WHY DR. ROLANDO F. HECHANOVA SKSU’s 3RD PRESIDENT Why, indeed, Dr. Rolando F Hechanova as SKSU’s 3rd President? Stated simply, he has the academic training, the mix of experiences, knowledge and skills, as well as , the personal qualities which best suit for the job. Dr. Hechanova holds a Bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Engineering from MIT now University of Southern Mindanao, Master’s degree in Agricultural Engineering and a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Soil Physics and Statistics from UP Los Baños. On top of these are travels abroad in Washington DC, UK, Israel, Brunei, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam for conferences, special trainings or research paper presentations, thereby keeping him in touch with and updated on global developments in his field. Dr. Hechanova has been serving State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) for the past 38 years. In Isabela State University (ISU) which he served for 22 years, he worked in various capacities notably as: 1. Dean, Graduate School from June 1993 to June 1998 where he spearheaded the early accreditation of its programs; 2. Project Director, Affiliated Nonconventional Energy Center (ANEC) for Region 02 a special research and extension project of ISU and DOE from 1993-1998 where ISU-ANEC was adjudged as one of the Outstanding ANECs in the Philippines for two consecutive years; 3. Chairman, Univers ity Human Resource Development Committee from 1988 to June 1998; and 4. Dean, College of Engineering from 1988 to May 1993 wherein the College produced a topnotcher and record breaker in the licensure examination for Agricultural Engineering. In SKSU with which he has been connected for the last 16 years, he worked or is working in various capacities as well, notably as: 1. VP for Research Development and Extension – June 2006 to present where he spearheaded the registration of 16 utility models with IPO (the highest in Region XII); 2. Deputy Director, CARRDEC – June 2008 to present 3. VP for Finance and administrative Services – June 1, 2003 to May 31, 2005 where he implemented systematically RA 9184 including transparency of trans actions; 4. VP for Academ ic Affairs – June 1, 2002 to May 31, 2003 where he initiated the accreditation of the different programs by AACCUP and the offering of PhD IDM; 5. Pres idential Action Officer on Accreditation and Board Review – June 1, 2001 to Ma y 31, 2002 where he established the board review center; and 6. VP for Research, Extens ion, Production and Training (REPT) –October 7, 1998 to May 31, 2001. For his character and integrity, he was awarded by the City-LGU of Tacurong as the Most Outstanding Taxpayer for five (5) consecutive years, Outstanding Alumnus of USM in 1999 and awarded by PCAARRD Scholars Association, Inc. as Outstanding Adm inistrator for R & D in 2012. When Dr. Hechanova served as the SKSU Employees Cooperative’s Chairman of the Board, he steered it from infancy up to that level where it was awarded “excellent” by the Land Bank of the Philippines, consequently, Region XII Mos t Outstanding Cooperative (Small Category) by the Cooperative Development Authority. Humble as this development may seem, it exemplifies the leadership qualities of Dr. Hechanova. Integrity. Command. Sense of Direction. Motivation and Drive. Decisiveness, and many others more. What he did in various capacities, he can and will very well do to SKSU. So, why Dr. Hechanova as SKSU’s 3rd President? He deserves it. His records speak loudly and clearly. More im portantly, SKSU needs him in that position, that’s why. MILESTONE CORE VALUES : FOR GOOD GOVERNANC E (FATES ) 1) Fair ness: Impartiality To giv e an equal or equitable chance to ev erybody To see, hear, and k now all sides To implement participatory governance 2) A ccountability: Responsibility To institute accountability at all levels To report accurately and timely through tri-media To rew ard good performers and sanction non–performers 3) Tr ansparency: H onesty To ensure that all operations of the university w ill be made transparent To be factual and cost-effectiv e To be truthful To computerize processes that will streamline operations and decisionmaking and minimize red tape and bureaucratic procedures. 