w • > •-»-•* .. ' V . . . T . .-*. ;* ; . . * ; ; *f»TFTir/V . . - , „ . . * • . - * • * , . - » * • . . , - , , , * , , / # " ' ' • • ' i\ • . , , - • • , , , , \ SJJXPAY, JANUARY 22, 192* PA€5 PITIi TEE OWBNSBUKG ADVANCE AND ST. LAWRENCE SUNDAY DEMOCRAT MISS LUKSICH |Gannett in IS HONORED BY | Group With POLICE GROUP "Dry" Plans M l 1 W S l l 11 Grain Exports State Funds on Deposit Th I nN o r t h p<£s M M 1 Country Banks A^n*tMix Hamad Honorary Member of Slump Since i«28 Amounts to i $80,000 at the Ogdensburg Trust Company— use County Protective As- j Owner of Local Newspaper At- More than 78,000,000 Bu- j Various Other Banks Received Allotshell, Records Show. sociation. | tends Secret Conference at ments During Year. Atlantic City, N J. Shipments of United States grain At a recant meeting of the di- Perkins Cases Are Dd "*l 0 ~ w ~ k x X ^ < * H t f M 17J.1A. > T h e hearing in t h e cases of Carl j -pi .'and Harold Perkins, charged with I f l r I ^ O P ^ r P S S l«*»**«»»oa and transportation of alA x " * v f e * m - » j r h - ' ,ohol in a car New Years night, which w a s scheduled for yesterday S h o w m a n A n n o u n c e d I t i n I n - before United States Commissioner i e r v j e w TOuJe i i i Offde&SJ o * * M Barr. waa adjourned for one week. ProhobiUon agents from burg Three Tears Ago. .Malone were unable to be present. CeltlCS B e a t e n , Satos Win Gmt T h e Siiamro;.** of Syracuse ran away with the Celtics of Ogdensburs in their basket ball tilt at the armory lost u.ght. T h e tally was *S to 28. The visitors displayed all around brilliancy, giving one of the s t a l e s t exhibitions s e e * hero in many a year. St. Mary's beat the Norfolk caffers 2* to IS on the S M. A. couH last nighL ! through Canadian p o i U baa shown , T h e sum of SSO.aan in state i SI. 1*31. were $41M8I.v78.57. rectors of t h e Police association. Frank EL Gannett, owner of a a material decline since t h e crop f i n d * , „ deposited in t h e Og-! Watertown banks got $«».•«*.< Tom Mix. haid-ridiag film c o w - j Q ^ p ^ A ^ W r e s t l e r s Miss Elsie M. Luksich w a s selected aa honorary n.ember of the as- chaia of newspapers Including t h e year 1**7-2*. according to figures j densburg Tntki company In 1*32.! Oswego banks had Sso.OaS. Mas-' *•)*. frankly admits he's not the I T h e funeral o* George Burns Ogdensburg Journal, w a s o n e of a compiled by t h e Domi&ioa Bureau j according to the annual state fund: seam banks loceired deposits b e s * horseawan in the world. o e a t D a y IViatmen sociation for the year of 1 « 3 ^0. was held at St. Mary's cathedral T a e aB le group of fifty prominent drys who of Statistics, falling from a peak ; report pobUshed by the department j amounting to SSa.OoO. Malone ***** ** *** eonfesaioa j To become honorary m e a n e r of j hanks had $12<*.S0S and Plaits- a t E r i e - p * - Tuesday when h e w a s j comch Pred W. Kleemeier's O. P Thursday at lv a. m. Rev. John tfre association i s one of t h e high- met secretly at Atlantic City re* of 8S.452.J74 bushels in that per-. of state. L. Pku£«tft celebrated a resulem n w to 'the witnoss stand 'Cor r ^ n ^ ^ t k a t tke t*4ai j burg hanks $1&0.