REPRESENTATION THEORY FOR GL(2, R) MARTIN ANDLER Notes de cours : version provisoire. Cours de formation doctorale sur GL(2), CIRM, Luminy, 17-21 mars 2008 1. Introduction Why would one want to study representations of a group ? A good motivation comes from Fourier theory. Let G = R/Z or R. Indeed, what is Fourier series about ? For a sufficiently regular function (say a test function in S(R)), put Z f (x)e−2iπnx dx; an (f ) = R/Z then, as is well known T L2 (R) −−−x−→ L2 (R) Fy Fy M 2iπx· e `2 −−− −−→ `2 where Tx be the translation operator f (·) 7→ f (· + x), X f (x) = an(f ) e2iπnx , n∈Z and Mu (v)(n) = un vn . Let F : L2 (R) → `2 the map f 7→ (an (f ))n∈Z . It is of course an isometry, and more significantly from our point of view, one has the following diagram, for any φ ∈ S Cφ L2 (R) −−−−→ L2 (R) Fy Fy MF (φ) `2 −−−−→ `2 where Cφ is convolution by φ : f 7→ φ ∗ f , and Mφ0 is the diagonal operator given by multiplication by φ = F(φ). In other words, Fourier series transforms translation operators and convolution operators into multiplication operators : it is a simultaneous diagonalization for such operators. It should come as no surprise that a commuting set of operators should be simultaneously diagonalizable. Date: March 17, 2008. 1 2 MARTIN ANDLER Do the same thing for G = R. The formulas are the same, where now F is Fourier transform Z f (x)e−2iπνx dx. F(f )(ν) = R The difference is that the operators Tx do not have eigenvalues or eigenvectors; nonetheless, spectral theory replaces diagonalization. But if we accept to see things formally, we do have a diagonalization the Dirac function µν is an eigenfuction for Tx : FTx F −1 (µnu ) = e2iπνx µν . Actually, Fourier theory does something else : not only do we have a Hilbert isomorphism transforming translation operators (or rather the integrated form : convolution operators) into diagonal (= multiplication) operators, but we also have an inversion formula expressing the original function in terms of its Fourier transform Note that, in both cases, performing spectral theory involves the unitary characters of the group. But the situation that arises in these examples is far from being generic. Spectral theory for one operator (or for the group generated by that operator, Z or a quotient) can involve both continuous and discrete spectrum, so we should prepared for much more complicated situations. If we want to do the same thing for a non abelian group G (simultaneous spectral theory for translation operators), we are confronted with a number of problems • even formally, there are no one dimensional invariant subspaces under all translation operators • left and right translation operators are different • clearly, if there is a minimal invariant subspace, then it affords an irreducible representation of G • one “sees” that translation operators are going to be “diagonalized” into representations of G • but then, how does one get an inversion formula for functions ? The next example is that of a compact group K. The Peter-Weyl theory (see below) gives an indication of what should be done in general. • • • • determine (almost) all unitary representations of G define a measure on their set show that the regular representation R can be decomposed have an inversion formula φ(e) = Gb tr(π(φ))dµ(π). 1.1. Sketchy historical notes. It is impossible to give an overview of the history of this subject without overlooking some major contributions. Let us at least give some landmarks and some names associated to these landmarks. The notes in [Knapp] provide a much more detailed view. GL(2, R) 3 The idea of looking at infinite dimensional representations of non compact groups arose in the 1930’s in connection with physics, and more precisely quantum mechanics (see [Wign 1], [Wign 2]). The first example which was studied in a completely thorough and mathematical way is that of the Lorentz group SU(1, 1) in a remarkable paper by a Princeton professor, V. Bargmann published in 1947 ([Barg]). It is interesting to note that Bargmann was also a mathematical physicist. Also in 1947, in Moscow, Gelfand and Naimark, published similar results ([Gel-Nai]); around the same time, Gelfand, in Moscow and Godement, in Paris and Nancy worked on spherical functions for general semi-simple groups. In the early fifties, Gelfand and his collaborators, on the one hand, Harish-Chandra (a student of Dirac who drifted to mathematics) obtained a Plancherel formula for SL(2, R) ([Gel-Gra], [Hari 1]). It is fair to say that the subject developed in the 50’s and 60’s under the very strong influence of Harish-Chandra, who obtained a completely general view of the representation theory for semi-simple groups, including the general Plancherel formula obtained in the early seventies. A fair number of US mathematicians were also involved : Kostant; starting in the late 60’s and 70’s : Wallach, Knapp, Schmid (actually German, but in the US). Other players in the game were notably the Russian school around Gelfand, and the French (Godement, Bruhat...) The next major influence is the connection with number theory, appearing with the spectral decomposition of L2 (G/Γ and the connection to automorphic forms which appeared in the work of Godement, Jacquet, Langlands in the sixties (see [God 1], [Langl]). If representation theory for real groups had remained somewhat immune to “modernity” (for instance, there was little homological algebra) until the mid seventies, this changed around 76 because of the work of Zuckermann and Vogan ([Vog 1]); some deep connections with differential geometry (index theorem) also became apparent. Also, the study of composition series of representation showed some deep connections to algebraic geometry, specifically to the geometry of Schubert varieties. This led to the localization theory of Beilinson-Bernstein and Brylinski-Kashiwara establishing the connection between representations and D-modules. Another link to geometry (symplectic geometry) appeared in the sixties through the “orbit method”, first imagined by Kirillov to study representation theory for nilpotent Lie groups, and which became a general “philosophy” for studying the dual of a Lie group, as developed by Kostant and a French school around Duflo and Vergne. 2. The group GL(2, R)) and its siblings There are five closely related groups : 4 MARTIN ANDLER a b GL(2, R) = {g = , a, b, c, d ∈ R, ad − bc = 1} c d GL + (2, R) = {g ∈ GL(2, R), det g > 0} SL(2, R) = {g ∈ GL(2, R), det g = 1} SL ± (2, R) = {g ∈ GL(2, R), det g = ±1} PSL(2, R) = SL(2, R)/{±1} = PGL(2, R) = GL(2, R)/Z, where Z is the center of G. There is a companion group to SL(2, R), with its own variants, corresponding to SL ± (2, R), GL(2, R), GL + (2, R), PSL(2, R) : Exercise 1. Show that SU(1, 1) = SU(1, 1) = {M ∈ SL(2, C), t M M = Id} and SL(2, R) are isomorphic Until the mid-seventies, this class would have been on SL(2, R). And indeed the main reference, Lang’s book [Lang], is called SL(2, R), which is of course semi-simple. For reasons that will hopefully become apparent as we go on, reductive groups are more interesting than semi-simple groups, so we study GL(2, R) instead. But the representation theory of these groups is almost the same. 2.1. Generalities about the Lie algebra of a Lie group. Let G be a Lie group. Its Lie algebra g is at least two things at the same time : g = Te G = left invariant vector fields on G. Recall that a left invariant vector field on G is a vector field L such that (`g )∗ L = L where `g is the left translation by g : x 7→ gx. For a C ∞ -function φ on G, this means L(φ(g·))(h) = L(φ)(gh) for all g, h in G. We