4) Excellence: Q uality To be visionary and think outside the box To develop centers of excellence and development in different disciplines To develop regional capabilities in R & D, S cience & Technology To advocate stakeownerships not just stakeholdership to all constituents To seek for excellence and not stop at “good” 5) Service to God and people: G od-fearing To lead by example and inspire constituents and be proud as S KSUans To effect G od-centered governance To be fair, accountable, and transparent w ithin and w ithout. Rolando F. Hechanova, PhD. 5th Block, Pur ok Duranta, Barangay New Isabel a City of Tacurong Cell phone Number: 09177677341 E-mail ad: re sear [email protected]. Education: University of the Philippines at Los Baños ( UPLB) P hD in S oil P hy sics w ith cognates in Statistics and Agricultural Meteorology 1987 Univer sity of the P hilippines at Los Baños ( UPLB) MS in Agricultural E ngineering major in S oil and Water C onserv ation E ngineering and minor in Statistics 1982 M indanao Institute of Technology ( MIT now USM) BS in Agricultural E ngineering major in S oil and Water C onserv ation 1976 Registered Pr ofessional Agricultural Engineer # 0000573 P lantilla Position: College P rofessor since 1999 (SKSU) Present Designation: VP for RD & E since 2006 (SKSU) Previous Designations at SKPSC now SKSU: VP for F inance & Adm. for 2 y rs VP for A cademic A ffairs for 1 y r VP for REPT for 2.5 yrs Pr evious Designations 6. Isabela State University (ISU): Dean, Graduate School – 5 y rs Dean, College of Eng’g.– 5 y rs Proj. Dir., ISU-DOE-ANEC – 6 y rs Consultancy: EcoGov-USAID-Composting Specialist EMB-XII-EIA Rev iewer BEAM-AusAID –Tech. A sst. 7 months 4 months 5 y ears Length of service in SUCs: 38 years BOOKS AND MANUALS PUBLISHED HANDBOOK ON THE ESTABLISMENT , OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF A COMPOSTING FACILITY. (ISBN 978 - 971-8552-30-8) 7. 2002 SKPSC-LET BOA RD REVIEW MAT ERIALS (COMPILATION- ISBN 97192429-3-0) 8. 2001 SKPSC-LET BOA RD REVIEW MAT ERIALS (COMPILATION– ISBN: 971-92429-3-0) 9. RESEARCH, EXTENSION, PRODUCTION & TRA INING MANUAL OF OPERAT ION (ISBN: 971-92429-4-9) 10. SKPSC-GRA DUAT E STUDIES MA NUAL OF POLICIES, RULES A ND OPERA TIONS (ISSN:1655-2180) 11. SKPSC-FEIMC Policies and Guidelines, By -Laws and Articles of Cooperation. ISBN: 971-8552-16-2 1. APPLIED PA RA METRIC STATISTICS First Edition (ISBN:978-971-8552-33-9 ), Philippine Copy right © 2013 Reg. A2013964 2. A NA LYSIS OF VA RIA NCE WITH EMPHASIS ON MEA N SEPA RAT ION A ND PROBLEM DATA : FIRST EDITION.(ISBN: 978-971-8552-32-2), Philippine Copyright ©2012 Reg. No. A20121547 3. A NA LYSIS OF VA RIA NCE WIT H EMPHASIS ON MEA N SEPA RAT ION, Second Edition (ISBN: 978-971-855223-0), Philippine Copy right © 2007 Reg. No. A 2007-638 4. A NA LYSIS OF VA RIA NCE WIT H EMPHASIS ON MEA N SEPA RAT ION. First Edition (ISBN : 971-92315-2-1) Copyright,© 2002 Reg. No. A 2002-151 5. REVISED MA NUAL ON THESIS WRIT ING FOR UNDERGRA DUAT E STUDENTS. (ISBN 978-971-8552-31-5) MAJOR A WARDS AND CITATIONS PSAI Administration Award by the PCA RRD Scholars Association, Inc. last December 7, 2012 during the 5th PSAI Biennial Conv ention at the Regent Hotel, Naga City , Camarines Sur. Best Paper: Extent of Implementation of the Ecological Solid W aste Management Act of 2000 (RA 9003) in the different LGUs of SOCCSKSARGEN during the REDTI Conference held at Kapiz Mansion, Roxas City , August 28-31, 2012 Plaque of Recognition for his exemplary performance and exceptional commitment which brought the dev elopment of SKSU-Institute of Graduate Studies, May 21, 2012. Best Teacher Award (awarded by USG and Alumni Association Incorpo rated) April 10, 2012. 2n d Best Paper Presenter under Environment entitled “Pesticide Residue Analysis of Selected Solanacious Crop in Tacurong City and Isulan, Sultan Kudarat”, O ctober 18-20, 2011 during the 15th PA SSAGE Biennial Conference Work shop at San Antonio Resort, Lawis Baybay , Roxas City , Capiz. Plaque of Recognition for his exemplary serv ices rendered to C otabato A griculture and Resources Research and Development Consortium as RTWG member, August 11, 2009. Plaque of Recognition as Access Technical Consultant for his exemplary leadership and inv aluable serv ices and contribution to the successful implementation of all BEAM Projects in Sultan Kudarat and South Cotabato, May 25, 2009. Awarded by BEAM-AusAID for his exemplary performance as Technical Assistant of Basic Education Assistance for Mindanao-Round II Project Implementation, July 4, 2007. Outstanding Taxpay er Award for 5consecutiv e y ears, 2004- 2009. Awarded by the LGU of the City of Tacurong. Presidential Award giv en by the SKPSC President for publishing a book in statistics entitled “ANA LYSIS OF VARIANCE WITH EMPHASIS ON MEAN SEPARATION” on June 19, 2007. Awarded by SIFE Philippines as Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) Adv isory Board of SKPSC on April 2, 2006. USM 1999 Most Outstanding Alumni Awardee “Vision without action is just a dream and action without vision is just passing time but vision with action can make a difference.” Nelson Mandela VISION A Regional university in arts, science and technology dedicated to excellence, service and strong local commitment. MISSION SKSU shall provide a culture of excellence, equitable, responsible and productive human resources for its diverse communities through dynamic and quality instruct ion, research, extension and entrepreneurial activities.
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