Why flavor matters at the LHC Recent developments and prospects in flavor physics Jernej F. Kamenik 07/01/2012, Heidelberg Introduction SM phenomenologically very successful theory Strong theoretical arguments to consider it as effective theory “Flavor physics” one of arguments to consider SM not complete L⌫SM = Lgauge (Aa , Ve↵ = µ 2 † + ( † key tool to investigate NP beyond SM i ) + Dµ 2 ) +Y ij † Dµ i L j R Ve↵ ( , Aa , y ij + ⇤ iT L flavor content of model i) j T L + ... Introduction Ve↵ = µ 2 † + ( † 2 ) +Y ij i L j R y ij + ⇤ iT L j T L + ... Beside direct searches for new d.o.f’s at high energy colliders, main task is to understand/constrain size of additional terms in series Higgs & Flavor physics Given good agreement with SM predictions - NP may exhibit considerable mass gap Indirect searches of NP crucial - require high precision The SM and NP flavor puzzles The quark Yukawa sector of SM is very particular mu =vVLu Y u VRu† V = VLu VLd† md =vVLd Y d VRd† hierarchical aligned “SM flavor puzzle” The SM and NP flavor puzzles Yu, Yd only source of global flavor symmetry breaking: GF = SU (3)Q ⇥ SU (3)U ⇥ SU (3)D 10 physical parameters: 6 quark masses 3 CKM mixing angles 1 CP odd phase Determine all flavor phenomena in quark sector! The SM and NP flavor puzzles ⇤ ⇤ Yu, Yd only source⇢¯ of symmetry breaking: + i¯ ⌘global = (Vud Vflavor )/(V V cd ub cb ) GF = SU (3)Q ⇥ SU (3)U ⇥ SU (3)D 10 physical parameters: 6 quark masses 3 CKM mixing angles 1 CP odd phase Determine all flavor phenomena in quark sector! Generally excellent consistency! NP effects by means of a generalization of the Fermi Theory. The renormalizable part of a more general local Lagrangian which include with dimension d > 4, constructed in terms of SM fields, suppressed b The SM and NP flavor puzzles scale Λ > MW : Severe constraints on NP sources of flavor Leff = LSM + ! (d) ci (d) O i (SM field (d−4) Λ Isidori, Nir & Perez, 1002.0900 Operator ( F = 2) (¯ sL γ µ dL )2 approach allows us toObservables analyse all BoundsThis on Λgeneral in TeV (cbottom-up ij = 1) Bounds on cij (Λ = 1 TeV) Re limited 9.8 × 102 2 (¯ cL γ u L ) 1.2 × 10 5.1 × 10 2 (¯bR dL )(¯bL dR ) 1.9 × 103 (¯bL γ µ sL )2 (¯bR sL )(¯bL sR ) 1.6 × 104 9.0 × 10−7 3.4 × 10−9 3.2 × 105 6.9 × 10−9 2.6 × 10−11 5.6 × 10 1.0 × 10 ∆mK ; "K the scale Λ defines the cut-off of the −7 effective theory. However, cor 3 3 −7 (¯ cR uL )(¯ cL uR ) 6.2 × 103 (¯bL γ µ dL )2 Im Re number of parameters (theIm coefficients of the higher-dimensio ∆mK ; "K of this method is the impossibility to establish correlations of NP eff (¯ sR dL )(¯ sL dR ) 1.8 × 104 µ realistic ext 2.9 × 10 1.5 × 104 9.3 × 10 2 3.6 × 103 1.1 × 102 3.7 × 102 5.7 × 10−8 3.3 × 10 −6 5.6 × 10−7 1.1 × 10−8 ∆mD ; |q/p|, φD ∆mD ; |q/p|, φD 6 −6 ∆mBd ; SψKS 1.7 × 10−7 ∆mBd ; SψKS 1.0 × 10 7.6 × 10−5 1.3 × 10−5 ∆mBs ∆mBs TABLE I: Bounds on representative dimension-six ∆F = 2 operators. Bounds on Λ are quoted assuming an “NP flavor puzzle” effective coupling 1/Λ2 , or, alternatively, the bounds on the respective cij ’s assuming Λ = 1 TeV. Observables related to CPV are separated from the CP conserving ones with semicolons. In the Bs system we only quote a bound on the modulo of the NP amplitude derived from ∆mB (see text). For the definition of the CPV NP effects by means of a generalization of the Fermi Theory. The renormalizable part of a more general local Lagrangian which include with dimension d > 4, constructed in terms of SM fields, suppressed b The SM and NP flavor puzzles scale Λ > MW : Severe constraints on NP sources of flavor Leff = LSM + ! (d) ci (d) O i (SM field (d−4) Λ This general bottom-up approach allows us to analyse all realistic ext NP at TeV scale has to be approximately flavor “aligned” with SM breaking limited number of parameters (the coefficients of the higher-dimensio of this methodFlavor is the impossibility correlations maximal alignment - Minimal Violation (Yu, to Ydestablish remain only sources)of NP eff d’Ambrosio et al., hep-ph/0207036 the scale Λ defines the cut-off of