CITO KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT SUMMIT – MAY 20-21, 2009 OFFERS KEY RESOURCES FOR MODERN DAY SUCCESS Despite the headlines, global recession is not the biggest news of the day. The real mind blower continues to be the dramatic, high speed changes taking place all around us – especially in the world of work – as a result of cutting edge technological development. Knowledge Management, a critically important tool for survival in this dynamic high tech world, will be the focus of this year’s Regional Summit hosted by the Central Information Technology Office (CITO). To take place at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel May 20 – 21, the Knowledge Management Summit will be the sixth such event in CITO’s successful annual drive to de-mystify information technology for corporate and business leaders, middle managers and other professionals. CITO, which continues to play a leading role in transforming Jamaica into a knowledgeb a s e d s o c i e t y, i s c o sponsoring the Summit with leaders in the local Information Technology sector. According to Marie WintMcKenzie, CITO’s CEO (Acting), “Knowledge Management is defined as the discipline within an organization or a country which ensures that the intellectual capacities are shared, maintained and institutionalized. It combines the management of people, processes and technology, and features a range of practices to identify, create, represent, distribute and enable adoption of insights and experiences. These insights and experiences make up knowledge, either embodied in people or embedded in organizational processes or practices.” Mrs. Wint-McKenzie points out that the theme of the 2009 CITO Summit, “Knowledge Management, a lifeline in these challenging times”, has direct relevance to national objectives as contained in a goal of Vision 2030 Jamaica: “Jamaicans are empowered to achieve their full potential”. She adds that the Summit will focus specifically on Human Resource Management, Legal Issues, Record Management and Information & C o m m u n i c a t i o n Technologies, and will feature presentations and interactive sessions lead by world leaders in these fields. More information on the CITO Knowledge Management Summit is ava i l a b l e f r o m C I TO : telephone 968-6801-2 or 9601 0 0 9 ; e - m a i l : [email protected]. Thanks to private sector sponsorship and partnership with the Ministry of Mining and Telecommunications, CITO has been able to keep the cost of attendance to an affordable US$50 per person for the Conference Day May 21, and is offering a 10% discount for groups of four or more persons from the same organization. Online registration is available at Closing date for registration is May 8. CITO KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT SUMMIT LAUNCHED: Dr. Patrick Dallas (right) Chairman of the Central Information Technology Office (CITO), shares a happy moment at the February 6 Breakfast Launch of the Sixth Annual Regional CITO Summit. With him are Marie Wint-McKenzie, CITO CEO (Acting), and Cecil McCain, Director, Post & Telecommunications, of the Ministry of Mining and Telecommunications. Attending the Launch at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel were Summit sponsors and other prominent members of corporate Jamaica. The 2009 CITO Summit takes place at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel May 20-21, and features the theme “Knowledge Management, a lifeline in these challenging times”. Why is Knowledge Management Important to Jamaica? Insights provided by Convergent Technologies Ltd. Today, companies, governments, academics and funding organizations are all talking about their Knowledge Management (KM) strategy. Knowledge Management has replaced the Information society – which had replaced the Industrial society, which itself had earlier replaced the Stone Age. Is this concept just another buzz word, or is it for real? Why is Knowledge Management important to Jamaica, and what strategies do we need if indeed it is? D e ve l o p i n g a s u c c e s s f u l Knowledge Management system means having a network that can share skills, experiences, reflections, memoirs, insights, development lessons, technical advice, research findings, case studies, best practices, conceptual frameworks, methodologies, strategies, techniques, tools, instruments, actionable recommendations from workshops, and publications, among other valuable assets. All these skills are vital in enhancing Jamaica’s ability to compete in the global marketplace – therefore Knowledge Management is critical to our national development. Knowledge Management systems can be implemented in most sectors to enhance competitiveness. Examples here include: • Educational Sector: The application of a Knowledge Management system, including technology related infrastructural support, should improve access to education and standardize quality across institutions, for example, the application of e-learning in tertiary education and in high schools. • Public Service Delivery: The application of Knowledge Management should improve quality of service through, for instance, knowledge sharing and performance management systems. • Policymaking Process: In this case, it should improve policy and programme design and implementation, through access to knowledge networks, communities of practices, best practices, etc. CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR CITO’S 6TH ANNUAL REGIONAL SUMMIT Sunday May 17 Church Service at St. Andrew Parish Church to mark World Telecommunication and Information Society Day. This event was launched in 2006 to commemorate the founding of the International Telecommunications Union. Main objectives now are raising global awareness of changes brought about by the Internet and new technologies, and helping to reduce the Digital Divide. Wed May 20 CEO Breakfast, Summit Exhibition Opening & Walkthrough 8.00 – 9.30 a.m., Jamaica Pegasus Hotel. Wed May 20 Afternoon Sessions: • Panel Discussion: “The use of Broadband to drive Entrepreneurial Activities.” • Hands-on Technical Training in Strategic Management and Project Management. Thurs May 21 Summit Day Jamaica Pegasus Hotel Ballroom: Concurrent Presentations by international industry leaders in specialized ICT fields. • Capacity Building Process: Here, it should provide access to best practices, improved methodologies, strategies and instruments for intervention. • Organizations: At the organizational level, it should raise effectiveness and performance through continuous learning and innovation.
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