can make the identification X ∈ g 7→ LX vector field concrete using the exponential on G (in the case of GL(2, R), SL(2, R) it is the usual exponential of matrices) : (1) d φ(h exp tX). dt |t=0 is a Lie algebra map from g to vector ∀X ∈ g, LX φ(h) = One shows that the map X 7→ LX fields on G. We will see below how to get expressions for the LX in coordinates. Let ψ : G → H be a homomorphism of Lie groups. By derivation, one gets a map, also written ψ : g → h given as ψ = dψe . Any book (resp. good book, like [God 2]) on Lie groups explains (resp. explains in a clear way) that this ψ is a Lie algebra homomorphism g → h. GL(2, R) 5 2.2. The Lie algebras. The Lie algebra g0 = gl(2, R) of GL(2, R) is the set of all 2 × 2 matrices; the Lie bracket is the one coming from the associative algebra structure. gl(2, R) has a basis 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 i= ,h = ,x = ,y = , 0 1 0 −1 0 0 1 0 with the usual relations [h, x] = 2x, [h, y] = −2y, [x, y] = h. The Lie algebra sl(2, R) = {m ∈ gl(2, R), tr(m) = 0} has generators h, x, y. The root system is {α, −α}, with α the linear form on h such that α(h) = 2. The “half-sum of positive roots” is ρ = α/2. Subalgebras of g0 = sl(2, R) • the standard “split” Cartan subalgebra is a0 = Rh; − • the two opposed nilpotent algebras n+ 0 = n0 = Rx, n0 = Ry + + • the positive Borel subalgebra is b0 = b0 = a0 ⊕ n0 ; • the “compact” Cartan subalgebra k0 = Rz = R(x − y) is also the Lie algebra of a maximal compact subgroup. Any Cartan subalgebra is conjugate to a0 or k0 . The Cartan involution on g0 is the map θ : m 7→ −t m. The fixed points is k0 , the −1-eigenspace is the set s0 of symmetric matrices. Note that a0 ⊂ s. One has various decompositions: • Cartan decomposition g0 = k0 + s0 • Iwasawa decomposition g0 = k0 ⊕ a0 ⊕ n0 • g0 = n− 0 ⊕ a0 ⊕ n0 . The complexification of sl(2, R) is sl(2, C) = sl(2, R) + i sl(2, R). There is another real form : sl(2, C) = su(2) + i su(2). For gl(2, R), nothing changes except that a0 has to be replaced by a0 ⊕ z0 , where z0 is the center. We observe that 1 1 −i 1 1 i 1 0 0 i = , 0 −1 −i 0 2 −i 1 2 i 1 in other words h and iz are conjugate in SL(2, C). Recall that GL(2, R) acts on itself by conjugation ig (m) = gmg −1 . ig ( SL(2, R)) = SL(2, R), and the map g 7→ ig descends to a map from PSL(2, R) to the set of automorphisms of GL(2, R). For a fixed g, the differential of ig at e = Id is the map h 7→ Ad g (n) = gng −1 . For m ∈ sl(2, R), Ad g (m) ∈ sl(2, R) The exponential for G is the usual expoP mn nential of matrices : exp m = ∞ 0 n! . One checks easily that ig (exp m) = exp(Ad g (m)). Now differentiate at e the map g ∈ GL(2, R) 7→ Ad g ∈ GL(gl(2, R)) : ad = (d Ad )e . One has ad m (m0 ) = [m, m0 ]. 6 MARTIN ANDLER There is an interesting bilinear symmetric form on gl(2, R), the Killing form, defined : B(m, m0 ) = tr(ad m ad m0 ). Relative to the basis I, X, Y, H, the matrix of B is 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 . 0 0 0 8 The restiction to sl(2, R) is non degenerate. As a consequence of the definition, for all g ∈ GL(2, R), Ad g ∈ O(gl(2, R), B). 2.3. Subgroups of SL(2, R). • the connected component of the spilt Cartan subgroup A = def diag(a) = (it is the centralizer of a0 ), and has Lie algebraa0 . 0 def a • H the full Cartan subgroup H = diag(a) = , a 6= 0 0a−1 1 x • the positive maximal nilpotent subgroup N = ,x ∈ R , 0 1 with Lie algebra n0 . 1 0 − • the negative maximal nilpotent subgroup N = ,y ∈ R , y 1 with Lie algebra n− 0. a x • the Borel subgroup B = , a > 0, x ∈ R , with Lie alge0 a−1 bra b0 . cos θ sin θ • the maximal compact K = k(θ) = , θ ∈ R . It is − sin θ cos θ also the compact Cartan subgroup. It has Lie algebra k0 . • the centralizer M = {±Id} of A in K • the minimal parabolic P = M AN Any Cartan subgroup is conjugate to H or K The Weyl group is the quotient of the normalizer of a Cartan subgroup by its centralizer. the split Cartan H, Z(H) = H, and N (H) = H ∪ wH, For 0 1 where w = , so that W = Z/2Z. For the compact Cartan K, the −1 0 normalizer is K. One has the following decompositions + • Polar decomposition G = K exp s+ 0 (where s0 ⊂ s0 is the set of symmetric positive definite matrices) • Cartan decomposition G = KAK • Iwasawa decomposition G = KAN • Bruhat decomposition G = P W P . a 0 ,a > 0 0 a−1 GL(2, R) 7 For GL + (2, R), the only difference comes from the center Z ∼ R∗+ . The groups K, N are unchanged, A is defined as the set of all diagonal matrices a1 0 with a1 a2 > 0. The centralizer M of A in K in unchanged, P is 0 a2 defined again as M AN . 2.4. Subgroups of SL ± (2, R), GL(2, R). In both cases SL ± (2, R), GL(2, R) the maximal compact is O(2). It is not connected or abelian. The group A is a 0 A={ , a ∈ R∗+ , = ±1} for SL ± (2, R) 0 a−1 a1 0 A={ a1 , a2 ∈ R∗ } for GL(2, R) 0 a2 2.5. Algebraic or not. Only five of these groups ( SL(2, R), PSL(2, R), SL ± (2, R), GL + (2, R), GL(2, R)) are connected. The question is : should one restrict oneself to studying connected groups ? The answer is no, although it is not completely clear in the cases studied here. As we will mention at various points in these notes, representation theory for reductive groups is an inductive procedure going from smaller groups to larger groups – the starting point being groups of dimension 1 : R/Z, R or R∗ and groups of dimension 3 : SL(2, R), PSL(2, R), SL ± (2, R), GL + (2, R), GL(2, R) (in the non-compact case), SU(2) and its variants in the compact case. Just to give a hint of this inductive procedure, representations of SL(n, R) are obtained from representations of some “parabolic subgroups” P which are the stabilizers of generalized flag manifolds, i.e. groups which are blockupper triangular : ∗ ∗ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ∗ ∗ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 0 0 0 0 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 0 0 0 0 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 0 0 0 0 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 0 0 0 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 0 0 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗. 8 Such a group has a Levi ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 0 0 0 0 L is of the form 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MARTIN ANDLER decomposition P = LU , where 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ∗ ∗ ∗ 0 0 0 0 0 ∗ ∗ ∗ 0 0 0 0 0 ∗ ∗ ∗ 0 0 0 0 and U 0 0 0 0 ∗ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ∗ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ∗ ∗ 0 0 0 0 0 ∗ ∗. 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ∗ ∗ 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ∗ ∗ 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ∗ ∗ 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 1 0 0 0 The point here is that even if the large group SL(n, R) is connected and semi-simple, the Levi component is neither connected nor semi-simple. This explains why we should study reductive groups (and the galoisian point of view in Langlands’ theory will make the argument stronger a bit later). The class of reductive groups G that are often considered in the litterature ([Vog 1], Springer’s article in [Bo-Cas]) should verify the following axioms : (1) G is a real Lie group, K is maximal compact subgroup, θ is an involution of g0 (2) g0 is a real reductive Lie algebra (3) for any g ∈ G, Ad g is an inner automorphism of g (4) k0 is the fixed point set for θ (5) if p0 is the −1 eigensapce for θ, the map (k, X) ∈ K × p0 7→ k exp X is a diffeomorphism (6) G has a faithful finite dimensional representation (7) (optional) for any h0 Cartan subalgebra of g0 , the centralizer H is abelian. The various groups concerned here verify all of these conditions. Occasionally, we will consider non algebraic groups. Since SL(2, C) is simply connected (its maximal compact subgroup is SU(2) whih is diffeomorphic to a 3-sphere in R4 ), SL(2, R) is simply connected as an algebraic group – there is no algebraic covering. But of course, as a Lie group it is not simply connected. There are two coverings which are of particular interest : the f universal simply connected covering SL(2, R), whose center is isomorphic to Z, and the metaplectic covering (of order 2), which plays a very important role in number theory and representation theory. 