Why Did Severe Accidents Not Occur at the Fukushima Daini, Onagawa and Tokai Daini NPSs? Japan Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc. Seismic vibrations and tsunamis caused by the off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake on March 11, 2011, hit not only the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (NPS) owned by the Tokyo Electric Power Co., Inc. (TEPCO), but the Fukushima Daiini NPS of TEPCO, the Onagawa NPS of the Tohoku Electric Power Company, and the Tokai Daini NPS of the Japan Atomic Power Company (JAPC). While comparisons are difficult because of differences in seismic vibration strength and height of tsunamis among these NPSs, nevertheless, while severe Source: Japan Meteorological Agency accidents (SAs) involving core meltdowns occurred at Units 1, 2 and 3 at the Fukushima Daiichi NPS, SAs were prevented at Fukushima Daini, Onagawa and Tokai Daini. How each reactor at Fukushima Daini, Onagawa and Tokai Daini was affected by the earthquake and tsunami, and the kinds of safety measures that prevented SAs, are examined below. I. Ground Motion As for seismic vibrations recorded at NPPs, there were some values above the maximum response acceleration for the Design Basis Seismic Ground Motion Ss at the Fukushima Daiichi and Onagawa NPSs, but, otherwise, all were generally within the maximum response acceleration values, and, even when exceeding them, did not do so radically. The fact, however, that some did exceed the expected maximum itself means the design base estimation was not sufficient, posing issues and serving as a lesson. Nevertheless, based on information obtained so far, there was no serious effect on facilities or equipment, which suggests that margins provided during seismic designing (actual proof strength) greatly contributed to ensuring safety. 1 Regarding off-site power systems, they were heavily damaged by ground motion at most reactors, while as expected from their designs. At Fukushima Daiichi, all seven lines were lost, two of four (one source was under periodic inspection) were lost at Fukushima Daini, four of five at Onagawa and all three at Tokai Daini. If the off-site power had been received, accident management (AM) measures would mostly have been operable; and if all power sources had’nt been lost, restoration activities would have been greatly facilitated. Reliability of power sources as a whole should be improved, including that of external sources. (On this point, the Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) has called on all operators to improve reliability of external power sources, as much as they can reasonably achieve, as a voluntary effort under the new regulatory standards.) II. Tsunami As for tsunami – in circumstances where there had traditionally been no clear regulatory standards – each plant had renewed its expectations for the potential height of a tsunami whenever there was new knowledge or experience, and had implemented necessary measures. Review of measures occurred specifically whenever filing the application of the reactor establishment permit; when the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) released a method of evaluating tsunami height in 2002; and, at Fukushima Daiichi, Fukushima Daini and Tokai Daini, in 2007 when Fukushima and Ibaraki prefectures made their own predictions on tsunami heights as part of their disaster preparedness measures. In response to these, companies also strengthened tsunami-protection measures – raising locations where pumps were located, making heat exchanger buildings watertight and more. Actual tsunami height, however, at Fukushima Daiichi was 13.1 meters, far higher than the assumed 6.1 meters. Damage to equipment important to safety and other problems were caused by tsunami. (On this point, the NRA demands strict tsunami measures in its new regulatory standards.) At Fukushima Daini, actual tsunamis were 7 ~ 8 meters in contrast to the assumed 5.2 meters; at Onagawa, actual 13 meters against assumed 13.6 meters; and at Tokai Daini, actual 5.5 meters against assumed 6.61 meters. III. Extent of Damage Including Fukushima Daiichi, damage to each facility of each NPS by the earthquake and tsunami is listed in the table below. The situation of damage at each NPS is 2 summarized here. Fukushima Daiichi Units 1 - 3 were in rated power output operation, and Units 4 - 6 had been shut down. Units 1 - 3 all scrammed at the off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake. As a result of damage to off-site power facilities and the transmission towers collapse caused by the earthquake, off-site powers were lost