<*#. -called ~* '" * "—* ~ "^ wrestling team went to Alexan eat honor* that the organisation cently and decided unanimously in iod to S.S5S.1M buahels for t h e ' m prohibition 1*31-1*32 crop* year. It i s indicated ; halance of state funds on hand at j Other state d e p o s i u i n banks cross examinatioa a t the trial of a 4riM Bay Wednesday night and de- mass. T h e music w a s in ehacgo ot can bestow on anyone. Such mem- favor of t h e present brought jfmued the Bav mat men by a score Prof. L. A. Valley with Mrs. luary * r ^ « j t h e ctase of b a s c n e ^ Dec. 31, 1932. i and trust companies in northern $343,000 damage suit hershJa entitles the holder to all taws until a "constructive substi- that r e e x p o r t s of U. S. tute** has been developed and ru! against him by Colonel Sack T. of i i to 15- The O F. A. wrestlers Mc<IU:re a s soloist Thomas H a n through Montreal. Quebec. Sore!, j amounted t o Sa4.6St.S42.8l. Re- J and central New York included: nririlages and courtesies of t h e Police member* anywhere in t h e ed out a s destructive the pending Saint John and Halifax daring t h e ! ceipts from Jan. 2 until Dec. 3 1 . ' Alexandria Day. $l».o00; Ant- Miller, of the 101 Ranch. Colonel won t h e l t t . 113. 125. 135 and 105- cock. Arthur Kinrh. Frank GOT beer legislation. Mr. Gannett was current crop year will h e slightly 1S34. were J3*4A8».725.3«. T h e , werp. $8 .DOS; Brasher Falls. $€.- Miller alleges breach of c o n t r a c t pound events, while the Bay en- row and Will mm T h o m s o n werf State oT lie* York. Francis T. Qui an. Miller's coun- tries secured fails in t h e 145. 155 pall bearers and burial was a t St alias Luk»:ch i* a well known named a member of a "continua- j higher than in t h e previous period state disbursements from Jan. 2 : 0 # S ; Canton. SCS.oSO; Clayton. S24.M a n ' s tfBM-it : . . f until Dec. 31 last year were $419.-' 000; Gourerneur. 390.***; Herman. sel, offered in evidence a 1*2* pos- and 175 classes. The O. F. A- boys and popular Ogueasaurg girl. S h e tion committee** to consider meth- I of twehre months. 41*.*4*.l2. The balance on hand a ; ! $C.00S: Heuvelton. **.***: Lisbon. ter of a circus other than Mailer's displayed good wrestling ability in is a graduate of Si. M&ry's acad- ods of carrying out t h e group's the ! the various bouts and Coach Klecthe close of business Dec. 31. 1*31. *5.<H»: Madrid. $1«.*0«: Malone. which ballyhooed Mix a s emy, c l i i i of 1S30. resident and program. amounted to $79.470.157£9. Re- $120,000: Maasena. $3C.OO0; Morris- "champioa horseman in the world, i n e i e r w a s well satisfied with th«ir citizen of this city and i s now*o*oployed a s private sectctary to ceipts from Jan. 2 until Dec. 3 1 . , town. $$.000: Norwood. $4,060; astride Tony, the wonder horse.! showing. A return match will Moo,; » - J< Morissette, Mayor' of 1*31. were >$4L2.«41.471.9*. Dis-! Potsdam. $44^00; Redvood. $9.- carrving t h e mail across floods and ! probably be held here later in the fire." winter. Ogdea&urg- Miss Luksich is one bursement.9 rrom Jan, 2 until Dec. < OoO; Waddington. $U.O00. CoL Miller filed t h e suit against j At a meeting of t h e Ladies Aid a t the youngest persons t o hacomc 1 Mix while Miller w a s in Ogdenssociety of the Congregational am honorary member. ; burg with the 101 Ranch show three o-hurca it w a s decided to form a FOR RENT - P a s t u r e . 100 acres. ^The montiily lkeetiog of t h e aayears ago. H e announced t h e suit >eas^>n 19iJ. Apply S. D. P. WW. board of directors t o take charge sJKiatiOA w a s lield Tuesday night in aa interview with the Adranee. a* t h e eity JuOI. President P h i h * I Miss Msxy V. Hogan. 83. li'e- J of t h e activities of t h e organua-i Carlos' S. Blood of Heuvelton.: •I&BJS. Ogdensourg. Ra, * i » Mitchell and Kenneth U White. .