2.6. Haar measures. On a locally compact group G, there is, up to a positive constant, a unique left invariant measure dg (it is easy to show for a Lie group). SL(2, R), GL(2, R) are unimodular, meaning that the Haar measure is also right invariant. We want to give formulas for the Haar measure on GL(2, R), SL(2, R), particularly in terms of the decompositions of those groups. The Haar measure on GL(2, R) is easily seen to be 1 d+ g, d× g = | det g|2 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 1 0 0 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 1 0 0 1. GL(2, R) 9 where dL g is the Lebesgue measure on gl(2, R) (the Haar measure on (gl(2, R), +). This measure can be restricted to GL + (2, R), which is open. We drop the × from d× g. Since GL + (2, R) = SL(2, R)×R∗+ , the measure d× g decomposes accordingly : there exists a measure dS γ on SL(2, R) such that ZZ Z da a 0 φ γ φ(g)dg = dS γ . −1 0 a a SL(2,R)×R∗+ GL + (2,R) This dS γ is the Haar measure on SL(2, R). When there is no ambiguity about the group, dg will be its Haar measure. Now, it is fairly easy to check that the Haar measure on SL(2, R) decomposes as Z Z φ(g)dg = SL(2,R) R∗+ da a 0 1 x cos θ sin θ dxdθ. φ −1 0 1 − sin θ cos θ 0 a a [0,2π] Z Z R It is sometimes more convenient to have the decomposition in a different order. Let Z Z Z Z da a 0 1 x cos θ sin θ φ(g)dg = φ dx 3 dθ. −1 0 1 − sin θ cos θ 0 a a SL(2,R) R R∗+ [0,2π] We will often let SL(2, R) act on the Poincar´e upper half plane P + = {z ∈ C, im z > 0} by az + b a b ·z = . c d cz + d The action is transitive, and the stabilizer of i is K. Therefore G/K ∼ P + . Since G/K ∼ N A, we have a bijection N A → P + ; explicitly a 0 1 x 7→ z = x + ia2 . 0 1 0 a−1 is identified to dx dy on P + . The measure dx da a3 y2 2.7. Left invariant vector fields. Using local coordinates associated with these decompositions, one can express the left invariant vector fields LX defined above (2). Let us do it in one case which will be useful later. From the Iwasawa decomposition, any g ∈ GL + (2, R) can be expressed as g = ank with a ∈ A, n ∈ N, k ∈ K, which gives in turn a unique decomposition a b u 0 y x 0 1 k(θ). = c d 0 u The explicit formulas are ueiθ = d − ic eiθ (a + ib) u Any function F on GL(2, R) has an expression in coordinates F (u, x, y, θ). A function F on SL(2, R) is identified to a function F (x, y, θ). (Using these x + iy = 10 MARTIN ANDLER coordinates rather than those coming from the Iwasawa decomposition of SL(2, R) is better suited to the identification G/K ∼ P + , since z = x + iy is then interpreted as the element of P + corresponding to the class of g in G/K. For any element X ∈ gl(2, R), g ∈ G, decompose u(t) 0 y(t) x(t) 0 1 k(θ(t)). g exp(tX) = 0 u(t) Then LX = ∂F d ∂F ∂F ∂F 0 + x0 (0) + y 0 (0) + θ0 (0) |t=0 F (g exp tX) = u (0) dt ∂u ∂x ∂y ∂θ where all values of the functions are taken at (u, x, y, θ). We do the computation for the basis of gl(2, R) : x, h, I, w = x − y. This gives the following formulas ∂ ∂ ∂ Lx = y cos 2θ (2) + y sin 2θ + sin2 θ ∂x ∂y ∂θ ∂ ∂ ∂ (3) + 2y cos θ + sin 2θ Lh = −2y sin 2θ ∂x ∂y ∂θ ∂ LI = (4) ∂u ∂ (5) . Lw = ∂θ 2.8. The enveloping algebra. The enveloping algebra of a Lie algebra is in general an associative algebra (over R) which is universal for Lie algebra homomorphisms of the Lie algebra into the Lie algebra underlying an associative algebra. We are interested in the enveloping algebras U (g0 ), U (g) of g0 and g = (g0 )C = sl(2, C) the complexification of g0 . The Poincar´eBirkhoff-Witt asserts that U (g) is the set of (noncommutative) polynomials of the form X αk,l,m xk y l hm . k,l,m We will view U (g) in various different ways • g0 being identified to left invariant vector fields on G by ∀a ∈ g0 , a · φ(g) = d φ(g exp(ta), dt |t=0 U (g0 is the set of left invariant differential operators on G; • for u ∈ U (g0 ) seen as a left invariant differential operator, define u e as the distribution with support e <u e, φ >= (u · φ)(e) for φ a test function on G. For a ∈ g, < e a, φ >= d dt |t=0 φ(exp(ta)). GL(2, R) 11 2.9. The center of the enveloping algebra Z(g). It plays an important role in representation theory. For a general complex semi-simple algebra over C, Z(g is a polynomial algebra with ` generators, where ` is the rank (i.e. the dimension of a Cartan subalgebra). Again, if g is semi-simple with Killing P ij form B, take aijbasis Ai of g, and let αij = B(Ai , Aj ). The element ij α Ai Aj (where α is the inverse matrix) is (1) independent of the choice of a basis (2) in Z(g). It is called the Casimir element. In the case of sl(2, C), the Casimir element Ω0 is 4(2H 2 + 4XY + 4Y X). It generates Z(g). Since we have the decomposition g = h ⊕ n+ ⊕ n− , we get a decomposition U (g) = U (h) ⊕ (n− U (g) + U (g)n). Let ξ be the projection from Z(g) to U h) parallel to (n− U (g) + U (g)n) : for all z ∈ Z(g), z − ξ(z) ∈ yU (g) + U (g)x. Since h is abelian, U (h) = S(h), which is identified with polynomial functions on h∗ . Consider the shift : P ∈ S(h) 7→ τρ (P ) ∈ S(h) such that τρ (P )(λ) = P (λ − ρ). If h) is identified to C using the basis h, S(h) is identified to polynomials in one variable C[y], and the map τρ is the map P (y) 7→ P (y − 1). Theorem 1 (Harish Chandra). The map τρ ◦ξ : Z(g] → S(h) induces an isomorphism of algebras from Z(g) to the set of even elements (W -invariants) S(h)W in S(h). 3. Generalities on representations of GL(2, R) 3.1. Abstract theory. Let for now G be a locally compact group, and H be a Hilbert space. On H, there are the unitary operators U (H) and the bounded operators B(H). A representation of G in H is a homomorphism π of G into B(H) which is continuous with respect to the weak topology on B(H) – i.e. : (g, v) ∈ G × H 7→ π(g)(v) ∈ H is continuous. It is enough to require (1) continuity of g → π(g)v at g = 1 for all v (2) a bound for kπ(g)k in a neighborhood of e. The representation is unitary if π(G) ⊂ U (H); it is irreducible if there are no closed spaces other than 0, H which are invariant under all π(g). Two representations (π, H), (π 0 , H0 ) are equivalent if there exists a bounded operator J (interwining operator) H → H0 such that ∀g, π 0 (g)J = Jπ(g). Most of the time we will not really make the distinction beteween a representation and its class. But as we will see, it is often interesting and sometimes crucial to consider equivalent representations as different objects. Unitary representations are said do be unitarily equivalent if there exists a unitary 12 MARTIN ANDLER intertwining operator. The set of equivalence classes of irreducible unitary b of G. representations is the unitary dual G Theorem 2 (Schur’s lemma). Let S a set of operators in a Hilbert space H leaving no closed subspace other than 0, H invariant. Let A a hermitian operator commuting with every element of S. Then A = cId for some c ∈ R. If A is not hermitian, but normal, and both A, A∗ commute with every element of S, then A = cId for some c ∈ C. The proof involves the spectral theorem. Corollary 3. A unitary representation is irreducible twining operators with itself is λId iff the only inter- It follows from Schur’s lemma and the structure of GL(2, R), GL + (2, R) that representation theory for GL(2, R) very close to representation theory for SL ± (2, R) and representation theory for GL + (2, R) is very close to representation theory for SL(2, R). Let π be a representation of G in H. Let f be in L1 (G); define Z π(f ) = f (g)π(g)dg G where dg is a left invariant (Haar) measure. The map f 7→ π(f ) is a representation on the convolution algebra L1 (G) in H (recall that the convolution on G is defined by Z φ ∗ ψ(g) = φ(gh−1 )ψ(h)dh G when it makes sense (for instance φ, ψ ∈ Cc (G)). 