marking its 75th anniversary in December 2013. VEC is commemorating this milestone with the compilation of a historical, pictorial book. Because you have been a vital part of the cooperative in the past, I am requesting that you share any pictures or stories of “how things used to be” or that have other historical value. Please gather pictures—and don’t forget to identify the folks in the pictures, as well as other information about where you were at the time and what you were doing. Write down any stories that you would like to be considered for the book. Although typed stories are preferred, we will be glad to accept handwritten ones. Please feel free to notify your neighbors, former members, co-workers or families of deceased employees. Mail materials or bring them by our offices; we will also be accepting photos and stories at our annual meeting on October 20. Jot down your name on the back of all pictures; we intend to return them. The project is in progress, so don’t wait. Call Brittany Marsh or Laurie Pustka with any questions at (361) 573-2428. We are looking forward to seeing all the great memorabilia come together in a way that shows off the uniqueness of rural electrification and Victoria Electric Cooperative since December 8, 1938! Thank you for your assistance with this project. (361) 573-2428 | VICTORIAELECTRIC.COOP Victoria Electric Cooperative V I C T O R I A E L E C T R I C C O O P E R AT I V E Official Notice of 102 S. Ben Jordan St. P.O. Box 2178, Victoria, TX 77902 ANNUAL MEETING Operating in Calhoun, DeWitt, Goliad, Jackson, Refugio and Victoria counties A N N UA L MEETING ooperative Victoria Electric C August 21, 2012 Dear Member: Pursuant to Article II, Section 3, of the ER SATU R DAY, O CTO B bylaws of Victoria Electric Cooperative, Inc., you are hereby notified of the annual meeting of Victoria, Texas the members of the cooperative to be held on Saturday, October 20, 2012, at 2 p.m. in the auditorium at the Victoria Electric Cooperative, Inc., 102 S. Ben Jordan, Victoria, Texas. 20 The purpose of the meeting is to elect four directors and attend to any business that may come before the meeting. The three directors seeking re-election during the meeting are: DISTRICT 3 DISTRICT 4 DISTRICT 6 Allen Jank Raymond Brandl Jerry Rozsypal The following seat is open for election: G E N E R A L M A N AG E R Blaine B. Warzecha BOARD OF DIRECTORS Donald K. Wehmeyer, President, District 8 Michael D. Maraggia, Vice President, District 5 Dr. Marcus Caughron, Secretary-Treasurer, District 9 Ron E. Smith, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer, District 2 John W. Beck, District 7 Allan R. Berger, District 10 Raymond E. Brandl Jr., District 4 Allen L. Jank, District 3 Jerry P. Rozsypal, District 6 S.F. (Trey) Ruschhaupt III, District 1 Payment Options • Online with a credit card • Automatic credit/debit card draft • Automatic bank draft • Drop boxes in Victoria, Port Lavaca and Port O’Connor • In person at VEC and Speedy Check locations • Discover, Visa and MasterCard accepted DISTRICT 10 Open Any members of 25 or more acting together may make other nominations by petition not less than 20 days prior to the annual meeting, and the secretary will post such names. CONTACT US We urge you to attend. Spanish-speaking staff will be available. Sign-language interpreters for the hearing impaired will be available if the request is submitted to the cooperative during the week before the meeting. Door prizes will be awarded. For information during office hours and outages after hours CALL US (361) 573-2428 MARCUS G. CAUGHRON Secretary/Treasurer Victoria Electric Cooperative OUTAGE HOTLINE Updated when multiple members are without service (361) 582-5555 FIND US ON THE WEB October 2012 VICTORIA EC Texas Co-op Power 21 VICTORIA ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE Victoria Electric Cooperative Annual Meeting SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20 • 2 P.M. Director elections for Districts 3, 4, 6 and 10 are being held this year. Below is a brief bio of each of the candidates. DISTRICT 3 Allen Jank Allen L. Jank is a graduate of Goliad High School. He attended Victoria College and the University of Georgia. He earned his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees at Texas A&I University and served two years in the U.S. Army. Jank is retired from Goliad Independent School District, where he was a teacher, counselor and an administrator. He is currently a rancher in Goliad County. Jank serves on several boards, including St. Peters Lutheran Church Council; Southwestern Texas Lutheran Church Synod; Goliad Rotary; Private Industry Council (PIC); District III Retired Teachers Board; and Victoria Electric Cooperative Board of Directors. Jank and his wife, Ruby, have three children, Jaclyn, Jill and Jamie, and seven grandchildren. Their grandchildren keep them singing many alma maters: One granddaughter and one grandson are attending Southwestern State University, and two grandsons are attending Texas A&M University. Two granddaughters have graduated from The University of Texas at San Antonio; one is a doctor and the other a teacher and coach. One grandson graduated from Texas A&M University and constructs prostheses. In his spare time, Jank enjoys reading, fishing, hunting, traveling and spending time with his family. DISTRICT 4 Raymond Brandl Raymond Brandl