the effective theory. However, cor ¯i JµN P = Xij Q j Q , µ Xij = a0 1 + a1 Y u† Y u + a2 Y d† Y d + . . . even in MFV, bounds on NP scale O (few TeV)! “NP flavor puzzle” 6 Hurth, Isidori, J.F.K. & Mescia, 0807.5039 UTFit, 0707.0636 Bs,d → + μ μ status and prospects y sensitive to FCNC scalar currents and FCNC Z penguins Bs,d → μ+μ- status and prospects b μ b s μ s μ t t B B about flavor physics beyond SM: These modes are unique source of information μ • theoretically very clean (virtually no long-distance contributions) gauge-less limit • particularly sensitive to FCNC scalar currents and FCNC Z penguins B bR sL tL ϕ+ tR ϕ0 μR μL good approx. to the full SM amplitude (gaugeless limit - good approx. to full SM amplitude) Clean probe of the Yukawa interaction (→ Higgs sector) beyond the tree level Clean probe of the Yukawa interaction (→ Higgs sector) beyond tree level ipated, in this case the dominant source of uncertainty in Bs,SM is of parametric nature. Treating all errors as Gaussian, we obtain the final result Bs → (0) Bs,SM μ+μ- recent = (3.23 ± 0.27) ⇥ 10 developments 9 , (17) which is closest to our large-mt result in the (0,0) scheme. We choose eq. (17) as our reference value for the non-radiative branching ratio. Updated SM prediction taking into account leading NLO EW (+ full NLO QCD) For future reference, we illustrate the impact of the various inputs via the following Buras et al., 1208.0934 parametric expression: (0) Bs,SM = 3.2348 ⇥ 10 9 ⇥ ✓ Mt 173.2 GeV ◆3.07 ✓ f Bs 227 MeV ◆2 ✓ ⌧B s 1.466 ps ◆ Vtb⇤ Vts 4.05 ⇥ 10 2 2 = 3.23 ± 0.15 ± 0.23fBs ⇥ 10 9 . (18) systematic continuos ~3% theory error. improvement of fBs on In the second line of eq. (18) we have explicitly separated theLattice contribution to the error ~4%) and deserves a dedicated due to fBs , which is the most relevant source(currently of uncertainty discussion. + Correction factors in relating theory to experimentally accessible rate As pointed out in Ref. [34], incut principle one can get ridincluded of the quadratic fBs dependence in - Photon-energy → ~ -10% (already in exp. eff.) B(Bs ! µ+ µ - )ΔΓ bys normalizing this to yet mB taking advantage of the ≠0 →observable ~ +10% (not included in exp. results) s , thereby ¯s Bs mixing amplitude, that relatively precise lattice results on the bag parameter of the B enters the latter linearly. Moreover, this procedure removes also the dependence on the +µ ) (exp) the uncertainty +1.5 9 LHCb,1211.2674 9 proposal reduced CKM parameters. Indeed, in 2003 this in B(B ! µ s Bs = (3.2 1.2 ) ⇥ 10 B s,SM = (3.54 ± 0.3) ⇥ 10 by a factor of three. However, given the recent progress in the direct determination of fBs from the lattice [28, and in the determination of CKM parameters this strategy is At 35–41] this stage there is perfect compatibility... no longer necessary although it gives presently a very similar result [42]. Bs → μ+μ- recent developments HCP 2012, Kyoto Nov. 2012 G. Isidori – Flavor Physics Theory ...and good agreement with SM has important implications: ...and the good agreement with SM has important implications: E.g.II: Constraints onon thethe structure of theofA-terms in more in general models Example: Constraints structure the A-terms SUSYSUSY models (“Disoriented A-terms” framework → Z-mediated FCNCs) W b Ytb* s 〈ϕ〉 〈ϕ〉 W b A33* Yts tR ~ Z Leading contribution Leading contrib. in to SM the SM amplitude s ~ A32 tR 〈ϕ〉 〈ϕ〉 Z Possible O(O( ± 30%) Possible ± 30%)corrections corrections to Br ~< 0.5 to the for BR m fortRm TeVTeV stop < 0.5 LR mixing term still largely unknown (mh ~125 GeV → large A33) Measurement with σ(Br) ~ 30% provides first relevant constraint on such couplings below stability bounds ( |A33 A32| < 3 mtL2 ) for mtL<1 TeV Puzzling CP violation in charm decays Puzzling CP violation in charm decays Year ago LHCb reported first evidence of CP violation in charm system, evidence soon after confirmed by CDF & Belle 15 aWorld = CP (0.68 ± 0.15)% (~4.3σ from 0) Thanks to Marco Gersabeck from HFAG Unambiguous evidence for direct CPV af ⌘ ¯0 ! f) (D0 ! f ) (D . 