3.2. Compact groups. Recall that for G compact, the following hold • any representation is unitary (there exists a (second) hermitian form on H defining a norm equivalent to the first one such that π is unitary with respect to it • any irreducible representation is finite dimensional • the coefficients (matrix coefficients) cπv,w =< π(·)v, w > verify < cπv,w , cπv0 ,w0 > = 0 if π, π 0 are inequivalent 1 < v, v 0 >< w, w0 > if π = π 0 = dim(π) P • the left regular representation of G on L2 (G) is equivalent to π∈Gb dim(π)π • any unitary representation of G on a Hilbert space is the (orthogonal) sum of irreducible representations of G. GL(2, R) 13 3.3. Finite dimensional representations. Let G be a Lie group. A finite dimensional representation π of G in V is a continuous homomorphism in GL(V ), therefore it is a Lie group homomorphism G → GL(V ), therefore there is a derived (Lie algebra) homomorphism dπe : g 7→ gl(V ). One can see this by identifying g = Te G = left invariant vector fields . If a ∈ Te G and e a is the corresponding vector field, π∗ e a is the restriction to π(G) of the left invariant vector field defined by dπe (a). Since π∗ preserves brackets, we are done. Most of the time, we will write also π for the derived representation. There is a converse. If G is simply connected, any finite dimensional Lie algebra representation of g is the derived representation of a finite dimensional representation of G. This holds also over C if we restrict ourselves to the correspondance between holomorphic representations of a complex Lie group G and C-linear representations of g. We apply these remarks to SL(2, R). Theorem 4 (Unitary trick). Let V be a complex finite dimensional vector space. There is a one to one correspondence between the following (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) representations of SL(2, R) in V representations of SU(2) in V holomorphic representations of SL(2, C) in V representations of sl(2, R) in V representations of su(2) in V complex linear representations of sl(2, C) in V . Proof. We use sl(2, C) = sl(2, R) + i sl(2, R) = su(2) + i su(2). From this, we get the correspondence for the three Lie algebras representation. Since SU(2) is simply connected (it is a 3-sphere in R4 ), so is SL(2, C). So any representation of sl(2, C) (resp su(2)) yields a representation of SL(2, C) (resp SU(2)). The other implications are obvious. Recall that the finite dimensional irreducible representations of sl(2, C) are given by Theorem 5. For any integer n ≥ 0, there is a unique irreducible complex representation πn of sl(2, C) of dimension n + 1. The action of x, y, h on a basis v0 , . . . , vn is given by πn (h)(vi ) = (n − 2i)(vi ) πn (x)(vi ) = i(n − i + 1)vi−1 with the convention that v−1 = 0 πn (y)(vi ) = vi+1 with the convention that vn+1 = 0. 14 MARTIN ANDLER The corresponding representation of SL(2, C) is given the following action on homogeneous complex polynomials of degree n in two variables z1 −1 z1 ). πn (g)(P )( ) = P (g z2 z2 Now we are ready for the disaster : Proposition 6. The only finite dimensional unitary representation of SL(2, R) is the trivial one-dimensional representation. Proof. Let π be a finite dimensional unitary irreducible representation of SL(2, R) in V . The corresponding representation π † of SU(2) is unitary : there is an hermitian product on V such that ∀u ∈ SU(2), π(u) is unitary therfeore for any a ∈ su(2)(2), π(a) is skew hermitian. A skew hermitian operator is normal, therefore diagonalizable in an orthonormal basis, and its eigenvalues are imaginary. Now, su(2)(2) = k ⊕ ip : for any a ∈ ip, π(a) has imaginary eigenvalues. But sl(2, R) = k ⊕ p, so for any a0 ∈ ip, π(a0 ) has imaginary eigenvalues. It follows that for a0 ∈ p, π(a0 ) = 0 But [p, p] = k, so π = 0 on sl(2, R). 4. Zoology of unitary representations of SL(2, R) In this section, we will give a “full” description of irreducible unitary representations of SL(2, R), without any attempt to show that indeed the list is complete, nor to understand where these representations come from. 4.1. Discrete series. Let m ∈ N, m ≥ 2. Let ZZ Hm = {f holomorphic on P + , kf k2 = |f (z)|2 y m−2 dxdy < ∞.} Three important points here, two of them non trivial : • the measure y −2 dxdy on P + is G-invariant • Hm is a Hilbert space (which is a bit surprising) • Hm is non zero because (z + i)−m ∈ Hn . + on The holomorphic discrete series representation is the representation Dm Hm given by az − c + ). Dm f (z) = (−bz + d)−m f ( −bz + d It is easily unitary. To verify irreducibility, assume that U is a closed invariant subspace of Hm. It contains a non zero holomorphic function f (z); a 0 by replacing it by Dm f (z) = f (a2 z − ca) for well chosen a, c, U c a−1 contains a function f such that f (i) 6= 0. Now cos θz + sin θ + Dm (k)f (z) = (− sin θz + cos θ)−m f ∈U − sin θz + cos θ GL(2, R) 15 so 1 2π Z 2π e−miθ (− sin θz + cos θ)−m f ( 0 cos θz + sin θ )dθ ∈ U. − sin θz + cos θ A shrewd application of the Cauchy formula yields (2i)m f (i)(z + i)−m ∈ U. If U were not everything, applying the same idea to U ⊥ would lead to a contradiction. The discrete series has two important related properties • its matrix coefficients are in L2 (G) • it appears as a closed subspace of L2 (G), invariant under the left regular representation. − ; it is is given by the It has a sister, the antiholomorphic discrete series Dm complex conjugate formulas. It is also irreducible unitary. 4.2. Unitary principal series. Fix a µ ∈ {0, 1} and a real number ν. We define the representation P µ,ν acting on L2 (R) by (6) P µ,iν (g)f (x) = (sgn(−bx + d))µ | − bx + d|−1−iν f ( ax − c ). −bx + d This is a unitary representation. There are some equivalences : P µ,iν ∼ P µ,−iν that are given by some explicit operators that we will explain later; and these representations are irreducible for ν 6= 0 (see below) and ν = 0, µ = 0. P 1,0 is a sum of two representations. An outline of the argument for irreducibility. Let B be an operator commuting with P µ,iν (g). In particular, it commutes with µ,iν 1 0 P : f (x) 7→ f (x − c). c 1 Therefore F(Bf )(ξ) = m(ξ)F(f )(ξ) for somebounded measurable function a 0 m. Using the commutation of B with P µ,iν we get (Bf )(a2 x) = 0 a−1 B(f (a2 ·))(x), and from this m(a2 ξ) = m(ξ), therefore m is constant on ξ > 0 and ξ < 0. It remains to show that, except for the case ν = 0, µ = 1, the space of functions whose Fourier transform vanishes on R+ is not stable under P µ,ν . Now, such functions are boundary values of holomorphic functions F on P + such that Z sup |F (x + iy)|2 dx. y R The conclusion follows, after a bit more work, from a theorem of Privalov (see [Knapp] p. 37). 16 MARTIN ANDLER 4.3. Complementary series. For u ∈]0, 1[, consider the Hilbert space ( ) ZZ f (x)f (y) Hu = f : R → C, dxdy < ∞ 1−u R2 |x − y| with the action ax − c a b f (x) = | − bx + d|1−u f ( ). Cu c d −bx + d The representation Cu are irreducible unitary. We will discuss them later. 