*»., pieaided. Member- 'Joag resident of Watertown, died tion. This board will replace the f past president of the New York i "Every little individual gesture FOR RENT—Nicely fun, irked s t e p c a r l s for the different units early Tuesday morning at Mercy president. T h e members named are Krucksaan attended a bridge tourState Teachers* association, v i l i i warm IW*IU. 2i» Lafayette St.. Off of good-will and understanding be1 for the year w e i e issued. Treas- hospital where slie had been since Mrs. Charles Willard. Mrs. Claude j a*ment given by t h e Nifhthawk broadcast an address from the j of State. Phoue 37S>-M. tween OSM. people and another i s a urer Timothy A. O'Leary presented December 20 when s h e suffered a Gardner. Mrs. Riley S l e v e n s . Mrs. j •=»* * * * week. radio station WCAD Tuesgesture of righteousness.**—John i Canton --— .„ w ij Ms report aad the accounts were ^broken hip in a fail at her home. Charles ^rreaier. Mrs. Henry Per-1 John D. Van Kennen and Ralph -DEATH IN HER KISSES" Drinkwater. **J* a t l 2 - w B *•• I I i s t O D I C W l 1 1 ^ ! audited by a committee coaaUtrag Bronchial pneumonia w a s the ry, Mrs. A. D. Giffin. Mrs. Esther j Wright returned Friday from a bus' T h e North Country Fa:iuer*s Tax j tjp River Cagers Believe They of Paul Steamer of Canton.. L. C • cause of death. ; Furey. Mrs. Howard Sargent. They linens trip to Buffalo. What Burden and His Puouc School [ The Fatal Woman St. Bennrs ot Potsdam aad L A. Stand Good Chance to Win S h e waa t h e daughter of Michael i win meet a t t&e personage Tues- J Morgan J. Belgard entered upon Money.** Particular stress will b e , Happened to Her Eigbt UnderLarock of Oguensburg. Sergt. and Mary Maxwell Hogan. S h e en-, day at 2.30 p. m. jhts duties a s assistant manager of Series. laid on t h e wue*iion of school ^ w o r W i ^ r e r s < i n t j ^ American 0"Leary then t a m e d t h e office o r . j tered the millinery business in '} the Whelan drug store yesterday, I w ^ k l y . the Magazine Distributed moneys. or to h i s successor. Francis Cad- 1888 and conducted a store until i succeeding Harold Dowsey. resignf with next Sunday's N e w York: Am<Cotur<(>uied> l e c x of Ogdensburg. T h e Question 11913 w ben s h e retired. S h e had liv: ed. Mr. Bel^nrd i 3 a graduate of erican. Word has come to us from our t o .hold a police school here this ed with her sisters. Miss ElizaAlbany Pharmacy college and « a s neighboring village of Morristown year was diacassed. formerly employed by the Upjohn beth A. atsd Miss Julia F. Hogan. FOR SALE—A large assortmentoC that they would like nothing betcompany and the Brandy pharmacy. She was a communicant of St. violitn>. guitars ami ukeleles. ter than to have a three game aeries The bi-moi•ntaly meeting of the "The deflation of .'omxnodUics • Patrick's church. Besides her sisJulius Frank returned Saturday of basket ball between their local various units of the American Le- j VaHey's Music Store. 41R U n c o s * vs. seems almost a t an end. Hard ters, there survive a brother. ifrom New York to spend t w o hieb school team and the Ogdenscion Auxiliary in S t . Lawrence • avenue. work bepins to All up the craps. j James If. Hogan. Watertown. and D o o k s , MagUTineS, F o s s l e s a n d weeks. H i s daughter, Mrs. E L. burg Free Academy qniatet. The county was htia in Gouverneur The fingers of a new dawn stretch several nephews and nieces. Rev. rhm art wiU Monda3r tot meeting of these teams should draw next F n J a y at 5.i0 p. m. Mrs. Earl j ANNUAL MEETING NOTICE Radio Phonss Needed at l * " * i ^ their Ups abjve tht horizon.