0 0 ¯ (D ! f ) + (D ! f ) aCP ⌘ aK + K a⇡ + ⇡ Totally unexpected: before LHCb result DCPV in charm above 0.1% often quoted as “clear signal of NP”... Post-measurement considerations: The observed ΔaCP is large compared to its “natural” SM expectation, but is not large enough, compared to SM uncertainties, to be considered a clear signal of NP: Puzzling CP violation in charm decays ΔaCP ≈ (0.13%) Im(ΔRSM) Heff ≈ Vcd*Vud H(d) + Vcs*Vus H(s) Observed ΔaCP is large compared to “natural” SM expectation matrix-element ratio: “penguin” (disconnected) SM aCP ⇡ (0.13%)Im( R ), CKM “tree” (connected) suppression: naturally expected < 1 u SMc RSM ⌘ RK + D suppression “disconnected” Brod et al. '11, '12 Golden, Grinstein '89 ✓ ⇤ ◆ ”connected” Feldmann et al. '12 Vcs Vus 4 arg = O( ) naturally expected <1 ⇤ Vcd Vud c.f. Grossman et al., hep-ph/0609178 d H d | c|=1 + s H s | c|=1 + peng ⇤ H ⌘ V Vuq , b q | cq c|=1 d D s u d + u H(s) c s + b π d u u ΔR>1 is not what we expect for mc >> ΛQCD, but is the charm as a light quark: CKM not impossible treating matrix element possible connection with the ΔI=1/2 ruleratio: in Kaons H|e↵ c|=1 = (d) H SM R⇡ =0 π π d d u π Post-measurement considerations: The observed ΔaCP is large compared to its “natural” SM expectation, but is not large enough, compared to SM uncertainties, to be considered a clear signal of NP: Puzzling CP violation in charm decays ΔaCP ≈ (0.13%) Im(ΔRSM) Heff ≈ Vcd*Vud H(d) + Vcs*Vus H(s) Observed ΔaCP is large compared to “natural” SM expectation matrix-element ratio: 0.000 CKM suppression: -0.002 “penguin” (disconnected) “tree” (connected) naturally expected u c d D update of J.F.K, Ligeti & Perez < Isidori, 1 1111.4987 aCP ΔR>1 is not what we expect for mc >> ΛQCD, butSM is -0.004 impossible treating the charm as a light quark: CKM not CDF matrix element ratio: possible connection with the ΔI=1/2 rule in Kaons DaCP H(d) O(4-6) values of |ΔRSM| needed d u u World aver. c suppression “disconnected” -0.006 Brod et al. '11, '12 Golden, Grinstein '89 ✓ ⇤ ◆ ”connected” Feldmann et al. '12 D Vcs Vus 4 arg = O( ) u naturally expected <1 ⇤ -0.008 Vcd Vud LHCb -0.010 0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 10.0 peng ⇤ H|e↵ c|=1 = d H|d c|=1 + s H|s c|=1 + RqbSM H ⌘| Vcq Vuq , d+ s+ c|=1 »DR SM » π u H(s) s b =0 π π d d u π Puzzling CP violation in charm decays Observed ΔaCP is large compared to “natural” SM expectation aCP ⇡ (0.13%)Im( RSM ) , CKM suppression ✓ ⇤ ◆ Vcs Vus arg = O( ⇤ Vcd Vud 4 ) SM RSM ⌘ RK + R⇡SM matrix element ratio: “disconnected” ”connected” naturally expected <1 c.f. Grossman et al., hep-ph/0609178 ΔRSM > 1 is not what we expect for mc >> ΛQCD, but is not impossible treating charm quark as light: possible connection with the ΔI=1/2 rule in Kaons Golden & Grinstein Phys. Lett. B 222 (1989) Brod, Kagan & Zupan 1111.5000 Brod, Grossman, Kagan & Zupan 1203.6659 Puzzling CP violation in charm decays Observed ΔaCP is large compared to “natural” SM expectation ...but not large enough, compared to SM uncertainties, to be considered clear signal of NP Assuming SM does not saturate exp. value parametrize NP contributions normalized to effective SM scale aCP ⇡ (0.13%)Im( R SM )+9 X Im(CiNP ) Im( RiNP ) i 2 2 SM v (0.61 ± 0.17) 0.12 Im( R ) (10 TeV) NP • for Im(Ci Im(C : ) ) = NDA = . 2 2 NP ⇤ ⇤NDA Im( R ) Are such contributions allowed by other flavor constraints? Puzzling CP violation in charm decays Isidori, J.F.K, Ligeti & Perez 1111.4987 In EFT can be estimated via “weak mixing” of operators n NP T H|e↵ c|=1 (0), HSM (x) o c u Qi q ⇒ q W _ Important constraints on most operators from D-D mixing and direct CPV in K0→π+π- (ε’/ε) CPV chromo-magnetic operators only weakly constrained by EDMs Gedalia, J.F.K, Ligeti & Perez 1202.5038 • Strict bounds from D meson mixing naturally satisfied • Easily generated in various well-motivated models (SUSY, warped extra-dim.,....) Giudice, Isidori & Paradisi,1201.6204 Keren-Zur et al., 1205.5803 Delaunay, J.F.K., Perez & Randall, 1207.0474 Puzzling CP