4.4. Other unitary representations. There is the trivial representation, and two “limits of discrete series” D1+ , D1− . They are defined like for the discrete series, except that the Hilbert space is the set of holomoprhic functions on P + such that Z kf k2 = sup |f (x + iy)|2 dx < ∞. y∈R∗+ R The only reducible unitary principal series reduces as : P 1,0 = D1+ + D1− . GL(2, R) 17 5. From representations of the Lie group to representations of the Lie algebra It seems natural to want to take the derivative of representations of a Lie group G to get representations of the Lie algebra g. Unfortunately, in the infinite dimensional case, functional analysis gets in the way. Take the very simple example of the regular representation of R in L2 (R). It is defined on the dense space of continuous functions with compact support by λx f (y) = f (y + x). Taking the derivative of this with respect to x requires derivability of f . Let X = 1 be the generator of the Lie algebra of R, we get dλ(X)(f )(y) = f 0 (y). The operator f 7→ f 0 is an unbounded operator on L2 (R) with dense domain, for instance, the Schwartz space S. But there are a lot of other possibilities for a domain. There is no way that we can escape these fine points in our discussion, but we will almost never go into the heart of the matter – just stating the results that are needed. 5.1. C ∞ -vectors. In what follows, G = SL(2, R) though most of the results are general. Let (π, H) a representation of G. An element v ∈ H is said to be a C ∞ vector if the map g 7→ π(g)v is a C ∞ map from G to H. The set H∞ of C ∞ -vectors is a subspace of H. For v ∈ H∞ , X ∈ g define (7) def def π(X)v = dπe (X)v = d π(exp(tX))v. dt |t=0 Proposition 7. The formula above defines a representation of g in H∞ . Proof. From the definition (7), we get π(g)π(exp(tX))v − π(g)v t π(g exp(tX))v − π(g)v = lim = LX .cv (g), t→0 t π(g)π(X)v = lim t→0 where LX is the left invariant vector field on G defined by X, and cv (g) = π(g)v. This proves that g 7→ π(g)π(X)v is C ∞ . The fact that π([X, Y ])v = [π(X), π(Y )]v is proved basically as it was done in the finite dimensional case (see [Lang], p. 94). We cannot rest here, because we don’t know at this stage whether H∞ is significantly large; we don’t even know whether it is 6= {0}. In fact Proposition 8. H∞ is dense in H. There are several ways to see this. I indicate a couple, before focusing on one approach more thoroughly. 18 MARTIN ANDLER Regularising function. We consider a Dirac sequence φn ∈ Cc∞ (G) (compact support) and consider Z π(φn )v = φn (g)π(g)vdg G One shows by the usual arguments that π(φn )v → v when n → ∞. Now we argue that for any φ ∈ Cc∞ (G), π(φ)v is a C ∞ -vector. Indeed Z Z π(g)π(φ)v = π(g) φ(h)π(h)vdh = φ(g −1 h)π(h)vdh, G G so the result follows by taking derivatives under the integral. Analytic vectors. Juste as there is a notion of C ∞ vectors in a representation,there is a notion of analytic vectors : a vector v is (real) analytic if the map g → π(g)v is analytic on G with values in H, i.e. it is locally the sum of its Taylor series. It is an exercise to prove, for φ analytic from G → H ∀g ∈ G, ∃ > 0, ∀X ∈ g, kXk ≤ , ∀t ∈ [0, 1], φ(g exp tX) = ∞ n X t 0 n! (LnX φ)(g). If v is an analytic vector, then π(exp X)v = ∞ X 1 (π(X))n v. n! 0 Now there is a very general theorem of Nelson (citenelshowing that for any Banach space representation of a Lie group G, the space of analytic vectors is dense. The special case of semi-simple groups was proved beforehand by Harish Chandra. Nelson’s proof uses the fundamental solution of the heat P equation associated with an operator ∆ = Xi2 , where Xi is a basis for g. 5.2. K-finite vectors. (In this subsection, we follow mostly [Lang].) For our purpose, there is another subspace which is very important, the space HK of K-finite vectors. Their study is made substantially easier in the case of SL(2, R) since K is commutative. We will see how to adapt definitions to the cas of SL ± (2, R) later. Consider a representation π of G = SL(2, R) in a Banach space H. For each integer n, define Hn = {v ∈ H, π(k(θ))v = einθ v}. It is clear that Hn is a closed subspace of H. Theorem 9. Let π be an irreducible representation of G in H. If dim Hn is finite, then it is 0 or 1. This is always the case when π is unitary. TheoremP10. Let π be an irreducible representation in a Banach space H. The sum Hn is dense in H. If π is unitary on K, this sum is orthogonal. In order to prove these two theorems, we need to study the K × K representation in Cc (G) : (k, k 0 ) · f (g) = f (kgk 0 ). GL(2, R) 19 (Since K is commutative, we dont need to put k −1 instead of k. ) Define Sn,m = {f ∈ Cc (G), f (k(θ)gk(θ0 )) = e−inθ f (g)e−imθ for all g, θ, θ0 . P Lemma 11. The algebraic sum A = n,m Sn,m is dense for the uniform norm (and for the L1 -norm) in Cc (G). This follows from the Fejer theorem for Fourier series. Lemma 12. We have (1) Sn,m ∗ Sp,q = 0 if m 6= p and ⊂ Sn,q if m = p ∗ (2) Sn,m = Sm,n (where φ∗ (g) = φ(g −1 )) Proof. Let φ ∈ Sn,m , ψ ∈ Sp,q . In the definition of φ ∗ ψ, do the change of variable y = k(θ)y 0 . We get for all θ φ ∗ ψ(g) = ei(m−p)θ φ ∗ ψ(g) which prove the first half of the first statement. The second half follows from doing the change of variable g = k(θ)g 0 in the formula, and g = g 0 k(θ0 ) in Z φ ∗ ψ(g) = φ(y)ψ(h−1 g)dh. G The second statement is straightforward. Lemma 13. Sn,n is commutative. Proof. We consider the anti-involution τ : g 7→ t g (t g the transposed), and the involution σ : g 7→ ζgζ, where 1 0 −1 ζ=ζ = . 0 −1 For k ∈ K, τ (k) = σ(k) = k −1 . On functions, we define φ† (g) = φ(τ (g)), φ] (g) = φ(σ(g)). Since G is unimodular, these two maps preserve the Haar measure, so φ† ∗ ψ † = (ψ ∗ φ)† , φ] ∗ ψ ] = (φ ∗ ψ)] . Now, for φ ∈ Sn,n , φ† = φ0 . Indeed, for g ∈ G, write g = sk(θ) (polar decomposition : s symmetric positive, k ∈ K). Then φ† (g) = φ(k −1 s) = eniθ φ(s) and φ] (g) = φ(σ(s)k) = eniθ φ(ζsζ −1 ) = eniθ φ(s). It follows that φ ∗ ψ = ψ ∗ φ. Lemma 14. Assume that H is a Hilbert space and the representation π is unitary on K. Then Hn , Hm are orthogonal. 20 MARTIN ANDLER Proof. Let v ∈ Hn , w ∈ Hm . < π(k(θ))v, w >= einθ < v, w >=< v, π(k(−θ))w >= eimθ < v, w > . Lemma 15. We have (1) π(Sn,m )H ⊂ Hn (2) π(Sn,m )Hq = 0 if m 6= q R Proof. We compute, for φ ∈ Sn,m , v ∈ H : π(k(θ))[π(φ)v] = G φ(g)π(k(θ)g)vdg. By a change of variable g 0 = k(θ)g : Z π(k(θ))[π(φ)v] = φ(k(−θ)g 0 )π(g 0 )vdg 0 = eniθ π(φ)v G If v ∈ Hq , q = 6 m, Z Z π(φ)v = φ(g)π(g)vdg = φ(gk(θ))π(gk(theta))vdg = eiθ(−m+q) π(φ)v G G which implies the second statement. Lemma 16. Assume that π is irreducible. If Hq 6= 0, it is irreducible under π(Sq,q ) and π(Sq,q Hq 6= 0. Proof. Let W be an invariant subspace of Hq and w ∈ W, w 6= 0. We have P (1) for f = fn,m ∈ cA, the Hq -component of π(f )w is π(fq,q )w. (2) by density of A, and irreducibility of H under Cc (G), there is a sequence f p ∈ A such that π(f p )w → w0 ∈ /W The Lemma follows. Proof of Theorem 9. We know that Sn,n is commutative, and we know that Hn is finite dimensional and irreducible. Then Hn is one-dimensional. Assume that π is unitary. Since Sn,n is closed under f (g) 7→ f (g −1 ), π(Sn,n ) is closed under taking the adjoint. We can apply Schur’s lemma : the set π(Sn,n being ∗-closed and commutative, any of its elements is of the form cId. This forces the dimension to be 0, 1. Proof of Theorem 10. Let E be the closed subspace generated by the Hn . By the lemmas above π(A)E ⊂ E; by density of A, E is