Jr. is a graduate of Bloomington High School. He is a farmer and rancher. He has been farming in the Placedo/Da Costa area for more than 40 years and ranching since 1996. Brandl has served his community by serving on several committees and boards. He is a past member of the Victoria Farm Service Agency Committee, the Financial Secretary of the Knights of Columbus Council 10751 of Bloomington and a member of Victoria County Crops Committee. Brandl currently serves on the Victoria Electric Cooperative Board of Directors and is a Credentialed Cooperative Director. He has resided in the Da Costa area with his wife, Paulette, for 40 years. In his spare time, Brandl collects antique John Deere tractors and takes Paulette fishing. DISTRICT 6 Jerry Rozsypal Jerry Rozsypal is a 1967 graduate of Industrial High School. He attended Victoria College and The University of Texas. Rozsypal has been a farmer for 38 years. He has served on several boards, which include the Industrial ISD School Board (16 years), the Jackson County Farm Bureau Board, the Vanderbilt Farmers Co-op Board (21 years) and Valley Oil Mill Co-op Board (18 years). Rozsypal currently serves on the Victoria Electric Cooperative Board of Directors, which he has been on since 1982. He resides in Vanderbilt with his wife, Colleen. The Rozsypals have three children: Jerome Rozsypal, Lanette Melnar and Megan Rozsypal. The Victoria EC Annual Meeting is a unique opportunity and responsibility to participate in the business of your member-owned electric cooperative. Make plans now to attend at 2 p.m. Saturday, October 20, at the cooperative’s headquarters, 102 S. Ben Jordan St. in Victoria. Above are brief bios for the director candidates for Districts 3, 4 and 6. District 10 is also up for election and several candidates are on the ballot for the open seat. Come to the annual meeting to learn more about their qualifications and to cast your vote. In addition to voting for directors, hearing informative reports, enjoying refreshments, prize drawings and the opportunity to socialize, you’ll also be participating in a time-honored tradition that has been observed annually for over six decades. The strength of your cooperative is in its members and in the system by which members choose their representatives and participate in other important decisions. 22 Texas Co-op Power VICTORIA EC October 2012 (361) 573-2428 | VICTORIAELECTRIC.COOP !!"#$!!%%& '%(&%(() #(( *''%&(+%% #) ,*''%&(#(+$ &('(- • (%#!%%(%%&"! *''%&+#) • '%&#!%%.*''%& # '%&+#!'#) • #%%#"("&! /-00))1-00'))$ #+ &!") • !%%.+ #%%) • !%% '& %((#.() • +( +(+ '.+(( ) *''%&!%%%.+ ! 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SORRY SO RR RY ATTEMPTS: A AT TTEMPTS: O1s 1stt - W Wee w aany ny iissues ssues o orr O2n 2nd d - We We w reset your electronic devices bill will have two readings O3r 3rd d-W Wee w aattempt at ttempt ffe fee ee o off Q Questions? uestions? Call us at 361-573-2428 Or email at [email protected] Victoria Electric Cooperattive First AMI Meeting a Success Our first AMI informational meeting, held at the Victoria Electric Cooperative Auditorium on August 16, was a great success. AMI Project Coordinator Richard Tristan gave a very informative presentation and answered questions from our membership. The new meter and samples of postcards and door hangers were shown to members. The equipment for the AMI project has begun to arrive. VEC is scheduled to begin the installation in mid-October in the Nursery area. There will be additional AMI informational meetings to come, so please stay tuned for the upcoming dates. If you would like to view the PowerPoint presentation shown at the meeting, you can find it on our website at Below is the rollout procedure that will be followed, as well as samples of the postcard you will receive before your meter exchange and the door hangers that confirm or indicate the next exchange attempt. What to expect Before we exchange your meter, you will receive a postcard in the mail as a friendly reminder before VEC/HD Supply enters your premises. When VEC/HD Supply comes to exchange your meter, here is what you can expect: a Vehicles will be clearly marked with VEC and HD Supply logos. a Employees will have HD Supply uniforms and HD Supply contractor badges with employee photos. a Installers will knock on your door between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. before starting any work. a You will not have to be home during the installation. a There will be a brief interruption to your electric service. A door hanger will confirm the exchange and provide contact information if you have any questions. In the event the meter cannot be exchanged, a red door hanger communicating the reason will be left. VEC will then contact you to reschedule the exchange for a later date. The installation will begin in the Nursery area. A more detailed list of the order of installation areas will be provided in future correspondence and maintained on the VEC website. The bill following your meter exchange will include two readings: one closing out the old meter and the other recording usage on the new meter. If you expect any type of complications with your meter exchange, please notify VEC today for proper scheduling. Call (361) 573-2428 or email [email protected]. October 2012 VICTORIA EC Texas Co-op Power 23
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