violation in charm decays Key question: how to distinguish NP vs. SM explanations? NP explanation via chromo-magnetic operators: Unavoidable large CPV also in the electric-dipole operators (model-independent connection via QCD) Isidori & J.F.K., 1205.3164 Lyon & Zwicky, 1210.6546 Fajfer & Kosnik, 1208.0759 CPV in radiative D decays (D→(P+P-)V γ; also D→(P+P-)V l+l-) CPV asymmetries above 3% would be a clear sign of NP in dipole operators Neutron EDM and LFV in charged leptons are also expected to be close to present bounds, but connection is more model-dependent CP violation in Bs mixing? CP violation in Bs mixing? HCP 2012, Kyoto Nov. 2012 G. Isidori – Flavor Physics Theory Given good consistency of global CKM fits, CPV in Bs Given this situation, it is particularly interesting to see what happens in the b→s Another triangle mixing predicted precisely ΔF=2 amplitude (CPV in Bs mixing), where the in SMSM prediction is more unitarity precise. ⇢¯ + i¯ ⌘ s =) _ Bs ψBφ(f 0 0.10 Bs K Bs ⇤ ⇤ (Vub Vus )/(Vcb Vcs ) L at C ed lud exc S C i d a excluded area has CL > 0.95 .95 >0 0.05 Bs So far, no signs of deviations from SM... So far, no the signs of deviations from the SM... md & ms SM Sψφ 0.00 md = -sin(ϕs ) = 0.041 ± 0.01 Vub N s -0.05 sin 2 CKM K fitter Winter 12 -0.10 -0.10 s -0.05 0.00 0.05 Bs ⇢¯Bs + i ⌘¯Bs = arg ⇣ ⇤ Vub Vus ⇤ Vcb Vcs 0.10 ⌘ d c m =b,c,SLM q q q q [(Pq q=b,c,SLM · Pq ) + (Pq · Pq )] We recall the basic ingredients in the determination0 of Absl fr Py mention that another observable is introduced in Ref. [3] by considering AS restric + + ¯ ¯ [(Pq · Pq ) (Pq charge · Pq )]asymmetry according to Ref. [2] and applicable to the m q=b,c,SLM of dimuons with a large enough muon impact parameter. We refrain from study . (8) values quoted in the latter reference for our numerical analysis + ¯+ ¯ [(Pqbecause · Pq ) + (P Pq )]of knowledge concerning the experimental inputs a q ·lack she observable of our s q=b,c,SLM DØ experiment of a sizable like-sign dimuonAASL charge [1–3] dimuon charge asymmetry and theasymmetry inclusive muon charge as CP violation in B mixing? asls required, but we highlight that it could be analyzed0 along the same lines as what heoretical interest. If interpreted as considering originating Afrom mixing-induced CP observable is introduced in Ref. [3] by ++ S restricted 0 N N n+ for AS . = ++ , a= + euark enough muon impact parameter. ...except persistent Asl anomaly decays, the observed value ofWe Ref.refrain [3] from Astudying N +N n our lack of knowledge concerning the experimental inputs and b ++, +, ) denote the number of events with two m where N (n A = ( 0.787 ± 0.172 ± 0.093)% , (1) ht that it could be analyzed along the same lines as what we role ofsl the semileptonic CP asymmetries 0.02 0 S -0.02 B D passing the kinematic selections. SM and material-related b 4 [4] There are various detector processes co nce of CP violation in semileptonic b and c quark aS +0.15 and A can be direc dimuon asymmetry by D0 ASLwithincharge S xpected the standard model (SM) Asl decays, = ( 3.96 ) · 10 0.04 b reconstructed muons are classified into two categories: “short terms of A , a linear combination of the wrong-sign semileptonic flavor specific asy D0, 1106.6308 other hand,sl recent measurements of CP violation in wrong signcharge semilepSame-sign dimuon asymmetry yield 0.02 2: decays of b, c, ⌧inand from electromagnetic decays of short-lived eptonic CP asymmetries e B mesons measuring CP -violation their respective mixings 3 8.5 ± 2.8) · 10 [2010] ! ( 7.4 ± HCbd,sIf and DØtocollaborations [6, 7] from decays of charged( kaons due CPV in BL)s,dcoming mixing and pions as well as Linear comb. of semileptonic (flavour specifi + ¯ can separate the contribution from short aS to the inclu emileptonic b and c quarks decays, aS(Band A can be(B directly ¯ q (t)!` µ +muons X) (B ⌫X ) (Bq (t)!` ⌫X ) q q ! q ! µ S X) q D -0.04 D asls DØ, 9 -0.0 SM b d s a = ( 0.24 ± 0.54 ± 0.33)% a0SL = 6= 0 =) C 72 ± 0.17)% [DØ] , [LHCb] , (2) ¯ (t)!` ⌫X A = f a + f a , a = , ( B )+ (B (t)!