at all units. All emergency diesel generators (D/Gs) except one air-cooled D/G at Unit 6 lost function as they were covered with water by tsunami; cooling systems lost function and power panels were submerged. At Units 1, 2 and 4, all direct-current (DC) power sources were also lost to tsunami. Emergency seawater pumps for cooling reactors lost their ability to remove residual heat due to tsunami. Consequently, Units 1 - 3 suffered meltdowns of their reactor cores. At Unit 4, no nuclear fuel was in the reactor, but there was an explosion of hydrogen that had flowed in from Unit 3. Unit 5 and 6 had been shut down and time was available to take action. With its available air-cooled D/G, Unit 6 managed to avoid an SA. Additionally, as part of AM measures, a system was in place to power source cross-ties from Unit 6 to Units 5, so Unit 5 also avoided an SA. Fukushima Daini Units 1 - 4 were in rated power output operation. All four scrammed when the earthquake occurred. The subsequent huge tsunami recorded a runup height of O.P.1 + about 15 meters at the south side of Unit 1 and the seismic isolated building . In particular, the building housing the seawater heat exchanger located at a place on the premises at O.P. + 4 meters was heavily damaged. As a result, emergency seawater pumps for cooling the reactors at Units 1, 2 and 4 (excluding Unit 3) lost heat-removal to tsunami. Later the temperature in the pressure suppression pool, to which the heat in the reactors was supposed to escape, rose above 100℃, resulting in a “nuclear emergency situation”, an event corresponding to Article 15 of the Nuclear Disaster Act (loss of pressure suppression). As for off-site power, although off-site power facilities were damaged, it was possible to obtain electricity from one of the four lines. The D/Gs were covered with water and cooling system function was lost, resulting in loss of function of all three D/Gs at Units 1 and 2, one of three D/Gs at Unit 3, and two of three D/Gs at Unit 4. DC power sources remained sound. 1 O.P. for Fukushima Daiichi and Daini: Onahama Port construction site point of reference (0.727 meters below Tokyo-bay Mean Sea Level(T.P.)) 3 Under the nuclear disaster prevention team of the NPS deployed at the seismic isolated building, a cold shutdown state at all NPPs was achieved at 7:15 a.m. on March 15, four days after the earthquake. During the time when warnings of huge tsunami had been issued, the extent of equipment/facility damage was confirmed by plant walk-down; logistics were established toward recovery; equipment was procured in cooperation with the head office nuclear disaster prevention unit; and station staff and cooperating companies made strenuous efforts to replace seawater pump motors and lay temporary installed power-source cables. Onagawa Units 1 and 3 were in rated power output operation and Unit 2 was in the process of start-up. All of them scrammed when the off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake occurred. Following the earthquake, power was provided from off-site, one of the five lines was maintained, D/Gs were all sound, and so were DC power sources. Subsequent tsunami did not reach main buildings in the site. As functions to cool the reactors and the spent fuel pool were also sound, the reactors shut down in stable condition, ensuring the safety of the NPS. D/Gs for Units 1 and 3 were all sound, but, at Unit 2, function of a component cooling water system was partially lost to tsunami and two of three D/Gs lost function. One D/G was sound. At 1:17 a.m. on March 12, a cold shutdown state was achieved at the three units. Tokai Daini The unit was in rated power output operation and the reactor scrammed when the earthquake occurred. The function of off-site power facilities was lost, and all three off-site power lines were lost, but three D/Gs were usable. As one of the D/G powered seawater cooling pumps stopped automatically as a result of flooding due to subsequent tsunami, the D/G had to be manually stopped and one residual heat removal (RHR) system went out of use. But functions of other important safety related equipment were maintained. Power to charge emergency storage batteries (power sources for the Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) system) was provided from separate power source systems, maintaining the RCIC function. DC power sources were sound. Consequently, a cold shutdown state was achieved at 0:40 a.m. on March 15. 