**— John M. Hogan of Ogdensburg is two weeks capacity attendance a s the MorrisJ. Mattis of Massena. county presi- j i New York to remain Thomas W. Lamont. i a nephew. town fans back their team to the dent, presided. A program of activi- J T h e annual meeting of t h e s h i r e , St. J o h n s . j w i t h her mother. ties adapted to tiie different units \ holders of the Ogdensburg Saving* Howard Barrow and Robert limit and the Livermore coached The canvpaicn to secure books, j Fly on of Canton were among the bris B a T e a | a r g e | o c a i following. ' was worked oat and suggestions ! £ Loaa Association tor the election SKATING BEFORE ANO reagazioes. radio head phones and ; callers in t h e city Saturday. Under the coaching of Pete! and ad-vice s^ven on the solution : of three directors and for Um AFTER GAME jig saw puzzles for St. John's hos-j Assemblyman W. Allan Newell Farrand of this city the Morris-j of local problems in connection j transaction of such other business pital. sponsored by Rev. Herbert i r e t i m e d from Albany to spend the town basket ball team has a n en-; with the organization's work. Re- a s may properly c o m e before t a e Cushman. i s making good progress, ) W e e t e n ( j freshxneiu* were served at tiie , meeting will be held at t h e office ; viable record. Here are some of and contributions are being receirt-ioso of t h e meeting. > of t h e Association. 2H* Ford street, William E. Westbrook returned t h e i r accomplishments: Winners of m 1 Monday. January iOth, IS23, a t '*t-™}rL* ° ^ L i r ! ^ l " ^ ! yesterday from a business trip t o t w consecutive championships of announced> yesterday Mrs. *S<ience h a s left man behind and 7.30 P. M. * — were ^ ..^ ^ ^ York. * n e ®*- Lawrence Valley Basket Fred Martin. 825 Ford street. man it. losing h i s br<>ath trying to HENRY C. TYO. Rail Lieague. 1921 and 1»S2. and magazines: Williamn Dunn. 4*0 I <** Ernest Liston. medical off i l B I to suffer i keep up t o it."—Joseph Caillaux. * Secretary. >e r t n y y * # * * " " ^ f, It's 6lack m a g i c t h a t a shoe Mansion avenue. h«mH . h a w v icer in the United States army, has defeated , | heaa pnoBe.-. ' . a defeat. They recenti! as lovely as this conld h i d e s o , Miss Nellie Rutherford. M2 Greene ; **«» transferred to tt Phihp- R _ M a r v . f t A<fji^my ^ %hi% rft 1 H s d B t , many comforting secrets. B I T i street, magazines; Mrs. John Bry-jP "^« " » « ™ « l .°f " ^ and Norwood NoroutsideHigh of School their at regular 01 1:30 P. M. 1:30 P.M. 717 Knox street, pnizles and i ^ * ^ a»*Ters*ty- ^ - M** ? ** wood it's a Red Crass Shoe, s o ••: ; son. magazines Mrs Ethel Mitchell and * *o™*r resident of Ogdensburg • league games. Other teams book•can't cramp y o u r foot and i : I Mrs. Claude <»ardner, Oak street. * n d * brother of James Liston. led a r e Malone, Carthage and Osmagazines: Mrs. F. J. Britton. 4S1 • Frank A- Augsbury h a s contri- wogo. v / o a ' t cramp y o u r style. A HOUSEHOLD GOODS—ALL TO BE SOLD Q p A mmd Morris. King street. 50 books: Mrs. Char- Imted $50 to the Mayor's Relief, p ^ ^ UI,d 1 h a p p y c o m b i n a t i o n , indeed. les D. Hoard, books: Edward Sha- *' 'town's victories over Norwood * •is^-'^'^i'i'Afl * l » F W can J. BMMETT. 339 MAIN ST.. TUESDAY. JAKVAKY 24th ver. Lake street, books and maga>ier still i s t h e iVct A meeting of the City Welfare w e r e ^ r practically t h e same - : * *^&f^$T'-*:££Y-'-'. And happi 9x12 Axmin&ter. A-l shape: 3 piece Upholstered Parlor Suite, new. zines. ; board will be held tomorrow mors- scores. This in itself raises the r cxtraordioary shoe:; rnst $1S2: fern and basket, linoleum mi;s. calt»rr: S e l h r kitchen caWIt i s hoped t o secure 500 books. | ing at 11 o'clock. Mayor Moris- Q - € 9 t i o n a s to who has the stronccost but $6 n o w . neu jnst like new: Eayy washer, range with gas and oil burner, 2 Seventy have been received. jsette will preside. e s t team. The only w a y to settle hemters. chairs. Victryla. beds, nice lamps, etc. Many other things. Capt. and Mrs. Michael A. Leon- t h i s question i s for t h e managers urd observed the thirty-fifth anni-,©f both teams to arrange a threeHENRY J . PARKER. Auctioneer. versary of their marriage at their 'game aeries which would prove, j borne. 