stable under L1 (G). By a proper use of a Dirac sequence, E is stable under π(G). We define a representation π of G in a Banach space H to be admissible if dim Hn is finite for all n. Theorem 9 shows that any irreducible unitary representation is admissible, and that for any irreducible admissible representation, dim Hn ≤ 1. Theorem 17. Let π an irreducible admissible representation of G in H. Assume Hn 6= {0}. Then Hn is of dimension 1, any of its elements is a C ∞ vector in H, and Hn is the eigenvector of π(z) with eigenvalue n, where 0 −i z= . i 0 GL(2, R) 21 Proof. The only thing that requires a proof is the fact that elements of Hn ∞ = S ∞ are C ∞ . We first argue that Sn,m n,m ∩ C (G) is dense in Sn,m by ∞ H 6= 0 provided π(S Fourier theory. Then π(Sn,n n n,n )Hn 6= 0. Since Hn is of dimension 1, it follws that any v ∈ Hn is of the form π(f )v, for some f ∈ C ∞ (G) : Z f (g)π(g)vdg. v= It follows that v ∈ H∞ . G Remark 18. We will see at some point that actually elements of Hn,n are analytic. P Recall that HK = n Hn is the space of K-finite vectors in H. Proposition 19. HK is stable under the representation π of g. We will make a constant use of the basis z, e, f for sl(2, C) : 0 −i 1/2 i/2 1/2 −i/2 z= ,e = ,f = X = . i 0 i/2 −1/2 −i/2 −1/2 They verify [z, e] = 2e, [z, f ] = −2f, [e, f ] = z. Proof. To prove our point, it is enough to show that for v ∈ Hn , π(e)v ∈ HK and π(f )v ∈ HK . The computation goes as for finite dimensional representations of sl(2, C) : π(z)π(e)v = π(e)π(z)v + π[z, e]v = nπ(e)v + 2π(e)v = (n + 2)π(e)v and similarly π(z)π(f )v = (n − 2)π(f )v. Proposition 20. Let (π, H) an admissible representation of G, and (π, HK ) the corresponding representation of g0 . There is a bijection between Ginvariant closed subspaces of HK and g0 -invariant subspaces of HK . In particular, the representation of G is irreducible iff the representation of g is. An important point here is that we have not completely lost the fact that π was originally a representation of G : indeed HK affords a representation of K. Definition 21. A (g0 , K)- module (π, V ) is (1) a representation π of g0 in V (2) a compatible representation π of K in V (the derived representation of k is the restriction to k of the representation of g. P such that V = n∈Z Vn , the action of K on Vn is through the character χn . Such a representation is admissible if dim Vn < ∞ for all n. The representation of g0 in HK associated to an admissible representation of G is called its Harish-Chandra module. Proposition 22. Any irreducible (g0 , K)-module is the Harish-Chandra module of an irreducible representation of G. 22 MARTIN ANDLER There is an obvious notion of equivalence for (g0 , K)-modules. We say that two admissible representations of G are “infinitesimally equivalent” if their Harish-Chandra modules are equivalent. The correspondence is complete thanks to Proposition 23. Two unitary representation of G are equivalent are infinitesimally equivalent. iff they 6. Structure of (g0 , K)- modules Let V be an admissible (g0 , K)-module. The representation π of g0 extends to a representation of g, and then to a representation of the associative algebra U (g), still denoted π. We have already seen the basic fact : If v ∈ Vn , π(e)v ∈ Vn+2 , π(f )v ∈ Vn−2 . Define an element of U (g) by Ω = z 2 − 2z + 1 + 4ef = z 2 + 2z + 1 + 4f e = z 2 + 1 + 2ef + 2f e. Recalling the definition of the Casimir element and the computation of the Killing form in the basis z, e, f , one sees easily that Ω is in the center Z(g) of U (g) (Ω − 1 is 8× the Casimir operator). In particular, π(Ω) commutes with k, so it leaves Vn stable; since Vn is finite dimensional, π(Ω)|Vn has an eigenvalue. The corresponding eigenspace is stable by π(U (g). Therefore : Proposition 24. If π is irreducible, π(Ω) is a scalar λ2 (λ ∈ C). 6.1. Classification in terms of K-types. One establishes the following facts (1) the subspaces Vn are of dimension 0 or 1 (2) If there is a n such that π(e)v = 0 for 0 6= v ∈ Vn , then V is spanned by the wn−2m = π(f )m v (3) if there is a n such that π(f )v = 0 for 0 6= v ∈ Vn , then V is spanned by the wn+2m = π(e)m v. It follows that given 0 6= v ∈ Vn one defines (inductively on m) a family of vectors wj (j ∈ n + 2Z) in the following way wn = v 2 π(e)wn+2m if λ 6= −n − 2m − 1 λ + (n + 2m + 1) = 0 if λ = −n − 2m − 1 2 = π(f )wn−2m if λ 6= n − 2m − 1 λ − (n − 2m − 1 = 0 if λ = n − 2m − 1. wn+2(m+1) = wn−2(m+1) The non-zero wj form a basis of V and 1 1 (8) π(z)wj = jwj , π(e)wj = (λ+(j+1)wj+2 , π(f )wj = (λ−(j−1))wj−2 , 2 2 GL(2, R) 23 where λ is as before. It follows that Lemma 25. wn+2(m+1) = 0 iff wn+2m = 0 or λ = ±(n + 2m + 1) and wn−2(m+1) = 0 iff wn−2m = 0 or λ = ±(n − 2m − 1) Proposition 26. For all c ∈ C, ∀n ∈ Z, there exists an irreducible (g0 , K)module V such that π(Ω) = c and Vn 6= 0. Two (g0 , K)-modules (π, V ), (π 0 , V 0 ) are isomorphic if and only if (1) π(Ω) = π 0 (Ω) (2) ∃n ∈ Z, Vn 6= {0}, Vn0 6= {0}, Vogan formulates this result in a different way. He defines the set of K-types of a (g0 , K)-module V as the set of n ∈ Z such that Vn 6= 0 (in general it would be the set of τ such that Vτ 6= 0), and a lowest K-type as a K-type n such that |n| is minimal. Lemma 27. Assume (π, V ) is an irreducible admissible (g, K)-module of lowest K-type n, and |n| > 1. Then π(Ω) = (|n| − 1)2 . In particular, for each n with |n| > 1, there is a unique (π, V ) with that property. Proof. Assume that n > 1 (the case n < −1 is similar), and fix v ∈ Vn . For n > 1 |n − 2| < |n| so Vn−2 = 0, so π(f )v = 0. Using Ω = (z − 1)2 + 4ef , we get π(Ω)v = (n − 1)2 . The next lemma follows from lemma 25 : Lemma 28. Suppose |n| ≥ 1 and (π, V ) is the irreducible (g0 , K)-module such that Vn 6= 0 and π(Ω) = (|n|2 − 1)2 . Then the set of K-types is {n + 2(sgn n)m, m ∈ N}. In particular, n is a lowest Ktype. We define the discrete series representation (π, Xd (n)) with parameter n 6= 0 to be the unique irreducible admissible (g0 , K)-module with lowest Ktype n + sgn n. For µ = −1, 0, 1, and λ ∈ C, define the continuous series representation (π, X c (λ)(µ) to be the unique irreducible admissible (g0 , K)module containing the K-type µ with π(Ω) = λ2 . Just as we has a complete description in terms of K-types for the discrete series,, we can do it for the continuous series. Lemma 29. Let µ ∈ {−1, 0, 1} and λ ∈ C. (1) If λ is not an integer of the same parity as µ + 1, the K-types of X c (λ)(µ) are {µ + 2m, m ∈ Z}. (2) If λ is a integer 6= 0 of the same parity as µ + 1, then X c (λ)(µ) is the finite dimensional representation of highest weight |λ| − 1. Its K-types are {|λ| − 1, |λ| − 3, . . . , −|λ| + 1}. (3) If λ = 0 and µ = ±1 the K-types are {µ + 2(sgn µ)m}. Now we have a complete classification : Theorem 30. Let π, V be an irreducible admissible (g0 , K)-module with lowest K-type µ. 24 MARTIN ANDLER (1) If |µ| > 1, then V ∼ Xd (µ − sgn µ). In this case, µ is the unique lowest K-type. (2) If |µ| ≤ 1; let λ be a square root of π(Ω). Then V ∼ X c (λ)(µ). Furthermore, X c (λ)(µ) ∼ X c (λ0 )(µ) iff λ0 = ±λ. If µ = 0, the µ is the unique lowest K-type of V . If µ = ±1 and λ 6= 0, then the lowest K-types of V are ±µ. In this case, X c (λ)(µ) ∼ X c (λ)(−µ). Finally, if µ = ±1 and λ = 0, then µ is the unique lowest K-type of V At this stage, we don’t know which representations are unitary; besides, we have not made the link between this classification and the (g0 , K)-modules associated with the representations of G constructed earlier. 