4 IV. Primary Factors to Ensure Safety Functions Fukushima Daini At Units 1, 2 and 4, which lost RHR function to tsunami, cooling of reactors was maintained according to the operating procedural manual for emergencies by injecting water using the RCIC system. Later when reactor pressure decreased, based on AM measures, alternative water injection using make up water condensate (MUWC) system started to adjust the water level of the reactors. Procurement requests for motors, vehicle-mounted high-voltage power sources, mobile transformers and cables necessary for recovery work were sent urgently to the whose specifications matched requirements were transported via all possible means, air and land, by the Self-Defense Forces to Fukushima Daini. In particular, the seismic isolated building established in the wake of Niigata-Chuetsu-Oki Earthquake in July 2007 served as the core for recovery efforts, and its functions of communication, storage and more are believed to have contributed to smooth responses to the situation and to achieving states of cold shutdown – bringing the reactors under control. Onagawa Regarding the height of the ground, from the beginning of construction of Unit 1 there was common recognition that measures against tsunami were a key issue, and an internal committee including outside specialists/experts in the areas of civil engineering and geophysics was formed at the Tohoku Electric Power Company, to fully address it. At the initial evaluation, height of tsunami was assumed to be around three meters at the NPS site. The internal committee, however, agreed that (1) the height of the ground is itself an anti-tsunami measure, and (2) the height of the ground was O.P.2 + 15 meters. Based on this, it was decided that important outside civil engineering architectural structures and the first floors of major buildings were at O.P. + 15 meters and the height of the ground was at O.P. + 14.8 meters. Thereafter, when the application of the reactor establishment permit for Units 2 and 3 were filed, and whenever new technology to evaluate tsunami was developed by JSCE, assessments of tsunami were made based on the latest findings, and it was confirmed that tsunami height was lower than the height of the site ground. As a result of diastrophism by the earthquake this time, the NPS premises subsided by one meter to O.P. + about 13.8 meters, but the tsunami height was 13 meters, and tsunami 2 O.P. for Onagawa: Onagawa NPS Port construction site point of reference (0.74 meters below T.P.) 5 were never higher than the ground height where there were main structures. Tokai Daini Work on countermeasures based on new knowledge/findings was underway when the off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake occurred. Reflecting the scale of tsunami used for the “predicted tsunami inundated coastal area” released by Ibaraki Prefecture in 2007, a tsunami evaluation was carried out, producing the result of H.P.3 + 6.61 meters, based on which sidewalls of an emergency seawater pump room were raised to H.P. + 7 meters. Work to seal walls and portions where piping penetrated through walls, to prevent flooding, was ongoing. While some of the equipment did not escape inundation, the preventive work contributed to protecting important safety related equipment from tsunami subsequent to the earthquake. V. Conclusion At Fukushima Daini, Onagawa and Tokai Daini, SAs due to the earthquake were avoided. Major factors in this were the following: Importance of Power Sources Station black out (SBO) did not occur. At Fukushima Daini, one of four off-site power lines survived and at Onagawa, one of five lines. At Tokai Daini, although all three off-site power lines were lost, two of three emergency D/Gs remained sound. AM Measures At Fukushima Daini, although emergency seawater pumps for reactor cooling systems for three units (i.e., except Unit 3) were lost, AC and DC power sources were sound, enabling injection of water by the RCIC system. Later, when reactor pressure decreased, the water level of the reactors was maintained and core meltdowns were avoided by MUWC system, based on AM measures. Meanwhile, although AM measures were in place also at Fukushima Daiichi, SBO and loss of functions to remove residual heat following the earthquake and tsunami resulted in delays in reducing reactor pressure and injecting water into the reactors, and led to core damage. In particular, loss of DC power sources and functions to remove heat, and inundation of power panels by tsunami hindered all AM measures. 