` ⌫X ) sl s d sl sl wrong-sign sl sl ombination of the semileptonic flavor specific asym- ¯q ! µ+ X) + Discrepancy (B (B X)SM ( q f!(aµ from a = + ) +expectation fK aK +AfSL⇡ a=⇡ + 2 S S g CP -violation in their respective mixings : Model (fragmentation) fractionsdeterminationsStandard xpectations.production Furthermore, recent precise of the CP asymB Factory W.A. fs the fractions of Bd and where Bs mesons contributing to-0.02 the asymmetry, whichdetection depend is the charged asymmetry related to muon decaysetting. [8], which are consistent with SM predictions, severely DØalready B !µD X ¯q ! (The B µ+ X) (B ! µ X) ental values used by the DØ collaboration are either taken from avera q q ground L processes, f (f , f ) the fraction of muons from ⇡ p K DØ A ,tationasl = , (9) ofLEP the(value (1)(B inmisidentifications), terms of non-standard CP-violating con¯q ! in [2], or at [3]. B µ+Eq. X)decays, + ! µ X) DØ A 95% C.L. q and -0.04 aK (a⇡ , ap ) the corresponding b While the large observed Adirectly still originate from new-1 CP-violating resence of CP violation in inclusive or cDØ, decays, one must define t are measured fromb3experiment. sl couldsemileptonic b,SM 9.0 fb Asl to =the(0.20 ± 0.03) ⇥which 10 SM prediction: b c nd B mesons contributing asymmetry, depend oncontributions -0.04 for -0.02 dimuon 0 0.02 s would nonetheless non-standard symmetries Adir andrequire Adir : sizable One hascorrelated also a similar expression the charge asy asld sgused by the [4] DØ(see collaboration are either taken from averages amplitude also Ref. [9]). + charge asymmetry yields A + Same-sign¯dimuon DØ, CD + q q S. Descotes-Genon (LPT-Orsay) s b sl b sl CPV, SM and NP s Prediction for CP violation in Bs mixing? p-value If A would be due to NP phase in Bs mixing: in conflict with measured s (similarly for Bd mixing) Additional possibilities: ing neutral mixing in SM at NLO 1. NP in absorptive amplitudes nian ut t s b u,c,t s b (2012) CKM from ASL @ CDF and D0 fitter Winter 2012 1.0 Indirect fit prediction with NP in B q-Bq mixing SM (pred) 0.8 D0 (8.0 fb-1) CDF (5.2 fb-1) 0.6 LHCb (1 fb-1) 0.4 SM s 0.2 0.0 -150 -100 s u,c,t b Z -2 s 50 (deg) s S. Descotes-Genon (LPT-Orsay) s 0 s s ! -50 b 1 B=2 B=1 ¯ ¯ H B=1with hB|Heff • in |BiBs system d 4 xd 4 y hconflict B|T (x)H (y Δm )|Bi s eff effΔΓ, 2 • in Bd system severe constraints minated by dispersive part of top boxes [Re[loops]] from ΔF=1, possibility remains ated to heavy virtual states (t¯t. . . ) ¯ L µ bL q ¯ L µ bL e operator at LO: Q = q q g(M12 ) CKM phase: Bd = 2 , Bs = 2 s Bobeth & Haisch, 1109.1826 2 s = ( 57+11 7 ) CPV, SM and NP ⌘2 100 s 150 Prediction for s CP violation in Bs mixing? p-value If A would be due to NP phase in Bs mixing: in conflict with measured s (similarly for Bd mixing) CKM from ASL @ CDF and D0 fitter Winter 2012 1.0 Indirect fit prediction with NP in B q-Bq mixing SM (pred) 0.8 D0 (8.0 fb-1) CDF (5.2 fb-1) 0.6 LHCb (1 fb-1) 0.4 SM s 0.2 0.0 -150 -100 0.02 s 0.01 a Difficult to obtain in NP models Acdir Descotes-Genon & J.F.K., 1207.4483 Bq decays need O(0.1%) asym. • in Dq decays need O(1%) asym. 0 s S. Descotes-Genon (LPT-Orsay) • in -50 2 s A Additional possibilities: 1. NP in absorptive amplitudes 2. NP in direct CP asymmetries (in semileptonic Bq or Dq decays) (2012) -2 s 50 ⌘2 s 100 (deg) = ( 57+11 7 ) CPV, SM and NP 0.00 -0.01 -0.02 -0.010 -0.005 0.000 Abdir 0.005 0.010 150 Violation of lepton flavor universality in B decays LFU in (semi)leptonic B decays In SM weak charged current interactions are lepton flavor universal • Tested directly at colliders via W decays ~1% Additional charged (scalar) interactions could induce LFU violation in processes at low energies Can be predicted accurately even in hadronic processes, since most QCD uncertainties cancel in ratios • Pion, kaon, D processes well consistent with LFU expectations ~(0.1-1)% • In B sector tests only became feasible recently at B-factories... c.f. HFAG, 1010.1589 27 arXiv:1206.1872v1 [hep-ph] exp OêO combined in quadrature. The two ratios, and