1708 Ford street, Thursday both interesting and profitable for I night. Capt. Leonard i s a well each achooL known vessel master. A fmtkrmmmttt 4 ptrfnt fit— The Knights of Columbus are a r R ^ r f g . W a t e r m a n m tmry dm Mtd Gmi Sfmc tn sD I ranging to give a social evening m a w « ^ » • . • - » . *— adjK. jilmM, wnQmmintU A. Work on the Biack Lake bridge ^^ clubhouse on Tuesday. Jan. 24. a t Edwardsviile w a s completed Bridge will be played and refreshThursday by the Arborio Construe-. n ^ n u served. tion company of Albany and state x n e members of the Ogdensburg Grand Vice Chancellor Robert S. engineers were expected t o make a n < ] Acacian lodges gave a bridge Going FRIDAY. FEB. 3rd—Returning SUKDAY, FEB. 5tk a final ins»pectiosi Friday before party ia Masonic temple Thursday Waterman of the Knights of Py'BUY GOOD SHOES—IT PAY8' EXTREMELY LOW FARES formal acceptance of the job. Work evening- Friday night the Eastern thias h a s received a n invitation to W h e n thr wmter coil was started in 1)31. T h e cement • g ^ , . 4*4 Masonic lodges gave a attend t h e observance of the firth Coaches and Pullmans Bf»riii|?»i a l e a k , o r t h e ; structure replaced an iron girder box social followed by dancing in annirersary of t h e deul-atien of Mound Trip Mount Trip : bridge which -was in use for many y ^ temple. t h e Pythian T e a pie in K*r->- York Fcrt Schrttul* Fare t o i l e t frets stor»ped n p . Lv Uv. Capr Vtncmt years. T h e bridce connects state A party of New York Central of- c i t y j u . 25. Philip H. UladstOfC ;s $7 OS S4SP.M. .*$«> n : » i . U Xorwoad.. . l»v. WKtfit—in . 70S 7:10 P.M. ... * * • ItMPJC o r the pipes burst roads on both sides of the lake, ficials consisting of Division Sup- president of t h e temple aad Col. Lv. Potadan . 70S 7 2 6 P M . t-v. Ad»m« .. . C 5S « : t t P.M F I T S T H E F O O T ill ACTION AND REPOSE The roadway i.« laid on a solid fill erintendent W. A. Hamler. Divi- Leopold Phillipr chairman of the Lr. C*aX0r. LT. ktrxtco f r o m fr«*ea»s*. p b o n e 7 0* 7 44 P.M. . . . . CSS S M P - M 1»T. Gou-.-rrnruT with the exception of t w o wbort gion Engineer P. L. Barker aad Di- committee. T h e speakers win inLT. Pul«»ki X-T OfciUmhrt. . 70S S.29 P.M. cos 7:i:p.*r: LT. RicKand >teel spaas unber which t h e water riskm Freight Agent H. J- French. c W t t e May*** John P. O'Brien aad 9i4. W e II br t h e r e 1»T. avOwsaU. •. 7 00 7 4* P M . COS 7:mP.K. I * Okmytma — Ur. Csrthasr jaumes. ir^ of m'atertowa were in the c i t y s e a a t o r Boyal S. Copeia&d o f N e w 7.W t: 40 P.M. . . . CM 1 S 4 5 P J I . iii j i g tiaur. Vr. L e r r U k . . . Friday on a tour of inspection. York. 7a* i a » p j c . t»v Utira 1 lb AM — An+ve a r « T « * S 4S A.M. . . . SSS 11:11P.M. Aunt of Father Hogan Succumbs In Garland City JL.A.S. Officers ! To Meet Tuesday Local and Social Carlos S. Blood to Give Radio Address jMorristown Seeks Games WithO. F. A. HOCKEY Donations for Local Hospital Being Received Legion Auxiliary Members Assemble Winter Park Bears Prescott Wildcats \dmission - 25c /t's bl ac!