3 H.P.: Hitachi Port construction site point of reference (0.89 meters below T.P.) 6 Seismic Isolated Building The seismic isolated building at Fukushima Daini had been newly constructed based on findings from Niigata-Chuetsu-Oki Earthquake and operation of it began in July 2010, only about eight months before the off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake. It served as the core base in recovery efforts, playing a key role in achieving states of cold shutdown. At Fukushima Daiichi also, the seismic isolated building was the base for on-site response activities. Without the building, responding to the accident could not have continued. The seismic isolated buildings at Onagawa and Tokai Daini were under construction when the earthquake occurred and were not operated as emergency headquarters. Preparedness for Tsunami At Onagawa and Tokai Daini, ground height with margins and work to prevent inundation based on the latest knowledge/expertise resulted in maintaining safety against tsunami strikes estimated by the method of JSCE. At the same time, at Fukushima Daiichi and Daini, measures based on new knowledge were not effective because the tsunami scale was substantially greater than was estimated using the JSCEs’ method. ※ This paper was prepared by the Japan Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc. (JAIF), based on a Report of “Seminars to investigate the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station” issued by the Nuclear Safety Division (NSD) of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan (AESJ) . 7 Extent of Damage to Equipment/Facilities by Earthquake and Tsunami at Fukushima, Onagawa and Tokai NPSs (Note: Where only some of several items of equipment were damaged, this is indicated as “number sound/total number”) D/G External power Site Unit Type Output VehicleD/C power (No loss due to source*1 Seawater cooling source BWR3 460 2 BWR4 784 275 kV: × Fukushima Daiichi 3 4 BWR4 BWR4 784 66kV: × 784 Major fuel damage source Emergency Common Emergency Common × *2 × × × × × × × *2 × × × × 2/3 2/4 × *2 ◯→Exhausted × × × × × × × × 1/2 (1)*7 1/1 (1)*7 × *2 × (7 circuits in total) Partially used 5 BWR4 784 × *2 ◯ × × × × 2/7 6 BWR5 1,100 1/3 *2 ◯ × ◯ × ◯ × 1 BWR5 1,100 × *3 3/4 × 1/3 ◯ 1/4 ◯ 2 BWR5 1,100 × *3 ◯ Partially used × ◯ ◯ 2/4 ◯ ◯ (Ensured external For D/G (H): ◯ 2/3 *3 ◯ ◯ 3/4 power source and ◯ For RHR: 1/2 D/Gs) For D/G: ◯ ◯ ◯ 2/4 ◯ ◯ 1/2 ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯ 500kV: 1/2 Fukushima 3 BWR5 1,100 66kV: × Daini (4 circuits in total) 4 BWR5 1,100 1 BWR4 524 1/3*3 ◯ ◯ ◯ 275kV: 1/4 Onagawa P/C (low-voltage power panel) system*6 earthquake) 1 M/C (high-voltage power panel) mounted power 2 BWR5 825 66kV: × For RHR: × ◯ (Ensured 1/3 *4 ◯ power external source For D/G: × and Damaged Sound Sound Sound For RHR: 1/2 (5 circuits in total) 3 BWR5 825 ◯ ◯ 2/3 *5 ◯ D/Gs) ◯ 275kV: × Tokai Daini BWR5 1,100 154kV: × Ensured by reserve For D/G: 2/3 (Ensured D/G) For RHR: ◯ Sound (3 circuits in total) *1: At Fukushima Daini, Onagawa and Tokai Daini, external power sources were partially recovered in a day or within a few days. Use of a 66-kV circuit at Fukushima Daiini was suspended for inspection. *2: At Units 1 and 4, 1 of 2 D/Gs; a D/G at Unit 5 was not damaged by tsunami water but was lost by indirect factors (inundation of auxiliary cooling system and metal-clad switch gear (M/C) related equipment; D/Gs at Units 2, 4 and 6-B were air-cooled. *3: At Unit 1 water came in and reached the D/G through the D/G blower air supply opening, etc., at the Annex attached to the reactor building; at Units 2 – 4, almost no inundation occurred at the Annex attached to the reactor buildings; loss was by indirect factors (inundation of auxiliary cooling system and metal-clad switch gear (M/C) related equipment) *4: Cooling system A was sound; auxiliary cooling system B pump and HPCS auxiliary cooling pump were lost due to inundation from seawater pump room opening (a tide gauge) *5: D/G cooling seawater pump 2C was automatically shut down due to inundation of the seawater pump room; D/G-2C was manually shut down *6: Function of seawater system was lost (including loss of function of auxiliary cooling pump) Location of seawater pumps: At Fukushima Daini, in the building that houses the seawater heat exchangers on the coast (inundation from the large-object entrance, etc. (except the building on the south side of Unit 3)); at Onagawa, in the pump room located in a pit made by digging from the height of the site (inundation in the Annex attached to the reactor building (uncontrolled area) through piping and cable tunnel); at Tokai Daini, in the seawater pump room (inundation from partially unfinished wall penetrations) located where coastal sidewall was raised for tsunami counter measures *7: Under work 8
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