Institute, JoˇzR ef⌧ /` Stefan Jamova erations has b 1 2 Joˇzef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39,since 1000 Ljubljana, Slo Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University ofa R , are excellent probes of new physics (NP), in excellent ⌧ /` 2 Faculty of Mathematics and Physics,3University ofofLjubljana, Jadranskaof19, Department Physics, University Ci the dependence of the standard model (SM) predictions In this Lett 3 Department of Physics, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Oh (Dated: June on the hadronic form factors cancels to a large extent. of LFU viola (Dated: June 12, 2012) Both values in Eqs. (1), (2) are consistent with ofpreviPresent measurements b ! c⌧ ⌫ NP. and We b !first u⌧ ⌫ dictions lepton flavor by combined 4fi ous measurements [2], of but arec⌧also significantly larger Present measurements b! ⌫ofand b! u⌧ ⌫ universality transitions di↵er from th ing e↵ective new physics interpretations this anomaly. An dictions lepton flavorwhen universality by than combined 4.6values , of if gaussian errors are (at 3.4of significance combined) the SM identify viabl mal flavor violating models are disfavored as anana ex SM Experimental situation new physics interpretations of= this anomaly. An e↵ective field theory observables a R⇤,SM = 0.252(3) and R 0.296(16) [3]. If confirmed, ⌧ /` ⌧ /` SM predictions right-right vector and right-left scalar quark curren mal flavor violating models are disfavored as an explanation. Allowing for g LFU Viol this would signal a violation of lepton flavor universality explicit examples of two Higgs doublet lep 1.4 vector and*right-left Fajfer, J.F.K., models, Nisandzic right-right scalar quark currents are identified as viable p study NP e↵ (LFU) inRsemileptonic b! c transitions at the O(30%) R R 1203.2654 ness. Finally, implications for LHC searches and fu t êl t êl êl explicit examples of two Higgs tdoublet models, leptoquarks asJ.F.K. well as quark & Mescia 1.2 level. SM Lagrangi presented. 0802.3790at the ness. Finally, implications for LHC searches and future measurements Intriguingly, there are also hints of LFU violations dimensional o Nierste, Trine & Westhoff presented. 1.0 1, 2, ⇤ 0801.4938 in semileptonicSvjetlana b ! u transitions. The measured lep- F. scale Fajfer, Jernej Kamenik ⇤ above p Tanaka &recently Watanabe The BaBar collaboration tonic branching fraction B(B ! ⌧ ⌫ ¯ ) = 0.8 B ! ⌧ ⌫Introduction. v = ( 2/4GF 1005.4306 1 (⇤) Jam 51, 2, Joˇ z ef Stefan Institute, reported measurements of semileptonic B ! D ⌧! ⌫ ⌧⌫ ⇤ 1, 2, † (16.8 ±The 3.1) ⇥ 10 [4,collaboration 5], deviates significantly from its⇡`⌫ and Ivan Introduction. BaBar recently B ! B Svjetlana Fajfer, Jernej F. Kamenik, N 2 0.6 ~3.4σ ~2.6σ fractions normalized to the corresponding Faculty and Physics, University SM prediction with of VubMathematics CKM element taken from the (⇤) L reported measurements ofbranching semileptonic B ! D ⌧ ⌫ discussed Laiho, Lunghi &in Van[10].) de Water (⇤) 1! D 3`⌫ modes (with ` = e, µ) [1] BThis 0910.2928 global fit [5]. in Department contrast toInstitute, the measured excluJoˇiszef Stefan Jamova 39, 1000 0.4 of Physics, University of branching fractions normalized to the corresponding For latter convenien 2 semileptonic b !and u`⌫ transition branching fraction of Ljubljana, B(B!D ⇤ ⌧ ⌫)University Faculty ofsive0.2 Mathematics Physics, (Dated: J ⇤ B! D(⇤) `⌫ modes (with ` = e, µ) [1] experimental values a 0 + 5 where d are ¯ R ⌘ = 0.332 ± 0.030 , (1) a ⇤ B(3B ! ⇡ ` ⌫¯) = (14.6 ± 0.7) ⇥ 10 [6, 7], which is ⌧ /` B(B!D `⌫) exp SMtors Qa , and Department of Physics, University of Cincinnati, ⇤ R /R = 1.49±0.2 consistent with the CKM unitarity predictions [8]. One B(B!D⌧ ⌫) B(B!D ⌧ ⌫) ⇤ ⌧ /` ⌧ /` BaBar, 1205.5442 R⌧± ⌘ B(B!D = 0.440 ± 0.072 , cients (2) R⌧ /` ⌘ B(B!D⇤ `⌫)Present = 0.332 0.030 , (1) measurements of b ! c⌧ ⌫ and b !u /` `⌫) (below can get rid of Vub dependence by considering the ratio (Dated: June 12, 2012 giving a combined exc da 4 za (⇤/v) )o dictions of±lepton flavor(2) universality