< m a a ic WINTER PARK 'SURE, we'll I AUCTION SALE come in a hurryr BLACK LAKE BRIDGE WORK IS COMPLETED Invited to Attend Dedication in N . Y. BURKES' Special! Bamboo Handle :: Japanese Bristle Tooth Brushes J Q c JLarge Shipment Just Received At Use *rst ssra «f a TOR. HesnB asmy safe: CALL YOUR DOC- D c Waddington Friday — by the HOCKEY GAME to"~ * **~~ - **Hof her daaghter. Mrs- Anna AT PARK RINK . Sweet. Mrs. Louise Gokey is recovering TODAY AT IM from a recent operatkm a t t a e A. . 4 .... * . ^ rv . ; | SersdYoar Doctor's Prescription Here T o Be Filled PsE. ** HS-\ Cfflioad of Horses PUJMSJICC-HEATING " P0WERvawnLnnm-aotutts- SMsstcacKS 314 FORP STREET OGDEN'SBOAu.IlT rnows 9V*- Why Dap- Upright Pianos $35 and up T H E STATS STREET DRUGGIST" FHOHS » *We Defam" 325 Stale 8 t STHa* Sar t a e May ' TtaTifjiar i a their ia a*** aamta. wasch ( t B < T v ^ aaasaSiri i a fwiaji*>*. Wmamier was \ ^ m ««n i a # S t l a s w a w Lv S w n i Uk . . . CJS »:»PJM. pfporttonrtf F*rr« Iron IntrmeOtete OUitMnc. . . . SSB U * 7 P J L Mrv Tort: 'Grand Central Terminal" t:St P.M Ou.iawy. PleOtamrr 5 from lsmm*j Brrtfc. t«wrr %mtth. AU Pauls from vk"-u P u n n e t i c r t i t c a a>^..ciii'fc 1 avraao $ VSS Vp^rr S - i f c • .. • ••••^* » • » .2 permsn*. cacS 2.SS t » K . r SVnh 2 ainawii « a O i n IJ.SO Drav toe ttmmm *"-*» Consult A&rr. 1 * /? OGDENSBURG BATTERY CO. * t * Generator Starter and Ignition Repairs Oearse W. F « n a « r . fmrawrl* ia Clyde F. Brandy N E W YORK M g W YORK CENTRAL ^ j STe :ak* Taerprn jr»S ^frffC cart;.n Federal a s rsrr rg> meat. Tr— or?rrer«l •Court Disagrees In Border Trial * »•« A <*haacreeaaea4 war reawraei 05 •aux. • « « armctftd i a ^rrarmne a ffoerai e*wrt iwey at S c a e a e e t a * ? Trsorsdar at t W iisju'-* «f t h e OgIT in t h e c a * w • * Karl BaSiiadeusaarg awtamir»es o a a c a a r t e Carrtere. oath at of asava^taaaseat. r'^atrwSana JoocaarsesTi »i**n aasax*-r% SfVaer V^t tha; aigat t o bring draw a t e frana C a a a i s ama «sw SO this n*r. H e warrc* EXCURSION^ LOW R0U1TD TRIP PULLMAN FARES Barton ntamnra hosnitaL Mrs. Charles HtaScawm. i s reca T h e Winter Park hockey team win clash with the Preaostt pack- iweratamg nt her home from a sters at t h e Winter Park hockey jserioas operation a t the aoawtaL i>ea this artemoba a t 1M. Maaager ! Mrs. Oeorge CtetTrtoa i s ™***rMike Mcalee stated that several !\ tag from — • • eavrataon wasea one »riir»grt al tte •»»jinl 1M« • " » jwactice aessioas wm krtJ **rtt :ae week a a d that h i s aaaad are T a e rosaatT aneetrng e* t a e New ; oa edge for t h e Sat. T h e sextet Tw neareseat^r Wiater Pask this >>ear i s L M U I H I of soame of t h e iitnaag, Jam 2*. t>est asa*erial 4ast*iaab*e by toe io- |a«me4 t « T o e a i a y eeearng. » • _ * » ; . a l rerr«t!»oa neater with Miaca- " * * • E- ^mn, * * » | * r w T ^ *fl goal t«ae>r: Berry a a d White, *a t h e law/ «SBees « C * ™ " 1 1 ^ Z Car*f«ay :~*erirl Mod e* srewte.-a defease: ^ a a w r m . cemter: P^ek- OeraML i s a*»e f be ap^Sar t a e m m k t g v , g ^ ^ ^ ^ sm.ic.ih ba:r. ham aad (Laga. wtaacs T h * i c e i s re- tame I s t a y afser a a JMmm m. -^ w ^ p ^ c^njjo,. x^. k-r,,- m t . ^ m* taea days. H i s aaway frseaas wsw i4t ^ r«m~ earhr ar *^^ mad * pait»a s o b e hi fiaa pLkifd t o : * * So at- he a targe crowd i s aa early 'ead. Houses .as ASSD us*. Fournier Case t o tbe Grmnd JiaTora ^SPECIAL Wtetmruim—l**v* Jan. 26th PRESCRIPTIONS Plumbing Repairs Lat^ T sttMarar'n- sThrirk St^ -21 <a«kixn»4^r1i * » Opfr-oV: • 4*aa»>. **a> rraark r * s x » . "3» f V i i f l U 0«aa€*. TEtSSSS ARSlJMnsCO VALLEY'S MUSIC STORE * * Batteries for All Purposes *SI C*ae> fw< Track. 3SO T, # # * wares** RM.R * TcJcffisooe 726 Co. in0SrSS*000. SJ. V . 1
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