6.2. Principal series. We observe that the formulas (25) make sense even without the complicated condition for wj to be 6= 0 : Proposition 31. Fix λ ∈ C and = ±1. The principal series representation Xc ( ⊗ λ) with parameters , λ is defined as follows (1) It has a basis {wn , n ≡ mod 2Z} of eigenvectors for the action of k(θ) with eigenvalue einθ (2) The action of z, e, f on wn is given by (9) (10) (11) π(z)wn = nwn 1 π(e)wn = (λ + (n + 1))wn+2 2 1 π(f )wn = (λ − (n − 1))wn−2 . 2 Proof. We need to check that the formulas (9) define a representation of g. An interesting way of doing it is to observe that the relations to be proved are algebraic in λ, and true for λ ∈ C\Z. In that case, they are the relations for X c (λ)(µ), so they hold: hence they hold for any λ. Contrary to the continuous or discrete series of representations, there is no reason why the Xc ( ⊗ λ) should be irreducible. Proposition 32. The notations being as before, let µ ∈ {−1, 0, 1} such that (−1)µ = . (1) π(Ω) = λ2 (2) If λ is not an integer of parity µ + 1, Xc (, λ) ∼ X c (λ)(µ) (3) If λ ∈ N∗ , λ ≡ µ + 1, Xc (, λ) contains a submodule isomorphic to Xd (λ) ⊕ Xd (−λ). The quotient Xc ( ⊗ λ)/Xd (λ) ⊕ Xd (−λ) is the finite dimensional representation of highest weight λ − 1. (4) If λ ∈ Z∗− , λ ≡ µ + 1, Xc (, λ) contains a submodule isomorphic to the finite dimensional representation X c (λ)(µ) of highest weight −λ − 1. The quotient Xc ( ⊗ λ)/X c (λ)(µ) ∼ Xd (λ) ⊕ Xd (−λ). (5) If λ = 0, = −1, Xc ( ⊗ 0) ∼ X c (0)(µ) ⊕ Xc (0)(−µ). GL(2, R) 25 In the next section, we will make the link between this algebraic description and the analytic description of section 4. 7. Induced representations We explain a general method for constructing representations of a group : unitary induction. Let G be a Lie group with Lie algebra g, P a closed subgroup with Lie algebra p, and τ a unitary representation of P in some space V . We assume that G is unimodular (i.e. the Haar measure is also right invariant) – there is no reason why P should be unimodular. So let δH be the modular function for P : δP (h) = det ad h (the ad is the one acting on h). Consider the set of continuous maps φ from G to V , with compact support mod P , such that 1/2 φ(gh) = δP τ (h)−1 φ(g). (12) The map g 7→ kφ(g)k2V has the correct property of covariance under H, so that there is an “integral” Z kφk = kφ(g)k ˙ 2V dG/P g, ˙ G/P with adequate properties (one of them being R G = R R G/P P ). The space V IndG P τ of π = is the space of “square integrable” maps from G → V , the closure of the space of continuous maps verifying (12). The action of G on V is by π(g)φ(x) = φ(g −1 x). This representation π is unitary. For the geometrically minded, we have a fiber bundle over G/P with generic fiber the Hilbert space V : G ×P V obtained as the quotient of G × V by the relation (g, v) ∼ (gh, τ (h)−1 v). The space above is then the space of L2 -sections of the fiber bundle. We apply this construction to a u ∗ (13) G = SL(2, R), P = M AN = ,a ∈ R ,u ∈ R . 0 a−1 The modular function is a u δP = |a|2 0 a−1 In this case, thanks to the Iwasawa decomposition G = KAN , the measure theoretical aspect can be bypassed. We consider λ ∈ C, = ±1, µ ∈ {0, 1} such that (−1)µ = and the character χ,λ of P defined as a t χ,λ = (sgn a)µ |a|λ . 0 a−1 26 MARTIN ANDLER We unitarily induce this character (meaning : if the character is unitary, i.e. λ imaginary, the resulting representation should be unitary) : the space of the representation is the Hilbert space H,λ of functions on G such that (1) φ(gp) = χ,λ+1 (p)−1 φ(g)∀(g, p) ∈ G × P (2) φ|K ∈ L2 (K). The principal series representation T,λ is the left regular representation on H,λ . We need to verify that this it has the required continuity properties, and perform two comparisons : compare this representation of G with the representation defined in Section 4, and compare the associated (,K)-module with Xc (, λ). Proposition 33. The principal series representation T,λ is admissible. Its Harish-Chandra module is isomorphic to Xc ( ⊗ λ). Proof. Using the Iwasawa decomposition, H,λ is easily seen to be Hilbertisomorphic to H = {ψ ∈ L2 (K), φ(−k) = (−1)µ φ(k)}, the map I : H,λ → H being φ 7→ ψ = φ|K . We transfer the representation to H by I T,λ H,λ −−−−→ H,λ Iy Iy 0 T,λ H −−−−→ H We need to express −1 y(g, θ) x(g, theta) a b k(θ) = k(ζ(g, θ)) c d 0 y(g, θ)−1 An easy calculation gives p y(g, θ) = (d cos θ + b sin θ)2 + (c cos θ + a sin θ)2 eiζ(g,θ) = y(g, θ)(d cos theta + b sin θ) + i(c cos θ + a sin θ), hence the formula 0 T,λ (g)ψ(k(θ)) = y −λ−1 ψ(k(ζ(g, θ))). These formulas insures the continuity and the boundedness of the representation. Now, we study the restriction of the representation to K – but this of course is very easy : 0 T,λ (k(θ0 ))ψ(k(θ)) = ψ(k(θ − θ0 )). Not forgetting that imposes a condition on the parity of ψ, Fourier theory insures that (H,λ )n = Ceinθ if n and have same parity, 0 otherwise. Setting ψn (k(θ)) = einθ , and φn the corresponding element of H,λ , we want explicit formulas for T,λ (z), T,λ (e), T,λ (f ) on this basis. We know a priori that we have formulas T,λ (z)ψn = nψn , T,λ (e)ψn = an ψn+2 , T,λ (f )ψn = bn ψn−2 . GL(2, R) 27 This implies an = T,λ (e)ψn (1) and similarly for bn . This makes life easier. We need only to compute the effect of the basis h, x : −t d d e 0 T,λ (h)ψn (1) = |t=0 φn = |t=0 e(λ+1)t = (λ + 1) t 0 e dt dt T,λ (x)ψn (1) = 0. Therefore 1 i an = T,λ (e)ψn (1) = T,λ ( h − z + ix)ψn (1) 2 2 n 1 1 = (λ + 1) + = (λ + n + 1), and similarly 2 2 2 1 bn = (λ − (n − 1)). 2 Comparing these formulas with (9), this completes the proof. Using the algebraic description, we recall the decomposition of the principal series representation : (1) T,λ is irreducible if λ is not an integer of parity µ + 1, (2) If λ ∈ N∗ , λ ≡ µ + 1(2), T,λ contains a submodule isomorphic to Xd (λ) ⊕ Xd (−λ). The quotient T⊗λ /Xd (λ) ⊕ Xd (−λ) is the finite dimensional representation of highest weight λ − 1. (3) If λ ∈ Z∗− , λ ≡ µ + 1(2), T,λ contains a submodule isomorphic to the finite dimensional representation of highest weight −λ − 1. The quotient is equivalent to Xd (λ) ⊕ Xd (−λ). (4) If λ = 0, = −1, T⊗0 ∼ X c (0)(µ) ⊕ Xc (0)(−µ). We still need to compare this representation to the one defined in section 4. We assume that λ = iν is imaginary. We use a third version of H,λ . Consider the restriction of φ in H,λ to N − ∼ R. The map N − × M A × N → G : (n− , a, n) 7→ n− an is not onto, but is is onto an open everywhere dense set of full measure. Therefore, the restriction map is one-to-one and onto H,λ → L2 (N − ) for some measure which turns out to be the Lebesgue measure on N − ∼ R. It remains to compute the action Te,λ of G in this third “non-compact” picture. The computation yields −c + av T,iν (g)ξ(v) = (sgn(d − bv))µ |d − bv|−iν+1 ξ( ) d − bv which is the same formula as (6). 8. Discrete series 8.1. The Harish-Chandra module associated to the (analytic) discrete series. To identify the discrete series as it was defined in paragraph 4.1 to the algebraic construction, i.e. to identify the Harish-Chandra mod± (there m ∈ N, m ≥ 2) with X (n) (n ∈ Z, n 6= 0), we ule associated with Dm d 28 MARTIN ANDLER ± . The model we have, of holomorphic need to compute the K-types of Dm functions on the Poincar´e half-plane, is not convenient because the action of K on P + is not simple. The solution consists in making a change of variable to the unit disk. Let D = {w, |w| < 1} be the unit disk. The maps P + → D : z 7→ w = z−i w+1 , D → P + : w 7→ z = −i z+i w−1 are mutually inverse analytic isomorphisms. Define a measure dνm on D by dνm = 41−m (1 − |w|2 )m dudv = 41−m n(1 − r2 )m−2 rdrdθ. 