by combine ⌫) tations. These hints R⌧ /` ⌘ B(B!D⌧ = 0.440 0.072 , where the statistical and systematic errors have been 0 B(B!D⌧`⌫) (B ) B(B ! ⌧ ⌫ ¯ ) ments that at ⇡ HFAG new physics interpretations of this anomaly. ⇤ = 1.07 ± 0.20 .b! (3) ! c and b/`!and u tra Present Rmeasurements b ! c⌧ ⌫ and b u⌧ ⌫ inofquadrature. The two ratios, Rtransition Belle, ICHEP2012 ⌧ /` ⌘ combined 0 + ⌧ ¯ flavor changi ⌧ (B ) B(B !errors ⇡ ` ⌫¯)havemodels where the statistical and systematic been mal flavor violating are disfavored as an pion and(NP), kaon sectors w excellent probesby of new physics since dictions of leptonR⌧flavor combined 4.6 , if gau /` , are universality LFU violation ⇤ ⇡,SM combined in quadrature. The two ratios, R and 28test erations has been right-right vector and scalar quark cur the dependence of the standard model (SM) predictions ⌧ /` right-left The SM prediction is R = 0.31(6), where we have ated. The low ⌧ /` of this anomaly. new physics interpretations An e↵ective LFU in (semi)leptonic B decays Implications of lepton flavor u ph] 8 Jun 2012 Implications of lepton flavor universalit Joˇzef Stefan Institute, Jamova 2 Joˇzef Stefan Jamovaand 39,Physics, 1000 Ljubljana, FacultyInstitute, of Mathematics University Slo of where the partial branching fraction ∆B and the integral ∆ζ defined as in (2), are taken 2 Faculty2 of Mathematics and Physics,3University Jadranskaof19, DepartmentofofLjubljana, Physics, University Ci 2 2 over the same region q1 ≤3q ≤ q2 of the momentum transfer. Department of Physics, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Oh (Dated: June The above equation for the ratio R follows solely from the V − A structure of the 1 (Dated: June 12, 2012) LFU in (semi)leptonic weak currents in SM and V cancels outB in decays the ratio. The form factor f of and decay Present measurements b! c⌧ ⌫ and b ! u⌧ ⌫ s/l + Bπ ub constant fB entering r.h.s. measurements are obtained by of one the method: lattice by dictions lepton flavor combined 4 Present b and ! c⌧ ⌫ofsame and bQCD ! u⌧ ⌫ universality transitions di↵er from th QCD or the combination QCDuniversality sum rule.physics In Tables 2 and 3 we the anomaly. new interpretations this dictions of of LCSR leptonand flavor by combined 4.6collect , of if gaussian errors An are inputs for this equation, obtained from differentmal and QCD flavoranomaly. violating models are disfavored as anana ex new physics interpretations measurements of this An calculations. e↵ective field theory The disagreement between the calculated and right-right measured ratio Rs/l goes beyond scalar the SM predictions vector quark curren mal flavor violating models are disfavored asand an right-left explanation. Allowing for g theoretical and experimental errors, especially explicit in the case of the lattice calculations examples of two Higgs doublet lep 1.4 vector and*right-left pscalar Fajfer, J.F.K., models, Nisandzic right-right quark currents are identified as viable which have smaller uncertainties. R R 1203.2654and fu dR Finally, implications for LHC searches ness. Experimental situation t êl of two t êl Higgs doublet têl explicit examples models, leptoquarks asJ.F.K. well as quark & Mescia 1.2 presented. 0802.3790at the −4 −4 ) [Ref.] ness. Finally, implications for searches and future Exp. ∆B(10 ) [Ref.] B(B →LHC τ ντ )(10 Rs/l measurements Nierste, Trine & Westhoff presented. 1.0 1, 2, ⇤ 0801.4938 Implications of lepton flavor u OêOexp Implications of lepton flavor universalit BABAR Svjetlana Fajfer, Jernej F. Kamenik +0.08 Tanaka &recently Watanabe 1.76 ± 0.49 The [37, 38] Introduction. BaBar 0.20 collaboration −0.05 0.80.32 ± 0.03 [2] 1005.4306 1 (⇤) Jam 0.33 ± 0.03 ±reported 0.03 [3] Joˇ zefsemileptonic Stefan Institute, measurements of B ! D ⌧! ⌫ ⌧⌫ 1, 2, ⇤ 1, 2, † Introduction.0.6 The BaBar collaboration recently B ! ⇡`⌫ and B 2 ~3.4σ of Mathematics branching fractions normalized the corresponding Faculty Physics, University (⇤)and to +0.38 +0.29 +0.13 ~1.6σ reported measurements of semileptonic B ! D ⌧ ⌫ discussed Laiho, Lunghi &in Van[10].) de Water Belle 0.398 ± 0.031[4] (⇤)3 1.54−0.37 −0.31 [39] 0.28−0.07 ph] 8 Jun 2012 Svjetlana Fajfer, Jernej F. Kamenik, Ivan N B! Dzef`⌫Department modes (with ` of = e,Physics, µ) [1] 0910.2928 Joˇ Institute, Jamova 39, 1000 0.4 normalized University of branching fractions to Stefan the corresponding For latter convenien Khodjamirian et al. 2 ⇤ (⇤) −1 B(B!D 1103.2655 Faculty of 0.2 Mathematics Physics, of Ljubljana, (Dated: J B! DQCD`⌫ modes (with) `[Ref.] = e, µ) and [1]⇤ fB⌘ values a ∆ζ(ps (MeV) [Ref.]⌧ ⌫)University Rexperimental s/l R = 0.332 ± 0.030 , (1) ⇤ 3 BaBar, 1205.5442 HPQCD R⇤⌧ /` ⌧ /` B(B!D `⌫) exp SM Department of Physics, University of Cincinnati, R /R = 1.49±0.2 B(B!D⌧ ⌫) B(B!D ⌧ ⌫) ⌧ /` ⌧ /` R⌧± ⌘ ±B(B!D = 0.440 0.072 ⌘ B(B!D = 0.332 0.030 , [35] `⌫) (1) 2.02 ± 0.55 [5] 190 13 0.52b±± 0.16 measurements of ! c⌧ ⌫, and b(2)! u /` `⌫)Present (Dated: June 12, 2012 giving a combined exc ⇤ ⇤ dictions of lepton flavor(2) universality by combine tations. These hints o 0.46 ± 0.10 systematic errors have been HFAG ⇡ new physics interpretations of this anomaly. ⇤ R ⌘ = 5.17 ± 1.01 b ! c and b/`!and u tra Present measurements of b ! c⌧ ⌫ and b ! u⌧ ⌫ transition combined in quadrature. The two ratios, R ⌧ /` Belle, ICHEP2012 0 + ⌧ ¯ ⌧ (B ) B(B ! ⇡ ` have ⌫¯) where the statistical and systematic errors been mal flavor violating models are disfavored as an pion and kaon sectors w R⌧flavor excellent probes of new physics (NP), since dictions of lepton by combined 4.6 , if gau /` , are universality 2 2 2 ⇤ Table 2: The ratio Rs/l for the region 16 GeV <ratios, q < 26.4R GeV , and measured and calcucombined in quadrature. The two erations has been29test right-right vector and scalar quark cur the dependence of the standard model (SM) predictions ⌧ /` right-left lated physics from (22) using the lattice QCD results. weighted average overAn the e↵ective new interpretations of The this anomaly. R⌧ /` ⌘ FNAL/MILC B(B!D⌧ +0.47⌫) = 0.440 ± 0.072 , 2.21−0.42 [6]0 where and B(B!D ⌧`⌫) (B ) the B(Bstatistical !212 ⌧ ±⌫¯9) [36] LFU in (semi)leptonic B decays General requirements in EFT: • no tree-level down quark / charged lepton FCNCs • no LFU violations in pion, kaon sectors A number of possibilities: } require flavor alignment Fajfer, J.F.K., Nisandzic & Zupan, 1206.1872 modification of left-hand current - preferred in MFV Predict monotop signature at LHC Andrea et al., 1106.6199 J.F.K. & Zupan, 1107.0623 chirality flipping scalar operators - require non-MFV Example: generic 2HDM severe bounds from FCNCs see also Crivellin, Greub & Kokulu 1206.2634 30 Conclusions Success of SM in describing flavor-changing processes implies that large new sources of flavor symmetry breaking at TeV scale are excluded. However, there are sectors of the theory that are just starting to be tested • Measurement of Bs,d → μ+μ- probes the Higgs Yukawa sector at loop level • If due to NP, observed ΔaCP points towards new flavor sources in uR sector - interesting implications for radiative charm decays • D0 Asl measurement inconsistent with LHCb measured CPV in Bs mixing - implications for (direct) semileptonic B (and D) asymmetries • If confirmed, observed LFU violations in B decays point towards new charged current interactions of 3rd gen. matter fields 31 - interesting top, tau physics at LHC Backup CPV in |Δc|=2 ¯ 0i • CPV in Mixing |D1,2 i = p|D0 i ± q|D m1 + m2 m⌘ , 2 m2 m1 x⌘ , ⌘ 1 y⌘ 2 + 2 2 2 , 1 . • Experimentally accessible mixing quantities: • x,y (CP conserving) Cannot be estimated accurately within SM NP contributions are predictable • flavor specific time-dependent CPV decay asymmetries [sensitive to q/p] af (t) ⌘ ¯ 0 (t) ! f ) (D0 (t) ! f ) (D , 0 0 ¯ (D (t) ! f ) + (D (t) ! f ) CPV in |Δc|=2 ¯ 0i • CPV in Mixing |D1,2 i = p|D0 i ± q|D m1 + m2 m⌘ , 2 m2 m1 x⌘ , ⌘ 1 y⌘ 2 + 2 2 2 , 1 . CPV in |Δc|=2 ¯ 0i • CPV in Mixing |D1,2 i = p|D0 i ± q|D m1 + m2 m⌘ , 2 m2 m1 x⌘ , x, y ⇠ 1% ⌘ 1 y⌘ 2 + 2 2 2 , 1 . | | . 20
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