1 − |w|2 )2 where w = u + iv = reiθ . The action is actually easier to compute if we replace SL(2, R) by the isomorphic group SU(1, 1). The isomorphism is given explicitly by conjugation: 1 i −1 u ∈ SU(1, 1) 7→ cuc ∈ SL(2, R) where c = . i 1 Proposition 34. (1) The space Km of holomorphic functions on D which are square integrable for dνm is a Hilbert space. (2) The map Tm : Hm → Km defined by −2i m w+1 Tm f (w) = f −i w−i w−1 is an isometry. 0 + of SU(1, 1) on L2 (K , dν ) defined as (3) The representation Dm m m + −1 −1 is given by + 0 Dm (g) = Tm Dm (cgc )Tm αw − β¯ 0 + α β −m Dm F (w) = (−βw + α ¯ ) F ( ). β¯ α ¯ −βw + α ¯ iθ e 0 In the SU(1, 1) picture, the maximal compact subgroup is { }. 0 e−iθ It acts by iθ 0 0 + e Dm F (w) = eimθ F (e2iθ w). 0 e−iθ It follows immediately that the eigenfunctions are the wN , N ∈ N with the eigenvalue ei(m+2N )θ . In particular, the lowest K-type is m. It is now + is isomorphic to clear that the Harish-Chandra module associated to Dm Xd (m − 1). − is Similarly, one shows that the Harish-Chandra module associated to Dm isomorphic to Xd (−m + 1). GL(2, R) 29 8.2. About the construction of the discrete series. We go back to the original model for the discrete series, where the space of the representation is Hm , a space of functions on the Poincar´e half plane P + . Recall that the usual action of GL + (2, R) on P + induces a map u 0 y x 0 1 k(θ) 7→ g · i = x + iy. g= 0 u We identify a function f on P + to a function F on GL + (2, R) by u 0 y x F( k(θ)) = f (x + iy)y m/2 eimθ . 0 1 0 1 0 Clearly F verifies F (gk(θ0 )) = eimθ F (g) and F (gz) = F (g) for z inthe ceny x ter. Conversely, such a function F defines f (x + iy) = F ( )y −m/2 . 0 y −1 In this f ↔ F correspondence, C ∞ is preserved. Consider the representation of G = SL(2, R) unitarily induced by the character e−imθ of K. Its space Vm can be identified to functions on GL + (2, R) which verify both conditions of F above, plus L2 integrability on G/K. A simple calculation shows that f ∈ F 7→ F is an isometry for the L2 -norms and intertwines the two representations. But elements of Hm verify the additional condition of being holomorphic. This additional property implies irreducibility of the corresponding representation on Hm . We want to understand what this condition means for F. Using the formulas (2), we get ∂ ∂ 1 +i . Lf = (Lh − 2iLx + iLw = e−2iθ (−2iy 2 ∂ z¯ ∂θ Applying this formula to F (g) = f (x + iy)y m/2 eimθ , we get ∂f ∂ z¯ Therefore, f is holomorphic if and only if LF = 0. LF (x, y, θ) = ei(m−2)θ y m/2 8.3. An analogy between discrete and principal series. It is very interesting at this stage to compare principal series and discrete series, because the constructions are much closer than what it appeared at first. How do we get a principal series representation ? We take a split Cartan subgroup (split torus) T = M A, take a character of M A, given by a sign and a complex number λ. We choose a Borel subalgebra b0 containing t0 (since t0 is split, there exists a real Borel subalgebra), extend the character to a character of the corresponding minimal parabolic subgroup P , induce to G. With appropriate conditions, the representation is unitary and irreducible. So the representation space is made of functions φ : SL(2, R) → C such that φ(gp) = χ(p)−1 f (g)for all p ∈ P plus other conditions; said otherwise, functions on G such that φ(gt) = χ(t)−1 f (g) for all t ∈ T and φ(gn) = f (g) 30 MARTIN ANDLER for all n ∈ N . Since N isconnected, this last condition is equivalent to 0 1 Lx φ = 0, where x = generates n0 . 0 0 Now, how do we get a discrete series representation ? We take a compact torus T = K, and a character of T given by an integer. We choose a Borel subalgebra b of sl(2, C) containing t : b = t + Cf , and consider functions on G satisfying φ(gt) = χ(t)−1 f (g) and Lf φ = 0. 9. Representations of SL ± (2, R) Since SL(2, R) is a subgroup of index 2 is SL ± (2, R), the representation theory of the latter can be deduced from that of the former very easily. This is how works : Let Y be the subgroup of SL ± (2, R) gener it 0 1 ated by y = , so that SL ± (2, R) = Y SL(2, R), SL ± (2, R) be1 0 ing isomorphic to the semi-direct product Y o SL(2, R). Let τ be an irreducible representation of SL(2, R) in V . For g ∈ SL ± (2, R), define τ g : x ∈ SL(2, R) 7→ τ (gxg −1 ); if g ∈ SL(2, R), τ g and τ are automatically equivalent. There are two possibilities (1) τ y is equivalent to τ (2) the stabilizer of τ in G is SL(2, R). In the first case, let Iy be an intertwining operator : it is a linear isomorphism V → V such that τ (ygy −1 ) = Iy τ (g)(Iy )−1 . A priori, Iy ie defined up to multiplication by a constant, but we impose the condition Iy = Iy−1 , which fixes Iy up to sign. We make a choice of a sign. Define a representation T of SL ± (2, R) by T (g) = τ (g) if g ∈ SL(2, R) T (yg) = Iy τ (g) if g ∈ SL(2, R) This is an extension of τ . In the second case, we induce τ from SL(2, R) to SL ± (2, R). The induced SL ± (2,R) representation T = Ind SL(2,R) τ is irreducible. The two representations SL ± (2,R) SL ± (2,R) Ind SL(2,R) τ and Ind SL(2,R) τ y are equivalent. Conversely, all representations of SL ± (2, R) are obtained this way : let T be a representation of SL ± (2, R), and τ be its restriction to SL(2, R). Either τ is irreducible, we are in the second cas, and T = Ind τ , or τ is the sum of two equivalent representations τ1 , τ2 and we are in the first case. Our goal is to have a description of admissible (g0 , K)-modules for SL ± (2, R) organised in the same fashion as for SL(2, R). In this section, G = SL ± (2, R) and G0 = SL(2, R) (indeed it is the connected component). The sub ±1 0 groups A, N don’t change, but K = O(2), K0 = SO(2), M = , 0 ±1 P = M AN . GL(2, R) 31 b of irreducible representations of K is {µn , n ∈ Lemma 35. The set K O(2) − ± N}∪{µ+ 0 , µ0 }, where µn = Ind SO(2) χn and µ0 are trivial on K0 and restrict to Y as the trivial or the sign representation. The set of characters of M is {δ = (δ1 , δ2 ) with δi ∈ {0, 1}} by 0 δ 1 = δ11 δ22 . 0 2 c, ν ∈ C, define the principal series representation For δ ∈ M ± (Tδ,ν , Hδ,ν ) = Ind G P (δ ⊗ ν), ± meaning that Tδ,ν is the left regular representation on the space of functions f from G to C such that f (gp) = f (g)δ(m−1 )a−i(ν+1) where p = man, m ∈ M, a ∈ A, n ∈ N and f|K ∈ L2 (K). c, ν ∈ C. Lemma 36. Let δ ∈ M Tδ,ν |K = µ+ 0 ⊕ µ2 ⊕ µ4 ⊕ . . . for δ = (0, 0) Tδ,ν |K = µ1 ⊕ µ3 ⊕ µ5 . . . for δ = (1, 0) or (0, 1) Tδ,ν |K = µ− 0 + ⊕µ2 ⊕ µ4 ⊕ . . . for δ = (1, 1). Let = δ|M ∩G0 . Then Tδ,ν | SL(2,R) = T,ν . Let Xδ,ν be the Harish-Chandra module of Hδ,ν . − Let µδ ∈ {µ1 , µ+ 0 , µ0 } such that δ occurs in µM . Fix X δ,ν to be the unique irreducible subquotient of Xδ,ν containing the K-type µδ . Define the discrete series representation g,K G0 G0 Xd (n) = Ind g,K g,K0 (Xd (n)) ' Ind g,K0 (Xd (−n)). One obtains the decomposition of Xδ,ν : (1) If ν is not a non-zero integer of parity δ1 + δ2 + 1, Xδ,ν is irreducible isomorphic to X δ,ν (2) If ν is a positive integer of parity δ1 + δ2 + 1, there is a non-split exact sequence 0 → Xd (ν) → Xδ,ν → X δ,ν → 0 and the quotient X δ,ν is a finite dimensional module of highest weight ν−1 (3) If ν is a negative integer of parity δ1 + δ2 + 1, there is a non-split exact sequence 0 → X δ,ν → Xδ,ν → Xd (ν) → 0. and the submodule X δ,ν is a finite dimensional module of highest weight −ν − 1. 32 MARTIN ANDLER Moreover, the only equivalences between X δ,ν and X δ0 ,ν 0 arise iff (δ, ν) = (δ 0 , ν 0 ) or (δ, ν) = (sδ, −ν), where s(δ1 , δ2 ) = (δ2 , δ1 ) and the Xd (n), X δ,ν exhaust the set of representations of SL ± (2, R). 9.1. Representations of GL(2, R). 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